3 Examples How Persons Of Color Appropriated Other Cultures

About a year ago, I did an article on the topic of the dread “cultural appropriation”, that longstanding claim that all white culture consists of things “stolen” from noble, benighted People of Color. While that has certainly happened in the past, I discussed several instances in which the reverse is true and people of color appropriated things from the blue-eyed devils.

Since that was a lot of fun, let us go over a few more more examples of cultural appropriation that went from white people to non white people…

1. Dreadlocks

Yes, true believers, the hairstyle known as the dreadlock, often associated with the Rastafarian religious sect, where it is worn to symbolize the Lion of Judah (i.e., the holy lineage ascribed to Menelik I), did not, in fact, originate in Jamaica or any other part of the Caribbean for that matter. And it is here that I must make a clarification in that while this hairstyle was not invented by the black man, it wasn’t entirely invented by white people either, or at the very least, any group of people that folk ethnography would classify as “white”.

The earliest evidence that is known of this hairstyle comes from India, as a matter of a fact, where they are known as jaata and worn by sadhus and hermits and other devotees of Shiva. But speaking of whitey, the Minoans and other ancient Peloponnesians are known to have worn the style as well, as seen in this fresco from Santorini, Greece.

Ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Canaanites, Persians, Israelites, and Armenians were also known to wear the style, as were certain Native American tribes. And while the kinky texture of Afro hair does indeed make the hairstyle substantially easier to form than in straight hair, the lack of combing and washing in the past made even the straight hair of white people substantially more matted. Indeed, something resembling dreadlocks will form if you just leave your hair unwashed and uncombed for a few months.

2. Hoop Earrings

Last year, there was a big controversy about how white women were “appropriating” hoop earrings from black and “Latinx” women. It turns out that, much like dreadlocks, these may not have been invented by white people specifically, but certainly not by those ethnic/racial groups that are today associated with them either.

In fact, hoop earrings are one of the oldest forms of body ornaments that are found in archaeological digs around the world, having been found in Sumerian, Minoan, and Mycenaen sites as early as 2000 BC, and were observed amongst the Ainu people of Japan as early as 500 AD.

Why the near-universal prevalence? If I had to guess, it’s that the concept of “a loop of gold wire through the ears” isn’t a particularly complicated one, and thus multiple groups came up with the idea simultaneously.

3. Rap music

“What?! How could this be?” you might be asking yourself. Am I seriously implying that black people didn’t invent rap music? How dare I do that?

That is not quite what I’m doing with this entry. I am not denying that rap and hip hop music as we know them originated predominantly amongst African-Americans in 1970s New York. What I will point out, however, is that the basic concept of “improvised or pre-written poetry set to music” is hardly a unique concept to one specific group of people. Much like the other two examples that I discussed above, it is fairly universal.

It is speculated by several anthropologists and historians that ancient Greek poets, including the semi-historical Homer, would in fact have needed to recite their poems from memory, since the Greek alphabet as we know it today was invented after many of the ancient epics were first recited.

Secondly, a casual perusal of, say, The Odyssey will note that many phrases like “the rosy fingered dawn” and “the wine dark sea” are repeated throughout the poem. It is speculated that, much like how freestyle rappers will have a “bank” of easily rhymable phrases they commit to memory to use in their songs, these repeated phrases were memory pnemonics to help Homer. Combine that with the probable musical accompaniment that was performed with ancient Greek Poetry, and what you have there is essentially freestyle rapping, done a millenia before the Crucifixion.

And don’t think this is just a Greek thing—pre-colonial Inuits engaged in song duels (battle rapping?), as did ancient tribes in Ghana and Nigeria. Again, I would attribute this to less of a deliberate “appropriating” from one culture to another, and more to the fact that people generally tend to like music and poetry, and putting them together seems like a fairly “bread and butter” concept.


So why did I write this article? Just to thumb the eye of stank-faced PC commissars? Well, yes, but not JUST that—I also wanted to point out how stupid the concept of cultural appropriation is, because many similar cultural practices have existed between wildly divergent cultures, and because said historical research will point out that in many cases cultural appropriation is an inevitable result of cultures coming together.

In other words, if you’re going to demand multiculturalism, you’re pretty much by default going to get “cultural appropriation”, so pick your poison!

Read More: How White Europeans Contributed To African Cultural Identity And Dignity

156 thoughts on “3 Examples How Persons Of Color Appropriated Other Cultures”

  1. As far as IU’m concerned, every time they use their phone, watch TV, drive a car, fly on an airplane, use their computer, etc., etc., etc., they are appropriating our culture.

        1. I guess it’s easy when the dude had no standards whatsoever and no self respect…. Eww. Fucking gross.

    1. Stfu boy, many modern inventions were invented by African-Americans. A quick Google search followed by subsequent research proves this. Thus, as is common knowledge, one can conclude that this “culture” is the result of contributions from numerous ethnic groups.

      1. “many modern inventions were invented by African-Americans.”
        This statement is either a joke or the product of a very active imagination.

        1. @ Pete
          Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are on that list. While they both are accomplished, they are economists, not scientists or inventors. Of course I did not go through the whole list, but those two names jumped out at me.

        2. No, it’s a precisely worded sentence to ensure he’s never wrong, because we can all bet that Africans must have come up with at least 2 inventions, like, “Curing AIDS by raping babies,” for one. Can’t think of another invention, was going to say The Wheel, but that would not be true.

      2. Yes, Many modern inventions….Except a Wheel, Ship, Plow, 2 story building, word for love or concept of rape when 1st Europeans arrived to Sub Saharan Africa.

        1. WTH are you talking about? Numerous African tribes were farming well before the arrival of Europeans. Numerous tribes had a full language, which included words for love AND rape. Countless sub-Saharan African tribes had various rules dealing w/rape, which included immediate expulsion of the culprit if it was proven. You smart dumbass, again, a simple Google search would easily disprove the bs u posted. I guess I should too become a smart dumbass & post nonsense on ROK topics regarding cultures I know nothing about but something in me won’t allow that.

        2. At Kang, we can see their cultural improvements and inventions have radically changed the Africa continent since then too… Oh wait, it’s all that IMPORTED GOODS AND INVENTIONS, that have raised it minisculely… Thank God they imported clothes or they have run out of bones and animal hides. The culture didn’t change in the slightest, though.

        1. If you are going to say that at least back it up with some facts to support it.

      3. @ Peter
        That’s a pathetic list, and it’s edited by SJWs.
        Most of the items on the list required the white man to set the foundation. Many of the items are only modifications of existing productions, which never would have been created if it were up to kneegroids.
        “First black woman PhD.” So fukking what? We created that educational system. They should be more grateful as they could have just as well been born into one of many Central African genocides.
        Face it, it’s not in their genetics. All one needs to do is look at Africa. They are completely unable to upgrade from the mud hut and bush meat without our assistance. This behaviour carried itself over with the slaves (which I think should have never been brought here, BTW.) It’s with access to our inventions, education, and legal systems that they flaunt this appropriation garbage with impunity, of course with feminazi and their friendzoned soyboy helpers.
        So, as it stands, the Europeans should receive the credit due.

        1. The more cunning, wiley and skilled nigg*rs evaded the slave traders, we got stuck with the rest.

        2. Go look up and download sometime the book ‘The Negro in Negroland’. It’s a compilation of quotes from other explorers through Africa about the state the blacks in Africa. Not much has changed in some ways. You can take the African out of Africa but can’t take the Africa out of an African.
          Whites are pretty damn awesome overall.

      4. Many if not most of those accomplishments were already achieved by whites. Heart surgery, traffic lights, you name it, they didnt invent it. Propaganda to make them feel better about themselves. Liberals will lie every time if it means furthering their agenda.

      5. bulllshit Kang. the entire modern world and all of its inventions are the result of white men, and white men only. That’s a fact. end of story.

      6. @kang
        FU Kang. you pathetic afrocentrist.
        The only reason any of those black americans achieved anything is because of the white genes that they have which give black americans and average iq of 85 instead of the mentally retarded average IQ of 70 black africans; And the environment of white culture and learning and education that they benefited from.

    2. Nigg*rs culturally appropriated mud but construction from beavers and muskrats.

    3. And white people first got the idea of the alphabet from Semitic Phoenicians. The numbers you use to for technology and math are Hindu-Arabic in origin. The Hittites first created metallurgy. Sumerians created the wheel. The Chinese gave whites paper, silk, and gunpowder. Most of all, Christianity (the religion that civilized the rest of Europe apart from the South which was still drenched in degeneracy such as fucking little boys) is Semitic in origin. This is Return of Kings, where the creator is literally a brown Iranian. Go back to Stormfront you faggot.

      1. @Facts…a brown Iranian…he looks pretty pale to me bro, and is probably whiter than most Mediterranean people. The Phoenician people where pretty much white bro. That day and age was long before the Arab invasions of those regions. The alphabet is not language in of itself, all it did was standardize language so that different languages could be written using the same letters. “The Chinese gave whites paper, silk, and gunpowder.” Yep, and we acknowledge that Asians are pretty smart and civilized people. Silk was only due to the fact that they had silk worms, and that proves nothing. Your grasping for straws bro.

        1. Ok, ‘bro”? So ancient desert Semites are white now? Face it, you’re full of shit. There are much redpills on here that whites won’t swallow. Europeans got much, much help from non-Europeans, (hell, the wheel didnt even reach glorious hwite Britain until 500 A.D, where as it was being used by “low-IQ” desert people for centuries). But yeah, hwitey was kangz n shiet. At least white people still have plenty of soy left.

        2. Sure as hell a lot whiter than blacks…are Berbers, Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards white? Because they are probably darker people than Roosh. BTW, The Mediterranean use to be dominated by whites long before the Islamic invasion. Even the blue eyed blond haired Germanic Vandals inhabited much of North Africa in the 5th century, long before Benin, or Mali, or many other “Kang civilizations” existed. The greatest Pharaoh, Rameses the 2nd, ruled over ancient Egypt at its most powerful, and he was a red haired WHITE BOY whose genes are closely related to those people in Ireland/ Britain interestingly enough. Even any of the “civilizations” in east Africa where afro-Asiatic tribes, not bantu sub-Saharan tribes.
          “Europeans got much, much help from non-Europeans” NO, Europe just got invaded a whole lot…they got paper milling from the Arabs after the ARABS INVADED EUROPE, and the Arabs got paper from the Chinese after invading THEM. Stop with this bullshit that we are all equal and that colored people equally helped in making the modern world…f**king bullshit…trying to take credit for others accomplishments. Nobody “helped” white people; however, they did like to invade us, rape our women, and enslave us though (Mongols, Huns, Arabs, the recent “refugees”).
          BTW, when another tribe actually accomplishes something, white people are typically more than happy to acknowledge that fact. The only people who don’t like to acknowledge known facts are the losers who have no real accomplishments in their ancestry, like black people.
          This is not a black man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses_II#/media/File:Ramesses_II_mummy_in_profile_(colored_picture).jpg

        3. Arabs acquired their knowledge from the Greeks. Tocharians were huge culture bearers to the Chinese. Ubaid and Sumeria were white. The first Semitic state was Akkadian, which was just what Sumeria turned into after being overswamped by semites.

        4. The dynastic race theory has been vindicated, and the dynastic race = cro magnon – (i.e. Europeans.)

        5. Paper and gunpowder were found in the natural state in China, eh ?
          And making silk is just a matter of having silkworms around ?
          You are Wes the GreatMoron.

        6. Agathas…No, the high IQ, NON-BLACK, people of China discovered gunpowder by tinkering around with different mixtures, I think it was first intended to be Medicine actually.
          Ya, you pretty much only need silk worms and the basic knowledge of sewing to make silk, and white man was the first to mass produce it by actually having silk worm breeding grounds in Italy. It is kind of hard to produce silk when silk worms are not naturally from your region. Funny, because like in the gunpowder case, people thought it was magical and didn’t understand how it worked until white men and our understanding of science allowed us to figure it out and then go on and make smokeless gunpowder, explosives, etc.
          White men made technology a scientific endeavor, not just something you accidentally discovered. BTW paper as we know it today, manufactured from wood pulp, was invented in the 1840s by whites, and the printing press that gave paper its value was also invented by white men. Chinese paper was actually pretty expensive at first to make, until white men refined the process. Most important documents up until the last 150 years or so were still written on parchment or vellum because these mediums where much higher quality. Also, white man was still able to write many books and other documents on non-pulp “paper”, like with papyrus and parchment. The declaration of independence and the Constitution are written on parchment.
          Bro, I a pretty sure whites have contributed more to science than everyone else combined by a long shot, but we are still more than happy to give credit to others, like the Chinese, for what they ACTUALLY DID. So, I don’t understand where you get this “white power and influence was stolen from the colored man” bullshit from. I am also sure that the Chinese don’t like it when Blacks and other colored people try to culturally appropriate Chinese innovation for their own egos.

      2. @facts: All the peoples that you have mentioned are caucassian by race. including Iranians, as Roosh is. The chinese did not invent gunpowder, that is a myth. it was invented in India or Persia. All technology and inventions were and continue to be created by white(caucassian) Men.

      3. The South was not degenerate. It WAS a democrat stronghold, even though only a rich, elite 10% owned slaves.
        However, their politics were controlled by drooling dems and a wholly complicit media, just like now. They defended their evil, and fooled large segments of common people to die in the war.
        Over 600,000 whites died in the Civil War. which fully pays any debt in blood.
        Get past your hate. Repent, and come into the light

    4. I have one white pal, one black pal, and a brown family.
      Race doesn’t really concern me that much.
      I look down on most humans I meet equally.

      1. Groups, all groups, dogs, horses and humans, are judged by their average.
        You should know this.
        But as a Heeb, I appreciate your sentiment. I know what you and yours really think about schwartzers tho.

      2. This boomer cuck is really starting to show his true colors, everywhere I turn, the guy reeks of (((shill))…
        All he pretty much talks about is…
        1. Don’t marry white women and have white babies
        2. Move to Bangcock and marry a slut, trust me, life’s better this way
        3. Europeans deserve to be wiped out, specifically Germanic ones, they should not receive our sympathies.
        4. Race doesn’t matter to me
        This guy is either the picture definition of Boomer/Cuckservative, or a shill, given just how cartoonish and exaggerated his boomer/anti-white his ideas are, I am going to say, Shill.

  2. I wouldn’t take credit for rap “music”. It’s nothing more than a bunch of knuckle heads mouthing off into a microphone.

    1. The electronic music, beats and sound trickery behind rap music is what makes it. Thanks white man.

  3. Non-white people can say whatever they want. The fact of the matter is that most of the culture that planet Earth could boast about is the creation of white people.
    Blacks in the USA say “whites can’t cook” –> Mediterranean food
    Blacks in the USA say “white people can’t dance” –> ballet and beautiful folk dances from Europe are vastly superior to twerking at “da club”
    Blacks from the USA say “white people have no culture” –> European culture (art, literature, music)
    The only reason why white people are interested in some aspects of black culture (incidentally, the most primitive) is brainwashing by the (((media))).

    1. How many niggars have seen Swan Lake in an opera house?
      How many speerchukkers know the works of Tolstoy?
      Which Nigerian chef created chateaubriand?
      Did Eritreans design the townhouse?
      Which African country is known for their precision automobiles?

      1. In all fairness, I have met very few white people who can truly appreciate classical music, Russian literature and classic Western architecture. I know it’s due to the Jews’ propaganda/brainwashing, but still. Very sad.

      2. Chill faggot, don’t blow a gasket. With the exception of precision autos or Tolstoy’s ideas, no1 outside of the cultures that produced those said inventions gives a fck about them.

        1. I agree Jack, however, it’s not us who is pushing that agenda down everyone’s throats. That blame lies with the media.

        2. @ Kang
          “That blame lies with the media.”
          Very true Kang.
          Hollywood and Madison Ave have ramped this up to the point that it is now the norm, not the exception.

      3. I’m Russian and and don’t care about the works of Tolstoy. i like O. Henry since i was a kid – but none of people i asked here in Canada even knows who O. Henry is.

        1. LOL. A) they were not more amazing than Egypt.
          B)They got most of their wealth and power from trading with Arabs which is why most of those kingdoms were close to the middle east.
          C) Many of those civilization got their “technology” like books and written language from Arab slave traders.
          D) Yes, most of those “civilizations” made enormous amounts of wealth THROUGH THE SLAVE TRADE, that white man later ended.
          E) Carthage was not black by any stretch of the imagination.
          F) Those kingdoms accomplishments were not ground breaking in any way.

        2. Many of those civilisations were created by “white” caucassian people, and not “black” negro people, including carthage, which were caucassian people from Phonecia.
          Black negroes often try to steal the white race’s history and acheivements. Chinese people do the same.
          The black negro, with an average IQ of about 70 (mentally retarded), is not capable of creating and maintaining an advanced civilisation.
          It is time to clear the air regarding this.
          And note: Black negroes did NOT build and maintain the Egyptian civilisation.

  4. Pretty sure all the clothes blacks are wearing are culturally appropriated from whites. Their way of talking is culturally appropriated from southerner whites.
    Basketball, from whites, thug culture from Italians.
    But most importantly the only reason whites appropriated black music is cause the elites & the CIA wanted to dumb down the population so they promoted white teenagers that sang rock.

    1. Blacks appropriated our music to create jazz. Parker and coltrane both studied classical music. Coltrane’s use of parallel chords a la giant steps was straight from the thesaurus of scales and patterns from nicolas slonimsky. Rap is even more derivative, as the most common drum samples (only about 2 or 3 in all of early rap) were all from white jazz drummers. Even the turntable was made by whites.

  5. Everywhere white people go they create death and destruction. For as long as time. Ancient Greeks in Egypt learning from their teachers. Egypt is in Africa for those who are geographically challenged. Don’t believe that whites are perpetrators of violence? Look at this country’s mass shooters in recent years. I’m not even gonna mention the school shooters. Majority of whites are beta cucks. So they take out their frustration on their women and non whites. The Black gene is dominant. That’s why white males are being replaced. Thank you

    1. > Black gene is dominant
      > Black people get colonized and enslaved by pretty much everybody
      Get over it. You’re inferior in all regards.

      1. Smart dumbass, blacks have only been colonized by Arabs & whites. Funny enough, whites have also been colonized by other whites & Arabs. So, by your own conclusion, whites are also an inferior species. Smh I tell you about these stay at home geniuses.

        1. “White” , as a race is a delusion. Genetically speaking, whites are what Africans call Albinos. Black people with a recessive gene will produce albinos (read White). It doesn’t happen the other way round.

        2. @Kang. Black africans are currently being colonised by chinese.
          arabs are white caucassians.
          blacks never colonised anyone. and never will.

    2. Egypt was white. Cleopatra and King Tyt dna price this. Whites were eventually ethnically cleansed from there and fled North. Egypt today is Arabic. Still not black.
      Shooters are j ews you freaking tool.
      Columbine- parents were Rabbis.
      Jared Loughner- Jew.
      The media doesn’t like to point this out. It requires research.
      And others are Jew false flag psy ops.
      Negris has no wheel, ship, plow, 2 story building in arrival if Europeans to sub Saharan Africa. Nothing has changed much since.

    3. “Everywhere white people go they create death and destruction.”
      You should have hung around Rwanda in the mid-90’s. How many? 800,000?
      Of course, it was up to the white guys to stop them.

      1. As for Rwanda, the Belgian colonizers increased the tensions between Tutsis and Hutus (divide and conquer) that had actually been on decline prior to the arrival of the Belgians.
        After independence, the consequent French governments -particularly F. Mitterrand – kept supporting a government that was preparing for the extermination of the Tutsi minority.
        Mitterrand ans his government gave political asylum to Agathe Habiyarimana (wife of former Rwandan president Juvenal Habiyarimana) who was one of the masterminds behind the Rwandan genocide. The subsequent French governments have been unsuccessfully trying to discredit the new , democratic Rwandan government lead by Paul Kagame – ignoring the fact that Kagame achieved a great deal of success to reconcile the tensions and rebuild Rwanda.

      2. Holocaust by white Germans. Again whites are historically Violent even to themselves. Knuckle dragger. Europe. The birthplace of Canniblism

        1. Then set yourself free and don’t use a single invention/technology created by white Europeans or white Americans. And you certainly should not live in a country with a majority white population (though I bet you do), since they are the terrible people you claim they are.
          You big dummy.

        2. @romello
          Birthplace of cannibalism? That’s a joke.
          It is a fact that black africans, and primitive new guineanns, and indonesians, and chinese people currently still eat humans-cannibalism. White people do no eat people.

      3. The greatest killer of white people is other white people. Operation Barbarossa
        nearly eliminated the white Germanic people from Europe. The effects of that slaughter are still being felt today.

    4. The “black gene”? Wtf are you talking about? There are at least 10 genes for melanin production.

    5. Whites don’t create death & destruction, dumbass, whites are responsible for the sudden rise in world population. Ur point is what? That whites shot some tribesmen in the colonial days? That doesn’t mean much of anything nowadays considering the fact blacks & other immigrants have been murdering & raping innocent Europeans in the last few decades. When are u gonna start compensating us with money & all sorts of comforts for ur vile acts?
      Also, in regards to white shooters. None of ur Goddamn business, I don’t give a shit about blacks killing other blacks, so neither should u about whites killing other whites.

    6. @Romello,
      No point in arguing with this pale & de-pigmented, who always suffer from Inherent Inferiority Complex !! What ever science, technology & advancementa a “fool” pointed out above; are ALL taken & inspired by Asia/Hindustan/China & Africa.
      Yes, I am not joking or neither am a “fool” to simply bark! Africans had rich heritage, cultural, tradition, advancements (for that time) and civilizations. Where as the de-pigmented pussy maniacs has nothing, literally nothing! Other than being cunning, cheating and provoking others so they can divide & rule, loot and massacre !!
      These fuckers looted every other people with deception and used the wealth acquired to materialize what they have learnt from other civilizations. They also forcibly converted others & used them as slaves.
      To put it bluntly, these otherwise “pile of shit” de-pigmented pussy maniacs looted wealth & got the knowledge from others and hence were able to materialize so many more things than a fool mentioned above !!
      Nothing great of them !! But there is no point in arguing here !! Just let them bark! As the saying goes; what they sow is what they reap !!

        1. So also in America, now.
          Street-shitting, that is.
          Someone left your ilk on the streets.

      1. Yet your country is such a pile or pooh, you’ve come to live in the USA.

      2. We will be happy to send them all back to the rich continent of Africa. It can be Israel for niggars.
        I say keep your riches, that is if you can create the technology to mine, process, export, and sell them on the world market. You guys were sitting on not only a vast mineral mine, but a fukking giant diamond mine, and you didn’t have the genetic competence to figure it out. Yes, eating monkey and living in a dirt shithole with goat piss for water is excellent. Such a fantastic people.

        1. Yeah, lets see how long it takes for a real life wakanda to happen. Not holding my breath.

      3. @ Ravi macho
        bullshiit. and white people do not have inferiority complexes jackasss.
        negroes and chinese have never invented anything or contributed anything to the world.
        The entire modern world, including ALL inventions and technologies, have been created by white men.
        Not blacks or yellows.

      4. Then why is the African continent still a shithole, even after generations of enormous contributions by the rest of the world? Meanwhile, Western countries are peaceful, safe, prosperous? And invaded by millions of savages from all those wondeful counties? In fact, those swame Western countries would be another order of magnitude more peaceful, safer and more prosperous without all the invaders of your kind.
        You owe us a big fat apology and a great bid butkis of thanks.
        Lose your delusions of hate.
        Repent and come into the light

    7. King Tut & Cleopatra were white, DNA tests confirmed this fact.
      Egypt was once white, until ethnic cleansing began.
      Now its run by Arabs and barely 1nd world.

      1. No they weren’t. They were Middle Eastern. People genetically most related to them in modern time are the Jordanians and Palestinians.

    8. Are the school shooters white or jewish tho?
      Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris of Columbine had parent who were Rabbis.
      Jared Loughner-ditto.
      Our fake new Media tends to overlook this, gee I dont know why.
      Other shootings are psy ops.
      Thank you goyim.

    9. Domestic terrorists = nigg*rs. Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, etc.. made no zones by terrorist nigg*rs.

  6. A lot of Eurocentrics prefer to ignore the fact that ancient Hellenic cultural heritage was first passed to the Islamic world and then to Renaissance Italy and then the rest of Europe. The Islamic rich historiographical tradition preserved the ancient knowledge upon which European art, architecture, literature and technological achievements were built.

    1. Well, at least they preserved the map so they know which rescue boat to get on.

    2. The muslims passed nothing on western europeans.
      Western europe had long and non-interrupted contacts with the hellenic world as Hellens had colonies in southern Italy and France.
      Europeans translated greek philosophers from greek to latin long before islam even existed.
      Besides, arab was the enforced language in lands conqured by muslims, and muslims too very few from hellenic and latin wisdom, sciences or vocabulary.
      Sure, the arab moneys, dirham and dinar, are named after greek drachma and roman denarius, but that’s it.
      So drop the islamist-centric propaganda. If arabs had such an edge over europeans, they would have conquered the world, but philosophy and critical thinking are forbidden in islam.

    3. It was “preserved” by rich sheiks who kept captive educated Jews who had rich classical educations, and who taught their children. They also were responsible for some of the best writings of that era, credited to Islamists masters.
      It has not changed much today. Almost all of the oil rich countries are populated with rich and useless. The hospitals are bursting with incompetent Arab nurses, and the 105 with real degrees and skills, are Filipinas and other foreigners, who do the real work. Patients with real problems beg for “real” nurses and doctors.
      Its all a huge, expensive scam to pretend our inferiors are not.

  7. Appropriation is intentional & deliberate Larsen. I believe that you know that Jamaicans in general had no idea that ancient Indians, native Americans, etc. dreadlocked their hair, that numerous African tribes had no idea that hoop earrings may have originated in Japan, or that blacks here had no idea that Greeks rhymed rhythmically. Even though I get the main concept your article is trying to drive.

    1. So, if you ignorant, its Ok?
      That makes you guilty.
      Put down the computer. It was not invented by you or yours. Put down the cell phone, sell your car. Stop raking showers. Its all deliberate cultural appropriation.
      Just another racist.

  8. Bullish!t race baiting article to attack blacks once again. How about talk about the white beta male shooters who shoot up schools because they can’t get laid from their own women. White girls ride the ethnic carousel then marry a white beta male. Happens every time. Attack another race will never improve your condition. The reason the western world is corrupted today is because there are so many white soy boy beta males who would rather play a PlayStation(invented by Asians) instead of picking up women.
    This site use to be good but now it has gone downhill. Nothing but racebaiting comments and articles. Instead of blaming others for your downfall you should be blaming yourself. It’s not minorities fault that white women want to sleep with us. Go to a college campus and you will see nothing but white soy boy betas . Of course white wymen are gonna want a masculine man of another race . Then settle for a white beta male after she been on the carousel for years. Roosh should be ashamed for supporting his race baiting articles . Especially since he looks like he is middle eastern . If Roosh came to Tennessee white people would assume he was a Muslim and treat him like dirt.

      1. School shooters are the symptoms of an illness, The Western Culture you so desperately need to hate, is by far, the highest level of civilization ever achieved by Man.
        So go ahead with your lies, trying to justify your hate, driven by inferiority. You are the cultural appropriator.
        Western Culture raised the world on its shoulders, and is now suffering decline by hordes of savage= invaders. Who only destroy and parasite off of it. It will fall, But your culture cannot keep it up.
        It will end up like yours.
        All you do is hate, and destroy.
        Enjoy life after you kill the golden goose.

    1. Ur right white shooters are beta males that murder people cause they can’t get laid, u know what other group kills their own kind for bitches?

      1. @ Warblade
        I watched the video and it was not what I was expecting. It is actually good advice he is giving to his people.

        1. The point of my post wasn’t 2pac giving shitty advice to his people. It had more to do with why he felt the need to give that advice.

    2. Most school shooters are not white, but jewish.
      Columbine- parents were Rabbis. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Jared Loughner-ditto.
      ‘Media’ doesnt like these facts presented, but its easy enough to research.
      Many more are J EW Psy ops.
      Women today and in general, are followers and the media presents blacks in such a light, not as his normal dumbass self. Africa is a craphole, with literally NO as in 0 inventions. There was no wheel, ship, plow, 2 story building when 1st Europeans arrived to Sub Saharan Africa.
      Egypt is a different animal, and was white for centuries- King Tut and Cleopatra were both white according to DNA testing. Red hair found there as well. Whites were ethnically cleansed from that region and moved North. Arabs now inhabit it and its still a 3rd world hellhole. Further South in Black Africa and its a nightmare. Its just a Black Thang.
      Not hating, just keeping it real.

      1. Ancient Egypt was not white. Cleopatra was of Greek descent. Whites conquered Egypt but they did build the original civilization. Stop with the We Wuz Kangz shit you wigger.

        1. Ancient Egypt was not black, and the most famous pharaoh was a red haired an loosely related to Irish people. North Africa was very light skinned back in those days…more than likely resembling Mediterranean people.

      2. Anders breivik according to the media was a white [email protected]
        Yet he shot up a popular white political youth group boycotting Israel.
        Makes absolutely no sense! Well actually it does if you’re truly red-pill.

    3. Are the school shooters white or J EWs tho?
      Columbine Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris, parent were Rabbis.
      Wat of Jared Loughner? Or other J EW Psy Ops?
      Silly goyim

    4. I have never really understood why Roosh lets White Trashionalist to proliferate on ROK. He (as a descendant of Iranian immigrants) should know better.
      If he found himself in a poor small town anywhere in mid-America the uneducated White Americans would treat him with suspicion at best or with downright hostility at worst.

      1. Exactly . I live in Tennessee and of Roosh would visit people would treat him like dirt. I wonder why he never meets in the southern states of American. Because even he knows that he will get treated like a Muslim down here

      2. U just dont like the truth…
        And I posted it from a black preacher, not a White Traditionalist.
        Most whites I know would welcome Persians. My community did, he was a car dealer owner. We bought 2 cars from him. A nice generous man that allowed me to see through people a different lens.
        That said, I believe all people should have a right to Freedom of Association as outlined in our Bill of Rights. That means associating with those like you. It is simply a human genetic condition and response. We prefer and are happier with those of our own…all of us.

      3. Fuk up Detroit half the hateful divisive comments are coming from your troll network.

      4. So you are proposing heavy-handed censorship and thought policing in order to stamp out inconvenient truths that you are unable to successfully debate against? Hmmmm. And you are married to a black woman right? LOL.

    5. So basically you don’t mind the race baiting (since your comment is full of it) but it bothers you that it’s not anti-white.

    6. @avatar ang
      the playstation was not invented by asians. Asians have never invented anything. they only steal and copy other peoples ideas and technologies. The computer was invented by white men. the computer gaming system was also invented by white men. NOT east asians.
      The chinese also like to claim white men’s inventions for their own. I would not be surprised if in 1000 years they, if they are still around, claim that they invented computers.

  9. Rap was invented by an english man in the beginning of the 16th century, his name was John Skelton, and his way of writing in rhymes is called the skeltonic meter.
    Her lothely lere
    Is nothynge clere,
    But ugly of chere,
    Droupy and drowsy,
    Scurvy and lowsy;
    Her face all bowsy,
    Comely crynkled,
    Woundersly wrynkled,
    Lyke a rost pygges eare,
    Brystled wyth here.
    That was written 500 years ago and sound a lot like rap.

    1. Yeah, speaking in rhyme has been around for a while. Rap is nursery rhyme level poetry. In fact i hear nursery rhyme melodies in r&b quite often.

  10. that was covered, you racist. ROK talks about white soyboys all the time, specially the shooter, elliot rodger? ROK condemned his actions in an article and suggested that he needed game. LAS VEGAS shooter? Again ROK condemned his actions and suggested that he was a supplicating beta. The parkland shooter got several articles and the Muslim Florida shooter got several too. What are you talking about? So it´s seems you hate white men, white women and Muslims. Shocking, another POC being racist!

  11. Larson, thanks for such a triggering article, obviously written after proper research. I give you credit for trying g to be as inclusive as possible, noting various races and using simple logic to reach obvious conclusions. Shame so many incels and insecure soys are commenting, getting worked up and complaining about different races…when it’s WOMEN who make these cultural appropriation claims. Women, who have since the dawn of time, added nothing to any culture except more people to participate in said culture. All these men with masculine capabilities, arguing over which color does what, incited by women and insecurities, while the nation of us all crumbles. Sad.

  12. I just wonder how white liberals can get away with appropriating Eastern practices like yoga, meditation and Eastern martial arts.

  13. okay…long time reader, first time leaving a comment here because I couldn’t hold back.
    Have you guys not learned anything from manosphere? What happened to maintaining frame?
    This articles and the arguments made are logical on the surface. However, by following this thread of thinking you are falling into the frame of the left. They have presented us with a dumb argument about cultural appropriation. Instead of being steadfast in our path, laughing at their meek arguments, and focusing on building ourselves, our families, and our future, we are entertaining their argument by giving examples about dreadlocks came from white people. The war against chaos will be won be enforcing order. We must not fall into their frame.
    -Wise Ed

    1. Poster “Kang” ain’t gonna like this.
      And he’s changed his screen name. He is definitely the guy posting as Huey Newton previously.

      1. Yes, I changed my screen name because, after researching Huey, I came to the conclusion that he is a depraved human being. Unlike the majority of these smart idiots here, I strive to learn the truth, even if it means shattering my own previous viewpoints & am able to question anything, even if it disproves my entire stance.

  14. When they attempt thinking… they use our linguistics… They owe the thoughts and understanding they have above the stone age to… us…
    But they’re not accountable people. We know this, and it’s annoying and racism towards us that we have to be exposed to Liberals saying lies like these if we try to watch our t.v…. throw away your tv man….

      1. There you go… thanks for amplifying my point.. Wow –
        ‘where’s the bananna Bogu?’… (looks into tree)… ‘up up’…. ‘Yeah but where up?!?…
        Never got farther….. goofie brain’s man…. that’s another checkmate when dealing with these racist ‘court jokers’ – Jokes!!!!
        … Sing and dance for me baby…

  15. The early canaanites (slave of slaves) of the land “Palestine” were the first to inherit hoop-earrings; not brown or pale people.Rap is a genre of music which can only be followed by appropriate eloquence of Kings.Dreadlocks are left to the quality of hair predominantly to the present a race and not some already conquered.This all boils up to present pre-eminence.

  16. This article was totally unnecessary – the number of divisive comments was predictable. One would have hoped that ROK were done with this kind of mentality.
    African had advanced and sophisticated cultures long before the colonization of most of the continent. (Which is rarely mentioned in mainstream history books)
    People should really stop this “my culture/ethnicity/race etc is superior to yours” non-sense. It is really blue pill and shows lack of wisdom.

    1. Red pill means stating FACT! If that bothers you go crawl back to your safe space.

      1. Red pill means a certain level of universal wisdom. If you only feel good by bashing people of other ethnic groups, is shows not only a lack of wisdom but also some level of insecurity.

        1. Its not bashing if its the truth..
          Go watch Black Panther and it can help you with your feels. Hollywood is all about making blacks feels good. And promoting black on white violence too.

        2. Peter Frazer? Isn’t that the dude who is a LITERAL cvck0ld – and I’m not even joking…based on his comment history that’s exactly what he is, and he is here with a single-minded purpose of promoting m!scegenati0n and cvckoldry. Sick!
          As a side note, the types of specific words that are censored on this site are absolutely absurd! Lol, I just can’t believe it. I keep finding myself saying “really?!?!?!? you can’t use THAT fvcking word? What is this, Jezebel????”. Unreal man, just unreal. Every other site on the internet allows a much wider margin of free speech, even Kykebart. This @ssh0le wants to be the leader of the dissident right, and he’s scared of his own shadow????

    2. Lol Detroit’s good cop persona. Incite divisive hatred amongst the g0yim on one account. Then enter as the voice of anti- racist reason on another.
      Please preach your message to the Ju supremecists that create this mess and your hyper ethnocentric motherland Israel.

    3. Relax Pete…. Facts are facts bro… Your not like a liberal are you?!? Where you stick your fingers in your ears and go ‘la la la’ when presented with certain facts are you?!?
      I appluad your conscientiousness, but…

  17. I’m glad none of us think down about appropriation. It’s not like making something good your own is stealing. Imitation is flattery. Why, declaring an immitator is a theif sounds like character assassination. Anyone left or right who resorts to character assasinarion as a form of argument clearly is looking for confrontation alone, and not sound resolution. Anyone, should be free to appropriate, regardless of race. You want more open-minded people like you, after all.

  18. Actually, modern rap has its roots in old England, specifically in the work of John Skelton. He was writing in the early 1500s and made poems that you could set to rap music today. They call his style of verse Skeltometer.
    Really, check out his poems (they’re in older English) and imagine them with a rap beat. The English and Scots who came to America brought this and other styles of rhyme and music with them that the slaves heard. Rock, for example, was not based on African beats, as the misinformed conventional wisdom holds, but on Scottish/Irish ballads and rhythms which the overseers and local whites played all throughout the South and the local blacks also heard and incorporated in their own musical hybrid-making.

  19. I heard recently that only people from a specific culture can authentically cook the food of that culture. About a year ago remember the taco truck that was shut down on the West Coast because the white ladies who ran it were ‘appropriating’ the cooking style of some Mexicans?
    So where I’m at, all the diners have Mexican cooks in the kitchens making pancakes, hash browns and all the other traditional American foods. Are they ‘appropriating’ my culture? Where are the SJWs on that? We used to learn about cultural diffusion in middle school and it was presented as a good thing. Now if whites even look at another culture we are evil racists who need to sit down and bow our heads.

    1. Mexican gastronomy was created by white Spaniards who already had centuries of culinary arts, not the fucking cholos. The only contribution that Indians made to Mexican cuisine was the tortilla. It was the Spaniards that fused the beef and pork they brought from Europe with the local native plants and spices that became Mexican fokd.

  20. Its ironic when blacks crow on about cultural appropriation while speaking english, using the internet, wearing western style clothing, and living in a white country.
    This is like if I went to a friend’s house and nagged him for using his own toilet.
    A lot of anti white sycophants often point out how a lot of the first rock/blues musicians were black, despite the fact that they got their inspirations from southern(white) music and culture.

  21. Now we got insecure ex-personal trainer meathead asians promoting white supremacy on this site, which just keeps sinking lower and lower every week.

  22. Shitting in tiolets is appropriation by other races although I wish Indians would try.

  23. This dude doesn’t know what cultural appropriation means in modern times. What a narrow minded, bubble living piece of sh*t.

    1. African American ‘culture’ is just one big eclectic hodgepodge of appropriation from other cultures, taking bits and pieces from other races to form their own fabricated identity, being that African Americans didn’t even know what tribe they came from.

  24. Why do you dudes obsess over black men all the damn time? It reeks of insecurity, penis envy, and possible latent homosexuality.

  25. @rich zubatty
    The arabs are NOT the ones responsible for the renaissance in europe. It was the Greek-Roman scholars fleeing to Europe from the turkish invasion of byzantium that are responsible for the renaissance. They brought with them the classical Greco-Roman knowledge and books.
    The Italians first and then the rest of europe re-learned the ancient Greek wisdom.

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