Update On ROK Commenting System

I had to pull the new comments system, at least temporarily, because their backend had some serious adware problems that were slowing down people’s computers. We’re now using a completely stock system that doesn’t have ratings or sorting. In the next day or two, I will experiment with various plugins to improve what you’re seeing now and also fixed the broken “Comments” links.

To display an avatar with your comments on the stock system, register an account with Gravatar. Then enter the same email you registered with them in the email address field below. Your avatar should automatically be displayed. Commenting rules still apply.

Unfortunately, a lot of comments have been lost. I couldn’t recover Disqus comments left since August and the new commenting system was not syncing properly, so no comments left on it have been imported. Prepare for several weeks of commenting instability, where things don’t work and comments disappear. Keep me informed of any problems you’re seeing. I’ll get things stabilized eventually.

Previously: Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

83 thoughts on “Update On ROK Commenting System”

      1. Hah! You took down your website because YOU FEAR US FEMINAZI SCUM! YOU’RE GOING TO END UP BEING SUED FOR LIBEL!

        1. I was walking in a street of Toronto when I crossed Chanty Binx.
          As I’m polite, I said “Hello”.
          The court hearing will start next week.

    1. Is there any system they will keep us logged in where we don’t have to continuously put in our name and email every time we want comment?

  1. So are we boycotting Disqus? protesting? creating a hashtag? Anywho, glad the comments are back.

  2. Already commented on this but yes I have left Disqus. Intended to before as I saw the coming storm, but I read online that apparently Disqus had been hacked in the past few months as well. Anyway had enough of all this bullshit for a while, so take care guys and in the words of a real man, “I am just going outside and may be some time.”

    1. Yeah, I might step out for a while too until this bru-ha-haa settles down. My rat race exit strategy is starting to gain momentum.

  3. Better that it happened now than later. The left which controls these social media companies is going to get more fanatical and frantic and the right pushes back more. Disqus, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter all want everyone to the right of Elizabeth Warren to know that they hate you especially if you voted for Trump. With people like me shying away from Google for that reason, Duck Duck Go and Start Page and are doing better. I’ve quit doing business as much as possible with any company which hates me whether Starbucks, Apple, Facebook or (the list is growing).
    PS. I just had to go through 12 verifications of street signs to be able to post this. Might want to pick a system that is a little more user friendly

    1. The right has previously been a free-market/capitalist ideology with the left claiming that government should protect consumers and residents from powerful corporate interests strangling competition and forcing their agenda down our throats. These mediums now engaging in leftist propaganda and censorship reminds us that perhaps the right should re-align their positions on whether the wealthy should have controls enacted against them. The left now secretly is thankful for the right in putting their trust and belief in raw right-wing economic principles ahead of their own survival.

      In the meantime, the left “survives”, in a fashion, by becoming shills for the economic oligarchs and self-destroying their own ethnicities. (Consider the shrinking numbers of Bernie Sanders’ voters). So the old “cold war” economic ideology wings are dying:
      1) Free market and the wealthy on the right.
      2) Making the world into a copy of statist and affluent Europe on the left.
      Those are now pretty much dead to be replaced by each side aligned with whether or not whites and man bashing is the key to solving the world’s problems. Since clearly this is NOT going to work, the left will wind up self-destructing (at least as an ideology) while the right will either survive or not as a matter of choice.

  4. What about making it so that, in the comment section, the right-menu, with previous articles, don’t appear?
    Sometimes I use 150% and because of that, it leaves very little space for comments itself. Plus, if one is in comments, I doubt he is searching for another article.

  5. Rape should not be legal.Not after what you did to that 3 year old girl in a hotel room while you were in Canada. You’re a rapist who needs to be extradited to Canada to answer to charges of statutory rape, sexual interference and sexual assault of a young person under 12.

      1. I recently cancelled my subscription to disquik over their blatant act of censorship ,I’m a loyal ROK reader and I enjoy commenting on this great dissident news site. The funny thing is the only reason I had a disquik account in the first place was because I wanted to comment on ROK articles and contribute the conversation. But I will now boycott disquik ,now and forever! And have signed up to wordpress.

    1. You are completely insane if you think anyone here advocates rape and even openly.
      This entire “rape culture” insanity only harms real victims.
      But really, you’re likely just a troll. Try to back your claims at least.

  6. Someone who’s smarter in legal stuff than I am can probably answer this – at what point do services provided by the likes of Googlfaceamazapplsoft become a public accommodations? IIRC, if something is a public accommodation, there can be no discrimination of expression, with narrow ‘strict scrutiny’ exceptions for public safety (e.g. fire in a crowded theater). Is there a legal case arguing that there’s a threshold at which a software company or service company becomes a ‘utility’ and public accommodation, and that viewpoint discrimination by something so ubiquitous as Twitter or Facebook or the likes has become an infringement on free speech? Is it just a matter of someone with a legitimate complaint and money to back a legal suit coming forward?

    1. Tucker Carlson was saying just the other day that Google should be labeled as a utility company.

    2. Oh, to dream — regulate them like the power company, the exact way they want to regulate others . But go ahead and let that dream die now. If you think Congress has the stones to say no to the truckloads of cash Silicon Valley can dump, you are sadly deluded.

    1. There were too many malicious ad redirects, functionality issues for certain users, it didn’t look too good on mobile according to some, and the notification system sucked.

    1. The internet definitely needs a gab.ai of comment systems to compete against Disqus.

  7. Maybe you could have your own customized comment system designed via php coding? I often hire programmers through https://www.fiverr.com to help me with my website. Elance or RentaCoder.com should work the same way. For maybe 2 or 300$ you could have Return of King’s own proprietary comment system designed which would make ROK totally independent from commercial enterprises that provide this service (which might shut the comments down a 2nd time whenever they please for what they erroneously see as “hate speech”). In this way, nobody can shut down the comments section in the future since all the code would be hosted on your own webserver. And if your webhost cancels your hosting package, you can migrate everything simply to a new host.

    1. That’s the plan. This is the stock configuration and I’ll be improving it from here in the upcoming weeks.

  8. It’s a bit basic, but it’s the best that can be done under the circumstances. Hopefully there’s a better replacement down the line.

    1. There really needs to be a gab.ai of comment systems to compete with Disqus and the cucks that work there.

  9. Way to go Roosh. Tactics of the “losers” will not deter us. As @Ronald suggested, it is better if we have our own “comment system” which is Secure, Simple to implement/deploy and Not Resource hungry.
    We are here to assist you in whatever way we can. Have a great weekend.

  10. As much as I think Roosh can be a douche in some of his articles, I feel absolutely disgusted that Disqus had the nerve to stop providing a comment platform on his site. Unlike Andrew Anglin, I genuinely do not believe Roosh to be an actual bigot, and such action by Disqus was absolutely Orwellian. As a matter of fact, many of the articles on this site are interesting, well written, and authored by seemingly intelligent people occupying diverse points on the political spectrum. As a self-identified feminist, it pains me know that there is far more hate on sites like Jezebel and xoJane than what we see here, especially against men. While I’m not a traditionalist and very much a liberal slut, I also find traditionalism to be beautiful in many respects and worth defending; I believe in that “To Each Their Own” philosophy so prevalent in the 90s and 00s before the Left was yet again sabotaged by disgusting Politically Correct Marxist scum around 2013, which is oddly enough when Obama’s second term began.
    In either case, ROOSH DID NOTHING WRONG!!!
    I really wonder if Roosh has any sort of a legal case against Disqus in such a scenario. A true liberal would defend The First Amendment and the rest of The Bill of Rights to the death.

    1. Feminazis like (((Anita Sarkeesian))), Chanty Binx, Trigglypuff, Erica Brown and those Canadian female politicians who libelled Roosh are all fucking pieces of shit that deserve North Korea’s Rocket Man wrath in no time!

      1. The fact that all of this RadFem SJW stuff started to happen just out of the blue in 2012 is really suspicious, especially if we consider it to have suddenly died in the early 90’s only to re-surge again. The very fact that MSM seemed to just “jump on the bandwagon” at around the same time as these radical crazies with ensuing riots not unlike what we’ve seen in the 60’s is just one massive smoking gun of foul play and conspiracy at high levels. I also find it funny how MRAs, MGTOW, and “The Manosphere” also materialized out of nowhere at around the same time as if it were some bizarre Controlled Opposition operation.

    2. With respect, if you agree that Roosh is no bigot, you support free speech (even for men who want to talk about masculine issues) and you find the misandrist bile from feminist websites to be so appalling, why are you calling yourself a “feminist”?
      I can only conclude you are using the word to mean something very different from what most feminists mean by it. You sound to me more like a classical liberal than the modern, SJW type.

  11. Good disqus is totally deep state controlled. Is there anything they dont get their grubby hands into?

  12. The Marxist SCUM is trying to destroy him 8 ways to Sunday.
    We must not allow that to happen.

  13. I’m surprised that Roosh ever used disquus as it was the fakebook of commenting solutions and a bloody spy.

    1. It did have a bit of adware/tracking packed in. You’ll probably notice that the page loads super quickly now.

  14. To be fair though, the new system is lightning-fast compared to Disqus. Even on my now obsolete tablet the site loads instantly. If you guys ould find an alternative that runs THIS fast but also allows for more features that’d be awesome!

  15. I think we should leave the comments section as is. It’s quite easy to use, and once the gravatar stuff is sorted, then it’s no issue at all.
    The only thing that I’d change is not having to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to actually make a comment.

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