5 Phases Of Civilizational Decay

How do healthy countries become so pozzed-out that they collapse? This happens one step at a time.

The rise of great nations

What characterizes countries at peak health? In historical times, they often became expanding empires. The right of conquest was simply how things rolled. Robust superpowers today likely will focus on building infrastructure, economic development, and scientific achievements. An impoverished country can become strong if conditions are steadily improving and its society is healthy.

Since the 1920s, imperialism and even recapturing occupied provinces became unfashionable for countries with bad press. Since the 1950s, territorial aggrandizement stopped being chic even for those with good press. Alliance-building happens, spit-in-your-eye wars occur too, but actual expansionism is rare. However, healthy countries are potentially capable of it.

Further, they also resist invasion by armies and opportunistic migrants. A country that can’t defend its borders—or doesn’t—inevitably falls.

Their decline

Frivolous materialism, inertia, and inattention will bring increasing decadence. It’s usually a slow process. A country might even coast along a few centuries before all hell breaks loose.

However, corrupt elites and political factors can cause terminal decline within a few generations. Why doesn’t the public do something? As the old proverb goes:

How do you boil a lobster alive without it jumping out of the pot? Turn up the heat very slowly.

They haven’t noticed us. Awesome!

Decadence generally begins in urban areas. This usually includes the capital itself, where a normal nation is expectedly the strongest. If most of the country is urbanized, without a strong rural population, the results are obvious. However, the decay eventually pozzes things everywhere.

Much of the public might remain pretty normal even in badly pozzed societies. Some will give warning about the way things are headed. However, they’re neither in charge, nor holding the Big Megaphone. Therefore—especially in recent times—they become marginalized dissidents. It’s an uphill battle, but with proper foresight and proper action, the decline can be reversed.

What follows is only a rough capsule summary. (Several other factors could be detailed: economy, religion, etc.) The following generally apply to each phase, though some specifics can occur earlier or later.

Neg: Perfectly normal

Probably not dancing to hip-hop.

  • The government, whatever form it takes, prioritizes the well-being of its people. Politicians act sensibly.
  • The founding population is firmly in charge.
  • Incompatible immigrants are not permitted.
  • Women and men get along harmoniously. Traditional sex roles are observed, family life is healthy, and immorality is strongly discouraged. A demi-monde may exist, but stays behind closed doors.
  • Citizens treasure their culture. Patriotism is strong.

That’s what a normal country looks like. These things aren’t even questioned; everyone knows what works. As a result, social cohesion is very strong. A moderate economic downturn won’t disturb the social fabric.

Poz1: Slight decadence

Not quite Miley Cyrus levels yet.

  • Wealthy interests begin co-opting the legitimate government.
  • The founding population becomes apathetic and distracted by idle pursuits.
  • Ethnic tensions create new challenges, sometimes encouraged by political factors.
  • Minor degeneracy becomes visible: mild immorality, a little open homosexuality, slight gender bending, etc. Most consider all this abnormal, grudgingly tolerated.
  • Artificial cosmopolitanism gets chic.

The public is kept unaware of the first item. The other items are made fashionable among some circles. Norms are challenged, but the common people still understand what’s normal. Strange academic theories arise. They have no effect then, but will later.

This modest degree of decadence isn’t particularly threatening—yet. However, a colonial empire starts running out of steam. A superpower begins losing its dynamism.

Poz2: Aggressive abnormality

Charming, innocent maidens enjoying the fresh air

  • Leftists start getting everything wrong. Nominally conservative politicians neglect to fix these mistakes. Bureaucrats become obstructive careerists.
  • The founding population loses its resolve and self-awareness.
  • Open borders policies begin.
  • Traditional morality loses official support. In-your-face degeneracy appears. The sexual marketplace is in chaos. Relations between the sexes decline. Fertility begins dropping.
  • Patriotism and cultural pride start diminishing.

Serious structural problems develop. Colonial empires start crumbling. Superpowers become lackluster. Even responsible leaders who manage to get in office can only do so much.

Social cohesion diminishes. Courts start being more about word games than justice. Abnormality demands accommodation—and gets it—then they demand more. Sporadic riots (usually politically motivated) and high crime rates become a regular feature of urban life, ineffectively handled by the government.

Poz3: Decadent decline

This is your brain on feminism.

  • Plutocratic convergence is complete. Even ostensible representative democracies are hostile to the public. The lunatics are running the asylum.
  • The founding population is perilously declining in numbers and power.
  • The country has become thoroughly colonized through population replacement immigration.
  • Healthy families are becoming relatively scarce. Dysgenic trends long in place are dragging down society.
  • National sovereignty becomes a joke.

Abnormal is good; normal is wrong. Fair is foul and foul is fair. The government might appear stable, but tremendous problems are accumulating. Opposition is suppressed by any means available.

Still, the country itself is literally fragmenting. Their enemies openly gloat. Not even the police can control “no-go” zones. Massive riots erupt. Secession movements may arise, either from ethnic separatists, or the founding population wishing to preserve part of its own country. However, the government remains overconfident, sometimes doubling down on their mistakes.

The last hope is dissidents gaining power and cleaning house. Moderate reformers will roll things back to Poz1 or perhaps Neg. Meanie dictators will reboot society violently, creating a country with bad press. These counterrevolutions can go too far. However, the alternative is becoming a failed state.

Poz4: Civilizational collapse

Her last words: “Fuck you, Dad!”

Shocked, the ineffectual government discovers that it’s lost control. The nation can’t survive with incompetents, crooks, and saboteurs in charge, or with a demoralized public. A radical regime or a civil war become possible.

Also, enemies might take over: either from outside, or those the government had let in. The hippies once said, “What if they had a war and nobody came?” This happens for the citizens, but not for the barbarians. The result, as may be expected, is devastation.

If the barbarians are intelligent and well-organized, healthy nations eventually re-emerge. If the barbarians are dull or unskilled at statecraft, it permanently becomes a Third World slum. Unfortunately, we’re out of Visigoths lately.


To make a very long story short, ancient Rome was Neg for centuries—eventually amassing a vast empire—but began decaying. Tacitus described the Germanic tribes and their deeply traditional society, contrasting them with Rome’s decadence. Juvenal’s Satires—written around then or shortly after—showed Rome’s Poz2 absurdities. (They tried to warn those guys…) During the Commodus administration, the slow decline began. The Dark Ages followed.

The USA first became Poz1 during the Roaring Twenties. The Great Depression—certainly a less extravagant time—restored Neg conditions, other than new globalist ascendancy in government. During the mid-1960s, an especially chaotic Poz2 condition rapidly emerged, partly from Soviet ideological sabotage intending to bring Poz4. During the mid-1970s, the cultural sphere reverted to just above Poz1. The USA returned to Poz2 in the 1990s, now almost Poz3.

Europe’s history is too complex to cover fully. As a rough summary, Western Europe is generally Poz3, following decades of cultural Marxism and misrule by globohomo Eurocrats. Sweden rapidly approaches Poz4. Germany, Britain, and France aren’t far behind. Eastern Europe is generally Poz1 or Poz2, depending on the location.

Rolling back the decline would be quite prudent.

Read More: Cultural Collapse Theory: The 7 Steps That Lead To A Complete Culture Decline

110 thoughts on “5 Phases Of Civilizational Decay”

  1. Civilization decays because of the proliferation of the Under Men.
    The weak being allowed to breed without restriction.
    The superior limiting their breeding in order to pursue self-interest and comfort.
    Uncontrolled immigration of primitive people into the civilization.
    Happens to every civilization when you become decadent.

    1. We need to become Barbarians- totally hardened to the bullshit, picking up the wreckage of this civilization and making something of it. Those who choose comfort will live in misery in the next few decades.
      We will not see a successful civilization (in the West) in our lifetime.
      Be prepared for the wreckage. Depend on yourselves, masculinize yourself

      1. Unfortunately, you won’t survive the decline. It will outlast you.
        Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, so Rome did not fall in a day.
        The decline is a slow death, not a sudden heart attack.

        You and your JEW masters!!! THAT’S WHAT CAUSE OUR COUNTRIES DECLINE!!
        Feckin’ inferior cunt!

      3. When the average American man of 30-55 years old you see is a 5’10, 350 lb shaved headed dude of any race with tattoos all over his huge, fat forearms, driving a Dodge Ram Cummins diesel he can’t afford, it already is barbaric and shows that America is and has been on an extreme edge for a long time.
        The US is a very masculine culture…Depends on where you live and you will see it. Central or Southern Ohio for example. Parts of Florida, Michigan, Texas, and Arkansas. About one-third of American men 30-55 yo I see look like they’ve probably done time.

    2. @johndodds
      If they choose to pursue comfort and divert from their traditions so easily, then how ‘superior’ are they really? (Not trolling)

      1. Traditions and religion are meaningless. It’s the quality of the people that define a civilization. ANd after WW1 and WW2, there just aren’t enough Nordic white people left to sustain our civilization. Eastern Europe has always been primitive hanging on the skirt tales of our western civilization, Asia never really developed beyond feudalism, they will just drop back, at best to their previous level of civilization. Not even worth mentioning Africa or India.

        1. I disagree that traditions and religion are meaningless in this equation.
          In ideal circumstances, they promote good civilizational hygiene, and maintain solidarity between generations.
          I don’t think you can have men of higher quality without a corresponding way of life, which is fortified with tradition.
          I’m being a bit spergy here though, it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg issue.

        2. @KC – Traditions and religion are kind of like the invention of paper. You can record the previous day’s accumulation of knowledge so you don’t have to wake up and start from scratch every day. In other words traditions and religion kind of speed up your day’s progress so it doesn’t take half the day just to get up and reorganize everything from scratch. Religion and tradition is like laying your next day’s socks and suit out before you go to bed with your toothbrush in the pocket. Next morning all you do is bounce off your bed, gulp your pre-made coffee and dive into your suit like the cat in the hat. Same way tradition and religion speeds things up.
          You rely on your DNA and your genetic lineage, but the tradition and religion gets your day kick started and going faster so you’re in the race sooner. Then you’re less likely to get stamrolled by a big genetic and cultural sack of sh¡t.

        3. I would disagree with you about Eastern Europe being primitive. Russia I supposed would fall into this category, always being behind the West and always trying to emulate the West. But by and large, Eastern Europe was the place from where the Germanic tribes and Visigoths came. They may have been initially primitive as compared with the ancient Romans and Greeks, but with the fall of the Western Roman empire, they quickly rose to the occasion and showed themselves more than capable of running the beautiful and complex civilisation they had inherited. The Visigoths built Spain into a cultural beauty, incorporating Roman and Greek knowledge after the fall of the Western Roman empire, until it was destroyed by Muslim invasion in the early 700’s. Today’s native Spaniards would have a significant amount of Eastern European blood in their veins.

        4. It’s nice that Eastern Europe has just about caught up to Peak Western Europe in the 90s prior to the decadence because we can learn your mistakes and absolutely avoid them just like Bulgaria Poland Czech Republic are doing giving the middle finger to Soros and Merkel. Why whatever is left of Western Europe becomes a vassal state to the Neo Ottoman Empire Eastern Europe will continue to shine.

        5. Asia never really developed beyond feudalism, they will just drop back, at best to their previous level of civilization. Not even worth mentioning Africa or India.

          Imo, Africa is worth mentioning because every time an advanced race intermingles with Blacks its civilization begins to regress. This is an obvious fact to anyone who has studied racial history and it is especially problematic for the Anglosphere because large numbers of single Western women are having mixed babies with blacks / puerto ricans / brown men. This trend has gotten so noticeable that it even exists in places like Sydney, Australia (which have few brown people).
          The other big issue is that the White men who are producing children are disproportionately the ‘bad boy’ types with middling IQs. The Nordic race is quite literally fading away because women are attracted to cavemen.
          My honest advice for Western Euro men who want to have Western Euro babies: find a docile White woman and drag her with you off to Asia. The lack of black culture everywhere is so refreshing and it has a positive effect on women.

        6. @JohnVicstrom: Just google pictures of Nordic skull structures or Nordic men and you will see that those people truly no longer exist or are an endangered species.
          Dolph Lundgren, Peter O’Toole, Max Von Sydow, Clint Eastwood, Liam Neeson, Kevin Costner, Patrick Swayze…People that look like that DID NOT BREED IN THE LAST 40 YEARS!! Son’s of those actors were probably addicted to hard core drugs as an escape from it all or less known then their all star Nordic papa!
          Heavy set people and mulattos breeded the past 40 years!

    3. There is a reason why the stronger/smarter men aren’t breeding, and thats the real problem no one is talking about.

    4. Wow John when you put the gin and ladyboys aside you have some pretty lucid thoughts now and again.

    5. Just deport all those whose last names are of metals, stones, German towns or Hebrew wannabe names. They aren’t the real Joos anyways; they are Turkish Moslums and Russian commies.

    6. Whenever you have s society where the majority rules, the majority being Betas and omegas, the direction of social engineering will be toward the gain for them. This is why abstract shit like “swagger,” fashion, etc. become engrained in women to care about, being that these are the things that the majority betas can actually provide. While good genetics which they don’t have become less important. This leads to the dyshenic trend we see today in the west.

      1. We have had plenty of warning that things were degrading, including from Oswald Spengler; Iron John by Robert Bly also identified some of the cultural problems with men working away from home, like factory work, including rarely being able to show their sons their work.
        Democracy only works when the voters are invested (skin-in-the-game e.g. land ownership and loyalty) and smart/educated/informed enough to make decent decisions, otherwise it descends into an incompetent bankrupt mire, and (incompetent) women voters/’workers’ have accelerated the speed of descent!
        The book “The Mythology of Work” by Peter Fleming is Left slanted, but does reveal how enslaved and corrupted people have become from Capitalist * work and now a Capitalist/Consumerist lifestyle where work and leisure time are often blurred, all because the very rich are scared of people who having enough leisure time and spare mental energy to think and possibly rebel. It is not all laziness which can cause people to seek passive/escapist entertainment after work, but mental exhaustion too.
        * Capitalism being mostly Ponzi rentier ‘business’ only possible because of Ponzi (((fractional-reserve banking))).
        I am basically Alt-Right, but regard all Monotheistic religions as cursed cults, and polytheism as far less stupid. Constantine’s Catholic Christianity invention backfired on Rome because too much money was diverted to Catholic Christian shit, and speeded/caused it’s collapse into the corrupt Catholic-Christian degenerate-hell called the Dark Ages! Christianity is not the answer, tradition and culture is.

        1. Actually, the Catholic Church, primarily thru the Irish, was the great preserver of knowledge during the Dark Ages.
          The Church also developed the Scientific Method.
          Since the Church contained most knowledge, and knowledge equals power, it started attracting liberals in large numbers,corrupting it badly.
          You try to appear intellectual, but nothing you say is true. You just repeat tired lib propaganda like a parrot.

    7. “The superior limiting their breeding in order to pursue self-interest and comfort.
      Doesn’t make them too superior, does it?

    1. I read an article or maybe a book once about how when THEY enter into any civilization it begins to decline. From Ancient Egypt, Babylon, The Greeks, Romans, etc. etc.

      1. h1tl3r was right to boycott the joos. they thrived in Wiemar germany. joos are nothing but parasitic, satanic and influential trouble makers who cause problems in their host country. but hey, many 14-88ers support Israhell and Zionist agenda.

      2. During the time of ancient Egypt, Babylon, etc – they were true Hebrew Israelites; not askhenazis or khazars. Please make that distinction.

        1. Yet it was those same people that rejected Christ the King and cried out for the Romans to do their dirty work and crucify him. Khazar or not Khazar really doesn’t matter same Satanic cult.

    2. Stupid comment – Isreal is a thriving nation, kick azz military that acts. Huge tech innovation like WAZE and Mobileye. They are even building weapons that the USA is buying. So your theory that jews caused a decline is a sack of $hit

      1. Israel is a den of thieves and traitors that refuses to extradite anyone to face justice in the West. The diaspora steals everything they can get their hands on then secrets it back to their hidey hole in Isra-hell. Without the billions of dollars in USA taxpayer money dumped into the country every year, and the thousands of tech/military/industrial secrets stolen each decade by Israeli spies working in the US, that little shitpatch in the sand would be no more wealthy than the Palestinians they stole the land from.

      2. Carter, it’s a pretty obvious example of scapegoating. The autists need someone to hate and foot the blame, that’s human nature. And it’s an example of not really taking the red pill, while giving ((them))) way too much credit.
        The real root cause of the decline is the overabundance of fertile males compared to fertile females. Males in fierce competition respond by acquiescing to escalating hypergamous shit tests while undermining their brothers through White Knighting. At best ((they)) are simply exploiting the situation for their own gain, but are not orchestrating it.
        What would be the advantage for ((them)) to foster the invasion of the West by Third World swarths, who hate them even more, and would eventually surround and offer a continual threat to ((them)) just like the Arabs do to Israel. Maybe someone can explain. I think a simpler explanation is ((those)) who claim to be conservative (in the West) are really neocons and cucks who aren’t much different than liberals, who believe in the magic dirt and virtual signaling. Western ((Jooze)) are wholly different than Israelis who discourage any immigration and mostly reject magic dirt theory (including conversions).

        1. There is a lot wrong with your comment, all of it easily debunkable, but I simply can’t be arsed, it’s too tiresome. I don’t think you’re fooling anyone here though with your dramatic oversimplification.

      3. enjoy it while it lasts.
        Its a small shitty racist fucking country,and as america declines so those israel.
        I fucking love it.

    3. Influx of (((them))) is probably the most common precursor to civilizational downfall that exists. It’s happened hundreds of times, and this is why they are so obsessed with controlling ALL major media…they live in sheer terror that the truth will emerge to the masses. The parasite thrives by sneakily hollowing out all the resources gradually, before anyone has a chance to notice, and then building an escape hatch for themselves to jump into the moment they are discovered (Israel).

    4. The oyveys are always shocked and surprised when their antics lead to one of the many historical pushbacks they’ve received. For a group which constantly boasts of their High-Q, they seem completely unaware of cause-and-effect.

    5. The Jews teach that a man without land is nothing and once that idea catches on the price inflation of real estate and low pay closes off access to habitat and females and then society is in the same situation as the mice in the mouse utopia experiment. No affordable chance to act normal so society finds excuses to act abnormal and ultimately goes extinct because of it.

  2. What you are yet to realize is that America and Britain also lost World War II. Your Berlin Bunker moment is now as your sterile sluts are failing and the hordes of third world savages are closing in on you.
    The Anglo had his chance to destroy (((Bolshevism))) once and for all along side his German brother, but instead chose to team up with the Marxists and stab his brother in the back.
    Smooth move, now the Marxism has metastasized.

    1. The reason things happened that way is because by then America had already been turned into a walking zombie for Zionism. The Great Depression heralded their Great Arrival onto the American economic scene, and we’ve been slaves ever since. I’ve read a lot of old newspaper articles to figure out how this all went down. Only one way to deal with it.

    2. Are you saying the real ((())) enemy is nature itself? A natural law manifesting itself? I’ve heard it before that jews were just profiteers off of anything, even a decline because they aren’t much for physical feats themselves. I’ve heard it that jews ‘rode’ every decline like a monkey on a surfboard riding a big wave. Then they jump off real quick before the wave crashes. They’re semitic, raceless people anyways so they could care less about any other tribe’s haplogroup pedigree or purity. All they care about is their own tribal jewish maternal hegemony. That’s MATERNAL with an (((M))). ‘Semitic’ comes from the root word ‘semi’ which means HALF or HALFBREED. So race is irrelevent to jews when they’re so mixed. And being matriarchal, they steal for mommy. That’s all they do is steal for their jew mommy.

  3. Can we use terms that make sense instead of the faddish “pozzed” this and that? I get it that it is 2018, but using the ignorant language of the beta class muddies up the message and point you are trying to make. Try common sense standard accepted English and leave the 2018 bullsh** lingo alone. I’m not impressed by it and frankly the only “pozzed” references I have ever heard all had to do with HIV infection. I get it that the pernicious infection of Political Correctness is vile and fatal for people with sense and society at large, but the article goes nonsensical with Pozzed1 pozzed2 pozzed3…etc….Speak/write plain English instead of trying to be trendy using the lingo of morons and those incapable of actually communicating a coherent thought. Our societal decline is greatly due to assimilating and giving legitimacy to destructive nonsensical fads and trend, and is immature level expression (unless of course you tag it as sarcasm to clarify).

    1. Yeah, I’m getting tired of all these expressions like “pozzed” and “doxxed” and others that I have to look up the meaning.

      1. You sound like old grandpas.
        Urban Dictionary isn’t hard to use.

        1. Stated like an uneducated moron. Refer to an Urban Dictionary but not a hardbound accepted English dictionary with terms and definitions that actually mean something other than ghetto gutter “language”. I suppose we need to learn ebonics too, right? Shouldn’t be too hard, its only got like seven words that are oft repeated and then sprinkled with other words and languages for effect.
          Those seven words are nigga, muttafucka, beatch, ho, cracka, boi, and racist, and then wonder why nobody will talk to you at all because you can’t formulate an intelligent sentence. Screw your Urban Dictionary of nonsense. this is why society if pure sh** anymore. morons citing unintelligible crap and reason it to be language anymore than fingernails across a chalkboard is music. It reflects degeneracy and LOW IQ.

        2. Chad, when my command of English is excellent, I shouldn’t need Urban Dictionary to decipher words in an article written in English.
          Urban Dictionary sounds like some black thing.

        3. > uneducated
          lol as if being “educated” means anything at all in this day and age.
          You should know language is living and dynamic.
          You know you’re getting old when you start bitching and whining about how younger generation behave and talk.
          Go take ur diabetes medication gramps.

        4. @ Chad, “> uneducated
          lol as if being “educated” means anything at all in this day and age.”
          It would be lost on you the irony of your ignorance and arrogance. What you just said was , “I don’t NEED no edumacation, I be smart. I talk in emoji”(sic)…
          THE Perfect level of ignorance fitting and deserving of a yoke and turning a turnstile to pump water while being whipped in a 3rd world sh**hole.

        5. @Neal,
          I wish I could thumbs up your reply 1000x.
          And for those wondering, these days education != college degree.

  4. In all honesty, there’ll be small chances for Western Europe to turn back to what it once was, culturally, spiritually, militarily etc., one just has to look at the kids & see whom they view as role models, their testosterone lvls, their hobbies etc.
    But I don’t see the other races rising up to take the world leader mantle either, maybe the Asians, maybe.
    There’ll be war, that’s for certain, problem is one can’t hope for the west to win, cause if they win, Soros wins. It’s all about Russia, if Putin can turn things around & make Russia a global power, maybe he could throw the barbarians out of Western Europe & kill the globalists, it’s complicated.
    Spengler believed in Russia’s great destiny, I do believe that country’s the only hope Europe & true christianity has atm.

      1. Yep, that’s totally me… wearing those clothes and commenting or ROK.. riight.

    1. Here is where u misunderstand Eastern Europeans.
      Westerners in general party listening to black music, they have black idols, speak like them, befriend them, copulate with them.
      Easterners party listening to their own music in general, which sounds somewhat oriental. Never heard of Easterners worshipping Kanye or Lebron. Easterners don’t use black slang, they have their own, they generally don’t trust blacks, most call them crows & monkeys & only the most weak minded & cosmopolitan befriend them. Interracial relationships are frowned upon. Not only that but lots of them especially nowadays don’t trust & don’t want migrants & are kinda disillusioned with the EU, but don’t wanna leave it cause of the benefits.
      Eastern Europe has declined morally, but nowhere near the extent westerners did. Yeah, girls aren’t quite as chaste as they should be & people love to party, but I don’t equate this to societal doom & the orthodox Church is still a healthy institution, not like what the catholics have become.

      1. I don’t misunderstand anything about eastern europeans simply because I am one.
        1. Yes, eastern europeans are natural racists, here u are right
        2. No, the orthodox church is not healthy, it is DEAD, non-existant. The only people attending church here are the elderly above 50-60yrs old, I can assure u there no people below 30 who go to church, zero, nada… only save for some jehovah fanatics and even they are mostly foreigners anyway. Churches are being abandoned, decaying and literally crumble down… eastern europeans were never religious and will never be, it is a matter of 1-2 generations more to completely erase the orthodox heritage.
        I think the religious strength of different faiths is as follows:
        1. Islam
        2. Protestantism
        3. Catholicism
        4. Orthodoxy

        1. U seem to have turned it into a religious debate.
          My entire family, my extended family as well turned to the orthodox God in the past 15 years, except an uncle of mine, but even he ain’t a denier, just skeptical.
          Reason as to why that happened? No clue, I believe it’s the natural tendency of man to return to the religion of their forefathers as long as they haven’t been engaging in any dysgenic & homosexual practices or any other degenerate practices for that matter. Point being that my family lived a normal life so they naturally turned to their religion, despite never caring about it before that. My father & his side of the family were atheists, while my mother & her side of the family never seemed to care. Easterners simply aren’t as degenerate as westerners so it’s easier for them to come back to their religion, sooner or later.
          Btw, I am mostly talking about people who pray & go into pilgrimages from time to time. Europeans will never attend churches as often as the non whites attend their mosques & temples cause whites live stressful modern lives. I don’t even think it’s good for us to be exaggerate with the pious behaviour. The Easterners who act like westerners are not a majority & they’ll die out, similarly to how Turkey’s secularist population is constantly shrinking more & more as time goes by, since the days of Ataturk.

      1. 100% those bitches are club dancers, which means they are the lowest of the low when it comes to girls. They are video chat lvl bitches & I spoke in general, not in absolutes.

      2. Oh, but buttt muhhh eastern european traditional 19th century folk costume wearing submissive bride… u sayin is turned into shietz en nigga?

  5. Deplorable 100% agree Stop with the shitty language, hip phrases and words of this cesspool generation. Every time I hear of them when someone is speaking or writing I want to vomit. Can’t stand how people of today speak

    1. Id prefer to learn caveman grunts and noises with rude polio bent finger gesturing and chimpanzee hoots over the trash rap music and millennial speak. millennials cant even muster up intelligence enough to challenge Rocko the space chimp or god help us to interpret Red the rabid Feminist and her clown haired vaginae-owner ilk and her allied soi bois.

    2. Listening to millennials, their friendly allies and anything they call music these days, makes me realize Neanderthals were 200 % smarter than our own millennial children.

  6. There’s no going back. Degeneration always lurks and in time achieve power. We’re living in the Kali Yuga.

  7. Americans used to have balls.
    The US is supposed to be a free country.
    Why did the USA fight for freedom against the British, Hitler, North Korea, and Saddam if America just ended up as a police state? All those American soldiers died in vain.
    Americans who defend tyranny are traitors.
    Americans who would prefer to live in a police state rather than be responsible are cowards.
    Those who defend tyranny are so disturbing that they are willing to betray the US must be trolls or foreigners.
    How can Americans sleep at night while the USA collapses?
    How can Americans look in the mirror today without feeling disgusted?

  8. “It’s an uphill battle, but with proper foresight and proper action, the decline can be reversed.” Words of hope but can anyone think of an example where such a decline was halted and reversed?

    1. >Weimar Germany
      > Ancient Egypt
      Both places prospered when they got rid of the Jew.
      Even the Renaissance coincided with a time when Northern Italy and Central Europe were successfully driving out Jews.
      Same with England’s Golden Age.
      Expel the parasite and miraculous recoveries occur.

      1. Don’t forget the Spanish Inquistion and Reconquista. The same year the Catholic Monarchs had their Jews were deported, Spain became an imperial world power. Same with Portugal.

      2. Slut
        Weimar Germany never prospered, they were always on the verge of bankruptcy, they had to keep conquering new territory in order to keep the machine running. They were in a cycle of invade or collapse that they couldn’t escape.

    2. More than a few-
      Japan, 1880s. A weak nation that could have become a colony of the West in the 1870s modernizes itself and becomes powerful economically and militarily, by the 1905 war with Russia able to defeat a major power.
      China, 1950. A nation that was once an opium addicted basket case controlled by Western business cartels and had “concessions” sliced off it by the West as well as the Russians and the Japanese has now recovered their power that they’ve not had since the 13th century.
      Russia, present day. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became a third rate nation being pummeled by corruption and weakness and exploited by oligarchs. The population was dirt poor and stripped of their native culture and religion by 70 years of Bolshevik rule. Today, Russian Orthodox Christianity is back, and as shown by the annexation of Crimea and the pants shitting terror Putin induces in the worldwide left, respected and feared again.

      1. Birthrates among ethnic Russian are lower than ever. (way beyond replacement level). On the other hand the Russian federation has experienced the highest rates of immigration (mainly from the countries of the Soviet Union)since 1991.
        Among the native population the life expectancy is low and the overall living standards are incredibly poor.
        ROK’s obsession with Russia is really not backed up by facts.

        1. I’m not saying Russia is a paradise (it isn’t) but objectively, they are certainly recovering from the 1990s far better than anyone in the West expected. Their trends lead to optimism in terms of a cultural renaissance, as well as an economic one if they continue their plans to corner Western Europe’s energy markets with gas-and energy leads to holding the economic and military whip hand. So Russia is a qualified successful return from the brink of collapse to study as a way to address cultural restoration in the West.

      1. I qualify my other comment as, Never because where they did “recover” they actually did not recover at all because the contagion that destroyed them was never fully excised and it came back to compromise them all over again. There were no complete successes, when the parasite is not extracted and crushed, it survives and re-infects often through other agents sympathetic to its existence. In every other example I have read in comments above to specific circumstance they would call successes, why do you not SEE that success anymore in those countries…..because the infect was not burned completely out and it returned with a vengeance and more cautious and embedded than before.

    3. There are several examples I could cite. Most modern ones became countries with bad press. Franco’s Spain is a good case study. The only reason that didn’t last is because his successor saw fit to undo all his work, and later the country came into the orbit of the Eurocrats.

    4. Not exactly a reversal, but when the Western Roman Empire fell, the East regrouped and experienced another thousand years of power and prosperity in Byzantium.

  9. President Jackson said
    “i killed the banks”
    But they rose again.
    How do we make sure
    the left doesn’t rise again?

    1. It’s a fair question. The short answer is that we have to expose what the left has done, make the public well aware of it, and get them to understand why SJW nonsense doesn’t work. Furthermore, the more we start doing this now, the easier it will be to get the adults in charge again.

    2. In Jujitsu, when you want to make sure someone doesn’t get up off the mat, you put them in a chokehold — and squeeze.
      And there’s no tapouts on the street.

  10. If you want to fully understand how we got here read Decline of the West. It is spot on.

    1. Yes. And if you can find it, another must read is The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson.
      “Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority, first published in 1972, is arguably the single most important underground bestseller ever published in contemporary America. “

  11. Raise strong families. Going full MGTOW will only hasten the decline.
    2nd best choice: those random white girls we’re all banging? Stuff babies into them so at least there will be more north Europe-descended people out there. Odds are that at least some fraction of them will turn out decent.
    My last last three ONS girls never got my last name, probably don’t remember my first name and live in Maine, Montana and North Dakota. Who knows? There may be a few more blonde, blue-eyed, German Mennonite-decended babies in America.
    You’re welcome.
    If you aren’t fucking, you’re sterile.

  12. This is a conversation that I’ve been having with my ultra-liberal professor brother over the years. One of the questions that he has always had for me is, if you truly believe that your civilization is in decline then how can you justify having kids and bringing them into it? My only answer has always been (a) having children and furthering your own genetic profile is a perfectly natural and healthy thing to do, and (b) even in decline this is a remarkably safe and pleasant place to live and I expect my children to grow up and live wonderful lives.
    By focusing on yourself and your family you can ensure that you and they at least lead good lives, as free as possible from drama and stupidity. And while you can’t eliminate suffering in your life you can at least ensure that you have the tools and strength to minimize it’s impact when it happens.
    We’re going to have to ride out the decline, brothers. There is no other way to look at it. Focus on yourself and your family. Strengthen yourself physically and mentally. Challenge yourself so that you have the self-confidence and experience to withstand the tornado of horseshit that this country is becoming. This country is absolutely in decline and nothing will turn that around.

    1. Just like Alex Jones says “its a slow motion death of the West.” You can’t expect to enjoy a nice, cozy existence (clean water, attractive women, good schools, good health, clean wholesome food, less traffic, content or happy people ) when all your major cities in the US have been destroyed by black violent criminals/liberal politics, bring in this many immigrant savages through the UN Refugee Resettlement Program, have the host or founders population at a negative birth rate, and allow big corporations (lobbyists) and government to destroy the middle class and constitutional rights.
      So, essentially, if you’re 55 and under, and are awake, you will have a front row seat to the collapse. If we’re lucky, this will ride out for another decade, maybe longer, so I don’t expect a fast THAT’S THE END, DOOM PORN NONSENSE!
      My take, is you will know when its time to pack up and leave. Most places east of the Mississippi or in the southwest will be in real rough shape in ten years. So, that move to Montana or Wyoming, or somewhere remote, will have to do at some point. Wear layers, have a snow blower and plenty of chopped wood to heat the fire. And, if possible, have plenty of fuck you money saved up!

  13. Every great civilization meets it’s end. It’s been a cycle ever since humanity has existed. From the Maya to the Romans, no one is safe. The fall of the West is coming soon, but hopefully a new civilization will rise from the ashes. The Germans went from being savage barbarians to the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. The point is how we check out…do you want to die, standing up tall to the globalists? Or do you want to die on your fucking knees…?

    1. “Or do you want to die on your fucking knees…?”
      Can I die with her, on her knees in front of me?

    I can’t get laid –> it’s da jooze
    I can’t get a job –> it’s da jooze
    White chicks dig swarths –> it’s da jooze
    West is degenerate –> it’s da jooze
    Third World invasion –> it’s da jooze
    Inflation –> it’s da jooze
    Collapsing health system –> it’s da jooze
    Runaway feminism –> jooooooze….
    Blue hairs and tats –> of course it’s da jooze…
    Soy Bois –> easy, it’s da jooze…
    #MeToo –> da jooze…
    Collapsing military –> hello? pffft, da jooze (of course)
    Global world order –> it’s da jooze
    Stock market increase –> it’s da joo…er wait….
    Lowest unemployment –> it’s da…. umm…..hold on…
    American highest net worth in the history of the US –> umm, ummm TRUMP MAGA
    No border wall –> TRUM…er wait –> it’s da jooze (of course)
    Intel microchips –> whut?
    TEVA Pharma –> pfft, it’s a conspiracy….
    Trophy Active Protection System –> it’s da jooze (really?)
    USMC Laser Range Finder –> ugh…really?
    Joint Helmet Mounting Cueing System –. wait, really? Nawwww…..
    LITENING Targeting Pod –> sigh….(not da jooze again)
    AGM-142 Have Nap –> (waaaaaaaa…)
    Python-4 Air-to-Air Missile (nooooooooo…)
    B300/SMAW Bunker-Busting Missile ( I want my mommy….)
    SINCGARS Communications –> STOPPPP! da jooze, da jooze…..!!
    Da GBFM –> >>>mental implosion<<<

  15. Hate to say it, but it seems like “good times” are not just associated with patriarchy, but also a degree of authoritarianism. When you practice liberal democracy 100%, you get degenerate “bad times”.

  16. The first step of the decline happen when the society develops a debt habit. Don’t go into debt, it where the rot starts.

  17. From the Bhagavad Gita:
    ‘In overwhelming chaos, Krishna
    Women of the family are corrupted,
    And when women are corrupted,
    Disorder is born in society’
    I’m not Hindu but that shit makes sense in a modern context.
    Feminism fails and brings society down with it when it incites women to disregard their personal integrity in the name exercising their “agency” for agency’s sake and when it derides love, motherhood, and fidelity as oppressive machinations of “patriarchy.”

  18. Civilizations decay when you let (((those))) people in. You know the ones with the elongated noses. That’s all you need to know about the decay of civilization. No need to write a lengthy article.

  19. What destroyed Rome is what is destroying America, bureaucracy run amok! As soon as a culture gets bogged down in bureaucracy it succumbs to a plethora of problems, all of which leads to stagnation, decadence and degeneration. But what I see across the whole political spectrum is everyone left, right and center demanding that we double down on The State. The vast majority are of the mind that if we can just tweak Big Gov a little more effectively/efficiently then all of our problems will evaporate, the same mentality as in Stalinist Russia. This article from 20 years ago explains everything pretty well and yet we still have men who worship logic and reason being completely illogical and totally unreasonable in “thinking” that the solution to our collective problems are to be found somewhere in MORE government authoritarianism.

  20. This article has merit and is mostly accurate to a point but there are numerous enclaves or communities across the US where the well-to-do live and prosper. They’re not big cities! They are areas that the upper class built after fleeing the big cities over 5 decades ago. Almost all new housing in the US are mansion size! They haven’t built affordable, single family housing in over a decade because of the mortgage crisis. Today, they only build mansions because home builders make more money doing so.
    A new country is being born…Where wealth is built in towns YOU NEVER HEARD OF because of lower taxes and lower crime away from the cesspools like Detroit, Flint, St Louis, Seattle, Miami, Baltimore, Dallas, Memphis, Newark, Chicago, Oakland, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta…The place of the future for anyone making under $100,000 a year, are places you don’t want to be in in 10 years when you truly see how much a minority whites truly are.
    These will mainly be in once middle class neighborhoods or suburbs of major cities. Those once decent suburbs are where the Section 8 is going. That’s where the immigrants and the ghetto trash are headed or have been in for the past 10 years or so. SO, THAT NICE SUBURB YOU GREW UP IN IN THE 1980’s and ’90’s WHERE EVERYONE KNEW THEIR NEIGHBOR AND THEIR KIDS RODE BIKES TOGETHER…TODAY, A MORBIDLY OBESE WI99ER and HIS MEXICAN BABY MAMA ARE MOVING IN!!

  21. The whole process still parallels John Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiment.
    The end result was extinction.
    Death Squared

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