The Biggest Lie Most Men Believe About Testosterone

Are you wondering what it is? The lie that most men believe about testosterone that is being peddled by doctors, trainers, nutritionists, and the mainstream media alike? I’ll give you a hint: it’s what Big Pharma wants you to believe so that you become a customer for life. This lie was first brought to light seven years ago…

Declining Testosterone: Not Inevitable With Age?

In 2011, a team of Australian researchers set out to identify the relationship between aging and testosterone levels. They recruited 325 men between the ages of 40 and 97 years old who had self-reported excellent health and no symptoms to complain of. Nine blood samples were collected from each of these men over a period of three months. When they looked at the entire sample of data, researchers found that age failed to have an influence on testosterone levels.

Here’s what lead researcher of the study, Dr. David Handelsman, had to say:

By itself, age does not cause a lower testosterone in healthy men. It’s more likely that lowering of testosterone is a consequence of illnesses men acquire as they get older, like cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Although older age is correlated with lower testosterone levels, Handelsman and his team made the case that older age is not the cause of declining testosterone.

As a skeptic of this research, you might say that the sample of 325 men represents only a tiny segment of the population and that the findings don’t apply to you. You might click on the link to the study and realize that the findings haven’t even been published in a peer-reviewed journal and were merely presented at a medical conference. In both instances, you’re right. But keep reading…

Age Has No Effect On Testosterone Levels: Fact Or Fiction?

Browsing through the archives, I came across a 2014 study in which a group of researchers set out to derive and publish – for the first time in history – an age-related model for total testosterone levels in healthy men. They extracted the data from 13 previously published studies with a sample size spanning over 10,000 men between the ages of 0-101. This data was then used to plot out the average values for total testosterone according to age based on the 1st to 99th percentile in nmol/L.

Definitely check out the study in its entirety for a more detailed account of the results, but I went ahead and averaged out the results based on 10-year age increments, converted nmol/L to ng/dL, and broke it down based on 2.5th, 50th, 90th, and 97.5th percentiles:

What do you see?

Like Handelsman found in 2011, age fails to have a significant influence on testosterone. Could it really be possible that age and testosterone levels are completely unrelated? That aging men can maintain optimal levels of testosterone without relying on expensive (and potentially dangerous) medical treatments?

If you’re still skeptical, check out the results from this 2017 study that gathered blood samples from more than 9,000 men living across both the US and Europe:

Yet again, age fails to have an influence on testosterone.

As a man in my twenties, I actually found myself on the other side of the fence. Back in 2016 – when I was lazy, depressed, skinny-fat, beta, and blue-pill – I thought that sub-optimal testosterone was only something older guys had to worry about. But as the research reveals, age doesn’t matter and any man, regardless of age, can have sub-optimal T. What it really comes down to is your mentality and your decisions regarding how you eat, train, sleep, and go about everyday life. Nothing more.

The Call To Action

Do you know your current total testosterone level? No? Then my call to action for you is to get your blood-work done so that you know where you stand relative to where you need to be moving forward. Every redpill man should strive for a total testosterone level above 700 ng/dL.

With testosterone prescriptions having more than tripled in the last decade, Big Pharma is cashing in hard on the so-called “low T” epidemic. But really, it is an epidemic of the blue pill – they are cashing in on our desire for instant gratification. Don’t fall for the “quick-fix” and always remember that anything that comes easy will leave you the exact same way.

Is natural testosterone optimization a priority for you? Let’s talk.

Read More: The Decline In Testosterone Is Destroying The Basis Of Masculinity

71 thoughts on “The Biggest Lie Most Men Believe About Testosterone”

    1. Btw, I’m 48 and my latest result showed 882 ng/dL total testosterone. But that does not mean it is all bio-available to enter the tissues.
      Your sex drive will naturally decline with age and there’s nothing wrong with that. I am in fact feeling liberated.

      1. After a second read, I noticed that the whole thesis of the article is derived from studies which indicate the total testosterone, which again does not mean good productive testosterone available to do its work in the tissues.
        Therefore the conclusion made are misleading.

        1. Rich, you are correct in that bioavailable T is the type that can actually enter the tissue and exert an influence. But the point of my article is to bust the myth that declining testosterone levels are inevitable with age, i.e. a man can maintain optimal testosterone production well into old age as proven in the studies cited above. But, if you have high total T with low bioavailable T, that is an issue with SHBG – which is usually caused by a thyroid condition.

        2. Fuck this “tobacco science”
          I’ll stick to my gear.
          Twice a year, 8week cycle of Test+ Deca + Dbol+ SERM and maybe some extras will always keep me young and fit.
          Not to mention the 5-6 weekly workout sessions

      2. Ya, at 42, I’m glad I don’t walk around with a hard-on for no good reason 60% of the day.
        Actually, being older I can fuck longer before blowing my load and women seem to appreciate it.

      3. My sex drive didn’t decline until I was 60, and I’m not sure if it did decline, or the constant availability just bored me.

    2. “….call us again when you’re 50+ and then we’ll talk again.”
      If he is still alive by then!
      Another article telling us Men about Testosterone….but not a single mention of Prostate Cancer.
      1. Prostate Cancer is the third biggest Cancer killer in the UK…killing more Men than Breast Cancer kills women (while receiving less than 1/2 of Government Cancer Research funds).
      2. Bodybuilders (High T?) have a Prostate Cancer mortality rate 34% higher than that of the age-matched U.S. male population.
      3. Leading a Vegan (Low T?) lifestyle can cut the risk of prostate cancer by 35 per cent.
      There is a multitude of data out there re. Testosterone and Prostate Cancer…..a few contradictory and others down right misleading.
      FYI: When you hear that Prostate Cancer is “an old men’s disease”…..
      This is simply the excuse that Western Governments (and the Fake MSM) use to justify the difference in funding between Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer (“sperm is cheap and eggs are expensive!”)….and it is a lie.
      They use the fact is the average age of Men being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer is 69 yo….as proof of this. The clue here is the word….”diagnosed”.
      How many Men go to their Doctors when they turn 50…just to check?
      They don’t.
      Remember… not being “diagnosed” because you did not go to the Doctor to begin with does NOT mean you don’t have Prostate Cancer.
      Men will go to their Doctor only when Prostate Cancer symptoms develop (at around 69yo)….which means they would have had the disease for years.
      In fact here is a REAL statistics for you (based on random autopsy studies):
      Percentage of Men found to have PC after autopsy:
      Age Whites Blacks Japan
      21-30 8 8 0
      31-40 31 31 20
      41-50 37 43 13
      51-60 44 46 22
      61-70 65 70 35
      71-80 83 81 41
      81-90 48
      So if you just turned 50…your chances of having Prostate Cancer could be as high as 44%….and it increases by more than 1% for every additional year.

      1. I see your reference to a study showing bodybuilders have a higher prostate cancer mortality rate than general pop, can you please post it? I’ve done a lot of research on it, and all I can conclude is “we just don’t know”. Prostate cancer is absolutely fueled by T, no doubt about that. But people don’t get it until their T levels drop. And people with lower T levels are more likely to have PC in lifetime studies (at least those that I’ve read).
        What really kills me? I’m not sure if you 44% number is right (chance of having PC at 50), but, let’s agree that it’s a “whole lot of men”. FAR MORE men than women who will come down with breast cancer. How many “save the prostate” shirts do you see? What color is associated with prostate cancer? Where’s the outrage for the men dying/afflicted with this disease?
        Oh yeah, I forgot, only men get it. Fuck them. 😉

        1. I too have a read a lot of research and my theory is that it’s that actually excess oestrogen that causes the prostate to enlarge.
          In the same way steroid use in females cause clitoral hypertrophy (i.e. tries to turn the clit into a penis) …excess E2 tries to turn the prostate into a “womb”
          Enlarged prostate is often a precursor of cancer. Cancer = cells replicating out of control.
          Make sense?
          It also explains why bodybuilders get PC more often. Especially those who don’t control excess E2 because the more exogenous test you use the more will be converted to oestrogen.
          Older men are infamous for producing higher levels of E2 and the subsequent symptoms…higher pitched voice, more stooped posture and accruing more body fat.
          Higher levels of oestrogen are also related (in older men) to increased chance of heart attack.
          *PLEASE NOTE: I am not a medical doctor and what I am saying is not medical advice. it’s just a conclusion I came to.

        2. I could believe that. I guess, more than anything, the best way to put it is that “we don’t know”. It could be oestrogen. It could be the testosterone itself. But nothing is conclusive.
          Now, I will say, oestrogen and E2 are the devil. If you take steroids and don’t control them, you will quickly find out how awful it is to live as a woman (with those hormone levels high). And a lot of idiots take test without E blockers and wonder why they get “bitch tits” and other awful side effects.
          If anyone ever offers you a steroid without the drug to control the sides of that steroid, run. You can’t take test without Arimidex (or some other drug in that class) you just can’t. It converts quickly to E2 and you will feel like death. Estrogen must be controlled. Frankly, I think that about 80% of the men I know should take Arimidex and they aren’t on cycle!

  1. My testosterone is 812 and im not big into lifting (i hit the gym 3x per week) i eat relatively clean but also drink at the weekend and enjoy pizza. Maintaining a healthy testosterone shouldn’t be a science in itself for people who come to this page, we know how to look after ourselves already and the mindset required for game is pretty masculine in and of itself the real challenge is convincing soy boys to look after themselves and to generally get them in tow with the bigger picture

    1. stress, lack of sleep and poor diet are all things easily controlled. They’re also the leading culprits along with excessive masturbation.

    2. Good stuff man. I used to workout 5-6X a week, but I’ve moved to 3x per week and I’ve seen way better gains. It’s because of the better recovery in between workouts which then positively compounds and allows for better strength for the next workout and so on. But yea man, that’s the entire point of all the work that I do – to get the message out to men that maintaining optimal levels of testosterone is not a science and that they do not need to continue plunging their time and money into supplements and herbs. All of it essentially comes down to making simple changes in diet and lifestyle.

    3. The problem is that obesity and sedentary lifestyles lead to lower T-levels which lead to more obesity and less activity which lead to lower still T-levels which lead to…
      You gotta break the cycle at some point. Get moving, eat paleo, especially anti-estrogenic foods like mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, etc. Do strength training (not necessarily weights). That will stop and eventually reverse the decline.

  2. “Don’t fall for the “quick-fix” and always remember that anything that comes easy will leave you the exact same way.”
    I don’t entirely agree. Exogenous testosterone in the form of creams, pills, etc will indeed raise serum testosterone levels in a man. The only caveat is that once that said man begins replacing his own endogenous with exogenous testosterone, he’ll have to rely on those exogenous hormones for the rest of his life.

    1. Exactly my point. Once you start the treatment, your natural T is essentially gone…forever. You are tied to the shackles of dependency on pharmaceuticals for the rest of your life. Once you stop, your T-levels will instantly drop below even the level at which you first began the treatment.

      1. “for the rest of your life”
        That’s completely wrong. It’s easy enough to come off TRT: clomid, HCG, Nolva are all ways of doing it. Sure, it can take months for natural production to re-start, but re-start it does, and your levels return to pre-TRT levels (unless you’ve made lifestyle changes to either screw up or improve natural T production)

        1. Of course. The “gone forever” comment is ridiculous. People restart all the time from cycles that are in the “ridiculous” levels. There are tons of drugs to help (mentioned by CR199). You’re only “on it for life” because you WANT to be on it for life. The advantages are worth the cost/pain of injecting 1-2X per week. You can come off whenever you want, I can too, but I’m not going to, because I prefer the way I feel and act better on it. Kind of like Asprin, I could stop taking it tomorrow, but, by the end of the day, my back will hurt again.

      2. You are so wrong it’s absurd. You are no expert on testosterone and you’re only doing it to try and profit from a niche site. Fraud

        1. I deal in reality. Feel free to post whatever part of what I wrote you feel to be false.

  3. I’d like to make a comment, but I keep getting the “Forbidden” notification when I do. It is an innocuous comment BTW, no name calling or ethnic slurs. Did the usual of substituting words or phrases, but no luck there either.
    It would be nice if there were a list of “Forbidden Words” made available so that commenters could avoid being blocked by the commenting software.
    Just a thought.

    1. It’s not the sex drive that fades. Rather, you begin to assess each encounter through the lens of risk vs. reward, i.e. “Yeah, I wanna fuck her, but she looks like trouble so maybe I’d better pass.”
      Add to that the current #MeToo hysteria that turns every encounter into a personal freedom and professional minefield, and you become wary of initiating even the smallest encounter lest the damning “Sexual Harassment” creeper finger pointing ensue.
      In short, you’re horny as ever, but now the big head is doing the thinking. I guess that’s called maturity.
      Just a thought.

      1. *Even years after the supposed event took place. The latest victim that comes to mind is the retired Gynecologist from the USC Student Health Center. A bunch of stupid, stupid little girls the ones that mask inexperience and insecurity with attitude, remember years later that they “felt uncomfortable” with him. And so now the poor bastard is tossed into the foaming piranha tank of media innuendo and prosecutorial ambition.
        The whole #MeToo hysteria will ultimately burn itself out, proving itself just as fraudulent as the Child Satanic Ritual Abuse Recovered Memory frenzies of the early 80’s. And like the latter, the former will leave a trail of destroyed relationships, professional defamation and inancial ruin.

        1. And now it goes through….
          Stick an asterisk after the “professional minefield” in the first part and it should make sense hopefully.
          Did you know that if you use the terms Child and Woman in hyphenated form that you’ll get the “Forbidden Notification”? That should have come after the “stupid, stupid little girls” part. How silly is that?!
          BTW, if you refer to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints by their commonly used name, the one that begins with the letter “M” then the same thing happens. Go ahead, try it.
          This content algorithm really needs some serious tweaking.
          Thanks for your patience. Call it a learning experience for everybody.
          Just a thought.

    2. The ‘forbidden’ seems to be tripped with a bad connection. Or it’s spying. A few times I wrote out a super duper good comment on my clipboard app, re-read it for grammar and then added hot sauce and spices here and there. Then I mentally tasted it before posting. Mushroom clouds came out my ears with the sound of a locomotive horn and even though I’m not Jewish, a beanie suddenly materialized and flew off my head and spun like a frisbee. The comment was finally ready to post.
      Then the connection bars got glitchy and I pushed “post” a couple of times. It came up ‘forbidden’. This has happened a couple of times when I had a weak signal.
      – – On the ‘bad gateway’ – It went away when I changed devices. Or try repeating with new page until clean gateway with no notification comes up. It’s like a traffic jammed bad phone signal where you hang up and call again for a better connection.

      1. I usually open a second tab to read each article. I’ve learned to close the tab and then re-enter if I get a 502. I don’t think that it’s the equipment on my end since I only get in on certain sites, e.g. ones hosted in the Indian Overseas territories .io. Therefore, I can only conclude that there’s some glitch on the hosting server someplace.
        As for the “Forbidden Terms” mentioned above, I’ve just tried them again, and nope, they’re not allowed. Latter-Day Saints? OK. But not the dreaded “M” word. (Who woulda’ thunk? Dreaded “J” word move over.) Same thing with hyphenating “Child” with “Woman.”
        Strange algorithm. It’s almost like someone is channeling the old Hays Office from 30s Hollywood, with absurdities such as not being able to use “Buzzard” in a script because – no joke – it sounded too much like “Bastard.”
        Thanks for your input!
        Just a thought.

        1. The comment filters are lame as sh!t and continue to ruin my experience on this site. It’s like being treated as a five year old. Instead of just being told which words we can’t use, we have to play this idiotic guessing game to try and fool the censorship filters that Roosh fed into his commenting system. Using the dreaded J word is a surefire way to have your brilliant comment spontaneously devoured into the ether. Even Breitbart isn’t that extreme with their censorship. I just don’t get it. Just tell us WTF we can and can’t say instead of playing all these head games like facebook and youtube do.

        2. @thwarted: no need to write sh!t instead of shit or [email protected] instead of fuck. Those words are allowed. Craziest censorship system ever. Glad to know it’s not just my username being targeted or something broke in my smartphone.

    3. VICB3,
      I no longer make long posts, as I became frustrated by ‘forbidden’.

        1. well folks, now you know two of the forbidden words. still not sure if my username is being targeted. I change it each time just in case.

        1. And now it goes through.
          Trust me on this people; it sure as hell didn’t go through a few days ago. Maybe the webmaster tweaked the algorithms or something.
          All the best at any rate.
          Just a thought.

  4. It is ideal to raise T levels naturally. The lifestyle changes that do that are good for you anyway. But big pharma is not cashing in on TRT. They make it very hard to get TRT because it is a bit of an instant fix.

    1. Yup. TRT is generic. A bottle of test that lasts for 2-3 months costs 100 bucks from the pharmacy. The only test the pharma industry is interested in, and therefore, doctors are interested in is stuff like Androgel, that absolute worst way to take and administer test (transdermal converts more strongly to E2). If you want test, get a HRT doc who will write you for cyp, get yourself some Adex and some 23g needles and go at it.

    1. He also had a good levels to start with. There are a number of body signs that can give you an indication. He’s got a big round head with a wide jaw – that’s a strong indicator of him being exposed in good amount of T while he was in his mother womb.
      If you pay attention to this little detail, you’ll start noticing how the younger generations have a more and more narrow faces with very narrow jaw lines, which makes their teeth to appear rather big.

      1. Ive seen many, many baby boomers that are large framed guys 6’4″ 250# & not fat, whose 25 year old son is 5’10” 160# fully grown & pencil necked.

      2. Most kneegrows, weedgrows, Samoans, Slavs, Arabs, Amerindians all have big, round heads.
        Most Nords and Atlanto-Mediterraneans do not! Its genes and an ever increasing obesity rate. That’s why big, round heads are more normal today then 30 years ago!
        No way are more people getting narrower faces today! No way!

    2. I’d bet my life on it. Going further, anytime you see a guy who’s “unusually fit” especially at an older age, there’s 90%+ chance that he’s on T. And yes, that guy is clearly on T, come on people, are we really that blind?

  5. All the elite want is make us believe to have kids earlier in life so as the testosterone will decline with age. They want us to live our life on a hamster wheel. That causes indecisiveness in us. We must do not fall for such trap.

  6. Here’s one big problem- average testosterone levels have been falling in young men thanks to, well, obesity and probably exposure to certain chemicals and other factors. So it may not testosterone remains steady when aging. It could just be that today’s youth have the levels of old men and will continue to see a decline!

    1. Old men are exposed to the same chemicals and tend to be more obese. You might be right that average levels are falling across all age groups, but the authors point was that T doesn’t necessarily fall with age, contrary to what we are told by the media. I’m almost 60 and my T was 768 as of two weeks ago. My libido is low because I don’t care that much about “getting laid” anymore, same as I don’t care about so many things in life that used to fascinate me. Even eating feels like a chore sometimes. Been there done, done that. Now I’m happy to sit in the park much of the day doing nothing. (Another factor is that I can get sex whenever I want, with an HB10 35 years younger, at a low cost relative to my disposable income. When something is readily available, craving often disappears.)

  7. Mo, what is the thyroid condition which leads to lower T? I have hypothyroidism, likely from Hashimotos disease. I have heard it’s rare in men.

    1. Bro, no idea. Best thing would be to get a comprehensive hormone profile to see if your estradiol, total T, and free T are where they need to be.

  8. The best hormone to check regularly is prolactin. It is a great proxy for ongoing estrogen load and general metabolic dysfunction.
    Checking testosterone is not really all that useful because “good” levels vary so much. Keeping estrogen low is the more critical thing.

  9. “What it really comes down to is your mentality and your decisions regarding how you eat, train, sleep, and go about everyday life. Nothing more.“
    Umm…you are forgetting the number one most influential factor: GENETICS

    1. Umm…Genetics is the LEAST important factor.
      The emphasis on genetics is just drug company propaganda to give us an excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle and eat crap food…and blame everything on “genetics” and take our drugs just like the good doctor tells us

  10. Doctors, and medical testing seem to be worshiped by many RoK posters. It’s all a government scam, you don’t need this shit. Live a healthy life and forget about the medical profession and big Pharma.

  11. Whether it’s big pharma or the leftist media trying to convince you of something, just ask yourself,
    “Are they peddling this to Muslim men?”

  12. Total test is a number worth looking at, but free test is the number that actually has the most influence on how you feel/sex drive/etc. It’s possible for TT to be in range and free test to be out of range, so make sure you get a test for total and free test, along with E2 and SHBG.
    Also, let me just say, while I’m a huge proponent of TRT, NOTHING matters as much as having an E2 level that’s in range. You could be on 1000mgs/wk of test, if your E2 is sky high, you will feel like death. I was on tren for almost a year without a test base (young and stupid) and my TT/Free was close to 0, I was still happily hammering away. But when my E2 gets out of whack? A parade of the hottest women you’ve ever seen begging for it in their asses one after another couldn’t get me hard. Or even interested. E2 level is everything for sex drive, at least it is for me. Get that balanced well, and you’ll never get enough sexually.

  13. mo. i tried your diet of skipping breakfast for a week. i did lose a couple of pounds and i was surprised that i didnt get as hungry as i thought. however, i do not feel my testosterone level went up. i noticed that my sex drive was lower than normal. granted it was only a week. i will continue skipping breakfast a few days per week for ovrrall health benefits.

    1. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. It is perhaps the most important meal in that it jump starts you physically and mentally. You don’t have to eat a big breakfast but a little protein and a little juice will go a long way. A late morning snack is not a bad idea either. A light dinner is a much better idea than skipping breakfast.

  14. I wish ROK would stay away from pronouncements on health. If you think that you are going to be as virile at age 80 as you were at age 20 then I have a bridge to sell you. Declining energy and virility is part of the aging process. BTW I’m 67 and still give it hell in the gym. My lifts are about 85-90% of my peak, but in no way am I the man I used to be. I accept that. I’m in the back stretch of life and plan to get every ounce out of it I can, but nothing lasts. This is not one of the best ROK articles.

  15. Re. Test levels, AND bio availbility. Here’s the non-script, non-street level Gear fix. First off, if you haven’t worked out in years (or months) worry very little about strength training. Start with cleaning the pipes, all your vascelature. Run, start with a mile, then 2, then 4, then 6-7. Once you can run half-a-half marathon, taper it off to a few days a week 2-4 miles. After a few 2-5 months like this, you’ve typically proven you aren’t going to die from a heart attack. Then, lift your back, and chest, and shoulders… don’t worry about arms, they’ll come with time, but keep a bit of running in there … just anything for the legs and to maintain clean pipes. Once you develop your upper body’s early base back, add in legs and start decreasing cardio. After a few months like this, start hammering the living shit out of your legs. I guarantee not only will your test sky rocket, but you’ve “cleaned the pipes,” and the bio-availability will work much, much better too. Lift your legs an uncomfortable amount, 3 times a week. Don’t miss a muscle, do compounds and isolation of all leg muscles until you walk around like a loaded coil spring on a 1-Ton Ford. Your test will be at the top of the chart unless you have a serious medical condition.
    The issue lies in “easy fix.” You can reverse thyroid issues with pro-longed exercise regiments… except “most” people are fucking pussies and won’t put in 9 months or a year’s worth of work to fix it. So, they run to the doctor like a bitch and get test injections instead. Of course the MD is gonna tell you you could use it, how else are they buying that Porsche Carrera? The author was right about something in the first paragraph, “a customer for life.” Do you really want to NEED test injections forever? I lifted long enough, hard enough, with the whole spectrum of people into it, and the 1 thing that held true, NO ONE I ever met started using gear, or going to the doctor for test, and EVER stopped completely after they started. Sure, they may have cycled at different points, or changed cycle intervals, but not a single person ever completely stopped. I watched easily 30 guys in my town, half I knew fairly well, blow up, shrink down, over n over n over. Older guys +50 I saw seem rejuvenated for 6 months, only to look like they aged 5 years in 1 year’s time the next time I saw them.. saying “man, I need to get back to the doctor to get more test injections.” The whole racket – mostly based in body dysphoria, not health – is just silly. It seems more the result of a response to masculinity living in a gynocentric marketed society, than a health concern for men.

    1. Also, don’t run on a tread mill, or indoors. Run outdoors in all climates and weather. Nothing is as easily bio-available if your body doesn’t have broad-spectrum immunity to sicknesses.

  16. I’ve been having blood work done since I was in my late 20s, I’m now 66. After my early 50s I watched my T level(serum) drop and by the time I reached 60, it was near 300. I had put on about 30 lbs of gut despite almost daily workouts and a healthy diet. I started with HcG for several years and got my T up to 600+. I’ve been injecting T(and HcG) now for 3+ years and maintain a level of around 900.
    I have blood work done 3 times a year, feel great, have dropped the weight. Low T can adversely affect men in a multitude of ways. Go to the Life Extension site and read some of the studies done.
    In response to this article all I can say is every man should know his T and PSA-a LEF blood test for these and estridiol & DHEA costs a bit over $30. Do it.

  17. Well I take DHEA and definitely see a difference in my energy and strength levels and I am almost 50 so yea these hormones do help!

  18. If you didn’t have 5 out of 7 days of the week of constant chemtrails where you live, the sun would provide you with the energy you need where people didn’t need to take these miracle drugs. Just go outside for 30 minutes, if you can take the heat.
    Eat raw eggs in your protein shake with banana and maybe some creatine. Eat meat, potatoes, fish, and some vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus, carrots.
    If you aren’t Nordic (Dolph Lundgren, Max Von Sydow) or Atlanto-Mediterranean (Jean Claude Van Damme) and are Samoan, Mexican, Mixed race, Arab, Slav, or Amerindian, you cannot correctly process the sugar and carbs, and will blow up like a balloon.

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