16 Things That Will Happen As America Collapses

Donald Trump bragged about his “smart” missiles launched at Syria to Russia over an unproven allegation of Assad gassing his own people while war mongers like Madman McCain and the celibate weirdo Lindsey Graham had an internal orgasm. This can escalate very rapidly as Trump is poking Putin, and Hezbollah may attack Israel which will lead to chaos. Russia is now acting accordingly while the far left who supposedly are anti-war are suddenly silent. The globalist owned U.N. Security Council rejected Russia’s solution, and it looks like tensions will only escalate.

Einstein once said that the difference between genius and stupidity is that stupidity has no limit. Just when you think the country can’t go any lower, you see things on the news that set the new standard for idiocy like former FBI director Comey spitting out lies, 60 Minutes interviewing washed up Super Slut Stormy Daniels, and now Trump blaming “Mastermind” Russia and Assad for Syria.

It is clear that America is dead. There is no decency, no morals, or sanity, just one big circus of nonsense. The recent H-2B bill passed by Congress and signed by Donald Trump himself allows thousands of foreign tech workers through the visa system countering Trump’s original campaign of growing American innovation. Trophy imports of endangered animals are now accepted into the United States, and Donald Trump hired the man who told George W. Bush the lie of weapons of mass destruction in poverty-stricken Iran, John Bolton.

The Bush family is once again in power, and “Trumpeteers” are too blind to see it as they’re drunk in their own patriotism. Assad said after the first Syrian strike that these allegations are nothing more than cosmetic campaigning and no concrete evidence exists. Still, that means nothing to blood thirsty war mongers.

Trump is doing exactly what the globalists want, setting himself up for impeachment.

The Government Isn’t Getting Any Better

The news is all fake, they’re lying and everybody knows it. You won’t become a better human by watching it, only a miserable one since it’s always about someone shooting up a school, somebody blowing themselves up, a rape here, a rape there. Society continues to plunder, and you can’t do anything about it other than helping yourself.

Writing to state representatives, congressmen, or senators won’t work. People have been preaching this for ages and yet the same three things have remained consistent: more war, more government, less freedom. With that being said, don’t be surprised if you see the following manifest:

1. Intense Civil Unrest – more people are waking up to the truth and when they realize that they’ve been played, a very angry reaction is going to follow.

2. More Terrorism – it’s going to get worse in all parts of the world as more people are taking justice into their own hands.

3. More Economic Instability – a larger gap between the rich and poor will become more apparent as automation and outsourcing puts Americans out of work.

4. Student Debt Explosion – more students are going to be graduating, but most of them won’t be able to secure good paying jobs resulting in default. The debt will collapse, and it will fall in the hands of the American taxpayer.

5. Immigrant Invasion of the U.S. – the zero budget for the border wall is going leave the government forced to put a cardboard fence which won’t do much for security. However, it looks like it’s being designed to prevent Americans from fleeing the country of what’s yet to come.

6. Decline of the American Dollar – Donald Trump and the Republican Party jacked up the spending budget to 1.3 trillion dollars. Inflation is going to blow way out of proportion, and the dollar may become worthless altogether. We may even see a new world reserve currency possibly the pound or even a cryptocurrency take over.

7. Rampant ProstitutionNew York and Atlantic City are just the beginning. America will become the next Amsterdam where girls will flock to the highest bidder. Sugar daddy relationships will become common as the whole culture is shifting towards a transaction hybrid form of intimacy.

8. Drop in Marriage Rates – men and women will treat it like business contracts which will be very specific, stating finances, child rights, and even frequency of intercourse. Most however, won’t even bother. High-tech virtual reality porn and sex bots will be the norm.

9. Technological Takeover – advancements will be made in biotechnology, genetics, medicine, robotics, and alike, making the human presence obsolete.

10. Complete Hijacking of the United States Government – you will see the blatant corruption right in your face and politicians won’t have any fear or shame in doing so.

11. The Rise of the Eastern World – China, India, Japan, Singapore, and other nations will dominate the global economy and will become the new leaders in technological innovation. Recently, Obama visited New Zealand and was treated as though he were still president. The purpose of his trip is unknown, but as you can see more interest is growing there while America continues to plummet.

12. Caucasians will Become the New Minority

13. Globalism will Destroy the Rest of World just like America – countries like Georgia, Croatia, India, Korea, and more are increasingly embracing the degeneracy from digitized Western culture, and so the earth will be one culture under globalists, with tyranny and WiFi for all.

14. Increase in Blindness – the surge of computer-based work is forcing the human eyeball to re-adjust itself to better adapt to the constant close work lifestyle. Glasses, contacts, or trans-humanist like technologies are likely to go up to deal with this loss in vision.

15. The End of Personal Privacy – Uber had their rider and driver info hacked and paid a 6-figure fee to hackers to remain silent. Additionally, they sell your information for “business reasons” according to their privacy laws. Orbitz, the travel website, was recently hacked where credit card, date of birth, and other private info of eight hundred thousand customers were stolen.

16. World War – Trump attacked Assad again just like the war mongers wanted him to and is pointing the finger at Russia for financing them. We all know where this is going.

What to Make of it All?

Treat global events with the mind of a Buddha. Let it pass through and be converted into spiritual energy to fuel your goals. Trump said on Friday to pray, hopefully, God will give him more sense instead of pulling the trigger over whispers from his neocon administration.

For more on what is yet to come, check out Donald Trump vs The Globalists FREE for a limited time on Kindle.

Read More: The Future Of The USA, Russia, And The New World Order

192 thoughts on “16 Things That Will Happen As America Collapses”

  1. What a non-sense end of the article. Men need practical advices, like what occupations will suit the best in times of crisis.

    1. The only winning solution is for the current paradigm to be completely destroyed and all the power elite eliminated. a full on complete plug pulled RESET is required for humanity……or nothing will change for the better. End of story. But that isn’t going to happen. Mankind doesn’t have that kind of spine or stomach for that kind of short term hardship…so it chooses instead to live in abject controlled misery. Hell on earth is not just a figure of speech, it is literal and here in your faces.

      1. The ONLY solution is the FINAL SOLUTION. Send them to the gas chambers. Let Tesla build em’

        1. God takes care of them just fine . He gave them aids of which there is no cure . He doesn’t need you to intervene

        2. Please kill yourself you leftist, garbage, troll plant. Please kill any and all of your family first. Quit stealing oxygen from the rest of us.

      2. A bit too defeatist. There always is a solution. The number one thing to do if you want to turn the tide is change the way you look at money. Get rid of fiat money, go back to the gold standard (anchor your money to something valuable don’t let it float). With that the government will not have – sufficient – funds to finance retarded projects like: feminism, international wars and all matter of liberal buffoonery. Dads will be able to make enough to raise a family on and mom can stay home to provide a healthy environment for her children to grow up in. In that proces the birth rate will adjust itself to a healthy level and more than half your problems are solved. Solutions to big problems are often so simple people can’t see them.

        1. “muh gold standard!!!!!” Bro, stop being a libertarian moron and learn about the gold standard before you start talking about it. The gold standard is stupid as fuck and it will solve absolutely ZERO problems in this country. The lack of a gold standard is not responsible for flooding our country with third worlders. The lack of a gold standard is not responsible for feminism. The lack of a gold standard is not the reason white men literally cucked their entire existence to minorities and women. A lack of a gold standard is not responsible for the extreme stupidity and complacency in this country. All you “muh gold standard, muh taxes, muh oil” libertarians do is make the right wing retarded and un-electable. You force the elected leaders of the right to focus on subjects that will not solve anything, will only send us into more debt, and in the end most of your economic theories are about as dumb as Communism.

        2. This explains just some of the problems with the gold standard. https://www.moneyandbanking.com/commentary/2016/12/14/why-a-gold-standard-is-a-very-bad-idea There is a reason all government dropped it after desperately trying to make it work. In many cases it actually took LARGER GOVERNMENT to control the gold standard than it does with a fiat currency that is directly tied to the economy. I mean, it is funny because you would still need a central bank that printed money and controlled the supply of money, and then they would also have to control money supply by desperately digging for gold…fucking pointless. This is why they even had to switch back and forth between gold, silver, and bi-metallic standards.

        3. Let me know when you get done tearing down the societal concrete edifice with you little ball peen hammer, and then tell me my comment is defeatist. You aren’t going to change the direction or nature of society with anything short of a complete removal and replacement.
          Not even an army of a million 1 pound ball peen hammers is going to change jack schit unless you are staving skulls in with them. You certainly are not going to change anything at all with the internet or any kind of electronic intifada either (pipe dream extraodinaire).
          If it doesn’t hit on the very personal level to ALL beings, it will change nothing (as so many other commentors have repeatedly said as well).

        4. There is NO incentive whatsoever for voluntary change by all parties to the societal paradigm, if it requires even the most smallest sacrifice of ANY perceived comforts. It is just not going to happen, anyone with the most basic psychology KNOWS that.

        5. its too complicated already for that. for starters, most “house wives” are about 2%age points from actually being protitutes, if not in their physical conduct, then in their minds and thought process…. no really, it’s true, and it’s indoctrinated so deeply, they really believe in their hearts, they’re right. Fiat to Gold won’t fix that.

        6. Deplorable Neal Jensen April 17, 2018
          I’m not much of a Marxist; revolutions therefore aren’t part of my playbook. Much more in favor of convincing people with solid arguments. Internet has broken (to a large extent) MM monopoly on influencing folks. If you want a piece of the pie start a blog, a Twitter account or a YouTube channel.

        7. Wes the Great April 17, 2018
          “The gold standard is stupid as fuck and it will solve absolutely ZERO problems in this country. The lack of a gold standard is not responsible for flooding our country with third worlders”
          You’re totally wrong. I didn’t say the gold issue is the sole factor. It’s an important factor. Fiat money screws up your purchasing power…which forces both parents to go out to work – fulltime. Which gives rise to a host of other societal pathologies. One of which is low birth rates followed by….massa migration – to compensate for the low national birth rates.

        8. @Ace…I am not wrong dude. Yes, you can screw up your fiat currency intentionally, but the very reason fiat currency is better than a gold standard is because it is flexible, controllable, and can grow in proportion to your economy preventing large deflation. Pegging your money to a scarce resource that can fluctuate in value and scarcity, that you have to keep in a bank vault somewhere, and then keeping your paper currency tied to it is a very difficult thing to do. Just saying that I am wrong is ridiculous. The gold standard has already been tried and tested for a hundred years, it is not that great, and there is a reason every nation dropped it. Purchasing power has nothing to do with it, if anything fiat currency stabilizes purchasing power. Besides, it is better for gold to be used in other process such as industry/computers and such than to be kept in a bank vault. Gold standards accomplish nothing but adding more complexity and more instability.

        9. “Solutions to big problems are often so simple people can’t see them.”
          Solutions to big problems will NEVER happen if their is not a PERSONAL level incentive to do so when they can keep the existence they have now and sacrifice NOTHING. if it is not personally impacting and causing a unbearable hardship in lifestyle or economic ability, YOU WILL NOT CAUSE A PERSON TO MAKE A SACRIFICE OR CHANGE UNLESS THAT CHANGE IS THE ONLY OPTION OUT OF THE SITUATION THEY LIVE IN.
          Its basic psychology, a point which your platitudes and whinings do NOT and will not address. There is no INCENTIVE to people in relative comfort to CHANGE their social paradigm at all until the current one PERSONALLY AFFECTS them.
          My comments are not defeatist, they are directed straight at the reality of the situation and human nature, unlike your idealistic reality defying ranting.
          That also fits the people who whine about how bad their life is and then DO NOTHING to change their situation because it requires hard work and sacrifice to and live differently to achieve their personal goals. they will not change themselves or situation until it becomes so unbearable that they HAVE TO, or the just surrender and suicide because it became “too much”…to much responsibility and too much to achieve the goals they wish for because they are by human nature, LAZY!

    2. Need to start sending people to the gas chambers. Homosexuals need to be the 1st to gassed!

        1. I think (((Steely Dan))) has only popped up here fairly recently, but is doing everything it can to make enemies and to make outrageous statements to undermine ROK. Don’t know if it is just a garden-variety sjw troll or an SPLC or JIDF operative.

        2. I dislike milo but he was saying that gays historically kept in existance since they had marriages and children on the side anyway but now they do not they may just die out and probably they will be rarer and rarer as they historically undoubtedly fathered children where now they do not. Homophobia is present in almost all historic societies even tribal African societies ( which are how humans lived 60,000 years ago ) so they may have been like a bad mutation which confered enough benefits to survive in a heteronormative culture but when you remove that it starts to die out as the downsides are now stopping them form breeding totally.

        3. STEELY DAN
          You watch guys jack off on webcams? I knew you were an SJW 16 year old homosexual.
          Don’t let your mom walk in when you are watching “gay for pay” guys on Webcam.
          She might be old enough to care that you are gay.

        4. BLUE EYED DEVIL
          If he says he watches men jerk off on Web Cams than clearly he is an SJW because of his homosexuality.

        5. STEELY DAN
          “You Hoe”
          Use the “gay for pay” hoes. They upset you because they only fuck you up your gay ass because you pay them.

      1. Gas chambers is a total non-working and ineffective way to exterminate anybody (read Fred Leuchter, etc, etc) as we know it from the Jooish HoloCa$h lies.
        It is better to do it the way the real genocideans and killers, the Joos, do: Famine (Germany and Ukraina etc), mass bombings (Germany), head shooting (Soviet, Kathyn, etc) , and working to death (Sibir, etc).
        But I understand you along the poetical justice to let the mentioned perpetrators getting what they already have craved a humungus amount money for.

    3. Practical advice’s. Im moving to New Zealand by 2025. I know roosh wants to save the west but it is to far gone.

      1. SUPERMAN
        I’ve lived overseas my entire life and Americans have no idea how difficult it is to immigrate. Either you are incredibly wealthy or a brain surgeon. I tried immigrating to Canada-completed a degree there, was under 30 at the time. They don’t want Americans in part due to a “tit for tat” policy of immigration that kept them out for 40 years when everybody want to immigrate to the US.
        Has-been rap artists like Jay-Z and a few tech giants that made their name during the dot.com era will immigrate and Americans will read that “Ice Pick the Rap Artist” shot a neighbor or beat up his wife in Aukland. Ordinary middle-class Americans seeking escape from the New Brazil? Forget it.

        1. STEELY
          The coward sits in a rustbelt city like the one I was born lacking the initiative to leave.

      2. NZ IS the West, (I’m a native) believe me the grass isn’t always greener, NZ is facing the same problems as the rest of the West.

        1. NZ is getting lots of immigration, “bring in the refugees”, spirit of Angela Merkel. Its like putting the foxes in the henhouse. The country’s small size and geographic isolation were its best defence against negative global influence. Before they know it or it might even be too late they will be swamped by immigrants from non western countries, and made into minority in their own country, like is happening in Australia.
          PS love NZ’ers, some of the most talented people per capita in the world.

      3. Have you even read the article here on RoK on how awful NZ women are? They are perhaps the worst in the Western World.

      4. Move to NZ ? You do realise the kiwis are one of the most politically correct shitholes ? Yeah the countryside isn’t bad but it’s full of cunts and they keep voting for radical leftists
        You faggots need to stand your ground and fight our forefathers faced worse

    4. Best skill to have in hard times is a trade. Building, hunting, plumbing etc. This is a given, you shouldn’t even need to ask.

    5. Is it really that hard to conclude?
      Engineering, farming, wielding, medicine, plumbing, fabrication, mechanic, veterinarian, HVAC, forestry, blacksmiths, mining, fishing, carpentry, masonry, gunsmiths…..are all occupations you can currently make a living on and will be in HIGH demand upon social collapse.
      Jobs that are currently over-saturated and will have little to no relevancy during a time of crisis: Information technologies, human resources, accounting, graphic designer, lawyer, real estate agent, marketing, film, history majors, interior decorators, teachers, executives, retail, bankers.
      This isn’t rocket science. Open your eyes and use your imagination.

      1. In the event of a decline, what exact projects are these tradesmen going to be working on?
        All trades are dependent on a functioning society. Ditto for medicine, engineering, and farming. Specialization is a part of an advanced society. How many nurses would be able do their jobs without advanced medical technologies? How many mechanics will be able to do their jobs without being able to order parts?
        Do you need a plumber if people just resort to shitting in the streets?
        Most farmers today are specialized Agribusinessmen who wouldn’t know how to do low level subsistance farming.
        Blacksmithing and gunsmithing, sure maybe depending upon if they practice more historical methods that rely on less technology. for example someone who knows how to make a proper blade from scrap metal or can fabricate a flintlock from barstock will be more valuable than a Glock certified gunsmith who waits on parts from Austria.
        But most of the other trades rely on fiting together pre-made parts into a pre-planned schematic.
        But in reality things wouldn’t collapse that far unless there was a nuclear war. More likely a Soviet Style collapse, in which case, even third world shitholes have tradesmen.

  2. if the self-proclaimed red pill manosphere could not see through Trump, I guess, people deserve their own rulers.

    1. Yes Hilary was the much better option. Or maybe the left/right democrat/republican nonsense are owned and operated by the same (((people))).
      But don’t blame those (((people))) goy. You just need to man up, alphas don’t complain, its all those feminists you and not (((us))) created from you not manning up.

      1. Sure, no doubt. But remind me where we get to select the non-puppet option on the ballot card

        1. The wise course of action would be to discern who is really doing the fuking to you. And put an end to it.

        Trump is a puppet. Correct but so is everybody else, a non puppet couldn’t get anywhere near the White House its Checkmate. There is nobody to vote for a puppet is always going to end up in the White House.

      3. Trump is a puppet prepared, coached and set upon the US with the primary goal of making the removal of 2A palatable to the masses.
        I mean, if the anti-establishment / anti-immigration hero says that guns are bad, then it must be true, right?
        He’s already started, and when he is finished – all bets are off.

  3. So the future is simply more of what is happening right now.
    & here I was hoping that Soros will change his mind & stop the sjw brainwashing & the immigrant invasion.

    1. Keep up with Q-anon’s posts. A LOT is happening right now, you’re just up to speed on current events. There is hope, for sure.

  4. good article
    the things are unveiling, its time to make sure who’s who and take the right side

      1. its just temporarily occupied by nato for its goatfuckers
        exit nato – and we’ll deal with goatfuckers in 48hrs
        no surrender!

        1. you’re a croat rat or a shiptar goatshagger – you’re not even any mensch

    1. The right side is easy. Do you think pedovore’s are good people? If not, then you’re on the right side. It really is that simple, it’s like living in the most cliche’d b-movie in the history.

  5. Move item seven to the number one slot…..It codified already in America, its called marriage. Otherwise it is in full effect without any intervention.

    1. Prostitution is getting token attention using the “protect the kids” label…but reality is trafficking in minors is often done willingly by the minors themselves trying to make the best money they can as EASILY as they can from their own laziness and lack of effort, never mind lack of concern for all health issues associated with it.
      Wish the DOJ would instead actually target and track down the KIDNAPPERS instead, then you would actually protect and rescue individuals who actually want to be rescued.

        I see America headed the same way that the Philippines was 20 years ago. Desperate former middle-class women will sell their daughters at age 14. Women will throng the roads seeking money for any sexual act. It won’t just be crack whores or heroin addicts but ordinary women who would have been sales or retail ladies in the past.

        1. AS the real economic situation gets worse down on the main street level, the more base versions and open versions of outright prostitution will become more obvious and normal. You can’t really call it survival adaptation as these women doing it are NOT moving in a direction to do something USEFUL or helpful to society but instead is a last ditch attempt by them to make easy money, hold up their current economic status and NOT be required to actually work without coming off their self entitled laziness and actually do something useful and constructive to the future (REAL adaptations to change). Useful constructive things would be like cooking or sewing or baby sitting or tutoring or gardening or canning and preserving foods….But no, that is NOT what is in front of any woman’s eyes in this economy….it all about gimme gimme gimme , smell my coochie you are under my spell do as I as say. Which is why you are also seeing in increase in articles where women ADMIT to “dating” and swiping in order to get goods and money for DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for men. you will see very soon hardcore actually sex favors for money as the economy gets worse. the whole arrangements and sugar daddy rise is all about women setting themselves up leverage wise for shelter food and :’gifts” but nothing else but the “free” ride on mens money and labor, something marriage USED to provide at the cost of an oath of loyalty and license that used to be enforced, no more. Feminism has killed those aspects off.

        2. DEPLORABLE
          As late as 1990 only heroin addicts and biker whores became porn stars.
          More and more women will talk about doing Bukkake as “empowering” but 30 years ago wages were high enough that a Stormy Daniels could marry a blue-collar guy and have a house and two kids and a shot at a decent life.
          Then the economy changed and today more and more women resort to grotesque porn scenes.

  6. When your country owes over 22 trillion dollars to a private group of zi0nists. Similar Zi0nists Own 99% of your media. Has its zi0nist tentacles all through your law houses and academia. Essentially has perverted all the important institutions of your society. Who really runs your country. This isn’t something you should say, heh yep I guess they do. It should be something that invokes a sense of great betrayal and concern. Your countrymen, your people and your family are metaphorically being skull-fuked and over ten generations from now have been locked in for the same treatment if not worse.
    It has been said time and time again by those seemingly beating their heads against a wall “Wake the fuck up!”

  7. I find that Trump’s strike has an important effect, namely, it debunked the bravado of Putin and his advisors. This strike – in the face of express threats – “to shoot down the American missiles AND THEIR LAUNCHING SITES” (i.e., attack our jets and ships) was a masterstroke which reclaimed American military credibility. Deterring enemies and rivals is the best way to AVOID war. Just like everyday life, if you are strong and built others will have second thoughts about messing with you. What I found intriguing was the fact that Putin ordered the Russian Naval fleet out of the Tartus port in Syria because the Russian Navy was in danger of being hit. The Russians essentially ran away. Russians love to brag and threaten but their military is weak.
    Bottom Line: the Russians did not fight back or activate their S400s. No Russian retaliation. Nothing. This restores the deterrent power of the American military. China will think twice before challenging our Souther Pacific arsenal. By not acting we invite more challenges. Russia is a rival – not a friend. They are already buying oil in Yuan and not USD. They are not friends of ours despite their many tolls saying how “strong” Russia is and implying the USA needs to “cooperate” with Russia. Bull$hit.
    Final Point: I fully recognize that the USA is an Empire we have dozens of bases in the European Theater, – Italy, UK, Germany, Turkey, Gulf – Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Asia – South Korea, Aussie, Japan, etc but I prefer that we rule. Yes, America First if not us another power will replace us – and to all the traitorous Russia lovers you can GTH. USA is the Greatest.

      China will conquer the world through business-Chinese own the Philippines and the US merely protects the interests of a few Chinese family cartels there who own SM Mall etc.
      China is building a highway straight through Asia and doing business with everyone.
      They won’t try to bomb anybody-they’ll simply turn the Americans into peasants like the Filipinos who live in squats and sell their daughters body.

      1. I am aware of the OBOR as well as the growing prowess of China. The Yuan is becoming used more and more and a Yuan based contract as you probably know has just been launched. Russia is helping China by promoting the Yuan and trying to get others to use Yuan and not USD. That was my point above there are idiotic Americans plus tons of Russian trolls trying to get America divided and support Russia.
        I agree with your sentiments that China is a real rival economically. As you may also know their investing huge sums in their military capabilties, AI and space exploration. Yet the US has innate advantages such as a large middle class (in China the wealth is concentrated on the coast). This growing influence is evinced when Obama visited and they humiliated him – purposely. Just like Duerte calling Obama’s mother a b!tch. This disrespect was indicative of a declining USA. I think China is ready to challenge the USA (see e.g., South China Seas) and Trump’s move will cause them to back off at least for now. But you make solid point about the power of their economy – I agree 100%

    2. Yup. Russia is a has-been power. A nation with a GDP the size of the Netherland’s and a population smaller than Pakistan’s (1/3 the size of the USA’s population). Her naval projection depends on how many late Soviet-era rust buckets she can get seaworthy enough to steam beyond territorial waters; her nuclear arsenal looks awesome on paper, but how much of it is in disrepair or manned by soldiers drunk off their arses on cheap vodka. Don’t believe the hype. Basically, Russia in the (current year, as you Pepe the Frog types like to say) is Italy in the 1930s; allowed to act like a great power because no real power has the gumption to put its foot down.

      1. Yup, GDP the size of Netherland og a population smaller than Pakistan.
        And you yanks are absolutely ape shit about how they have infiltrated everything in your country.
        Does not take much, does it?

        1. We’ll yes, and we’re also ape shit about goathumpers who live in tents that might pose some sort or threat, and the North Koreans too, puny as they are. Mea culpa in that respect.

        2. BJORN
          Scandinavians in Fargo are not letting Muslims come into their house and fuck them up the ass like they do in Malmo.
          Try being a Muslim and going into a Finnish-American neighborhood in Ohio and raping some girl. You’d have the life expectancy of a housefly.
          Of course the Scandinavian-Americans are peasants from your perspective but they are tough peasants and I’ll be very surprised when Somalians in Minnesota start raping Swedish girls in the roads of Duluth.

        3. HERBIE
          Syria is a fine example of that. Sad about the innocent children and women but it is a toilet bowl in a sandbox that the US should not have to give a shit about.

        4. BJORN
          Swedish invasion of Upper Midwest-
          In the late 19th century Minnesota was a tiny US army-controlled settlement with some surviving Native Americans.
          The Scandinavians took it over lock, stock and two smoking barrels.
          Twenty years of non-stop migration.
          Go to Minneapolis or Fargo. Its owned by Scandinavian-Americans.

      2. MADMAN
        Yes, Syria is a shithole country (or more politely a “failed state”) and I normally wouldn’t care so much, except that the USA cannot afford to have Russia (which needs to be put back in its box as the minor power it is) have a naval base (Tartus) threatening NATO, or, worse still, Iran (run by whacked-out mullahs) having a base there which puts it within striking distance of US interests in the Middle East.

      3. That’s a naive post Herbie. In a literal sense. It’s based on assumptions like GDP and population size. Both of those factors are absolutely irrelevant for WWIII. Foot-soldiers will be your 3rd of 4th option in WWIII. 1st option would always be I.T. related. e.g. turning off the cooling rods in US nuclear reactors remotely. Hacking, cracking and jacking. 2nd option would, of course, be an EMP.
        So, already with option 1 and option 2 we can see that population size and GDP don’t mean shit.
        So, if you want to comment on probabilities of who’s going to win, at least source some of the tech each side has. It’s all about the tech and the nerds who run the tech.

        1. asdasda
          No wonder you are gay and live at home as a grown man with your single mother…
          The US domestic economy has been fucked since 2001 when Osama drew the military into a 2-decade war BECAUSE of foot soldiers. ISIS and for that matter Asad would do the same thing in Syria-they would skip down the hallways of the Kremlin or through Iranian ministries in pure joy knowing that the US was going to attempt to occupy Syria and end up in another Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan.
          China does not give a fat rat’s ass and will do business with anybody and once the highway is built across Asia to Europe Turkey will turn East and China then owns the economy so it won the war-though business. This is how China took over the Philippines.
          Nuclear Command is completely off any (Public) electronic grid and technology employing those weapons was present in the 1950’s so Russia. Pulses won’t disable them either.
          China is so dependent upon US outsourcing it would plunge into a unrecoverable economic turmoil if Wal-Mart etc did not pay them every day.
          Arabs in any event will

        2. If it’s “all about the tech and the nerds who run the tech,” then why wouldn’t our own capabilities counterbalance (or outmatch) anything that Russia could throw at us? Hell most of the technologies out there were INVENTED by Americans. NSA is a monstrous hive of evildoers in peace time, but God help whatever country is stupid enough to throw down with us. When they turn their evil Sauron eye on you, your life is over.
          America has a lot of problems but our military might is not one of them. At the moment you’re watching us fight asymmetric wars and making the mistake of thinking that it is reflective of how we’d behave in a war with a more traditional opponent. I’d give Russia and the entire Middle East about 30 days of sustained combat before their planes started dropping out of the sky through sheer lack of spare parts.

      4. @ herbie, you really have not done your research. I suggest you do. Both of those things are not even close to imaginary. Again, do your research. Oh, and in case you missed it, you really should research a bit, might be good for you, get off the porn sites for a bit, expand your mind, you know. But, hey, what floats your boat.

    3. @ Whitepride. Just because you retaliate immediately, rather than waiting for the optimal time and with full composure does not mean that everyone else does. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
      Having said that, I am totally on the fence right now as to Russian and Chinese objectives. We do not, nor will we ever, be told the full story. So don’t be arrogant and assume you know what’s what, we’re plebs.

      1. China wants to run a road from China through Pakistan to Turkey and at that point the economic arrow runs East and China controls Asia which becomes the epicenter of the economy.
        Even a 4 year old can understand that China has no interest in Syria or anything but business.

      2. Asdasda,
        But when you threaten to hit someone you had better do so. That is my point – if the Russians want to talk tough and act like big men they should have followed through. They threatened and did nothing. This has meen their MO for the last several years – build up Putin as some “alpha winner” and Russia as a “superpower” so as to demoralize the USA and make us want to “cooperate”. Russia tortures dissidents this is a fact. They do murder democracy proponents. This is a fact. Putin craves the “glory” of the Soviet Union. This is a fact. Russian objectives – Russian government keyboard warriors are all over this site, RT, ZH, Sputnik, etc. All designed to demoralize and divide us. Only a traitor or complete dumbazz would support Russian efforts at ruining the USA. They and China are our competitors and rivals; not our friends. When you see posts allegedly from Americans hoping Russian forces shoot down American pilots you know we are in serious trouble.

        1. Best post I’ve seen on RoK in ages. A light shining in the darkness. Nails Russia, Putin, and the sycophantic Americans who ride Putin’s jock. Oh, and you American RoK’ers who hope Russia shoots down American planes or sinks American ships, you are filthy traitors, the lot of you.

  8. All wars are HOAXES and Manufactured all the way down to WW1. The so called great war was kept going by the British who supplied Germany with all its war materials through Sweden who were neutral at the time if it wasn’t for that WW1 would of ended in around 1915 at the most. I am currently reading a book called “The Triumph of Unarmed Forces 1914-1918” (1923) by Rear Admiral M.W.W.P. Consett. A fascinating read showing you the British was supplying Germany with its metals, oil, coal and it was even financed by British and USA Banks via Scandinavia Banks. Even the coffee, Cocoa and sugar came from England. It was a complete con job . After the war finished countries were in debt by billions upon billions exactly what the bankers want (Money doesn’t smell) it also help to kill off million upon millions of the White Christina Race The flower of the youth all left dead.

    1. STEVE
      A Russian Spy is poisoned in UK the same week that supposedly Assad uses deadly poisons in Syria and then later that week UK/US fire missiles at Syria.
      Hoax indeed.

  9. I am skeptical just because I remember reading lists like this way back in the 90’s. I mean they were almost identical. If I have enough motivation I might see if my old college computer with all the old newsgroup postings archived on it will still fire up. I’m not saying it is, but this reads almost exactly like a “cut and paste” job from one of those old newsgroups.
    Maybe these things will finally come to pass. They didn’t when all the bell ringing was going on back c. 1993-5. That was 20+ years ago though….

  10. >11. The Rise of the Eastern World – China, India, Japan, Singapore, and other nations will dominate the global economy and will become the new leaders in technological innovation
    India is a joke and will forever remain a giant 3rd world slum. Some IT outsourcing Pajeets don’t change that.
    Japan is a bureaucratic nightmare. People don’t innovate there, people don’t take risks, people follow the status quo in safe and stable employment.
    Singapore is just an offshore hub. The place is super expensive and locals are dull and robot like.
    China is the only place where some real innovation will come from. Mobile payments via the chinese version of whatsapp absolutely exploded in China as well as credit based on newly innovated scoring based on Chinese eBay buying behavior.
    They couldn’t care less about the west though as the country is giant so the US will still dominate western oriented startups.

    1. if they don’t care about the west then why is my city flooded with thousands of chinamen every year ?

      1. Or Vancouver where the Chinese have made the housing market inhospitable for every Canadian ever thinking about owning a home.

        1. Boo hoo hoo. You were sold out by j*ws and the local elites.
          To quote Thomas Jefferson: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
          Whining on the internet won’t change anything. Whether you retreat elsewhere or realize that retreating isn’t an option and take other actions is up to you really.

        2. BURTON
          …no conspiracy there. They have money and intend to spend it in countries where this is a good investment.

      2. I’m talking about startup technologies, not about Chinese people moving abroad for various reasons.

    2. LARRY
      China is building a road through Asia for some purpose and it is probably business.
      Look at the Philippines. The Spanish half-breeds had the military and the power for most of the 20th century and were backed by the Americans but the Chinese simply took over business.
      They will turn the West into the next Philippines and unlike Americans who build factories on the East Coast of China the Chinese do not care if whites sell their daughter in the road.

    3. Japan is literally dying away. Hardly any babies being born. Japan peaked in the mid-90s. China’s economy is parasitic; based on foreign trade. This too, shall pass.

      1. HERBIE
        Japan never fully recovered from the bubble bursting in the 90’s when the banks were owned by the government.

      2. Japan is done as a civilization. If I grow to be an old man my grandkids (or maybe great grandkids) are going to ask me what it was like to meet someone who was Japanese.

    4. “China is the only place…”
      -Where people eat dogs, cats and shit !!
      -Where people who are rich get the fuck out of their 3rd world shit hole Country aka China !!
      China is a comedy and forever will remain as 3rd world, dog & cat eating shit hole Country, you stupid dumbass !!

      1. RAVI
        Meh, more Indians are willing to move to the Arab Gulf countries than Chinese.
        If you stopped out-migration of Chinese it would not cripple THEIR economy but Kerala and South Indian would collapse.

    5. the same thing u said about china mobile payment i Alsao happening in africa mobile payment are the nom villegers exchanging even cattle through mobile payment

  11. This country has been dying for a long time, yes. As I said in my earlier comment on another article (and many people don’t like this view) all of this “America as a nation of immigrants” nonsense started in the late 19th Century when waves of “White others” (back then not considered White of course) started reaching for our shores. They did not have the same temperament, values or ideals about freedom as did our Founders and the Protestant population that built and settled this country. Why do I mention this? Because freedom can only last when it is upheld by a free people who truly believe in it. Once that population composition breaks down or is diluted, you get trouble.
    Today, were it not for military might and the fact that financial power is concentrated here (in some specific cities), America is basically a second world country at best…with cheap political theatrics the same you would see any in any banana republic or second-rate European Parliamentary “democracy” with the cacophony of their shouting and theatrics (look at Italy and Greece or even the UK today).
    “Just when you think the country can’t go any lower, you see things on the news that set the new standard for idiocy like former FBI director Comey spitting out lies, 60 Minutes interviewing washed up Super Slut Stormy Daniels”
    Yup and the whole HYSTERIA and “outrage” we are seeing, by WHITES, defending two Black males who were arrested at Starbucks for trespassing. Never in my life (and I’ve also asked old people) have I seen so much outrage (manufactured) at something so stupid. The fact is, the men were trespassing and that calls for an arrest. The fact that the manager called the police on them is up for debate, but are we seriously heading for a time in which a business owner cannot call the police and have two blacks arrested for TRESPASSING because “it hurts their feelings and is racist”? Man this country is really in the toilet and mostly Whites are to blame who have allowed it.
    “It is clear that America is dead. There is no decency, no morals, or sanity, just one big circus of nonsense.”
    I totally agree with this. Day in and day out, we read more and more BS stories in the press. Ironically, never have people been so depressed as now (not to mention male balding).
    I believe the only way to counter some of this madness, partially, is to “go off the grid”. NO, I don’t mean be a hermit or some hippie loser living in a van. I mean truly disconnect yourself from that which the system wants you to depend on for having a “fulfilled” life (which is a lie). That means you need to be your own boss as much as you can, NOT be intimidated when they call you “racist racist” (when people tell me I’m judgmental, I say “of course I am! All great civilizations are based on exclusion and judging!) DO NOT ACCEPT what they have decided is good. This is one of the main problems so many men are having (particularly White) – we have decided to play on their terrain, on their terms. So many get desperate and in denial “but, but I’m not racist!!!” or “I don’t judge!!”, or “I don’t have the absolute truth!”, etc. That crap doesn’t fly with me.
    2. Building from above, rediscover and recuperate “the old truths” — the old time morals and standards…now what CNN tells you to be outraged at.
    3. Eat right as much as you can — this sounds silly, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to spiritual and mental well-being. I have full hearty OLD-SCHOOL meals, none of that frozen crap or “instant” this or that. Pick up an early 20th or 19th century cookbook or recipes. It will make a world of difference in energy levels, stamina and sanity.
    4. Resistance: this will be key. It will be necessary to build alternative networks of communication and resistance because eventually, internet owners will block us and the 1st Amendment will slowly be attacked more and more or deemed not applicable to internet. We seriously have to start thinking about this and alternatives to many things. Most Americans living in cities and those under the age of 60 would not be able to survive a major crisis such as a prolonged electrical power failure or an attack on “vital” grids. That may be to our advantage, if you are prepared well. I believe only the White man (and to be honest, the rural one with old values) is capable of surviving such a failure…but our numbers will be very reduced, yes and the moral quality of even most young whites today is sewage…so I’m not sure how all this will end but I do know that the free America that once was, is no longer and there is no use in trying to bring back the dead.

    1. DORIAN
      I don’t know what you define as freedom since the Italians showed up and within about 10 years had imposed their own form of government on the US that MAY have result in JFK’S assassination among other things.
      WASPS outside the East Coast are really raped by everyone. I’m not sure what the Jews do besides convince them to watch Ron Jeremy fucking hideous Yentas but the Mexicans have gotten them hooked on one drug after another and as we speak some MS-13 Indian is about to chop some 14 year old girl’s head off over a coke deal. Of the blacks they merely father children with dumb Protestant Evangelical chicks who end up down at the welfare office-not many Italian or Jewish girls will be raising a Mulatto in desperate poverty or pimped out by Tyrone because he got her hooked on crack.
      A great deal of this is that the WASP is descended from British soldiers and explorers of the sort who are good at building countries but not so good at the corner-cutting under-the-table street hustler games that Asians, Italians, Jews and Arabs coming from ancient corrupt civilizations excel at.
      They are easily bamboozled into wars by alcoholic bums like Bush and swallow whatever garbage the media rams down their throat-Asians and Jews and East Coast ethnics are more cynical.
      In the past 20 years, for example, the interracial phenomenon and wiggers have really hit the whites in the US interior. Italians and Jews for example have their own culture and support networks (Community, church, overseas links) but the WASP is merely a blank consumer for Hollywood and incompetent politicians to ram shit down their throats.

      1. @Madman: It’s pretty simple: no matter which way you slice it, this country wasn’t made/built/settled for Italians. As a people they are talented, artistic…whatever you want, but free minded NO…let alone orderly and constitutionally minded. Like other Mediterranean cucks, they are basically a nation of slaves since Rome’s fall.
        Note: There are no true “wasps” outside the East Coast. In fact, much of the Midwest is German in origin, for example. As for drugs…I think you should visit Staten Island…heavily Italian-American wog and drug use is skyrocketing. I don’t deny drugs is a major problem overall for Whites, though….but it’s to be expected: with degeneracy comes all kinds of debauchery.
        Interracial coupling: I agree on that…it affects Anglos more than ethnics.
        I’m glad you recognized the corrupt nature – and relatedness, of Italians, Jews, Arabs and Asians.
        The fact is, I am pessimistic because all history shows us that when it comes to society and just overall survival (in the bad sense), the little dark man is the final winner. Historically, as you yourself recognize, the descendants of the English or “Anglo Saxons” go to war while the darkies tend to be complacent, they are what I call “safety people”…the type who stays in his own gutter curb while encouraging the White man to fight for his cause, only to stay behind and maintain his own interests. Treacherous and cunning yes, but certainly not White.
        As of the late 19th Century and with rare exceptions, our immigrants came largely from social discards or the unemployed…they didn’t come to America seeking freedom, they came here to make a buck and material improvement…hardly the ingredients for a fit, noble and free people.
        You may be more cunning, but not more heroic. That’s why traditionally (until we were totally silenced by law and force), it was very deeply rooted that a hero was usually a tall, blond, honest and somewhat stupid youth and the villain a small, dark and exceptionally intelligent individual of warped
        moral character.

      2. It’s pretty simple: no matter which way you slice it, this country wasn’t made/built/settled for Italians. As a people they are talented, artistic…whatever you want, but free minded NO…let alone orderly and constitutionally minded. Like other Mediterranean cucks, they are basically a nation of slaves since Rome’s fall.
        Note: There are no true “wasps” outside the East Coast. In fact, much of the Midwest is German in origin, for example. As for drugs…I think you should visit Staten Island…heavily Italian-American wog and drug use is skyrocketing. I don’t deny drugs is a major problem overall for Whites, though….but it’s to be expected: with degeneracy comes all kinds of debauchery.
        Interracial coupling: I agree on that…it affects Anglos more than ethnics.
        I’m glad you recognized the corrupt nature – and relatedness, of Italians, Jews, Arabs and Asians.
        The fact is, I am pessimistic because all history shows us that when it comes to society and just overall survival (in the bad sense), the little dark man is the final winner. Historically, as you yourself recognize, the descendants of the English or “Anglo Saxons” go to war while the darkies tend to be complacent, they are what I call “safety people”…the type who stays in his own gutter curb while encouraging the White man to fight for his cause, only to stay behind and maintain his own interests. Treacherous and cunning yes, but certainly not White.
        As of the late 19th Century and with rare exceptions, our immigrants came largely from social discards or the unemployed…they didn’t come to America seeking freedom, they came here to make a buck and material improvement…hardly the ingredients for a fit, noble and free people.
        You may be more cunning, but not more heroic. That’s why traditionally (until we were totally silenced by law and force), it was very deeply rooted that a hero was usually a tall, blond, honest and somewhat stupid youth and the villain a small, dark and exceptionally intelligent individual of warped
        moral character.

      3. Indeed. There’s an old joke “Why did God create Episcopalians? Because someone has to pay full retail.” Substitute WASPs for Episcopalians and you get the idea. They’re chumps.

    2. So in your first paragraph, you’re saying that when the USA let in those nasty Italians, Poles, and perhaps even Irish Catholics; it degraded the pioneering spirit that the heretical Nordic stock of the original inhabitants bequeathed to the nation, or something like this? Wow. You seem to have forgotten that the USA reached its zenith in the late-1950s, early-1960s, when the influence of those nasty white catholic ethnics was at its peak (we even had one as POTUS). As for the 2 black dudes in Starbucks, yeah, it’s a big kerfuffle. But they just wanted to use the can. We’ve all gone into eateries just to use the facilities when we’ve had a bladder attack. Best just to turn a blind eye. If it was a couple of white chix wanting to use the powder room to change their kotex, no one would have objected. You’re right about Stormy Daniels though. She should be sewn up into a burlap bag and tossed into the deepest part of the Potomac River. Shame to glorify a whore like that. But the biggest problem–and you don’t mention this–is loss of respect for authority. And I’m not talking about kids sassing their parents either. We should all read Romans 13:1-7. Open your bibles.

      1. Herbie:
        I am only saying that those populations were not — and ARE NOT currently if you look at what happens in Europe, as “liberty minded” as the English Protestants who came here. And this isn’t only my view, it was the correct view of everyone who had any sense of history. Look, even today, with Brexit, what did the Irish want? MORE EU. Even in the context of Europe today, England is by far the most “sovereignty” minded of them all…this despite the fact that they have become so utterly tyrannical but if you compare to the continent, at least people are talking about it a lot more. You don’t get that in Italy, for example, or Greece.
        Not sure where “heretical” comes from…if by that you mean Protestant…well, I mean if freedom is heresy to you…then all is said.
        Yeah, we had JFK lol…the one who gave us the “civil rights” BS. What an accomplishment! JFK, who defiled the White House by his very presence back in those days. Also, you ignore that “reaching its zenith” was not the objective of the Founders…we were to be a FREE REPUBLIC, NOT an empire, so that’s hardly an accomplishment in the liberty sense. Even granting that, which is true…it wasn’t because of White Ethnics…but rather thanks to Protestant expansionism that made this be a superpower in the 20th Century comparable to Britain in the 19th. You don’t get that, in modern history, with none other than the Anglo-Protestants and Germans, to an extent as well as Scandinavian/Nordic countries (Economically speaking, mind you).
        And I can’t believe you are not horrified that this is a scandal (the Starbucks thing). IT DOESN’T MATTER what they were there for, sir. The fact is that they shouldn’t have been in there IF they were indeed trespassing. It doesn’t matter what “all of us” have done. See…this is the kind of thinking that is so screwed up. The fact that a CEO of a major company is going to meet with
        them speaks volumes as to how low we’ve fallen.
        In a free country, I as a business owner should decide who I want to let use the bathroom and if I don’t want two black guys, FOR WHATEVER REASON (do I have to give a legitimate reason in a free country on PRIVATE property?) to use my facilities, it shouldn’t be scandalous. Bad for business? Maybe. But scandalous? C’mon.
        As for Romans 13…I agree, but you cannot expect respect for authority when authority itself has been compromised and the very concept of it has turned into degeneracy. Authority starts with the family — i.e. people who share your blood and when that breaks down, all authority breaks down. So it is no wonder that as anarchy increases on a personal level: drug use through the roof, unwed mothers, people going easy on pot smokers while castigating tobacco, and just a general lack of purpose for most people, government tyranny is on the rise. A free people are only free if they know how to govern themselves.

        1. DORIAN
          Italians and Irish-Catholics and other white ethnics did not import the blacks.
          Your British colony did.
          The Northeast had enough Europeans to run the industry. They did not need to steal Wolof from Africa.

        2. JFK didn’t pay much attention to the turmoil in the South, at least no more than Anglo-Saxon Protestant Eisenhower did (Ike sent troops to Arkansas to enforce integration of schools!). It was another Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Lyndon Johnson, who gave us the “civil rights” BS whole hog. And there’s a difference between a private residence or private club and a public accommodation.

        3. HERBIE
          Poor whites tend to live around poor blacks because they have the same traits-poor, uneducated, young parents, send their kids to public schools, addicted to drugs etc.

        4. @madman: And? They also imported (some did, not all were behind it) your Irish-Catholic underclass as well as Italians. I’m not sure about your point there.
          @Noodleman: Yup but by the 60s, everyone and everything goes down…so that’s not saying much. IKE was a German-American by the way 😉
          And as regard to public accomodation…that view shows you are not a man of tradition or to uphold freedom. Yes, I know the difference between private and a “public accommodation” but up until the 60s, that was NOT an issue and it was a very well accepted standard that a bar or cafeteria or restaurant could have its own rules of admissions. The fact you even question such a basic tenet of freedom that was so accepted by Americans until the 60’s shows me you are not an ally of freedom.

        5. DORIAN
          Fact is that poor Southern whites end up in the proximity of blacks in the South because of the half.

        6. DORIAN
          German-American or Anglo-Saxon Protestant, 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Point is, he used US troops to force Arkansas to admit black students to a whites-only school. And another WASP President, LBJ, was the prime mover behind all of the “civil rights” legislation of the 1960s. If anything, it was ethnic Catholic politicians (Daley in Chicago, Rizzo in Philadelphia) in the North who tried to resist all that.

        7. HERBIE
          Chicago politicians attempted to resist that because they could not absorb continuous waves of blacks that were criminals even under KKK paramilitary and Jim Crow who would be SUPER-CRIMINALS in the North where the poor ethnic minorities would bear the impact of constant migration from Mississippi.

      2. HERBIE
        “Nasty ethnics”
        1) I’m a German-American and us whites from the North/East get really sick of hearing about the Civil War and the Alamo and tent-covered wagons. There is a wild streak from these folks descended from British pirates and sailors who fucked squaws. The Irish and Germans and Jews came as families to communities with churches and this is why they powered the industrialization of the US.
        2) The South is vaguely tropical and Third World. You cannot even secure your border. The Arab scum that has invaded Canada isn’t sneaking through our border.
        3) When I was a kid in Detroit the Italians in Detroit and Chicago wasted one another in fantastically horrific ways-Italians were being found with dollar bills stuffed up their severed head-and nobody gave a shit. There is an amusing invention to the way they desecrate their wiseguy victims-chopping off some mob guy’s tongue and sticking it up his ass is one murder I remember.

        1. I’m a Northie but I’ll take hillbillies over jews any day. A race that is anti-White at every turn does not deserve to exist.

      3. Not to be pedantic but they weren’t just trying to use the bathroom. They were there for a meeting of some kind with a supposed real estate developer (?) and had not purchased anything. So when they asked to use the bathroom the staff refused.
        I’ve gone into stores before and asked to use the bathroom and been refused. It’s not a big deal unless you’re a stupid black who walks around with a chip on your shoulder.

  12. JEFF
    The 90’s was MORE decadent than today-the Cold War was over and a hippie was in the White House and people were smoking cigarettes in coffee shops. It was a time when gays were still called fags.
    Ethan Hawke was a hero for sitting on his ass and the government was portrayed as a dangerous entity in shows like X-Files and anti-heroes were all the rage in films like Trainspotting.
    It was the age of Andrew Cunanan.
    The difference is the economy.

    1. Depends on which demographic your talking about. Blacks and Whites were more decadent in the nineties while Latinos and Asians were more conservative (compared to now). They have caught up since then. Feminism was almost unheard of in the Latin community now it’s rampant. Asians used to be very sexually conservative. Now casual sex is accepted (although not talked about openly). Give it time and any community will Americanize to one degree or another.

      1. I actually think black violence was at a high-time madness during the crack era and that white trash were more outrageously stupid and dangerous during the “tweaker” era when cheap crank was everywhere.

        1. Blacks will be shitty no matter what, Whites need to stay off DNA/mind altering drugs.

  13. This is the sort of sensationalist rubbish fear-porn you’d expect to read in a supermarket tabloid. Where’s Matt Forney when you need him. We need more articles about fat-shaming and locking your woman away from her relatives.

  14. Putin said “there will be no winner in a nuclear war”.. if any “winner” it will certainly be China, India and Russia, tomorrow’s superpowers.
    US is losing cause this country is hijacked by it’s “elite”. They sent all their industry abroad to make short term profits, making thousands of workers jobless, they’ve downsized every remaning job, which created a society with a shity quality service.. after that, They’ve feed ppl with homo propaganda, gender bullshit and slut pride.
    yet the American dream fantasy is still working. every average American has an 11 dimensions ego.. he thinks that he’s better than the rest of the “shithole” world.. India is supposed to be a “shithole” country, wonder how they produce 600.000 engineers per year while having the largest gold reserve in the world.. talking about the next big dog here.
    if America collapses the world will be a much peacfull place. every country will deal with it’s own problems, no more “colored” revolution and less bullshit. no more giant chemical compagny feeding us dirt and of course, less terrorism.

    1. I’ve lived in India and Dubai and the average engineer in India makes about $20 per day.
      Indian society has an old-money Brahmin elite still running things and a merchant caste.

      1. 20$ a day is probably considered “a lot” in India.
        personnaly I donc like their culture, the absence of order and hygiene.. but you must deal with this superpower, not consider them as a sub-nation because they aren’t caucasians.

        1. To be fair, graduating as an engineer in India is like getting an arts degree in USA, doesn’t mean much. Unless it’s from the top schools.
          India will not overcome it’s shit hole status until they deal with overpopulation and backward Hinduism beliefs.
          At the current rate it will just become a highly inequality country where the rich and poor are separated by a large gap.

  15. What could possibly happen to really change this ridiculous / phony / corrupt world in our lifetimes?? There obviously will not be any sort of grass-roots rebellion (particularly not by Americans), so what could trigger the massive change needed to overthrow the “Matrix” of control that truly exists on this planet? Four possibilities exist from least likely to most likely:
    1) Benevolent aliens finally make an appearance and straighten us out. I don’t doubt intelligent life forms exist somewhere else in the Universe, but if they know about us and have interacted with us for many generations, why has everything gotten steadily worse and more ridiculous? What will be the tipping point? Likely conclusion: ETs don’t know or don’t really care about us yet. Maybe we’re their late-night entertainment…
    2) Advanced or “break away” human beings make themselves known. Many stories and rumors exist of an advanced human civilization either living on earth (inner earth, under Antarctica, “Agartha” etc) or somewhere off-planet. This concept is often referred to as a “break away civilization” due to their use of high tech (perhaps based on the concepts of Tesla and others) and desire for a true Utopian-like existence. This concept was probed in the recent preposterous movie, Black Panther. But if true, what are these people waiting for? Do they see us as a lost cause? Have they become too selfish and cynical? Likely conclusion: this is a better and more logical explanation of “UFOs” and strange phenomena around the world than the “ET hypothesis”, but any break-away group (Nazis, perhaps?) is likely to have their own concerns and agendas by now, and aren’t limited to living and coexisting with us on earth anyways.
    3) Earth cataclysm. As pointed out by all indigenous peoples of Earth and many diligent “modern” researchers over the last 150 years, the earth (and indeed, likely all planets / moons) has gone through multiple / cyclical cataclysms that are virtually impossible to imagine in terms of devastation — although there always seem to be human survivors who pass on their experiences. The so-called Great Flood (which actually was preceded by widespread earthquakes, fires and electromagnetic phenomena), was perhaps the last one about 11-15,000 years ago. Whether it’s caused by an asteroid, comet, meteor, Planet X, sun changes, galactic cycles or man-made tinkering, the results are the same and are literally “back to the Stone Age”. Likely conclusion: this is the ultimate purging and no underground bunkers will protect the Criminal Elite, but will it happen in our lifetimes? Do we see the signs of the next cataclysm? Do we know what to look for? Why was the “2012 End of Times” bullshit pushed so hard on us?
    4) The White Hats. The so-called White Hats are people (men) who are in positions of relative power and in possession of very sensitive knowledge about the shenanigans of this world and it’s highly suppressed history. These men work in the military, government, intelligence community, banking, science, medicine, etc — but not in a mainstream way. These men are often the secretive underlings of the Criminal Elite, who are not completely psychopathic / Satanic and who haven’t completely lost their moral / ethical compass. These men are in positions (especially if they can become somewhat organized) to throw a big “wrench into the engine” and really create a revolution that could change the world forever in days-to-weeks. Likely conclusion: much like the 2012 Mayan calendar / End of Times hoax, the so-called Whites Hats have been mocked / ridiculed / “debunked” for the last 7-8 years or so, but regardless of what you call them, these men exist and represent our best chance to “upset the apple cart” with a well timed release of information / documents on the internet. Think of the group “Anonymous”, but not just another psych-op launched by the Criminal Elite.
    Just my 2 cents.

      None of that will happen. The US will become Brazil and UK will become Pakistan.
      The working class whites in the US will have it a bit better because they can retreat to the interior wilderness but this is far from the source of power on the East and West Coasts.
      If things get really awful the Jews will all leave and so will the Asians. They will simply flee back to Israel or China or Russia.

  16. I don’t want to hear another cuck talking about immigration in Europe(UK,france) and America.You should know better.Fuck me today,expect me to fuck you tomorrow.why complain about immigration when your government is busy destabilising most of the Muslim world.They are coming on your door step to fuck you. Remember you cannot atleast reproduce,your fate is sealed. China will overtake USA in influence and military power.As an African and most Africans would rather do business with China than any imperialist. its only logical to deal with people who consider you an equal in business than a beta,cuck with an inflated ego.

    1. Fortunately Africans have not yet mastered piloting ships across the Atlantic as whites did 500 years ago so we have nothing much to worry about in terms of refugees.
      Go ahead and do business with China. That is your business.

    2. China will treat Africa like the Belgians did the Congo. Probably even worse.

  17. loool,i cant wait for the west to collapse and africa to rise,i will seize the white women

    1. linky
      Sure, you’ll just walk straight into Idaho and steal them all from the NYC Jews and Alabama rednecks.

  18. 1. Learn to become more self-reliant; hunting, fishing, gardening, survival, first aid.
    2. Make friends with like-minded people.
    3. Re-educate in trade skills that actually have a use; plumbing, wielding, electronics, fabrication.
    4. Less energy into fucking females and more energy into achieving life goals.
    5. Master your physical body with weights and martial arts.
    6. Own firearms; pistol, shotgun and rifle, know how to repair them and how to use them.
    7. Succumbing to depression is a wasted emotion and useless.
    As the world and culture falls apart around you it can become overbearing and the black-pill begins to settle in. If you take advantage of the above numbered list you’ll have incredible amounts of confidence and skills so when the world is finally set on fire…..you won’t care and you’ll be prepared.
    In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

      1. Funny isn’t it. You have the cynical expats, the blood and soil Southerners, the trolls, the Africans…

      2. That some people are down-voting a simple list of self discipline, realistic goals and independent living tells me some readers want others living their lives for them.
        The West (America) is the last bastion and hope for free peoples. If we surrender to liberals, communists, feminists and soyboys without a fight then we have dishonored the settlers, pioneers and founders who came before us.
        Its time to sack up and live like men. Put away your video games, comic books, sports and hollywood nonsense and start devoting your time to learn and improve on skills that really matter.

        1. Well, America is lost in my opinion, sorry to say. But there is a country on Earth that the (((Satanic Banksters))) and psychopathic Criminal Elite are quite nervous about due to their strong sovereignty, homogeneity, work ethic, general morality, use of the “odious debt” concept in law, legal actions against corrupt politicians / bankers and desire to control their own destiny in a debt-free environment. That country is Iceland and they provide the template or road map for ALL countries to follow.

  19. most of these whites are living in fools paradise,they think they are so great because of technological invention,those inventions arent that hard or brainy any body can invent,it was only due to their earlier access to information which flowed from egypt and tthrough greece and rome to the rest of europe,also due to their more compact geographical area congo is the size of most of western europe,we in africa lived a very dispersed setting,communication and information couldnt flow,the europeans were generally one society,unity leads to civilization,thats what the europeans had going for them,they think they are so great but they arent,white women are ugly

    1. So if inventing isn’t that hard, and all information flowed from Africa then what your saying is African people are simply lazy and didn’t take advantage of the technologies Europeans “stole”.
      The whole “we wuz kangs” angle is getting old.
      Once again, for the cheap seats; If Africans invented ocean-faring, astronomy, and libraries, animal husbandry and master gunpowder your people would be in charge and would have conquered the plant……but you didnt, and it triggers you, and your depressed about it, and you have nothing left but a hopeless realization that Africans failed in the global race for conquest long ago, and I refuse to feel bad about that.

  20. This article does not break any new ground. It is basically saying, “tomorrow will look like today but a little bit more”…. All the things “that will happen” are happening right now, and have been discussed at length.
    Continued proposals for a cure-all remedy are just a mental exercise; they will have little to no impact on current trends. Society-wide events like we’re witnessing are determined by masses of people and no one person or even an organized group has the ability to change the course. A single charismatic leader might appear to guide events, but in reality, they reflect the sentiments of the mass of people they ostensibly rule over.
    There is no stopping it; the best we can do is prepare to ride out the storm and not get caught up being manipulated or used by any people in power. In that way, we might survive by looking out for ourselves, not trying to die for a cause.

  21. i didnt mention that information came from Africa,i mentioned egypt,i dont care if the egyptians were black,i dont even believe they were black, but we all agree civilisation and knowledge started from the egyptian region which the greeks learned from,also the romans,who spread it through europe.my point is the the european region and people where quite compact which enabled them to share knowledge and unify this made them advance so rapidly,Africans were virtually cut off from information which stunted their cultuaral advancement,the point is you whites arent as super as you think you just had a headstart,besides once great civilisations have collapsed,european civilisation will not be an exception.Africa will rise.before then though i want the white pussy

        Egyptians are mostly Arab and Berber with some Hebrew blood in the mix.
        Most likely ancient Jews and Arabs built the pyramids.
        US blacks are from West Africa anyhow.

  22. The Yuan will become the next reserve currency. The ‘petroyuan’ is already being used by Russia and Iran, for settlement of oil transactions. Tick tock…

  23. LOL, “Africa will rise”
    China is your new master, like the Europeans before them and the Arabs before that. Africa will always be conquered by higher civilizations. The formula has been tried and true since the days before slavery; Pay off some African leaders to strong arm the locals into a life of servitude, poverty and ignorance. Strong-arm Africans become dictators at the behest of international power brokers smarter and more capable than them. You can have all the AK47s and rocket launchers you like, they will always be deployed against your own kind. That is the plight of Africa.
    Your “Wakanda” wet dream is the stuff of make-believe.

  24. What a defeatist article! Get a grip fellows. America is not collapsing. And the Chinese are not suddenly grown to 8 feet tall. The Russians are not back from their communism induced decline. The Muslims will not take over either (but can really mess things up in parts of Europe).

    1. nick
      The Chinese never invade by force-look at Indonesia and Philippines. They steal the economy.

  25. So what if America declines? America is the worldwide epicenter of degeneracy that stops at nothing to destroy everything decent. Look at the most culturally denigrated countries in the world, and ask yourself: Are they allied with America, or Russia/China?

    1. Reading all these Russo-phile comments make me laugh, so much nonsense and so much worshipping of a failed shithole state that rapes its own population and is being ruled by mafia.

    2. Chinese women sell their bodies on the roads of Arab countries and most of the crystal meth flowing into Southeast Asia is cooked up in China-Duterte mentioned this.
      Or maybe you want to talk about their Kung Fu films. Or heroin-dealing syndicates.
      Chinese as a race have little morality.

  26. arabs only took a minute part of africa,mostly the sahelian borders and eastern borders of africa,only the europeans at the late 19th century were able to get a foothold on africa,now you arent getting my point,what you guys dont realize, like i have been saying is that such dictatorial leadership which has consistently kept africa down is gradualling waning and will soon end in Africa with the dying off of the older generation,we the young Africans dont think the way the older generation think,we now have homegrown intellectuals that have been thru hardship,we will break the yoke of these old men along with their foreign masters off our neck,there is currently a great awareness and desire by the younger generation to seek leadership,its the older generation who were newly civilised and colonised seeking to dance to their masters tune that fell prey to these foreign manipulations,the younger generations have their eyes opened,gradually we will rise,if you only new,the great indignation against the leaders that we the younger generation have,but we dont want to go into war and destroy the little we have,we are carefully planning to emerge as leaders,its a gradual process but it will be done,all your talk about china is bullshit,in nigeria the chinese involvement in the economy is minimal,before they get a foothold in nigeria,young smart leaders will emerge and the chinese out,there is currently great caution in dealings with the xhinese now

      1. That is because of the Arab and Jewish blood that Ethiopians and other East Africans possess.

    1. linky
      Arabs owned Kenya and Zanzibar although US blacks are mostly from Angola and Senegal.

  27. I’m not ready to give up on the God-Emperor just yet.
    Besides…what is the alternative?
    We didn’t MAGA becasue we knew or even suspected it was going to be easy. Look at the forces arrayed against TGE.
    And if there was going to be a hot foreign war if would have happened by now.
    This is MY country. I’m not giving it up just yet. If I have to, I will, if only to save my loved ones. I’m past needing lots of things, so if I have to go out like Butch and Sundance, so phucking be it.
    I’m glad you’re all my brothers.

    1. “Hot Foreign War”
      The US has been in Afghanistan for almost 2 decades-do you think Syria would be any different.
      That war would bankrupt the US and then the blacks and trailer trash would be reduced to such poverty that the US would have a Civil War on its hands at the same time.
      America cannot AFFORD another ground war. Osama managed to trash the US economy with a few hijackers and two airplanes-the US was far wealthier pre-2001.
      Finally it is impossible to draft young people these days. They just would not SHOW UP.
      Some of you assholes will prattle on about winning the war with Air Strikes. Impossible.

      1. Airstrikes would eliminate Russian and Iranian bases and fatally destabilize the Assad regime, making it much easier for groups with the broad support of the Syrian people to liberate the country. So yes, they would work, if they were determined enough.

    2. CORINTH
      Arabs are not going to leap off Sinbad the Sailor dhow boats swinging Scimitars.
      Europe is accessible but thankfully Arabs and Africans lack the technological capacity that whites managed in 1492 to actual commandeer fleets of refugees across the Atlantic.

  28. Or they bomb camels in the desert and its show for the sheeple? Keep em scared and shit, eg north korea. Every few monrhs rodman delivers some cash and kim saber rattles, so need more coin for defence. Rinse n repeat as regards have goldfish memory.
    Start with his musk paper fags

  29. If you think America is falling behind China, actually visit anywhere in China outside of Beijing and a select few other major cities. Welcome to the 3rd world with fecal matter on the sidewalks and no sense of morality or even law. The communists took care of any residual Confucian values.

    1. VADER
      This is true. All the wealth is on the East Coast cities. The interior of China is dirt-poor and the Far West is a caliphate.
      Chinese are more ominous and powerful OUTSIDE OF CHINA.
      Canadian whites in Vancouver are going the way of the Filipinos and Indonesians-squirming peasants who cannot afford to live anywhere.
      China is not a military threat and the country itself has problems but their overseas business community can take over an economy and reduce populations to squirming peasants.

    Why are so many women willing to be photographed with a dick in their mouth?
    30 years ago women had to be paid $2000 a day in the age of VCR to perform sex acts in front of the camera and back then it was only teen runaways like Lords or cocaine addict females who did porn.
    Why are women sucking dicks in front of the camera free these days?

  31. Has anyone thought that maybe if we just put some effort in and worked as a kinda decentralized infiltrator group we could make a difference? Considering our dire situation i’m not seeing much hope beyond a full blown coup… But Imagine if we could people like us into key area’s of influence…
    We could start small, some of us could target Dept Education with the goal of killing the common core propaganda, Dept of Treasury cripple the irs and so on. Get close to key politicians (even our enemies) and act as key sources for actionable intelligence. Since no seems to have a real plan to change things maybe we should come up with a real plan to save our future instead of bitching and bickering like a bunch of liberal subhumans.

    A glimpse at the future.
    Compared to the Chinese in the Philippines, your average Beastie Boy swilling some Jack Daniels or a Yenta judge is a joke.
    My advice for anybody who wants to see what happens when Chinese visit the Philippines.
    Better yet, do what I do and have a run-in with a Chinoy.
    Its conceivable that J’s might have killed some Christian women in the porn industry-there’s been a few mysterious suicides and Paul Snider indeed killed Dorothy Stratton (In that case a Swedish-American named Hefner stole her from him which demonstrates that even in the top of the porn industry is controlled by Christians like Flynt and Hefner).
    Generally though, they are subject to the same laws as other Americans. They get away with things just through being intelligent and cunning.
    Chinese-Filipinos will openly shoot or kill foreigners. Take one on and you are up against the entire population of them.
    That is America run by Chinese.

  33. You forgot to mention Porny Daniels, basically a porn whore, who is held up as some sort of justice warrior all the while trying to cash in on her old ham sandwich before it completely dries up and starts to smell up the atmoshphere. Truly, it is the beginning of the end. People no longer have critical thinking skills beyond fake news and selfies.

  34. Bullshit article. These things would happen regardless of a Syria attack (that came and went and it was just a massive nothing burger) or not.
    If anything, Trump just slowed these things down for a few years.

  35. New Zealand is also being destroyed. Have you ever visited Auckland? It looks like a 3rd world wave of India there. All low tier third world Indians arriving in mass numbers. The same H1b visa program that got hijacked by Indians in the United States and invaded towns of Bellavue WA, Edison NJ, Dallas TX, Santa Clara CA, etc. the same issues are happening in NZ. When there is no curb to immigration from third world degenerates, expect to see the West crumble. You have an idiotic Indian woman by the name of Nikki Haley who’s putting the US back to war in Syria and against Russians. You have an Indian like Ajit Pai who called an end to Net Neutrality. And then you have a congressman in San Jose CA by the name of Ro Khanna who wants open borders for more Indians. The Indians are destroying our country as they did the UK. Go to the UK and see what a third world it has become for the average middle man.

  36. Bouhou, Trump is not doing exactly what i want. Ouin!! Ouin!! Ouin!!
    Never heard of giving flesh to take bone or what. In chess, you must sometime sacrifice some of your pieces to win the game. Lets wait and see to trully know what the goals of trump are.
    Acting like brats puting a tantrum each time something don’t go our way is pretty lame.
    Now, he may be a puppet denying it would be foolish. But lets see.

  37. Every problem in the world can be solved with the proper application of high explosives

  38. If any other currency would become the reserve currency, it would be the just annouced gold-backed Chinese Yuan.

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