5 Ways Men Make Themselves Feminine

It seems pretty obvious to red pill men that women are increasingly taking on more traditionally masculine sex roles. They delay having children to climb the corporate ladder. They delay marriage to be promiscuous. But while women are behaving more like traditional men, men are behaving more like traditional women. Here are five ways they do that.

1. Spending Too Much Time On Their Appearance

It is masculine, and therefore good, to be strong. That’s undeniable. But how many guys are working out to be stronger and how many are working out to have six-pack abs? There comes a point where a man is not dieting and exercising to be more fit or more able to do physical activities.

At a certain point, usually around the time they start measuring their chicken breasts to help define their abs, they are only feeding their own vanity. Six-pack abs are not functional. In fact, most athletes do not even attempt to define their abs because it would inhibit their performance.

Similarly, men spend way too much time doing their hair before they go out or shopping for trendy clothes. Men used to spend some time on their appearance, but nothing like they do today. Men used to wait for their date downstairs while she would shout from the bathroom, “I’ll be down in a minute.” Twenty minutes later she’d come downstairs looking great. Now men are the ones spending so much time on their appearance hoping to attract a date.

And while you might try to justify that by saying it gets you laid, I refer to the next way men feminize themselves;

2. Obsessing About the Opposite Sex

Men today spend way too much time trying to attract the opposite sex. For some, sex has become an obsession. Those guys who get ripped do get more fast sex with sluts. Check out this meme recently featured in a very entertaining article.

Yeah, men with six packs will bang the sluts, but look at how much time, effort, and willpower went into getting those abs. All those reps and all that dieting, for what? To bone some hoes and get a fleeting ego boost. Think of the opportunity cost of all those hours at the gym and all that effort on the diet.

Men used to just focus on being great men. Great women were attracted to great men. Those women would work on their appearance just to get a date with the great men, then they’d lay on the charm. A woman would laugh at a man’s bad jokes and pretend to care about football or work just to have a good date. Now it’s the men who spend hours looking pretty and have to pretend to like women’s jokes and pretend to care what girls think about politics just so they won’t pull out their phones on dates.

Great men used to be chased. Now potentially great men spend too much energy chasing women.

3. Soy Lifestyle

Men are becoming more feminine even on the biological level. Yes, I’m talking about testosterone. I won’t rehash good articles (like this one). Instead, I’ll just say that the fact of men’s lowering testosterone levels is probably a major contributor to any and all ways men take on more traditionally feminine roles.

4. Beta Orbiting

Beta orbiting is downright girly. Have you ever seen a movie in which the popular girl walks around high school with all her uglier friends trailing behind? Beta orbiters are like those uglier girls. They want something from the pretty, popular girl but don’t have the balls to go for it directly. Nor do they have the confidence to pursue what they want without a handout. So they hang around the pretty, popular girl hoping that she will offer what the others want.

Men do this hoping the girl will offer up sex. Of course, that doesn’t happen. Men aren’t supposed to have enough free time to orbit a girl who’s just a friend. They’re supposed to be producing or bettering themselves. All that time spent orbiting a girl who wants to be just friends could be spent facing fears, getting rejected by women and realizing it’s not the end of the world. Then after going back to the drawing board and bettering themselves they could hold their heads high like men.

Instead, beta orbiters keep their faces down like they’re shy adolescent girls.

5. Embracing Consumer Culture

Men always have been and always will be producers. The key difference in sex roles is that men have the role of protectors and producers while women, children, and the elderly are consumers. Men still hold the protector roles but the producer role is up in the air. This is partly because women have decided to climb the corporate ladder but also because men have embraced consumer culture.

Look at how proud he is about his purchase

The men of today take way too much pride in having the latest gadget or a home theater system or getting a seat at some trendy tapas restaurant. Sixty years ago a woman would come back from the store and tell her husband, “Look what I got.” He’d look at it and say, “Why do you need that?” And she’d reply something like, “Because it goes this my earrings.” He’d roll his eyes and she’d walk away.

Now women show what they bought to their girlfriends who shout, “Ahhh I love it! You’re going to look so cute.” Conversely, men show some shirt they bought to their friends who say something like, “Bruh, you’re going to smash in that.”

Whereas traditional men bought something to signal their status to other men, today’s men buy stuff to help them get laid. Not only is that more traditionally feminine for the reasons stated above, it also makes them take way too much pride in being good shoppers when it works. Men aren’t supposed to be proud of how they consume, they’re supposed to take pride in how much they produce.

The larger trend is that men are defining themselves by how they perform with the opposite sex. That is precisely how traditional women defined themselves.

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

Read More: Study: Men Are Viewed As More Feminine If Their Wives Don’t Take Their Last Name

144 thoughts on “5 Ways Men Make Themselves Feminine”

  1. why shows feminised man. coming to R.O.K thinking at least one place I can hang with real man then have to be subjected to these photos WTF.
    GIVE this article to someone who does not understand english they will easily think its coming from a fag magazine.
    Please lets not have this. WE dont need pics of man in skirts and soft betas

    1. I would say the first 2 points is really important….a lot of men don’t talk about.
      its good to get pussy but don’t be slave to it.
      Also the faggy appearance of how a man should be ( based on women’s standards ) need to stop.especially with the new generation.
      I had a friend who acts and appears like that ( the hair is too long and shit….the tight clothes …..) to get girls….and I told him : you’re secretly a faggot. that’s really lame !
      he lost it and left lol…….

    2. Beta male detected.
      Whine whine whine blah blah blah yakity smackity

    3. The thing that disturbs me the most is the six pack abs aren’t functional sentence. Bro. They are very important.

    4. The writer of this article secretly fucks soyboys in the ass.

      1. The “BD Illegal Mexican” is an example of what Trump calls “not the best” sent over here.

        1. I’m sure all the sister-fuckers, methheads, pedophiles, inbreds, racists, conspiracy-theorists, bible thumpers, etc. that voted Trump are top-notch citizens.

  2. Walked around yesterday – NYC really is turning into a shithole.
    A commie from one of those anti-white Acronyms got in my face with the clipboard “HEY THERE, do you want to sign…” – I slapped him on the arm and said yes soon as they hire white men…
    Fags, hags/dykes, horrid shit everywhere…
    That’s why I started pining/planning for SE Asia again.
    But not tenable for me yet – maybe once per year for now – Come on Slim I’ll meet you in Pattaya New Years Eve.
    But, the dating is going ok – just banging the shit out of older women for now….In the past couple of weeks – a 25 year old(with automatic slim), a 35 year old, a regular 42 year old 90 lb former ballet dancer(sex maniac), and one Doctor – my age…weird times.
    I had some down -low health shit about a month ago – dr performed major blood tests – every variation of Lymes disease etc, etc…
    Only thing wrong was my testosterone was too high – in the 780s? (I’m in my mid 50s)
    And he gave me a natural supplement to reduce(or stabilize). the fuck? Off course I didn’t take it…and probably not “high” just normal for my age -and 50 years ago…
    Gym, work, life-plan, stay out of the feminist path…escape plan is good…these younger broads would be jumping all over you – too many spaghetti armed man/boys – no competition…But, I’m old grey hair now – so fishing in the older pool – which is so far so good.

    1. These guys who go on about “Asia is a feces hole” should watch a sunset from the balcony of a Pattaya hotel with a cold drink.
      Is it really better to live in some two room apartment in the middle of a cold city with some junkie neighbor and blacks out on the street screaming and shouting and cops angry and sullen?
      I’d sure as shit choose Pattaya to Flint, Michigan or Missouri.
      The guys on this site who call me a “shill” or a “J” are simply resentful of being unwilling or unable to live anywhere else.

      1. Lots of Western people are completely ignorant of the world at large, they basically think the rest of the world is still stuck in the pre-industrial age and that their goofball nickel-and-dimed job (in Italy we are literally talking about 1200-1400 euros a month after taxes, in Northern Europe the equivalent sum rises to 2000-2200) make them “elite” “alpha” “first world” or whatever.
        Last summer when we were visiting the shithole where unfortunately I was born I bumped into a few acquaintances I didn’t see in a long time. A couple of them when I told them I was living in S. Korea looked at me like I was crazy, thinking i moved to some disease and poverty-ridden clusterfuck.
        When I calmly explained to them that Korea has a much higher per capita GDP , salaries on average 50%-60% richer than the Italian equivalent and a vast, stylish middle class who would consider the typical Italian lifestyle degrading and reminiscent of a Middle Eastern slum…they got angry with me, screaming that I was lying.
        Some jackass bitch, the girlfriend of some dude I met there, told me she was sure in Korea only 1% of the population or less can afford a smartphone !!!!
        Such is the level of sheer idiocy you can find in my homeland. I suspect other countries are not excessively different.

        1. AJ
          White women are going to be scornful, they are dependent like minorities on the systems that white men maintain and create.
          They cannot go to Asia. Their SMV is not really that high there.
          Minorities, of course, are regarded as smelly apes.

        2. Hey I live in africa south africa every man working even a cleaner can afford a smart phone even a car if he saves. In zimbabwe considered to be a badly managed country even by african standards which are very low still has 40% of people accesing internet using a smart what more korea the land of sumsung and LG.

        3. When I was visiting family I made the GRAVE mistake of telling my mom I was thinking about living in Thailand. Her response: “But you’ll get AIDS!”

      2. “Their SMV is not really that high there”
        I know some Korean guys who only do Russians, there’s a vast community of Russian and Belarus hookers in both Seoul and Busan, one of those guys (one of my business partners actually) told me flat-out he likes ’em he wants to experience animalistic, degrading, primal sex with a big nose bastard (that’s how they call Whites)…not too different from what you would expect from a White guy who has a habit of sleeping with ghetto black skanks.
        Whites of high social standing still command some respect and admiration here, ESL teachers, Army guys et al are openly despised and mistreated.

      3. Although I’ve never been, I think of extremely depressing, dull places in middle England: – Manchester, Liverpool, etc.
        A retired 65 year old guy – living in dreary, decrepit council flat.
        Or Pattaya – even with only a few quid a month from pension – Occasional Coconut Bar freelancer, and a few beers.
        gotta be a much better life…

      4. I live in Southeast Asia it is a shithole. The locals are one step above retarded and the women are from a fetid shack in jungle villages with emotional intelligence of a small child. They are easy and dull prey for dipshits like you who can’t hack it with western or eastern European women.

        1. So basing an entire subcontinent on one person’s experience is a great idea apparently.

      5. I’d prefer JUs to leave. And degenerate yellow fever stricken white betas. But men must stick around to fix this mess. It will get ugly.
        My city is less than 5% Black. Others like it too. Pittsburgh & Austin for example. Great places. Good vibe.

    2. 780 in your 50’s? Holy fuck… yea, that’s high for that age… you must be doing something right! …but there’s no such thing as too much testosterone.

    3. “…just banging the shit out of older women….In the past couple of weeks – a 25 year old(with automatic slim), a 35 year old, a regular 42 year old…and one [old] Doctor…”
      These women were GROSS. Otherwise, you’d have included 1-10 ratings. (Of course, you would’ve inflated them….as 95% of men do. It’s a LACK of even inflated ratings that’s troubling). Guess you couldn’t bring yourself to spin those 2’s & 3’s as 6’s or 6.5’s.

  3. Good article. A lot of the men who post about being alpha and banging away exhibit these traits. Underlying it is an intense desire/need to please women. They end up focusing their lives around women and not building a well rounded life. I particularly find the trip reports on Roosh’s forum sad. Men travel to fascinating countries and usually all they have to add is about banging women. Conversely, I like how Roosh has expanded his writing to include a greater focus on deeper subjects. Not that banging isn’t important but women should be focused on in moderation like anything else.

    1. Prostitutes liberate a man from this sort of behavior. You don’t have to care. You have sex when you want, how you want, where you want.

        1. Chris,
          Nobody ever forces me to wear a condom.
          I just tell them it’s a deal breaker, and they always say, no problem.

      1. I’m not that desperate I have to pay for pussy from at best a 6 who is a drug addicted skank.

  4. “The larger trend is that men are defining themselves by how they perform with the opposite sex.”
    That is the attitude of a 16 year old. Real men used to focus on accomplishments and testing themselves against other men. Women were a byproduct, not the primary focus.

    1. Its true. And women know it.
      That is why they like the bad boy who barely pays attention to her-not the beta orbiter.
      This atavistic. The Alpha male hunted. The beta was always around the cave, gathering berries.

    2. “The larger trend is that men are defining themselves by how they perform with the opposite sex.”
      I define myself by the number of children I’ve fathered.

      1. yep.
        History belongs to those who show up. I have lived NYC for 30 years. The amount of women I know – no kids…
        I’m thinking to go full ghetto – some inside every one – and just let god sort it out…(and some how dodge the state rape)
        Maybe the kids will come back to me later when I’m old…
        You have kids back in England ? do they associate with you in SE Asia?

        1. Completely irresponsible Captain.
          Keep your sperm to yourself.
          The kids will likely grow up to despise you.

        2. CAPTAIN
          So you father 5 kids which I doubt you have no chance of supporting or putting through university.
          Two of the males go to prison their entire life because of being desperate criminals raised in bad neighborhoods. One girl is a prostitute crack whore. One boy is a faggot because he had no father. One kid is a hopeless junkie.
          What have you accomplished?

        3. @JohnYin, and @madman.
          Ok, probably true. was just a thought. because the marriage things is mostly untenable, Russian roulette – with your life/safety/finances and freedom…
          So what to do? How to have a brrod of kids – that most importan lead to grankids…
          I have one kid – and I’m “the best dad” even according to the feminists that hate me…
          Perhaps this is all for me.
          However, I’m 2nd date with Cute young Chinese chick – very serious about marriage only. no sex till then – for family kids only. very traditional.I usually don’t go thru dating process… But after 2nd date last night – I said lets meet again next Monday.. she text me this morning “what are you doing tomorrow?” so there are possibilities. but I’m still reluctant to commit…

        4. I fathered 5 (as far as I know).
          1 went to university in the UK, successful lesbian medical professional.
          1 left education after 6th form, his first kid born last month, asst. manager supermarket.
          2 I lost track of after divorce, late teens now, with their mom.
          1 started junior school this week, lives with me.
          Step daughter, 2nd year university, lives with me.
          Thinking of taking on another 8 year old girl.
          I’ll have more of my own if I can.

        5. TRM,
          Normal University costs are $300 per term, 2 terms a year, plus a few expenses books, uniforms, activities. Not expensive. Medical (doctor or dentist) school is effectively free if you pass the entrance exams, government will give you a loan to cover the costs, and if you work in a hospital they assign you to for the first two years, they write off the loan. You still get paid the normal wage for those 2 years, but they stick you in a ‘hard to staff’ hospital (usually rural).
          Not everywhere is the USA.

        6. JOHN
          Your real Ray Winstone-type SCUM are cut loose in UK at 16 with a couple of GCSE.
          In the States, they have to remain in high school until 18. This of course means you have more essentially full-grown men in school who can become school shooters.
          In UK, these guys are gone and on the street at the age of 16. So A-level schools are not as dangerous as the US.

        7. “History belongs to those who show up.”
          Even with 100 kids, you’d still be just another unknown.
          Those ghetto/barrio/trailer park girls WILL let you knock them up, since they lack good career prospects and therefore want a way out of low-wage work. But, that said, some of them might discover your identity, reporting it to welfare agencies. Your fantasized “historical significance,” suddenly wouldn’t seem so great, when huge chunks of your income/assets were REPEATEDLY snatched by gov’t for Jamal, Hector or Skeeter.

        8. DingaLing,
          If you don’t live with them, they can’t claim your assets.
          If you don’t have an income, they can’t take it from you in child maint.
          (UK limits child maint. to 20% of your earned salary, in the UK you can have 100 kids, they just get smaller shares of the 20%, if you don’t work, they get nothing)

      2. “I define myself by the number of children I’ve fathered.”
        Not exactly something to be applauded John.
        We acknowledge the game is rigged and mostly shit, so why subject more sentient life to this retarded game?

        1. YIN
          He can support them, take it at face value.
          You and I could go to the Detroit (Any) ghetto and give black females crack cocaine and Malt Liquor and blow loads in them and father 10 children next weekend.
          But that is the difference between Eurasians and, ahem, other races.

        2. Captain
          “if he can support – it’s winning the game of life – for sure.”
          nah, it’s actually the OPPOSITE. You’d want to con your way into fathering kids with quality women (8+, with no grade inflation). Then you’d want to disappear, while some beta cuck plays stepdad, thereby doing all of your heavy lifting.
          Having your cake & eating it too = Winning
          Wasting $100k + & countless hours on lame, boring kids’ stuff (when you could be banging young, firm hotties) = LOSING

        3. John Is a degenerate JU
          Take what he says w a grain of salt.
          Fathering kids like a negro baby daddy bum is a badge of honor? I wish Roosh would put him in Spamblinka

      3. Absolutely.
        Just like you, I married a non-White (albeit not an Asian one).
        Unlike most of the “muh race” guys here I actually have three children and real family.
        Passing your genes to the next generation, having children are the things that really makes man fulfilled and successful both in biological sense and psychologically, too.
        This is something most of the guys commenting on ROK will never have a chance to experience.

        1. John
          Just like you, I married a non-White (albeit not an Asian one).
          Unlike most of the “muh race” guys here I actually have three children and real family.
          Passing your genes to the next generation, having children are the things that really makes man fulfilled and successful both in biological sense and psychologically, too.
          This is something most of the guys commenting on ROK will never have a chance to experience.

        2. If you want to “pass on your genes,” you’re following a boneheaded strategy. For example, a shooter could walk into a school, killing all 3 of your kids. There goes your “next generation.” Or a Mac truck could slam into your minivan, killing Peter II, III & IV. There goes your “next generation.”
          There’s also another problem. Those kids might not even be yours. Have you had them tested? I would. (There’s also a possibility that your wife will have more kids, belonging to other men).
          You should be out banging young, fertile, naive girls, spreading your seed as much as possible. That way, you’d be much more likely to pass your genes along, despite surprises (a school shooting, a minivan accident, an infidelity, etc.).

        3. You’re a race traitor producing mystery meats that are bound to have psychological problems.
          God forbid mixing of the races and why races were separated. Wait until a bone marrow transplant is needed. Sol.
          Gods way. Nature is cruel.

      4. John
        Funny how you have openly admitted that you’re a race traitor & have happa children yet nobody got offended but when “Meghan Markle & Prince Harry” article came every one lose their shit as if all of a sudden white race is going to disappear. This types of hypocrisy & double standard are the reason why Anglo-Saxon males are doomed & cucked. Slavic/Eastern European which were considered lesser whites are going dominate in the future.

        1. Sunburn,
          While a portion of the RoK readers are racists, they aren’t in the majority (IMHO). Most guys would just like to have a wife, family and children without the risk of divorce rape, and aren’t that bothered about the skin colours. Yeah, we’d all prefer to have a white woman and white children, but these days it just isn’t gonna happen if you want to keep your house and assets.

        2. John
          One sided loyalty is not a good thing. We can’t be loyal to somebody who isn’t loyal to us. White women by large are not loyal to us. They divorce us, take our property & children away with cold heart. Better to get married with some one who’s not going to take my kids & property away instead of being a race loyalist.

    Underneath the gasps of indignation, the feminists secretly desire Roosh. It is true.
    If you read their repeat accounts of his conquests, there is a breathless awe of female arousal between the lines.
    When these feminists smuggle a cucumber out of their fridge in the middle of the night do you think they are fantasizing about their beta editor, liberal man-child in his skinny jeans?
    No, it is Roosh.
    That is why the feminists are obsessed with him. Deep down they fantasize about being taken roughly by Roosh, sort against their will.

    1. It must be pure intellectual arousal on their side.
      On the scale of 1-10 for manliness I’d place Roosh at 5 (with me being generous).

      1. Roosh is fairly handsome-even his feminist detractors would admit to that.
        Also, he is a trim mesomorph-women are not actually attracted to enormous bodybuilders in real life, let us face it.
        So I have to disagree.

        1. @ MM
          Do you consider Roosh to be a Mesomorph? Looks more on the Ecto side, like me. I’m 6’1″ 170. He appears to be about the same.

        2. AUTOMATIC
          Its been so long since I lived in the US that I don’t know what build appeals to women as this sort of changes with time.
          Maybe massive builds are now the thing.
          In the 90’s it was the heroin chic look.

  6. Too much sex is feminizing men too as it implies a lot of time spend around females – dating them, thinking about them, mimicking their behavior, fucking them. Testosterone’s main function is behavioral so the more you’re surrounded with females the more it lowers your T. Holding a baby is also known to kill T.

      1. Ghetto males spend little time romancing women and leave soon after they’ve blown their load. Most of their time is spent with other males, their street gang. Ghetto males do NOT mimic female behavior, not in the least.

        1. K strategy and the Ghetto/White Trash Male
          * They will impregnate women with deleterious qualities themselves attracted to males who, in old Detroit parlance, “Live on the muscle”
          * Generally these are not CEO female power players but 20 year old sluts who will soon be down the welfare rolls.
          * White trash only tend to father 2 children out of wedlock because their youthful bravado is stale at 30 and their relationships with the baby’s mother are more acrimonious than non-existent.
          * In the ghetto previous relationships with the female are non-existent.
          * I’ve known black thugs with up to 8 children out-of-wedlock.

        2. Dead wrong. They do
          Negros have been raised not by men but by women. Listen to their high pitches voices in a chimp out moment. Or working as nausium on their dance moves and buttering up “they” skin. They have much higher estrogen than white males in fact.

      2. Strictly rabid sperm donors with NO intent or responsibility to raise their viral spoor. Every single offspring is guarantee of welfare bennies.

  7. God I’m sick of online beta orbiters, whether it’s from attention whore bikini-clad women on Instagram or an intellectual who just also happens to be rather attractive (like Lauren Southern etc) and the bulk of her popularity is entirely due to the latter.
    Whenever some thirsty dude says something like “your beautiful!” I just wanna copy paste some snide remark like a 1990’s infomercial.
    “But wait…there’s more! Double your beta orbiter points and call her GODDESS today! Don’t delay! Doubling your beta points is just a GODDESS away!” Lol

    1. And suddenly it makes sense to note as to why men were sent to the military to their deaths. Got it.
      Not all men deserve a chance at survival right? Especially no beta male?
      The less better males, the better?

      1. Your sounding like that whiny strawman “so your saying…” bitch Jordan Peterson had to talk with.

      2. What better use for useless skilless oxygen thieves and careless sperm cannons?
        Don’t we have a war for these things, to cull the herd of so much useless inedible cattle, through a draft? Cant happen again soon enough. Make sure you volunteer too.

    2. Agree.
      The Instagram orbiters are the worst.
      And the sluts just eat that crap up.
      Those guys give them piles of attention, and they’ll never get within 100 miles of their poontangs.

  8. Men should go against nature itself. The unpredictability of such entity is what challenges us. This is where we progress.
    The lack of rite of passage in the west is what’s slowly killing manhood. Get the kids to hunt, get them to box, get them to camp. Challenge them my peers as we are extension of nature itself.

    1. Men are known for more physical and emotional destruction. While feminine destruction is limited to just the distraction of humanity, you guys would destroy the universe….

      1. That doesn’t seem apparent. They should try harder. Maybe Beta sacrifices to the volcano gods. Volunteer why don’t you, be useful.

      My friend (ish) John was a sick twisted man. He was an English teacher who had lived in Seoul for 10 years.
      He liked going to the Seoul park and getting his cock sucked in semi-public by 60 year old women known as “bacca ladies”-widows or spinsters who will perform fellatio for pocket change.
      I can here is voice now “And she started going down on me right there on the park bench”.
      We’re going to see many American women going that way. Phoebe had no husband, no kids, no pension, no house left by a husband, no savings after he is gone, no grown sons to chip in.
      She’ll be 60 (Hell the FRIENDS character is now 50!) and to make ends she will have suck the cocks of young men in the park like the Bacca Ladies in Seoul.
      The government just won’t have the welfare to support them.

      1. True, true: senior citizens live, to put it mildly, a terrifying life in Korea. Despite the supposedly Confucian values of the place Korea is a very youth oritented society, where taxes are very low and nobody gives a shit about outdated, no-more-productive citizens.
        Big companies kick you out at 55, at that point many people, if they managed to save a few hundred grands, they generally start low-level entrepreneurial activities (taxis, restaurants etc) otherwise they’re basically royally fucked, hence the grandma hookers and the scores of poor old bastards collecting trash in the streets for recycling.
        Social security in Korea is close to non-existent (benefits seldom exceed 300 $ a month) while the accumulation of significant private wealth started only recently and the cost of raising a child until adulthood can be prohibitive, considering most young adults here expect their parents to buy a home for them.
        The suicide rate among KOrean seniors is the highest in the world btw, this is an unforgiving and horrendously cynical society: you produce you’re paid well, you no longer generate GDP you can fuck off and die.

        1. John’s tales were pretty grotesque. He would go down to the Seoul park and pay $60 and have three 65 year or 70 year old grandmother Bacca ladies working on his penis at the same time.

        2. I have seen this myself.
          Been to Korea 4 times.
          The elderly, without kids to support, them have terrible lives. I saw old men living in cabana like rooms right off the road in Sadang, a very nice neighborhood. The doors did not reach the floor, big gap. They ate what appeared to be rotting vegetables, potatoes and onions, perhaps garbage. This was in summer. I can only imagine those cabanas in the winter. I knew of the granny hookers, but thankfully did witness that first hand.

      2. The well deserved fruits of feminism. They have done it to themselves, and I have no pity for them..EFF them.

      3. Another degenerate friend of yours.
        Prob a JU too unless he’s a fictional friend.

  9. Having six pack abs per se shouldn’t be a problem, because it is evidence that a man takes care of his health (there is nothing wrong or un-masculine about having bulging abs), and that he is strong-willed, as the effort that is needed to develop noticeable abs is significant.
    A man does not actually have to spend that much time training his abs: 10 minutes of abs workout everyday + a healthy (doesn’t have to be draconian) diet is adequate to have noticeable abs, and so the opportunity cost is minimal, while the benefits ( the gainz, if you will) can be worthwhile.
    Athletes don’t aim for six pack abs for the sake of having them – their need for a strong core and a regulated diet results in six pack abs as a byproduct (although not all athletes have abs that pop out).
    I do agree, however, that the vanity of THE ACT of showing off abs and other forms of superficial displays is unproductive for a man.

    1. Agreed. Demonizing beta behaviours but also poking fun at men with 6 pack abs screams mediocrity. It appears the author never had the chance or the will to obtain the abs he wanted and took to this article to vindicate his blubber.

      1. Back in the 80s this was very common.
        Guys who lifted heavy wights and low reps looked down on the low weight / high rep guys.
        Chided them for “going for cuts”.
        But the guys with the cuts always got the girls.
        I always thought low weight / high rep was better as it kept a guy in better shape.

  10. The boys in our culture have a continuing need for initiation into male spirit, but old men generally don’t offer it. The priest sometimes tries. [He puts the boy in a dress and has him recite some platitudes that please his mom.]
    Here is what the Hopis and other Native Americans do for their boys. The old men take the boy away from his mom at the age of twelve and bring him down into the all male area of the kiva. He stays down there for six weeks and does not see his mother again for a year and a half…
    The fault of the nuclear family isn’t so much that it is crazy and full of double binds. The fault is that the old men outside the nuclear family no longer offer an effective way for the son to break his link with his parents without doing harm to himself…The ancient societies believed that a boy becomes a man only through ritual and effort – only through the active intervention of the older men.
    It is becoming clear to us that manhood does not happen by itself; it does not just happen because we eat Wheaties. The active intervention of the older men means that the older men welcome the younger men into the ancient, mythologized, instinctive, male world.

  11. I’m guilty of 1 and 2 and agree with what you wrote. Alas It has got me laid a lot as game is useless unless you bring a girl tingles in today’s world in my opinion and I am respected far more now from women simply because I’m better looking than I used to be when I struggled for action.
    It has opened my eyes to just how truly shallow, entitled and shitty a lot of women generally are.
    It’s bad and narcissistic but it seems it’s just the position modern society has forced men into if they want a healthy sex life with non orc women.

    1. You are indeed guilty of point 2, like so many men in today’s world who are desperate for female approval and validation. Because that’s what sex is all about. The orgasm itself is no different from what you get wanking. You don’t need a woman to get physical pleasure/release, you need a woman to fill some emptiness in your mind. And no, it had not always been thus. There were times when men married and had sex so as to build a family and thus a position in society, and the sexual pleasure was just a nice cherry on the cake, and if the missus got fat or lost interest in sex, men accepted the situation as long as the wife did her other duties (no sex with other men, raised the children, kept up the house, etc). “Getting laid a lot with non-orc women” is a pathetic goal for a man. At the level of “taking lots of shits on expensive Japanese self-cleaning toilets versus using an outhouse”. A bodily function in both cases, giving momentary physical pleasure/relief, the quality of the receptacle only important because your ego wants it to be important so you can be validated as a winner.
      Of course, in condemning you, I’m condemning myself too. Point number 2 is almost every modern man’s downfall. I foresee an eventual return to widespread monasticism, like after the fall of Rome, as a reaction to point number 2.

      1. “I foresee an eventual return to widespread monasticism, like after the fall of Rome, as a reaction to point number 2.”
        Im not quite a regressive monk MGTOW…yet. But certainly as things evolve with society, headed in that direction. Its the natural course of movement when you become thoroughly disgusted with people and their behaviours and cattle like mentality. Hard to have patience with humans that are so unaware and self absorbed.
        If I could tack an aluminum bat and ruthlessly smash the little insulating reality globes people live in, I would do it just to make them suffer actual reality in horror, and laugh maniacally in their faces when that stench they generate finally invades their delicate noses.

      2. Fucking many beautiful women is totally masculine.
        What’s next, calling Genghis Khan a cuck?

  12. On the 6 pack thing. You will get more attention from women with big arms and chest.

  13. I miss those beta magazines, they made me laugh each time. Reminds me of the golden age of rok with posters like goj, lolknee, doctor jeep and so on.

    1. Those guys were total queers, droning on and on just to hear themselves talk, dominating every comment section with their moronic faggotry and inside jokes…I thought the site was finally going to start getting serious when those r3tards were booted, but they were quickly replaced by alcoholic losers Madman Marx (who continually changes his handle after he’s been found out as a shill) and the disgusting degenerate John Dodds. These beta know-it-alls are the worst possible influence on any young man who might stumble on this site and become curious what the red pill is. If these clowns are representing the manosphere, then any sensible man with an ounce of alpha in him would turn the other way quickly. If these turds are going to be allowed to hang around then you can count me out for good. It’s a crowd I am embarrassed to have any association with.

        1. @Johnny
          Nah. Old guy here.
          At my age, I wish I could go back in time and be a kid again.
          Mulatto? No, not me. Maybe one of your nephews?

      1. It blows my mind people actuallly believed them.
        The high end Corporate Newyork playboy fucking Russian models and various ludicrous tales and adventures.
        The guy who claimed he looked like Thor, former military, computer programmer, farm land owner, off the grid leather maker part time 1% biker.
        Both these guys were apparently drowning in poosy and female attention yet somehow found their way to a how to pick up girls forum and with their extraordinary lives still had time to post 24/7 with most of their great wisdom revolved around telling men to man up and just be like them.

        1. Dr Jeep is cool though, genuine red-pill, probably thrown into the mix by far away to add legitimacy and to not appear too much of a dick rider to the phonies.

        2. It was extremely cringeworthy reading those guys’ endless streams of BS, and even worse was seeing their sycophantic circle of omega orbiters lapping it all up. I would never consider forwarding an article to a friend, or mentioning RoK on another site, because the first thing they would see is these fools polluting the comments. It would tarnish my reputation by association.
          We are judged by the company we keep, and too many of the commenters sound like boys rather than men.
          There was a time when inexperienced commenters, or those with nothing special to add, would show the courtesy of simply lurking and not shitting up every single thread.
          But now they are emboldened. They are such sloppy thinkers they cannot even condense their thoughts into readable form, it’s a jumbled garbage heap spewed out over the course of 20 or 30 comments. They are embarrassing themselves and the rest of us, but lack the self-awareness and humility to see it.
          To make matters even worse, the so-called mods seem to instantly spring into action every time our favorite tr1be is mentioned, as if Roosh has given passwords to Morris Dees himself. But they will let these belligerent cockmunchers who just showed up out of nowhere run their mouths on and on and on…

        3. You are right. Dr. Jeep was cool. There were several other based sons of bitches who used to comment but most of them became disgusted by the beta boi grabb assery in the comments and hit the road for better sites.

        4. JERONIMO
          I came to this site to see what life was like for working middle class whites like me 18 years after I blew the States.
          I was curious. What had changed?
          You Gen Y make me thank my Lord that I got the fuck out of your country before your dumb parents voted for Bush and he flushed the entire country down the shitter.
          I’m what I said I was. And I don’t know why I seem like an alcoholic, I’m not a strong drinker and my pot-days are long, long behind me. There is enough interesting stuff overseas not to have to smoke a bowl everyday after some soul-destroying job.
          I look at Gen Y with contempt and pity. You’ve been raised by the Yuppies of the 80’s and you are all sexually confused and cannot get laid and jerk off to porn made/starring/profiting the people you claim I shill for (Absolute garbage, there ARE NO HE-BLEWS in Asia). You grew up in the roaring prosperity of the 90’s and then your parents voted for Bush and he trashed the economy and oil prices and by the time you were 20 in 2008 the country had gone down the shitter.

        5. J
          I don’t pretend to be Chad the NYC playboy hung like John Holmes or Rambo the special forces vet. I’m not patriotic and I am a ragged rustbelt refugee with zero attachment to your country because it was so shitty and I get a better deal for my $1000 a month elsewhere.
          Those trolls probably ARE probably 18 and jerk off in the toilet so Mom does not walk in.

        6. Jeronimo – absolutely. Those two shitbirds were probably teenage trolls from some recessed towns in some flyover state.
          Once of them slipped when he referred to Ohio landwhales as “Viking princesses”.
          ROK is better without those retards. Good riddance.

      2. RON JEREMY
        Whose the loser, bro? I made pretty good money overseas in 1999 and fucked off and did not have to spend the Bush years watching civil liberties plummet and gas prices rise.
        I got out just in time to miss the white losers staggering around on Oxy instead of tweak. The life of working white middle class male in the US is a pile of shit out of a J’s asshole.
        I made pretty good money and never had to be around blacks or Cholos in efficiency apartments or the trailer trash. I’m not stuck in the Flyover watch Oxy replace meth and seeing a bunch of white rural kids prance around like Eminem looking like a homosexual black jail pimp.
        These guys that dislike me like Wes are Gen Y who are resentful that Gen X and Boomers who made their money when anybody who could walk and talk are just exiting the country to live in paradise while the rest of you are overrun by Aztec primitives and Groids impregnate white girls from the Protestant backwaters like yours.
        I don’t actually give a bloody shit about J ws. I really don’t. I don’t care if they are stacked like sardines in Bronx slum tenements or snorting come cocaine in Malibu in a used Audi as a Hollywood PA trying to get a blowjob from some wannabe actress blonde fed up with waitress work in the Flyover.
        Only protestants from the flyover cities and Podunk interior states really resent the J. The Irish-Catholics and Italians and the rest of them in the bubble cities have managed to some how get a piece of the pie.
        Anyhow, I am enjoying the view of my Bangkok apartment on the 40th flood and I would not move to your Podunk interior city if you paid me.
        Maybe you live out in the country and you have to take a 5 mile dirt road with potholes in it just to buy something at Walmart.

      3. @ Johnny
        The why are you here virtue signaling your judgemental assituides then, or is it a admission of your true gay beta orbiter status coming through?

      4. Ronald,
        Over to ‘A King’s Castle’ for you, you’ll fit right in with those other three former posters. And bring their membership up to four.

    2. @ Faraway
      Yeah, me too. And I miss the guy who used to post them…Uncle Bob!

      1. Yea Uncle Bob’s beta magazines.
        real kick in the teeth to what I see every day…
        Making plans for a better (not Beta) summer of boating, bucks, and babes.
        And yearly trip to SE Asia

  14. Every day I have a different mission. My mission today was to walk up to 10 girls and open them by asking them for their number. Two were nasty, two just walked off, two were indifferent, and the other four thought it was hillarious and awesome. And no, i didn’t get a number, although the last one was close. Afterwards I just hit on another 6 girls at the beach in a more conventional manner.
    I saw a girl texting on her phone so I walked up to her and said “really? Seriously?” and started teasing the fuck out of her, then one of her male friends came by and I started chatting with both of them. Afterwards I started up with a French looking Russian chick and made sure to make fun of her for being from Siberia, and how seeing sunlight and warm weather must be a unique experience for her, and of course she loved it.
    Her friends came by to collect her and started walking off with her, I tried to go for the number, she wanted to facebook me, I replied “Facebook?! Fuck that gay ass shit. Give me your number” (my phone was in my backpack and i was too lazy to get it) She said nah, so I said np, give me your hand, so I high fived her and moved on.
    Why did I do that? Because it was fun. Because she is one girl out of 4 billion, because I want myself to have a good time when I go out and chat up girls, so that it will be easier for me to keep doing it. But really, because I’m finding that I actually like having fun.
    I started this day feeling like shit. I’m ending it feeling pretty good about myself. No I didn’t get laid, no I’m not a player, I’m just an old incel fat guy who decided to start doing something for himself. And you know what, it feels pretty good.
    Also I worked out for an hour, trained in marital arts for another hour, went down to the beech for an hour and a half.
    I’d rather do what I did than spend money and time trying to impress girls with my abs or the latest worthless gadget. Talking to them, chatting them up and making fun of them is a lot more fun.

    1. Ok so we will definitely see you in the news on television some day. Got it.

      1. Really? Are you such a faggot that that simple post of him talking to girls caused you to jump ‘oh youll be on the news’.
        That’s some weak shit. There was nothing unusual in his post to warrant that.

    2. Ron,
      Yeah, every guy needs to be rejected by 10 white skanks every day of his life. Keep up the good work.

      1. JOHN
        …and go to the same Ladies Night at the same “club” and watch the Ecstasy dealers surrounded by the same skanks week after week in the hopes that perhaps they will fancy him.
        At the end of the evening go home piss-drunk and have a nice wank with the sticky keyboard.
        I’ll pay my $30 and have a good time and some exercise, thankx.

        1. Careful MM, you’ll be having him call be a ‘degenerate’ again.
          Jeez, I’m just taking what’s on offer, it ain’t my fault everyone says ‘NO’ to him. He clearly doesn’t understand no means no.

      2. JOHN
        In the US they always used to look like Myra Hadley-fake dyed blonde hair and dull brown eyes and hard looks.
        Usually ironed flat as a board.
        I cannot now imagine bothering to pursue one though I did when I was young.
        Once you have paid $30 for some decent sex it is impossible to look at skanks again.
        It is like dining on lobster for a week and then someone shows you a can of sardines.

    3. If you’re fat, avoid day/night game. Wait until you’re fit before tackling either one. For now, do social-circle game (that way, a few girls MIGHT look beyond your nasty body, giving you a BRIEF shot at their pussies, before quickly dismissing you as a gross slob).
      *Fat guys can do day/night game, IF they possess something dazzling. drive around in an exotic. Invariably, a 6.5-7.4 will hop in. Then she’ll hop on your cock (assuming you’ve provided her with a few lines of quality coke).

  15. “In fact, most athletes do not even attempt to define their abs because it would inhibit their performance.”
    Absolute bullshit.

  16. #5 – I can relate to this one – I love showing my “brohs” (I’m 57, so broh my ass) my latest acquisitions, like some NWS high-leverage cutters – NWS is a total porn – in TOOLS…LOL. Some of my “brohs” get jealous and go out and get some Knipex to outdo me…such is the extent of my consumerism addiction – Volkl skis, Marzocchi MTB forks and NWS tools, can’t get enough of them…sorry for the brag…

  17. I’ve always seen #s 3,4 and 5 as total kryptonite BUT #1 and #2…my nearly-forgotten nemeses of youth…should have listened to my heart when it spoke of the old dichotomy that says “pay attention, do the work, excel and optimize your results, but don’t try too hard…or at least don’t make it look like you did.” Was guilty of #1 and #2 for quite some time. Was haunted by shades of the “pretty boy, successful metrosexual artist” look. Thought I’d give ‘em what they wanted. It got me laid but was also playing me against my deeper male archeype. In retrospect, it probably had little impact on outcomes. What matters is what’s on the inside, anyway. I did it not to please women, but to separate myself from the sea of pizza-scarfing, beer-swilling sportsball-loving “regular guys” in flannels, trucker hats and I’ll-fitting jeans. But if you are a professional artist or intellectual of some sort, you adhere to what amounts to just another form of conformity. I laughed at my folly and dialed it back years ago…feels better…by age 30 it began to dawn on me that women love secure, fit men who outwardly DGAF.

  18. #2 is the manosphere’s biggest preoccupation, though, they just won’t admit it.

  19. LoL at the first picture…
    How low would Western males go?

  20. Jesus, that Twitter guy looks like such an enormous faggot. I want him to choke on his shitty “sweet chai” breakfast while I tear off, by hand, all that terrible facial hair that he doesn’t deserve (only real men deserve facial hair, not horn-rimmed soyfags like him) and alternate between stomping on his microdick and scrotum.
    I’m taking this way too seriously, aren’t I?

  21. GTFO you MGTOW fuckup.
    Seriously – it’s called REWARD.
    Attractive young women, affection, romance? Rewarding.
    Bullshit “self-improvement” for “yourself” uhm… bro… I can jerk myself off but I’m probably not going to endure taking adderall just to have fake reward/motivation chemicals for this endless, infinite, unquantifiable process of “self-betterment” that I get nothing out of it but a “better self” that the moment I need someone ELSE to recognize that self is better, always needs “more work”.
    Psychobabble is bullshit. Freud, Buddha, Christ, shit wish I had a time machine to assassinate those faggots.

  22. Several correct points, obviously, but downgrading abs and fitness is misguided and may even be a sign of mediocrity, as another commentator stressed. I get the point which is underscored, but fitness – which goes hand in hand with increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat – is one of the few things today that can objectively get a guy more masculine: it increases testosterone and trains virtues like diligence and patience, no matter how boneheaded someone is.
    Chasing pussy shouldn’t become an obsession but guys between 18 to as much as 40 should do it, occasionally, whether locally or globally, because it’s one of few things worth living for when you’re younger. Damn my trips around the world and the scores in Sweden as well are not something that I regret the slightest, and they have not affected me in a negative away either. That it’s time-consuming or tiring are nonsense.
    A person is awake about 16 hours each day. I spend 90 minutes in the gym 6 days a week, for several reasons, and the food and rest just come naturally as they are integrated parts of my daily routine. Plus, fitness directly or indirectly improves my job opportunities, reading ability and focus. It’s just about lifestyle optimization – chasing girls is just one tiny aspect of one’s time and once you have secured an attractive semi-traditional girl, partly due to fitness, you don’t have to chase anyone.

    1. WA,
      90 minutes a week don’t cut it.
      To be at my peak fitness I’m running in the mountains 12hrs+ a week.
      Now it’s too wet to run (monsoon), I’m cycling 90 minutes a day.

      1. WA
        Grrrrr, no edit facility, misread you, 90 minutes a day is bang on.
        Sorry, senior moment.

  23. Feminism was a hit and run sick joke. Ignore Feminism. Ignore the media fear tactics. Its all in the mind.
    Life works by two poles. It is law of life and nature. There is no way to get around it. Try and we fail time and again. Man and wo-man are opposites. This is how it is and will remain in every aspect, if not humans will all die out eventually.
    Opposites and inequality is what makes progress, longevity, life and evolving. This is the secret to life – inequality and opposites. Together they work to keep each other functioning.
    DIfferences between men and women will remain as long as their are humans around. They will be the exact same ones as they have always been since the creation of them.
    The force always wins in the end. There is nothing to worry.

  24. The first two are stupid, next you are going to say taking showers is feminizing because women are the ones who supposed to be anal about their appearances. There is also nothing feminizing about attracting pussy, the entirety of the male sex drive is for that, men have higher sex drive so of course men will care.

    1. Jo,
      The whole idea of ‘attracting women’ is a bit feminizing. I prefer taking women by conquest or purchase. You can keep your clown game, it ain’t for me.

  25. ROK logic- trying to impress women is gay while trying to impress other men isn’t.

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