3 Critical Rules To Build A Physique That Turns On Women

It’s no secret that learning game is harder than it ever was before—with Soros “1 in 4 women are raped” propaganda on every corner, anti-male sentiment emanating from the hordes of social justice warriors, and women’s general lack of femininity, attracting and seducing hot girls without encountering numerous obstacles is a seemingly impossible challenge.

Shit tests, friends cock blocking you, and poor logistics… it seems that we must do everything within our power to level the playing field. You can try building your wealth, you can try learning game, and you can try working on your personality, but in my experience, one thing works best: game combined with a killer physique.

Having a killer physique is the most immediate thing that a girl sees about you. Not your bank account, not your game, not your personality but your physical body. Yes, obviously everything else is important, but developing a shredded, lean physique that turns heads is an incredibly powerful asset.

Learning Game With A Killer Physique

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I don’t want to exaggerate here, but it’s hard not to. When I first started working out around the age of 13, I didn’t think it would have much of an effect. Yeah, maybe I’d get a few IOI’s here and there, but I figured it was something you just did for health.

Oh my god, was I wrong—fast forward 10 years, and I can’t believe the power that it commands, not only in terms of respect from your peers, but in attraction from women. Despite the SJW’s harping on men for being shallow, it turns out that women are actually just as shallow… they just hide it better.

I recall the first time that I really started to understand how powerful an aesthetic physique really was. I was 18, and had just graduated high school—I’d been lifting pretty seriously for about a year, but at the time still really had no idea what I was doing.

I decided to go to the pool with some buddies. I’d been hitting the gym extra hard over the past year, because I wanted to look like a total stud when I went to college, but it turns out I didn’t even have to wait that long. We got to the pool, and immediately 3 hot girls caught my eye. They were absolutely gorgeous, and I could barely contain my testosterone.

I subtly pointed them out, so my buddies could see, and we all sat down next to them. Immediately, one of them who was lying on her stomach, tanning, turned towards me and asked: “What’s your name?”

Holy hell—did she just open ME? From there the whole conversation was smooth sailing. She immediately gave me a ton of IOI’s, playing with her hair, biting her lip; pretty much acting like a complete school girl around me.

The conversation ended with her asking for my number, and she texted me the next day wanting to hang out.

Ever since then I’ve never underestimated the power of an aesthetic physique. A chiseled, sexy V-Taper signals confidence, vitality, strength, and most importantly, alpha male status. In all seriousness, when you’re jacked, gaming women is like shooting fish in a barrel.

1. Utilize P.H.A.T. Training

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Imagine learning game when you look like this

When most guys start working out, they fall for the classic “bro split” vs. powerlifting routine dichotomy. A “bro-split,” as it’s aptly named, is the routine that most douchebag mustang drivers, college chads, and curl bros follow. It essentially divides your workout routine up into 3 separate days: chest and arms, shoulders and back, and legs.

There’s different variations, but the idea is that you cycle the days—for example, you may do something like this:

  • Monday: Chest and Arms
  • Tuesday: Legs
  • Wednesday: Back and Shoulders
  • Thursday: Rest

Then, you’d just repeat this over and over until the end of eternity. The benefits of this are that you’ll train mass, and will certainly get a proportional physique. The negative side, however, is that it’s extremely difficult to build strength since most of the bro-splits consist of higher repetition exercises.

In stark contrast, is the typical powerlifting routine, which is usually either Starting Strength or some 5×5 variation. These consist of Days “A,” and “B,” each of which usually contains 3-4 exercises.

So, a typical powerlifting routine, may look something like this:

  • Day A: Squats, Bench, Barbell Row
  • Day B: Squats, Overhead Press, Deadlift

Then, you would just alternate with a rest day in between. So, in other words, you might do Day A on Monday, Day B on Wednesday, and Day A on Friday. Then, the next week, you’d pick up where you left off: do Day B on Monday, Day A on Wednesday, and so on and so forth.

The main benefit of a powerlifting routine is that you’ll gain a ton of strength, and it’ll be functional, too. The major downside, however, is that you’ll often end up looking like a T-Rex: huge legs and giant pecs, but scrawny arms from a lack of direct exercises.

Most guys are stuck choosing between either massive strength and little aesthetics, or massive aesthetics and paltry strength, but I propose, there’s a way you can get both.

After nearly 7 years of lifting, oscillating between various bro-splits and powerlifting routines, I discovered a principle called “Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training,” or P.H.A.T. for short. The idea behind PHAT is that you combine both strength and mass training…into one routine.

I won’t go too in depth here, since I cover this all in my latest book, but here is a sample template that you can use to design your own routine:

  • Day 1: Upper Body Strength
  • Day 2: Lower Body Strength
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
  • Day 5: Cardio, HIIT, or Legs Hypertrophy
  • Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
  • Day 7: Rest

The strength days will build rock solid, dense muscle—your bench, squat, deadlift, and other compound lifts will sky-rocket. The mass days will build huge, aesthetic biceps, triceps, and shoulders—in other words, it works the auxiliary muscles and makes them gigantic, in a way that strength training can’t do.

Simply switching to a PHAT based workout routine will astound you—you’ll get stronger and stronger every week, as the mass and strength training both work together synergistically. I do not exaggerate when I say that following a PHAT routine will make your progress in the gym triple.

2. Choose The Proper Diet For YOU

body of an alpha masculine development return of kings

How you’ll feel knowing every girl in a 2 mile radius wants you

Intermittent Fasting, the Paleo Diet, the Bulletproof Diet, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach diet, Slow-Carb, High-Carb…when you first get into the world of fitness, and even after several years, it can be incredibly confusing. It seems that every single “expert,” out there has an opinion. I’m here to tell you that a good 75% of it is total bullshit.

Here’s what you need to realize: there is no one size fits all. Different diets suit different needs and different goals, so I’m going to simplify it for you. First, ask yourself, what is your body type:

  • Hard-Gainer (very skinny, have a difficult time putting on weight)
  • Obese (30+ pounds overweight)
  • Average (Between 15-20% body fat)

Okay, now, let’s simplify. If you’re a hard-gainer, and you’re trying to gain a lot of muscle mass, here’s what you need to do. First things first, don’t do any of that intermittent fasting, paleo, or Atkins garbage—it’s meant for losing weight. You’re going on the “high-carb” diet. Eat a medium to large sized meal every 3-4 hours, ideally having some carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

If you’re obese, I recommend you use the paleo diet. Low-carb diets put your body into a mild state of ketosis—AKA your body burns fat for energy, and not carbohydrates.

Don’t worry so much about how much you eat, just eat foods that only cavemen would have access to. Nothing processed, nothing artificial, no grains or wheat, just the Neanderthal foods: farm fresh meat, organic vegetables, and nuts. Keep fruit and berries to an absolute minimum (maybe one serving post-workout).

Do this until you’re around 12% and if you like, you can then switch over to a more carbohydrate based diet to build muscle (carbohydrates make building muscle so much easier). Consume the majority of your daily carbohydrates before and after your workout, however, to maximize muscle-gain and minimize fat loss.

If you’re average, consider following the “recomposition,” protocol. Work out every day on an empty stomach, ideally early in the morning. Consume 5 grams of BCAA’s to prevent muscle wasting, and then eat a carbohydrate heavy meal post-workout. Calculate your calories, eat roughly 200 less than maintenance, and you’ll melt fat and build muscle at the same time.

Do you see why most diets are total bullshit now? They act as if there’s a one-size fits all approach, but there’s not. The reality is that you’ll have to approach your diet like you approach your health: it depends on the individual.

3. Aim for the “Golden Ratio”

body of an alpha masculine development return of kings

Girls will regularly ask to feel your abs when you go out clubbing

Statistically, do you know what women find most attractive physically? No, it isn’t height—it’s something called the “golden ratio,” or a man’s shoulder to waist ratio.

Studies have shown that when a man’s shoulder to waist ratio is roughly 1.618, women consistently rank him as being the most attractive among his peer group. Yup, that’s right. You can out train your poor height genetics, your poor face genetics, and whatever minority skin color you think hurts your chances.

The question, then, is how? How do you train to get that V-Taper that women absolutely adore? Well, I propose two things:

  • Utilize weighted and un-weighted back exercises
  • Do sets to failure

That’s it. Most guys don’t combine un-weighted back exercises like pull ups, with weighted back exercises like Pendlay rows or lat pull downs—they typically do one or the other, and their piss poor results show it. I propose that you do BOTH.

My workout routine (for Back and Shoulders day) consists first of the typical weighted back exercises, but then, I do 3 sets of pull ups to absolute failure. I’ll do as many pull ups as I can, and then go over to the pull up machine, and do as many as I can with 20 pounds of assistance. Then 40 pounds, then 60 pounds, all the way until I can’t do anymore.

Then, I do this two more times. If you think you’ve ever experienced a burn from back day, but haven’t done this, you’re in for a surprise. Your back will be BURNING in agony after just 1 set, but hey, if you want an aesthetic physique, in the words of Arnold: “No pain, no gain.”

In other words, the more pain you feel on a hypertrophy day, the more you’ll gain—so aim to combine weighted and un-weighted back exercises, to get the best of both worlds. The weighted exercises will train for strength and build dense muscle, and the unweighted will build mass and endurance muscle.

Want More?

body of an alpha masculine development return of kings

If you’re interested in building a strong, healthy, Greek-god-like physique, then consider checking out my eBook. For a limited time only, I’m giving Return of Kings readers 25% off, plus two FREE eBook bonuses. In addition to this, you’ll also get “Priority Coaching,” where I respond to your emails within 48 hours, so that you have absolutely no questions about how to get jacked as hell.

In Body of an Alpha, I cover damn near everything you need to know about getting shredded, melting away fat, and packing on slabs of muscle. Here’s some of the benefits that you’ll get when you decide to purchase my guide to building the body that women desire:

  • The “Principles of Lifting,” which most guys violate, destroying any chance at muscle gain
  • Recovery hacks, to minimize cortisol, and boost growth hormone, so that you can double your recovery speed
  • A guide to myofascial release and stretching to prevent injury, ensuring you never have to skip a day at the gym
  • The official “Body of an Alpha,” routine, meant to transform your body into a statue of Zeus
  • BONUS #1 – “Alpha Supplements,” my guide to legal steroids, the best pre-workouts, and more
  • BONUS #2 – A reader requested FAQ, including how to shop for a fit body, how to blunt hunger, and more
  • BONUS #3 – My “Exercise Demonstration Guide,” so that there’s not a single doubt in your mind about how to do the Body of an Alpha routine
  • BONUS #4 – Priority Coaching! Just email me and ask me whatever questions you have, I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.
  • And more! Body of an Alpha is 150+ pages of all-killer no-filler material, PACKED with knowledge from nearly 10 years of experience and nearly $10,000 spent trying different routines, supplements, and techniques

So if you want to take it to the next level, and get that aesthetic, ripped physique that’ll get you laid in record time, click here and take advantage of my 25% discount and bonuses while they still last!

Read Next: 10 Reasons You Can’t Build Muscle

219 thoughts on “3 Critical Rules To Build A Physique That Turns On Women”

  1. To the young ‘uns: Getting ripped helps attract women, but remember that a ***strong mental frame*** is still the number one requirement for masculinity. It will take longer to develop but is totally worth it.

    1. Yes. A rocking body does you nothing if you are meek and act like a beta. You might get some propositions from fags or older horny drunk women after midnight, but you’ll be every bit the girl repellent as the non-jacked beta guy.
      I’ve seen non-jacked guys with stainless steel mental frame with really hot chicks, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a total beta pansy with muscles with a girl on his arm for any length of time.

      1. Plus don’t measure anything by cougars.
        I looked like a hungover 15 year old till I was 28 and older women loved that apparently.
        The world is a terrifying place.

      2. Once upon a time I practiced asshole game. Eventually it got stuck ‘on.’ Had way more success out of shape with that, than back when I was in shape without it. I actually enjoy laughing at snotty replies and it filters for women who can laugh at themselves (very rare).

        1. “…women who can laugh at themselves (very rare).”
          I can believe that; being able to laugh at yourself requires a sense of humility, and in this era of runaway feminism and Leftist Political Correctness, there are as FEW Western women who have a sense of humility, as there are those with whom it is worth the risk of having any kind of relationship.

    2. so true. I’ve lost a lot of sets because the way i was mentally didn’t match the body.

    3. I’m talking to lolknee right now. He asked me to relay this to you. This is not my opinion or my wanting to start any political conversation, he asked me to relay it to you.

      you can tell jammy that I went out, booked an excursion, had drinks in a bar, had lunch at anfrench bistro and walked back to my room along the water. I spoke to at least 20 people and not one of them mentioned trump

    4. Agreed – in order of effectiveness for one night stands, here’s how it goes (IMO):
      1. Game
      2. Looks (close second)
      3. Social status
      4. Wealth
      #3 and #4 become far more important in the long run for girls, but for 1 night stands, game and looks are key.

      1. Nah looks (including height) comes before game if you want young girls, especially teens (legal in Europe 15+)

      2. The problem with lists is the vertical dimension, when it is rather often horizontal. It’s hard to rank these since they are often inter-related and a person needs a little of bit everything (but preferably much) to be successful.
        However, I agree that with regard to night game wealth and social status are seldom required since you often hunt alone and do not rely on others. But sometimes people will look at how you interact with your friends. A standard question from girls is: Where are your friends? Since I hunt alone or have lost them due to the hunting process, I have to come up with an excuse to appear normal.
        With that said, social status and/or wealth can also be very useful in many contexts – even in nightclubs and bars. Additionally, to be able to dress well and afford drinking some degree of money is of course required. Ergo: everything matters, more or less.

  2. Which exercises make you taller if you’re over 35? Asking for a “friend”. 🙂

        1. honestly, dont ever let yourself become morbidly obese. I have a friend who was about an inch taller than me in his mid 20s, by the time he got married about 8 years later, he was about an inch shorter than me (he couldnt believe the wedding photos-“when did you become taller than me?”)

        2. Agreed but I’m lucky enough to be naturally pretty thin and don’t really like sweets or junk food.

        3. I went to a funeral recently, a friend was there who was taller than me in college- he’s obese now and I could have sworn he was shorter than me, I thought I was imagining it…

        4. Odd. I saw a friend from college recently who swore he was six foot, two inches. We measured ourselves against the wall and I came out half an inch taller than he was. I’m six foot, half an inch. This guy has been borderline obese for much of the 20 years since school.

        5. nope, its real- each disc in your spine will compress slightly if youre too overweight. My mother has lost 3 inches in height in the past 30 years

    1. Develop a peer group that consists of midgets and dwarves. The contrast will make you appear to be a giant, especially if you work out.
      It’s all about the optics man.

      1. Speaking of special k- they wanna prescribe that shit for deprression

        1. Special K? Isn’t that Buckwheat’s mentally challenged sister?

        2. Buckwheat was a cereal brand way far back, and also the character Eddie Murphy would play from time to time on SNL. He made a joke about his sister being Special K (because, he’s Buckwheat).

        3. Right, Buckwheat was the character Eddie Murphy played, to mimic the original Buckwheat from the Little Racals.

    1. Chuck Fucking Norris…!! Chuck Norris took a trip to the Virgin Islands and when he left they had to rename the place “The Islands..”

    1. Before every working, as you prepare your Kratom for consumption, recite this mantra.

      Kratom, I adore you and praise your name today. Your power is mighty. I ask that you strengthen those areas of my life where I let you down, such as my abs and traps. Thank you for my health, family, and friends. You have blessed me richly and I am very thankful for your presence in my life. Kratom, I invite you into my life to guide me and direct me through some tough decisions that lie ahead for me. Now Kratom allow me to hear your calling for my life as I close this prayer and ingest your chemical awesomeness…Amen

  3. Then, you’d just repeat this over and over until the end of eternity.
    That’s an awful long time. I was hoping I could ease up a bit once I’m dead.

    1. Getting a membership at God’s gym is mandatory bro.

  4. Jared Kushner and Eric trump have hot women with 0 physique , so do most doctors and businessmen. There goes the muscles theory .

    1. They are exceptions and prove the rule. Muscles theory will work for almost all average guys. Also Jared and Eric met those girls through social circle, which kinda trumps raw game oftentimes.

      1. Muscles do not equate to pulling 9 hotness . It can help just like wealth . Agreed on social circle . Doctors are not the exception neither are attorneys . There’s plenty of both and they more often than not have hot women

  5. Girls will regularly ask to feel your abs when you go out clubbing

    You go to clubs shirtless?!? Dufuq?! lol What is this, The Village People World or something?

    1. I think he is 23 if I got my math correct. Maybe 24. It is still plausible to walk around with an open shirt and no undershirt around hotties and get felt up. Ladies are very touchy when you have muscles.

      1. *In a club*??
        So young guys are walking around shirtless in clubs? Doesn’t that seem kind of………you know……gay? I mean the only type of clubs I’ve ever heard about where this was the norm are the faggot ones, so basically this has percolated into straight world now?
        Shirtless at the beach, of course. Shirtless outside doing work, sure. Shirtless in a hot sweaty nightclub peacocking for a date? Man…..geeesh.

        1. That’s a show with a bunch of guidos acting stupid though right (I’ve heard others talk about it). I mean real life.

        2. Shirtless, heck yeah that is gay. Open shirt, I used to do when in the Caribbean or even on a hot day with a wife beater on. Another type of shirt that usually gets the ladies grope happy are form fitting short sleeve shirts.

        3. That’s way more in line with what I’d think would be appropriate.

        4. No, but when girls are hugging you and they hear that you work out, they all ask to “feel your abs.” It’s like the classic girl line

        5. That makes sense. The picture accompanying the article suggests something a bit different.
          The hug and then they “oooooh” is always pleasant.

      1. I’d think anything would be acceptable shirt wise (depending on your taste). Something just strikes me as really weird about this notion.

        1. That is perfectly fine and should be encouraged, assuming that she’s an HB7 or higher. Any woman below an HB6 must be mandated by law to be covered in a burka.

    2. That’s basically the Jersey Shore Mentality. Some people (and maybe the author of this piece as well) think that the epitome of manliness is being an orange alcoholic guido like the ones from that MTV show:

        1. I think every italian-merican family has at least one ‘jersey shore relative.’ You know, the uncle who gets in fights in the front yard in a decent neighborhood.

      1. It’s videos like that that make me realize were definitely not ‘one nation.” Split the country up already. It’s also things like this that make me reaffirm my belief that Italians are the dumbest of the white race.

        1. *your nation, I’m not american.
          Now, keep in mind this: that kind of behavior is not exclusive of italians or italian-americans. I have known Germans, Swedes, French, Irish, brits, you name it, that act even worse than that. The problems here are the same of the white race as a whole:
          1. Brainwashing: these people grew up watching Hollyjewood movies and MTV, they were educated in public schools where the main ideas are that we went to the moon thanks to 3 black ladies and not Werner von Braun and his german rocket scientist, or that Shakespeare and Beethoven were half black (I’m not making that up, google it).
          2. Lack of culture at home: their parents never teach them who they are and to be proud of that. I bet that this guidos and their parents don’t even speak proper italian, know who Dante and Machiavelli was, and think that classical Italian music is Dean Martin.

        2. Shows what happens when people rely on TV entertainment programs and movies to ‘teach’ them about history and Western culture.
          Idiots like these need to be asked if they think that they can practice law because they watched every old rerun of “Perry Mason”.

  6. the guys in those pictures are completely dehydrated. exercise is good,but this obsession with “muh abs!” is ridiculous. and there is nothing more beta than working out to get womens attention.

      1. yep. look at the body of a man straight out of basic training. youll see they look nothing like the guys in these pictures. yet they are at that time supposed to be considered the epitome of fitness.

        1. Or any advanced krav Maga expert . They are strong but look nothing like that . Total juicers except the skinny white guy at the beach

        2. I’d take tradition over hype. Krav maga is some clever made up shit by israelis, very popular among women. Immediately suspect to me.

        3. It’s basically women’s self-defense. Pretending to kick men in the balls instead of learning boxing and wrestling.

  7. “3 Critical Rules To Build A Physique That Turns On Women”
    1. Eat CLEN
    2. TREN hard
    3. ANAVAR give up!

    1. 4. DECA hall with boughs of holly (tra la la la laaaa)
      5. DIANABOL of porridge every day (breakfast of champions!)
      And last but by no means least…
      6. TEST generously, TEST often!

  8. Muscles are good
    Kratom is great
    Muscles plus Kratom
    makes girls masturbate

    1. Paleo is for weight loss. Sounds like our ancestors wanted to eat themselves to death.

      1. Combined with weight lifting it works out fine.

  9. 1) Being fatter and fatter, wimmin have been told by mainstream press that dad bods are “cute” therefore they believe it. I see a lot of fit guys married to land whales, boy do they look miserable.
    2) If you have no game it’s useless.

    1. Or career …I’ve seen roided guys with game and personality get dumped because they are a plumber , electrician , or auto mechanic .

  10. you cannot out train poor face and height genetics that is the dumbest load of bull shit i have ever read. If your short in a club women won’t feel your abs guys will surround you much bigger no one will see you and then they will all go behind you and make you look like a fag since your not so tall body and ass is at their crotch.

    1. So basically you’re short and want to blame that instead of doing some work for self improvement? I’m assuming?
      Plenty of short guys score. Not 4’5″ dudes, but if you’re average height you can score a chick. I think average is what, 5’8″ (or is it 5’10”)? Way too many of you dwarf types (< 6′) walking around with girls on your arms, there is no excuse.

    2. Your statement reeks of insecurity. Go ahead and put some muscle on before you say it won’t work. Muscles get attention. Taking care of your physical health and style gets love from women. Being a bitch about your height always has a negative effect on your sex life and social life. And I am also from the under 6′ crowd.

      1. I’m 6 feet and from where i’m at , there are a hell of a lot of men much taller than me. I do what i can with what i have. No point of dwelling on height , can’t do anything about that. But we sure as hell can improve the width :))

    3. Height is only as much of a problem as you let it be. When short guys stop worrying about their height, then the women will too. And this is coming from your average 5’9″er here.
      Besides, the biggest manwhore I know is 5’6″. He doesn’t let that stop him.

      1. True not gonna lie but being jacked being short takes huge amount of effort once you get a job it’s impossible to manage it. I mean you get hit on by gays and some women think your gay as a short guy who is jacked most be gay as he spends the time and effort to care about himself. You can make time but little feeder work outs don’t do much after 25 years of age since you likely stopped growing younger than most men your T is going to shit.

  11. Not so sure about this being a 100% thing. Whenever I go out, I’ve noticed the jacked guys are always without a woman. It must be something about the way they dress. The skin tight shirt and pants never seem to attract the women no matter how many muscles are popping out.
    You can get a lot of quality tail as long as you’re in moderately good shape and have game. I’ve never found not having abs as a roadblock to meeting good looking women.
    My wife dated some dudes that were more ripped than me during the times we were on a break up. Yet I pulled her back easily each and every time.
    That being said, having a nice body certainly won’t hurt your chances.

    1. Game and frame plus normal build = you’ll do fine
      Game and frame plus jacked build = you’ll be dating super models.
      No game, no frame but jacked = Sitting alone most of the night and maybe getting lucky around 2:30am when some cougar sets her sights on your betaness and ignores it due to your build
      No game, no frame, normal build = Join the Eliot Rogers fan club

      1. money is a big issue too. I don’t care who you are, if you live in a van, down by the river, your dating life won’t go past a one night stand.

        1. Only to a point. I think lots of guys put *way* too much emphasis on it. If you’re housed, fed, clothed and generally doing decent, that suffices for casual dating.

        2. True, it you cant keep a roof over your head, it means you have other problems.

    2. I think being jacked is helps her get in the mood for sex. Long term attraction comes from frame, money and personality.

    3. When I go to the public swimming pools in germany I always see the german girls with skinny germans or arabs while the well build german guys are sitting on the edge of the pool without a girl.
      The degeneracy is staggering. I noticed this since many years: all the girls in my social circle are in a relationship with a german skinny leftwing cuck. It’s so pathetic. Sometimes I’m conjecturing that it’s the birth control pill that fucks with the brain of german females and makes em fucking the biggest wimps.
      For example my first gf left me for a guy who ways 48 lbs less than me and is .5 feet smaller than me, has not even a school degree – but besides being a skinny little wimp he is smoking weed and is addicted to alcohol.
      Advice: If you come to germany make sure to look and behave like a total retard, you will get a lot of girls. Doesn’t matter if you are small or big, just be a skinny hipster with a drug problem who has anger problems. You also have the foreigner bonus.

  12. Not to throw cold water on anybody’s ambitions, but realize that if you’re over 40 or 45 you almost assuredly won’t be “building” much of anything…you’ll be working your ass off to “maintain” (muscle, endurance, lack of injury, etc) and stave off aging’s natural decline for as long as humanly possible. That’s why it’s so important to get into athletics early in life — so you can enter middle age with the fittest body and mindset, and be well-equipped to deal with inevitable entropy.

        1. I have a hard time telling if a tan is bad or just natural leathery aging on older people.
          He might be on roids, I dunno. I’m not.
          I think you do get entropy at some point, but at 40? Hell’s bells, not even close.

      1. I hedged a little in my post because I know there are exceptions, and guys such as yourself (like several ROK regulars) have unusual levels of focus…but, in my experience, most men don’t follow that trajectory. I’d imagine you were even stronger in your 30s? For me, a Gen Xer in his early 40s, a slight natural fall-off is occurring in terms of aerobic stamina (and secondarily in flexibility), but not yet strength or appearance.

        1. Right, to be fair to your point, a person who doesn’t keep up a good athletic regimen will in fact just fade away.

        2. I recall reading a study a few years back that measured strength in elders from 70 to 80 something. Those that did heavy resistance training were able to maintain most if not all of their previous strength from younger days. It was astonishing how much they could maintain. If they had trained previously they could even attain most of that strength again. Now cardo fitness is something different, but muscle strength appears quite durable as long as you actively maintain it.

        3. Absolutely correct. Maintaining Optimum Physical (and Mental) health will provide you with a much higher quality of life than the average person. I’m 45 now, I’ve been working out for over 25-years, and I have yet to experience any lack of muscle tone or endurance. As a matter of fact, I’m actually stronger now than I was in my 20’s… “Old Man Strength” ain’t no joke. If you stay injury-free, you should be good to go for a very long time!

        4. Working with an Italian drywaller in his 70s. Building his dream retirement house in my neck of the woods. Competed and won 2 body building contests in the 70s. Fucking guy is a mule, can lift anything even WITH disks removed from his back (work accident, but no ill effect with his conditioning). He is for me living testimony to dedicating your life to lifting. Yes… he moves slower, has to lift with more caution, but all his strength is there.

        1. There are endless pictures of old guys who are still built well. I’m betting the vast majority don’t involve juice. My point was that you don’t have to just accept entropy.

        2. So sue me.
          Hell, even if he’s juiced, so what? That’s a short circuit too right?

      2. as long as you put energy into the system, entropy can still decrease, otherwise, it will naturally increase. didn’t your mama ever teach you physics?

    1. Unless you do the legal steroids I recommend in my “Alpha Supplements,” guide, or TRT. Plus at that age you’ve got wealth and game anyways, so you don’t need to be the best looking

  13. I got married 14 years ago. Like most I let myself slack too long. But then I started working out again, eating right, etc…..I tell you, being attractive to your wife makes getting regular sex so much easier. I hear these complaints from guys who say that once they married, the sex stopped. I got to wander how they changed their behavior.

    1. It can be that, but not always. Most of the time the guy was a beta from the start and thus, once his purpose was served, regular sex no longer needed to be given. See this a lot.

      1. that makes sense. We went from none, to regular for about 3 years, then hit a lull until about year 10 before I realized what was happening.

      1. Had that in my youth naturally (threw bales or lumber in a sawmill), once I got out of college and took an office job, that was lost.

      2. That dread series has been good. I’m looking forward to the next installment. It’s fit well with the whole Men of March thing.

      1. Sounds like a helluva stupid idea (even for a woman) why get married at all if the attraction isn’t there? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

        1. Attraction might be still be there, but the libido isn’t, or is easily ignored.

        2. that sounds like a medical thing. I’ve seen it after every baby, and after I had my appendix out.

    2. “Being attractive to your wife makes getting regular sex so much easier.” – this is very true Jim! (and vice versa)… I’ve been married 19 years, and you just can’t stop, you can’t make excuses… It’s like running a business – you have to stay on top of Everything, but it needs to look effortless to those around you.

      1. That, and if you stay in shape, it will help motivate your wife to stay in shape.

        1. Can confirm. I’ve hit the gym four days a week for the past seven months. I’ve dropped about 20 pounds and four inches off my waist. Suddenly my wife is dialing back the cheeseburgers and other crap food, going for a run in the evenings, etc.

    3. I’ll bet that just showing you eat healthy is also attractive. Few women want a man who drinks alcohol and eats junkfood.

      1. Even with zero results to start off with, she does like to see the self discipline in her mate.

        1. Discipline = good provider. And more than half of her menstrual cycle, that is what she is looking for.

  14. The whole premise of this article is wrong. You don’t exercise because you objective is to attract bitches, you get ripped because it is good for you:
    1. It is good for your psychical health: exercise (all kind of) helps with weight problems, improve your heart, liver, etc.
    2. It is good for your mental health: helps with confidence, stress and anger issues, like the old saying: mens sana in corpore sano.
    3. It is useful in all kind of scenarios.
    Attracting bitches is just a secondary result.
    In my personal experience, I have never trained in my life in a ‘normal’ gym. I have always trained martial arts and boxing, and my physique is just a result of that. I do weightlifting sometimes as part of this training, but my objective is not to be a clumsy ‘roidhead/gymrat.

    1. You say “clumsy roidhead/gymrat” like it’s a bad thing. Heh.

      1. In my personal experience, roidheads/gymrats worth 3 pieces of shit in a fight. In my gym every month we have someone like that thinking that because they deadweight 300 kgs they can fight….and the result is a broken nose and never see them again. I’m 1.83 mts, 84 kgs and have kicked the ass of those types until boredom.

        1. My fighting days are behind me, excepting true self defense (I used to enjoy fighting with a guy as a way to get to know him better, I’m half Scot, it can’t be helped). I think that there’s a lot of jacked guys that think that this is all they need, and they’re wrong. I also think that there’s this general assumption that jacked guys don’t really know how to fight, which most don’t. Beware the jacked guy that does nothing but stands there quietly and waits for you to get into reach. 10 to 1, he’s got fast reflexes and if he does, and gets a hold of you, no fancy oriental move is gonna help. I used to really get people with that, I do Single Action Shooting, my hand and eye coordination and speed are….respectable.

        2. Most ‘oriental moves’ are totally ineffective in real life. Hapkido, Aikido, ground game (most of BJJ), most TKD, most Kung Fu simply don’t work in a real fight. What really works in real life is basically being good at Boxing and a little diversification like some throws from Judo/BJJ, some grappling (again, a little bit of BJJ/Judo) and a couple of kicks (Low kick and front kick).
          Of course, if you have strength is better than nothing, but in a one on one scenario against someone trained (even if the trained guy is thinner) the odds are against you. The face has not body armor, and the correct punch is a broken nose at best or a KO at worse.

        3. Boxing is where it’s at and JJ is good for ground grappling, yep. Good choices. I used to love when dudes (this was the 80’s) would try to get all Bruce Lee and shit, it was a pretty clear bet that they were going to be messed up by the end of the encounter. Plus they didn’t know how to handle a guy who was calm and still and wouldn’t escalate, so that would lure them in closer.

        4. I know what you mean when you say “bruce lee and shit”.
          And its funny because bruce lee wad actually totally against all that flashy stuff. He made gis moves flashy for the cameras.
          All he has written and spoken about actual live fighting is the opposite, it is about economy of motion and maximum effectiveness.
          Very interesting, good reads. Lots of fun diagrams and drawings.

        5. Do you practice shooting revolver from the hip? I saw a video once on guys who do that like in the Westerns. One dude popped 12 balloons in about 5 seconds, 6 from each gun in his hand. Looks like it’s crazy hard to do without using the sights.

    2. I used to do all kinds of fighting styles for 7 years, from boxing to karate. I never got big. But i could pack a punch and had crazy endurance.
      Now I hit the gym and do lifts. I would say it fits me better now. More time effecient. Maximizes health, strength and mood in only 15 – 45 minutes.
      I am in and out. Really works for me.

      1. Doing lifting is better than nothing, but I do prefer more useful things like MA/boxing. Now, I’m certainly not big (1.83 mts, 84 kgs) but all my muscles are defined, and that’s the result of training.

      2. The beauty of lifting weights is the fact that it specifically targets all muscle groups. It’s very focused, methodical and safe (if done correctly). It’s not just the physical appearance that becomes enhanced, but the strength is very real. Add some stretching and you should be prepared to take on almost anything.

        1. Yep. It is scientifically optimized to hit all muscle groups in a minimal amount of time with maximum efficiency.
          Unless you have other goals like endurance, cardio or specific sports (boxing, swimming, running) there is no way more optimal to build muscle and strength than lifting.

    3. Yer right – I’ve had a lifelong aversion to all things athletic.
      But goddamn if the annoyance of a little exercise doesn’t make you just plain FEEL BETTER. and it radiates.

      1. Doubt you have any muscle left as you’ve been dead for a number of years.

        1. That is a concern. There’s ‘getting back in shape’ and ‘staying in shape’
          but my goal is to get in shape in the first place.

    4. That and it keeps you young. A fit guy at 40 (like me) can chop off 10 years automatically compared to his average blue pill hipster peers. My problem is even if I wanted to try online dating at my age, no women “age appropriate” would believe my photo. They are so used to guys in their 40s looking like dumpy, washed up has beens, a guy like me is “clearly” using a photo from his 30s trying to look young. So… screw… call myself 29 until I am 50 then and see what happens! LOL 🙂

      1. If you accept counsel from someone younger than you (I’m 35): forget online dating. Start with night game in a bar (not a club). Dress well, go to a bar and just start talking with the most attractive woman according to your parameters. If after 10 mins or so she’s still cold, just jump to the next. Confidence is the key there, and if you are fit, well dressed and with confidence, believe me when I tell you its really easy to have success.

        1. I recommend this.
          It also helps to get chummy with the bartenders as they’ll give you the heads up on who to avoid (or approach) sometimes, plus it’s a bit of social proof.

  15. Is the author commenting here? Why is it better to do everything (this P.H.A.T. thing) in one week instead of (classical) periodization (i.e., hypertrophy to maximum strength changing every week)?

  16. I think the key take away from this article for me was the combined power/hyper trophy recommendation. I also incorporate pull ups with other back work and never miss deadlifts each week if I can help it. It’s those power exercises when you try and break through 1RM every couple months or so that truly begin to change your physique. That and… the heavier you can lift in around 2 to reps… the MORE you can lift in 10 to 12 where the magic happens once your strong.

  17. Problem is many women tell me that muscular men are a turn off because they look queer and feel like a box of rocks in bed. Obviously you can’t be a fat slob and some muscule is good but looking like a body builder is not necessary to pull women at all.

    1. Of course there is the extreme, but don’t use that as a justification for laziness. Or, it you feel that you are around 8% or less, and that you can relax in that department, use that energy to amplify your life in other ways, various hobbies that are fun to talk about would be the way to go.

      1. What’s this 8% bullshit? How many chicks have you been with that have checked your bodyfat percentage before sex?

        1. I think your mindset is a trap. You are projecting your own idea of what women want onto the world when women don’t give a fuck. The only women who care about 6 pack abs are 18 year old airheads. You are judging yourself by some randomn pictures of somebody elses body and % of body fat. It’s a crock of shit and signals insecurity and a lack of confidence which is the number 1 turn off for a woman.
          I am 6ft 2 175lbs with decent toning and cardio for fucking days. My mindset is correct. As I said you can’t be a fat slob but if you actually look around you will see that some women even go for that too. You are getting caught up on something that doesn’t matter when it comes to banging women.

        2. Obviously different girls like different things. If a guy wants to bed hot young silly 18 year olds at age 40, he better be jacked and have titanium level frame and dress well. Build surely isn’t everything, I’m the first to mention proper frame (even an normal looking dude with high confidence who can hold frame can get laid), but being well built isn’t a detriment at all and does attract a certain breed of women. The mousy school teacher types may not like it, but certain types of models do. And so on.

        3. 1988…if that is his birth year, he would be 29. At that age, I put on about 5 pounds a year until I tapered off at about 37. The weight gain is imperceptible, but very real. I went from a lean 170 to a spare tire 210 (still muscled). Along with it went my wife’s libido. Only recently has she gotten it back as I started working out. Coincidence?

        4. Having a bf between 12 and 16 or so definitely helps. Few good woman want a guy with a fat head. And if you have 18-20% bf, you probably also have thick cheeks.

    2. “Problem is many women tell me that muscular men are a turn off because they look queer and feel like a box of rocks in bed…”
      Do you think that women DON’T lie? That line about muscular men is about as truthful as women saying that how much money a man makes and how he looks doesn’t matter.

  18. Interesting article. In regards to diet/body fat percentage. I suggest people check out DexaFit. They currently have the most accurate body fat testing available. Turns out my body fat was much higher than I thought it was which screwed up my maintenance calorie estimate.
    Additionally, they have another test called RMR (resting metabolic rate). That test is designed to tell you if you are a carb or fat burner(in percentage format). I am 85%/15% carb to fat burner. Previously I used to do a ketogenic diet but did not have much success because, it turns out,I am a carb burner as opposed to a fat burner. I have switched my diet accordingly and have dropped ~10lbs since I had the test done in Jan.

  19. I’m not shredded or jacked at all; I can kinda see my abs, my arms are toned but not big, my deltoids show and a v-neck shirt shows my peck definition. I’m the typical mesomorph.
    I don’t do a lot; my gym is just a bench and a rack of dumbells to 50# and a road to run on.
    I fasted from 235# to 185, then started lifting a little.
    BUT at 41 years old it stands out because most older guys are slobs. My current girlfriend is a 26 year old personal trainer. I’m old as fuck, guys, you CAN DO THIS!

    1. You’re a young’un.
      But you’re right, confirmed this myself. Almost everybody in a man’s 35+ year old peer group (when he turns 35) will be on the fast path to pot bellies, bad haircuts and blood pressure medicine.

        1. Haircut is extremely important.
          I am nearly 40, and women started calling me handsome recently. I am wondering how does that help at age 40, but I hope for the best.
          And I was like, what the fuck, if that is true, why didn’t you tell me like 20 years ago, my life would have turned out vastly differently.
          And I started wondering what the difference can be with my past self? And I realised it was my new haircut, short back and sides, bit longer on top. Even with my greying hair, the good haircut makes a big difference.

        2. Just try new styles, see what works. The important thing is that you’re in charge of your hairstyle and who you are. End of the day that’s all that ever really matters.

        3. Hard to believe there’s guys out there who let their woman have the last word in this regard….

        4. Right. And the thing is, my new hairstyle is what I always wanted, but stupid hairdressers were incapable to carry it out. I found a good hairdresser, she is a keeper.

        5. Yeah, the oldschool German hairstyles are always winners. Call it Wehrmacht or Landser or Hitlerjugend style, all is very masculine.
          I could never imagine long hair on my head. Long hair is for women.

        6. How about the skinhead look when you are bald and have no other options? Do girls like that?

        7. If you are over 35 maybe. I don’t think young women like bald man. And if you are short, fat or skinny AND bald, you’re fucked. Muscular, good looking face, some facial hair, fine.

        8. Damn I’m 40, short and bald and not very muscular. Where’s my rope?

        9. The next question is: do you have money? Maybe a big dick then? If not, I think a rope would be the best option.

      1. I have slipped a little. I was down to 220 a few years ago at 6’4″, but have gotten up to 255. At least I’m nowhere near the 300 I was a year before the 220. Still have all my hair with about 5 gray hairs at 37. I get a good, old fashioned haircut, but I need to do it monthly, not the bimonthly I do now. Blood pressure was like 122/78 last time I took it. Am running now, picking up more miles, so I will hopefully cut all that away again. Do need to lift, though.

        1. Gotta lift. It’s really the best way to build and maintain muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the better your body is at metabolizing nutrients, keeps hormones in check, etc. Plus, the added muscle tissue helps to better support the skeletal system, thus helping with posture – everything’s better with more muscle!

        2. Sounds like you’re on the right track Luke.

    2. Shit Brother, you’re young. Stay on top of your health and your finances and you’ll have the freedom to do whatever you want – whenever you want!

    3. I’m 39 and in a very similar position to you, good sir. I don’t really do much cardio, it’s sort of ad-hoc right now, but I definitely lift, and lift heavy. Everyone else my age pretty much looks like shit and they don’t even care enough to look at me as a point of reference for motivation to get off their ass and know they can fix it. I can definitely vouch for it when you say most older guys are slobs, though.

  20. Body-building program for beginners:
    1. Lift heavy irons regularly.
    2. Eat well.
    Not exactly rocket-science, is it?
    Stronglift 5×5 is my personal favourite.

      1. I only do stronglift 5×5. Or do you mean my favourite lifting? It is the bench press.

  21. the men here posting that how you look isnt important vs game or wealth need to post a pic of their flabby bodies.

    1. In a perfect world , women want all 3. 9s and 10s will go after men with all 3 . Most men do not , so we are trying to get what we can

      1. If everyone here made an account on seeking arrangment they would see how 9s and 10s become more approachable when you list a salary over $150000

  22. One caveat to the hard gainer solution: if you have a round face, make sure you gain weight slowly dying your bulk. Without “help” it’s tough to put on pounds of lean muscle per month. My face got really chubby during a bulk and confidence plummeted. I eventually cut most of the weight anyway. Since, I’ve been gaining 1 pound per month for 1.5 years now and it’s perfect. My face stays nice and chiseled, abs are in place, and confidence is high all year round. The gains are slow, but they’re real.

  23. Saying that the muscle is important in men but height isn’t is like saying the face is important in women but the curves aren’t.
    It’s as if everybody has some disease where something NEEDS to be degraded first, before raising other things. Simply manage priorities folks.

  24. My opinion at the age of 31 and ten years on/off in the lifting game is this; do both compounds and isolation lifts but there’s no need to powerlift. You can break your back with squats and deadlifts and you never need to bench ever; you can do dips or something else intead. This routine displayed in the article seems overly complicated to me; there is no such thing as non-functional hypertrophy; it’s just a myth. Bodybuilding builds great strength endurance in addition to strength and higher reps are safer to do than grinding out joint breaking powerlifting mini sets. Do sets in the moderate bodybuild range and you’ll be fine, only add 0,5 pound between workouts to your rep weight; that’s very little but it adds up over time and most importantly allows you to progress without coming to a halt. In gyms the machine weights may go up in 5 pound increments, which is insane. Don’t sell any of your body parts short; do plenty of exercises to hit the muscles from various angles. I would even disagree with the contention that powerlifting builds huge pecs; obviously benching builds size but if you are serious about BODYBUILDING, don’t ever base your chest development on the press alone; it does not address the natural range of motion of the pectoralis major, which is best addressed by flies and the pectoralis minor is best trained by overhead motions like the straight arm pullover that 1% of gym goers are doing. Benching will build a good outer sweep but not a full aesthetic chest.

  25. I’ve tried lifting for 1 1/2 years but it just becomes boring very fast. No matter how often I tried to change the routines..
    That’s why I do Krav Maga and Muay Thai now, waaaaaay funnier. It does not only transform my body but also my mind, to be able to handle dangerous situations.
    I’m 6’2 and about 84kg. Not a huge buff guy, but got good lean muscle. And that’s the only that matters. Especially for women.

    1. Do what you like but I think that us adults we can forget about this ‘martial arts are spiritual’ thing; they build up egos so guys can live out Steven Seagal movies in their head when someone looks at them funny but their bodies are more frail than the bodies of roided out bodybuilders. People who depend on martial arts will always have mediocre bodies relative to bodybuilders but as said, people have different interests. Once you’ve been to a couple thai classes, you’ve basically seen it all. If you like motoric challenges and variety, try ballet, jazz dance, judo, BJJ or what not. After my dance experience training muay thai was a joke to me; the movements were so simple but the fitness was tougher.

      1. I’ve meant Krav Maga. Muay Thai is cool because of sparring and training.
        With Krav Maga you get trained for every all-day-dangerous situations. I’ve seen MMA Pro’s freeze because the drunken opponent pulled a knife..
        Oh and I’d bet 10.000$ that my Krav Maga Instructor would beat up any roided muscle-head within seconds. If he wants, he can even kill them within seconds. Don’t forget, KM is for survival, so it has no rules and also deadly techniques.

        1. Krav maga is basically women’s self-defense. It’s about going berserk before the other guy does much. If the other guy punches first without telegraphing hard, the krav maga guy would be confused; a boxer would instinctually slip the punch and hit back. If a huge bodybuilder grabbed him, he would take a huge dump in his pants because he does not know basic grappling.
          . Some arts like krav maga teach mediocre kickboxing most of the time with some fitness and weapons stuff thrown in. Defending against weapons is much harder than defending against a bare handed opponent and a tiny portion of the time is spent training against weapon attacks. The thing with MMA or boxing is that they actually do that stuff for real; even to the point of getting knocked out cold. The krav maga instructor has most likely never faced a real knife, much less experienced how it feels like to have his insides carved with that knife but they act like they know it. When you go to a boxing gym, you know that the guy has been punched in the face for real and he may even have trophies to show that he has punched out some reall tough dudes. The krav maga guy’s claim to fame is that cowardly kicked a drunk in the balls in an alley.

        2. You really know nothing about krav maga. Krav Maga is made for REAL Life. Not for the ring. The boxing guy got some punches, thats true. But he was prepared for it. He had preparation time, he knew exactly that it would happen next. In real life situations normal boxer/kickboxers shit their pants. Especially if the opponent pulls a knife/gun. Because they don’t have a clue how to defend them against that.
          In KM you are trained/drilled mentally to be able to make clear decisions even in the worst scenarios. 5 guys with knifes vs. you etc etc..
          You really can’t compare KM with Boxing/MMA. KM is Self-Defense with no rules. Kicking in the balls. Poking the eyes. Experienced KM Fighters know the exact weak points of the human body. The teacher of my instructor was a Special Ops leader in Israel with a Kill Count over 50. Boxing/Kickboxing/MMA alone is a joke to us.
          “The krav maga instructor has most likely never faced a real knife, much less experienced how it feels like to have his insides carved with that knife but they act like they know it”
          I hope this was just a troll.
          Oh, and like me, most KM Fighters also do other sports like boxing/kickboxing.

  26. I broke my damn toe and I can’t run for another week. Four weeks and little cardio is killing me. Its too cold to swim and too dark when I get home to mtn bike. I just want to fucking run.
    Lifting is fine but for me, cardio helps me manage my weight. Plus I need it for climbing.

  27. I have no time to train everyday. So I am doing exactly what is described here in the post, the power lifting training. I found that on http://www.stronglifts.com But I see it’s the same. It’s just compound exercises. You won’t get big fast, but it helps to get stronger.

  28. You can get ripped doing stronglifts 5×5 by incorporating bodybuilding excercises around the the olympic lifts e.g preacher curls and weighted dips on bench day.

  29. Did pure powerlifting for a while (starting strength) it gets your strong, and you look bigger, but kind of look like shit with a lack of auxillary exercises. Plus a lot of people start getting back pain from unbalanced muscles (I did)
    Doing a mix like this works really well.

  30. For upper body, military style push-ups are excellent. Broad shoulders always make women look at you.

  31. Wide shoulder and good posture makes a HUGE difference. If you are tall, that is added bonus.

  32. Great advice, but I just remind all men: women still don’t deserve this. Until the smp returns to balance, ignore wenches, acquire wealth

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