The Extinction Of White Male Authors

The spark is dying out for literature, once a major facet of culture. Television, movies, and digital distractions compete heavily for the public’s attention. Media monopolization doesn’t help. (How often do they give us new writers as good as Orwell or Dostoyevsky?) Worse, their politically correct tyranny is putting the final nail into the coffin.

It’s about how you look, not how you write

Notice anything missing here???

As we’ve covered earlier, straight White guys are unwelcome as new authors, especially for serious highbrow novels. The New York literary establishment excludes much talent. Established writers can keep making money for the corporations. However, guys like Melville, Poe, Twain, Faulkner, Hemingway, Kerouac—to name a very few—today would face great difficulty getting the critical first sale. Some genres like science fiction aren’t as bad, though that’s been converged too.

“Inclusiveness” is the trendy justification. Some argue that women and minorities™ were underrepresented in the past. However, ethnic literature has been quite fashionable since the 1960s. Women and GLBTs have been writing since Sappho. Furthermore, shutting out everyone except them certainly isn’t inclusive! Talent should stand on its own merits.

Can a one-legged genderqueer Scientologist lesbian from Timbuktu write well? If she’s talented, then yes. However, ticking several diversity checkboxes doesn’t make her a better author than anyone else.

The diversity dilemma

If only it were this simple.

For those who beat the odds, it’s basically impossible to write anything without potentially catching flak. There are several style guides for politically correct writing, and some make the income tax code seem pretty straightforward by comparison. According to various opinions:

  • If a story doesn’t include enough women and minorities™, that’s not inclusive.
  • Including them to be inclusive is tokenism.
  • Portraying them negatively is bad.
  • Overdoing positive traits is patronizing.
  • Any common characteristic that might be remotely stereotypical is very bad.
  • It’s impossible to write accurately about them without being one, so that’s taboo.

What the hell do they want? Even Kafka couldn’t have imagined anything screwier!

That’s quite a tightrope to walk. Even stories where diversity is unrealistic—for instance, European musketeers defending a fort—run afoul of the first item, since women and minorities™ might not identify with the characters. Actually, appealing to everyone is impossible; that’s why subgenres exist.

Even so, people can enjoy stories about glamorous professions or far-off lands, even if they have no experience in these things. This can help readers understand others unlike them, and even build bridges. Liberal writers once did much to publicize minority perspectives. Today, they might find themselves tiptoeing through a minefield, despite trying to be sympathetic.

If a story’s cast resembles a New York subway crowd, all characters sensitively developed following painstaking research, with no negative traits and only modestly positive ones, it would be tedious. Even then, that doesn’t avoid the “no characters from groups you’re not part of” rule. If authors only write about talking animals, aliens, or fantasy creatures—which would be quite restrictive—they can’t resemble human cultures even coincidentally, or sensitivity taboos still apply.

Other formats, such as film, have this problem too. George Lucas took a lot of heat for alluded stereotypes in The Phantom Menace. All that’s arguable, but the criticism was worse for that than the lame script. (Did I just say “lame”—uh oh, that’s ableism!) In his defense, though, JarJar Abrams didn’t do much better.

Writing characters that will appeal to a genre’s specific audience makes good business sense. Science fiction books often have intelligent, relatively young guys and sexy love interests. Presumably gay literature has more than 2-3% GLBT characters. Romance novels have female protagonists typically courted by handsome, rich bachelors. Why mess with what works?

Really, this PC literary fad is silly. Would The Caine Mutiny have been a better book if the protagonist were a genderfluid nonbinary? Actually, that would’ve been an annoying, unnecessary distraction.

Avoiding butthurt stereotypes

At least you still can get away with this.

There’s much hand-wringing over avoiding stereotypes, even positive ones. For starters, heavy dialect and accents are taboo. (There goes a lot of great literature since the 1850s: Dickens, Twain, etc.) Another example is that writers shouldn’t feature Asian martial artists. It would be silly to make every Japanese character a karateka, unless the story was set in a dojo. Still, when did martial arts stop being part of Asian culture? The list goes on.

Real-life individuals don’t always match their group stereotypes, of course. However, often there’s at least a kernel of truth. Are Haitians reputed as being great at math and liking animation? Do Norwegians get a bad rap for tightly-knit organized crime syndicates? Are Pentecostals associated with goofy leftist causes and being tightwads? If anyone portrayed the foregoing that way (unlike groups usually associated with those things), it wouldn’t be believable because of the lack of real examples.

Really, it works against realism to avoid any characteristic that might be considered stereotypical. That said, some groups are exempt from these fine scruples. To name a few:

  • Dumb, hostile rednecks
  • Crooked and/or brutal cops
  • Sadistic German officers
  • Fundamentalists motivated by hate or hiding moral flaws

Those are a bit overblown, but nobody’s walking on eggshells for them! Perhaps political correctness isn’t really about being kind and sensitive to everyone?

Distress about damsels

big red

Fortunately for Big Red, the MRAs she cursed out and screamed at were decent, peaceful people. Otherwise, she would’ve had to find a policeman.

Another PC edict forbids portraying men rescuing women. They’re strong and independent; they don’t need no man! (Apparently much past literature deserves to go down the memory hole then…) This one certainly makes those empowered feminists clutch their pearls. However, this new taboo subtly conveys the message that seeking assistance is always wrong.

In the real world, occasionally people face danger, and women are no exception. (Our protective instincts are sometimes exploited, unfortunately.) If genuinely in trouble, she certainly should take any necessary action to help herself. If the situation is more than she can handle, though, a man’s assistance is quite useful, and preferably not a hipster soy boy. (A word of gratitude would be appreciated, though that might be asking the impossible lately.) Seeking help when appropriate is sensible, feminist hauteur be damned.

Besides that, stories and movies portraying women able to defeat four opponents twice her size do a great disservice to anyone internalizing them. Some of today’s women act overly aggressive and confrontational, far more commonly than ever before. However, overconfidence is bad for anyone. I can defend myself quite effectively if needed, but I prefer diplomacy, and I won’t go out of my way to antagonize anyone.

The solution

The six megaconglomerates that comprise the MSM also own the major publishing houses.

Modern literature has pretty much gone to hell, thanks to politically correct munchkins being appointed gatekeepers in the mainstream publishing houses. What can be done about this? In successful insurgencies, often the winning dissidents will set up parallel institutions. Eventually they replace the establishment institutions.

Fortunately, modern technology is making those munchkins obsolete. Anyone with talent can create ebooks and even printed books. The gatekeepers are only good for promotion and sales; the remaining step is to create ways to generate our own publicity. The PC Cultural Revolution is about due for a counterrevolution. Some alternative institutions of our own already exist now. Spread the word; the adventure begins!

Read More: How New York Killed Male Literature

89 thoughts on “The Extinction Of White Male Authors”

  1. White males…cucked by everybody for everything, so duh, extinction by lack of self preservation..Ya done it to yourselves, just up and surrendered. Its a fitting end. Won’t miss you, because you have to care first to miss someone unwilling to stand up and save yourselves.

    1. Thank you Neal for your brilliant comment. You can go back to trying on womens pantyhose with your boyfriend now.

      1. The leftists at winning in the extermination efforts. SO you are content to ignore the obvious, “nothing to see here” argument? The cuckery is strong in you.

        1. To be honest bro, most white boys are not any more cucked than any other race of males. The problem is libertarianism, and the fact we gave WOMEN the right to vote. We tried being a benevolent people and ended up getting ourselves stuck in quicksand. As the old saying goes “No good deed goes unpunished”. God I hate libertarinism…”muh lets create a collective against collectivism…muh, lets win the war by scattering the troops…muh oil and taxes…muh”

      2. June 13, 2018
        Dan Halen
        “The extinction of white male. Thats all I read in the title. ”
        IT’S the only part that matters. The rest is minutiae that obscures the bigger picture. While I have been heavily down voted for saying so in one of the first posts for this topic, I am amazed at the hatred directed at me for saying so.



      2. KEEP YOUR BLACKS THAT HAVE YOUR BLOOD THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE US AFRICANs please keep them they cant even speak a single african language they have white futures

    3. @Deplorable…bro didn’t you know, it is all about individualism. Immigration, free trade, the globohomo complex are things you just shouldn’t worry about, they will never affect you as long as you are a all-powerful “muh individual”. Ever heard of the magical “muh individual” bubble? It is a magical bubble where you get divine freedoms and rights that no one can take from you, it is imperious to cops/gangs/the police state, it prints its own money (backed by gold of course), it even has its own highways/parks/buildings in it that are built by special freedom powers….it is amazing, you should get one, lol.

    4. “Anyone with talent can create ebooks and even printed books.”
      Unfortunately everyone without talent can write and distribute an ebook too. The world has been flooded with bad ebooks in the past 10 years, and I’ve had to resort to reading new novels entirely by a formula. Nothing written by females or outside the Amazon top 100, or not written by famous male authors.

      1. Very true John. Every fag or women thinks they are naturally creative, when most are not.
        Good art of nearly any medium needs dedication and hothousing. In the past all you had to do was concentrate on your creative task. Now you need to be not only an artist, but a promoter, advertiser, and retailer. Many people can do the last three but skimp on the artistic talent. A really talented person probably won’t get discovered these days, unless they play the minority, race gay card etc.
        Back in 1994 in Australia there was a great example. To give credit it was actually a white woman of anglo saxon descent, that fooled all the PC hypocrites in the publishing world. Her name was Helen Darville . She won a national literary award for writing a novel under the ficticious name Helen Davidenko. THE HAND THAT SIGNED THE PAPER, a story of her ficticious Ukranian forebears that played a role in the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews in WWII.
        When it came out later that she was not descended from Ukranians, she was seen as a fraud by the literary establishment. Really they were upset that they had been made fools of. FFS it was a work of fiction, not a non fictional historical analysis.
        All unsold copies were withdrawn from the shelves and pulped.
        She did reveal that the emperor has no clothes.

  2. Well there has been a breathtaking amount of resources dedicated to training white males to be so cucked. I do think that everyone has the capacity to “wake up” so I don’t excuse any of them. Still, ((they)) have spent billions on our destruction and there’s still some kind of resistance, I wouldn’t say we just surrendered. I know I personally never will. I’ll give up every comfort and even pay the ultimate price if it comes down to it to maintain my pride and keep the torch of sanity lit.

  3. Great article – this is the reason that I’ve stopped reading most modern literature. I tend to stick to history, stoicism, and any fiction from the last 20 years not tainted by ((them)).
    This means fiction safe for reading tend to be action novels, spy novels, mysteries, and the like – these genres tend to be more masculine in nature and harder to subtly corrupt. It would be difficult to dilute the image of James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Sherlock Holmes without raising eyebrows and losing readers.
    That being said, very little published these days is worth its salt. On the internet its even worse. If you need a quick example that beautifully illustrates this point, take a look at the Yahoo homepage – it’s hard pressed to call the degenerate nonsense they’re putting out ‘journalism’. Even real news has become absurd. It’s meant to either scare you shitless or leave you depressed and apathetic. It’s a lose-lose scenario, best to avoid entirely. If it’s truly important you’ll probably hear about it via word of mouth.
    Solution: Don’t read 90% of crap put out these days, and if you are reading it, vet it for red flags. If you diversify your collection to include high-quality contemporary and time-tested ancient literature, you will be well versed on the new and the old, creating your own authentic culture in a world increasingly devoid of it.

    1. “Anything that doesn’t directly affect you is either advertising or propaganda.”
      Michael Rivero
      Like anything else, 95% of what passes as news is crap. Celebrity scandals, car chases and kittens-up-a-tree, with the odd race/gender/ethnic baiting story tossed in to spice things up. You’re better off ignoring all of the former -unless you like kittens of course – and viewing the hysterical headlines of the latter with a good deal of skepticism.
      That’s especially true in the news story in question makes passions run high and the narrative waters are muddied by polarizing spin and political grandstanding. Better simply to pull back and wait for the stream bed to clear so that you can best ascertain the factual nuggets and decide for yourself. What you are first told and what actually happened are rarely the same.
      Just a thought.

    2. while they keep daniel craig, they bring danny boyle, a soy director if there is one, the next 007 is gonna be very cucked.
      which is unfortunate, since spectre was a good film. there’s even some pro-brexit anti-globalism tone in the movie.
      I know that through time they tried to “soft” 007. but it quite didnt work out isnt? despite in golden eye, for example, the speech about 007 being a relic piece from other era. then in the first two daniel craig movies they remove the secretary because of, you know, “sexual harresement”

    3. Women are the main consumers of fiction. They’re the one’s who do book club. So naturally fiction is aimed at them. Men read (as a rule) non-fiction; history, how-to books, nature field guides etc. The question is whether men aren’t reading fiction because it’s not written for them, or fiction is not written for men because men don’t want to read it.

      1. It’s probably because American men can hardly read due to your poor education system.
        Luckily, Euro men read a lot, our schools actually still work, so the world is not yet lost.

        1. Bullshit. Most American men read just fine. It’s just that fiction doesn’t turn them on.

      2. Good points, Herbie. As a fiction writer myself, I recall a conversation with my little brother where he flat out told me that he only reads non-fiction. And then I smirked thinking about it. To be completely honest, I’m the same way. True history is far more interesting to me then some made up fantasy that a person created because to me, there’s to many fiction stories that’s simply unbelievable. Which is why I try to write my own stories with plausible plots, not particularly how I want the characters to be, but what the characters are more likely to do given their background and ambitions.
        And you said it right. The question of whether men aren’t reading fiction because it’s not written for them. I’ve seen too many 300plus page novels that could really be written in less than 20. I wonder if women care more about the prose and the word-play more than what’s actually happening. Personally, if more fiction novels were written like non-fiction articles where you just tell it to me straight, I’d probably be more carnivorous about it.

  4. Ron Unz says much the same thing in his most recent American Pravda, only highlighting formerly respected and popular political commenters and analysts who stumbled into the minefield of political correctness. It’s worth your attention and time:
    American Pravda: Our Great Purge of the 1940s
    http://www.unz com/runz/american-pravda-our-great-purge-of-the-1940s/
    (Per usual, the dot in the dot-com has been removed so the link isn’t flagged as spam.)
    On a side note, I had no idea that Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his family were so corrupt while he was in office. Bill and Hillary move over! Truly the Internet is a font of
    Revisionist History.
    Just a thought.

      1. Yes, Ron Unz is an (((Unz))). But he has an excellent website, something that you’d know if you’d actually taken the time to visit it and read all of the viewpoints – both left and right and center. Further, he and his sight positively embraces politically incorrect viewpoints. He is for example a tireless defender of historian David Irving.
        I’ll hazard that evidently you haven’t even taken a look before commenting, and that’s just willful, lazy ignorance and pointless bigotry on your part.
        Just a thought.

  5. You can currently pick up some of the best books ever written at 2 for $10 at Barnes and Noble. Way better than $16 a pop for a new garbage paperback, or $30+ for some current affairs or social justice nonsense from Hitlery or Coates.
    I picked up “Republic” (Plato), “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (Nietzche), “The Origin Of Species” (Darwin), and “War and Peace” (Tolstoy) for less than what a lot of people spend on a single lunch.

    1. Murray,
      I usually spend $1 on lunch, books are all free from torrents and other pirate sites.

      1. many torrents and pirate sites ofen have outdated translations, while the original work is public domain, the most modern translations are copyrighted. well, this doesnt apply to the origin of species, of course

  6. This article title is exactly right. Please observe, the next time you’re standing at the check-out counter of your local supermarket the names of the authors on the book shelf just before the register. Practically all women. Men are indeed being weeded out. Those that are allowed ie: Dan Brown, write drivel with weak professorial beta-male men working alongside brilliant and stronger women.
    Of course, when you actually go to work or to play, you don’t see anything like this in real life… but being liberal and blue-pilled is to ignore reality. But, as has been noted on these pages before… eventually reality and evolution will sweep away the nonsense… and unfortunately it will be cruel and violent.

    1. No books written by white people on my local supermarket shelf.
      Not even a book written in Latin script.

  7. I like white men, but I’m pretty sure white men hate me because I’m white. They prefer black, mestizo, and Asian women, anything exotic.
    The white woman has to have a diploma, to work hard, to be good, so the white man travels to exotic lands to support someone.
    We are dying because the white man puts his seed in non-white women.

    1. You sure white men don’t hate you because of your so-called hard work? Personally, I prefer those exotic women because they tend to be feminine and submissive, not because they earned a college degree.

      1. Nuke A6, It is allowed women of color do not study and do not function, they are always victims. White women can not stay home without being seen as lazy and opportunistic.

        1. I disagree. The reason “many” white men prefer Asian women is exactly because they are feminine AND accomplished… which is he exact reverse of most modern western females. They have no education worth that actually produces anything (“uh, I took a commerce course at my community college and I work at a donut shop because of the patriarchy, and I like yoga…”),
          and CAN’T cook, sow, mend, clean, change a tire, mow a lawn etc, etc… but they can wear bad clothes, apply their make-up like a drunk French transsexual, and hold a masters degree in Fuck-You-do. That’s why men are turning elsewhere.

        2. maybe that’s the problem, Marceli. I wonder if the white women you speak of are hindered by their own subjection to the trends. Because you speak of what is or isn’t allowed and I’m like…by who? What law? You say, without being seen as lazy or opportunistic. I’m like… by who? What law?
          Personally, I like white women and women of all races. But the ones I respect and find myself attracted to are the ones who are truly free from those arbitrary, ever-changing expectations. How can a man trust the women he’s with if he knows that she’s only doing things because it’s expected of her, or she’s worried about how others will see her? I say, choose for yourself what you want to do. Accept the consequences of your choice and you’ll be much happier whether you have a man or not.

    2. Marceli,
      What a white woman needs is a hymen, nothing else will get you a ring from good white man.

  8. The movie “Idiocracy” was marketed to be a satire, but in reality, those who must not be named actually were rubbing the White mans nose in the plan they came up with to get rid of us. Funny thing is white men still think it is funny as hell that it is playing out exactly that way, except there was no need for any suspended animation tubes as all whites were to be included.

  9. Liberals only mean black when they say diversity and inclusion, they really don’t even mean women or Latino, it is all about the optics of having the black man and woman seem more successful than the white man or women. Its the same in all the commercials you see these days too, the dumb white family oppose tot he smart black family… its the same bullshit in every single category.. but none of it maters. Let blacks and woman have more books and commercials and movies,.. let us focus on what really matters… keeping the left out of any real power so they cannot enforce their will on all of us through laws.

    1. lol, disagree whole-heartedly. I know what you’re trying to say but your use of “only” makes your statement a load of BS, to be frank. Ask yourself, who makes up most of the liberals you speak of? Truly, think about it. Yeah, you have Black Lives Matter, but they’ve more or less faded out sometime last year. Most of the liberals are white. And yeah, you have some black people who more or less take advantage of the white-guilt by those liberals to move ahead, but a lot of us can’t stand liberals getting offended on our behalf. We aren’t that sensitive. We aren’t that weak. And when it comes to reality, know that the media will only prop up the black folks who perpetuate their agenda. Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell…nope, ignore those people. We got Jay-Z and Beyonce over here!

  10. There are plenty of white male authors. I read them all the time. They all self-publish on Amazon, bypassing the traditional publishing houses.

    1. It is very hard to make a living that way, and good fiction is hard and difficult work. Self publishing is double that work because the author also has to be their own editor also. Also to be a somewhat successful self publisher you have to be your own publicist.
      That’s a triple work load for something that might pay as much as picking up ten hours of minimum wage work.
      Then we wonder why we lose the culture war?

  11. The SJW shit has RUINED the scifi/fiction landscape.
    Slap you in your face obvious if you read the entire ‘years best science ficition’ series.
    Last few years are just degenerate 3rd world focused badly written trash.

  12. This does not deter me from writing. As a matter of fact, I’m in the middle of a 1st revision of a short story about an actor who quits Hollywood due to it’s corrosive anti-masculinity agenda. Nothing wrong with self-publishing although the few instances I’ve seen of self-published works includes typos and what could have used an editors touch.

  13. John Vancouver, i appreciate your comment but i disagree with you as well.
    As a woman i have another perspective.
    I always wanted to get married and have a big family, but the men and women around me were worried about them. I have friends who have been dating for ten years and are not married yet.
    And I have friends who got married to find out later that they were betrayed.
    I know there are selfish and bad women, but the same goes for men. Sometimes a failed career can give a guarantee that no man gives us.
    I do not think about dating oriental men in search of more tradition and values ​​because it is important for me to have children similar to me, so for me it would have to be Latin or white.
    Best wishes for all.

    1. Marceli, welcome to the Self-Chosen Ones’ war against the White West. Turning White men and White women against each other is the very foundation of their pernicious plans to subvert our nations and steal our wealth. It’s worked very well, hasn’t it!
      You talk about double standards. Yes. They were put there as a dividing wedge between us. White women are not supposed to be feminine, not supposed to be uneducated, not supposed to be housewives or young mothers. And White men are not supposed to be masculine, not supposed to be aggressive, not supposed to be independent, and not supposed to be ALPHA.
      It was a deliberate plan to make us repulsive to each other. White women are disgusting because they are masculine whores. White men are disgusting because they are pathetic cowards and weaklings. See how it works?
      And so now we have both sexes seeking to date other races and befoul thousands of years of genetic legacy, just because they are too stupid to see how we’ve all been (((manipulated))) by the evil destroyers of humanity.
      Black men get away with being violent, aggressive, narcissistic, self-centered sociopaths. White men are destroyed for the same exact behavior.
      Asian women get away with being frail, childish, helpless, ignorant, and dependent. White women are harshly judged for the same behavior.
      It is all by design, all carefully planned and implemented, and the results we see today are the exact outcome that was planned in those darkened rooms of the Frankfurt School so many decades ago.
      The solution is simple: reject ALL of it and reclaim your birthright. The International Parasite must be destroyed completely, and love between White men and women must flourish once more, lest the whole world be plunged into a thousand years of darkness.

    2. “I have friends who have been dating for ten years and are not married yet.”
      How many of those ‘friends’ are virgins?
      I’m guessing none, so who wants to marry a slut?
      No hymen = no wedding ring.

      1. Reality check…
        Termites has tooths like butter yet they chew wood.
        No bitch tries to become a glamazon and most of all shot pimps and sugar daddies for sexual harrassment.Endgame? seek a trial in court.
        BAM! The sexually deprive gets the honors with no pathogens.
        Straight women for me.

      2. You’re silly. There are a lot of myths about hymens. It’s just a membrane and of course is perforated because if it wasn’t then at puberty the female would have a problem when she had her first period.I’d say that about her mid>late teens that perforation has already naturally stretch just from normal movement and the opening is normal and unhindered in most females.
        Ok Ok you read in the Bible that they used to hang bloody sheets outside their door to prove the wife was a virgin. That’s because these wives were like 13 and may have still had an intact hymen. The opening in the hymen was of course stretched and this may sting and sometimes tear it a bit and she bleeds a little.

    1. Red pill is harsh pill.
      Self-Preservation is something that other races have except for Blacks.Well,it may be positive yet when push comes to shove and chaos unleash’s,that amount of fire will be met with water in (order) to quench chaos.

      1. blacks have it and dont make noise about it they call it giving birth above everyone else

    2. Self publishing is good, but if you want to get the book out there, you need advertising. Publishing houses have this wrapped up, along with all the female, fag bookclubs, and the literary prizes too.

      1. People who write ebooks are usually crappy writers and no publisher would touch them.
        However, this may change in time with the top Tom Wolfe type writers becoming better known and rising to the top.
        The only problems I see are protecting copyrights and people easily sharing books but I guess if the prices are reasonable people will just buy and download them. I’m not going to bother sharing if the price is only a few dollars.
        Of course people would share hard copy books anyway in the past but it’s easier with computers.

  14. The solution is to self publish and self promote. As a white male this is what I do. Complete freedom and lots of online distributors like Amazon provide this service for FREE.

    1. I have heard Amazon takes 65% of the asking price. Because self publishing is risky, you can only do short runs and they are more expensive.
      Print on demand services like might be better, though I can’t be sure.

        1. Good to know if that’s correct. I don’t know where the guy I heard it from go it, I assume Amazon. He had a book he had already self published and was looking for distribution.

  15. john dodds, Good night
    If men like virgin women I do not see any problem. You know where to find virgin girls, in which religion, in what region, good luck.
    You marry virgin women in less than 10 years to have at least five lovers in the neighborhood.
    All women know this story.
    You are on this site about sex tourists, bad and degenerate women, single mothers and sluts from poor countries because it is with them that you want to deal with. This is what you lose your head and sometimes even the house and underwear. Good women are doomed to failure.
    You are an example of this, rewarded your Asian wife for weakness and submission, but with scepter condemned white women with the same characteristic.

    1. Just wondering how many lovers you’ve had?
      And I’m guessing you are past your peak fertile years too.
      What use are you to a man?

      1. What does a white man bring to the table?
        Living expenses, free house, car, alimony, child support.
        What does a white woman bring to the table?
        Normally a well used vagina.
        Non-white women, don’t bring anything extra, but come without most of the financial liabilities after they’ve stopped having sex with you. Hardly surprising we avoid marrying white women.

        1. Go ahead, marry and knock up some black woman and when she divorces you see if she’s a liability or not. I guess that you don’t pay much attention to these athletes who are paying most of their money in alimony and child support.

        2. You gotta bang the non-whites in their native countries.
          No point even thinking of having sex with a woman in the west.

        3. I personally find white women the most attractive. That’s not to say there aren’t any good looking Asian or black women (quite the opposite actually), I simply find caucasian women more attractive on a regular basis.

        4. Burton,
          Vaginas come in two variations, shaved or hairy.
          If you don’t like the colour, close your eyes or turn the light off.

    2. GOOD WOMAN WHO is a virgin saving herself for marriage will not just wake up have many lovers. Those are people who pretended to be virgins and a stupid lustful man took her in.
      Advice For your given with a good heart :::Just because you are not a virgin you wont find a man who will marry you and love but its not going to be easy and if marriage is what you want then stop sleeping around good man can sniff it if you are sleeping with others you will not attract the right man as he himslref is not busy with sluts. Dont open your legs to any man for 3 months I dare you! after that u will start to see things clearly and even the man who aproach you will be defferent and u will have power to chose the right one while at it remove the anger and the hate of that which is normal good and natural.
      This site is not about hookers

      1. I believe Roosh stated this site is for publishing stories of interest to men.

  16. White male authors never disappeared. They took another form to adapt and adjust to the present day. They have become bloggers and take things to YouTube.

    1. True, valid, but the overarching point of the article is that they’re getting scarce on the NY Times and Amazon bestseller lists unless they write transgender children’s books. Face it, blogs and YouTube are often Plan B after a writer’s been given the hook on the main stage.

      1. NY Times bestseller list means nothing and it doesn’t take many book sales to get on it. Oprahs book club can easily make a book a best seller.

    1. It’s the only part that matters. The rest is minutiae that obscures the bigger picture. While I have been heavily down voted for saying so in one of the first posts for this topic, I am amazed at the hatred directed at me for saying so.

  17. ‘The PC Cultural Revolution is about due for a counterrevolution.’
    The backlash, as I predicted, is going to make your head spin. In another year it’s going to seem like the 80’s again, only this time with better technology. Millenial soy boys and femtards will be like a lost generation of mutants, and new Gen Z will replace them. Some of those GenZ girls are already 18 too :o) Train them well. Every generation always rebels against the status quo so let’s direct that towards femtards,PC, and libtardism, gay and tranny nazis etc
    Boomer females were ok in general but like all female become irrelevant with age, and then bitter, just as these millenial females are now on the brink of. Men can be relevant at any age.
    Yes, it’s going to be a brave new world soon.Insanity can only last so long until somethings got to give.

    1. I think so, too…let’s hope you are correct. I can feel the undercurrent of the backlash brewing on the US west coast, where we are drowning in “self-entitlement feminism” and all sorts of other ills. I’m also watching some modern dudes converting and waking up to what their balls and brains were originally designed for. This tide can shift. Men of reasonable intelligence and willpower can rise to a new challenge when they see how their lives have become like a computer construct in an early 2000’s PC role playing game, complete with semi-randomized pathing and limited dialogue trees. That’s no life; that’s “dead time before death,” and now we see it on a scale so vast it might knock the human enterprise out of whack for a thousand years. This cannot hold.

    2. You mean the kids who are: eating tide pods, playing with fidget spinners, snorting condoms, marching against gun rights, playing at being gender queer castrati, meme posting, and whose boys are literally weaker than a 30 year old Millennial woman?
      Oh yeah, because they like money they are going to be the next traditionalist wave.
      Shit, the GenXers were slackers, their kids will be techno-obsessed slackers.

  18. Ah well, back to re-reading Cormac McCarthy and Camus, then…perhaps Bret Easton Ellis (author of “American Psycho,” etc.) will survive the purge. Indeed, this is a time of smoke and media mirrors.

    We can see how Roosh has also taken some dives into the deep end with fiction based on beliefs/convictions/deconstructions…he could theoretically go under a pseudonym and give ’em what they want.

    Don’t get fooled by the mainstream screw — the world is still starving for the Red Pill, the non-PC, the risk taker who offends the weak and delusional. Things that make sense and have absolute certainty. Deep, sincere, spiritual epiphanies of Red Pill wisdom for a new century. Ever forward…

    I leave you with this gem:
    “What you got ain’t nothin’ new. This country’s hard on people. You can’t stop what’s coming…there ain’t no waitin’ on you…that’s vanity.”
    –Cormac McCarthy, “No Country for Old Men”

    1. Cormac McCarthy is way over-rated, his books are a bit tedious, I downloaded the lot but only managed to wade through a couple. I’m more a David Baldacci reader, but even he’s gone downhill recently, Memory Man …. yawn.

  19. isn’t the solution to this obvious? if you’re a white guy, become transgender and transracial. hispanic is an easy scam to play. look at all the so-called “latino/a” people you see on tv, who obviously have no heritage at all other than european.

  20. “Extinction of White Males…”
    Correction: “Extinction of Males.”
    You know that feeling you get when you see black people complain about obstacles they face. I’m starting to get that way about white people. I get it. You’re white. A majority of the population is white so its easy to assume that it’s white men under attack. But it’s not just you. Trust me when I say I’ve been trying to enter the publishing industry since 2009. I’ve gone by pseudonyms that more or less obscure my race. But never my gender. In order to get published traditionally, you need an agent. And unfortunately, 95% of the agents I have to query to are women. Women make up the majority of readers. Of editors. Of Publishers. I accept this. I accept this the same way I think most people accept the fact that most of the NBA is black. The only difference is you don’t need to dunk over people to produce a good novel. Art is subjective.
    I agree with everything else you said in this article. But to assume that it’s against white men is inaccurate. Because I can tell you, of the hundred plus agencies I query to, the presence of white men are still prevalent. I think I only saw one black male agent out of at least 200. I’m not lying. The problem you’ll probably notice is that the white men working with these agencies are the “betas” and “soys” you guys periodically bash on this website. But guess what. They’re still white.

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