Is It Time To Rebrand The Alt-Right?

In the life of a political or religious movement, there may arise certain events which make it wise for that movement to rebrand itself. And with the recent events that have occurred in Charlottesville—of which every ROK reader is no doubt aware—it may thus be time for the alt-right to consider such a marketing change.

But why might such a course of action be necessary at this point in time? Because, quite simply, the alt right label has now been severely—perhaps irreparably—tainted by the alt Reich / alt white sub-faction within the wider alt right. And whether the perception of this taint is just or not, the undeniable fact is that it is indeed now perceived as being there, and this perception will remain there in the minds of the wider public for the foreseeable future, if not permanently. Consequently, this is a serious problem for the alt right.

So, in light of this problem, it is suggested that the non-alt Reich / non-alt white faction of the alt right use this occurrence as an opportunity rather than a set-back. In particular, the Charlottesville incident can be used as an opportunity to make a clean break with the alt Reich faction of the alt right by the rest of the alt right (meaning the so-called alt West, the alt lite, and the Vox Day-style alt right). Indeed, this event is a chance for the wider alt right to make it clear that the alt Reich faction of the alt right is now its own separate entity; and that if that faction is perceived to be the “alt right” as a whole, then so be it, for the actual alt right will move to another label.

However, this then raises the question: What will the new label for the alt right be?

A New Alt Right Term

Although trying to rebrand a movement is never easy, and though no label will satisfy everyone, I offer three candidates as potential replacements for the term ‘alt right’.

Not a way to win American or European hearts-and-minds.

First, there is the label ‘nationalist right’. It is simple, to the point, and easily conveys the idea that this is a rightist group which is primarily focused on the nation rather than anything else—just as the broad alt right is. This is a good label, and perhaps the easiest to adopt quickly and naturally. It is also excellent because the term ‘nationalist’ means exactly what the alt-right movement is trying to achieve:

Nationalism is a range of political, social, and economic systems characterised by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group’s homeland. The political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common ancestry. Nationalism therefore seeks to preserve the nation’s culture. It often also involves a sense of pride in the nation’s achievements, and is closely linked to the concept of patriotism. (Wikipedia: Nationalism)

Thus, a member of the nationalist right is someone who is akin to an ethno-ideological nationalist, thereby wanting all ethnic groups, and all severely divided political factions within those ethnic groups, to have the right to self-determination and to have their own nation where they can live in peace.

So, the label nationalist right is a strong choice, but there are two other options to consider which may have a rhetorical benefit that the label ‘nationalist right’ does not have.

The second choice is the term ‘nationalist conservative’. The purpose of this term would be to create a bridge between the nationalist and the conservative movement. It would also convey the nationalist focus of alt right people who may have called themselves conservatives in the past. However, given the link between conservativism and political-cowardice (see: cucks), this may not be the best term to use.

Not the image that the Nationalist Right wants to portray!

Finally, the term ‘universal nationalist’ should also be considered. This term has the rhetorical advantage of using universalist terminology, which is generally seen as the domain of the left; thus, it subverts the left in this minor way, while still articulating the fact that it’s focus is on nationalism. Furthermore, it is very difficult to be against universal nationalism, especially since most western people believe in the idea of self-determination.

At the same time, this label of universal nationalist also has the advantage of removing the political labels of ‘left’ and ‘right’ from itself. This is a benefit because the universal nationalist can thus say that he is not opposed to the left or the right creating its own nation, he just thinks that they should have that right regardless of their political leanings. Ergo, if insane progressives in California wish to start their own nation, then the universal nationalist has no problems with such a course of action.

In the end, though, perhaps the label ‘universal nationalist’ is more of an explanation of what the ‘nationalist right’ is, rather than its own separate term, and so the two terms could be used interchangeably.

Thus, arguably the best term to replace the ‘alt right’ label is the term ‘nationalist right’.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Change

Now, as with any rebranding, there are advantages and disadvantages to taking such a course of action. In terms of the disadvantages, any new label—such as nationalist right—will need to gain traction and make-up ground that it lost from the rebranding. However, in this case, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages.

The type of nationalism that wins a culture.

First, the new label allows for a clear differentiation between the nationalist right and the alt Reich side of the alt right, and this differentiation is the following: if you see Nazis salutes or Nazi flags or Nazi symbols, or if there is talk of white supremacy and racial dominance, then that is not part of the nationalist right. The nationalist right may agree that such groups have the right to self-determination, but such groups are not part of the nationalist right. (And as a side-note, who the hell would want to be associated with an outdated political faction that lost the war that it engaged in? Not me, that’s for sure.)

Second, the term nationalist right is positive, and it thus promotes a positive agenda. It is, in essence, in favor of everything found in Vox Day’s 16 Points of the Alt-Right, but it adds the seventeen point that the alt-Reich is not a part of it.

Third, the term nationalist right shows that such a group is not an “alternative” to anything, but rather that is a perfectly reasonable and sensible position which would be embraced by most people on the right if that position was explained to them properly. Thus, the nationalist right has broad-tent appeal and sounds mainstream.

Playing the Left’s Game

Finally, some might accuse me of playing the left’s game in trying to rebrand the alt right and then distance the new label from the alt Reich faction of the alt right. And in some respects, this is true. But it is also true that sometimes your political opponents win such a significant battle, or your side makes such a significant mistake, that taking drastic action is necessary. And I believe that this is one of those times.

Playing the Left’s Game? Maybe. But maybe it is achieving a strategic win from a tactical loss.

Furthermore, there is also the idea of cutting off a poisoned limb, and the term alt right may just be poisoned enough that it needs to be cut-off. At the same time, it is also about cutting off deadwood, and the alt Reich—who seem more interested in their own version of Nazi virtue-signaling than in winning—are deadwood that the alt right needs to separate from. And one way to do that is through a rebranding campaign that clearly delineates the alt Reich from the rest of the players on the nationalist side.

So, in the end, it is time for the broader alt right to transform itself into the nationalist right, a group that supports and aims for universal nationalism, including its own. This is the best way to move forward, and it is the best way to actually achieve what the alt-right seeks to achieve.

Post-Script:  Please note that as the originator of the idea of Alt Christianity, I simply note that it would also be possible to rebrand Alt Christianity as Nationalist Christianity, and that the 21 these of that movement would still stand without issue.

Read More:  Patriarchal Nationalism: The Only Societal System That Can Save The West 

264 thoughts on “Is It Time To Rebrand The Alt-Right?”

  1. So what happens when this new brand gets associated with Nazis? We all know it’s only a matter of time before it happens. No matter what you say or do or denounce nazis, they can…. and will…. associate your new brand with nazis. What then? Re-brand again?
    How many times are you ready to re-brand? And at what point does it become a joke?
    At some point you’ll have to just make a stand regardless of how ugly they try to make you look.

    1. Exactly. We’re at the point now where even regular mainstream Republicans are in danger of having the dreaded “neo-Nazi ” and “KKK ” labels attached to them – and once those labels are attached, they are pretty much impossible to remove, no matter how abjectly one grovels in supplication to the SJW, BLM and Freakazoid blackmailers.

      1. Not necessarily, just don’t let their stereotype frame the narrative.
        Most normies and moderates laughed when SJWs called Milo, a sodomite race mixing Jew, a “Nazi” because it was so goddamn laughable.

        1. When everyone is a nazi, nobody is a nazi. It was defanged, and marked the name-caller as a hysterical twit not worth listening to.
          Then the reichtards started waving the swastika around and LARPing at Cville, and breathed new life into the left’s favorite smear.

        2. Exactly, I’m convinced at this point that they just want to tank their own movement.

      2. Are you fucking stupid Hyperborean? As a guy who’s lived his last 20 something years in Los Angeles, multicultural city USA, let me tell you, that white people, black people, and hispanic people, have been referring to anything remotely resembling white and conservative, as Nazis.

        1. Why are you calling me “fucking stupid” when you’re agreeing with what I wrote? Read it again.

    2. I reply that the danger is in centralization. When we build these major umbrellas, we allow for any action within the umbrella to damage the whole. This encourages false-flaggers and the more insane of egomaniacs to enter the umbrella and subvert it, and it provides convenient avenue for a larger establishment to attack.
      If we do not sell one major umbrella but a bunch of individual ideas, we can confound the common tactics of today. Instead of one “Alt-Right” containing everyone who identifies as “right” but is not “Conservative”, we would have individuals concerned with some of the following: ethics, American cultural history, civility, Americans helping Americans, etc. Each idea packaged and sold separately, but which tie into one another.

      1. I think the problem is the other way around actually, by allowing it all to be a free standing, no one leader or base organization thing, then it opens the door to anyone and everyone being able to claim the title. Hence the neo-nazis being able to assign themselves the alt-right title as well, bringing naught but negativity to an otherwise decent group of people. The fact that Trump has repeatedly called out the abhorrent message and violence of the white supremacists, is easily forgotten because the media can easily spin it as all alt-right are “alt-reich” since there is no defined authority to say no they aren’t a part of us.

        1. It’s an interesting point. What we have is an organizing banner without governance. We have one big umbrella that anyone can claim and become a face for, and as a consequence any malicious or idiotic entity can damage the “brand”.
          It’s not dissimilar to the fact that anyone can claim to be Christian. The key difference is that the Christian can be measured against the “Christian manifesto” (the Bible) to determine whether they are truly acting in alignment with the church or not. There is no comparable manifesto in the “Alt-Right”, with the possible exception of Vox Day’s 16 Points.
          This is an important point to consider. A group without directed purpose and regulations is easily damaged, because there is no mechanism by which to distinguish a “true” member from a “false” member. A unifying code is required.
          My concept is that the unifying code is more significant than its leadership. A decentralized movement operating in alignment with a code has more power than a centralized movement without a code, and far more than a decentralized group of people without any such direction. Further, many interrelated codes provides inherent decentralization and makes it harder to “isolate the enemy,” to quote Saul Alinsky.

        2. Fair enough, although it might be that what gave Christianity its strength to grow would be that there was one unifying body for many years that became the governing body and depending on where you look in history, eliminated other bodies that claimed their “code”, yet added or subtracted their own tidbits and interpretations. The fact that such a body can then become subject to its own press and fall to corruption is a clear danger to watch for. Further, the fact that as the church has further decentralized and fractured could be argued as the reason that the religion is on the decline (population-wise) and therefore more easily turned on itself by the powers that would stand to benefit from such a distracting decline.

    3. Their Only Weapon
      A correspondent on Lawrence Auster’s site,
      commenting on republican Arkansas Governor Huckabee’s feeling that racism is fueling the anti-immigration sentiment, wrote:
      “All he has to do is stand up there, give one inane comment after another and use the word that puts trembling in the hearts of the American people and shut them down. Racist.”
      A cartoon I saw recently showed a Mexican-flag-waving illegal snarling at a white man, saying something like “Let me into your prosperous country, you damned racist xenophobe.” It captured perfectly the dynamic involved in the immigration debate: people who have no leverage other than guilt are using it to control us.
      What are they going to do the day that white people stop running from that word, “racist”?
      I have begun, among my white friends, to acknowledge that I am a racist. I say, “If by racist, you mean that I think there are actual differences, genetic differences, between racial groups that have real consequences, then yes I am a racist. If you mean that I feel more of an affinity for people of my ethnic group, that I feel more comfortable and at home with them, then yes I am a racist. If you mean I put the interests of my people, my ethnic group, ahead of the interests of others just as I put my family’s interests over others, then yes I am a racist. But if by “racist” you mean someone who believes in genocide or slavery or hatred or oppression of other ethnic groups, then no, I am not a racist.”
      I sense that many white people have had enough of being bullied with the “racist” label. But there are two ways of handling that accusation. One is to claim that you’re not actually a racist. This is the approach most whites take right now, but it hands all of the power over to the non-white person, who can then act as judge and jury on the evidence to decide whether the white person is a racist or not. The other approach is to say, “yeah, I’m a racist; so what?” There is no answer to that. If you prefer your own people and put their interests ahead of others’ without engaging in hatred or violence, what’s it to them?
      Perhaps the non-whites and liberals are flinging the “racist” accusation with such vehemence because they sense that the white majority is losing patience. Their one tool, their one way of controlling white people, is losing its efficacy, so they ramp up the volume and the bitterness to try to keep the upper hand. Their worst nightmare is that white people stop flinching at the word because that will be the day that anti-whites (both non-whites and whites who scorn whiteness) lose their only weapon.
      But while we need to assert that we, like every other healthy people on earth, are indeed “racists”, what we want to avoid this time is letting the pendulum swing back the other way into hatred. We don’t want another Hitler. We don’t want burning crosses. We don’t want oppression and injustice. We just want to assert our right to survive as a distinct people and to separate ourselves physically and politically from those who threaten our safety, prosperity, and unique identity.

    4. Exactly, what one person dies and an entire movement of hundreds of thousands if not millions of members suddenly is going to cave into the left and re-name itself? That is such capitulating to the left, the opposite of masculine, ass-in-air feminine behaviour. alt-right is already a good term. The alt-right movement needs to own the fact that it has taken some elements from national socialism and the KKK but does need to isolate and exclude or at least be seen to be isolating and excluding, members who visibly identify with those movements. The whole modern paradigm is sick because the left is calling everything racist, nazi etc we so can’t afford to endorse their behaviour by a too fundamental rebranding.

    5. All movements which lean towards white nationalism will inherently be percieved as “a bunch of nazi´s”. So the goal can never be to escape the most common weapon of the leftists and thus giving it power, cucking to the tune of the establishment. That will definetly prove the movement weak, which will have a worse effect on the potential recruits than any kind of “nazi” imagery would.
      Embrace the fact that National Socialists will be a part of white nationalist movement, cause they will simply not leave, and they definetly wont budge to the common perception of things. National Socialists, regarded as the most radical and unpopular things you could be in terms of praise and acceptance, are more than used to situations in which they´re despised by the masses. Yet, they stand up, and yet, they keep on fighting. They lead by example, you should be inspired, but distance yourselves from them.
      I would recommend for anybody that identifies with National Socialism to rebrand instead. Do what the Nordic Resistance Movement has done, which seems to be working extremely well for them. Do you see them wearing any swastika emblems and flags? Of course not. They´re National Socialists, and growing in size and popularity.

    6. When the libtards own all aspects of media and communication, this will always happen. It’s hard to beat the snake that has wrapped itself around each and every on of us.

  2. Sorry, but taking ethnicity out of the alt right is the same as taking globalism out of socialism: the core essence is gone.
    The US is built upon an idea that lasted as long as it was mainly european. It is not any more, and thus is going downhill fast, just like any cross-ethnic idea-nation.

    1. It’s a matter of degree.
      You want to avoid the psychopath, genocidal, nutjob view of race and ethnicity.
      It’s more a matter of common sense, ethnicity as a value inside of a hierarchy of values.

    2. By ‘ethnicity’, are you talking about race, or culture?
      I have several relatives (white) who are just as degenerate and parasitical as any example of black hood rat that full-fledged white supremacists could point to. Politics revolving around some fanciful standard of racial purity are retarded, might as well have a caste system based on eye color. It’s not going to get any traction with me, nor with many others.
      Are there differences between races, genetic predispositions and the like? Yes. Human biodiversity is an interesting subject, but too academic. Nuance generally doesn’t survive in a political environment.
      Now CULTURE, our shared, ethics, philosophy and law, THAT’s something concrete we can point to. The rules we live by and what our civilization has achieved via that societal order, that’s tangible, objective proof that our way is better. After all, the rest of the world wants to be here, and not the other way around.

      1. Culture is tied to people who follow certain cult practices anyway, so that’s a good word too.

      2. Isn’t that the truth. National socialism is collectivism based on race.
        Collectivism is always wrong.
        Nations should be merit and individual based.

        1. “Collectivism is always wrong”.
          So tell me how you plan to fend of the incoming hordes of highly collectivistic barbarians, if not band together with like-minded people yourself? After all, collectivism is always wrong, right?

        2. By not putting the individual down. Only merit and ideology matter.
          Allowing filth in our civilization just because they happen to be white is self-destructive.
          This should be common sense.
          We should band together, sure, but not at all cost by using some physical attribute above the individual’s choice.
          This is the path of true strength any collectivism for collectivisms sake is weakness.

        3. “By not putting the individual down. Only merit and ideology matter.”
          To you, yes, but not the incoming hordes. They will not make a distinction between people who value merits and ideology and those that value collectivism among their own racial brethren. Outgroups are in white countries in order to dominate, and they do this through collectivism. Anything less resistant and less dominant will go under.
          “Allowing weakish filth in our civilization just because they happen to be white is self-destructive.”
          White people who somehow appear like “weakish filth” are only for white people to take care of, whether it be by excluding those not fit enough, or giving them the tools and means to better themselves.
          “This is the path of true strength as any collectivism for collectivisms sake is weakness.”
          I think your idea is far too arbitrary and distanced from the natural order so much so that far too few people will adhere to it before we´re already being wiped out demographically by third world immigrants who band together as a collective, and does so simply as both a rule of warfare and survival tactic. They see strength in numbers, and they are right.
          “In what way can those Caucasian people who embrace the Islamization of Europe be part of us?”
          They can not be, because they dont embrace us. White people who embrace collectivistic white identity can only embrace those that embrace them. Those that advocates for white people to go extinct will probably try to side with their own for the sake of their personal protection, and it will probably be far too late for them to survive when circumstances are too harsh for them to make it without white people looking out for them anymore. We simply exclude those that dont take our side among us, and move on together with those that do. It´s extremely simply, and can only be questioned by someone who is far too detached from reality through years of indoctrination telling them that principles can overcome nature.

        4. “Anything less resistant and less dominant will go under.”
          Hah, spare me. Be practical. May I remind you that the majority of all whites are the cause of this in the first place?
          Because we are weak that is why this is happening to us.
          By banding together based in merit strength can be retained. By not allowing the weak amongst our midst we cannot fall.
          Just look at your average “nazi” for example. He is a damn cuck for his women, the”cradle of civilization”.
          The Jews and the Muslims are not our only enemies or weakness.
          Fact is that the average nazi is incapable of upholding civilization.
          “White people who somehow appear like “weakish filth” are only for white people to take care of,…”
          And yet you don’t and can’t as you place race above personal merit and ideology.
          “…somehow…”? Isn’t that quaint. You indeed have a hard time being critical towards people just because you share your race with them.
          “They see strength in numbers, and they are right.”
          And where will that get you? There is nothing worthy to be upheld in your world in the first place. There is nothing good that isn’t earned.
          That said strength in numbers doesn’t last. May I remind you that you have had your shot already?
          “…telling them that principles can overcome nature.”
          There it is, your weakish mindset. If all the merit I have has been given to me than I am worthless. You can try to debunk it all you want but your kind always tries to satisfy everyone. Just because they happen to be white as you place happenstance above individual merit. Collectivism is dull. You will keep abandoning your values in order not to alienate people as you are afraid. As you cannot stand for yourself. After all, all your value doesn’t come from your own personal merit.
          This suicidal bullshit is what undid us.
          There are over a 100 million Christians in China where it does not get them anything but prosecution. You talk about nature?
          It is a fact of nature that religious communities are far more resilient and cohesive statistically compared to non-religious groups. Above all true for Christianity.
          We will survive as it is in our nature.
          Your worthless ideology will be undone as it has always been the case.

        5. “Hah, spare me. Be practical. May I remind you that the majority of all whites are the cause of this in the first place?”
          I know that more than well. But I also know that far more are willing to side with white people who take a stand against mass immigration and multiculturalism now than just a year ago, which is easily explained by things such as free flow of information through the Internet, as well as the itchy circumstances with an anti-white establishment making it more and more obvious that they dont represent the interests of white people at all. Nobody will be able to hide from “vibrancy” forever, especially as it increases exponentially to all territories and aspects of life. White people who otherwise advocated for multiculturalism suddenly understands what it really means, and the natural instict kicks in. Stronger than ever.
          “Because we are weak that is why this is happening to us.”
          We are weakened, by the enemy within us. First and foremost, the cultural marxist push which has abused white altruism to the fullest is a weapon held by a non-white entity, for the sake of eradicating whites. White people stopped adhering to collectivism (remember WW2? Remember the supposed holocaust? Remember, remember, remember the 6 million!!!!) as they´ve been taught to distance themselves from the natural order and instead delved into the kind of philosophy that only works in a peace-time scenario: individualism, the self above all else. Then and there, we lost our connection to our racial and collective identity, and thus the will to resist what is now upon us.
          “By banding together based in merit strength can be retained. By not allowing the weak amongst our midst we cannot fall.”
          Without racial basis, you and your “strong” multicultural bunch of Somalis, Arabs, Asians, Jews and whatever whites are left and accepted by the other groups of people, will stand up and defend western society from hordes of people who consider whites to be their racial enemy? Do you really think the non-whites will stand by your side and protect you from them? Your experiment will, at best, keep western society multicultural, and thus is the same as accepting a defeat by walkover. White people are losing resources, territory, influence and so forth, and you´re willing to compromise and let that slide?
          Do you see any merit-based gangs in high security prisons banding together for protection against others? Why not? Because it doesnt work, is far too arbitrary, and thus far too risky and experimental. The safe bet will always be racial collectivism, and we´ve got tons upon tons of examples of how that works successfully. Your ideas however…
          “Just look at your average “nazi” for example. He is a damn cuck for his women, the”cradle of civilization”. ”
          Citing who exactly? I´ve yet to find a “nazi” that puts women on a piedestal.
          Besides, you know what a cuck is, dont you? A nazi is the furthest you will find from someone who is willing to sell out what´s his for the sake of egoistical satisfaction, fear or virtue signaling.
          “Fact is that the average nazi is incapable of upholding civilization.”
          What evidence do you have of this? Hitlers Germany? They fought a war, did you know that? Hitlers Germany was prosperous beyond beliefs up until Poland refused to let the german population trapped in Danzig go back to Germany, and Hitler took the initiative in order to save his own people.
          “”White people who somehow appear like “weakish filth” are only for white people to take care of,…”
          And yet you don’t and can’t as you place race above personal merit and ideology.”
          Dont and cant? Me personally, or whites as a group? Do you seriously think that the politicians and legislators we´re controlled by care about white people? Do you think our establishment seeks to help the weak and wounded among us? This is one of the very reasons The Alt Right exists and expands.
          “Isn’t that quaint. You indeed have a hard time being critical towards people just because you share your race with them.”
          Not at all. The biggest enemy towards white people, except for jews, are white people themselves. But that´s for white people to solve, not anyone else. We take care of our own.
          “And where will that get you? There is nothing worthy to be upheld in your world in the first place. There is nothing good that isn’t earned.
          That said strength in numbers doesn’t last. May I remind you that you have had your shot already?”
          Nothing worthy to be upheld in what world? The world as of today is not the kind of world you´d see if white people were in charge of their own countries. Have you really not noticed?
          Also, had our shot? Nazi Germany, once again? Guess why Nazi Germany failed, by the way?
          “If all the merit I have has been given to me than I am worthless.”
          The merit you have is what you are able to accomplish based upon what you are. But white people will accomplish nothing if we dont band together as white people. The natural order of things is what decides for us. Blacks stand together with blacks, arabs with arabs, asians with asians, and so forth. If whites dont, then we´re going extinct, which is exactly what´s happening right now. If you´re okay with a non-white world, then keep going on about your half-measures of an experiment whose conclusion is already staring you straight in your face.
          “You can try to debunk it all you want but your kind always tries to satisfy everyone. ”
          How? Satisfying? This is about survival, I couldnt care less about satisfying people.
          “Collectivism is dull.”
          You simply dont realize, do you? Without collectivism, white people are dead. Individualism has already been tried, and while it´s not something we should discard altogether, it´s still part of the reason why white people are being demographically replaced in their own countries, without their consent. So, individualism will not bring it back. Thus, individualism has to take a back seat UNTIL whites have a future of independance and peace through segregation. Erase multiculturalism = erase racial conflicts. Band together or else we´ll be swarmed by those that do band together. Simple.
          “You will keep abandoning your values in order not to alienate people as you are afraid.”
          Abandoning my values, what? Afraid? Yes, I am afraid, of my people being genocided. You should be too. It´s rather stupid not to be.
          “After all, all your value doesn’t come from your own personal merit.”
          I wont be able to survive on my own, I know that much. Neither will you.
          “There are over a 100 million Christians in China where it does not get them anything but prosecution. You talk about nature?”
          You dont make much sense anymore. What does Christians in China have to do with racial conflicts being brought to us? Yes white people fight among themselves too, as all racial groups do. But the war of today is targetting white people, with jews at the helm, and extremely collectivistic third world immigrants as a weapon. Get with the program.
          “Your worthless ideology will be undone as it has always been the case.”
          Last time it was undone, it was through force. That is exactly what´s happening today as well. The same people who won WW2 are the same people that´s ruling over us today, preventing white people from having a future of and for their own. So go ahead with your merit-based experiment and see where it gets you. I´ve got a little something to tell you once you come screaming to be included by those you abandoned for the sake of an idea that´s been put into your head by your enemies.

        6. We cant. So therefore it is something we have to consider rather than ‘wish away’

        7. You people must really love being lectured by women. What is it with all your semi-internet famous subtle sluts?
          That said what even is this? In what way does that answer anything? She doesn’t even arrive at a conclusion that comes close to debunking what I said.
          All she said is that abolishing identity politics is utopian in our current environment.
          This does not even directly debunk what I said.
          My point in practical terms is that we shouldn’t go from the top down but vice versa.
          We should work on ourselves first, then on our relatives and friends.
          And you guessed it. Those groups should be based on Christianity as Christianity is an ideology that has always made it possible to put one main goal above all.
          No other culture or patriotism that woman alludes to could possibly come close.
          Making this about racial identity will inevitably lead to more racial tensions.
          This will not ever lead to anything preferable, at least in America, even from the view of such people.
          If you now however say that the modern “Christian” hardly has any qualities to uphold civilization than you are mostly right.
          However most of the pushback against civilizational decline still always came from Christians and the more serious a christian takes his religion the less he should be inclined towards weakness and degeneracy.
          That said there has never been a civilizational model that discriminates merit and ideology alone. People have always made the mistake of trying to appease everyone.

        8. “You people must really love being lectured by women. What is it with all your semi-internet famous subtle sluts?”
          It´s not that I am being lectured by her, but rather that she expresses my viewpoint in a better way than I did. As I wrote the comment to you, I hadnt even watched that video yet.
          “Those groups should be based on Christianity as Christianity is an ideology that has always made it possible to put one main goal above all.”
          If it wasnt for the fact that christians in general have had their beliefs transformed into a religion that delves into cuckery through unlimited tolerance and altruism. Otherwise I would agree that Christianity is a potent ideal to stand by.
          “Making this about racial identity will inevitably lead to more racial tensions.”
          This only shows that your perception of reality is flawed, thinking that racial tensions may wear off if white people dont parttake in Identity Politics. White Nationalism is born as a reaction towards forced multiculturalism and thus the origin of racial tensions as it stands within predominantly white countries in the first place. Racial conflicts will always be prevalent where different racial groups try to share resources and territory, as always have been the case throughout history. Now is no different, apart from that what we´re seeing is a construct and not a natural scenario. So either white people learn to see that racial conflicts will only escalate due to the system trying to push the process furthermore and try to put up resistance by attacking these factors head on in a stronger suit (ethnical nationalism), or they just accept their defeat and try to live a somewhat comfortable life in hiding for as long as possible while the, through passivism, inevitable swallows everything they represent.
          “However most of the pushback against civilizational decline still always came from Christians and the more serious a christian takes his religion the less he should be inclined towards weakness and degeneracy.”
          Depends what said persons idea about Christianity is based upon in the first place. I would suspect that most christians consider their religious beliefs to be of bigger importance than even the survival of their own racial brethren, which would mean they´d have to compromise and abandon the cause.

        9. “White Nationalism is born as a reaction towards forced multiculturalism and thus the origin of racial tensions as it stands within predominantly white countries in the first place.”
          Yes, white nationalism is born of leftist doctrine as they feed of eachother.
          “Racial conflicts will always be prevalent where different racial groups try to share resources and territory, as always have been the case throughout history.”
          I wouldn’t say that goes for different racial groups that are united under Christianity though. That said it is true.
          Does not change however that increasing racial divides will make it worse.
          “Depends what said persons idea about Christianity is based upon in the first place.”
          He’s got to hear the word of god and take it seriously.
          “I would suspect that most christians consider their religious beliefs to be of bigger importance than even the survival of their own racial brethren, which would mean they´d have to compromise and abandon the cause”
          That is true and of course neccessary as an “utopian goal”. However any christian should be driven against malice and such doctrine is based in malice and not the christian ideal of a path of merit.

        10. “Well, it’s just that my youtube sidebar seems to be swamped with somewhat aryan chicks talking about race.”
          Which doesnt necessarily mean that´s the primary source from where people get their information.
          “Yes, white nationalism is born of leftist doctrine as they feed of eachother.”
          Well, I confess I used the wrong word. It´s not that white nationalism is born as a reaction towards anti-white rhetoric, culture and policies. Ethnic nationalism is a biologically implanted strategy for survival, to be rather simplistic. The point is that white nationalism has been artificially suppressed for very long, but we can clearly see that the tendency to embrace what we´ve been forcefully disconnected from is still prevalent whenever we´re under imminent threat.
          “Does not change however that increasing racial divides will make it worse.”
          Even if racial nationalism would be abolished as of this very minute, racial divide would still be a factor to deal with. As long as the establishment pushes for anti-white politics and rhetoric, there will be racial divides growing ever larger. The Alt Right is a reaction towards this, and a tool for survival since we have no other path to go but to take care of each others if we´re somewhat willing to fight for a future at all.
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          It doesnt matter whether you consider white nationalists or anybody else to be stoking the flames of racial tension, as you put it, because the source is from up top. The media, “our” politicians, academa, Hollywood and so forth, are all dominated and owned by a group that isnt white, and which has anti-white motives, and therefore manipulates these institutions in order to stir up tension against the host nations of almost every white country on this planet. They do this while opening borders and controlling NGO´s capable of shipping people in masses from third world countries into our own lands. Do you see where this is going and why the results is inevitably that non-whites (nationalistic in nature) becomes a growing demographic as well as being taught to concentrate their discontent and anger towards white people.
          This is why white people absolutely have to bond together as a group and stand back against what´s happening. We wont be able to do this any other way, especially since anything but white nationalism is purely a wishful experiment which, if it fails, finalizes the goal of the globalist elite. We only have one shot, and most people who understand what´s coming their way will rather side with the guaranteed solution rather than a half-measure which at best might prolong the suffering.

        11. “Which doesnt necessarily mean that’s the primary source from where people get their information.”
          Which doesn’t mean that you can’t make simnple observations. You are the one to have to prove the opposite.
          “Ethnic nationalism is a biologically implanted strategy for survival, to be rather simplistic.”
          Sure, there is a biological part to it. But that does not work on a national scale.
          If a tribe has weakness within then that tribe may just die. But a nation made up of tribes that influence eachother will lead to even the strong tribes falling.
          We need a clearer and harder discriminating factor by how useful or weak certain members are.
          Anything else leaves too much room for failure.
          It is as though you have a sword but you choose to keep it dull.
          “Even if racial nationalism would be abolished as of this very minute, racial divide would still be a factor to deal with.”
          That is not an argument as to why it would make sense to increase them even more.
          ” The media, “our” politicians, academa, Hollywood and so forth, are all dominated and owned by a group that isnt white,…”
          Oh, really?
          “This is why white people absolutely have to bond together as a group and stand back against what´s happening.”
          You do not answer to what I said. By discriminating by capability we will inevitably get the most capable. By discriminating by ideology we will get the most pure.
          It is not the jew or the weak white who is our enemy it is the ideas they put forth. With your approach those ideas couldn’t be tackled directly.
          This most obviously leaves us open to weakness and exploitable.
          Are you going to run DNA tests to be able to throw all jews out?
          What if I told you that all civilizations before us fell irrespective of the jews?
          No, it is our own weakness that allows for the degeneracy of the jews to add to our own degeneracy.
          By only discriminating and keeping those around who are capable to uphold civilization can civilization actually last. Anything else will lead the comfort of our success to weaken us and our morals to dwindle. Irrespective of the jews.

        12. – If a tribe has weakness within then that tribe may just die. But a nation made up of tribes that influence eachother will lead to even the strong tribes falling.
          Exactly. And when you mix ethnic tribes as long as they commit to your set of principles, they will all be very high potential factors to cause a crack within that artificial nation.
          Along racial lines, the potential for racial conflicts will be erased altogether. This alone doesnt mean that a nation consisting of different white ethnicities may lead to conflicts, but that´s a question for another time in which white people are no longer living under the threat of total population replacement by non-whites.
          – That is not an argument as to why it would make sense to increase them even more. (your reply to my comment: “Even if racial nationalism would be abolished as of this very minute, racial divide would still be a factor to deal with.”).
          No, of course not. That alone was not about trying to make an argument as to why we should increase racial tension. However, I was making a case about the inevitability for racial tensions no matter what white people make of it. White people wont be able to stifle racial tension by not parttaking in it themselves, because racial tension comes from 2 other sources apart from themselves: non-white “minority” groups, and the factor that brought them there to begin with.
          – Oh, really? (response to: ” The media, “our” politicians, academa, Hollywood and so forth, are all dominated and owned by a group that isnt white,…”)
          Yes, really. I´ll give you some examples about what I am referring to:

          Milo explains why you´re all wrong about anti-semitism on the internet.
          ”Generation Trump, the alt right people, the people who like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. I mean, they may have some assumptions about things, how the Jews run everything; well, we do. How the Jews run the banks; well, we do. How the Jews run the media; well, we do. They’re right about all that stuff…It’s a fact, this is not in debate. It’s a statistical fact….Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in all of these professions. It’s just a fact. It’s not anti-Semitic to point out statistics” – Milo

          The New York Times – David Brooks – ”The Chosen Getting In”.

          ”Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and theAmericans know it.” – Ariel Sharon

          ”The Jews who own the media ”- Brother Nathanael
          Jew Admits Jews Dominate Hollywood and American Culture

          “If the claim is that Jews are significantly represented at all levels in the production and dissemination of culture, which includes movies, books, music, drama, journalism, dance, the visual arts and the humanities, my response is “guilty as charged.” Jews have been disproportionately involved in these areas for a number of reasons, including the traditional values of inquiry and curiosity (think “Four Questions”), and an age-old preoccupation with social change, justice and engagement with this world (as opposed to a preoccupation with the afterlife). Add to that our unique historical position at the margins of society and our trans-national mobility, which has enabled us to bridge cultures across the world.”

          “Hollywoodism: The Ideology that has Devoured Western Culture”

          “Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry”

          “Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn”

          ”The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”

          “U.S.A lawmakers forced to pledge of allegiance to Israel”

          “What if the Holocaust had never happened?”

          “What Gurock demonstrates in his book is that World War II was a major turning point in American Jewish history, and that many positive things came out of it for American Jews as well as for US-Israel relations. Had key moments in the run-up to and during the course of the war played out differently, the Holocaust may not have happened. Gurock posits that instead, Jews in America would have had to “run for cover.” They would have had to assume—and maintain—a low profile, never achieving the level of empowerment and agency that we associate with American Jews today.”

          “Goldman Sachs: The bank that rules the world – An investigation into the role of one of the most influential banks in the world.”

          “The Jewish Story Behind the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank”
          There´s plenty more to prove that jews possess tremendous power over our institutions.
          – You do not answer to what I said. By discriminating by capability we will inevitably get the most capable. By discriminating by ideology we will get the most pure.
          And how do you seek to do this, instead of just discriminating by race? How will you gather capable and ideologically pure people together to fight against the anti-white forces (if that is even part of your goal to begin with) today? Are you going to force people to take a couple of tests in order to find out whether they qualify for your movement and mission?
          One of the beauties with white nationalism as it stands aligned with the natural order is that it´s appeal expands among white people in parallel with being exposed to multiculturalism. People will gather under the banner of white nationalism even without ideologues and capability tests, the people will find their way there no matter what. Circumstances is the friend of white nationalism in that regard.
          To make people bond according to your principles and ideas about who´s worthy or not, and for what cause exactly… do you have any idea about how that may pan out? And do you even have time to try out something so fuzzy whilst our shores are swarmed by hordes of immigrants at a rate which the host nations wont be able to endure for decades more?
          – It is not the jew or the weak white who is our enemy it is the ideas they put forth.
          And some ideas are only carried among whites because of the jews.

          “Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive”
          – Barbara Lerner Spectre – head of Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

          “Swedish-Jewish journalist Göran Rosenberg acknowledged this on December 18th 2008 at a panel discussion on The Future for Jews in Multicultural Europe, organized by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and The Centre for the Study of European Politics & Society at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
          Göran Rosenberg recalled that historically, Jews had always thrived in nations and empires with multicultural, pluralistic and tolerant environments, while they fared badly in strong ethnic or nationalistic societies. European Jews have always been the emblematic stranger or ‘other’. Therefore, by definition, a society where the stranger is welcome is good for the Jews, although they have not always appreciated this link.[…]The future of European Jewry is dependant on our ability to shape a multicultural, pluralistic and diverse society.”
          Jews will always fight against white nationalism for the sake of preserving a society which they can prosper in. What´s good for diaspora jews is not all that preferable to the host nation unless it´s part of their interests to compromise and lose influence and resources.
          – Are you going to run DNA tests to be able to throw all jews out?
          At some point in time, I think that´s an absolute necessity. Just like Israel does DNA tests on people who claim to make aliyah and settle there according to their rights as racial jews. By their own principles, we could discriminate against them as well.
          Also, I´d think the absolute majority of jews will come clean when they realize that they as well as their schemes wont be allowed to continue harvesting an otherwise magnificent society and culture. No single jew can accept white nationalism among white people, because they know full well what it entails. Thus they´ll come out in protest and self-expose.
          – What if I told you that all civilizations before us fell irrespective of the jews?
          “Hey man, you know that people have killed other people since the birth of man, right? So therefore, we shouldnt isolate ourselves from convicted murderers!”.
          Meaning that jews must be allowed to exist among us because civilizations fell even without jews having a role in it? Well, I can tell you this much: the risk of a society falling as a direct result of jewish tendencies and behavior is absolutely non-existant when there are no jews around to cause trouble to begin with.
          Yes, white, jew-less civilizations have fallen just the same. But that´s an issue for white people to take care of, all for themselves and without the “help” of a bunch of power-hungry, anti-white merchants.
          – No, it is our own weakness that allows for the degeneracy of the jews to add to our own degeneracy.
          Amen. Couldnt agree more.
          – By only discriminating and keeping those around who are capable to uphold civilization can civilization actually last. Anything else will lead the comfort of our success to weaken us and our morals to dwindle. Irrespective of the jews.
          And I am quite confident that a white homogeneous state is the best option for white people, just the same as an asian homogeneous state is the best for asians, and so forth. As we eliminate the risk for racial conflicts, we´ve achieved tremendous success in one stroke and can concentrate on the kind of issues that might arise among our own racial brethren.
          No jews, no asians, no blacks, only white people for themselves, the way nature intended and just the way we´ve been living our lives up until this day. Civilization wont be able to hold it together as vastly distant tribes try to keep it together by adhering to ideology and capability (however you´re meant to create a standard and sell it to the people in the first place) alone. The biologically constructed differences cant be ignored to that extent, nor do I think that it should be. White people have a right to their own country, just as any other given racial group does. White people should not compromise for any given reason.
          White nationalism as an idea seems to be growing exponentially, with or without persuasion. People are simply having enough and therefore decides to fight for their own people, reconnecting with their otherwise suppressed white collective identity. What about your ideas in comparison? Where´s that kind of a movement taking place? You see, your ideas are far more vague and much harder to realize, and requires much more time and energy in order to make happen. Who is making it happen, and what are the results?
          Meanwhile, the white race is singing on it´s last tunes in a global war against them. I, as well as a hell of alot of other white people (and growing at rapid speed) sure knows which horse they´d bet on. At this stage, it´s all about survival to them. That´s the reality of the situation. People dont care about your ideas about neither ideology nor capability in order to uphold a society of some standard of yours, they care about staying alive and their families having a future at all.

        13. “…they will all be very high potential factors to cause a crack within that artificial nation.”
          Except that a traitor is worse. By discriminating by merit we can easily directly tackle any kind of cracks. This is cheapened and made less effective by discriminating by race.
          We have fallen because of this for fact.
          That said you deflected last time as I said this:
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          Saying that there are a group that work against whites is not an answer. Unlike discrimination by race this too is something that can be tackled directly as any other willfully subversive ideology.
          It can be tackled better, even, as the not discriminating by ideology naturally leads to softening of the ideology.
          You need hardness to properly take care of such people.
          Fyi hardness does not lie in race.
          “However, I was making a case about the inevitability for racial tensions no matter what white people make of it.”
          That’s great and I am making the case that by not doing that you will garner support from people who are sick of it.
          “Yes, really. I´ll give you some examples…”
          I was being sarcastic with that.
          “And how do you seek to do this,…”
          Merely not speaking out against the implemented system and going along with it’s rules.
          I propose the natural solution that if you don’t like something you always have the freedom to just leave it.
          Instead of trying to change something so that it works to your personal whim it is your personal responsibility to find something that suits your fancy.
          Anyone who doesn’t agree with a certain group can most naturally not be part of that group and that group doesn’t hold any responsibilities regarding that individual.
          In my utopia power would be more distributed to the lower levels.
          Cities can make their own policies according to which they either belong to the greater collective that is the district andf then the nation or they are cut off.
          That way there will surely be certain cesspools of filth but any idiot will be able to see what his proposed ideas would get him.
          You want a failing socialist, degenerate shit hole?
          Well, then go there instead of trying to implement your genius ideas on a system that already works splendidly.
          That way there will always be a valuable example of how to not do it and the strongest and most capable strive.
          I think this is the most natural way about it as it works from the individual level and maximizes freedom whilst upholding personal responsibility. Both are absolutely neccessary.
          That said that you think your ideology holds any merit because you deem it more likely to stem the tide doesn’t hold water.
          Western civilization is long gone as history shows.
          Because this is bullshit:
          “And some ideas are only carried among whites because of the jews.”
          How often do I have to tell you that civilizations have fallen before us even without the jews?
          What is it with you people to think everything will just be fine forever without the jews?
          This is our civilization. When it falls it does so because of us.
          Everything fades, changes and nothing lasts. Deal with it.
          The jews are merely accelerators.
          It is not the filth that causes the fall of something great, as it arose to greatness even in spite of the filth in the first place, no when something great falls it does so because it lost it’s greatness.
          That is something you people have to realize.
          We have long stopped being great.
          Merely trying to get the people back together by one denominator they happen to have shared will not change that.
          Let me repeat myself. There was a time when we were highly ethnically nationalistic.
          That time goes by as any time does. There is no simple going back.
          There is a time now where we are degenerate and multicultural but that time will go by too.
          Just to make sure:
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          The only way as somewhat stem the tide of time is to make a sacrifice to it. The reason the old world was so ideologically pure was because they needed to be.
          Comfort, our actual number one enemy, leads to degeneracy.
          Pain, our friend, leads to ideological purity.
          By cutting those out that are weak and degenerate and throwing them out of civilization we make such a sacrifice.
          This keeps pain and fear a constant in our lives and us strong.
          “Meaning that jews must be allowed to exist among us because civilizations fell even without jews having a role in it?”
          Utter bullshit. The problem is our own weakness. Anything is a position of weakness. It is our failure to throw the subversive out that is the problem.
          I am going to make msure you understand what I mean:
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          “And I am quite confident that a white homogeneous state is the best option for white people,…”
          Let me repeat myself again here:
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          If it is so profound as you say than that will naturally lead to a white ethno state. If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter.
          “People dont care about your ideas about neither ideology nor capability in order to uphold a society of some standard of yours, they care about staying alive and their families having a future at all.”
          A future? Do you think you can run away from time?
          Fact is there is no saving this civilization anymore.
          A civilization, may I remind you, that arose just the way you propose it now.

        14. “By discriminating by merit we can easily directly tackle any kind of cracks.”
          How? How will you be able to tackle the kind of cracks that appear as a result of differences such as racial identity, despite people being supposedly united by the principles you cheerish?
          Also, how will you create a movement based around merit and make it successfull enough to challenge the system that stands today?
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?
          Saying that there are a group that work against whites is not an answer.”
          That was not the entire answer I gave either. You appear to be rather selective in the way you read my responses, which has shown time and time again. I´ve dealt with people like you before, just going in circles and intentionally drawing false conclusions.
          It´s funny how you dont seem to understand that there is a war on white people, and that war will continue no matter what white people do. White people who understand this wont ever be able to come along on your adventure, cause it wont guarantee them safety and a future. Those that want white people to die out wont stop at nothing, and they certainly wont stop at principle-, merit- and ideology based nationalism of the kind you propose.
          With your ideas, white people are guaranteed extinction. With my ideas, white people have a fighting chance. I know what most white people would choose even today, and I know that even more will pick that choice tomorrow.
          “You need hardness to properly take care of such people.
          Fyi hardness does not lie in race.”
          Then define hardness and how you´ve planned for such hardness to occur?
          In my opinion, there´s no better ways to achieve hardness than that of an eminent existential threat standing in the doorway. As white people, that threat is apparent, but ideology-wise… well that´s a different story.
          And I am sorry for your sake, but people appear to be making their choices: they side with white nationalism in order to have a future, while your ideas havent even left the box behind your forehead. The clock is ticking, you better hurry up.
          “That’s great and I am making the case that by not doing that you will garner support from people who are sick of it (racial tensions).”
          People are sick of identity politics used against white people, so much so that they radicalize beyond anything they would have imagined previously before understand the reality and seriousness of the situation. White people realize they will die out if they dont take these attacks seriously.
          No matter whether people are sick or not regarding racial tensions, white people will come over to white nationalism eventually. As soon as they realize that it´s either that or succumbing to enslavement and living life as a second class citizen in the country which their ancestors built, the rest is certain.
          “Merely not speaking out against the implemented system and going along with it’s rules” (response to my comment: . And how do you seek to do this).
          Is this your answer as to how to spread your ideas and make them materalize?
          Not speaking out against the system is considered an effective way to deflect from the system, as you see it?
          What do you think the system will do to those that are not going along with it´s rules? What do you seek to do when the system intervenes by force?
          And how do you plan to not go along with the system?
          “Instead of trying to change something so that it works to your personal whim it is your personal responsibility to find something that suits your fancy.”
          So you´re talking about not necessarily changing the system, but creating your own sub-system there within? So you´re just accepting the system as it is, and hoping that the rulers will just leave your alone to discover and create the world as you see fits?
          “Anyone who doesn’t agree with a certain group can most naturally not be part of that group and that group doesn’t hold any responsibilities regarding that individual.”
          Okay, so in terms of principles, people no matter what kind of history and background can settle in your country and remain there, as long as they adhere to freedom of association?
          “That way there will surely be certain cesspools of filth but any idiot will be able to see what his proposed ideas would get him.”
          There is a reason as to why this is not something the system would allow for people to do freely. Imagine what the outcome would be if specific areas would be allowed to turn into homogeneous white societies and in which the results of said structure could be compared with that of the shithole in decline we´re seeing in almost all white countries as of today. Everybody would acknowledge the failure of multiculturalism and thus deliver the final nail in the coffin of the globalist narrative. It just wouldnt ever be allowed to happen. You would be met by force. How do you plan to deal with that?
          I do however consider this idea to be an extremely effective way to turns peoples perspectives around and expose the lies being made about diversity as supreme in every single way.
          It just wont happen without a great deal of resistance from the establishment that rules over you.
          “I think this is the most natural way about it as it works from the individual level and maximizes freedom whilst upholding personal responsibility. Both are absolutely neccessary.”
          While I do in some ways agree with your idea, the problem is not within your idea itself, but how to make those ideas come true in the first place. I actually think that if white people would be successfull in this war against their very existance, once we´ll reach a state in which we can build societies where nobody but ourselves determine it´s base structure, then your idea MIGHT come to fruition. I think you´ll find alot of people within The Alt Right that sympathizes with that idea, but just dont agree about how to reach that point.
          As things stand today, war will be waged upon any of the alternatives which has the potential to challenge the system. You wont be spared either.
          So here´s the question I´ve been hoping for you to answer for me (and which you seem to either intentionally ignore or just never registered): how do you seek to create this movement and make it appealing to enough people so that you can both come out alive at the end of that conflict, and build a society based upon it?
          How will you plan to appeal to white people who fear for the sake of their own future because the anti-white multiculture constantly not only discriminates but also aims to eradicate them from the face of the earth?
          In short, how do you plan for the movement to become a reality? How do you spread these ideas and out-compete the Alt Right in the mission for a world which takes care of their people?
          After all, that´s where you have to begin if you´d even have the slightest chance to do something about the situation we´re both in right now. People want to see things happen, and you´re waaaaay behind.
          “That said that you think your ideology holds any merit because you deem it more likely to stem the tide doesn’t hold water.
          Western civilization is long gone as history shows.”
          What kind of history shows that western civilization is long gone? And feel free to define western civilization while you´re at it.
          What we see happening today is not aligned with the natural order, and thus can be retracted (to some extent). Just as it was built and formed by white people, it can only be rebuilt by white people just the same. Alot of things may be different, understandably.
          Just cause you think my ideology doesnt hold any merit doesnt mean that it actually doesnt. Nothing you have said so far have proven to me that I am on the wrong path of things. Rather, you just appear flimsy in your presentation. I think however that you have good intentions here, but you´re just not going to reach your goal the way you´re presenting your ideas. Nor do I think that people in general will embrace your ideas as a strategy to overcome the huge obstacles they are facing in what appears to be a low intensity war.
          “How often do I have to tell you that civilizations have fallen before us even without the jews?”
          Did I ever said that it didnt? I thought I was very clear about that, in fact. Read what I said in the last comment again. You´re just proving that you´re incapable of entertaining thoughts and words that are put forth by others than yourself by how you´re handling this.
          “What is it with you people to think everything will just be fine forever without the jews?”
          What is it about you people that makes you draw conclusions based upon things I´ve never even said? Stop straw-manning. Nobody thinks everything will be fine forever without jews, and nobody has ever said that either. It´s just you making it up in your own head. Embarrassing and weak.
          “When it falls it does so because of us.”
          Jewish manipulation tends to have that effect.
          Just look at Germany before Hitler, and Germany after Hitler, up until the jews started the world war against him. That´s a sample to show how prosperous a homogeneous white nation can become without interferance of parasitical entities. It worked tremendously for them.
          It´s kind of funny that you think you´ve got the right idea though. If people would just listen to your ideas, I suppose a society would fall no more? Right.
          “We have long stopped being great.”
          Gee, I wonder why…
          “Let me repeat myself. There was a time when we were highly ethnically nationalistic.
          That time goes by as any time does. There is no simple going back.
          There is a time now where we are degenerate and multicultural but that time will go by too.”
          That time when we were ethnically nationalistic has only to some degree taken a break through forceful methods by non-white infiltrators. Saying it wont come back is just merely defeatism and a kind of mentality the system thrives on.
          It will of course never come back by people like you who cuck out and give the jews a walkover victory. A Self fulfilling prophecy I suppose.
          “Comfort, our actual number one enemy, leads to degeneracy.
          Pain, our friend, leads to ideological purity.
          By cutting those out that are weak and degenerate and throwing them out of civilization we make such a sacrifice.”
          I dont know what it is about you that makes you draw false conclusions all the time, as if white nationalism itself doesnt strive for betterment and purity, and to praise and cheerish strength while despising and trying to get rid of weakness and degeneracy.
          Just because white nationalism is a movement based around race it doesnt mean that white nationalism will be content with decadent and harmful behavior and people as long as they are white.
          By the way, repeating the very same set of words doesnt make you any more clear (even though you seem to think that the same words printed multiple times changes the way those words are percieved), it just shows that you dont quite have the mindset or the will to try to make yourself more easily understood by those you percieve to have the wrong idea about what you´re saying. Kind of shows that you yourself dont possess the grit to make others embrace your ideas and thus can in no way represent the core of the movement you´re hoping to build, if you´d even aspire to be such.
          But as long as your performance makes you feel intellectually superior, I guess you´re satisfied? I wouldnt be surprised if that is the case.
          “A future? Do you think you can run away from time?”
          You really dont understand anything at all, do you? As if time itself is behind all the changes that are happening. As if everything that is happening is due to a force of nature that can in no way be affected by the actions of man. As if white people are meant to go extinct just because some (((people))) at the top of our ranks decided that white people need to die off.
          Oh I suppose we should just embrace these happenings and go with it, right? Why try to fight it, it´s just time knocking on the door after all?
          “Fact is there is no saving this civilization anymore.”
          Depends what you mean with “this civilization”. The Alt Right is in no way interested in preserving the kind of civilization we have going for us right now. In order to save by retraction we have to build anew. The system must collapse, which it inevitably will, for that to happen.
          Also, if there is no saving this civilization, why are you even trying to argue with me about ideas as to how to save civilization in the first place?
          You´re seldom specific about anything you´re saying and thus tends to create confusion about your points in the end.
          As you´ve shown you´re unable and/or unwilling to read into my replies and what I am actually saying, while misrepresenting things I´ve said, what is the point in having this discussion to begin with? Like I´ve said, I´ve dealt with people like you before, and you constantly appear to be repeating the pattern despite going nowhere.
          Even though I agree with some of the points you´re making, you´re not even close to actually comprehending and answering the questions I am asking and which I deem relevant. You appear to be uninterested in doing so at all, which is very unfortunate.
          However, it´s alright. I´m leaving this discussion with the same stance that I had when it started, and either your presentation or whatever you present is at fault for this. It could need a slight bit of polish before you capture the masses and save your world.

        15. “How will you be able to tackle the kind of cracks that appear as a result of differences such as racial identity, despite people being supposedly united by the principles you cheerish?”
          Don’t lead it like that. That’s a fallacy. How to tackle cracks? By tackling them. Identifying the ones responsible and cutting them off.
          “…that appear as a result of differences such as racial identity,…”
          You can’t just assume that. How often do I have to repeat myself?
          Civilizations fall as they have always done. Not because of outward factors but of inward factors.
          Anything else is plain denial.
          That said I have already told you that I think this civilization is screwed. The best we can do is to stick to people of our belief and merit and survive. Christianity has survived far worse than this.
          “You appear to be rather selective in the way you read my responses, which has shown time and time again.”
          Oh, really? I am just going to take your word for it. This is your inadequate response:
          “It doesnt matter whether you consider white nationalists or anybody else to be stoking the flames of racial tension, as you put it, because the source is from up top. The media, “our” politicians, academa, Hollywood and so forth, are all dominated and owned by a group that isnt white, and which has anti-white motives, and therefore manipulates these institutions in order to stir up tension against the host nations of almost every white country on this planet. They do this while opening borders and controlling NGO´s capable of shipping people in masses from third world countries into our own lands. Do you see where this is going and why the results is inevitably that non-whites (nationalistic in nature) becomes a growing demographic as well as being taught to concentrate their discontent and anger towards white people.
          This is why white people absolutely have to bond together as a group and stand back against what´s happening. We wont be able to do this any other way, especially since anything but white nationalism is purely a wishful experiment which, if it fails, finalizes the goal of the globalist elite. We only have one shot, and most people who understand what´s coming their way will rather side with the guaranteed solution rather than a half-measure which at best might prolong the suffering.”
          What you do is sidetrack by talking about the Jews. Pathetic. You do not even try to look at the reality that Jews can be cut off by their degeneracy just as well or even better.
          Utterly unsightly that you dare make an ad hominem against me.
          I have to repeat myself again.
          “If this (racial differences) is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          You accuse me of not answering to your worthless bile so I will do that now as I will not read it any further.
          Your entire bullshit amounts to nothing as you fail to realize that racism is inadequate to tackle ideas and ideologies. It is ideas and ideology that uphold civilization however.
          Therefore your ideology does not work beyond the tribal level and therefore it does not hold any civilizational merit as is historically shown.
          You are an idiot if you think you can run away from time.
          We have to uphold our own greatness first and if anyone isn’t able to do so alongside us,
          regardless wether by racial tendencies or not, then he does not belong to us or we sacrifice our own greatness.
          You are completely incapable to answer to this. The deterministic nature of collectivism is pathetic.

        16. You really do have a thing for women teaching you. I turn my head and there pops up yet another “cradle of civilization” female podcast or presenter.
          I can’t be bothered to look further than 50:41 because it already shows me where this is going.
          No altruism? Well, guess what kind of group is statistically shown to have the highest amount of altruism, cohesion and desire to care for eachother?
          Exactly. The religious group. May I say it the christian group above all.
          Some weakish white atheist will not care about anyones children nor does he even have children. There is no future for any western nation without Christianity at the center.
          That said you have not answered anything and I don’t buy that this talk answers this either:
          “FYI I am well aware that natural racial preferences and tendencies towards certain mindsets based on race are a reality. If this is so profound as to be relevant to upholding civilization as you say than discriminating by merit and ideology will inevitably lead to your preferred result even without stoking the flames of racial tension.
          If it isn’t then it doesn’t matter, does it?”
          This must be a blindspot for you. You cannot answer this. It perfectly sits at some intersection in your mind that would undo your ideology if you would or even could tackle it.

        17. “You really do have a thing for women teaching you”
          I knew you´d throw this one at me again. It obviously shows you didnt even listen to the clip I sent you, otherwise you wouldnt say such a thing to begin with since it´s objectively false, and you´d gather this by just simply listening to the clip for less than a minute.
          “I can’t be bothered to look further than 50:41 because it already shows me where this is going.”
          There you go. Yet, making it that far, you STILL “accuse” me of “having a thing for women teaching me”…

          And also, that “blindspot” of yours has been answered many times by now, and also answered by the clip I sent you which you just so happen not to even have listened to at all. Otherwise you wouldnt push any further the way you do.
          Listen to the clip, it answers your questions perfectly.
          Speaking of blindspots, you appear to have a multitude of them yourself since there´s dozens of questions of mine which you havent even tried replying to.
          Keep pushing yourself into a corner, that´s what you ought to do cause you know nothing else. You are doing yourself a great disservice behaving the way you do, but you just dont care. All you want is to preserve your worldview and isolate yourself from it´s lack of potential. So much so that you´re going in circles and unable to comprehend what people are telling you.
          You are a complete autist, I really do believe this now. It´s not something I throw at you as a bad word, it´s just the most accurate word I could find to describe your behavior.
          Listen to the clip, and if you dont like it, then dont. But the gist of what I am saying is in that clip, but it requires for you to actually listen to it. And that´s the end of it. However I dont believe anymore that you´re capable of doing that and come out of it with constructive results (meaning entertaining what´s presented in the clip and either find that you agree or try to refute the points made), you just dont function that way.

        18. Frankly I would be ashamed of myself if all I could come up with was “I already know where this is going”. You´re just admitting that you didnt watch the clip, and it´s quite curious since all it takes from you is several minutes of your time.
          It shows who you are and what´s important to you.
          Watch the clip, that´s it. Your ideas are a failure, and Ryan Faulk (as well as what I´ve already said several times by now) will tell you why anything but white nationalism will (and actually already does) fail.

      3. Politics revolving around some fanciful standard of racial purity are retarded, might as well have a caste system based on eye color. It’s not going to get any traction with me, nor with many others.
        Strawmam, racial purity was never mentioned. Race exist and it is directly tied to the success and values of a this nation. Pretending that race doesn’t exist and that CULTURE falls from the sky leads to Sweden.

      4. Does this mean that you´d agree to have America replaced altogether by Somalians, as long as they would embrace the culture you cheerish? We all know that´s pretty much an impossible project for starters, but if it would actually be a tangible thing, would you agree to have the population of your country replaced by other races as long as your culture withstands?

      5. Did you just argue culture is concrete and tangible and race is not? I think I get what you are trying to say. I’ve got no problem with every race/ethnicity being here either as long as they assimilate into the America Culture and most everyone is willing to work hard. Problem is, it’s way too late for that. That’s an ideal that apparently hasn’t panned out well. Our culture really has become the salad bowl they taught us about in class back in public school. And it wasn’t a very well planned salad either. There are many elements which don’t work well together to produce a harmonious, pleasurable taste.
        Still, I think it could work out just fine for everyone if we absolutely treat all humans by the same standard, run a meritocracy, ruthlessly seek our and crush corruption, and refuse to tolerate crime (true crime like robbery, murder, riots, arson, other property damage, etc…, not crime like thought crime or speech crime). If you offer people an advantage, they are likely to take it. If you say to blacks, yes you can go to college with half the ACT scores as Asians, of course they’ll take you up on it. If you say to lazy people, here’s welfare, damn straight they’ll say yes. If you say to latin americans, come on in, don’t worry about learning the language, they won’t. Come on it, don’t worry about doing it legally or obeying our laws, they won’t worry about that either.
        We can take these things away without kicking everyone out of America. Alas, we aren’t going to. Congress is too corrupt as an institution and apparently the supreme court is as well, along with most bueracracies. Oh, and America itself as a Nation. It will more likely devolve into some sort of violent conflict, totalitarianism, or both

    3. “The US is built upon an idea that lasted as long as it was mainly European. It is not any more, and thus is going downhill fast, just like
      any cross-ethnic idea-nation.”
      I just wanted to leave a quote from a Man who will remain unmentioned, lest I be banned for mentioning the most evil, racist, bigoted, KKK, White Supremacist, Notsee ever >>>
      “The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who
      has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.”
      Almost sounds like words from a prophet 🙂

      1. “I just wanted to leave a quote from a Man who will remain unmentioned, lest I be banned for mentioning the most evil, racist, bigoted, KKK, White Supremacist, Notsee ever”
        Question for liberals, does this refer to:
        a) Donald Trump
        b) Nigel Farage
        c) all of the above

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    4. Taking ethnicity out of the Alt Right makes it Alt Lite, which is pretty much a sinking raft by now.
      Also, one of the great risks in trying to rebrand The Alt Right is that it will be an obvious attempt to seek shelter from one of the very few things that appear to have “tainted” the movement, and thus highlighting what you´re afraid of: associating with “nazi symbols”. Doesnt take a genius to find out what kind of strategies the establishment will tend to in order to pull the morphed movement down, if it so even will go as far as to consider it a movement with potential to tear the system down at all.
      People will always consider white nationalists of any kind to be part of The Alt Right, and to great degrees with “nazi´s” too. Rebranding wont be enough to distance yourselves from it so much so that you´ll be percieved as any different. You´ll just stand out as another Lite edition, pretty much.
      This new generation craves for the hard truth, no matter what it looks like. “Nazi”-symbols in itself is bound to have an appealing effect on many of them just for having the most fear-inducing effects on the (((elites))).
      Apart from this, it seems that some writers here on ROK have a flawed idea about what National Socialism represents, since it has nothing to do with white supremacy in the sense of white man being destined to take over the world and outbest everybody else. National Socialism was meant for every single person to strive to his or her fullest potential, and giving the tools necessary to advance accordingly. National Socialism was ethno-pluralism, about each race living free and independant for themselves in harmony. It rather seems to me like ROK is drenched in the jew-pill and cant seem to shrug off these superstitions.

  3. The alt right is in the process of rebranding. Basically we are purging all neo nazis/kkk from rallies and public events. We are keeping the same ideas, websites, and speakers but we are redoing our public perception. Basically, we are turning down the overt racial nature of the alt right although our ideas and propositions are pro white and identity in which we seek to turn America in a super majority white nation without plainly stating that is our end goal.
    Essentially, we are keeping our ideas the same. Changing the way we go out in public. and modifying our platform and ideas so we can have public rallies without the fear of getting doxxed.
    For instance: rather than saying we favor immigration for White European Christians. We say we favor immigration from countries whose people can readily assimilate into our country. Given America is a historically white nation only White European Christians can easily and properly assimilate.

    1. Yeah, and they will still call you a “Nazi”.
      If you think you are going to out wordsmith the J** and trick anyone with that stance you are extremely naive.
      Get everyone to look and conduct themselves like Identity Evropa and then it will be easy to distance the movement from “Nazi’s”, although you will STILL be called Nazi’s by the MSM.

      1. Yes, they will call us Nazi’s no doubt. Just as they do Trump, Bannon, and pretty much anyone on the right who isn’t an open borders, gay marriage supporting, globalist. The key here is to give plausible deniability to our supporters and rally goers.
        Cville was a failure because it gave the media a photo-op proving that the alt right is on par with neo nazis/kkk. Previously, the media had no proof so everyone thought they were fake news. The media was laughed at.
        Before you or anyone else says “we are cucking” understand our ideology is the same but our public face and position will be different and socially acceptable although we seek to accomplish the same goals.

        1. True. They will always call you a Nazi. But never call yourself a Nazi.
          When they came for Milo, the normies were disgusted by ANTIFA and moved right. But when they came for the Alt-Reichtards, the normies were disgusted by the right and moved left.
          The Alt-Right is inevitable. But we must be careful to drop the redpills in the correct order. If you fuck up the order, you’ll alienate ppl. The Alt Right went openly white nationalist too early. The normies are not ready.
          For now, the Alt-Right must be overtly civic nationalist, while covertly having the same goals.

        2. It hearkens back to Paul’s words about the “milk” and the “meat” of Scripture. Almost no one comes ready to receive meat, as an infant is not born prepared to dine at the table. These must be first given milk, and as they grow stronger they can be weaned from the milk onto the meat.

        3. We need to play the moral and mental game. The left has long engaged in word games, as exemplified by terms like “counter protestor” (one who fights with a protestor – an almost inherently combative group), “pro-choice” (any opposition must be “anti-choice”), and “Anti-fascist” (whose opponents must be, by linguistic logic, “fascists”).
          We can play that game, as well. We can be “pro-ethics”, “civilized”, “cultural preservationist”, “social cohesivists”, and things of that sort. Each individual position that makes up what is known as the “Alt-Right” at present can be individually packaged and sold, and we can choose to mask or rebrand any positions that draw negative attention.
          It’s an uphill battle, but one well worth fighting. If we can arrest and maintain a moral position, wield rhetoric to persuade on the mental level, and leave physical destruction and conflict to the enemy (for this always erodes the moral level), we can win.

        4. It is only uphill because the left controls nearly all the institutions in this country. Science and society is on our side. Whites either consciously or subconsciously do not want to become minorities.

        5. Further, we should cast off the increasingly arbitrary “right” and “left” brands. Most do not identify strongly with the “right”, and those who identify with the “left” do so primarily in opposition to what they consider “right”.
          We are not “right” any longer, but “common.” We represent the common desires for peace, stability, civility, ethics, and intellectual pursuits. We represent the common desire for improvement, for raising ourselves up to new heights.

        6. I think it is mostly subconscious in the modern culture, and so we cannot brand ourselves as some sort of identitarian movement. Instead, we should promote and sell the aspects of so-called “whiteness” (a term used by our enemies, not one we have chosen for ourselves).
          Until you grow sickened by the incessant attacks on “white” people and “white” culture, you are unlikely to in any way consider “white” as an identity. This is one reason they have tried to make it racial, and this is one reason we should largely ignore or softly-reject the racial dividing lines (at least as a group – it’s foolish to assume we can regulate individuals’ inner thoughts).

        7. Yeah some normies moved left but I think BLM/Anti-fags have undid all that in the last week.
          Additionally, some normies became exposed to the alt right and realized we have some points. One guy I know from college posted Spencer videos to his facebook and another semi-normie friend texted me bitching about the confederate statues and us white men being attacked. So people are feeling it. Additionally, the draconian nature of google/paypal’s crackdown on right wing blogs/organizations has made 1A people sympathetic to us.
          I def don’t think we lost numbers from this past week but we may have gained a handful of people to our narrative(due to the leftists – not because we did anything right). Personally, I think lefties do the best red pilling.
          Yes, the order must be correct and we must not try to advance the narrative to fast. To make a football reference – lets try to get the first down rather than throw the hail mary and score right away.
          I agree the alt right must publicly rebrand as an uncucked civil nationalist org. ie: we don’t care about PP in black neighborhoods(we will be neutral on abortion/PP) and we want to invest in infrastructure because it’ll be good for our country and not because it’ll provide job opportunities to blacks(we won’t say the last part). Additionally, our leadership will be white male Christians. We won’t deny membership to blacks but we won’t directly market to them and they certainly will not be in any leadership positions. Leadership positions will be given to those who we know are on our side ideologically.

        8. I like your thinking. “Pro-ethics” Yes. The ‘Alt-Right’ made me doublectake: are they alternative to being on the right, like are they left, then?

        9. I do agree it is most subconscious especially amongst older generations. Although I do think this will change with younger generations that are more exposed to multiculturalism and see a distinct difference between white, black, brown, and yellow. This will lead to increases in white identity.
          I agree with the last part – ignore or softly reject. Acknowledge people have a right to be proud of their race – no matter who they are.

        10. I think the way many go about this is a bit wrong-headed. They say, “Everyone else is allowed to be proud of their heritage – why not us?” A better approach is to say, “Everyone is entitled to own their heritage and feel pride in it.”
          I am proud of my fathers and their fathers. I have traced the line of my father’s and mother’s peoples back many generations and found much worthy of admiration. I have also found people who are not worthy of admiration, and I take that as a lesson.
          Everyone is entitled to do the same. You inherited a culture and history, no matter your ethnicity; own that culture and history, learn from it, and endeavor to leave something to your children of which they can be proud.

        11. Your way of wording it is more positive and less whiney – I like it. Additionally, the former makes us seem like victims. White men are not victims – we are conquerors and liberators. We go up while others follow.

        12. Calling yourself a Nazi would be retarded.. And that order thing is exactly what the elites are doing, first gay tolerance then gay marriage. Much smarter than dumping unpalatable stuff up front. First civic nationalism, later white supremacy. Need another name for that though as it’s too tainted, „Leitkultur“ is a term in Germany which would not cause that much offence.

      2. its not about wanting the left to stop calling the Alt Right Nazis, its about not legitimizing their phobia of all right wingers by literally playing into their Nazi stereotypes. Hitler is a pretty shit choice for a right wing hero anyways, considering the fact he was still a socialist who wanted to divide Europe in half.
        The Alt Right’s logic would be the same as if every man started raping women 24/7 because feminists were going to call us rapists anyways. Its a self defeating strategy, and the only thing its accomplished so far is giving the left and the elites an excuse to push censorship.

    2. I’ve argued your last bullet point before. While Muslims as a whole are shit, Christians from buttholeistan tend to be just as retarded and unable to assimilate.

    3. You would be better being honest and calling it the white survival movement because if you do not then some ‘moderate’ morons will gain prominence and the end-goal completely impossible.

      1. No and this is why we will control who gains leadership positions. they must be carefully vetted to be sure they are White Christian Men and are identitarians. those “moderate morons” are most likely (((them))) anyway and we will be sure to exclude them.

        1. We will not be overt about it but again there are many legitimate points about the JQ. We simply cannot avoid it.
          This is also why we won’t have any Jews in leadership positions.

  4. Personally, I feel the Cville incident was a blessing in disguise. We clearly saw how proceeding in the direction we were going does not work. The left’s heavy handedness towards us made us question ourselves and our movement. Some of the best lessons learned are ones after the worst defeats.
    The alt right and white nationalism as a whole will continue to grow and gain traction amongst normies and younger Americans who are most exposed to multiculturalism. Last weekend’s events will help us redirect ourselves and fine tune our message toward a wider and bigger audience while keep our core ideology the same. I thank the left for the painful but necessary lessons learned.

      1. Yeah, I saw that as well and it is not surprising. Some of the (white) women I work with tell me their son(s) like Trump. These are kids in middle/elementary school.

        1. I teach middle school.
          The women you work with are reporting the truth.
          And my 17-year-old son and his friends are future alt-right shitlords.
          Bet on it.

        2. Human affairs are like a pendulum.
          When they swing way too far in one direction, they have a natural tendency to swing back in the opposite direction. Hard.

        3. I hope she keeps a cool head on her shoulders, survives college indoctrination camp and makes a good wife some day.

        4. So cucking out for the sake of “but… muh nazis!” is the wrong path to take. We havent seen anything yet.

        1. I recently met an outspoken Bernie bro who has started to think there might be something to the whole “Alt-Right” thing. He’s mostly appalled by what “his side” has been doing, and that’s pushing him toward a more centrist position (and possibly beyond – only time will tell).

        2. I’ve also SEEN this. Seen, not read. Democrat’s kids moving out and going straight to the republican mind set.

        3. My dad always used to tell me, when someone gets out of their parent’s house, has a job, and pays bills they become a Republican. Let’s just hope they don’t turn into establishment cuckservatives whose only concern if GDP growth and satisfying their donors.

        4. Yes and distributing it to the worst of the worst. Look at how much federal money cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland, and New Orleans get and then look at which group populates those cities. The worst of the worst.

        5. I think the newer generation is seeing how fucking stupid the current snowflakes and non-binary cis-mutant other-kin gender morons are, and rebelling.

        6. It’s really annoying. For example, in my country (Paraguay) the peasants demanded that the government pay their debts with taxpayers’ money. They were offered to negotiate with their creditors, but they are not satisfied with that since our previous president (a socialist) accustomed them to beg of the State.
          Luckily, our current president (right-wing politician) vetoed the law passed by the deputies, because he knew that it would be very detrimental to the nation’s budget.

      2. Hispanics who migrate to the United States in poverty are easily manipulated by socialists under the promise of social programs (paid for US citizens, of course). If it were not for easy votes, no one would mind irregular immigrants.

        1. I knew an ‘irregular’ growing up. He was a good man, and a family man. He’s passed, now. I don’t know if he was the exception to the rule, but I’ve met enough immigrants in the NW US to think there are happier people other places in the world. Some just came here.

        2. This is why the RAISE Act is good (but not perfect). It helps to eliminate this part which takes the votes right out of Dem pockets. It cripples them. Unsurprisingly enough, RINO’s like McCain, Flake, Paul Ryan, and Lindsay Graham are against it.

        3. McCain, Flake, Paul Ryan and Lindsay Graham are part of the so called “cuckservatives” (can I use that word with the new comment policies?).

        4. As a Hispanic American I can say that in countries like ours are places that give off a lot of “positivity” on the part of its inhabitants. But also some naivety …

        5. I know, no one wants irregular immigrants in their country (unless someone very naive).

        6. They’re even more easily manipulated, because, they’re generally less intelligent. The I.Q. statistics do not lie. Why do you think the (((Elites))) are purposely opening up our borders to these people? So in the future, when we’re the minority, and they’re the majority, the vote will ALWAYS go (((their))) way.

        7. That is a bit strange, because the left-wing political activists generally do not have a low IQ, on the contrary they are quite intelligent according to several studies ( Intelligent-left-wingers-says-controversial-study-conservative-politics-lead-people-racist.html), would you say that the average lefty in the US is not manipulated? why did not a higher IQ prevent them from being manipulated by lefty media? are other factors actually influencing one’s susceptibility to external messages? who does these studies and which ones should we trust?
          At least in the case of illegal Hispanic immigrants in the US, the reason why they become socialist at least from my perspective is more linked totheir poverty situation, because Was directly related to IQ would be inconsistent with other cases. In addition, I did not see any study on the intelligence of US-resident hispanics (and for example, the Mexican average IQ does not differ too much from the American depending on the study).

        8. Intelligence doesn’t shield people from being manipulated or even holding untrue opinions. That comes more from wisdom and being vigilant to ascertain what is true.

        1. For leftists, there always has to be a crisis that ONLY THEY can fix.
          If none appears at the current time, they just manufacture one.
          In the 80’s, it was heterosexual aids (“They are just as likely to get it as gays!!) and homelessness (OMG, there’s 5 gazillion homeless Americans! We must stop Capitalism!), among others…total, utter horsecrap.
          Same shit, different day.

      3. I don’t understand the Asians. Do they not understand concepts like the economy, communism and the leftist system working against their interests along with white interests? They understand the importance of tradition well enough, but they’re lost on global events.

      4. Indeed. Rebranding will be a safe bet for the one that wants to lose the potential. The new generation will only laugh at people who back down.

      5. Wow, that’s stark. Maybe we would be happier splitting up into ethnostates, who knows.

    1. “Personally, I feel the Cville incident was a blessing in disguise. We clearly saw how proceeding in the direction we were going does not work.”
      I beg to differ. The fact that the establishment struck down on The Alt Right as hard as they did, shows that what they do is working just perfectly. They know very well that The Alt Right will grow even larger if they are not denied a platform, which is why the establishment cant give them the chance to speak out, nor to livestream the rallies. Any blogs, sites, accounts and whatever related to the movement must go (which we see happening at ultra speed today), which is proof enough that the movement does what it´s set to do: revolt against the anti-white system.
      The system fears what has the potential to destroy it. What do you see happening to The Alt Lite, for instance? Nothing… really. They wont go anywhere, and the establishment knows this very well.
      We´re straight on point! The Alt Right always knew that a full blown war was a highly likely scenario, since the system wants white people exterminated altogether. Now we´re seeing the first steps taking place to ensure that we have no voice, to see through that we have no potential. People see through this, they will bond with those that show strength and determination, not the ones that dance to the tunes of the elite.

  5. No we don’t need to ‘rebrand’ we just need to get rid of some weeds starting with Nazis who should have no place in the ranks. Rebuilding society and undoing all the ‘mistakes’ liberals have wrought for the past half century has no place Racism since the problems are not ‘race’ but society and individuals.

    1. The most pressing problem IS race. All major white nations are projected to be demographically eradicated within mere decades.

      1. The great dog breeds began as mutts and America is a breed of mongrels that mix of genetics with new blood taken in gives us the biological advantage over all other peoples, the melting pot is how we deal with legitimate minorities.

        1. MR. I think I like your perspective on this matter.
          IMO the sooner we the appreciate the genetic strength, disease resistance and general adaptability of mongrels the better off we all will be, and one less thing to fuss about.
          The strength of the American people is that our system seems to provide a good nutrient for the homogenization of disparate cultures to grow into and perhaps even thrive and prosper.
          Take food as an example. Look what the Brits ate before they explored and subsequently exploited the globe all in desperate search for a few good cooks, edible food and a palatable meal.
          In the US I can dine on the dry best food seasoned with the rarest spices and herbs. The entire accumulation of taste and aroma of some cultures developed over thousands of years is available upon request. As often as not I can get the savory delight as a take out order, or even delivered to , Loafers Glory, my home.
          A Pharoah of Egypt, an Emperor of Rome or China never had it so good.
          Sorry for the senile ramble, I just get carried away with the Scotch.
          I must go now ” Lederhosen Zombies ” is on and my wife just served me up some… Pure-renal kibbles with Alpo helper.
          I am a mongrel at heart, but the damned DNA begs to differ.
          Life is so sweet!

        2. I mean the problem with Racism is it prevents New Blood and new ideas from coming in and being absorbed just as a rigid class structure prevents the smart peasants from rising to leadership and stupid nobles from falling out of the way rather than lead their societies to disasters as the French Nobility and the Russian Nobility lead their countries to the disasters that ruined their countries allowing the liberal nuts to take over. America is a Culture of strong families and upon that a strong society liberals are a disease, liberals are a cancer that tears at the very fabric and I believe here at Return of Kings most guys share that view after all among its many articles you will find one on how to seduce a lesbian (doubt a racist would think of that) and how to date muslim women and another for taking them (doubt a racist would think of that either). Some of my ancestors from Germany are Jewish(shocking but assimilation was so common that before Hitler most Jews in Germany didn’t believe there would be any of their kind in Germany by the twenty first century through conversion and assimilation) My ancestors came to this continent in the 1670s and actually moved west, no doubt some of the men married squaws (a racist would be appalled) while other men who traveled further south married senoritas (shocking to a racist) and many white people in this country have African ancestry (its like the Sally Hemmings Story it happened a lot) which really shocks racists. There is no place for racism in our culture since their stupidity prevents us from solving the race and multi culture problems.

        3. MR. Thanks for the post. I agree with much of what you post but not all, no surprise I am sure.
          I think that I have a trivial pursuit that might be of some if little relevance here.
          About 70000 years ago a volcano called Mount Toba erupted and almost wiped out humanity. Some say that less than 3000 and some say 1500 humans of that time survived on Earth. This is called the human genetic bottleneck.
          Carl Sagan mentions in “the Dragons of Edan”
          That a bushperson of Africa and a Laplander of Finland are closer kin than two randomly selected chimps from one side of any given mountain.
          I have had my DNA worked up, I know my own roots.
          If you have interest Nat. Geo. Geno 2 does a good job of it and constantly updates as new data points come in.

  6. It seems this article favours civic nationalism and in that case the alt-right is allready ideologically a separate philosophy and you’re actually just kicking in open doors…

  7. I don’t have a problem with the term “white nationalism,” because that communicates the idea clearly enough.
    I would also emphasize to normie whites, and especially to white liberals, that even if they don’t side with white nationalists, we most certainly side with them, in that we offer to protect their interests and the interests of their white progeny. They’ll appreciate this offer when our elites use their coalition of diversity losers, degenerates and parasites to put the screws to the remaining white population and turn white people’s girls into white versions of Anne Frank.

    1. Those normie and liberal whites may not be interested in identity politics, but identity politics sure as hell is interested in them, whether they like it or not.

    2. I object to elite ethno-engineering, largely because it is aimed against the white population. But in general, who are they to think they own us.

      1. Having said this, hard-working, law-abiding blacks, hispanics, and asians ought to be our natural allies. Keeping blacks in the ghettos, with rappers and sportsball heroes as their role models doesn’t help them. Unchecked illegal immigration, MS-13, etc. doesn’t help the legal hispanics. The asians might feel marginalized, they don’t show up in the TV ads, they are AA-ed out of universities.

        1. I want to agree, but unfortunately hard-working blacks as a whole still support their worthless brethren, for some reason.

    3. I don’t either, but in the public perception anything short of White Flagellantism is ‘extreme.’

    4. “White survivalism” might be a term which indicates the gravity of the situation. In Europe might be better to brand as European.

  8. Help other men to become the best versions of themselves that they can be. Call yourselves whatever you want, but if men don’t feel that this movement gives value to their own individual lives, you’re talking to an arena of empty seats.
    Individual improvement first.

    1. I’ll go a step farther. Individual improvement, plus individual conscience, discernment, and accountability. The evil of these collectivist movements (regardless of their stated beliefs) is that they deflect ethics onto the group as a whole and relieve individuals of their own personal moral responsibility. And so relieved, a person becomes capable of all manner of wrongs.

      1. As a society, however, we’ve also learned that individualism can only go so far. This is why the concept of insurance, in all its forms, exists. And science is discovering that having strong social networks correlates with longevity.

      2. Individualism a gateway drug towards globalism and corporate authoritarian run lands of mediocrity and hedonism.

        1. Individualism is a gateway to anything; the individual is the one who came up with your movement here and is the same one that is influencing things to the globalist side. Collectivism is just mass-delusion, frankly (and I say this as someone on your side), but you all miss the point about what individualism is if you think that “radical individualism” is to blame. “The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mold.” The fact that most people, in this individualist vacuum, decide to become inferior is simply as a result of their upbringing, the social climate, and the economic realities.

        2. Individualism and individuality are not one and the same. Individuality and consumerism are not one and the same. However, collectivism all too often allows the transference of individual moral conscience to the group and its goals. That way lies catastrophe.

        3. There are two kind of individualism. One is rootless individualism which is what we are seeing today. Other is rooted individualism that you can find in ancient Greece. It promote individuality because you cannot become the best without having a strong individuality AND you cannot become the best without the judgement of your qualified peers who will decide if you have the honor. An citizen army is only as strong as a individual, so the individual and collective are balanced out in one harmonious unit. “In all things, moderation.”

    2. Right. We need to focus on becoming stronger and better. We need to offer a beautiful vision of a life under the principles we are standing for. What Trump show was that it’s is better to have something to STRIKE for than to fight to avoid losing which was Hillary was all about. Making America Great Again was a bright promise, brighter than I’m With (Stupid).
      It’s also good to take a look at what other people beside us are doing to become stronger. China passed 1995 Eugenics Law (now called Maternal Health) that was designed to boost the children’s genetic and IQ profile. The Orthodox Jews in Israel now have a non-profit org that provide genetic screening to breed out the harmful diseases like Tay-Sach. Those are very good ideas to borrow from. Then there are old ideas like the guild system that train youngsters from young age in business and craft and provide many benefits from burial to old age penison to education and many others. This would replace much of the state’s welfare system and giving us more confidence to stand up to both the state and the crony corporations.
      There are others but I’ll stop for now.

  9. Steve Sailer’s blog the other day ran a piece where he quotes from one of his commentators who presents insight into the absurd things that have happened lately, and why.
    Basically it takes white men – oh, very well, and Jews – to run the efficient institutions in our society where the results matter, because these men display objective superiority. Our elites know this on some level, so they have devised ways to divert the resentments of society’s diversity incompetents into channels where the diversity theater can cause little harm.
    That means injecting diversity into the past – turning Alexander Hamilton into a mulatto, for example – into make-believe, like making movies which show warrior women who can kick men’s asses – and into the social sciences where the theorizing doesn’t matter, like in African-American studies.
    Because god forbid we let diversity interfere with running our financial system, for example.
    The new Silicon Valley companies like Google have less experience with this reality, however – modern banking started in the Renaissance, whereas the internet sector of the economy started about 20 years ago – and I think the people who run them have begun to discover the costs of letting the diversity rent-seekers into their operations. We have to wait and see whether Google can figure out a way to isolate the effective men in their company from the parasites so that they can keep producing net value for the shareholders at the expected rates.
    We keep reading stories about how Silicon Valley wants to hack aging and death so that these new billionaires can “live forever,” whatever that means; but when we see what has happened with Google lately, where diversity theater threatens to matter more than competence, then we have reasons to doubt that any of these efforts will amount to much.

    1. “We keep reading stories about how Silicon Valley wants to hack aging and death so that these new billionaires can “live forever,” You are probably referring to something you read about Dave Asprey from Bulletproof Coffee. He is basically a biohacker that is searching for a way to defeat aging. I dont think he will be successful- barring any radical new technologies- but thats probably where that reference comes from.


    1. Fascist societies are hyper-masculine societies where girls are taught that being a good mother and maintaining a good home are virtues, while boys are taught to fight in preparation for war. Both sexes are taught the virtue of physical fitness and clean living. If Fascism is collective, then it’s the collectivism of a military hierarchy. I just don’t see the estrogen influence in that. If anything, the main reason that Fascism is so bitterly hated and feared by the Left is precisely because it is so unashamedly and in-your-face hyper-masculine. Hitler’s Brownshirts began as a small band of very tough young men who repeatedly went up against numerically superior and violent Communist street thugs who ruled the streets, and they fought them over and over again until they prevailed. As people noticed, they began to cheer the Brownshirts and then to join them, and then they voted Hitler into power. All of that was about as masculine as you can get – no whiff of estrogen there, only testosterone. Yeah I know. Ernst Rohm was queer, but he was still tough as all hell (I suspect that Jack Donovan is trying to be like him). I don’t like queers but I can still respect one of them for being tough. Even Communism, although it’s a feminine ideology, nonetheless came to power in Russia via the organized violence of armed working men and soldiers willing to kill anyone who opposed them, and they fought a civil war against the anti-Communist White Army from 1918 to 1922 in order to consolidate Bolshevik control over that country – again, total masculinity, and I have to respect that even though I detest Communism.

  11. I’m not sure Charlottesville was a total loss. Now the left is emboldened and their craziness comes out. For instance openly came out agitating to blow up Mt. Rushmore (they later backtracked). The majority of Americans want the Confederate statues to stay, more craziness will just alienate them against the left.

    1. Let’s not forget the other two comparatively big slips of the mask. “Goy, bye” was an amazingly foolish headline for the Huffington Post to publish, and they’re not having an easy time reframing that one. And Missouri senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal openly hoped for the assassination of the President – that’s not going well for her.
      “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” – Napoleon Bonaparte

    2. The alt right must do what it does best..troll and meme. Duking it out in the streets plays to the strengths of the left. Our events need to be based on flashmob trolling and pranks, carefully staged for quick consumption on social media and the news.
      No war but the meme war!

      1. The perception of rallies is filtered through the mass media, and easily manipulated by the likes of Soros, or spoiled by some doofus with a Nazi flag showing up.
        I agree memes, comments, videos are the way to speak directly to people. Get them laughing about the antics and inconsistencies of the left.

        1. It won a presidency, but look how he struggles. Look at the opposition. There has to be something beyond Meme Magic.

    3. I agree, and the more hysterically frothing-at-the-mouth the Left’s reaction, the more they expose themselves as they really are, for all to see. They seem to be unable to control themselves, and that’s good.

  12. The males in the US are too low T and asperger. The thought of a cohesive group is a joke, honestly. I think we lost not just this time, but in the future as well.

  13. Look, I’ll change my party to “Knights of the Oingo-Boingo” if it’ll lower the tax burden. A thing I won’t do is hate a man because he has big ears or his eyes are funny, because all that really is subjective. You know Bruce Lee? Bruce Lee basically said the east and the west were only exeptional in comparrison to each other. We’re each expressions of creation at different tangents, not single and apart, but parts of something whole… another reason why Uncle Sam should go away as much as he can and let us live our individual lives unburdened by government. I don’t care if a Nationalist (or right-winger) is Red, Yellow, or Brown, if he wants the tax collector to go away, and can be a good neighbor, I’m glad if he’ll vote.

    1. “Look, I’ll change my party to “Knights of the Oingo-Boingo…”
      I hope that your ‘K of the O-B’ party will not be limited in membership or attendance to just “dead men”.

    1. No, reclaiming those words for ourselves would be a better idea than that. Better strategy is to just avoid using both terms altogether and shrug when they are shouted by the enemy.

    2. The Left doesn’t seem to care if someone calls them that, because the Left doesn’t take the opinions of anyone to their right seriously. They just assume that such people are babbling morons. They’ll just laugh at you. You might be able to convince a few fence-sitters in the middle, but that’s about it. I mean, how many years has it been now since what’s-his-name (Jonah Goldberg?) wrote that book accusing Liberals of bring Fascists? I haven’t seen it having any effect on the Left beyond perhaps amusing them. Or have I missed something?

        1. I doubt that they would care, because as I said they just don’t care what people to their right think of them. You could probably call them anything at all and they wouldn’t care, because they have no sense of shame and therefore they can’t be shamed. Also, as I wrote above, they think we’re all idiots and therefore our opinions are irrelevant to them.

        2. Well then I may not be 100% correct with my opinion. I’m glad that it worked when you did that. You should continue using your tactic.

  14. Normies dont like being associated with anything extreme. Many people do support Alt-Right but also want to save face in public if their believes become known.
    I think extreme elements should be purged from the Nationalist ranks and our message should be formatted so an average Normie would not cringe when hearing it, it should not cause him any embarassment.
    Things are not that bad for hard slogans or messages. It doesnt mean we should not have brave goals, we just have to smooth our appeal out.

  15. I believe we need a tax abolishment movement. Move to a pay as you go, open-source, volunteerism society. Also, the media and alt-left needs to be sued when they libel people as racist and rapist. We need tort reform to make this easier to do. The left needs to be starved of their funding.

  16. Don’t know about the whole “nationalism” thing… but “Free Speech” should now be re-branded to “Diverse Speech”. Time to take a play out of their book. These last few day have shown us that the majority of people, yes are stupid, and only listen to “words/phrases”… not “concepts”. If “Free Speech” events and rallies are now re-branded to “Diverse Speech”… the Left will have to admit they don’t want “Diversity”. It’s a though, at least.

    1. I like “Populist Right”.
      It implies a sense of collectivism against giant centralized powers- globalized corporations, governments, etc, which is essences of the Red Pill. The frame also places you on offense against your political opponents off the bat, as if you are anti-populist you are aligned against the common majority of the country.

      1. Rebranding will only show weakness, and the reason will be obvious at this stage. “Populist Right” sounds like a major step backwards. Instead, imagine the kind of people associating with The Alt Right today, and you´ll instantly know that those guys wont budge for anything, especially now that even people among them are prepared to jump off.

      2. I believe that rather than rebrand, better to metamorphosize. In other words, this is not about window dressing, but the essence of the idea at its core. Since white nationalists agree that all peoples deserve self determination, then identify the platform with the greatest overlap (civic nationalism) in order to keep populist presidents in power for another decade or so while a new generation matures and educates millions more.

  17. No. There is no point. Whatever new brand you come up with will also be slandered as racist.
    No more defensive posturing. Keep the name.

  18. The Alt-right and Antifa/Alt-Left have one thing in common: They aren’t unified groups. You’ve got thousands of causes with different ideas and opinions running around behind each banner. The names simply serve as labels for the media, and their consumers.

  19. So is the new banner up to attempt to placate/survive Disqus in the event of a purge?

  20. Rebranding can work, it’s like going from “global warming ” to “climate change”.
    It still remains to be seen but, whoever organized the free speech rally in Boston may have pulled a fast one on the press and the left.
    Even though the press is doing backflips to cover it up, all the bad stuff that happened yesterday was done by the left. Beating an old lady carrying an American flag-check. Throwing piss filled balloons at the cops-check. Assaulting cops and non threatening bystanders-check. People who work for a living VOTE and they don’t like what they see from the left.
    The same thing with protesters in Dallas chanting “cops and kkk are the same”. Normal people who hear that want nothing to do with it and slowly turns them right.

    1. Collectivism on a scale is necessary to a state, it’s what makes a state a state. We could reduce the population to a few million and move back onto farms, but you’d never have anything beyond basic equipment to do anything.

    2. That’s correct, and the reason why the nazis were so keen on the state. Nationalists today tend to be anti-state because the state is against them, but were they to turn the tide they could only achieve their aims through the state. Mr Hitler rivalled Stalin in his love for statism, collectivism and totalitarianism

  21. Yesterday I noticed there was a protest in New Orleans for the removal of an Andrew Jackson monument, I suppose no one told those morons he died 15 years prior to the founding of the confederacy.
    No doubt that all monuments to white men are racist.

  22. So let me get this straight, the right is going to rebrand to another LABEL playing the leftists labelling game and it is going to make everything all right……hmmmm.
    Call me when it works out……or not, because it wont. Rebranding for who? As a recruiting measure, as a PR measure for Antifa allied media? To attract who exactly? Fence sitters and libtards who change their minds? You have already lost this war because you don’t even understand what is going on. It’s all media play to people and labels. Meanwhile Antifa keeps going with destroying everything around you…and attacking people with bats bike locks and acid….and then you think a different” brand” is going to win……hahahaha…..not on a good day do people understand what’s up.
    What good is a Constitution when we live subject to the tyranny of an unelected fringe that is running things now? The same violent fringe that so far is ignored by the elected government? So what if you have a law that protects your right to guns if you fail to use them to preserve that law from the fringe and you surrender to the lunatics fring’s mob rule?! What is more dangerous, the terrorist overseas THREATENING TO ATTACK YOU or the one that is bashing your skull with bats and bike locks, throwing acid in your faces and burning down your neighborhood successfully on your own sidewalks? FFS, people are stupid to focus on existential danger to ignore the bleeding and trauma they already have.

  23. nationalism has the same sought of connotations as nazi, if not necessarily, then through force of frequent association. Historically nationalism has been constructed as a ‘problem’. Asserting it as an alternative to ‘alt right’ might potentially serve to oppose it to say globalism, but makes it a kind of full frontal assault. Full frontal assaults are rarely a good idea, particularly if you lack full spectrum dominance. If you really want to go down that light go with ‘patriot right’. One can be a patriot without being a nazi, or a racist and it implies you care about your country while remaining ambiguous as to whether you conceive of that country as a ‘nation’

    1. Europe went full-retard against Nationalism in the wake of WW2. I think they’ve successfully poisoned the well.

      1. exactly. The word / concept has a history that isn’t about to be ‘lived down’. The author is being logical, perhaps, but is being hopelessly optimistic about re-claiming a word that has been very consciously tarnished

    2. Forget the ‘right’ as supporting the banking/corporate elite us also considered ‘right’. ‘Patriot movement’ is fine in its own.

  24. No, it is time to double-down you coward. ANY label will be attacked viciously because the enemy we are fighting has ENORMOUS power. The attacks intensifying are a sign of WINNING not losing.

  25. Fascism…or the idea of the Roman fasces…originally meant strength and power through unity, thus the bundle of sticks and axe blade. Nationalism meant unity and pride in one’s country, like a Teddy Roosevelt style nationalism.
    Both words became dirty and pejorative words after WW2, because we allowed the left to control the language and remove all historic context from the words, thus associating them only with WW2….much like the left is trying to continue to do right now with the civil war

  26. The “alt-right” has far more than marketing problems, it has PEOPLE problems. Namely, that the movement is filled with losers and dorks that also happen to think edginess is the end all, be all. Look at all these losers here. The memes make themselves:
    The Alt-Reich needs to go and take the Alt-Right label with them. Let them keep it to the dumpster fire! Right wing populism needs to get rid of any losers in its midst. The agenda of nationalism is generally popular, but we need not only good marketing, but good, cool people selling the message. Case in point, Trump won partially because he’s an “alpha male” billionaire whose attributes most people secretly aspire to.
    Quintus has hammered the points of virtue home constantly in his translations of the Roman historians. That is the starting point.

    1. Good point. Roosh and Quintus already came up with the “neomasculine” label a couple of years ago.

    2. Its not just the facetious edgelords that are the problem, its also the Hal Turners of the group like Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer who purposely push for the Nazi rhetoric under the guise of winning people over with humor, when in reality it further discredits the movement.

  27. European-only organizations and clubs is a start. The right to freedom of association too. Also fuck the haters, keep meeting with men-only groups and life will start to feel balanced and normal again. I don’t mean just a bunch of guys meeting up for the sole purpose of tracking some trim down the watering hole boulevards, men should instead meet and figure out how they can make money. Two minds are greater than one on that matter. If more guys figured out how to swindle women and the banking cartels, the better their lives and others will be.

  28. Also, the label thing is better served as a simple term. “Universal nationalist” is a clusterfuck. I essentially just call it right wing populism or “New Right.”

  29. I did not join the manosphere to hear about jews ruining the world or how white people are superior. I don’t care who feels that way. It just doesn’t interest me. I want to know what I can control about my life. Everyone has a right to comment and blog about what they want, sure. If you let the racial superiority articles take precedence, you’ll see traffic from shocked readers, but less quality interaction from guys like me.

    1. You don’t want to understand why and how the issues we are facing have come about? Don’t counter signal the Jewish stumbling block preventing true progress.

  30. We need to practice a kind of White taqiya. Internalize the more explicit factors in the movement unless it’s absolutely necessary for the occasion.

    1. Since when did everyone fancy themselves l’il George Washingtons and “I can’t ever tell a lie” nonsense?

  31. I would like to put forward a term that is in the spirit of ROK. The term is: “The Empiricists”, that is, a person or group that supports the theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from the senses or experiences. Or to put it more bluntly ” we engage in activities that work”.

      1. Objectivism has been around for 60 years and what, exactly, have they really accomplished in all of that time? The correct answer is “not very much.” Lots of interesting books to be sure, but no real stopping the cultural decline. Objectivism as a political and cultural force has been a failure.

  32. I forgot who was it but I like the label of “pannationalism”. It mean all-nationalism. A pannationalist would be a man who is in favor of each and every one of nation having their own homeland. Japan for Japanese, Israel for Jews, Russia for Russians, America for Americans. It would stand against globalist power grasp and for decentralizing power back to the most local level. It means respect for each nation’s language and culture and laws and religion. It could even include support for new city-states like Venice or SF (which would cut the poison of that city off until we regain our strength again).
    Another is is already around is libertarian nationalism which is a small-government system for a nation. However it seems to be a kind of culture that best fit the European peoples who descended from the pastoral Indo-European tribes who mixed with the hunter-gathers of the NW Europe.
    There may be others but those are what come to mind first.

      1. We ARE native Americans. The Indians prefer to be called the Creeks, the Lakota, etc. That is who they always were.

  33. Well Civic Nationalist is open as is Republican. /sarc
    Running away and ducking for cover isn’t a plan.
    What exactly is the problem? Did they call you mean names? Did some of our allies embarrass you? Did you think this was going to be easy, or that our enemy would just curl up and surrender?
    There is no chance in hell that you will publicly support ethnic nationalism and avoid being called a Nazi. Doesn’t matter what you call yourself, in six months that flag, that symbol, will be painted as Nazi.
    So nut up or go home.

    1. Yeah, alt-right is what it is. An alternative to the failed mainstream right. The you know whos will stigmatize any name, and trying to rebrand at this phase is just blood in the water. The best move right now would be something big & bold, and successful, to get rid of the taste of Charlottesville–not to show weakness of any kind.

      1. Charlotteville wasn’t as bad as many are suggesting.
        HuffingtonPost posted a poll saying that 12% of Clinton voters and 48% of Trump voters thought the “white Nationalists” were mostly right, or that they had a point.
        That is massive support for something as controversial as “white nationalism”.

        1. It is being used as if it was that bad, which is the same thing. Our enemies just require a certain minimum of public support and they fake the rest.

  34. There are NO NAZIS in America. Their number is 0.
    The Nazis were XXth century Germans.
    What you are dealing with, is kids who read Mein Kampf, kids who like the Nazi aesthetics, kids who find Nazism a better alternative to the everyday life of today based on what they read on internet, kids who wave around the swastika flag for shock value.
    Not Nazis. None whatsoever.

  35. Rebranding is just cucking, IMO. No matter what the right calls itself and how peaceful and reasonable they are, the media will always show pictures of a few looneys carrying swastikas. Often they just pull some stock photos of the net.
    “Universal Nationalist” doesn’t sound good and it’s not going to trick the leftist media. Also it is contradictory. How can one simultaneously be an Israeli and a Palestinian nationalist? Different nations have conflicting interests.

    1. would imagine the ‘black crimes matter’ squad would be rather upset about the messiah for their favorite food taken down?

      1. Yeah, that adds to the humor of this meme. Of course it’s just a troll, Colonel Sanders wasn’t around for the Civil War.

    1. It should be our symbol. I think you didn’t see them in C’ville because it involved Confederate statues, so a ‘Union’ flag would have been inappropriate.

      1. pop on over to jizzabel to see what some of the antifa members are saying that they’ll do to men who show up at gatherings flying the “stars & stripes” and acting patriotic and proud to be American.
        (WARNING – its not a pretty picture)

        1. I popped over there. Couldn’t find what you’re referring to, but now I can imagine. Wow, we’re supposed to be the haters! Every discussion devolves into scatalogical cursing.
          If antifa starts attacking people for flying the flag of this country, the civil war is on.

  36. This is literally a Jewish poster, anyone who’s educated in Jewry knows damn well, that the Jews are trying to replace the feelings of White Racial Unity, with extreme Nationalism. Basically back to being a cuckservative.

  37. Will people shut up about the left winning in Charlottesville? If anything, it reveals how desperate the left is after several social media orgs. shut down a number of Alt Right accounts as a result of the event. Antifa wouldn’t have “won” if it wasn’t for the cops battling for them and ignoring their criminal activity.
    No, the left keeps painting itself in a smaller and smaller corner. Look how few people trust the media anymore. Their trust of “peaceful” anarchists and leftists will soon evaporate, too.

  38. Why should we cut out the alt reich? They don’t have administrative power but wish they did. All they’re doing is rejecting the sickening ‘white shame’ virtue signalling coming from whites around them. Either you scream ‘Heil Hitler’ and shake off the contageous brain virus infecting all the sheeple whites or just let the tide suck you into the leftist pot. Still the alt reich is more a social club than anything and lacking administrative power. Cutting them out would be for the trad right like a 3 yr old doing their own haircut for the first time with electric clippers, clipping and woops! Then the 3 yo kid tries to even it out and clip the other side – WOOPS again. Before long you’re BALD. NO HAIR!
    Some of the alt reich are entertaining and somewhat creative or novel. But the guy (patsy) who ran over the lady, I dunno. Not very creative or novel. He was supposedly on head meds since youth. Single mom? He rebelled by heiling Hitler the reporters say. Hmmm??
    Now David Duke was pretty novel. THIS was 16 year old David Duke way back in the 1960s.
    His stand against the ‘Chicago 7’ was colorfully loud. But ‘offensive’? Not really. Was he a standalone with a vision or just rebelling against the current culture? If a kid dresses as Genghas Khan or Emperor Hirohito, that would be novel too. Adults dress as cosplay villians all the time and goths dress shockingly like it’s Halloween all year round. Goths take their projected personna that seriously. But Duke seemed like an interesting kid, inviting of a chat to see a lad so young walking around like that. And he certainly wasn’t on any head meds. Just an interesting kid. He certainly would stir some curiosity. He went on to recieve a PhD in English lit (the only remaining whitebred end of the liberal arts spectrum), wrote numerous books on race of course and finally he ends up in the middle of this current fiasco. If it’s all so completely staged, then what on Earth is Duke doing? Maybe he was siezing an opportunity to soundhorn his nonviolent approach (which has always been his angle). Maybe, seeing him as a 16 yo kid, maybe he has a little nonviolent approach meglamania still and believes he can turn the alt right amassment, informants, agents and all to about face and align for once. Maybe he believed somehow that the loyalties could all be aligned. That’s exactly what Hitler did in the years following the Beerhall Putch. Hitler then followed through and put them all in uniform.
    BUT WHY should the entire west carry all the projected shame heaped on the German people after WWII. If a white person does something then must all whites answer? Gee we must be pretty unified to all answer at once huh? And WHY are only the German symbols and insignias being villified but not the symbols of other meglamaniacs throughout history (Genghis Khan, Pinochet)?
    Japanese and Chinese trendies and socialites currently have an ‘anglophile’ craze where the youth dress as English Victorians or Nazis. They idolize anything percieved as symbolically or prominently western. They’re ‘ANGLOPHILES’! Nazi themed weddings are all the rage in China and Japan.
    This wedding came replete with pallbearers dressed as stormtroopers and a german shepherd.
    Japan has no SPLC. That’s how music bands like the South Korean kpop band Pritz can open for events as they did during an auto racing tournament.

    And the Japanese girl band Keyakizaka throws their nazi hats into the audience. It’s all the rage. I’m stomping my foot they’re so adorable, and they don’t even know what a Jew is. It don’t get any better – not at the food court.

    I caught some blurb that the Simon Wiesenthal Center got wind of this but couldn’t do anything about it. Hilarious. And they so visciously peddle the induced shame over the entire west. Ooh the shame for the western white man. ALSO I don’t see any ANY mass shaming within the peaceful Islamic communities against their own radicals. Nor do we see any significant shameful humility from rank and file blacks against the likes of their own BLM agitators. The black community never calls the BLM out as being NGO funded shills and instigators. A few lone Black individuals have called them out though.
    What do blacks REALLY think of white people who virtue signal with their ‘white shame’ or ‘white guilt’? Honestly most blacks don’t know what the hell the shitlib whites are so sorry for. But they accept the apology like a cigarette. For most blacks, it’s funny to see silly shitlib whites get all sorry and curl in a ball and virtue signal. They think it’s cute when a white shitlib curls in shame but they don’t respect a white who has no spine and who has no identity other than a pathetic apologist. The blacks respect more a man like Trump or Thomas Jeffrson who had balls. Watch the black anchors laugh at the end when the white anchor lady stumbles over words to not offend any darkies in THIS Pepsi commercial which was pulled off air when whites were offended over the message like a bunch of antifas:

    THEY LAUGH!! The black anchors laugh like “What’s all the hooplaa? What are the whites so nervous about?” Shitlib whites are like Germans with no humor. That’s what makes blacks roll with laughter – – that whites are so sorry and whites are even more afraid of becoming even more sorrier. WTF? And the antifa whites blindly follow leftist fascism similar to how nationalist fascism captivated the German citizenry in the 1930s. Now it’s leftist fascism embraced by many whites. This time it’s overtly suicidal.
    NOW listen to this idiot ‘anonymous’ digital voice try to instill ‘white guilt’ into northeast Asians for the mere use of Nazi symbolism as a novelty.

    They’re just kids having fun. And they’re quite far separated from the west or Germany or Auschwitz or the Krispy Kreme factory. I’m sure the clueless idiot SJW narrator will make a dent in their culture. Hahaha.
    AND MORE from Asia

    WHITES in general and ‘whitebred’ or ‘WASP’ society is the target for shame. It’s like a haircut that is being forced upon us that just doesn’t seem to stop and WON’T stop until we wrest back control of our shebeasts. The widespread identity denial and shame is a curse and will remain a curse consuming us until we regain discipline and dominion over our WOMEN.
    I’m getting the impression that Duke wasn’t very red pilled about women in his early days. He did snag and marry a petite blonde but she left him to marry a Grand Wizard Don Black. Are there no harems of white virgin wives in the alt reich?? Not even for a Grand Wizard? If it’s “screw the corrupt system” then why did they shy away from tackling the system backed feminism? Was it pussy blindness? Everyone is chewing on the red pill now and the big battle will be to reign in the women of our species especially in the west which is feminist ground zero. Those who play interference against patriarchal order are definitive enemy combatants. Civilization, life itself and the order of our entire species is at stake. We are and will remain and maintain as patriarchal species. Those Asian chicks wearing Nazi uniforms should be wearing dresses, not guy clothing. No pants on ANY women allowed – – unless it’s very cold in which case CROTCHLESS pants worn underneath a dress make perfect sense. They’re still cute as hell.

    1. If Duke’s old lady left him, I guess he really wasn’t a wizard under the sheets. And as for the Nazi girl bands in Japan, what next, Rape of Nanking boybands in Japan?

    2. This just in, in the latest Kardashian news, Kendall Jenner is accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ for using a tan colored fist ’emoji’. Sample twitterstorm comment: ‘Y’all are not black. Next time use a white emoji.’
      The whole family dates black, OJ announced he’d be interesting in dating Kendall’s Dad/Mom, but she’s a racist now.

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  40. Don’t bother, the left will always find ways to insult and sling shit or mud and use any means possible, playing nice is letting blood in the water for sharks.
    Have a look at this documentary, between the Communist ANC terrorists and now gone and forgotten mentally ill equipped old South African government’s “Negotiations”, if you play nice with these guys this is where things end up, there is no happy rainbow nation in South Africa, two distinct colours that don’t feature in the rainbow is Black and White. Nelson Mandela was and is still a good PR $cam for someone who idolised Castro, Mao, Arafat, Ghadaffi and the like’s.
    The US is on a thin knife edge with Antifa, BLM and the likes, only one or a few smaller well orchestrated incidents required.

  41. Part of me agrees that the term “alt-right” looks bad after this, but we have to remember that:
    1. It’s the left defining what we are, which is the problem
    2. The left will call us whatever they want anyway.
    If we really have to rename ourselves, just use Dissident Right… and let Antifa run wild for 6 months.

    1. It’s true. It’s also the self fulfilling prophecy of labeling…ie the more you are called something or put down, the more you embrace it. In the case of a juvenile delinquent, they embrace the label and become harder criminals. In the case of political labels, it can radicalize otherwise normal people

      1. It also cheapens the label. The left overused the word “racist” to the point where it’s not as potent anymore.

  42. What ever the right does, calling out Richard Spencer for the spook he his will go a long way. I appreciate Roost not throwing Spencer under the bus when it was fashionable, but he is clearly a deep state operative.
    Richard Spencer is Controlled Opposition- A Reply to Roosh

    Richard Spencer’s Strange Connections

  43. The Alt Right made itself look foolish, and now Trump is keeping his distance. He let Steve Bannon go and in his place are moderates. Also Bannon quietly shun the racialist elements of the Alt Right. he was always Alt Lite anyway not much different than Alex Jones.

  44. I agree with the sentiments expressed in your article and believe the options you explore for ROK are in the best interests of the MRM.
    There are probably two key ‘crosscutting’ issues ROK shares in common with other far-right / alt-right movements:
    1. ‘support for traditionalism’, particularly concerning female roles, and
    2. ‘opposition to left-wing politics and cultural Marxism’.
    In other respects the ‘manosphere’ is a broad church, attracting a wide range of beliefs, with support coming from the far-right and traditional conservatives.
    I agree there’s no inherent value in being prescriptive about political affiliations nor is there any imperative to publicly associate with the alt-right movement.
    To date, association with alt-right mostly brings benefits: it signals a break with the traditional regressive far-right and its progressive nature appeals to the young and those calling for change.
    Such was the public perception of the strength and popularity of the alt-right movement, that liberal newspapers publicly debated whether, by using the alt-right label, they are colluding with the Right and reinforcing the legitimacy, relevance and influence of the movement.
    However, I agree with the author, this honeymoon period may be ending. The mass media’s portrayal of the alt-right’s association with Neo-Nazis and responsibility for the violence in Charlottesville has resulted in negative public perceptions. The moderate right is turned off by the Neo-Nazi imagery and fascist beliefs. The fallout from Charlottesville may give rise to a permanent alliance of ‘alt-right’ with Neo-Nazis, and spell the end of tolerating differing views.
    The juvenile provocative antics of the Daily Stormer have done the Right no favours: choosing to deliberately lead with an offensive and distasteful attack on the woman killed the day before could easily be the action of a Left-sponsored agent provocateur. This posing is childish and counterproductive. It suggests that Andrew Anglin prefers to be in opposition, standing on sidelines shouting abuse, rather than lead a mature and civically minded right-wing alternative to liberal capitalism.
    I strongly agree that it will politic and advisable for the MRM to sever formal links with the alt-right movement immediately and put a lot of distance between it and the irresponsible provocation of the juvenile Right.
    It’s difficult to predict the future direction of a movement ostensibly defined by a horizontal organisation and a lack of hierarchy and leaders.
    In this power vacuum, mass media calls all the shots and will define the alt-right movement and decide whose allegiance and politics the brand represents. Of course this means the alt-right will become synonymous with retrogressive Neo-Nazis. The liberal media will ensure the Alt-right is no longer seen as a progressive movement appealing to the younger generation.
    When the Alt-right movement is no longer part of the zeitgeist, the popularity of progressive right-wing politics, buoyed by the election of Trump and Brexit, will wane. To avoid its fortunes being tied to the Far-Right’s, MRM must deliver an early, clear and unequivocal statement distancing itself from the Far-Right and disassociating the agenda of the MRM from the new direction of travel towards Neo-Nazism the Alt-Right is now taking.
    Regarding renaming the Alt-Right Movement, I would argue that the MRM needn’t concern itself with the marketing of the broader right-wing coalition. ROK should narrow its stated ambitions to focus solely on issues impacting on men’s rights and take advantage of every opportunity to distance itself from the Neo-Nazi agenda, the juvenile thuggishness of the Daily Stormer and contentious issues associated with White Supremacist movements.
    Personal opinions and politics of MRM supporters needn’t be an obstacle when addressing controversial issues head-on can easily be sidestepped without compromising on the breadth and depth of opinion pieces the ROKs publishes.

  45. I actually like the names proffered, but I don’t like the idea of re-branding. To me it shows weakness, though maybe it’s just cunning.
    I would think a better idea would be to denounce anyone who incited violence and defend anyone whom defended themselves or others. Further, for all the altercations where the incidents are still hazy, I’d remind people the details are unknown and each American is supposed to get a fair trial. Finally, I’d finish by saying even Nazi’s and crazy communists can speak their minds as long as they don’t start or incite violence.
    If people started pushing about Charlottesville specifically, I’d mainly blame the left. The nazis and the other right wing people had a good reason to be there. Protest the removal of famous historical statues. They had a permit and they tried to do things the right way.
    The people on the left, had no permit and came looking for trouble. Now, it may be that the first ammendment protects them to counter protest even if they didn’t have a permit, but it seems they are the ones whom came looking for trouble and incited most of the violence.
    As for the car thing, does anyone know what the truth is yet. Was this guy really far right? Was it fully intentional? Most of the bad image of this event hinges on this one aspect. “The far right wing terrorist acting like a muslim terrorist.”
    Anyway, I’d say stand your ground and divert your argument back to your enemies weaknesses will be more effective than reinventing yourself. But maybe I’m totally wrong. One more question from me. Does anyone have any historical evidence of a movement reinventing itself and then winning its respective culture war, akin to what this author is suggesting?

  46. America is a war zone.
    America has always been a war zone.
    Its a cold war in a democracy, until the democracy fails, until then its a demographic war.
    Want to win?
    go out, chat with strangers, embarrass yourself by telling the truth and…
    1) MEET UP (with other like minded men)
    3) MAKE BABIES (with women, if possible)
    (If you have a wife, make LOTS of babies,
    because your fellow idiots are not having any,
    and your enemies are already out-breeding you)
    That is how you win a demographic cold war in a democracy. PERIOD.
    Want more votes? make more babies, not more excuses.
    *edit- and I forgot, HOMESCHOOL!

  47. It is not necessary to refer to your movement as “right,” or “conservative,” as the media will do this for you. Moreover, if you purge race realism – or realism, generally – from the “alt right,” then it simply becomes “the Republican party.”
    National Socialism has no place on the “right,” and anybody who thinks that the United States can be purged of non-white people or that a political movement can succeed on the basis of racial antagonism has no place in reality.
    Rather, what you want is a movement that is open to all people who see and understand practical reality for what it is. You might call it “Red Pill,” or “the Realists,” but understand that, whatever title you choose, it will be immediately characterized as a KKK-affiliate by the American corporate media, as was done to the Tea Party.

  48. Key ‘crossover’ issues the Men’s Rights Movement shares in common with the far-right are:
    1. ‘support for traditionalism’, particularly concerning female roles, and
    2. ‘opposition to left-wing politics and cultural Marxism’.
    Racial differences aren’t an intrinsic part of the MRM philosophy. To date, the ‘manosphere’ is a broad church, attracting a wide range of beliefs, from the extreme far-right to traditional lite-right conservatives.
    The MRM shares a recent history with other movements labelled Alt-Right: the Alt-Right legacy and its recent emergence as an influential movement results from joint efforts and collaboration.
    However, the Alt-Right movement continues to evolve: it is in the process of a transformation fuelled by political disagreement on approach and future direction between the far-right and moderate conservatives. The identification of a lite-right splinter group is the first major indication of this change.
    Charlottesville has brought this division to the fore, both as it played out between members disagreeing within the community, and as it was taken up publicly by mass media as a convenient hook and means to disparage and denigrate the movement. Naturally liberal and left-wing observers jumped on this division in a bid to weaken the Right.
    There’s a real risk the credibility and influence of the MRM will suffer as the Left and Mass Media purposefully makes no distinction between the MRM and the vocal Neo-Nazi element within Alt-Right. There’s also a good chance that the MRM will become further embroiled in the divisive conflict between moderates and extremists, which will only disadvantage the movement by undermining the strength of being a ‘broad church’.
    It will be challenging to emerge unsullied from the aftermath of Charlottesville. But this challenge is also an opportunity for the MRM to disassociate itself from the Neo-Nazi movement. If the far-right emerges as the leader of the Alt-Right, the MRM should sever links with the movement.
    Association with the Alt-Right previously brought benefits: it signalled a break with the traditional unpopular Right-wing. Its progressive nature and roots in Gamergate and on 4Chan, appealed to the young and those calling for change.
    However, the Alt-Right appears to have forgotten its roots and the movement’s ‘honeymoon’ period is ending. The mass media’s portrayal of the Alt-Right’s association with Neo-Nazis and the violence in Charlottesville has seriously harmed the movement’s reputation and alienated many who would otherwise be supporters.
    The moderate right is turned off by Neo-Nazi imagery and resents the far-right’s appropriation of the Alt-Right movement.
    The outcome of the fallout from Charlottesville and the alienation of moderate right-wing supporters, will be the actual takeover of the intellectual basis of the Alt-Right movement by Neo-Nazis dogma. Intolerance of moderate right views, the promotion of racial differences and the exclusion of non-Caucasian support, will destroy the inclusive and progressive nature of the movement and limit the influence and reach of Alt-Right.
    When the Alt-right movement is no longer part of the zeitgeist and is perceived as just another reincarnation of traditional White Supremacists, the popularity of right-wing politics, buoyed by the election of Trump and Brexit, will wane.
    Therefore it is politic and advisable for the MRM to sever formal links with a Neo-Nazi dominated alt-right movement immediately.

  49. I personally dislike the idea of nationalistic Christianity, since I like the wholeness of the church. Life requires balance, its not wise to be wholely nationalistic nor entirely globalist. Let there be many states, with many people having their own nation state, and let their connections be through the church.

  50. I’m still tryna figure out what all the names stand for? Alt right? Left-wing? Far-right? Far-left, Sjw, POC, dildo lol why is everything steroetyped in america?

  51. A conservative friend of mine believed Bernie Sanders was the true winner of the 2016 Election, might sound silly but when you think of it, most of America adheres to liberal left wing thinking, about 60 percent of the population. Think about the left wing movement that has grown since Trump took office, and the level of dysfunction in government that has worsened. Whoever the next President is, it will be a Bernie Sanders like figure. Think about Britain, Jeremy Corbyn’s party neutralized the ability of Teresa May to do anything meaningful, both are anti EU, and anti globalists, but the Corbyn side has gained ground. I see a similar thing happening in the US, as the Bernie Sanders crowd is just as big as the Trump crowd. The whole reason Trump won was that he made Bernie Sanders like promises to white working class voters in PA, WI, MI, Iowa, and Ohio.
    Trump isn’t doing so well in those regions at the moment, also the ouster of his strategist on economic issues has left. The rest of his advisors are globalists and corporate cronies.

  52. I would opt for using some form of the word “patriot.” Everyone knows what the word means even if only in general terms. The left hates the word because they know that they have no claim on it and because it automatically out-groups them. Patriot or Nationalist Patriot or Patriot Nationalist would strike just the right tone and is pro-active without the fascist baggage that turns people off.
    (and then nazi stuff is not a winning brand so knock it off with that crap)

  53. I’ve been away for a few days on vacation in a beautiful rural part of America populated mostly by wholesome, well-mannered and polite White People. I badly needed to de-compress from the tension of living in the vast Northeastern U.S. megalopolis, and it worked. I became aware of how incredibly anxious and angry I had become. I wish to apologize to you all if my anger has manifested here as nastiness directed toward any of you. None of you deserve that.

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