Twitter has suspended dozens, if not hundreds of its users’ accounts for mentioning a notorious false rape accuser. Most of these tweets were around two years old. Unlike her victim, Souad Faress has never been prosecuted and will never serve a single day in jail for her false accusation. Roosh and I are just some of the individuals to have been sent to the Twitter doghouse for talking about her. In early 2016, I also wrote about Faress and the Kafkaesque situation she spawned for an innocent and exonerated man.
Some called it the most ridiculous and malicious false rape accusation of all time. Mark Pearson, walking in one of London’s busiest Tube (subway) stations, found himself accused of digitally raping a senior citizen, Faress. The now 70-year-old professional actress had appeared in a season of Game of Thrones. Nevertheless, her best performance was to British police and in a British court, which unfortunately had to grant her lifetime anonymity.

Souad Faress’ victim, Mark Pearson.
A jury obviously found Mark Pearson not guilty of sexual assault, but not before he was humiliated by being arrested, charged, and prosecuted for something that never happened. His financial losses (loss of time, work, and money spent on lawyers and psychologists) were considerable as well and remain so. It is Pearson who has faced all the negative consequences of Souad Faress’ attention-seeking, not Faress herself.
As was published a couple of years ago, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) deliberately, unprofessionally, unconscionably, and arguably corruptly slowed down the recording of Mark Pearson as he passed Souad Faress, to make it look like he could have sexually assaulted her. But should we be surprised? No.
In recent times, other victims of the British judicial system have included Liam Allan, whose innocence in a “rape” case was suppressed by an incompetent and/or vindictive police detective. With quotas for rape “convictions” being the norm in Western societies, Pearson and Allan will certainly not be the last men sacrificed to appease rabid feminists.
Is Souad Faress trying to scrub her online presence?

Scrub away, Souad Faress!
The crackdown on mentioning Souad Faress on Twitter reeks of a meticulous and long-term effort to salvage her public reputation. Ironically, barely a fraction of Britain knows she defamed Mark Pearson with proven lies, but even that fraction is enough to terrify her.
It is highly likely that Faress’ “agent” or even lawyers have approached Twitter and possibly Google (information about her false rape accusation is appearing lower and lower in search results). After some sort of “process,” if we can call it that, tech employees have sided with her and begun to purge references to the false rape accusation.
Many users, like Richard Jackson, wrote nothing out of the ordinary about Souad Faress and were actually being highly favorable to her, given her unforgivable actions. Regardless, they found themselves suspended:
Tweets like mine were actually the “vicious” ones (more like, “viciously accurate”):
Hey @Cruella1 Does me naming malicious false rape accuser @SouadFaress tingle your feminist sensitivities?
The dangers of tech companies and information suppression are real
We are in serious danger of losing access to information vital to the proper functioning of our societies and legal systems, such as news pertaining to those who lie about rape (with CCTV evidence to prove they are lying). Because some 85% of digital advertising revenue goes to Facebook and Google alone (and much of the rest to companies like Twitter), only a few levers need to be pulled to hide potentially viral news that upsets the highly sensitive. The financial power of only a handful of business concerns should alarm all of us greatly.
Sadly, miscreants like Souad Faress will always be able to rely on sympathetic ears and very helping hands at places like Twitter and Google. Her hamstering, believing she is a victim of online “bullying” after trying to get a man jailed on a lie, evidently knows no bounds. But what else can we expect from an attention-starved and presumably feminist old woman? I don’t feel sorry for her at all–I feel sorry for the real victim in the saga she created, Mark Pearson.
Read More: Game Of Thrones Actress Souad Faress Falsely Accuses Man Of Rape For Walking Past Her
I predict that in the future your existence will be illegal if you’re not a cuck !
This is the exact message they’re portraying…. even if the woman shits on you, you have to be silence abt it.
God help you western men.
In Canada, many courts in Toronto ban evidence that will prove a man innocent of those crimes.
Get out of there fast man.
the prime minister is the king of cucks.
Mr. peoplekind not mankind cause its sexist lol…..
She is one hideous woman. Inside and out. Lifeless eyes and a plethora of online sympathists. #metoo has caused so many damage to the male female relationship already. And there is no sign of let up.
Margaret Maclennan was locked out of her account too. It’s so frustrating; I wish someone will confront this sow out in public someday soon.
Game of Thrones sucks now anyways,started off good than became shit(the books too)
Anyway i think it’s about time to get rid of the electric “jew” the propaganda is only getting worse
Wait till that tranny is praised for molesting babies and toddlers at Pride.
Reason number one for false rape accusations….Vagina after #meetoo.
All done, nothing else need be said.
I cant wait until the modern culture finally gets its justly due nuke weapon delivered in in the center of the pink pocket and it all becomes meaningless. the day technology winks outand stops working.
Reform then begins out of necessity, feelings and other niceties of the current age will mean exactly less than zero. Will savor every single sweet drop of suffering for those addicted to their internet and smartphone. karmic justice is coming. Ebery single vagina owner will be BEGGING for some man to take care of them at that point, and they will get their just dues of FAILING to get any attention or concern at all. Dog eat dog world beatch and you aren’t even aclose match for an omega female (even after all the actual likeable female dogs are counted ahead of you….) you will be begging to like a dog food can after them.
…lick the gravy off a dog food can….after then dogs have already done so.
So expendable you wont ever have a value (nasty feminists).
My dog comes first. Feeding the dog or a feminist…not even close. I wouldn’t waste a single bullet protecting anyone who was responsible for any of this.
Watch the movie “A Boy and His Dog” starring a very young Don Johnson. This was all predicted decades ago.
I would also recommend the original Harlan Ellison novella and the Vic and Blood graphic novel, based on the same story, he crafted with Richard Corben
She looks like a wicked witch.
She is lucky that no one sent assassinations on her for being a lying, feminist cunt.
Hope she dies a painful death
She should be jailed! This is unacceptable. Also she is deluded as fuck. As if Mr Pearson would touch that lol
Of course the latest rape false flag comes from another ugly ass women. The question is: why is this shit even taken seriously? There should massive outrage all over social media because the signs pointing to ABSOLUTE BULL SHIT are so blatantly obvious that you’d have to be very naive to even believe there was real sexual assault involved. Or blind.
Antifa, BLM and nu-males support false accusations. Not every normie is a men’s rights or manosphere Red Pill fan. As long as the left is willing to use violence on falsely accused men, this will not end until someone like Putin nukes the fuck out of those safe spaces into microscopic dust. While he’s at it, he can send a few missiles into synagogues frequented by Turkish looking people.
Whatever the (media) says is important, becomes “important” & vice versa.
This witch is still getting plenty of TV work here in the UK. Falsely accusers someone of rape and walks away Scott free and plenty of work. Hardly a day goes past here in England without some poor bloke losing his job over the hearsay of some bitch. Women have now got the whole government, law enforcement in fact the whole system behind them. Everywhere men are getting thrown out of their jobs every company are now promoting women to their boards not because they are worthy of the job but just to say hey look at me we are equal employees. Women are promoted on all public bodies everywhere inside and outside government. I think the current Conservative government are going to try to win the next election just on the women’s vote alone in fact they might actually do it.
Every day on the BBC and all the major newspapers all promote women being the victim of something I can see the government bringing in loads of new laws to help women in the work place and anything else to get their vote. Blokes are going to get fucked over big time.
Feminism is only going to get worse.
And when the economic- and by extension everything- collapses there is going to be some serious payback, even if just in the form of letting modern women fend for themselves (i.e. get raped and die).
Do you ever feel like someone in 1938 Europe, trying to warn people what is about to happen?
Amazing how the law is never ever enforced when it comes to whores making false-rape allegations. I thought lying under oath was a criminal offence, subject to incarceration. What a fucking joke the West has become. It’s like Israel and Syria, Israel gets to mow down unarmed children and Syria gets bombed with no proof of so-called “chemical weapons.” Why aren’t these bitches in jail? If a bitch lies under oath, why isn’t the whore behind bars? Can someone please tell me?
Russia will teach the NATO-feminist-homosexual empire a lesson!
Because women are so oppressed in Western society?
Trust me, there is an agenda behind this- and it is working. Part of it is to establish a tyranny under the guise of “good intentions.”
Agree very highly with these statements. Not only is the UK legal system openly skewd unethically towards a guilty until proven innocent slant, but the Spector of information control by a tiny number of tech companies following their own agenda is terrifying. It was only a decade or two ago that this kind of thing was the preserve of some dystopian sci-fi Novel or film.
In such a small time period the UK has gone from being a half-decent, sane place to live, to one in the throws of insanity. It really is getting that bad over here. Or at least London is. The vast majority of the problems with the UK now emanate from that fucking God awful place: an over-weening governement ofwhich ever colour, a liberal metropolitan elite promoting a vile cultural hypocrisy headed by the BBC, all from the comfort of their multi million pound Victorian mansions. However if you step out of the M25 zone the normality does seem to reset itself rather quickly. The problem is how the power is transmitted outwards through tech and state functions. Without London, the U.K. is actually relatively sane.
You can’t escape family court, that’s everywhere in the UK.
It’s terrible. I always use you guys as an example of why we should never give up our guns. Never.
YOu have no freedom of speech, are not allowed to defend yourselves, not allowed to own weapons, and for God’s sake are being replaced and not allowed to question it.
or the rape gangs.
You all are straight up fucked. You are my distant kin and it breaks my heart.
Can I also say, Cato the elder style, that ‘The BBC must be destroyed!’
First came “firearms”, then came “finance”, and finally we have “tech”. The betas merely change the “scale”, their thirsty goals remains the same.
At some point they will have nowhere to hide or run from the alphas.
THIS is the WIKIPEDIA entry on her……if this EVER disappears then we will know that we have reached the end of Western civilisation as we know it.
“…She has been active in defending those affected by rape, especially indirectly by those falsely making claims of rape, which increases the trauma and stigma of actual rape victims. Ironically, in 2014, Faress falsely accused Mark Pearson of sexual assault. The case was dismissed outright by a jury in 2016 after it was shown on CCTV that Pearson made no such advances towards Faress, and she had in fact just made the whole thing up….”
It won’t disappear- it’ll just be “corrected” a bit.
Sick Man of Europe, the wikipedia entry has indeed been changed. Infogalactic still has the correct information. All you people that can edit Wikipedia, you know what to do.
Apart from some brainless Negro fornicators who will rape an old man in a nursing home rape is rare for women over the age of 30. Most women are targeted for rape during their peak of fertility. After that, the rate goes down.
Oh, no no no no NO, you sexist swine, don’t you know that rape is a crime of power against women? Don’t you know that Trigglypuff has as much chance of being raped as Kate Upton walking next to her?
Read this with the most sarcastic George Carlin voice imaginable.
Modern women are digging their own graves, which was probably as much a motive for those behind the feminist movements as hurting (mostly white) men.
What happens if there is a Soviet-style collapse, an ultra-economic depression, or chaos within Western societies?
This time around men are NOT going to do anything for women. And that is the same as a death sentence.
Yet there are those who would act surprised.
This is a nation that has allowed literally thousands of their most vulnerable young women to be “groomed” by Muslim gangs and does nothing and then goes all out to prosecute a man who was obviously innocent. My country (USA) is falling apart but yours (UK) is already gone.
There’s no England now.
All the wars that were won and lost.
Somehow it doesn’t seem to matter very much any more.
No England now…
The Kinks called it in the early 80’s with their song Livin on a Thin Line.
I promised myself that if a bitch ever ruin my life with a false rape accusation, I will make sure to go to jail, and her funeral with have her coffin will be closed.
Sick Man of Europe, the wikipedia entry has indeed been changed. Infogalactic still has the correct information. All you people that can edit Wikipedia, you know what to do.