How To Master The Basics Of Communication And Game

Any martial artist who’s worth his salt will tell you the same thing: 99% of being an expert is nailing down the basics.  As my old instructor liked to joke, “Anything above yellow belt is just for looking fancy.” The same is true elsewhere in life. Establish a basis, a solid foundation, a routine, and the rest will follow. Try and run before you can walk, however, and you’ll just fall flat on your face. Game is no different.

The number one thing you need to do to improve your dating prospects is to regularly approach women. That’s it; just go out and speak to them. Fancy push-pull dialogue, clever openers, understanding kino—all of that stuff is useful, but if you don’t approach women in the first place it’s never going to work.

With that in mind it’s worth revisiting the basics of communication; it’s worth detailing the step-by-step process which we all use whenever we converse with anyone—whether it be with one of the few remaining North American women who’s worth speaking to, your boss at work, or a client you’re cold calling. Each situation might be tactically unique, but strategically they’re all the same, and since communication is such a vital skill it’s worth understanding what the basics actually are.

The Art Of The Sale


I’ve worked as a salesman on and off for most of my life. Telemarketing, door-to-door, business-to-business—even a bit of retail. Cold calling is a tough skill to master, but I managed to make a living off of it for many years. The secret? I always returned to the basics, and made sure I was getting them right.

Sales can be summed up in six steps:

  1. Introduction
  2. Description
  3. Emphasis
  4. Question
  5. Rebuttal
  6. Conclusion

In practice they all seem to flow together, creating a seamless whole, but if you’ve ever seen a sales script written out, the individual elements become obvious. Often each portion will be separated by a paragraph break. In fact, these six steps appear in other places, as well—not just in the bull pen. Consider, for instance:

  1. Establish the setting
  2. Inciting incident
  3. Rising tensions
  4. Low point
  5. Climax
  6. Denouement

The six steps that salesmen use to hawk a product are functionally identical to the six-steps in a narrative arc; they’re also reflected in essay writing, classroom lectures, contract negotiations, you name it. These aren’t merely technical techniques used by sales experts, these six steps are the primordial basis for all human communication. They are the dance of life. If you want to communicate effectively, then you need to understand how they work, and why each one of them is necessary.

The Six Steps Analyzed


Who are you and how do I know you?

Any time you initiate conversation—whether you’re knocking on somebody’s door, bringing up an issue to your boss, or meeting a girl at a coffee shop—you need to establish who you are to them and why they should care.

Human beings spend most of their time living in their own head. They worry about how others think of them, they muse on past memories, they reflect on the local environment, but what they’re not doing is thinking of others. This isn’t to say that they’re all selfish (though there is an element of that); it’s mainly to point out that they’re not mind readers!

When you initiate a conversation in real life, it isn’t like a text message which is stored in somebody’s inbox until they have time to analyze it; you need to quickly establish who you are in relation to them. You need to employ the appropriate body language—smiling if you’re friendly, stern if there’s a problem that needs addressing—and inform them of who you are, and how the two of you are related. We all have multiple relationships with everybody in our lives, and it’s important to define which relationship you’re talking about right off the bat. For example:

“Hey boss, it’s Mick from the IT Department, (there’s an IT issue that needs to be addressed),”


“Hey boss, it’s Mick, the guy on your payroll, (I need to talk to you about pay issues).”


“Hey honey, you’re looking sexy, (I want to discuss our love life),”


“Hey honey, I’ve been reviewing our finances, (we need to discuss the mortgage).”

An effective introduction allows them to establish the correct frame of mind for dealing with the issue you’re about to bring up. Remember – people are busy worrying about their own stuff, and the more of their own thinking that you can do for them, the easier of a time they’ll have understanding you.


What’s the problem?

The second step is where you address the issue at hand. In many cases this is obvious: “Hey boss, it’s Mick from the IT Department, we need to talk about the Cisco Routers,” but when it comes to interpersonal communications people will often assume that the other person knows what they’re talking about.

“Honey, I’m upset…”

“About what?  The weather?  The national debt?  Our gay, autistic son?  WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME WOMAN???”


Notice that in the above there was no Introduction or Description—merely the next step, Emphasis. Once you’ve established who it is that’s speaking, you need to immediately get to the point; failing to do so frustrates and infuriates the person you’re speaking to.


Is this important?

Once again, remember that other people are too busy dealing with their own issues to worry about yours; they aren’t mind readers. If something’s important—to the future of your business, the future of the family, or if it’s just a really cool vacuum cleaner that you’re selling—then you need to tell the person why it’s important. If you don’t provide the emphasis, then they’ll assume that you’re just making small talk, or cathartically venting, or just chatting to hear your own voice. “Boss, those Cisco Routers? They control the Debit machines, not just the Internet.”

This is where you provide the energy that will propel the conversation forward; if you fail to do so, the other person will remain indifferent, they won’t realize that what you’re saying really matters.


What do you think?

Other people aren’t sitting around waiting for you to walk up to them, which is why you needed the first three steps; the fourth step involves you being empathetic.

Since you initiated the contact, it’s up to you to consider the other person’s thoughts and feelings. Ask them questions; Are you familiar with this problem? Have you given any thought to this issue? How do you feel about this? Provide them an opening to respond to you; assess their thoughts and feelings so that you can calibrate your own response.  Involve them in the dialogue as an active participant.

Don’t dictate to others; dialogue with them.


I’m just not interested, bub.

As door-to-door salesmen like to say, “Every ‘No’ gets you closer to a ‘Yes!’”

The whole point of initiating dialogue is that there is already a disagreement in place; after all, if there wasn’t, you could both continue on as you were. The reason you’re conversing is to introduce the disagreement, analyze it, and negotiate it. By questioning the other person you gave them a chance to bring up their concerns, you gave them a chance to explain why they don’t think it’s a problem; the rebuttal is your chance to acknowledge their argument, and provide a counter.

“I understand what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t bring this up if it weren’t important.”

Acknowledge their response to your question, and use it to form your rebuttal; then go back to step four and repeat, until…


So it’s all settled then?

Revisit the initial problem, and restate the conclusion that you arrived at. In sales, this is known as “Closing”; getting their signature, reiterating what they’re signing up for, and ensuring that they’re happy with the final result. As one of my old sergeants used to say, “First you tell them what you’re going to learn, then you learn ‘em, then you tell them what they just learned.” The movie needs the denouement after the climax, the happy ending, and the conversation needs to revisit the results it achieved. This ensure clarity for all parties, and helps settle any emotions or frustrations that were brought up in the process.

The Six Steps And Game

  1. “Hi, do you know where I can find…?” I’m just a friendly fellow on the street, who needs help finding something.
  2. “…the nearest pet store?” I’m looking for a pet store; I like animals, you can trust me.
  3. “I’m thinking of buying a pet for my friend.” I need to find a pet store so I can do something kind.
  4. “Do you think buying a pet for someone else is a good idea?” That’s what I’m all about — what are you all about?
  5. “Oh really?  Well, would you say…” Dialogue initiated; go back to step 4 with a new question.
  6. “I’ll call you this weekend!” Close it out – future relations now have a solid footing.

Each step is necessary. Back when I was doing sales, if I ran into difficulties it was usually because I had skipped over or muddled one of them. A basic rule of diagnostics is that you eliminate the simple explanations before looking for the advanced explanations, and if you’re running into difficulties in a market you should start by re-examining yourself before attributing your problems to some sort of external event. By breaking down communication this way—and getting a sense of where it was along the process that the conversation started to falter—you can correct your mistakes more quickly to help improve your outcomes.

As I mentioned in my video Charisma for Introverts, communication is a vital skill throughout all of our life, and if you can nail down game then there’s no reason you can’t apply the same skills elsewhere. The tactics may be different, but the strategy remains the same.

Read More: Why Day Game Is The Secret Sauce You Need To Consistently Meet And Attract Women

223 thoughts on “How To Master The Basics Of Communication And Game”

  1. Selling is one of the most important life skills that an individual must learn to develop. Selling is what helps the introvert to become the extravert. It is a skill which is used to engage in business with clients and customers as well as what helps to generate revenue for a company. I cannot tell you the number of stuck up and elitist snobs who look down on anybody that describes his profession as selling, I have met. These include people working in white collar professions such as finance and IT.
    Well here is the reality- selling is the engine and lifeblood of what makes companies work. It is what helps to generate the necessary profits and revenues for people to be able to find jobs in whatever industry they are pursuing. The people who you see standing somewhere in a shopping mall trying to sell you a product or service, or the person that mysteriously calls you during the evening to tell you of an offer, may appear at first to be quite annoying, but in reality, are engaging in a skill that can prove to be valuable in the long run. The communication and interaction that one develops in these scenarios, are essentially what helps to build and develop your confidence as well as help you to stand out from the crowd when participating in group exercises and job interviews. These are the skills which real and legitimate employers look for in a candidate and one which can demonstrate that you can indeed, be an asset to a company and prove that you are economically viable in the long run.
    Some of the greatest and successful entreprenuers and millionaires you see today, started by selling face to face as well as doing the work most people do not want to do. So whether it is working as a door to door salesman, cold calling operator or any other reputable and legitimate form of selling, do not dismiss this as being some sort of burden. On the contrary- it is what makes your personality more attractive and can help you to develop the confidence and self esteem you need as a man. It takes effort, persistence and requires a certain level of confidence and perseverance in order to be successful at sales. It can also help to distinguish between those who are lazy and want the easy path in life, from those who are willing to go far in life to be successful.

    1. Indeed. You have to respect someone calling on you to make a sale. If you’re not intetested, you can respectfully decline. They will try another shot at it, which is fine, but if you firmly decline this second time and the salesman is still persistent, then this is where it gets annoying and I lose respect for the clown.

        1. You need to understand why I attack you on the penis size subject. A man draws his power from his genitals. I want you to stop thinking with your head so much. Think a little with your dick. BE A PROUD WHITE MAN, if you are one.

      1. Salesmen are high up the list when it comes to professions with a lot of psychopaths. They don’t give two shits about you. They just want to sell and make money. This is why they carry on and put you into an endless cycle of questions until you give up and buy something.
        Or hang up, which is what I do.
        Of course they are counting on your innate sense of politeness so that you will hang on the phone with them until you they convince you.

    2. Do you think the introvert ever actually becomes an extrovert? I think that’s psychological hardwiring. Shit’s unchangeable. Extroverts seem to get more energetic with more social engagement. Introverts never will be like that, and I think social participation is always a draining thing for us. With repetition, and perceivable success at times, the introvert comes to crave social engagement because of the result. In time you loosen up even learn to love the chase.
      But you never eventually become extroverted.

      1. Nothing wrong with being an introvert. No special advantage to being an extrovert.

        1. The point wasn’t about introversion being inferior. It was that, things of that nature are biomechanical. We can’t really change it, but once we understand the mechanics of it, we can actualize through it. Though this particular topic Aurini brought up is a natural weakness for us introverts initially, its possible to achieve mastery in it. Reading the comment I left though, I guess I did come off as kind of an autistic dick. Wasn’t my intended sentiment Bob.

      2. At what point does introversion/extroversion become a life choice? If you need to do something to survive than you do it regardless. Also did I mention that you need to learn how sell to survive? If you’d like, we can call it persuasion. Whether you need to persuade someone to give you a job, have sex, you sell even when you aren’t trying to.

        1. Concerning psychological fluidity in terms of introversion/extroversion, I’m not sure if we can consciously change it. I don’t think it really needs to be changed in terms of self improvement. Most perceive traits of shyness, narcissism and other psychological attributes as introversion, but I don’t think that’s at all correct. I look at it more as how we expend and recover our energy, in a sense.
          Most healthy extroverts will thrive in social situations and feel better by doing it. Even a marginally charismatic introvert can still thrive in social situations, but will start to feel exhausted by the interaction much sooner than an extrovert would, and need to sort of retreat eventually. This has a lot to do with our complex neurotransmitter system, which of course can be altered.
          How we apply this all to self improvement is that introverts should focus their efforts on social repetition, to cultivate more energy and confidence in social interactions. Extroverts usually need to practice the inverse in terms of self improvement, so they can be comfortable with themselves being alone at times. Meditation, intellectual and artistic pursuits all cultivate this confidence and improved capacity to think rationally.
          This is just if you’re of your psychologically hardwiring and how you feel in general, and know your natural weaknesses. Most people would benefit from doing any of this stuff in terms of self improvement, rather than letting social media, entertainment and news industries be their personal time vampires.

    3. I think the trouble is that most of us are not built for this kind of selling. This is not necessarily a problem since salesmen need something to sell. I prefer to be the one building the product or providing the service rather than the one selling it. So I would be cautious of suggesting that those of us who are not successful at sales are simply lazy. We have simply chosen a different path.

    4. well said……and in the end, we’re selling ourselves, everyday…..those who don’t rarely succeed

  2. I love the analysis its clear and explicitly comprehensible, but in no world is buying a pet for a friend out of the blue a good idea. I get it, its just an example, its a conversation starter, Its Roosh’s line, but buying a pet for someone isn’t a gift, its a responsibility. Its like giving them a surprise fur-covered child whose faster than they are, doesn’t speak and will never be able to. That’s horrible.

    1. Agreed. There is never a good time to buy someone else a pet and, for people who don’t live in suburban or rural areas, there really need to be a ban on all pets and, for that matter, children.
      I think once you are in a city you should, by law, not be allowed to add to the number of beings that create feces.

      1. Lets reinstate 90% of the black population back to Africa. It is abhorrent that we expect them to get over the fact that their forefathers were enslaved to whites.
        See all the examples of neverending hate between neighboring countries. This hate NEVER ceases. BLACKS and WHITES living side to side in America will NEVER work.

        1. aight dude…relax.
          Did some homie turn out your sister or something?

        2. Not at all. First they came for my brothers and I didn’t speak out. Then they came for me, and there were no brothers to help me out.

        3. You sound non-white bro. Are you ?
          That wouldn’t be a surprise …
          So are you non-white or a Cuck, bro ?

        4. I have a feeling that no one is coming for you dude.

        5. Dude, are you non-white or a cuck ?
          Do you like helping non-whites fuck your women? Tell us bro …
          Non white or Cuck ?

        6. yeah, this guy is a dave Matthews quote and a tinder account from being about as cliché is it gets.

        7. Why are you whining about pussy that don’t belong to you. Look are you “fuck your women.” Shit, don’t be so insecure.
          You seem to put an awful lot of emotion into keeping some pussy that you have no claim on in the first place.
          Why not make yourself better and this way if you can find a woman that can stand your company you won’t need to be afraid every time a black guy walks by.

        8. he figured it out. The “ash” in your name gave it away.

        9. I don’t humble brag. I don’t even humble pie.

        10. Here is a new game. Let’s guess what is in his browser history. I am going to go with interracial cuck porn and stormfront.

        11. I’m pretty sure humility is one of those things lolknee prefers other people to exhibit for his amusement, y’know like humpback jesters in his penthouse court.

        12. rule34 zootopia porn?
          Jezebel “My Life as a Bonerkiller” article link?
          Jada Fire getting hammered by Christian?
          Pictures of starving African children?
 log in?

        13. lol! black people meet. yeah.
          Source Magazine
          sex toys website bookmarked to “large dildos”

        14. First it’s America. Then it’s the whole continent, then the entire planet. You could expand it to include galaxy.
          When we humans have no other threats to our lives, we create one and fight against it. If there was an alien life form that will eradicate us all, do you think Feminists will still bitch about the patriarchy? They would embrace it.

        15. Reported as spam! Its like a Troll Trophy or something. I’m going to go do some work and leave you all to it. But before I go…
          His last search may or may not have been.
          “Chances of birth defects when procreating with 1st cousin”

        16. This is exactly right. I always felt this would solve the problems in Ireland / England too. I think 4 million blacks from over crowded areas in Atlanta and New Orleans being relocated to Dublin would really go a long way in helping the irish and English realize they are the same fucking thing

        17. Hey the archives are still good, Roissy’s original posts before the tone changed and other people started writing have a lot of merit.

        18. Little boy, my posts exist only to show to my brothers that :
          this website as well as Rooshv are platforms for :
          1.non whites looking to fuck and impregnate white women aka marry them
          2.Cucks/worthless cuckolds who consider niggers and other races to be their “brothers” and actually help them out to find white women. Unfortunately many of these cucks, usually find some Asian ugly bitch (the most beautiful Asian looks like an ok white woman)
          As well as to show to non whites, that the only way they can help the white race SO THAT this beautiful white society will keep on existing (yes there are many non whites who want just that, as well as Jews and many other people who), is to vote and act AGAINST their own people.

        19. Little boy, my posts exist only to show to my brothers that :
          (If you are not white go hate on yourself for being born non white aka UGLY) (It must really suck having an ugly as fuck mommy huh ?) (Boy, if you ‘re white, I guess you ‘re COMPENSATING for something with this “dry humor” thing aren’t you ? … You know my stats : 8” long, 6+ in circumference aka the perfect dick. How big is your dick Little ? )
          this website as well as Rooshv are platforms for :
          1.non whites looking to fuck and impregnate white women aka marry them
          2.Cucks/worthless cuckolds who consider niggers and other races to be their “brothers” and actually help them out to find white women. Unfortunately many of these cucks, usually find some Asian ugly bitch (the most beautiful Asian looks like an ok white woman)
          As well as to show to non whites, that the only way they can help the white race SO THAT this beautiful white society will keep on existing (yes there are many non whites who want just that, as well as Jews and many other people who), is to vote and act AGAINST their own people.

        20. I discovered recently that I have a catchphrase. Whenever anything happens that is less-than-ideal (can’t reach friends or family on the phone, almost get hit by a dumbass driver, etc), I say “Eh, this is fine.”
          I don’t know when it happened, but it fits. I let go of what I cannot control and focus on what I can. That is why I am happier than everyone I know.

        21. No it is not fine. If you are white you should know that the Jews are actively trying to destroy the white race. Search Barbara Spectre and White genocide. See how that whore tries to dictate to Europeans how they should live their lives. See how far down the rabbit hole goes.

        22. Lolguy, if you were a man you ‘d know that you give your enemies NOTHING. You allow NOTHING. You take everything and give nothing. These leeches called Jews and non whites have been sucking our blood for a looong time.
          Lolguy if you were a man with big balls, big dick and massive ejaculate; if you were a man’s man, then you ‘d be aggressive. But you ‘re probably not. So if you’re white, get behind me. If you like whites get behind me. And if you ‘re against the whites for any reason, then go fuck yourself.

        23. Ha! You are priceless. Please never change. You are my favorite dancing monkey

        24. And you are a non white little dick idiot.
          I would tell you “enjoy it while it lasts” but there ‘s nothing to enjoy in your case. You obviously have a small worthless dick. 😉

        25. No matter what I tell you don’t do it !
          Everytime you go pee, DON’T look at your miserable dick and think that you ‘re worthless.
          Remember that dry humor is much better than turning gay, which would be TOTALLY justified in your case, since you re in no position to fuck a woman.

        26. You’re missing a quasi-inside joke that I made in that statement, but as you say “Eh, this is fine.”
          I like your approach. I used to get stressed out and annoyed by my afternoon commute home. Traffic is abysmal and the drivers are asshats. I’ve now turned it into a ritual of sorts. I turn on the radio to upbeat rock music, smoke my daily cigarette, and just unwind instead of screaming at traffic.

        27. I know of these things. They anger me, but I cannot allow any emotion to control me. In my day-to-day life, I must maintain my happiness and control.
          BTW, “white genocide” is a failure as a meme. There’s just no way to overcome the lack of White mass graves, which is what people instinctively think when they hear “genocide.” It is dialectically true, but lacks any rhetorical punch.

        28. You need to understand why I attack you on the penis size subject. A man draws his power from his genitals. I want you to stop thinking with your head so much. Think a little with your dick. BE A PROUD WHITE MAN, if you are one.

        29. You need to understand why I attack you on the penis size subject. A man draws his power from his genitals. I want you to stop thinking with your head so much. Think a little with your dick. BE A PROUD WHITE MAN, if you are white.

        30. First let me say that you are def my favorite troll.
          Secondly, it is just sterling that you managed to go to the comments section of a website for men to describe your genitals and pretty much ask for dick picks. You are either on the negative side of 0 IQ or the most flaming fag I’ve ever met but either way, keep up the good work.

        31. Poor Lolknee … If you were non white,I’d understand. You don’t like us.
          But man, if you ‘re white and you ‘re acting like this … What a disgrace …
          Name the enemies : The Jew and the Muslim.

        32. All references to genitals are made because THAT IS where a REAL man draws his power from. What the fuck will anyone do with the world he ‘s conquered if not to fuck the shit out of his women and the women he stole from his enemies ?
          Shocking as it may seem to you, spouting shit will never ever satisfy you. A fuck will.

        33. Your replies are something that would come out of an SJW. You suck like anyone who tried to stand up against Trump.

        34. Oh man, part of me hopes that you are a troll with a great sense of humor and having a blast with this. Unfortunately you are probably just some shit talking moron.
          You should come to New York. Bring your mom, sister and girlfriend. Lots of black guys in on fleet week will tear me up for you while you watch

        35. Wait a minute! I just figured out who you are. Dumb. Obvious homosexual. Weak. Insecure. Oh yes sir, I know exactly who you are and in this post you just gave it away.

        36. I feel like the chubby red head dude in a Bro Movie when I say this but… Dude did he just tell you that if you are white to get behind him? …. man this is too easy. I quit

        37. Wait!. So what im getting from this is that, if you ask for the dick pics in a really stern and angry manner… its NOT gay?

        38. Lol.
          I like him though. He is just nuts enough to be funny. Also, I think he is the alter ego of someone else being a troll

        39. Latin Europeans, Germans, Celts and Slavs are easy to distinguish from each other. Irish from Scottish or English from Canadian… That can only be told after you know the person.

        40. …something Freud said about their hidden desire to confess, but I agree, his last post was the case cracker lol!

        41. Yo homesickle, you got your bow tie ready? We have a Nation of Islam meeting later

        1. I like that there is a wide spectrum of choice between urban, suburban and rural and I think everyone should be able to chose and have to deal with the rewards and consequences of each.

        2. Not to mention that you should never have to do anything remotely resembling roughing it, unless it is in relation to the current girl you are defiling, Mr. Prince of Darkthings?

        3. This is absolutely true. I also don’t like avacados. It doesn’t mean I think no one should. There is a lot to be said for urban and rural life. I don’t think my inclinations to live an urbanity life are superior or for everyone….just different. I am pretty sure there are people here (GOJ comes to mind) that would be just as adverse to living in a hugely population dense city as I would have living anywhere else. That’s great.
          I understand that my choice of urban life comes with some downsides….the constant noise, the permalight, bums, hipsters etc. It also comes with a lot of benefits for me. I made that choice.

        4. This only proves that you truly understand actual liberty. The freedom to choose as it were and be left alone about it.
          Natalie Portman from The Professional salutes you:

        5. Love that movie and hands down the hottest natalie portman has ever been. So sexy.

        6. Have you not seen “Closer”? Talk about shattering any myth about modern relationships. And that was the first time I ever saw Clive Owen, dude is a great actor

        7. Y’know I wasn’t quite sure, but after that Hermione post a ways back, I figured either this one or Mars Attacks!
          I also figure you more for a Casper Christina Ricci, but could see you also going for a Beetlejuice Winona Ryder or Commando Alyssa Milano.

        8. Nix on the winona…never liked her. The rest is pretty good, but not directly on point. There is a certain bitchiness or cunt face that I like.

        9. Its the screenplay you wouldve written if you were a screenwriter. Im sure you woulda made one of the characters a cobbler tho

        10. The Cobbler is going to be the movie that makes me rich as jews.

        11. Solution to permalight = blackout curtains. Battle of Britain style Blackout curtains

        12. I have blackout curtains. Absolute necessity. Still, sometimes i would like to take a walk at night and see stars

        13. Curtains, huh? I’m not certain that all of my wall-holes have panes of glass in them, let alone curtains. When the wife is done and turns off the kitchen light, the only source of light here is the stars. Still, sometimes I would like to take a walk at night an order a slice of pizza.
          I have a tractor. Absolute necessity.

        14. I can see how that would appeal to some but tbh it would freak me out

        15. She was 13 when that movie was made….still deep in jailbait territory. I saw it in the theater & remember feeling a little (really alot) ashamed of how alluring I found her.

        16. Says the new yorker complaining about living around too many feces producing orifices.

        17. I don’t see how that is a problem. I don’t think my choice is for everyone even though I would never choose otherwise.

      2. The pet shop thing is just socially retarded in general. Whether it’s game or sales you need to tell the person what you’re selling, and in the case of game, it’s yourself.
        It would be like going door to door trying to sell vacuums but when the person answers you ask them if you can find a pet shop. They’d be like wtf? LOL

      3. At least the pet doesn’t talk or threatens to/actually does call cops and lawyers over the most trivial disagreement.

    2. If you were a man, you would have no problem doing the following :
      1.Use the animal to attract and bang chicks.
      2.Keep the disgusting furry animal out of your house, so it does not shed its fur in it.
      3.Discard the animal when it begins to grow and lose its ability to attract hot young women.
      Hell, if people had actual balls and a big fat dick like I do, they would have stopped immigration (be it legan or illegal) as well as the horrible eventual miscegenaton from non-whites a loooong time ago

      1. Combine animal game and peacocking:
        You WEAR the animal you’re using as a prop. So you literally coil the snake around your neck like Alice Cooper or Jake the Snake Roberts and strut around.
        Girls don’t like reptiles you say.
        Fine. Go with a parrot on the shoulder (pirate game) or a live fox or ferret draped across your shoulders.

        1. I’m going a mix between Ted Dibiasi game and Ravishing Rick Rude Game. That is a kiss and a sleeper hold

        2. You truly are the finest example of an idiot and a closet fag. It’s fantastic!

        3. You need to understand why I attack you on the penis size subject. A man draws his power from his genitals. I want you to stop thinking with your head so much. Think a little with your dick. BE A PROUD WHITE MAN, if you are white.

    3. Buying someone a pet for a gift is a night fucking mare. Long story short, I have another dog now…
      You buy your own kids dogs, to add a chore to their life. Any other reason other than using the puppy years to bang chicks is at the top of the list of worst ideas ever.

      1. You poor son of a bitch, my condolences on…. your new poor son of a bitch.

    4. “where is the nearest man store?, i am buying some Kratom for a friend”

      1. Any pet is still a responsibility. Clearly you’ve never killed a goldfish before.

  3. This is probably one of the more clinical step by step comparisons of game to structure I have seen. While this is succinct and works for your introvert, and maybe even for some long standing in the game, I find this removes some of the joy that comes from meeting a new person. End of the day that is a personal opinion so whatever works for a person to improve this area of life, go ahead and do it.
    The one thing to remember about this stuff is there is an internal and external dynamic. All that structure internally will get snuffed out externally and the more you are married to getting a woman to any part of the game, the more she will sniff what you’re selling and do a comparison to what the next person offers. For many woman you will meet on the street, the time is now. It is now for the number. But if you can get that, why not go for the kiss? If you can get that why not go for the kiss and insta date? If you can get that why not go for the same day lay? And these can be mixed and matched as ladies are everywhere and in all shapes and sizes.

    1. Only a total whore would do a same day lay.
      Even whores are not total whores. Just go for the number and set up a date, or for the instadate.
      THAT BEING SAID, What we need is a skewed ratio of 2 women to 1 man, so that every white brother can have a virginal girl as a wife, as well as an abundance of free roaming sexy white sluts. Happiness for all whites yey !
      That being said … I know same day lays can work out this way from personal experience.
      But it’s not what we ‘re dealing with right now. We have much bigger problems. I would say that I ‘m more interested in conveying my white supremacist ideas to a woman I date, than I am in adding one more notch.

  4. Off-topic, but watching a link in the comments and it started playing this video. It’s called Chewbacca Mom and it has received over 7 million views in 2 days. Can anyone explain to me what is funny or cool about this? I mean fuck, it’s a bunch of people I don’t know, and one loud mouth fat tattooed mom wearing a mask. I know millennials don’t really have a sense of humor, but why do they find stuff like this cool or interesting? It’s definitely not funny.

    1. Millennial sense of humor is mostly ear rape noises from what I gather at college.

    2. Good of you to bring this up.
      This is a message to all whites who are disgusted by non white immigration and miscegenation. I swear if I see another nigger with a white girl, or some white mom carrying around her mixed children, I ‘m gonna get sick.
      We need to create funny videos like this, that convey our message to the masses.

    3. I’m seeing this broad everywhere. I haven’t even watched to see if it’s funny or not, but I honestly don’t care if it’s the fucking funniest thing on Earth. I’m tired of seeing her face plastered everywhere. What is with people nowadays?

      1. That’s it ! I’ve found your weakness !!!
        Behold, and despair :

        1. I shall defeat you, one day.
          Every challenge along the way
          With courage I will face
          I will battle every day
          To claim my rightful place.

        2. Diapers, your worst fear are diapers. You’re a family man. No one makes it out of this without PTSD.

        3. Reminds me of an old Dana Carvey skit where he explains that if you want to know how it is to have kids, take care of a really old man who can’t do shit for himself. Really funny stuff:
          “Wipe my ass! Put on cartoons!
          You better apply cream or I might get a rash!”

        4. At least with an old guy, he can communicate to you exactly what he needs. Babies just make noises and you have no idea WTF it needs.

    4. Pure annoyance. While I don’t pity her husband, I pity her children. Imagine having that as a mother….(shudders)

      1. Original Sin, having been pushed out of that fat quivering vagina they never even stood a chance, euthanasia would be a mercy.

    5. The comments are disturbing :
      “she’s amazing and radiates positivity! so adorable”

    6. The original video is pretty funny. What concerns me is within a matter of days, some schlocky tv show flies her out to hollywood. I miss craig ferguson- he was the only alpha left on late night tv

    7. At least baby boomers had comedians with talent like Woody Allen. Millenials have neither the intellect nor the willingness to offend or be daring to create similar comedy. That’s why you see their comedic heroes as above, seth rogan, etc.

      1. Even the cartoons that kids watch nowadays aren’t funny.
        Looney Tunes were silly when I was a kid, but watching them now as an adult, I realized that there were adult based themes/messages behind them.

        1. Dave Chappelle did a skit on that a few years ago. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t tried to make Bugs Bunny some tranny hero.

        2. They had Bugs Bunny dressed up like a woman many times to get a pussy pass from Elmer Fudd. As kids, we saw doing shit like that was silly and foolish. Fast forward to 2016 and it’s now acceptable. Now all you need to do to prove my point, just replace Bugs Bunny dressing up like a woman with Bruce Jenner.

        3. The Silliness is lost with the kids now. They get fed instead heavy sarcasm from all the cartoons and shows, they turn it on the parents who send them to their rooms. Where they have 3 gaming systems and a dual monitor computer and a smart phone. We as kids, just got slapped and It was funny when Bugs chased the female robot bunny with the bomb inside her..

        4. You are so right with the sarcasms in kids cartoons today. You slap your kid today and they tell a teacher and you’re in a world of hurt.

        5. The key is to spank your kids from day one. They wont tell. If you decide to do it when they are school age, then yea, they are wise to the point that they can get the parent in trouble. My kids wouldn’t dare. My youngest son is a good kid almost entirely off him watching his sibling get punished. lol
          But seriously, The teachers don’t give a rats ass about these kids, but when one walks in with a sob story they feel Power in scolding or reporting the parents.

    8. Kill that thing before diabetes does! She ruins Chewbacca for me, hell, she ruins life. So fucking annoying

  5. “Davis was trained as a Historian…” … So Aurini was born rich, otherwise why would he study something that would actually decrease his chances of getting a job ?
    Hey Aurini … Do you actually think you speak for us, the people, you mr. 1% ?
    ANSWER : He could speak for us. Does he actually ? You decide

      1. Judging by past experiences with this particular individual, holy crap 10000%
        Edit: Fair warning, he’s fairly indefatigable and will constantly reply with pseudo-shitposts. Comment at your own risk.

        1. It’s about time we had a different type of troll anyway. The empowered female trolls were getting boring.

        2. You seem ready to see how far down the rabbit hole goes. Search : Immigration act of 1965, Projections of american demographics, some people called the Ashkenazi Jews, White Genocide, Paul Weston, Douglas Murrey and you ‘ll be on your way.

        3. I’m with you. This psychotic closet fag is almost as good as kratom.

        4. Lolknee is compensating for a small dick. If you ask him how big his dick is, he doesn’t answer. I however sport a thick 8 incher. How about you Lolknee ?

        5. Srsly, you are getting close to kratom levels of fun.

        6. You need to understand why I attack you on the penis size subject. A man draws his power from his genitals. I want you to stop thinking with your head so much. Think a little with your dick. BE A PROUD WHITE MAN, if you are white

        7. You were doing well with your comments until the dick size thing reared its ugly head.

      2. Not trolling at all. Just pointing out what appears to be the obvious, that he was born rich, hence his studies … BUT that that alone is not reason enough to discard him.
        Something like : Milo Yiannopoulos is a Jew, but he appears to be on our side.
        Something like : There could be Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Latinos etc. out there, who are not the enemy, but friends.
        Something like : Lets get together. Lets bring as many people who want to join us, to us, instead of driving them away from us. Be they outsiders or degenerates or whatever.

        1. I did pretty well on my SATs, but I still don’t see the association with him appearing to be rich and anything you are saying…..
          Who is “us”? I don’t lump myself with people based on income. Do you plan to be poor or middle class your whole life? Because if that is how you identify yourself then how can you assume he is rich because he studied history? He is also a soldier, so maybe he had planned to a career military man.. Im thinking that if you think you aren’t trolling maybe you don’t know what trolling is? maybe.

        2. Forget about Aurini’s article. It adds nothing new. This has already been explained by Style. It’s called Grounding.
          The real issue is white genocide, and how to stop it.

        3. You like throwing around words that have no effect on us ? Are you one of those CUCKS and NON-WHITES who scream “racist” ?
          What is your genetic heritage ? Let me guess:
          It’s either NON-WHITE or CUCK.
          So … which one is it ?

        4. That escalated quickly. I said nothing of race. Skin head is easier to spell. kind of seems like you are screaming “racist” right about now by getting your panties in a bunch over a word.

        5. You haven’t aswered the question.
          Are you non-white or simply a Cuck ?
          See how easy it is ?
          HOW ELSE COULD IT BE ? You want the good stuff that we have.
          Non whites want our countries and our women. Fuck you all, if you ‘re not on our side !
          And YES there are non-whites who DON’T hate white people, who don’t want to race mix with white people, who don’t want to destroy white societies.
          Are you one of them good non-whites ?
          THEN we will allow you to have sex with our beautiful women, but don’t get any big ideas to have kids with them …

        6. Sorry bro, I gotta go impregnate another white woman before lunch or its gonna fuck up the rest of my day, you know, illegally migrating is pretty rigorous.

        7. Enjoy it while it lasts …
          As you can see, whites are rising up.
          Even Roosh concedes to being interested in having kids with a woman that is ONLY up to 2 shades lighter than he is (his own words).

        8. This is the only comment you’re getting out of me this time, so treasure it. If you’re not being a troll, if you’re being serious. If you’re an actual race realist with real concerns about miscegenation, race cuckoldry and the like, then realise this. Every man broadly has two tools in his arsenal of discourse. The Sledge Hammer and the scalpel. Learn when to use which. Don’t go Leeroy Jenkinsing this shit with the sledgehammer willy nilly – no-one will listen.

        9. No one listens anyway man. How many people will view this article ? 5.000 maybe ? I ‘m only trying to bring a few points accross, so that : A.our people will be more tolerant towards non-whites fighting for the cause,
          B.our people will be more understanding of how 1.allowing good non whites to live in our society and have sex with our beautiful women IS THE PRICE those non whites are looking for and we should therefore allow it to them, if we want to have their support
          C.our people will allow sex with non whites but NOT have kids with them
          D.our people will stop being cucks. FFS.

        10. Even if he is trying to be a troll or deliberately provocative, he has one major valid point:
          Women of all other groups (Black, Muslim, etc.) are set aside and earmarked only for the men of their respective groups, while White women are for EVERYONE.
          Muslim women will NOT date a non-Muslim. Hell, they won’t date a Muslim guy. They will marry a Muslim guy.
          No one criticizes the stern and conservative Asian parents who disapprove of their daughter bringing home a White guy, yet white fathers were publicly shamed on Twitter by their daughters for not approving of their black boyfriends. The Asians we are told have a culture to preserve. After all, how can all of White culture compete with Confucious Says?
          And try walking with your black girlfriend up in Washington Heights. Tell me how it ends up for you. LOLZ.
          So, while White men are denied the option of dating other women, they must also compete with everyone else for the women of their own group.

        11. The fact remains that the women of other racial groups are far, far more loyal to their men than White women are to White men.
          The women of other racial groups make allowances and dispensations for their men that White women do not.
          Black women make all kinds of excuses for the shortcomings of their men (educational attainment, incarceration, inability to hold down a job, drug problems, infidelity): He a good boy/man, he means well, he just hangs out with the wrong crowd, etc.
          Similarly, Asian women will overlook the painful shyness and awkwardness of their men if they are intelligent and well-educated.
          When was the last time you heard a White woman makes excuses her boyfriend or husband? “He can’t dance but that doesn’t ,matter because he is smart as hell, like crazy smart?” Never. White women will label you a creep for being quiet or reserved while Asian women will never label their men with such labels.
          White women have been raised to hate their own men.

        12. Whites are taught “diversity”, while all other races are taught to stick to their own. If girls were only brought up to be women. Everything else would fall into place. But they are generally raised to combat the “evil disloyal man”, the cultural differences are directly related to the marriage traditions on the country of origin, don’t you find?

        13. To the point of public parental opinion, you are spot on. But white guys date and marry non white girls A LOT. Its a lower ratio than non white males to white women but its not nearly as far off as you think.. In the south Mexican bordered states, White males go pretty heavy into Latinas. But again, in the eyes of approval, yes, white men are shamed by non white women’s parents. No race can compare to the disapproval of all races to a daughter bringing home a black guy though, def. last on my list for my daughter..
          All parents should be able to express their approval or lack there of for anything having to do with their children, no matter the subject or how public it is. That is their child. If Pops is doesn’t approve, that’s his right as the father.

        14. “White women have been raised to hate their own men.”
          And each other but pretend they’re BFFs.

        15. ALL races are taught Diversity baby …
          Have you met any “modern” Arab women ? Many of them are both feministic and “diversity lovers”

        16. White Women have been the victims of jewish propaganda. How long can a person with a normal IQ stand against propaganda ? It’s the Kikes FFS !

        17. What a disgrace to our race, that being a true aggressive man, is titled “deliberately provocative” !
          Oh how I hate the fucking Jews and all the ugly non whites looking for their opportunity to infiltrate out nations.
          It’s the fucking jewish propaganda man. Roosh being Iranian and all knows it’s the fucking Jews. He just doesn’t want to and shouldn’t go full anti-Jew. But we can do it in the comments section. THAT’S what the comment sections are there for.

        18. White men who marry non whites, are disgraces. They can’t get a white woman, so they settle for an ugly non white and YES GUYS almost all non white women are UGLY!

        19. Diversity to other races does not include white people. That is the main difference. Diversity at any professional or scholastic level of society doesn’t include whites.

  6. Interesting article. I remember Tyler Durden the pua once saying that if he reads a book and gets 2% new knowledge out of it, that is a lot. That is what I got from his article. A 2% extra knowledge.
    Which means that this is a useful article.
    However, as you all must have noticed, this article ONLY takes you up to the “number”. Now most of us who have run a lot of game, know that is ridiculously easy to get numbers even from hot chicks.
    THAT DOES NOT MEAN they will meet with you later.
    Furthermore, this article oversimplifies the process.
    Only thing I got from this article was to state who you are from the get-go … OH WAIT, that is called Grounding and Style has described it in detail….
    So … to recap, I got nothing new, just a reminder. … a reminder to visit Aurini’s website. Which I won’t. But thanks for reminding me of Grounding. I had forgotten the word for it, I do it unconsciously nowadays.

  7. It’s funny to read but does anyone actually have enough time to learn and apply this stuff in real life?
    What’s the world come to when you have to impersonate a salesman to get pussy?
    Come on, women are seriously not worth all this time and commitment. Content yourself with all the lower to mid-tier pussy and commit your time to something useful. Build something, make your legacy. All this dicking around just breads more feminist trash.

    1. In Eastern culture, the men don’t have to go such absurd lengths for female companionship. Only in the West do men have to adopt clown game, pretend to be a micro celebrity, pretend to be a Bernie Boy, pretend to be this, pretend to be that in order to get the mere chance to meet women.
      Try being an out and out nationalist with the women you want to date. They will look at you with absolute horror.
      Chinese men on the other hand are able to be members of the Communist Party, writers for the People’s Daily at their campuses, and attend anti free Tibet protests here on American college campuses. And you know what? Their women LOVE them for being racist and nationalistic.
      Western men have to spend 2-3 nights a week running clown game, checking their online dating nets for any catches, on and on. While males from the East are adding to their skill sets or doing something else otherwise productive.
      Is is no wonder the East will continue to outpace the West when Western men are operating at 50-60% efficiency.

      1. “clown game” I ask women to sniff the carnation in my lapel all the time! they love it when it sprays them with seltzer

        1. it is in my esteemed opinion that this comment deserves all the upvotes…every, single, fucking, one of them.

        2. ha, Ive been on this site for a year and half, this is the first time I noticed “clown game” being a thing. I used to have a recent grad working for me- all she ate was chicken. So, I’d take the liberty of ordering for her at restaurants- “She’ll have a whole roasted chicken with a side order of chicken cutlets. She’ll have chicken salad for her vegetable”(I would do this at sushi joints). She never laughed once, but everyone else did. Is this an example of clown game?

        3. I have seen clown game but never really understood it. From context I think it is about being loud and center of attention. I’ve said it before, I am really not very game oriented. I imagine I have abhorrent game. I live in a city with a favorable male to female ratio, have a desirable job and spend a lot of time at the gym. That seems to be enough.

        4. No, clown game from what I know is about making yourself look like a clown than making fun of someone! You were more of a comedian in that scene!

      2. Dating in China often takes a different form than we are accustomed to in the west. While arranged marriages are not really practiced anymore, parents still involve themselves with finding spouses for their children. Frequently, a Chinese guy will find themselves set up on a date with the daughter of their fathers co-workers. Families with sons and daughters of marriageable age will also host each other for dinner and seat the singles alone at a separate table. The men there simply don’t need as much or as refined game in order to meet and talk to women.

        1. Exactly. And amongst the Asians here in the U.S., they have many, many student groups and organizations, often with thousands of members at one campus (Chinese Students and Scholars Association) that puts on events for ONLY Chinese students where males and females can meet and fraternize.
          They don’t need as much game. It’s like playing tennis with the net down. Allowing them more time for monetizable skills while Western men opt to spend their time drinking, running game, etc.

        2. It sounds like those traditional societies aim to promote pair bonding and family formation rather than pitting the genders against each other as in the West. Sounds beautiful.

      3. Pretending to be someone you are not in attempting to find dates leads to finding women you don’t want to be with because they were lured by the fake you, not the real you. That’s why game always fails in finding anything real. So you keep doing it and eventually you end up like Roosh. Alone and desperate and finding that no woman in the world wants to be near you beccause you’ve spread your shit across the globe and run out of women who will fall for your lies.

        1. I doubt there are many Western women who are receptive to the ideals promoted on ROK: nationalism, traditionalism, etc.
          I suppose the easiest screening method would be to walk around in a Make America Great Again shirt and if the woman doesn’t flip her shit at the mere sight of you, she’s a keeper.

        2. A woman doesn’t necessarily have to agree 100% with everything you believe. It’s probably not a good thing if they do. The point is finding someone you are compatible with who can deal with your shit and you can deal with her shit and when shit collides you can work it out without killing each other. The biggest thing is not to hide who you are, not to present yourself as something you are not. There are women out there, even western women, lots of them, millions upon millions of them who are not complete idiot SJW retards but who have good values and a solid head on their shoulders. Be patient and there will be one who shows up for you. Probably in the place and time you least expect it.

        3. “The biggest thing is not to hide who you are, not to present yourself as something you are not.”
          Do your wear make up and accentuate some of your features to attract men like padded bra, tummy tuck, or plastic surgery?
          What do you call all that, sister?

        4. I too like women to be real and honest and not succomb to societal vanity but at the same time there is something to be said for enhancing ones appearance in moderation. I was also talking more about personality and not about altering ones looks although to a degree that could be part of it depending on how far you go with it.

        5. What about a girl acting all coy and sweet to get the guy to propose, then he does what she asks of him, then she loses respect for the guy and talk shit about him?
          You have no idea what you’re preaching here. Women being honest? They are rare.

        6. Any vanity at all is societal.. If a woman doesn’t want to be noticed by men, there are definitely examples of that out there. Hence if they make themselves up… in ANY WAY. They are looking for attention. If they were looking to be treated ambiguously like man treats another man then they can dress like a man just like the male part of a dike relationship does.. easy

        7. We all want to look good for the person we are dating or are married to. Nothing at all wrong with that. Vanity is when we expand that to the world around us. When we want to make ourselves an object to be looked at by everyone.

        8. Women can present themselves as something they are not as well. It results in just as bad of an outcome. Men and women can be dishonest during dating and getting to know someone. It’s not exclusive to either one. It’s also a bit hypocritical for men to advocate dishonesty in dating to get what he wants from a woman and then condemn a woman for being dishonest to get something she wants from a man.
          For a man to avoid falling for a woman’s dishonesty he has to not focus on simply something he wants from her like sex but seek to understand her as a person. Subtle cues can tell us so much during a conversation. Tone of voice, particularly when saying certain words or phrases, facial expressions, body language, placement of hands, nervous ticks, all of it can reveal things. If you see such things the best way to handle it is to ask about it. Why so nervous, I sense there is something more to the story? When you ask those questions and interact in general a big part is to limit the use of the word you. When you is used to address someone it can be taken as a sort of attack or as putting them on the spot and cause them to close up or get defensive effectively limiting or ending the conversation.

        9. There is a fine line. And its by far the rule and not the exception when it comes to that being expanded to the world and not just the spouse. Vanity is something women as a whole embrace, getting “made up” to work in a cubicle or office all day for instance. Lets agree that work place dress up isn’t for the bf or husband and its the most common. Being made up all day as a housewife is completely different.

        10. I’d say that it comes down to motive. Why is she or he getting all dressed up. Is it for a spouse, to look professional for work where there may be a dress code or they have to deal with clients and make an impression for their company? Or is it simply to attract some form of sexual or physical attention from other people no matter where they are? If it’s the latter I’d call it pure vanity, unhealthy vanity, the kind that encourages and brings about infidelity and an appetite for casual sex with numerous partners.

        11. That’s why I specified Cubicle and Desk. This convo can go around in circles but my point is that the social and unhealthy vanity is the most likely answer in most cases. Which is a problem as men need to solve somehow.

      4. Don’t worry … our time will come … and there will be hell to pay. I just hope this time we burn all the churches. We ‘ve had enough of this false weak God.

      5. Don’t forget about going to the gym after a hard day of work, not that you shouldn’t skip it but some women’s standards are weird!

  8. man, the ROK community is becoming waaaay to intelligent.. Holy Shit !

  9. If you know how to sell, you will succeed. Learned using an audio cassette from Simon and Schuster 15 yrs back, never looked back after! Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale after your pitch, most clients are waiting to be asked.

  10. And on a related note, why is the alt.right/NPI crowd ridden with homosexuals and metrosexuals with faggy undercut hairdos? Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. You forgot one of the most important steps of sales…qualifying.
    A salesmen would say…Does this person have the means to purchase my product? Do they have good enough credit? Is the buyer actually in the market? If no to any of these questions, bounce out.
    A good salesman knows time cannot be wasted on losers.
    Men, qualify your bitches. If they dont make the cut, focus on someone else.

  12. Communication is everything. 80% of success is relating to others. Most of that is what you project and being liked. Thirty % of people like you off the bat, and 30% will hate you no matter what. It’s the remaining 30% you have to win over.
    Now, women have it easier in some respects. Men have to go in with talent, and then work on projecting an alpha yet likeable image.
    When women go into things, competence isn’t in their minds. They’re too wrapped up in image. To the point of messing things up and then they use manipulations and games to keep their jobs.

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