Progressives Will Not Stop Until Civilization Is Completely Destroyed

A great deal of people have often commented here asking: “Where does it stop?” In everything from the efforts to stigmatize normal flirting (while ignoring rape from “migrants”) to criminalizing the failure to celebrate transgenderism, so many people wonder where does it end. When will this insanity to finally run its course? The answer is…


Modern “progressives,” as the way they style themselves suggests, are obsessed with everything they see as being “new.” As Thomas Sowell said over 20 years ago, it’s vital to their self-image that they differentiate themselves from the rest of the public, which they view as being hopelessly backward and morally inferior to themselves. Yet, it’s actually in this instinct that they reveal themselves as not being “new” at all. The “social justice” peacock of today is nothing more than the latest version of an old zealot that stretches back to Ancient Egypt. This zealot is the revolutionary in the service of the “Year Zero” cause.

What is Year Zero?

The term itself originates from Pol Pot. He borrowed it from the French, who in their revolution declared that the execution of Louis XVI was the event that began Year One on the new, revolutionary calendar. All events prior to that date were irrelevant, not worth preserving, and were to be erased from memory, along with everyone who defended them, or who were merely insufficiently enthusiastic for the new era.

The remains of dead royals were destroyed, the churches were closed and desecrated (which included throwing what was said to be the Crown of Thorns into the gutter), and any defenders of the old order (or simply those suspected of it or connected to it in passing) were sent to the guillotine.

The impetus of a Year Zero revolution is to raze the existing culture to the ground and build a new one from scratch. Any connection to the past, whether in the form of art, law, or people, needs to be erased. Pol Pot was perhaps the most extreme in this. Seemingly anyone at any time was prone to being killed. Even those who wore glasses were in danger of being seen as intellectuals and thus an obstacle to the implementation of Pol Pot’s agrarian socialist paradise. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge killed more people in their country per capita than anyone else.

Khmer Rogue killing fields

A Year Zero regime is the fullest measure of totalitarianism. Not even language itself is immune. The use of Orwellian terms has often been mocked here at Return Of Kings, but the art form goes way back. The pioneer of Newspeak was the Pharaoh Akhenaten, who sought to overthrow the ancient religious order in Egypt and replace the familiar gods with his one god, the Aten. Akhenaten closed down the temples and prohibited the worship of the old gods, but this was only the start. Akhenaten of course erased the names of the old gods, but he even went so far as to cross out the plural “gods” on inscriptions all over Egypt. Prominent people would change their own names, usually to reflect solar deities (say, from something like “Wenamon” to “Wenare”) to either incur his favor or avoid his displeasure.

Not even the age-old beliefs in the afterlife were immune from the revolution, as the famous death prayers were no longer addressed to lord of the dead, Osiris, but to Akhenaten. A depiction has even been found of the Aten defeating the gods of the underworld. This would have been a stunning and dismaying piece of propaganda for an ancient Egyptian, who would have always been concerned about his eternal life. This was a culture that, more than any other, created entire industries to ensure that people would be able to have a comfortable afterlife.

It’s often been said that Communist propaganda was designed to be as demoralizing as possible. The architecture in Soviet-occupied Europe, for example, was stunningly ugly. This is certainly a tendency that’s been carried over into our own time, from the celebration of vulgar art, to the celebration of fatness, to the mandated use of “proper pronouns.” Yet, as we’ve seen, none of this is new. It’s an age-old technique to enforce submission to the revolution through compulsory amnesia. Nothing about the past can be looked on fondly or even spoken of at all.

And it’s certainly no coincidence that both ISIS and the “social justice” peacocks have a penchant for toppling statues. Both are driven by the same instinct in service of whatever their conception of utopia is.

ISIS liberals statues

What happens after the revolution?

Unfortunately for the Year Zero zealots, things never go the way they expect. They’re usually too busy accusing each other of anti-revolutionary sentiment in a bid for power, or focusing on nonsense. Prioritizing the personal behavior of the population and the imposition of a manufactured (and therefore ugly) culture makes for bad government.

People can only pay attention to one thing at a time, and failure to control your attention will lead you to make the wrong decisions in life. Akhenaten focused so greatly on his revolution that the Hittites sponsored the conquest of Egypt’s Asiatic vassals under his watch. The French Directorate was too busy replacing the calendar and accusing each other that they neglected to manage the wars that country got into as a result of the Revolution.

Into this vacuum of chaos usually steps some kind of strongman to lead the reaction against the revolutionaries and restore order. After the chaos of Akhenaten’s regime, a general named Horemheb eventually took control of the country, putting down the domestic disorder the revolution caused and restoring order, which included an ironic turn of the tables – he began the erasure of Akhenaten, his heirs, and his regime from memory.

This example would repeat throughout the centuries. Into the disorder after Oliver Cromwell died stepped General George Monck and a restored monarchy in Charles II, who purged Cromwell’s cronies and destroyed radical factions like the Fifth Monarchists. Theaters were reopened and other excesses of Cromwell’s regime reversed. The populace was overjoyed.

140 years later, Napoleon would lead an armed coup, overthrow the Directory, and end the reign of the Year Zero revolutionaries in France. Though he was no conservative by the standards of his time, Napoleon would go on to restore law and order, the church, the calendar, and other institutions the revolutionaries had sought to overthrow, becoming immensely popular.

Napoleon coup

These are only a few examples. Because the Year Zero revolutionaries bring such chaos and disorder, they demoralize and anger the population, and because they’re extremely violent, little options remain for the disaffected population but to rally to the support of these strongmen. They restore the old order, but certain liberties are often lost in the process. As leftists in our own culture grow more violent and brazen, we would be well served by remembering this pattern.

If the “social justice” peacocks think Donald Trump is some kind of strongman, they might surprise themselves at what comes next, should they continue to act so insufferably – and all evidence says they will.

Read Next: An Introduction To The French Revolution


35 thoughts on “Progressives Will Not Stop Until Civilization Is Completely Destroyed”

  1. “…they might surprise themselves at what comes next, should they continue to act so insufferably – and all evidence says they will.”

  2. I went to an ANTIFA rally yesterday to see what these people are really like and they’re just as retarded in person as what you see from footage.
    I really can’t wrap my head around how these people (comprised of skinny-fat white kids, fanatical jews, LGBTQ, indigenous folk, and a sprinkling of angry minorites) think allowing Muslims to take over white countries will be in any way good for them.
    Where are average middle-class Jews going to go when the entire world is Islamic? And who is going to come to the defense of these whining trannies and gays when Muslims start throwing them off buildings?

    1. “Where are average middle-class Jews going to go when the entire world is Islamic?”
      I’ve concluded that Jews know not what they do. Bringing in more muzzies and third-worlders is just what they do, consequences be damned. In that way they’re like the parable of the frog and the scorpion:
      The Jew says “I cannot swim. Carry me across the river into your country. I’m being persecuted. I may die if you do not help me.”
      The goyim says “But you have a terrible reputation in other countries. You don’t assimilate. You remain a ‘nation inside a nation’ acting only in the interests of your group even when it’s against the interests of your host nation. If I let you in you’ll do the same in my country.”
      The Jew says “Nonsense! Why would I do that? Your nation will be my nation. I will do my best to be a good citizen. And don’t be a racist anti-Jew!”
      The goyim sighs heavily, then lets the Jew climb on his back to swim across the river to the safety of the goyim country.
      Midway across the river the goyim feels a sting of venom in his back. He begins sinking under the placid water, taking the Jew with him.
      “Why did you do that?” the goyim asks. Now we’ll both die!”
      The Jew shrugs. “It’s my nature,” he says.

  3. More and more Men are realizing we are in a full blown war. It’s time to mobilize our troops! Our enemy: LBGT.
    – Revert to traditionalism (join a religious community)
    – Political actions: Ban LBGT, Ban Abortion, Remove Women’s rights to Vote, drive, work, assembly and political affiliation.
    – Remain vigilant.

    1. the war is to destroy civilization and usher a new world where the anti Christ will be accepted and be the single world leader that is the end goal of things like feminism, Hollywood,liberalism and anything left. They are just tools for the devil and his prophet to come and rule the world in flesh.
      That’s why those who think they can fight liberalism with logic are laughable as this is a spiritual war without acknowledging Jesus as the answer there is no way out

      1. it has always be about him.
        He is the devils n# enemy and only enemy. Christianity is real God is real . ask your self why libtards don’t have issues with muslims ,hindu anything will do but not Christianity.
        do your own research about end times and the coming one world gvt and the 7 years of horror to follow and u will see everything happening is leading to it. There is no stopping it but after a 7yrs then It will be stopped
        if you think its a joke then okay.

    2. Even Muslim countries in the middle east allow women some freedoms, Saudi women can finally drive. And yet you wish you take away that right in the west. Why?
      Also the thing on abortion. It should be banned unless the woman was raped, or the fetus will endanger the life. Also banning Abortion won’t make women not kill their kids, it will make it riskier for her health.
      And the thing on women working. Some jobs should be only reserved for women, like nursery school teaching, nursing, pediatricians and beautician.
      And what about female entrepreneurs, scientists and architects?
      Not every career involves a corporation mind you.
      Honestly, the alt right is just slightly less detestable to me as the alt lefties.
      I agree western civilization needs saving. But don’t turn ur country into Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan please.

      1. “And what about female entrepreneurs, scientists and architects?”
        There are none, that a man didn’t empower.
        (usually daddy)

    3. CORRECT!!
      the only thing that will save the human race is to permanently remove women’s right to vote, drive, work, assembly, and political affiliation.
      Anyone even so much as wanting to talk about it should be incarcerated for life.
      There is no discussion. Taking poison is bad. 19th Amendment is PURE POISON.

      1. Jwight, y’all a bunch of conspiracy nutters.
        Throw me in jail for life for what??
        Women deserve their rights to work, drive etc.
        Quit imagining the worst case scenario.
        Having empowered women to an extent is not going to kill your societies. I don’t support the alt left at all, but the measures you wish you put in place is extreme and could have disastrous consequences.
        As for jwight, that’s very farfetched. Blaming women for the great depression and the migrant crisis totally. Blame ur damn govts.

        1. J. Sihandri,
          If you look at various indicators, you’ll find that women voting is the END of civilization.
          Not by leaps, but by incremental deaths over time, as her fears control her.
          – The taller candidate has won almost every election since women started voting.
          – Social programs are now important, the “social safety net” – which is a WOMAN approach to things. “SAVE ME, I’m too stupid to plan for the future!”
          – The State is “Daddy.” And when she throws a temper tantrum, and loses – she’ll call State agents to “set you straight.”
          Basically, women have never met a social program they didn’t like – even if it doesn’t help them directly, if it gives them options, or helps “the sisterhood,” it’s good. If it can be used to help men, it’s bad and must be destroyed or reformed.
          Which is EXACTLY what lies behind your final line, “Blame ur damn govts.”
          In the US, France, even the UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Spain, now even Iran and Iraq – the governments are made up of “us”, as we vote. (If we vote. I’m not too sure if Carlin was right about whether voting or not voting gives you the right to complain.)
          There’s a major aspect to universal suffrage that most people miss.
          If it’s one man (patriarch) to vote – the FAMILY has a say.
          If it’s one PERSON to vote – the family is irrelevant. SHE is independent (part of woman’s nature, as writings here illustrate), but childish. The example of eating ice cream three meals a day is not ridiculous… Unless a man (or at least, masculine polarity) controls her actions (Game, law, force, whatever) she’ll do “what feels good” – and her future self can deal with the consequences (which she is certain don’t exist.) If there are consequences, it’s a MAN’S fault, SOMEWHERE. and HE should suffer.
          Think of it this way: She dresses like a slut, goes to a bad part of town, does drugs and gets drunk, and then decides she was raped the next morning. Used to be, you’d “Blame the victim,” say, WTF were you thinking?!, and IF you could figure out who was responsible, AND they brought the case to trial, he’d likely get off (lack of evidence, hearsay.)
          Now, she can dress like a stripper at the end of a private dance, drink and drug herself to blackout state, voluntarily go home with a guy, who films the whole thing, ensuring it’ll be seen to be consensual, and next morning, decide he’s not that hot, so she was raped.
          And he’ll go to prison. The video will be suppressed, witnesses who saw her hanging on him will not be permitted to testify, the DA will Nifong the case the best (s)he can, and he’ll have extra charges for recording her. Even if she has a moral impulse and recants, the case CAN CONTINUE WITHOUT HER!
          I’ve come to the conclusion that educating a woman is generally a total waste. Of the women I know, (going to sound like a pussy) – my mother is THE ONLY one who really did something with the education, and her professional career didn’t reflect the degrees – she was a professional ballerina, NYC Ballet company, Lincoln Center. (I.E., Mikhail Baryshnikov walks in, it’s “Hi, Mike!”)
          At her age now, in her 70s – the women hate her, and the men are INTRIGUED… She can talk history, politics, art, language, science (chemistry and physics). Even the other female PhDs I knew couldn’t do that. (Knew a few, not just LibShits with made-up degrees. Also, MDs and lawyers. STILL not on her level.)
          Point being, all those others? Education gave them a career, sure, and especially given the times, great, yeah, woo-woo, etc. But the jobs could’ve been done as well or better by a man – there was no “victory” there, but a dissipation of their man’s efforts at providing – an intentional side-effect, to destroy the family, and break the passing of tradition from generation to generation.
          And we haven’t even gotten to the pace of change, including placing children into daycare ASAP, and removing elders (“Old People”) from polite society.
          When you look forward without vision, you’re reacting. (OODA loop here.) Someone ELSE is calling the shots. Most of what is done, is more a trigger force, and then patience. Not a conspiracy, just offering people what they want, and the masses sweep everyone along with them like lemmings driven over a cliff. (Lemmings on the outside see the danger, but cannot stop or they’ll be trampled. Lemmings inside the herd, who could stop, can’t see the danger.)
          It’s human nature that’s the catalyst: Doing it the Easy way, taking the shortcuts. The nudges come in other ways: Misanthropic laws, misandric law enforcement, venal politicians, controlled currency – it’s not a conspiracy, just a few people who make suggestions, and the mob behaves as mobs do… Hanging a black guy, buying the LATEST, GREATEST, MUST HAVE iPHONY! Same mechanics. Stock market moves that way, too… All the bubbles were created, intentionally, and then allowed to have the results they did.
          Venal human nature is the enemy.
          Woman is the carrier, I’m afraid, as even the good ones want their emotions to be assuaged, and RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
          We are living in a histrionic age.
          She has NO boundaries on her behavior. Where have I heard that before…? The descriptions of hypergamy over at Chateau Heartiste…?

  4. Great reminder to all. And the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1978 or ’79, overthrew Pol Pot, and the people of Cambodia rejoiced. The Chinese, friends of Pol Pot, were upset. They invaded Vietnam. But, after advancing a couple miles across the border, the Vietnamese Army beat them back to China.
    What does this have to do with anything?
    So-called Progressives, take note. Your way is not sustainable or desired. You will be defeated. And most people will rejoice.
    Because the Progressive way looks good on paper, sounds good in speeches, but it’s too much of a burden to exist for long. In other words, it costs more than it’s worth.
    Just like Communism. Like Socialism. Like SJWism. Like Immigrationism.

  5. It’s intersting to speculate on the different scenarios on how the West will progress. This particular scenario is believable – one where a backlash against increasingly unreasonable leftist demands alienates even leftists.
    It is certainly preferable to the other options: the slow boiling frog whereby we just quietly die off without really even noticing, or the other extreme, a bloody civil war.
    The one thing in favour of a more reasonable and peaceful backlash is that the Left are so unappealing today. They’re whiney, unattractive, and lacking in humour. No one wants to be on “team loser” and right now nothing screams “loser” more than a blue-haired antifa member smashing up a Starbucks in order to attack the white supremacist patriarchy.

  6. The Bolshevik vermin will find out what it means to be hated and hunted down since they can only destroy and not create.
    The failed ideas of a 19th century German bum are only good for creating a mountain of dead bodies while the apparatchik class enriches itself.

  7. With nothing valid to offer, progressives resort to vandalism, lies, and outright childish behavior. As a freedom loving man, I have long hoped they would see the error of their ways and beliefs. And they have proven me wrong.
    It looks as if they have every advantage sometimes. They don’t.
    As the USA continues to deteriorate, leftists and progressives will do well for awhile; considering how many in law enforcement and various judiciary posts favor them. But, as the bind tightens, and those in the know have little need of progressives, they will be the less and the losers in the degradation they started.

  8. They are murderers and thieves. Kill the white, Christian male,
    and steal “his” goods and women.

  9. The Cambodian middle class welcomed Pol Pot, believing he would bring great change, that is until they were forced into lines and had all their money, wealth and property taken. Innocent men went to their graves in their old age after years of trying to understand why they were imprisoned, tortured and why their whole families were murdered.
    To hell with progressives. They’re not people. I believe that having a blood lust for progressives is in no way psychopathic or evil.

  10. Let me tell you something, the progressives and stupid leftists and other SJWs did a great evil to sexual marketplace.
    Now, women in the current sexual marketplace have MEGA,ULTA, HYPERINFLATED value compared to their male counterparts.
    This is partially due to biology and how the human brain and sexual reproductive organs works.
    The hormone responsible for sexual desires and lust is testosterone, both for men and women.
    Contrary to popular beliefs, estrogen and progesterone are not responsible for sexual desire in the way that testosterone is.
    But nature made man to desire sex all the time. I say this because in human males the testosterone levels are 10 to even 14 times higher than in human females.
    Now, lets we all imagine a scenario. Lets we say we discovered how the brain works and what parts of it are responsible for sex desires and lust.
    And we genetically modified a virus that would DECREASE human males sexual desires and made them have sexual urges in cycles. In very large cycles, lets say every 5-6 months. But the virus would only make the male body to not respond to sexual stimuli, without actually decreasing any hormone level in body.
    And between those cycles, the men in cause wont desire sex anymore.
    Notice that this virus would only infect men, leaving women horny, not affecting them.
    1.How do you think this would affect/modify sexual marketplace?
    2.How would heterosexual women respond to this change?

  11. Progressives in California, Fascists in Austria. Both destroy civilizations. Wish people would not wander to far away from the center.

  12. Progressives??
    Here we go folks…. watch these babies while they’re still up.
    The real history of the perpetrators of our current social ills.

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