The Guardian Is Enabling Jessica Valenti’s Descent Into Clinical Madness

Jessica Valenti, a regular contributor to The Guardian with fine articles such as “Feminists don’t hate men but it wouldn’t matter if we did” and “Finally dealing with campus rape means that some men will have it tougher,” simply refuses to give up now that her narrative has lost all relation with objective reality. After the UVA rape case was first reported by the Rolling Stone, Jessica latched onto it with her entire being and exhorted that she believes Jackie:

jessica chooses to believe

Real misery inflicted upon real men doesn’t matter as long as feelings of “Jackie”, the supposed victim and a woman we are not sure even exists as described, are protected. SJWs such as Jessica Valenti are hard at work to propagate their beliefs and change the society according to their dystopian vision where men are second-class citizens at best and their sexuality is controlled by women to the tiniest detail. Their plan is to focus on the college culture and make it as politically correct as possible and then slowly spread the chill effect into the entire education system, down to grade school. Yes, toddlers will be taught what rape culture is.

To do this, Jessica used the soft spot of most men and women—sympathy towards vulnerable women. The very notion of a young, modest, doe-eyed “Jackie” who expected romantic walks on the beach and guitar serenades from a fellow college lifeguard but instead got brutally gang-raped inside the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house is gut wrenching and despicable to everyone with even a modicum of decency. This is exactly why SJWs gleefully accepted the Rolling Stone article, as it generated enough outrage to advance their cause by at least 20 years. But now, the entire tapestry of lies is being unraveled.

Police investigation into the supposed UVA fraternity rape has shown insufficient evidence to support the story presented in Rolling Stone. This didn’t stop Jessica Valenti from saying that this is because “trauma victims often misremember details of their attack“. The editors at Rolling Stone saw where this was going long ago and asked Steve Coll from the Columbia School of Journalism to launch an independent investigation of the case and help them save face. This report is now published on the Rolling Stone website, completely replacing the original UVA rape article. In other words, the lack of facts behind the infamous UVA rape case and the realization that it might all be just a work of fiction has finally started to sink in. And now, the epic backpedaling has begun.

Jessica Valenti’s Twitter feed is chock full of recent tweets in which she swings from trying to indirectly defend Rolling Stone for the greater cause of fighting the “rape culture”:

jessica tweet 1

…to shifting the blame for the scandal onto their shoulders without explicitly denouncing them:

Jessica tweet 2

Judging by Jessica’s tweets, Rolling Stone was somehow guilted or shamed into covering the UVA rape case the way they did and now they are victims as well. At the same time, she admonishes the Rolling Stone for being the victimizer and enabler of the “rape culture”, since its staff is not admitting to their sins fully and are thus harming the SJW cause. Those two statements seem to contradict one another and it seems impossible that Rolling Stone can be both the victim and the victimizer at once, but that’s not the case at all. To fully understand what Jessica Valenti is telling us, one must first grasp the fine art of doublethink.

The culmination of Jessica’s defense of the UVA case comes in the form of her most recent article titled “It wasn’t Jackie’s job to get the details of her rape correct. It was Rolling Stone’s“, which is a masterful display of doublethink and shows the true intentions of SJWs and how they deal with allies that fail them.

In the article, Jessica Valenti criticizes Rolling Stone for harming the credibility of future rape victims by not prostrating themselves enough. Rolling Stone is an ally because it fights the “rape culture” but it is also an enemy because it doesn’t do so with enough zeal and self-sacrifice to overcome the readers’ critical thought. Whether Rolling Stone is more of an ally or an enemy depends solely on how Jessica Valenti deems their efficiency at converting the readers into SJWs (i.e. her mood).

Feelings trumping facts and the notion of changing principles and allies on a daily basis in order to squash the mythical “rape culture” and convincing oneself of that not being the case is how Jessica Valenti operates. The truth is whatever Jessica Valenti wishes truth to be. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Jessica Valenti and her politically correct journalism in a nutshell.

Read More: Why Haven’t The People Who Pushed Rolling Stone’s UVA Rape Hoax Story Been Fired?

151 thoughts on “The Guardian Is Enabling Jessica Valenti’s Descent Into Clinical Madness”

  1. Jessica Valenti is already clinically insane. But I suppose that in the grand scheme of things, she’s pretty normal for a feminist.

    1. If you want insight into the mind of an insane person attempting to defend a belief system, read Jessica’s latest article on the UVA/RS situation. The woman should be locked up, and I’m not kidding when I say this. She is the literal incarnation of putting the inmates in charge of the asylum.

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    2. Insane lunatics like Jessica Valenti are not the
      problem….just like a 10 year old spoiled girl is not responsible for her
      The problem are the Mangina pseudo-men that enable creatures
      like her….they are the problem.
      What incentive is there for the likes of her to change if
      there are no consequences to her actions?
      Jessica is exactly the type of person that should die alone…barren…and
      ultimately eaten by the multitude of hungry cats she owns (the ULTIMATE unbearable punishment for a woman)……but she won’t….Beta Bux is there.
      Western society now reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where a child has extraordinary powers and the whole village tiptoes and validates him all the time because of the power he has (despite his evilness).

      1. One or two cats are for catching mice. A hoard of cats indicates obsessive compulsive psychobabbling schizo krackto clickto clito duck-face-o quackazoid-itis.

      2. That is the reality, If Men all got together and decided women no longer have anymore rights there would be nothing woman could do about it. It’s the Enabler Males that Allow and Enable the insanity of Feminism. Jessica wears a shirt about bathing in Male tears, in truth she should be kissing the Ground where Men walk because of the Freedom 1st world Modern Western woman enjoys. What’s really amazes me is Feminists believe that all they have achieved is a result of “Their hard work” , they don’t understand that at any moment they could loose it All if Men decided to take their rights.

        1. That’s exactly how I have been thinking for quite a time. On Red pill sites, and blogs, I’ve always emphasized about the power of unity would yield to men in these times. But unfortunately it’s much easier said than done. Firstly, there are the evil elite, the selfish men who benefit immensely from feminism. They will fight will all their might to stop men from uniting, and ending feminism. Secondly, there are the beta white knights, who will never want to unite to take a positive step for men, because their white knight tendencies have been manipulated since birth by schools, colleges, media, and other institutions, specifically created by the elites to advance their agenda, by the mass production of beta men. The beta men are just the useful idiots of the elites and they have been brainwashed to worship women and never, ever question their actions or treat them with equal punishments.
          These are the two causes, that I can briefly summarize for the reason that men do not unite,

        2. I’d Say your two Causes are pretty spot on, I think the Beta White Knight is the Biggest Culprit because they are in Larger Number than the Elite.The White Knight will go along with any wants of Feminism even when it could Hurt the White Knights.

        3. Yes and it’s not that the white knights can never learn. I was born in a traditional Asian country where radical feminism hadn’t reared it’s ugly head, and hasn’t done even now. I lived there for 22 years of my life since birth, before coming to the west. So it could be argued that my red pill thinking is mainly due to living in a traditional society. However, all the western men on this site were bred in the toxic feminist culture, fed the same feminist lies since birth, like the white knights are, and they still they have developed red pill thinking. If these western men can, why can’t the white knights? These white knights either defective specimens of the male sex, or are happy to live in blissful ignorance. Today despite from being from alien cultures, we red pill men agree on almost all points, because as Rooshv pointed out, as men all of have a logic module built into our brains. This is what makes us discover red pill. These white knights, seriously seem to be lesser men, of sort.

        4. I think a Good Tactic is Conversion. Try to Convert the White Knights, the more on the Red pill Side the Better. There was A guy who went Shooting with us, he was from a Real AntiGun Liberal Family,After shooting with us he loved it so much he Bought himself an AR-15,Major Progress in my opinion.The more we Convert, there is one less Enabler.

        5. Yeah, that’s what I try to do. The more we are in numbers, the better. Initially, when I was new to the red pill, I tried converting women, but I’ve given up. Very few women, have the capacity to understand the truth. Men on the other hand, have an inbuilt capacity to understand and appreciate the truth, so yes, it’s possible to convert white knights. But it works with those who are seriously, misled with the feminist lies, and in their minds really believe that being a white knight and feminist is good. That’s because, they have a drive to do good, and believe that what they are doing is good. When they made to show that what they are doing is not in fact good or rational, they repeal their opinions. However, then there are those men who know how harmful feminism and white knighting is for other men and for the society in general, but they do it anyways for their own selfish personal gains. These men cannot be “converted”, because they are not white knighting because, of some misled belief. They are doing it for selfish reasons. To combat these men, it’s necessary to create an environment that is hostile and punishing for such men who white knight and put other men in trouble, for selfish reasons, knowing all the while what they are doing

    3. I read her Guardian column just to keep up with where Feminism is currently bottom-feeding at that given time.
      But yeah, she’s gone from mildly toxic to fucking apocalyptic levels in recent weeks.

    4. In today’s world, the more insane you are, the more normal you are considered. That’s because, speaking frankly, most of the people are insane nutcases.

  2. All SJWs ignore facts an form opinions based on feelings an what they want, facts mean nothing to them an they are all also massive hypocrites in their treatment of certain groups of people. Valenti is a particularly sick individual who I have no doubt suffers from mental illness but in a country going insane she’s held up as someone who is to looked up to by lots of people an given a voice.

  3. I dunno… This article uses a lot of slippery slopes. Which we all were told don’t exist of course.
    Kindly ignore the following issues though: the ‘destigmatization” of pedophilia, forcing Christians to bake gay wedding cakes when it was about “getting the government out of the bedroom”, the mere fact that there is no due process in college rape cases, and the whole existence of white privilege as a concept.
    Am I forgetting any?

    1. Don’t forget the drive to decategorize gender dysphoria/transsexualism as a psychiatric disorder. Teaching sexual perversions/ gender identities beyond male and female to kids who can barely understand the stuff is also another important one I think. Fuck it, at the rate we are going we can probably also add actual thought crimes to the list.

    2. Slippery Slopes can exist, they just don’t work as an argument or a projection of future knowledge because they are not sufficient enough to meet that criteria.
      Basically, it isn’t necessarily so that all slopes will be slippery, and over time trends change, so the slope isn’t always going downward. That’s why they are a logical fallacy. Because no one can predict the future of human social spheres.

  4. Jessica’s livelihood is threatened whenever a rape case is proven to be false.
    Not a good way to make a living.

    1. Last month the same thing happened. And it turned out that the alleged “rapist” was innocent.
      White Knights and feminists: the two greatest dangers to human civilization.

      1. The White Knights… oh man. I only wish them one thing. Be on the receiving side of things. That’s all.

    2. India has it’s own female gang that beat up men accused of abuse (gulabi gang) – notice countless “we need this here/everywhere!” comments from cunts and manginas alike, although there are a few exceptions in the comments, thank God. I wish ROK would do an article on this if they haven’t already. I’ve seen some women even tagged their bf or male friends and threatened them that they “better stay in line”, and the good lil manginas liked their post and put some pathetic comment agreeing with them.

      Posted by Sham Idrees on Monday, March 23, 2015

      link (http://www.facebook(dot)com/) Shamidrees/photos/a.246552642022935.76550.245786235432909/994454417232750/?type=1&theater

    3. Holy shit, they KILLED this guy!??!?!??!??!?!?
      I really dislike censorship. I mean, if they beat this man with sticks until there was blood, then we need to see that. If they chopped his manhood off, we need to see it. It actually happened. Don’t censor the news.

  5. Just let these delusional fringe feminists keep embarrassing themselves with their arguments. Every time they open their mouths they only show rational people everywhere how biased and bigoted the movement is. Most of the leftist Guardian readers have even had enough of Valenti.

    1. Unfortunately there’s still enough people who believe in their views an although your average person may not agree with them they still arn’t being held to the standards they should.

  6. I won’t even talk to a feminist anymore for any reason. There’s really no point. They might as well wear a sign around their neck that says “presumptuous little shit” or “damaged goods”

    1. yea, the manosphere and reactosphere in general made my confirmation bias a lot worse.
      Because I already know how much they’ve lied before.

      1. Couldn’t agree more. The last thing I need is to be judged by some narcissistic, amoral bullshitter who’s a worse person than I am.
        I don’t care what some piece of trash thinks about me. It’s like “yeah, you’re one to talk”
        I can picture the child killers pointing their fingers at me now… I’m like mother Teresa compared to these bullshitters.

    2. Nor will I. I’ve found that simply stating my position and avoiding any further discussion on the matter drives fembots completely insane.

  7. I think rape might turn her on or something, because it is almost all she talks about. And now it seems she may going mad too. I wonder is she nuts like Mr Garrison was, with a Mr Hat. Though I would imagine if she has her fist stuck up anyone, it is that dozy cunt, Lindsey West. They may well sit around getting all turned on by talking about rape fantasies, after which they might proceed eat the poon off of each other. So if you ever see Jessica Valenti with a bag of flower and some scuba diving equipment, you know the score.

    1. I reckon she really wants to get raped but is angry at men who are not doing so, due to the fact that she is massively ugly.

  8. “Feminists don’t hate men. But it wouldn’t matter if we did”
    these gals have the guts to speak their mind, at least. yeah, it’s obviously pointless to accuse anyone of hating anyone. that’s why misogyny is more of a statement than judgment.
    men should be ahead of these gals making such statements. after all, it’s men who claim to be rational.

    1. That’s kind of the way that I’ve begun to look at them. They’re not going away and the very first wirings of their toddler brains make reason impossible. Reason will never touch them. The wiring is NOT THERE. You might as well try to shove an old Atari cartridge into your Macbook or something. So, at least they’re speaking their mind, as you say. They’ve made it very clear what they want, who they are, how little they respect men, how entitled they are, etc. The information is clear and their cards are on the table for sure. At this point, to legally bind yourself to anyone with any remote tendency for feminism (most of them) is simply stupidity on your part. It’s simply a Darwinian case of you being preyed upon by a more evolved animal in the competition for resources. I don’t mean ‘more evolved’ in a flattering way—it’s simply that they have evolved to extract resources while many men still dink around with archaic ‘chivalry’ and ‘manning up’ mindsets.

      1. well. respect is something you pay to the ones who are stronger than you. if you are so powerful that one dares not to touch you, why would you respect him?
        rationality implies a conscious decision, but even if not, their entitlement is at least a logical strategy to live. people push them up to be that kind of goddesses. from my experience, i’d say that they love any man who just treats them on par – which may seem like being an asshole to sheep.
        look at tom cruise in scientology. look at the confidence he is pumped up with by all those sheep. yet you can see it makes him a slave. i personally know how this feels, through working for a boss who was completely dependent on me. respect fades quickly. and you start to wish for someone who doesn’t see you as something special; it becomes a vital need indeed. you start to despise what you loved at the beginning: feeling special.

  9. “Jackie” (the pseudonym for the fake rape victim in the RS article) is at fault for the RS article. She lied. Plain and simple. She lied to a reporter that was willing to buy it hook, line, and sinker without performing due diligence fact checking. RS was merely the party processing the transaction. If it were not for Jackie’s lies though the article would have never been published. Period.
    This is all the result because a woman lied. She started it and she is ultimately responsible. Blame her accordingly.

    1. The right thing to do would’ve been to doxx “Jackie”, out her to associated friends and institutions, then ensure she can’t find employment in the future so she’ll become a livelong financial burden on her family – that’s how equalists learn
      probably too harsh for Americans, but it’s one of those times I wish you guys had China’s internet mob culture

      1. Well to be fair that is what would have happened to a man. If women want to be equal to men then they should expect similar treatment.
        If you want to find out how well men do after being falsely accused of rape look up what the supposed “Duke rapists” are doing these days. Oh yeah and that was about 7 years ago now.

        1. Hmm interesting. Now that I think about it the last update article I read about them was probably 2-3 years ago. It talked about how they were having trouble progressing professionally because of the scandal. I remember one guy was made a supervisor but his entire team was men (because at big company who in the world would be crazy enough assign a female worker to someone with the stigma of being a Duke rapist). Glad to know it appears they are doing better though now.

      2. She needs to publicly named and shamed. Her photo needs to be plastered all over the internet, and on street corners with the inscription, “Crazy Woman. Stay Away From Her. She Falsely Accused A Bunch of Boys Of Rape. You Could Be Next.”

  10. Jessica Valenti – will put on the strapon for her husband tonight so he can “pay” for all men sins.

    1. Some poor guy has to live with that? RoK Swat team needs to rescue that poor bastard.

  11. Valenti probably wants to get raped because with an attitude like that no man has probably set foot near her in years. I bet she’s the type of woman that reads Fifty Shades of Grey and says “this is what every woman wants!” because of course she does; of course she wants to shame and destroy any man she can because if she does it enough maybe a man will come punish her pussy if she does. With any luck she’ll end up strangled naked on a motel mattress for some beautiful irony.

  12. No woman who is a 7 or higher in looks ever seems worried about some imaginary ‘rape epidemic’, even though these women would presumably be in the greatest danger.
    No. Instead, ugly women maintain the fiction of rape because they are desperate to believe that they are attractive enough to be raped.
    When the pretty women are not the slightest bit worried about some rape epidemic, that tells you all you need to know.

    1. The fatter and uglier the woman, the more she is likely to be feminist and attention whore more.

      1. and the more she is likely to bitch about rape. Perhaps she is worries that no man wants to rape her now.

    2. Seriously though, why wouldn’t rapists go after thin, delicate 9’s and 10’s? It makes no sense at all. To a girl with low self-esteem, rape means a man wants them so badly he cant say no. They envy rape victims for being desireable.

  13. The meme that misogyny leads to murdering women has always been a ploy to elicit undeserved pity. Truth is it doesn’t end in murder any more than conflict or strong feelings in general
    That’s precisely why misogyny isn’t an issue worth special discussion

  14. The Guardian? That’s based in the UK, right? The UK is dead to me. Fuck the UK. Take PC bullshit, feminist indoctrination, open borders the size of a slut’s vajayjay, add garbage food and shit weather and that’s the UK.
    Rotherham Rapes: 1000s of young girls were systematically raped by Muslim immigrants. 0 Press. This went on for a decade as UK law enforcement swept it under the rug because Political Correctness. Parents of victims were called “racists” just for reporting the rapes and were ignored by local officials.
    Free Speech: Not if you’re white. People are getting thrown in jail for trolling, “racist” tweets and speaking out against open borders.
    Fuck that place.

    1. It ain’t that bad sonny! Food ain’t shit and certainly feminism is not as bad as the US.
      Rotherham rapes was done by British Pakistanis who lived here for a few gens. and the girls came from bad backgrounds, think divorced parents, unemployed, alcoholic parents, basically riff raff.
      As for Yorkshire police?!?!? they have a history of sweeping shit under the carpet being it Hillsborough or Jimmy Saville’s kiddie fiddling. Basically, nothing new.
      ALSO, I would like to point out the swarms of Yank femicunts who fill the ranks of the British feminist movements. There was a strong working class union movement and not much space for communist dikes. It was the Americans seeking a break from the feminist laden NY or LA that moved to London.

      1. And they actually acknowledge current music while even creating it! Outside of LA the US hardly plays any music made after 1980.

        1. I lived in Florida, SoCal and New York. My comment regards personal observation of cultural tastes from the radio and personal contacts, as is to be expected. Floridians are obsessed with classic rock (except, maybe, the more contemporary culture in Miami I an relatively unfamiliar with), SoCal is current, but suffers from a huge US/west coast bent promoting their own music (albeit understandably). New York, outside of Manhattan (and Brooklyn), listens to big band and classic rock. I know the Northwest US to have a number of intriguing acts and an appreciable taste for music as well, mind you.
          This is not to mention bleemin’ country music. If you consider that contemporary, then please argue with someone else.
          Manhattan is awesome for music all over the world if one wants, along the lines of Europe, but the US at large sucks donkey dick with its painful harkening for a forgotten past.
          Take it from an American overseas. Most all of the US is living in the past when it comes to musical tastes. Insight into contemporary music is one of the greatest gains I acquired in moving from the States (thank you, Austria!).
          Clear enough for you now?

        2. Cheers bro! Didn’t get it at first! Sorry if you got the wrong idea about my comment.

      2. “There was a strong working class union movement IN THE UK and not much space for communist dikes.”

  15. It’s like this… female supremacists KNOW that the only possible hope they ever have of ruling the world is to make sure that women are educated, and men are not.
    Thus, it is VITAL importance to destroy any male centric educational organization… thus, in order to push the valkarian agenda, Fraternities MUST be destroyed. By hook or by crook.
    After the Duke Lacrosse hoax, it was mandatory that the whole ‘men on campus are rapists’ line be reaffirmed, or else close the only potential pathway to an Amazonian destiny that could ever exist… if the UVA night of broken glass hadn’t existed, they would have had to make something up.
    Oh wait, they did.
    You guys don’t seem to realize…. this is really a war. The agenda of Valenti and her Ilk is no less then the extermination of 3 BILLION human beings, 9 out of 10 of every male human being.
    This is absolutely a war. and if I ever met her in person, I would put three slugs in her face before she could blink, which may be one reason she has retreated to the UK. She has declared herself at physical war with men, and plans to do everything she can do to commit gendercide. She doesn’t need to be silenced, she needs to be dead.

    1. I just read on my Facebook feed the title of a Master’s degree obtained by a 30+ girl I used to know.
      This is hot off the press.
      “Exposing structural violence. Making invisible structures visible. A case for current instruction in the elementary classroom.”
      No it’s not enough that we’ve started teaching 10 year olds about transsexualism and how to use social media as a weapon. No no no. We need to empower elementary school kids to stop the patriarchy, and make them realize all the structural violence around them they had no fucking idea even existed.
      I don’t blame you for thinking we just need to blow this whole place the fuck up already.

        1. I’m listening to it.
          The first thing I’m thinking about is that when I was a kid, I was too busy playing outside, drawing with crayons, watching Star Trek with my Dad, seeing birds for the first time, teasing my brother, building waterways in my sandbox, staring at ants, learning about the world.
          Even if a 3 year old girl was a bit more of a tomboy, since when would a 3 year old girl go up to their mom and say “Mommy, I realized I’m really a boy.”
          It just sounds so fucked up to me. I feel like kids should already be busy enough being kids.

        2. If such a saying happened when I was a kid, parents would have had the common sense to say “that’s nice” and ignore it, because kids say all kinds of stupid shit, and then they grow up. Allowing a three year old kid to pretend to be a different gender is like a premeditated form of child abuse.

        3. Exactly!
          If your little girl says she wants to climb a tree or learn to throw a ball, are you gonna start asking her if she is really a boy in a girl’s body, and that maybe she should get plastic surgery?
          Go climb that tree with your daughter and shut the fuck up. Go eat sandwiches in the park and play with the ducks.
          It’s totally child abuse to confuse them like that.

        4. Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!

        5. I will no longer listen to CBC radio for this very reason. One program was about parents raising their kids as “gender neutral”. This lispy voiced, wet sock mangina explained how he and his wife were raising their little girl not to have a gender. They were “horrified” when the little girl insisted on going as a Disney Princess for Halloween. As Mr. No Balls explained, they were able to distract the child and therefore “dodged a bullet”. Just how fucked up is that kid going to be?

        6. The problem, today, is that society treats children like adults (instead of treating them like children). There are too many adults compromising with kids on every level – that shit didn’t happen when I was a kid. My mom or dad (the adults) made the law (rules) in my house.
          Kids, now, can say they are a dragon and adults will compromise; go right along with it – instead of ignoring the nonsense. It’s an illness in our society (or used to be considered one).

        7. I dont understand why the Coen Bros dont want to make a sequel…

        8. If she wanted to play with a doll or whatever the fuck she wants to do, they should just left her instead of being horrified. Raising a gender neutral kid is child abuse. It’s one thing if kids grows up and does whatever the fuck they want but another for parents to enable this madness.

        9. Cultural Marxists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least its an ethos.

        10. Exactly, let nature takes its course. Instead maniacs are breeding and shoving their agenda on an innocent child.

        11. I personally take great pleasure in not compromising with children. In my sheltered liberal corner of the world it’s shocking to most. But I will even go so far as to discipline someone else’s child while their limp wristed simp parents look on. I haven’t had to discipline a parent yet, but I’m prepared for that eventuality.

        12. Mr Kent, this is Bill Salinger of the Southern Cal bowling league. We received an informal complaint that a member of your team – a Walter Sobchak? – drew a FIREARM during league play. If this is true, of course, it contravenes a number of the league’s by-laws and also article 27.

      1. And we wonder why our schools suck at preparing students for the real world…no need for algebra, let’s talk about spotting victimhood!

      2. I don’t want the whole place blown up. I simply have a little list…
        Well, except Hollywood. I hope someone nukes all of southern California.
        A private study in 1997 discovered something interesting, though… Men get raped more than women.
        Not prison rape, but child molestation. Little boys get sexually molested by other men and (less often) adult women nearly 60 times as often as prepubescent girls. Men get raped far more often than women, it simply happens when we are much, much younger.
        The homosexual agenda exists, almost in full, to push the narrative that doing anything you want to little boys is not a crime. And I expect that to be the law of the land before the end of the decade… after which me and people like me go on a fag-killing spree to end all spree shootings.
        But it will happen.

        1. My goal is to be in a simpler country and watch the decline on TV.
          If you’ll need a place to crash afterwards gimme a holler.

        2. working on my little ten acres in the desert. already got the irrigation set up which should work fine assuming there’s no airburst… and if there is, little problems like food and water won’t really matter much.
          It’s not so much ‘doomsday prepping’ as it is making sure I have a place to hole up with a nice long visible range. I am a qualified sharpshooter and look forward to using it.
          Deer are inoffensive, innocent creatures, a man intent on robbing you of your livelihood or life is easy as pie to shoot compared to that.

        3. You think California will break up into 4 or 5 smaller states??
          If it does, SoCal and the Inland Valley will become giant ghettos.

      3. “Exposing structural violence. Making invisible structures visible. A case for current instruction in the elementary classroom.”
        Man, how’d you let that one get away? Sounds like a winner!

    2. “Thus, it is VITAL importance to destroy any male centric educational organization…”
      Men do not need an organization to become educated. That’s why women are making it all about certification.

      1. I never said they had a ghost of a chance of winning, I am simply explaining their reasoning.

    3. She needs to have shit shoved down her mouth. She needs to have her face washed with piss. She needs to be beaten to a pulp by a mob of men. She needs to be stripped of her clothing and raped publicly. She needs to have her breasts torn away from her body. She needs to have pepper sprayed on her pussy. She needs to be fucked by a big knife. She needs to have her her hair pulled apart from her head until her scalp skin comes out. She needs to humiliated in every way possible and then fed to the dogs…..alive!

      1. what’s the point? she simply needs to be executed. Her psychological damage is permanent… torture of someone you are going to kill achieves nothing but turning them into a martyr, and leftists are desperate for a martyr.

        1. I think her parents need to charged with the crime of raising a hateful retard, and thrown into prison. This will serve as an example to all parents to raise their children right!

  16. Thanks to Jessica Valenti for showing us what her movement is actually about. She holds the same hatred and bitterness she believes men express against women.

    1. I wish it were the case and her insanity will cause a few to drop off here and there but I think, overall, her insanity just allows other women to stake out even more ground without anyone suspecting that they’re sexist –because of the comparison to the insane sect of feminism.

    2. Her insanity will only stir up the hornets nest that is overzealous and ignorant feminism. Women literally are fueled by drama, deceit and everything foul. So again, the crazier she appears the more revered she’ll be by other females.

  17. It really pisses me off that The Guardian gives a voice to people like Valenti, and at the same time they are one of the only papers in the world to break the Edward Snowden Wikileaks story. So I can’t completely hate or ignore them. I guess in the greater scheme of things words can’t hurt me, especially insane diatribes like what Valenti writes, but it really damages their credibility.

    1. No. The best we can do is comment on her articles; to be the other voice (of reason). We can show people how Valenti is biased (and crazy).

    2. The Guardian is nothing more a hate paper it hates white men to an absurd degree.I am amazed that it can print what it does.

  18. These are only the wedgebreakers of feminism though. They are the ones going off into insane extremes, getting all the attention and taking the force of all the criticism. Meanwhile, other women can comfortably claim they’re ‘not feminist’ while slowly and steadily marching unnoticed onto the ground that these insane pioneers have already invaded and razed years before. It’s the same insane onslaught but these extreme wackos allow the masses to march in delayed under the radar. Look at the massive cultural force of “Human Resources” It’s like the fourth branch of the government at this point. It marched in unnoticed by most. Forty years ago the wedgebreakers were doing insane hiring quota activism etc. Now a five men software company has to hire thirty HR ditzes to run constant, gov’t mandated, anti-rape awareness retreats four times a month or some such.

  19. Do SJWs make a sound in the forest if people just ignored them?
    I just wonder why they are given so much power when all they so is bitch and complain on twitter. Why even acknowledge them?

    1. The problem is that businesses cater to women (SJWs or other) because of the almighty dollar. Yes (just like children) if everyone would ignore them, then they would go away. Businesses like the money flowing in so they cater to them (thus creating this cycle).
      It’s similar to the trend seen in customer service, today. People act badly (in public or other) because corporations bend to their behavior. People used to be embarrassed or ashamed to act out in public (and others used to correct them). But, today, we see some pretty outlandish behavior all because people want free shit or they want service “now”.
      It always takes society (the people) to keep other people in check when this behavior pops up.

    2. It’s a good question. I think a lot is just because normal people don’t bother to be organised. And in the echo chamber of twitter the extremists such as Valenti suddenly find themselves talking to other odd people who agree with them and it emboldens them.
      In Britain some extreme feminists have decided that in order to further their false and anti-science ideology that men and women are the same that they should target businesses who do anything that suggests otherwise. If a toy manufacturer makes a toy for boys, if a supermarket has a women’s magazines section, if a shoe company markets shoes to boys and girls, if a phone shop has a section of the shop for “wives and girlfriends” to relax and enjoy themselves while their men watch soccer (these are real examples) they whip up a twitter storm and in every case the business backs down.
      In effect mainstream businesses find themselves doing the work of extremists but normal people are too busy working or spending time with their friends or families to do anything about it. It is hard to compete with the time invested in such campaigns by the 40 year old bitter childless women employed in pretend charities and the students who support them who all can spend all day on twitter.

  20. Man’s mantra: build it, and they will come
    Women’s mantra: believe it, and it’s true
    Girls think that by believing (tr: feeling) strongly enough about something then it becomes true. This starts with their naive princess delusion in childhood and continues for the rest of their lives. Facts matter not to females. All facts are irrelevant when a Freeman feels strongly enough contrary to the facts.

  21. This is how mentally insane you get with power when no one ever questions you or shuts you down. Valenti has carte blanche when it comes to her ever increasing insane opinions – I think the tide may be strongly turning against her though. I love this quote from her: “The patriarchy is using equality to oppress women” – you can’t win against that insane logic.

  22. Now she’s writing a book detailing her sex life in her teens and twenties. Besides offering masturbation material for her lesbian fans, I’m sure there will be a couple rapes in there.

  23. Soon men will need contractual agreements of consent unless they want to spend time in jail or try to demand large sums of money through the court system.

      1. Yeah, but something tells me they’ll have a bit of trouble collecting $2.6 million from her.

  24. Feminism is what happens to a woman when the ego and superego evaporate.

  25. This woman and the socialist-justice warriors (modern lynch mob) are just proof to me that the female sex isnt suited to any position of power or able to use their voting rights properly. personally, i dont even agree with democracy at all. its a dysfunctional mess.

  26. Jessica Valenti:“It wasn’t Jackie’s job to get the details of her rape correct. It was Rolling Stone’s”
    Excuse me? It wasn’t Jackie’s job *NOT* to lie about a rape that NEVER happened?

    1. Well, you know the saying….”take away reason and accountability”.

    2. Also @ghostofjefferson:disqus she seems to have a knack for inventing impromptu cop outs as needed. And we all know the hamster in a woman’s head is ideal for giving her on-they-fly nonsense to spew to suit her immediate needs regardless of consequences (or, in this case, accountability).
      Much like she tried to forcefuck the comical bit about “Trauma victims often misremember key details”. Really? I can remember details from any “trauma” I’ve ever had crystal clear, so I wonder where that came from? And notice how I don’t go on some victimhood crusade to get fame and attention after? Perhaps it’s because I’m a man, or perhaps it’s because they ACTUALLY happened?

  27. Facts? who needs facts, defeat is victory, losing is winning, the upside down world of distorted feminism. Victimhood does not need facts, it feeds on emotions and bullsh*t.

  28. Facts? who needs facts, defeat is victory, losing is winning, the upside down world of distorted feminism. Victimhood does not need facts, it feeds on emotions and bullsh*t. It will soon come to the point where just kissing a woman will soon be labelled as ‘rape’. Take a lawyer, consent forms, and a film crew along with you when you go on a date?

    1. Don’t pity him. He deserved it. These men are cancerous specimens of the male sex. Hope he gets beaten by her daily.

  29. “trauma victims often misremember details of their attack“
    No, that’s absolute crap. Nice try, though.

  30. A very good article. Valenti does seem to be “on the edge”, perhaps having some sort of episode regarding her mental health – it is common among feminists as they try to reject reality and twist the world to fit their strange ideology. The latest Guardian article was almost beyond parody, she wouldn’t admit to the slightest error for her heading up the lynch mob for these false accusations and she was torn apart in the comments even by the kind of limp-wristed beta males who read that site. She had invested so much in this case, it was her big crusade, it showed there really was a “rape culture”…
    And now we know it was a pack of lies.
    She can’t even bring herself to mention the men who suffered. But. hey, she “bathes in male tears”.
    It is tempting to say her credibility is shot but she didn’t have any before. She is of below average intelligence and incapable of understanding context or nuance and the truth coming out won’t make her even pause; she will go on pushing for the end of the presumption of innocence.
    The really mad part is that this shrill termagant managed to find a man to marry her. A good case study for another article showing how men enable the terrible, entitled behaviour of these sort of brats.

  31. Some women caught on camera falsely accusing an innocent man of molesting them. Just see the sense of entitlement, the insistence they can do anything without paying. Just wait until they’re 45 and childless.

      1. Indeed, these days in any interaction with women video evidence is starting to become necessary.

        1. It’s now a days dangerous to be alone with a women for even a second. One doesn’t know after all what kind nutcase she is, and how good she is at making stories.

  32. What kind of heartless company makes shirts for women called “I Bathe In Male Tears”?

    1. Can you imagine the feminist outrage, the media campaigns and politicians trying to jump on the bandwagon if the rates for workplace deaths or suicide or even just the retirement age and average age of death (all of which are in favour of women) were reversed? We would never hear the end of it.

    2. One that is/isn’t aware that it’s a euphemism for semen.
      A) If they are aware, they happen to be master trolls.
      B) If they aren’t, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

  33. she is just mad because she is a single mom with a degree in gender studies

  34. I’m pretty sure it was indeed 100% “Jackie’s” job to get the details of her “rape” correct. These people make a living out of defying common sense.

  35. There’s nothing masterful about such doublethink. It’s called flailing for a lifeline to get out of the hole she dug with your original blind statement.

  36. Rotherham seems to escape Valenti’s field of vision.
    It’s astounding, when you think about. Children used to be the political expedient to galvanize the masses. We have a verifiable scandal involving 1000+ children, which was allowed to continue due to police corruption and fear of the PC media.
    But the blatant lies of one woman and a shit publication need to elevated to the height of a new gospel, spreading dogma and hurting both men and women.
    It’s insane that such harmful and twisted bullshit is allowed in “civilized” societies. The lunatics really are running the asylum.

    1. Indeed the truth is feminists and liberals do not care one little bit for women and girls. They were willing to turn a blind eye to mass rape of thousands of schoolgirls by immigrants because it was a “price worth paying” for the mass immigration they love that they hope will undermine western civilisation.
      Feminism is absolute poison.

  37. The only way to cure this is to have her falsely accused and jailed. Apparently.

  38. I’m still waiting for this fucking bitch to apologize for the Duke Lacrosse scandal comments.

  39. Valenti loses nothing by believing Jackie, even if she is later proven wrong. Quite right: having had no credibility to start with, she lost none by being proven spectacularly wrong.

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