3 Powerful Tips For Optimizing Your Facial Hair

Men must use their God-given facial hair follicles to their advantage.  Facial hair is The Lord’s way of giving you the opportunity to enhance yourself.  We are bestowed countless opportunities daily—don’t let them all slip. You can hide a lot with a beard, especially a weak chin.

He can hide his childlike chin with more months of growth.

There are others who don’t know how to properly style their beards and half-ass it with chin straps.  Chinstraps and thinly trimmed mustaches are for sensitive R&B wannabes.  The worst men are those who make fun of beards while their own skin is constellation of pores and acne scars.

I will remind you: a beard can cover a lot of imperfections. If done right, it can get the girls coming your way.  I’ve heard the excuse that one’s employer won’t allow them to grow a beard.  You shouldn’t work anywhere that controls the way you want to where your face.  Of course, don’t quit your job just to grow a beard if you can’t afford it.

As a person with a great beard and mustache, I come up with tips for my brothers to find their way to the facial haired promised land.  It will not be easy for some, but the path of an itchy face will be worth it.  You don’t have to grow a full grown beard because we are all not similar.  Yet, you can mold your hair into something socially acceptable at any growth stage if you follow these three tips.

1. Know Where To Line Your Face Hair

No matter the type of facial hair that you want to showcase when you are out on the town, make sure that you are lining your facial in the correct spot.  The correct spot is not the line that your mandible creates.  Shaving along the line that is created by your jaw will render your facial hair useless. Do not shave under your chin.  You’re going to want to avoid going the thin-line beard route, it’s for teenagers.

Doesn’t need advice on picking up women.

If your goal is to grow a luscious beard, you must follow the neckline, not the jawline.  Following the jawline will only make you look like you don’t know much about yourself.

2. Use Beard Balm/Oil and Mustache Wax Early

You’re going to have to take your face, therefore yourself, a lot more seriously now.  Not only do you not want to be a fat guy with a beard, you’re going to want to present yourself well.  If you find yourself with an itchy face, or dry looking hair, go look for beard balm or oil.  Get mustache wax if you’re a true man who will doesn’t want to show his lips like women do.

Balms, oil, and waxes will all depend on the kind of hair you have.  I have a somewhat curly beard so I go for balms rather than oil.  Finer hair men are prone to oils but using both every know and then is recommended.  You’re going to play with your new hair and trying out the different products is part of the fun.  You will notice how much more you pay attention to your whole self soon.

Self-Care is important. Love yourself.

3. Let The Hair Grow

Patches are the number one killer to what would be a great beard.  Don’t allow one patch or two or three to dictate what you can accomplish with your facial hair.  You must get past the stages where you think that you look idiotic.  What if you do?  Nobody cares about you that much.  Accept your early beard of pubic hair and give it time to flourish.  As the hair grows long, patches will disappear.  With enough hair, patches can get covered.

This is not me, but his beard almost looks as good.


“Your girl called me to test your new bed. Wait here.”

I don’t think that a beard is for every man, but I do believe that every man should attempt to grow one.  These tips are for those of you who want to grow your hair when you don’t know how to start off correctly.  Spread these tips to your brethren and pillory those with trimmed mustaches, and chin straps.

You will grow personally along with your beard.  Taking care of yourself will become a priority and you’ll unknowingly thrive to be better than yesterday.  Just making an attempt to grow a quality beard will get the birds noticing.

Read Next: How To Wear A Beard Without Looking Like An Ax Murderer

71 thoughts on “3 Powerful Tips For Optimizing Your Facial Hair”

  1. If your goal is to be attractive to women (I know, you MGTOWS don’t care), statistically, women prefer a man with a heavy stubble over any other beard/shaven level.

    1. im not training to be attractive to women, i train for myself. women liking it is a positive side effect.
      i have a beard because its normal for me. not because women might like it.

    2. ‘Statistically’. Who cares what women say they want?
      You can never appeal to every woman and their ever changing whims.
      The only thing that all hoes can agree on is that they want a strong man, strong on the inside, strong on the outside. You don’t ask your barber ‘What haircut do women like?’ Choose your look and double down on it.
      I’ve had bitch’s enthralled by my beard who told me they could never date a man with one, or it would hurt them, didn’t stop me bringing them back to my outback shack and giving em sixty of the best.

    3. >>statistically, women prefer a man with a heavy stubble over any other beard/shaven level.
      So they SAY, which may be different from what they do. (I have heavy stubble myself, plus shaved head due to balding).

      1. Yep, just like women always claiming in surveys that what makes a man most attractive is a sense of humor, or their smile, or some horseshit like that. When in reality they are most concerned about money, physique, looks, hair, butt, and other “superficial” stuff. At least men are honest about the fact that we focus on pretty face, body, etc.

    4. Fuck what women want. Fuck whatever society likes. I do What the fuck I want when I want.
      That’s what women find most attractive jackass.

    5. Why do American men want to look like Muslims?
      Is it because you envy them their control over their women?

      1. my ancestors had beards before muslims even existed.
        beards =/= islam

      2. No idea, JD. I also think many guys look Muslim with big beards, which is weird why anyone would want to look Muslim IMHO. And many of the bearded dudes do such a poor job maintaining their beards, the beards are dirty and disheveled.
        Study shows many beards have more feces then a toilet: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3067622/How-filthy-beard-Study-claims-facial-hair-contain-faeces-dirty-toilet-not-experts-agree.html
        Being 1/2 northern Italian and 1/2 Dutch, I refuse to go bearded. So what if some girls think I am a “pretty boy with a bad boy edge” and do not want to go out because I do not have a beard?? 🙄 There are endless supplies of loose women out there these days, no need to worry if ‘some’ prefer guys with beards. 🙄
        The Romans were famous for their aggressive militaristic prowess, military strength, and they build the greatest civilized empire in world history. Most Romans were clean shaven or sported a stubble/ 5 O’Clock shadow look.
        Does that make Romans less masculine? Of course not.
        The whole beard thing is a Millennial fashion trend. That generation of weak feminine, beta males need SOMETHING, anything to make them appear to be a man. That is where the American beard styles came from.

    6. Being a solid-8 male, with full head of natural medium brown hair, blue eyes, and good muscular physical shape, I am clean-shaven or I sport a 5 O’Clock shadow. I have been asked many times if I am a “dark Irish” by Brits here in Orlando, because of brown hair and blue eyes combo and I am not “pasty white” (I am white, but not Irish white)! lol
      But the clean shaven or 5’o clock shadow works best in Orlando and in DTC area of Colorado. Here is why: Many women I deal with in suburban areas and “career girls” with college degrees prefer clean-shaven or 5 o’Clock shadow styles. They do not like bearded guys at all.
      I have heard many women say the most feminine guys they know have beards to try to APPEAR more masculine. I definitely see this ALL the time up when I have to work in Boulder occasionally, these Gamma-male bitch “lil dudes” Millennial guys who talk gay, dress gay, and look gay have these fully-grown beards. Turn on my TV and they have ads of extremely Beta fruity guys under 30 with beards, but they sound/act totally gay.
      Go figure. 🙄
      I am NOT saying bearede guys are not masculine. I am saying MANY and I mean mean men get beards to cover up their feminine demeanor, esprecailly Millenial guys.
      BTW, I do NOT go for Millennial American girls at all. I am repulsed by them, they are bithcy, poorly dressed, fat, entitled, with short hair, and tattoos. If I am in mood for a 18-25 year old, I run game as a 30 year old man (I am 36), I go for light-skinned, middle-class Brazilians in Orlando and they have an endless supply of those there. They prefer clean shaven guys.
      Now…….. The 5 o’clock shadow is best of both worlds. Easy to maintain, girls who like shave and girls who like bearded guys both seem to like the shadow, and I do not need to grown a beard, which I do not like. Win-win.
      Paul Walker, a dude with style, mastered the 5 o”clock shadow:
      How to do it: get an electric shaver that leaves “facial stubble”. My Philips Norelco OneBlade works great, set your stubble trimmer between 1 cm and 3cm and run a quick “trim” before you go out to meet a girl. Wear a suit with a loose tie and it helps even more.
      ADVICE: if you go 5 o’clock stubble, make sure to MOISTURIZE your face really well, because women complain of “skin burn” with 5 o’clock shadows on their skin. The moisturizer glides the stubble across her skin, and this is important (if in a pinch, go to her bathroom and use a little of her skin lotion, it will work fine). 😉 Besides that, it works awesome.
      Really easy, looks good, no beard needed.

      1. The stubble pic did not show up in my post above (weird).
        Paul Walker is the master of stubble, of course, also Jake Gyllenhall and George Clooney know how to use stubble (5 O’Clock Shadow style).
        I favor stubble or clean-shaven over a beard any day. But again, I run a blend of “pretty boy” with cocky attitude/smirk style, so it works for me.
        Personal style varies from man to man, it is more of a personal preference then anything else anyway. WHO CARES what the media says you should look like or act like? Beard or no beard if you want it. So long as the beard is not on a Millennial feminine douchebag, it is fine. lol I really despise Millennial douchebag dudes.
        ObummerCare’s Pajama Boy ad soyboy is a perfect example of the types of Millennial “males” that I loathe. Put a beard on Pajama Boy and he is still a loathsome pathetic weakling.

  2. The guy on the top picture is your average homo look nowadays. The lumberjack beard goften goes with heavy tats on his arms and no muscles. It’s getting old and has to go away quick. Real masculinity comes from within not from looks.

      1. skinny with muscles is shit i agree….but training for strength is very good thing for a man.

    1. Thats my beef with beards….i used to have one but now i shave it every week or two…..the hipsters faggots are abusing it lol and its so cringy.

  3. Beards have become synonymous with soyboys as of recent. Your typical beard host will be a craft beer enthusiast, with atrophied muscular structure, fat insulating his vital organs, smartphone glued to his hand, and a breadth of tattoos to signal his degenerate status. Not my choice of company, nor do I wish to be associated with such.
    The reality is that there are masculine men with beards and without them. I personally choose to go without one, as I prefer to sport a clean cut look. That being said, it’s up to the man to choose what side of the spectrum to be on. But keep in mind that having facial hair these days is strongly associated with soyboy culture, and it’s possible to be lumped in upon first impression. Beware and choose accordingly.

    1. Alot of guys use beards to cover their flawed faces, i.e weak chins, scars or chimpmunk cheeks.

    2. Agreed, If one is going to sport a full beard then he should have the complete Viking look, meaning a built muscular body. Same goes for just long hair, skinny guys with long hair look like bitches. A lot of guys use beards to cover flaws, i.e. weak Chins, scars and chipmunk cheeks.

    3. Yeah, it’s very obvious on youtube where one can see armies of soyboys with beards and glasses, a flabby midsection. Thumbnails usually features the beta boy with his mouth wide open, ready to take some dikk.

      1. And the soiboi open mouthed selfies. WTF (its getting worse everyday) the prevalence of these ghey soiboi selfies!!!

    4. I agree there are masculine guys with and without facial hair.
      In this day and age fat, short haired lesbians, that look masculine, wear baggy men’s clothes to hide any vestigial feminine traits. Its harder for some guys to differentiate themselves enough from these dykes, without some good facial hair.
      Even that is becoming harder with female to male trannies who take large doses of testosterone, which allows them to go facial hair. Not sure if they can grow a proper beard, but they will be able to grow enough facial hair to fool you in the short term.

  4. Agreed. If one is going to sport a full beard he should have the complete viking look, meaning a built muscular body. Same goes for just long hair, skinny guys with long hair look like bitches.
    Alot of guys use beards to cover their flawed faces, i.e weak chins, scars or chimpmunk cheeks.

  5. Runs alt-right, beta, incel, toxic white manosphere website, shows pics of hipster beards as an ideal male form… riiiiiiiiiiiiiighhht ROK, wery well!

  6. I hear that neckbeards and fedoras go well together too. As long as they’re paired with the proper cargo shorts and printed Japanese cartoon t-shirt.

  7. Psychologically, It is considered that people having a beard are trusted more, i.e., they will keep their word. A beardless man is assumed similar to a woman who is wishy washy in nature and do not fulfill their promises.
    That said, even keeping a little hair on face can give someone a confidence in trusting you.

  8. Step 1: Wait for it to fall out of style with the soylent crowd so as to not be mistaken for one.

  9. Women seem to like the shaved head with stubble look (buzzed, not clean-shaven). I’ve rocked it for 20 years, now and I constantly get, “You look like Jason Statham!!” Especially with my aviators on. I had a beard, briefly, around 2004-5, way before it was popular. I couldn’t stand the thing after a couple of years.

    1. it will make you look like Barry from the IT department, the guy who always has pens in his front shirt pocket.

  10. Now a days you look like a soyboy fag for growing beard. Hipster culture has ruined it completely for us.

  11. Number Four: copy Roosh.
    I bet the writer thought about that one but decided nobody likes a sycophant …. especially if it comes across a bit homo

  12. Whatever happen to a good Brawny style (old Brawny, not the PC 2000’s version) pornstar mustache. Nothing says Womb Broom/Authority/Father Figure quite like it.

  13. The authors pic above his bio makes him look like the biggest soy boy in the world.
    Glass of wine
    Trouble glasses
    Looking down

  14. This is what differs an alpha male from a beta male:
    An Alpha Male is violent, brutal, strong, and often stupid. He gets laid because he kicks ass, not because he is rich or handsome.
    A Beta Male is someone like Trump or any other politician who doesn’t use their muscles to gain power. Trump got women because of his wealth, not because he is a good boxer or a fighter. Doesn’t get more beta than that.

    1. Trump gets laid because he’s a powerful Man. Women have loved powerful men since the dawn of time. You’re just mad trump isn’t an obvious fag like obama

  15. Eat a lot of steak/animal protein. Your beard (and hair if you’re not balding) will grow like a weed. Lift weights and wear sharp clothing. When women are obviously attracted, give them subtle signs of playful disinterest or rejection. Wet panties will ensure…

  16. Lots of bullshit in here, & beard oil is hipster snake oil. Maintained beard can pull tail, but it isnt anything ahead of a good shave by a Gillette Fatboy finished off with bay rum etc. 85% of men these days cant even shave right, then just fall back on a lazy ass, unmaintained beard. Oh, killin the game fellas.

  17. Society is becoming unglued.
    The USA is supposed to be a free country, but it is a police state. The US is no longer a democracy, Americans no longer have rights, and everything is illegal.
    The government blatantly breaks the law and then laughs and expects Americans to obey the law and pay taxes.
    How can Americans sleep at night now?
    What would an American do if he was married, had a house, car, job, and $100,000? Would he throw everything away to fight for freedom or would he try to justify being unconstitutionally wiretapped, groped by the TSA, being tracked with license plate readers, stopping for checkpoints, and being stopped and frisked?
    How much is liberty worth to you?
    Maybe Americans might benefit from studying King Charles, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Spanish Civil War, and the Vietnam War.

  18. I had the beard and long hair for 5 years. thought it was awesome. manly etc. But, many screeching soyboys have them and still look less masculine than their female peers.
    Clean shaved for a year now – people don’t recognize me. But, complement me – now.
    Check out Russel Crow – doesn’t look so good…

    1. Same here. Grew it because I got tired of having my ideas dismissed because I was “too young.” As soon as I grew it that shit stopped. People described me as looking “malevolent.”
      I admit that I really liked that part.
      Easy to maintain, just run a hair clipper over your face and then shave your neck every day. Important because the beard *does* become your face. Didn’t have to worry about cheekbones or any of that because the beard just naturally ended where it should.
      Finally shaved it off when it started to get gray patches and people began to describe me as “old.” What was an asset became a liability, so off it came. Lost ten years instantly, and now everybody thinks I’m younger than I really am. I don’t dissuade them otherwise.
      That, and diet and exercise. It’s all about Aspect and Attitude.
      See all these full beards now, and they’re mostly worn by hipsters with too many tattoos. Mostly they don’t work, and you can still see their bad skin. (However, some do look really good, like Civil War generals, so credit where credit is due.)
      Like the Manbuns – guy trying (poorly) to channel their inner Spartacus Blood and Sand – in few years the full beard thing will probably all go away, with something else outwardly masculine affirming to replace it. Let your imagination run wild and free on that one.
      Just a thought.

      1. Yea – I got the 10-20 years younger complement too…let it ride.
        Just got a haircut -and have week old stubble – letting it grow a bit – but is very grey…
        and if not there – not grey…
        trying not to give a fuck but I need to fuck.

  19. Just noticed author’s little profile, looks like a thoroughbred Austin ghey lorde trying to bash on California. Yeah uh no thanks, Ill take the clean shaven, sports car rapin’ James Bond look over soy boy’s advice. Enjoy your scarf with some BBQ, “Texan.”

  20. Homos trying to hide behind traditional appearance of masculinity (flannel shirts, actual work clothes as casual fashion, beards and work boots….but have never dug a ditch, actually chopped down a tree, paddled a canoe, rowed a boat, hiked up a mountain while hunting big game, tore down and cleaned a well used rifle after practicing then put it back together where it WORKS after their cleaning.
    Oh yeah, lots of pretending males appropriating outward masculine looking fascades, but are so far from masculinity in fact in their lives and their desk jobs and manicured nails and 3 hours prep sessions to go out in public.
    Shit shower shave and dressed out the door and presentable in under 30 minutes. Actual calluses on their hands and actual sweat on their brows and clothes from real working and not from rutting with phags on the downtown trains going to their overpriced efficiency apartments in metrosexual city, never mind an interest in wamens, oh no time for that they have a nearly naked major League baseball on Xbox or Call To Duty date in their underwear with “buddies” at seven having delivered Panara bread dinner..The out of doors is literally that, the airspace outside of their front door and not 5 hours from anywhere in over grown mountains or5 miles from shore on a fishing party boat. Oh no, these “men”, these are the two minute blisters on their palms if they touched a shovel or rake or lawn mower handle or garbage can handle or toilet scrub brush without garden gloves

    1. Never mind the meetoo” catalogue of ghey stupid themed tattoo explosions of signaling with the seemingly obligatory earrings or throat phck grab handles with other assorted body jewelry.. I mean really? Body jewelry for who again? And the freaking ghey as hell lower back tramp stamps…The participation “trophies” abound…So so many visual signals of their “masculinity”, but be damned if the same visual facades can fake confidence and persona poise and posture. If you see a man with his phone stuck to his hand in everything he does, with furtive glances at it every 30 seconds and every notification tone, slumped shoulders, slouched back, eyes down cast and nervous with sly nervous acts of attempted covert checking other men out for their bulges….that ain’t masculine. And all the skinny wimpy men who on top of all that have that sickly skinny build in their stretch skinny jeans that make Gumby of days of yore, look like “He-man”. Yeah, the 150 pound modern “masculine” man that barely looks like a teen beta or the fat slob bearish dude that also barely find his way off the sofa…ever.
      There is a reason I separate myself from most around me. Work, and lack of tolerance for the fakers and liars of both sexes. Who has time form them and why would I tarnish my own image in the mistaken public company of brethren like that.

  21. The Jeffrey Dahmer look is hot I’ve been told. Chicks love it. They have no choice anyway.

  22. At this point, big beards have become appropriated by weak, pussy hipsters, just like tattoos. Beards make people look younger to me now…its very tryhard. I think clean shaven or scruffy is the best way to go now. Full disclosure, i have worn a beard for about 20 years but these kids with tight pants, undershaved hair and bushy beards has ruined it for me.

  23. All the soyboys try growing beards. Or, at least, they stop shoving regularly
    John Wayne was typically clean shaven nearly all the time
    Just saying.

    1. JW had nothing to hide, cover up or enhance. For me, all the men in my family have always had beards. So I have one.

  24. Both Iraq and Afghanistan intelligence and SOF soldiers/SEALS grew beards, because the societies they operated in believed that a man wasn’t worth listening to UNLESS he had a beard…otherwise, he was just a boy…they returned to the US looking tough, because they WERE/ARE tough…but the look was copied…and those that copied the look AREN’T BAMF’s…they’re wannabes…I won’t grow a beard, because I didn’t pay the PRICE to earn a beard…my son’s beard was EARNED, and I’ve paid way too much in life’s dues to pretend that I’m “cool,” too. I shave, because I’m neither a BAMF, nor a wannabe, and I’m not a f’n islamist barbarian.

    1. I guess I get what you’re saying, I was an intelligence guy in Afghanistan myself and grew the necessary beard for it. But honestly, the beard goes back to a time when men were hardy and tough. If you consider yourself hardy and tough, and walk that walk, I assure you that us Intel/SOF guys aren’t going to hold it against you.

  25. One of my favorite hairstyles is of Punjabi singer Sukhwinder Singh but my trouble is that I don’t have that much growth of my hair and beard.

  26. When I was active duty Army, I obviously didn’t have a beard (except for my time in Afghanistan), and now I’m in the Army Reserve, so the longest I get to grow a beard is five weeks, and that’s if my drill weekend gets pushed back one week. Usually I only get a month, and at the time of writing this, I only get three weeks. I can grow a decent beard in a month, but as soon as it really starts to become something, I’m shaving it off. Ugh.

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  28. Shave that mess off, it’s awful. The peaky blinder wardrobe as well, it’s fucking terrible, boys.
    Nothing manly about spending as much time as a girl getting ready.

  29. Uniq hairstyle?
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  30. As a woman, I’m going to just say most of us are only attracted to the beard for a short period of time. After dating for a bit, most of us are going to ask you to try being clean-shaven because a.) beards are scratchy and when you regularly kiss a guy with a beard the lower half of your face becomes red and inflamed (unless he’s the most religious oil/wax user, and even then there’s some irritation) and b.) we know that beards give a the impression of strong facial structure. Obviously, you don’t have to grow a beard just to please women, but if you are doing it for that purpose, then don’t. Heavy stubble is hotter, anywho.

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