Remember when Roosh said on Dr. Oz that we will see the first time in history where the life expectancy will be lower? Well, it just happened. According to Reuters Health, the national average lifespan has decreased in America and other high-income countries. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. and U.K. were at the top of the list.
What is disturbing about the U.S. is that the younger populations (20s-30s) were the concentrated age groups whose life expectancy was lower. Bad lifestyle choices and alike are the usual suspects of this predicament, but the problem seems to go much further.
These deaths may please the eugenicists like The Silicone Men of Silicon Valley, but this is concerning considering the fact that Asians are getting richer while producing at a rapid pace while the West continues to get weaker.
Losing the elderly is one thing, but if the West has no strong youth, then Asia could dominate, and you’ll be living under their communist/dictatorship/totalitarian rule where you’ll have no freedom or rights whatsoever. So what are the reasons for this decline? Well, it seems there are a few…
According to Reuters, substance abuse has been growing and is a big contributor to the decline among the younger generations. This is not a surprise. Just recently a gamer who was on anti-depressant drugs went on a shooting spree. There have been other cases like the Virginia Tech massacre, the “Batman Bomber”, and an eleven-year-old boy grabbing his parent’s gun and shooting up his school.
The drug and psychiatric industry have been pulling in huge profits by getting kids hooked on drugs, but the other problem is the ease of access kids have these days to over the counter medication without needing a prescription. College students are at risk for suicide, and the numbers have reached scary amounts. The stress and pressures of life are making a lot of lost and confused students to drugs which makes them crazier, eventually leading to suicide. Big name universities like Rutgers, have very high student suicide rates, yet it’s all kept hush hush.
FAT people have been sprouting like weeds in America, and that leads to more health problems resulting in shorter longevity. Blame McDonald’s, attack Monsanto, point the finger at high soy and high carbs… it doesn’t matter. Those come into play, but it would not have affected things this much if people weren’t suffering from the next problem.
Lack of Exercise
To some, diet matters little so long as you move your body. Growing up, I’ve seen people, including myself, who ate horrible diets consisting of Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, pizza, fries, and everything else you’re not supposed to eat. However, they exercised – baseball, basketball, football, tennis, etc.
Playing outside kept us skinny despite our diets being a recipe for a heart attack, which would make the doctor gasp. This liberalism pushed on people today, particularly women, is contributing to the problem.
Step climbers, treadmills, and spin classes aren’t going to do jack. Strength training, calisthenics, and sprinting should be advocated instead with recreational activities such as swimming should be promoted. I don’t care if they play ping pong, I don’t care if they play tag, hey, it kept us skinny growing up.
Alas, playing outside has become a thing of the past. I see more elderly folks at tennis courts than I do kids. When I used to go to parks for pull-ups, they were deserted. Orthodox Jewish families, however, were there some days and their women are thin compared to standard Americans.
Junk Food
Too many people are consuming candy, cookies, processed foods, high carbohydrates and sugary foods which are further contributing to the decline in health and longevity. The young that are left are usually feminized and weakened. These foods give people sugar highs like a drug, and contain high fructose corn syrup. That’s why diabetes is one of the major killers in America.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Trash TV, texting, internet, phone, desk jobs, this has created a nation of fat useless pigs waiting to be slaughtered. New studies are emerging that suggest that remaining in these positions for prolonged periods of time cause health problems because the circulation is cut off to vital organs leading to ailments.
Many Americans suffer from constipation, weak eyesight, and protruding guts, and other modern problems like hunched over shoulders and crunched-over neck.
Until people make changes in their lifestyle, these continued habits will further contribute to the decline of longevity.
Read More: Study: People Of The World Are Getting Incredibly Fat
I’m no doctor but I always prescripe: Just Play, to my friends who aren’t so active. It’s not hard to move.
Who wants to live beyond age 70?
And why?
I don’t know anyone older than 70 who has a life worth living (and I’m 62).
John, Push it out to 75. Definitely after 80 life gets hard. Not much point living past that unless you still have your faculties, and some grandchildren worth passing some wisdom on to. Steroids and growth hormone could probably lengthen your physical fitness, and quality of life but eventually time catches up with everyone.
@ William
Yeah 75 seems about right.
95 with a Benelli M4 on my wheelchair!
Enjoy your dementia, incontinence and mobility problems.
Good friend of mine is 76. He still drives an 18 wheeler part time — because he enjoys driving. But yeah, he may be one of the lucky ones.
It’s not so much about living longer, but being healthier. A healthy 70 yr old has a better quality of life than a 25 year old lardass
I’m hoping to go from healthy to dead without any ‘quality’ problems in the transition.
I’m hoping to go from healthy to dead without any ‘quality’ problems in the transition.”
As someone who is a bit older than you I agree completely.
@ JD & WC
I am 10 years younger than JD and I agree wholeheartedly.
Better to die with complete independence, than to linger on as a quasi-vegetable.
John check the guy out at 10:40 in this video for some inspiration , he’s a whole decade older than you , World Champion armwrestler at 72 :
Two guys in my area in their early 70s are still successfully gaming 20 something women. Neither one of them looks like he spent a day in the gym in his life. Granted, these guys are outliers but as long as you can live semi vigorously life is great. Some people are done at 40, some still virile at 80.
My grndparents are 81. They are still fresh, active and definitely have a life worth living. Lots of friends, lots of things to do, grand kids and the kids of the grandkids. And they are still in good health.
I’m not even ugly, fat or bald and 38 and still can’t get a single bang. To be on this planet to age 89 or something sounds like a death sentence to me. I just happened to be born the dreaded white male. I see people 4 years younger then me that can barely walk they’re so big and fat. This country is geared to catering to the Millenials and Boomers and women!
There is only two things this US wants from you: Your money and your soul! I’ve lost all my money and my soul they’re trying to slowly take as well.
And the BUSINESS of America is to just make people lazier and even more fat.
Drone delivery of 2000 calorie Dominos Pizzas will be the near future (like Ready Player One) and Instacart is already here.
Who is just so lazy they can’t go a mile or two to their nearest supermarket and instead outsource it to some underemployed stiff?
American women need to get their shake weights out again. Their hand job skills are suffering along with their waistlines.
Fred, why does nobody recognize the evolutionary benefit for fat women?
If they can not run fast, they get pregnant sooner. Of course, this does not apply to men:
Would you like some creme fraiche?
Be lucky you get a handjob pal! I haven’t had one since 2010 and I’m not fat, ugly, or bald or even 40 yet! All kinds of people are cashing out of life.
“…then Asia could dominate, and you’ll be living under their communist/dictatorship/totalitarian rule where you’ll have no freedom or rights whatsoever.”
Is the author saying that China could possibly colonize The US or Europe?
I believe that is quite a stretch.
They’ll weaken us by demographics and trade. Look at what they’re doing to Vancouver.
Where I live, I can bang as many female university students as I like without any personal risk or liability, but if I criticize the government I could disappear forever.
I can live with that!
It’s a fair trade off…
Watching Roosh on Dr. Oz now.
Funny stuff!
I would say 135 lb is the limit, though.
Roosh’s new book: BANG USA!
Most of my life, I have eaten whatever I want. But most of my jobs, except sales, are very physical. Until I got fuck you money. Even now, neck and back and hip and knee problems plague me.
Even if a person is in very good physical condition, I encourage you to have a good diet. And exercise regularly. Surfing the world wide web all day is not the same as surfing Huntington Beach for a couple of hours.
Good article.
Damn! Can’t believe I misspelled my own name. It’s Edward.
lol Edwad
“Even now, neck and back and hip and knee problems plague me.”
@EE, We ALL here at ROK Wish for your Good Health. Indeed, Health is Wealth.
Ravi Macho
Thank you.
I’m not down and out.
But I mention those things so people will know, especially younger men, to get your “fuck you” money and drop out of the rat race.
Above all, stop drinking and drugging and smoking and chasing pussy.
Stop watching sports and playing video games.
Don’t strive to be just “one of the guys.” Rather, strive to be the best man you can be.
I am over 50. Stayed in the rat race too long. Don’t feel like relocating to a third world country.
Happy Labor Day my fellow Americans.
Same to you EE.
Have a great one!
“I am over 50. Stayed in the rat race too long. Don’t feel like relocating to a third world country.”
That’s the Spirit. There is no point in relocating to another Country. Most of those other Countries are all totally “brain washed” & influenced by the same “elites”. It’s almost like “bottling” similar contents with a “different size” container/bottle !!
Whatever it happens, it is better to face & come over successfully. Happy Labor Day.
Let them die off, most are leftist slugs, fat feminists and non whites/ blacks and latinos. The strong will survive and the US will be better for it.
I was aiming at a career in psychology/therapy till 50 or so years ago I got a chance to work with pshrinkiatrists. They were writing drug prescriptions right and left and sending people away with them. It was much like the earlier overuse of antibiotics the sped up bacterial evolution but in a way was worse. We’ll find new ways to deal with germs.
It appears that the pshrinks didn’t like most people who needed help and wanted to shut them up and get them outa the way. Elitists were already forming their useless social strata.
Academia, where I’d have to remain, was likewise becoming trash. I’ve had blue collar jobs since….
Anti depressants, and other medications commonly used these days make you stack on extra weight, increase appetite.
Our healthcare system has become junk too in the last 5-10 years. I know many people that avoid seeking medical treatment due to the cost. A routine doctor’s visit used to cost me $10 under what was not so great health insurance. Now the same visit, if I haven’t hit my $5,000 deductible is around $100. Specialists are even worse and I wouldn’t think about ever going to the ER unless I thought I were dying.
I have friends who have avoided “elective” surgery for years and one who actually is now suffering an extended medical problem because they did not seek initial help.
Obamacare was designed to ruin our health industry and that is what it accomplished. I hate to say it but I wish we had a European style system at this point.
Junk food, that doesn’t nourish and makes you fat.
Junk Healthcare, that doesn’t cure and makes you sick.
We’ve got both
Diversity kills:
The Night My Mother Lost Her Faith — in Socialized Medicine for Immigrants
Is it true that women in conservative parts of the US are fatter than in the shitlib cities like NYC and California?
That’s right.
In San Francisco it’s hard for fatties to reach the top of the hills😁
Most women in Wisconsin are overweight. Most women in California or New York are not overweight,
I’m from Texas but I had the misfortune of living in Wisconsin for one year when I was in high school back in the 80’s. It was indeed hell, I thought the north had all the fatties because they were covered up all winter due to the cold. However, now that I’ve been visiting Tennessee for a few months, it appears that the south has taken over as the obese capital.
@ Pete
I agree with California.
New York though? Plenty of fatties here.
Peter I think you’re one of the best here but California is now Phat. Very much so. When Mexicans are the most numerous people you’re going to have more than your share of fatties. I’ve found in no particular order white people in Colorado, Arizona and Utah to me the most fit in the USA.
“To be the most fit.”
No. AWALT, except for the druggie who meth head an anorexic skinny. All the potheads are fat too.. Yuck. Lazy entitled slovenly nasty attitude bleeding hatchet gashes that get worse with their monthly cycle hormones.
I constantly harp on my kids about eating right eating good food drinking more water staying away from all the sugar Laden crap they more or less listen to me about freaking vaccinations and what not and about how dangerous they actually are but they’re their own people they’re going to do what they’re going to do doesn’t matter if they get good advice or not. My oldest is learning the hard way and told me just this past Friday she should have listened to me when she was a young teen…. Ahhh regrets are never pleasant friends.
Not sure why you are leaving probably the most important factor in the declining in longevity: low quality and unaffordable health care in the US. The health and longevity of a country’s population is directly related to that country’s health care system. As is the ability of a country to compete in the labor market and to keep their percentage of GDP spent on health care.
Poor healthcare system in a country raises the infant mortality rate, the driver of longevity rate drops.
And then you might add the deaths of the yount to middle age in the endless pointless wars America fights in, but not just on the battlefield. Those soldiers commit suicide at huge rates for all wars back into Vietnam (still).
Finally, what about poor jobs and low wages? The despair from this the destuction to families contribute to many of the opioid deaths that also further lower longevity.
The UK theoretically has a healthcare system (NHS) that is supposed to be “free at the point of use”.
In reality, the NHS is oversubscribed, the quality of healthcare of abysmal and there are long waiting lists for pretty much any medical procedure. Let’s not even talk about NHS dentists…
To add to the problem, private healthcare is astonishingly expensive in the UK thus most people can’t afford them. Even if you could afford them, there are not enough facilities, and most of them are non-existent outside London.
So, no…it’s not only the US healthcare system that has problems
Nothing that has been socialized is worth a shit for anything.
The NHS or as I prefer to call it The IHS (International Health Service) is fucked . We have “health tourists” flying in for free treatment and then sodding off again without paying a penny. In just one of the many notorious cases a nigerian sheboon called Bimbo (I’m not making this up, see the link) flew in and shat out 5 niglets on the British mug taxpayer and flew off again, still hasn’t paid a penny –
In early 2000 I was stricken with a potentially fatal ailment that is so rare you have to look it up in a medical dictionary. Undetectable until the invention of not just cat scans, you need an MRI to find it. If I had been a Brit or Canadian I would have been sent home to die. Instead I got the highest tech MRI available and had cutting edge surgery done by an Indian American surgeon who helped establish and perfect the technique. Fuck single payer health care.
I’m glad the life span is getting shorter in the west. We live too long especially those bastard boomers. I wish those bastard boomers would die quicker
In Florida, keeping old people alive is big business.
You should see these zombies being led to their weekly dialysis by their home care nurses. Why anyone would want to live that way is a mystery to me. I’d rather drop dead at 70 while I was still completely independent.
So please tell me why you want me and Dodds and a few other posters here to die. Please educate me on what you “know” about the Baby Boomer generation in your country and the rest of the world. The idea that people should die is a province of the elites you folks claim to hate. Hurry up and find Andre Du Pole. He needs some comfort.
This article dosent mention immigration, terrorists or western women betraying western men all factors that be contributed
Take a realistic look at this topic -life expectancy.
I hate to bring generational differences into this,the sad truth is, it’s only the Boomer of the Baby Boomer generation that lives longer.
For every other age group, life expectancy is now probably lower than in 1990.
It has a lot to do with the worsening living standards for people pretty much everyone whose parents aren’t millionaires.
Actually Baby Boomers are dying younger. All of Peter’s other observations are correct.
That article blames it on increased addiction rates. If your not a junkie or an alcoholic, you should do ok.
Herbie – Charles Murray explains a lot of that in this book he wrote.
Not caving into convenience is a big part of it. Little stuff adds up. Even if you’re loaded and own multiple luxury vehicles, walk to/from the store if it’s under a mile away and you only need 2 bags of groceries (don’t drive 8 blocks, like a lazy Californian would do). Unless it’s a high-rise, skip the elevators in buildings, parking decks and public transit stations. If the path is clear, walk up/down a moving escalator. If there’s a choice between flats and hills in your walking/hiking/cycling game, take the hills and suffer a little. Don’t hire a maid to do everything…put some elbow grease into cleaning/maintenance and don’t “Task Rabbit” (app) the shit out of everything. Too much money makes people soft. If you’re wealthy, ignore it, and imagine you still live in “hard times.” Avoid long, drawn-out dinners if you can — it’s insane how much of a day some people can blow on food prep, cooking and hanging around eating and doing nothing around a meal. Prepping and eating 3 meals a day already feels like a huge waste of time. Keep it moving!! (He says hypocritically as he sits on his ass posting to ROK for the umpteenth time.)
Lazy Californians? How many Americans walk 8 blocks to get groceries? …next to none. If Californians are lazy why does it have lower way obesity than the Heartand?
Kalifornia people’s republic of **** that place
Junk food and using processed oils like vegetable oil. I like fries with that to, but too much is not doing anyone any favors.
I like the site Rogue Health and Fitness that talks about some of these diet and exercise issues.
Yeah…vegetable oil is a lie…it’s not even made of vegetables… It’s made of grain…it’s horrible…anything fried is crap. By the way…cholesterol is GOOD for you. Low cholesterol = low testosterone.
Search Dr. Wallach
Good…less Medicare and SS spending. Granted, even though people are not living longer, they are probably sicker and more costly to the economy.
Life expectancy is the only thing that’s declining in the Western World IQ scores are falling intelligence is falling common sense is failing….. Everything that built the west is declining. Work ethic, self restraint self respect innovation hard work personal savings it’s all declining as the Western World decline straight into the shit hole as imagined through the movie Idiocracy.
Every time a society moves into degeneracy narcissism self entitlement and laziness it completely implodes so this is just a natural order of things in a human society but it doesn’t mean they have to go down in flames with it
What is the point of living longer if your quality of life sucks and no amount of money can buy back your health once you lose it so you’re actually better off living the best life that you can with what you have while you have it rather than playing the fear game and trying to maximize the number of days you think you will get while trying to dodge the Grim Reaper. When you find yourself working hard enough you also find that you spend very little time worrying about when and how you’re passing will happen. Your future is only what you make of it or make from your life in the process of trying to create it. When you dwell on what ifs and a future that you believe you’re entitled to instead of just accepting that sometimes the bizarre and coincident happens which can rob you of all the life that you thought you were going to have you then learn to live with the regrets if you live at all of not trying to live the best life you could while instead you’re trying to create the longest life you could.
What kind of life is it to live if you live like Stephen Hawking dead and be a millionaire when you can’t even enjoy bank accounts overflowing of money because you have no quality of life. I’d rather be dirt poor and perfectly healthy then fucked up six ways from Sunday and Rich. Who in their right mind would want to live like a wheezing disabled monster in a mobile wheelchair that moves around with where your eyes are looking and have everyone staring at you like the freak of nature you would be or be dirt poor and happy and healthy and able to do all of the things out there because you have the physical health inability to do so? Rich and pathetic or poor with every Horizon open to you? Choose wisely.
Shit I should have just written my own article….
What do you really have if you can’t feel the frostbite nipping at you when you’re down hill skiing smell the Sea Foam as the waves Splash up against you or to be able to taste the sweet and the salt in your food and the spices when you sit down for a good meal. What kind of life is it that you have if you can’t run to catch a frisbee or the hike up a mountain and see the view from a high up Vista order experience the thrill of hang gliding or parasailing or party boat fishing Out on the Ocean. What kind of personal private hell does a person strive to make longer when they’re tied to a restroom because of irritable bowel syndrome or they can’t take three or four steps without wheezing or they can’t go and pet a dog or play in the Grass at the park or smell the flowers because they’re allergic to everything but they might have the money and limousines and security guards and everything else to give them the most opulent protected insecure life if everything else that they’re connected to is various levels of personal hell because of all the things they can’t do can’t touch can’t smell can’t taste. What kind of psycho or masochist would seek to extend their own life to live in that kind of state?
Amen. Got a hip replacement not too long ago. It was hell before that.
Then again it’s near impossible to have sympathy or even empathy for people that are supposedly well-educated supposedly lectured to all the time about what they should be doing to have the best quality of life and yet they still choose and opted to eat all the shit food in the world to be lazier than hell to do nothing with their lives to spend their time sitting in front of the freaking TV and sprawled out in lazy ennui engrossed in stupid movies or their Facebook or Instagram or the other bullshit instead of getting out and living in the real world. I refuse to feel guilty or bad for shaming people that are fat or lazy or stupid because of their own choices or for any of the trials and tribulations they will suffer because of those decisions that they will fully made. Karma is mean but fair bitch.
No one had to climb a mountain to come visit me and burn herbs do yoga and pray in order to get my bit of wisdom tonight
My apologies to Roosh and G S Luthra for hijacking the topic and comment section.
Deplorable you made a lot of good points.
@Ocean – ›› “the long drawn out dinners” ›› – eeeh gads tell me about the long drawn out dinners. It’s the crowds that eat at the uppity chain restaurants who are digging their own grave. So many affluent people who work jobs with minimal physical activity go on power lunches and after work get togethers at the pricier places like TGIF, Outback, Applepees, peanut roadhouses and the like. Whole offices stuff their faces with the tip meals at these places which use standard processed and industrial ingredients. The chicken and beef is fully hormone bulk industrial purchase in the corporate restaurants. It’s never the organic free range stuff. The menus are tasty but a bloomin’ onion is a big greasy vegetable oil soaked blob and it’s only the appetizer. It should come with a free enema.
The office parties that I absolutely can’t stand are the legal offices. Fat legal secretaries, every one of them obese and remarried or gold diggers and they hob knob with the partners like they’re hot shit. Fatter than Monica Lewinsky. I despise the county government mob of useless eaters with their whales. Government bureau and police department ladies get grossly obese with their gravy desk jobs, sponging off the taxpayers, collecting fines and then they sit there after work laughing and grunting as they eat and sponge the MSG laiden gravy off their plate with the free basket of 500 calorie rolls at the center of the table. Some of them are 300+ pounds. And UUGGH the black ones with straightened hair, uppity, cackling, socialist service or women’s advocacy/court auxiliary name tags hanging off their fat necks, gorging their deformed bodies with their ladies, and their 80k bullshit department jobs with their Audis parked outside, eeeeh just throw them all into the river. Real black cougars – YUCK. And the cackling sound of seven contemporary upwardly mobile black and latino city council ladies and their fat moustache fag mangina alderman as they all slurp the meat and the old bay honey flavored margarine off a heap of lobsters makes me want to vomit. What really ruins my meal is the crowing and cackling sounds that these petty local tyrants of the system make when they laugh. I can always hear them from the other side of the establishment. They gloat with their tax appropriation and class status a bit too brazenly.
No I’m not a waiter BTW, but I’ve sat in enough crowded places and seen a lot of the same return patrons and their protruding gut and fat asses around the same tables. Margaritas and 2k calorie piles of sh¡t to stuff into their holes. It is all so tell all that a stick in the mud government job plus a materialist consumer pea brain is a fast road to a colostomy for those dumb female affirmative action ding bat office drones and their fatass managers. You can tell every one of them has fatty liver disease just by looking at them. Let them all rot, bunch of useless parasites. Why bother telling them about ‘TURMERIC’ – the super liver cleanser? They’re not worth it.
But ROK readers are dear to me so I’ll plug TURMERIC – the super liver cleanser here. Turmeric wipes away years of liver abuse from junk food and can even mitigate some of the cirrhosis from excessive alcohol consumption. TURMERIC!
Fatty liver disease explained:
Turmeric drink recipe:
@ Mr. McGoo
Good info. Thanks sir.
Gonna buy some tumeric tomorrow.
Already have the raw ACV and black pepper.
BTW, raw garlic is great for the immune system.
Eat three cloves in salad and keep the colds away.
If you get divorced after a 20 year marriage you may find that you have some adapting to do if you start dating again.
You may be surprised that the girls have declined and have become fatter and ruder. You will also need to adapt to technological changes.
You may find that you have become more jaded, less tolerant, less patient, and more dishonest.
A man may find that he has underestimated the affect of aging. You will have had hair loss, more gray hair, worse teeth, worse eyesight, and wrinkles. You may be out of shape and have less energy.
That’s good to hear Slim. I’ve been a garlic man for almost 20 yrs but recently started turmeric. For garlic I just gulp a fistful of garlic gel caps and go if I’m too busy to cook up something with garlic. But if I’m working with the raw stuff or cooking, It’s hard to get large quantities of straight garlic down the hatch without gagging. The best way is to heap a motherload on a piece of buttered toast, melt some cheese on top, fold and eat it burrito style. Then 15 min later – I belch a few and whooh, the birds get quiet and I know the WORLD can smell what I’m cookin. When even I can smell it on me then I know it’s working. Otherwise I go through a big bottle of gel caps every 5 days or so. Much easier and quicker.
I also eat turmeric capsules by the handful each day. But if you have time to make a drink, there’s recipes for tea with squeezed lemon, vinegar, black pepper or mixed with yogurt or kefir or coconut milk with turmeric powder.
For the most part I’m a vitamin man, but cayenne capsules I’ve never tried though. I love cayenne and eat it straight on foods. I like getting my head and face on fire in the morning with cayenne and niacin. It’s better than coffee for getting you going. With a mega helping of cayenne on eggs & 500 mg niacin, you can feel the heat as it goes down your throat. Then you feel it hit your stomach and work it’s way into your blood stream and up to your brain. I will testify it’s almost like a high. There’s no feeling in the morning that compares to your blood turning to liquid fire and then awakening every vessel in your brain. Much better than straight coffee.
The Baby Boomers should be the longest living generation in the West. Most pre-BBs had either too little food and/or too little variety for proper health while working physically hard. On the other hand, most post-BBs have too much junk food and too little exercise to be long-lived. Hence the concept of adult-onset diabetes became juvenile-onset diabetes today. :/