How The Second American Civil War Will Unfold

Previously: America Is Headed Towards A Civil War

The coming U.S. Civil War will not have the same outcome as the U.S. Civil War in the 19th Century. As society breaks down, other parts of our economy and civilization break down. Businesses will cease to operate. General services will become unavailable, and confidence in government is destroyed. The legal framework is being destroyed because justice is denied because of ideological lies. When the legal framework is destroyed, the entitlement among the population mindset will lead to murder, rape, destruction of property, starvation for some, and cannibalism for others.

There is no civilization without law and order. A barbaric society is a society with little or no law and order. When Europeans came to the Americas, they brought civilization, i.e. law and order, with them. While there were atrocities committed, the overall effect of European influence was to civilize, to bring law and order, to the peoples in the Americas.

One of the signs of barbarity, or the lack of law and order, is the systematic killing of babies and children (this includes unborn babies). Other signs of barbarity are the lack of children born in the bulk of a nation’s marriages and the decline of marriage.

A New Civil War Will Not Have the Same Outcome

The coming civil war will not have the same outcome of the U.S. Civil War of the 19th Century. In the 19th Century, the U.S. had a more solid and cohesive ideological, social, political, and economic fabric. The people of 19th Century America wanted to preserve the U.S. Constitution. The federal government survived the 19th century civil war. The deep state did not exist on the scale it does now; nor were there so many individual factions within U.S. borders at the time with the intent of reshaping America.

The 19th Century U.S. was more patriarchal. The decline of the patriarchal influence in the 20th century with the rise and elevation of the matriarchal over the patriarchal through feminism, anti-natalism (anti-children) has created a society that lacks foundational social cohesion because the base unit of civilization, the family, has been destroyed. The rise of the matriarchal has created feminized men and angry women.

Many forces within the U.S. do not want to preserve the U.S. Constitution and its guaranteed liberties. An example is the recent anonymous op-ed published in the New York Times. The author, claiming to be “resistance” from within the Trump Administration, declares President Trump “anti-democratic”. The irony of this op-ed is the author makes the accusation “while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency.”

The deep state certainly exists, I know people the deep state is stealing from, and the deep state has stolen from me, but consider the possibility that this specific author may be a fabrication to create further division among the people, sow division and trouble in the Trump Administration, and further destroy confidence in the electoral process.

Trump’s election to the U.S. Presidency shows that many U.S. Citizens are not on board with the progressive agenda. If the federal government cannot be changed through legal channels, then the elites and the factions they control will seek to destroy the federal government through division and the deep state and attempt to put a new government in place.

Destroying confidence in the U.S. Constitution destroys the effectiveness of government and the rule of law. Justice is denied to a person based upon lack of money, lack of access to inner circles, lack of “protected class” status, or perceived privilege. Without law society deteriorates to tyranny and mob rule. Without confidence in the U.S. Government, the government is effectively destroyed and will be replaced by factions that will struggle for control. The deliberate creation of more divisions makes it harder for the founding principles of the U.S. to survive. The U.S. Constitution stands in the way of the New World Order.

The U.S. will eventually divide into multiple factions, each claiming legitimate government, but without the liberties of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. will have no central government. The factions may form temporary alliances but some will seek to dominate all others and impose a new government, a reformed government, upon others. There will be those individuals and areas that will continue to stand for the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

Today several nations would take advantage of inner turmoil in the United States. Nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, and others would most certainly take military action and invade U.S. territories, Alaska, and potentially the mainland. Most people are so oblivious that they do not potentially see the influence of these nations even now. Undoubtedly, some of these factions will be destroyed or subjugate by invading nations.

What Will Be Our Response?

Each of us as individuals has several pertinent choices to make. The preservation of our liberties will come from honorable men because typically are the ones that fight for liberty. Preservation of liberty does not come without bloodshed. ROK has articles on survival and why survival skills are important. Most people have not considered the possibility of times without gas, electricity, running clean water, or sewer treatment.

As confidence in the U.S. Federal Government declines and justice declines because of the deep state, mainstream media, and progressivism, people, already divided against each other, will form tribes consisting of family, friends, and others with similar ideas. You are probably already seeing these tribes form in a loose manner. What immediate skills and trades facilitate survival? Skills such as farming, gardening, agriculture, and other trade skills will be of value because these skills can be used to barter or used to sustain oneself and others.

The burden will fall upon masculine men, as it always does in times of war. People will revert to the most basic survival instincts. The soy boys will be busy hiding with the women in their basements or agreeing with whomever has the perceived power before proceeding to murder, rape, and loot those that disagree with them. The larger cities and the inner cities will be more lawless, chaotic, and disorderly. Weather conditions will also affect how people behave. Some people will gladly forsake liberty for food, clean water, or warmth. Some people will sell their children for food, clean water, or warmth or eat their own children.

A sound mind, which includes sound thinking, reasoning, and emotional control, are critical in survival situations. Survival chances increase when working with other people of the same mind. Live where you desire but constantly be aware of your surroundings. Create a network of family, friends, and kindred to increase your support circle will increase chances of immediate survival and the survival of others. Gather around yourself people that are like-minded, with trade skills, people that can think, reason, and are not easily persuaded by the weak-minded and emotional. Catering to the weak drags other people down to the lowest level physically, socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

What Will Be Rebuilt?

Civilizations will rebuild, but what will be rebuilt? Most of the time, people typically recreate the society they know unless they are already thinking about things they would change. To rebuild something better we must know what to keep and what to eliminate. We must know the mistakes of the past to avoid repeating those mistakes.

The founding principles, upon which the U.S. was built (the U.S. Constitution itself), will remain. Great care must be taken on what is built upon that foundation. Only patriarchy creates civilization. Societal and government change will come.

There are pertinent questions that will need answering, such as: Should women retain the right to vote? (Women did not have the right to vote prior to the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.) Should traditional marriage be the standard and gay marriage eliminated? Do we really want the society we have now? A society where men are marginalized? A society where white people are demonized and minorities are mentally enslaved by progressive victimhood? Do we want to continue to be oppressed by children and ruled over by women?

I have pondered for many years what would be rebuilt and how to rebuild after the current civilization falls. Patriarchy must assume its rightful place in society. Giving women the right to vote, the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the legalization and acceptance of abortion and the rise of no-fault divorce are pushing our civilization toward destruction.

Undoubtedly, things will be hard. Many of the immediate conveniences our civilization has access to will be gone or reduced. Patriarchy will rebuild civilization. Men will rebuild. Let us rebuild a civilization that will not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Read More: How A German Historian Predicted The Decline Of Western Civilization 100 Years Ago

145 thoughts on “How The Second American Civil War Will Unfold”

    1. You guys rebuild, I’ll sit here and do the meming
      now it’s time for cheetohs!

      1. 1st they came for the blacks and I did. I thing
        Then the spics and I did nothing.
        Then they came for the j ews.
        Then they stopped coming for people because all the problems were solved.

        1. Hey Stupid Some Blacks were brought against there will without them America would not have all this wealth. Second Africa Asia had far bigger better more vast emperor in the AGE of there the white male is Delusional not being mean but there is not person in the history of the earth that has killed more people even the black plagues no one RULES for ever get use to it Women will Control this Aquarian AGE the Earth is returning back to harmony and Peace something we did not have with under the Male white Dominated Christian paradigm I do not care what you say are do the universe does not go back wards The AGE of PICES was a AGE of Deception war Conquering and Believe people who believe do not no

        2. @Jay…literally everything you just said was fucking retarded, completely false, and was written as if you were 12 (maybe you are 12, who knows). White man actually hardly killed anyone, and where ever he set foot he typically made the place far more productive, and even INCREASED the number of “minority” people. Africa exploded in population thanks to white mans colonization. Asians and middle easterners have killed far more than white man. LOL, even the American Indians wars only claimed about 25-30,000 Indians in actual warfare over 100 year+ time span, which is next to nothing when compared to the Muslims whipping most of the African population off the map and the hordes of Muslims and Mongols raping and pillaging everything they ran into. You obviously don’t know shit about History.

        3. @juanisaac Yes, there are many dumbass white liberals, but there is a reason why Marxists want more brown people….its because brown people are welfare leeches, they are anti-white, and they are guaranteed socialist voters. Most white liberals are just brainwashed, a civil war would wake them up pretty quickly. Nice try, colored boy.

    2. You guys rebuild, I’ll sit here and do the meming.
      now it’s time for cheetohs!

    3. First they came for the blacks and I did nothing.
      Then they came for the Latinos and I did nothing.
      Then they came for the jews and I did nothing.
      Then they stopped coming for people because our problems were basically solved at that point.

    4. Mass immigration from 3rd world degenerate countries, and low white population is what will decimate the West.

      1. This is what Albert Pike wrote which came trueAlbert Pike’s letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:
        · “ The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the
        power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The
        divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires
        will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to
        destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
        · “ The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the
        Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that
        the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the
        Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance
        Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for
        the final social cataclysm.”
        · “ The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
        “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must
        be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of
        Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be
        constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We
        shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in
        all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the
        most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world
        minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned
        with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for
        an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal
        manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will
        result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
        both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
        Old World Order Looses Power
        In I listen to scholarship not stupid stuff

        1. Your quotes are lies.
          For example: The NAZI party was founded in February 1920. Nobody wrote about it in 1871.
          Your ostentatious ignorance is stunning and from your own drivel it is apparent that “stupid stuff” is the only thing you listen to.

      2. In the 19th century the third world was Italy, Ireland, and Eastern Europe and the MAGA crowd during that time said the same about those people and here we still are.
        The new civil war will be between the conservatives and liberals. Mostly white against half white.

    5. What will be rebuilt?
      Probably something non-white, I’m betting a cross between Mexico City and Mogadishu.
      I can guarantee you won’t like it.

      1. If the new society doesn’t have Christianity and western conservative Christian values, I think you’re correct.

        1. Any society without the lies, greed and hypocrisy of religion in general and christianity in particular will be an improvement.
          Without the crutch of religion, humanity will be free to grow and reach for the future.
          If you want proof, just look at medieval Europe, the middle east, and Kentucky.
          When a county clerk is allowed to believe that her religion empowers her to over rule both the constitution and the supreme court, it is time to curtail “religious freedom” in this country.
          When religious parents are allowed to teach their children blatant falsehoods about the law, government, the constitution etc, it is time to ban homeschooling.
          When religious fascists are allowed to use the government to force their religious opinion onto others, it is time to force the church to behave, and end it’s tax exemptions.
          It is time to throw off the yoke of religion and go forward, and refuse to let the church drag us backward into the dark ages.

  1. It is either white nationalism or nothing…I wouldn’t fight a war over abstract ideas, or to preserve a future for our colored colonizers, just to end up right back in the same positions we are currently in. Color blind libertarians and chickenshit cuckservatives will probably never form any organized resistance outside of some dumb hick shit like the Bundy Ranch standoff, and just look retarded in the process, while liberals will just continue to flood the country with diversity. Who knows, I hope something happens, but just calling a Republican racist would probably be enough to defeat them.

    1. Yep, right again lad.
      If war comes it will be the most terrible experience of our lifetimes. It would not be worth it unless the potential gains are huge.
      Restoring the US as a rightful White Ethnostate would be worth fighting for. This doesn’t mean it’s 100% White, it means that it is explicitly run for the benefit of Whites.
      The opportunity to permanently defeat and expel the J-ish menace would be another prize worth the fight.
      If those two things were done, all the problems we have with other groups would magically evaporate nearly overnight. Our economic woes would start to disappear as well.

      1. The irony is that with just a bit of White Male solidarity, unity, shared values, and common purpose, we could achieve any objective we wanted without firing a shot. Our enemies would slink away like the cowards they are if they ever for a moment thought we were serious.
        White Men are their own worst enemies. Contantly infighting, competing, dividing, trying to be better than the next guy, competing for women….we’ve got to stop this garbage. It’s time for WHITE SOLIDARITY.
        The Libertarian and Individualist mindsets are a huge part of the spiritual toxin that has been pumped into us and caused us to lose our natural defenses against hostile invaders. Like it or not we are a collective based on our race. That is the world we live in. Convince just 20% of them that this is the reality, and it’s all over.

        1. Of course it’s not lost on me that all the competing and outdoing our rivals is also what makes us the most accomplished people in history. That’s why Whites need an ethnostate, where they can engage in healthy competition against each other within a controlled framework where everyone gains. Under multiculturalism, White Males always come out on top of the meritocracy, and so society becomes refocused on handicapping whites and uplifting everyone else. The entire national priority changes to one of “equality” instead of productive and good-natured competition.

        2. I’m sick of Libertarianism getting a bad wrap. I don’t think people udnerstand what LIbertarianism is. It is in fact, a cure to much of society’s ills.
          Libertarianism supports capitalism, which has been deteriorating lately in the West, with “too big to fail”, moral hazards and socilaism for the rich.
          Libertarianism also fiercly supports the individual and his rights and privacy. Libertarianism is all about promoting things like personal responsibility and self sufficiency. Responsibility is lacking in this trash society, where so many people blame someone else for their problems.
          For example, the United States government always blames Russia, China and Iran (i.e. countries that refuse to be slaves) for all its problems, which is a cop-out, reflecting an inability to look inward. Many people are whoring for the welfare state, wanting handouts. This too is a cop-out and a reflection of an absence of responsibility. Individuals need to absolve themselves of government as much as possible. Avoid government assistance, stop leeching from government, don’t support big governments. Do most things yourself. If everybody did this, society wouldn’t need these shysters as ‘leaders’, and their days will be numbered. But I know humanity is not yet ready for this leap of consciousness, it nevertheless is still worth striving for.
          And I would never die for any government.

        3. Libertarianism is retarded bro. You all think you know something know one else does, and you all think you are Spartan warrior individuals. No, we know exactly what libertarianism is and it is fucking gay. Individual rights come from the state/tribe; race matters; the tribe matters; everyone has to support the tribe even over themselves at times; governments have always existed and will always exist; anarchy is bullshit; and the individual is the weakest state of human existence…which is why we formed tribes in the first place. Libertarians like Paul Ryan, the Koch brothers, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, are fucking retarded and they are literally just acting as roadblocks to getting anything done. Fuck libertarianism. Just another utopian ideology based on nothing but bullshit.

        4. Preach my brother. White male solidarity is the only solution. Everything else is just wishful thinking even though I like the idea of going guerrilla style and taking out our enemies

      2. LOL, what would a civil war even look like in this country….it would probably just evolve into a multi-front war between many different factions. I think most people in this country would go into shock at just how important government stability was to their everyday lives, so I doubt you will see large military engagements and movements because people will be too busy freaking out over food, water, medicine, and fuel. Minorities would obviously side with their own and form units, and some retarded libertarians and baby boomers would probably try to join them to prove how non-racist they are only to get raped and murdered. Liberals are insane so I am sure they would fight, even the retarded freaks. Trannies would be immediately eliminated by all parties. Pretty sure our country would just resemble a more violent version of Venezuela, or the civil wars in Yugoslavia. It wouldn’t surprise me either if Mexico, China, etc took advantage of the opportunity and invaded the USA while we were weak, or at least aided and supplied their fellow countrymen. If a civil war is to happen in this country it will be white nationalists vs everyone else, the END. People who deny this fact will probably just end up dead, which is a good thing.

        1. That is one of “their” greatest victories – fracturing us into so many pieces with their pernicious ideologies. As you said it would not be a clean battle between two distinct sides fighting for defined goals. No it would be absolute chaos, with hardly anyone in agreement about anything. And as we know that’s when people default to their primitive state – race-based bands of hunter-gatherer-raiders.
          That’s why one of the best things we can do now is simplify the ideology. Make it more black and white, us vs. them. Force people to choose sides – no more sitting on the fence. You are either explicitly and unashamedly PRO-WHITE or you are an enemy of the United States, no ifs ands or buts. It will all boil down to that in the end and the wise man has already accepted as much.

        2. How would the civil war look like?
          Latinos kill blacks, blacks kill whites.
          Liberals blame right-wingers for the genocide of blacks.
          Some Rednecks protect their communities, others hide inside their bunkers.
          Christians pray to God & hide inside their communities.
          Single women end up as prostitutes(which is what they are, but no one calls them out on it).

        3. More like Latinos kill blacks, whites kill blacks, blacks rape a couple fat women, then blacks kill blacks. Blacks would probably starve to death in a matter of a couple of weeks.

        4. “Blacks would probably starve to death in a matter of a couple of weeks.”
          Look into the history of Africa, if only briefly, and you’ll discover that genocide, cannibalism and slavery were part and parcel of daily life for most of that continent prior to White contact.
          They will regress to the mean. Areas where they dominate will quickly come to resemble Liberia once all assistance and access to the White man’s magic, err technology and medicine, is curtailed.

        5. Again, excellent comment. Spot on. Especially the Venezuela comparison.. Liberals better be in dreaded fear, because Venezuela style collapse blame will be expressly levelled at their multiculturalism and naked America hating treason and self serving corruption.

        6. The USA did invade Mexico four times. Wow, now you are worried.
          Mexico and the USA have only gone to war once and Canada (then a British colony) twice. North America has been one of the most peaceful areas in the world which allowed the US to be what it is now. In fact, the biggest war in the USA was between the North and South. Now it will be between the coasts and the interior and with your wall on the southern border Mexico will not interfere.

    2. Urgent, that a major catastrophy happens…
      “What’s the worst thing that can happen to you in life?”
      Question religious teacher class of my daughters.
      Answer: “No cell phone reception!”

      1. Mankind’s dependence on their masters leash.. And still the sheeple don’t understand why they are sheeple.

    3. When the SHTF on a mass scale, previously dormant tribal instincts will activate and all these delusional normiecons are gonna drop their sacred civic nationalism like a hot brick.

    4. Right, because white nationalist trailer trash are such a courageous and cohesive group aren’t they? Can’t even show your toothless faces out in public much less stop purity spiraling and fighting each other. You scum were born to lose.

      1. @haha…what the fuck you talking about…white nationalist show their face all the time, they get attacked all the time, and many of them get thrown in jail even though they didn’t even do anything, like the people at the Charlottesville rally. Toothless face, purity spiral……is that all you got you fucking inbred, or let me guess, you’re a minority.

        1. Yeah you get attacked all the time, by each other. Doxing, infighting, etc. It’s hysterical watching you constantly eat your own. I love it!
          White nationalism is full of )ews, feds and provocateurs. And the rest who aren’t are below poverty level meth smoking trailer trash. Haha you are complete losers.

        2. Why are all you scum white nationalists also a bunch of fags and race mixers? Why does every white nationalist dork have an Asian wife or a ladyboy in Vietnam? Why do so many white nationalist women have black babies? Bahahahaha you are the biggest fucking sick losers.

        1. By who? You? Hahaha such a tough guy talking behind an avatar who won’t show his sorry nazi kkk muh white nationalist wannabe face in public. Haha you’re a redneck trailer trash bitch. Now go back to watching your big black dick on white girl porn you cuck.

    5. Now you are pissed off? Never mind the US was built on illegal immigration as you destroyed the Indians and took all their land.
      Look at the bright side Wes, at least the illegals will go home in a new Civil War. This new civil war will be between the deplorables and the detestables to see who can screw what is left of the US the most.

  2. Good post. Those of us in the know should be concentrating on a few things in the waiting period before it all goes to hell.
    Red-pilling other men who are receptive
    Preparing to live off-grid for possibly months
    Preparing to defend your life and property from raiders
    Getting together a small group of reliable, solid, J-wise men who can form a “unit” that watches each others backs and is capable of completing guerilla missions.
    It’s this last one that is hardest for me. I haven’t met one single red pilled person in real life. Where the fck are all you fags hiding out? Do we need a secret wink and handshake or some goddamn thing?

    1. What’s scary is that most men out there have no clue about red pill concepts, nor do they read any sites like this, Chateau, Rational Male, Vox Popoli, never heard of Stephen Molyneux etc.
      That’s been my experience in a variety of settings. Not all are pozzed but most have just never been exposed to any of the ideas we all accept as truth.
      I’ve never met a man who reads any of these sites or who understands any of this. Churchians are cucks mostly. City men are liberal as can be, even if only for social acceptance and access to shitlib gogrrrl pussy.
      I have met men who read either the Market Ticker or Zerohedge but nothing more redpilled than that.

    2. Look for guys in camo. With NRA bumper stickers. Cabela catalogs.
      Not sure about others of my ilk, but I try not to advertise that. The dems and media have been dehumanizing us for generations, just like the Nazi’s did to the Jews.
      I dont want to die for their causr.

      1. Muh guns! Muh tribe! Muh collective! Fascism rules even though I have never experienced it! These guys NEED dogma because they certainly have no brains.

  3. better it breaks its for the good of humanity. all evil ideas are being spread by usa. useless wars, feminism.
    if the usa break humany will survive strinmger survive even africa will survive as strong africans survive and the rest surving on aid will learn to work the land or else they die.Mexico and south americans will also learn to deal with each other down there same as middle east.
    this is a win win situation althou china will try to buly everyone but japan will arm itself and western eu countries are safe from it and some people in china might be inspired of what happened in usa and wake up.

    1. It’s true that the US exports a lot of evil, much of it on orders from their puppeteers in Tel Aviv and the City of London.
      But it is also undeniable that the USA is the greatest country on Earth, by leaps and bounds.
      You can really chalk it all up to our first two constitutional amendments but it goes a lot deeper than that. We are allowed to arm ourselves, and we are allowed (ostensibly) to speak our minds freely.
      These two rights are effective bulwarks against tyranny. But people have voluntarily given these rights up after decades of media indoctrination.
      If America falls, then a veil of darkness will unfold across the globe and humanity will be plunged into the icy cold abyss. We will have failed all of the world, because we are the only ones who both give a damn and have the means to affect change.

      1. “But people have voluntarily given these rights up after decades of media indoctrination.” – Mind Rape is not voluntarily giving up rights.

    2. The population of any place receiving western food aid is about to crash big time if that aid is cut off (it should be totally ceased, particularly for the middle east and Africa). Like the reindeer of St. Andrew’s island.
      I’d guess that Africa and most of the middle east are overpopulated by a factor of at least 5x, compared to what they can sustain via their own food production. Countries like Ethiopia are as m uch as 10x over sustainable (ie without outside food aid) population.
      Huge changes are coming if any sort of collapse happens in the west, and not just in our countries. I’d imagine that massive famines in Africa would demand even harsher measures from European countries to prevent a Camp of the Saints scenario, orders of magnitude larger than what is currently happening.

  4. The wrong time to discuss What will be rebuilt after the fall is now. The fall and all it horrors must come first to galvanize the survivors principles for what will NOT BE ACCEPTABLE CONDUCT UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH, before you can even broach the subject. Liberalism is pure cancer, adherents to it must be dealt with harshly and permanently or else there will be no rebuilding anything. Logic and reason must be restored and feelz abolished from Any power in legislation. Women’s rights must be permanently banned as well.

    1. The malignant cancer that is the basis for all of the USAs problems is feminism, feminism courteous of the pandering tribe that must not be named. Biblically and historically women were denied the right to lead or vote just because of all the ails men suffer due to them. End the unnecessary strife caused by feminism and take away their power and everything will begin to heal and revert to calmness again. But that will not happen. Sooo…. War it will be. Men will die and women will do what they always do, lay up with the conquering men who murdered their spouses and brothers and fathers and some even nakedly betray them to the conquering forces until the cycle starts all over again. The vagina is opportunist always to survive, men better wake the hell up to their game and give the betrayer their just dues.

    2. Your talking tribalism on the one hand and logic and reason on the other. It was the Athenian tribe who killed the father of logic and reason Socrates and the reason they killed him was because he questioned societies underpinnings. Socrates leveled the accusation that 99.9% of his fellow Greeks lived and functioned by instinct and dogma alone. He tried to instruct the youth of his time to use logic and reason to live their lives by, but the collective, the tribe, the mass of his fellow Greeks decided that he was full of shit and that his mentality and teaching were nothing more than anathema to Greek life and culture. They gave him a death sentence which he readily accepted.
      White Nationalist are always talking shit about white solidarity but as soon as one white man disagrees with them about the most minuscule of differences they turn on their fellow white with a blood-lust and fury equal to that the men at Rorke’s Drift had to face. Just one little disagreement about “Caucasian Policy” and suddenly you are no longer a white man but one of THEM!!! There is no Brotherhood of Men, no White Solidarity. You are on your own Jack!

      1. When know one is replying to your prior posts, its likely because you read like you have a mental disability.
        Its not an encouragement to double down and right an equally moronic essay.

  5. There will not be a civil war in the USA.
    There can be no such thing, because America isn’t what it was even 10 years ago, let alone 100.
    And what you, author, call a civil war is more like a revolutionary war.
    Remember that one, the other one where we killed each other in a fixed war?
    America is spreading all over the world, and it is headed by the same people who invented it.
    So what will we die for?

    1. America will be conquered from within
      It will become Latin America run by white and Jewish puppet masters, not unlike Brazil

      1. The US will fall from an internal war with the liberal coasts fighting the conservative middle. The Latinos, most of the illegals, will just go home and wait it out.
        Who knows what will be left. But whatever is left will be white.

    2. Your family, your kin, your town, your county. Your race.
      That’s what this is going to be at the end. Your skin will be your uniform and you can expect no quarter from anyone not wearing your same uniform, and even then nothing is guaranteed because divisions may be more granular such as religion or ethnicity (German vs Anglo or Catholic vs Protestant). If your accent doesn’t sound right you might be in deep shit in some areas of the USA.

        1. @satcadir
          Famous last words before a girl starts taking black dick like it’s going out of supply

    3. Actually a civil war based in tribalism… The smartest best prepared and most determined will Rule after that war is complete because all the other “democratic” bullshit will be meaningless to the survivors. Two type of survivors the strong and the completely submissive. Fence riders will be hunted and executed because they are the weakest and least dependable compromisers (in the worst sense) that weaken anyone near them and will sell out anyone instantly if they can gain from it. Survival is not about compromise, it’s about doing what you must and setting aside mental gymnastics of morals and “principles” because the weaken the group and impedes immediate needed actions.

      1. on the rare occasions that “they” stop and think, that scares the hell out of “them”.

  6. Migration precedes warfare. That is, people in “the know” will act before the herd does. Watch their movements, not what they say. Also, financial markets will move first. They always do. In fact, capital flight will occur before human movement does.
    The catalyst is likely the end of the secular bond market, rising interest rates, and by extension, rising agricultural prices (food). Believe it or not, there’s even a derivatives market for the weather.
    Trump is figuratively the wall of Constantinople. The biggest question is, what comes AFTER Trump? The brain trust in Constantinople fled WEST to Florence after the collapse. We have to make sure the pro-America states are areas that are conducive to the rebirth of western civilization.

    1. Now you are worried. Never the US has invaded 70 plus countries in the world. But now you getting invaded is the problem.
      If you really value your country you would put your military on the southern border.

  7. The correct answer is we need a constitutional convention where the open question is raised about being a nation so divided we might just need to become two (or three). If the west coast and NE want to become socialist, European-style havens, then they have the human right to do so if voters in those jurisdictions agree to it. Just like those who live in the South and mid-West have the right to become a republic built upon individual rights and liberty.
    Cut off the NE around NY/NJ and the three west coast states and wish them the best. Make arrangements for travel and trade. Also those who do not want to live in the new configuration (say you are a Chicago liberal who might prefer to live in the NY socialist state) get a few years of amnesty to move out and vice-versa. I assume the terms will mostly be free travel from each new country, with proper border controls, and mostly free trade. The NE/West coast have plenty of import/export soil and well as do the South and Midwest. The economies should not be heavily affected by creating “landlocked” states. Plus if there is free trade and close to free movement this doesn’t even become a factor.
    America, in the end, was designed to be an ethno-centric country composed mostly of Western Europeans. Historic wars and industrial changes merited limited immigration for short periods of time but up until the 60’s was widely viewed with a critical eye. This idea that we are some sort of “melting pot” is just not accurate. Once the welfare train ends most illegals will just move out. Mass deportations will be very limited. (The only exception I would make is for African-Americans who can demonstrate some familial connection to slavery say three generations back, face it the records aren’t great. If we brought them here against their will, even though their own people were mostly selling them, then they get a “pass”. That is consistent with the 13th and 14th Amendments.)

    1. You cannot legislate a fix to a biological problem to natural heirarchy. This must be resolved by sick natural state back to health. Ever hear the saying that the real boss is always the asshole? When the asshole refuses to do its job the whole body gets deathly sick because it can’t get the waste and rot out. When the asshole starts working the way it is supposed to, the body recovers quickly. When white men quit chucking and know towing to unnatural forces and desires, society… Mankind will right itself and all will be happier and healthier for it. Until then, this nasty perversion of a society will continue ailing miserably until they get the white man gets his rational mind back around themselves.

  8. Asians could stay, they make good neighbors & breedable halfies. Dont forget our Korean bros in 90s Los Angeles, ready to feed looters lead & defend their turf. Until a country boots the j00, it’s really just spinning its wheels. We will go down as a minor chapter in Chinese history books.

    1. yeah i remember that.
      NTM during the riots;
      Korean shopkeepers
      were asked who were
      they shooting at more.
      They said more of the
      looters were hispanic.
      Blacks just loot their
      surrounding areas.
      I believe some of it.

    2. That depends on the Asians…If you get Mooslims (Pakistani or Syrian), in large quantities, it might be time to split, if you get Indians from a lower caste in large quantities, it might be time to split. Some Koreans (the fat ones that eat noodles everyday) can be hostile and many of them don’t take shit from anyone. Look at Gran Torino.
      Same goes for whites…If there are too many methheads, wiggers, watch out! Most people, IMO, have devolved considerably in just a decade. Look at all those liberal college professors…They’re saying things that they probably never would of said just 15 years ago. AND THAT IS A COLLEGE PROFESSOR!

      1. Most meatheads and wiggers are Italians, Irish, and worse. There is a reason that they were not considered to be White not so long ago.

    3. You are insane. So you want Cambodian gang bangers here? You want the Yakuze as well? How about the naturalized Chinese who spy military and industrial secrets and send them to China?
      HOw about the people, who cares from, who are good neighbors stay and the bad ones leave?

    4. Some Northeast Asian individuals are okay, but they aren’t us and those that aren’t okay are a major problem.
      Where the White man would act fairly (required in all societies), the Asian will often take things to extremes or otherwise act in a socially disastrous manner.
      How many zealous true Scandinavians do you know of? Now how many bat-shit crazy Northeast Asians can you think of? Are most Asian societies nice or are the nice ones the exception?
      Asian women can be nice and intelligent, but also much worse on the crazy scale than White women can be. That’s genetic. There is a large difference between us and them.
      Asians, (and Blacks, Dravidians, American Latinos and everyone else except for Western European Whites) are heavily mixed with pre-Human hominid genetics. The lesser White tribes are mixed with a low amount of Neanderthal genetics. These admixtures why Asians specifically look the way that they do. Behavioral effects come with that. Pre-human hominids did not have the emotional disposition that humans do.

  9. I’m agnostic on whether something recognized as a civil war will actually occur. Today I’d put the chances at around 25% but that could quickly change as events develop.
    What I DO know is that a much wider variety of voices from all corners of the internet have been increasingly predicting that it’s inevitable. We know that liberals will never back down and they seek the destruction of everything we believe in. We know that know amount of debating or politicking will change their minds in time to avert demographic disaster. We have seen how seemingly minor and random events like the Chris Brown shooting have set off national firestorms, demonstrating that the tinderbox is all set just waiting for any spark.
    We also know that economic collapse, drought, pandemic disease, terror acts, grid failure, and natural disasters are all real possibilities that could knock everything into a state of disarray.
    Everything teeters on a thin balance. In light of this backdrop it only makes sense to prepare as if your life depends on it, even if you don’t know exactly what you are preparing for.

    1. Envision any scenario where either side can be placated. Try to imagine a true compromise?
      At this point I believe the gulf between the left and the deplorables, or more correctly the newmericans and the heritage Americans is now just about impassable in terms of what each has for a vision of the future, the value of the Constitution and the vlaues of the founding stock in general.
      One side wants open borders, socialism/communism, and special privileges for every immigrant group, while openly cheering and enabling the replacement of the founding people.
      The other side simply wants to preserve what its ancestors built. For that they are called names and dehumanized. For believing things that were common sense and very mainstream only 50 years ago.
      I just don’t see the two sides ever coming together on any issue.
      God Bless America. Fuck the shitlibs and their (((masters))). The time is coming and there will be no quarter asked and none given. The only question is when. Not if.
      Gentlemen keep your powder dry.

    2. ‘Everything teeters on a thin balance. In light of this backdrop it only makes sense to prepare as if your life depends on it, even if you don’t know exactly what you are preparing for.’
      Well, I know what I’m preparing for.
      Jus getting through another damned day.

  10. “A barbaric society is a society with little or no law and order.”
    With all due respect, barbarians have or had law and order. Quite frankly, there is no cultural group that is void of law and order. It’s unsustainable. You might not like their laws or the order of their society, but it is there.
    Vikings were considered barbarians. They had plenty of laws, social norms, and taboos. They weren’t anarchists. Native Americans were the same way.

    1. When people say “barbarians”, they usually mean “savages”. Savages are a rung below barbarians on the sociological/anthropological ladder. Vikings and Highland Scots are examples of barbarians. I’m sure we can all think of an example of savages.

      1. True.
        The Vikings had deities, laws, and a code of conduct. The Gauls and Celts as well. They were indeed barbarous, but there was a concept of civilization there. The Romans were one step above barbarians, but they brought us roads and culture. You can teach barbarians to form a new society or adapt to existing ones.
        Savages bring nothing, as nothing is off-limits to them. No concept of law, order, or codes of conduct. Zero–or at any rate poor–impulse control; rape, murder, ritualized infanticide, and cannibalism is normal for savages. They cannot be taught, as concepts must have fertile ground to take hold. They simply do not have the IQ to comprehend.

        1. The Romans were one step abo…..
          Au, contraire !
          Those chaps had underfloor heating, an excellent fast and reliable Empire wide postal service and this place is always worth a visit if you ever get the time….

          ..don’t want to overstate the case, but in many respects they were more civilised and cultured than many people today, and nearly all people in the past.

    2. Vikings were considered to be barbarians by the Romans, who were their enemy; and possibly by other enemies. You have to take into account the source for any ancient characterization of a people. In that time, anyone outside of the “sacred boundary” of a city was most often deemed to be “chaos” aka: barbaric.
      Vikings being held to be unsophisticated doesn’t quite align with their economic mode, which was mercantilism (and raiding, but again I would also be cautious of enemy accounts in terms of balance).
      First, they needed advanced ships to make that work: which they had. Second, as today and as in the middle ages in Northern Germany and Italy, the merchant (coastal) regions were the wealthiest. This is why Scandinavia (and the Danish peninsula) was a suitable home for some Viking groups. They didn’t require that much farm land, but did require lots of ports.
      Last, people tend to perform relatively the same over time. Today, the Viking ancestors operate some of the most well run nations on planet Earth. That doesn’t quite align with a supposedly accurate barbarian characterization.

  11. Won’t be like any of this. What you’ll have is a bunch of urban areas turn into total hell. People who can flee will flee. Eventually the urban areas will be everyone against everyone. Neither China or Russia or Mexico will invade. Nukes are still nukes and we have plenty.
    There are plenty of Mexican/American rednecks for lack of a better term tiring of this bs too. I look for heavy fighting in Latino urban areas because Central American gangs are going to fight Mexican cartels and influences there. That will blow sooner rather than later.
    Silly white boy antifa will make some problems until they run afoul of blacks which will happen quite rapidly. Won’t be pretty. Don’t taze me bro ain’t gonna work.
    In fact a bunch of silly white liberals will be killed from all sides.
    Blacks will just fight any and everything. Won’t end well.
    A giant cluster in urban areas. Not so bad anywhere else bottom line. Get the hell away from the big cities.

        1. Yes, its he “we win or the Russians subverted democracy with a tweet” gambit.
          Helped along by the Deep State. Classic.
          The NYT is amping the propaganda right on time.

  12. Never going to happen. It is an old fantasy from a desperate people. If you look back let’s say 15 years ago when things were still “ok” (but not great) you could see these civil war fantasies on hard-core white nationalist websites (Stormfront, VNN, etc.) and on prepper forums, etc.
    It never happened. And it never will happen. Why? Because of 2 very simple reasons.
    1) What is happening now is working REALLY well. The frog of sanity and normalcy has been boiling in the pot slowly for 20 years. Why turn the fire up now? The powers that be are NOT stupid. What they are doing is working which is slowly humiliating the founding population while rapidly replacing them. Once they are a minority (soon!) then they can do whatever they want.
    2) ‘Our’ side and by that I mean mainly normies and everyone but the ultra hardcore alt-righters are simply too pussified to do what is required which is basically unite, en masse, and say FUCK YOU. NO MORE. It could happen tomorrow as another poster pointed out and perhaps with a shot being fired. But we still have it too good.
    Maybe in another decade when we are unable to work because we don’t follow the Religion of Poz / Diversity this may occur. But I doubt it even then. The risk aversion most people have is still too high for a hot war.

    1. THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly! Assholes like Wes the Great and Automaticslim live in a fantasy world of childish illusions and dreams. You nailed it, the South will never rise again and America will never recover. So long as people have a roof and full stomach then our masters have nothing to worry about. Man is willing to endure almost anything in order to live in peace. You want to see our future? Just look at the example of Jamaica. You have the inbred, degenerate Germans from Germantown on the west coast and then you have the successful inbred jews on the east coast where all the wealth is. THIS is our future and hope is cowardice.

      1. Hope is cowardice…lol….no, cowardice only exists thanks to people like you. All you are doing is rationalizing your cowardice. But ya, you are right in one regard, as long as white men stay a detribalized group of individualist inbreds living in their own fantasy land of selfishness…than ya, nothing will happen. Pretty sure Italy is going full nazboy right now, most of the eastern countries are holding strong, and Donald Trump got elected even though he said things during his campaign that make him a “NAZI”. Just as fast as all these foreigners came in, they can leave just as fast or faster. Funny how you put me and automatic slim in the same category.

  13. Never going to happen. It is an old fantasy from a desperate people. If you look back let’s say 15 years ago when things were still “ok” (but not great) you could see these civil war fantasies on hard-core white nationalist websites (Strmfrnt, VNN, etc.) and on prepper forums, etc.
    It never happened. And it never will happen. Why? Because of 2 very simple reasons.
    1) What is happening now is working REALLY well. The frog of sanity and normalcy has been boiling in the pot slowly for 20 years. Why turn the fire up now? The powers that be are NOT stupid. What they are doing is working which is slowly humiliating the founding population while rapidly replacing them. Once they are a minority (soon!) then they can do whatever they want.
    2) ‘Our’ side and by that I mean mainly normies and everyone but the ultra hardcore alt-righters are simply too pussified to do what is required which is basically unite, en masse, and say FUCK YOU. NO MORE. It could happen tomorrow as another poster pointed out and perhaps with a shot being fired. But we still have it too good.
    Maybe in another decade when we are unable to work because we don’t follow the Religion of Poz / Diversity this may occur. But I doubt it even then. The risk aversion most people have is still too high for a hot war.

    1. ‘The powers that be are NOT stupid. What they are doing is working which is slowly humiliating the founding population while rapidly replacing them. Once they are a minority (soon!) then they can do whatever they want.’
      I’d say tptb are able to do whatever they want, already.
      I can’t think of one single social ‘initiative’ the people have ever ressisted.
      I can’t think of one policy the rulling parties have failed to enact with the possible exception of socialised health care, and that seems to be only deleyed.

      1. That’s the problem you have people fantasizing about winning a shooting war that have been beaten time and time again in the political and social wars. They have lost because of a lack of will and an inability to see beyond the present moment. These same deficiencies would likely lead to defeat in a shooting war as well.

        1. Hi.
          ‘ They have lost because of a lack of will and an inability to see beyond the present moment. ‘
          This flight into a ‘civil war’ fantasy also happens for negative and positive reasons.
          The negative reasons would include a refusal to ‘fight’ the fights they honestly can fight in the real world ie stopping their children watching television or consuming Hollywood.
          Helping their children avoid the University System etc.
          Better to shoot bullets on a range and dream about, well, you know the rest.

  14. What time frame are we looking at here?
    I would be very surprised if there isn’t a civil war within 20 years.
    10 years is possible

      1. @Cavalier…unfortunately? What, you want to wait till we are a minority to fight? Or do you just want to pass the problem onto another generation and save your own skin, much like the baby boomers are doing now.

        1. I say unfortunately because it would be better if it could be avoided by a cultural revival. Many, many will die. Nothing will be the same after. It will be many years maybe even generations before prosperity returns. It won’t be a cake walk. It is not going to be a weekend deer hunting trip. All this could have been easily prevented 50 years ago. Yes if it comes to it better sooner than later.

    1. Are you kidding me…dude, this shit is getting rapidly worse. States like Michigan, Pennsylvania (aka, the blue wall) took a HUGE shift to nationalistic trump mainly due to white votes for the first time in decades. The demographic is changing enough so that even normies are starting to wake up, because it is getting impossible to ignore it anymore. Libertarian candidates, and people like Paul Ryan, are either disappearing or having to adapt more nationalistic policies. It is happening, and it is accelerating. Not sure if people have grown balls yet, or are willing to accept the hard truths, but whatever it is it is accelerating quite fast…especially in Europe.

  15. The faster a conflict comes, the better. With every day, as the demographics make a beeline towards a minority majority country, the chance of any part of the nation being salvageable decreases. Soon they will be able to crush us through manpower alone. We elected Trump, and these globalist vermin doubled down and effectively neutered the president. I don’t see a way out of this horrendous downward spiral without physical bloodshed and separation. It’s better than sitting back and watching America bleed to death.

  16. When you really think about it, most of the major countries are ripe for a civil war. It would not surprise me if one happened in China, Japan, Iran, much of Western Europe, Brazil, S. Africa, or Russia. We might just have a world where most of the world is in a state of civil war where we as mankind all decide what path we want to travel. It will certainly be an interesting decade.

  17. If civil war broke out in America, the rest of the world would supply the opposing sides with billions worth of hightech weapons to ensure maximum destruction and loss of life in the USA. Its what America does to foreign countries, so turnabout is fair play right?

  18. This may happen. But not in my lifetime. And most likely not for another 50 years at a minimum.

  19. I am really tired of the repetitive articles about the civil war because it is all a writer’s fiction. A civil war does not happen like people decide we are going to civil war tommorow. Look at the Yugoslavian civil war and the precedent events. This is what can happen but I do not think the situation is yet intense like the balkans. I think what you are trying to imply is to overthrow the current system which would be you and your supporters against the government and their supporters. More like a revolution

    1. All it will take is an economic collapse, which is quite likely given current deficit spending and our retarded feminized/multicultural economy, or shit goes down in Europe, etc etc. There is a ton of hate and anger boiling deep inside most of the west, and all it will take is something like Trump getting impeached and SHTF. If you look 5 years before any major conflict things were usually fairly peaceful at the surface. I am sure nobody thought the American civil war would happen 5 years before it did. Granted, the next civil war won’t be genetlmen fighting in military uniform commanding disciplined armies, it will more than likely be a complete shit show.

    2. We are Already IN a low level civil war in case you didn’t notice, chit for brains.
      1 million annual black ON white violent crimes. Millions more unreported.

    3. ‘The Coming Civil War in America’ nonsense is the terminus of a lack of imagination, intelligence and perspective.
      ….and history…

  20. Good article after we win the war we should deport the blacks Mexicans and Saracens and take away women’s right to vote that’s how we fix this country

    1. Deport them where? The Mexicans have been here since 1848. You took over half their country and now are surprised there are so many of them? Without their labor and half their country you took the USA would not be where it is at. Deport yourself.

      1. Wait, what? Half of whose country? A bunch of naked Aztec cannibals that crossed the Bearing Straight a few millenia ago? Yeah, I guess you’re right, we should have left North America to them. China would have too, no doubt about it.
        Watch what happens when “their labor” goes away. Nothing except for higher pay.

  21. Be sure to save a dozen white HB 9s for Donovan Sharpe. He’s expecting them as compensation because Roosh is stingy when it comes to money.
    And don’t feel shy about throwing in a few Asians while you’re at it. Variety is the spice of life, and black men love to swirl.

  22. One way to preclude all this is to ban abortion.
    I was on the fence for decades because i don’t
    need it. But now i finally see it for what it is:
    A never ending Blood-Sacrifice to their god.
    Take away their form of payment, and they
    lose the power to keep unraveling what we
    keep sewing together. Then we will heal.

      1. @RW…and the other 1/3 are women who I don’t want raising children, probably a child from some inbred retard they hooked up with because they are fucking retarded.

    1. Abortion is the symptom of a society so sick that it refuses to accept that responsible prevention is easier and less costly but instead reflects the nasty base need by women to open their legs for any deposit of sperm from any source and no returned loyalty. It’s not societal sickness per se, it is a female sickness of no self awareness or restraint and sperm donors who are willing to oblige them for being cum dumpsters they are. You cant get more base than bonono protocol (see also Turd Flinging Monkey on YOUTUBE) Really, what is more contemptable than a willing garbage dumpster? Then it’s easy to understand why these dumpsters love abortion so much. The abortion is bad but what is worse is the woman getting it. End of story. No woman who use restraint and condoms has need for an abortion.

      1. Sometimes a well-meaning, moral married couple will through no fault of their own, conceive a child that is FUBAR (Downs, Trisomy 13, anencephaly). Would you tell these parents “screw you, give birth and shut up”? And think of the demographics. Crime rates have been falling since 1990 for a reason.

        1. Mother Nature takes care of her mistakes on her own. Mankind or rather women are the only animals who deliberately play and revel in their attempt at being God in her stead. There is no good excuse for cumdumpsters and unwanted pregnancies save for lack of self control and self respect.

  23. Nice to see the “on the spectrum” artwork again. These special people should have their own gallery.

  24. ‘Today several nations would take advantage of inner turmoil in the United States. Nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, and others would most certainly take military action and invade U.S. territories, Alaska,…’
    OK, that’s just unhinged.
    Americans often think the world revolves around them.
    You might be surprised just how little ‘America’ matters to many nations across the world. How little they think or care about ‘America’ or Americans.
    …that is until they get bombed for peace.
    Russia does not think about invading you, honest.
    All the Chinese people want is stuff to consume and all their Government cares about is maintaining it’s grip on the people.
    As for North Korea?
    They are not coming to get you, now or in the future. They can’t even feed themselves and would have collapsed 20 years ago without Clinton’s massive cash injection.
    The seas will always prevent an invasion, as they have in the past.
    You have zero foreign enemies with the ability to ‘take advantage’ of any internal discord.

  25. I doubt that the described scenario will play out, instead I see the U. S. slowly descendING into a military dictatorship where the minorities have far more influence than their numbers constitute. The whites will be marginalized like never before with almost no representation in the new America. The blacks, Hispanics and their liberal white enablers already control the deep state inside and out. This is why Trump is demonized by 90% of the media outlets.

    1. Except for Asians and “White” Latinos, minorities can’t run a military. Their only hope is Jewish commanders, money houses, and printing presses.

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