Single Women Fly Home To Ireland To Vote On Successful Repeal Of Country’s Abortion Ban

Via NBC News:

The result comes three years after Ireland became the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote, and a year after Varadkar, an openly-gay politician and son of an Indian immigrant, became Prime Minister.

Once a deeply religious country — Ireland only voted to legalize divorce by a razor-thin majority in 1995 — the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and its reputation has been damaged in a series of scandals over the past 20 years.

Siobhan Donohue, chairwoman for Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR), an abortion rights campaign group, described the result as “a hugely significant and hugely historic step forward.”

Donohue, who had to travel to neighboring Britain to have an abortion when her baby TJ was diagnosed with a fetal anomaly, said she felt relieved.

“It confirmed to us that we do live in a compassionate country, which we thought we did but we didn’t know how far it reached,” she said.

“There was a lot of worry and a lot of concern over if it didn’t pass, what would happen,” she told NBC News from Dublin. “Having shared our stories and shared our experiences, if people had voted ‘no’ what would that have meant for us?”

But Donohue warned that the fight was not over, and that people in Ireland will still have to travel to Britain in order to receive an abortion in coming weeks until the law is changed. “But it’s the first, big and important step,” she said.

“All medical pro-life groups are needed now more than ever,” she said, adding that Doctors for Life will be very busy ensuring that doctors were granted “genuine” conscientious objection.

Halpenny said she was concerned that doctors will not be given the right to refuse to refer patients on to termination services.

It now falls on Parliament to establish new laws governing abortions.

The government proposes that the law be changed to allow unrestricted access to abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Later abortions would also be allowed in special circumstances.

The referendum follows an emotive and often acrimonious campaign. More than 3.2 million people registered to vote in the referendum.

Ireland is one of the few E.U. countries that does not allow those abroad to vote by mail or at embassies, so many expatriates traveled to cast their ballots and shared their journeys on social media under the hashtag #hometovote.

Amnesty International welcomed the referendum result as “a victory for equality, for dignity, for respect and compassion.” But said Northern Ireland’s abortion laws must now be relaxed.

Access to abortion is also highly restricted across the border in Northern Ireland, which is part of United Kingdom.

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: How Abortion Creates A Society Of Entitled Women And Desperate Men

175 thoughts on “Single Women Fly Home To Ireland To Vote On Successful Repeal Of Country’s Abortion Ban”

  1. Politics never really gets me but when I saw the pictures of these wicked women rejoicing at the news that they now have a licence to kill my, heart sunk.
    Damn you, BITCHES!

    1. You just don’t get it, these fine Irish ladies have finally won their right to a zero consequence lifestyle. They can fuck till the cows come home now. Then they can fuck the cows. They now can abort and abort til they find the right guy, at which time they can get plastic surgery on their cunts to make them “like a virgin,” delete their instagram history, and snap him up. #girlpower.

      1. What’s even crazier is that these women don’t even live there, they won’t even be affected by the law!
        Do you see what that means? They traveled thousands of miles to legalize killing for other women.
        when society crashes again, women will be little for than salves.

        1. I once heard a man call women “fuck fixtures” much as you’d refer to a light fixture or an electrical outlet.
          My blue pilled self was put off a bit but the phrase kept echoing in my head. First taste of the red pill for me.

      2. Saw comments like these coming. However, the Bible (Old or New Testament) scarcely mentions abortion. Ergo, theologically speaking, it can’t be that important. What’s REALLY unforgivable is Ireland’s legalization of same-sex “marriage” 2 years ago, and by an overwhelming margin. Homosexuality is forbidden throughout the Old and New Testaments. “A hard rain’s gonna fall” on Ireland for this abomination.

        1. Three homosexuals voted this down. Didn’t know RoK was popular with that crowd.

      3. Idiot he claimed blond blue eyed were masters while he himself was a brown eyed dark haired Smurf. And he slaughtered more Whites than anyone else.
        Btw your claims are absurd as German women during that era were notoriously loose and sex parties were rampant. You are so off base it’s pathetic.

        1. Yes, German women living in Germany before the NAZIs came to power were loose, that is partly why the NAZIs came to power. You could say that the Allies killed white people also. Oh, and if you are so concerned about white people than you should be on uncle Adolf’s side. WW2 was essentially a fascist civil war between Jim Crow America, the British empire (talk about hypocrisy), and Germany. Luckily for the shithole USSR, the fascists blew the shit out of each other and the USSR benefited from it, spread communism all over the world, and now we have Russian Slavs acting like they are some sort of hero badasses when in reality the USSR was absolutely dependent on the fighting in the west, and on many imports from America. So, if you want to take the side of pro-abortion, anti-religion, pro-feminism, anti-white, multicultural, multiracial Communists than go for it; because that is what Hitler was against.

    2. Honestly, I thought the same thing. Even if its their logic about protecting women’s rights. What does it say about the rejoicing, the celebration? I can maybe understand the sentiment of “relief”. But elation? It was sickening to watch. I’m like…someone’s gotta choose a wife out of this bunch? Geez…

    3. Abortion is nothing more than a power grab for a defiant brat. They are doing this purely out of spite and nothing more. “You told me I can’t, well watch me.” That’s about it. Talk about “toxic.”

    4. Well, soon Irish Planned Parenthood , making shekels from foetuses parts ??

      1. No they don’t, white women are signing up and voting in mass to murder off their own white babies. LOL, path-etic.

        1. In the US it’s mostly “persons of color” (is this the same as “colored persons”) who are getting abortions. White women do get them, but at a FAR lower rate.

    5. The nurturing, caring, feeling half of the population vote to kill their own babies.
      Who would have thunk it?
      White women are scum.

      1. Chinese and Asian women Do the same and Jewish women lead the charge.
        John never misses a chance to stab at whites because he’s a JU

    6. Ireland has shamed itself to the world, clucking and crowing at a form of savagery that would make a Nazi blush.
      Used to be, everyone loved the Irish, and every year, for a day, everyone was Irishm
      No more.
      Ireland is now a pariah. Land of baby killing monsters.

      1. Nazis Banned Abortion, porn and Jew run brothels. Family birth rates set records. Mothers honored. The happiest place On earth in the 1930s.
        Hitler’s sin was resisting Judaism.

  2. “…described the result as “a hugely significant and hugely historic step forward.”
    Murdering the innocent unborn, who had no say in their creation while their mommie was whoring, is counted as a ‘step forward’!
    “It confirmed to us that we do live in a compassionate country,…”
    And it’s compassionate?
    “…so many expatriates traveled to cast their ballots and shared their journeys on social media…”
    Never knew murder the helpless, the defenseless, was so important to civilized, peace-loving people.

  3. Irish girls use to go over to UK to get abortions.
    It ain’t nothing new. You can get from Dublin to London in a day.

    1. Ireland isn’t particularly huge and they don’t even need to hop on a boat or plane to get to Belfast for an abortion. Northern Ireland it’s legal yeah? Is it UK wide or just Great Britain?

  4. Accept it people… there are no more Catholics and Protestants, there is no more religion and society in the Weste. It’s every (wo)man for himself. The “good girl” is a myth, everything wamaniz want is to smoke and tattoo themselves and behave like drunk bykers or travel around the world and “get to know different cultures.” Wamaniz dont care about u since they can study hard and become some HR or PR or whatever and make monyz on their own. So why would they care about u or ur hypothetical children? Who are u? What can u offer that they cant get themselves? U think they can like u for the person u are? For ur character? For ur looks? UR NOBODY and THEY ARE EVERYTHING in their poin of view.

    1. Amnesty International. What a crock. Forgiveness for capital murderers and actual rapists. Boo hoo for them, oh my he coughed slightly during his execution using enough anesthetic to put down an elephant; that is cruel and unusual punishment.
      The unborn? Tear em to shreds and suck em out, it’s my right to do as I please with my body! Even though I already expressed that right by spreading my hooves for some random guy on a cruise. But that was fate.

    2. This is addressed to my new No. 1 enemy: white knights – the scourge of society.
      I officially declare war on ‘good’ fathers. You are the new deadbeat dad – worse than any absentee father ever could be because YOU iconoclasts enabled this with your lax masculinity/castrato chivalry.
      Every 300 years, Western Civilization cycles through the ‘cult of womanhood.’ Roman/Greek/Norse paganism and Christianity are guilty of deifying, moralizing, equalizing and anthropomorphizing women simply because a woman’s anatomy fertilizes, carries and births life…
      …While Cultural Marxism only jumped aboard in this latest epoch.
      Lady Liberty, Lady Justice, Mary Magdalene, guns, ships, cars and all other objectified female namesakes are symbolisms of this idolatry.
      We mythically assign women all of these masculine characteristics (virtue, equality, confidante etc.), despite it being entirely antithetical to feminine nature, simply because it makes these inscrutable, dithering creatures seem more relatable (in our minds) to our straightforward sensibilities. So in short, it is a bad, collective-male coping-mechanism meant to fill the void left by our undisciplined antecedents, who refused to bestow knowledge of female nature to their progeny, thus breaking the chain of civilization and letting loose these junkyard dogs to rabidly infect society.
      So many guys (especially InCels) think that women will reify them and solve all of their problems if only they could have this/that/any woman in their lives, without having the foresight to see that it may solve that initial loneliness/curiosity, but it will create a litany of new problems that literally takes away their personal liberties (codified into law)…Something that Western men fight wars to allegedly safeguard.
      The cold truth is that women are amoral. They choose the winners in conflict, they choose the bad boys in ‘romance,’ and they will vote for self-destruction each and every time in democracy/economics because WOMEN have a one-track mind of instant gratification (high-time preference/horizon).
      They see a shiny object – they must have it.
      They see a consensus – they must express conformity.
      They see something better – they must pursue it like a moth to a flame.
      And society must subsidize this…because vagina.
      It isn’t ‘innocent’ because democracy and capitalism are effectively nullified by the hive-minded, natural female majority (numerically superior only because women are exempted from hardship), causing all marketing to pander exclusively to pussy, virtually disenfranchising/de-platforming men from their own creations…making them second-class citizens destined to die a decade earlier.
      Open your eyes. Women are begging to express who they really are. We now have indisputable variables that indicate that virtually AWALT:
      1. 50 Shades of Grey
      2. Tinder
      3. Bell Curve
      4. Gynocentrism
      The only actual variance (besides looks) in women occurs along the flight-path of fertility, where each female’s ‘wants’ evolve to adapt to her weakening pussy purchasing-power. So the individual female only differs from other GROUPS of females depending on the juxtaposed variance of AGE.
      Women are not even natural ‘nurturers’ (social construct) – they are bloodthirsty libertines who want to play God in deciding who lives and who dies based on how they ‘feel’ at any given moment.
      They are not this ‘catalyst’ that propels lazy beta males into industriousness or betterment.
      There is no greater threat to a child’s life than its mother. Women would dwarf all homicide statistics many times over if abortion were illegal and if there were no save-haven laws.
      She will hamster-wheel a child’s right to live away via dehumanization tactics – ‘Life begins at X.’ It is a ‘fetus.’ It is ‘women’s health.’
      That’s right. ‘Lady justice’ isn’t blind – she is a permissive duality depending on what demographic you are.
      If abortion were so innocuous, shouldn’t a man who had his child aborted without his approval/knowledge have the right to abort the deadbeat mother and her abortionist?
      If put to a vote, 30-40 percent of woman would absolutely vote to extend ‘women’s rights’ into POST-BIRTH abortions, and the rest would pretend to be ‘pro-life personally, but still believe in other women’s right to choose.’
      We have this pet-worship culture because of white women, who cuddle and mollycoddle cats/dogs more than their own children. So animal rights have trumped men’s rights and the rights of children.
      It’s no mystery why Margaret Sanger was the first such female ‘Darwinian’ to gain notoriety.
      If you pay close attention, female trolls almost always reductively retreat to invective eugenics (after Godwin’s Law of course).
      For any disagreement, it is almost exclusively women that suggest you:
      1. Kill yourself
      2. Refrain from breeding (‘leave women alone’)
      3. Mock your prowess, potency, endowment, sexuality
      Basically underscoring how women are the arbiters of evolution in the post-patriarchal world, and expressing how most men are not fit to exist and should be singled out for liquidation.
      This is not actually a ‘free’ sexual market because alimony/child support, Duluth Model, VAWA etc. would not exist. This Gynocentric system provides a zero-sum female handicap that kneecaps men. Ironically, not even Leninist Russia was this tyrannical (no debtor’s prison, alimony etc.), so it was closer to a sexual free market with no-fault divorce.
      This is what happens when you allow women to be the Darwinian stewards of society (Briffault’s Law). Eventually, these fat cows and their hypergamous sexual selection creates a mouse utopia, which collapses under its own gynocentric weight and spirals into a China (vagina) Syndrome that levels civilization.
      Women are the equivalent of Sid from Toy Story in their destructive juvenility.

      Driving cross-country, something amazing occurred to me amidst all this talk of patriarchies and ethno-state proposals…literally every college campus (excluding tech schools, obviously), is so overpopulated with young, skimpy white women that these schools are virtually white female utopian ethno-states…not even taking into consideration the matriarchal statutes already on the books that criminalizes male behavior. Take note of all these feminist fiefdoms and gynocratic nodes dotting this continent, which are no different than Israeli settlements Swiss-cheesing Palestinian territories, siphoning/diverting all resources away from the countryside.

      1. Weimar Republican
        Preach brother, preach!
        All I hear you saying is the truth.

        1. I solve problems
          Weimar Republican is the best commenter here. He should write articles. If only one a week.

      2. What age are you ?? I hope you’re not young because you just peaked !!!! spitting fire and truth in torrents !!!!

      3. This is gold right here.
        Highly recommend you format this and submit it as an independent post

        1. JiggyLordJr
          “Highly recommend you format this and submit it as an independent post.”
          I second that.

      4. There is nothing to be gained for white knights long term. Spoiling these infants only makes them more tyrannical. Women are short sighted and can’t see past, “how dare you tell me what to do.”

        1. Captain Morningwood
          “Women are short sighted and can’t see past, “how dare you tell me what to do.””
          Absolutely true.

      5. Excellent – Glad you pointed out these so called “incels”, these people seem totally lost as to what makes a man, seeking female validation wont cure their problems. Like you mentioned they will other problems that could be worse so what do they do next, they have nothing.

      6. Epic speech!
        Looks like you ready for the book on the subject by Rich Zubaty – What Men Know and Women Don’t.

    3. It is up to us REAL MASCULINE MEN to deny these crazy womyn the children they will CRAVE for when their clock turns 30.
      DENY them marriage….DENY them children…..DENY them commitment of any kind……Use them as you would toilet paper… Pump and Dump only (with C&C protection of course – Condom and Camera).
      Let them desperately settle for their White-Knights BFFs and have their maladjusted children when the time comes….these White-Knights will the get the obligatory Divorce-Rape soon enough….after they get cucked many many times over.
      As research shows…for the past 40 years Men are getting happier and happier while womyn are the not only getting crazier and fatter but also more and more unhappy.
      Rejoice every time you hear (the frequent) “Where are all the good men gone????” or when you read reports of a womyn getting married…TO HERSELF! Or when they die alone…with their hungry cats nearby….THAT is what it is called CONSEQUENCES.
      Enjoy your own life…..sit back with your single malt and watch it all burn!

      1. My attitude once I left my early 20s: don’t give in to sentimental delusions of finding the “One”, realize love and romance are modern delusions, and don’t trust some “good” girl to be telling the truth.
        And remember with the above it only becomes more true the older the slag gets. You know nothing about them by the time they are 25+ years old, she can cook up any story about their background once you are dating her (probably the only thing they can cook.) You are in a Nash Equilibrium with them, whatever you say to them will be added to their spiel for you.
        i.e. You are dating some 29 year old wall banger and in the course of dating you talk about your goals, hopes, aspirations, like having a family. Well the last thing she will let on is how in college her and her friend let a couple of Chads tag team them after a night of drinking and coke, which led to her getting an abortion two month later.
        Fuck and chuck, they aren’t owed anything more, especially by their late 20s.
        See those dopes marrying some wall banger? Having that one little kid to get their parents to finance their lifestyle with grandparent money?
        Don’t be those motherfuckers.

  5. At least we can count on Irish women to return home in matters of life-and-death!

  6. The only reason why women have abortions Is because they don’t want the baby to ruin their body?

    1. BLACK
      That is not why black women get abortions…I’m actually “blacker” than you being from Detroit.
      Black women face a stark future for a child. It is possible than in UK life gets better if you have kids because of welfare but in the US welfare won’t cover much. Meal will be missed.

      1. v
        “I’m actually “blacker” than you being from Detroit.”
        What a cunt-wad thing to say.
        So I suppose he should now give you his seal of approval, yield the floor to you, huh!

      2. Poor kids in Latin America eat better than in the states. Guess who’s fault is that? They know to eat basic staple foods. In the u.s. it’s….. cereal? Give a poor Latin American $20 and watch them buy eggs, cornmeal, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, tuna. Give American super mom $20 and she says that’s enough for one happy meal and her Big Mac combo. Yes, meal will be missed. One out of every five kids goes to school hungry in the u.s.. It’s moms fault. It’s why I never donate food.

        1. VIC
          Latin American are Indians used to living in poverty in a feudal society ignored by Spanish Criollo upper-class.
          So I agree, they know how to live off table scraps.

        2. Good on ya. I don’t donate either. It’s not my problem and it’s not my fault.

        3. Oh please. Romanticizing the noble savage yet again. I actually work with these people. They are all incredibly unhealthy. They eat their own weight in sugar each day. Give it a rest already.

      3. V stfu I can tell you don’t interact with black women a lot & I’m in Chicago dumbass. Black women in America are virtually identical to white women on a list of topics, abortion included. The major reason black, no all AMERICAN, women in general decide to kill their children is selfish in nature. I’ve had hos blatantly tell me they aborted the child because “I’m too young; I have shit to do; my body won’t bounce back, the only reason I’m not fat now is metabolism; I didn’t want him to cum in me anyway”. And no, black women don’t face a stark future raising children. Only a small majority are truly impoverished & I feel for them. Most, however, just like white women here, have the government, their clown ass parents, &/or a long list of disgusting beta men (especially if she’s pretty) willing to take care of the daughter’s mistakes. But soon this cycle will end.

      4. Bullshit. They get more gibs with every illegitimate kid they pop out.
        They’re using abortion as post=sex birth control nothing more.
        Combine low IQ and low time preference and this is what you get.
        We should either build more PP offices in the black neighborhoods, or just offer them a one time sterilization payment of $10k, male or female. It would save us a fortune and we wouldn’t need so many cops or jails in the future. We might even get our cities back from the dindu hordes. Who knows?

    2. Nope, they just dont want to bother with other creatures than themselves. Why to spend ur time and gold coins on some annoying children when u can smoke, drink and travel… al for YOURSELF!

    3. Alcohol abuse, poor diets, drugs, slothfulness, tattoos, piercings… they really don’t respect their bodies anyway. Why would they when there is always some schlub that will still worship them.

  7. The Special K commercials are wrong, their bodies can’t grow babies apparently. That would require compassion and understanding. It’s probably better that this generation of small souled bugwomen never become mothers.

  8. Women have in group biases. That’s why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.

    1. The white man is the only human with no in-group bias. This has only recently shifted in the last century. And that is why white peoples are losing terrribly now at the game of life.

      1. Correct. The white male has no collective identity anymore. He is not allowed to…unless he is being demonized for a collective crime that he must pay the sins of, while still being disallowed from taking pride in collective achievement.
        Thanks to political-correctness, before he takes individual pride or gives an opinion in anything, he must give a cuck preamble as preemptive damage-control:
        ‘Not that I agree with XYZ, but…’
        (We all have uttered this bizarre phrase depending on who we talk to.)
        As plausible deniability to the inevitable SJW backlash, he must self-flagellate, self-efface and self-deprecate as a virtue/counter-signal…basically swearing fealty/paying homage to the demigods of diversity to avoid its wrath.
        But what the white male does have, which none of the other collective demographics have, is individuality.
        This manifests itself in unrivaled achievement in art, science and technology, but is also unmatched in nihilism/self-destruction.
        So the best white males can do in the present (to skirt all of the anti-white male stigmas/penalties) is to form confederacies/constellations with other white male individuals rather than futile attempts at collectivism (which would be stymied anyway).
        There is simply too much to risk privately in following these corruptible e-celebs, who are prone to infighting, cultism, doxxing and being compromised.
        I am convinced now that the only path forward to preserving white identity from genocide is not race war, civil war, separatism, deportations or elections, but through women – the path least traveled.
        But not through this fruitless beta-orbiting, sycophantic simping, or white-knight leafleting campaign.
        We cannot coax or fight our way out of this, but we can finesse our way to a better vantage-point.
        If we can invert the sewage pipeline of gynocentrism, the results will be catastrophic for Clown World… Like an earthquake, volcano and hurricane hit simultaneously. Powerful rivers will suddenly flow in reverse, trains will be rerouted, and hydroelectricity will overflow, flood and cleanse the fallow lands into fertility again.
        This will not and cannot be achieved by rallies, marches and battles, but only in online anonymity, the last refuge of the nameless, faceless everyman…where ironically, even nonwhites can help better than any white women ever could in shit-posting memetic graffiti.
        Every comment section should become a ubiquitous troll farm of shit-lords, making the Internet unsafe for women and unwelcoming to Cultural Marxism. It is demoralizing to our overlords. We have proven we can outpace their censorship and de-platforming.
        That is why I support the InCel rage campaign (not the crimes, but the rhetoric) because (regardless of its intent) it functions as a thermodynamic force, which will reorder society back to its moorings if enough pressure is applied in any single direction. Besides, everybody is an InCel to a certain degree (If you cannot obtain sex within five minutes of snapping your fingers every day, you are on the spectrum of involuntary celibacy).
        It’s almost as if women are subconsciously encouraging these mass-murderers and virgin jihadists (as if they are theoretically graduating them from InCel beta into alpha, although being unable to actually capitalize on it since they die in the process or become imprisoned for life) because women still propose marriage to them from the jury, or write love letters to them on death row, thus closing the Pareto distribution loop (ouroboros) yet again…because women will follow ‘strength’ wherever it goes (even into the abstract)…
        We are being shut out of democracy and capitalism, so it is time to be creative because nothing will be achieved the conventional way anymore.

        1. WEIMAR
          It is so weird to listen to guys talk about killing because they cannot get laid.
          When I was young, that was what hookers were for.
          We used them.

        2. I think the 1990s (for many reasons) altered everything dramatically from what was probably the norm throughout human history.
          Perhaps all the social engineering (from past decades) finally started to culminate in the 1990s and the floodgates really opened since then, which if added up, amounts to an unrecognizable difference if you compare the Current Year to 1993.
          Technology certainly short-circuited many rituals and created new ones.
          The white male was still coveted like a rock star (from what I’m told), unlike today where political-correctness has completed its conquest, whereas back then it was still tongue-in-cheek..and there was no doxxing or persona non grata (except for Jimmy the Greek in 1988).
          Unfortunately, it is still too early to really dissect all these massacres until this epoch is over. A lot of these guys were not InCels. (Obviously Harris and Klebold were frustrated virgins.)
          But the Las Vegas guy was a well-traveled MILLIONAIRE, married several times and had a live-in GF, although all were Asian. (No offenses to ex-pats, but a white guy with a nonwhite GF gets an asterisk because no effort is required since white skin is a status symbol.)
          The Texas church killer was literally the definition of a womanizer…married/divorced TWICE before 26…with an uncanny ability to charm women he barely knew (of all ages) into sending him nude pics behind his wife’s back, and even tried to get a girl he banged when she was 13 to be a live-in topless maid for him and his wife/kid until the end of his life.
          And the younger guys aren’t offing themselves anymore, so even that has a generational shift.
          Nicolas Cruz, T.J. Lane and Demetrios Pagourtzis all allegedly had prior GFs (doesn’t necessarily mean sex occurred), but they weren’t total outcasts, as I used to hang around the dropout goth kids (and one had the creepy trench coat), which…surprise surprise…also included several girls within it because when there are enough guys in one group…eventually it attracts a few goth THOT followers who dress up like it’s Halloween every day.
          I think American Pie (and the teen genre it inspired) changed everything too…adding this bizarre stigma/ritual. So I understand exactly what the InCel thinks. He wants to be selected like everybody else because it is a rite-of-passage. A prostitute would be like going to prom with a relative rather than somebody who is happy to be seen with you in a bed at an after-party. So the unreachable milestone becomes a millstone.
          Not sure if this somehow dovetails with all this change, but I can vividly remember in high school playing ice hockey, and in the locker room all of the grades above us would take showers and walk around naked after practice, but my class and younger were baffled by this (unspoken of course). We couldn’t understand why you would take a shower with other guys or be totally naked at 1AM on a school night 30 minutes away from home, when you had to wake up at 6AM and take a shower anyway. So why bring a bath towel and toiletries in addition to the giant bag of equipment you have to haul in? Totally different mentality.
          Plus, it all just seemed gay because they would pee on each other in the shower for laughs. We all just rushed out in our sweaty clothes instead of getting naked because we wanted to get home since our parents were waiting in the parking lot.
          We were completely different cultures forming and I could see this sea change occurring right in front of me. I refused to let them shave my head because I knew that the ancient ritual would somehow be banned the very next year when it was my turn to do it the freshmen, which it was, and they never forgave me for it.
          I really feel bad for Gen-Z because it sounds terrible being a kid today. I was not a believer in the ‘bullying’ culture being bad these days, but it is way worse…the ridicule never stops since these kids all have each other’s phone number and social media now…so they get spammed with hatred even at home by their tormentors.
          I doubt they still do it, but I was in high school in 2006 on a field trip to the range shooting SHOTGUNS, with basically the troublemaker kids who couldn’t behave or pass, since it was just an outdoor ed class. The only person who couldn’t go was my friend who had scrawled bomb threat in middle school on a bathroom stall, and they apparently had a dossier on him (he only informed me years later). The Amish school shooting had just happened too. Actually, many of these shootings were from nonwhites back then, but it has become a white thing now. Times have really changed since then.

        3. V
          A few folks here (won’t mention any names) love posting long screeds (essays, in their minds I guess) full of quack sociology or, worse, socio-biology, accompanied by a ton of “ugh, we poor wite menz” alt.right whining. No wonder so many can’t get laid. Welcome to the “current year” I guess.

      2. Even 100 years ago it was less than every other group of contemporary, and to a degree today, many peoples.
        What saved society then were elites with a modicrum of care for the nation’s integrity and geography.

        1. fds
          This was largely the fact that they HAD to live there. These days the 1% who own the corporation do not live in the state or even in the U.S.
          They are in the South of France one week, their flat in London the next, N.Z. the next.

  9. It’s odd to witness people cheer on abortion. Even if you are pro life, it’s still a dirty business, and not something that should be celebrated. The feminists see this as a win for women’s rights, but on the other side of the ledger, u are destroying life. I just wonder if feminists have the humanity to even see this though?

    1. There’s absolutely no rationality here, how stupid can they get. Roughly 50% of murdered/aborted babies have to be girls, even when accounting for sex selective abortions. Is this how the feminists fight for women?
      But the Irish could have prevented all this if they really tried. It’s relatively easy to get Irish citizenship, one grandparent will suffice- there are 5m people living in Ireland, and about 15m Irish passport holders worldwide; if only they had had the will to for once show up at the polls and vote.

    2. It;s a huge loss for their souls. I don’t think they ever forgive themselves or live it down.
      The ones I’ve known that did it either feel guilty every time they see a kid at the age their aborted fetus would have been, or they project like crazy on Trump saying he’s a baby killer or other non-sense.
      It’s a severely damaging thing to do. And if one believes in Heaven and Hell, then one would most likely believe that these bitches are going to be polishing Satan’s knob in a fiery pit for all of eternity. Not much room beyond the heavenly gates (and wall) for baby killing slatterns.

  10. Women will never give up their privileges even if the whole race has to dissapar as a result. They are cold hearted, manipulative, selfish & cowards. That’s why I don’t believe in any of these neo-traditionalist/alt-right/anti-fem chicks. None of them will march for men rights or give up some of their privileges which are directly harming men. I highly dislike liars/manipulators/traitors/deceivers/hypocrites & tradthots exhibit all of those qualities. At least femicunts are honest about their intentions.

    1. Why the f*** would they march for men’s rights when it is men who write all these shitty articles hating on what they choose to do with THEMSELVES and THEIR OWN LIFE?
      They don’t tell you what to do with yours. It’s already more than you offer them, constantly intruding in their business.
      Also, Roosh, you will have the right to smear women who want abortions AFTER you raised, fed, clothed, educated and cared for at least one child. Not before.
      Too much of a commitment? Well, then, at least have the decency to shut the fuck up with your hypocrisy.

      1. Sex = chance of pregnancy +/- effectiveness of birth control = still not 0
        = Therefore, you don’t have to murder a baby in the womb
        Even a typically femicunt sub-antlike brain can understand this.

      2. Bwahaha, “Why the fuck would they march for men’s rights…”
        Because women have sons, brothers, and fathers. I have seen heartless bitches, soften when they have a baby boy. They almost become a different personDoesn’t happen all the time though.
        Men for all we are criticised try to govern for everyone. Female leaders when given the opportunity only govern for their own interests, at the loss of the majority. They don’t seem to be able to see the big picture.

      3. Where do you get off telling us oyr rights?
        And the insults? You celebrate the savage murder of helpless babies, but get your hairy little feelings hurt when someone argues with you? How dare tbey?
        You are a baby killing monster

      4. Bwahaha – you don’t seem to understand the rules here for bitches posting:
        Tits or GTFO !

  11. I grew up in the north of Ireland but haven’t lived there for a long time. This result is a huge defeat. There is no point in pretending otherwise. I didn’t realise how lost my fellow country men and women have become. You can’t underestimate the significance of this loss and I feel utterly betrayed.
    1500 years of history, culture and religion wiped out in a couple of decades by incessant propaganda, brainwashing and activism by local liberal/left quislings. Identity politics peddles by Silicon Calley, Hollywood etc played a huge part in both brainwashing and mobilising the local SJWs. This is a warning about how we are losing the overall war.
    Soros and his NGOs openly admitted they were targeting the Irish abortion referendum as it would mean defeating one of the last bastions of Christianity in Europe. Now they will move on to Poland and the war against Polish Catholicism is already underway. I hope they are made of better stuff than my fellow countrymen.

    1. Sputnik
      Irish girls used to fly to the US to get abortions and stay with their American relatives, I saw this all the time.
      Abortions are nothing new. London was another place they went.

      1. Who cares, the Irish control no other country but their own. There should be no abortion in their backyard- the front yard, really.

        1. You couldn’t be more wrong. Ireland in itself is not an important or powerful country. Any Irish person with half an ounce of wit knows that. But that isn’t the point.
          Soros and his “community” work on a domino theory basis. Whether in the US or Europe, they operate to a plan. Each state or nation state is undermined by leftist activists at a time. They work over a long time period and have brought Europe to its knees and greatly weakened the US and the rest of the West. As I said, they openly announced that imposing abortion in Ireland was a goal as this would remove one of the last hold-outs of Christianity in Europe and Poland was the next and final target.
          If you can’t see their MO, then you are not paying too much attention.

        2. @Sputnik
          Who cares that Irish women used to go abroad to get abortions. I repeat, there should be no abortion in their front yard. Pay more attention when reading.

        3. Ireland can’t change the UK’s abortion laws- I hope this is clear enough. But they could actually prosecute their women for murdering Irish citizens overseas, the way the US prosecutes child molesters, regardless of the country in which the crime occurred.

    2. I remember several months ago a wild eyed prostitute leading the chant “whores need abortions,” to delighted 20 something year old feminists. The face of evil.

    3. “A more recent study even estimated that between 80,000 to 200,000 Polish women terminate their pregnancies each year, with 10 to 15% of them are estimated to seek their abortion abroad.[35] For those women going abroad, Germany, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are among the more popular destinations for abortions”

  12. “Siobhan Donohue, chairwoman for Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR)…
    Donohue, who had to travel to neighboring Britain to have an abortion when her baby TJ was diagnosed with a fetal anomaly, said she felt relieved.”
    She NAMED her baby…then she killed it?
    The “Medical Reason” your baby had a “fetal anomaly” is because of your poor diet and lifestyle choices…not because of “genetics”.
    [Search Dr. Wallach to find the truth about “genetic” birth defects]

  13. Follow the money!
    A British baby named Alfie has recently died at children’s Alder Hey hospital after life support withdrawn. The Alder hospital is the center of organ harvesting in the UK. At one point, the hospital kept and stored 400 foetuses collected from hospitals around the north west of England. They have been at the center of a scandal about retention of hearts and organs from hundreds of children.
    Aborted fetuses have been used as a source of stem cells or as transplant cells into the brain or as any type of transplant. The reason is that embryonic stem cells can grow into virtually any cell type in the body.
    If you think that hospital just throw aborted babies, think again!

  14. I get a couple of minutes and I return to shit-storm!
    Only kidding.
    The articles today remind me a little bit of the ROK of old. Some good history and some good hatin’.
    I love it.
    And I may not see you all again until Mid-June (Junio).

    1. I always wonder where people are going when they imply they are leaving a website until a specific time. Like, are you moving to Antarctica or a weird place in Massachusetts where one specific website is unreachable? And you know you will be back to a place where you can reach it by mid-June. It’s all very strange to me.

  15. Do they also support the abortion of Muslim babies? Seems that the Muzz is always missing from this particular “political debate.”
    Nope, it’s only for whites.

    1. Womanyz dont have “free will” in Talibanism. Also abortion is haram I suppose.

    2. If abortion is legal in Ireland it means it is legal for everyone, white/black/Asian/Christian/Hindu/Muslim/whatever else, what an absolutely senseless comment.

    3. Any muz in a western country should be immediately repatriated, aborted, locked up, or sent to Davey Jones’ Locker.
      Failure to recognize and properly react to the mohameddan threat will be their undoing.
      Mohameddans are not like us. They do not value what we value. Any non-muz defending them deserves the same fate as them.
      All mosques on Christian land immediately torn down and all muz deported, either they go to the ship, the camp, or the ditch. I just don’t give a fuck.
      Do not conflate them with the issue of suicidal white women.

  16. So, if so many women are willing to abort their babies, doesn’t that go against the whole “women are naturally more nurturing” idea? If women were really more nurturing, wouldn’t a pregnant woman go to the ends of the earth to protect her unborn child, rather than kill it?

    1. Wamen are not wamen anymore. They overtook Men’s social and behavioral roles. You cant be nurturing when ur first priority in life is to smoke, drink and party. With those traits ur subcontiously just trying to be badass macho.

    2. I Lurk:
      they would keep it if the guy who pumped their vag full of jizz was an Alpha who didn’t dump them the next morning.

    3. Stone cold killers and ruthless exploiters of weak men without an ounce of compassion or remorse.

  17. Women shouldn’t have been given the right to vote. They are awful when given too much power. They don’t have to get violent and fight wars—they simply undermine the ability to form stable families, all while being enabled by thirsty men and white knights. The family falls, including transmission of basic values from parents to children, and so does society.

    1. This is a good example of “skin in the game”. Hundreds or thousands of years ago, voting privileges were reserved for those who had skin in the game, who had the most to lose or who paid taxes. Women (elected politicians or judges included) should not have any rights to vote in matters where men will be called upon to sacrifice their lives. People who pay no taxes likewise should have voting restricted where new or increased taxes are proposed. Men lose all “rights over their bodies”, when called to fight and die, and likewise there should be a limit to women’s “control over their bodies” – which in reality is the option to kill humans growing within them.

      1. ‘My body my choice’ is asinine in the face of drug laws. The federal gov’t absolutely dictates what we can do to our bodies, yet the same rules don’t apply when you have a life inside of you. How is it your body, your choice when there is another human being who lives or dies based on your decision?

      2. Everybody pays some kind of tax. Maybe not income taxes, but property taxes (even indirectly if you’re a renter) and sales tax. Oh, and payroll taxes if you’re employed.

    2. Not only the vote, but no right at all, as all rights are invented.
      The invention of rights is about equalization.
      Equality is redistribution = theft.

  18. ————————————–
    Abortion is PROSTITUTION.
    It is the same as dressing like whores to sell their bodies but demanding free protection
    It is the same as being sexual exhibitionists while accusing men of sexual harassment
    It is the same as making the man a client responsible for her unwanted pregnancies
    It is divorce laws(theft), alimony, child support(which is not about the child, never)
    It is about false INDEPENDENCE by making all men responsible for her decisions
    It is about ‘EQUALITY’ by having men working and paying twice to give her more
    It is PSYCHOPATHY. Because men are too afraid to accept that women evolved so
    It is about THE STATE controlling the sexuality of men and through it his dominance
    It is about using euphemisms, because men themselves can’t say ‘it is MURDER’ in public
    It is about objectifying children for CONVENIENCE through pregnancy or by murdering them
    It is about stealing men’s resources by OBJECTIFYING men, young men and children
    It is HYPOCRISY, as it exposes women as THE MOST VIOLENT in this species
    It is HISTORICAL, as women have always MURDERED CHILDREN in secret
    It is PENIS ENVY, to imitate men who are sexual but without wombs and eggs
    It is about EXPLOITING the sexuality of men without natural limits, like predators
    It is about MALE DENIAL, because men fantasize about a woman that could never exist
    It is a CHOICE between accepting that women are inevitably INFERIOR or VICTIMS of men
    It is about KILLING the OFFSPRING of MEN while allowing dysgenic males to reproduce more
    It is about INFERIOR MALES who NOW get a chance to have sex or even marry a useless whore

  19. Roosh made a good observation of the womyn who traveled back home to vote. Note they have the 1000 cock stare, giant sunglasses of shame, or looking away from the camera in shame. All went to foreign lands to gobble cock and look like they have that saddle-worn beat-up look from getting blind drunk and getting their three holes filled in one setting.

  20. The drive to abort babies is another hypergamous response by women to the overabundance of reproductive aged males. Of course men are allowing this abomination like everything else in an effort to appease every demand made by women. Attrition of excessive males will be achieved by wars, male reproductive competition, abortion, and unlimited restriction of male sexual strategies. It is in our DNA to optimize the human race.

  21. When the Chinese tried to limit overpopulation by limiting births, this unnatural man-made policy was bound to fail. Nature always wins. Parents rationally chose boys over girls to ensure economic support from them. The overabundance of males has contributed to China’s expansionist policies, aggression and preparations for war against the West. In the end, one way or another, many tens of millions of men must perish to restore the natural balance of equal parts reproductive aged males to females. Abortion is also one way to contribute.

  22. More blood for the blood god…
    This world is deteriorating further to hell.

  23. Probably sooner rather than later Irish women like other Western European women will have the burqa slapped on them and be made to heel in ways that they never dreamed of. You go grrrls!

  24. I’m agnostic about abortion; I don’t think it should be encouraged as a form of late contraception but I do understand that completely discouraging it destroys sentient adult lives and can harm many other sentient adult lives in the process.
    Have you met someone who has had to raise a disabled child or possibly became pregnant owing to sexual assault? It’s childishly narrow minded to condemn abortion as an evil in those cases. It’s sort of like libertarians who hold this black and white view of taxes and the public sector that’s divorced from everyday reality.
    The comment from Roosh is pretty juvenile in its scathingness for someone approaching 40 and it is commentary like that which gives feminists the ammunition they want to target sites like this as being hateful.

    1. You know damn well this isn’t a fight for the right to abort disabled children. You’re grasping at straws here and trying to appeal to emotional hoo haa. Something a cunty woman would do.

    2. Every argument I’ve ever heard for abortion sounds like yours:
      What about fetuses with birth defects?
      Or those who won’t be cared for?
      Or rape or incest?
      These are all circumstantial. The core of the problem is that abortion is WRONG. I believe every human being, even the most hardcore 10,000 cock stare feminazi who hates men more than she loves horses knows this on some intuitive level.
      That is why all these horrible justifications for abortion need to be made up, to allay the feelings of guilt that come with agreeing to something so heinous that it goes against all the laws of nature.
      You sound like an open minded dude perhaps in your early to mid 20’s who is still forming some of your opinions and beliefs about the world, hence the use of the word “agnostic,” which is someone my 20-something self would have totally related to. One caution I would make is don’t overintellectualize or overanalyze and learn to go with your intuitive response to things. I wish you the best of luck sir.

      1. Who the fuck wants to be stuck with a mongoloid baby? That’s a curse.

        1. Don’t marry and procreate with a post-wall or alcoholic and the chances for that become infinitesimal.

    3. Most abortions are had by women between 20 and 24, I’m not sure disability is an issue in more than a fraction of a percent of the cases, it’s not about disability as Sasquatch already noted, it’s not even a drop in the bucket. But on the other hand, have you ever asked a cripple if he’d rather be like that than dead? I’m sure no one would be happy to hear he should’ve been aborted ? And why should anyone care what feminists, the sworn, deadly enemies of ours, think ? We’re in the massive counter attack mode.

      1. Agree. Killing the disabled is what nazi eugenics were about….the longer i live, the more i see the huge influence nazi policy has had on the world….our false flag attacks in america/the middle east are straight out of the nazi playbook.

        1. Nazis didn’t practice eugenics.
          That’s Jew fairytale stories.
          Eugenics was created in zog England and practiced there and in the USA decades before Hitler ever came to power in a starving Germany.

    4. The cases of pregnancy due to rape are so incredibly rare. The majority of abortions are for selfish reasons. If rape was the only legal justification for abortion, abortion would virtually disappear. So I dont see it being a valid argument.

    5. What is shocking is how you pretend to intellectualize a,grave moral decision
      On one side, baby killing monsters. Yup. Exactly that. On the Pro-Life, we are saying mean tbings that upset the baby killing monsters. Oh my! Poor sensitive monsters!
      Are you really this delusional? Defending the most savage and revolting practice in history, and denigrating pro-life for its tone? Seriously?
      There is no intellectual validation for abortion

      1. You should not even be calling your ‘pro-life’ in an adult debate. Driving a woman to suicidal thoughts over having to have a baby when she and her surroundings are not up for it is not ‘pro-life’. Abortion has greatly decreased the american crime rate. In the early years of the 20th century american doctors, of all people, were committing some sort of hygienic post-birth infanticide working under the belief that babies are not fully ‘human’. I find that deplorable but the idea that abortion is some modern evil that’s now destroying our morals is ridiculous in the light of history because earlier on people were more cruel towards post-partum babies; what do you think they cared about unborn babies? How about human lives that are still virtually in the tadpole stage and only distinguishable from pond creatures due to modern DNA technology?
        Perhaps adoption is undermarketed but the idea that every woman who ends up pregnant against her will (contraception failing or whatever) is some evil monster for having an abortion is completely retarded in its narrow mindedness. People make controversial decisions in their lives and you would not know who is who by looking at them.

        1. Abortion in the USA was in the high 6 figures 60 years ago, even though illegal everywhere. It didn’t start in 1973.

        2. There’s a joke about abortion that I won’t repeat here, but the punchline is “crime stoppers.” Demographics, y’all.

  25. So, killing a child in the name of women’s rights, rather than using a condom, is progress?

  26. I believe that if such a series of foolish events continue, a day will come when women will vote to implement genetic alteration(conversion masculine to feminine traits) of an unborn male baby.

  27. Game won’t fix this chaps, political dominance will. Start transitioning from focusing all of your efforts on game and start to focus on society and politics with the same laser-like focus.

    1. what do i care if a dirty slut aborts the scum she received from her donkey. explain! i dont care if retarded nasty scum goes to war with each other, if the retarded USA invades another shit country and kills others? i dont care about humanity anymore. please humanity, retarded americans etc. go and kill as many as you can! you do me a huge favor.
      maybe this gets me on the watch list by the hypocrites that do the actual killing.

  28. The lifeless stares of the Irish women in the photographs, alongside their celebration of abortion and the ruination of the Western peoples and cultures in general, reminds me of the following from the preface of the editorial “The Ultimate Goal of Communism” (or 共產主義的終極目的/gòngchǎnzhǔyì de zhōngjí mùdì in Mandarin Chinese):
    “The essence of communism is that it is a specter. It is made up of hatred and degenerate elements of the universe. It has a deep hatred for human beings and wants to destroy them. It is not satisfied with killing a man’s flesh body alone; after all, life does not terminate with the death of the physical body—people’s souls reincarnate. But when a person has absolutely abandoned his sense of morality, his soul will be completely eliminated. That is the ultimate, most terrifying death. Dragging humanity toward the abyss of eternal damnation is what this communist specter (共產邪靈/gòngchǎn xiélíng in the Chinese original) wants to achieve.

    Whether it has expanded its influence with violence or infiltrated society in secret, the communist specter has resorted to destroying culture—established by the Creator to ultimately save people—as its way of annihilating mankind.
    After losing their culture, humanity will lose their standards for how to be human. In the eyes of gods, people will become mere animals covered in human skin (人形的獸/rénxíng de shòu in the Chinese original)—incapable of restraining themselves through morality—leading to their rapid descent toward depravity. They will be rendered unable to understand the heavenly message the Creator will reveal to save people. Consequently, people will lose their chance of being saved when calamity strikes. This is the biggest cataclysm awaiting all lives—to be forever destroyed—and the communist specter’s ultimate goal.”

  29. This needs to be viewed in context. Ireland used to be a theocratic state with the Catholic Church holding vast power. But after the Ryan Report, into the epidemic levels of child raping, pedophile priests along with the removal of children from unwed mothers who were enslaved in wash-houses (some of who’s children were sold to wealthy Americans) the attitude changed in the country. Perhaps the final nail in the Catholic Churches coffin was the discovery of huge numbers of infant corpses found in sewage pits of Catholic maintained orphanages. This is not a fairystory, research this for yourself but prepare to be appalled. The Irish People have collectively stuck two fingers up to the Church, first by Same Sex Marriage and now by allowing abortions. I am Irish, and refuse to be lectured on morality by those who acquiesce to religious rule in Ireland due to the Religious in Ireland having no morals. Erin go Bragh.

  30. There’s enough shitstains in the world already. Some people shouldn’t have kids, so if some thot wants to pluck out her fermented cumshot, let her.

    1. what do i care if a dirty slut aborts the scum she received from her donkey.

  31. The weak (Women, Feminists, Social Justice Warriors & Homosexuals) have learned to game the system to accrue much undeserved sociopolitical power. There is nothing we can do through current legal, political or any other channels to stop this.
    The solutions are to enact discrimination back upon them from the positions of power that we still occupy and possess and even impose physical violence on their beings and any property that they have. And if the police, politicians or judges get in the way, violence needs to be imposed upon them. We must abandon the notion that any one of them is here to protect us, they are now tools of the left to impose harm and control upon us. A specific example: if protestors of the aforementioned ilk take to the streets we need to attack them, if the police stand in the way we need to run them over as well, we need to go after judges in their own homes when they give lenient sentences to the “protected classes” or penalize us for standing firm. We will not win this war behind keyboards but by physically imposing our will.

  32. Thank god I’m not the only one who was disgusted by just how gleefully ecstatic these repulsive creatures were at the prospect of killing huge numbers of children. Openly looking forward to it, reveling in it, savoring it like a high: and cackling in the faces of those who voted for life over death.
    Maybe it’s not such a bad thing that western civilization is dying when it has become that degenerate.

    1. the whores do the whoremongers a favor by aborting their bastards. i bet the whoremonger men rather lets his whore have an abortion than paying child support for 18 years for the bastard she shit out.

      1. A condom and the pill PREVENTS the need to kill a baby, but that is moot point to savage society that takes absolutely NO responsibility at all for prevention or pregnancy or STD spread. Filthy cumvessels spreading their legs for any donation.

        1. “A condom and the pill PREVENTS the need to kill a baby”
          thats true, but we hate to wear condoms, and women may dislike taking the pill.
          “but that is moot point to savage society that takes absolutely NO responsibility at all for prevention or pregnancy or STD spread”
          yes i hope for another great war. i fantasize about genozide daily because im sick of people.
          “Filthy cumvessels spreading their legs for any donation.” we still fuck em like we are donkeys without a brain.

        2. @ internet
          Please tell me where my comment is no in support of the manosphere doing something to better itself by showing the slightest modicum of self restraint, self preservation or improvement by doing ONE SMALL THING to protect itself from unneeded personal agony and fiscal bankruptcy by using a condom and some sense? Is this not about men doing thing to personally better themselves and their futures? Then show me how my comments are not in spirit and aligned with the end goal.
          “oh I have to wear a condom”…..oh the agony and devastation of that one small act of self sacrifice to not go bare in a diseased poosy and fill an unwilling and underserving womb with viable seed?
          Again, society avoids any personal responsibility or self restraint. push it all off on the poossy, and what do you get? Abortion because the poossy takes no responsibility or self restraint either.

  33. I know I’m really straying from the party line here but I’m in strong favour of abortion. Heck in the Idiocracy-like dysgenic nightmare we all are currently living, abortion is the only remaining tool left to check the proliferation of subpar IQs on this planet.
    Did you guys research the abortion rate among certain minorities in Western societies ? And among Whites who you think resort to meat-grinding their babies ? Hint: it’s not the best and the brightest who are so lacking in the impulse control department they’re not even capable of managing their contraceptives.
    Do you want more mouths to feed and more votes for infinity welfare ?
    Abortion exist because the typical constituency of the global left is so lazy and incompetent they can’t even come up with the minimal quantity of work required by their highly subsidized r-selected strategy for reproduction.
    Why we should prevent these morons from stunting their own growth ?
    Remember: every abortion means one less Democrat on the face of the Earth.

    1. ohhhh an honest guy! i respect your honesty Sir! i dont respect all the hypocritical liars here. look at the irony: “whoremongers hate abortion” yeah right!

    2. A condom and the daily birth control pill PREVENTS the later need to kill a baby, but that is moot point to our sick savage society that takes absolutely NO responsibility at all for prevention of pregnancy or STD spread. But I see how easy it is to completely overlook minimalist standards of responsibility and conduct and go straight to vacuuming out filthy wombs as the best defendable answer. No self control, no self respect, no concern at all….yeah ain’t your filthy world great. But goddamn, DONT TELL ANYONE THAT MAYBE THEY COULD MAKLE IT BETTER THROUGH SIMPLE PREVENTION CHOICES…Oh, hell no, Right? So this is what we get instead, the usual last stop Progressive argument by the manosphere?
      Abortion, at least I don’t have to “pay the fine for 18 years”…FFS, no wonder I am black-pilled and disgusted by humankind in general. They never let me down proving how unworthy they are.

  34. As if you guys dont want the sluts you bang to abort your babies.
    You all bang as many sluts as you can, but get a heart attack if one of those skanks gets pregnant. Don´t lie! you are glad for their abortions. you also support abortions because you dont want to impregnate the skanks you bang. you bitch about whores decisions about abortions, but sure as hell are glad that they didnt shit out your bastards. Admit it you guys here want them to abort your bastards rather than paying child support for 18 years.

    1. You’re probably right in large part.
      But this is the path of degradation that abortion has put us on. We’re now in a world (using your words) of banging, sluts, whores and bastards. And we play the part of players and bad boyz.
      This type of society does not sustain happy, healthy lives – let alone civilization.

    1. im also like that. i didnt procreate. in central europe at 27, i have no chance for making enough money to support a family, thus, i dont produce a “work slave force” for the pedophile government. i only live for myself because that is all i can afford.
      These sexless men are known as “otaku,” – a Japanese term for socially awkward gents who have isolated themselves from their families and romantic prospects alike. “[T]hese “geeks” tend to be diehard anime and manga fans who have little interest in dating.
      Fukasawa who describes these particular isolationists as having a “monk-like approach to life and relationships,” which of course includes no sex.
      These herbivore men don’t connect with others, they don’t establish their own families or have children and don’t really contribute anything meaningful to society, either tangibly or intangibly,” says Wong. “They are like parasites who often live with their parents. So you can imagine how it’s going to affect society in the long run, socially and economically.”
      this is picture perfect victim blaming. they fucked everything up, but want a full support from the ones they have fucked over. yeah nice try. they want us to produce their slave force. they dont want me to have a happy family, they did everything they could to destroy family (cultural marxism) now they blame me for not participating in their bullshit.

    2. “What’s worse, after a long period of social detachment, these men lose their social skills – affecting their ability to find employment. This, as Tam writes, has a domino effect of creating youths who are financially dependent on family and friends – jobless and lacking in drive. This vicious cycle leads to a failure to launch – leaving many of these “otaku” without long term relationships, romantic or friend-based.”
      a natural reaction to their evil schemes.

      1. “Another type of man you won’t be finding on any dating apps are the “modern-day hermits”. They seek extreme disconnection and isolation from the rest of society, they become practically invisible. This phenomenon is triggered by an overburdened sense of responsibility, and when the pressure becomes too unbearable it causes the person to pull away and unplug from society in a kind of self-imposed exile. ”
        that is a natural reaction to something that was provoked by the ones in power. they knew what would happen once cultural marxism is installed, they did it anyway, now they cry about it and victim blame putting shame on those who resist.

        1. Pure cultural Marxism to vilify common sense self preservation and financial preservation…..You can’t even see past your own indoctrination.

  35. In France, Christian associations that give support and informations by phone to women who are confused about the psychological risks of abortion (depression, regrets..) are under media fire.
    Here 13 years old girls can walk to a pharmacy and ask for “abortion pill”.

    1. why is it so bad that retarded scum kills their own offspring?

    1. whats your problem with abortion? because its murder? it is cold blooded murder indeed, but you cant help a retarded culture. consumerism, cultural marxism is a cause for retardation. hitler went against that, then the SJW hypcrite force (the Allies) took him out.

  36. Women who kill their own babies for the sake of preserving their hedonistic lifestyles are actually unknowingly performing a eugenic act by eliminating their defective anti-life genes from the overall gene pool. Think of it in starkly personal terms as a hypothetical scenario in which such a woman is not allowed to get an abortion, resulting in one of her female descendants marrying one of your male descendants, who happens to be (due to whatever unfortunate circumstance) the last of your genetic lineage- and then she refuses to bear any children for him, thereby causing your lineage to die out. Having said that, I must admit that my conclusion fills me with gloom because I’m White (an American son of Finnish parents) and White People are already in dire peril of going extinct, so can we afford any further losses in our overall population from such abortions, regardless of their possible eugenic effect? Are we at the dangerous tipping point now where we need quantity more than quality? We are going to need cannon fodder for what’s coming, after all. I don’t know- I’m torn about it and I honestly don’t know what the answer to that is at the moment. These are dark thoughts that fill me with gloom as I watch the world of my childhood die around me.

  37. Not a single word about the death by septic miscarriage of Savita Halappanavar, courtesy the highly religious, pro-life, anti-abortion govt(2012) as the doctors would not even acknowledge the danger to the mother.

  38. Father God,
    Please bring down your wrath and end this wicked world. I only wish to return home now.

  39. White people love to abort themselves and are masters at rationalizing their own self destruction.

  40. Abortion is women playing God, deciding who lives and dies. Feminism is just female self-worship, so of course abortion is their highest ideal.
    Damn. It was nice that some things (life!) were sacred somewhere – even if just on a small island far away. Now we’re just going full-retard everywhere.
    I could never date a women who ‘believes in’ abortion. It tells you so many things about her, all negative. If she would kill her own baby…what wouldn’t she do to you?

  41. Abortion is something that only White women are doing.
    Women of other ethnic backgrounds do not go against nature. All women see children as blessing except White women.
    white women are the most vicious and evil creature son Earth.

    1. Are you sure about that? Black and Hispanic women abort plenty, maybe more.
      If you dislike white women, it probably has more to do with them being more spoiled than any other group on the planet.

      1. Its not the color or ethnicity of the princess that kills its offspring, it all goes back to the one unifying factor, self entitled self centered in repentant and unrestrained vagina owners who take NO RESPONSIBILITY at all and exercise no prevention measures at all either. They ALL can say NO and they ALL can close their legs at any time….but that is not the case as AWALT with flung open legs and airborne ankles and NO self restraint or responsibility at all because they can and DO ALWAYS blame men. That is todays foul rotten society.

  42. With current immigration demographics white western countries will have majority immigrant populations by 2050, the majority of which are illiterate. The end is near people. Just imagine living around somalis, arabs, indians and mexicans that don’t speak a lick of english and 90%+ of whom are on welfare. Population in africa is expected to DOUBLE by 2050 and where will they all go? hmmmm DAMN!

  43. Honestly, I am not against abortion… If leftist want to abort their seed, why stop them.. especially if they are just going to use their kids they couldn’t abort as a welfare ticket or outsource them to a daycare….It’s voluntary natural selection.

  44. I wonder if the men here claiming “abortions are evil results of modern degeneracy” would rather belong to a time when any woman they impregnated would be forced to keep the child, and they would be forced to marry each other too?

  45. Here’s a simple solution:
    If mother aborts the baby without the father’s consent, father decides to or not to abort the mother.
    If the mother doesn’t know who the biological father is because she’s that much a whore, she can be exiled to some shithole country where there are no moral scruples against this kind of thing.

    1. Problem is, it’s women who get pregnant and have the babies.
      You see, under no circumstances are you to mention any differences between men and women because that’s sexist, gender is “fluid,” etc.
      Unless it’s convenient to bring up those differences. Then all of a sudden you’d best not forget them.
      Abortion issue aside, it’s the glaring hypocrisy that bothers me here.

  46. Do you still think an Extinction Level Event (*ELE) is not needed to straighten mankind out? Really? If you aren’t blackpill and aren’t sickened to the core of your soul, I don’t know what is right with you.

    1. You’re missing a crucial part of the equation here:
      Who aborts…and who doesn’t? Therefore which groups will become more and more the majority?
      Then what?

  47. Actually, I don’t believe the results of the vote. Remember when their referendum said NO to the EURO and then soon afterwards another referendum had totally different results? And then that same scenario was repeated a few years later with the Gay Marriage issue. I figure that this time they just rigged it from the start.
    As for people returning home for the vote; a few will of course, but many, in droves? Some may be returning home to vote “NO” too. The logistics and expense of returning home would make it nearly impossible for most. So I figure that the story of so many ex-pats returning just for the vote, is a lie to further peoples belief in the fictitious outcome.

  48. Stupid, soulless cows.
    All this means, in a practical way for these idiots, is that the next drunk who picks them up at the pub will just bust a nut inside them rather than pull out.
    Congrats on your victory! Enjoy the extra cleaning-up.
    You’ve come a long way baby.

  49. i never thought i’d look at it this way, but the only women who are going to be aborting their unborn children, and the only ones who do it here in america, are the ones who believe in aborting their unborn children. it’ll be the lena dunhams of the world doing it, and they won’t be doing it to mine.

  50. Whether you are for, against, or couldn’t care less about abortion, there is something very important to be learned here.
    If the title of this article is true it does show just how much effort the political left is willing to expend to get its way. This is how they keep winning.
    Did people who are against abortion do the same thing? If not…there’s your answer right there.
    It goes back decades to the concept of “compromise.” The Left never really compromises, they simply demand less and then call it compromise. The net result is that while they took less ground than they wanted to originally, they still gained ground and will be back.
    The Right, while often obnoxious, usually has limits on what they want. If an Archie comic had Veronica and Betty drawn very busty in string bikinis the Right would demand they be drawn less sexy and in less revealing outfits, and if they got that THEY WOULD GO AWAY. Set goal met, end of story.
    The left would never stop demanding until they were fat, butch, shaved-headed, multi-racial transexuals etc. kicking Archie below the belt because of the oppression they suffered…and that wouldn’t be enough because it never is.
    But the point is they never stop. By now it is obvious that yielding to leftist demands never works; Starbucks and Marvel Comics learned this the hard way.
    So the whole time the pro-abortion people were doing this, where were the anti-abortion people? This simply had to happen sooner or later, just as with all of the SJW craziness going on now.

  51. Just to clarify something. On ROK there is frequent hatred of western women and how corrupt they are. Wouldn’t it be a good thing that Ireland has legalized abortion of girl babies? That’s less corrupt western women for you to complain about.

  52. It’s good to see that the right to abortion was granted. Women’s “negative rights” were expanded, which ultimately benefits men as well.

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