4 Cosmetic Fixes That Can Make You Significantly More Attractive To Women

We live in the age of social media and celebrity glorification. Facebook, Instagram, and the Kardashians have effectively distorted our perception of beauty. Instagram in particular. It’s picture editing capabilities, combined with selfie manipulation techniques, falsely enhances one’s physical attributes:  butts look bigger, eyes appear brighter, skin seems clearer, six-packs more defined, and so forth.

The media incessantly shoves down our throats their degenerate archetypal interpretation of beauty. Someone with an untrained eye might get the impression that everyone around them is attractive, wealthy, and living a more fun life than them. Fortunately, most people have become aware of the tricks and cheap gimmicks that are employed by attention whores to embellish their lifestyle and sex appeal. In fact, once you become privy to the illusion social media and the entertainment industry perpetuates, you come to realize that the majority of people around you, minus a very fortunate and microscopic amount, are painfully average looking.

Everyone has at least one, sometimes multiple perceived cosmetic defects according to our modern day society’s beauty standards.  It’s my contention that as long as a man has no glaring or atypical physical or facial deformities; if he addresses these four physical characteristics, he’ll at a minimum be considered “not ugly”. Very often, fixing just one of these chinks in the armor can morph an ordinary looking man into a proper heart-throb. Below are four relatively uncomplicated measures that have the potential to dramatically improve one’s physical appearance.

1. Teeth & Smile

Remarkable: the mangled teeth version of Tom Cruise on literal face value alone would likely struggle on Tinder if it not for his celebrity appeal.

A study has confirmed what we already know – that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth makes people seem more attractive. But it has also explained the reason.

It is because teeth are the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail – a sign of health and genetic quality designed to help choose a mate.

A straight and white smile, devoid of missing teeth, can have a profound effect on a person’s overall presentation and mating opportunities. Nobody enjoys a trip to the dentist. It’s an uncomfortable and costly experience. Despite this, biting the bullet and investing in your mouth is a worthy expenditure. Not only because of the cosmetic benefits it can provide a person with, but because it’s your teeth for crying out loud; healthy chompers are an essential component for your overall health and quality of life.

2. Hairstyle & Grooming

Depending on who you ask, women have a distinct advantage over men in regards to beauty routines; they have many more variables that can be controlled and manipulated to bolster their look. Men only have a few things that can be amended to enhance their appearance:  physical fitness, skin, apparel, hair, and that’s about it. It always puzzles me when I see a guy that puts very little thought into his haircut and style. Sure it costs a little bit more to get a good haircut, but the benefits are undeniably worth the premium.

You wear your hair every day.  A cheap or unflattering haircut is evident—a great haircut makes people take notice.  Additionally, if you aspire to be put in leadership positions, you’ve got to look the part. A good haircut will provide the confidence you need to help you make a strong and memorable first impression.

Lastly, if your hairline is receding substantially or if you’re just flat-out going bald, you’re better off just shaving it off. Yes, I understand having to say goodbye to what’s left on your head can be heartbreaking, but adopting a George Costanza style is unlikely to do you any favors. Luckily, guys like Jason Statham, Joe Rogan, and Dwayne Johnson have popularized the look; there are lots of women that actually find the shaved head look sexy and masculine.

Adding some scruff or even better, a beard, is one of the best decisions a man can make for his love life. Facial hair makes a man look more rugged, mature, and can help conceal a weak jaw. Just make sure you keep it neat and well-groomed. The unemployed hobo and low testosterone neckbeard style as seen below is rather pitiful and unsightly to look at.

This man probably justifies his repulsive appearance by telling his friends that women don’t matter to him because he has chosen to “go his own way”.

3. Apparel & Style

ill-fitting off the rack clothing can make you appear sloppy and larger than you really are.

They say clothes make the man. While that might be an overstatement, clothes can have an immense impact on your overall appearance and the way people perceive you. There’s an allure and magnetic force at work when a man wears a form-fitted suit, similar to how heels and a tight black dress on a woman draws in the attention of a room full of people; men who dress well and wear the correct fitting garments for their body type are seen as higher status and more attractive according to research.

According to the study conducted by Kelton Research, not only are well-dressed men viewed as sexier, smarter, more successful, and more well-liked, they also fare better in relationships. In fact, 91 percent of Americans think dressing well can make a man appear to be more physically attractive than he really is, while nearly two-thirds (64 percent) believe women are more likely to marry a well-dressed man than one who isn’t as put together.

You don’t need to spend a fortune to dress the part—quality over quantity. Spending a little extra money to get higher quality apparel is worth it. Superior clothing will fit better, last longer and therefore save you money in the long-haul. Finally, never skimp on your shoe game. Things that you use every day such as footwear should be of good quality—shoes have the potential to make or break your outfit.

I still see guys at the club deploy this combination…

4. Body

Muscles transformed this man from soy boy to fuck boy.

Quite possibly the most significant thing a man can do to improve his overall appearance is hit the weight room. Just like how men are attracted to big boobs, women are attracted to big muscles. If you’re a man that does not have the most attractive facial features improving your physical stature is one of the best investments you can make. Akin to how a man will sleep with a girl that has a knockout body despite not having the best face; a women will screw the butter-faced herculean man that works construction because muscularity is associated with high testosterone. In fact, studies show that meatheads are responsible for the bulk of “cuckolding”.

Male peacocks show their good condition with their showy tail,” says David Frederick of UCLA’s Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture, a Ph.D. candidate who was lead author of the study. “Muscularity in humans is similar because it requires calories, testosterone, and a strong immune system. It’s telling women, ‘Hey, look at me — I must be in good condition.’”

Those muscles also tell women to forget about their man at home — at least for a night. The research showed that 32 percent of men defined as muscular are twice as likely to have been with a woman while she was in a relationship.

You don’t need to become a bodybuilder, but packing on a little muscle to your frame can do wonders to your sexual desirability. Muscles increase testosterone, garner the respect of other men, improve posture, raises self-esteem, helps improve the fit of clothing, and just overall makes you visually appear more alpha. You’re a fool if you are not taking advantage of this easy hack.


As stated in the introduction. Once you remove the curtain that is social media, you’ll notice most people are bang average. Improving these four cosmetic facets has the potential to dramatically augment your sexual appeal, which will consequently raise your market value.

With the current state of affairs, success in the marketplace can seem unattainable. With such stiff competition, your success is in this climate can largely be determined by the smallest of margins; life is a game of inches. Therefore, it should be your obligation to make sure you mitigate your vulnerabilities—that way you lend yourself the best odds for achieving success.

Read More: More Men Are Raped Every Year Than Women

72 thoughts on “4 Cosmetic Fixes That Can Make You Significantly More Attractive To Women”

  1. Chicks do dig the facial hair whether it’s a beatd, goatee, or scruff. The clean shaven look is out of fashion right now along with the jean shorts and wife beater look from the 90’s.

      1. Same with women…
        This time at Fb. A woman is posting a vacation photo (Greece).
        One comments: “always hot.”
        She is really happy that she praises one and writes a long text. Immediately comments come from several men: “He means the weather and not you !!!”

    1. You have to have a jawline with dimples and cleft chin for you to fully maximize the clean shaven look.
      If you dont have any of those, you end up looking like Bobby Lee selling fish in a wet market.

      1. I don’t have any of those things. But still, thst beard of mine us staying in the past where it belongs. I do like fresh seafood though…

      2. cleft chin looks goofy. all you need is a solid jawline. dimples not needed either. facial structure is far more important

    2. I wore a beard ftom 20 to 45. Got sick of it. It’s gone and it ain’t coming back. Especially since all the gray…

    3. If you don’t look good in jeans and wifebeater then that means you need to eat better and exercise more.

    4. Sorry pal, when soy-boys worldwide are sporting beards, they’re already long out of style for those anywhere near the edge of being in the zone. I shave my head and face, and have for a decade now. I get checked out a lot, and even more now that I don’t look like 99% of “men” wearing beards. Funny too, I never jumped on the beard craze. Not following trends in itself, is a masculine way to conduct your life. 1 man army mentality goes a long way with chicks.

      1. Soy boys DON’T know how to done a perfect beard.
        They go full retard.
        ALWAYS shave your neck… and keep it trimmed just to increase the jawline volume and squareness.

  2. Very good article.
    Just a caution from a local experience: Women here were asked to classify what type of male body they found most attractive (given a set of bodies associated by different activities). The one body type that won was the mountain climber / mountaineering.
    Hypertrophy may be counterproductive when it gets too big.

    1. Sure a lean and sinewy and dense look is the goal by lifting will get you there much more effectively than climbing, as a hobby atleast

      1. Yep. I don’t think many climbers have incredible triceps, chest, glutes and legs.
        Shoulder width is supposedly a big thing for women and the only way to maximize is that by bodybuilding. Not weightlifting, not powerlifting but bodybuilding; work that isolation.

    2. You ‘ll never find a study that studies bullshit studies. Any woman who says she’s turned off by a buff, muscular body is the first to spread her legs and yell, “Over here!” as soon as one of these men walk into the room.

    3. The Capoeira body type. Being able to hold a one arm handstand or throw a kick from that position also requires one having a decent level of strength.
      The Convict Conditioning body type is also very well balanced.

    4. Well duh…Ya don’t say! It’s surprising that a lot of people need some kind of survey to learn this basic stuff. Not having a go at you, just saying it’s not at all surprising!

  3. I’ve noticed most fat guys have beards…probably to hide their fat face. Tip #1 to improve your appearance: Don’t be fat!

      1. I should further clarify that being poor or lower class will only hurt your chances with females if you are a normal person. If you are a druggie, dealer, thug, gang member, dirt bike racer, or some other ridiculous thing, then your ability to attract western sluts for free will actually be enhanced.
        I’d rather pay for them tjen to try to be a jerk. Just don’t have it in me.

      2. Correction for Tip 2: It used to be just have a job 10 years ago. Today, if you don’t have half a mil sitting in the bank, then forget it.
        I’m 38 and my friend still lives with his parents. I have my own place and he picks up more then I do. Well, he rides a motorcycle and I don’t.
        Hey Roosh, good luck on getting your book back on Amazon. I just read Bang because I heard of the ban…I should of read this years ago…I actually tried some of the tactics for approach in the early-late 2000’s when I was out on the town.

    1. Most guys I see in 2018 have a fat, round face…If you went back 15 plus years ago, I assure you most guys did not have a fat, round face. I’ve always had a long face with a high forehead because, well, I’m tall and 6’2 and I don’t think about eating food all the time. The only thing I want is hair replacement surgery…It will be about $5,000 or more…I’ve lost so much hair at the front of my scalp that approaching women for game sounds like a lost cause.
      If I grew a full beard, I would look like a homeless dude or either a Viking or 16th century Spanish Conquistador. For some reason, the beard look looks better on the fat headed guys. So, if I well be growing it out, it will be trimmed every few days.

      1. Some cultures, a person with a long face and lighter skin is dominate, part of a higher caste. The Tocharian and Spirit Cave Mummies were all long headed as well as many pharaohs and kings of the Holy Roman Empire. The lower, untermensch were predominately wide skulled, short-statured, working class types. In fact, I think that’s where the name Slavs comes from.
        In my travels throughout Europe, dolichocephalic types are strongest in Scotland, England, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, all of Scandinavia, northern Germany and many are also in Italy and Spain as well. Anything east of that, not so much, except maybe parts of Greece!
        So, clearly any area of Europe that has 1st world civilization, the dolichocephalic skull is at least half, to more then half of the native population!

        1. Light skinned men dominated everywhere they went. Indo-European civilizations tended to have a lighter skinned ruling caste. Roman Emperors were lighter than the general population.

    2. Drater…Yeah and i’ve noticed most people wear pants. Probably to hide their ugly legs?

  4. Good article. All the points sound obvious to me, but the way you have written the whole thing is reinforcing.

  5. Shaving your head is a mistake if you have a long/thin nose and/or a small head.
    If you have a good jaw, don’t obscure it with a beard.
    Calling muscles an “easy” hack is a bit of a misrepresentation.
    I lift, but I’m not ripped, not really even that cut, probably like 15+% body fat. I always shave my face before a date.
    I cut my own hair & I have a huge gap in my teeth, in fact on a 1st date, a girl (15 years younger than me, who happens to be a model) asked me if I have a missing tooth. My dick was in her mouth & then her (weapons grade) pussy less than an hour later. That’s a true story, too bad it doesn’t happen more often.
    Game is king

    1. Bf around 18% or lower is already enough to have abdominal muscle separation. Sure it’s not roid belly deep cuts, but nonetheless, still better than the average walking man boy these days.

  6. Add foreskin reconstruction. Cut dicks are so 90’s. And arm tatoo. Any douchebag with a tat on his forearm looks badass. I prefer scarifications, makes me appear hardcore.

      1. I earned my scars. And it itches sometimes. Then i wonder, do half-men who wear mutilated in their 7th day have a itch ? Like a phantom pain

  7. Don’t burn money. Buy off the rack, but do your homework regarding fit, your physique and find a good tailor for minor alterations.

    1. That completely depends on your body shape. Most men’s bodies deviate substantially from the shape that rack clothes were designed for, and thats why most men look frumpy when they put on a suit. Some things alterations can’t fix.

  8. Most men, before even employing these tips are already more valuable than what’s out there especially in the West.
    By the time a man has invested in himself, who are they doing it for? I sincerely hope they choose one they deem worthy. And not the type to think they are worthy.
    P.S. that pic of the “soy boy” in point 4 has better physique than most neck beards and typical blue pill frat boy gym bros. But yea, agreed – get those gains up.

    1. Every peoples hate freedom. Sheeps are not made to be free, it’s a burden for them.
      They need direction. Only a 10%, nomads or rulers, can assume a sort of freedom, within clear bondaries still.

  9. I’m ambivalent about the whole “sartorial splendor” aspect of the game. As much as the clothing-related stuff is total bullshit to me and most of the men I know (we are hardwired with a core understanding that shirts/pants/shoes really shouldn’t matter in the long run), it is TRUE nonetheless, whether I like it or not. I’ve begrudgingly adapted, because it works to pull more women. Otherwise, I find clothing game utterly pointless.

  10. 1. Hair style. Unless you live in a rural area it really isn’t that hard to find a man that will give you a good hair cut. It might take a few trial runs but unless you are balding or thinning your hair will grow back in 3-5 weeks. Show the hair guy a few pictures of cuts that you think might look flattering on you. And, no, a barber that uses clippers mostly is not going to design your hair. They are simply into 90% removing growth not styling and design.
    2. Receding hair. Thanks to modern medicine a man can stave this off for years. See a specialist when you start noticing loss and ask your hair stylist if they notice any every time you get your hair cut. The drugs/products recommended are generally safe and have been on the market for a long time so also not usually expensive.
    3. Clothes. Find yourself a tailor. It can even be a dry cleaner down the street. Almost every pair of pants you buy are going to need minor alterations at the hem, wait, and throughout the leg. This will make a huge difference is your overall look. Same guys with blazers and jackets. A good rule to keep in mind is unless it is made-to-measure or custom no article of business clothing is going to fit off the rack.
    4. Shirts. Just spend the money and order MTM shirts though an online company. It is easy and if you get a sale bundle the cost per shirt usually comes down to about $75. Five shirts that are solid fits will save you more money in the long run then a closet full that don’t really fit you. I would recommend a few companies, but sometimes including links to private shops gets your comment bounced.
    5. Layering. Unless you live in a hot climate learn how to layer sweaters, jackets, and collar styles. Here in the NE I can do it comfort for about 10 months our of the year. (For the other two months yes I do get lazy with casual fitted shorts and a polo usually).
    6. Build. I tried to bulk up a few times in the last ten years and found it hard with all the supplements and having to go to the gym regularly. Miss a session and making up for it was hard. Plus I travel a decent bit and pulling 14 hr road warrior days doesn’t help with convincing yourself at the end of the day to spend another hour in the usually inadequate hotel gym. If you can’t keep muscle on just get your BMI as reasonable as possible. I still also try to stay toned but I think my days of sporting a six pack are over.
    7. Skin care. This is one thing men look over because it is “too metrosexual” or some other excuse. You don’t have to buy expensive products. The stuff in the big box store is largely the same as the costly brand item. Keep it simple with a face scrub, moisturizer, and if you have acne a product to treat that. If you are worried about fine lines and/or wrinkles try any product that has .1% retinol or greater (check the back it should be listed under “active drugs” don’t believe the box if it says “maximum strength” because it probably isn’t and obviously claims of “perscription strength” are a lie because to get that you will need a perscription in most countries.

    1. I would also add based upon other comments:
      Trim your body hair. You don’t have shave it but run a trimmer over the thick stuff once a week, especially back hair. Think of it as more of a “lawn mower” type job then going smooth with a razor. This will also aid with perspiration smell as a lot of sweat is absorbed into pubic hair.
      Wear deodorant. It can be some natural form if you are concerned in the chemicals in the general OTC stuff, but wear something. It is disgusting to sit in a packed meeting room with a guy who doesn’t wear any because “insert his lecture on chemicals here”. There are some perfectly good natural substitutes that work well.
      Straighten your teeth. Braces or orthodontic appliances are not the same as they were even 10 years ago. Most are 90% transparent and can correct most common misalignments, with office visits, in 6-8 months. Plus a lot of dental insurance will cover part of the cost. Just look around online for companies that do it for about $1000. Once your insurance kicks in a co-pay and you pull the rest from you FSA/HSA you are basically out of pocket for nothing.

  11. Sound practical advice from a millenial?
    Well done Mr. Vonstroke.
    How many articles like this you think there are for fatty mctats, skittles hair and transgenderella?

  12. Nice neck beards. Guys these days lost the art of shaving right & dont enjoy it. Rock a nice vintage DE razor with badger brush, proraso soap & aftershave-youll enjoy it. Ladies like the good aftershaves too.

  13. Women focus on facial structure, foot size, hands, height, chest depth, shoulder width, and crotch budge when evaluating a man. All of those, except to some degree chest depth and shoulder width, are things that you can’t change. Even if you hit the gym and gain some muscle, women will still take bone thickness and frame size into account when determining how big framed you really are. Some of the advice in the article above is obvious, but still effective. When it comes to working out in the guy, I recommend aiming for just slightly better results than your natural physique. That way you still still look natural and the results will be more stable and sustainable for a long time.
    As for clothing, the effect of jeans and t-shirt is about the same, if not even bigger, than a well-tailored suit and tie. Women say that like a man in a suit, but in the real world, it makes almost zero difference and isn’t worth it if the goal is to attract more women. However, you should still rock a suit and tie if that is what you like and what help you express yourself best, but don’t think it’s some sort of silver bullet for getting chicks, because it isn’t.
    The only thing that works with women time and time again, is size. They love tall, big-framed, and big-boned men with masculine facial features, a lean, muscular body (look up any romance novel to see what their ideal body looks like), and a large bulge in the pants. As always, don’t listen to what women SAY they like; pay attention to the men they ACTUALLY get tingles for and sleep with.

    1. It’s not that game or confidence doesn’t work. It does. It’s just a matter of who is implementing it.
      Say you have a 6 feet tall, not male model or movie star good looking, but most women wouldn’t mind dating him on the basis of his looks. He has a good physique, you can tell he hits the gym. He’s between 20 to 35 in that age group, but he’s a late bloomer socially. So he is lacking in confidence or social skills which is causing his sex/love life to be far below what it could be and should be. Learning game and confidence building would work for this type of guy and he should see a good return on his investment.
      A 5’2 skinny fat physique middle aged Chinese guy isn’t going to get the same kind of success from game and confidence building. It may help increase his options among middle aged Asian women, somewhat. But if he’s looking to be able to walk on to the campus of Big Ten University, USA and bang his choice of sorority sisters, then he will be sorely disappointed.

      1. Game and confidence do NOT make you attractive to a female if she earlier wasn’t.It only works on females who are already attracted to you.That’s it.
        You cannot convince a muscle car owner to take a Prius over a Hellcat by painting it the same color and adding racing bucket seats.

    2. Then why are two early 70s guys in my community continuing to game millennials? Some of you guys are just as much into superficials as the most vacuous young woman. Less than 20% of adult American males are over 6 feet tall. Do those who are not have to commit suicide? My advice to men old and young remains the same. Be your own man. Get into a prosperous field and build wealth. Follow the beat of your own drum. As for the article, for the most part it’s good sound advice. Every man should put his best forward. If you look your best, you feel your best and no confidence is not a myth. Never let the stupidities of modern life drag you down.

      1. Two elderly men in their 70s banging attractive 17-35 year old women? Unless they have lots of money and are being sugar daddies, I’m not buying it. It seems far fetched. I want to see the average 75 year old man, who relies on nothing but his confidence and game regularly bang attractive younger women in that age group. Because I don’t see it in real life.
        Not saying that it never happens, because I’m sure that it has happened and will happen again in the future. But those are outlying situations.
        Just like the 55 year old balding Indian potbellied janitor that learned game and subsequently banged a blonde, blue eyed college cheerleader. I’m sure that it might have happened somewhere at sometime, but it’s not the norm.

  14. I’m ambivalent about the “sartorial splendor” aspect of game. As much as the clothing-related stuff is pure bullshit to most men (we are hardwired with a core understanding that shirts/pants/shoes really shouldn’t matter in the long run), it still matters nonetheless, whether I like it or not. I’ve begrudgingly adapted, because it works to attract the shallow, surface-y women (which is about 90% of women). Otherwise, I find clothing game utterly pointless.

  15. Number 3 shouldn’t matter. When a society makes number 3 important, that society is on the path to Dysgenics and collapse.

    1. I had a lengthy post on this same point but the ROK filter rejected it. The bottom line on this lame “sartorial splendor” topic is that as men we agree it is complete bullshit… but it *still* matters (whether I like it or not). Anyway my post was deleted and I could not re-post.

      1. I always thought it was ridiculous, being any piece of shit guy can put on clothes, bling bling and get a hair cut that is ‘hip’ and voila he gets hot women. Even though he has no real money and physically is a schlub.
        I see this ALOT!

  16. Forget trying to impress women don’t waste your time make money lift weights get big and praise Jesus that’s all that matters

  17. If you have 10 million$+ in your bank account this article doesn’t apply to you. Age, grooming, sports…all irrelevant if you’re wealthy. Money was, is and always be the mother of life hacks.

  18. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Looks matter as much as game. A decent looking, lean bodied 20-35 year old white or black man who’s looking to maximize his success with attractive 17-30 year old women would benefit the most from learning game.
    A 5’4 55 year old balding Indian with a potbelly looking to bang a dozen attractive 17-30 year old women is just going to be met with frustration if he thinks learning game will make his ship come in. Unless he has money. Then game will be of service to him.

  19. You missed one: Back hair is weird and Gross. Get rid of it — unless you like to look like a Pakistani news dealer.

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