Google has been under increasing criticism for its censorship, feminism, and authoritarian practices. Here is a sample of what they’ve done recently:
- Fired James Damore for speaking out against its pro-diversity culture (despite hiring 35% Asians in a country with a 3% Asian population).
- Worked with governments to censor speech.
- Met with Obama White House weekly, more often than some Cabinet members.
- Continued development of terminator robots, likely in coordination with government Military / Industrial Complex funds under the cover of AI research.
- Supported a variety of feminist, degenerate, anti-family policies, and politically correct propaganda, including the #MeToo hysteria.
While in fairness, the company quietly removed its duplicitous “Don’t Be Evil” company motto in 2015, men should recognize that doing business with the company is helping further lead Western nations down the wrong path.
But perhaps the greatest danger Google presents is its subtle rewriting of history. In an age where few know how to research facts in encyclopedias or libraries, most information comes from the internet. Finding misinformation online is extremely easy, but the real danger is when large institutions begin misrepresenting facts and creating their own narratives.
In 2017, Google came under fire for returning image searches that were politically correct fantasies of what the user was searching. When I first heard about this, I laughed and figured it was a bug or hack that someone exposed, that would be corrected later that day or certainly that week. But here we are, in the Current Year, and the search results below speak for themselves.
1. White Man White Woman

Don’t believe me? Try it yourself.
On the other hand, Asian couple returns:

2. Burglar

When you hear of a burglary, do you begin looking for Frenchmen with wispy mustaches and designer shoes?
3. Prisoner

100% of page 1 images are white men
Whites are statistically 35% of the US prison population, and that includes Hispanics.
4. Happy American White Couple

Notice anyone missing from these images?
5. Lazy Man

Did you know all lazy men are white?
5. Rapist

These men may be rapists, but the overall impression is very misleading
6. American Scientists

Typical guy in any scientific lab, really.
7. American Father

I’m surprised it wasn’t Homer Simpson
8. European Inventors

7 out of 8 are clearly not European
9. Unhappy Couple

Clearly, she should stop dating “rapists” and “burglars” and start dating a “scientist”
I’m sure this is all just a shoddy (((algorithm))) and despite search being Google’s primary product, and the images only affecting straight white men, surely at least one of its 88,000 employees is aware and the company is going to fix this bug any day now (2 years and counting).
Of course, when the problem involves a minority, like when gorillas began appearing in searches for black men, Google’s response is immediate. When it involves a conservative white man, don’t hold your breath.
But until then, if you, like the majority of young Americans today, are not a white male, and have limited interactions with white men, seeing these images would make you think white men are lazy, untalented, violent criminals, and rapists that make poor fathers. The next generation is being programmed to believe a narrative of history that is in sharp contrast to the truth.

If all individuals have different talents, what are white men good for?
Even I greatly overestimated the number of blacks in America—they are less than 13% of the population! But their media exposure is far greater.
The changes in my lifetime may be minor, but imagine a child being born today in majority non-white America. When her teacher asks her to research and write a story on scientific discoveries, she may be presented with an entirely different set of facts than what you and I know today.
Of course, America is less a nation and more an economic zone, but that is a topic for another day.

Idiocracy–is it that farfetched?
While it can be tempting to use Google’s products, particularly since they are free, take the time to look for some alternatives. Startpage and Duckduckgo are good search alternatives.
Read More: Google’s 2017 Highlights Commercial Declares War on Conservative America
Google is a very sick corporate culture. Their agenda is all about race-mixing, pushing homosexuality and now transgenderism, stroking women and racial minorities, etc.
Just say no. Don’t use Gmail, and don’t use Google as your search engine (I went to Bing). It’s not much, but it’s the only way we can really protest besides getting the word out here on the net.
Yep, this was brought to our attention by ROK reader “Clark Kent” about six months ago. Liberals like to stir the pot, hope for a reaction then point to the bad guy.
By any definition, even a liberal one, this is hate
It’s deliberate, knowing racism.
I have always said, all that dems, and the left have to offer, is hate and lies.
Google image “American Inventors” and you’ll have to side scroll for ages to find Thomas Edison and Tesla, probably one of the top 20 individuals who has most profoundly changed the world throughout all history.
That “peanut butter” black guy (george Washington Carver) is listed as being more important by how quickly he appears in the results.
China block Google 100%, can’t blame them really. I noticed the Google search engine not being able to find politically incorrect news items (that were previously searchable) and reports about 7 years back.
Don’t use Bing – use DuckDuckgo
Somebody should build a non-political unbiased search engine!
I have noticed for a while now that you can literally search with an article in mind on a big website that they dislike and you just get articles returned that are critical of the website or unrelated. Its scary how bad this has become.
The responses will often be from smaller websites if they dislike the big website
An unbiased search engine is such an idea man. Like a free speech one that looks for stuff regardless of political biases and with open source algorithms and using blockchain.
Google sucks! Its just a tool of oppression ( by collaboration ) in much of the world.
They have such an SJW culture amongst the staff that they really cannot stop this sort of stuff lower down. They are extreme leftists internally. Larry Page admired the classic liberals and the old school European intellectuals but the company is not like that at all.
James Damore was correct but fired for telling the scientific truth rather than the lies he was expected to propagate and believe. That is their company culture in a nutshell.
I found the same trying to look for non biased Trump articles.
Its almost like google results are all slanted clickbait trash and the real news i need to find on forums.
Google´s algortym put enfasis in Afro american so every time you type American or America, it will put on top the Afro American result, one trick is to use this sign “-” in word you like to filter so I always put in the search result
-black -Afro -african -Asian -Racist -trump -sexism -femism
To get a better result look
I shouldn’t have to put -Afro -african -black -racist -trump -‘whatever leftist crap’ to get an unbiased search, and I’ve actually seen it put just less stuff of the wrong results in when I’ve done that.
Content-providers are always arguing in favor of net-neutrality. And that makes some sense: if they’re making money off services/ads they want things unthrottled and don’t want to give the ISPs a share of the shekels. Net neutrality advocates invoke laws for public utilities. IE, the power company couldn’t disconnect a family with small children in the dead of winter or charge my successful car dealership more for power because they know I can afford it. In part because they’re monopolies by their very nature: if I don’t like my power company here in the Midwest, I couldn’t have Con Ed send some energy West for me.
Now, to get to the point, if Google, Twitter, et al want to the internet treated like a public utility, let’s hold them to the same standards. Starting with a bunch of regulations. You could easily argue that these companies have near-monopolies. Maybe they should have to run their algorithms past a federal auditor to make sure they’re not quashing Libertarian and Conservative voices. Maybe have federal regulations and a review process for bans: should some tranny IT guy in California really get to decide what acceptable speech constitutes? Should a Turkish contractor working for Twitter really have the power to delete the POTUS’ account?
Twitters rules aren’t really applicable to the higher individuals main. I think if the account is big then a contractor cannot touch it.
Bieber used to dox people with twitter and nothing ever happened to him. Twitter needs President Donald J. Trump.
If President Donald J. Trump went to Gab that would take millions with him. He is the POTUS. He has more power than 99% of the other influencers on twitter stacked .
LOL, libertarians needing government regulation to protect their “muh individual” freedom of speech from private organisations, oh that thick juicy irony. I pretty much hate libertarians as much as I hate the Marxists and Feminists. To me libertarians are just traitorous cowards and inbred white trash who constantly make excuses for why they don’t have to stand for anything other than themselves. The enemy are at the gates and attacking and the libertarians are the cowards crying…”why, why, Muh individualism, lets not fight, fighting is authoritarian, der der der….[as they run away]”. Libertarianism is garbage, the government is important, degenerates like Marxists will always exist and the only way to keep them out of power is for a tribe of nationalistic and patriotic people to keep them in their place. The individual is just a weak, selfish, unaware piece of shit who will accomplish nothing.
Oh, and don’t give me this ..”muh libertariansim is just about our FREEDOM” horseshit. We already had freedom. It is just like Feminists saying feminism is just about “equality”. Ethno-nationalistic men made the West, many sacrificing themselves for their country (not just themselves). To tell you the truth, I think Libertarianism is the problem. Feminism, Marxism, Trannies are all just filling the vacuum of destruction left by the post-Reagan (muh evil government) generation of selfish, short term minded, stupid, individualistic, consumerist, parasitic retards.
Thats the most radical view ive heard about moderates in a long time.
If i asked you how you feel about 8 years of war in the middle east, would you say you support it? Or the globalist negotiations we’re involved in? Or how about the trillions of dollars spent on government since 2008? The federal reserve making our money worthless by printing dollars whenever they feel like it. Or the thousands of failed banks and businesses bailed out by our tax dollars in the last decade?
Both Republicans and democrat politicians have supported all of the above. If you dont, you are more libertarian than you realize.
But i will admit, during this last election, it was a wasted vote to choose a libertarian candidate. In this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So what do you propose?
Some sort of ethno-national socialism?
Why should I pay high taxes to support Cletus the Slack jawed yokel? I shouldn’t have to support him any more than I should have to support Tyrone and Jose.
Small government, low taxes, private property rights and individual liberty. That’s what I want. Let intelligent, hardworking people keep the money they earn. End welfare, food stamps, head start, public housing, section 8, and all other “social programs” and let Cletus, Tyrone and Jose (and their women) wash cars, clean toilets, pick lettuce, or starve.
@Automatic slim….lol, the totally exaggerated and stereotypical libertarian response….”muh, any white identity and any tribalism automatically = GAS CHAMBERS, NAZI, AUTHORITARIANISM, EVILLLL!!!.” No, actually what I am saying is we should go back to the mentality of the Americans when WE WERE ACTUALLY FIGHTING THE NAZI’s. Also, this whole “everything that isn’t libertarianism” is immediately NAZI is no different than feminists calling everything masculine the “evil patriarchy”. BTW, the NAZI’s and WW2 pushed modern technology ahead by probably 100 years in just a short 5 year war. It also took a force 3 times the size of the Nazi’s with 10 times the resources to defeat them. So, if you want to be a “muh individual” and run around like a chicken with its head cut off, well, I am pretty sure you wont accomplish anything.
Another side note: Every successful and modern “capitalistic nation” is, and always have been, mixed economies. There is no way around this. Laissez faire capitalism is just anarchy, which typically leads back to aristocracy, and then after bloody revolution back to a mixed economy. Just because you have a proud and nationalistic country with some social safety nets and government regulation doesn’t mean you are a NAZI. Get it?
I want to make this really clear to you post Reagan libertarians: This country was founded by white Ethno-nationalists, remember that. The men who ACTUALLY made this country and made it great would agree with me. Post-Reagan libertarian idiots like yourself are the people who are letting our countries go to shit, and have made white men so weak we are literally being bent over and fucked in the ass by our own women, and we are being colonized by low IQ third world idiots.
Libertarianism as it is today is garbage, and the people who support it are usually white trash who think they are hot shit and “don’t need no gov-ment”. They also tend to be the hippie pot-heads of the right wing. Worthless humans, who just like Communists, will never get their Utopia. You are just one of billions of people on earth sharing the same land and resources, to believe that you are some magical being, living in your magical little bubble of individualism, is a crock of shit.
@Automatic Slim Oh, and I almost forgot….”Small government, low taxes, private property rights and individual liberty. That’s what I want” good luck having that when the colored people take over. BTW, we already had that system until morons like you came around and let the retards take over. Your property rights do not come from God, they came from your tribe, and if the people living in your tribe believe you don’t deserve that property….than guess what, you don’t own that property. Welcome to reality moron. It would not surprise me when our cities overflow with colored people that they will begin voting to not only redistribute more wealth from white people, but they will probably go after our land too since white people own most rural land.
BTW, what is “small government”? What is “low taxes”?…I will tell you what it is, it is just more subjective bullshit from another ideological moron.
I also doubt you pay that much in taxes, you are more than likely a taker in this country.
“Why should I pay high taxes to support Cletus the Slack jawed yokel?” Yet again, another exaggeration. Just like the ideological liberals trying to make it seem like every minority is an oppressed human, and every refugee is cute little baby. Most welfare goes to our vibrant diversity to begin with, and many of the white people who receive welfare are single mothers…both diversity and feminism is caused by the de-tribalization of white men who are just retarded individuals roaming around. Also, like I said earlier, I doubt you pay enough in taxes to make it seem like you are paying for “Cletus the Slack jawed yokel”.
Oh, and I almost forgot, Mr. Slim….”Small government, low taxes, private property rights and individual liberty. That’s what I want” good luck having that when the colored people take over. BTW, we already had that system until morons like you came around and let the retards take over. Your property rights do not come from God, they came from your tribe, and if the people living in your tribe believe you don’t deserve that property….than guess what, you don’t own that property. Welcome to reality moron. It would not surprise me when our cities overflow with colored people that they will begin voting to not only redistribute more wealth from white people, but they will probably go after our land too since white people own most rural land.
BTW, what is “small government”? What is “low taxes”?…I will tell you what it is, it is just more subjective bullshit from another ideological moron.
I also doubt you pay that much in taxes, you are more than likely a taker in this country.
“Why should I pay high taxes to support Cletus the Slack jawed yokel?” Yet again, another exaggeration. Just like the ideological liberals trying to make it seem like every minority is an oppressed human, and every refugee is cute little baby. Most welfare goes to our vibrant diversity to begin with, and many of the white people who receive welfare are single mothers…both diversity and feminism is caused by the de-tribalization of white men who are just retarded individuals roaming around. Also, like I said earlier, I doubt you pay enough in taxes to make it seem like you are paying for “Cletus the Slack jawed yokel”.
Sorry for the repeated posting guys, this comment server is a little weird.
@ Wes “the great”
Jeez, almighty, you make a WHOLE bunch of assumptions.
1) I never once user the word “Nazi”. I am against ANY type of socialism, even when “nationalistic”. But where the hell do you get “Nazi” from my post?
2) If you have read any of my past posts, I DO believe in nationalism. I do believe that American is a White Christian country. While I do not have an issue with reasonable percentage of non-whites (perhaps 15% or so), I DO believe they have to conform to traditional American beliefs and values. I want closed borders, and a permanent END to 3rd word immigration. Repeal 1965 immigration act. And end the anchor baby clause.
3) I want to END all Welfare and related Social Programs! Does that sound like a “hippy pot smoker” to you?
4) And lastly, I pay over 40% in taxes you freaking idiot!!! I have been making a 6 figure income since my late 20s and could have retired by now if not for the taxes the US fed and NY state governments STEAL from me!!! To give it useless eaters like Tyrone, Jose, and yes Cletus!!! And guess what? Cletus is voting for liberal policies and programs right along with Tyrone, and Jose! End welfare and food stamps and let these miscreants work low level labor jobs, or starve!
excellent argument! High quality
Or you could go onto google about every other day where they have their ‘doodle’ that is almost ALWAYS a black woman or some other mino celebrating some obscure birthday.
Didn’t they have a global doodle celebrating Pad Thai a few months ago?
It’s not just Google having these search results. I see similar results with Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Even Start Page has some of the results although not completely biased.
They correct results when minorities don’t like them and when the algorithm is biased against whites they leave it.
Some of these engines probably use Google technology or results. Bing was shown and proven to just be scraping the Google results and presenting them as their own.
Good point. I figured DuckDuckGo would be least unbiased, but no dice there either. For the least biased image searches, try foreign search engines. I got good results with Yandex (, a Russian search engine.
One of the first things I did with DuckGoGo was an image search for “American Scientists”. Big Fail! It was as bad as Google.
Sounded like a good idea, so I tried it.
Well… so much for Yandex. I tried it and typed “American family” into images, and got back WAY too many images of negro families, as well as one or two black male/white female/halfbreed families. Fuck all these search engines.
I actually got less all white couples when I did white american families than when I did just american families. Guess they are just scraping google too.
Both have same (((origin))).
I tried, the Chinese browser. When Bing returns a “safesearch results not permitted in your country” I go to the Chinese website and it displays what Bing won’t Lol.
Anyway, I searched “white American families” and got weird results, but when I typed that in in Chinese (美国白人家庭), the results were largely white families, but a couple of those Google results got in there, namely just two images on the page of the black guy, white chick and brown kid and one picture of students.
Just a quick followup to my previous post. Yandex isn’t without bias either. Just compare their results for “Russian woman” and “American woman” 🙂
If you just enter “father”, most men are white …
This is confirmation that we are already living in a sc ifi like dystopia.
Google has trained its search AI’s to be racist as illustrated by these search results. We are entering dangerous territory here.
Time to break google up.
Go ahead and Google “idiot” and “moron.” On page one you’ll find images of Trump, reflecting an opinion.
However, when you Google “millionaire” or “billionaire,” which Trump objectively is, you get no such image.
Since the truth is getting out about black men by way of statistics on family abandonment, educational achievement, crime rates, violence and other types of dysfunction and more and more solid evidence of racial genetic differences from the recent science breakthroughs, the Cathedral is overcompensating by mythologizing and sacralizing black men as superior beings, hoping the prole masses will swallow it and not notice what is right under their noses. Amazingly, they are succeeding to a large extent.
Hey you SPLC shithead who down voted me. This is was co*ksucker.
The word “fat”also brings up mostly images of white men.
When statistically, obesity rates in America are blacks the most, then hispanics, then whites, then Asians.
Same on DuckDuckGo:
I like it…
The SPLC accuses ROK of being a misogynistic white-supremacist (created by an Iranian-American) website of basement dwelling autists that require government supervision, and the next day ROK publishes an article showing actual racism by big-tech that the SPLC should have pointed out years ago.
Very tasteful.
Stop complaining. You sound like a girl. If you had any heart at all you be out taking it instead of waiting for somebody to give it to you. You child
“[…] imagine a child being born today in majority non-white America. When HER […]”
Really disturbing. Feminist, female-goddess worshiping bias has reached a website as masculine as ROK. For heaven’s sake, the editor should do his job and change default pronouns to he/his/him. Period.
This is exactly what’s wrong with ROK. White cucks like the writer of this article who can only bitch and whine about things.
And now he’s whining like a little girl, because a big corporation isn’t giving his ‘race’ enough credibility. But when his black equivalents protest about #blacklivesmatter, this guy is the first to make them ridiculous.
You’re just the white equivalent of black people who can only play the victim.
Ah, so when white people are getting racially and culturally attacked we should just sit there and take ass, right? People like you are so fucking stupid….HuffPo is that way —>
In other words….go Back to being ignorant and blind goyim nothing to see here.
The article points out a problem about an information company that is abusing their monopoly power, a fact that most people don’t know. (Really, the problem goes deeper than image results; they also skew article search results to push narratives.) It also presents alternatives. I’d say that’s constructive.
You, on the other hand, suggest that there’s something wrong with noticing this, and in intemperate language (“whining like a little girl”, etc.) Is that constructive?
Try doing the same image search, only this time using terms in a language other than English. (Spanish is good.)
For example, instead of “Famous American Scientists,” type in instead “Famosos Científicos Americanos.”
Go ahead. You get completely different results.
Just a thought.
Google is shit. A world full of indoctrinated leftists are about to get a swift kick in the ass when all of their agendas start to clash.
Detroit looks the way it does because white people left.
Women leave a gay district in San Francisco because their three orifices are no longer desirable.
Lesbians have shitty relationships.
Have you ever heard of a “human powered search engine”?
Check up this guy
Thank you for this.
ALL of this is very obvious. It blows my mind that some cannot see it, but, besides the vast amount of programming (I don’t think it’s subtle) think it’s a choice to not see it.
I used to blown away, at the base inhumanity of it, but now I understand something else and it no longer bothers me.
Mostly white dudes show up when you Google images of “pimp” and “drug dealer” too which of course is total bullshit.
Has anyone ever considered the following thought: “Eliminate all evil factors in charge of Racial Marxism and associated therewith.”
Here’s the source of the term “Racial Marxism”:
Thanks for reading,
Esther Brown
Now I just had another thought: “Eliminate all evil factors in charge of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and associated therewith.”
Thanks for reading again,
Esther Brown
I remember years back when Google still returned unbiased quality search results on Jewish war criminals or Negro crime rates.
Now it’s all completely filtered. Can’t find shit unless I know exactly what I’m looking for and can write it verbatim, so that completely defeats the purpose.
The soyim are doomed to an eternal sleep.
#1 Nah, this cant be true…
*sees identical results*
” If you tell a big enough lie, long enough, it will become the truth.”
Look how stoooopid the masses are for fux sakes! Duh… trayvon martin was a founding father duh…
All t.v. watching vegetables,are just f-ing drones! Get away from the screens people. It first sucked the life outta you, then it programed your mushy brain full of its agendas.
Congratulations goyim.
You have an army of (((you know who’s))) working tirelessly day and night on the internet landscape manipulating search results, wiki’s and information flow.
I’ve searched legitimate quotes or pieces of information damaging and exposing to Zionists and (((you know who’s))) only to have page after page of the original being manipulated, false ‘debunking’ and charges of anti-semite and attacks of anyone that would use such information.
If gentiles only understood there are a people/group out there at war with them and are using every means possibly to conquer them.
It’s really too bad they keep acting that way. They’re just making bad publicity for themselves when they do that, then wonder why everyone else doesn’t like them.
If you search for “white people” (with or without the quotation marks, which indicate a phrase in a keyword search), you get several images of non-white people. Is this a evidence of racial bias on Google’s part? Not necessarily! If you actually look into the images, they are related to “white people” in the sense that the associated web pages talk about them. For instance, an image of a black man’s mugshot showed up because it was attached to a news article entitled, “‘Kill all white people,’ suspected serial killer said in 2014”. There are also images of the (mostly non-white) cast of the film “Dear White People” because the respective web pages mention “white people” several times. The point is that keyword search on images is ultimately based on the content of the web pages in which they appear, and word order/repetition in the query is oftentimes ignored.
Regarding the “burglar”, “prisoner”, and “lazy man” results, I would argue that the majority of people in staged, stock photos are going to be white because the majority of the population is white, and so the majority of actors paid to portray them are going to be white. One could also argue that the search results reflect the bias of the media. For example, one could instead conclude that the mainstream media report disproportionately on white rapists than they do on black rapists, resulting in more articles on white rapists than on black rapists, resulting in more images associated with “rapist”. In any case, these potential arguments serve to illustrate that the article presents only one of many possible conclusions that can be made on the basis of these search results alone.
At least the fact that search engines other than Google return similar results should foster skepticism about the validity of the article’s argument. To say they “rig their search results” is a claim that can only be definitively substantiated by a public release of the algorithm. When it comes down to it, real change comes with the support of normies, and so pushing for more transparency in a defacto public service like Google is something I hope we can all agree upon. By contrast, I don’t see an article like this one changing the minds of Google’s proponents, whether or not they are properly informed on the matter.
That is fucked up!!! I thought this article was satire until I did a Google…
If you just search happy couple, beautiful couple, beautiful woman, handsome man…you get white people. Of course if you add race into the mix you’ll get a bunch of racially charged stuff. You see mostly white men as rapists because most men in this country are white therefore most rapists are white men. I mean really that’s just common sense. You’re going out of your way to feel oppressed. Starting to sound like the lefties, aren’t we?
Most criminals in the USA are non white. They have to count Jews and Hispanics as white people to boost the white criminal numbers in prison to around 30%. Take out Jews and Hispanics from the white mix and I doubt 10% of the prison population would be white.
Not too many jews in prison.
They commit plenty of white collar crime, but they usually have very good lawyers.
Yes, this is a very important statistic.
Even if that’s true, that still doesn’t account for the fact that this article is making claims that are very unlikely to be true. Like I said before, googling “happy couple” gives you tons of pictures of white people. Does that mean google has an agenda against non-whites?
But “white couple does” shows white females with black males. And homos.
Why is that???
That’s not true.
First of all, “rape culture” is a complete lie.
Second, rape is rare as a crime here, and for quite a long time, has been declining. Although with all our vibrant immigrants, its probably making a sudden rise.
Chances of any given woman being raped is very low, but if you break it down racially, only 1 rape in 80 is by a white.
But Haha! Reality and statistics only count if they can be used against whites. Anything else is racist.
…who cares what anybody says about white people? I’m not planning on moving to Africa. Or Mexico.
Moreover, not even barrios or ghettos in the West.
They can say that whites are the devils in the blue dress. Who gives a shit?
Look at New Orleans. In the end white people are more adept at moving fast and in organized fashion (Exceeded by Jews, who are always on the move) and so the Mestizos and blacks end up underwater metaphorically and figuratively.
What are they saying? Who gives a shit?
I’m someplace else.
Enter those keywords into duckduckgo and you get virtually the same thing.
it is not like there is anybody with a rain who has not switched yet to DuckDuckGo.
Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex etc. are just corp. craps.
DuckDuckGo sucks ass, I’ve switched over to StartPage myself.
Bing produces the same results. So does Yandex.
“Famosos Científicos Americanos”: This is a real epiphany. Its the language which shows the leftist indoctrination model. There is nothing better than a good old printed book. I recommend to build up a private library.
The picture result for number 9 is actually quite accurate. After decades of feminism average anglo women have become insufferable cunts. I often see many men placating a wrathful woman reminiscent of the stock photos. As for the rest of it, there are indeed some humorous discrepancies. Black scientists, maybe, but look at Africa. Black engineers, maybe, but look at Africa. Loving fathers who pass along strong cultural values and civic pride, maybe, but look at: Detroit, Atlanta, East L.A., Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, Newport News VA (a.k.a. Bad News), and of course Africa.
Next thing you know they’ll say natural light is rascist because it’s white and is optically appropriating areas of darkness.
Searching sites like (where people pay money for licensing rights), reveals a much saner group of results.
happy couple
american dad (not so much)
What’s really funny is that if you search for “Google image search is racist against white people”, you get a whole page of links on how Google image algorithm is biased against blacks because gorillas. There is one or two that discuss it like this article, and they are all blogs. No lib media sites mention it.
Also, bing and duck duck go have the same image search problem.
“despite hiring 35% Asians in a country with a 3% Asian population…”
From the above line, I can deduce one thing; GRUDGE !!
Of course, along with Jealousy and Enviousness as Bonus !!
So the author has problem with 35% hiring our of 3% population !? My question to this moron is; why you forget many other things about this 3% population !?
-Spelling bee Winners
-Professors, Researches and Educationalists
-Doctors, Surgeons, General Practitioners, Pharmacists etc.
-Engineers, Scientists, Technologists
-Amount of Taxes they pay (with no sign of getting any benefit or social security)
-Almost zero crime, no threat, no drugs, no mass shootings
So these Corporations are “simply” hiring from the 3% population, just because of “diversity” !? and not because of their Hard working nature, Knowledge, Skills and Expertise !!??
All I can say, see and feel is: GRUDGE !!
You could also point to other specific that enjoy good outcomes. Mormons for instance, maybe Amish.
Guess what? Libs hate Asians too. Just check admissions policies for most universities, where they deliberately limit the percentage of Asians, so as to take larger numbers of illiterate knuckle draggers, for “diversity” Lots of highly qualified whites get knifed too.
Libs have poisoned every aspect and institution of our culture. Even without enemies without, and global competition, we will inevitably collapse. Will it result in a revolution, restoring sanity? A Soviet gulag? Or Armageddon?
All (((cohencidences))).
N. Tesla was Serbian, not “American “.. WTF?
Unfortunately i get the same results when searching for these terms with bing and DuckDuckGo.
The internet, including Youtube, is being systematically edited. There are lots of things I could find lots of articles about in previous searches, but no more.
I think it’s quite obvious to those who pay attention.