Traditional aggression involves things like someone walking up and offering to rearrange your face. Someone must be physically imposing to do so. However, there are ways wimps can push people around too. Further, one needn’t even be rich or powerful to act oppressively and mess with other people’s lives.
Generally this involves recruiting others to do the dirty work for them. If they’re backed by an entire ideology, better yet. Here are some of those ways.
Frivolous lawsuits
It’s so old that barratry—the technical term for vexatious litigation—is from Middle English. I’ve covered proxy violence before, but this time it goes deeper. Groundless lawsuits use the instrument of the state and powerful to deprive people of their property and livelihood.
Meanwhile, defending oneself can be financially ruinous. The lawyers on both sides get tidy profits. They’re paid hourly; that’s why lawsuits drag on for months or even years, and funny money billing is notorious. For penniless plaintiffs, attorneys may also agree to a percent of the plunder, perhaps 35%.
Another Anglo-Norman word relating to judicial abuse is champerty. That basically means an uninvolved third party meddling in someone else’s case as an investment opportunity. Today, there’s a new twist. Judicial advocacy groups and alphabet soup “watchdog” outfits specialize in suing politically incorrect defendants.
Recent frivolous lawsuits include several wedding cake cases, the first unintended consequence of gay marriage. Bakeries have been sued for declining to produce wedding cakes for same-sex couples. An Oregon bakery had to pay $135K, a sum far exceeding even a bridezilla wedding. (Likely their own legal defense tab was quite a chunk of change!) A Colorado baker also received SJW mobbing and even death threats, but he’s fighting the ACLU-sponsored litigation all the way to the Supreme Court. It’s scheduled for June 2018; soon we’ll discover what the Constitution says about gay wedding cakes.
So bakeries like these face lawsuits that could ruin them, leaving their employees jobless. That’s rotten; small businesses are a pillar of a healthy economy. Some might argue that following one’s conscience isn’t where the “smart money” is, but people like Thomas More suffered far worse for adhering to religious principles. Undoubtedly SJWs cackle about this, thinking the bakers are getting what they deserve. The “rights” groups love putting business owners in this dilemma. Who’s the oppressor here?
Human resources
HR departments are a convenient make-work boondoggle for those with degrees in sociology, women’s studies, or some other underwater basket weaving major. A comment to our earlier article speaks volumes. A guy in his 40s was interviewing to be an estimator for a metal fabricator, and then:
The early 20s HR girl stared out the window (during the brief and time wasting interview) like a schizophrenic on psychotropic meds in the drooling academy, grunted like an animal in response when I succinctly answered her silly and impertinent questions, then threw my resume at me and bounced it off my head, and screamed “you’re not qualified for this position, and you’ve wasted my time”! Wait a minute, I replied to a job posting ad, and you called me in for an interview! I leaned forward, gave her a glaring stare, picked up my resume, and walked out the door. But that didn’t end it. She followed me out into the lobby, screaming like an unhinged banshee!… So this is what feminism and diversity has given us in the workplace!
Why did she think it’s appropriate to make animal noises, throw things, and have a temper tantrum? Did this chick barely into chronological adulthood even understand how to evaluate his technical qualifications?
What do HR droids do, besides push papers and play Minesweeper? They vet new candidates, acting as gatekeepers. Whether a company gets the talent they need, or a jobless guy will be able to pay his bills, is all in their hands. They also prevent flirting, and even an innocuous remark like “nice dress” can ruin someone.
A feminist fresh out of college can wield tremendous power. She controls the economic livelihood of others much older and more experienced, who actually do the work. Power used capriciously or maliciously causes incalculable lost productivity and morale problems.
The gender bender agenda
If I called myself a tree, you might ask if I’d taken my meds. If I called myself a Filipino, you’d be right to recommend getting over my ethno-masochism and learning something about my own culture. If I called myself a woman, then (according to some) you’re a hater if you disagree. Notice the framing tactic—supposedly now you’re the one with the problem!
Somehow this mental illness became the latest trendy civil rights crusade. Trannies were a fringe group within a fringe group, but very quickly became the cause-du-jour. If I were a big cynic, I might wonder if their massive surge of media support was about getting the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street off the headlines before too many people got clued in about how our economy is managed.
The libertarian path of least resistance is to let people believe whatever silly things they want, and everyone else can have their own viewpoints. Unfortunately, delusion often clashes with reality. Worse, modern liberalism tries to force everyone else to go along with whatever their agenda is at the moment.
Are trannies merely doing their own thing; just “being different”? Their agenda is promoted aggressively in the schools, the media, and even the military (the wrong place for social engineering experiments). Sports teams—even the Olympics—must cater to them. Allowing “chicks with dicks” into women’s bathrooms became a turbulent debate, actually taken seriously by legislatures nationwide. Not wanting to bang them is now “narrow-minded”. Using “incorrect” pronouns is penalized.
Trannies are basically neurotic weaklings, merely three thousandths of the population (0.3%), yet demand that the public must accept their version of reality. They’re being enabled by the media, liberal politicians, and other useful idiots who want to create a unisex world. Seldom has a tiny minority thrown its weight around like this, or displayed as much chutzpah. The tail does not wag the dog.
Other tactics
We’ve covered false rape accusations frequently, so I’ll be brief. This has happened since forever, usually for revenge. Lately, it’s also done for morning-after buyer’s remorse, attention-seeking, and several other reasons. Merely an unfounded lie can destroy someone’s reputation, or even unleash the instrument of the state to imprison someone wrongly.
Online mobbing is a new abuse of power. Some green-haired Tumblrina reads something he/she/it doesn’t like, doxes the target, then emails hundreds of other SJWs. Soon, the target’s company is bombarded with messages exhorting them to fire him. Details about his home address, personal life, and family are posted online. Those doing so don’t know him, often living thousands of miles away. Most never read what he actually wrote in context; merely someone else’s commentary is all they need to attempt to destroy him for exercising free expression.
One could argue that at least passive aggressive misuse of power isn’t real aggression. True, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t real-world effects. In fact, getting one’s face rearranged is preferable to these consequences. Still, the horde of crybullies should take heed that pushing too much is unwise.
Read More: Why Liberalism Is Just Passive-Aggressive Totalitarianism
What is happening to Beau? He was the best author here, and now he’s writing this? After the purge this place is getting weaker everyday.
To which purge are you referring, @joseph? I’m a relative newcomer.
Paid troll faggot.
I had that John Doe SJW feminist piece of trash latch onto me on the 6 Signs your Vagina owner is about to divorce you. Yes, the SJW trolls are all over ROK comments these days. Ill keep them though. They are the first pets I had that I would have solely to punt they deserve in the face. Id never hurt an animal, but a SJW….sh it they are lower than snakes. crush em.
SAYS THE TROLL who is likely one of the feminists behind the posts that libel the host.
What topics would you prefer to see? If you have some constructive suggestions, I’ll see what I can do.
I’d like to see an article that looks at Kratom with the luxury of distance, learning, and realization.
Grrrr fucken nerds need to be crushed. I’m getting real sick of all this poofta shit.
And just tattle-telling in general.
“Pushing too much is unwise….”
Horrible conclusion. How about you take a stand and mention how you will/may create change, properly defend or prevent, or as Roosh just realized in his last article… just don’t give a F*ck and ADAPT.
Adapt to the unstoppable global hypergamy, exploit, enjoy and use it to your advantage. No one is slowing down technology for the sake of the male-female relationship well-being. Adapt, become a top 20%. Because staying in the bottom 80% leaves you bitching about Chads and sugar daddies, going mgtow or pairing up with fatties.
Adapting includes acceptance of others. Others behaviors, including female adult children. Trying to change any one of these types results in frustration when even the obvious contradicting truth is proven with their own words through questions. You will offend, go home alone and the next “adapted” chest bumping mongrel that comes along will agree with all of her illogical thoughts and bed her.
Men, all this knowledge is used for screening. And even then, I would be hesitant to believe I found a woman today with the mind of yesteryear.
“Mattress girl” is a girl???
Hey, I was wondering about that too.
Researched and found this creature is the product of a j***ish dad and Jap mom.
Mattress girl makes it apparent such a match can produce a pretty fucked up kid, though I think the j** half is the main problem.
I’m still trying to figure out if Sulkowicz is supposed to be pronounced “Sulky bitch” or “Suck my tits”.
That beer’s gonna get warm. If there’s one fucking thing I can’t fuckin’ stand is WARM BEER THAT MAKES ME FUCKIN’ PUKE!
Dorks are pushed into lockers for a reason. When they get power, they become the most vicious tyrants.
Exactly. Bullies (especially of the Jock tribe) are paragons of virtue and benevolence. Only through the gentle teachings of numerous wedgies will uppity dorks and nerds learn the error of their ways and know their place. When the dorks and nerds get out of school they will enter the workforce and make good money, while their past tormentors are left asking customers “Do you want fries with that?”
Or, my favorite for the flatulence in the whirlwind bullies “how’s the double wide trailer house”?
Bullies used to make people stronger in character WHEN people learned to stand up to them….but then again, the ones that would not are the ones that have made our society the living hell it is now because they learned nothing from them, nor improved themselves to spite them.
You totally missed the mark on lawsuits divorce rape is the closes to hell you can get while still living.
Why doesn’t a man ever use other means to get even with these types of vile women? All I hear from MRAs and MGTOWs is that they were forced by armed cops at the barrel of a gun to forfeit 50% or even higher of their net worth for a wife in Family Court. If that happened in countries like Brazil or Colombia, the woman would become famous on Best Gore, Liveleak or Rotten. 4chan would make fun of her.
A lot of women do get killed many men are not marrying and only having one kid tops both lead to the state having control over your life with “garnishment” orders which is legalized slavery your SSN is a barcode to steal your labor for decades.
Current actual political reality doesn’t allow for that to be used…YET. Times are swiftly changing though. Karmas a bitch and she will soon be coming to stay for a long while.
AT the current rate the Fringes are stirring up the hatred, the are real close to get ALL the attention they will richly and earnestly deserve. may it be dished out in double heaping serving and freezing cold and youtubed.
You’re probably in your 40s or 50s. Rotten dot com has been offline for over 5 years.
There are tons of books and forums enabling and advising women how to destroy the lives of their husbands.
What men need are resources to support them and genuinely good advice on how to counter such attacks. There was a great article on RoK last week on warning signs of a “wife” is planning divorce. More of that, and more good legal advice, as well as advice on how to get out of the country, how to hide obes assets, how to protect non hidden assets, etc.
I saw a Dr Helen article about a book that just came out explaining to women how to destroy a mans reputation in a company. I would love to get a copy of that book and go through it with notes and come up with good counter strategies!
A j** would complain in pain while he is striking at you.
A feminist would complain of misogyny and harassment while she is punching you.
A Moslem would complain of Islamophobia while detonating himself at a concert.
You get the picture.
The j** is the leader, while bringing in feminists and turd worlders to make it difficult to challenge the JWO without being jailed for anti-j**ry, misogynistic hate crimes or discrimination against Moslems and other turd worlders. The white man is in a cage under the JWO.
They push too mich because that is what they have to do. If the normal males are too morally weak and disunited to stand up to these jerks, then we deserve to lose everything. On the other hand, if we overdo the response we’ll end up with nothing.
A man must have balance, know when to give, know when to take. Be firm and focised while taking in information.
And sometimes, yes, he does need to roll up his sleaves, spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and burn it all down.
Just my thoughts
Good observation. A decisive, intelligent and proportionate response is better than lashing out blindly. However, doing nothing would be the worst response..
Can’t any of you guys get out of a situation where you have to go through HR and be around Social Justice Warriors.
Caring what people E mail about you?
Where do you work? Campus recruiting.
Thank Goodness I live overseas.
Stupid Country.
@marz, you might have said in a “general” sense but, sorry, the Country is NOT stupid. Ungrateful pussies are Stupid, Leftists are Stupid, One-sided gender biased laws are Stupid, Losers are Stupid, Lazy & Victim card people are Stupid, Fu**ing media is Stupid !!
Being self-employed, or in a small business, will prevent HR tyranny.
Deliver us from bullshit before these rats overrun the city…sometimes you have to knock the chip off their shoulder before they try to place it on yours…shatter the “lawful” manipulations they hide behind and let the chips fall where they may. Some of life’s losers are always trying transfer their failures onto the strong, and rob some power…that’s a talent of the weak-minded. They delight in annoying us. As the master of what you survey, it’s your duty to remind them where the line is…order must be kept. I’d rather die than cave in to the fools outlined in this article.
Great article Beau! Really enjoyed it budd.
That’s why I do we’re cunts are only in the office and males are out doing the work. And have a place to listen to Donovan sharpe and Roosh when he puts on a podcast. But if a bitch wants to ruin my life I fight tooth and nail so they don’t and I’m not scared to fight back. Yeah I use to be bullied but shit that made me stronger and made me want to improve myself to become stronger and I do boxing now for my work out. And Guys Just fight back and don’t let this filth that I hope collapses beat us we should fight back.
Is beau Australian? Last time I heard the expression “pipsqueak” was in a comic book. Sounds gey. Or is it a SEO thing
Consider it shorthand for passive-aggressive petty tyrant who can’t do his or her own dirty work.
The ones that I have had more trouble with are the insane HR feminist dimwits. Not to mention these doorknobs end up being the laziest people around.
Thinking of it, I wouldn’t be against sending all sad excuses for human beings to a deserted island so they can create their perfect progressive commie utopia. If we could install secret cameras to record how they all end up fighting each other over who is the biggest victim until a communist-muslim goverment violently murders all opposition, that would be a plus for humanity as it would prove evidence as to why the left is insane and will never create anything prosperous.
I’ve been thru several kangaroo courts in HR and I’m still standing. Don’t give them any reason to flag u. Avoid non work related discussion, never email or look at anything even remotely objectionable. This article is right, most HR positions are filled with sociology majors who seem to have an axe to grind with men. Don’t give them any ammunition and just do your job, and go home.
Feminists and (((minorities))) will bait you into a lawsuit. This is already happening in countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand under their Stasi Human rights tribunals and social courts.
Tort reform i.e. “Loser Pays Regardless” would go a long way towards putting the brakes on frivolous lawsuits of all types. Not a new concept – it’s been suggested for quite a while – but it needs to be mentioned. Not the complete cure-all, but a step in the right direction.
Ditto the Class Action tort. Instead of “Opt Out,” make it “Opt In” as it was during the time (I think) of the Warren Burger Court.
And no “Victim Shield Laws.” If you’re going to be dragged through the court of public opinion, then so should they. Let’s get *all* the evidence on the table.
(And that doesn’t take into account Police corruption and abuse, Prosecutor overcharging and maleficence and the rest, all under the protective umbrella of “Qualified Immunity.”)
The best way to deal with HR hiring staff is to not deal with them at all. Unlike at, say, Japanese companies *in* Japan where, say, the HR person interviewing for an engineering position is actually an engineer, American HR people don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. Better to contact the guy you might actually be working for and deal with him from the beginning. (They can be dilatory time wasters too.)
If you *must* deal with some HR time waster, then record the meeting in secret. (Check State Laws. Maybe do it anyway.) That way, if she has a meltdown as described above, then get up and leave. But, don’t leave the building, but rather march straight into the President’s office or similar, explain what happened, and flick on the playback switch. He’ll probably be just as shocked and upset as you are. You may still not get the job, but at least you’ll have shown some backbone and earned his respect whilst keeping your self respect.
Get rid of your Social Media accounts. That way, if somebody with an ax to grind wants to probe your private life, they can use Facebook or similar to dig for dirt. Your private life should be private after all, to be shared only with family and trusted friends.
As for the rest of the craziness – the tranies, bois, what have you – best just to self-censor aka pick your battle, be polite but disinterested and distant, and wait for the craziness to burn itself out.
Ditto all the BS in the workplace minefield. Keep your dealings with your co-workers female (esp.) and male to an absolute minimum. Their not your friends. Don’t socialize with them, don’t date them, don’t go drinking with them. The only reason you’re there is to perform a task and get the money then go home. Be like the French with strangers, polite by distant. In a word: Correct. (And don’t forget to plan a way to get out of there and never have to go back.)
Hope this gives everybody food for thought.
Just a thought.
“They are”, not “their.” No edit function.