Liberals Snowflakes Are Being Massively Triggered By The OK Symbol

Millennials.  Is there nowhere safe for them?  First, it was the possibility that someone might refer to them by an unpleasantly truthful third person pronoun when they were not present.  Then it was “triggering” their emotions by failing to adequately warn them before a certain topic was discussed so they could mentally prepare for the stress of thought and dialogue.

Jewish homosexual Milo Y making the… White Power symbol?

The latest thing that millennials are freaking out about is the myth that the OK symbol, making a circle with your thumb and forefinger and extending the remaining digits, is a secret symbol of white power and racial hatred.  No, really, they believe this.

Fake image NOT created by the ACLU went viral

While the outrage has certainly been encouraged through trolling, fake tweets and unrecognized sarcasm, such as a forged warning from the ACLU that it’s “Not OK to say OK,” it does beg the question, will Millennials fall for anything?

#Pissforequality was another successful trolling operation

While other trolling actions, such as the #Pissforequality movement, where feminists were tricked into peeing their pants and posting pictures of it on social media to show “equality” somehow, are a bit more entertaining, I am thoroughly enjoying the nonironic triggering of snowflakes over people flashing the OK sign.

Spread this everywhere.

Of course, the OK symbol is essentially a positive sign, meaning everything is good, I am happy, or Yes!

This trolling action, like many others, appears to have originated from the autistic corner of the internet known as 4chan, who created previous hoaxes such as the notion that publicly drinking milk in front of people of color is a racist move to show “the purity of white milk and the superiority of the white race.”  The ADL was so bombarded by triggered snowflakes that it published an article denying that OK means White Power.

Toxic Masculinity, White Power, Dicks Out for Harambe, My Penis Is Erect, Smash Feminists, and There are Only 2 Genders, respectively

The best trolling ideas work when there is some tangential believable connection to them.  For example, Trump’s most often used hand gesture is indeed the OK symbol.  And Trump = everything evil and wrong with the world, so he must be secretly communicating to his racist supporters, right?

Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu is a secret Nazi

I approve of these trolling operations, as they reveal the complete absurdity the left has become.  And as a side benefit, they push the Overton Window, the range of ideas that are acceptable for public discourse.

Oprah Winfrey loves her some White Power

As more of these ideas gain traction, membership in groups such as feminists, antifa, and mainstream political parties further dwindles until they are left with nothing but insane extremists.  And their ideas die.

The left resorting to threats of violence against someone making the OK sign

There IS, of course, danger, from the violent and extreme left.  On September 4, 2018, US Atty John Bash tweeted that his half Mexican half Jewish wife was being violently threatened because she flashed the OK symbol, supposedly signaling her support for White Power.  Perhaps it is time for this trolling operation to end, before someone is hurt.

R for Rape Clubs — coming soon!

Generation Snowflake continues to display their absurd stupidity and ignorance.  They stand for nothing, and they fall for anything.  With democracy and an increasingly dumbed down populace, this is a recipe for disaster.  The long term situation in America is not likely to improve, although there is some hope with Generation Z.

In the meantime, anytime you are holding a drink, make sure to flash the Rape Club symbol.  The Rape Clubs are returning soon.  Watch out!

Read Next: “Rape Culture” Was Manufactured To Wage An Unjust War Against Men

49 thoughts on “Liberals Snowflakes Are Being Massively Triggered By The OK Symbol”

        1. you is dumb. It’s well documented in Christian communities that music artists, in particular, almost always flash the 666 sign, along with devil horns and the all seeing eye. It makes no difference whether it’s true, or whether you believe it (even though homosexual cunts like JayZ a.k.a. GayZ, are open satanists), it’s common knowledge.

    1. Exactly, someone here gets it. The so-called “OK” hand gesture is a very old Satanic sign that represents the numbers 666 — or the number of the beast, which is why you can find pics of ALL celebrities and politicians using it at some point (Oprah is a good example). It’s very popular in Judaism because 1666 is the year that their phony messiah (Sabbatai Zevi) was supposed to have come to power. Sabbatai practiced pedophilia, child sacrifices, sex orgies, homosexuality, and tried to destroy all societal decency. The infamous Rothschilds became (and still are) rabid Sabbateans, which is the big connection between Judaism and Satanism. True story.

      1. As an interesting aside, MLB MVP from 2015, Josh Donaldson — who just got traded from the Blue Jays to the Indians — is a professed Luciferian / Satanist, who always flashes the double “OK – 666” hand sign while looking up to the sky when he crosses home plate after a home run. The media tries to portray this as some sort of homage to the city of Toronto!! Ridiculous…
        In fact, the 666 sign and the “sign of the horns” are the 2 most common hand gestures that Satanists use to communicate their affiliation. Of course, most rock musicians use the Devil Horns because they really are Satanists! Most politicians who are caught using this hand gesture — such as the Bush’s — innocently proclaim they are just supporting their favorite football team, often the Texas Longhorns…

      2. Led Zeppelin even sang about it backwards. Something about Sweet Satan giving us “666” in the toolshed. Probably while making an OK sign.

        1. Average Joes would be pretty astonished to find out how many Rockers are actual Satanists — and how many profess to get their songs / lyrics directly from Satan / Lucifer during seances. Led Zeppelin, AC / DC, KISS, David Bowie come to mind immediately.

    2. In Peru they use the ‘OK’ signal not call someone a faggot. The circle represents the stretched out asshole.

    3. Thank you for posting this – so I don’t have to.
      Anyone who is in a position of power and influence throws this up in front of a camera is signifying their allegiance to their “masters”.

  1. It’s high time to reinstitute an old custom. Make the gesture below the waist, any sjw or feminist to look at it gets bag-tagged savagely.

  2. That stupid Pepe the Frog thing? Really. Like I’ve said before, this site has become Daily Stormer with chick pix. Stick a fork in it, it’s done.

      1. No, game is pretty much dead, was always going to happen the second it became well known.
        The only “game” tips that are still useful are:
        1. Go to the gym.
        2. Dress well.
        3. Approach.
        4. Don’t marry.
        And those aren’t even “game” tips, they’re just common sense.

    1. Current culture scary and confusing to you old man? Do you have a young person help you turn the internet on?

    2. Nothing wrong with the Daily Stormer, it is a very informative site, with lots of humor, satire, and truth. Sorry that you are a butt hurt little bitch. Did it ever occur to you that maybe a lot of society is going towards the Daily Stormer, because just maybe, JUST MAYBE, the Daily Stormer is onto something that is actually relevant to what is going on in society today? We have massive race and tribal problems in this country, not a tax or welfare problem (even though those things become problems in a vibrantly diverse country).

  3. Those looking hardest for offense, will ultimately always find it. the fringe needs to be dealt with severely and then the nonsense will stop. Make their fantasies come true and then their screeching will be justified at least……

  4. “The Rape Clubs are returning soon.”
    The first rule of Rape Club is, we never discuss Rape Club!

    1. We all know the second rule of Rape Club, but the third rule, that’s a doozy: convert to Islam and you’ll be celebrated by feminists.

  5. The USSR used to be an evil Communist country and the US was a free country.
    After the Soviet Union collapsed, the USA became the evil police state.
    Now the elites want to start WWIII with Russia to kill off white people, distract Americans, and make money from their defense stocks.
    Anyone who supports a war with Russia is just a tool for the 1%.

    1. Russia is our ally. Close buzzes to warships are much like demonstrations of masculine bravado, not threats. Bomber runs near Western airspace are to intimidate effeminate soys in power. They are in effect requests to keep our guard up – to force us to exercise. We should thank them for it. Women in control of many weak Western countries would rather spend public funds on free gibs than defense. Russia forces them to keep their military from atrophy. Neocons like the dead McCain pushed for NATO to expand right up to Russia’s border. Imagine if the role was reversed. China is our deadly enemy who believes in their racial superiority, total control of Asia, and return to former glory as the hub of culture and civilization. Russia will be our ally in the eventual world war we will have with China.

      1. You really believe this nonsense? If so, you should build plastic models with the windows open because you’ve been inhaling glue fumes! Seriously, Russia is Italy in the 1930s, a third rate power with a GDP smaller than the Netherlands, California or Texas (look it up if you don’t believe me) that’s given license to strut about like a great power because the real powers don’t have the wherewithal to put their foot down. And Putin, of course, is a new age Mussolini. Failure to put Italy in its box 80 odd years ago led to WW2. Failure to put Russia in its box could lead to another disastrous conflict down the road. Remember the first commandment of foreign policy: Thou shalt not appease.

        1. Agree with most of what you say, but Italy had no role in starting WW2, it was too insignificant economically and militarily to be able to do that.
          WW2 was started after the secret pact (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany attacked Poland from the west, then USSR attacked Poland from the east a few days later…and the rest is history. Also, another common misconception pushed by the left is that Nazis (and Mussolini’s fascists) were right wing. Both parties’ programs were socialist (left) – interestingly enough, those programs were very similar to what the current Democrat-Socialists (Bernie Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, etc.) are pushing in today’s USA. Nazi party (NSDAP) had is in its name – National Socialist German Workers Party…to WW2 was started by two left-wing thugs…

        2. marten
          When Hitler saw how the West (i.e. the UK, France and the USA) did nothing when Italy invaded Abyssinia–and this could have been easily thwarted by a naval blockade and a British invasion from Kenya and British Somaliland–he was emboldened to take first the Sudetenland, and then Poland, sparking WW2 in Europe.

      2. Russia *should* be our ally. If we would be on the same team we could do incredible damage to the radical Islamist movement. But alas they are not our allies. Many people there still have the Cold War mentality, see the USA as a threat, and their government and media view us as enemies.

        1. Russia’s only true aim is (always has been) to dismantling of western capitalism and western democracies…Russian ruling elite are former (no such thing) communists…can’t teach an old dog new tricks…western politicians are just too oblivious to the obvious…

  6. Provoke them.
    Troll them.
    Offend them.
    Never apologise.
    Never stop.
    Double down when they complain.

  7. The only “symbol” I like to use is the one involving my middle finger. And it’s generally directed at stupid shit like this.

  8. I completely missed the milk and piss “movements”… how many non-sockpuppets actually did these things, though? Troll campaigns are only really successful when big players start tagging along for the ride.

    1. This is true, and it is smart not to name those “big players” lest they get labeled as “alt-right” and attacked, deplatformed, etc. Big Players have already used these symbols with such a casualness and aplomb, and encouraged mass memeing that any SJW hysterical screeching is totally drowned out. OK sign below the waste is one perfect example.

  9. My com classes at college told us that the okay hand sign, and the thumbs up were both considered in other countries equal to the middle finger. With the same exact meaning via the gesture. This may help why with indoctrination at college.

  10. LOL
    That US attorney actually called it a “hateful symbol.” He literally bought right into the troll. Shows you how paranoid the political class in the USA is of being associated with anything pro-White, they will even denounce the ok symbol as “hateful.”

  11. I taught international business at the grade 12 level and there was a unit on cultural differences. Apparently, to some, the OK sign means “zero” and to others it means “asshole”.
    That being said, this episode illustrates both the lunacy and desperation of the left as it grasps at any straw in a pathetic attempt to derail the confirmation hearing.

    1. I think the “OK symbol as alt.right code” meme got its start when some “Proud Boys” faggot gave it at the beginning of a YouTube video.

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