I Served My Country In Iraq To Return To A False Rape Accusation And Jail Time

Axioms that seem to have permeated our civilization for the better part of recorded history have been: (1) men are rational (e.g. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), while (2) women are emotional (e.g. Nancy Pelosi). Of course there is overlap between the sexes, depending on the individual, but we have set up a society that reflects these biological and mental distinctions. It is no surprise that by changing that paradigm that problems will occur, as we have seen with the degradation and ultimate downfall of the West.

Currently, men no longer have societal pressures to be “manly.” Quite the contrary. Men are promoted to be more like women, and vice versa. Nevertheless, a man will never be as good a woman as a woman (sorry Bruce Jenner), and the same is true for any woman who believes she will make a better warrior or leader than a man.

As a former Infantry Marine who served two combat tours in Iraq I can attest to this fact: women are not only ill-suited for fighting, they complicate the male-group’s dynamics. For anyone who had driven by the barracks of deployed units only to see small formations of pregnant W.M.’s (women Marines), all non-deployable, you can see evidence of this. More still return from theatre pregnant, typically afforded a harem of young men during their “service.”

However, I digress. It is not my purpose to write about the incorrect fit of women in combat units, or other male-exclusive environments (e.g. the Boy Scouts), it is to explain a current phenomenon in light of the female-centric view of society we currently enjoy. As someone with an undergraduate background in sociology (yes, I spent nearly every minute of every class arguing with the professor) prior to going to business school, I’ve learned that in order to analyze any phenomenon, one has to take as an objective, non-biased view as possible. The phenomenon I speak of is non other than the #metoo epitomized false allegations women launch on men.

The reason this topic is difficult for me to take an objective view of is due to the fact that I was personally falsely accused of domestic violence, arrested, and put in jail for nearly a week before being released. A little bit of background: I met a girl while in graduate school (she was an undergrad), we “dated” for nearly two months, then we broke up (and I’m being frank here) because I wasn’t interested in her despite her best attempts to rope me into a serious relationships.

We separated on what I thought were amicable terms near the end of summer 2017, and met once for coffee a few weeks later. Yet, a month after we had last seen each other she went to the police department, looking disheveled, and told them that I had assaulted her.

A girl that couldn’t get me to take her out to save her life told a story of me tracking her down in the middle of a city, while I was supposedly drunk, on a Tuesday night (after working 10 hours), pushing her against a wall and claiming that she was my property. As incredulous as this sounded, she said just this. As a single guy, who lived alone a ten minute walk from the city center, I was vulnerable to these allegations. After all, this could have easily turned into a he-said-she-said affair, and we all know whose voice has more weight, a crying girl.

Yet, as someone that was in the process of closing on a house, I was on my last month of the apartment lease, had already moved nearly everything I owned to my family’s house in the interim, which was also where I had been staying all that week. Uh oh, that wasn’t in her plan (i.e. me having an alibi).

Nevertheless, I spent a week in jail and nearly lost my job, only to have the charges dropped just before jury selection. Without any witnesses, with the city and private cameras in the area showing no assault, with eye-witness testimonies placing me at a different location, and full transparency of all credit card purchases made that month (which would be how I acquired any alcohol in order to stumbling around drunk) it still took six months and ten thousand dollars to clear the matter up.

Apart from the thousands in legal fees and lost wages, the false allegations, which trigger the courts and police to treat you like a monster, caused me intense emotional anguish. A side note, I am technically disabled due to combat related post-traumatic stress disorder. My accuser knew this, and because her feelings were hurt she disregarded this, possibly believing her claim could cause me to kill myself.

I did fall into a depression, drank myself into numbness on countless nights, and even fell so low to where I was calling the Veterans suicide hotline every other week. I went through this for six months: the time it took for the third prosecutor to finally review the evidence and say, “Well, we really don’t have much here, and she’s gone AWOL; so, we’ll drop charges.” While this was an immense relief, the damage has already been done. Men go through this each and every day.

This is the power women have—they can make a claim and society believes them because they’re cute and can cry on command. Few men (young and old alike) truly understand that we are fully vulnerable to the whims of women. The problem is we want to protect women; it is a natural inclination for a man to stand guard over the women in his life, and even a stranger. This protection instinct can, and is manipulated by women to get us to throw other men in prison, to kill other men, and to marry women when they have used up the best years of their life and fertility on casual affairs. Sadly, it has caused the system to throw out due process.

While the FBI estimates approximately 2-8% of rape allegations are false, the pure number of false allegations for any type of abuse is probably far higher. However, there is little estimation for such a quantity. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) does better on gathering information in regard to actual offense number, but objectively neither of these numbers can come to a true picture of the men who are victimized by women via a false allegation. Nor do these numbers, even if we could accurately gather them, illustrate the pain that an innocent man faces at the hands of society. It’s truly a shame for half of the population.

Read Next: 6 Strategies For Beating False Sexual Allegations At Work

149 thoughts on “I Served My Country In Iraq To Return To A False Rape Accusation And Jail Time”

    1. A U.S. Response
      As far as I am concerned, the U.S. can slash the military budget to zero and let Australia battle it out with Asian invaders.
      For that matter, China can have the Philippines.
      Japan and North Korea can wage a conventional war for the next 30 years and it does not matter to me.
      All of these foreigners who complain of US global military interference are correct-you can defend yourselves.
      The same goes for Syria. Let Saul from Scarsdale fight over there instead of some Irish-American or Chicano or hick from Tennessee.
      Let Iran do business with China, which is the real reason for Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement and not the J, whom he does not care about or probably care for.
      Let them finance a war with Yemen.
      Who gives a shit.

      1. I wholeheartedly agree, I would give you 1000 likes if I could. Let the morons (including as you correctly pointed out the japs and the gooks) sort their beef, why Americans, or anybody else not directly involved in any of these messes, should die for it ?

        1. America isn’t sorting anyones beef for them. The majority of the time they are instigating the conflict. If you think the bombings In Yemen, Syria and the middle east etc is for peace and not for Zionist interest then you cannot call yourself red-pill.

        2. Aj,
          The Americans caused most of the conflicts, without the USA there would be peace over most of the world. Anyway, if the non-white races want to kill each other, why not let them?
          Armed forces should only be used to defend their own countries borders, in a civilized world.

        1. How much?
          Military spending and an infrastructure that looks like Russia.

        1. They will never do it, they’re the same race and people in the South deep inside their souls admire the Norks. Here’s a scary scenario that might happen:
          they will reunite, keep and improve their nukes arsenal (do not forget even the South is 2 steps away from being a nuclear power) and probably they will use it to blast both China and Japan.
          Living in Krea it is hard for me to decide if people here hate the japs of the ching chongs the most.
          Actually on a second thought I would say right now China takes the top spot

        2. A.J.
          Interesting fact:
          In U.S. prisons whites can co-exist. Even old Jewish gangsters and skinheads set aside differences because they are white.
          But in the case of Asian gangs, they have to be segregated. I’m told by a Filipino friend of mine who beat and urinated on a Korean-American gas station owner who insulted him and did like 2 months in jail that on the inside Asian-American gangs will try to kill one another as soon as they are in a cell.
          Put a Jewish gangster and a Skinhead in a cell in a prison that is 70% black and they are going to get past their historical differences in 30 seconds and be brothers.

      2. Time to start visiting Antiwar and Unz. (If I post the actual links then this thing flags it as spam. Just add a dot com.) In particular pay attention to the stuff from Philip Giraldi, David Stockman, and The Saker. Also might as well visit G2mil to find out about all the weapon systems that *don’t* work.
        (Let’s see if this posts.)
        Hope this helps!
        Just a thought.
        Just a thought.

      3. the real madman
        I was thinking of asking how fine it is for China to have the Philippines, while I am bothered by it, being a Filipino myself, I find that the most rational decision would be to not wage war. PHL doesn’t have the means, or yet alone, other people other than soldiers [few and far in between only] to go wage war against China, many criticize the President too much for being a Chinese puppet [Liberal Boomers, Millenials,etc. it’s getting shitty.], they keep screaming how weak we are and how we should move but they themselves can’t even haul their asses for war. What do you think?

    2. PAPA
      I’d say the drillers. No matter how much you want to lay that war on (They) it was Texas oil interests that fueled it.
      Bush was an alcoholic bum who was merely the figurehead for wildcat oil prospectors.
      Most of (They) voted for Al Gore, a hippie who never saw combat in Vietnam and Greenpeace fanatic who would not have invaded the country.
      He would have invaded Afghanistan, a war that has gone on without end since I was in my twenties.

      1. They are all figureheads. Trump appear(ed?) to be somewhat of a wild card, but his lately actions show he is controlled as well. Think he would have gotten where he did prior to the election without being controlled?
        Gore would not have invaded? Hmm, it’s a nice thought, and perhaps a larger causes belli would have been needed but I seriously doubt it. The powers would have gotten their war, that’s for sure.
        They never care which party you select. Just as I would never care what choice you made if I preselected the two options first.
        Just wait and see what Trump will give us. Remember, “small gov’t” Republican Bush gave us the TSA and free prescription drugs for all seniors. Obama gave us forced purchase of for-profit health insurance. They always push through things the opposing party could never do. Just wait.

        1. Bush was in the Bushes of the Bohemian Grove getting drilled in the bum, he’s not just some drunk who stumbled onto the presidency. Nor did Gore appear on the scene in a puff of smoke. Figureheads are just sellouts, handpicked slaves to the system.

        2. The problem is two fold
          1. pre-owned politics operators who put on a good act
          2. ones with good intentions, but they have dirt on and wait to use until after they are elected.
          Threatening their families is also in their play book.
          I would guess by his original actions, Trump was the real deal on most things right up until April of 2017. Then the over seas policies went totally off course from campaign promises.
          I mean who works a deal with the Koreans and meetings that would set him up for a Nobel peace prize. The appoint a jack ass like Bolton who the then tries to sabotage it at every turn.
          Does not computer.
          Trump may still have fight in him and is playing a complex game, but it won’t matter if they destroy him in the eyes of the public.
          One term.

    3. I only got 3 nights in jail when I was accused.
      And this was from a woman I had 4 kids with and married 30 years.
      Expect no loyalty from women, and no justice from the legal system

      1. JOHN
        It truly horrendous. The worst case I have ever heard of, and I knew a few guys who went through divorces.

      2. I’m sorry this happened to you, Mathew, but you still have not let go of your chivalry, which enabled this. I’m blaming Gynocentrism, not you.
        You never fought for ‘your country’ – you fought to uphold and expand the writ of the Gyno-fascist collaborationist (((government))) currently occupying the land of your birth.
        If anything, you should be siding with whatever entity fights against this Deep State.
        I remember when I was in high school, a girl I was ‘just friends’ with (literally the last time I was able to have a legitimate nonsexual friendship with a girl in a mutual group of friends), had her jealous boyfriend, his twin and their friend corner me in a bathroom and ambush me for the dirty stories I would tell her, which she suddenly started taking offense to even though she loved them before like everybody else who begged me to write them.
        Other people saw it and called the police. I had the option of pressing charges if the county didn’t.
        At first she calls me that night pretending to be sorry for his actions, but then threatens to invent a ‘sexual harassment’ story with alleged witnesses if I pressed charges.
        I guess it all solved itself because I refused to acknowledge this bitch or her friends ever again despite her attempts to reconnect with me later on.
        That is when I learned that ‘rape’ and ‘harassment’ is female taqiya (sanctioned Islamic lie).
        Women do not have guilt like men do. Their ’emotions’ disappear in the same way their pain receptors do during childbirth.
        Unless there is video, I will never believe a woman ever again…and even then I will still be skeptical because the number one book sold of all time in Britain is 50 Shades of Grey.
        Not too long ago whenever there was a domestic dispute (now called ‘domestic violence’ because cultural Marxism) and the bitch would have a shiner, everybody’s first question was ‘I wonder what she did to deserve that?’
        There are far too many Baby Boomer/Gen-X matriarchs on this site counter-signaling actual solutions to this dystopian matriarchy.
        Women SHOULD be in combat. Let them get themselves blown up. Don’t be a chivalrous pussy. Women don’t even respect that and most men no longer respect that, so what are you trying to prove? Stop scratching that gallantry itch.
        I’ve actually had women fall in love with my ‘misogynist’ online persona. It’s a joke. It’s not supposed to be that way, but it just is. The asshole stands out because he is one of the very few who will not take her shit or protect her, which attracts women for some reason.
        It’s entirely against male nature, but you get used to it. I no longer help women on the side of the road with car trouble. I don’t buy them drinks or assist them at work. What happened? They started ‘respecting’ (becoming attracted to) me. You can do just about anything to them without recourse if they respect’ you, while you can’t do anything right if they don’t. That is why they hate nice guy beta-orbiters so much because they WANT all men to be assholes 24/7.
        When I lived in Florida, my first meeting with my neighbor was how he had just been arrested and booked for the weekend because of VAWA. He did the ‘right thing’ when his gf went ape-shit. Then the cop asked him if he touched her, which he said, ‘well, yeah, she was punching me.’
        ‘Hands behind your back.’
        ‘But but but what?’
        ‘Look, the same thing happened to me. It sucks.’
        He showed me video of him sitting on his couch being passive-aggressive and this bitch walking in and out of frame with a butcher’s knife glinting in the light threatening him and acting crazy, and also had pics of his bruises.
        He spent the entire 6 months I lived there refusing a plea deal and fighting the charge, which he won. But at what cost? So much equity (time/money/energy) was wasted on this all because this poor bastard did ‘the right thing.’
        She ditched him after moving up with him from Naples, and started fucking the entire neighborhood, including several homeless junkies. He even suspected I fucked her, which I had to remind him that this happened a week before I moved there, so I never met her.
        What did my neighbor do? Well, we met two women in the adjacent neighborhood one night. One likes him, the other likes me. He plays it romantically being the father figure, making her dinner and talking on the phone, which she blows him off repeatedly. I let the other follow me to my apartment to fetch my guitar so she feels comfortable and gets the hint, without ever getting her number or last name. Next time I see her, we fuck. Next time he sees her, he is too scared to kiss her. Long story short, the two roommates had a falling out and moved away. We never saw them again.
        Nice guys don’t finish last….they don’t finish at all.
        Anybody who shills for this system (I’m looking at you, white knights), deserves to be shot because they know the tyranny of it and still try to coax innocent men into the No Man’s Land called Gynocentrism.
        They want you to continue to walk through this minefield because they are sadists. We must show them no mercy. Anybody who uses NAWALT or trad-Cuckservatism should be given no mercy.

        1. You sound like a deranged JU.
          Let the woman do the fighting, compulsory service in Israel.
          Oy Vey, give them equal rights.
          Fn Mooley.
          White women belong at home having babies and raising them, you nitwit

        2. LOL the ‘blonde, blue-eyed 6’4″ father of four’ (sure you are) tags my comments long after the article becomes old to get the last word in. Typical female move. You are a woman. Haha your daughter is going to get drafted! Haha

      3. John
        US foreign policy has always been fairly moronic but I doubt Latin Americans, Middle Easterners, Africans and Asians really need outside help to come up with excuses to butcher eachother with gleeful abandon.
        It is also true historically Japan was Korea’s most hated enemy. The thing has somewhat receded in recent years, because China now is the top dog while sagging Japan is basically a non-entity.
        It is not the Japs lording over the glitzy Seoul shopping districts, it’s the Ching Chongs. It is not Abe treating Korean top politicians with the uttermost disregard of basic diplomatic protocol, it’s Emperor Xi.
        It is not Japan threatening military retaliation, it’s China and it’s not the Yakuza who took over entire Incheon vice districts, again it’s Chink Triads who did it.
        Japan is the past, right here right now everything is about China, if you don’t believe me just check out some Ilbe content with the help of Google Translate.
        “Closely followed by you” What you mean ? Me personally ? Western bastards in general ? Westerners who married locally ? Wops ? Kkes ? Wops with a tint of kke blood ?
        Most of the enmity between Whites and Koreans is a Hongdae/Itaewon bar thing, fueled by local youngsters (those who just completed their stint in the Army are famous for being aggressive) and goofball ESL teachers.
        Me, being basically a fence-sitter and not much of a bar-hopper, find the whole situation kinda entertaining.
        Other than that I’m pretty much irrelevant in this country.

        1. ROK is about the red-pill, not WWK(we wuz kangs). It used be a game focused place, where shines did shine. I believe most blacks prefer romantic delusions to the humbling reality.

      1. Most blacks aren’t stupid enough to get married.
        Like this black guy says, nearly all middle class married men are broke.

        1. Nggrs have no job, dont want a job, or to work.
          Fastest way to starve them is to hide their paycheck under their work boots.
          Furthermore, they dont believe in Marriage as a sacrament, and definately not in monogomy. Muh dick and all that

        2. RW
          All the black men I know work hard. It may be different in the USA.
          I’m not all that worried about other races, none of them ever harmed me.
          White women and the white family court on the other hand have harmed me. You may have a problem with non-whites, but I don’t.

    4. I’ve always said we should pull our military home. Pull home anyone we want to keep around (if there is anyone worth keeping). And tell the rest of the world if you want to screw with each other, you go right ahead. But, if even ONE American dies on your soil, we don’t care if you’re responsible or not, we’re going to nuke your country. We’d only need to do it once to get the point across. The rest of the world would say, “Holy Shit! Maybe we better behave around those Americans!” And, I got no problems sending our freighter fleets to other countries in convoys surrounded by our navel battle groups (like in WW2). And tell everyone else you get within 250 miles of that convoy without permission from the commanding officer, hope your personal affairs are in order cause your burial will be as sea.
      They’d protest the hell out of it until we nuked the first country. Then crickets.

    5. absolutely, invaded another man’s country only after you bombed it like a bunch of pussies you are…
      you will never know what ‘serving and fighting for your country’ looks like, you banker’s lackey

      1. He like many, believe the lie that was 911.
        It was Israel and not Iraq nor Afganistan that carried it out.
        But he signed up, believing it to be his patriotic duty, when in reality, he was there to divide and conquer and then work to ship all of Iraqs oil to Haifa Israel, planned decades in advance.

    6. Just posting this. Not relevant to the article, but relevant news none the less.

    7. Our military is necessary. Most join to serve our country, don’t hate on them. Sadly many are deceived into thinking the wars are righteous.

      1. Its NOT necessary.
        Our Founding Fathers didnt believe in one. Only in a Militia. ‘NO Standing Armies’ is pretty clear.
        I dont hate on them but they are entitled brats, Green Nggrs I call them. Want their free chit, free veteran discounts and parades for being ZOGs/JUs militia rather than guarding our border.

    8. Dude served to help secure an Oil Pipeline from Kirkuk and Mosul Iraq TO Haifa Israel.

    1. He is going to go the same court system that had him in jail with no evidence and sue her? Are you serious? Wake up “Katie”, if you are so sorry this happened to him share this article with others and call out shitty female behavior, if you are not willing to do that then move it along you are no different then the rest of them.

      1. I admit I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to legal matters, but I believe anyone who files a false police report should be held accountable for their actions. Maybe then people will think twice about doing it. And you’re absolutely right, I can and will share this story.

        1. The legal system is fee based. Wrongfully accused dudes pay bench fees, bond fees, representation fees. Legal reform means paychecks get smaller. Doing the right thing is a quaint anachronism these days.

      2. MAVERICK
        The reaction of most white men who move to Asia is not to throw good money after bad.

    2. How much money does she likely have? Zero. That will eliminate most lawyers from taking the case because lawyers need to pay the bills just like everyone else. Now, he could hire a lawyer but a decent one will charge a minimum $250.00 per hour and want a $5,000 to $10,000 retainer just to get started.

      1. CS
        When you go through a situation like that the last thing you want to do is return to the country to spend more time in courts where the judge is probably a white woman and blow more money you could spend rebuilding your life in a normal civilization.
        The instinct of the sane white man with money is simply to leave and enjoy what is left of his life.
        Here is the thing too. White women cannot live without white men to pay for civilizations and organize them etc. But white men can leave and we are perfectly happy.
        I’ve not fucked a white woman in nearly a decade. I’m glad for it, thought the female sailor got up and left anyhow.
        I have not had a relationship with a white woman in 20 years.
        Now a white woman cannot do this. She needs a white man for various reasons. If every white man left the west tomorrow white women would be in a serious situation, probably as brutalized sex slaves.
        For us, no matter.

        1. Another MGTOW Fag.
          Its for Losers, queers and beta fags.
          Its not that hard to find a quality, decent, Low N count or virgin girl, of marrying age, well raised in her late teens or early 20s.
          Just make sure you agree on Faith and Money, and divorce is only 10%, says Dave Ramsey.

    3. I’m suing her right now for $25K. I should have done it for more, but I want this over with.

  1. Never marry or settle with a white women from a Western country. Sooner or later you will regret it.

    1. MARCUS
      If that is the case, and I agree, why hang around the West at all.
      However, I think Southern European women are slightly more marriageable. My cousin married a Sicilian girl from Greek Town and they are not quite as inclined to invite Groids off the street when you are at work/serving your country for sex.
      In any event, what do I know.

      1. Something to do with genetics. More Arab(ish) genes = more conservative. Southern France and Spain have considerable foreign genetic.

    2. Marcus
      You mean: never marry or settle with a white woman from any country.

    3. It isn’t just white women. Any woman in the US, especially if she is born there, is subject to the Cultural Marxist propaganda. Maybe there are women who are still marriage worthy in smaller towns in Red States. I don’t know but there are very few in Blue states.

  2. Been saying it for years, start jailing women who file false allegations. That will cut down the amount of false rape claims. They know there is no fallout for their actions. Thank you for your service.

  3. Dubai Perspective
    I made pretty good money in Dubai and Oman during the Iraq war because the war was good for those economies.
    But one week in 2007 I had to return to the U.S. for business in Los Angeles.
    “This is what I came back to” I thought, getting dirty looks in a Spanish Supermarket.
    I booked into a Motel 6 in San Fernando Valley. When I emerged from motel room in the morning to light a butt I saw my first white people-a group of meth addicts obviously homeless tearing through the dumpster like the scavengers in a Mad Max film. One was female.
    Standing around were black crackheads simply smoking a pipe on the street-I recognized the smell, like burning rubber.
    At a shopping mall where I ate a cheap meal I saw more homeless whites.
    “This is what I came back to” I thought.
    I was never so glad to return to Dubai in my life.

    1. Did you visit Detroit, too in 2007? That city really went down the drain…

        1. SEAN
          At a certain point a situation is bi-partisan. I’m not sure Republicans from Texas could have done much better unless they discovered oil.

        2. Wouldn’t matter if the most conservative Republicans in the country ran it. The demographics of that city guarantee failure.

        3. BLUE-EYED
          Regrettably this is true.
          What also happens is a brain drain similar to Africa. My neighbor was a black doctor who was a very nice gentleman. He also used to say that “white children were very polite”.
          I thought we were rambunctious as all white kids-bike stunts, falling from tree forts, throwing balls…
          But he seemed glad to live there.

        4. Correct. Seems to me some people have it backwards suggesting a Republican government couldn’t help. If the population wasn’t stupid they wouldn’t have the politicians they have to begin with. Democrat inhabitants elect Democrat politicians to the government, no way these cities could ever have Republican mayors and councils. It’s a simple function, democrats vote for the Democrats. Forget the politicians, they’re just a reflection of their constituency, if the people are democrats you’re done. It’s mostly the Democrat run states that are bankrupt. In Texas you have the Democrat controlled cities that have their government workers’ pensions in trouble.

        5. Darius
          “If the population wasn’t stupid they wouldn’t have the politicians they have to begin with.”
          I think you mean, “If women didn’t have the vote”.

        6. @JD
          Someone did a study, I don’t know how far back the historical data went- maybe 50 years, that showed the Democrats couldn’t win an election if only men could vote. But to be fair black women voted 98% Clinton, Latino women 70%. Trump won among whites in all categories: men, women, working class, white collar, young and old- they always vote like they should when it’s too late and they decay is plainly visible, when they can feel the pain, when the weather is nice and the rock and roll plays they give the politicians free rein and pay no attention. Then there is the issue of the type of people drawn to government work, Mueller is a RINO because he’s a sociopath, he has nothing in common with the average guy on the street who votes republican, he has 16 guys on his “Impeach Trump” team, 13 of them are Democrats. Democrats/statists own the government bureaucracy, it’s been this way for decades, 90% of government workers are Democrats, the elections can’t change that.

    2. July 2017, Milano Centrale train station, I just arrived from Zurich with my wife and my son around 8 pm:
      hundreds of feral African rapefugees fresh off the boat openly selling drugs, playing their bongo drums or just chillin’ in what appeared like a makeshift refugee camp right in front of the station main entrance.
      A small band of what we call Arabs (people from Maghreb countries actually) yelling and beating the hell out of eachother for God only knows what reason.
      Italian cops, all of them invariably from the impoverished South, observing lazily the situation without doing much of anything. Mostly they were chitchatting and smoking cigs
      We went to an atm nearby, some gypsy cunt tried to follow us inside, when we walked out she followed us for a couple of minutes, begging for change.
      While we passed in front of one of the many seedy motels around the station some dufu threw a shoe at us from the window. At that point i kinda lost it and I started screaming on top of my lungs th whole array of racial slurs i have in my vocabulary. After a couple of seconds a foreign voice coming from the same window just muttered “sorry”.
      We finally made it into a taxi: the driver was some incompetent youngish guy in his early 30s who had no idea where he was supposed to go, navigator didn’t seem to help him that much. We got stuck in traffic: a 20-25 minutes ride turned into an hour-long ordeal, the whole time we were subjected to some demented talk radio show where 2 jockeys mostly laughed histerically, screamed obscenities and played a selection of local hip hop shit.
      Almost 1 hour later and after paying 40+ euros we finally made it to the apartment we got on AirBnB, some somewhat cutsie place in the trendy Porta Romana area (my old neighbourhood btw): the aircon didn’t work, outside it was 90 degrees F.
      You believe me if I tell you I even missed the smell of kimchi ?

      1. A.J.
        I felt the same way when my brother called me to tell me that some poor fool actually bough my grandmother’s condo for 75 K which she had purchased for 400 K 30 years earlier.

      2. A.J.
        Yeah, Europe’s original South Asian immigration problem.

        1. Gypsies are the absolute worst of all humanoids. There is literally no redeeming qualities in any of them. Literal human shaped cockroaches. I have dealt with a lot of these “people” and every man, woman, and child wouldn’t be worth the bullet you’d waste to shoot them with.

        2. ROCKFISH
          Gypsies in the US have basically gone straight.
          Some of the women dance in titty bars but trying to pick pocket blacks is just now worth the bother.

  4. Why the hell did you combat in a fake war?
    A war born from a lie: 9/11.
    You are a shame, a puppet.

  5. “W.M.’s (women Marines)”
    Also known as BAMS. Broad Ass Marines.
    Sorry about what happened to you, brother.

  6. I think a law should be created to restrict such (false rape victim)women to go to bar, park or any other public spaces in order to avoid getting raped again(falsely and actually).
    That way they will stop falsely accusing a man for rape in the first place in order to maintain their liberty of drinking in a bar with a man’s money and play with his feelings.

  7. Its disgusting what is happening to men out there with stories like yours but the great unwashed simply have no fucking idea about it because its not put on their (((tv))) screens, in their (((newspaper))) or on their (((facebook))) feed.

  8. Man, I tell you this (and i know a couple of posters here will agree with me): you are an ex-Marine, you write well, you were/are in graduate school, clearly you’re neither an idiot nor a lazy fucker.
    You have brains, you have integrity, you have experience, so definitely you’re not an unemployable sod hence my advice is:
    There’s a world of opportunities in much saner societies, some of them with roaring economies.
    Greater China, North East Asia, South East Asia, OZ/NZ, Switzerland, Eastern Europe, Chile, Uruguay, even the Gulf countries if that’s your flavour, all places where you can build something for yourself without having to deal with this insanity.
    Let the bastards sink in the putrescent boat they built, don’t ever let them take you down with them.
    If you let yourself go, they win and we need men like you in this world.

    1. A.J.
      It is a lot tougher to actually get into a decent country than simply showing up with a one-way ticket and applying for a job.
      I tried to immigrate to New Zealand and Australia-not enough points.
      You’d be overrun with Americans if you opened the gates.

      1. You are right, it needs to be planned carefully and of course you need to secure a job offer, but it can be done, OZ and NZ are particularly tough yes.

        1. A.J.
          They’re rather have Sudanese, I applied.
          They won’t even grant you citizenship if you marry an Australian or I would marry some naked Aboriginal with mud smeared all over her vagina.
          Not that N.Z. or Australia are perfect but it would be better to live in a country being invaded by Asians than blacks and Mexicans.
          They’ve got the same social problems as any other country but nothing like the Shit-Bomb of America or Italy.
          Problem is, my degree is as common as mud and everyone wanted to be a graphic artist or advertising graduate in the 90’s.
          They’re looking for real niche professions.

      2. Men’s rights in NZ and Oz are as bad as the USA.
        Taxes, food and property prices are through the roof.
        All the white countries are finished for men.

        1. JOHN
          I do not talk about minorities because they are 10 years in my past. I talk about them because the situation would be the same for me if I moved back to the U.S. tomorrow.
          I have not fucked a white woman in 9 years since the female sailor in the Philippines and would not marry one if she were Trump’s daughter and there was no prenup,

        2. JOHN
          Imagine your taxes went to foreign wars while their were 4 foot potholes on your dual carriageways and bridges were collapsing because the US cannot get out of Afghanistan getting into their 3rd decade there and some alcoholic bum who was elected 18 years ago bankrupted the economy.
          Minimum wage is reasonably high and if Australia did have US’s troublesome minorities they’d have a less of a problem because standing on a street corner selling cocaine is actually a lousy dull job.
          As for taxes and food, the situation for working middle class whites in Europe and the U.S. getting into early middle age is so awful that just living somewhere without immigrants cutting people’s heads off is something of an improvement. Australians complain of Chinese but they are a joke.

        3. JOHN
          Men’s Rights
          I never taught my wife English for that reason, John. She speaks enough to serve me, why do you think I moved here and married her? She is from the Chinese merchant class and not a destitute prostitute but I have never pointed out the finer points of U.S. civil court laws regarding divorce or paternity.

        4. They sure are John!!! That`s why I am looking at heading over to Thailand or Vietnam by the end of the year. It is just insane here in OZ these days and just getting worse by the day. As a man about to hit the big 50, it is not the place for me anymore. It`s become the Cuck`s Paradise. Just sickening.

    2. A.J.
      “Just leaving” is much, much more difficult than most Americans think.
      This is the reason Canada has made it well-nigh impossible for Americans with skilled occupations to immigrate-they don’t want blacks.
      Of course it depends on a niche skill but the average person with a 4 year degree? Fuggedabutitt.
      If all you needed was a one-way ticket lot’s of Americans would move to Australia or New Zealand.
      Not because these are perfect countries, but because they are comparably pleasant.
      Every single tech giant just buys a NZ passport. That way if the U.S. gets worse (Which it hasn’t during the Trump administration so far) they can merely move to that mansion they own in Auckland.

  9. Excellent article and very important subject. Despite ROK’s recent decline in quality, it is still the only safe haven for people who first came to this site – as I did – because a spurious claim of abuse was being made against them. Matthew Batista is doing dozens of young men a great favour by publishing his testimony.

    1. If you dont like the quality, start writing stuff yourself. be the change you want to see, not the bitch that everyone sees

  10. Yeah right Katie. Let’s spend thousand of more dollar$ seeking invisible justice. You can’t unring a bell. 3rd wave feminism has caused women to become mentally unstable.

      1. Women are mentally unstable, you pussy.
        That is what feminism represents: “women”
        All waves

        1. wrong reply, not for you, this was for Cinderella
          This forum is crap, Roosh asking for donations, a PARASITE.

  11. I’m glad that this radfem died because of an altercation. Men are standing up in Toronto. They are fighting the radfems when they are being attacked. One less false accuser from Canada! I hope that men should spit on her grave and desecrate this memorial. She is a FEMONist who died because she chose to attack a man who later sent assassins on her. Good for her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    Leave. Don’t live there. Spend your life overseas. Don’t file for taxes. Invest nothing in the system.
    This is how whites “punish” blacks and how white men can punish white women. Just walk off.
    Imagine if every white man left every Western country like I did. No forwarding address. Just fucked off forever.
    Then, when you retirement age, get social security.
    That is what I am going to do.
    Apart from 17 months in the Michigan National Guard Reserves infantry division I have done shit for my country. What money I made, which is little, was from foreign employers.
    I’ll never spend any in the US. Barring a business trip.

      1. GDH
        Liberal man are not leaving-
        Liberals will leave somewhere like Detroit as fast as a Klavern of Klansman. The will harbor the same private opinions, though not expressing them.

      1) Stop supporting minority owned businesses or those owned and operated by Zionist Jews.
      2)Stop going to gas stations owned by Arabs. Buy your gas at Costco or Sam’s Club.
      3)Cancel your Netflix account and if you don’t feel like doing that, stop paying 10 bucks to see a stupid comic book popcorn flick at the theater
      4)Confront big blacks and Mexicans by yourself that are on your street and tell them to turn around and get the fuck out of here.
      5)Keep your business in small rural communities away from diverse demographics. Meaning don’t shop at the same mall you went to as a kid in the ’80’s that’s now in a bad part of town. Drive out 40 minutes and go to another mall in an all white neighborhood.
      6)Don’t vote!! Don’t trust anyone of these politicians on either side of the aisle. Do vote for the white guy if a Jerry Brown, Hillary or Obama presents itself.
      7)Train with weights, MMA, boxing, hunting, fishing, and all survival skills.
      8) Build your own cabin or hideout on a small parcel of land you bought in a remote area near water and hunting grounds. You can get concrete mix and lumber at Home Depot. Rent a box truck and you and your buddy can set up the equipment.
      9) Teach your kids how to fight and punch back.
      10) Be a man and ignore stupid people. Fight back if only necessary!

      1. Lastly, if you own a business, practice nepotism. Hire your children or other family members as employees or management.

      2. How about CLOSE your Fed Chartered Bank account and opt for an account at a local savings or credit union….huge. Barter, buy gold and silver. Throw the JU out of work They make 10-30x your deposit in credits-fiat debt notes.
        Farmers Markets- or barter, or grow your own when and if possible.

    1. Absolutely, not to mention posting bond, hiring someone to perform a polygraph, and numerous other expenses that went along with forming my defense. It’s not cheap.

      1. I commend you for taking an oath of defending and upholding the constitution of the United States, Marine, and the noble principles it was founded under. My right to worship as a Christian, and my right to own a firearm, be they infringed upon and in danger of me losing, are upheld by men like you. Like you, I’ve faced some asinine accusations, be they not as severe as a false rape charge. In 2007, I went to a local video store to rent the movie “300”. It had just come out. The two clerks were young and grossly obese women. The night before, I purchased a new higher end DVD player. I popped in the movie, and it didn’t track, so I went back to the video store, and politely told them the movie didn’t work in my new DVD player, and I showed them the receipt from Radio Shack where I had just purchased the DVD player the previous night. One of the young women told me they would not refund my money. I told her that was fine, and could I get another copy off the shelf? She told me there were no other copies available, and I just had to “deal with it”. I said “good evening”, walked out, and dropped the DVD in the night depository box. The young women saw it. The following day, I received a call from the local police. They asked me if I threatened these obese girls, and if I had been drinking. I replied “no”. The cop told me they were coming over to my home to serve me with a warrant to appear in court for disorderly conduct. I told him fine, and that I would contact my attorney. 5 minutes later the cop called back and angrily told me the young obese woman had changed her mind, but that the complaint would remain on the records for X amount of years, and that “they’d be watching me”. I replied “do whatever you must, and I’ve consulted legal council”. Shortly afterwards, the video store went bankrupt and closed. Today, it’s a prosperous liquor store. My story is no where near the severity of yours, but it does go to show that all it takes is a denouncement from a protected class (e.g. obese females), and a white Christian male, young or old (I’m now 60), will have to fight for his freedom, rights, principles, livelihood, family, faith, and life. “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is one of the Ten Commandments, but that holds no validity with these ungodly feminists and SJWs, nor with our government and agents of the state.

      2. I don’t understand why they were so intent on making an innocent man serve time over a slut. I don’t understand why you even needed a lawyer with such a solid alibi & the cameras supporting your innocence.

        1. ANd that about sums up our predicament. If a ‘red-pilled’ man has no fucking idea how slanted the system is. What fucking hope do we have convincing the public.

  13. Judas, be careful what advice you give. You can not claim social security when you leave and not pay taxes. Social security is also dying. The rules no doubt will tighten over the years and it will not be Trump’s doing.

    1. celtic
      What about blacks who never worked a day in their life. They get social security.
      Every American overseas draws social security and a few of them even fake a disability and draw that.
      You have obviously never spent a day in the Philippines. Most senior citizens living there are not EMPLOYED. They live off their social security and pension (Like kings).
      Will the system “tighten”? With so many blacks my age who have never done anything in 40, 45, 50 years except draw welfare and never filed taxes, well, I don’t know.

    2. celtic
      Every senior citizen expat overseas lives off social security and a few younger ones scam disability.
      Besides, lot’s of blacks never pay taxes except maybe 8 months they worked at Burger King.

    3. celtic
      If the rules tightened than how would a solid 50% of the male black population who held jobs for maybe 2 years of their 70 on the planet earth get by in 25 years.
      Most blacks do not even have a “front job”. They make their living through the underground economy, period and full-stop.

    1. Manolo, first you get the power, then you get the money, then you get the woman. -Tony Montana

  14. Judging by the comments it appears to me that America is in serious decline. I hope I’m wrong. No?

    1. America is in decline but so are all other white countries. IMHO America is the best white country in which to live. Housing, food, booze, property taxes, all really cheap compared to the rest of the white world. If I didn’t want women, I’d be trying to live there.

      1. I used to be interested in all women (except ugly, black and morbidly obese) in the US back 7 or more years ago when I would jerk off 7 times a day.
        Since 2012 its been on the decline mostly because there are less and less normal women available then ever before. These women don’t want the dick as much as the ones before 2012.

  15. Whilst I think the war in Iraq is Fubar and America is just a zio puppet. I respect your service, I’m just sorry you got [email protected] by your countries system twice over. Thanks for sharing your story. The reality on the ground for a lot of men needs to become more public knowledge. (((They))) are certainly going to try to suppress it.
    Good luck with it all. At the end of the day only god can judge us. He knows the score.

  16. Say what you want about Muzz and Sharia Law but it is well known since antiquity that women absolutely positively MUST be controlled like children. Emotionally and logically, they are basically children with tits, with a few exceptions.
    That we treated them as rational logical men and have been reaping the “benefits” for decades now.
    You know what would stop these false rape claims in their tracks tomorrow? Death. You falsely accuse a man of something and either the man himself has enough balls to put you in an early grave far away from your body ever being found or a set of laws (Sharia) that would do the same thing.
    You give an emotional unstable creature near absolute power and you should expect what we are currently seeing.

  17. FYI . I play adult league competitive soccer with all Mexicans . They are hardcore and fight all the time , def masculine but they don’t have much else going for them . Not much money and don’t workout much except playing soccer . Their women are fat . My 2 cents

    1. Mexico beat US in obesity rates last time I checked. I know some that fight all the time too and many do mma, they are naturally runty but fast.

  18. @Matthew Batista Honestly bro, I guarantee the only reason charges were dropped in your case was because your accuser went AWOL. Had she agreed to show up and testify, you would have been in court. I have been a Border Patrol Agent down here in TX for almost 9 years now and had a similar situation happen to a fellow Agent some time ago. Some local badge bunny he was banging got mad that he kicked her out, she claimed he raped her, chained her up for 12 hours, beat her etc. With absolutely zero evidence to support her claim (no bruising, her story changed multiple times etc.) other than her word, my buddy was arrested, charged, placed on Leave w/ out pay from work, the whole nine yards. He had similar evidence supporting his claim that you did (albis etc.) yet he made it all the way to his court date and she failed to show up. Blew my mind that he almost lost his freedom and career because he pissed some stupid bitch off.

    1. @ fo694013
      the irony of it is that if he actually did assault her, chain her up, beat her and rape her, the gutless little shit wouldn’t have said two fucking words to anybody about it.
      I’ll be straight up, I’m getting to the point where unless the girl is a virgin, or if it was her dad or brother, I seriously don’t give a shit if she was raped. The bitch can take either care of herself or get a husband, otherwise fuck off.

  19. Semper Fi Brother. TOW Gunner [0352] at 1st. Tank Bn. from ’82 to ’88. Ex put me through a living hell.

  20. “I SERVED MY COUNTRY IN IRAQ TO RETURN TO A FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION AND JAIL TIME” – Could have happened to anyone dude. Don’t expect special treatment because you served America’s corporate extraterritorial conquests. Give us all a break with that “I served my country” shit. Everyone knows that SMs make a fuckton of cash while deployed in combat zones. You fucked up by staying in the US after you EAS’d.
    -US Army, 2012-2016; Afghanistan 2013-2014; livin up that DD214, 911 GI Bill life in SEA 😉

    1. Southeast Asia-
      I’d be in jail in the United States by now.
      But I have a question. How is it that blacks can commit all manner of minor anti-social crimes and stay on the street but the laws are enforced for white males?

    2. Choi, try to have some respect for a man who could and would kill you with his bare hands and smell your breath before you died.

  21. Girls would rather be raped than rejected. If only more men started doing the latter.

  22. Girls would rather be raped than rejected.
    If only men started doing more of the latter.

  23. I’d like to think that you are a good man, but you are wasting your time and energy. You’re serving the elites that doesn’t care about you. They’re hiding behind the name of your country to make you feel like you’re fighting for your country.

  24. Fantastic article. I served as a Hospital Corpsman (no combat though).
    I have been accused of sexual harassment while I worked for DoD. They treated me as if I had raped the water buffalo who accused me. No due process. Assumed I did it, even though I had witnesses and she was a fat slob.
    I am suing them.
    I suggest you sue her. You might not get any $$$ but you’ll make her life miserable.
    Do what TGE Trump does: Get Even.

  25. Hey Marine,
    You know that you CAN sue under the tort of defamation?
    You might even be able to get a kickstarter to do so.
    Just saying.

  26. The army is for omega males.
    It was designed for omega males.
    There is nothing manly in fighting for other omegas: the government.
    Maybe you are not that omega, but still you were used by them.

  27. V, nothing may have happened yet but I imagine it will be coming. I would not have faith in surviving on disability (if I needed it).

  28. The FBI is using cooked books to get those numbers. They only count it as a false accusation when the woman is punished for her lies. That rarely happens. The real numbers are probably around 85% or higher.

  29. Please tell me again how you served your country in Iraq…
    no personal offense since we dont know each other but it always amazes me how the americans believe they actually serve their country when they’re waging a war on the other side of the planet to appease the neocon hyenas. that’s mission impossible they will always find another country they deem worthy of bombing to smithereens. i honestly have no idea how anyone can think that US interventions serve american interest

  30. “…throw other men in prison, to kill other men, and to marry women when they have used up the best years of their life and fertility on casual affairs.”
    This article highlights what I have observed as well and is due to the overabundance of reproductive aged males to females. Hypergamy manifests in many ways including women using their manipulative skills to cause men to destroy one another (white knights leaping to Mi’ Ladies defense on the smallest pretext) in order to secure poon and eggs. When there are not so many spare and abundant men around, nasty female behaviors that damage male and societal cohesion will not be tolerated by men and women alike. Currently nasty female behaviors serve to reduce male populations through infighting and restricting mating opportunities by ejecting Alpha pretenders from the tribe.

  31. Bunch of pussy beta motherfuckers who’ve never served a day in their life trying to tell a true Alpha what he fought and bled for. Funny as fuck. You chicken shit , chicken heart bitches would last 5 minutes in basic, let alone 20 seconds in combat. The real reason women don’t want anything to do with your fat neck bearded asses is you’re losers.

  32. Words of wisdom:
    1) Give a fake name to girls you meet for sex or just a first name.
    2) Don’t exchange cell phone numbers.
    3) Arrange to meet in person say at the fountain park at 8pm. If she doesn’t show, don’t worry, She wasn’t interested!
    4) Don’t meet her off dating site. Just ask someone out at the park or store!
    5) This isn’t Europe. First take her out to eat and maybe a movie. Buy her drinks at the movies. If she’s pretty hot, better guys then you will be after her at the bar. Avoid the bar and drink at the theater.
    6] I suppose you aren’t getting wasted at the movies. If you’re sober, drive around a little bit and if she has some drink in her still, rub her thigh slightly, almost if it was an accident. If she responds, great! If she gives social cues that she isn’t interested, drop her off at her car and call it a night!
    7] if she leans her head your way and rubs your thigh, u are probably getting laid. Head to the hotel. Take your keys and wallet and leave her in your car as you get a room. Enjoy!
    8) If you don’t want to be with her, leave before she wakes up in the morning with a note or something saying you had a great time! Now, unless she looked at your ID or credit card info, you’re in the clear and don’t ever have to see her again. She can’t find you!

  33. To my chagrin, my son is in the Marines. He is a conservative Christian who, unlike Evangelicals, is not PC and has a clear view of women. In other words, he is now deemed the modern enemy. The Marines fight people overseas who are not threat to the American people for a country, US, that views white men as the enemy that must be destroyed.

  34. Military guys used to defend Mom, Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Now? Lots of Moms are feminist sluts, Apple Pie comes out of a wrapper marked Hostess and Chevrolet is a bent shit can built in China. THIS they must defend. Miserable state of affairs.

  35. I’ve heard similar stories from guys in the military. Lived in a town close to a base where many military families would buy houses. When the man got deployed it was usually a month later that cars not from the neighborhood would park on the street at night and leave before dawn. It was sad but sort of comical. These military wives would do anything they could to make it seem like a guy showing up at 10pm and leaving at 4am was normal. It was just an “uncle” stopping by to help in case the kids got up in the middle of the night. Yeah. Right.
    These ladies also had no problem spending the combat pay on whatever trash they wanted to buy. New car. No problem. Renovations. No problem. New wardrobe. No problem. A guy in a war zone does not have enough time to monitor spending or the family bank account.
    Most of these guys would come back about 12 months later to find their house look completely different, more time then not the wife was pregnant, and all that combat pay and other premium wages for being in a live fire zone were gone.
    One neighbor who used to live close by actually got served with divorce papers and a restraining order when he got off the plane after landing in the US. His wife had the nerve to lie to him too and say that she was planning a big “welcome home” party. Instead of heading home and seeing his kids he had to check into a hotel room. The last I saw of him was about a month after he returned. He was allowed to enter the house to collect his belongings only under the guard of two deputies. Ended up only carry out about six boxes since his wife had previously thrown out all of his stuff while he was away.
    But, heard he got the last laugh. The judge did not take kindly to the fact she lied to get a restraining order and that she deliberately spent down their savings to almost nothing before filing. In the state it is called something like “deliberate devaluation” so she had to walk with almost nothing and he got the house and nicer car.
    Never saw him again. A “for sale” sign went up shortly after the word was the divorce was finalized. I don’t think he even stepped foot in the house again before it sold. Can’t blame him. Had to be some tough memories in there.

  36. Pseudo-intellectualism at its finest. Stop whining and get on with your life. Most readers here seem to suffer from what is more than a negligible deficit in critical thinking skills, so they probably think someone who “spends nearly every minute of every class arguing” with their professors must be a brilliant intellect. If this is the extent of your maturity and ability, you may want to revise your “plans” to start your Ph.D. this fall. Your dissertation committee–if you ever get close to forming one–will shut that s**t down in the blink of an eye. You’re not going to skate through to a doctorate with your hurt feelings and belief that being argumentative makes you look smart.

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