You Need To Start Meeting Women While Salsa Dancing

Average to hot women have it easy. Everywhere they go, men flock to them, offering to lift heavy things, buy them dinner, show them around town, laugh at their unfunny jokes, like their excruciatingly trivial Facebook posts, and tell them what unique and extra special snowflakes they are.

The men that do this are called orbiters, and these luckless yet useful idiots, although never successful in their hidden agenda to bed or romantically entangle themselves with the fair maiden, do cause one massive unintended consequence. What they do is so inflate women’s self-esteem with their constant moist, nearly teary affirmations of her demigod status that they begin to believe it.

“Yes, I really am an extra special snowflake! Good things always come my way. I demand only the best, because I’m worth it!”

Yes, m’dear, of course.

Then for some reason, these snowflakes come to a salsa class, and poof! Where has all the attention gone?


She is still smokin’ hot, but so are many other girls there. More importantly, since she is a beginner, she literally can bring nothing more to the table other than her looks. And although men will still dance with her, she can command nowhere near the attention she otherwise would in a generic club or bar setting.  Her snowflake status is melted, like the snows of yesteryear, gone from this earth.

In a way, salsa is more “feminist” than many might first think. Women in salsa of all ages are valued primarily for their skill, not merely looking good and swaying to the beat with iPhone in hand. It is, in a sense, a meritocracy of movement and rhythm.

The men—certainly the better men—will have plenty of women willing to dance with them, and simply do not have time for snowflake worship. The less talented men, only starting in their salsa careers, might fawn upon ladies that are also beginners, but sadly, beginner men are totally invisible and irrelevant to women, and their male attention—springing forth as it does from a bottomless well of loserdom—isn’t worth much anyway.

What woman wants the attention of an excruciatingly mediocre and uncoordinated dude? Only women on the lowest rungs of the social ladder, that’s who, and even then…


Fortunately (or perhaps hubristically) for women, their ability in dance is frontloaded: a little goes a long way, and initial progress is indeed swift. Soon, they can ascend to the lofty and rarefied airs of the intermediate dancers. But this requires a level of dedication and practice to achieve. It is surely a shorter trip to the “inters” than for a man, but one worth taking.

I have seen ladies attend salsa as beginners, often in a group of friends, none of whom would be ignored in a bar or nightclub in the normie world. The ignominious and embarrassing juxtaposition of being attractive yet receiving very much suboptimal levels of attention ensures they do not return. Only the women who have a desire to learn and an appreciation for dance can break through this wall of narcissistic dark space.

The conclusion, therefore, is that those who do remain are well-filtered, usually of some intellect and depth, and not the kind to rely on their looks to coast through life. This is the reason that the women of any salsa scene are as good a place as any for a man to seek a companion of equal capability in life.

Let me mansplain you something: dance is the great inverter of intergender relations. An ugly man can transcend his shortcomings and become a man of considerable attractiveness with diligent practice and the requisite flavour on the dance floor. An attractive but talentless or vapid woman will be unable to draw attention of the magnitude she is used to in civvy street.

Both of these re-adjustments are equal in value and opposite in direction, effectively cancelling each other out like matter and antimatter. This restores balance to the universe.


This has profound implications in society. If more men learned to dance, it would decrease female entitlement, narcissism, and self-involvement. If more men learned to dance, it would knock many women from the pedestal they occupy. The ladies of this world could no longer merely command male attention by showing up; they would need to be able to dance or develop a personality.

Nor would cries of sexism or patriarchal oppression hold any water, because a dancer can either dance or not. There are no lies on the dance floor. It actually holds women to the same standards as men: ability and competence, which is why modern feminism (with its focus on privilege and victimhood) and salsa are largely incompatible.

This may seem like a harsh assessment, but only at a superficial glance. Those who stick with and prosper in the salsa scene are worthy of respect. The world is too full of people who claim to be proficient but are merely smoke and mirror practitioners with little substance behind their claims.

Dance, and partner dance in particular—such as salsa—is one of the few places where looks don’t matter (so much), background doesn’t matter, who you are doesn’t matter, and showing up expecting to be treated above anyone else just because your waist-hip ratio is in an optimal range doesn’t count for much either.

It’s fair, but not equal. It’s a free market of talent where you are limited only by your ability and effort regardless of gender, and there can be no redistribution of skill. It is a scene where men of depth and ability can prosper.


What does a man who has taken these words to heart do? As with anything, be the contextual alpha: be the top ten percent of dancers in your own scene. It is obviously easier to be a big fish in a small pond, but the bigger the pond, the better the fish, so scale your efforts and lesson expenses to your desires, natural ability and local environment. Traveling abroad to congresses are a great way to learn in an anonymous environment.

But I would stress not using dance as a pick up joint per se, but rather as a school where one learns human relationship dynamics in a natural way. All of human intergender dynamics are there to be seen, and if a man attends with his eyes open and a strong knowledge of game, he can learn as much as he needs.

But primarily, due to the filtering effect of the meritocracy of the dance, it is a good place to seek non-SJW converged, non-permanently offended snowflakes.  It is the hidden motherlode of red-pilled women who want men to lead and are happy to be led, both physically in the dance and elsewhere in life. So, go find some lessons, listen to the salsa music to get the rhythm, and invest the time needed to divest yourself of your two left feet. The rewards are there for any man who can get it.

Read More: Why Men Should Take Up Cross Body Style Salsa Dancing 

50 thoughts on “You Need To Start Meeting Women While Salsa Dancing”

    1. Clown dance game ….. no thanks, I’d rather pay cash.
      Better things to do in my free time.

    1. Basics is all you need. If you show effort and she likes you, you’re in.
      Now let’s talk the “scene.” You run into girls who go there to dance like it’s a workout (they take separate shoes). Married woman who just want to dance (I leave alone). And your instructor groupie who yearns for new moves. Once you get intermediate, girls are upset you aren’t at their level. Once you get good, you spend your time dancing with the same girls from class (perhaps a hookup or two) and they’re asking you out to dance. At this top level, you’re known within the community. But that’s just it. It’s a small community of dance addicts. Then you find yourself avoiding the girls from class and want to seduce the new girls. So what was all the pro stuff for?? Salsa groupies??
      Basics my friend. Stick to the basics.

  1. I know of one woman who takes salsa lessons, and … she’s pretty hot. But I’d rather paint the kitchen than dance.

  2. If youa re a White male (I assume the article was aimed at them) it is absolutely pointless for you to go salsa classes in the US. It will be full of easy White women whoa re thirsting for Latino men ( mainly after the dance teacher he is more likely to be Latino himself) You won’t even be noticed.
    If you want success with Latina women, why not try classes in Cuba, Colombia or Puerto Rico. You don’t have to be a good dancer. Just by being a White guy who is willing to get out of his comfort zone will get you noticed by the local Latinas. It’s certainly worth a try.

    1. Not entirely true, if you’re a fucking good dancer girls will want to dance with you, regardless of how you look even, if you know how to lead them, and know how to move to the music, and look good on the dancefloor, the entire room’s yours. I’m a fucking good dancer btw, I’m speaking from experience.

  3. You must do this and you must do that.
    Pair dancing is very difficult I’ve found. I very much prefer individual dancing because I don’t have to spend the entire time worrying about making my partner miserable; nobody cares if I cannot keep up because everyone is busy imitating the instructor. You can go and say that I’m not ambitious enough but I’ve also tried martial arts and found dancing much more demanding on a cerebral level; in martial arts you drill the same kick a hundred times but in hip hop dancing you’ll be switching to a new movement before you get a grasp of the old one. It’s quite a test of nerves and can be frustrating but you have to concentrate on your successes instead of feeling bad over your failures.
    After I threw out my back and dealed with the racism (I’m white) and low IQ burliness of dudes in martial arts I slowly got back into bodybuilding and built a body far better than before. I also want to get back to hip hop dancing when I can afford it because it does not interfere with my lifting and any injury will be own my fault instead of being a result of someone falling on me during a pair dance or sparring.

  4. If you want to meet taco burners (women who lust after Latinos), then yes, by all means, take salsa lessons.
    I think it’s pathetic to pretend to like music sung in a language you most likely don’t understand just for the sake of meeting women. It’s also pathetic to think that it’s your gringo-learning-to-salsa moves or white boy swagger what’d attract any of the Latina women at those lessons. It’s basically the prospect of dating a white BB cuck or even better, getting a greencard, what motivates the females at such locations.
    As a Latino, I frankly don’t understand why a white man would want a Latina. Most of the hot ones are such because of a strong presence of European genes in their blood. Most famous Latin models and actors (as well as their male counterparts) are successful due to their mostly European looks. Turn the TV on in Colombia or Venezuela and you’ll never see an Indio or Black in a position of relevance or power. We are racist as fuck, it’s just that we don’t talk about it.
    In all fairness, a lot of the behaviour patterns females exhibit and that we here at the Manosphere bemoan are basically the result of low IQ. Guess how the average IQ in Colombia compares to the average IQ in a white nation like, Germany or Denmark? Where are you most likely to find women who are reliable and smart enough for a real relationship or at least a pleasant dating experience? Not to mention that most Latinas start messing around with guys in their early teens. Being a single mother is a thing in most Latin American countries.
    My point is: don’t go to Salsa lessons. Have some self-respect, white boys.

    1. When white guys say they think Latinas are hot, we’re thinking of the heavily European ones. Or if they’re darker-skinned, the ones with European features. Squatemalans need not apply.

  5. After doing Salsa and being good at it for now about 8 years, I can tell you meeting women through Salsa is perhaps the worst way. In feminist countries women are the center of attention while doing salsa while in latin countries men are the center of attention. They use you to look good and after a dance you never speak to them again as they avoid you. I still do salsa just to keep up with the skills I learned but not to meet women.

  6. Not much of a dancer here.
    Unless I am near blackout drunk.
    But it seems to me that if you want to dance, why not dance like an AMERICAN.
    BTW, the blonde who gets dumped on her ass was supposedly a real problem on the set and deserved it.
    And check out Seymour and Gertie tearing the joint up!

  7. You know, this is what bugs me about Salsa, Swing, and other forms of ballroom dance. I go to these things to have fun with friends, hopefully meet a guy, dance a little, have a chat. Not to compete with the Dance Sperg Mafia.
    The author has it right about mediocre women being there. If it’s important to you that you meet a woman who is as mediocre as you, dedicate yourself to dance, so that you can dance with her and she’ll probably go home with a Latino anyway.
    To be fair, dancing is a lot of fun, and I wish more men would learn it. I really do just bring my looks to the table, but that’s the hypergamy of it. The man can easily take the lead in this setting with novice, but cute girls. You would be saving us from the old sweaty guys we don’t want to dance with.

    1. Us over 50 guys will come in handy when you need help paying off your student debt, there, sweetie-pie.

      1. Great, so instead of saving money and retiring from your job, so that a guy my age can make enough money to start a family, you’re waving fake wealth around and pretending to be a sugar daddy.

        1. I’ll retire when I’m dead.
          Never claimed to be “wealthy”, simply well off, or upper middle class.
          I’ll stay in my studio apt. and keep driving my old camry in order to have enough disposable $$$ to bang hot young girls.
          Escorts are better than sugar babies (although I have had a few of those, but not my preference). No old bags for me.
          Take care.

        2. If you are able to bang younger women, more power to you! I’m just not attracted to old men. Old men are not attractive to everyone, in the same way that fat women are not attractive to everyone. Neither should feel entitled to people who are above their SMV, or feel entitled to seek some kind of vengeance on being rejected.

  8. My milf neighbor invited me to her birthday party. She said “come on out, its a salsa party”. I shit you not I showed up with a bag of Tostitos Dip’n chips and a case of Coors Light. Thats how clueless I used to be.

      1. You will never be a 50 year old, isn’t it ! Dumb ass !!
        By the way, does your Father & mother included in that “crunchy 50-year-olds” ! Dumb ass !!

        1. Wow, I don’t know why, but all of a sudden, 50 year olds are really attractive and I really want to go to a salsa party.

      2. Mozzozzollollzzozozllloy: Ravi is from India. I’m betting your Hindi or Bengali is not as good as his English.

        1. I have no reason to learn Indian. He learned about as much English as he needed to be an H1b in my country.

        2. I don’t feel any guilt for not learning the world’s languages, setting aside German, Gaelic, and Lithuanian, which I have ethnic ties to. I’m strong at English, because I’m part of a dominant culture. It’s only fair that everyone learn my mother tongue and that I don’t learn all theirs.

  9. I’ll pass. I don’t like latin women, and most women dancing salsa that are not latinas are probably looking for a latin guy (white-mestizo latin, so I can’t stroll in as a pre-bleached Sammy Sosa).

  10. So many loser comments here.
    “Oh, I can’t dance.”
    “Oh, the girls you meet dancing are mediocre.”
    “Oh, dancing is for fags.”
    “Oh, American women only want to meet Latino men at Salsa.” (<–complete loser)
    Goddamn whining crybabies.
    I’ve found that dancing is a GREAT way to meet girls. Been laid a lot. Yes, some girls are “mediocre.” And some are hot.
    Benefits of dancing:
    – Great exercise
    – Put your hands on lots of strange women. They love it!
    – Lean to LEAD. Learn that women love a man who LEADS.
    – Get out of your comfort zone, improve and conquer.
    When I was a newbie I sucked. The good women dancers didn’t want to dance with me. That was humbling.
    I kept at it and improved. Then I got good. Not great, but good. I also learned how important frame was at dancing. Even if a woman is a better dancer than you, your frame should be “Whatever, I’m the man/leader and you’re the woman/follower.” Get bold at asking women to dance even when you suck. Power through it. It toughens you up.
    F-ing losers here.
    (Tip: never, ever bring a girl dancing if you’re not good. I learned that the hard way. Girl I brought ended up leaving with a guy who was a far better dancer than me. Sucked, but a good lesson. Only bring girls to activities where you’re good.)

    1. Nothing for nothing, but if you take a female on a date, and she leaves with someone else, that says 1000x more about her than you. And you are 1000000x better off without her!
      Females are put on this earth to be dutiful. Anything less and they are useless pigs good for only one thing. If she accepted a date with you, it is her duty to complete that date with you and not so much as look at, let alone speak to another male. Anything less and she is nothing more than a pig. Regardless of your skill as a dancer, or anything else. If she leaves you for another male, you are much better off without that pig. She will leave him as well, and the next one, and so on…

      1. If you don’t want a girl to leave with someone else …… don’t pay her until the morning.

      2. “Females are put on this earth to be dutiful.” This is precisely why no one would waste their time with you, unless paid. No one owes you shit just for you accidentally being born with a dick. A questionable one.
        Sure if you’re on a date with a guy, it’s decent to stand by him, but not because “you need to be dutiful”, but because you like him, otherwise, you refuse the date.

  11. If dancing does not genuinely intrigue you or a passion then it’s going to be a hard slog as a gringo trying to land promiscuous women thirsty for Latin chorizo.

  12. In Texas ther are free country dance lessons twice per week at a very popular country bar . Only the fatties and ugliest show up for the lessons or hotties with boyfriends . After 9 pm the hot single women show up some of whom barely understand how to dance and they get all the attention anyways

  13. Just .. don’t forget to have fun.
    Girls come to have fun. They prefer to dance with a really fun inter than an advanced with no vibe.
    If you are advanced + fun, you are a king, but the important key is being fun.
    Don’t just focus on being skilled.

  14. Before “Game” was launched upon the world I learned ceroc (modern jive) as a way to meet women. The best thing about it is that you can get a woman dancing who has virtually zero experience very quickly and I have done so many times at clubs and parties to great effect. In the classes women nearly always outnumber men and it’s one of the main ways have maintained a steady supply of women in my life. Trust me – Get your dance game down and you will never want for pussy again! Blaybourne

  15. Im not sure about one thing tho – how reliable, ie, non-slutty a woman, who dances latino dances, can be?
    While I wouldnt mind learning some certain style(latino), which is similiar to what Im learning now(non-latino), it makes me wonder how good of a girl a woman can be, if shes dancing all this sensual shit with strangers? I mean, Im sure as hell dont mind to be that guy that she rubs against during dance, but no fucking way I would want LTR with such chick. For ONS and fucking around on the other hand local scene is way too small to, say, spit into the well and get away with it without fucked up reputation of a horny bastard lol :-D!

  16. In Latin America, dancing is related to sex. So the better you are at dancing the better you are at sex. Also, Latin women have that passion running through their blood, so they know how to move their hips for dancing and for sex. This is why sex with Latinas is better. Hips don’t lie.

    1. Dear Noah,
      “dancing is related to sex. So the better you are at dancing the better you are at sex.”
      This is faulty logic, by the time a woman has had sex with me it doesn’t matter if I was good at it because I probably wouldn’t want to have sex with her again. It’s a bit like mountain climbing, once you have conquered the peak, time for a new challenge.

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