4 Foods That Are Destroying Your Manhood

There are many reasons for the generational decline in testosterone as we face it today – porn addiction, xenoestrogens, and a sedentary lifestyle are just some of the many. But the one thing that is responsible more than all of these other factors combined is our dietary habits.

Our food culture has changed more in the last 100 years than it had in the previous 100,000 years. The reason? Large-scale industrial food processing. The industrialization of food introduced us to 4 foods in particular that are starving your brain, expanding your waistline, and wreaking havoc on your testosterone.

1. Refined Sugar

In 1822, the average American consumed about 40 grams of sugar every 5-days – equivalent to the amount in a 12-ounce can of coke. Today, the average American consumes that much sugar every 7-hours (1).

Over the course of the past two hundred years, we’ve increased our sugar intake by 3,000 percent. This is the single biggest change to the human diet since the invention of fire.

– Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey, authors of The Happiness Diet

The problem with consuming refined sugar is that it instantly enters your bloodstream and spikes your blood glucose levels way up. Your body responds to this by releasing insulin to help deposit the glucose because excess amounts of it are extremely toxic – as any diabetic can tell you. Insulin does such an efficient job at removing the glucose molecules, that blood glucose levels immediately come crashing down – only to have you craving more sugary foods.

These crazy fluctuations in blood sugar lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity, which means that more and more insulin becomes required to do the same amount of work. Lower insulin sensitivity leads to a significant decrease in both testosterone and growth hormone levels (2, 3). Over the long term, it can even lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.

So yeah, kick your sugar habit. Tame your sweet tooth with some fruit or dark chocolate.

2. Refined Grains

We did not have refined grains before the industrial revolution. We had grains, yes, but they were all stone-ground, which means that we were unable to separate the germ from the kernel. After the industrial revolution, we began to press grains with iron rollers to remove the germ from the kernel. Why did we do this? Because although the germ and kernel packed the grains full of fiber and nutrients, they are also what caused the flour to spoil faster. By removing the germ from the kernel, grains developed a longer shelf-life and were able to be transported far and wide without spoiling.

But here’s the thing about refined grains – your body responds to them the same way it does to refined sugar – sometimes worse, actually. The Glycemic Index (GI) – a figure that represents how much a particular food spikes blood glucose – tells us that white bread spikes insulin even more than a tablespoon of sugar. Furthermore, grains also reduce your body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D – a critical component in testosterone production.

What to do? Switch out all refined carbs—white bread, bagels, white rice, pasta, etc.—for complex carbs like legumes, starchy vegetables, and brown rice.

3. Vegetable and Seed Oils

Just because vegetable oils have the word “vegetable” in them doesn’t mean that they’re healthy. All vegetable oils—canola, safflower, sunflower, soybean, etc.—are manufactured in an industrial factory through which plant sources are refined and heavily processed. Before the industrial revolution, none of these oils existed in our diet. Today, the average American gets 20% of his calories from soybean oil alone (4). And soy, as you already know, exerts its own share of feminizing effects.

The problem with vegetable and seed oils is that they contain an omega-3 to omega-6 ratio that’s completely out of whack. Omega-3’s are anti-inflammatory fatty acids. Omega-6’s are inflammatory fatty acids. Your body requires both to maintain optimal function,  but the ratio in vegetable/seed oils is something like 16:1 in the favor of omega-6’s (5). The result? Chronic inflammation.

Inflammation not only lowers your testosterone (6), but it also leaves you at an increased risk of developing a myriad of other health issues as well—heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and depression to name a few (7).

Toss out all of the vegetable and seed oils in your pantry and replace them with male-friendly alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, grass-fed butter, and avocado oil.

4. Factory Farmed Meats

Animals brought into a factory farmed environment are introduced to an unnatural diet (animals that are used to eating grass are being fed grains and GMO’ed corn), growth hormones (to get them to grow as fast as possible), and antibiotics (because they are getting sick from an unnatural diet and growing too quickly).

The only study I was able to find on this topic observed how a man’s sperm quality was affected by his mother’s meat consumption during pregnancy. In sons of “high-beef consumers” (mothers who ate more than 7 beef meals per week), sperm concentrations were 24.7% lower than in men who’s mothers ate less beef (8). There was no further research I was able to find on how the consumption of factory farmed meat affects a man’s hormones, but an important point to understand is that most of the research performed in this area is sponsored by the food industry giants themselves.

If you want to be an experiment of the FDA, go ahead and keep eating factory farmed meat. Otherwise, opt for organic and grass-fed.


When it comes to naturally increasing your testosterone levels, what you don’t eat might be even more important than what you do eat. There are a bunch of other foods you should avoid as well—soy, flaxseed, and alcohol to name a few—but the above 4 form the bulk of our nutritional intake.

If you’re a man of purpose that wants to function near his peak potential, definitely avoid these 4 foods. Doing so will have profound effects on your energy, mental clarity, as well as your ability to enter your true power.

Interested in natural testosterone optimization? Let’s get on a call to figure out where you’re at, where you’ve been, where you want to be, and then determine whether I can help you get there. Schedule your free appointment here.

Read More: 3 Deadly Mistakes That Are Killing Your Testosterone Levels

72 thoughts on “4 Foods That Are Destroying Your Manhood”

    1. I don’t actually agree with any of this. 100 years ago most people were malnourished, and many children were stunted by lack of food. Today we live in a land of plenty and most of us live healthier and longer lives due to that. Lots of people want to write about how bad things are, but in reality, we are living in the best of all times with plentiful food, nice homes and an abundance of entertainment.
      Most royalty of 200 years in the past would swap lives with any of us in an instant.

      1. People were malnourished due to lack, not quslity of food. Lifespan was shorter due to childbirth mortaliyy, dangerous jobs, and poor medical care, not diet. We may be living longer, but with more vhronic diseases

      2. Fn A, John
        Use your head. We have an obesity epidemic in this nation.
        Diabetes, High Blood pressure et al. And its ALL food related.
        I see it everyday, working with Boomers. Their list of meds is in a show box. Dozens.
        Healing is from the Inside/Out. Not treating the symptom. You become What You Eat! Garbage in= Garbage out.
        Food can cure. Our bodies are designed that way. Monsanto grown grain and modern food is poison.

        1. You’re absolutely _sure_ it has nothing to do with these Boomers being, like, just _old_?
          I mean we’re all going to _die_. And we’re going to die of _something_. Likely heart disease or stroke, maybe cancer…the body just falls apart at some point no matter _what_ you feed it or how often you exercise it.

      3. nonsense
        as RW stated.
        obesity, diabetes, etc…
        I motly live in affluent areas -so they are fit looking, but, when I look around other parts of America – is so shocking and repulsive…rolly-poly fat people…
        Same In England, adn Australia I would imagine…
        Not in SE Asia…
        the “average” includes death at birth – which was common. doesn’t mean most people died at 40…
        Taleb – the smartest guy in the room – was talking about that yesterday…

        1. “the “average” includes death at birth – which was common.”
          And now we kill them in the womb before birth, and pretend they never were.
          It would be interesting to see current stats including aborted babies, apparently, America aborts 40% of its potential population.

      4. Complete non sequitur. The author was talking about avoiding processed foods, not the pros and cons of living in an R-Selected society vs a K-Selected one.
        What is it with you male spinsters and romanticizing degeneracy?

      5. Dodds,
        Having studies agronomy, your statement is way off. Have you noticed the horrid increase in deadly food allergies, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and other problems?
        The soil is becoming depleted. Therefore the food lacks the nutrients.
        Groundwater is being drained in large parts of the country. When it reaches critical, we could end up with a Dust Bowl that makes the previous one look like a puff of house dust.
        GMOs are already suspected of having dangerous effects.
        Pesticides and herbicides, at least their unrestrained use, are causing problems.
        We are living on borrowed time here, what we are doing now simply cannot be sustained.

  1. sugar
    anything packaged.
    alcohol -beer mostly.
    consuming MSM – CNN -sports ball.
    what’s left:
    meat, vegetables, fruit, trail-mix…water- water -water…
    and all of the previous in moderation…
    However!!!! water in plastic, hormones and other crap in meat? – shit man – impossible to keep up with…but be good to do it better??? how in the big cities… and how do you know?

    1. forgot GYM – weight lifting – not so much running (IMO)…
      I was making 6/min mile off the bike in triathlons at 220LBS into my 40s…
      I don’t think it is necessary, or good for you…
      Gym -so easy a caveman could do it – look better..T++

      1. Just read about Drew Calver, an teacher and swim coach at Austin High as Back in 2017, he’d recently completed a triathlon…all that healthhy eating and training didn’t save him from a heart attack.

    2. Sugars and all carbohydrates which digest to sugars can cause progressive AGE damage, and much less efficient, dirty energy production than from short chain fats (Keto), including via resistant starch. As we age the NAD+ production/recycling enzyme declines fast, so trying to get energy from sugars becomes ever more stupid!
      Butter fat is great because it contains short chain fats and nutrients, Whey isolate is can be useful too, but best avoid/minimise any dairy containing Lactose or Casein.
      Alcohol is actually beneficial when consumed in _small_ quantities daily, provided it is low in carbs and not an Oestrogen source like Wine, Beer or any hops based alcohol; dry spirits are probably best.
      Ruminant Meat must be 100% pastured or it’s unhealthy. Fowl not fed their natural diet are unhealthy e.g. Chickens not fed their natural insectivore diet, or water fowl fed grain. All sea food must be wild or it’s unhealthy.
      A variety of fibre, protein and nutrient rich green/coloured vegetation should be consumed.
      Fruit should be treated as a rationed seasonal luxury and not a BS-per-day staple, because it is often full of unhealthy sugars; that includes Nightshades, which can also contain harmful Lectins, especially in the skins.
      Trail-mix and other snack mixes can contain bad stuff, like sugary dried fruit or fake nuts, so best avoided.
      Bin anything containing Teflon or Microban, only use the most food safe plastics for food storage, and prefer Steel, ceramic, or glass food/drink containers/cookware; that includes water filters and portable food/drink containers.

    1. true.
      But, soy is a grain – probably – covered.
      and mostly in packaged crap — covered.

    2. Soy is in everything it seems.
      Also most cows are grass fed, it’s when they’re transported to the feed lot and “finished” on corn and soy. Those cuts of meat are packed with soy-stay the hell away.
      Make sure your beef says grass finished.

  2. Huwhite boys be killing their masculinity!
    They ain’t got no direction!
    Did yall see this anti white comedy brilliance?


    1. this is true.
      and happening for decades.
      intention seems to be pitting:
      blacks against whites.
      Muslims against Christians.
      women against men.
      Many are waking up to the redpill – probably not enough.
      However, good to see that blacks do not “culturally appropriate” the modern belt (to hold up their pants), and cannot run away from the cops.
      And the European concept of aiming…
      Good luck

        1. No all white meat u mad ?
          white cops have fat redneck heffers who go to chucky cheese too much
          Latin men have lovely Mamacitas
          Asian men have lovely slim women

        2. And let’s not forget that yellow fever that white guys have about Asian women but want to talk about other’s marrying outside their race. I’m sure this has not been lost on the Boys of Beijing.

    2. Negro please. Stop appropriating my language, culture, and my country.
      Repatriation is our goal and we will help you back to your motherland. We only want you to live free from the awful oppression and racism in our country.
      In your homeland you will be surround by blacks exclusively. There you will learn about tribalism like you’ve never learned before.
      I say you should all go to Liberia. Think of the opportunities for people with 85 IQs to lord over the 70IQ natives.
      You can be a Kang again!

      1. Gavin, forget not the constant warring of the Euros amongst themselves for millennia:
        100 years war,
        Spanish inquisition
        French/British/Spanish conflicts in the “New World”
        The IRA vs. the Crown in the UK
        Bath separatist of Spain;
        Turks killing Armenians
        No “negroes” responsible for the millions slaughtered from the aforementioned ALL in the ancestral lands of Caucasians.

    1. We are built for fruit. We can also eat many things, but we thrive on fruit. For humans fruit is life. We’re Primates after all.

      1. Primates don’t need to eat fish not hold their breath under water.
        Think about it, chimp!

  3. I eat and drink what I want, when I want it. Always have. I’m short, built like a caveman and do workouts that would choke a plow horse. I don’t believe the accepted myths about what is killing us. In fact I think if you really want to live a long and healthy life then you should pick your ancestors. In the meantime in good times and bad, and I’ve had a lot of bad, I do my best to enjoy life to the fullest. That includes food. I love to cook and love to eat. I’m going to continue to do that until I take my last breath. I am a carnivore to the max but will concede that I do my best to eat meat untainted by growth hormones. I would spend summers at my grandparent’s farm as a kid. I know what good food tastes like. I am somewhat picky but don’t shy away from sugar, butter, fat, oils and high proof rum and bourbon. I’ll make a toast to you guys later today.

    1. You are a Primate, not a Carnivore. Carnivores don’t eat dairy, btw, and most of them, if lucky, eat meat once a week.

      1. There are 3 types of animals. Carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore. Many primates are herbivores but human beings are omnivores. So I really don’t think you know what you are talking about.

  4. The secret is to keep you caloric daily intake to abut 1400-1500 if you engage in moderate physical activity. If you do this, just by way of following the routine, you are going to avoid most foods that are “bad for you”. Also strive to keep your meat intake down to about 4-5 oz. a day. Your body needs meat but it doesn’t need a giant 16 oz patty dripping with toppings. A chicken breast or filet for dinner ought to do you fine. Supplement the rest with fresh vegetables and fruits.
    At first you will be hungry as your body adjusts, but in about 4-6 months it will adjust and you will start to feel great. You will also see that aging is slowing, especially if you are in your mid to late 40’s. I’ve met guys in their 60s who have been doing low cal diets for decades and they all look at least 10 years younger.

    1. That’s a good diet…. If you’re a girl. I mean if you consume only 1500 calories during moderate physical activity, you will become very skinny unless you are like 4 foot 10 in height which would be very small for a man. What you need to do is to start a good strength training program and eat a 10-20% caloric surplus, that is what I do and it works really well, I can eat a huge bowl of oatmeal with (100g of dry oats), 2 bananas, and drink a smoothie on the side, then, at lunch, I can eat a big plate of pasta (500g of cooked pasta) with 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil with a lot of tomato sauce, then at dinner I can eat 2 big portions of any meat or fish of my choice. The total comes out at about 2600-2800 calories depending on what I ate, and I will eat more as I gain more and more muscle. What men don’t realize is that they shouldn’t eat like women, unless they want to have the body of a woman, is that what you want? To resemble a woman? Because that is what will happen if you starve yourself while doing exercise. What all men should do is strength training on a good program like starting strength or Stronglifts 5×5, those programs are free, and the only thing that will cost you money is your food and your gym membership and you can get a lot of calories for cheap if you have financial problems. The reasons why men should gain muscle are too many to write all in one post but they include: increased aesthetics, better endurance, better strength, higher appetite, ability to eat much more than the average person while still maintaining a healthy and good look. I mean natural bodybuilders can eat a lot of food, while maintaining a great looking body and not suffering any bad health consequences, this is why gaining muscle is crucial, because you never have to restrict yourself on starvation diets and you can just eat freely while getting stronger and looking better than you ever did in your life. But the reason why people don’t do this is because of misinformation, people believe that weightlifting is only for looks, they believe that they need to get shredded to look good, they don’t understand that 15-20% body fat is the sweet spot for natural weightlifters. If the average person knew what I know, they would get a gym membership and hop on starting strength or stronglifts 5×5 and get as strong as possible so they can feel better in their body, look better and be more free with their nutrition.

      1. After eating that way for over 40 years, 3,000 calories/day, ~200 grams of protein, I just got tired of all that eating and for close to a year, I’ve been under 1,000 calories/day.
        I’ve lost some muscle mass but I feel great. Sleep much better. I can’t hit my PRs anymore but I’m 66, so what? I still hit the gym for an intense hour a day and some swimming here & there-mountain biking when I get the chance.
        The 4 items the author listed I don’t touch and haven’t most of my life.
        The idea is is to die as young as possible as old as you can. Eating less and right is the way that works for me.

  5. Sugar is a “helluva” drug. I do not consume refined grains. I do some frying in peanut oil mixed with canola oil. I eat lots of meat and buy whatever is on sale.

    1. The American Diet isn’t about what is being eaten, but HOW it is being consumed. If you go to McBurger and eat two huge cheesburgers, slurp down a bucket of soda, and dump a large fry down your gullet of course the results are not going to be good.
      But, I went to lunch today with a few colleagues. I got a small burger and a side salad (total calorie count around 450). Everyone else got a “meal deal” with add-ons. No wonder they are 25+ pounds heavier then me easily and complain endlessly they don’t have energy to hit the gym after work.
      For dinner tonight, I have some fresh veggies I picked up at the local farmers market and a small chicken breast (probably about 5 oz) that has been marinading in a spice rub overnight. Will probably top that off with one glass of wine and small piece of dark chocolate.
      Together with my lunch, two eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast, one black coffee, and this dinner I will weight in at around 1300 calories for the day. Probably more then enough seeing today is one of my “off” days for the gym.
      It all works out to calories in the end or at least that is about 90% of it.

      1. This morning I had a cup of tea (no milk), will go for a 25Km cycle ride with a pal before eating. Probably my first food will be a spaghetti bolognese (chilli varient) for lunch as I already have some cooked pork mince in the fridge. I would have had a slice of toast, but I haven’t loaded up the breadmaker yet.
        I really love my breadmaker, thanks for the idea Roosh!

      2. Calories are useful tools of measuring energy but that’s it. I know plenty of people who go on a low calorie plan and still gain weight and get sicker then they were before. I could hit the gym and lose weight while consuming 2500 hundred cal’s of chicken, greens and Quinoa/brown rice. I could do the same program and gain weight if I consumed 2300 cals of ice cream, beer and pizza every day. It’s all about what your eating. Quality is everything.

  6. Well written article man, I eat bread every day but that’s probably my only bad thing. Eggs, smoked free range meat and self caught salmon or trout. Life can be so simple if you let it

  7. Good article, but why avoid flaxseed? It’s one of the few foods that contain Omega3 Fatty Acids. The others being salmon, sardines & walnuts. In his book, “Eating Well for Optimum Health”, Dr. Andrew Weil advises having two tablespoons of ground flaxseed ( it has to be ground) with your breakfast.

  8. What would you suggest to some one with a very high metabolism and not alot of money to eat, in order to be healthy? Most healthy foods arent exactly cheap, or dense in calories either.

    1. Dude don’t listen to return of kings if you want good nutrition advice, manosphere blogs are never good when it comes to nutrition as their articles are never based on research, and while the things they talk about in general are not based on studies, they don’t really need to be, but for nutrition you can’t reinvent the wheel. The best advice I can give you is to check out AlphaDestiny on youtube, he is really good when it comes to nutrition, his advice have given me great results, I used to be a skinny guy myself and now I’m getting better and better thanks to his advice. What I also need to mention is that unless you are a teenager or you’ve been diagnosed by a doctor, you don’t have a fast metabolism, the vast majority of skinny guys don’t have a fast metabolism, you believe you have one because you don’t eat enough, if you actually tracked your calories on myfitnesspal you would see this to be true, most skinny guys overestimate how much they really eat. If you do this, you will be amazed by how much you’ve been starving yourself all this time. And it’s easy to bulk, even when you’re poor, all you need is pasta, oats, bananas, lentils, Extra Virgin olive oil (good one in a glass bottle, the best brand is California Ranch, but if you can’t get that, you can get Terra De Lyssa at costco, I think California Ranch is only available in the USA. Real Olive oil is expensive but it’s worth it because it actually tastes very good and you can add it easily to your meals to add calories, one tablespoon is 100-120 calories so it really adds up. I normally put 3 tablespoons in my pasta and it’s really good, you can mix it with your tomato sauce or just put olive oil on your pasta and the taste is amazing. Also, if you ever want to gain weight, it will have to be muscle, if you want it to enhance your look and how you feel, and the best strength training programs for that are starting strength by Mark Rippetoe, and Stronglifts 5×5. Those are the two best strength training programs, and you only need to pick one of these two and if you follow it exactly how it is written and you use proper exercise form, you will gain more strength in your first year of training than for the rest of your life, and it will add 20 pounds of muscle to your frame which will make you look great. So, remember to go to youtube and check out AlphaDestiny’s channel, he is often criticized and mocked by trolls because of his unconventional training approach, and he does very bad and dumb exercises, in the past he gave good training advice though, and if you can avoid his yoke (neck and traps) stuff, you can get some good information from his channel, he also made a lot of great guides for skinny guys. If you want to increase your appetite, you need to eat more, this is what most people will tell you, but what they never say, and what is the best way to gain weight easily, is to eat fast, people will look at you funny but it shouldn’t matter to you because already you are doing something that goes against what the average person is doing and eating more than the average person. Eating fast and frequently will increase your appetite, which will make gaining weight very easy, especially if you are doing some heavy weightlifting. But don’t forget that if you don’t train for strength and just sit all the time or you train but with light weights, you will gain mostly fat, and not gain any size, to gain size you have to gain strength as a natural lifter. I have just given you the best nutritional and training advice, if you just follow this and use youtube to find out proper exercise form, you will make better results in one year than what the average person does in 10 years of lifting. You will also become the strongest guy in your gym if you go to a cheap gym. Also, when you pick your gym, avoid planet fitness, it is literally the worst, you cannot lift heavy or they will buzz you and kick you out. If there is a gold’s gym near you, pick that, or if you have a powerlifting gym near you that would be even better, near me all I have is a cheap 120$/year gym where the average gym bro can only bench press 135 pounds, and uses terrible form while not even pausing at the bottom.

    2. Eat less, higher quality food.
      Calories are just a unit of heat that is generated by the body in the consumption of food. It has nothing to do with nutrition, food quality, or satiation.

  9. Once again, Return Of Kings writers prove us they know nothing about nutrition. Guys you give good advice on women most of the time and I admire this website for this, for calling out modern women and calling out this society, but you are giving bad nutritional advice, most of your nutrition articles talk about myths, pasta is recognized as a healthy food, it won’t kill your testosterone and it won’t make you fat, if you eat it in reasonable amounts, if you restrict yourself to filling foods like brown rice and vegetables, you will not be able to lean bulk effectively and will only get more and more skinny. The best way to optimize testosterone production while staying healthy is to eat a high carb diet with around 70g of fat per day, and 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, that is all you need, if you do this while following a good strength training program like starting strength, or stronglifts 5×5, you will get very strong and muscular, you will gain some fat yes, but the muscle will enhance your look and make it so that the fat you do have doesn’t have a bad effect on aesthetics, and if you do weighted planks and you do the main compound lifts without a belt or straps, you will develop tremendous core, ab and grip strength. If you get very strong abs, you will have thick abs that you will be able to see through fat, meaning that if you’re between 15 and 20% body fat, you will still be able to see your abs, which will make you look even better. If you are very passionate about bodybuilding you can try to reach the advanced or even the elite level, but if you are just an average person who just wants to do some weightlifting to get in shape, all you need is to read the intermediate stage which is a 225 pound bench press for 5 reps, a 315 pound squat for 5 reps, and a 405 pound deadlift for 5 reps. Though, the numbers will vary according to your height and weight, if you want exact numbers go to http://www.liftcalculator.com/ | As for the rest, I agree that factory farmed meats, refined sugars and vegetable oils are very unhealthy, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some food at restaurants once in a while, or a dessert that you love, it’s just that they shouldn’t be the core of your diet. What really helps me gain weight is pasta, olive oil, oatmeal, bananas and salmon. I also eat vegetables and drink a homemade fruit smoothie in the morning, it helps to give me energy. The point I’m trying to make is that gluten free is not the way, you will not have trouble digesting pasta or bread if you don’t have the celiac disease, most people will be able to digest pasta and bread and similar stuff. Without pasta and bread it would be impossible for skinny guys to gain weight because they already have a low appetite to begin with, if you now take away all the high calorie foods, they won’t make it, you can’t bulk on brown rice, it’s just not feasible, and if you eat too much fiber without enough fiber you will get constipated, you will never lack fiber in your diet if you eat your fruits, your vegetables and your oatmeal.

  10. This is sadly a typical attempt at a misleading article. It makes four points, the first three are quite valid and then it tries to sneak that last bullshit one in trying to piggyback on the credibility of the other three.

  11. So you think GMO’s, Growth hormones, and antibiotics arent going to have negative effects on a person, or a fetus?

    1. I’m looking forward to growing my own tits, then I won’t need to pay a woman any more.

  12. Keep in mind that there is a major replication crisis in “science” and that almost all of the research into diet can’t be replicated. Replication is the cornerstone of the scientific method.
    There is a scientist in the UK that studies these studies and he had concluded, based on the lack of replication, “we only know two things about diet:
    1. Don’t eat too much
    2. Don’t eat just one thing”
    Everything else has to be taken on faith.
    Personally, I stick to Taleb’s philosophy of “don’t eat or drink anything that hasn’t been around for 1000 years.”

  13. And what do we suppose we eat Mohamed Saleem? Organic halal foods? Most of us are aware that a lot of foods are estrogen-filled artificial junk but what makes it any better when we should all starve and eat nothing but fucking grass and seeds?

  14. White rice is actually healthier than brown rice.
    Rice bran does have nutrition. However, it contains anti-nutrients which take nutrients out of the body during digestion…so brown rice is a net loss.
    Vegetable oil is a scam. It’s not even from vegetables…it should be called “grain oil” and is only good for industrial purpose not human consumption. It was named “vegetable oil” to make it sound healthy.

  15. I lost 50# when I cut out almost all carbs (one beer every other day) and ate one meal per day.
    A little lifting (2-3x/week) and a little running (3 miles, 2-3x/week) and I climbed mount Rainier (14k feet) easily. I got a lean CrossFit-ish look that younger women really noticed. I’m a mesomorph so there’s that too.
    Between 38-41 I got laid more than all my pudgy 20s and early 30s combined!

  16. This article should have mentioned a HUGE culprit in all of this, especially for children:
    Avoid that legal poison like you’d avoid a Fat Feminists With Many Tattoos And Piercings Body Positivity Bikini Contest.

  17. According to Dr. Steven Gundry grains and beans that contain their seed coatings and germ are unsafe due to a sticky protein called lectins and except for gluten most lectins can only be rendered harmless if they are broken down by fermentation or pressure cooking. Otherwise they mess with the gut lining and cause all kinds of inflammatory disorders.
    Same basic problem with nightshade vegetables also and they need to be peeled and deseeded.
    We are not actually adapted to use these foods as food.

  18. I think that balance is key. Here in America we don’t walk as much as the rest of the world does. We also eat bigger portions and drink more alcohol, in my opinion, than everyone else. If we exercised an amount equal to what we ate I think everything would be ok. I work outside for a living and eat more calories than I should, but I still wake up huge ragers in the morning and I eat white rice, as have my ancestors in the Philippines for thousands of years. Just eat what you require mostly, splurge every once in awhile on a pizza or something like every 2 or 3 months to keep yourself happy and for crying out loud just get some exercise! Your dick is a muscle. It requires healthy blood flow. If you don’t exercise your body you will naturally get limp dick. It’s not rocket science.

    1. You cannot outrun your fork, full stop.
      An exception might be for men who work in construction trades. But in general most people don’t have enough time to run off the excess they eat.
      Cardio doesn’t do shit for weightloss unless you go 4-6 hours per day, and that has all sorts of other negative health outcomes.
      Strength training, high intensity interval training in lieu of cardio, low carb/high fat , and avoiding processed foods will get you where you want to be.
      Physique is 80% diet.

      1. I disagree that you can substitute cardio with HIIT. I also disagree that cardio in low intensity form such as walking has negative health benefits. If you’re referring to jogging then I agree with you there.
        Maintaining baseline health in the form of walking needs to be accomplished before taking on HIIT in my opinion. Ample HGH production from HIIT is definitely the goal we are shooting for, but I can’t expect the Peter Griffins of the world to go from their favorite Reddit reading computer chair to the nearest football field to run sprints, without quickly injuring themselves.

  19. Agreed, I used to be a full blown sugar junkie. And of course I started to get rather fat! I cut significantly back on sugar, and switched to mostly whole grains, and things got so much better! I don’t get a tired as often, my migraines have almost fully disappeared, and my weight problem is improving. I’m rather surprised soy isn’t on this list though-soy is pretty much fully banned from my house (soy is one of the FEW things I am allergic to)

    1. grains turn to sugar when digested. Give up those ‘healthy’ whole grains and you’ll see more improvements.
      Of all mammals, only rodents can eat grain and stay healthy.

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