Conservatives Are Losers

The following article was originally published on Roosh V.

For the world to get to how it is today, with the nearly complete elimination of tradition in favor of a globohomo world where diddling little children is becoming normalized, conservatives have had to lose every meaningful cultural war in the history of man. When someone declares themselves a conservative, they’re in fact stating that they are a loser, someone who is meant to take the fall when the left comes attacking.

Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.

The enemy

Why are conservatives such losers? Because they desire to merely hold the line while their enemy rushes at them full speed. They don’t want to conquer new lands, kill their enemy, or inflict real harm. They want to maintain the status quo while the left froths at the mouth to win, energized with momentum and passion. The left is so dissatisfied at the state of the world because of their deep-seated inner dysfunction that they put their entire being into trying to make it better. They don’t know how to enjoy their lives so they have to attack the lives of others.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have no momentum or passion. They just want to be left alone, which makes them easy pickings for a collective that is hellbent on achieving their nightmare utopia. In the end, conservatives are the Spartans in 300 who have trained their entire lives to lose the battle, even if they are pound-for-pound stronger than their enemy.

Conservatives have also shown to be comically susceptible to leftist ideas when it’s presented as “human rights.” Two decades ago, the vast majority of conservatives would have stood against gay marriage, but a few years of cheesy “love is love” commercials was all it took for them to change their mind. Their motto of “live and let live” is only reasonable to hold if their enemy believed the same. They give the crying baby its bottle and from that milk it gets fat and strong and decides to kill the entire family. Conservatives don’t understand that giving an inch to the left eventually results in absolute defeat. They have to psychotically refuse to give any ground, even if practical logic or fairness is staring them in the face, but we know they won’t do that.

Conservative bird feeding his enemy

Another problem conservatives face is technology, which is not agnostic but rather liberating. It allows man to rely less on traditions, family, social bonds, and religion, all things that the left hates. The more technology you have, the more you can be an atomized unit in a little urbanized box, reliant only on your service job and digital device to keep you alive and somewhat sane while using Uber and Lyft to travel in and out of your self-imposed quarantine zone. Because of technology, the conservatism of today is merely the liberalism of twenty years ago. I challenge you to find a single attractive “conservative” girl who hasn’t tried Tinder or engaged in abundant pre-marital sex. Look at the life of any self-professed conservative and odds are you’ll find a rather cosmopolitan existence that is far removed from nature and rural living.

The biggest reason why conservatives will continue to lose is that they’re still not ready to kill the left even though the left is ready to kill them. Liberals have been getting conservatives fired on a daily basis while suing their businesses out of existence while the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose. If you’re not prepared to kill your enemy while your enemy is busy killing you, you will lose. It’s that simple. Some think that conservatives have to feel a sense of hopelessness to fight back, but by then there will be nothing left worth fighting for.

“Why would a liberal try to kill me because of my opinion? It must be some kind of a mistake!”

You don’t have to be a historian to know that conservatives will continue to lose. Simple take a look back 50, 100, or 500 years to see how much ground they’ve lost, and amplify that by a factor of ten thanks to technology if you want to imagine how much ground they will lose in the next 50, 100, or 500 years. They are such losers that if you see any sort of organized conservative “uprising” in the years to come, it will surely be a carefully managed scheme by the elites to usher in yet another monumental conservative defeat, just like we saw in the last few years with the alt right’s astonishing rise and then disastrous defeat in Charlottesville at the hands of their more capable enemies.

Since I know conservatives will not win, I do not identify as one, because I don’t see myself as a loser. I will stay under the radar and live with no label, and let the communists on the left defeat the losers on the right like they have been doing for centuries.

Read Next: Nationalism Is A Trap

79 thoughts on “Conservatives Are Losers”

    1. Kings were once Kings because they were NOT Alphas…they were Kings, they were men and ruled from where rightful real men should rule, from thrones and not from their knees at the feet of vagina. Cuckservatives never stopped simping to vagina owners, and the fate they got is the fate they deserve. Another bitter truth. Its time for men to stand up and just be men, never mind the political label. Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, and so many more both respectable and contemptible MALE rulers did not ask for a place in history, they goddamn well carved it out of the hearts and bodies of those who dared to try and STOP them. That kind of MALE mindset and backbone is almost gone from our species anymore. Maybe the turn to the betterment of our kind will occur during this societal suicide in progress? Mankind NEEDS MEN to step up now and do the same as those MEN did. But goddamn it, you wont find MEN brave enough to say it much less DO it. We see this daily by the lack of spine in the comments and the narratives over all the methods of communications.

      1. Well said, Mr. Deplorable. Now, I’m expecting you to pick up a spear and shield and go forth to conquer the enemy. Be sure to fight to the death, because the winning side gets to bumfuck the losing side.
        And don’t worry about Grandpa Roosh. He’s retired now, but he’ll do all he can to console the white women. So don’t you worry.

    2. mras are also on the losing side because #metoo has gotten worse while feminists and female teachers have sexxx with dogs and pre-k students.

        1. Mens issues will not succeed on thier own since men see it as whining and it looks weak. Men rights groups need to razor focus on single issues, while MRAs develops an intellectual class that systematically deconstructs feminism. MRA as a whole will succeed as a whole only if incorporated into a much larger world view.

  1. Conservatives may continue to lose, but the liberals will always lose in the end.
    Their ideologies and policies will lead to complete societal collapse. When shit really hits the fan, you have to think about which party will take the brunt of the hit.
    Will it be the conservative farmer out in his ranch? Or the metro-based liberal warring with millions of cityfolk for food they don’t grow and water they don’t source? Would rather be a “loser” conservative than a dead liberal.

    1. Didn’t Mao kill all the rural farmers to feed the cities? You don’t know your history they will force you to give them all your crops to feed inner city monkeys or execute you.

    2. Have you been paying attention bro? These people will attack the rural folk…actually, communists have been known to go after the rural folk first. Land seizures are the hallmark of every communist regime. Look what they are doing in South Africa right now. A couple of farmers are not going to do shit to millions of starving people who will have the military, government, and plenty of other guns on their side.

      1. So I am a fucking moron am I? Fuck you Wes, I never voted for trump cause I am not a US citizen. If you could see through the shit you would see that Trump is just another pawn. It’s great to see that you are just as deluded as most people in this cowardly world of red pill.

        1. Trump is just another baby boomer who preaches a bunch of libertarian bullshit, but at least he is buying time and exposing media propaganda. Every Alt-Right, non-inbred libertarian, already knew from the get go that Trump had tons of Jewish influencers, he was a part of the swamp, and he is just another baby boomer. I also voted for him because he actually went against a lot of retarded libertarian policies that were being preached by “Never Trump” libertarian morons like Paul Ryan, Bill (((Kristal))), and Mitt Romney, which is probably the only reason he won the rust belt, and therefore the presidency. He is definitely no General Patton or George Washington, but he is 100x better than the alternative, and he is a HUGE step in the right direction.

      2. Not true. Mao fed the people with communist organization and no capital with an embargo by the West. The population doubled in thirty years.

    3. Where do people get these stupid ideas? A few conservatives on their stupid ranches wont be a match when several hundred energized trannies and communists come out in technicals looking to massacre you, rape your fmaily to death and steal your farm.
      Running and hiding is a losing strategy. For the right to win it has to attack. It has to attack everything. It has to attack without mercy. It has to attack with no care for the human cost. Fuck your ‘ideals’..they are constructed to make you lose. Our ideal should be power. Only with power can you live according to your ideals. Destroy your enemies in every way you can, then drink from their skulls. No mercy. No respite. No remorse. Crush them then move on with no second thought.
      That’s how the left wins. That’s how we will need to fight. Until stupid conservatives understand that nothing remains which is worth conserving, that they must attack with no mercy they will continue to lose.

      1. It’s the whole “we are invincible Spartan individuals with our AR15s” mentality. Libertarians don’t get civilization, logistics, or really anything for that matter, so they have these childish and utopian fantasies about how things will go down. Libertarians really do think they live in some magical bubble and all their rights come form God and his son Reagan. Most libertarians are actually very scared individuals, very insecure about their own vulnerabilities; so they rationalize, or come up with, this libertarian ideology that makes them feel more comfortable and safer, kind of like how people turn to religion for comfort.

        1. Seriously, what cracker jack box did you get your understanding of Libertarianism from? What libertarian snuck in your room and raped your booty when you were a kid?
          I have no problem with a well thought out rebuttle to a philosophy or thought, but every time you go on a rant about libertarians, I’m amazed at the absolute bullshit you spout as libertarian boilerplate.

        2. Whoa whoa whoa….A libertarian telling others to come up with a logical argument…lol….you dumbfuck libertarians just scream “statist” and “muh constitution” and “muh freedom” and really nothing more. Your entire philosophy is bullshit and based upon abstract ideals and history revision. YOUR COMMENT HAD NO LOGICAL ARGUMENT….so STFU.

        3. Libertarians love the liberty that actual patriots win for them. Like Bernie Sanders they are the great beneficiaries of everyone else’s sacrifice and labor. The socialists on steroids.

        4. How did libertarians and Libertarians get mixed up in this? Christ, it will be raining outside and Wes will blame libertarianism. The article is about conservative lack of will. Libertarians have been telling conservatives to buck up for decades. The only conservatives paying attention to their pep-talks seem to be the Amish and Native American.
          To be fair, libertarians have been slapping the right around for the last 3 decades since they got rid of/reformed the commies, so the right has at last begun to behave politely to libertarian specifications instead of being a bunch of religious ignoramuses always attacking the libertarians. A lot of the right won’t move now without libertarian OK.
          The L/libertarians are having meetings about how its time to wheel-and- attack and make the left behave. Unlike three decades ago where they just had connections and moxie, they have growing numbers in every country and most neighborhoods many, as Wes says, armed and winning on gun and other issues. Their only question is if conservatives are still dominated by me-too people like Wes and his cheering section who’ll just hand things back to the left.

    4. “Conservatives may continue to lose, but the liberals will always lose in the end.”
      Indeed. When the caliphate arrives, these “liberal”, progressive idiots will be the first to go under the blade. Same with the growing sub saharian african mentality in Europe…TIC TAC TIC TAC…
      ““Barbarianism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is the whim of circumstance. And barbarianism must ultimately triumph”
      ― Robert E. Howard”

    5. This comment right here is the exact reason that conservatives lose. I mean literally, you could not have more perfectly encapsulated the selfishness and cluelessness that has allowed leftism to dominate this country for the past century, lol.

      1. Lefties win because they understand politics is military war by other means. Conservatives are old and useless and still think it’s a gentlemen’s game. Most of them are ancient like Mitch McConnel or cucked out like Paul Ryan. Totally useless we need a new party with like minded folks like us who represent the new red faith built and designed for political warfare in the 21st century. The war for the soul of the internet and our ability to make sense of and control our world. If don’t act now the blue church will take control of the internet and reexert their power and we will be forever silenced. Sent to a digital gulag.

    6. Americans are so obsessed with labeling each other liberal or conservative that those terms have been rendered meaningless. Conservative is a term of abuse when deployed by people who label themselves liberal…and liberal is a term of abuse when used by people who label themselves conservative.
      To get a sense of how mindlessly retarded American politics has become, consider that a couple of decades ago the liberal left was all about arguing logically and defending free speech absolutism, while the conservative right were the SJWs of the day and busy trying to ban “offensive” speech and imposing their value system on everyone. Even today a dinosaur liberal like Noam Chomsky talking about free speech sounds more like a 2018 conservative than a present-day liberal. In the 90s he publicly defended a French holocaust denier’s right to express his views freely…something no SJW leftist today would do.
      It gets even better.
      Today it’s conservatives (except neocons of course) that are pro-peace and diplomacy and liberals that are saying bomb Syria, bomb Iran and Putin is literally Hitler etc. On a lot of issues libs and cons are the exact opposite of their “traditional” positions. Steve Bannon has ideas about capitalism and labor unions that sound positively leftist and in 2016 Trump ran to the left of Hillary on economics and foreign policy.
      In other words, conservative and liberal are not useful terms for describing actual real world phenomena.
      You equate rural folk with conservative and urban dwellers with liberals but what you actually described is the difference between self-sufficiency and dependency. Basically, when the shit hits the fan the self-sufficient will be in a much better position than those who depend on things beyond their control to survive. A farmer or someone who knows how to hunt his food and what plants are edible is going to be way ahead of a yuppie freaking out because Whole Foods is burned to the ground and there’s no electricity to charge his iPhone.
      People have all kinds of ideas about immigration, religion, economics you name it…but all that shit won’t matter if/when civilization breaks down and survival becomes the only game around. For most people politics is 99% words and emotions and abstract concepts that don’t make much real difference in day to day life. Someone can have “liberal” ideas about, say, race relations or welfare but be grounded in empirical reality and self-sufficiency, and someone else can have “conservative” ideas about those issues and be completely helpless when the elevator to his Manhattan penthouse breaks down and shatters his delusional beliefs about the world.
      Liberal and conservative are subjective labels that have no intrinsic meaning. Transcending that false dichotomy bullshit is the first step to freeing yourself from the psychological prison of propaganda and backasswards double speak that controls most American minds.

  2. LIBERTARIANISM…..THE IDEOLOGY OF COWARDS AND PATHETIC RETARDS. I feel like a broken record repeating this obvious fact of life, but until these retarded libertarians pull their heads out of their ass with their “individualist” utopian bullshit than they WILL LOSE. Dumbass conservatives should have been more open to helping people out with healthcare and maybe compromising on environmental issues back in the day…maybe you wouldn’t have driven the left to the extremes they are going today. Conservatives have essentially been elite worshipping white trash for the last 30 years. Oh, and those elites you gave all those tax cuts too, and those companies you deregulated, are the same entities shafting you in the ass today…lol.

    1. I totally agree. Libertarianism is an absolutely juvenile ideology and it willfully avoids harsh realities just as much as liberalism does.
      Libertarianism is a small town you drive through and stop off for a spell on the road to National Socialism. After you have analyzed the historical evidence of each form of government mankind has implemented, you will always end up with National Socialism being the best ultimate answer if you continue on your intellectual journey.
      The liberals have a valid gripe: people who want to dump trillions into the military industrial complex while ignoring the hungry are indeed assh0les. People who don’t give a damn about the environment, going so far as to mock those who urge conservation, are retarded. People who think that it’s our “values” that make us a nation rather than our blood and soil, are morons. People who reduce everything to economic functions at the expense of human happiness are short-sighted turds.
      We must create a new political system that emphasizes unity and group strength or we will succumb to those that do.

      1. You know your libertarian worldview is retarded when friggin Lauren Southern can rip you apart in front of a crowd.

        1. Good post Clark…that soyboy/liberal/libertarian/anarco-communist faggot is the embodiment of the lost/pathetic/and defeated white boy libertarian.

        2. LOL, that guy in the video is so aggressive for being all pro non-aggressive. Libertarians really are a new religious cult.

    2. This guy…lol
      Believes conservatives need to stand firm on their principles…then says
      ” Dumbass conservatives should have been more open to helping people out with healthcare and maybe compromising on environmental issues back in the day…maybe you wouldn’t have driven the left to the extremes they are going today. ”
      HEY JACK ASS, you obviously don’t understand shit. Leftist WILL NEVER relent on their plans to reshape the world.
      As roosh spoke to in the article, there is only one solution to leftist extremism…elimination.
      They are fanatics and must be dealt with as such. Most of those you rant on about with their individual liberty and AR15s, peeped game a long time ago. They saw that most of the population has no stomach for what needs to be done. They peeped that the system is stacked against them, so better to hunker down and make plans for the collapse.
      Their survival may not be ensured, but at least they have a fighting chance. Compared to millions of drones and useful idiots who will go down like chaff before the sythe.
      The reality is WE ALL have too much to lose. They lulled EVERYONE to sleep with an abundance of food, entertainment, sex, and unnecessary luxury.
      No one is willing to sacrifice their comfy life for the future, because of this, ALL will suffer accordingly.

      1. @retard fuck face….I don’t care if Leftist ideologies eventually fail anyways. They will still fuck us over in the end. So is that your hardass strategy? Just bend over till the enemy kills themselves fucking you in the ass too hard. BTW, Republicans are fucking retarded, their obsession with oil and taxes is fucking retarded, and ya, our healthcare needed reforming…our healthcare system before Obama was complete bullshit. The only reason post-Obamacare prices seemed cheaper was because the insurance companies fucked people over and kicked the actual people who needed healthcare off their plans…and then they sold shit plans to people that were really worth nothing, and covered nothing.
        You libertarians are the most inbred, simple minded morons on this fucking earth….I would even go as far to say that you idiots are worse than communists in many ways. You idiots are the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  3. Conservatives are not united, they don’t work together to reach a common goal. say Abortion for example, we can agree that christian, muslims and jews are opposed to it, yet they never do something together against it. same for gay marriage, gay adoption, feminism.
    their basic racism is their weakness. it prevent them from any collaboration. in France there’s a right movement called ‘egalite et reconciliation’ founded by famous polemist Alain Soral, it tries to unit true Christians, Muslims, Far right movements, nationalists, patriots toward the idea of “nation”. the idea is that people who are sharing right and traditionnal values have the same interests that goes beyond their difference. this movement’s havins some success (his website is the first alternative information media in France) .. but he get lot of critics from every side.
    in US, it’s not a secret that the political level is weak, people are just unable to escape their ethnical condition, you can’t unit Latinos and caucasians to work on something.
    by definition, feminists and gays are infertile movements. they don’t have kids. for them blood purity is irrelevant.. which is amazing considering they should be attached to materialism. on the other side, white christian are attached to their “purity”, even their little churchs, they don’t see people as christian / non christian but as white / brown / black.. hence, their action on anything is very local.
    yes, conservatives are weak in a global world. they probably deserve what happens to them.

  4. Roosh, sounds like you’re no better by not associating yourself with the label, you’re merely just sticking your head in the sand until they come looking for you.
    Conservatives I know are too busy actually working a job where as these liberals are paid protesters by Soros to accelerate the lefts agenda.

    1. He doesn’t have kids . Teaxhers, coaches , and society have to move forward. The environment is more competitive than ever and my 16 year old has to work 24 / 7 in stem subjects in order to become the best . He doesn’t have time for vaping, weed , or hanging out with losers,. Once he turns 16 I’ll be buying him hookers or he can get laid in college or I’ll find him a wife in a third world country . The world keeps moving , we can adapt

    2. “Too busy working a job” You want an award or something? You morons work for yourself, stop pretending like your “work” is something we have to glorify you for. Many men worked and then were also willing to stand up for their country instead of just pretending that getting more tax cuts would solve everything. Many “conservatives” like the libertarian Koch brother are also working to bring in more serf labor too. So what are you going to do about it? Don’t you think we could at least get conservatives to admit that race matters and stopping “vibrant diversity” should be priority #1; instead of just worrying about taxes and destroying the environment?

      1. I probably should because of how many people collect on welfare. I wish I could get a report of how many people have benefited off of my paycheck
        No I agree with the stopping diversity and importing 3rd world immigrants is a disaster in waiting. I’ve always thought that, the issue is when you’re dealing with the microphone of social media and Hollywood blaring it’s thoughts and views constantly while snuffing out opposing viewpoints it’s one helleva uphill battle. Even if the conversation does get brought up the, left immediately stops any thought and label you as bigot, racist, CIS male, etc. When you can’t even have a level headed discussion about an issue when a side already made up it’s mind, it’s only a matter of time until blood is spilled

        1. These people are going to vote for welfare regardless. On top of that, I don’t feel like throwing our handicapped and sick in the ditch because we didn’t want our invaders to get welfare. Even without welfare these people will flood in, and when they cannot get their welfare it will make them mad and resentful, then one day they will vote for Venezuelan socialism….all so that our rich elite can have their low taxes and cheap labor, and then move to their Caribbean retreat when SHTF. This retarded idea that we have to destroy our nation, we have to stop helping our own, and we have to destroy our government (which will never happen) all because we are too afraid of closing our borders and telling the colored hordes to fuck off…is ridiculous. On top of that too, I still don’t want to give my land away to rich Chinese, rich Arabs, and other rich people around the world….fuck them.

  5. Roosh… again nails it on the head. this article is brilliant on so many levels. dont be fooled by the title; this article is by no means a disservice to us conervatives. in fact, its a swift kick in the teeth. heed the advice of this piece, or the left will continue to win folks

    1. So when are you going to put on the camp and oil and he guns, Beefy? Hop to it! Revolution awaits!
      In the meantime, Rooshie will be taking care of business on the home front, pumping and dumping the white women. He’s 4F, so it’s the best he can do.

  6. Interesting article. Throwback to “Gorilla Mindset” about reframing yourself and not taking on the label of a loser.
    Wish I could walk around saying that I’m not Black, I’m “‘Murican” in East Asia so I wouldn’t have to be labeled as a loser.
    Maybe in the next life.

  7. Conservatives should be more welcoming to Muslims since their values do not align with the Left whatsoever.

    1. Sure, why not? They’ll give your their Quran, and you’ll give them your white women.
      Sounds like a swap to me.

    2. They don’t align with our Christian culture either and that is why the left wants to bring more in.

      1. They want neither Christian or Muslim cultures to exist.
        They want a mongrelized rootless mass of individuals dependent on their system ruled by their jooish overlords.

  8. As mentioned in the article Liberals do not seem to want to have fun and enjoy life, with Conservatives it seems the opposite. Their ONLY aim is to enjoy life and live in pure comfort, have that huge tv, go on 5 holidays a year, drive that Chevrolet and eat at the best Michelin restaurants. How are Conservatives going to change the world when the main focus is living in comfort, the answer is that they will lose to the Liberals who are for all their faults focused on being organised to take down those in power they despise.

  9. ‘I challenge you to find a single attractive “conservative” girl who hasn’t tried Tinder or engaged in abundant pre-marital sex. ‘
    Huuum, interesting point.
    ‘I challenge you to buy my new book and have sex with high quality women only 23minutes’ after meeting them.
    Huuuum, interesting point.
    Anyway, for those of us who could see that western ‘conservatism’ was nothing but the other cheek of materialism’s arse, this analysis is 20 years too late, 21 in my case (election of Tony Blair in 1997).
    So, lots and lots of old ground.
    Though, it’s almost ‘cute’, as you say, to read the writer fumbling toward some tertiary understanding of the role of ‘technology and the masses’.
    Again, he misunderstands materialism for something called ‘the left’.
    These two are not the same.
    The materialistic society he hates but misunderstands is pagan and atavistic.
    The ‘technology’ is their new form of magic.

  10. Conservatives are not united, they don’t work together to reach a common goal. say Abortion for example, we can agree that christian, muslims and jews are opposed to it, yet they never do something together against it. same for gay marriage, gay adoption, feminism.
    their basic racism is their weakness. it prevent them from any collaboration. in France there’s a right movement called ‘egalite et reconciliation’ founded by famous polemist Alain Soral, it tries to unit true Christians, Muslims, Far right movements, nationalists, patriots toward the idea of “nation”. the idea is that people who are sharing right and traditionnal values have the same interests that goes beyond their difference. this movement’s havins some success (his website is the first alternative information media in France) .. but he get lot of critics from every side.
    in US, it’s not a secret that the political level is weak, people are just unable to escape their ethnical condition, you can’t unit Latinos and caucasians to work on something.
    by definition, feminists and gays are infertile movements. they don’t have kids. for them blood purity is irrelevant.. which is amazing considering they should be attached to materialism. on the other side, white christian are attached to their “purity”, even their little churchs, they don’t see people as christian / non christian but as white / brown / black.. hence, their action on anything is very local.
    yes, conservatives are weak in a global world. they probably deserve what happens to them.

  11. I have suggested the best way to fight the left is force them to defend themselves. Fight homo marriage not by just opposing it but by pushing further to enact anti-sodomy laws. Don’t fight the attempt to restrict the Second Amendment, enact laws requiring every able bodied man between 18 and 65 to own and practice with a firearm. Women complain that going after abortion is attacking their rights, why not really attack their imagined rights by rescinding their right to vote. When I talk like this I am treated like a radical nut. The other side of the conversation always says no we don’t want the government in the bedroom, no you can’t force someone to own a gun, no women have rights too. This is why we are losing and have been for at least the past 100 years

    1. Nope, not a Nutbag. You are spot on. Men enabled women and now he cowards are scared to take it away because they want to get their little pee pees wet… Sorry fucks don’t get it you can buy pussy and rule where symbiosis is attained… But no, they like being on their pathetic knees. The fucks put their own chains and shackles on… Fucking morons can die for their thirst. Useless fucks are even useful to be an army but we should let the Communists grease their blades and bullets with their blood Instead, and cheer the commies for it.

  12. Even those who support immigration wonder if diversity is a good idea.
    Diversity isn’t working out too well in South Africa or Europe.
    Issues that didn’t exist before become problems
    when outsiders arrive. Eating cats and dogs didn’t need to be illegal before Asians arrived because Americans don’t eat cats and dogs. Sky lanterns didn’t need to outlawed before Asians arrived because Americans don’t use sky lanterns. Hookah lounges didn’t need to banned before foreigners arrived because Americans don’t go to hookah lounges.
    The elites are trying to weaken and divide Americans by flooding the country with vastly different refugees and illegal immigrants and then forcing fags, Muslims, Mexicans, Asians, feminists, blacks, and white people to be a big happy family.

  13. Great piece. I’ve been saying the same for years to friends, family, and colleagues who are red-pilled.
    Leftists need to be killed. As do “Republicans” who support their asinine and destructive policies. Voting will never work. Revolution and war are the only answer.

  14. They claim to be conservatives despite not being able of conserve anything and they claim to be progressives those who haven’t made any real progress.

  15. Unfortunately libertarianism won’t work except in small, encapsulated circumstance protected by general ignorance of their existence, working at specific important projects.
    There must be a reason derived from millennia of experience for the same deviations to be detested by most societies. I don’t especially like that but it remains a basic fact.
    There still can’t be an easy solution. Discipline remains the best one.

  16. I guess he’s right about conservatives but what does that mean I’ve always had conservative values so maybe we should form a new political party that’s way more aggressive and incorporates traditionalist and nationalist and Christian values and is also not blind to race call it the freedom party or something catchy

  17. If you want to trace back the so-called ‘liberal’ ideology, it goes back at least as far as the French Revolution (1789), and probably further back still to the times of Descartes and Francis Bacon (1500’s), with the rise of Rationalism. Liberalism was really the adoption of rationalism/humanism/naturalism. It’s corollary was the rejection of the supernatural, especially the idea of divine revelation. Liberalism began gently, softly, trying to couch Christian morality in scientific terms. But today, with the benefit of hindsight, we can see the endgame of liberalism in the erosion of Christian morality at every single turn.
    The left/right, liberal/conservative titles are a misnomer. Really, is would be better to term the dichotomy as follows:
    – naturalism/super-naturalism
    – scientificism/divine revelation
    – atheism/piety
    – evil/good
    – devil/God
    The right/left nomenclature must be an invention of the devil himself. To disguise his machinations as merely the “left-wing” on an apparent “left-right” political spectrum gives it the appearance of legitimacy. If it has been instead called ‘evil vs good’ he never would have gotten anywhere.
    The reason why conservatives has been constantly losing the battle is because they have adopted the original liberal philosophy themselves (even if they reject it’s modern-day manifestations). That is to say, the “Christians” have adopted the tenets of Rationalism, which at core is a rejection of the divine. These people support the separation of church & state, believe that people are all equal and that democracy is the only viable form of government, and that the free market can solve all our woes, not realising that this is all a distraction.
    This said, there’s no doubting the extreme wealth and power that has accrued to the West as a result of Rationalism. But in exchange for this great wealth and power, the West has sold its soul and adopted the mindset of hedonism and nihilism, the result of which shall lead to the loss of that same very wealth and power.

  18. All true. In Spain for several months now, with the left that the Spaniards voted back into the political office, there have been attempts to remove general Franco’s remains from his burial site at the basilica in the Valley of the Fallen. Something is rotten in Spain if nobody is up in arms against this outrage. In the late 1930s, Benito, Adolfo, and Francisco saved Spain, and now these stupid people are expressing their gratitude.

  19. I think, specially in usa’s case, the problem is that since the conservative movement tried to allign “conservative values” and “free economy” they got neither.
    see, if you’re a normie conservative you’re “against the government” but if you’re not involved in the government you give space to millions of people that will use the government to hurt you. (even with our guy, trump, he is surrounded by a deeeep state)
    and this involves big corporate companies too. the idea that we can through consumer’s choice fight big tech, big media, etc is INSANE. only direct action can defeat them.

  20. Good article, and important to pinpoint.
    The liberals are in the driving seat because they want change. Only destructive changes, but changes nevertheless. They appear as someone who at least want something.
    Conservatives appear inert. And that is about it. Just a standstill, and only in tune with a world that has been and never will be.
    The only remedy to counteract these destructive liberals is to create a vision of something great, and start killing for it. And here is where the fun parts begin, as the only alternative is from bottom up – self improvement, strengthening of family, strengthening of the tribe, strengthening of the race by eugenics, clean strong living, promoting everything that create a strong mentality and a spirituality that bring you and your people in a perpetual search for the divine.
    The libtards understands this. That why they just shrug of the conservative losers, but go completely apesh*t about the new right.

  21. Red-state parents send their children to blue-state schools then blame the only opposition-game in town for losing the war against those whom they oppose. It turns out that the winners are those who get the children. There’s nothing new here. Well, maybe the fact that the losers don’t realize–or probably more appropriately put don’t want to realize–why they’re losing. That might be new.

  22. Roosh, My little bearded Iranian friend! ( no, we’re not! )
    Please DON’T fucking talk in the name of everybody!!!
    Conservatives aren’t losing!
    Who’s conservative anyway??!!
    Tell the big fucker Polish boys, the Russians, Hungarians, Czech, Bulgarians, Serbians, Croatians, etc. !!! Tell them bud! THEY WILL KICK THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!!!
    By the way: THERE ARE NO ELITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ONLY —>> J . W S !!!!! <<— THE HEBREW PARASITES!!!
    There is NO elite!
    They are the J-s !!!
    When those bearded rag head cunts and their shit steering J masters are going too far… then we white Eastern Europeans + the fed up white English + the yanks will start a new hunting season for these semitic rats, THAT THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!!
    Time will come!
    Write your shitty article THEN!!!
    See who’s laughing harder and longer at the end!!

  23. Whatever we need to do to win, all this black pilling and defeatism isn’t helping. I’m especially disappointed in Roosh.
    Sure, let’s just give up, pick up our footballs and go home.
    Let’s just capitulate and be led to slaughter.

  24. Leftists are allowed to maim and murder.
    The Conservatives are the only ones held
    back by police. If there were no police, a
    civil war would not be inevitable right now.
    In fact; when the Left initiates the Hot War,
    the police will go house to house murdering
    anyone who doesn’t wear an antifa armband.

  25. Disastrous defeat?
    Traffic to alt-right websites like The Daily Stormer has been consistently rising.
    Our ideas are becoming more and more mainstream.
    Young white men are more open than ever to our message.
    I know you’re worried that you’ll soon get kicked off the internet like Anglin and Alex Jones, but (as we saw with Jones) distancing yourself from the far right isn’t going to save you, Roosh.

  26. Unfortunately we have no choice. We have to wage war on our enemies. There is no other way.

  27. This was good, very honest, sadly true.
    But this was all said, published and proclaimed in the American streets ~ 1966 by George Lincoln Rockwell. He explained in no uncertain terms how Conservatism had given us – dispossessed White American (Christians) 50 years of failure. The Goldwater debacle in 1964 was based on the failure of economic conservatism that was then and is now and will always be rejected by the masses of poor and working class White Americans. There hasn’t really been anything new in this conflict since 1966 except for the introductions of false oppositions to the worst Cult Marxist Liberal Leftism – these false oppositions principally include
    Neo Conservatism
    Christian Zionism
    Read this all clearly laid out by George Lincoln Rockwell in 1966:
    I’ll link the text part of “50 years of failure” and a short audio explaining 50 years of Conservative failures.
    [audio src="" /]

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