Planned Parenthood Tells Women To Sleep Around To Preserve Its Abortion Business

Via Breitbart:

Planned Parenthood NYC Action’s new fundraising campaign touting the “freedom to f**k” comes in the wake of President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

“New Yorkers have more sex than the rest of America (Woo! We did it!),” touts Planned Parenthood NYCAction. “Planned Parenthood of New York City is here to make sure that everyone has access to the sexual and reproductive health care services they need.”

“F**k man spreaders … f**k anyone who can afford their rent, f**k whoever has a washer/dryer in their f**king apartments,” the video continues.

The clearly stated message at the conclusion of the video is “F**k New York and everyone in it. Protect our right to safely f**k whoever the f**k we want. Donate to Planned Parenthood.”

Though some constitutional experts say Roe v. Wade is not at stake with the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the abortion industry has waged a fear-mongering campaign aimed at donations.

“Brett Kavanaugh has a dangerous track record of trying to block women from getting access to birth control and abortion care,” wrote Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, in an email letter to supporters this week. “Just last year, he ruled to block an undocumented woman who recently entered the United States from obtaining an abortion. He also ruled in favor of bosses denying their employees birth control coverage based on their personal religious objections.”

“Now, President Trump wants Kavanaugh’s extreme views on the Supreme Court,” she continued. “Based on this record, we can safely assume that he will make good on Trump’s promise to only appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade. We must stop Kavanaugh — this is a fight we can’t afford to lose.”

However, Leonard Leo, an outside adviser to Trump on Supreme Court nominations, has said the fate of Roe v. Wade remains uncertain and that the left is engaging in scare tactics that Trump’s nominee will overturn the controversial decision.

“We’ve been talking about this for 36 years, going all the way back to the nomination of Sandra O’Connor,” Leo said, according to ABC’s This Week. “And after that 36-year period, we only have a single individual on the court who has expressly said he would overturn Roe. So, I think it’s a bit of a scare tactic and ranks speculation more than anything else.”

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: How Abortion Creates A Society Of Entitled Women And Desperate Men

61 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood Tells Women To Sleep Around To Preserve Its Abortion Business”

  1. “F**k man spreaders … f**k anyone who can afford their rent, f**k whoever has a washer/dryer in their f**king apartments,” the video continues.
    Their political ideology notwithstanding, I’m skeptical of the judgment of anyone who believes paying $2500 per month in rent for a 400 square foot apartment is a good deal.
    NYC is an overcrowded hellhole–somewhat interesting to visit but not a place I’d like to inhabit everyday.

    1. They made it loud and clear that they want someone else to be paying the $2500/month. Then all these “free abortion on demand” pictures further illustrate this freeloader mentality, expecting other people to foot the bill, even those who believe it’s a horrific atrocity.
      Basically, it’s time the rest of us stand together as one and start telling them that they’re not getting their free ride on our dime.

        1. I noticed that too. No too much intelligence reflected in the pictures but a sh*tload of ugly assed whale blubber. They are protesting for a procedure that they will never have except by accident that some one gives them a sympathy fck without a condom. Their faces alone is better birth control than ANYTHING else man could come up with. Cringe and puke worthy…ugh, so much for eating breakfast this morning. Good god what kind of pathetic self loathing no dignity male would have s*x with them?

    2. Nonsense. Women in NYC aren’t worth it.
      As long as your hotel room is near the bar you are at, she will come with you. She doesn’t care to know if your married. She can see the ring on your finger.
      Make her walk more than a few minutes, and she will leave. Get her in the alley way if you have to and it’s secluded.
      NYC Women = Not Woth More Than A F*ck.

  2. I’m undecided on Roe vs. Wade…..
    On one hand I do find the concept of abortion heinous, but there is overwhelming evidence that has significantly reduced crime rates in the United States since the 90s due to unwanted children (highly disproportionately black) not growing up to be thieving, shooting, and gangbanging degenerates which do nothing for the country.
    Planned Parenthoods rationale here is certainly preposterous without question.

    1. Right. Also, I just wish men had more say in it at the very least. Why women should have complete control over the reproduction of our species is fucking stupid. The fact is, if they overturn Roe vs Wade, most of these bitches will just suck off some drug dealer for abortion pills, more socialists will be born, our jails will fill up with women/doctors charged with Murder, and how much do you want to bet that women will start crying rape for every unwanted pregnancy they get (and of course the man will always be found guilty)…….The right wing really shouldn’t be fighting this right now while our nation is getting colonized by the Marxist third world. Fucking baby boomers, I swear dude. They do not have their priorities in line, and some of them lie in lala land.

      1. Agree with many of your sentiments. Anything that becomes illegal is simply driven underground into the black market, and winds up supporting the drug cartels.
        Which is why we should go the other way and keep abortion legal (not free!), legalize marijuana (I’d propose a 21 year age restriction and tax them similar to cigarettes), and MAYBE a few other drugs. That’s how we can finally WIN the war on drugs.

    2. There were some other factors that started to reduce crime rates during the 1990s – carry concealed laws, mandatory three strikes sentencing, etc. The “soft on crime” approach that got hip during the 1960s started to fall out of fashion.
      I’m all for the “if you can’t feed ’em, don’t breed ’em” concept, but there should be a better solution.

    3. @ reality wes and beau. I agree with all three of your posts. It’s tough being torn between what if practicality right and morally right., especially in light of how out of control and lack of morality by western women. I can excuse savages from third world mud holes from breeding like rabbits but the lack of any responsibly by western snatch and their blood shed hungry no account glee they take in making children suffer for their hypergamy is at its core reprehensible evil when it could be prevented by condom use and the pill even the morning after pill…. But no, they get off on the fetal murder. It’s disturbing the hamster wheeling justifications women come up with. But never ever do you hear them say the R word, responsibility. Never.

    4. I think the abortion reduces crime argument is BS. If one thing declines and another increases that does not mean one causes the other, correlation doesn’t imply causation. I would credit high rates of incarceration, the 98% court conviction rate, generous welfare benefits, rising drug dealing profits, and better living standards for the decline in street crime. From what I understand, the worst sort of people access government benefits through having a lot of kids, why would they want to abort any. It seems more likely that those blacks who actually have some plans for the future, the more intelligent ones, don’t want children to get in the way and choose abortion.

  3. Oh nice, now why they don’t tell them to also fuck with nerds, betas, incels and socially inept average dudes? U know limiting urself only to the pool of tattoed, guitar playin alpha potheads significantly reduces the abortion business u know?

  4. Guess they’re too stupid to keep their legs closed or too cheap to buy a damn condom.
    Either way, boils down to laziness but has that ever been a surprise in human history?

    1. Not laziness. It’s self-hatred.
      “The term “self-hatred” is used infrequently by psychologists and psychiatrists, who would usually describe people who hate themselves as “persons with low self-esteem”. Self-hatred and shame are important factors in some or many mental disorders, especially disorders that involve a perceived defect of oneself (e.g. body dysmorphic disorder). Self-hatred is also a symptom of many personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder, as well as depression. It can also be linked to guilt for someone’s own actions that they view as wrongful, e.g., survivor guilt.”
      Why Borderline Personality Disorder Is More Common in Women
      Why is depression more prevalent in women?

      1. They don’t know shame at all. It’s like it is blocked in women’s psyche the past 30 40 years. Nor do they know empathy except when they virtue signal or do a public self serving contrived stage acting performance, always agenda driven. Frankly I’m shocked at how little my ex wife shows. So sad they care so little for their and my kids best interests over their self service.

    2. Laziness? Looks like you didn’t know. Every single liberal policy could be traced either to laziness or greed. Socialism is nothing but government enforced laziness (by giving freebies to able-bodied folks), and greed (taking from had working citizens).
      Once you take laziness and greed out of the equation for liberals, there is nothing left.

  5. That sign in the picture: “An Egg is not a Chicken.”
    They are both FOOD!
    Sheep are prey animals, especially when they vote & carry signs.

    1. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if the lunatic left said that people and fetuses are also food and want to stuff their fat faces with fried fetuses.

      1. They already do ! Good lord, these people are sick ! What do you think some clinics do with the fetuses after abortion ? They are worth a lot of $$$$ to some people.

      2. I stand for the unborn outside of an abortion clinic on kill day, and the patrons and passers-by do say that aborted babies are delicious, yum, fry me up some of that, etc. It’s quite vile, really.

    1. yeah, why not create a meme “more abortions for blacks, keep america white” to trigger thoses lefties

        1. Mother nature self regulates and cleans her gene pool some times in mysterious ways. The irony is not lost.

  6. Hopefully Kavanaugh doesnt turn out to be another Souter we have never seen a lib go turncoat on the Court.

  7. Let all the degenerate filth die from STDS, AIDS and depression. I care little for urban decadence. (((New York))) is a capital of (((them))) anyways, while they are securing their ethnic existence and global dominance, they promote madness for other peoples, and the stupid masses are easily brainwashed, like sheeple.

  8. Wear a condom and say no from time to time. I know it’s hard to resist pussy. Just get a pro as well.
    PP will go away.

      1. Didnt you watch the video?
        It’s a call to arms to slut it up.
        Just exist really.

        1. I’ve never been offered any. And the last 400 chicks I’ve talked to shot me down. Needless to say tho I’m shooting blanks so I’m fine with these hoes slitting it up, is just like my price of the pie.

  9. There is no need to care if any woman wants to have an abortion; she’s self-selecting out. If you married a woman that aborts your child, then you made a mistake and should get out. If it’s not your child, then you got too many problems to list.
    Libtards and SJW’s will select themselves out. You have way too much to worry about in life to spend a minute caring.

  10. I’m not going to argue whether or not abortion laws should be changed or repelled.
    However, I do believe a man should have a say so in whether a woman can abort what is one half his child.
    I know, I know. She’s the one going to carry it in her for nine months. Ok. So the man wanting to carry the baby to term is signing up for a 18 year investment,at least.

  11. ROK logic:
    Abortion is wrong, and is so rampant because girls are validated for being sluts, so they bang everybody.
    Anyway here’s 5 article about how to bang sluts.

    1. Just some guy,
      We just work with the materials we are given.
      If life hands to lemons, make lemonade.
      If life hands you sluts, fuck ’em!

      1. Believe me JD, there are some sluts you dont’t want to bang. Sometimes its just better to calm the willie …

  12. My stance on abortions is if the procedure is done within a reasonable time frame (after a missed period, give or take a few weeks) and it’s not paid for with taxpayer money…abort away.

  13. If you have a moment, do take the time to watch the video. It shows New York in all of its degenerate glory. Hipster trust fund babies paying 3,000 for a closet in a trendy neighborhoods, chronically unemployed sheboons complaining about not having a washing machine in their government-sponsored apartments, and vulgar women with notch counts in the 100s proclaiming their indepence from the horrors of motherhood.
    In a word, Joo York is the degenerate capital of the world – honorable mentions to Toronto, Berlin, and ((Los Angeles)). NYC has some interesting sights to visit, but beyond that it’s a steaming cesspool that’s virtually unlivable for anyone not in the 1%.

  14. “Fuck your hot bartender, twice!”
    Hah re enforcing the chad 80/20 rule
    And people think this kind of advertising/mind fukkery is just crazy conspiracy stuff.
    Whilst the ju’s are selective breeding for intelligence and good family stock they are peddling this nonsense on the g0yim.
    Ghettofying the black, white and various ethnic groups until we blend into some sort of Brazilian populace ripe for subjugation.

    1. “Whilst the ju’s are selective breeding for intelligence”
      HMMM NO, in fact Da Jus that breed like crazy are the most undesirable specimens of the lot: low IQ Mizrahim (basically Hajis who follow a different religion), Ethiopian Falashas and among the Ashkenazi lot the dumbest and most ignorant Orthodox types. The vaunted high IQ liberal urban types display atrocious birth rates and very high miscegenation rates (curiously enough often with Asian chicks).
      Ah Israel is actually pretty far-off from being anything resembling an ethno-state: not only over 20% of the population is made of Arabs with an Israeli passport (yes they’re treated quite badly but they enjoy full political rights) but there is also in the country a not insignificant amount of immigrants from Asia, mostly Flips, Thais and Chinks.
      Not to mention the 1million+ people from the former USSR that settled there since the 90s: the majority are basically fake Jus, in the best case scenario they are Yid like me (25%), more often than not they’re simply frauds who forged their documents in order to move to a country with a better economy.
      Listen, I’m a race realist so I’m really ok with everybody criticizing, and hating, everybody but let’s try at least to base our judgment on the correct facts, as there’s an incredible amount of romaticizing under the guise of hatred about the Eskimos.
      Are Ashkenazi men more often than not sociopathic ? Absolutely
      Do they often carry around a giant chip on their shoulders ? Hell Yeah
      Rude, mean and moronically potty-mouthed ? Jesus Hitler and Adolf Christ, they are !
      Dishonest and hostile to their host nation ? Come on do we really need to answer this ???
      Selectively breeding for intelligence ? HAHAHA gimme a break pal, Ashkie males will fuck, marry and breed with anything that moves regardless of race, intelligence, wealth etc. pretty much like guys everywhere else…
      And that’s another inconvenient truth fellas: as despicable as modern females are, still the vast majority of race-mixing is carried out by men but that’s a topic for another time.

  15. Can we just openly fight the commies in the street and end this nonsense already

  16. “Planned Parenthood Tells Women To Sleep Around To Preserve Its Abortion Business”
    No, they don’t, this is not the message of the video. I dislike that organisation, their methods and goals, but that is not a reason to spread misleading information. Bad article.

  17. The only instance in which abortion WOULD have been justified was during the time it was possible to abort these sluts whilst in utero.

  18. I mean, what as a society have we created here? It goes beyond the core topic and womankind’s celebration of degeneracy. That sort of morals-free promotional advertising — sanctifying itself in far-left liberal “virtue” — will become more common as the pillars of society continue to erode.

    I’m sure there are plenty of modern women (including some ROK lurkers) who wholeheartedly think this is beautiful and liberating. Pretty fuckin’ tacky, ladies…you really ought to be disgusted with yourselves, but he “shame” had been brainwashed right the fuck out of you. Shame.

  19. I agree. The collective and individual shame of women(including all liberal leftists) has breached levels unforseen in human history. However shame is beyond the deluded brainwashed conscience and vocabulary of these soul and civilization destroying creatures.
    Shame shame shame.
    Only option is to welcome occasional pump and dump(and they voluntarily do it- except its called pump and jump (to the next cock/wallet))
    Beware the borderline (BPD CLUSTER B) women guys. The intentional devastation is ongoing and long lasting

  20. sorry but i just hate it when girls say they fuck. unless i’ve been going about it wrong, girls GET fucked. it’d be like me saying i operated on my surgeon. doesn’t mean they’re inferior, just means the act is not symmetric.
    as for the bigger point, whatever we might think about abortion, it sure does keep the lib pop’n down. imagine how much Herself would’ve won the election by, if her supporters weren’t killing their own in the womb.

  21. This ever diminishing, numerically tiny crowd
    is impossibly stretching the veneer of majority
    to the point, not even they themselves believe
    they have a snowball’s chance of being extant
    in 5 years time, much less be in any majority

  22. “Protect our right to safely f**k whoever the f**k we want.”
    Hear that incels?
    Better support planned parenthood.

  23. Well. I can’t get laid to save my life so I guess I will never cause any abortions.

  24. I have a problem with many aspects of this Planned Parenthood of New York content. Thanks to RTOK for documenting this.
    Don’t like abortions, myself, but that isn’t the point.
    The point is “free abortions”?!?
    I am a surgeon. Not an Ob and don’t do abortions.
    But I don’t like to do any surgery for free, unless it is emergent.
    These people want doctors to just volunteer their time to perform abortions!?!? And what about the issues of who will pay for the facility, the meds, nurses?
    Planned parenthood usually employs their doctors, but PP requires funding from taxpayers and patients’ payments.
    Moral argument against abortions aside; this video calls for physician enslavement. “Free Abortions!” That means the doctor doesn’t get paid.

  25. This is total bullshit. Born and bred in Brooklyn, black, in my 30’s, I say none of this with pride. This is just a marketing campaign, meaning. it involves ZERO moral right, and just MONEY. EVERYTHING IN NEW YORK RUNS ON MONEY. EVERYTHING. As for fucking, I haven’t fucked a chick in over 10 years here. NYC stand for NOT YOUR CONCERN, no one gives a fuck about anyone here. PURE BULLSHIT don’t fall it.

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