The Sanctity Of The United States Constitution

If you are a born or naturalized citizen of the United States, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. Constitution belongs to you. It was conceived for you, written for you, argued over for you and enshrined in the legacy of this land specifically for you. If your heart is set on becoming an American citizen then the Constitution is also for you, but you have to earn it and that’s just the way it is. If you live in a country where personal liberty, freedom from tyranny, and the rule of law against oppression do not exist, the Constitution was made to inspire you.

Let us start with the Declaration of Independence. It is important to analyze the words and phrases that the authors used in that document to establish their audience. The phrases “course of human events” and “opinions of mankind” are concepts which are all inclusive of every living person throughout time. “Unalienable Rights” are eternal and all-encompassing ideas that apply to all human beings.

The “Right of the People” refers to all who identify with each other as one people bonded together by a common identity, and dedicated to the preservation of the safety of all fellow citizens, and a collective agreement that each has a right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

That all may sound Pollyanna, but spend some time in a third world country and you’ll quickly realize that we got things here that most people around the world don’t. I would never want to be imprisoned in a country where I had no access to legal representation and I do NOT recommend trying it.

Former president, Andrew Jackson at the age of 13 defying the British soldier who ordered him to clean his boots at a prisoner camp in 1780. — Image by © CORBIS

The Language of the Constitution

The preamble of the Constitution begins with the words “We the People” in giant letters.  This is to let you know that it was not one individual that made the Constitution possible and that true lasting power comes from a mandate from the citizenry. The purpose was to “form a more perfect Union”; unity, togetherness, community, the ideal that we are invincible when we stand shoulder to shoulder. These concepts are anathema to fascists because they have run the same playbook of divide and conquer for millennia.

“Common defense” and “general welfare” continue this theme of working together to ensure the future trust. Last but certainly not least, “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. This statement clearly shows that the signers of the Constitution wanted to enshrine freedom not just for themselves but for everyone, forevermore.


The Founding Fathers were well aware of their own mortality. They knew their time was limited because they studied philosophy extensively. They knew that the only thing that would survive beyond their death would be their work.

The mortal nature is seeking as far as is possible to be everlasting and immortal; and this is only to be attained by generation, because the new is always left in the place of the old. -Plato

Some may believe that because they are not direct descendants of the first Americans that they are far removed from their work. Nothing could be further from the truth. Posterity means future generations, future sons and daughters of America. The Founders wanted you to willingly accept the torch of freedom. They wanted you to embrace their work as your own inheritance. If you believe in your heart that their words have meaning today, as I do, then you are their brethren and kindred soul by default.

Today the cultural marxists love to use character assassination to achieve their goals. Focusing on the weaknesses and shortcomings of great thinkers and statesmen are the marxist’s stock in trade. To undermine the value of the Constitution it is easier to focus on the humanity of the authors even if their ridicule is baseless. The Constitution was created in a time when slavery had been institutionalized for hundreds of years. Many Founders were staunchly against it, but were powerless to change that part of society, yet.

Some may say that those people who wrote the Constitution lived a long time ago. They could not have envisioned the world we live in today. Do not be naïve enough to think that these men did not study deeply and extensively both history and the psychology of humanity. There were considerable volumes of works that were required reading in that era that covered every detail of tyranny, oppression and the outcomes of greedy, selfish, evil people who tortured, killed and enslaved the masses at will.

There are those that will argue that the ideals of freedom and justice are dead given the wide-scale corruption and lawlessness of our political leaders. Well guess what? The Founders knew that would happen too! Your liberty is under assault. Your freedoms are on the line and you have significant enemies that have brought you to the precipice of darkness. To quote the movie Braveheart, “What will you do without freedom?”

Quiz Time

Keeping in mind that the supreme law of this land belongs to you, it’s test time!

How would you best hold on to your belongings when some ruthless son of a bitch comes along and demands to take your shit?

A) Ask them nicely to “Please, fuck off.”
B) Wait for somebody you’ve never met with a hunk of metal on their chest to come help you.
C) Write a letter to some useless political douchebag who’s been stealing from you for years.
D) Other. Please explain ____________________

Hopefully this article has convinced you to take responsibility for the preservation of the United States Constitution if you have not done so already.

Read Next: 3 Ways To Improve The American Constitution

101 thoughts on “The Sanctity Of The United States Constitution”

  1. As an American myself who has lived in other developed countries I have to ask why, if the US is such wonderful country, it has a higher crime rate and more poverty than say Australia?
    Why is the standard living so low compared to Europe?
    What so great about it?
    If I had to choose between living in Flint or Sydney I would pick Sydney.

    1. The US had the highest standard of living in the world since the turn of the 20th century all the way up to roughly 1970.
      At this point, the 1965 immigration act (AKA the kill whitey slowly immigration act) was starting to take mass effect, the Vietnam War was going badly, no consideration was taken for high speed rail infrastructure unlike Japan or France, and other countries were finally starting to play catch up in terms of living standards, economic robustness, and quality of life in the 1960s “economic miracle” (Scandinavia, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, etc.).
      It’s never really been quite the king since, but it IS without doubt one of the top 20 countries out of 200+ to be born in, and considering it’s vast size and population compared to most developed countries, which are often either considerably smaller in either land or population or both, I’d say it’s quite an accomplishment.

      1. REALITY
        “Vast Size”
        Canada is larger than the US.
        1965 IMMIGRATION ACT
        Asians immigrated everywhere, why has legal immigration from Asia hurt the US more than Australia? I concur some Somalians should not have been allowed to immigrate and some Russian Jews brought organized crime but is LEGAL Immigration really “Killing Whitey”?
        My Dad was an army medic in Vietnam and that war ended the year before I was born in 1973 (One night in 1985 we were watching “First Blood” and my Dad sneered that Stallone could not get past his war experiences 8 or 10 years after the Vietnam War ended).

        1. WILLIAM
          Actually every Oz male in the bush used to have a gun but what happened was that in the late 90’s there was A) Port Arthur massacre where an autistic retard massacred people and B) the ecstasy trade combined with post-industrial decline led to Italian and Greek Cypriot suburban gangsters in Melbourne going crazy in the drug gang wars.

      2. REALITY
        I have been gone since 1999 and the US has gone down since the compared to Australia etc.

        1. Australia benefits from being a gigantic island fortress (the seas act as a natural barrier against illegal immigration, which we do not have in the United States on our southern border).
          They can therefore dictate which people can immigrate, and Australia largely chooses a modest amount of white migrants from Britain/New Zealand and high IQ and skilled migrants from Asia, thus keeping Australia’s human capital high.
          Australia also has vast natural resources in it’s rural and outback locations and a very small population relative to this abundance of resources. Much like Canada, the citizens can benefit from these profits and high productivity with a more generous social welfare system than the US can muster.
          Finally, Australia is guaranteed military protection by the ANZUS treaty, and therefore can allocate a much smaller of it’s national revenues to military expenditure compared to the US, and accordingly use this money for more life affirming pursuits within Australia itself.
          SAME story with all the welfare loving European countries guaranteed US protection in the NATO treaty.

        2. Deep water with hungry sharks do wonders for preventing illegals…just saying. Nature got it right for keeping out invasive species.

        3. Australia has had more state based regulation, and welfare, attempting to try and keep things fair, egalitarian. America and Americans don’t seem to see the benefit of using their tax $ for a similar purpose. They fear a socialist/communist takeover. In some ways they are right, after a certain amount of welfare the system gets lax and corrupt, and abused. However there is a reasonable amount, that doesn’t tip into the socialist nightmare, but is in the interests of the majority of a society and help to keep it running as smoothly as possible.
          It worked very well in Australia, for a long time reasonable working wages, healthcare, pensions, but it has been eroded over the years, too much immigration placing a strain on the system, and of course the loud voiced minorities fracturing the mainstream, and globalism.
          Australia hasn’t been like the country I grew up in for at least 25 years.
          It was more cohesive, commonsense and practical due mainly to being monocultural.
          There are worse people to have in your country than Asians, they are relatively easy to get along with, especially when they assimilate. Today walking through Sydney I feel like a stranger in my own country, primarily because of the amount of asian faces. The more immigrants you bring in(even good ones) and how quickly you do it just causes problems if you don’t allow them to assimilate before bringing in more.
          Australia is far from perfect, but much of the good points are being eroded, like in the USA. Its just a slightly different recipe, most of the causes are the same. Just be thankful you have the right to bear arms in the USA.

      3. @Reality : USA was founded by immigration. it’s the core of it.. and it wasn’t all “white immigration”.
        United states was ahead because of WWII, Europe lost it’s infrastructure and people during the war. USA didn’t suffer much on it’s soil. during the 70’s Japan started to collect results of it’s efforts and hard work. Europe and Germany started to be competitive and China was rising during the 90’s. When you had one big country the pie was enough. now you have several countries sharing the same wealth..
        morbid Obesity, violence, low standard of living, low transportation system, expansive health insurance, shity services (which is logic, considering that you guys had Uberized everything.. you’ve got the same result of communism by avoiding it to the max. Irony). a young american male start his adult life with insane student loans, feminim 3.0 and divorce rape laws. if he’s a black dude he must avoid cops, since they’re confusing brown/black guys with a shooting range puppet..
        Frankly, I don’t see any good reason to immigrate to this country anymore. only exception is the beauty of the nature and the unique landscapes.

        1. “USA was founded by immigration. it’s the core of it.. and it wasn’t all white immigration”.
          Go back to the 1920s. Beyond the black belt southern states, most of the USA was white as a bedsheet…. 150 years after the nations official founding.
          The core identity of being “American” had been a White European for several lifetimes at that point, and non-whites like the modest number of Japanese immigrants to California during that era more or less had to accept their “otherness” as one of the compromises of life in their new country.
          Your argument that the US wasn’t all “white immigration” is about as intellectual as saying full-strength Absinthe “isn’t all alcohol”

        2. randomguy
          The US did not need immigrants who were non-white.
          Even Sicilians were a mixed blessing. We got Pizza but we also got a massive organized crime problem.

        3. REALITY
          The Jews and not-so-white Italians immigrated before the 1920’s.
          One Sicilian in my college scammed the Affirmative Action by claiming to be Hispanic. You cannot really differentiate between a Cuban and an Italian from Jersey.

        4. @random, no point in saying anything to these “few” headstrong people! They suffer with extreme levels of insecurity, jealousy, envy and inferiority complex !!

        5. Reality : if USA wanted to be an Irish / UK / German WASP nation, they should write it the constitution that you’re talking about. you complain a lot of those bad immigrants, but it was the choice of American leaders to be a land of immigration. Besides, you have good and bad in every group of people, sure you got gangs in black communities, but also musicians like Miles Davis and athletes in many sports who are bringing medals to their country.
          Another thing, it’s not a good idea to complain about one’s failures. I noticed this often in USA, they really don’t accept losing and blame others for it. Democrats lose = blame the Russians, can’t win in olympics = the other athletes are doped.. Japan was destroyed and was the only nation to face two atomic bombs, yet they shut the fuck up and worked hard, their cars are now leading everywhere, Germany was destroyed and 2 millions of their women raped, now you have 3 German cities in the top ten ranking about quality of life and the “Deutsche Qualität” is synonymous of excellence in technology, cars and even soccer game.

        6. RAVI
          An Indian teenager living Brampton whose 15 is the source of jealousy from white males who actually left home?

        7. RAVI
          White perception of Indians-
          So far you’ve only produced an overaged Sikh cheerleader who married a Gora with the right connections (Haley) and Jindal is so-so.
          If the caste-system really got a foothold in the US or South Indians bring Nair/Tamil idiocy into local politics the US will have trouble.
          Unlike Canada the US wisely restricted immigration to Nair/Tamil dorks and some Brahmin old money Bania castes and the Gujarati cannot really get the Jews or Old Money WASPS off the top of the economic pyramid.
          So Indian immigration has not created the fourth underclass of quarrelsome low casters that Canada deals with.

        8. random
          We’ve managed to keep out the low-caste Indians who’d be trouble and the Muslims to great degree but blacks were in the US prior to Independence and the Mestizo issue is merely an continuation of the White Man vs Red Man conflict as they are basically Indians who were in the Southwest when it belonged to Spain.
          So prior to the creation of the US it had these issues.

      1. His comments on rural whites and fascination with Italians reads very similar to the ‘lolknee’ persona.

    2. You’re a Juu Mr. Fuller Brush man! You’re only loyal to Israhell and listen to the rotting pu$sy of your Juuish mother or JAP! Fuck you J3w! Eat unKosher pork you fa6got.

    3. And why is even the president of the United States of America publicly hounded on the grounds of slander from a harlot?

    4. madman marz- You mean in Democrat run cities. Without that, America would be one of the safest countries on earth.

      1. That marz joker is another paid Russian Troll.
        I just read it on the news that Putin basically ordered for even more trolls in higher numbers to flood the internet.
        Coinciding with the bought and paid for
        Anti-Orban March in Budapest right now.
        Their side is on the cusp of losing everything.

        1. MATT
          The closest I’ve been to Russia is getting a blowjob from a $50 Russian hooker in Dubai.

    5. But you’re not limited to Flint, and that’s where your pathetic straw man argument bursts into flames.

      1. DAN
        The Asians, Jews, Old Money WASPS, white Hispanics and ethnics on the coasts far away from Flint and the rustbelt are not really the ones feeling the brunt of U.S. transformation into a backwater-it happens in the Flyover interior from Pennsylvania to Nevada, more or less.

  2. >If I had to choose between living in Flint or Sydney I would pick Sydney.
    Well, you know, if I had the choice between being murdered and having a piece of chocolate cake, I’d choose chocolate cake.

    1. If the constitution and Bill of Rights are both so hot, why does the US have a lower standard of living overall compared to Japan or Australia?
      Why was my grandmother’s property in Southeast Michigan plummet to zero and property in London skyrocket in value or Tokyo.
      Why is the US the greatest country in the world when there is more poverty than other countries.

      1. Cartels don’t ship drugs and guns to London or Australia. They ship it here to the USA. Just because we have a constitution doesn’t mean we are corrupt greedy people. That’s why

        1. SUPERMAN
          Lot’s of Australians do drugs and many Japanese are greedy but they do not seem to have the problems we do.
          Is it Mestizos. If so, why do we have crazy whites in the rural areas like Leather face and his family? Is it blacks?
          We can blame the organized crime in New Jersey or NYC a bit on Italy, okay, that crime pattern was an export and still has ties to the global Italian syndicates.
          But overall, why are US streets 10 x as violent as Syndey.

        2. Superman
          Mexican cartels ship tot he US due to the geographical proximity plus the US being the largest wealthy (and democratic) nation.
          If you think Europe or Australia does not have illegal drugs and big drugs problem, you are mistaken – it is simply smuggled in by other groups.
          Add the lenient sentences for drug related crime in most of Europe, you have a perfect recipe for a big drug problem.

        3. PETER
          I happened across a few bad Mestizos in Phoenix and they were dangerous as hell but they were 25% European and shared the same religion.
          As for drugs, the meth epidemic was worse in the 90’s when any swinging dick could buy 100 mini-thins and manufacture crank. Oxy for example, is a homegrown epidemic.
          Certain groups seem wired to get hooked on cocaine-I’ve tried it in my youth a few times in Detroit but the moment a black or Chicano smokes cocaine he is ready to get a gun and kill somebody to get more; Italians and Jews, for that matter, seem to get hooked easier on snorting cocaine.
          This is why cocaine is a bigger problem in Miami or New Jersey or LA than in Appalachia. The youngest crack whore in the Flyover would be about 50 years old now; that epidemic has come and gone.
          So the Mexicans will always have urban markets for cocaine and heroin but there would be drug abuse without them.

        4. PETER
          Poor white fools who get busted a third time selling an ounce of pot are sad fools but while they go to jail for life the Mexican cartel head in LA selling heroin keys will simply go to Immigration and then be deported back to Mexico.

      2. MM
        1.)I understand you are from Detroit – it is very unfortunate what happened to Detroit and other post-industrial cities.
        However, the US still has many great metropolitan areas that are largely safe and offer a good standard of living.
        2.)As for poverty – it does exist in western Europe too (let’s not even talk about eastern Europe. The welfare system has been eroding since the 1990s…
        3.) Property values in London – they have skyrocketed for too reasons. One of them was mass immigration thus an increased demand for housing. The other one is that billionaires from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Russia have been buying up properties as investments (there is no law against foreigners buying properties in the US.) Most of the nicer parts of west London are already own by them.
        4.)Again. Yes, there is lost of poverty on the east side of Detroit or in a trailer park in Appalachia. Yet, there are many great cities with plenty of middle-class neighborhoods. (Seattle, Portland, Denver and even Atlanta come to mind)

        1. PETER
          Working middle class people like myself-say a plumber or mechanic-are better off in other developed countries.
          It is really hard to get away from Mestizos and blacks in US cities even if they are thriving earning under $50,000 a year unless you live way out in the rural areas where jobs are scarcer.
          Would you rather send your kid to an Australian public school or a US public school?
          If you HAD to be lower-class Sydney would be better than any East Coast city.
          A great deal of the problem in Appalachia or for that matter Detroit is self-inflicted-GED at best; 2 kids at 20; drug and drink problems; bad judgement; no ambition.

      3. If Australia were better than The Bill Of Rights;
        they would be the world’s Superpower now.
        Regardless; as you realize by now,
        The Bill Of Rights is never going away
        and any small gains by the left are
        entertaining and temporary.
        even China and Russia are about to succumb to the reality The Bill Of Rights just can’t be topped and will cave into becoming Bill Of Rights nations themselves, and soon 🙂

        1. J WRIGHT
          So what if the US is a Superpower? So was Russia and currently China. People are poorer there than half the world.
          Being the citizen of a Superpower seems to be a recipe for huge income divides and vast regions of entrenched poverty under a Centralized government that consolidates power in a tiny coastal region like Beijing or Washington DC.
          The coastal populations of East Coast Jews, Floridian Cubans and West Coast Asians seem to benefit from this Superpower but the US flyover interior is a long stretch of old wooden houses and rusting closed factories and oxy addicts.

    2. Hmmm…. and what racial group makes up half of Flint while they are quite negligible in Sydney?

        1. REALITY
          What happens is that eventually like Haiti ALL the whites leave.
          When this happens their tax money goes with them. Then there is no economy at all.
          Blacks always have dependents, drug habits, parole or probate officers, negative savings. They cannot just throw the suitcase in the vehicle and drive down South or out to California.
          The exception are black gays and a few black career pimps/prostitutes. They have the cash to go anywhere and find money and often they work a circuit of various cities.

        2. J3ws like yourself also make up significant numbers of Holohoax casualties which isn’t 6 million, but around 300,000 and from war-related causes, not genocide, YOU FUCKING J3W! Mr. Fuller Brush Man hook-nosed shyster!!!!

        3. Mr. Buchenwald
          I am not Hebrew nor subscribe to such practices. I was raised in the German Catholic (Byzantine, not Roman Catholic) faith although my father was Lutheran.

      1. Very true, But they are bringing in tons of Somali and Sudanese to make up for it(sigh of frustration at the stupidity). Melbourne has an African problem with crime and violence due to Africans. The authorities try very hard to deny it but anyone with half a brain knows what’s going on, especially when its reported in the news, and you see the footage of gangs of black Africans as the perp’s.

  3. I would argue that whites don’t even WANT to immigrate to America anymore.
    When was the last time you saw loads of Italians trying to immigrate to New Jersey or Germans like Trump’s relatives trying to immigrate to the United States?

    1. It’s only the poorest of the poor white countries (Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, etc.) that still consider migration to the United States en masse a vast improvement from their current lives and prospects.
      One of the checkout guys from my local ALDI store is from Bulgaria. He looks damn near 50 and is probably just making like $10 or $11 an hour but he says his quality of life is now far higher than back in his home country.
      Jeez. Wait until he becomes a shift manager and starts making like $16 per hour.

      1. REALITY
        Why aren’t Germans still trying to immigrate to Milwaukee or Austin or Norwegians climbing over their own mothers to get to Minnesota or Irish pouring into Chicago.
        How come Northwest Europeans are no longer eager to immigrate?

        1. MM
          here is your answer: the US immigration laws have become a lot stricter. For European applicants, at least.

        2. MM
          As far as I can see there is no route for white Euros to emigrate to the USA. It’s not because we don’t want to, it’s because the USA doesn’t want us any more.

      2. REALITY
        If this is true, than what makes the US Constitution or Bill of Rights wonderful compared to Tokyo or Australia?

        1. REALITY
          We share a border with Canada but French Canadians are not an immigration problem.
          Why is that?

        2. REALITY
          Put it this way. Why aren’t Quebecois crawling through culverts to get sneak into Vermont? Why aren’t people from Ontario desperate to get into Michigan?

    I actually DID spend a few years in Ontario but the social safety net is better but the unemployment rate is actually higher.

  5. I’m an American, and yes, America is above average, but American exceptionalism, which this article seems to promote, is a huge myth. First the good, I’d say America is perhaps the best place to make money. But I’m moving past that phase and starting to be concerned about family and quality of life and social interests over financial. And America is just not a place I feel comfortable raising a family.
    Look, every country out there has a rulebook of laws its government follows. That’s all our constitution is. With all due respect to the author, allow me to pick some nits:
    Almost every country provides most of the same basic rights that I am concerned about exercising on a regular basis. Yes, of course #notall. There are some shithole third world countries but there are literally dozens of other nations whose citizens have the same or very similar liberties as Americans have.
    The part about providing you a right to an attorney is a good one, but in my experience the justice system in the US is so broken that this is like cheering that residents of Detroit are allowed to stay safe by having guns. No, Detroit is an unsafe shithole, and just because you have the “freedom” to draw and fire on a potential thief does not make you “safe”. Detroit is one of the most unsafe places in the modern world. The ideas of Justice and Safety are more important than lawyers and guns.
    Roosh is able to run ROK while living in various non-American countries. Are Americans really free to express the ideas we discuss here? Have you seen what happens when reasonable groups of men who resemble our founding fathers try to get together and discuss ideas? Look at the meetups. Look at Antifa. I have freely echoed these types of statements while traveling in Asian and Latino countries and they are automatically acknowledged as true, but I would never dare voice my opinions at home.
    I agree the founding fathers were laudable, intelligent, and brave men, but they were not geniuses, nor were they unique in history. They are some of the many men who have changed western society in one way or another. And I’m not fully sold on the whole “freedom” thing. Of course, people immediately think the opposite of freedom is being locked in a jail cell, but there are many cultures that reject a lot of the freedoms they view as bad, such as usury, aberrant sexual behavior, gay marriage, and an oppressive unrestrained banking class, and are prosperous, safe, modern happy places to live. Singapore is but one example.
    Those of us who have lived abroad, whether we return to the US or not, understand that the world is far more similar than it is different.
    An article I’d much prefer is looking at different nations, and taking a good idea from each of them–cheap products and generally good “service” from the US, social unity and restraint of international finance from Iceland, low crime and high technology from Asia, family unity and religious principles from Latin America, etc.
    Also, the point about the US Constitution being written for YOU is true only if the reader is a white property owning male.

      1. I think you missed the point. The US Constitution was never written with people like OJ in mind; it has been twisted and bent in order to apply to men such as OJ today. To tell all Americans, including feminists, gays, blacks, etc. that the Constitution was written for them is patently false.

    1. spicy
      in heaven the American women give the blowjobs, Italians cook the food, the English are cops, Germans are the engineers,
      in hell the English women give the blowjobs, Italians make laws, Americans are cops, Germans cook food

        1. True story
          2011, London UK
          Called the cops as I noticed two guys truing to force their way into the blocks of flats in a shitty part of London (Hackney) I lived at the time. The two guys did not succeed but the Metropolitan Police only turned up the day after – asking whether I wanted to file a report.
          That’s UK Police for you. Totally useless.
          (I assume it has only gotten worse since -budge cuts, police station closures all across the UK)
          2016, Miami (FL), US
          A suspicious looking guy is shouting in our neighborhood, talking to himself and holding what appeared to be a sharp object. Called the cops. Five minutes later a police car pulled over and the crazy guy was arrested within minutes. That’s US Police for you. Prompt, proactive, efficient, reliable.
          Take your pick.

        2. Peter: America is a police state, so yes, police are abundant and will respond promptly. However, the crazy guy was probably released later that day and certainly without any sort of mental health analysis or treatment. I live in a very safe neighborhood, and when someone broke into a house at 2AM smashing the back door, the police did come immediately in large numbers and chased a guy on foot. They didn’t catch him, towed his car, and left it at that. There is zero detective work, they won’t even bother to question the person who owned the car (prime suspect). The bottom line is there is no followup and no real repercussion to crime, and the criminals know it. America is one of the most dangerous western liberal nations. I agree that’s a terrifying story about London.

        3. MM
          You are wrong about UK police, they are poorly educated thugs, many are only employed because they are ex-military.

        4. JOHN
          There is nothing that keeps a Pakistani immigrant in line faster in NYC than a big old Irish-American cop who looks as if he would kick the shit out of you.
          This is one reason that Muslim immigrants in the US are better-behaved, in my opinion.
          Junkies in the US are resigned to jail anyhow and know that it is simply the cop’s job to put them there.

    2. > And I’m not fully sold on the whole “freedom” thing. Of course, people immediately think the opposite of freedom is being locked in a jail cell, but there are many cultures that reject a lot of the freedoms they view as bad, such as usury, aberrant sexual behavior, gay marriage, and an oppressive unrestrained banking class, and are prosperous, safe, modern happy places to live. Singapore is but one example.
      There’s nothing inherently wrong with freedom itself as long as it’s balanced with self-restraint for collective well-being. Without self-restraint, men are prone to pursuing one degenerate extreme or another such as warlords, bankers, hedonism, etc.
      The self-restraint is through one’s personal spiritual development and commitment to God’s ideals, together with enforcement from family, village, tribe and other men. The Constitution is simply the least common denominator to unite Americans.
      The problem with America isn’t freedom, it’s that American popular culture has been subverted by the banking class to promote atheism, materialism, hedonism, feminism, LGQBT and other falsehoods through MSM propaganda, central banking, public schools and other infrastructure. All this they do to destabilize society to keep themselves on top and further enrich themselves.
      America is simply a convenient staging ground for the globalists given its vast resources, military power, etc. and is (((their))) vassal state.
      Once a society has been collectively deceived into abandoning God’s ideals, it’s just a matter of time until it collapses.

      1. DISCIPLE
        This is where Old Colonial stock Americans and whites from the Northeast post-industrial cities part company.
        We later immigrants to the Northeast did not come to North America for abstract ideas of religious freedom but for a better standard of living and well, just a fucking job
        Ultimately what gives the East and West Coasts and Great Lakes a different character than the South (As well as Miami) is that our reason for being North Americans has nothing to do with religion. Our ancestors (Grandparents and great-grandparents) came to NYC or Chicago (Or LA if Armenian) for work and a better standard of living.
        Concepts of theocracy-though like all white ethnics in Detroit I went to Catholic school-are not what define the United States. Religious freedom is not why Italians came to New Jersey or Koreans to Los Angeles.

    3. Spicy,
      There is no freedom of speech in the world, but the taboo subjects in each country are different. For example in the USA you can say what you like about the country and President, but would be locked up for saying women or blacks are inferior. In Thailand everyone knows women and blacks are inferior and are free to say so, but criticize the Royal family or Military government and you are likely to ‘disappear’ forever. In England you can be locked up for talking to a woman in the street.

      1. JOHN
        True, in the UK people make loads of Irish and Italian jokes. Try going to Chicago and doing that. Of course, it is not the police that would damage you.

    Italians food.
    Spanish weather.
    German infrastructure.
    American women do blowjobs.
    English run the government.
    Spanish food.
    German weather.
    American cops.
    Italian government.
    English women give the blowjobs.

  7. Great article. I like seeing articles about American history and it’s founding principles. Too many today in the US do not understand what they are and what was done to have them. Instead, we are protesting to GET RID OF our rights…

    Why did the US fall behind other developed countries in the 20 years since I left.

    1. MM
      Genuine answer
      Most of the USA is still far better than most of the UK and Sweden (let alone the rest of Europe).
      The US is not just Detroit. Sorry bro.
      Cannot compare it to Australia as I have never lived there.

      1. PETER
        Sure, I’d much prefer to be outside the Miami bus terminal downtown at night then Sweden. Standard of living is much higher too. Also the infrastructure of Stockholm compared to Little Haiti is so superior.
        We call the Middle East a toilet bowl but in fact Dubai is much safer and cleaner and has far superior skyline to most American cities.

        1. MM
          In London you need to be a billionaire to afford to live in the relatively civilized parts of the city (South Kensington, Chelsea, Mayfair, Belgravia etc). If you are not, you will be forced to live in areas where youa re never more than a hundred yards away from
          – A feral, mentally ill Jamaican (even second or third generation) who is ready to stab you just because you dared to look at him. (The worst kind of people you would ever encounter
          -The second generation Pakistani, who might hate you for not being a Pakistani (Members of the first generation are usually peaceful, though)
          – Low-IQ Poles who might go on a rage after consuming four cans of extra strong lager.
          In contrast, in Miami is a lot easier to get away from the ghetto. I can afford to live in a middle-class neighborhood when the only people I need to interact with are Jewish-Americans (educated, peaceful and mind their own business), middle-class Haitian-American (largely peaceful and nothing like Jamaicans) with the odd Cuban-American and elderly WASP retiree from the Northeast thrown in.
          Miami is largely run by Cuban-Americans who are at the very least civilized ( yes, I do speak Spanish, too) and normal.
          Yes, there are ghetto area in Miami but it is a lot easier to avoid them. Good look avoiding the ghettos in London.
          I take Miami over London, thanks very much.

        2. MM
          By your own admission, the last time you were in London was the mid-1990s.
          Things have changed.
          In London, You need to be a billionaire if you want to live I a decent part of London (South Kensington, Chelsea, Mayfair, Belgravia, Marylebone etc). If you are not a wealthy you will end up living in the areas where youa re never more than a 100 yards away from
          – Mentally ill Jamaicans that are ready to stab you just for looking at him. (The worst people you can encounter, even the second or the third generation of them are just the same)
          – Violent second generation Pakistanis (the first generation are usually ok, though.
          – Low-IQ Poles than can easily turn violent after the 4th can of extra strong lager.
          And even in the good neighbourhoods you are too close to the scum. (a short bus ride or less away). And the British Police won’t protect you.
          In contrast, in Miami I can afford to live in a decent area. The only people I need to co-exist here are Jewish-American (educated, peaceful and mind their own business), middle-class Haitian-Americans (overall peaceful and are nothing like Jamaicans), with the occasional Cuban-American and a few WASP retirees from the North-East. It is far from the ghetto and I also have the right to defend myself and my family.
          I choose Miami over London, and the US over the UK, thanks very much

        3. PETER
          Cuban Americans are whites from Basque Spain (Gallegos) so this is no surprise. One thing that was unrealistic about SCARFACE is that Pacino (Actually an Italian) and Bauer (Actually a Jew) were white Cubans and those people were not doing the things they are depicted doing in that movie.

      2. LONDON
        I stayed in Earl’s Court and traveled around Brixton and after Detroit’s blacks and Phoenix’s Mestizos it is really hard to be afraid of South Asian youth claiming they are Crips! on Brick Lane or Jamaicans in Brixton imitating Eminem who is a whiteboy imitating blacks!
        When I walked through Brixton and Brick Lane I was not as wary as I would be in Miami, using your comparison Peter.

        1. The answer to what happened is that govt got bigger. It imposed regulations to interfere with the market, which threw infrastructure, education system, as well as many other sectors down the shitter.
          Sure the US has problems, especially if you look at the overall condition. But the living standard varies significantly from state to state, city to city, and even county to county.
          Most crimes for example are concentrated to about 5 percent that consists of 47% of the population. Even in those high crime counties most of the area is safe. (Those high crime sections of countues ste majoritarily black)
          If you compare private health insurance in the United States with the public or private insurance in other developed countries, the us has better health care. But if you look at the overall condition healthcare in the US is shot. Similar problems with other things like housing as well. In contrast to other developed countries regarding living standards, the parts of the US with the highest living standards are those that has to deal with the least amount of government intervention. But the more the government intervenes in a certain region, the shitter the living standards.
          I concede on the point about Singapore though (you could have also included Hong Kong). They have significantly higher levels of economic liberty than the US, as a result higher living standard. I wish US was as deregulated as them.
          As for personal liberties the government has been encroaching more and more on them since the 1960s. The crime rates in the US can be mainly attributed to the high rates of single motherhood (especially among blacks 77%, and increasingly among whites and Hispanics as well). Most other developed nations don’t have as bad of single motherhood rates as US. There are countless studies that show the relationship between single motherhood, and crime rates.
          So yeah the US is great if you live in the less govt regulated regions, but shut if you live in the ones with more govt regulations.
          Also most of European countries, Australia, and Japan do not protect your right to bear arms. Also Australia, Canada and Europe have hate speech laws or don’t adequately protect your right to free speech. Also, Canada doesn’t protect your right to assumed innocence until proven guilty in regards to “hate crime”, and domestic violence and sexual assault/harassment (if you are a guy).

  9. I invite you, one and all, to read the last eight words (in the last paragraph) of The Declaration of Independence.
    No link. Find it yourselves.

  10. “These concepts are anathema to fascists because they have run the same playbook of divide and conquer for millennia.”
    You lost me there. Fascists haven’t been around for a millenia nor aren’t fascists governments around today so please stop using that term. If anything fascism was effective & united a common people

    1. A “millenia” is a thousand years. There were dozens of Fascist national governments in the 20th Century. Indeed if memory serves, El Caudillo was the undisputed leader of Nationalist Spain until mid 1975.

  11. BILBO
    Dictatorships have been around forever, look at the primate kingdom.
    The Stormy Daniels issue is common in the primate world as well where the top primate uses some attractive female who then gets more resources than the less seemingly fertile female baboons.
    Don’t have to be an anthropologist to know that.

  12. Americans used to believe in freedom.
    Now Americans would need to be mentally ill to think tyranny won’t get worse.
    Who would have thought in 1980 that the USA would soon have curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm?
    During the Wild West in the US, everyone could carry guns, businesses were not licensed, no one had Social Security numbers, there were no sales, income, or property taxes, and drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, and prostitution were legal.
    There was little government, yet people lived and had freedom.
    The government today is regulating every area of everyone’s life.
    The government wants to tell us what to do, what to think, where to live, how to live, what to wear, and what to eat. Saying you live in a free country with a straight face is difficult when everything is illegal.
    How can anyone take the moral high ground on anything when we are all criminals?
    In the US, your body is not your body, your property is not your property, and your kid is not your kid.
    Government is not the solution to problems. Government IS the problem.
    Alcohol prohibition failed. The Soviet Union failed.
    Anyone who supports the police state is just a tool for the elites.
    Too bad Americans are surrendering liberty so easily.
    Why did the USA fight for freedom against the British, Hitler, and Saddam if America just ended up as a police state? All those American soldiers died in vain.
    The elites are trying to weaken and divide Americans by race, gender, handicap, penalizing hard work, encouraging welfare use, and pushing immorality while using fear, terrorism, drugs, false flags, discrimination, hate speech, Russian propaganda, and fake news laws, and wars on cash to make Americans give up their free speech rights, religious freedom, guns, right to silence, privacy, property, right to trials, freedom from torture, and the freedom from extrajudicial assassination.
    Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
    Wake up.
    Pass the word.

      It is funny that tobacco is stigmatized now but pot is a much-loved commodity in the US.
      If you smoke a Marlboro outside a building you are shunned but if you light up a joint people think nothing of it.
      The reality of weed, from an old pothead, is that people who get stoned everyday after college usually do not amount to anything.
      There’s exceptions to that rule but for the most part pot will slow you down after 25.

  13. OK, my comment is going to be all over the place…so please bear with me, gentlemen.
    I will say that it is an indisputable fact that in comparison to Western Europe and of course, Latin America or Asia, the US remains the “most free”. HANG ON…I know we have lots of serious problems and that freedom has very much been undermined…but I am still talking in terms of comparison, quality of life, opportunities, cost of living, etc.
    Let me take issue with the author on one thing: “It was conceived for you, written for you, argued over for you and enshrined in the legacy of this land specifically for you.”
    Um, if by “you” you mean a White Protestant landowning male, then YES…it was written for our kind. You certainly don’t mean to tell us that the Founders had ever envisioned a nation of mestizos, “black lives matter” and the largely undesirable waves of Southern European immigration in the 19th Century right? In fact, I’ll probably be crucified for saying this today but I’m one of those “old stock” Americans who believe that the waves of immigration in the 19th Century shaped the US to become in many ways the hellhole it is today when it comes to race relations and that is when the whole fake narrative of “nation of immigrants” really took root. We are not – were not, a nation of immigrants but of SETTLERS…and to be specific, WHITE PROTESTANT settlers.
    Getting that fact out of the way, it is true: no other Constitution in the world grants us so much protection from government. People here who say “Europe is better” should move there and try to get someone to host a website like this. You’d be smacked down instantly. Or, try defending your right to bear arms. Most people will mock in derision. No other country in the world provides for such a level of individualism as this country…let alone federalism and true direct representation. Is it a perfect system? Hell no. Does Europe offer any better? NO, ten thousand times NO.
    I agree with some of the earlier comments: it is much easier not to be in a ghetto in the US if you are middle class than it is in Euroland (and yes, I’ve lived in many Euro countries).
    Crime: Walk around Times Square at night, and the chances you are mugged even with valuables on hand is ZERO. Walk around Paris central at night, or Barcelona, or London…muggings are much more frequent against tourists and natives alike, as are out of control marauding gangs of Moroccan youths…look at Amsterdam and Rotterdam at night. Crime in New York and other major American cities is virtually limited to very specific areas and most of the victims are themselves…whereas in Europe, it’s anywhere…just like home invasions are much more frequent over there (good luck shooting the intruder because you will be prosecuted)…assuming you even dare to own a weapon or could purchase one.
    @randomguy: They didn’t have to write it in the Constitution because ALL states had colonial and post-constitutional laws BANNING Catholics and undesirable immigrants…which was understood to be Southern European and/or Catholic as well as of course the third world…it was unthinkable to admit them and you should know that. And yes, you’re right — American leaders, due to business interests of their own, consciously chose to make the US a nation of trashy imports ever since the 60s.
    In summary, although the US today is no where near the level of freedom we had 50 years ago and even 20 years ago, we are still in much better shape than Europe (thanks to a population that, if it ever got ugly, would be far more effective at reacting than the avg eurotrash). That has to do with the fact that America is still very rural based (when it comes to things that matter most) and we have a good amount of people here who would never put up with the crap they do in Europe. Why, even recently a weatherman was caught on film blasting his coworkers, saying they are too negative and telling them off. American men for the most part are still way way more outspoken and with guts than your average Euro and that, I believe, is the only hope left for this country. All in all, I’ll take it any day over some European cuck “paradise”.

    1. DORIAN
      The original SETTLERS from the South or US interior have gone the way of the Cherokee Indians they intermarried with-they are completely irrelevant and have none of the media/monetary import of the coastal ethnics-Cubans in Miami, Jews and Italians and Irish-Catholics in the Beltway, Californians.
      If you were to look at Forbes very few of the millionaires would be people from Old Colonial stock living in Missouri or Georgia. Nobody gives a shit about them and they have not amassed the money or media influence or even the sheer brute control over crime that Mestizos and blacks and Italian mobs have. They have nothing-they do not rule the banks, businesses, film industry or even the street.
      Blacks, Jews, Asians and ethnic whites have no use for rural-based whites because they are poorer, less influential, far from the centers of influence or power on the East and West coast.
      And Arabs and Mestizos will infiltrate these parts of the country-NYC/DC and especially California. Not with brute force but with money and numbers.
      Ethnic white girls from say, Chicago or NYC (Italians, Irish, Jews) are less likely to associate with black thugs or want to marry them because they know that it is a straight-up ticket to a life of destitute single motherhood-it is naive evangelical Protestant Anglo girls from Missouri farming communities who end up impregnated by black thugs while their brother imitates Eminem.
      Part of this geography and part of it is IQ-starting with Boston Irish Catholics and continuing with Askenazi Jews and now Asians the US has imported overclasses.

      1. madman marz: What’s your point?
        “The original SETTLERS from the South or US interior have gone the way of the Cherokee Indians they intermarried with-they are completely irrelevant and have none of the media/monetary import of the coastal ethnics-Cubans in Miami, Jews and Italians and Irish-Catholics in the Beltway, Californians.”
        And? Doesn’t mean that’s a desirable America or the America the Founders envisioned. So whatever it is now, let me be clear: it is NOT the America the Founders envisioned. In fact, I would say that (assuming you are correct about Cubans (that’s a laugh) or Irish in the Beltway (another laugh), that still doesn’t take away from anything I’ve said.
        “If you were to look at Forbes very few of the millionaires would be people from Old Colonial stock living in Missouri or Georgia.”
        I don’t give a crap what list is on Forbes. They could all be Chinamen…and that still doesn’t take from anything I’ve said. Not everyone from old colonial stock lives in Georgia or Missouri by the way…and you forget – or ignore, that up until the 1960s, WASPS WERE the default, were the power, were what made this country be once free. It wasn’t built for anyone else and to think otherwise is delusion. Sure, are the WASPS in decline now? YES…and just look at what a hellhole America is becoming ever more.
        “Nobody gives a shit about them” – We don’t need others to care for us, thanks anyway though. We don’t beg for ethnic recognition, unlike the hyphenated trash that came later (And I am using the word trash because even the New York Times called them that in the 1800s, so I just want to be clear on that). No real American hyphenates his identity. Can you imagine Washington saying “I’m English-American” or any of the Presidents up until the 20th Century? In fact, no American of old colonial stock hyphenates his identity.
        WASPS basically handed the country over…that much I agree with you. Is that a good thing? NO. There are many reasons why this happened and I won’t get into that here because it is very lengthy, but it had to do a lot with the gullibility of WASPS who were no match for these cunning fraudsters. I disagree on the money part, though…don’t confuse White trash in Alabama with money and anglo money in New York, Boston or Connecticut. There is still a lot of White Wasp financial power in the Northeast…they’re just quiet about it unlike loud mouth ethnic groups.
        And you confuse all colonial stock as Whites living in rural areas. That’s quite wrong…I will tell you that yes, MOST “Anglo” Americans today live in rural areas, but powerful men on the coasts…although “diverse”, you can also find a lot of Wasps.
        Arabs and Mestizos don’t have that much money…but in any case, IF and when that “infiltration” happens, American will long be dead (it’s already dying fast). The only thing that still keeps it somewhat free is the White man and let me be more specific: the White, culturally Protestant man…in total decline. This is nothing new and was already predicted in the “Rising tide of color”.
        I also disagree with the White Ethnic thing and interracial marriage. Yes, it’s true you tend to see more of it among true Whites (we are the least racist, by the way…which has been our downfall) and that ultraindividuality that characterizes us, as opposed to the tribal thinking of lesser Whites such as Jews or Italians or Irish….is what leads to that which you see…but trust me, most rural white males aren’t imitating Eminem…you see a lot more of that in cities. In fact, you even see that a lot more in the UK because the UK doesn’t have the “country music values” of White working class youth in America.
        As for IQ, the IQ of Boston Irish is actually low. If you do your research on Irish IQ, you will see they are a lower-IQ country…always has been that way, always will be, relative to the English. Most Irish-Americans are poor by the way or lower middle-class…certainly not WASPY money. Italians (to some degree and in very specific areas) have been wealthier due to their family businesses and the nature of their mob ties and ethnic influences…they help each other out more, as do Jews, Arabs and other non-white ethnic groups like the Chinese.
        And yes, I agree the US elites have imported overclasses and if the Chinese or Asians as a whole ever take over, the Black and Latino underclass is gonna beg for the days of the White man…only, it will already be too late for all. The clock is already ticking and it’s only a matter of time before death.

  14. Firstly; The Bill Of Rights is never going away.
    What we are living through is the last gasp of
    an old world order that tried for centuries to
    achieve their agenda; but have been stopped
    dead in their tracks. Any and all recent gains
    or advances of the globalists are temporary.
    The left…will die. The Commies…will die.
    The State of China…will fail. EU…will die.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s inevitable.

    1. China won’t go away although the EU and leftism might.
      As for the Bill of Rights, more or less you are equally free around the Developed world outside of East Asia.
      Except for the guns issue.

      1. Nope — free speech is by far more legally protected in the US than it is in Euroland.

  15. madman marz: What’s your point?
    “The original SETTLERS from the South or US interior have gone the way of the Cherokee Indians they intermarried with-they are completely irrelevant and have none of the media/monetary import of the coastal ethnics-Cubans in Miami, Jews and Italians and Irish-Catholics in the Beltway, Californians.”
    And? Doesn’t mean that’s a desirable America or the America the Founders envisioned. So whatever it is now, let me be clear: it is NOT the America the Founders envisioned. In fact, I would say that (assuming you are correct about Cubans (that’s a laugh) or Irish in the Beltway (another laugh), that still doesn’t take away from anything I’ve said.
    “If you were to look at Forbes very few of the millionaires would be people from Old Colonial stock living in Missouri or Georgia.”
    I don’t give a crap what list is on Forbes. They could all be Chinamen…and that still doesn’t take from anything I’ve said. Not everyone from old colonial stock lives in Georgia or Missouri by the way…and you forget – or ignore, that up until the 1960s, WASPS WERE the default, were the power, were what made this country be once free. It wasn’t built for anyone else and to think otherwise is delusion. Sure, are the WASPS in decline now? YES…and just look at what a hellhole America is becoming ever more.
    “Nobody gives a shit about them” – We don’t need others to care for us, thanks anyway though. We don’t beg for ethnic recognition, unlike the hyphenated trash that came later (And I am using the word trash because even the New York Times called them that in the 1800s, so I just want to be clear on that). No real American hyphenates his identity. Can you imagine Washington saying “I’m English-American” or any of the Presidents up until the 20th Century? In fact, no American of old colonial stock hyphenates his identity.
    WASPS basically handed the country over…that much I agree with you. Is that a good thing? NO. There are many reasons why this happened and I won’t get into that here because it is very lengthy, but it had to do a lot with the gullibility of WASPS who were no match for these cunning fraudsters. I disagree on the money part, though…don’t confuse White trash in Alabama with money and anglo money in New York, Boston or Connecticut. There is still a lot of White Wasp financial power in the Northeast…they’re just quiet about it unlike loud mouth ethnic groups.
    And you confuse all colonial stock as Whites living in rural areas. That’s quite wrong…I will tell you that yes, MOST “Anglo” Americans today live in rural areas, but powerful men on the coasts…although “diverse”, you can also find a lot of Wasps.
    Arabs and Mestizos don’t have that much money…but in any case, IF and when that “infiltration” happens, American will long be dead (it’s already dying fast). The only thing that still keeps it somewhat free is the White man and let me be more specific: the White, culturally Protestant man…in total decline. This is nothing new and was already predicted in the “Rising tide of color”.
    I also disagree with the White Ethnic thing and interracial marriage. Yes, it’s true you tend to see more of it among true Whites (we are the least racist, by the way…which has been our downfall) and that ultraindividuality that characterizes us, as opposed to the tribal thinking of lesser Whites such as Jews or Italians or Irish….is what leads to that which you see…but trust me, most rural white males aren’t imitating Eminem…you see a lot more of that in cities. In fact, you even see that a lot more in the UK because the UK doesn’t have the “country music values” of White working class youth in America.
    As for IQ, the IQ of Boston Irish is actually low. If you do your research on Irish IQ, you will see they are a lower-IQ country…always has been that way, always will be, relative to the English. Most Irish-Americans are poor by the way or lower middle-class…certainly not WASPY money. Italians (to some degree and in very specific areas) have been wealthier due to their family businesses and the nature of their mob ties and ethnic influences…they help each other out more, as do Jews, Arabs and other non-white ethnic groups like the Chinese.
    And yes, I agree the US elites have imported overclasses and if the Chinese or Asians as a whole ever take over, the Black and Latino underclass is gonna beg for the days of the White man…only, it will already be too late for all. The clock is already ticking and it’s only a matter of time before death.

  16. for madman marz: dude, you honestly don’t know the answer? You have blacks. I know it’s difficult, but if you check the FBI statistics of crime, you may notice that once you remove the black crime rate from U.S. statistics, that the rate of crime suddenly becomes that of Switzerland.
    In fact. The U.S. is quite safe, provided you avoid black and Hispanic areas. If you stick to American areas… that is the traditional American definition of an American, then there is relatively zero crime. Of course, you can always claim that the FBI Stats ‘iz razist” but, no one will believe you. The truth will always be the truth. (p.s. a horse has 4 legs)

      Bloods or Crips do not have the power or influence of the Italian mafia. When can black gangbangers actually bribe a judge? What businesses do they own?
      Blacks are more LIKELY to commit a crime but they 50 x more likely to get caught than a Tony Soprano who orders murders every single week.
      Mestizos are a little smarter being half Mediterranean. They will pose a greater threat. Same with Russians.

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