4 Ways That Game Improved My Life Outside Of Sex

There are very obvious benefits to learning game and becoming a player: an ability to meet and attract higher-quality girls, a varied sex life, and greater choice and autonomy. However, acquiring game skills has also benefited me hugely in terms of my overall development as a man. Here are four ways in which game has improved my life overall.

1. Greater Confidence

It is very difficult to build a skillset of going up to girls you don’t know, introducing yourself, and then trying to persuade them to have sex with you without that having a knock-on positive effect on your confidence.

Any man who has done hundreds or even thousands of day or night game approaches, each time having little idea what kind of reception he will receive, will slowly but surely build up a forcefield of rock-solid confidence around him.

This is of course hugely beneficial, with implications running far beyond the mere practice of picking up girls. Before I started game I had built up my confidence (which had been sorely lacking in childhood) to a certain degree, but game really supercharged it. Now, there are very few social or business situations I walk into that will phase me in any way.

2. Speaking Skills

Game puts you on the spot and forces you to be articulate and interesting in front of strangers. It also requires you to be, variously, persuasive, funny and able to read another person’s reactions.

Short of taking improv classes (fun, but a bit lame) it is hard to think of another discipline that hones these skills to the same razor sharp degree.

What all of this has meant is that my speaking ability has improved across the board, from one-on-one conversations to presenting in front of large audiences. I also record a podcast and make videos as part of my content creation work: there is little doubt that my ability to do so has come about as a result of having approached and had conversations with so many different girls.

3. Imperviousness To Rejection

Rejection is not nice: none of us like it. However, when you’ve been rejected hundreds, even thousands of times over the years as part of your game ‘career’, it does start to become a little less troublesome.

Why? The simple law of numbers. When I get turned down by a girl it matters little to me in the big scheme of things, because I know that I’ll be talking to another in a few moments’ time.

The great thing about game, and life, is that you always get another spin of the wheel.

An ability to withstand rejection—and in fact to thrive off of it—is an essential skill to learn for so many aspects of life. Rejection is constant, whether you are asking girls out, starting a business, writing, singing, painting or whatever. Not everyone is going to like everything you do: that’s just a fact of life. But if you can shrug it off and keep going then you will see gains in the longer term. Practicing game helped me to understand that.

4. Entrepreneurialism

Game is entrepreneurialism in the sexual marketplace. By that I mean that the player creates his own opportunities for sexual success from nothing rather like the entrepreneur creates a business from scratch by offering something of value to the world.

A proficient player should be able to wake up in any city in the world, not knowing anyone, and have a pipeline of interested girls in his phone and several dates lined up after a few days. Contrast this with the average Joe who relies on being chosen on Tinder, or even worse, through his social circle. This guy could be waiting weeks or even months for his next lay, whereas the first doesn’t rely on the whims of the market, but gets up and makes things happen instead.

This imperative to initiate activity rather than waiting for fortune to fall in one’s lap is key to entrepreneurialism. This is why a lot of guys well known for their game skills go on to be self-employed instead of working for the man. I myself now have my own business, having given up corporate work at the end of last year. I think it very unlikely that would have happened had I not spent so much time working on my game, which has honed my appetite for risk and my ability to go out and create opportunities for myself rather than waiting for things to happen.

Many guys rightly say that a life spent focused solely on chasing girls is a wasted one: I agree with them. Every man must have a mission that goes beyond the mere satiation of his carnal urges. However, it is also true that doing game in itself fosters behaviours and qualities that are extremely useful in building a bigger, fuller life. As such it would be foolish to regard game—which tests one’s character more than most pastimes–to be a trivial or wasteful activity.

If you enjoyed reading this and would like to get a free, exclusive article from Troy every week plus a FREE copy of his book Text Game Mastery then sign-up on the form here now. 

Read More: Airport Game Is The Best Form Of Game For The International Traveller

29 thoughts on “4 Ways That Game Improved My Life Outside Of Sex”

  1. Men essentially need game just to GET A JOB these days, since some 24 year old see-you-next-tuesday is in control of your whole damn future. Ya gotta give her those vagina tingles and/or get her emotionally stirred, because ultimately she doesn’t care about your qualifications. Just how you make her “feel”.

    1. Funny you should say that, Reality. I remember thinking what is this “game” that my friend is talking about? Then I began reading about what it was and I realized to myself that “game” is merely slang using your character (and your drive to improve it), your survival instincts, and knowledge of human nature (and your drive to expand that knowledge) to become more socially savvy.
      Lo and behold, I was using “game” to deal with the people I worked with, customers, potential customers, etc, and had to really ramp it up because the people in L.A are just disproportionately anxious, neurotic, and hollow (and I’ll be damned if I was going to let these overgrown children and nutjobs get in my way of making a living).
      Really goes to show how far we have fallen when such basic things have to be rediscovered.

      1. Unless your a natural alpha, “game” is essentially lying (though in the most HUMANE way possible I might add) to get what a man wants or needs out of life.
        And I would equate men’s uncontrollable desire for intimate female contact (relationships) and jobs and income (work) to be the two most core needs in a man’s life for healthy functioning. If you gotta “game” to get them, then do it.
        Women can accomplish their core biological functions in life without the need for any game whatsoever as long as they are attractive, young, and fertile. All they have to do is wait for a more assertive man with a steady income (in other words, has game) to approach her and BOOM, a relationship is possibly on the way and she didn’t even have to do anything.

        1. Gotta disagree with the lying part – I think the point your trying to make is that what you say normally doesn’t matter and so you ‘can’ lie – though this doesn’t mean that lying is an effectiove strategy; espcially not in the long term.

    2. @ Reality…dude..I’m on this site like once, twice, or three times a month maybe, I’ll spam some videos, ‘go hard’ for a few days, but you, bro you spam the fuck out of this site dude, don’t you have a dayjob? How could you possibly know anything when your trolling ROK all day everyday? Wtf man? You sound like a Rollo zealot btw – your advice is ‘fine’ generally speaking, but dude, get a fuckin life

      1. That goes for all you other troll clowns on here – the guys writing the articles I’ll give some leeway, but all the other fuck clowns on here constantly spamming every article need to get a fucking life – there’s some old dudes on here who spam, but their old so who gives a shit, but the oyung dudes who are literally spamming every damn article wtf are you doing? Are you all just bots of Roosh? Seriously, get a fuckin life. Its one thing to create conversation and have discussion and tell of life experiences, but the zealtroy is fuckin annoying and hurts the site. Open your brains up or just get offline for a while – how can anymen become kings when they’re all online? Get the fuck off the internet and go experience some shit – society jacked up cuse all the men talking a big talk and not doing shit.

        1. “And I will make boys their princes, and babes shall rule over them. And the people will oppress one another, every man his fellow and every man his neighbor.; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the base fellow to the honorable” Isaiah 3:4-5

  2. Exactly. There is a positive feedback loop between game and side effects and vice versa.
    1. Greater confidence
    2. Better conversational abilities and social skills (including benevelont manipulation and reading others)
    3. Better style and hygiene
    4. Better physique
    5. More well-informed about where to travel, eat, drink, clubs and bars to visit, apps to use and so forth, which types of girls to avoid etc.
    Now I am in a LTR but in 2016 I went to a couple of East Asian countries alone and a few weeks later I had smashed several chicks (6-8) both from online game and night game, met cool guys to hang out with, done a lot of interesting things, and even met a couple of relatively respectable and indeed very pretty female celebrities. We create our own destinies.
    First time in L.A. in 2006: I looked good and had a couple of things going on there, but that was mainly because of being out in public and getting eye contact. I didn’t create the same moments by myself to the same extent; the impulsion (will to power) was not as strong. It takes time to build confidenece, and those guys who are still too much of the nice beta will never get to that point. They are stuck with their masturbation and male feminist mindset.

  3. With 6-8 I meant SMV/looks, not numbers. More like three in the latter regard. I think that’s enough for me. If somone wants so have fucking as a sport, that’s cool, but I agree with the neomasculine sexual moderation principle.
    By the way, Roosh’s “What Is Neomasculinity?” is probably one of the most important text written in the last 10 years or so.

      1. @Brandon
        Sounds like an unsubstantiated claim…
        Paul Joseph Watson doesn’t come across as gay at all, and this video offers one of the most succinct, well-worded summaries on the archetype I’ve ever heard. This is “Neomasculinity 101” and s/b standard viewing for any newcomer to ROK. He goes so far as to offer direct “props” to Roosh and Quintus and is one of the most well-publicized defenders of the right to be a man as a man should be.

  4. To the valid point from the poster Mr. Reality, I submit that basic Salesmanship 101, coupled with a Harvey McKay style “Swim With the Sharks” approach , is more useful in securing and retaining employment today (besides knowing someone on the inside or just plain dumb luck), and with other modern issues and survival techniques for traditionalist men, than these chasing-your-tail/urinating on your shoes “Day Game” shenanigans and frat boy antics. And for that matter, why even bother with trying to schmooze some vapid 24 year old HR girl in the first place? A major work in futility. Plus, even if you can pass the HR girl’s “Kardashian Pop Culture” criteria, especially as a man, the layers will be peeled back, and you’re on the radar screen to prove your worth and hit the ground running. Few jobs today give little to any ramp up time, at least for the garden variety male worker. Now older, with hard knocks experience under my belt, I now personally refuse to deal with HR girls, old HR women, and HR men. If I can’t talk to the man (I will not work for a woman) who’d be my boss, and hopefully knows what the job entails, then I walk away. This is why the trades, dirty/nasty/dangerous work, or entrepreneurship can keep you reasonably free of contending with the 24 year old HR ditzes in the first place.

    1. Unfortunately if you grew up in a larger and more white-collar businesses oriented city (like me) instead of say… small town Alberta or Montana where you might be organically driven towards more blue collar or mining related work, dealing with the 24yo HR ditz is going to be an inevitability.

      1. Duly noted! I’m honestly not sure what we men can do to combat the 24 year old HR ditzes. For that matter, HR types in general. My late father referred to them as “frustrated psychologists”. Short of avoidance, or going around them, as much as humanly possible, but white collar work is especially susceptible to their presence, and they wield a lot of power when they have no gravitas for their jobs. I’ve dealt with them, and to your point (and shared frustration), have been disqualified from positions I was more than qualified for in the past. Not only them, but the older HR women are even more egregious. I’m now 60, been at my current day job for 5 years, and the turd factory is spinning around the drain near as I can tell. I’ve been job hunting on the sly, but the old HR bags are even worse. They are more man-hating, and more adept with their sneaky shenanigans and dismissals. Just as bad are many of the HR manginas, and especially the young male HR soyboys. I dread them as well. I’ve been somewhat fortunate in my current clandestine job search to have avoided a lot of HR broads and HR manginas. I think the recession served up some justice by getting rid of many of these non-essential types. I’ve been running into some contemptible male managers and business owners that want the young, jock, frat boy, GQ male model types for $30K a year. With the plague of the 24 year old HR ditzes, I guess it’s just a roll of the dice when job hunting. Not much of a solution, but I don’t know how to comment anymore about this cancer on the workplace. I for one, am an old never married traditionalist man, who will not capitulate to their entitled girlish and egos, their lord it over you attitudes, their crass unprofessionalism, their dismissive behavior, or grovel for some $30K a year job from them. That, with ageism, is one of the reasons job hunting is a challenge for me personally.

        1. AZ
          “I’m now 60, been at my current day job for 5 years”
          Which raises the question ….. “Why aren’t you retired?”.

  5. Troy needs to adorn his articles with better photos. Here we see a guy with four girls. But all are <7.

  6. Being teflon for Rejection is probably the most important, assuming you are improving and have a very realistic assessment of your Sustainable SMV. Think about how we grow up from puberty: girls rocket in SMV, boys are still dweebs for years to come. They have constant attention and can be very choosy (or slutty); guys boil over and fap for years, except for the lucky top 10% in maturity. So when things ‘even out’ you are cowered and run down, they continue to have choice. It takes a lot to get up, go Game, and shed that experience. But it’s necessary. I’ll leave LTRs for another post… except to say when women have a history of choice, you better hold out and screen for those who have low N counts, probably 1-2 SMV points lower than you, who can still be a knockout when she (rarely) gets super-dolled up.

  7. Biggest hurdle in game for me is approaching groups of people. A girl by herself is a no brainer. It’s easy to say something, anything. As long as you open your mouth, you did the right thing.
    But walking up to a group of people, as 3 of them turn to listen and stare at me while I say “so what are we celebrating tonight?” I need to have a drink or two in me for that shit. Half the time the bitch gets off on totally ignoring a dude.

    1. This is normal man – no cause for concern – the fact your actually willing to approah a group says your doing something right. I’ve found adding ‘value’ goes a long way with groups (or just by yourself). For example I recall one time I was in a Bath and Body Works (sounds gay right? But thats where the hotties were man) – and there was a group of like 6 girls (high school age to college) – I grabbed two men’s frangrance cologne and a bunch of sample sticks and without thinking prior just dove into the group asking what they thought was best. It was fun, makes a good story, and got a number off of it. “Hey I can’t decide, we got a huge group, help me out.” -I like complimenting girls, I know some dudes absolutly hate it and think its beta as shit, but I love pretty girls man, if she’s hot I’m gunna say so but do it in a way she doesn’t expect. Hot girls hear it all the time but if you say it like your ‘surprised’ she’s hot, that kills major dude. Like if you ‘just noticed out of NOWHERE’ that she’s hot, holy shit man – thats like golden ticket right there. So you strike up a normal conversation and then just out of no where you say, “Oh, shit, your kinda cute, I love your hair” – or “Oh, damn, youre really pretty, I like the outfit” or whatever, it doesn’t matter as long as it comes off like you just noticed it, that works more often than not. It works in your favor, if she’s a bitch and doesn’t accept the compliment with a smile then I know its a waste of time, if she smiles and gets red (my favourite) then I know I’m in. Complimenting a group of girls is definitly fuckin tricky ok, like, you gotta be careful with how you do that shit, but anyways, long story short the girls loved offering to help and actually gave good advice on the fragrances and what they liked. Honestly I think the key to talking to a group is give them value but don’t be overbearing, when its your time to ‘go’ then its your time to go, don’t be needy and just stand there like a beta and talk, talk, talk – have a point – get in, get out, lay down a compliment if you want, but shit man, I would say just have fun with it. Two of the girls in the group didn’t acknowledge me, turned around and did their own thing, one blushed, and the rest were intrigued – you don’t know what reactions you’ll get, just come off normal but honest. Alot of game is just how you say shit. If you can say the craziest shit with a straight face then youll go places. It’s a really fine balancing act. Words sometimes don’t even matter, its more of your enegry level and how needy or insecure you come off, if you don’t come off needy at all you can say anything you want. If you feel even a little needy she’ll smell it out and your done. Game is weird as shit ok, a confident guy can say whatever the hell he wants, if you act like a nervous little bitch though in your approach your screwed – your going to HAVE to approach, cuse there’s no way around it, but just know unless you feel ‘normal’ (calibrated) then you might screw it up, its all a learning process man. I don’t think they ‘get off’ ignoring a dude though – girls know instantly what YOU are trying to do, its intriguing to them if you act normal, cuse 80% of guys chump it up and get genuinly nervous whcih starts to make shit seem weird. She doesn’t ‘get off’ ignoring you, she’s simply not interested, its nothing to get butt hurt about. Girls have a long ass list of dudes and most of the time know immeidiatly if you fit in her category, if you don’t ‘fit’ what she wants your dead in the water, even with awesome game some girls just can’t be swayed enough to go home with you or even dish out a number. Anyways, her ignoring you is cuse your game is either weak or you came off like a salesmen

  8. I would agree with this list – the only caveat is you have to be consistent. Not to sound braggadocious here, but I’ve done hundreds of approaches and ask outs, maybe even close to a thousand or more. You lose part of your soul doing this, but believe it or not, it doesn’t ‘last’ forever; i.e. the confidence is temporary. Maybe some other guys will have had different experience (I’m sure they have) – but even after literally hundreds of approaches, turn downs, crazyiness, randomness, it all eventually ‘fades’ away if you don’t do it for a while. After about 2 or 3 months of not gaming your skill will drop, and it’ll be pretty noticable.
    I’ve heard other pua guys say the same thing. So maybe I’m a minority here, not sure, but the point is consistency is imperative. Eventually I would say after you start getting into the hundreds in approaches (as in a legitimate approach and serious effort to ask her out) that the brain sort of rewires itself. I’m sure its different for every dude, but I haven’t gamed in months, went cold-turkey and while the nervousness is more or less nonexistent there’s still a slight social recoil of whether or not what your doing is ‘socially acceptable’ – Here’s the deal ok, after hundreds of approaches your brain is jacked up, there’s really no ‘going back’ unless you isolate yourself for a decade…eventually it becomes second nature, approach ‘anxiety’ will always exist because you’ll almost always be asking her out in a public location – point being that in the back of your mind you’ll be wondering whether you can ‘get away’ with whatever it is your trying to do. Seriously though, after hudnreds and hundreds of seroius approaches you really rewire the brain major. Not sure if its rewired in a good way either. I noticed at my peak I encountered some major issues because I wasn’t socially calibrated. When you game insane hard social situations are seriously way way more fun, “normal” interactions take on a life of themselves and the most seemingly boring situations suddenly are massive catalysts for everything else. It really has nothing to do with ‘gaming’ a girl for sexc – THATS the ‘main’ motive for every guy – but what ends up happening is your world opens up in extreme ways you never thought possible. It can become insane addicting – I would definitly wanr dudes before they think their going to go game a hard and do hundreds and hundreds of approaches. Part of the ‘problem’ here is it’s not socially normal – its sort of like being a ‘girl’ (your super social) while at the same time retaining your masculinity and ability to ‘pressure’ situations and create catalysts and change minds – girls don’t go around engaging EVERY hot dude, or person, they definitly could, but they choose not too – a guy gaming crazy hard will basically end up aquiring the social skills of women while at the same time the ability to infleunce and alter situaitons and events that you never dreamed of. It sounds great, but its also sketchy as all fuck.
    Why is it sketchy, cuse ‘normal’ people don’t act like that, you end up drawing attention to yourself in all the wrong ways if you don’t know what your doing. I would suggest more men start being social with literally EVERYONE first and not just girls, the transition will be easier and more naturally. Gaming hundreds of girls is pretty epic, but you risk jacking up your brain beyond repair if your not careful. As a final note, I’ll simply give a quick story here: I had a job where I literally could interact (wihtout fear of HR or other employees) with hundreds of people (on an individual level) during the course of one day – basically I could ‘game’ and still look like I was doing my job. I got an insane amount of numbers – most guys would think asking a girl out while your working is off limits (cuse what if she says no!?) but holy fuck man, as long as you come off normal and sincere and not gay – just come off normal – then you’ll be fine. If she says no, then who gives a shit, no one – depends on the job obviously, but holy shit man – some jobs will allow you to interact with literally hundreds of different people on a constant basis, if any guy has approach anxiety I would highly encourage him to find oe of these gigs – even something like a really really busy grocery store or something could work too. In 3 months I had more numbers than I knew what to do with, I was forgetting girls left and right – it was madness, but was amazing.
    Point is I think any guy worth his salt needs to game hard, but I would also make sure you watch ‘yourself’ – if your new to game go slow slow slow, you’ll only mess yourself up. The key is to just be normal, know how to talk (i.e. ask normal shit), and just be fuckin normal – so many guys come off weird as fuck cuse they try to force it – if you work a job where you deal with hundreds of people daily if some chick turns you down its whatever cuse there’s an infinite supply. Obviously don’t come off like a sleezy freak, choose targets wisely, but damn boys, if done right, its a magical thing. If done ‘wrong’ you could end up with police on you. Honestly like I already said, the key is just be fuckin normal, if you can be ‘normal’ (cool, calm, collected, not a freak, not a weirdo) when talking to her and spitting game than your more or less golden. Some dudes claim giving compliments is beta and pussy style, but man, if you can keep a straight face and be cool and calm while dishing out a FAT compliment than you should be able to snag number easy. So many dudes, holy crap, so many come off weird as shit – if saying a simply compliment makes a frog in your throat then your not ready to game hard, you need to talk to old ladies first. Talk to everyone! Life is great!

      1. Its one thing to type a lot of shit on one article, its another to troll out every one of them – I don’t give a shit about ‘realitys’ opinion enough to where I have to see it plastered on every comment thread – i come here to read the articles, not some zealot faggot who spams literally almost every message thread – same goes for some of these other fuckers – if you have something worth saying by all means write about it, but don’t troll every goddamn thread

  9. It was not much work for me to get a date or do anything with a girl until I was about 32 years old. After about 2012 it seemed to turn from a fairly easy task to a daunting one overnight. I think around 2012 or after, the PC/SJW/anti-white male culture first began to bloom in full force.
    That’s not to say that it didn’t bloom beforehand…It basically took over. Being white and male was boring to them sometime after the year 2012. They pick the Latino, Arab, Black, and Mediterranean looking dudes because they know over 90% of them perform extremely well in bed. Shit, half of white guys today, compared to over a decade and 3 years ago, probably are unable to give her what she wants.
    So, she labels most white guys this way when she had some bad experiences or they were too shy. I’ve never had that problem…I just don’t believe I should have to shave my head and tattoo my phuckin’ face to prove anything!

  10. As always, i do not believe what’s troys said is usefull for the men in every femminized countries all over the world, see, even Troy is a system slave!
    All throughout their lives, men have competed with each other, they have fought tooth and nail for the attention of the female creature. They have had their very masculinity sucked out of them in
    two ways:
    The alphas in tying their worth to women
    The betas in taking away their masculinity entirely and telling them to
    feminize themselves in order to treat women as an “equal”
    The alpha’s masculinity hijacking is pretty straight forward as he is caught in
    the never ending circular trap of NEEDING women to justify his very
    existence, as much as he THINKS he is free, he is not because should something
    happen to where he is no longer able to get steady streams of pussy, be it through
    a physical impairment, a change to his status in the pecking order or through
    marriage, you will see this man be drained of his very essence that once
    made him so attractive.
    Nothing is sadder than seeing a high school stud get chased down and
    clamped down to some unworthy 6/10 who he just happened to knock up, to pay
    the bills he now works 50+ hours doing construction, he comes home and is
    seldom greeted by his wife, so he turns to alcohol and television to quell his
    demons, but that won’t help, nothing will at this point in time because he
    KNOWS…for ALL the power he SUPPOSEDLY had, he STILL ended up
    powerless to a creature infinitely weaker than him, infinitely stupider than
    him, but having ONE advantage (or maybe two)….she was more CUNNING
    and she had the one thing he craved the most….PUSSY.
    He was not able to separate his masculinity from the golden vagina, he was not able to step back and look at the chase for what it was, the chase being the fun part, the kill always being…meh…whatever, onto the next chase and now…now he paid the
    ULTIMATE price a man can pay…his VERY FREEDOM.
    The beta?? is no better off, unfortunately his freedom is shackled too, but unlike
    the alpha, he enjoys NO immediate carrots for his servitude. He is left to
    wait, left to wait until the strongest of lions finish ravaging the deer and
    perhaps a chunk of meat is left for him, maybe an eyeball or two or maybe just a
    hint of marrow.
    Whatever he ends up with, he will NOT be satisfied as it is old, gross and used (not too different than his eventual partner). Aged pussy is like aged milk….not the most satisfying thing in the world.
    Where the beta really loses is that while his masculinity is also defined by
    women, he cannot even fulfill the dominant role, his only “dominance”
    over her is in the traditional “noble” type fashion where he ends up putting
    her first, neglecting to realize that this only works if there is some sort of
    contrast i.e if you are SO high status that your gift of attention and affection means
    In the same way that if Obama offered you to teach you how to
    speak, you’d be flattered and would graciously accept, meanwhile if some
    guy off the street took the very same action, you’d tell him to fuck off.
    The one place that the beta feels like a man is when he is trying to fulfill these dead
    roles with a woman, unfortunately women no longer desire to be courted
    like that, but they also resent it.
    It’s why they’ll fuck the badboy (or men like Troy) within an hour of meeting him, but this poor sap will grovel for weeks on end for a semi awkward hug that he lingers around for too long and one that she eventually forcefully pulls away from.
    Make no mistake though, they BOTH allowed women to control their lives.
    They BOTH had their masculinity stripped from them, one in the succubus
    type way (pedestalling of not ONE pussy, but pussy in general), the other in
    the mental succubus type way (his pedestalling of the pussy while not
    receiving any).
    The true zen….the true zen is in finding the perfect balance between desire,
    action and what is REALLY valuable in your life.
    Their masculinity is derived from a script, a script that tells them pussy and
    women are INHERENTLY valuable, thus you MUST have them if you have
    them you are THE man and if you don’t, you need to be striving for it.
    Where does this end though? What about houses? What about cars? What about
    careers? What about your very purpose in life? Are you going to let THOSE
    things be dictated by some grand script?No?
    Then why the FUCK would you let anyone like Troy or anything else dictate
    something as simple as your desire.
    The greatest men aren’t ones that got the most pussy, they’re not the ones that built
    the greatest kingdoms and they’re not the ones that are depicted in history books,
    the greatest men are ones who lived on their own terms, met with their fate by
    their OWN hand and created their OWN reality based on their OWN values.
    Men who weren’t afraid of being “alone” because they knew, they knew
    how truly lonely and isolating it is to live in a DICTATED reality, one that
    was set out to you by others because even if you’re the top dog, as Troy stated in many articles here on ROK, that only lasts for so long and even while you’re at the
    top….it’s very isolating and lonely in itself because no one understands the
    pressures YOU feel, the struggle YOU go through and the competitive anxiety
    knowing that your very image, your very essence is being measured by this
    penultimate standard that others THINK is so amazing, but really it has it’s OWN
    challenges/drawbacks and battles.
    So forget about what’s PUA like Troy tells you, Be yourself best! Be a zen men.

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