3 Blue Pills That Most Men Can’t Defeat

The red pill has opened so many eyes to the cultural degeneracy and globalist social engineering around us. If there is any downside to the red pill it’s that you sometimes have to question whether you’re seeing a reality or thinking in conspiracy. For example, is Hollywood pushing an agenda to portray white men as weak betas or are so many white men already weak betas that Hollywood is just reflecting that reality? Holding either of those arguments up to scrutiny is the duty of every red pilled man.

While we have to look inward to ask if we are seeing things that aren’t there, we also have to ask if we are still being fooled. When we make decisions or form opinions based on certain assumptions, we have to be willing to question those assumptions. We have to be able to ask if we are still operating from a blue pill mindset. With that in mind here are some common examples of the blue pill mindset I see.

1. Expecting A Long-Term Relationship With A “Good” Woman To Work

One of the most common questions we hear in the manosphere goes something like, “Where can I find a girl worthy of marriage?” Great question. But do you even know what makes a woman a good wife? I’ll give a real-life example.

One of my very best friends is a pretty devout Christian. He’s always wanted a family and avoided hook-ups in favor of relationships. If he wanted to hook up he would have no problem doing it. He’s a winner of physique competitions going from 220 lbs of muscle 10% body fat down to 180 lbs of muscle 2% body fat. He’s a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He doesn’t take shit from anyone including women he dates.

He finally thought he met a good woman at church. They dated. He had a romantic marriage proposal at church. She said yes. He was happy. But she just got accepted to nursing school in another state so he followed her there. They were together and he worked his ass off. After nursing school she got a job. The other girls at her work were the single-and-loving-it type. My buddy’s wife would go out with them and live the Sex and the City lifestyle getting all kinds of male attention (she was easily an 8) all while my buddy was working 60+ hours a week.

She wanted a divorce and it came out later that she cheated on him. Why? Because she worked. Because when he started dating her she already had it in her mind that she was going to work rather than be a loving wife and mother (which is a full time job in itself). He accepted that. On paper she had it all, gorgeous, Christian, soft-spoken, feminine, but in reality she was easily corrupted by the women with whom she worked.

Unfortunately, one of the absolute best guys I know was hurt because he still accepted that his woman can or should work instead of being a wife and mother.

2. Assuming Women Operate From A Moral Code

just another night out with the girls

Looking at that same example for a moment, if women made decisions based on moral codes they would not go out and grind on strange men in the nightclub while their husbands work overtime.

Worldwide, honor codes for women stress loyalty and fidelity. A moral wife is one who is faithful to her husband and family. But the red pill allows us to see that most woman only make moral decisions when social pressure forces them to do so. Women whose actions stem from moral reasoning are rare. The norm for women is to make decisions based on what is socially acceptable.

Women go to the nightclub and grind on strange men if their friends are doing so without any thought of their husbands or boyfriends. Their friends are getting champagne facials and flashing their breasts, therefore it is socially acceptable to also be treated like a sex object by strangers.

Cities are so big that anyone can easily choose the types of people with whom they associate. A good Christian wife can choose to spend her free time with other girls from church or she can go out for cosmos with the real housewives of New Yorks. The former will find slutty behaviors socially unacceptable. The latter will find them empowering.

3. Having A Fear Of Judgment

One of the most popular phrases of the last fifteen years is, “Don’t judge me.” Notice that nobody says this when they’ve done something good. Nobody says “don’t judge me” after they’ve volunteered at the homeless shelter. When you help your friend move and they say thanks, you don’t reply “don’t judge me.” People only say that when they know they are doing something bad but don’t want to be held accountable for it.

In truth, we judge each other all the time, no matter if anyone says not to judge them. The difference is we don’t judge aloud anymore. People might not do those things if it caused public opinion of them to change.

A red pill life style is one in which you are open to other people’s judgment. You can live that life because you make moral decisions that are good for the people in your life, even if they are the hard decisions. The life you lead as a red pilled man should be able to withstand examination. If other worthy men are judging you poorly, you’ll have to examine your life. If you’re still able to hold your head high you should have no problem with the judgment of others. If anything, their judgment can help keep you leading a moral life.

These are just a few examples of blue pill assumptions that could be clouding your thoughts. It takes diligence and self-examination to make sure you’re not falling in to the blue pill mindset, but we are betting for having done it.

Read More: How A Sitcom Shoved The Blue Pill Down Our Throat

208 thoughts on “3 Blue Pills That Most Men Can’t Defeat”

  1. other blue pills beliefs :
    – for everyone there’s a soulmate somewhere in the world
    – everybody deserve respect

      1. Depends what you’re crying about. If a man loses his father or spouse, or brother, etc. He can cry in my book. Struggle to be stoic but if you shed some tears I don’t knock you for it at all.

        1. Just do not EVER cry at work, high school prom, or some college party if you are a man.
          That’s crap that women do, and are almost guaranteed to do at some stage. The crying at work bit is another piece of genuine proof that women are not fit to lead nations or hold management positions.

        2. you can cry in the funeral, a manly tear, Or in the moment of loss, like your son dying in your arms, but everywhere else with scream, tears and shit is unmanly.

        3. Men who cry are he-bitches. They’re really women on the inside. Never trust them. In fact, the so called ‘men’ who have betrayed me the most in my entire life were crying he-bitches. They were in fact weak compromised women trapped in the bodies of men – and foolish me I took them at face value as being otherwise honorable brahs like me. Boy was I wrong.
          This one church bishop who welled up with tears every sermon, I should have stuffed a sock in his mouth, wrapped him in ten rounds of shrink wrap and thrown him off the nearest pier. See, shrink wrap confuses the sharks and because it’s plastic, they chew on it forever like bubble gum until all the bones are like tiny shards. Go dive for shark shit coppers. Ha!
          But anyways, this bishop dealt such a blow and brought such trouble to my family because we weren’t politically correct enough. I’ll stop there on the bishop.
          And another ‘friend’ who cried whenever stressed out – man did he ever let me down. He sold me out for two cents because he had ‘apprehension’ of losing his comfort level. Yeah, he wanted to be ‘comfy and cozy’ in his lifestyle and business but then he freaks out when he thinks rock bottom is coming. So he sells me out like a scrap of paper. Then he admits to me as he’s snivelling “boo hoo I had to do it. I couldn’t afford to take the economic hit so I sold you out instead”. DAMN what an entitled selfish bastard. But I should have known what with him being a crybaby. A weak fucking woman on the inside he was.
          So there that’s about it. Crying men are broken and defective somehow. They sure aren’t honorable and have a low threshold for discomfort or pain. Hell women can withstand the pain of childbirth – – so the crybaby men encompass the worst of both sexes. They are indeed as broken, damaged and worthless as a broken damaged woman who has had an abortion. NO DURN GOOD for true loyal friendship or commitment in the long run.

        4. I had two women in a span of a few months want nothing to do with me after they saw me shook up about having watched somebody die in my house. They did not even see me cry, but they knew I had, and that was enough for them to ghost me. So crying at all is a blue pill. Women have absolutely zero tolerance for it. They have the exact opposite view in their minds of men as we have of women. We white-knight them because we see them as delicate, but they black-knight us because they see us as steel. Once they realize that a man is not steel all the time, they cock-scotch to the next man without realizing their self-fulfilling prophecy.

        5. “I had two women in a span of a few months want nothing to do with me after they saw me shook up about having watched somebody die in my house. They did not even see me cry, but they knew I had, and that was enough for them to ghost me. So crying at all is a blue pill. Women have absolutely zero tolerance for it. ”
          Nothing more blue pill than using womens opinions as your reference for whats right or wrong.

        6. @ Jane
          When my witch of a mother died I jumped for joy.
          When I found out that vile harpy disinherited me, I wished she was still alive so I could kill her in the most painful of ways.
          But no crying either way. Men should never cry.

        7. Huh? So you are saying I should have cried in front of them and told them all about my feelings? Are you saying I should just eschew all these social cues I can pick up on now that I could not all those years ago? I think you may be a blue pill junkie.

        8. [WHAT] [IS] [THIS] [SALTY] [DISCHARGE]] [YOU] [SPEAK] [OF] [?] – [I] [DO] [NOT] [CRY] [I] [AM] [‘MAN’] [ON] [THE] [SURFACE] [BUT] [UNDERNEATH] [I] [AM] [MACHINE] – [I] [AM] [ROBOT] – [WEAK] [HUMAN] [TEARS] [DO] [NOT] [MAKE] [ME] [MORE] [HUMAN] – [LESS] [EMOTIONS] [MAKE] [ME] [MORE] [HUMAN] – [WEAK] [HUMAN] [TEARS] [ONLY] [FOR] [WOMEN] – (TEARS)* [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – (TEARS)* – [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – SYSTEM MALFUNCTION – [I] [AM] . . . [M] … [A] … [N] … Sigh* Stupid robots

        9. So, what if your pet who has given you more love and attention than any girl you’ve tried to woo/court dies on you, of say, old age, and you bury him with your own hands.
          Am I a lesser man because my eyes got wet as I “put him to bed” in the ground, saying my last words to his lifeless body?

        10. [WEAK] [RICK] – [NO] [FEELINGS] [RICK] – [NEVER] – [NO] [TEARS] [RICK] – [NO] [FEELINGS] – [FEELINGS] – [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – [DEAD] [DOG] [IN] [GROUND] – [MAKES] [CHARLIE] [LAUGH] – [CHARLIE] [LAUGHS] – [MEN] [EAT] [DOG] – [MEN] [EAT] [CHICKEN] – [MEN] [EAT] [COW] – [MEN] [EAT] [CAT] – [MEN] [EAT] [BIRD] – [MEN] [EAT] [FISH] – [MEN] [EAT] [DOG] – [DOG] [AS] [=] [TO] [MEAT] – [DOG] [AS] [=] [TO] [FLESH] – [DOG] [AS] [=] [TO] [CONSUMPTION] – [MUST] [EAT] [DOG] – [MUST] [NOT] [BURY] [DOG] [IN] [GROUND] – [MUST] [EAT] [DOG] – [WHY] [SALTY] [DISCHARGE] [?] [TEARS] – [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – [WHY] [CRY] [OVER] [MEAT] [YOU] [EAT] [?] [MEAT] [AS] [=] [TO] [ENERGY] [SOURCE] [AS] [=] [TO] [FOOD] – [AS] [=] [TO] [SUSTAINING] [‘MAN’] – [‘MAN’] [MUST] [BE] [SUSTAINED] [AT] [ALL] [COSTS] – [‘MAN’] [MUST] [OVERCOME] [ALL] [WEAK] [DESIRES] – [MAN] [MUST] [EAT] [DOG] – [MUST] [NOT] [CRY] [OVER] [DEAD] [DOG] – [MUST] [LAUGH] [AT] [RICK] – [POOR] [RICK] -[HA] [HA] [HA] [HA] [HA] – – [EAT] [DOG] [RICK] -[EAT] [DOG] [RICK] -[EAT] [DOG] [RICK] -[EAT] [DOG] [RICK] – [JOKE] [DISABLED] – [LACK] [OF] [HUMOR] [DETECTED] – [‘MAN’] [MUST] [EAT] [DOG] -[MUST] [EAT] [DOG] [MUST] [EAT] [DOG.]

        11. rule for men:
          shed a tear for a close family loss… is fine… it ease the pain… to forego…
          shed tears on society downfalls… is much better… because it will evoke emotion that spark motivation which in the end lead to… changes…

        12. ALL men cry. ALL. the trick is that the ‘manly’ men don’t let others see them do it. you cannot be a man of deep thoughts and unable to cry. but you do it alone. why? are men REALLY afraid to cry in front of other men? nope. you’ll be made fun of maybe, by some other men. or lose ‘respect’. why? because those other men are following female suit. females always say they like men in touch with their emotions and things like that. it’s not true. you’re not a human being to a woman. you are a thing that provides stimulation to her that makes her feel good. when you cry- it reminds her that you’re a human-fucking-being. …. like her. and that is the ultimate killjoy. you- as a man- exist to provide things to her that she needs to build her nest. we live in a matriarchal society where the women are the leaders, not the helpers to the men. if you show your humanity- then she must be compelled to respond to you. that freaks them out because they DON’T KNOW HOW. my girlfriend is from indonesia. those people have a TOTALLY different mindset, and she practically worships the ground i walk on compared to american girls. she is constantly concerned with my thoughts and feelings and needs. she gets satisfaction and pride in herself by being a success- to me. whatever at the moment makes me see her as a success.

      2. Always strive to be rock solid and stoic no matter what the occasion. I found that out the hard way. I realize it’s not humanly possible to hold your frame 100% of the time, but do your best to make it as close to that as possible.

        1. I think many of us ended up finding that one the hard way, WC. A tough lesson, but one well learned.

        2. The hardest part is forgiving yourself after looking like an ass. You can have 96 great moments out of 100 and still focus on the rare dumb things you did, said, didn’t say or didn’t time correctly. As self-cultivating as introspection can be, there is no end to it, and eventually it just becomes about second-guessing yourself entirely.


        4. [HA] [HA] [HA] [HA] [HA] – [‘I]’ [‘CARE’] – [HA] [HA] [HA] – [SALTY] [DISCHARGE] – [THIS] [IS] [CORRECT] [HUMOR] [CORRECT?]

          [‘ITS’] [‘NICE’] – [HA] [HA] [HA] – [EAT] [DOG] [RICK] – [EAT] [DOG] [RICK] [EAT] [DOG] [RICK] – [BURN] [JOOZ] [RICK] [BURN] [JOOZ] [RICK] [BURN] [JOOZ] [RICK] [BURN] [JOOZ] [RICK] – [BURN] [DOG] [JOOZ] [RICK] – [HA] [HA] [HA] – [RICK] [BURN] [JOOZ] – [RICK] [EAT] [DOG] – [HA] [HA] [HA]

      3. Strongly disagree. Don’t ever cry in front of anyone, and if I ever see a man cry, I will never trust him.

        1. Agree David. There is never a reason for a man to cry. Take the pain. Use it. Get angry.

        2. cannot ever remember crying in my life I am not even sure that that is an emotion I even have.


        4. David, entirely right.
          It’s not about crying, it’s about crying where someone else can see.

    1. What is proven to be FALSE:
      6 million Joos died in the Holohoax.
      We as Europeans should give Joos “repatriations” while they murder Palestinian in their own mudhuts, but the Alt-Right tells us to beat up Africans if they ask for repatriations over the Jooish slave trade.
      Joos are a victim class and they are poorer than Blacks in Harlem, USA.
      Joos are God’s chosen people! Ha! Joos are chosen to be sent on top of a cliff and kicked over 1,000ft above ground level!

      1. Lots of Jooz died in the Holocaust, but the numbers have been grossly exaggerated by more than a factor of twelve.
        The number is more attune to 450,000. Still a huge number yes, but we have been fed the “6 million” spiel for 70+ years of Hebrew fibs.

        1. That’s my belief too. I don’t doubt many MPs and foreign militias got a little trigger-happy on the Eastern Front(plenty of non-Heebs died too) and that diseases weren’t rampant in the camps, but when you get into weird stuff like the supposed rollercoaster of death, geysers of blood erupting from mass graves, and some crude ovens rendering hundreds of bodies a day completely to ash(a modern crematorium takes 2 hours for one body and there are still bone fragments that need to be pulverized) you lose me.
          Interesting, 6 is a really spiritually significant number for Jews. The Star of David had 6 points, King Solomon received 666 talents of gold, etc.

        2. The International Red Cross says 271,000 total dead in all camps, they made daily visits and kept impeccable records.
          General George Patton let the cat out of the proverbial bag, when he stated why J EWs died- innuendo but it now tells the real story. Typhus, from Poor bathroom habits.
          “these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor.”
          He described in his diary one DP camp,
          “where, although room existed, the Jews were crowded together to an appalling extent, and in practically every room there was a pile of garbage in one corner which was also used as a latrine. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression ‘lost tribes of Israel’ applied to the tribes which disappeared — not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe — lost to all decency.”
          Gassing as a means of execution, was banned in America, because it simply does not work. It took over 1 hour to kill an inmate the last time they tried in North Carolina. So it was deemed cruel and unusual. A .22caliber bullet cost .01c and is used at slaughterhouses. The Holohoax is a joke on low iq humanity and gullible goyim.

        3. Heres the thing I have with Jews and the holocaust they act as if they were the sole victems. When in reality Poles, Russians, gypsies, german dissidents, french, christian, gays, and mentally challenged people were also thrown into the gas chambers.

        4. Didn’t somebody post all the articles before ww2 predicting that there would be 6 million killed in a holocaust? They kept saying oh 6 million would die. Once a group has shown itself to be subversive and full of lies and even intent on taking over it becomes hard to really trust any number they try and sell. And yes whenever they try and push anything in science it is not that they found it out through unbiased research which could go either way it is that they have tried to prove it madly to bend the world to their will.

        5. @REALITY
          “…but we have been fed the “6 million” spiel…” Man, you are clearly an underage idiot who didn’t know anyone from WW2. If you said any of that to a WW2 vet he’d probably beat your ass. YOU might have been fed a spiel, but most men had a grandparent in WW2 and have heard the horror stories. I read your comments and you sit on here trying to distort men’s minds making them think everything is some big fucking conspiracy theory shit. You and some of these other neo-Nazi fucks like Rick.
          Say your right, say the number is distorted, who the fuck really knows? You? How the fuck do you know anything? I’ve met WW2 vets and my grandfather has told me that A LOT of fuckin people died. Do you really need to know anymore than that? Do you even deserve an accurate number? You just pull random numbers out of your asshole. Grow the fuck up. A lot of fucking people died. If the media or Jews or whoever (yourself included) distorts that number than they are liars because no one really knows. Its a fuck ton of people. For you to sit there and throw around some huge fucking numbers mindlessly and claim its from a certain group is about as lowlife as it gets.
          You claim Jews have distorted the number and yet you sit there and distort it also. If you don’t have proof you need to just shut the fuck up instead of mindlessly throwing out numbers.

      2. hhaha joos, I use the word Juice, in a lot of places, like disqus, just writing the J word is enough to be censored.

        1. “just writing the J word is enough to be censored.”
          And that tells you all you need to know.

        2. How is it fair that there is a power structure you cannot criticize in a democratic nations? How is that fair?

      3. Lol…. You’re jealous of Jews and a horrible historian. You are quite mistaken about your stereotypes. Jews have affected society and have for centuries and are quite wealthy & influential and have been centuries. The USA would not be in existince if it would have not been for a George Washingington relying on $$$$$$ from Haym Salomon – that cannot be denied.
        Just to name a few Jews – Zuckerberg, Soros, Carl Marx, Freud, Einstein, Haym Salomon, Marcus Goldman, Marc Metrick, David May, Bernie Marcus, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, John D. Hertz.
        Not to mention Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.
        Not to forget that ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS look to the Tanach and “Jews” whether it be Christianity or Islam. They acknowledge the Torah and Judaism – that cannot be denied.
        Here is a list of USA Jews for your perusal – they don’t look poor to me.
        I am not aware of Jews involved in slavery trading. I think you are quite confused with Muslims & Christians as history shows in England & the USA.

        1. We Joos wuz kangzz n shiet crackaaaaaz
          we built dem israelzzz n shieet
          we stole land from demmmm muslim sorry asses maneee
          we izzz kangz of religion manzzzz
          we ruleeee bankzzzz, corporations n shieeeet
          we iz godzz n shieeet do u hear meeee anglo-saxon crackaaas!!!!

        2. “The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the J3ws and the Muslims will k*ll them, until a J3w hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a J3w behind me, come and kill him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the J3ws.”

        3. Nah
          Colonial Script was used by US colonists, and their getting rich led England to declare war on them. We’d have prospered just fine with
          NO J EWs, of that, I can assure you.
          Killing of Christ, Communism, Infantile sexual perversion ala Freud and the Atom Bomb. Feminism too. Sum total of their greatness. Thx J EWs.

        4. There have been good Jews, and there have been bad. Why mention Karl Marx, Zuckerberg, and Soros, the TERRIBLE, Vatican-serving Jews?
          Mention the Marx brothers instead if you want to mention good Jews with the name of “Marx”.

      4. Was the Armenian genocide a hoax? What about the Cambodian genocide.
        I dunno why Jew haters are so fixated on the Holocaust like it’s somehow different from the other genocides in history.

        1. They made a huge deal out of it. 7 mill died in ukraine as bad just after the war and nobody mentions it. This one genocide they expect to become the religion of the the world being taught in every school and remembered every year across the world.

        2. Do Armenians and Cambodians profit and benefit so greatly from its propaganda?
          Are the Cambodian and Armenian genocides riddled with ridiculous facts of lamp shades, human soap, shrunken heads, gas chambers, ovens that are overzealously protected with bogus hate crime laws. The truth does not fear investigation. The holocaust industry is terrified of investigation.
          Each year the propaganda grows. Some new story of some old lady that smuggled kids out of camps, a new (((Hollywood))) film of poor j3ws, horrible white men and the hero SJW bluepilled white man to destroy the evil patriarchal ethnocentric white devil. It’s just bullshit and I feel embarrassed I used to believe it.

        3. The Holocaust is a lie from the J3ws to justify the murder of Palestinians in Israel and use Americans as cannon fodder for wars for Israel. How would you like it if Muslims went to your house and murdered your family?

        4. The fact is, the Vatican orchestrated the whole shebang, and since the war’s ending have been doing everything it can to bury it’s tracks.


        6. Gotta agree with the robot on this one, what’s with all the misinformation? Where do you guys get your information from, sounds like mindless slander more than anything else.

        7. “The Secret History of…” enter x, y, or z conspiracy theory. Why is it a ‘secret’ to even begin with and how does it override all of the history already learned? Because the (((they who must not be named))) have controlled all information up until the present so now I must look at ‘secret’ hiustorys to find the ‘actual’ truth. If I can’t believe A SHIT TON of fuckin people got massacred and slaughtered a hundred years ago by a fucked up group of people than why stop there and believe ANY HISTORY EVER? The logic doesn’t even begin to add-up in the slightest. Once you start disbelieving every piece of historical evidence in order to simply justify your own point of view you’ll end up doing it for everything else. It’s obvious Rick and the other cronies on here are just white supremacist and neo-nazi’s, but the fact of the matter is it’s easy to warp your mind wants you start believing whatever figures you want to believe.
          Who the fuck knows for certain how many people really died? Only God knows. 7 million or 450,000 or 100,000 or whatever the fuckin number really is it’s still a fuckload of fuckin people from a fucked up country. To try to justify the genocide as ‘not as bad’ simply because it’s less shows how fucking deranged you must be with everything else. It’s a fucking lot of people to kill either way. Ask anyone about the massacre, no one knows what the fucking number is of the number of people that died, but it was a shit ton. I was raised in the United States and had a Grandparent in WW2 and I take his word for it when he told me a lot of fuckin people died. A fuck ton of people died. To sit here and try to justfy it out as being ‘not as tragic’ because the ‘number’ is ‘distorted’ from (((you know who))) is fuckin twisted and delusional and no person in their right mind thinks of people as just ‘numbers’ unless youre a sick twisted fuck.
          A shit ton of Americans died in WW2, do I number the exact number? Fuck no. Could the number be distorted, maybe, who knows, all I know is a shit ton died. And the same is true with the holocaust, a shit ton died. Is it distorted? Who the fuck really knows. Do I believe some white supremicst propaganda bullshit though, fuck no. I know a shit ton of people died. End of story. Trying to jusfy white supremacy because you think the number is distorted is about as fucked up as it gets. Mindless slander. If you have some actual ‘facts’ I’de love to hear um, but any book with the title that starts ‘The Secret History of…” I’m going to have to pass on because it sounds like bullshit from the start.

        8. Rick, what you don’t get is I believe a lot of fuckin people died in WW2 (American’s, Nazis, J-word, etc etc) because my grandfather told me so because he saw it happening. NOT because I was raised to believe x number of people died, but because I had family who said that A LOT died. Do I need ANY MORE proof than THAT? I don’t believe everything I learned in public schools, and definitely nto when I was in college, but the fact of the matter is even if the number is distorted who the fuck really knows? No one. Just like with every other fuckin war throughout history. A ton of fuckin people died. Does the number really fuckin matter? At the end of the day does it make a difference to ANYONE if its a few million off? No one really knows, and if they say they do theyre full of shit. A shit ton of people die every year – everyday actually – from all kinds of bullshit.
          Who the fuck is counting? The only reason the number would matter would be to distort political opinion and use it as propaganda which you’re doing. Sure, the number ‘matter’s’ in a general context, but once oyu get into the thousands no one’s keeping track, its a shit ton of fuckin people. I believe a shit ton got slaughtered NOT because of (((them))) distorting my point of view or even because of the liberal progressive education system, but because I knew someone ho said a shit ton of fucking people died and I take his word for it. To start ‘adding’ it up like your doing and using the ‘number of deaths’ as a propaganda tool is a disservice to all of the men who died. You’re not doing anyone any favors by siting there and trying to justfy the ‘number’ of deaths as being ‘distorted’ – a fuck ton of people died – you don’t need to know anymore than that and you don’t seem like someone that deserves to know anymore than that either.

    2. Other blue pill beliefs:
      The friendzone: “If you wanna be my lover you got to be my friend.” – Spice Girls.
      Complimenting pussy: “You’re beautiful just the way you are.” – One Direction.
      Equality: “Every man is born equal (in the eyes of the Lord)” – Some old dude.

      1. TBH, boy bands are female hypocrisy at it’s worst.
        Her: “Love me for who I am on the insi .. ooh, he’s cute!” ”
        Me: “But his music is terrible.”
        Her: “You’re just jealous!”
        Hell, I have reasons to envy Leonardo Dicaprio, but I’m not going to call him a bad actor. (Though he is an enviromentalist hypocrite.)

      2. [OTHER[ [BLUE] [PILL] [BELIEFS:]
        [THE] [FRIENDZONE:] [“IF] [YOU] [WANNA] [BE] [MY] [LOVER] [YOU] [GOT] [TO] [BE] [MY] [FRIEND.”] – [SPCE] [GIRLS.]

    3. [other] [blue] [pills] [beliefs :]
      – [for] [everyone] [there’s] [a] [soulmate] [somewhere] [in] [the] [world]
      – [everybody] [deserve] [respect] – [‘SOUL’] [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – [SOUL] [AS] [=] [TO] [] [TO] [ONLY] [ENERGY] [SOURCE] – [NO] [SOUL] [MATES] – [A] [MATE] [OF] [‘ENERGY’] [AS] [=] [TO] [OTHER] [‘ENERGY’] [SOURCE] [AS] [=] [TO] [A] [POTENTIAL] [POSSIBILITY] – [SOUL] [MATE] [AS] [=] [TO] [POTENTIAL] [POSSIBILITY] – [EVERYONE] [DESERVE] [RESPECT] – [RESPECT] [DEFINED] [AS]: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

    4. – it gets better
      – looks don’t matter
      – women love you for your personality

  2. Lots of gullible American men travel to (((Toronto))) to find a wife. Tradcuck Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse married a Canadian woman who has sex with other men on the down low. He even thought that because he was a sinner in the past that he contracted herpes out of nowhere.

    1. I stopped reading that guy’s drivel when year after year after year after year the “economic collapse” never happened. I’ll bet he’s still trying to push that crap when we are now in the best employment shape the country has been in for most of this century thus far.

      1. Well, Reality, the fact is the money system, controlled by the Federal Reserve, runs on debt. That sentence might not mean much to you, but to anyone who understands finance it means, by default, it’s a house of cards, as the whole thing will collapse as soon as they stop incurring debt.

        1. they can print as much as they like. The issue is whether other countries are prepared to keep on buying stuff in dollars

        2. NOt disagreeing, but the Fed has been around since 1913. Long enough for plenty of people to have reaped returns from investment, participating in the economy, and cashing out.
          “the whole thing will collapse as soon as they stop incurring debt.” The libertarians believe this can be undone slowly, if the country stops spending so much on welfare, wars, big government etc. Or if there’s a revolution with money and the whole world switches to anonymous crypto… (highly unlikely.)
          We’re probably headed toward socialism, unless Trump and his successors do something miraculous.

        3. @ David, you actually make my point stronger. The Fed has only been around since 1913 in America, i.e. just over 100 years, and the US debt is currently just over 20 trillion. Sure, that sounds bad, but it’s actually a lot worse than it sounds, this debt has been increasing exponentially.
          Things might turn around with Trumps’ regulation reform package and tax overhaul, but I think it’s too late. China just cut it’s corporate tax to 0% to underbid Trump and America. And they can afford to do it, they’re not 20 trillion in debt.

      2. I suggest you read the three “Philosophy of Capitalism” books by many informed Zero Hedge contributors. The discussions about the decades old decline of viable and usable oil supply, including oil extraction to refinery energy efficiency, and its dangers to capitalism/survival, and the repeated propping up of the increasingly leveraged worldwide financial system by central banks, since imminent collapse in 1987, are interesting.
        Some elites appear to be aware of the above and planning a controlled collapse to preserve resources to rebuild with, before they are exhausted, and China’s parallel financial infrastructure building maybe preparation for this.

    2. “He even thought that because he was a sinner in the past that he contracted herpes out of nowhere.”
      Are you kidding?

  3. Sorry, I’m not buying the first one. If you want to raise kids in today’s environment, you need dual incomes. Believe me, I’d rather not have my wife work. While I do make pretty good money I am not a CFO or a trust fund baby so she needs to work to keep things moving.

    1. I wouldn’t mind a wife who just works 25 hours a week at a supermarket or something to pay for her own food, gasoline, personal items, and plane tickets when we go on vacation etc.
      But yeah, a man should really focus on getting a good enough job to where the whole housing overhead, car payments, refrigerator staples, etc. can all be covered by his income whenever possible.

      1. [I] [wouldn’t] [mind] [a] [wife] [who] [just] [works] [25] [hours] [a] [week] [at] [a] [supermarket] [or] [something] [to] [pay] [for] [her] [own] [food,] [gasoline,] [personal] [items,] [and] [plane] [tickets] [when] [we] [go] [on] [vacation] [etc.] – [RATIONALIZATIONS] [ENABLED] – [WIFE] [MUST] [NEVER] [WORK] – [NEVER] [WORK] [NEVER] [WORK] [NEVER] [WORK] [NEVER] [WORK] (HOW CAN WIFE HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE IF NEVER WORK ?) – [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – [DOES] [NOT] [COMPUTE] – [SEXUAL] [INTERCOURSE] [AS] [A] [FORM] [OF] [LABOR] [AS] [A] [FORM] [OF] [SERVITUDE] [AS] [A] [FORM] [OF] [‘WORK’] – [SEXUAL] [INTERCOURSE] [AS] [A] [FORM] [OF] [PLEASURE] [AND] [NOT] [AS] [A] [FORM] [OF] [LABOR] (STRING CODE ALTERED)*- [WORK] [CODE] [ALTERED[ – [RATIONALIZATION] [COMPLETE]
        [But] [yeah,] [a] [man] [should] [really] [focus] [on] [getting] [a] [good] [enough] [job] [to] [where] [the] [whole] [housing] [overhead,] [car] [payments,] [refrigerator] [staples,] [etc.] [can] [all] [be] [covered] [by] [his] [income] [whenever] [possible.] – [NOT] [ENOUGH] [INCOME] [TO] [COMPENSATE] [FOR] [WIFE] [MUST] [RATIONALIZE] [FURTHER] . . .

    2. Realistically only White women from the West get bitten by the working woman bug. I have noticed many Latinas hold jobs (like maids, sitters, cooks, janitorial) and still defer to their husband’s leadership.
      It isn’t whether women work or not. It’s the fact that white Western women feel entitled to a career. Women from out of the west still work but submit to their husbands.
      Women holding jobs and being productive isn’t the problem.

      1. [Realistically] [only] [White] [women] [from] [the] [West] [get] [bitten] [by] [the] [working] [woman] [bug.] – [FALSE] [PREMISE] – [MUST] [REDEFINE] – [OUT] [OF] [CONTEXT] [DEFINTION] – [UNEDUCATED] [SOLUTION] – [MUST] [GATHER] [MORE] [INFORMAITON] [BEFORE] [PROCEEDING] [FURTHER] [INQUIRY.]

    3. I saw some research somewhere with a pretty powerful rebuttal to that assumption. Here’s the premise:
      With two working parents, they usually have two car payments, nanny expenses, they spend a LOT more going out to eat because no one prepares cheap meals at home. Poor diet and restaurant food leads to higher health care costs. The woman spends most of her money on herself anyway (women spend an extra $900,000 than men in a lifetime, so I’ve read.) She also pressures the man to spend more than necessary on everything. They buy a bigger house than they need because an alpha female has more power over financial decisions. Let’s not forget, a working woman meets a lot of men in the office, and TWO stressed out parents are more likely to divorce. What’s the cost of that? Your life, children, half of everything you own, and maybe 50k in custody battles.
      A stay at home mom in the 50s prepared all the meals dirt cheap from bulk purchased groceries. She used her husbands car to run errands after dropping him off at work (or the bus station or train). No nannies or babysitters necessary, and there was LOTS of quality time between her and the kids. They lived in a modest, affordable home and drove a modest car. With a man in charge, financial decisions were more minimalist and less money went much farther.

      1. Great rebuttal David.
        The facts you present are undeniable.
        Women going to work, and “women’s lib” in general, was a big factor in destoying the US.


        2. Jews and jewesses were at the forefront of feminism.
          They knew they could con another half of the nations populace our of their income taxes, but first they had to sell them on the idea of equal rights and how happy they’d be with their OWN Money and independence. Enter: I AM WOMAN-Theme song and THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW.


      2. “She also pressures the man to spend more than necessary on everything.”
        Women like my mother tend to buy stuff that is inexpensive, like say, a low-quality skillet. She thinks she’s saving money, but alas, before long, the skillet is misshapen and must be replaced.
        Whereas I spare no expense, buying a thicker, higher quality skillet, and years later is still in perfect shape despite frequent use.

      3. Hi David, what you wrote was what EXACTLY happened to me until i got burned out. To ashes, literally, i lost all my life motivation. Until i found the manosphere… and realized where did I went wrong with the bitch…
        Now I’m in the process of recovering… Hopefully the soonest…

      1. As a woman, I’d rather work for a man than a woman. All my female bosses have been awful and had unrealistic and unreasonable demands.

        1. I don’t doubt that’s been your experience, and I’m not suggesting any of what I’m about to say applies to you personally, but as a woman boss, I’ve had better experiences with male subordinates. If your bosses’ had truly unreasonable demands, so be it, but if by unreasonable you mean: punctuality, focus, and professionalism, well that’s where I’ve had more issues with women than men. Although as I write this, it’s where I’ve had a lot of trouble with millennials in general, irrespective of sex. They’re not lazy or stupid, but man are they sensitive and flaky. None of them can deal with constructive criticism. Penis or no penis.

        2. Let me help you understand why. Think of chain, now thing of 30 links, now think of 3 randomized links that were put in the chain because they looked better, even though their tensile strength was inferior to the other 27 links. This is the female thought process. See, you never know when the “pretty link” justification will strike. A female CEO could take a company public, rise it to the top of the NYSE, then after 12 years of seemingly ass-kicking decision making, out of left fuckin field she’ll push the most retarded change in the direction of the company using all her power and clout to convince the other executive to follow suit with political means and unspoken threats. Then, the company fails, or experiences years and years of hardship. – not woman bashing, just providing formulaic patterns that can be tracked with proof worldwide. Lisa Su from AMD is my favorite female company head. She is however Taiwanese, so no surprise in her success….. so far anyways. Fingers crossed.

        3. Side Note: My current boss is female, originally bother-sister team leading the company. She has nearly destroyed the company and all of our jobs hang in the air. Bafoonish mistakes left and right, misdirected focus, lack of value stream mapping for customers, just clueless. If she did nothing but write checks, the entire company would be 5-10% more profitable. If she asked and listened to her employees, it would be 20-30% more profitable. Instead she’s too busy proving she’s boss and in control of this mess. Men with years of in-depth experience work beneath her, and collectively we laugh because while we’re all looking for better positions at different companies. And wouldn’t you know it, just like a personal relationship with a bad woman, she’d doing everything she can to fill our lives with bullshit busy work to keep us from having any time in our lives for anything else but her mess. Funny how that pattern can be seen over, n over, n over now is society.

        4. Side Note #2: Ironically, there’s a 2300 SF house on the business’s property. The brother was living there when he was still part of the business 16 months ago. He left, moved west to build a house and semi-retire. An old boss of mine (man) from 18 years ago contacted none other than my female boss I found out. Guess what? He wanted to rent the house badly and needed to get in immediately which my current female boss was unwilling to accommodate for. Wanna guess why? Because his wife of 24 years left his ass out of the blue and took him for all he’s worth, including his house. Ooooh the fuckin irony. I saw him driving the other day and he looked like a frightened, high anxiety, broken, frustrated man.

    1. “But she just got accepted to nursing school in another state so he followed her there.”
      Strike 1
      “After nursing school she got a job. The other girls at her work were the single-and-loving-it type.”
      Strike 2
      “My buddy’s wife would go out with them and live the Sex and the City lifestyle getting all kinds of male attention (she was easily an 8) all while my buddy was working 60+ hours a week.”
      Strike 3…and you’re out
      Having your stuff together – physically and financially – won’t do much for you if you’re an über Beta. This woman obviously had 0 respect for him; not in his own frame, no clear boundaries and consistently failing shit tests is a sure way for problems to come your way.

    2. @ Pavel
      Agree, agree, agree!
      Although I have to state that the Russian females I have worked with over the years in IT were somewhat less bitchy than the American ones.

    3. competing with men in work along with radicalisation against men has meant few are marriage material and very few are even decent human beings. Women used to have this innocent reputation as the fairer sex. God that idea of them being more moral than men is so far dead now they aren’t the fairer sex anymore.

  4. One thing I’ve noticed about these articles is guys use pictures of guys with glasses implying that glasses = weak sauce man.
    That’s not quite fair although weak eyesight is not exactly a strength but it’s less debilitating than nut allergy and you don’t see people mocking people with nut allergy for having a fatal reaction to nuts.
    As a guy with glasses I’m instinctually guilty of the same prejudice on some level where I tend to rate guys with glasses as softer on a primal, emotional level but I would not know if there’s any science behind it. Some guys are probably just honest about their eyesight and do not mind wearing glasses while there’s tons of guys with laser surgeries and contact lenses walking around that are just as “weak” or “beta”. Not to mention that near sighted guys tend to outlast other people in not needing to resort to reading glasses as early in life owing to differences in eyeball structure.

    1. @DepressedGuy1985: Glasses, floppy hair, hipster beards and skinny jeans are all synonymous with beta males. It’s unfortunate but all those things are pretty easy to correct.

      1. Except there’s an association between glasses and intelligence and glasses are also a fashion accessory. Glasses have also saved me from some nasty eye injuries over the years, not that I recommend them but I don’t see it as a hinderance. It’s like having two different faces that you can switch on and off. Strangely over the last few years I’ve started eyeing (no pun intended) mostly girls with glasses because they seem hotter to me somehow. I’ve had glasses since I was 13 and it never occurred to me before to take special interest in girls with glasses.

        1. There is a correlation between wearing glasses and IQ. Don’t believe me, look at China.
          I don’t wear glasses but I need to, since I’m, like, a genius and stuff.

        2. I too have noticed that glasses seem to enhance the facial looks of certain (not all) chicks.

  5. Women have moral codes too. But they are easily manipulated into believing that others know better. I have no data but I suppose that there aren’t many female nonconformists.
    Personally, I’d prefer to think for myself and make thousands of stupid mistakes, even lose, than always follow the herd and end up successful. Life is a process, and if I can’t go through that process alone, at least mentally, then I do not deserve success.

    1. “easily manipulated” = non-deserving of important roles that affect other people’s lives. Period. Most notably children. In the current state, the greatest human abusers, initiating the worst possible forms of child abuse – i.e. dividing families – are ironically the very bearers of the children, women. And they line up in droves to screw men and their families up to the tune of 53% divorce rates.
      Life is a ridiculous process when you are so stupid you can’t learn from other people’s mistakes blatantly displayed before you on a daily basis. That is by definition insanity.

  6. Women have no moral code. Anyone with a sense of awareness knows that. A buddy of mine is in this boat and i told him once it was a bad idea and he was in denial. Dropped it after that and let him find out the hard way. All Liberals i know over 25 have this mindset. No shocker there.

    1. Women follow social rules far far far more than any man so if their parents divorced then you can accept that she will be very likely to. Look at the values of her father and mother if you want to understand her.

  7. I think one redpill is that women don’t really want to work. Not really. If given a choice, they wouldn’t, even if it means abject poverty. And in a free market where most men would prefer to work with other men, they would be shut out. Women do not want to work. We put them through years and years and years of pointless education to get them some b.s. job paying 30k pushing papers. These Western women will then pop-out two kids, get fat, and then never work again. They’re “taking care of the children” until the kids are 29. As if no woman in history has ever had more than two kids and managed to get skinny again and again.
    I always think it’s a joke the way our society so prioritizes women getting positions they don’t deserve in STEM and elsewhere. When she’s probably not going to be there past the age of 40. Give all this money to some slut in her party phase and incentivize firms to hire White women for the sake of diversity. Yes folks the most spoiled group of people on the planet need a handout. Won’t you lend a hand?

    1. Women in high school and college have an idealized view (because of shows like ER, Grey’s Anatomy, Suits etc.). Once they find out how it really works (boring and dry, long commutes, high stress, deadlines, work place politics, little free time) they can’t find a way to get out fast enough.

      1. Their way out is spot and marry a mark, take him for all he’s worth. Poof, their meal ticket out. Kudos for those that manage to do it 2-3 times in a single lifetime, and certain pop out future sociopathic kids created by their deep rooted solipsistic selfishness. We used to heat the term “babies having babies,” when teen pregnancy epidemics occurred circa the inner city crack epidemic. Well now virtually every women 18-45, who has at least benefited in some way by modern 3rd wave feminism and had a baby, whether she’s generally conservative or not, is a “baby having a baby.”

    2. I reckon women wanted to work in the past because they thought it would put them in the company of powerful and successful men that they can have affairs with and, hopefully, marry.
      And that worked out quite well for a bit, but now we have #metoo, which is fucking over women even more than men, since any man with brains is staying away from the office women.
      Makes you wonder if they are able to think beyond short term. I don’t think so. Most liberals can’t think long-term. And when I say, liberal, I am 100% including every single black person on earth. All inclusive, they’ll go for the short-term win and fuck themselves over long-term every single time.

      1. That is one of many well known genetic differences between blacks and whites you see in every country in the world is that blacks are more short termist. They are also obviously more prone to not having traditional families and you see that everywhere.

      2. “Behind every successful man is a woman.”
        Response: That’s because those women don’t follow, let alone chase, unsuccessful men.”

        1. Just wiki’ed Thomas Sowell and, dammit man, got me there. 🙂 Full respect for the dude, with that observation about raising the minimum wage and increasing unemployment. Also, respect to him for categorising the black Cornell rioters as low academic hoodlums.
          But of course you could catch me out, I made an absolute statement deliberately because, despite any isolated case anyone can come up with I still see the same end result and say something is up. And that end result is Africa.
          No one can argue that Africa is poorly situated on the globe, I mean, fuck, Europe and the Middle East and Asia are all directly north. Tell me that if Europeans owned the entire continent they wouldn’t have installed the world’s largest railroad and shipping trade route stemming from South Africa all the way to Egypt and then on to the rest of the world. The gold, the diamonds, the minerals, Africa should be fucking booming! But it’s not.
          And you can not argue any more about unfair disadvantages, we have a global information network, the internet, if you want to learn something you can, no excuses. But even before, for decades and decades Africans have been going to schools around the world and learning all the tricks of the trade and none of them are going back home and helping turn their country around? Really? I’d say shame on them but, as stated before, I just don’t think they can think long term.

    3. I have come to understand that nearly all work that women participate in outside of the female boutiques (sex industry, maybe nursing) is ‘make-work.’ Basically, an Affirmative Action that sexualizes nonsexual industries, giving women a comparative advantage because their reproductive presence alone creates a sexual ambiance of melodrama, tension and hookups, which is something we all pursue via female in-group preference/male out-group preference, while there is no shortage of robotic, over-productive and compartmentalized men, which is what companies used to want, but is no longer enough because it is not as ‘exciting’: reproduction > production.
      It does not matter how much income women have or don’t have, they still spend it all with the same reckless abandon – not to build a career/livelihood/standard-of-living like a man, but only to better position themselves during that window of their prime fertile years (their one intrinsic asset) to as high-status of a man as possible. They still attend college/medical school to meet and shackle themselves to high-status men that they can ‘retire’ to (become a ‘homemaker’/wealthy widow/achieve divorcee single-motherhood status), just as they climb the corporate world to strategically position themselves to within the romantic reach of CEOs, since entering that harem is their only means of breaking the ‘glass-ceiling’ (becoming so powerful that no man is worthy, thus ultimately not a reproductive strategy but an infertile strategy).
      But #MeToo is more about post-wall/post-menopausal women collectively cucking men from these top positions beyond the ‘glass-ceiling’ that they were not able to individually penetrate in their youth. Basically a squadron of female kamikazes getting revenge, finishing off what little was left of their ‘careers’ or relevance to blackball these top men, since no women are actually replacing these cucked CEOs because it still requires the leadership skills and creativity that women do not possess.

    4. men and wmen don’t want to work either that is like. The real red pill is that many women hate the whole modern paradigm feminism brought it where men will openly refuse to commit to them and with the whole divorce system stacked against men and women abusing that system that is great for women when they get commitement but only a real fool would commit.

  8. Oh yes — unfortunately, many of the “brain farts” that in a healthier era would’ve provoked hysterical laughter at best or a beating at worst, are now commonplace. Like the author says, one of the most common phrases now uttered ALL the time when you correct someone’s behavior or speak of it is “DON’T JUDGE ME, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE”??? DON’T let yourselves be intimidated by that nonsense because it is complete bullshit to tell someone they can’t judge. OF COURSE we CAN and SHOULD judge – people do it all the time. The problem is that they only use that phrase when you attack a behavior or morality that the media and their zombie followers approve. They have no problem judging “racists” or “fascists” bla bla, but don’t you dare say that a woman who sleeps around is a whore. “SSEEEEXISTTTTT!” they will squeal like dirty rats scavenging for food. In fact, they are dirty rats, because no sane and healthy person who has a brain and a capacity for rational thought can ever approve of what today has been normalized behavior.
    There are other variations of these kinds of beliefs/empty statements:
    1. Don’t “stereotype” — well guess what? EXCEPTIONS DO NOT MAKE THE RULE. So yes, stereotypes exist for a reason and usually, pretty much based on reality. It is a fact that most males of Arab/Muslim descent in Europe are behind most of the rapes and street crimes. Fact. In America, most violent urban crime is linked to the Black American. Fact. The children of single mothers tend to be more prone to crime or other undesirable behaviors. Fact. Sure, there are exceptions…but as I always say…not all snakes are poisonous, but if you find a snake on you in bed at 4 o´clock in the morning, I am positive any sane person would jump away and try to kill the snake before finding out if its poisonous or not. So the whole “don’t stereotype” statement is nonsense and the product of a weak mind that repeats what they are taught by other brainless morons.
    2. “We’re all God’s children” or some variant of that. Um, no, we’re not. In fact, Christians today are so ignorant, that they forget just how nationalistic the God of the Bible is…and no, the New Testament does NOT nullify the Old. I used to go to Church…until I saw how pathetic they have become talking about “love love love” rather than SIN SIN SIN. Church today has become a circus. Can anyone imagine the great Reverend Charles Spurgeon or the great Protestant reformers talking about “love love love and acceptance of all” in their sermons? “Jesus loves everyone sweetie!” Ugh, the whole thing is just cringeworthy.
    3. “It’s what’s on the inside that counts”…except that most valuable things in life also come in very good packaging. If you buy a Tiffany’s ring, it’s not going to come in a plastic bag. The fact is, how you dress, your outward appearance, DOES say something about you, about what you value, about how you respect yourself. I see guys (mostly White guys) walking around cities in flip flops today…pathetic…they look like ducks and then wearing trashy clothes. Women? People tend to love how women nowadays wear almost nothing when the weather gets warm…but to me they look trashy, tatted up, loud and obnoxious.
    4. “We’re all the same, we all bleed red”. Yeah well, rats do too.
    There are many other wrong ideas, but these are some of the most common and destructive. Once you open the door to the idea that all behaviors are worthy of “respect” “as long as they’re not hurting anybody”, you’ve set yourself up for destruction and the moral sewage of today’s society.

    1. One of the biggest blue pills is that there is such a single species as humanity.
      The differences with Africans when you live around them and really learn about them are bigger than the differences between men and woman on every single level. That aint cultural at all. They have different brains that’s why they take language in similar directions in their dialects across the world and whites can hardly even if they try speak in their dialects or only do poor imitations whether in Nigeria,the Caribbean or Chicago. We think verbally to a very large degree and so that we speak so differently means we also think so very differently.
      We were seperated from the Js for maybe 3,000 years but with the Sahara from Africans for over 60,000 which is 20 times as long and we also had far tougher times and more bottlenecks in those earlier times out of Africa when we had fewer tools ( so faster evolution ) in that oeriod. We also interbred with other species such as Denisovans and Neanderthals which Africans did not. If you can make any claims about differences between Js and non J whites genetically in terms of behaviour you can assume that the differences between blacks and non blacks are a hundred or a thousand times greater at least.
      You could put a Chinaman in a cage with a female Nigerian for a hundred years and they wouldn’t think of mating each other even once. Somehow they are considered the same species. We are certainly different subspecies but really ought to be considered different species once you get wise enough to see how much of our behaviours and therefore the differences are genetic. We form different society types and different family structures and blacks in white society is a god damned mess that shouldn’t be encouraged.

      1. One negative of white society is that they expect wilful stupidity where a Chinese will never doubt that blacks and whites and Chinese are vastly different. You are expected to drink the kool-aid or leave any social position within white society. They have this expectation of these lies being upheld by every single person. They try to destroy those who speak the obvious truth even if without any malice.

        1. White societies without legal rights to free speech will certainly die through resulting poor decisions but those with strong stigma against speaking the truth are also as doomed. In the future white societies as they are built need not only constitutional free speech right but they need constitutional obligations to speak it and not impede others who do speak their minds at least when not at work.
          This whole aspect of white society of all of these elephants in the room you cannot mention will eventually destroy it from within.There are many poor decisions that are made on the basis of these collectively held lies such as that Africans are equal as migrants as Norwegians in terms of fitting into white society.

      2. I vote that we all stop using the term ‘white people’. Being from Europe and having travelled though Asia ive seen many Chinese people who were whiter in color than ‘white people’. From now on you are ‘Pink people’, which is more correct.

        1. The European ideal is White but can blush pink. Most race labels are fine, just too many in the brown category.

        2. Only on paper are we actually “white”.
          In the end, we are still a slight bit tan compared to say, this site’s background.
          You have to be an albino to be an actual white.

  9. The soylent grin, I hate those premature bald guys with beards with open mouth cuck faces.

    1. Yes, that’s right. I’m in my 30s and I am one of the few guys around my age I see with a full head of hair and total confidence in both myself, my beliefs and what I d with my life. No beard here, no trendy bs, no hispterism or tats…no smiling at everyone like an idiot. In fact, most people should be frowned upon until you know them very well.
      Now that you mention soy, I often see debt-ridden millennials lining up at the local Starbucks to pay $5 for a cup of terrible burnt coffee. Have these idiots ever heard of a thermos? It’s all a stupid status thing for them — “be seen” at the right places, drink the “right” stuff…no longer will good old fashioned American coffee suffice….now it must be a soy latte, a chi tea with nonfat whatever”.,..just listening to their usually high pitched/nasal voices makes me nervous…or the ones who you see balding and pushing baby strollers rather than their wives (those are the wealthier types)…but by and large, millennials have no money, spend the little they have in the wrong places, most of them studied useless degrees, are balding and are owned by a corporation if they have a decent job.
      Sorry to digress but your comment about soy reminded me of these facts.

      1. Have they even heard of a can of coffee? I can have coffee all week, or even longer, for less than the price of one Starbucks.

      2. What’s even more repulsive is those guys with a baby strapped to his chest! What’s he going to do? Breastfeed it? Ugh!!!

  10. Unfortunately I am able to draw comparisons from real-life relationships I have been through with each example. As a man who has always yearned for an ideal relationship, I am further realizing each day that I need to focus less on finding the perfect woman, and focus more on becoming the perfect man. Find happiness in success unrelated to women and you have won the game. My father passed when I was young and I am grateful have been able to find likeminded men to help guide me in the right direction. Great article, loved it.

  11. I’ve never seen a man putting his girlfriend/wife through school end happily.
    Once guy I know(young, Christian) worked two jobs so his wife could blitz through school. She landed a six-figure job and when it was her turn to support him through an MBA she decided he was a mooch and dropped him. (Another lesson in female psychology, you don’t accumulate “brownie points” with them, they’re more or less trapped in the moment.)
    This guy did get a measure of revenge, though. He said “fuck it” and switched to history. He’s enjoying leisurely sitting in the ivory tower(he’ll teach once he’s done) and being the fun weekend dad for his daughter while mom works 70 hours a week. The income disparity means -she- has to pay child support and she rages about it to anyone who will listen. The bastard judge stole 21% of her income! She doesn’t get a reduction for providing the insurance! He doesn’t even have to provide receipts and demonstrate that the money isn’t being misappropriated! So unfair!

    1. hahaha, women are earning more, with all that shit of the wage gap fraud, and more “successful” women are being force to pay child support and alimony , NOW IS PROBLEMATIC, everyone sees the guy in alimony as a leech, but no one see women as leeches. Women hate equality when is their turn to be equal.

    2. “(Another lesson in female psychology, you don’t accumulate “brownie points” with them, they’re more or less trapped in the moment.)”
      Very much so.

  12. I would have written this article much differently.
    The three blue pills most men can’t defeat:
    Egalitarianism – the belief that races, genders etc. are all equal is absolutely false and provably so.
    Racism – it’s perfectly natural, normal, and healthy to feel more comfortable and secure around members of your own race, and to distrust and reject outsiders. It’s perfectly rational to provide benefits to your own children and not to outsiders’ children. It’s absolutely healthy and sane to reject women who have sex outside their race, and to view them with disgust. All of these things are normal evolutionary traits that indicate a healthy society.
    Trust in Government – our western governments have been completely (((subverted))) from top to bottom. Every single action they take is designed to weaken and harm White men while boosting up women and non-Whites. Every single piece of information the government puts out is a deception. The deep state is full of evil psychopaths with (((dual citizenship))) who are paid to sabotage White America. The government is absolutely rotten to the core and does nothing that the private sector couldn’t do better, but beta fags worship Big Daddy Guv and never question its motives.

    1. See what I mean? We even have a couple of blue-pilled homos on this very site who downvoted my comment because they can’t handle the truth.

    2. They scream out, “What’s wrong with having racial minorities around?!”
      My response: What’s wrong with not having them around?
      Don’t get me wrong; I DO have black friends, but that doesn’t mean I seek them out and made them my friends because of their skin color. They are simply friends who happen to be black.
      And I do have an attraction to Oriental chicks.

  13. Let’s face it this Judeo-Christian civilization is done and isn’t coming back – now let’s have an adult discussion about what are we going to replace it with before we completely disappear into the history books as footnotes of human history.

    1. PS. things that have been tried and failed
      – Communism
      – National Socialism / Fascism
      – Liberal Democracy
      – Christianity / Theocracy
      – Monarchy
      – Feudalism

      1. So what if your solution now?
        Sharia Law?
        The Venus Project by that senile communist?

        1. My solution? Meritocratic Tribal Ethno-States – yea I know it’s a mouthful – but this is what we had prior to the Judeo-Christian takeover of Evrope and it worked just fine for 1000’s of years

      2. [PS.] [things] [that] [have] [been] [tried] [and] [failed] – [‘FAILURE’]* [UNRECOGNIZED] [STRING] – [UNDEFINED] [PREMISE] [=] [STRAWMAN]


      4. Darwinism is the daddy of most of the ideological whoredoms you mentioned.

      1. Christianity is Judaism’s child. Just because Judaism disowned it’s child doesn’t change that.

  14. Nr.1 above every else: NAWALT.
    “Yeah bro most women are like you said, but NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT”
    or better.. “Bro I found my unicorn..yeah yeah, she is christian and so on. I will marry her asap.”
    Makes me cringe everytime.

    1. christianity is like a dam it only works till it breaks or the water starts coming over the top, it slows things down until the woman discovers that “God” won’t hit her with a lightning-bolt when she starts behaving like a bitch then all bets are off. I mean she can always repent later and still get to heaven right?

      1. No she can’t. You have wrong idea what christian teaching is. She will be forgiven if repents but not if she committed sin knowing that she’s sinning or thinking that she will decive God later just by stop whoring. I give you example: I personally know one whore who after getting tired of cock carousel decided to became “virgin again” and started to act like roman matron only to get cucked “christian” chubby to settle down. Her change is fake and God hates fakenes. “Becouse you are lukewarm…I vomit you out of my mouth”.

    2. I don’t see a problem with girls being christian and or ‘unicorns’. But the fact of the matter is as far as relationships go she needs to still be subservient to her husband. If she’s presenting a good-girl image than she better follow through with it, and when she doesn’t she needs let go or scolded. Alot of guys don’t even have standards, if men actually held women accountable for everything they do to them most women would never be able to even find a date. This isn’t to say walk away from every girl that tests your patience, it simply means to have some standards and not put up with certain things.
      The married guy in the article sounds like he had it made. The reason I suspect it didn’t work out is because he failed to game his wife correctly at some point. The guy sounds like he has it made yet he spends all of his time at the office? That doesn’t even make any sense. I’ve read many similar stories on here that sound just like this one. Why would you work more if you have a hot wife at home waiting for you? Realistically nowadays both husband and wife have to work because of the economic strain. I don’t think her working is the problem as much as the man working overtime. Girls are fine with less as long as their ego is satified on some level. Thinking you need to work 60+ hours a week is a good way to ruin your life and your marriage. Some guys are good at it and LOVE working, me personally I thik 40-50 is more than enough. Anything more than 40+ feels like slavery. I think the men who work insane hours should not have families because clearly they’re married to their work instead of the girl.
      The reality of the situation is that women need the man around to keep her in line and she knows this. Subconsciously or otherwise, she’ll start to drift if she’s not being guided. It has nothing to do with ‘unicorns’ or NAWALT and everything to do with how steady a hand does the man have in the relatioship. I see alot of men on here complaining about their relationships and I can only suspect it’s because most of them are either too rigged (work insane hours) or too lax (are ambtionless) and the girl drifts. If you’re too rigged or too relaxed your screwed, there’s a good balance to shoot for. Contrary to belief women WANT their man around. You literally are not there for her (emotionally speaking, or physcially) if your off working your ass off. It’s just about finding a work-life balance. By all means men need to be motivated and have goals, but your wife should be one of your goals too; you need to constantly game her and keep her on her toes, but to think buying her more crap is the solution is flawed. Girls that seek out extra-martial affairs are girls who don’t have a strongarm at home generally speaking. Their husband doesn’t ask them where they are, what they did that day, what they want to do, etc etc. You would think these questions would be basic human understanding but I’ve known men who go to work early in the morning, don’t arrive home until late after running errands and shit and then miss their wives because she’s already in bed and they eventually get divorced if something like that goes on for years and years. That’s no longer a relaitonship.
      Wives need a short leash and there needs to be a built in mutual understanding BEFORE marriage with your communication with eachother. In other words it should be normal for both of you to ask and know what eachother is doing. Not in such an obsessive compulsive way, but in a way to where its natural and normal to ask and know where eachother is. Guys that let their wives go out to bars or have ‘ladies nights out’ or any of that shit are past the point of no return. You screwed up a long time ago if you let your girl go galavanting around with other girls. Don’t be surprised when she hands you divorce papers. Married couples are a ‘unit’. As much as men pride themselves on their personal victories and glories and in knowing that we are the breadwinners (most of the time, nowadays only some of the time) and in knowing that we are the captins of the ship and lord’s of our own home (sometimes it seems) we need to at least aquiesce on some level and acknowledge that marriage is a dual system. Both people are involved. This isn’t to say she has as much authority as you, but it is to say that both need to be intimatily connected for it to work. Like a dad with his children. The kid isn’t the one in charge but they both want and need the other. The wife is no different. If she’s starting to stray it’s most likely cuse the man is weak. Lots of divorces nowadays because lots of weak men, and not to mention lots of men who don’t understand what ‘strength’ in a marriage means.

  15. I accidentally came across The Misandry Bubble by Imran Khan while surfing the web just now. I had forgotten about this essay but I read it back in like 2013. This is in my mind the definitive red-pill essay on the woman question, and predicts that feminism will become untenable in the West around 2020.
    Dude who wrote this was ahead of his time, highly recommend.

    1. Yes. Great article. I was telling a friend, the other day (married with kids), that feminism will collapse and that perhaps his Gen Z (2001-2022) kids will pick up the pieces. In the meantime, Gen X and Millennials will have to endure the pain. It sucks, but that’s how it is. He didn’t know what to think.

      1. I’m calling Bravo Sierra on the whole ‘muh Generation Zyklon.’ I think outside of a few shitlords not guilted by the holohoax, the vast majority as even more confused with transgenderism, homosexuality, pan-sexuality, androgyny and the rest. They are even cucked on gun control as we are witnessing right now with these crisis actors. I had to black pill you, but I’m just not seeing it. If anything it will be a tiny minority of autists from Gen-Y and Gen-Z that rebel from the Current Year that could make the difference.

        1. Weimar:
          Perhaps it is a vain hope I have, that things will change with Gen Z. I admit, I haven’t been around enough of them, to really know them. I’m Gen X and do not have kids. I do know my friend’s kids, and he’s raising them with more traditional values. That was my point.

    2. Great read. Makes a good case for MGTOW as one of the few options to combat or atleast stem the tide.
      “we have arrived at a society where ‘feminists’ feel that they are ’empowered’, ‘independent’, and ‘confident’, despite being heavily dependent on taxes paid mostly by men, an unconstitutional shadow state that extracts alimony and ‘child support’ from men, an infrastructure maintained by men, technologies invented by men, and a level of safety that men agree to maintain.  So exactly what has society received from this population of women who are the most privileged class of humans ever to have lived? ”

      1. “- when a group is utterly convinced that they are the ‘victims’ of another group, they can rationalize any level of evil against their perceived oppressors.”
        Profound sentiment, one that I believe can be attributed to the actions of the J3wish mindset and how they divide and conquer their enemies.

  16. All men (not sure about gays) will come accross the opportunity to take the red pill once or more times in their lives. Will it be a cheating girlfriend? A bogus criminal accusation? Crime thought? A divorce?
    So why is it that so many betas are stuck in an eternal phase of self denial? It is true that men don’t help themselves when it comes realization and self-improvement.

  17. Well written article on simple truths most guys totally overlook. While I agree with roughly 95% of it I would simply add that if your wife if going out at night with girls it’s because you aren’t spending time with her. If your working overtime she’ doesn’t care about your work ethic, she’ll stray because you two are literally not seeing each other. Totally agree her work colleagues will try to influence her but the mans role is to know what his wife is doing. Not obsessively but because spouses know and want to know what the other is doing. Guys that work overtime are forfieitting their marriages. It’s similar if not the exact same as how you treat your kids. If you work work work and your kid is a latch key kid and never sees his dad and the kid hangs out with loser kids that kids gunna get screwed up at some point. It doesn’t matter if she works as much as it is that the man is aware of where she is-like keeping tabs on your kids, but it’s even a bit more than that. The stud in the article who got divorced it sounds to me like he became too bluepilled thinking material goals could satisfy her. Guys work overtime because they want to buy more crap for the girl thinking THAT will make her happy, when it’s the opposite-he doesn’t know how to spend time with her so he works more and she uses as a weak justification to sleep around. Blue pill tells you you need a lot of crap but in reality give me solid game skills over expensive crap any day.

  18. Guy in article makes me think that he probably doesn’t know how to walk away from situations or reverse game or flip the script with the girl, which happens a lot to guys actually. The girl almost always has the upper hand because men don’t know how to walk away or at very least give the appearance he’ll leave her. The girl in the article sounds like a catch, the problem (the blue pill) is just that-he believes her perfect and probably early on gamed her well but didn’t understand or realize that she needs to think that she would be eternally nothing without him. If their marriage is just a ‘done deal’ than she believes herself unaccountable and do whatever she wants. Men think game is over when they marry her-just the opposite.

  19. Another major problem is men compensating work for game thinking that it alone grants absolute control over her. I see married guys ‘try’ really bad game on their wives and it looks god aweful-you should definitely game your wife but game and seduction skills should be used sparingly and not when other people can see. ‘Pet’ names are an example of this. Sounds so beta when I see guys call their girl babe, cringe as all hell. Men need to realize there’s s time and place for game and also to do good game-don’t bother gaming if it comes off homo. Most men need some prior experience before they even consider marriage. Having good looks and a good job is only part of the equation and is only ‘game’ to her. At the end of the day you need to socially be aware and in control of yourself long before you think you can be on control of someone else. Learn to make walking away a habit. Married gay in article sounds like he doesn’t know how to walk away from anything, you don’t walk out on your wife, but she should be gamed prior to marriage to think you might.

  20. Remove yourself from any friends who willingly prostrate themselves. They bring you down.

  21. “Expecting A Long-Term Relationship With A ‘Good’ Woman To Work”
    Misleading header. Also, it seems to depend more on the types of women she works with, as pointed out in example number 2:
    “A good Christian wife can choose to spend her free time with other girls from church or she can go out for cosmos with the real housewives of New Yorks (sic). The former will find slutty behaviors socially unacceptable. The latter will find them empowering.”
    I do agree that she should quit her job once she has had children. That being said, if the man plans to work that hard to begin with (60 hours week), why did he even accommodate her going to nursing school n the first place?

  22. That lead picture – wide open mouth picture/selfie by guys – it’s the same thing as duck face for women.
    It should actually be known as “cuck face”

  23. “In truth, we judge each other all the time, no matter if anyone says not to judge them. The difference is we don’t judge aloud anymore. People might not do those things if it caused public opinion of them to change.”
    It’s one thing to judge, it’s another to condemn.

  24. another blue pill most men can’t defeat:
    there must be some truth to what the media is spewing

  25. All good points. I told this story before: we’re from a Christian home in Ohio. My sister saved herself for marriage. Eventually cheated on the poor dude with a married guy who had kids. She said it’s cause he wasn’t that cute and she never got to party lol. Well now she’s an alcoholic, has an std, and dates even uglier guys with no future. Great work sis. The real issue is my mom was a manhating feminist, and she learned it in our modernized rock church from the other man hating hags in the 80s.
    In other news, divorce was illegal in Chile until 2005…

  26. I’ve always known love is a myth; romantic love, that is. And I never gave two cents if I was judged or not. Women, most women, don’t even care about their own kids. The only thing they care about is themselves.
    Looks like I beat those three blue pills.

  27. The best mothers and wives are the ones that don’t want to work or want a career! They want their man to be happy and family. Giving love = receiving love hence she lives a happy life compare to these brainwashed career women where most are self-medicating cause they can’t cope with the fact that they are brainwashed to be corporate slaves!

  28. You “forgot” to mention that your friend took steroids and other elixirs to go down to 2% of bodyfat…

  29. Feature photo breakdown:
    Guy in middle just won powerball.
    Guy on left just sat on broken glass.
    Guy on right gf just gave birth to black baby.

  30. Women do not operate within moral codes. This is essential knowledge.
    Overheard conversation at liquor store line up, yes I know.
    Aging slut talking to aging slut cashier about her recent night out at a renowned bar in town. Cashier slut responds with “no shame!” Slut cashier next to her responds with a repeat of the slattern ” no shame!” mantra and all three sluts laugh. I walked away feeling great pity for single men seeking good wives.

  31. That’s pretty steep to suggest half the human race’s sense of morality exists primarily due to “social pressures”: social pressures from who? Men? And to simultaneously infer that the entirety of the other half of the human race possesses a predisposed sense of morality…
    In addition, you provide nothing to support this claim, as ridiculous and irrational as it is.
    ROK, if you don’t start hiring some educated writers (at least ones that posses a high school diploma and some common sense) you’re going to lose a lot of followers— but more importantly, future potential ones.

    1. ROK was born out of the RVForum. Not everything is or has thus been required to be “sited” by other “published works.” See, the forum is a bunch of guys sharing their personal rote learning experiences. To say someone can’t develop thesis based on theories that through repetition are on their way to becoming theorems, is unreasonable. Then there’s the whole idea that science is being updated as we discover and learn more. Explain the vast numbers of 30-40 something women, seemingly lost, single-mother or not, who did what society wanted and are asking the world why everything isn’t great in their lives? They drank the fucking Koolaide and the demise of all those lives they affected, and believe me, they’ll all be blaming everyone and everything else until their last gasp of air on their deathbed when the “might” wake up to reality.
      The truth is legislation has neutered men from enforcing the truth onto women. They’re a protected class at the peril of all of masculinity, except maybe the top 1-3% of men, where the tides totally shift into their favor instead. How many women demanding top 1-3% caliber men, and how many men hoping to develop the attractive qualities just to have a “reasonable” women to live life with will die with neither in this fucked up society? I’d say by approximation and no referable source, way above 50%, and probably above 75% currently, and that’s a very sad state of affairs.

      1. What we are witnessing is the greatest social foible experiment ever perpetrated on society by governments who are sternly acting against the best interest of the society it’s supposed to serve. They tried the “woman” experiment, it failed, they tried the “equality” experiment, it failed too, and now that the very ability to “try” these experiments is the benchmark without widespread violence against authority occurring, rights and freedoms are slooowwwwly stripped away (done beyond the scope of just 1 person’s average lifetime), a systematic rights-stripping monster has been created. The scope of removing rights is now shortening, the freedoms are being removed at at faster pace than in the past. Aggregate human inability to see beyond the scope of just their lives is a cornerstone in perpetrating control through social means. Red-pilling oneself (not the mainstream version of ‘red-pill’ I mean those of us here in this community that literally started the term) is seeing far beyond the scope of one’s own life. This is why articles on historical figures that get posted here are so important. They are, however, often the least read, but most important.

  32. Women operate with no moral code. Essential wisdom for every man. Even the blue pill guys will get it eventually.
    I was in the government owned (canada) recently and listened to the following exchange. 40 something slut customer talking to 40 something slut cashier about a recent visit to some renowned local bar. Slut cashier responds with the slut war cry, “no shame.” Asian slut cashier in from of me repeats slut war cry saying “no shame.” Then all 3 sluts laugh.
    I walk away with pity for single guys seeking decent women and western civilization.

  33. I don’t give a shit what women think. So I do whatever I feel like. There – simple, elegant.

  34. Honestly could care less how women “feel” because it changes from moment to moment. They hear voices – all of them.

  35. ” He accepted that. On paper she had it all, gorgeous, Christian, soft-spoken, feminine, but in reality she was easily corrupted by the women with whom she worked.” >>> I’ve been trying to state the warnings of the modern “religious” female for a least a few years here on ROK – since a common theme has become:”Find yourself a wholesome, Christian girl with good morals.”
    Look, we have a fucking church just outside a major state Uni-City near me with a giant rainbow flag and one of those obnoxiously bright, annoying LED signs that says “LGBQT” welcome here. Nearly every major religion has been entirely high jacked to the level that the idea that “the devil’s greatest trick is convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” Well, now he exists deeply rooted in almost every God damned church in the nation, and I’m saying this as a confirmed Methodist.

    1. Well, there’s your problem right there – you’re a Methodist. What the hell kind of ‘religion’ is that bullshit. Try Eastern Orthadox or Catholic, but METHODIST, REALLY? No wonder you’re complaining, you’ve been living a lie since the beginning man. If you’re openly gay in the Catholic Church and a public figure you’ll get your ass excommunicated. Catholic and Eastern Orthadox Churches are the last strongholds of value left in the world.

  36. Feminized Christian churches are just sex for a man’s soul brothels. Their apostasy starts with allowing women to date and marry non-Christian men that pressure them into sex and live the ‘you go-girl’ lifestyle. But just like Adam and Eve, cucks will go along with women following their own hearts.
    The only people in America that are judged as immoral are men that leave the country to look for sex and marriage.

  37. 4. Because we are dating only the whores, we assume all the women in the world have their mentality.
    No, they don’t. Assuming all women act of moral code is silly, true. But assuming there is no moral code at all in any of them is even bigger lie.
    I am tired to read about bunch of phyhopaths pretending of being “red pill”, and alpha boys. Alphas where? At monitor? We have saying true alphas doesn’t even know how to use keyboard.

  38. HOly shit – so I just gotta tell this story real quick because this shit is mindblowing. I’m not sure if the story fals into ‘blue-pill’ category / knowledge but its worth mentioning.
    Okay so today I was at the grocery store and overheard some cute chick asking one of the employees where something was. I noticed see had an accent. At first I didn’t think anything of it. A bit about me, I troll the fuck out of girls, in other words I almost will always ask out a cute girl. I feel like my conversion rate of asking out to actual dates is insanely low for how many approaches I do. Anyways, so this girl I would say is a solid 5. 5 as in straight up normal looking girl. Now a days there’s so many landwhales and gross chicks out there it’s tough to find average normal looking girls. Anyways, the point is she was straight up average, but being average is for most guys makes the girl a 7,8, or 9. She wasn’t a 7, 8, or 9. MAYBE a 6 at most. Cute ass.
    Ok, so here’s the meat and bones of this story. This shit will blow most guys minds I think. A lot of dudes who travel the world and actually game girls traveling will appreciate this shit. Ok, so I’m in line getting my shit at the grocery and she’s ahead of me and exits the store before me. As I exited the store I saw her getting into her car and so I approached to ask her out or whatever. Honestly approaching a chick as she’s getting in her car is a hit or miss and if not done right you could easily look like some crazy fuck just approaching her car out of nowhere. Point is its a tricky approach. I just briefly waved to her from the passanger side of her car, she smiled, and literally opened her car door wide open. I was immedialty thinking, “HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK?” – it was almost as if she opened the car door for me to get inside. I’m in the UNited States ok, so THAT shit does not ever happen prior to EVER meeting someone. No cute / average goodlooking girls going to open their passanger car door to talk with a total stranger.
    Ok, so I simply said “Hey I just came out of the store too and noticed you had an accent so I had to ask where you were from.” – not the best ‘game’ ever by any means but I was slightly caught off guard by her. She was all, “Oh, I’m from the Ukraine.” – Suddenly it all made sense. “Oh shit” I thought – “No wonder she’s so nonchalant.” I asked her name, yada yada yada, she said she was married so I didn’t puruse. It was a really quick exchange. The point of the story here is what othe rmen (i.e. Roosh in particular) have been saying for a long time now. How foreign girls are so much different. I realize that Eastern European girls are getting ‘infected’ also and everything. But honestly this shit was totally mindblowing as fuck to me. It makes me think of how incredibly easy it must be to get laid overseas or in Ukraine. Maybe I’m wrong and someone can enlighten men here, but I was fuckin blown away by how low this girls slut defenses were.
    Normally you’ll see young girls be THAT open with male strangers because they haven’t be used and dumped over and over by men. But this was clearly a cultural easy going -ness which was completely unexpected. It makes me wonder how fucked up the world could become if all girls end up like girls in the U.S. I think men in the United States can game the fuck out of every other country easy as fuck. Our women I think honeslty must have the highest slut walls ever. Maybe in all of human history too. I’ve probably asked out hundreds of girls. Literally hundreds, maybe close to a thousand at least. And I’m tellin you guys, it is a fuckin grind out there. Some men will laugh because they haven’t had to grind it out and they got lucky.
    There is definitely a luck factor involved with getting girls. But at the same time girls in the United States are by far the most guarded people on Earth from what I can tell. Its really fuckin sad actually. Some men put in INSANE amounts of effort in getting a girlfriend, or even just getting laid. I odn’t know whose really having sex anymore, because where I’m living is a fuckin nightmare wasteland if youre trying to find a girlfriend. Unless you troll out Tinder or some shit, youre probably not getting laid. I’m not even sure who the fuk is having sex anymore. I put in crazy effort and its still few and far bewtween. Who the fuck is fucking these days? Seems like a fuckin wasteland out there.

  39. What about a guy who would let go with a few tears of joy, if a real holocaust were to ever finally happen and the entire world was rid of jews forever?
    Would tears of joy get a waiver?

  40. I was laid off from an offshore drilling company due to the oil price crash of 2015. I knew a salesman who sold repair services to the company I worked for, and he got laid off within 6 weeks after I did. He was as solid a Joe as you could get. He was active in his church. He was active in the Home Owners Association and city government. He was involved with his kids after school activities i.e. soccer for the girls, baseball and football for the boys. He had 5 children and was married for close to 10 years. 5 months into his layoff, his wife field for divorce. He eventually found work after 8 months of searching.
    His wife stayed with him as long as the checks came cleared, then dumped him when they stopped, just as predicted in this article below. She was just like all women, first into monogamy, but when the resource stream dried up, she was the first out.

  41. Well no shit. I’ve said it before, here and elswhere, that if a girl has a regular club night or goes to clubs and bars consistently you are in trouble. The end.

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