Jews Are Not Entirely To Blame For The Ills Of Modern Western Society

If you make the mistake of reading the work of mainstream journalists, you’ll notice that many of them are writing about the sudden and inexplicable rise of bigotry in America in general, and anti-semitism in particular.

Some blame it on the increase of Muslim immigrants to the west, some blame it on the rise of white supremacy and the burgeoning alt-right, but almost everyone agrees it is happening.

Pearls are being clutched left and right

As someone who has a non-hostile view of the Chosen People, and has discussed this issue with said people, I have to recognize there has indeed been a general increase in anti-Jewish feeling. But why is this the case?

Ignoring the delusions of Holocaust deniers and other hysterical idiots who “See Jews in their sandwiches,” we can instead look at what is objectively documented. And considering that we see…

…Jews continuing to hold the most minute of grudges a century after the fact.

…Jews showing a barely veiled contempt for the white American gentiles who have never oppressed them.

…Jews manipulating historiography for their own purposes.

…Jews switching between being white and being non-white when it suits them. (I ought to mention the “white/non-white” switch again, because it happens a lotquite a lot.)

…That Jews are never entirely sure about whether or not they’re a religion or an ethnicity (this last one is actually really important, considering that a lot of the “poz pushers” seem to be non-practicing Jews, rather than religious Jews).

…Jews constantly deny the fact that they are disproportionately represented in banking and the media and the “one percent” on the whole.

…Jews will often push the “white privilege” narrative, but will deny that that same narrative can be applied to Jews.

…Jews are involved with many (not all, but many) examples of “poz” in modern pop culture and freely admit that they’re doing this to stick their thumbs in the face of the gentiles.

…Jews are also disproportionately represented in many of the political/cultural ideologies that we in the reactosphere hate, from neo-conservatism to feminism and all of the other odious facets of the new left (another fact that is often denied).

…Perhaps we can argue that, to at least SOME extent, Jewish behavior causes anti-semitism?

Yeah a little like this (as a side note, it was a little tricky not using anti-Semitic imagery for this article)

Note that this duplicity is mainly in diaspora Jews. Frankly, I much prefer the way they do things in Israel—at least they’re honest about their nationalistic and conquering ways.

Two things to point out here—The first being that I am well aware of the long history of anti-Semitic violence and abuse in Europe. Years of being discriminated against and attacked are likely a cause of the infamous Jewish insularity and distrust/barely veiled hatred of “the goyim”, which has in turn led to even more anti-semitism, and it just continues in a vicious cycle. Both sides have probably been guilty of wrongdoing against each other, to varying degrees. So let us admit to that.

The other thing to point out here is that, contrary to the beliefs of the aforementioned 1488 crowd, the Jewish people are not, in fact, in lockstep in doing “what’s best for the Jews”. To illustrate that, all you have to do is look at the differences between Jews in Israel and Jews in America—it’s like night and day! And to further elucidate, there are many citizens of Israel who are against the militarism of their fellow countrymen.

So, knowing all this, why are things this way, and what is to be done?

Much ink has been spilled in trying to answer why the animosity between Jews and Gentiles still persists, considering the fact that the Gentiles, at least in America have gone well above and beyond in trying to make amends for any past bigotry—and frankly, in the USA at least there wasn’t that much to begin with.

Like I said above, there’s a long history of hatred between the two groups, and such a thing won’t go away overnight—especially when the cultural/political climate of the day actively encourages hatred and contempt for the “evil white man”. And if one can gain an advantage in suddenly becoming non-white, then why wouldn’t they take it? Hell, if white gentiles have stooped so low as to pretend to be some other race for the sake of getting ahead, why would you expect Jews not to?

As for what is to be done? Like I said, there are many Jews that don’t subscribe to the perfidy that has made the group on the whole so disliked—frankly, most of the Jews I’ve known have been good people, far from the duplicitous villains that I referenced previously. Sadly, like seemingly all other identity groups, those chattering people who claim to speak for Jews on the whole are that sort of person.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the Jewish Alternative types to continue to be promoted from their own platforms and spread their message. As I’ve repeatedly said, such efforts to steer a culture’s morality have been done in the past...

And now that the Jews have thoroughly held the ball in their court, let’s look at how the gentiles can carry their end of the bargain!

While I am willing to criticize the actions of many individual Jews, and objectively analyze why those actions may cause some to become anti-semitic, I am not, and will never jump, on the “blame Jews for everything” train. In fact, as the title would imply, I write this article to implore you to stop blaming the Jews for everything. Because sometimes, you yourself are to blame.

“What do you mean?” you might be asking yourself—allow me to explain. In my not-so-humble opinion, the Jewish prevalence in “poz” is not the knife that’s stabbing the virtuous and noble “goyim” to death, but rather it’s the cherry on top of a goyish shit sundae. In other words, if gentiles weren’t such degenerate and corrupted cretins, then even if the Jews were a united front in spreading moral decay and “poz” (and they’re not), it wouldn’t be effective! In other words, the Jews can only push as much “poz” as the gentiles allow them to.

I’m not the only person to point this out, but the Jews are a tiny minority of people in the world. In the United States, the “Zionist Occupied Government” itself—note to critical readers—I’m using the term sarcastically, hence the scare quotes—Jews are only about 3% of the total population.

So why do the other 97% allow the 3% to push them around?

And no, don’t whine about the “Holocaust Industry” being the source of their power—Jews never faced anti-Semitism in the US to a large degree, and even in the 1800s there were Jewish governors and senators and admirals and generals. There were prominent American Jews largely from the inception of the United States, and it’s inane to think there was some sort of shadowy Yiddish cabal planning a political takeover out from the beginning.

In terms of politics, there have been several Jewish political figures that have pushed legislation that has been disastrous for the USA, but there’s always been a gentile right alongside them. To cite two examples, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, and Ted Kennedy signed off on the Hart-Celler Immigration Act—and for that matter let’s not forget Phillip Hart himself, he was no Jew.

Overseas, we can see gentiles and Jews being equally responsible for political malfeasance. Many anti-Semites like to talk about, for example, Lazar Kaganovich and Leon Trotsky being Jewish—and indeed they were. However, Karl Marx was a Jewish apostate who openly renounced the Jewish faith and wrote polemics against it. Lenin wasn’t Jewish (no, Lenin’s maternal grandfather being a Jew who converted to Christianity doesn’t count), Stalin wasn’t Jewish, Mao Zedong wasn’t Jewish, and so forth.

“It’s the media!” many of you are probably saying right now, and this proves my point better than anything else—the gentiles are not innocent victims of “the Jew”, but rather his eager cohort and participant.

Let’s again be honest: Jews are extremely disproportionately represented in the media, and some of those media creations are indeed objectively terrible and morally bankrupt. But guess who’s also eagerly lapping that garbage up? Dumbass goys!

The entertainment industry is an industry, which is to say a business. If it was felt there was a market for upright and decent media, they’d be making it. Do you honestly think Jewish media CEOs are SO dedicated to “corrupting the white man” that they wouldn’t miss out on a money-making opportunity to make highbrow and artistically beautiful works? They’re not stupid; they can see how doltish the modern gentile population is, and they’re targeting their productions to that lowbrow demographic.

You can look at Michael Bay’s entire filmography to see that gentiles can make terrible pop culture in their own right.

But even if everything bad about pop culture came from a Jewish source, I must ask again: why is a tiny minority population in control of a major industry?! Why is the majority allowing a minority to boss them around?

For that matter, what’s stopping goys from making their own movies and music and TV shows? On second thought don’t do that, you’ll probably make Fireproof or Saving Christmas or some other unwatchable garbage.

And now I’m gonna posit the thesis that’s really going to piss people off: When you run around blaming “the Jews” for all your problems, you’re no different than the most delusional of black people blaming “the white man” for all of their problems.

When you accuse the Jews of shutting gentiles out of the upper echelons of society by being clannish and xenophobic, how is that any different from the Rainbow Coalition blaming “white privilege” for why they’re less successful than white people?

When you accuse Jews of magically imposing guilt and degeneracy on an entire population and controlling the world through nebulously defined resources, you’re no different than the “We wuz kangz” crowd talking about how they used to fly pyramids and have psychic powers until the white man “stole” it from them somehow.

You’re not much better, Ace.

When you claim that whites are the master race and yet Jews have utterly cowed and defeated them, you’re again like the “kangz” crowd—and the most insane subset of that crowd, too.

And considering my previously stated views on how the Neo-Nazi retards hijacked the alt-right and ran it into the ground, I’m going to go out on a limb here: In being subversive and manipulative and successfully changing a political movement to serve them, in being clannish to the point of idiocy, in being propagators of “righteous” degeneracy and perversion… neo-Nazis are basically the Jews of white people. Or at least the odious, far-left wing subset Jews of white people.

So ignoring that semi-facetious segue, let’s get serious again: please, stop crying about the big bad Jews holding you down. While I criticized the actions of some individual Jews in my previous article, that was written with the goal of reconciliation, “tough love”, and making peace between Jews and non-Jews.

If you really want to fix the problems you claim exist, the media “poz” being the one that is the closest to actually existing from what I see, then do it positively and constructively. Turn off the TV, stop paying for garbage pop culture, and make your own parallel institutions.

Read More: The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture 

143 thoughts on “Jews Are Not Entirely To Blame For The Ills Of Modern Western Society”

    1. Western society is currently importing hordes of Muslims.
      NewsFlash: They hate J_ews, and will kill them all, given the chance.

        1. Killing two birds with one stone. Fracturing and weakening both the Christian and Muslim peoples/nations. A win win for the J.

        2. They would never want to all live in Israel. Parasites need a host so they will never leave the West of their own accord.

      1. @JD…Jews will do anything to fuck over the goy, including killing their own, they are known to do this. This is why they are creating Israel and their “settlements” in Palestine. Israel Jews want more Jews to move to Israel, they need the population in order to secure their territory. Some Jews getting sacrificed in Europe for the overall victory against the Goyim is worth the squeeze. BTW, most “rich” Jews who run the banks etc, are a LONG ways from any of the violence happening on the street. It wouldn’t surprise me if many Jews are making bank running the “refugee” programs in the west. All the added welfare and government spending, all the “refugee cases” involving (((lawyers))), and groups like the SPLC and ADL only exist thanks to diversity. Oh, there are definitely ignorant, traitorous, and malicious goyim involved too. LOL, this story might be fake, but I had heard that even a “white supremacist” in Sweden runs the largest Kabob and Halal food processor in Sweden. So ya, it definitely isn’t JUST the Jews, and most of this is due to the fact that detribalized and feminized whites are letting it happen to them.

        1. How we Whites feel about jews individually doesn’t matter. . White men should know blacks are promoted as sex symbols in the msm/porn and Whites are portayed as inferior by the jews that dominate the media.

      2. John
        Youre so sloppy in your work as a Sayan…
        ‘Islamization of Europe a good thing’ – Rabbi
        Posted by EU Times on Nov 13th, 2012
        Jews should “rejoice” at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity in favor of Islam as “punishment” for its “wickedness” and “corruption,” a leading Israeli settler rabbi has announced.
        According to a report on YNet news, the well-known rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, made the remarks on a Jewish website in response to a question about the Islamification of Europe.
        “Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there,” Efrati said.
        “We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity.
        “And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for,” he said.
        “With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,” the rabbi added.
        “Even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity,” rabbi Efrati concluded.
        The outburst by the Yeshiva head illustrates two important points: firstly, that Zionist hatred of Europe is so great that they would rather see Europe overrun by Islam, the Zionist’s mortal enemy, than see it survive and preserve its own identity; and secondly, it underlines the true nature of Zionism and media control.
        Imagine if a Christian priest anywhere announced that “Judaism is fundamentally corrupt, wicked and that Israel deserved to be overrun by Muslims.”
        The media would leap on such a priest and he would be hounded out of their work and society in general.
        Yet a leading rabbi can make such remarks and not only attract zero media attention, but be nurtured and protected by the Jewish state.
        Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a radical Zionist occupier and oppressor of the Palestinian people reveals to us the real feelings of Zionists everywhere. Their utmost enemy is not Muslims or Arabs, it is the European, Christian people of the West.
        That may sound hard to believe for the unaware but this is the main current of Jewish intellectual thought, not simply the view of some radicals off in the desert of the West Bank. For instance, you can read a long and detailed Wikipedia article called history of the Jews in the land of Israel.
        “When they were negotiating with the Swedish government, they told the government: ‘If you don’t give us this money, behind us we have the World Jewish Congress, and we will tell all the world that Sweden is an anti-Semitic country.’” — Ingrid Carlqvist, Swedish journalist.
        Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA, had this to say:
        “Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined. . . They are the gravest threat to our national security.”

        1. After twenty years of serious research I can unequivocally state that everything in your comment is accurate.
          The apologists are always the ones who don’t do any research and don’t have a clue what’s going on, they just parrot the most popular talking points.

      3. The race matters more than the individual, jews get that and so should Whites. jews are against Whites from Ireland to Russia, from Sweden to Sicily. White men, know that every time a negro is promoted as a superior in the mainstream media, porn, ect. and you are portrayed as inferior a jew is responsible.

      4. jews are importing the muslims
        see this link for more info:
        (they admit it themselves)
        “Support Refugees, the Jewish response to the refugee crisis”
        the actual page heading.
        Click the about page, it is the Who is who of Jewish “refugee” charities.
        of course, none are bringing refugees into Israel, Just White countries of course.
        I get the “muslims hate jews angle”
        But once jews have fucked our homes beyond repair, they have a home to go to, which puts their interests first.
        Europeans have no such “opt out”

    2. I’ll be the first one to agree with the author that it takes two to tango, and that there are plenty of decent people of whatever ethnicity and creed you choose to name.
      The problem comes from the extremists of those same groups. They’re the ones that everybody notices, and if anybody from the mainstream of that group suggests that they ought to remain quiet, they’re shouted down as somehow being disloyal. In the case of the Zionists and Holocaust promoters, one need only study the fate of, say, Norman Finkelstein and his writings on what he describes as the Holocaust Industry.
      Further, there’s a critical mass you see when a given ethnic population reaches a certain point. One need only look at the cities of New York and Los Angeles, respectively the largest and second largest J cities in the world, to know this is true.
      (Please note that I say this with the confidence of somebody who can, because of my last name, easily shift from the Gentile to the J side of things. Add a letter, my last name is English; drop a letter and it’s J . And for the record, I’m C of E. Indeed, I’ve even sported a Mogen David around my neck on occasion to help things along. )
      What I’ve noticed is that in this critical mass you get both affinity hiring – hence ethnic domination within certain industries – and a group-think, promoted by the extremists, that everybody is out to get you, and that you’d better band together, and that anybody outside the group is scum, to be exploited (and even cheated) but otherwise not trusted. Indeed, in my J persona, I constantly hear the word “G.y” bandied about, something that only rarely happens in my face in my Gentile persona.*
      (I’ve also noticed some other traits of this critical mass: Argumentativeness. Short-term thinking. Flashiness. Sharp and/or fraudulent practice and dubious ethics. An overall lack of Civitas. Very poor spatial skills. Poor overall health, doubtless the result of inbreeding. )
      Of course, this is all aided and abetted by the whole Holocaust thing, something that you pretty much never heard about until the late 60s. It’s a cult of victimhood, and fuels the paranoia of the groupthink,
      While this is pretty much common knowledge if you’ve lived in either of these cities for any time, for most Americans it’s an abstraction.
      The difference now is the internet, and the plethora of alternative and non mainstream news and culture sites on tap. In turn, most Americans are getting, for the first time, exposure to viewpoints that paint a very different picture of what seem to be an excessive J and Zionist influence in American politics.
      Whole books can and have been written on this subject. And any educated thinking individual can go on and on about it. It doesn’t have an easy answer. So, to end things we’ll just say this – and note please that this is true for any minority group:
      If a group holds itself apart and then insists that it’s special and different and thus deserves special treatment, then it’s liable to receive that special treatment. However, “special” is not the same thing as “beneficial.”
      Just a thought.
      P.S. Ron Unz – yes, he’s J – has an excellent series of very well researched and well thought out articles on this topic and similar in his American Pravda series. (His latest is 17,600 words long and nicely referenced.) I’d suggest to anybody with a serious interest on the subject that you give is works a read. (In fact, the whole website is worth a daily stop.) They can be found here:
      P.P.S. “J” of course refers to…. This commenting software was designed by somebody who is very thinned skinned.
      *The first time I ever heard it – directed towards me by some girl’s disapproving mother – I had no idea what it meant. This, despite having had J playmates and girlfriends. But then again, I wasn’t raised in a city with the critical mass I descr

    3. I’ll be the first one to agree with the author that it takes two to tango, and that there are plenty of decent people of whatever ethnicity and creed you choose to name.
      The problem comes from the extremists of those same groups. They’re the ones that everybody notices, and if anybody from the mainstream of that group suggests that they ought to remain quiet, they’re shouted down as somehow being disloyal. In the case of the Z.onists and Holocaust promoters, one need only study the fate of, say, Norman Finkelstein and his writings on what he describes as the Holocaust Industry.
      Further, there’s a critical mass you see when a given ethnic population reaches a certain point. One need only look at the cities of New York and Los Angeles, respectively the largest and second largest J cities in the world, to know this is true.
      (Please note that I say this with the confidence of somebody who can, because of my last name, easily shift from the Gentile to the J side of things. Add a letter, my last name is English; drop a letter and it’s J . And for the record, I’m C of E. Indeed, I’ve even sported a (six pointed star) around my neck on occasion to help things along. )
      What I’ve noticed is that in this critical mass you get both affinity hiring – hence ethnic domination within certain industries – and a group-think, promoted by the extremists, that everybody is out to get you, and that you’d better band together, and that anybody outside the group is scum, to be exploited (and even cheated) but otherwise not trusted. Indeed, in my J persona, I constantly hear the word “G.y” bandied about, something that only rarely happens in my face in my Gentile persona.*
      (I’ve also noticed some other traits of this critical mass: Argumentativeness. Short-term thinking. Flashiness. Sharp and/or fraudulent practice and dubious ethics. An overall lack of Civitas. Very poor spatial skills. Poor overall health, doubtless the result of inbreeding. )
      Of course, this is all aided and abetted by the whole Holocaust thing, something that you pretty much never heard about until the late 60s. It’s a cult of victimhood, and fuels the paranoia of the groupthink,
      While this is pretty much common knowledge if you’ve lived in either of these cities for any time, for most Americans it’s an abstraction.
      The difference now is the internet, and the plethora of alternative and non mainstream news and culture sites on tap. In turn, most Americans are getting, for the first time, exposure to viewpoints that paint a very different picture of what seem to be an excessive J and Z.onist influence in American politics.
      Whole books can and have been written on this subject. And any educated thinking individual can go on and on about it. It doesn’t have an easy answer. So, to end things we’ll just say this – and note please that this is true for any minority group:
      If a group holds itself apart and then insists that it’s special and different and thus deserves special treatment, then it’s liable to receive that special treatment. However, “special” is not the same thing as “beneficial.”
      Just a thought.
      P.S. Ron Unz – yes, he’s J – has an excellent series of very well researched and well thought out articles on this topic and similar in his American Pravda series. (His latest is 17,600 words long and nicely referenced.) I’d suggest to anybody with a serious interest on the subject that you give is works a read. (In fact, the whole website is worth a daily stop.) They can be found here:
      http://www unz com/author/ron-unz/
      P.P.S. “J” of course refers to…. This commenting software was designed by somebody who is very thinned skinned.
      *The first time I ever heard it – directed towards me by some girl’s disapproving mother – I had no idea what it meant. This, despite having had J playmates and girlfriends. But then again, I wasn’t raised in a city with the critical mass I describe.

      1. You wouldn’t believe how many hoops I had to jump through to post this. Evidently if you use the common term beginning with the letter “Z” for a supporter of that small ethnic state on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean – gotta’ be careful here – you’re blocked.
        Goy. Jew. There, I said it.
        Oh, and the link to Unz, you gotta’ add the “dot” parts.
        Just a (head-scratchingly confused) thought.

        1. Yes, it’s absolutely moronic and absurd the word filters these cretins have placed on the commenting. Just ridiculous.

      2. You wouldn’t believe how many hoops I had to jump through to post this. Evidently if you use the common term beginning with the letter “Z” for a supporter of that small ethnic state on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean – gotta’ be careful here – you’re blocked.
        Ditto the common and disparaging three letter term for somebody not of the tribe that begins with the letter “G” and ends with the letter “Y” with the letter “O” in the middle.
        Oh, and the link to Unz, you gotta’ add the “dot” parts.
        Just a (head-scratchingly confused) thought.

        1. And now I seem to have somehow posted *Twice*, one with the “Z” and “G” words and one without.
          Apologies all around. I can assure you that it was nothing deliberate on my part.
          At least we all have a means to make a comment, esp. after Disqus decided to virtue signal and dropped ROK.
          (Plus, whatever I try and post with Disqus lately is flagged as spam, evidently a common problem with their system. Look it up:
          Again, apologies for the confused mess.
          Just a (befuddled) thought.

      3. @VICB3 – The system has choked up on some of my comments too and I never figured it was something I said – no, but it was my spelling.
        You don’t have to use real alphanumerics to spell either. For example the ‘bean dip stick’ or “¡“ symbol can spell “sh¡t” without being flagged. I don’t like to desecrate the crucifix in any way, but the holy symbol “†” can substitute for the letter ‘T’. I use the ‘Message Ease’ keyboard which has every symbol imaginable. I could write an entire book using absolutely no A-Z letters and no computer would know what the ¦-¦Σ|| I was saying. It works k¡nd o∫ |¡ke a ‘captcha’ if you know what I’m §aying. Just a t¡p VICB3 my man.

        1. I wish you would write an entire book McGoo. You’ve got a lot of wisdom and an interesting writing style that reminds me of Kerouac.

        2. Thanks for the input. I know how to game the system (eventually) too. Respectfully though, if you game it too much – ¦-¦Σ|| ? And yeah, I know what you just said – you:
          – Might confuse the less than literate reader, and
          -Loose the flow of words when you’re in the writing zone mindset. (I very much believe that you know what I mean.)*
          Anyway, it’s all very much a cross we must bear and manage as best we can as we’re tossed about in these PC times, “a tumult of agony and despair.”
          Just a thought.
          *”Go away and don’t interrupt me, Goddammit!!” snarled the (semi-psychotic) Writer as he flung his coffee cup at the Unfortunate ducking as she fled towards the doorway.
          Just kidding BTW. Sorta’

    4. I tend to like jews I meet. White men should know blacks are promoted as sex symbols in the msm/porn and Whites are portayed as inferior by the jews that dominate the media.

    5. Babyboomer white males went to war against Younger white males primarily born after 1975. That’s the only problem there is in the US.

    6. White Babyboomers went to war against younger white males born on or after 1975. That’s all that happened.

  1. The key word to me is diaspora. The jews found themselves there and want every other culture diluted. Maybe its not even a bad thing. The only problem is that the world, humankind as a whole, does not have a common threat. Wait for aliens to take over and it wont matter as much whether it’s asian technology, nigers strenght or whitties reasoning what will save the world eventually.

  2. Zionist jews are over represented in western media and government. They’re the reason why were in these pointless middle eastern wars, its all part of the greater Israel prophecy going back to Theodore Herzl.
    However, they wouldn’t have the power they have without the help of gentiles aiding them with money and military power. Because if it was just intelligence that got them this far, then the Chinese should control the western world since they have the highest intelligence and population. In fact, many Asian immigrants are complaining about the over representation of Jews in elite american universities.
    However, I do agree that bitching about it is fruitless. Most of the 1488’ers seem to be teenage edge lords who get excited from hearing their first kernels of red pill truth.

    1. Ay-dolf Hit-Ler was on the right track but not enough. He should’ve exterminated every J-e-w- while they were fleeing to Israhell.

      1. He didn’t exterminate any. They were internment camps to keep Communist agitators under control.

  3. Whether you like it or not, jews are responsible for most of West’s present situation. They have created (if not, stimulated) all the nocive trends that are corroding our civilization; and they are even promoting actively white genocide, just look at what is happening in South Afrika (
    If you simply deny the role of the jews in all this you are either a dumb or a cuck.

    1. Good Joseph, then I’m dumb and a cuck. This is a very balanced article, one I’ve been waiting for a long time. People want easy answers and a boogeyman to blame. I also get the impression that many of you wouldn’t know a Jew if that person fell on top of them. I grew up with them in my long ago youth. They are a complicated, contradictory, multi layered and often cantankerous people. They have done great good and some of them have done the most evil harm possible. They have a long verifiable documented history which I suggest you all study. If they all disappeared tomorrow the life and death problems we now face would still be there. Hate the memory of the Bolshevik Jews? Yes. Hate the ugly face of George Soros? He is as evil as they come. But now am I supposed to hate Sandy Koufax too? How far does this go? Am I supposed to hate all of my ex classmates and neighbors of long ago? Take your friends where you find them and be wary, very wary of your enemies whoever they might be. On this site I’m told I have to hate any non white, Catholics, Baby Boomers, whites that aren’t Germanic or of British Isles origin and of course them((())). Where do you guys think you’re going to find allies to defeat the ugly, dangerous and ever menacing matrix? This is a damn good article. It doesn’t sugar coat a most difficult issue while promoting the most sane of responses. I could go on and on but I doubt many would listen. Like I said I have a long history with these people.

    2. “jews are responsible for most of West’s present situation”. “if you deny it you’re a cuck”
      What you’re basically saying is, ” Jooze suk. If you don’t agree then you suk”.
      Non sequitur.
      That line of reasoning probably works better over at Stormfront with the inbreds.

  4. I often say that Whites are too prone to feminism because of their inherent masculinity. Whites are by far the most macho, masculine race – entirety of our culture is about valuing freedom, independence, courage, etc. – typical masculine things.
    Because of high testosterone, we are willing to help “damsels in distress” for an iota increase in probability of fornication.
    Feminism is like a virus that exploits our inherent desire, driven orders of magnitude high by high testosterone, to fuck. Women get everything they ask for and we compromise every single time. Heck, they protested during Roman times because of diminishing supply of dildos (!!!), something unthinkable even in 21st century Middle East.
    …their… modus operandi is “empowering” damsels to make ridiculous demands. But it would never have worked had we not mental slaves to fertility goddess.
    p.s. never bothered to read the …sponsered… article other than casual skimming for 5 seconds.

    1. feminism just seems to be getting worse:
      Magua sums it up perfectly…

      “Magua understand white man is a dog to his women.
      Women they want to eat, he puts down his tomahawk to feed their laziness…”
      More incomprehensible anti-white-male tropes… every day.

    2. By white nature we’re susceptible to white knighting. Feminism is somewhat different in that it is a concentrated bottled form of the worst mind piss a woman can muster. It destroys the whole tribe. (((WHO))) would ever dare to take the worst woman mind piss and bottle it like coca-cola and feed it to nursing infants and pump it into the veins of a people? Hmmm . . could it beee?? Boy (((they))) sure fight like women. It is the womanly way to kill someone by poison whereas the man wields a sword honorably or does a one handed candy ass back breaking smackdown. But the lanky men who have no foreskins have these large broad shouldered wives becoming expert chefs at cooking up the most virulent deadly woman mind piss in the kitchen to annihilate the entire community. It’s so womanny to do that – to kill with poison. Just google ‘the most prolific serial killer’ and it is a woman – Amelia Dyer. Dyer wasn’t a joo either so this article makes approximate partial sense somewhat generally at times considering.

      1. Uh, in most other countries they will literally burn someone to death for even the rumor that the guy raped a woman. To pretend that white men are the most pussy whipped men is hilarious. Many nations in Africa are pretty much matriarchies. Even Indians (dot on forehead) have actually evolved to be the least sexually dimorphic humans on the planet since they have such matriarchal nations. No, most white men are actually not pussy whipped, that is why we are not breeding with our whore, gold digging women. The problem with white men is that there is too much individualism between us (you can thank Reaganisim and libertarianism for that), the Jews run the media, boomers have no idea what is going on and they worship their daughters, and women have the right to vote…oh, and we have a fifth column of millions of anti-white minorities within our nations too. Other than that, pfff, black dudes slaughter each other over bitches, minorities obsess over women, especially white women, and most non-whites will do ANYTHING for pussy, including rape.

        1. The word ‘rape’ is such a female opinionated word that we should just drop it from our vocabulary. What is ‘rape’ on a white college campus is put absolutely to shame by African tribal custom. They LIVE by it. It is their bread and butter. Their tribes and communities proliferate greatly by what sjw’s would call rape. The Latino ‘machismo’ culture interfused a bit of the masculine red haired Spanish masculinity into the largely matrilineal aboriginal Indian culture, and a typical mestizo ‘macho man’ puts a timid white geek approaching on campus to shame even worse. The Mexican MACHO MAN by white campus standards rapes and rapes and rapes to his heart’s delight. He is free to oogle, to pinch asses, to manhandle and make it look like a salsa dance as his community cheers and enjoys tequila, and best of all he cracks on his woman like a barnyard animal when she is naughty. And all is happy in the world of the mestizo macho man. And he’s not afraid to call her out and say “she’s a cressey beetch” with a backhand.
          In the white knighting west, a white knighting cop or cockblocker just wants to fuck her more. And women’s shelter lesbians and the mangina moustache fag volunteers also want to fuck the skanks because they are all bottom dwellers. Anyone who saves a woman from being ‘raped’ does so because they basically want to fuck them next because the girl is all buttered up already and the morons lack the basic game to butter up and get a girl loyal the right way.
          When someone forcibly rapes YOUR woman who is YOUR loyal property – then yeah you’ve got a right to k¡ll them if you’re a man. Otherwise she’ll flake like a turd and never respect you again either if you’re so weak that you have to let the retarded system deal with the rapist. If you’re a big enough gorilla to slaughter your wife’s rapist, then you’ve likely got the brawn to continue maintaining control over her. She ain’t going anywhere when she’s like a mouse compared to you being an insane justice wielding bastard. The governments of the western nations really need to lay hands off with the insane levels of micromanaging the affairs of the private family units. Let KING DADDY do that job and the west will really be great again.

        2. “The word ‘rape’ is such a female opinionated word that we should just drop it from our vocabulary” Rape actually does exist, and I am not dropping a word from my vocabulary just because liberals ruined it, that is a bitch move.

        3. @Wes – Getting rid of the word ‘rape’ isn’t like book burning or anything. It’s only a single word and you can always make up new and better words. Heck I make up and coin words all the time. And the word ‘rape’ is such a nuisance to have hurled at you. It’s like if you’re walking down the street and some feminazi screams “rape” when you look at her and wink. Geez it’s like she just hurled a piece of shit in your eye. I’d be like “Damn get that word outta here. Somebody PLEASE dispose of that word.” It would be better if sjw’s didn’t have such a lexicon of their own stolen and bullsh¡t words like “toxic masculinity” so they could be a little more silent when confronted with logic. Then maybe they could think for themselves and see reality and truth instead of being mindless rhetoric spewing zombies.
          Abused dead words that have lost their meaning so badly are like an irritating noise or grunt, like a cough sound. They mean nothing. That’s how little precise meaning the word ‘rape’ holds in the entire feminist sphere. They use if for anything masculine and they use it to silence and shut up any masculine dialogue with them. ‘Rape’ is used to scorn anything masculine just like the oxymoronic term ‘toxic masculinity’ which should also be forgotten.
          ONE MEANINGFUL WORD that has boomed in usage in the past 5 years is ‘cuckold’. It is a very precise word that was absent in the 2000s and it hits the nail on the head describing what many many women were doing openly – but cuckoldry was an antiquated word that hadn’t been in popular conversation for a hundred years, so men didn’t have a precise word to call out ‘hypergamous’ behaviour (which is another valuable new term). Women openly and brazenly ‘cuckolded’ their men and husbands who were left speechless. Now you can call it out with one word that says it all. Some young women now are associating ‘cuckold’ with low bottom dweller whores and they don’t want to end up being a ‘cuckold’ ho. Older x-generation ho’s with kids from different sires can’t turn back the clock and they’re the ones stuck with the label now.

        4. You neglected to say that those countries only become violent against rape if it concerns an outsider.
          A couple years ago a Muslim with a British passport raped a chinese woman in the street. There was severe ruckus. However it would not have made the neews if it merely involved a chinese man.

  5. While I agree with some of what you said, the last line about building parallel institutions irks me. Why? It’s not allowed. Whites can’t express one bit of white identity in the West because of organizations like the SPLC, who are predominately Jewish. Whites can’t build parallel institutions. They have to be murdered on farms in countries where they are outnumbered while Roseanne runs off for safety in Israel at the hint of the slightest bit of trouble here in the USA.

  6. OK, Roosh, now you are allowed to come back to the USA to promote your book, all is well, yours truly, Harvey Shekelstein.

  7. Jews vs gentiles is another example of how humans are naturally divided by ethnicity. I don’t blame Jews for all the scourges of the West (I blame ease of life as the number one cause for degeneracy), although it does seem like a high proportion of Jews are involved with the globalist shadow govt that encourages degeneracy and demolishes the foundational principles of the West.

  8. My god the amount of ignorance in this article is stunning, staggering, overwhelming. I don’t even know where to begin. I would hate to be the guy walking around with this much cognitive dissonance in my head.
    It’s real simple. You either believe in truth or you don’t. All men that follow the path of truth and light eventually arrive at the same conclusion: evil walks among us, and it has a name.

  9. I don’t belive in the whole jew conspiracy. Blaming other people for all your problems doesn’t work. Blacks we have been blaming white people for years how has that helped us? Just take away women’s rights!

  10. Pure Disinfo from a Blue Pilled idiot and probably the worst and most factually incorrect argued position on J EWs and Israel, ever.
    The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is – WHY?
    DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form:
    “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood… In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today.” (Roman History)
    DIODORUS SICULUS. First century Greek historian. Observed that Jews treated other people as enemies and inferiors.
    “Usury” is the practice of lending money at excessive interest rates. This has for centuries caused great misery and poverty for Gentiles. It has brought strong condemnation of the Jews!
    BERNARDINO OF FELTRO. 15th century Italian priest. A mild man who extolled patience and charity in normal circumstances, he described himself as a “barking dog” when dealing with Jews:
    “Jewish usurers bleed the poor to death and grow fat on their substance, and I who live on alms, who feed on the bread of the poor, shall I then be mute before outraged charity? Dogs bark to protect those who feed them, and I, who am feed by the poor, shall I see them robbed of what belongs to them and keep silent?” (E. Flornoy, Le Bienbeureux Bernardin the Feltre)
    “I’ve never seen a president –I don’t care who he is– stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what’s going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don’t have any idea what goes on.” [See Washington Report 12/1999, p.124 quoting from Andrew Hurley’s book, “One Nation Under Israel”].
    -Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff
    “For many years I have felt that the situation in the Middle East was very nearly hopeless. The fundamental problem for us is that we have lost our freedom of action in the Middle East and are committed to policies that promote neither our own national interest nor the cause of peace. AIPAC (the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) and its allied organizations have effective working control of the electoral process. They can elect or defeat nearly any congressman or senator that they wish, with their money and coordinated organization”
    -Senator William Fulbright
    ‘For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both Killed the Lord Jesus, And their own Prophets, and have {ersecuted us; and they please not God, and are Contrary to All men.’
    -Paul, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
    H. H. BEAMISH, in New York Speech, October 30, 1937
    “The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these people touch they inevitably pollute.”
    JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, VIII:44
    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. – then answered the Jews – ”
    (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)
    MARTIN LUTHER, Table Talk of Martin Luther, translated by William Hazlet, page 43
    “But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”
    “The Jews are enemies of God and foes of our holy religion.” ~ Padre Pio
    How dare Christians have the slightest intercourse with Jews, those most miserable of all men. They are lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits — pests of the universe! Indeed, an entire day would not suffice to tell of all their rapine, their avarice, their deception of the poor, their thievery, and their huckstering. Are they not inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil? Jews are impure and impious, and their synagogue is a house of prostitution, a lair of beasts, a place of shame and ridicule, the domicile of the devil, as is also the soul of the Jew.
    As a matter of fact, Jews worship the devil: their rites are criminal and unchaste; their religion a disease; their synagogue an assembly of crooks, a den of thieves, a cavern of devils, an abyss of perdition! Why are Jews degenerate? Because of their hateful assassination of Christ. This supreme crime lies at the root of their degradation and woes. The rejection and dispersion of the Jews was the work of God, not of emperors. It was done by the wrath of God and because of His absolute abandonment of the Jews. Thus, the Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end.
    God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., “Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!” Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion. ‘
    ~ St. John Chrysostom
    ”We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags…And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
    “So complete was the Jewish domination of Russia as a result of the revolution that it is a misnomer to speak about the ‘Russian revolution’; it should more accurately be called the ‘Russian-Jewish revolution’.”’
    -Nobel & Pulitzer Prize Author Aleksandr Solzhenityzn

  11. tldr; NAJALT
    It’s hard to believe we’ve been having these discussions for over a decade in the manosphere and there are still people – who fancy themselves writers even! – who can’t grasp the very simple, fundamental fact that exceptions don’t make the rule.
    Once they grasp that fact, maybe they can advance one more baby step and realize that people often show different sides of themselves depending on the audience and the situation. Group solidarity is all that matters in the end, not how kindly your neighbor appeared to be back in 9th grade.
    It’s the old argument about thieves. The good, moral, and truthful person argues that the thief is to blame for stealing, end of story. The fork-tongued, morally questionable scoundrel will always argue that the victim deserved it because she left valuables in an unlocked car.

  12. Cultural marxism is alive and well in Israel too
    …so much for Jews targeting only White societies

  13. USSR = THE PERFECT JEWISH EXAMPLE OF THEIR RULE = “At no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as it was between 1917 and 1953 in the Soviet Union: the time of the great gulags and the merciless slaughter of the peasants.” = 66+ Million (mostly Christians).
    FACT: Orthodox Christian churches were demolished in huge numbers and systematic torture and mass murder of 10s of millions of Russian Christians by the Bolshevik Jews is documented. + “Kaganovich also ordered the shocking demolition in downtown Moscow of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 1931. It was replaced by a giant swimming pool.” + “Not one Jewish synagogue has been torn down…” But the Bolshevik Revolution was supposedly “committed to the destruction of religion.” = Destroyed churches, mosques and temples and flooded the schools and media with atheistic propaganda. = The animosity of the Jewish leadership was directed almost exclusively toward the Christian clergy and their churches as monks, nuns and priests were put to death in large numbers, after being cruelly tortured with their eyes gouged out and in some instances being boiled alive. = “Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish cheka.” = The “historic sin of the Jews” in the Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps. = “The Jews of the entire world supported Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition.”
    “So complete was the Jewish domination of Russia as a result of the revolution that it is a misnomer to speak about the ‘Russian revolution’; it should more accurately be called the ‘Russian-Jewish revolution’.”
    Bolshevik Jews engineered the Russian Revolution (1917) and managed to kill 66 million Russian Christians = Under Stalin and his Communist Jews burned down thousands of the churches and built synagogues as needed = Alexander SOLZHENITSYN states flatly: “66 million” = “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags…And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name ‘Genrikh Yagoda’, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.”
    8 Years in the Gulag
    How dare Christians have the slightest intercourse with Jews, those most miserable of all men. They are lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits — pests of the universe! Indeed, an entire day would not suffice to tell of all their rapine, their avarice, their deception of the poor, their thievery, and their huckstering. Are they not inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil?
    Jews are impure and impious, and their synagogue is a house of prostitution, a lair of beasts, a place of shame and ridicule, the domicile of the devil, as is also the soul of the Jew. As a matter of fact, Jews worship the devil: their rites are criminal and unchaste; their religion a disease; their synagogue an assembly of crooks, a den of thieves, a cavern of devils, an abyss of perdition! Why are Jews degenerate? Because of their hateful assassination of Christ. This supreme crime lies at the root of their degradation and woes. The rejection and dispersion of the Jews was the work of God, not of emperors. It was done by the wrath of God and because of His absolute abandonment of the Jews. Thus, the Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end.
    God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., “Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!” Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion.
    ~ St. John Chrysostom
    JOSEPH STALIN (Crypto Jew) in a reply given on January 12, 1931 to an enquiry made by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of America (Stars and Sand, page 316)
    “Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death.”
    HENRY FORD in (The Dearborn Independent, 12-19 February 1921
    “Jews have always controlled the business… The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada… is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind.”
    DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form:
    “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood… In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today.” (Roman History)
    DIODORUS SICULUS. First century Greek historian. Observed that Jews treated other people as enemies and inferiors.
    “Usury” is the practice of lending money at excessive interest rates. This has for centuries caused great misery and poverty for Gentiles. It has brought strong condemnation of the Jews.’
    For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
    15 Who both Killed the Lord Jesus, and their own Prophets, and have Persecuted us; and they please not God, and are Contrary to All men:.’
    -Paul, 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 : 14:15

  14. I feel like this article presents a false dichotomy that if you raise the J question or critical of J nefarious actions you’re a Nassi skinhead or “blame J’s for everything.
    No not all J are evil monsters. Yes gentiles are complicit and lured by selfish, greedy, lustful etc desires into J machinations but they are not the root cause of a not so subtle anymore, yet very devious plot of J tyranny.
    This isn’t something recent or unfounded either. The J have a long evident history of carrying out these supremacist aspirations.
    Their very holy scriptures in the millennia old Talmud basically gives away the blueprint exposing their hatred and contempt of non tribe members and their planned endgame. It even states to not let the g0yim know what they teach about them for they would surely put them to death. If that isn’t an admission of guilt then I don’t know what to tell you.
    We can go into intellectualized circles ad-nauseam excusing their practices to our own and future generations folly but to ignore the overwhelming evidence and shrug it off as nothing to be overly concerned about with a deluded arrogance will be disastrous.

      1. White men are responsible for giving women the rights they have today. Whire men are also responsible for giving blacks their rights and allowing them to stay in our nations. And white men are responsible for helping establish a homeland for Jews in Israel and allowing them to exist in our nations.
        White men are not responsible for the inherent nature of these groups yet we did provide them the platform on which thier true natures could unfold.

  15. In 3-4 years I have never seen a commenter here yet “blaming all their problems on the js.” Damn you sound like poster lolknee of old.
    What we do have here is quite a few people who are aware of the j’s extremely disproportionate role in every single movement and trend that is bad for white Christian countries: porn, gay rights, black empowerment, “diversity is our strength,” multiculturalism, “refugees welcome,” feminism, open borders, socialism/marxism/communism, transgenderism, race-mixing, promotion of rap and hip-hop music over other genres.. you name it.
    And yeah, we talk about it and are pissed about it. So sue us.

  16. So the author actually thinks that 97% of the tribe are OK and they are being led around by the bad 3% ??? Makes me wonder if this article is satirical?

    1. Nah, the author used the phrase ‘chosen people’ without any sense of irony. If it is satire, it’s a piss poor attempt.

  17. There are many factions of Jews, but the ones most troubling for us are the secular Post-Jews. They dont really live jewish lives, practice much jewish culture or belief in jewish religion. Their jewishness is reduced to a network of money, power and tribal connections they can dip into at need. This is added to a profound sense of their own superiority they inherited from the practicing Jews. They are rapidly evolving into a caste-like structure, indistinguishable from the majority except for access to their own networks of privilege.
    The domination of these post-jews is a symptom of our cultural decay. Jewish power is filling a void left by the decline of the white anglo elite classes. When the old anglo elite was still fairly unified, the Jews were mostly kept in line and publically showed respect even if they thumbed their noses at them behind thier backs. But the 20th century destroyed our unity and self confidence, giving Jewish power its opportunity to grow. And now they are showing us their true faces

  18. It is true the Jews are not entirely to blame. Without their many willing accomplices their plans at destroying our culture could not work. But all our current ills can be laid right before them. A parasite can not live without a host. But is the host really to blame. Historical anti-semitism was just the host society ridding itself of an unwanted parasite. The deceitful machinations of the Tribe always precede any pogrom. Every great civilization fell after taking in the Jews. Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, The Kingdom of Poland, Imperial Russia, Germany to give examples.

  19. Goyim this article explains it all. Now quit your delusions and go back to sleep. Sincerely Rabbi Goldstein

  20. I can only fathom the author wrote this controversial piece with accompanying pics to generate hits and comments.
    The workout stuff wasn’t getting much traction.

    1. I think you maybe on to something there, Sasquatch. Mayhaps he ran out of gimmicks, or fucked himself up trying one out.

    2. That’s one of the only explanations that makes sense, seeing as how the article seems to lack even a shred of factual research, and relies on childish anecdotes to make inane, ill-defined points. It’s riddled with contradictions and incorrect statements that even prominent J-ish scholars have soundly refuted decades ago. It’s just a stinking heap of garbage as far as articles go.

  21. Hi Lars, thanks for your excellent article: as a second degree mischling (maternal grandma was Hungarian Ashkenazi so technically I’m tribe, go figure) let me offer my 2 cents on a few of your interesting points:
    “Jws continuing to hold the most minute of grudges a century after the fact”
    I see the same here in North East Asia between Korea and Japan: the sheer, stubborn categorical refusal to let go of their historical grudges by the Koreans have resurrected a long-gone hostility on the side the Japs, who right now literally detest Korea while a few years ago they mostly held a neutral to midly positive perception of the country.
    What J and Koreans have in common ? Centuries of obscurity, ignorance and poverty followed by a meteoric economic rise. I’m playing armchair evolutionary psychologist here but I think that such pattern of rapid, sudden ascendancy might leave any people kinda stuck in a limbo, inbetween a third worldish prone-to-self-victimisation mentality and the insecure arrogance of the nuveau riche. An explosive cocktail for grudges and resentment basically.
    “Jws showing a barely veiled contempt for the white American gentiles who have never oppressed them”
    I would say that’s a consequence of occupying an economic niche that end up defining a big chunk of your identity if not actively shaping your evolutionary process and your genetic make-up. Every J who ever existed was a slimy, Goy-hating usurer ? No but those who weren’t probably married out with their DNA blending into the general population. Those who stayed among the tribal ranks were probably the most clannish, and disdainful/exploitative of their host nation, segment of the total: a self-reinforcing mechanism so to speak.
    By the way if the economic mainstay of a minority group is not very profitable you end up with something resembling the Roma/Sinti in Europe or the Eta in Japan. Instead if you take over rich but sketchy segments of the economy like finance, media, wholesale trade etc. you end up being actively hated (and let’s face it envied) by the majority while at the same time developing an unhealthy sense of superiority: a perfect recipe for sociopathy if there ever was one.
    Again we have other examples around the world of similar patterns, i.e. the rich merchant class of Chinese descent in SE Asia.
    “Jws switching between being white and being non-white when it suits them.”
    Kinda playing Devil’s advocate here but that’s partly because it is very difficult to racially define Jws, even for Jws themselves. Over the millennia there have been so many converts and so many mixed marriages that you pretty much get any conceivable phenotype represented among the tribal ranks.
    My grandma was a strawberry blonde, green eyed woman of very fair complexion, she married an equally blonde Italian man from the Northern Italian region of Trentino. When my mom brought home a very Levantine looking man from other parts of the country (my dad) (((nonna))) almost died of a heart attack. I took more after the maternal side of the family: I had been taken in my life for Ukrainian, Romanian, Polish, German, Irish, English etc. and technically, according to the traditional (((law))), I’m a J.
    Lots of so called Jws are basically mischling to the point it’s very difficult to place them in one well-defined racial bin: Is Scarlett Johansson a ((()))? Is she white ? What about Bar Rafaeli ?
    “Perhaps we can argue that, to at least SOME extent, Jwish behavior causes anti-semitism?”
    Obviously yes, I consider myself a race realist, which entails recognizing the shortcomings of every ethnic/racial group on the planet, none is exempt. Should Jws be criticised openily ? Of fuckin’ course, like the Mediterraneans, Nordics, Bantus, Hmong, Chinese etc.
    Lot’s of other interesting things in your article I’d like to pinpoint but I’m getting tired here 🙂

    1. that’s a fascinating and persuasive account. The difference with the Koreans though (to the best of my knowledge) is that the latter don’t have anything like jewish messianism where the point is to impact human history in a particular direction. I appreciate not all jews are religious by any means, however jewish messianism has a secular side

  22. “why is a tiny minority population in control of a major industry?! ” Because they are tribal. How did a small island nation like Britain rule most of the planet? How did small little Greece hold off the Persian empire? Plus, they have the holocaust, which is WAY OVEREXAGGERATED, to use as their victim card….even against the very people whose ancestors fought and defeated “him”. Why doesn’t Japan get much shit today for their actions in ww2? Oh, that’s right, it is because Japan only killed Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and white people….the Germans, however, attacked the (((chosen people))) who run all our banks, media, and “anti-white” institutions (like the SPLC and ADL). The (((chosen people))) also are building their very own ethno-state called Israel, have broken every UN “law” out there, and they somehow get us to pay for it. Oh, and I almost forgot that they have the largest foreign lobbying group in our country, called AIPAC, which controls both party systems in this country. Israel was also caught in the WikiLeaks scandal as having access to our NSA program, so they are spying on us, more than likely to get data to destroy anyone who questions them. Need I say more about the (((chosen people)))? Meanwhile Libertarian inbred retards are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, bitching about MUH TAXES, der der der, Muh oil, Muh Reagan, Muh individual!!!

    1. You are clearly not that familiar with what’s going on in North East Asia. Japan might get a pass in the Western World because of the legions of horny weebos infesting the place but in Asia the bickering between the Chinks, the K-gooks and the Japs is endless, hopeless and, quite frankly, pretty pathetic.
      In Japan bosozoku gangs and other sketchy types regularly harass Korean schoolchildren, in Korea little kids are taught from an early age to hate and despise the Japs who are commonly referred to as island monkeys and other disparaging names . Quite a few soccer games between Japanese and Korean teams have been abruptly interrupted because of the violent assaults carried out by the Kim Chon. in China Japanese owned businesses and real estate are regularly assaulted and thrashed by angry mobs, more often than not instigated by their own government.
      If there is somehting the gooks definitely don’t know how to do is letting go of grudges.
      Me personally have absolutely no interest in the whole thing, all in all I like Koreans the best because they’re tall, fit and good looking and their country is less of a boring ass, drab podunkville than China and Japan. Also the Chinks look generally like mousy, scrawny, obtuse and uncouth peasants (even the rich ones) while the Japs do indeed display half-Polynesian monkeysh features.

      1. Japan is the clear superiority here. Korea is a pidgin language a backwater of the Chinese empire. The chicks are hot , the a pain in the ass, because Americans subsidized that country for 70 years to fight the communists.

    2. “Because they are tribal”. Exactly. So focusing excessively on Jews just opens the door for some other inbred tribal-acting group to take over. Like the overseas Chinese, just to cite a possible example, not that I think overseas Chinese currently control the USA. Focus on the destructive ideologies, like feminism and unrestrained global capitalism, not the group propagating those ideologies. If people are too stupid to resist destructive ideologies, those people deserve to be enslaved or exterminated. Looking at you, middle class whites…

      1. derpity derp derp
        here’s a better idea McGenius, how about the tribe that makes up the nation also makes up its representatives?
        Every race and nation on earth has the right to self-determination. It is unnatural being ruled by a Hostile Alien Elite.

    3. “Because they are tribal”. Exactly. So focusing excessively on ((())) just opens the door for some other inbred tribal-acting group to take over. Like the overseas Chinese, just to cite a possible example, not that I think overseas Chinese currently control the USA. Focus on the destructive ideologies, like feminism and unrestrained global capitalism, not the group propagating those ideologies. If people are too stupid to resist destructive ideologies, those people deserve to be enslaved or exterminated. Looking at you, middle class whites…

      1. Yep, there will always be tribalism, there will always be government, and there will always be collectivization….what separates third world, and oppressive nations, from 1st world nations is the ability of the people to control those institutions so that those institutions serve the best interests of the people it is responsible for. People who say tribalism is bad are just cowards, and they don’t get life. Like that old saying goes, “Death and Taxes are the only guarantees in life”….accept it, control it, or get run through by someone else. White people are a broken as fuck people, and other tribes are just filling the vacuum and competing with each other over the scraps. I mean, it is amazing when you think about it. White people have become so normalized to the shithole world we live in they don’t even understand that they are intentionally getting ethnically marginalized through population replacement, a soft genocide if you will (which could very likely turn into a “hard” genocide). We literally live in a world where saying that immigration is bad can get you fired, where colored immigrants receive first class citizenship over whites, where affirmative action is now just a power grab and weapon used against whites, and yet….MUH TAXES, MUH OIL, MUH REAGAN, MUH INDIVDIUALISM, JUST COME IN LEGALLY, MUH ECONOMICS!!!

      2. Combating destructive ideologies without removing from society those behind promoting them will do no good. Even if for a time things improved, they would just wait until the right moment to start it all over again.

    4. The following list is somewhat dated, yet many names should sound familiar. I bet they were all libertarian retards who voted for these Democrats, after all who else could supports the (((Bolshevik))) ideas of taxation to death, unions, hunting the rich, saving the planet from resource exploration, and all forms of collectivism, where smart, hardworking people have to pay the bills of morons and are forced to live and go to school with them… Diane Feinstein is on the list, white idiots have been voting for her for decades, and some mentally challenge commenters here claim whites aren’t to blame for their predicament, that they didn’t vote for illegal immigration, wars in the ME, affirmative action, well if you don’t know what your politicians stand for and what they do, or might do, who do you blame ? Sanders says Whites have a lot of apologizing to do to the colored yet he gets reelected by his retarded crowd of Vermont collectivists.
      Members of the US government with dual-citizenship to the US and Israel
      THE US SENATE [13]
      Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
      Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
      Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
      Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
      Al Franken (D-MN)
      Herb Kohl (D-WI)
      Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
      Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
      Carl Levin (D-MI)
      Bernard Sanders (Independent-VT)
      Charles Schumer (D-NY)
      Ron Wyden (D-OR)
      Michael Bennet (D-CO)
      Gary Ackerman (D-NY)
      Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
      Howard Berman (D-CA)
      Eric Cantor (R-VA)
      David Cicilline (D-RI)
      Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
      Susan Davis (D-CA)
      Ted Deutch (D-FL)
      Eliot Engel (D-NY)
      Bob Filner (D-CA)
      Barney Frank (D-MA)
      Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
      Jane Harman (D-CA)
      Steve Israel (D-NY)
      Sander Levin (D-MI)
      Nita Lowey (D-NY)
      Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
      Jared Polis (D-CO)
      Steve Rothman (D-NJ)
      Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
      Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
      Adam Schiff (D-CA)
      Brad Sherman (D-CA)
      Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
      Henry Waxman (D-CA)
      Anthony Weiner (D-NY)
      John Yarmuth (D-KY)

      1. Monopoly control of all mass media goes an awful long way in shaping public opinion.

        1. If you’re smart you don’t listen to the mass media. You can have all the Jews in the world trying to trick you to do their bidding but you listen to and follow your own instincts, what your parents have taught you, what the Church has thought you, and hate those who tell you otherwise even more. If you let yourself be guided by the media it just proves your stupidity, you’re a hopeless case- which is (((Their))) biggest weapon. You can read many memoirs of Polish aristocrats and others who lived in our eastern regions, now controlled by the Rus, how hordes of toothless, pig-brained Russians were looting and pillaging the estates of the Rich in 1917. Hundreds of years of teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church went out the window instantly, the reverence for the Royal family was abandoned, as soon as (((they)) pointed their fingers at the rich and gave the idiots the green light- Now, go get’ em, there’ll be no consequences this time. They should have been fighting tooth and nail to defend their Tsar, right. No, their greed and stupidity won the day.

        2. @dariusz
          The modern church and your boomer cuk parents are in (((their))) pocket.
          Guidance is only going to come from true red-pill folk. People need to be woke.

        3. @Squatch
          I wrote gut instincts, family, Church in that order on purpose. People have to use their brains if they have it, kids rebel against their parents all the time, the Church is not a monolithic institution, there is conflict within, pastors have diverse views and opinions, you make up your own mind about who to listen to. I gave the example of how quickly Russians abandoned their old time Orthodox faith’s tenets because (((someone))) had made many better sounding promises. It’s all about what kind of a human you are, who you were born- you don’t wonder what is good or bad if you’re a decent man, and you reject degenerate ideas outright without any guidance- theft, abortion/murder etc. these are the things that many politicians openly support, who are the people that lack the basic ethics that vote for them. You just don’t compromise on such matters for a bigger paycheck. Poland has had several anti-Church, communist governments since independence, all that despite being nominally Catholic. People selfishly support what they think will be better for their wallets.

      2. Had the occasion to be in the same room with Henry Waxman once, one of my faux-hebrew adventures.* Didn’t talk with him, merely observed.
        Impressions: An angry little man with glasses – he was something like 5’4″ – with an ugly nose that let you see up his hairy nostrils. You got the impression that he was the same smart know-it-all kid from grade or high school who wouldn’t let anybody copy his homework and had a chip on his shoulder because he was awkward and the cute girls wouldn’t look at him.
        Grown up he became the guy who knew better than you what was good for you, ready to boss you around. (And punish you in the process.) And his being voted into office was West Los Angeles affinity politics in action.
        Anyway, that’s one of my brushes with fame. Make whatever you wish of it.
        Just a thought.
        My name sounds like it’s J , and depending on where I am – West Los Angeles most typically – people think that I am even though I’m C of E.

        1. Waxman is quite the repugnant little fella. One of the ugliest men in politics and that’s really saying something. He made a career out of the Left’s fetish for the grotesque and disfigured. In the new world we can’t let genetically damaged bugmen rule over us any longer. Physiognomy is real.

      3. That’s an old list. A lot of these congresscritters aren’t even there anymore. And David Ciciline’s dad is an Italian Catholic. Either way, this article is great clickbait. After all, RoK is becoming Daily Stormer with chick-pix.

    5. White men are responsible for giving women the rights they have today. Whire men are also responsible for giving blacks their rights and allowing them to stay in our nations. And white men are responsible for helping establish a homeland for Jews in Israel and allowing them to exist in our nations.
      White men are not responsible for the inherent nature of these groups yet we did provide them the platform on which thier true natures could unfold.
      There are many whites who are guilty of selling out their own people for power.

    6. With all the factual and well-documented complaints against these parasites, it’s a slap in the face that some idiotic blue-pilled writer would try and convince us that all of their perfidy and malice is a figment of our imagination.

  23. So we are not to speak or raise concern of the chosenites or any problem?
    How does one solve a problem if they are deceptively made unaware of the problem or misdirected to pursue bogus solutions to that problem.
    We live in a world of censorship and legitimate fear of talking of said problem and it’s only getting worse. We have mass indoctrination no (((problem))) exists in fact the opposite. The problem is our solution. The poison is our medicine.
    I won’t apologize for speaking out and applaud those with courage to do so. Nothing will change unless the blindfolds are removed from the masses and the problem exposed. Atleast allow the people a fair an honest assessment.
    cliche depictions of skinheads kkk etc and “blame jooz for all the problems in your life” accusative nonsense intent to shame is stooping to an argument indicative of grasping at straws to possibly sate a cognitive dissonance or manipulate a particular agenda.

    1. “We live in a world of censorship and legitimate fear of talking of said problem”….uh…yeah…this site writes an article focusing on “them”, but you can’t even mention “them” by name without getting your comment deleted! Utter insanity! We aren’t even allowed to discuss the primary theme of the article without contorting and disguising our language.

  24. Larsen was once writing semi-decent articles on fitness. I wasn’t impressed by there were ok, now he wants to teach on matters he is incompetent.

    1. It’s classic behavior from a newb who wants to cherrypick which parts of the red pill he’s willing to accept. These types are not allies, they were only attracted to this movement because they thought it would help them get laid. If they don’t want to learn about real life that’s fine but they sure as hell shouldn’t be writing articles about big ideas.

  25. Do tend Jews to be obnoxious pricks? I will not deny it. Are there Jews who maybe are not full of hate and resentment because they were not educated that way? Much likely.
    But let us be honest. Where’s the sense in helping someone uncapable of introspection?
    Jews are their own worst enemy and they don’t event want to admit. I mean, they give their enemies reasons and excuses to hate them and still do (very stupid, if you ask me).
    And now, if Jews dare to make the mistake of messing with the whites whose ancestors beat the hell out of their ancestors (which they are doing, once again, those f*ckers never learn), therefore I don’t give a damn about antisemitism and never will. I’m not going to get out there to kill yids (unless I don’t have another choice) but believe when I tell you I’ll never move a finger to save them if I see them in danger.
    I’ll focus in help and taking care of my people, and may the Lord have mercy on the souls of those who try to prevent it.

  26. “When you claim that whites are the master race and yet Jews have utterly cowed and defeated them, you’re again like the “kangz” crowd—and the most insane subset of that crowd, too.”
    I agree with this, but most of this article is hogwash. Jews just do not like Gentiles generally, and right now their target is white gentiles and Christian gentiles, and they have made them their target for centuries now. Also, Jews hate Jesus way, way way more than they hate Hitler and Palestinians, but so many Christians in the US blindly support Israel without thinking. They use their high-IQs for madness.

  27. I really wish everyone could just get along. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works. Fixing this is gong to have to be a two way street. Christianity has abandoned its hostile stance, so it would be great if there was some reciprocity. That said, the following may clarify what the specifics are:

    1. Note to Ralf: this is not directed at you. Once again replies are all I can post.
      Nobody here has ever “blamed the Jews” for EVERYTHING wrong. You yourself made that list about what goes on, it’s just that nowhere else (barring neo-Nazi sites) will you find any discussion about it.
      It’s also the fact that the mainstream makes it seem as though Jews are the one group of human beings in history who have never been guilty of ANY wrongdoing. The damage done through the shenanigans of what may be more accurately called “Zionists” has been simply terrible, and now we are at the final stages.
      Look, if I was part of a group that has been hated on, kicked out, exiled, mass-murdered in almost ever empire, society, and nation throughout history, even before Christianity, let alone Islam (which came out centuries later), I’d wonder if maybe it’s something I’m doing.
      And how does “God’s Chosen People” NOT count as a Master Race sentiment?

      1. Jews can do no evil.
        White gentiles can do nothing but evil.
        This was the moral narrative of my youth.
        May the allied soldiers who conquered the world for the Jews burn in hell.

  28. “good little goy! be quiet! we are the eternal rivals of rome and europe but most of all of that cunt yeshua! but keep believing we are good friends! that’s good! we convinced you that islam is evil and that your sons must go and die in the middle east to secure the safety of zion! but keep believing we are nice! we made you addicted to the pursuit of money and sex! but you keep believing that is the path to happiness! that’s good little goy, that’s good, now come give daddy his sponge bath and make sure to work the creases this time!”
    “yes massa. wateva you say massa. imma be gud. imma be a gud goy. imma make my massa proud. i love you massa.”

  29. Nobody here has ever “blamed the Jews” for EVERYTHING wrong. You yourself made that list about what goes on, it’s just that nowhere else (barring neo-Nazi sites) will you find any discussion about it.
    It’s also the fact that the mainstream makes it seem as though Jews are the one group of human beings in history who have never been guilty of ANY wrongdoing. The damage done through the shenanigans of what may be more accurately called “Zionists” has been simply terrible, and now we are at the final stages.
    Look, if I was part of a group that has been hated on, kicked out, exiled, mass-murdered in almost ever empire, society, and nation throughout history, even before Christianity, let alone Islam (which came out centuries later), I’d wonder if maybe it’s something I’m doing.
    And how does “God’s Chosen People” NOT count as a Master Race sentiment?

  30. Let’s think rationally, like men. Who has more power: the Vatican or the Hebrew diaspora?

  31. You’re not making irrelevant comparisons. The we wuz kangz theory is based on laughable nonsense. There is hard overwhelming evidence of Jewish subversion, you also left out the satanic pedophile talmudic Jewish supremacist bankers.
    Nobody blames Jews for everything. Even Hitler in mien kampf describes that as a teenager he would get pissed about people blaming the Jews for everything.
    You’re right it’s not entirely their fault, there is corrupt elites that allow them but you’re posturing that because not all Jews are bad we should accept them. Nope. What’s evident is that multiculturalism is never going to work and every Jew good or bad no longer deserves a place in white society.
    They’re parasites. Look at Trump’s lawyer, his “good Jew” lawyer of 30 years stabbed him in the back first chance he could to support his in group. This is the way it is.

  32. Holocaust did not happen. Research the Balfour agreement. Also David Coleman (I think is the name) who is very very Jewish has made a documentary disproving the Holocaust theory as well as producing several books. The guy had to go into hiding because of Jewish backlash . Facts are facts.

    1. It DID happen, no question about it.
      But it would have been demographically IMPOSSIBLE for Hitler to have killed 6 million “Certain People” within his reach- for example, he could hardly have reached any in America or Canada.
      The actual number was probably between one million or maybe- maybe, because of deprivations caused even post-war (as it affected many others)- two million.

    2. It did happen, no doubt about it. There were simply too many witnesses who saw too much proof.
      But the actual number was between one to two million, maximum, many likely due to wartime deprivations that killed many later on- this was true of many other people too just after WW2 (many people could not even prove who they were, all records having been destroyed- “displaced people”).
      It would have been impossible for “Mr. H” to have killed six million within his reach- for example, America and Canada were out of his reach.

  33. Many very intelligent people have tried to take the fair and reasonable approach to Jews and ended up looking stupid as time progressed. Nietzsche recognised their past issue but was optimistic about what they would do for Europe.. well we now see the results. To understand Jews you need to put yourselves in their shoes and understand the psychology and beliefs. There is no way to reconcile the fact that they believe they are chosen and all else are beneath them. This creates an ego that can justify anything. We see it in all societies throughout history where the upper caste feels entitled to exploit and expend the lower castes, sometimes on a close to genocidal scale. We all want to be special, when we are 8 we want to be superheros because our ego wants to dominate.. we grow out of it, but for Jews it is reinforced. The victimhood culture then further reinforces justification of any action against the goy, so that even moderate Jews will just turn a blind eye when their aristocracy commits evil acts.
    Also I wouldn’t be so arrogant when stating x isn’t a Jew.. some of those you named do have blurred lines and histories, and none of us who aren’t privy to irregular information have no idea whether they were actually Jewish or not.

    1. A big problem is that White people project our psychology onto other races. We assume other groups think and act basically the same as we do and if they don’t then it’s just a temporary thing and if we treat them nicely enough…they will become like us.
      This is a terrible and very, very problematic trait of our race.
      The other races are not like us, they do not think and behave like us and they do not share our character.

  34. A fair article could be written on this topic but sadly this one misses the mark.
    Here is the most charitable way to assess the situation: all races and ethnicities BESIDES whites, believe in ethnic solidarity, nepotism, corruption, and deceit. They operate on a belief system that dictates material gain as the only true arbiter of right or wrong. If it puts a buck in your pocket it’s right. If the other guy is cheated out of a buck, he’s in the wrong. Wouldn’t want to be him.
    The modern White Man, with his unique beliefs in concepts like justice, equality, fairness, and rule of law, shuns ethnic favoritism and shows pathological altruism toward all outgroups. This sets him apart from any other species on Earth.
    How many people would go to the trouble to seek someone out and return a dropped wallet, with all the contents intact? With a straight face, you must admit that White Men are the only ones likely to do this.
    Rather than show humility and gratitude for the White Man’s spirit of openness and generosity, other groups see it as a weakness to be exploited ruthlessly, and they hate the idea that White Men can be so weak and yet still have so much. They want to destroy it just because it’s there, reminding them of their own inferior and shabby cultures that produce nothing but violence, sloth, and envy.
    Essentially the best thing you can say about non-Whites in Europe and N America is that they are only taking advantage of the kindness shown by strangers. They make a great case against themselves – if you want to preserve a good society you must be absolutely intolerant to the idea of sharing your space with Hebr3ws or Non-Whites because they will take advantage of it every time.
    So no, one can argue, they are not evil or anything of the sort, they just operate on a completely different belief system that permits them to lie, cheat and steal, and for this reason they are incompatible with White society. No hard feelings.

  35. I don’t like the thing where the author gives publicity to the world view where there are two people in the world: jews and non-jews (disparagingly referred to as gentiles or goyim, the latter supposedly meaning ‘cattle’).
    Unless you’re a jewish supremacist, I don’t see why anyone would want to use that kind of a categorization. It’s an embodiment of the us vs. them mentality and also represents the last form of politically correct form of racism on steroids, which is the “chosen people” myth. There are still christians all over the world, or at least in USA and Europe, who worship Israel and jews although the jewish faith clearly denies the truth of the Bible unlike islam for example.

  36. Is this guy Larsen Halleck for real? Serious cuckoldry going on in this article. Larsen should go work for Salon.

  37. >…Jews manipulating historiography for their own purposes.
    Larsen if you admit this, why the “delusions of Holocaust deniers” snipe?
    I think you are full well that disagreeing with the smallest detail of the status quo in the most minute way (ie lets say you want to explore if perhaps 5 million Jews or even SEVEN million Jews died, rather than 6) you will be smothered in the full force of “Holocaust denier”. There is no such thing as “Holocaust revisionism” to them, only “Holocaust denial”, even if the revision is somehow to make it more-Holocausty (7 million is worse than 6 million, right?) it will be condemned as DENIAL because you are denying their undisputable FACTS.
    Due to the broad brush of “all revisionism is denial” there is absolutely nothing at all delusional about “Holocaust denial” as Jews and the Left define it. Your opinion could be as simple a disagreement as “I think only 5,999,998 Jews were killed by Nazi, 2 were eaten by a ferocious alligator who was not a Nazi alligator” and you will be a DENIER.
    Lumping the slight divergence from acceptability with massive divergence from acceptabilty (say “I still think millions of Jews died, but maybe less than six” vs “I think less than 100 Jews died”) is the same type of thing we see happening with Feminism’s demonization of male attraction to pre-roasties. They lump men attracted to teen girls in together with men attracted to prepubescent girls in together with babyfuckers as the omnipresent “pedophile” even though these are all very different degrees of squick.
    Holocaust revisionism is a spectrum. You simply cannot reasonably lump people who disagree with the 6 gorillion together as if they were all deluded. Even if they are incorrect, there are varying degrees of incorrectness, and to be more incorrect requires more disorder of the mind than to be slightly incorrect.
    So if you want to be reasonable here, please tell us at what point of revisionism you consider it to be outright “denial”. What is the minimum amount of deaths which makes something a “Holocaust” so that dipping below it means that you no longer think a mass murder was massive enough to qualify for the big H?

  38. So why do the other 97% allow the 3% to push them around?
    Because that 3% owns The FED, The International Monetary Fund, The Bank of International Settlements, The European Union and its decadent royalty, the dollarized 3rd world countries, because they print the money, and because they owned the slave ships that transported African slaves to America, because they won World War II (they own The US since the early 20th century when they created The FED) and pretend that they were its main victims, etc…
    The problem with The Juice is of an economic nature. Their ridiculous ideologies and religious beliefs do not realky matter.

  39. I don’t want to live with them.
    They hate us. I don’t want to live with people who hate me.
    They have their own country so why can’t we have one?
    Why must I be trapped in a hellish torture chamber of a society with a group that hates me?

  40. First of all, it IS true that the “Certain People” are NOT responsible for everything going wrong today. That is a fact.
    Absolutely NOBODY here has ever said that it is, barring a few trolls who aren’t ROK people at all.
    But the writer himself has listed a number of things which are true.
    There is also the problem of calling yourself “God’s Chosen People.” In what way is that NOT a Master Race mentality?
    It is also a fact that Israel has a clear double standard: what Western societies are told to do they are not- how many Islamic third-world “refugees” do you see flooding Israel? How often do you see anyone, especially in the media, insisting that they do?
    Who runs the media that pushes radical feminism, anti-white male propaganda, etc. etc, every form of deviancy imaginable- but in the “Certain People” private schools do you think you’ll see transsexual bathrooms or books like “Heather Has Two Mommies?”
    Who has meddled in other’s affairs, including bringing about communist tyrannies that murdered tens of millions?
    Who has made The Holocaust the only genocide worth mentioning, ignoring communist mass murders, ethnic cleansing of the 1990s, and every other massacre throughout human history, including the Rape of Nanjing during WW2?
    The hatred too many of the “Certain People” have for others, especially whites but blacks and Asians as well, is obvious but never questioned.
    Look, if I was part of a group that has been hated, exiled, and killed en masse by every society, empire, what have you since before even Christianity, let alone Islam (remember Pharaoh?), by various peoples throughout thousands of years I’d seriously wonder if maybe it was something we were doing.

  41. Sorry for the repeat posts, everyone- I don’t know what’s going on with this site at times! Especially you, Ralf, my apologies.

  42. In my opinion, this is not something the writer should be talking about. He is not Jewish, so cannot speak with the full experience of being Jewish. Just like how I can’t talk acting like I know how a black man feels, being a white woman. This entire article feels antisemitic, and whether that is the intention or not, it is insensitive and not a topic that should have ever been published. The most glaring problem in this is how Jewish people are supposed to not feel rage or depression or hate Nazis because the Holocaust happened, in what the author feels, was a long time ago. I remember being in seventh grade and learning about the Holocaust. A Jewish girl started crying in class, and she had more than enough right to. The Holocaust happened and still effects many Jewish people today, because it was an act against them. Jewish people died. I feel it is insensitive to tell a people who have been oppressed for centuries to “Get over it.” Again, the author has no experience being a Jewish person and should not speak on this.

    1. your a crazy feminist with made up feminist stories circling your brain washed head.
      Do you live in a world where you cannot speak, or look, or walk without being subjected to “The Words” {Islamophobic, trans-phobic, misogynist, antisemitic, racist}? No, off course you do not. You are a perpetrator of this anti-white male pogrom. Shit even when we do nothing it/zhe can accuse us of the completely implausible “micro-aggression”…
      None of these words can be directed at a white male.(according to feminist/marxist doctrine)
      So fuck off with your SJW virtue signalling.

      1. “None of these words can be directed at a white male” – ambiguous sentence.
        I’m implying that we are not protected from “reverse-discrimination” (it does not exist according to the fem-Marxist leaders).
        “there is no such thing as racism against whites.”
        “there is no such thing as sexism against men”

  43. The Ctrl Left = Bunch of psyco control freaks who promote degeneracy and try to create a mono culture of degenerates
    The Alt Right = Bunch of psycho control freaks who think anything they don’t understand is degenerate and want to eliminate them all leaving behind only denerates like themselves

  44. “Ignoring the delusions of Holocaust deniers and other hysterical idiots” Sad but not surprising that ROK is publishing kosher propaganda. memorial sign outside Auschwitz originally said 3 million Jews killed there. Since that was simply impossible, the number has quetly been been reduced twice and now states that 1 million Jews were killed their. What’s odd is that the alleged total # of Jews killed, 6 million (a # we’ve all had bashed into our brains since birth), has never incorporated that reduction. Apparently, Mr. Halleck believes that each time as Auschwitz went down by a million, a million new Jewish victims just happened to be discovered somewhere else at precisely the same time. So who’s more of a “hysterical idiot,” Halleck or people who can do basic math and think critically?

  45. Did Jews come to America in the 1700s to take over the U.S.? When you word it like that, no, it doesn’t seem likely. Did rich Jews come on a boat and land in America? Yes. Did they cower at the idea of using their money to gain power? No. Did they denounce their Jewishness and cut-off their family ties? No.
    “Was there this big cabal to seize power?” Not necessarily, just nepotism and the belief of supremacy.

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