Most Anglo Men Are Cucks

If you are an avid reader of ROK, you will by now be familiar with the catastrophic condition of Western Civilisation. You will also, via the almost repetitive literary exploration on the part of the myriad of writers here at ROK, be deftly familiar with the nuanced reasons as to why this is the case.

Truths such as women’s suffrage being the cause of bigger and more Orwellian governments, family courts always screwing over the male in the relationship, unchecked migration leading to higher-birth-rate-higher-violence-demographic-replacement Jihad, and many, many more have been discussed ad nauseam on this site as well as many other reputable collections of masculine utterances on the internet. You would thus understand that it is rather insensitive, then, of me to say that these discussions are getting fucking boring. But I had to say it.

We’ve invested countless hours of internet attention repeating the much needed mantra of these truths, and have lamented in no small measure at the degeneracy of Western society. But what have we achieved? More discussions? More impotent internet outrage? More well spoken public intellectuals that inspire people’s heads but remain distant to people’s hearts? Quite frankly, nothing is changing.

Intellectual Darkweb

But I know something that many of you also know and are reluctant to divulge. I know that the root cause of all of this is the Western male’s pathological deference to women. I know that it was white knights that handed women and those without property the right to vote. I know that cucks and manginas skewered the remnants of male dignity and free market enterprise to the alter of pussy worship and, with masochistic glee, ushered in the fall of their own societies.

And I know that, in the full face of the destructiveness of playing identity politics, it is Anglo men that OVERWHELMINGLY succumb to the seductive forces of pussy worship. That’s right, you can’t fucking help yourselves. Maybe it’s genetic, but it doesn’t matter. The mere sight of a female in distress causes you to step over your own mothers to rescue them. The disapproving crocodile tears of women causes you to, as if possessed by a demon, hand over the last connecting sections of your testicles on a gold platter.

Anglo fathers would rather accept the destruction of civilisation than swallow the discomfort of seeing their daughters not have their princess demands met. Similarly, Anglo husbands and boyfriends would rather tolerate total self neutering than having to muster the testicular fortitude to confront the horrid behaviour of their partners.

They willfully create entire welfare states where the productive are stripped of their resources, often in excess of 50%, in order to appease female voters that feel entitled to those resources. They blindly usher in public sectors that inefficiently guzzle tax funds to create jobs that predominantly gear towards female employees. They corrupt and mutate the legal system such that nowadays, most of the English speaking world criminalises natural verbal conversation between men and women. And, with an air of vociferous righteousness, they make eunuchs of themselves and their fellow men, all in the pursuit of basking in the glory of female approval.

Even nut jobs on the extreme right harbour fanciful illusions about women, and believe irrationally in the almost laughable idea that white women possess a divinity that must be cherished to the point of explicit worship. The arguably positive elements of their racial homogeneity is more than tainted by the pathetic blue-pilled conditioning that they cannot shrug off.

Not cucked

Perhaps these criticisms seem insensitive or even outright derogatory, but find me a supremely cucked politician in the Anglosphere and I can guarantee that his surname is not Ivanov or Takahashi or Wang for that matter. Most Anglo men cannot be reasoned into springing to action and enacting change in a dying society. But they can be emotionally riled up. And if ROK can lay claim to any immense 21st century achievements, let it be that we riled up men across the West with anger at the enunciation of their pathetic cuckery. I propose two new hashtags that will hopefully go viral and even become culturally ubiquitous across the West: #AngloCuck and #AngloCuckery

I applaud you all to insert these sweet little encapsulations of facetious mockery into all corners of the internet as you see fit. I applaud you to recruit these terms into your vast arsenal of verbal insults when conversing with friends. I applaud you to reflect on the deeper, albeit comical meaning behind these terms and use them as a constant reminder of your own shameful propensity to white knight for females.

Unless men take the reins of civilisation, the West will continue to crumble. If this (hopefully) seismic cultural movement is the last stand of the West, then so be it. These hashtags are meant to be insulting. Get angry, God damn it. Be insulted. Show some fucking rage. And use that rage to fuel the drive to take action. Or your civilisation fucking dies.

Read Next: 36 Soy Boy Pictures That Reveal An Epidemic Of Feminized Men

129 thoughts on “Most Anglo Men Are Cucks”

  1. “The mere sight of a female in distress causes you to step over your own mothers to rescue them.”
    My mother was an evil old witch.
    I would have stepped over her for a lousy ham sandwich.

    1. The only woman that I care about is the one that I am banging. It is really that simple.

      1. Banging should not equate to care. The only women you should care about is a woman that earns her worth and brings something in your life. Even then, care should be limited to the value they add to your life as a man.

    2. A daily reminder: Albertan white women are the ugliest in the world. Statistically, no bias.
      Now I know why Ukrainian thots are pretty – they sent all the ugly ones to Alberta 200 years ago. Filtered the ugliness overseas

      1. @benny the Slavic cunt
        Someone obviously never been to Boston! It’s not just a joke from the movie Ted… They’re pasty, fat, leftist hags with a mans accent and voice to match.if you’ve met a pretty girl from Boston, she’s probably not from Boston!

      2. for real bro my buddy was down there 4 years ago and said the girls look good and they check you out. You dont have to be as dressy like on the west coast.
        MOntreal is another gem too.
        online alot of people say toronto sucks, but mark zolo and 3 other guys in irl have said its pretty good….guess theres not much better in Canada.
        guess the guys shitting on toronto must be from LA miami New york or something where its really good

      3. They have been anglicized, and most of them have lost connection to their roots.

    3. Gen X are mostly fine, Gen Y are a failed state, there is absolutely zero chance of recovery for them, they’re fucked, and Gen Z are doing fine. Two out of three ain’t bad.
      There’s nothing wrong with protecting a woman when they need it, for instance, when a burglar comes at night. But these cucks protect women when they want it just so they can get close enough to them to smell their dry, dry pussies.
      Needs, not wants.

      1. Gen X is responsible for this mess, to some degree.
        PC and the rest of it came out of the 1990’s when Gen X was young.
        The spokespeople for the Left are aging PC warriors in their 40’s who are old enough to have been in college when Kurt Cobain was on the radio.
        Gen X popularized tattoos on women, piercings, bisexual chic, open borders, globalization.

        1. Don’t go blame Gen X for that. You can blame the fucking hippies that got stoned and followed the Jewish indoctrination; and the hippies were baby boomers, different generation.
          The Jews that orchestrated this SJW nonsense to destabilize the US. Simple plan: make us work dependent slaves of consumerism, then make us paranoid to lose our jobs. Slave for life.

        2. Stryker:
          Generation X was under the Baby Boomers. They heavily outnumbered us, held the positions of power, and made the decisions.
          They also worshiped at the altar of what we now call Political Correctness.
          They hammered us with endless propaganda that only eased off during Reagan’s first term when the Cold War heated up again and there was no room for it. They gave us second-fifth wave feminism.
          They ran the schools, the entire education system.
          They hated on whites, heterosexual males, but since they also thought they were the best and could do no wrong they projected it all on the younger generations.
          Yes. Blame the Boomers. And if someone says it was “the tribe,” well, if so then who worshiped and followed them more than the Boomers?

    4. “Without Italian-American mother…who would need therapy?”
      (Tony Soprano)
      Joke aside, it is sad that your late mum is such a poor excuse for a mother.
      Nevertheless, I think most men do not put their mothers to the same category as any other women. So next time when you complain about the the poor moral standards of women in the US and Europe and someone challenges you “”Wasn’t your mother an American/European women, too?) you can give a straight, yet answer.

    5. In general the article is very good. Yes, Anglo men are bitches. 100%. and they should be put in their place. as the inferior ethnic group of whites that they are.
      However, the author is wrong about russia and the orient. Russia is a feminist country and russians are feminist women worshipers too. Russian women have some of the worst behaviour of women anywhere.
      About the oriental nations, the women are definitely more feminine. However in general, they are gynocentric nations. The women hold and wield much power over their men.

  2. “They willfully create entire welfare states where the productive are stripped of their resources, often in excess of 50%, in order to appease female voters that feel entitled to those resources. ”
    How was this willful?
    It was thrust upon a depression era nation by a socialist President and his hideous ugly old bag of a wife. And with women having the vote, it was stuck there for good.
    I wish would could get rid of it.
    But then again, I am of Southern European decent, not Anglo in any way.

    1. I don’t think it matters who it happened to…They’ve destroyed every major civilization over the past 4,000 years…The Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Spanish Empire, Holy Roman Empire, French Empire, British Empire, Russian Monarchy, NAZI Germany, and now cucked Anglo guys.
      Regardless, if you think coming to the rescue for some hot blonde changing a tire will finally give your middle aged, 44 year old self some GREAT PUSSY TIME, then so be it…Not too many women are approaching and hitting on Anglo guys, so do what you got to do.
      Me, I ask one time, and that’s it. Do you want to go get a drink? If she hesitates or makes an excuse, its not worth pursuing. Walk it off! Ask another billion chicks in the 6 or 7 range until you get results. Its like some girl getting a brand new Iphone X…She should feel just as great spending a night out with you as getting her stupid new smartphone. Until then, one day a week of masturbating will at least put you out of a bad mood.

  3. (((Ben Shapiro))) & (((Sam Harris))) …Anglo men.
    lol if ur gonna troll us Anglos at least be smart about it.

    1. You know the Alt-right is a joke when all they can do to “save” Western civilization is post memes of some stupid frog, masturbate to podcasts of Lauren Southern and listen to whatever bullshit these two Jews (Harris and Shapiro) say.

      1. Cuk
        i think it’s telling who really runs the show when the alt right is barely allowed a voice and the only people the (((media))) really accept are controlled opposition ju’s or very watered down ‘conservatives’ that don’t dare mention the JQ.

      2. Talking about Lauren Southern real name (((Lauren Simonsen))) she is a member of the (((Tribe))) dyes her hair blonde to look more anglo.

        1. And the White Rose produces actual camwhore pornography.
          These thots…
          White Sharia Now!

    2. Exactly. One needs to look beyond the general color of skin when defining another’s political motives, social behavior and ancestry. The so-called White Man has gotten lots of bad press over the centuries due to the actions of a completely different (((tribe))) with similarly shaded skin tones. These (((psychopathic warring parasites))) are NOT Anglo, in fact, they are barely human — so let’s start calling them out and shining the light on these cockroaches.

      1. ABSOLUTELY My friend!!!
        Until we all name the root of ALL problems: the jew parasite.. nothing will change!
        They got similar skin tone but they ain’t white!
        The jew is a different genome!

    3. (tribesmen)…FFS people are ignorant to who they are…to see who is in charge just investigate the loudest voices to see who they are. If not (“chosen ones” (HAHAHAHAHA)) they are treasonous allies to them. The sole reasons I like them is they give SJWs heartburn high blood pressure and conniption fits, I consider them useful entertainment value.

  4. It’s happening to all civilisations, not just the Anglo west.
    1. Women should not have the right to vote.
    2. They should not be allowed to earn money.
    3. They should not be allowed to divorce, unless she is being beaten and her life is in danger, or her husband is committing adultery.

    1. Disagree on adultery.
      It is OK for a male to cheat.
      Valid reasons for divorce, IMO:
      1) Female cheats on male
      2) Male beats female
      Once again, just my opinion.
      Also, not getting married is a good option too, if a guy wants to keep his money and property. JD has some good opinions on that subject.

      1. Disagree it’s cheating. When I haven’t banged any hooked for a while, my wife starts suggesting I should go on holiday for a week or so to get a couple. Banging other women is considered normal where I live. I’m living in a university town (with at least 5 universities), and all the girls need help with their fees. That isn’t cheating, that’s philanthropy!

        1. I live in a university town too. But I can’t get any of these chicks to fuck, even for cash. RIP me

        2. JOHN
          My wife would kill me but I do it anyhow. I go down to Bangkok on false business reasons about twice a month.

      2. No. It’s not ok for a male to cheat because adultry is a temporary (solely sexual) relationship that ruins women and produces bastard children = corrupt society.
        BUT we have a solution to this problem in Islam: polygamy. A man can have up to 4 wives if one woman can’t satisfy him or he simply wants a big family = too many children.

    2. Let’s stop this thing about “Women should not be allowed to Vote” nonsense.
      It make us look silly.
      How is that “Not allowing a Women to Vote”…but allowing a Soyboy White Knight Cuck to vote…improving things?
      The Narrative should be “Only those that are Net Income Taxpayers should be allowed to Vote”. This would achieve a much better result since Women (as a Group) do not pay income tax….and SJW Antifa cucks don’t either.
      Job Done!

      1. In theory everyone should have the same voting rights. But in real life, woman will almost exclusively vote for the welfare state, which will bring down the society sooner or later.
        Women are driven by emotions and tend to make (important) decisions (like voting) purely on an emotional basis. Not good.
        Women are more gullible for disinformation and lies dished out by the scamming media. Not good.
        There is much to add but I don’t want to type a novel so I keep it short here.
        Since women are quite obviously not going to wise up any time soon, there is pretty much nothing effective left for us than to revoke their voting rights. It was a mistake to begin with, but back then woman were of a different caliber than today. So you could get away with it. A few generations later with rampant feminism, sluttism and skankism, things do look differently … No offence but most cute girls I know are cute and beautiful but stupid as a bag of shells. It makes me shiver when I think they are allowed to vote. Voting is a powerful tool in a democracy. You don’t give it to everyone and her dog.

      2. Thank you! I have been saying the exact same thing for a while in the comments for YouTube videos that advocates for not allowing women to vote.

      3. Where I live women aren’t allowed to vote, actually nobody is allowed to vote because its a Military Dictatorship.

  5. The Anglo sphere is the way it is as it was infiltrated by an influential merchant class that originated in Venice. Before they ended up in England (with the help of Cromwell), they were making their way through various European destinations like Venice, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands (partially France too) and eventually settled in the British islands. This is the reason why all these countries all had power fleet and became colonial powers. It was designed to protect and escort the merchant mafia’s good stolen from all corners of the world. The same class established the foundations of the modern banking and its base was cemented in the City of London and part of it is still in the Vatican city. They are the modern elite and are all criminals with serious obsession with sex and the power of the occult. Without them the British island would have been a simple agrarian society with no influence and power. The industrial revolution would have not happened in England and it was not down to some natural ingenuity of the English as claimed.
    In closing, the reason why today the Anglo sphere is in downward spiral is because the same parasite elite have a long term plan of deserting it. They do not care about the invasion of low IQ sub-Saharan men as they do not plan to stay for the “BIG PARTY”!

    1. Interesting comment and some good points. However, the (((tribe))) that you refer to certainly did NOT originate in Venice; they can be traced back to Babylon and perhaps even Sumeria. They understand and manipulate occult forces better than any other tribe on Earth. They are the ultimate infiltrators, and the ultimate destroyers of good and decency. Their esoteric / occult practices over many millennia are best referred to as Satanic or Luciferian because of their desire to “commune” with and deify dark (demonic) forces. Strange, but true.
      Also, great things have been done in relatively short time frames in countries where these (((parasites))) have been exiled and their enslaving “banking” policies changed. The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England in 1290 and the following “Middle Ages” were a time of great prosperity and also when many incredible churches / monasteries were built — essentially debt free. But, modern (((historians))) love to ignore this period of history and often refer to it as the “Dark Ages” so the average person can’t see the “cause & effect” that occurs when you deal with the enemy within the gates, so to speak.
      Shortly after that momentous decision by King Edward I, King Philip IV of France expelled them in 1306 and not surprisingly France quickly saw unprecedented growth and prosperity. These are historical facts and proves that decent hardworking people with a strong cultural identity do NOT need some (((international merchant class))) to give them better lives. Quite the opposite actually.

      1. Allistar
        The ju Likes to pretend or imply the ‘real’ conspirators we should be afraid of is the Catholic Church. Its why (((Hollywood))) pumps out crap like the ‘Da Vinci code’ and ruins people like Mel Gibson for making ‘passion of the christ’. The Catholic church is most definitely compromised now but it once stood opposed to their evil. The Talmud is very clear and hateful on the importance of the fall of Rome and the Catholic church.
        The ju is the master of making the victims out to be the most heinous villians. (The ju cries in pain as he strikes you)
        See Germany, See Palestine, even this article could be an example of the rotten fruits they bare.

        1. Good point. In fact, after reading the Talmud and many other “Judaic” texts (including the infamous “Protocols”), I wondered why so much vitriol was spewed in the direction of the Catholic Church. And after much researching I understood why…
          In short, years before the Church was infiltrated and homosexualized (100+ years ago), the level of research and investigation that was poured into the so-called “dark realm” (4th dimensional demonic entities) was enormous and of the highest academic quality. Reading about how the exorcism ritual evolved over the years is fascinating, and the accounts of the priests (exorcists) who performed them and fought the malevolent entities is quite scientific and often jaw dropping.
          So starting many of hundreds of years ago, these very well educated and trained Catholic priests not only identified an enormous problem within society (demonic possession and influence), but designed a very effective method of combating / defeating the problem — and eventually fine tuned the process into an exacting science. However, along the way they realized there was one obvious and powerful group within Europe that learned many centuries earlier how to evoke and make deals with these demonic entities — always involving spilled blood and deviant sexual rituals. This is what the Kabbalah is all about. This group has been called many names over the years, but the lineage is as follows:
          ? –> Edomites –> Pharisees –> Khazars –> Sabbateans –> Frankists –> Ashkenazi Jew$ –> Zionists –> Satanists / Luciferians –> Central (International) Bankers
          There has always been primitive shamanic peoples who discovered the dark realm then had to develop their own type of exorcism for protection (very common in Africa and the Caribbean and often called “voodoo”), but there has never been a (((tribe))) that has milked so much out of the dark realm for such materialistic gain in our world. On the flip side, there has never been such an educated, serious and righteous group of exorcists such that the Catholic Church employed over a hundred years ago. And because the (((tribe))) is anything but stupid, they quickly recognized their strongest enemy and plotted their destruction. Unfortunately, the current Church is a pedophilic circus and barely even recognizable to what it was 2-,3-,400 years ago. True story.

        2. Good point. In fact, after reading the Talmud and many other “Judaic” texts (including the infamous “Protocols”), I wondered why so much vitriol was spewed in the direction of the Catholic Church. And after much researching I understood why…
          In short, years before the Church was infiltrated and homosexualized (100+ years ago), the level of research and investigation that was poured into the so-called “dark realm” (4th dimensional demonic entities) was enormous and of the highest academic quality. Reading about how the exorcism ritual evolved over the years is fascinating, and the accounts of the priests (exorcists) who performed them and fought the malevolent entities is quite scientific and often jaw dropping.
          So starting many of hundreds of years ago, these very well educated and trained Catholic priests not only identified an enormous problem within society (demonic possession and influence), but designed a very effective method of combating / defeating the problem — and eventually fine tuned the process into an exacting science. However, along the way they realized there was one obvious and powerful group within Europe that learned many centuries earlier how to evoke and make deals with these demonic entities — always involving spilled blood and deviant sexual rituals. This is what the Kabbalah is all about. This group has been called many names over the years, but the lineage is as follows:
          ? –> Edomites –> Pharisees –> Khazars –> Sabbateans –> Frankists –> Ashkenazi Jew$ –> Zionists –> Satanists / Luciferians –> Central (International) Bankers
          There has always been primitive shamanic peoples who discovered the dark realm then had to develop their own type of exorcism for protection (very common in Africa and the Caribbean and often called “voodoo”), but there has never been a (((tribe))) that has milked so much out of the dark realm for such materialistic gain in our world. On the flip side, there has never been such an educated, serious and righteous group of exorcists such that the Catholic Church employed over a hundred years ago. And because the (((tribe))) is anything but stupid, they quickly recognized their strongest enemy and plotted their destruction. Unfortunately, the current Church is a pedophilic circus and barely even recognizable to what it was 2-,3-,400 years ago. True story.

        3. Good point. In fact, after reading the Talmud and many other “Judaic” texts (including the infamous “Protocols”), I wondered why so much vitriol was spewed in the direction of the Catholic Church. And after much researching I understood why…
          In short, years before the Church was infiltrated and homosexualized (100+ years ago), the level of research and investigation that was poured into the so-called “dark realm” (4th dimensional demonic entities) was enormous and of the highest academic quality. Reading about how the exorcism ritual evolved over the years is fascinating, and the accounts of the priests (exorcists) who performed them and fought the malevolent entities is quite scientific and often jaw dropping.
          So starting many of hundreds of years ago, these very well educated and trained Catholic priests not only identified an enormous problem within society (demonic possession and influence), but designed a very effective method of combating / defeating the problem — and eventually fine tuned the process into an exacting science. However, along the way they realized there was one obvious and powerful group within Europe that learned many centuries earlier how to evoke and make deals with these demonic entities — always involving spilled blood and deviant sexual rituals. This is what the Kabbalah is all about. This group has been called many names over the years, but the lineage is as follows:
          ? –> Edomites –> Pharisees –> Khazars –> Sabbateans –> Frankists –> Ashkenazi Jew$ –> Zionists –> Satanists / Luciferians –> Central (International) Bankers
          There has always been primitive shamanic peoples who discovered the dark realm then had to develop their own type of exorcism for protection (very common in Africa and the Caribbean and often called “voodoo”), but there has never been a (((tribe))) that has milked so much out of the dark realm for such materialistic gain in our world. On the flip side, there has never been such an educated, serious and righteous group of exorcists such that the Catholic Church employed over a hundred years ago. And because the (((tribe))) is anything but stupid, they quickly recognized their strongest enemy and plotted their destruction. Unfortunately, the current Church is a pedophilic circus and barely even recognizable to what it was 2-,3-,400 years ago. True story.

    2. I wish this guy would have written the article instead. He understands the disease rather than just noticing the symptoms.

    3. I agree with almost all you say except the part about ingenuity. However, do you expect me to believe that Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, John Harrison (marine Chronometer), Karl Pearson, Henry Maudslay, Charles Darwin, George Boole, Francis Crick, Henry Cavendish, Edward Jenner, John Harington (the modern flushing toilet), Galton, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the internet, what you’re using right now), Sir Alexander Fleming (penicillin) were all part of the ‘Tribe’? Which is BS! To think that the UK would remain a little known agrarian society like it was in the 9th century without influence from the moneychangers is a hard one to swallow.
      Contact with lost literature from the Romans and Greeks (Antiquity) after the 3rd Crusade in the Holy Land helped Britons to later become pioneers in science, mathematics, and engineering. Africa and Africans, in general the past 600 years, have seen the Caravels, Galleons and later brigantines, clipper ships, steamships navigate their shoreline but they never dreamed of a sail, they’ve seen the 2-3 story homes the whites built but still live in stick or mudhuts, the first steam locomotives and later diesel but they go by foot or camel, the penicillin they use on the sick and dying but they use black magic that does nothing, the flushing toilets but they take a dump where they eat, the soap, the iron and reinforced steel bridges. If you gave the average man in Africa a billion dollars and tell him to help ‘Make Africa Great Again’, do you know what he would do with that billion? A private jet, 4 mansions, Land Rovers, Maseratis, Italian marble floors, and Bond Girls all over his swimming pool. So lets cut the crap now, will we?

  6. “80 percent of Anglo Australian men are closet gays”- My Christian Iranian former boss (a successful property developer)

    1. So what does that make all the SEA men who use bacha boys? Saints?

        1. No need to be triggered, but you sound like a f a gg o t as s c*nt. Like your little boys do you?

  7. Finally someone else said what I have been saying for the past year or so, these conversations are tired, boring, and repetitive. I won’t give the left credit, but their ability to repeat the same drivel over and over and over and over…is quite a feat. Those lunatics get as riled up over something Trump said last night, as they the day he was inaugurated, yet every time bat-shit crazy Maxine opens her mouth, I just roll my eyes and yawn. The question is, what tactic will be the victorious, repeating the same rhetoric 24/7, or giving it a rest and talking about something else?

    1. Every time batshit crazy Maxine opens her mouth, I am convinced that at least some humans ARE descended from apes.

  8. To understand the Anglo men’s tendency to act as White knights one has to study the Thing – the governing assembly of northern Germanic societies. The interesting part is that both free men and women were allowed to be members of this assembly and both had an equal voice in all sort of matters. But on top of that women were in full charge of all the wealth of the farm and the household. This is symbolized with the keys that they carried with her. As managers of the household, the women of the house had a lot of power. The reason being is that, men went on voyages as traders, explorers and warriors. Women stayed at home to take care of the household. While the men were on voyages, women also had to make decisions that normally were subject to male responsibilities.
    The Germanic women had a much stronger position than women elsewhere in Europe at this time and the Germanic people have a long tradition of including women in social structures, which could explain a lot about what is happening today.

    1. True, if I remember correctly Tacitus mentioned it already 2000 years ago.

    2. Best comment on the thread.
      Our instinctive treatment of women used to be a healthy thing and it was inculcated into our culture over hundreds if not thousands of years. To deride white men as ‘cucks’ because of how we reflexively treat women makes no sense.
      In Asia it has been important for millennia to treat your elders with extreme respect. If some bizarre cultural transformation occurred and grandparents started screwing over their grandkids, how hard would it be to turn that ship around and stop reflexively respecting and honoring them?
      Damn dude give us white guys some credit. The red pill is spreading fast and it’s getting faster. In less than a decade we’ve made some serious inroads into changing cultural patterns that have been in place for centuries.

  9. Is this where (((they))) destroy a society and then blame it on the local men. Granted, the local men do have to accept some fault for being duped.
    Either we find and expose the (((culprit))) or we continue victim blaming putting our heads in the sand with the apathetic cowardly
    “Sweden men deserve to die”
    “English men deserve to die”
    “German men deserve to die”
    “Insert (((multicultural))) (((feminized))) ((([email protected]))) etc country deserve to die”
    “Insert you”
    Eventually “insert world”

  10. The ridiculous, disgraceful physical and mental decay of Anglo men is a very recent phenomenon, I’d say something that truly reached escape velocity only in the last decade.
    I lived for more than 7 years of my life in the US, across the late 90s and the first part of the following decade, in some of the most important urban centers of the country.
    At the time political correctness had already run amok, God forbid you ever made an insensitive joke about women, minorities, fags etc.
    Still 2 things appeared markedly different from our current era: first of all racial hostility wasn’t at fever pitch yet, but that’s a topic for another day, second men still looked like men.
    Even downtown professional liberal jeunesse doree (pardon my lack of accents) types took a certain pride in being rugged, red-blooded, physically healthy American men. They all seemed to embrace and cherish gays, but none of them behaved like one, so to speak. Women seemed to love them that way.
    I actually often caught some flak because of my overdressed Eurotrashy demeanor (btw they were right, I was an embarassing young cretin at the time).
    I started my career as an energy derivatives trader and my workplace, far from being anything resembling The Wolf of Wall Street or Boiler Room, was still a reasonably masculine and no-nonsense environment.
    Fast-forward a decade and a half or so and now what I experience everytime I deal with American executives of Nordic stock is simply appalling.
    Shortish, at the same time pudgy and frail-looking specimens, more often than not talking with some of the most annoying lisps known to mankind and, most of all, absolutely incapable of expressing any relevant opinion, heck no actually any opinion at all.
    No to mention what I witness around Seoul: the offspring of once a proud Master Race reduced to scramble for a few low-paying ESL teacher jobs, pretty much a mix between a kids birthday party clown and a baby sitter…while, more often than not, being roughed up on Friday nights by that notorious bulwark of macho aggression also known as Korean youth, who gladly post videos of themselves “teaching some big-nose bastard a lesson” on Naver or Ilbe.

    1. @ Ajeoshi
      Just curious, are you working as a trader in Korea?
      If so, I imagine you must be fluent in the language.

      1. Not a trader anymore if you define trader as a guy at the prop desk of a sell-side institution.
        I started, with a few partners, a hedge fund group mostly doing foreign currency-funded leveraged bets on various CLO products across North East Asia… lots of Monte Carlo and Bayesian inference involved there. Most of our investors and most of the banks we work with are European, I’m basically the CIO and the guy in charge of supervising the risk management desk but most of all I was the one with the right equity raiser and banker contacts in Europe ;).
        You mentioned you are an IT consultant for WS firms, did you have by any chance among your clients the front and middle office of a foreign PE group a few years ago ? In that case we might have crossed our paths, I was the vaguely Eastern European looking dude with slightly longer than a buzzcut hair and a distinctively annoying R-soaked accent 🙂
        And yes my Korean is decent.

        1. @ Ajeoshi
          Congrats on starting your own firm! That’s awesome.
          I work mostly on Fixed Income applications. Vanilla stuff, front to back STP, messaging, external feeds, etc… I’ve been doing this for 31 years…perfectly fine with doing the same type of stuff every day as long as my check comes on Friday.

      1. It was sarcasm, but unfortunately comparing to your average Canadian ESL guy they’re almost Spetsnaz material.

        1. Hahaha! Must only be tough nuts in their own country cause in China they were pussies! During a term at a not unknown university to polish my Chinese skills had the only attractive girls, a Spanish and Kgirl competing to sit next to me in class- much to the chagrin of the 10 or so Korean herbivores who orbited her. Made sure to lead her through the common room/ coffee area where they hung out on the way to her tiny dorm room to bang her out. I marched her through that common room a fair few times as it happens.
          In Shenzhen clubs I would regularly snatch kgirls from under the bastards noses. Drink their whiskey and eat their kimchi and spicy cucumber, I reckon I still have one of their VIP cards I ‘borrowed’ in a drawer somewhere.

        1. Not exactly true, there are over 2 million regular immigrants in Korea plus an unknown number of illegals. It’s true the largest groups of foreigners are ethnic Chinese and Joseon Jok (which are notorious for their criminal tendencies btw), hardcore third-worlders though are not an uncommon sight: Viets, Uzbeks, Pakis, Bengalis, Indians, Pinoys even Nigerians…you name it, we have it here.
          On top of that it’s estimated that approx. 1 out of 6 newborns have a foreign mother, generally of South East Asian descent.
          Give it a bit of time and this country too will turn into one big banlieu… ain’t life grand ?

        2. Ajeoshi
          If that is true, South Korea has changed dramatically in the last few years…

      2. Cuckslayer…. Lay off Korean men… Yes many Korean men are really macho!!! Maybe not as many on the average as white caucasians…. but they are easy allies for us… Don’t hurt your allies….
        Some men of all types of men make great warriors. Certainly Koreans!!!! Look at there history – they know how to do battle buddy….
        You went down a notch in my books Cuckslayer…

  11. I am willing to bet that CUCK SHAMING WILL WORK!!! Maybe….id like to think MEN deep down inside have some self respect and dignity enough to say enough is enough and crush this gynocentric world, and take back their natural place….but that requires work, courage and conviction, and quite frankly, beyond keyboard “warriors”(FFS, that’s a first world delusion (sic)) I doubt they have it in them (aside maybe one or two posters I have read on here I get the sincerity that they KNOW from military service what that all means, much less the value of trusted brotherhood born of adversity and fire and suffering). I look forward to the collapse of society and the chaos afterward because it will be the ONLY environment that will FORCE a return to normal if men wont fight for it now before it gets that bad. Frankly the simping and white knighting and cuckery that happens now unpunished, is embarrassing and sickening. You down voting f a gg o ts, get your shots in with your butt hurt. I aimed to trigger your stupid traitorous asses.

  12. Or you can just lay back and enjoy last years of good life until all hell break lose. There is no way back, line is crossed. And like in the past, chaos will fix everything, for the slap of reality is near.

  13. Click bait, divisive article.
    Good writing, as you essentially said you would not say what others have said, then proceeded to say it. Well done.
    But white men know what our problems are, and these teens blaming Hebrews are laughable. Who sold our heritage away?
    Who gave them power?
    Even better, who cares?
    It’s beven before, it’ll be again. Because really…who protects the tribe? And who creates wealth? And who has proven their worth all over the world?
    America is #1 Mr. Yellow, class of its own.
    You’re welcome.

    1. If you actually research into any of those questions you will find an (((individual))) or (((group))) behind it.

    2. In another topic, Sasquatch jumped my sh*t about not holding the (((ones))) responsible for their manipulations and see them get their justly earned punishment….Its blatantly obvious your ilk will deserve whatever horrible scourge, it when it comes with collapse.

      1. Deplorable
        If shit went down like you hope you will be hiding in the corner surrendering to your fate like you have with women. Unless you are some former Yugoslav survivor or escaped an African genocide you’re most likely not as prepared as you think. Your situation and tough guy act is probably not going to be as easy as you imagine typing it out on the internet if such a hell broke loose.

        1. Deplorable revenge/punishment is probably justifiable for what they have done to us but inflicting a horrible scourge in return should not be our motivation here. Leave the psychopathic actions to them and what they indoctrinate their kind with against us. If we are to have a world worth saving it won’t be acting like them.
          Every time a troll/hasbara or idiot writes “gas da joos” or some sh1t on the internet all the holohoax lies and whatnot suddenly become real and you militarize the common j or white guilt fool.

        2. Which is it, Sasquatch? Make up your mind. You can’t have it both ways (between your posts here and on the other topic…..) You flipped sh** on me on the other topic because I said it was pointless to blame the right parties for what has happened because the damage is ALREADY DONE and cannot be fixed. Then you flip script on me again here…I’m all for the collapse and hard reset and the guilty punished. It has its risks and I am good with that. my eyes are on the target beyond the necessary house cleaning conflict for the sake of my kids future. Yeah it will suck between here and there. If it is important enough to live for then it is important enough to risk dying for if your convictions are TRUE.

      2. SO which is it Sas? Hold the responsible and revenge or not. You cant have it both ways. When they parade their smears and arrogance on the moron goyim and relish in their disgusting humiliation of non juis, and then the morons still ally themselves to the “chosen”(sic) for some sick cucked masochistic reason, what is the answer?

        1. The other day you were writing the left are [email protected] and the alt right are [email protected] Now you’re telling us the ju’s are to be scourged. Who’s flipping man Or you’re just getting trapped in (((their))) script.
          Anyway if you’re legit and starting to awake all the best to you. It’s going to be a long fight.

  14. First off don’t use Jews in your examples lol
    It took 60 years of indocternation, chemicals, glysophate, altrazan, and 4 major wars to kill off enough alphas to get it to this point.

  15. Even though women in general are annoying and bitchy, you can’t deny the fact that it is the simps that put them in power. Most men act like gullible suckers when they are around the presence of a female.

  16. American women we’re first given the right to vote in the US by the state of Wyoming in an attempt to attract women to settle there. The idea if giving women rights in hopes to gain sex from it is an old one.

  17. “Get angry, God damn it. ”
    I’ve been saying this all along. Anger is a great of thing, not a bad thing. That’s why they try to fill our enemies with anger, while at the same time mocking us as “angry white males” in an effort to steer us away from anger.
    However… We are still just talking on the internet…just like the cucks.

  18. You should see how cucked it is here in Singapore. Trust me, it ain’t just those anglos!

  19. The problem here is that most Americans (men and women) are so ignorant – and have their heads *so* far up their asses – that you have no chance in hell of even remotely changing their minds or points of view.

    1. So true T-Rex. If you are sufficiently red pilled you will be alone even among family and so called friends.

    1. That’s race realism for you, thank you very much. No race is above reproach because every race is plagued by their own specific shortcomings.
      And DNA is changing and evolving everyday, if you are the Master Race today, that doesn’t imply you’re still gonna be like that tomorrow.
      It doesn’t matter if you rule the world, as the world needs to be re-conquered everyday.
      Do we mention that an abnormal number of Bantus are violent and stupid ? YES
      Do we mention that an abnormal percentage of Ju s are sociopaths ? YES
      Do we mention that Latin American Mestizos display a very high level of corruption and criminality ? YES
      So why Nordics should be exempt from criticism ?

      1. Because the shortcomings of Nordics are not nearly as dangerous to society as the traits of the other groups you mentioned.

  20. Reading a lot of books and articles about how to get women = putting women on a pedestal = cuck. (*cough RooshVforum)
    I am not saying you should quit women, but don’t be obsessed about gaming.

    1. Exactly !!! while smashing lots of pussy can be satisfying,you are ultimately addicted and a slave to any drug
      I think and home roosh knows this and i suspect he does after his article about opposing something making it apart of you(kind of similar but vise versa) I suspecy he read about it in osho’s book too.

  21. PS
    Hey Subetei, what about Shinzo Abe ? As cucked as it gets with his muh female workforce obsession and his opening, for the first time since the rise of the Yayoi era, of Japan to foreign immigration.
    South Korea’s Moon Jae In ? Arrgh he’s so cucked he could pass for a Eurotrash Social Democrat.
    What about the current sorry state of Taiwan ? They have abortion and divorce on demand there and they even had a tranny minister ffs
    Even Lee Hsien Loong is not half the man his father was…
    Must be a high IQ thing.

    1. Exactly, like I said not just them anglos, a shocking amount of us Asians are turning left. Singaporean youth are being corrupted fast, you see sjws infiltrating campus here, diversity being pushed in the defence force etc etc.

  22. The author is yelling into a vacuum. This dumpster fire called The West will have to burn to the ground completely to ever see real change. The hard part is coming to grips with that reality. It’s not easy.

  23. Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women. Care for no one but yourself.

  24. Brilliant article. Love some hard hitting home truths !!!
    Won’t be popular but the truth never is.
    Well done. It was fucking needed. People need to stop hearing what they want and that its not all their fault. And them fucking intellectuals while often spot on really do fuck all except talk. The curse of being an intellectual.

  25. There was a photo of Putin attached to the article. So does the author really think Putin,s Russia is really a counter-example to the “Anglo-cuckery”?
    In Putin’s Russia among the native Russians birthrates are lower and divorce rates are higher than anywhere in the West. (ROK’s beloved Natashas, Svetlanas and Olgas are apparently not as “loyal, feminine and traditional” as many on ROK want to believe)Also, shockingly high percentage of Russian men die in their 40 s of cancer, alcohol-related health problems and other health issues that do not effect Western men in their 40s that much. The rates of suicide among Russian men are also high.
    It won’t come as a surprise that you are guaranteed to meet single Russian male immigrants int he West who would tell you: they would never marry a Russian woman. (Nearly all of them marry foreign women)
    Plus: Russia have received more immigrants in the last 15-20 years than nay other country (mostly from the countries of the former Soviet Union).
    It is not only Anglo men who are in difficult position…

    1. RoK hates white Western women so much that there are zero articles on how to find the rare good ones and mate with them in an attempt to revive the once great Weatern Civ. RoK is too busy telling us to find some hot brown girls instead. I supposed RoK would be happy to see zero white people exising in a hundred years.

  26. “Anglo fathers would rather accept the destruction of civilisation than swallow the discomfort of seeing their daughters not have their princess demands met.”
    All of the west’s problems summed up in one sentence.

  27. Why the Putin/Russia worship? The majority of Russian men under 40 are addicted to heroin. What’s there to revere about that?

  28. The author rightfully identifies the ruminating repetition seen in the ‘sphere, the search for causes and effects – always identifying symptoms ad-nauseum. BUT then turns around and tries to identify a “root cause” and the tired, worn-out solution to ‘man up”, get angry and “shame those cucks”.
    It won’t work.
    It’s another form of “if men just did x, y, z…..”
    Shaming will work to some degree but not full-scale, because enforcement requires a cartel, and there are plenty of men who will break the cartel, and stab their brothers in the back at a chance to secure quality young poon (fertile whamens).
    Some in the ‘sphere, including Heartiste are starting to finally get at what the “root case” actually is: (hint: it ain’t ‘Da Jooze’)
    It’s the overabundance of fertile (16-60) males to females(16-30) resulting in fierce competition and other male strategies to secure the pootenanny.
    “…root cause of all of this is the Western male’s pathological deference to women…”
    This is not the root cause but the natural consequence of the root cause. Every manifestation of unrestricted hypergamy has lead to men deferring to the insane and unreasonable demands of feminism. The whamens are simply driving evolution – they aren’t thinking about any of this, though they do rationalize the insanity like a mo’ fo’; it’s all hind-brain/lizard-brain.
    Full-scale masculinity won’t happen until the competition among men is reduced – in other words, the end of incentives for significant numbers of men to embrace cucking, white knighting by cops and judges penalizing men, and betas sucking up for scraps.
    For this to happen, many tens or even hundreds of millions of men will have to perish, and as we’ve seen, one of the hypergamous strategies is to precipitate this genocide.: By pushing for open swarth invasions.
    One final thing: When people try to inflame your passions, you need to take a step back and question their motives. In nearly every case you are being manipulated to do someone else’s bidding. This applies here to the “Jooze” haters, and the call to get angry and shame those cucks.

  29. Great article!!!! I know eh… what’s with these Anglo cucks?…. and Anglo women shame and abuse there men have zero appreciation for there provisions…
    Liberal brainwashing in school media are partly to blame…. and maybe genetic chivalry… but the bottom line these Anglo cucks need to see through all the Liberal bullshit (promulgated by basically Anglo women wet dreams)… and realize women have different motives wired brain’s etc.. and to STOP THINKING ANGLO WOMEN ARE ANYTHING SPECIAL… they are in fact perverted scumbags with no honour…
    Wake up Anglo cucks!!!! Your women betrayed you, are presently betraying you, and have future plans of betraying you further… Anglo women have perverted sexual fetishes, and buttress them up with liberal lies…
    Women means ‘wo to man’?…

  30. Think to a great extent, that women’s sufferage per se did not have a great effect. At the time, most women (and men for that matter) were married. The man voted but in a world of enforced monogamy where she could make life rather complicated for you if she took an interest in politics and you had some severe disagreement, some compromises were in order.
    It is single women and entitled shrews that would not have the same political sensibilities of their husbands (if any). It is also visible minority women. Single women, minority women and particularly minority single women are the villains in this story.
    Democrats seem to enjoy a 10%+ premium among women voters, but that does not tell the whole story. They enjoy an 80%+ premium among black voters. Married white women still tend to vote Republican.
    Who are the cucks here: the white guys who largely favour conservatism and Republicans (being the lesser evil of sorts) or the black dudes who overwhelmingly vote Democuck?
    Cripes. In a place like Toronto, white men are less than 30% of the electorate. And if “anglo” excludes French, Italian, and perhaps Arabs (who are technically caucasian) even if voting as a block, “anglo men” could have no significant impact on the outcome of any election.
    Do you really think it was (straight) anglo men who elected Baby Trudeau? Or John Tory? Even Doug Ford could not get elected without women and minorities getting pissed at the complete ineptitude of the Wynne government.
    My internet connection sucks but previously I found that married white women favour Republican candidates. I may be mildly racialist but I am not a racist. Married white women have different social upbringings, moral compasses and therefore political attitudes that incline them to support more traditional and conservative candidates.
    It’s not so much that (anglo) men have been “cucked”, in the more expansive and pejorative sense of the term but that traditional middle class values are falling apart.
    This is not a specifically political phenomenon but really, 90% of Dems are cucks while the GOP is maybe holding out at 50/50.
    As the saying goes, culture is upstream from politics so really what happened is that well-thinking men otherwise gave in a few decades ago.
    It’s an uphill battle given the social and legal climate where at least 70 of divorces are initiated by women (anecdotally, another 20% involve the guy being goaded by the women into actually filing the papers) and some 80% of contested custody cases are won by the mothers.
    So in a third a married couples, the father gets shut out, and while I don’t have numbers handy, I suspect it is significantly higher among unmarried couples.
    I am about as “anglo” as one might seem, but it is a bit more complicated than that given my Scottish and possibly Irish heritage that I have not fully explored and documented.
    Still, I am not cucked as in “giving in to the feminine imperitive”. I certainly was not well liked at my left coast law school. I married late (in my 50s) to a nice Catholic Filipina living and working in China as I did – for a job, not to chase pussy.
    My career path is to stay in China for another 5+ years which has the incidental effect of not corrupting my Asian bride. I guess I will have to take my chances after that.

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