An October 24, 2015 article on the BBC’s website highlighted the sad dynamic between the radical left and the remaining pockets of resistance to its feminist-centric ideology in the West. It has something to tell us about thought control, the boundaries of acceptable discourse, and the enforcement of ideological correctness.
George Lawlor, a 19-year old student at the United Kingdom’s University of Warwick, received a Facebook invitation to a “sexual consent” class. Had this been America, he most likely would have bowed his head in unthinking obeisance and shuffled his feet dutifully to the class for his indoctrination lecture.
But “consent” classes are still somewhat new in UK universities, and Lawlor chose to react as any normal, free-thinking man would. He was outraged. He called the very idea of such a class “loathsome” and “the biggest insult I’ve received in a few years.”
Welcome to the New World Order, George.
He even published a short article on why he felt this way. Consider these choice comments:
Let me explain, I love consent. Of course people should only interact with mutual agreement, but I still found this invitation loathsome. Like any self-respecting individual would, I found this to be a massive, painful, bitchy slap in the face. To be invited to such a waste of time was the biggest insult I’ve received in a good few years. It implies I have an insufficient understanding of what does and does not constitute consent and that’s incredibly hurtful. I can’t stress that enough.
Self-appointed teachers of consent: get off your fucking high horse. I don’t need your help to understand basic human interaction. Secondly, go and do something. Real people need your help and they deserve better than you. Next time you consider inviting me or anyone else to another bullshit event like this, have a little respect for the intelligence and decency of your peers. You might find that’s a more effective solution than accusing them of being vile rapists-in-waiting who can only be taught otherwise by a smug, righteous, self-congratulatory intervention.
Ah, how refreshing it is. One is comforted to know that there are at least some men with functioning genitalia left in the US-UK university system. Perhaps George should be giving classes to the chickenshit, gutless university administrators who foist such “classes” on us.
But that is a topic for another day.
At this whiff of resistance to the dominant ideology, the commissariat moved quickly first to do damage control, and then to the offense. According to the UK’s National Union of Students, there is “a need” for consent “education,” due to the fact that “one in seven” students claim to have been “raped.”
This lie is, of course, nothing new. The feminist-SJW clique has been peddling the rape mythos for so long now that hardly anyone dares question it.
What should focus our attention is this excerpt from the BBC’s article, a quote from Susuana Amoah, the NUS’s Women’s Officer (and I’m sure she has a cushy, do-nothing government job in her future):
NUS Women’s Officer Susuana Amoah says consent courses cover legal aspects of consent as well as social situations and general sexuality education…
Amoah admits there’s no hard evidence that the classes, which are more common in the US but spreading rapidly in the UK, reduce the incidence of sexual assault – but she chalks this up to patchy reporting of these incidents on campus.
And herein lies the reality. By making “consent classes” embrace “general sexuality education,” they are rendered so broad as to subsume just about anything. According to Ms. Amoah’s logic, having to go to a “consent” class is acceptable because it covers other things as well.
Well, then, maybe we should append a “consent” class to the tail end of a physics lecture. Or maybe download it into a computer programming course. Or maybe do a performance-art version of a “consent” class in a theatre guild. Why not?
But, sorry to say, even this misses the point. Lawlor, Amoah, and the NUS are simply pawns on the chessboard, guided by hands unseen. The goal of it all is to enforce a certain paradigm useful to the ruling cliques. This little experience of Mr. Lawlor has nothing to do with “consent” (everyone already knows what it is), but everything to do with the requirements of power.
They don’t want to educate you on consent, George. They want you thrash you into obedience, to make you fear them.
The real issue here is one of power and control. The commissars who set up and put on this little “consent” pantomime are concerned with neither education nor truth. They are concerned with intimidation, power, and enforcing the reigning ideology.
Even George doesn’t really see this yet. Oh, but he will, I am sorry to say. George does not understand that he is being groomed for indoctrination to an ideology. He will eventually be expected to mouth its platitudes, genuflect to its altars, and rush to its defense in times of peril.
Systems of power and control behave this way. Attendance in a “consent” class is an indication of one’s willingness to submit to indoctrination. This is what matters, not the NUS’s fraudulent data about consent.
Historian Toby Green chronicled this pedagogy of coercion and intimidation brilliantly in his exhaustive work of history Inquisition: The Reign of Fear. In Iberian societies coming under the Inquisition’s control, no deviation from doctrinal orthodoxy could be tolerated. It cast a shadow over the lives of all citizens of Spain and Portugal, using imaginary bugbears (“heresy” or “impiety”) to enforce a uniform standard of thought.
This is why many historians count the Inquisition as among the first modern institutions. The modern feminist-SJW hack functions in the same way: through tireless repetition of threadbare mantras that have nothing to do with truth, yet everything to do with control.
Over time, this type of enforced ideology does great damage: it prevents the forward movement of ideas, the free interchange of knowledge, and dulls the sensibilities of the population.
If you think I’m exaggerating, consider Rebecca Reid, described by the BBC as a “feminist commentator from the Daily Telegraph.” Once she got wind of this story, she had some choice words of her own. She actually thinks we need more classes, not less:
But instead of eliminating them [consent classes] completely, Reid says she’d like consent education spread more widely across the university curriculum.
‘If a university is going to work against sexual assault then in the first week when they talk to you about being careful where you put your money and looking after yourself, not getting meningitis, not using the neighbour’s bins – that’s the moment to take 15 minutes with all the young freshers (first-year students) to lay down the law and to make a clear point about what is and isn’t acceptable.’
Meaning, of course, “laying down the law” to all of the young men that if they even think about stepping out of line from feminist-SJW talking points, they will be expelled from school with no due process, or falsely accused of rape.
This, of course, is the real agenda.
And coercion—whether real or just implied—can be depressingly effective, at least in the short term. Even our own brave George Lawlor seems to have backed down from his original position.
He has said that he plans to attend one of the classes. “I think it’s only right and fair that if I criticize something I have to experience it. But I don’t feel as if I need it, I feel that I have to go because I’ve written about it.”
I winced when I read that last quote. One need not “experience” every evil to know it is evil. You need only life experience and a sense of history, and then you will know.
Read More: Four Reasons To Be A Lifelong Renter
What’s this “sex” you speak of? I’ve come to understand that “sex” is basically a weapon to be utilized as little more than a threat, as opposed to a source of mutual pleasure or even a means of reproduction (the least of my concerns, but that’s beside the point). IMO, it is simply impossible, circa 2015, to have “sex” without fear of imprisonment/termination of life (reputation destruction, regardless of imprisonment). Is it really possible that only I, as an American man, feel this way? How can any of us ever truly enjoy sex, given the fact that all men are seen as perpetrators when opposed to females (by nature, wholesome and good [or so it goes…])? Here’s a more interesting question: is even celibacy sufficient with which to assure remaining jail-free and/or reputation intact? Who says intercourse even had to have taken place–the claim of “rape” can still be made, can it not? Regardless, it’s a good thing I don’t feel some sort of biological imperative to reproduce; it ain’t happening the traditional way, given that I understand that women are something to be feared (thanks to–you guessed it–leftist feminism).
As such, a *useful* class would teach men what will and won’t get them thrown in jail, reputations destroyed, with little more than the totally unsubstantiated claims of vengeful female A (who knows she’ll face *zero* repercussions [minus, perhaps, a bit of contempt from the populous for a week or so] upon the revelation that her claims are, in fact, wholly false). Someone, find that class for me, would you? (I’ll take the online variant.)
p.s. stop delegitimizing actual rape (the mere notion of which makes me physically ill…we’re not all psychopaths, after all), ladies…please and thanks.
“p.s. stop delegitimizing actual rape”
I can see this quickly degrading to the point where women will be calling the police to report a rape and the police will have to ask whether they were actually raped or “raped”.
Well, if things continue progressing as they are, all sex will become illegal. I mean, it would make things so much simpler, after all, to know that *any* implied or even expressed “consent” could no longer be considered to be valid and of sound mind.
From preschool to college, most schools are no place for those with a penis. Which is why I’m in favor of having schools specifically for only boys and girls.
If you’re a) male, and b) at school, it’s assumed that you’re a rapist in the wings (still guilty even when proven innocent). After all, we are men, and you know what they say about us…
Exactly why the left needs to be exterminated from academia. Get more male teachers back in the class. With Sjw and women running things, you’re more likey to learn to hate yourself more than anything else.
Couldn’t agree more. 🙂
I don’t know if it is possible. So while I like the suggestion, being unimplementable I don’t really think it is helpful.
Restructuring university financing and loans to favor departments that have higher earning potential (STEM mostly) is not a bad idea.
If Engineering is getting the same funding as sociology, feminism, pediatric gynecology and underwater basket weaving, then there is going to be an issue.
If you want a 200k loan to go to college you need to be getting an education that leads to a job with a minimum starting salary in the 80k range and when it comes time to hiring professors or tenuring faculty, more money needs to go to more profitable majors.
Guess what guys, pre-med students tend to become doctors and Philosophy majors tend to become barristas. Guess which department ought to get more money?
Letting femijerk nutters get away with fake studies that show a 20% to-25% rape rate in campuses (worse than war torn Congo) and exaggerated by a factor of 50 does have consequences.
Pardon? False claims of “rape” have been shown to represent the majority (more than 50%), and there’s nothing “fake” about studies that have determined as such. Try researching before speaking.
Try to to read and think before you post shyte, you’ll look like an fool, not a problem here but in front of a feminist you’ll make a mess of it for all of us.
Feminists claim, through manipulation of studies and mendacious methodologies that on US campuses that 20%-25% of women will be raped. It is an absurd figure, realistic studies by the Dept. of Justice say it is more like 1.6% over a degree. That is what I said and made clear by the word “rate”.
In terms of false rape claims there are three studies I know of.
1 US Army study that shows that 28% of rape claims are verifiably false.
2 An Academic study that shows 48%
3 An Police study shows about 47% are false.
If you’re in college or university (paying for an education) then you have every right as a customer (I mean student) as everyone else. Men need to start pushing back (and bring up the fact that a lawyer will be involved) when dealing with administrators or teachers (professors)…that usually does the trick. No administrator wants to be involved with the law (or even the stigma of being investigated for anything). It’s how and why these women (and some men) gained their power.
I’ve used the “lawyer on retainer” many times when I’ve had to deal in certain situations (works like a charm). I don’t have any trouble taking someone to court or having my lawyer present when it seems like there needs to be a discussion (meeting). You’ll find that these types back off very quickly when they know you mean business.
There are simply too many fucking manginas in college, today…more men are needed.
I’m in favor of purging all egalitarian thought from campuses
“One need not ‘experience’ every evil to know it is evil. You need only life experience and a sense of history, and then you will know.”
I would say more like common sense.
Ever wonder why men buy into the ‘all men are rapists’?
Perhaps they, underneath, truly are that – or fantasize about it – and feel ashamed. The best thing they can do to mitigate the shame is to police others and distract from themselves.
Was a bit like that for me.
“Ever wonder why men buy into the ‘all men are rapists’?”
Men, in general, have a sense of shame. Women, in general, don’t.
Like someone once said: “This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’ ”
Or as Jack Nicholson put it, “[When I write a woman character,] I think of a man, and take away accountability and responsibility.”
I doubt that your statement about shame is true in any general form. It may apply to a certain subset of men when in contact with a certain subset of women.
For example, mentally ill mothers may prime boys into codependency, which would later make them seek out the same kind of horrific women in real life, reenacting the abuse.
Also, men understand that a raped mother, daughter, sister, etc. is a tragedy, not only for the harm caused to that person, but the difficulty in her finding a life partner after a physically and emotionally scarring incident such as rape. Basically, men empathize with rape victims, while most women are incapable of empathy.
My first encounter with the meme that ‘women are not sugar, spice, and everything nice’ was during the time my sister was in middle/high school, and came home crying that the other girls were being ‘mean’.
If I had built on that foundation, I could have saved myself a few years of pain, and the contemplation of suicide.
On the other hand, the above forced me to abandon a good portion of what most would term ‘the heart’, so suffering was not in vain. 🙂
Well, we’re entering the murky territory, but I’m pretty certain many men do fantasize about it. My evolutionary psychology textbook had an entire section on how rape is an evolved trait that ensures the spread of genes. Other highly social and intellectually superior species like chimpanzees and dolphins practice them as well.
The problem really is making any believable claims about it, for the following reasons:
1. Repressed memories of (childhood) abuse. People effectively DO NOT KNOW it happened.
2. Shame and stigma, therefore inability to talk about it. Thus inability to take samples of what people really think. Just consider child pornography and priests. Nobody ever saw it coming, right?
3. The tendency to make judgments about others based on your own story.
Adolescence might fantasize about it. They also often kill insects. But children grow up and realize what’s right and wrong by way of logic and empathy.
BTW, women fantasize about being raped.
You are generalizing, but yeah, I guess that is how it goes for healthy people.
Yeah, I’m writing in general terms so of course I’m generalizing. Are you writing about people in specific terms?
Anyway, thanks for clearing that point up professor.
Spare me your sarcasm.
There is a difference between observing generalities and generalizing. The former is a valid observation, the latter is the act of blowing a minor observation out of proportion.
I’m blowing a minor observation out of proportion? And if you read my comment, I stated I’m writing in general terms; therefor generalizing.
Observations are what proceed what I did, so not sure what your point is there.
Not sure why you get all hung up on me saying that you were generalizing. I did not think much of it, aside from the intuition that probably no significant majority of people have rape fantasies. Maybe I am wrong.
Just smacks of smugness
Sorry, I do not see how it does. I apologize if you felt patronized.
Yeah, that’s the ‘ol “sorry you feel that way” routine. Not patronizing at all.
Haha, yeah, true. I can see how you can read it that way.
I am not sure what to tell you here. Will you be more happy if I just tell you to fuck off?
Right. Fuck off.
Not right. You’re all kinds of wrong. Schmuck!
Well, alright. I am a schmuck. No way out of it, I guess.
“Self-appointed teachers of consent: get off your fucking high horse.”
I think that at some universities in California, just reading that sentence means I have technically raped all women.
No no no, to be a rapist all you have to do is A.) have a dick and B.) not be ashamed of it.
No reading required.
You are half right. I think you are still a rapist even if you are ashamed of the dick
Maybe it depends on the length of the dick and the amount of shame on a scale from 0-10.
0 length + 10 shame = good man.
I bet UC Berkeley would give you a research grant to figure out the actual algorithm — well….not you, but they would totally give it to a native american woman who identified as a gay man
Somewhat related: Why have feminist women demonized testosterone? Don’t they understand the relationship between testosterone and their own coming into existence?
Because they despise men, and without testosterone, men aren’t men anymore.
T levels in the west have been steadily declining, almost in half in the last century. In fact, the rise of Feminism is probably attributable to this phenomena.
It really amounts to a resentment of existing at all. If these women hate the source of their own lives so much, why don’t they kill themselves?
A lot of them do.
They’re all mentally ill, so it’s kinda’ hard to figure out exactly what’s going through a Feminist’s head.
The rationalizations for the erratic behavior are different from moment to moment.
They are too cowardly. They just want attention.
Woman’s inherent nature is to undermine the authority of man (even though she wants to be lead and dominated).
They’re a walking contradiction.
I question that there were any real T level tests 50 years ago done on enough of a mass scale to make any fact based society wide pronouncements, honestly. I can’t recall my grandfather or uncles talking about getting the ol’ T test back in the 1970’s.
It was called, having “balls”.
Obesity and body fat have way more to do with T-levels than culture war banter. It’s a physiological issue. Guys nuts are barely getting any healthy blood down to them with that 40 pound brick of gut lard looming right overhead, soaking up all the blood (and its nutrients).
Reminds me of the old punk band Screeching Weasel’s song She’s Giving Me the Creeps:
The bums that she calls homeless people
still aren’t eating now
And that broads that she calls “womyn”
still get raped
She’s giving me the creeps
She wallows in her own words
Semantics mean much more then action
in her moronic world
I extend my most heartfelt apologies
For being white and male without a cause
It implies I have an insufficient understanding of what does and does
not constitute consent and that’s incredibly hurtful. I can’t stress
that enough.
Nope he’s still an inherent wuss, with maybe a dollop more testosterone more than his peers. “I find it hurtful”?!
How about” this effin class is B.S. and I’d rather run my balls up and down a cheese grater rather than listen to a bunch of cvnts blabber on about all of the imaginary transgressions against them. Most of them are so fat and disgusting that they should be happy any guy would want to wander past their thigh cheese to pleasure their hoohah.”
Right. A man does never feel hurt. Dream on.
If you do feel hurt you don’t show it to your enemies.
Wrong. If I feel hurt, I put my enemies in their place and let them know that I will not let them hurt me.
Well you do it your way if you that’s what works for you, Tom. As for me, once these bloodsuckers know they got to you they keep on coming, so I don’t give them that pleasure.
It probably depends on the amount of power I got. If I do not see a way to fight ’em, I may take your approach, alright.
But if some bitch on the street treats me bad, I have no qualms of demonstrating to her that I will stomp her into the ground if she does not take better care of her mouth.
This isn’t some individual bitch on the street that that’s holding these “consent classes” This is the liberal school system is packed neck high with lefties, and the only thing worse than having to take the class is that your tuition is paying for it.
Yeah, but those people are weaklings. They are not conscious evil people with an agenda, at least most of them are not. Most of them are just scared kids who are trying a way to feel grown up.
Of course, kids can hurt you. But they are still kids.
Stand up to them and they can do shit. They will lower their heads in fear and indignation and that will be it. Some may charge you with insult or whatever, but so what. It is a matter of self-respect, honesty and pride.
Think of it. Once you acknowledge that something hurts you, all someone else can do is continue doing it. It is primitive and impresses no one, not even you.
The attempt to appear invulnerable is what hurts you much more, because you need to keep it all in. So, in a sense, you must not let them know that you are hurt IF you need them to believe that. Otherwise, they can control you. But if you outright admit that you are hurt, they have no power at all.
Uh OK Tom. Let’s just agree to disagree. Have a great day.
You too.
Kudos to him. We need more men speaking out against this madness outside of the internet.
As I live in Toronto, I normally keep my opinions to myself, but one day when I spoke out against gay marriage and gay culture at work I was surprised that couple of people actually agreed with me.
We need to be open about our beliefs so that others know that they’re not alone. It’s long overdue for us men to stand up and speak out. Act now.
I’ve often thought that most of the silence and censorship we perceive is little more than a boogeyman we’ve installed in our own mind. Truth be told “most people” will generally agree with most politically incorrect things, but all of us have this little policeman in our heads that keeps us from speaking, so we “feel oppressed”.
Granted, there are times when you really can’t say things without repercussions, such as (as you mention, which amazes me you got by with it) work, or if you’re extremely famous and beholden to others for that status. But otherwise, fuck it, speak plainly and without fear.
It is not a policeman. It is a policewoman. I have an intimate hate-love relationship with her. She likes it up the ass.
This sounds simultaneously right and wrong. Here’s to human nature…
I bet she looks just like Officer Callahan.
ooh. nice.
Makes you mire in the idea of a little titfuck, does it not?
Breasts… sorry what?
It’s ok, I speak Breastish.
“Granted, there are times when you really can’t say things without
repercussions, such as (as you mention, which amazes me you got by with
it) work, or if you’re extremely famous and beholden to others for that
status. But otherwise, fuck it, speak plainly and without fear.”
Hence the popularity of Donald Trump.
It helps when you carry a big stick.
You just know the fat bitches in HR are just waiting for something to do.
Yup. There is always that boring 3-4 minute lull in between donuts when they kill time by wrecking men’s lives.
Men’s lives? Any lives.
And you’re right about the dough nuts, but they have a salad at lunch.
I wrote an editorial for my home paper (under my real name) “agreeing and amplifying” with the need to pass a city-wide ‘equal rights in public facilities’ law.
1) The idiots in the newspaper actually published it (keep in mind this is Deep Redstate America), and thought I was for the law (they put it on the ‘yes’ side of the editorial page). Aside: pretty damning indictment of journalistic intelligence.
2) The people at work thought it was great (and in the sense that they knew what I was saying).
Of course, the people at my work are mostly ex-Navy, so that makes a difference. But speaking up always doesn’t work out (see Brendan Eich).
Agree. Any man who truly wants to be free needs to speak up, speak his opinion, etc…at that time. Otherwise, you’re not really free. I do this often especially when I find the “narrative” trying to control the conversation. I chime in with a “no” or “I don’t think so..not in my opinion”. Yes, the debate gets a little heated (on their end) at times but I don’t give up ground and repeat “It’s my right and my opinion, folks”.
Don’t let others make you stay silent or feel anything for speaking out. Not speaking out keeps you in chains…speak out (especially if your an American) for God’s sake.
Same here, the moment the Left Narrative starts getting introduced into the conversation, I interject my opinions.
If you have a son or a nephew say to him “never be ashamed or guilty for being a man or for having male instincts” It might seem unnecessary but a little reinforcement helps and may save years of the child being cowed under the obeisance of evil fools.
Good point. Too many men have let society shame them into keeping their mouth shut. I say (as an American) it’s freedom of speech. You have to remind people of that from time to time because so many want to censor any speech that doesn’t fit the narrative, today. So many are quick with the “hate speech” if it is a different point of view or an opinion.
This is the danger of “reasonable” suggestions. Who could complain about a consent class? What’s wrong with teaching young men not to abuse women? And therein lies the danger. Its the same principle behind welfare. Why would you protest against helping “poor” people? Why are you so selfish? Its perfectly reasonable to “help” people out. And so on with divorce settlements. “Reasonable” settlements. This is how socialists push their agenda and indoctrinate people. The fear of appearing “unreasonable” is a powerful motivator.
It’s not so much pressure to be reasonable, it’s pressure to be nice
If these people really were truly reasonable, they’d realize that reason and niceness don’t always go together
Quite right. After all “reasonableness” suggests the use of reason i.e. logic. But often people conflate reasonableness and niceness: “be reasonable”.
Reason is in fact hard and cold and has no room for niceness in the short term but in long term it will. But too many people are driven by instant gratification like animals.
Very poignant point of view.
The questions could be rephrased as:
What’s so bad about emotions as opposed to logic? Aren’t both valid human expressions? Why are logic and emotion regarded differently? Which one holds more weight?
We men know the answer: Emotion is self-centered, bent on gratification, and suffers from tunnel vision, but does not suffer logic. Act accordingly.
Well said. When people say “its common sense!” what they really mean is “this feels right”. “Right” feelings will get you or someone else killed.
So here’s a question Mr. Bob– who’s teaching the young WOMEN not to abuse MEN?
Quintus is right though, this guy’s opposition comes off as whiny. He sounds like he still assumes good faith in the enemy and is trying to out-victim the victimongers. That kind of behavior disgusts people.
Hopefully he’s just young, and will eventual grow to reject equalist doctrine without apology.
Now these “consent classes” seem to be idiotic, moronic, facile, unqualified waste of time PC nonsense.
But the rest of your comment.. By that logic, one could call the KKK as merely a support group for people who held an unfashionable view..
I’ve been noticing this myself. It is fear, not consensus, that keeps us silent. We have to be ready to accept loss if we are to save this ship. Nothing worth having is free.
He’s not providing a good example by attending.
Yes, it seems rather contradictory.
If there was a class entitled “All Men Must Cut Off Their Penis 101”, I really wouldn’t have to attend to know it was bad and to say so. It sounds to me like he rather caved in a way. His initial response though was gold.
I give it a silver. Saying stuff like “it’s hurtful” reinforces the victimization narrative. Should’ve gone full Trump.
Like his politics or hate his politics, that clips is ten pounds of awesomeness in a five pound bag.
ten pounds stuffed into a five- pound potato sack doesnt mean the same to me as it does in your neck of the woods
I bet you can draw a 10 pound vacuum on a potato sack.
He comes across as a scientific or an intellectual type rather than redpill. He wants to at least know what he’s criticizing. I wouldn’t do it myself, but I commend him for it.
Nah, it’s not commendable. He may be that but he needs to learn that this is not an enemy you can reason with. They see attempting to reason with them as weakness.
That’s why you go full shitlord like Donald Trump.
I guess he’ll learn soon enough when he does attend.
If men have to attend a “consent” class which basically treats them like a rapist. I think every woman should have to attend a “how not to be a dirty drunken whore” class. If we assume that one sex is always the bad actor, why not recognize that most of the time the other sex is the bad actor, but just hides behind the lack of personal responsibility.
“Press my head into the bed sheets
Need the presence of some man-meat
To quell this searing quiver twixt my flaps
Truth be had there have been many others
Even the neighbor and his brothers
Used to pound my supple throat until I gagged
Or that time I went for anal
With the postman on your table
It seems we gave that poor pool boy quite a show!
Of course I had to keep him quiet
So I simply had to let him try it
Even though I have always told you: “NO!”
But then again there is your wallet
Might as well be you until I’ve got it
And all those finer things of which I always dream
Until then I’ll say the words and play the role
Make you feel ten feet long and never know
It’s for the men who’ve yet to take me that I cream.”
– Grrl Theory
Poetic insight of the female hamster mind. Well played.
been a while, miss your poems 🙂
That would be equality and responsibility. Not allowed!
Don’t forget the mandatory “Don’t be a Manipulative Bitch Class”.
Shouldn’t one have to give consent to attend a lecture on consent? #feministhypocricy
The same thought crossed my mind, only in regards to some USC students here screeching that they want to make consent classes mandatory. Yeah kids, nothing like a heaping contradiction in one sentence, heh.
Right, when they are done with their mandatory consent class they can swing by the non-conformity club.
Is that located in the Department of Redundancy Department?
“And remember kids, you are unique just like everybody else.”
just sayin’
You say contradiction, I say irony. Either way, it’s lost on these twats.
University of Southern California or South Carolina?
Don’t be crazy. The way that kid was dressed, he was asking for a lecture on consent. You can hardly blame the lecturer or the one who sent the invite when that kid was parading the fact that he was male around.
Women should have classes that helps them understand their unique situation.
1. How to give consent and mean it.
2. Ethics and consequences of false accusations.
3. Are you sure you’re mature enough for sex?
4. How to not feel bad after having it.
5. Who has controlling authority: College administrators or the Police.
6. He’s really not into you except for your pants.
7. Just because he fucks you doesn’t mean he likes you.
8. 5 steps to recovery after he pumps and dumps you.
9. Getting drunk and having sex is not rape – neither was your drink spiked.
10. Anger control post drunk sex – the shame you feel is not rape.
11. Realizing you did something stupid and moving on.
12. Nature into their own shit tests.
13. How to recognize when you’re telling a man no when you really mean yes just to see if he will push past your resistance.
14. How eliminate this woman double-speak as to not confuse men.
15: Your vagina is not a free pass from morality.
16. Fifty Shades of Submission (aka a woman’s need for domination is not just in the bedroom).
17. Why biology matters, part I: (aka women age like milk, men age like wine).
18. Why biology matters, part II: (aka waiting past 30 to have a child is a bad idea).
19: The destructive nature of woman in cultural writings (eg Eve, Kali, Pandora, Yin).
1 in 7 college rape statistics now? Looks like the 1 in 4 claim is falling flat and they’re slowly pushing the stats out to make it sound more believable. Perhaps we can hound them until they push it out to the rate that it actually is: 1 in 100.
Awesome reply, but his apologetic behaviour afterwards, considering the more ‘friendly’ explanation he presented, has made him lose a lot of credibility in my opinion. This is a sign he received some backlash (I don’t know but I strongly assume this is the case) and now ‘wants to make things right for those who were ‘offended” – while still trying to maintain most of his original beliefs.
However, showing the slightest amount of remorse can be detrimental. It is like a small crack in a bridge that propagates, and creates more and more cracks until the bridge collapses. If SJWs smell even the tiniest bit of apology, they will use it to break down your whole moral code, trying to show the rest of the world that you have made a complete fool out of yourself. This is not the way to spread neo-masculine ideas.
CH did an excellent post on this. Not saying sorry is one of his Commandments of Poon.
Why not just make College more about studying and preparing for life etc then to be focused on sex? Its not hard, just have your students from 8 AM to 6 PM in class with deadlines assignments etc. Its about time, shit, people aren’t learning anything as it is.
And they give you a red sash at the end of the class.
And they give you a red sash at the end of the class
“The real issue here is one of power and control. The commissars who set
up and put on this little “consent” pantomime are concerned with neither
education nor truth. They are concerned with intimidation, power, and
enforcing the reigning ideology.”
This is exactly right. It is simply not about sex, or consent, or making the world a happier place for women, let alone men and women. The people have who have designed this know full well that these classes come between men and women, just as feminist ‘consciousness’ comes between happy relations between men and women. These classes are however necessary for pushing the affirmative consent agenda, which is arguably the most absurd and totalitarian micro-intervention by the authorities / state (the state is in there in the mix) there has ever been. The whole point in affirmative consent is that it doesn’t work, and that it will kill female (and male) desire and of course that it makes official the criminalisation / pathologisation of male sexuality.
But as the word ‘commissars’ suggests there is still more to it than that. I do believe feminism and its accompanying gender doctrines (LGBT / trans bollox) is the communist ideology of the day. Of course it stands at some distance from marxist ideology (although in many ways feminism is an extension of marxist ideology e.g. gayle rubin) but it serves many of the same functions with respect to the disciplinary side of thing.
The new “marxism” is about controlling people (ideally) without the need of gulags. It is about self-government. About ideology that people enforce on each other, and then internalise so that the authorities don’t have to get involved (except occasionally to keep discipline). Feminism in this sense could easily be seen as interchangible with any equivalent form of control, except to the extent that it is specifically designed to control men, as the most obviously unpredictable and potentially explosive elements in societies.
The introduction of these classes could potentially backfire: if they do work we will become a cowed, broken people, but if on the other hand they can be subvert through ridicule – as George Lawlor bravely did – then they could become a millstone around the necks of anyone who supports them.
The fact that Lawlor has slightly softened his opinion is indeed disappointing. There should be someone to school rebels into making sure they don’t submit in any way.
Re. Rebecca Reid – she seriously embarassed herself. Milo Yianoppolous took her to task on twitter and she spent the day chugging apologetic cock
Even the old Looney Tunes cartoons with Pepe Le Pew would be considered teaching kids how to rape in today’s rape hysteria.
For anyone interested this was covered in “This Week In Stupid” (Oct. 18th) by YouTube poster Sargon of Sakkad.
He’s pretty good at calling out the B.S. and dissecting the lunacy behind feminist/SJW craziness like this.
Love me some Sargon. Wish we could get him onboard with ROK but for some reason he absolutely despises Roosh.
I didn’t realize that he doesn’t like Roosh. That’s a shame.
Again, I’m not sure why, but I remember when the whole Canada protests were going on with Roosh being there, he mentioned it in one of his videos. He explained how he absolutely HATED to defend Roosh, but was compelled to do so because it essentially the right thing to do (freedom of speech and so forth). I would love to see an alliance between ROK and Sargon because both groups have some powerful anti-feminist/progressive players.
I have no idea but I’d suspect Sargon is more MGTOW and less PUA. Me, I take whatever I can learn from either.
I would troll the class to point out their stupidity:
“So…so, wait, *dont* rape anyone? Like ever?” with a big confused look on face.
Did Predator shit that out?
No, but they breath through the same tube systems.
Who’s stealing all of our testosterone? There’s your answer. Look at that jawline.
The only ones that should be teaching children about sexual consent are their parents.
That is all.
Let’s flip it;
Male; “1 in 2 men are being murdered every day by females!”
Female; “That’s simply not true.”
Male; “Oh, so you don’t think murder is a serious crime? We’ll see how you feel when your brother gets murdered!”
Instead of Consent Classes, why not teach women Chaste classes.
It always falls on guys to get anything done. Once women were given the vote and considered “equal” you can’t fucking teach them anything. All you can do is lead by example.
I have a philosophy that many players will disagree with, and many younger guys simply won’t want to hear. Choose your next girlfriend as if she were your last girlfriend. It won’t work out that way: relationships will come and go until you find what you are really looking for. But for cripe’s sake: STOP FUCKING SLUTS.
I will start with a fundamentally flawed premise, but bear with me. If enough guys stopped fucking sluts and only gave their time to (relatively) chaste women, then women – as a group, not being complete idiots – will clue into the idea that slutting it up damages their long term prospects.
Men need to turn the narrative around. We should not be wrapped around the axle and jumping through hoops worrying about whether some slut consents. Get jacked, make money, enjoy life and women will be lined up begging for YOUR consent.
One of the biggest boosts to your ego that you will ever experience is having a 7 or even an 8 offering themselves up. . .and you turn them down!
“The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “no.”
“”Once women were given the vote and considered “equal” you can’t fucking teach them anything”, Pretty Much sums up the attitude of the Modern western woman’s Massive Ego.
I agree, and I’ve been focusing on Quality vs quantity lately, I also think even if all the sluts notice guys are shunning them for being sluts, some may get the hint, but there is also going to be the sluts that just dig in deeper and go into full blown slut mode, the best way to fix the slut epidemic is bring back chastity belts and public shaming, As long as women can decide what they think is right for their bodies , they’ll always make the wrong choice.
it places too much judgment on women who otherwise spend their lives running from judgment
People may run from judgment ,but judgment always catches up.
I really miss teenage Catholic Emily. I’m waiting for her to chime in with her hamster logic.
It was nice to see her promulgating traditional Catholic teachings on marriage and men and women, though. It’s just a pity she had a potty mouth and a suicidally naive idea of the nature of her own gender outside church. 🙂
She called me a “red pill woman”. When do I get the t-shirt?
One indicia of the decline of civilization is when it moves from being a society that is based on the application of principles to a society that is controlled by rules. And then it only gets worse from there when half the population can make up the rules as they go and retroactively apply them against the other half.
I can cite examples from the fields of business and law and such but let’s look at the concept of sexual consent.
For some of the older guys here, like myself, step into the way-back machine and think about your encounters two or three decades ago. In a lot of cases “it just happened”. There was no discussion about “consent”: you go out, you have a good time and the next thing you know she is sucking your dick as a prelude to a good bout of fucking.
The exceptions in my personal history stand out as being somewhat comical in retrospect. Broaching the issue and discussing why, when, where and how you will be having sex was something that made for a good story back in the day, but it seems that is where we are headed now.
Romance and seduction are all but dead, and feminism killed them. All the subtleties are lost. A wrong word and you are staring down the barrel of a harassment charge; a wrong move and it is a rape charge. The two options are Game, or what amounts to a board meeting where you negotiate and then sign an agreement in triplicate and have it notarized by three witnesses.
Back in my 30’s I got into the BDSM scene for a time and they had one practice that might have to catch on in the mainstream. Before you got down to business many couples would actually sign a “contract” that laid out exactly what each expected from each other and consented to in the coming encounter. I think that comes up in 50 Shades of Gray so maybe it is in the western female’s consciousness.
Have we met?
Unlikely. I’ve only been following ROK since early this year. I live in China but was back in Canada in August. I attended the State of Man event in Mississauga.
Injecting a little humour while remembering the good ole days when a man and women met, decided to fuck and then did. The idea of yelling “rape” after the fact was unheard of.
You probably need a 10 point check sheet with 3rd party witnessing of sign of by both parties. Ridiculous.
i have been in the us, those guys are not only unwilling, perhaps even uncapable of actually hurting a female at that level, some of them even have troubles to touch a girl in a natural way. Poor guys,
Moment of hard honesty, UK doesnt need to get alpha. They need to be poor.
Generalized poverty, economic ruin its the main driver of male power, a starving woman would do whatever to please a guy, and all those feminist will shut up if they need to get married instead of living of the state.
there does seem to be a strong correlation with advanced economies and feminism. Japans economy was on an absolute hockey-stick through the 80s and now all the men there can’t get out of their country fast enough. they call them “grass eaters”
Great article Quintus, and much respect for Mr Lawlor.
In the past there was this little institution known as the Inquisition who sought to control people’s actions and their very thoughts. If you said something they didn’t approve of (‘heresy’), they would swoop down on you and your family, get you arrested, your very life would be threatened, you would be subjected to public contempt and made an example of, and you would lose your source of income and assets.
Sounds familiar? Today the same thing can happen at the hands of the leftist media and establishment. Say something politically incorrect and you get mobbed, ridiculed, vilified and they will do everything they can to make you lose your job or business. Short of actual Auto-da-fe’ in the public square, it’s the Inquisition all over again!
We must stand strong and never stop opposing this tyranny of thought.
Consent is a very good thing. People should only associate together mututally, and any non mutual association should be considered force and treated like violence.
Now then, let’s talk about taxes, feminists.
When will these mental cases realise that everyone, even rapists, know that rape is wrong?! There is not a single man alive today in the West that is unaware of the fact that when a woman says “no” (unless she’s playing hard to get, but that’s pretty obvious since body language is a thing that normal humans do), you do not have to permission to do whatever you were about to do and if you proceed regardless it becomes a crime.
You’re being too hard on him, Quint. The fact that he was even willing to have an opposing view is commendable.
How’s this for a compromise: I’ll attend a consent class if women were required to take a class that teaches them that it’s not rape just because they regret it the next morning?
proof higher education is leftist / democrat / socialist indoctrination centers where questioning the “diversity” on campus of faculty where 96% of them donate to the democrat party. Note how the media relations of Cornell chase the news crew off of the campus for questioning students, .
+ Kudos to him .
It hit home for me a few nights ago when i approached a cute University girl , politely , and was told in a snarky tone ‘ No thankyou i don’t want to be raped. ‘
i played dumb and asked her to expand on what she meant but obviously she had nothing to say.
Sad to see this stuff is happening in the U.K now.
“Now now, let’s not turn this rape into a murder…”
Feminism is cancer. Cancer cannot be reasoned with. It must be removed with a knife.
“You got yo mind right boy. you need to get yo mind right”
Forcing people into being lectured about consent against their will is akkin to verbal rape.
I don’t consent to being lectured about consent. If you go ahead and force me into being lectured at anyway, then you’re violating my consent, which is a form of rape.
These “consent classes” seem worse that useless…
If I was invited – I’d ignore it and maybe even unfriend the fellow who “invited” me. And certainly a conversation around how absolutely facile the concept a “consent class” is would be very welcome.
But this guy seems to be reacting like a martry for a cause. And what exactly does the “face of rapist” look like anyway? Does God (or genetics if one prefers) issue a specific type of face to rapists?
“This little experience of Mr. Lawlor has nothing to do with “consent” (everyone already knows what it is), but everything to do with the requirements of power.”
I do not consent to consent classes. No means no.
Again, feminists ignoring the real cultures of rape, where European girls are being abused and raped by Muslim immigrants.