“Bobo” is the contraction of “Bourgeois Bohemian,” an expression that surfaced in the late 1990s. According to David Brooks, self-claimed Bobo and author of the first book on the topic, the Bobo is a mix of 1960s “Bohemian” Leftist spirit and of 1980s “Bourgeois” yuppie attitude. Typically, a Bobo lives in a metropolitan city, thinks of himself as an artist or an intellectual, earns more money than the average Joe, and leans to that weft which caters to “minorities” but spits on the white working class and the “white male.”
Though the word “Bobo” seemingly appeared in the United States, it is barely used there. ROK writers who unmasked feminist slanderers and threat-makers that typically fall in the Bobo social class did not use the word. The hipsters, the wealthy, the urban elves, the global elite are commonly referred to, but the Bobo is not. In France, the expression fared much better, to the point of being widely used. I used it in my first article here and thought that, without it, the article would have been incomplete.
A member of a new and privileged social class, a Bobo thrives on the so-called information age and usually makes enough money to live near the center of a city rather than in suburbs or in the countryside. A Bobo is typically smug, has a higher IQ than most people, and is only too aware of it. He openly despises the beaufs—the Homer Simpsons, the Archie Bunkers. He identifies with the current mainstream culture and often shares its financial interests.
The Bobo’s worldview and class interest make him an enforcer of double standards. He has no problem with women committing sexual assaults and a variety of reprehensible acts, just as he is okay with immigrants swarming over Europe and committing violent crimes, because in his views they are “minorities,” but shows contempt and even hatred for the suffering white working class whose dispossession was so complete it led thousands of men to suicide. Likewise, the Bobo loves to denounce those who were left to the mercy of the public anger through the “Panama papers” scandal, but conveniently forgets who paid for manufacturing said scandal and who pays him as well.
Considering that the Western world opposes two social classes, namely the typical urban elves on the one side and the dispossessed, downgraded majority, whose members often come from the middle and working classes, it is worthwhile asking where we, the neomasculine and red-pilled, fit in.
If you are not a prole or beauf and do not identify with the Jersey Shore culture, are you sure you are not a Bobo either? Here are some cues that will help you determining your own level of boboism.
1. Your work consists of handling information
If you work as a journalist, a marketer, an advertiser, a webmaster, a freelance writer or graphic designer, or a novelist, you are performing an activity that is mostly practiced by Bobos. These jobs mix the artsy with the business, the “Bohemian” with the hunt for bucks.
2. You work as a white-collar in the corporate world
Today, corporations cater to SJWs. If you manage to work there, chances are you are not an old-fashioned alpha boss who gets the shit done. If you work in finance, you must also go to trendy bars with your colleagues for the sole reason of assuring your social status inside the company. Though this is not as essentially Bobo as being a millionaire advertiser, this puts you straight within the system and on a financial par with the Bobos.
3. You live at the center of a metropolis
Downtowns are hotbeds of hipsterism and boboism. The Bobo class tends to appropriate city centers by buying flats there and opening bars and shops that reflect them. If you can afford living there and are used to the atmosphere, it may be hard to distinguish you from a usual Bobo at first glance.
4. You pay frequent visits to Starbucks or other coffee shops
And when you travel to a country that still does not have any, you miss them.
5. You have a liberal arts diploma or working experience in the left-leaning world
6. You care about eating organic
Eating organic means buying expensive food that has an “organic” label on it. If you follow a Paleo diet and legitimately blame the vegetarians’ annoying holier-than-thou attitude, eating lots of meat is expensive too, and caring a lot about your food is typically Bobo. Bonus points if you eat goji berries on a regular basis.
7. You inhabit an “artsy” world
A world of art exhibitions featuring abstract paintings and pompous comments over glasses of champagne.
8. You are an atheist
And you believe that ancient history is made of “myths,” that everything can be boiled down to “human” and physical causes, that Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins deserve public recognition.
9. Your cultural references are hipster- or SWPL-ish
Comic parodies, indie rock bands, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Banksy, Gossip Girl, Moleskin notebooks. For detailed lists, check the infamous Stuff White People Like blog and its Parisian counterpart, De l’art d’être un bobo.
10. You have an opinion on everything and are eager to show it
When you see every event, news item or conversation theme as an opportunity to display a “witty” opinion, this means you are both an asshole and an accomplished Bobo. Congratulations.
11. You often take “artsy” photos
And enjoy showing them off on Facebook. Bonus point if you claim to be a photographer.
12. You own expensive photo or video material
Which implies that you consider yourself talented enough to use professional-rate material and can afford it.
13. You own a MacBook or an iPhone
“Okay, it’s expensive and commonly overrated, but I like these and it is my choice.” Or: “I am a graphic designer, I also edit high definition videos, hence I need it.”
14. You despise the proles, the redneck, the beaufs
Even those whom you should support if you want Trump to beat the establishment.
15. You have, or would like to have, a state-of-the-art kitchen
Bobos find it vulgar to spend a lot on a Jacuzzi, but are okay with showing off on household equipment.
16. Your home is stuffed with “hype” designer or colorful stuff
Voodoo knife-rack, exotic hangings, green wallpaper behind a red sofa, cushions with ten different colors or patterns…
17. Your home decoration is eclectic in character
Because you have good taste and are well-traveled.
18. You wear “cool” and “witty” t-shirts
A significant part of your t-shirts display puns, catchphrases, and private jokes that need either a decent level of culture—by who’s standards?—or being part of a specific milieu to be understood. Bonus points if you own The Kooples clothes.
19. You despise hipsters, but often hang out in hipster places
You know most of the microbrewery bars, organic shops, art galleries downtown. You go to hipster bars to game girls and spend the day after studying at Starbucks, but find most hipsters ridiculous and tryhard.
20. You travel to Bobo places
The first time you could go far away to game girls, you chose New York, Vancouver, San Francisco, Paris, Berlin… and went downtown.
21. You favor bicycles over cars
Bicycles are a very convenient vehicle as long as you go from one neighbourhood to another (that is, do not work or study far from home).
22. You feel awkward while dirtying your hands
And no, gardening on the top of a building in New York does not make you an accomplished gardener.
23. You judge clothes by how fashionable or aesthetic they are rather than by convenience
A prole is glad that he can buy a $20 polar sweatshirt that will keep him warm during winter. A Bobo despises this kind of clothing and prefers a $300 polar sweatshirt because it’s “classy.”
24. You’ve got money but barely assume it
A friend of mine once said that he shared a class with young Bobo girls. When he told said girls that his parents were fabric workers, some opened wide eyes and said, “Wow, how lucky!” These girls would like the chic of having “roots” in modest milieus but want comfort, fashion, and no contact with the proles.
25. You often analyze and criticize plebe-oriented cultural products
Hence the “witty” comments on Hollywood movies, geek nostalgia, and related topics.
26. You often meet with Bobo (small) celebrities, or at least go to the same places than they do
And though you did not talk to them, you recognize them when they are present.
27. You often read Vice
I’ve seen a non-negligible amount of scrawny hipsters having a fetish for the various deviants, especially the violent ones, who get honored by Vice magazine daily. A surrogate source of violence for those who never traded blows in real life.
28. You own mountain boots, rangers, and even an off-road vehicle…
…but you never used them in wilderness, or only a couple of times.
29. You were Charlie
When Salafi terrorists assassinated a bunch of Bobo press drawers in Paris on January 7, 2015, you sported a nice Je suis Charlie as your Facebook profile picture. And, later that year, you asked gleefully to your Parisian friend—because you are well-traveled enough to know at least one person in Paris—if he could hear the explosions and screams. Now, of course, you despise the Charlie crowd as mainstream and blue-pilled, but prefer living near them than in a ghetto.
30. You are white but blame other whites for “racism”
Speaking of ghettos, you would never live there, but still blame other whites for being “racists.” You have few or no experience of said ghettos, never had to take late night trains where whites are but a minority, never had to compose with gangs of teenage thugs, never had to support space obfuscation, night noise, smell, or threats. Only someone who always managed to avoid that—which is, perhaps fortunately, more difficult today than only ten years ago—can blame “white racism” in good faith.
31. You recognize yourself here, but think: I can’t be a Bobo, I’m red-pilled!
This is exactly how I felt while reading Brooks’ book. Initially, I saw the Bobos as an enemy, felt alienated from their culture, and wanted to know more about them for that reason. Yet, going through the book, I realized I had some Bobo-like features myself. Well, the Bobo world tends to attract us because it has money and stimulating employments. And, also, because most of us red-pilled are honestly more intelligent and with better tastes than, in Roissy’s words, “lower classes [that] are crass, boorish and often thoughtlessly impulsive.”
“Being in the world without being from the world”: this is how Guillaume Faye, a notorious European New Right intellectual, justified his career as a radio host and porn actor between two books that criticized the system…
Many of us are trapped in that strange condition. We work with, or for, the leftist establishment because we need money and want some social status. We are these “brogrammers” who practice game in places that belong to Bobos. Is there any hope to change society—make neomasculinity triumph—or are we somehow necessitated to end up swallowed by either the Bobo or the prole herds? The answer may not be easy to find.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
Read Next: The Most Amazing Takedown Of Hipsters I’ve Ever Read
9 out of 31…. 29% Bobo
Sacrebleu. I just like to ride my bike and I handle information as a job. 2 out of 31 bobo. It might not be too late. Need to call my doc
Bobitis is the number one cause of Social Justice Awareness and Whiting of ones Knight. Just make sure you get it all at once or it will just come back stronger.
LOL, my reaction exactly. I scored 11. These people are all around me — the Urban Woodsmen.
Too funny. The Urban Woodsmen. These men would die if they were ever left out in the woods to fend for themselves.
God damn hipsters and their trends.
Also known as lumbersexuals.
These men would also die if they were left in the suburbs to fend for themselves. We don’t need to make it too challenging to achieve the same desirable result, and we can save ourselves the gas of having to drive all the way out there.
You have a point.
The Burbs can be rough man. Growing up in the upper middle class Burbs was hell man. Gave me PTSD and shit.
Ugh, these guys need to be kicked in the grill
What a reference. More 3rd Bass that has nothing to do with anything:
gundog does NOT get the gas face.
Maybe just Lumberjacks. The Monty Python variety.
I guess this seems like bragging, but none of these describe me. 0 out of 31.
EDIT Never mind, 1 out of 31. I’m atheist.
I hear Urban Outfitters is selling an Uber Axe that’s really the size of a hatchet, has a child-safe blunt blade, and hangs from a hip hipster styled belt holster. It’s not useful for chopping down trees, but is really designed as a conversation starter to raise the awareness of the unenlightened masses to social issues such as Amazonian deforestation and global climate change.
It’s available in boobie cancer awareness pink, and of course lime green.
Work in white collar (but as an engineer – still counts)
Would love a state-of-the-art kitchen (or at least a Sous Vide machine)
Good camera
Hang in hipster places
Have a few funny t-shirts
5/31…honestly expected it a hair higher, considering who else got such a score.
With half his brain tied behind his back.
Wow. I got a four. But I come from an older generation where hipster type of things are not something relevant to me as an older 60’s/70’s guy.
Headlines in Australia: “Infamous Raper, Rape advocate, Rape man Roosh V was CONFIRMED 135% bobo basement dweller.”
“Descended from a long line of rapists, Roosh the Rapist did not return our calls for comment. However, we know that he would have said, “When I rape a rapely rape object, then rapety-rape-rape-rape. Oh yeah, and rape rape rape rape rape rape rape.””
I think #14, #22, and #23 are the most important ones to avoid.
The fact you counted your Bobo-like qualities and calculated your mathematical Bobo precentage to see if you’re part of another social group ==>> you’re at least 50% Bobo by default.
Fwew! #1 and 2 were “yes” so I was worried. Then I ran the rest of the table with “no’s”.
I’ve always preferred the term “White Urban Eloi”
7 out of 31. Not bad as I live in a big city!
Bet you there are people in the high 20s out here!
Fuck yeah. Not only that, at least 15 of these I think are good qualities. Eating organic food and wanting a state of the art kitchen….yeah, terrible right. Sounds to me that the author is kind of butt hurt about not making more money.
That’s such a Bobo thing to say! Why don’t you get your boat shoes and Ozzie Osborne glasses and navigate to your local whole foods!
Oh, don’t forget to donate a dollar for Africa. @Psquare needs internet money!
whole foods rocks. Not only that, after I am done shopping I walk out and jump on my bike and go home. They will deliver that shit later.
Bike in NYC? that’s suicide right?
I bike everywhere. To and from work, to do my errands and, of course, the huge track in central park that passes all the great attractions including the great lawn, tits, the pond, tits, the zoo, tits, tits, the pool, tits, the place where all the girls do yoga, tits and tits.
“20. You travel to Bobo places”! Fuken lol! To me it sounds like unexpected gay rape in a piss stained Berlin staircase.
That might well happen…
max 6 for me. That voodoo knife cabinet frightens me.
6/31, I don’t count going to bobo places as I’m not going because I want to…
6,15,18,19,20,21,25,31…..yoikes! Still less than half bobo….
3 out 31… would be higher when younger… may be higher if I take a job center of city and live without a car.
Funny, in Mexico bobo is slang for dummy. I suppose in any way you see it it makes sense.
Also, in british english, a Charlie means “a silly person”. Yup, it definitely makes sense.
It makes me think of “bonobo”—those good-for-nothing monkeys in SE Asia that liberals uphold as the way to utopia because they have sex all the time with all members of their species.
Ah yes. It reminds me of that Sheldon Cooper quote where he mentioned that female bonobos will copulate with a new male in front of the older one without so much as a how do you do.
This is silly. I like that the writer is trying to do a mini “integrity check” on the manosphere, but this list stinks of the same shit on many left-wing sites, such as” “31 Signs You Need To Check Your Privilege.”
Readers of RoK shouldn’t worry if they’re 25%, 50% or even 75% “bobo.” The enforcement of ideological purity stinks of left-wing movements and life in the Soviet Union or China, where one has to prove “loyalty to the party” to get any position of status.
More importantly, it seems like an attempt to shame wealthy, affluent and educated members of the manosphere. I make no apologies for the fact that I paid attention in school, got a degree, and am about to begin a Master’s of Science. Trying to make people feel guilty for being wealthy, affluent or educated makes about as much sense as trying to make someone feel guilty for being poor, low-class or un-formally educated.
Let’s not become our enemies the instant that we preach.
I think it’s just a way of describing the bobo crowd as a whole, nothing more, nothing less. A bobo is a “package”, kind of. So, for example, eating organic doesn’t make you a bobo, but a bobo most definitely eats organic.
But I get your point. We shouldn’t worry about being x% “bobo” or anything.
With that said, I get 4 out of 31. (Sorry, dude, had to)
You can eat organic, but don’t judge others who don’t. That’s all.
In Portuguese, the word “Bobo” literally means “foolish” or “silly”. So yeah… thankfully I’m not bobo.
Looks like #5, #25, and arguably #10.
#8 applies, but I do despise American atheists for the same reason I despise Evangelical Christians. A bunch of wannabe know it alls cut from the same cloth.
#4 but that’s only because Starbucks has better WIFI than McDonald’s. Plus Starbucks hasn’t blocked ROK…yet. Of course, I always get the less expensive drinks. What can I say, I’m a broadband leech. That’s why I’m willing to put up with hipsters, feminists, and the occasional soccer mom and football dad.
#10 what can be so wrong with that?
#3 I did live next to downtown, but that’s because I did live in the ghetto. No hipsters. We would have mercilessly made fun of them.
I don’t believe in atheism.
Starbucks isn’t that expensive. Free wifi, a table with a dedicated outfit and free refills on coffee with no pressure to leave. So basically you can spend 3 bucks and sit there for hours using free wifi in a comfortable area…yeah, really bougie.
Plus, some have power outlets so even if my laptop has a decent amount of battery capacity, I don’t have to use it. And for all it’s worth, the chicks are more aesthetically pleasing to the eye in Starbucks than in McDonald’s, even if they yap too much over ideology.
That what I meant when I said dedicated outfit — meant outlet. Yeah, I won’t even walk near a mcdonalds.
I mean, of course Starbucks is contributing to the obesity crises as well as some other annoying policies, but I can go there, plug in my lap top, get on the internet, game girls and have mediocre coffee refills all day for less than 5 bucks.
Fucking Autocorrect I assume. But yes, as delicious as Frappucinos admittedly are, I do try to avoid them as much as possible. Too much sugar and other stuff.
I may give them another shot, particularly since gaming girls in a McD is a mortal sin, but I vastly prefer McDonalds coffee to starbucks, which I found really acidic and actually gave me stomach pains. Not to mention it’s double the price.
Not crazy about Starbucks coffee myself. No pains, but I like the coffee I make at home better. That said, it really isn’t that expensive if you stick to coffee and not crazy desert beverages especially considering the free refills as well as the gaming opportunity, they fact that they give you a plug for your computer and have free wifi. If you need to sit and do some work in a congenial atmosphere surrounded by good looking women Starbucks, as far as chain places go, is pretty much as good as it gets.
There are more legal aged chicks in SB.
Starbucks offers free refills? I may start going to this place…. I also discovered this TV show called “Seinfield” right when it aired its final episode. And I keep hearing things about this groovy new artist called “Prince?”
Why sit in a Starbucks for hours? I have better things to do.
9/10 would agree with you.
However, I have found it nice to sit in starbucks with my laptop and design my workout programs, write articles or even get some work done when I would rather be out of the office.
ALso, I find that when the weather is total shit…super hot and rainy or cold and snowy, starbucks is a nice place to sit and surf the web and hang out…especially since there is almost always some hot women there.
One last time: Over the summer I will occasionally take off a weekday just to enjoy the nice weather. I like to go at 9 after people are done with the morning commute and read a bit, plan my fun day off activity etc.
I sometimes find a public library a better place without all the distractions.
Agreed. The coffee shops I’ve been to are always too noisy and distracting for work. Unless I bring along a bobo-sized set of industrial headphones to drown out the noise. Starbucks, I’m not sure about, but they are always so crowded and I know they play music, so I think the noise level would distract there too. The library it is. Side benefit–if there is a cute librarian or girl who comes in, she is all yours, and will likely be unique.
Not sure how it pans out in other places, but Libraries in new York are pretty much totally over run with screaming children, the pedophiles who want to bone them, the homeless and poor people fapping to internet pr0n.
I wouldn’t step into a public library on a dare with the exception of the main branch of the NYPL on 42nd street which is more of a museum than anything else at this point.
Is that the beast of a library with the lions out front? Love that place.
Good point. Perhaps the library in a university.
Yeah, I could go to university libraries. But That is often too much work. Popping into the starbucks near me which is park adjacent and right next to a gym, a bootcamp class place, a yoga studio, a waxing place and a tanning salon ensures I will see plenty of pretty girls
yeah, that’s the one. That place is cool. I actually went there and saw the original Shakespeare works on display a few years ago. Plus, ya know, ghosts.
Must be a cultural difference…in the south Starbucks with pretty women in them are pretty nonexistent. Must be our love for fried everything.
I am not sure if it is starbucks specific here or that the starbucks near me happens to be located in an area with young people and very close to a bunch of places where fit people congregate
Can you translate this into non-bobo English for me? You have to register for a Starbucks credit card? Or sign up for a rewards program where they give you a customer card? And then tie that card to one of your credit cards? Is there a way to do this with cash? This looks like the kind of thing one only figures out after several dozen trips to Starbucks…
never saw anything like this. I get black coffee or, if it is hot, black cold brew. When I am done, should I want more, I go to the rap video happening behind the counter and say “can I have a refill”
Rap video ! haha.
Yes, hot black with cream or iced is my drink. At home I make Italian “moka” which is somewhere between true espresso and coffee, with my $25 bialetti moka pot and fresh ground beans. Better than anything I can buy, although McDonalds actually tastes good to me, especially the iced coffee that most people rip you off for. It’s a simple plant, there’s nothing that complex about it. It’s a fruit. It’s kinda like serving OJ. Either you’re getting the real thing (squeezed oranges / water filtered through ground coffee beans) or you’re not (most storebought juices which are reconstituted shit with flavor packets added / instant coffee). The rest (how much pulp? Is it Valencia? / are the beans fair trade ? What was the temperature of the water) is mostly sales pitch BS.
The new bobo way of drinking coffee is cold brewed, which is supposed to be less acidic and tastes different. I have not tried it yet.
I can’t tell the difference between cold brewed and iced coffee. I like either on a hot day.
I agree with the fresh ground beans. I get a brand called Jim’s Organic. I would totally go out of my way for them, but happen to discover them because it is what they sell at the store across the street from me. I do a grind and toss in a French press. Great coffee every time.
Analogy to orange juice is spot on. I really look forward to the Valencia oranges coming back out so I can start fresh squeezing them
Yeah French Press is the other preferred method, slightly more cleanup and different outcome than the moka. I think Roosh mentioned he likes pre-gaming with Seinfeld–watched the Seinfeld Saturday where Kramer gets banned from his local fruit store (does that really happen up there? They were always getting banned from places, Chinese delivery, soup Nazi, bookstore). I buy boxes of grapefruit (like 60) from the farmers market and make fresh squeezed juice every morning. They are 1/4 the price of supermarket so even if I have to throw away a couple at the end, I still come out way ahead. I think the markup on all produce is at least 4x. I buy from the fruit distributor that sells to the grocers. He will sell me anything, but most stuff I can’t use before it goes bad, but refrigerated citrus lasts a few weeks.
Funny thing: my last apartment was 3 blocks from the fruit store that that fruit store was based on. It really does have the best freaking fruit and the owners (an old guy and his son) are totally bat shit crazy. I used to see Leonardo DiCaprio in there all the time. I had never heard of anyone being banned, but I wouldn’t put it past them. This crazy old guy used to scream at people.
Speaking from personal experience, the one about having to share an opinion on everything is the worst. Not only do you sound like a know-it-all ass, but it also makes you more needlessly analytical and less active, i.e. more womanly. If there’s one “bobo” trait to dispense with, it’s this one.
17/31. Damn. I’m bobolicious.
if u dont think your food is filled w shit to keep you dumb and lazy, think again. #6 then is silly. not saying all organic is great, but its a step in the right direction just to be aware of what you’re eating
All organic IS great. Ain’t no apologizing for that. I’ve had no processed food for ten years. I eat organic meat, organic fish, and organic plants (god, “organic plant”, what an oxymoron) that I prepare in my own kitchen. I feel and look super healthy as a result.
It’s how Grok lived. Check out Mark’s Daily Apple.
But didn’t Grok only life the the ripe ol’ age of 40 or so?
Grok didn’t have flush toilets, modern heating, or antibiotics. He usually died of infectious disease.
Poor, poor Grok.
This list is amusing, but ultimately arbitrary. However:
Well done.
I see what you did there.
That show was hilarious
Only 3/31
I’m an agnostic so it could be 2 and I like to buy expensive clothes and I ride my bicycle most places because it’s cheaper
8 sur 31, 26% bobo… Heureusement, j’habite à 750km du Plateau Mont-Royal, au coeur de Montréal. Mes racines redneck doivent me sauver la vie! LOL
26/31. Winning.
This article is pretty lame. Not only is it annoying that making a portmanteau or contraction of two words and using it to insult a bunch of people you don’t know seems pretty “bobo” to me as well, but there is a ton of cognitive dissonance going on here. This reads a lot like “people who like a state of the art kitchen, live in a metropolitan area don’t believe in god and care about eating organic food are such jerks, they are always judging us good people based on prejudices that aren’t even warranted.”
Better title suggestion for article “31 Signs That Someone is A Jerk Based On Their Pre-Concieved Notions Based In Ignorance…You know, signs people are doing exactly what is in this article….only to me!”
Lolol, the second I saw this article my first thought was goddamn, lolknee is going to have a killer score, that SWPL jerk.
I am not liberal though. Fuck, I don’t even believe in democracy. I am an autocrat.
This corner of the internet is far more diverse than the mainstream gives credit to. My score is a tentative 3/31. And you’re an autocrat because you’re an arrogant misanthrope whose also somehow an incredibly active extrovert. There’s no wonder that combination leads to distrust and distaste in allowing the majority to rule.
I agree pretty much with every part of this analysis.
one thing…it’s not “somehow” I manage to be an incredibly active extrovert while being an arrogant misanthrope by looking at the vast majority of the world as something to be manipulated for my own purposes and understanding that by being an incredibly active extrovert is the quickest way to get the things I want…then I can go home and finally be alone!
Fair enough, I suppose the somehow is more of a me wondering at how that works since it initially seems like somewhat of a juxtaposition.
Democracy is good for a little bit, until people realize that they can vote in their own self-interest to the point of abandonment regarding the rest of society. I think someone had a quote similar to that.
I really don’t have enough faith in people to let them make choices. I like the idea of autocracy with absolute authority. At least there is a direction and someone to take the blame or praise. I am def not in the “everyone has a valid opinion camp”
You think back to the FF’s. Wasn’t really a democracy, more of a representative oligarchy.
It works pretty well I guess. I think if I had an unlimited source of money I could drop the act and just be a total fucking asshole.
I am sure I am not the only one who hates their boss. But there you are, showing up to work with a yes sir and getting the work done on time. So you fake it a little bit. WIth women too. For christs sake, the things I have pretended to give a fuck about while women talk just so I can stab them in the meat hole.
Sometimes we need to put on our persona and leave the house. It is why I have always maintained that the only time I don’t feel totally lonely is when I am by myself.
I don’t have faith in them either. I have what I have and don’t care enough about my fellow man to have a revolution…that said, the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, the Romanov’s…true rule is the only form of government that makes any sense to me.
An autonomous autocorrecting autocrat. Straight A’s if you are also autodidactic.
Might make you an automatist.
BTW: I find it very hard to care about non-westerosi politics in general, so this isn’t a debate of relative merits…I am just not a fan of a system where people are treated as equally valuable when they aren’t.
An ex a while back who got a little too close to me called me fake and two faced because of how much of a perfect chameleon I was, changing faces dramatically with practiced ease. The thing is though, if I didn’t do that, its quite obvious that I’m somewhat of a sociopath.
Do you lower people into a false state of security while talking to them and now even wanting to talk to them?
I knew you were one of the good ones.
Yeah, I have been accused of being a fake too. The only response is to say “shut up you fucking cunt” and then if she doesn’t like it you can offer to go back to being fake.
BTW this is why I am not a racist.
If I try to judge people individually I am wrong about 60% of the time. I don’t know what people are up to. If I try to judge based on race I am also wrong a good percentage of the time.
I find that the best odds are to just assume everyone is a fucking idiot and totally insufferable. The 3% of the time you are wrong you can always apologize
Amusing conversation is amusing whether you are capable of empathy or not.
Who knows about lolknee?
He could be an autopolyploid, an autotype, and/or an autotelic autotroph.
I understand your reasoning, I tend to be a sociopath first, a misanthrope second and a racist last. So, I don’t care about people, nor do I like them, wait your black! Nigger! Plus I love trolling people to gauge their reactions in regards to thought crime. Very amusing.
I don’t see myself getting into an LTR again. I can hold the charade for long enough with passing poon.
I got to that stage myself. It’s not for everyone, but works well for me.
yeah, trolling is right up there with sodomizing girls in their late teens on my “enjoyable hobbies” list.
Yes, but I’m only 25. What a world we live in that the highest risk/reward return is to be a ruthless changeling narcissistic arrogant sociopath who lives purely for themselves.
If the world were otherwise then I would become what that world rewarded. As it turns out, the world isn’t otherwise and people who say they are are wrong or lying.
Non-westerosi politics.. lol. that is definitely in bobodictionary.com
they seem to me to be more interesting and have just as much, if not more, impact on the world.
The notion that democracy is the be-all and end-all of human flourishing is something I’ve started to doubt lately. Maybe it can work with a more homogeneous population with a decent mean income and limited dispersion around that mean but I question it otherwise.
Growing up in America, the message gets drummed into your head over and over that people want freedom (if I recall it was one of GWB’s repeated messages prior to invading Iraq). Is that really true though? Yes, some people really want freedom. How many really though? I read that Freud said something like, “People don’t really want freedom because freedom requires responsibility and most people are afraid of responsibility.” I wonder if things would not work better under a benevolent dictatorship (firmly patriarchal of course) or some limited form of democracy with only a higher caste of voters (based on literacy, numeracy and basic knowledge of historical and economic facts combined with some vested financial interest such as a net tax bill at the end of the year).
I don’t really know. Suffice it to say that I too am increasingly struck by the glaring shortcomings of democracy in a social welfare state.
Universal sufferage was a mistake. You pay taxes, served in the military? You may vote. Everyone else has same legal protections but they do not get to vote for “free shit”
same boat, but I am going to go with pay taxes and own land.
Democracy works when limited to a very carefully selected group of intelligenta nd responsible straight white males with good future time orientation.
It does not work well with women, minorities and 20 year old liberals however, as the west is proving right now.
Have to admit the first thing that came to mind was how lolknee would take this article.
I looked at the kitchen and was like “niiiice”
I figured.
The only thing missing from that pic was Giada covered in pesto.
I like the bull shaped knife/book holder….does that mean I’m going to sjw hell?
that thing was cool.
In an age where most women cant cook for shit, having a sweet kitchen to prep your own masterpieces is a must.
Hahha. nice. I only scored 16/31 (51.6129, repeating of course, %, for you other bobos)
26/31 But do you have a big fat dick which demands servitude? … If not, what’s the point of living your life?
Sources : I have a big fat dick
I can’t help but absolutely love this comment. Honest to god lol.
We ‘re all friends here. We just don’t know it yet. Like superman with batman. If you don’t fight with each other, something’s missing …
Haha!! I was waiting to see how you’d react to this article! Yup, lolknee would do this, likes this, would do this too. Damn, it’s like an lolknee profile with pictures!!
Pretty much. I do like to do projects with my hands, I don’t randomly hate people just because they are from a place or not from a place, I am not an atheist ad there were a few others I can’t remember…but other than that, yeah, spot on.
No worries, you’re a fellow New Yorker so I get your personality. Much of this list could have been have summarized with the response, I’m a dick. So What! Want to Fight about It?! Bobo or Bobobo Bo Bobobo, shit makes no difference. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do.
Lets make a thought experiment.
Lets say that Hungarian men decide to import 1 million beautiful russian women and have kids with them. Nothing wrong with that right ? Europeans coming to another European country. Not only that, but also specimens that will improve the bloodline by making it prettier.
HOW LONG WILL IT be before this new race of Russian-Hungarians start demanding special rights ? Before they set themselves apart from the others ?
RACE MIXING is what evolution wants.
RACISM is correct …
FFS that was spoonfed. I hope you were able to understand it.
that’s about right. Also, I really like that kitchen.
I have never really been a fan of avacados. I mean, I get it. They have healthy fat. And guacamole would seem to be good. I don’t know, I just never got them. They would seem like exactly the kind of thing that I would like. Maybe it is a texture thing. I can’t really put my finger on it. I mean I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I am not a picky eater by any stretch of the imagination. I also have access to, as I am lead to believe by people who are crazy about avacados, are very good, high quality avacados. It’s funny, now that I think about it…plums are my favorite fruit. Also, my favorite guilty snack is dried fruit. So much sugar! I mean, it is basically candy. But I will take some dried mango over a candy bar any day of the week. But even though plums are my favorite fruit and I absolutely love dried fruit, I do not like prunes…which are just dried plums. You would think that a person who really love dried fruit and really loves plums would absolutely go nuts for prunes, but no. I thought maybe it was the stewing liquid in the stewed prunes, but even dry prunes I don’t like. Something about the taste and texture.
This makes me wonder if maybe prunes and avocadoes have something in common. I mean, other than avocado and prune I can’t think of a single food I really do not like. I am not allergic to either of them. They don’t give me a stomach ache. I just don’t like these two foods despite everything to the contrary indicating that I would like them very much — for avacados the fact that they are filled with healthy fats and CLAs and I am a bit of a health nut and for prunes that I love plums and also love dried fruit. There must be something that is in common right? I mean, I suppose it could just be that I randomly don’t like these foods despite indications that would suggest otherwise…but I tend to look at things on a macro level and wonder if there is some kind of commonality hinted at by my distaste for them.
Ya know what I mean?
reminds me of the shrimp scene. replace shrimp with plum. or avocado. or not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rT5fYMfEUc
I’m still trying to memorize all the differences between vicunas, guanacos, alpacas and llamas. I mean they are all “Flagship product” Peruvian camelids with two-toed feet that don’t eat meat.
While a crossbreed baby between between llama and alpaca is a huarizo, a baby guanico is a chulengo. Yet the other three are called crias (which means baby when talking about animals) is this discriminatory somehow?
Llamas will hum to one another but will spit at those they dislike (jerks). They can pack your gear over a trip and make great charqui after you’ve gone too far.
Guanacos also spit, and to great distances, but they go around bleating more like sheep than llamas (how adorable!). They aren’t domesticated and their wool is a luxury item.
Alpacas fleece sells well supposedly but most alpaca farmers in the states feel they were the fleeced despite the wool coming in 22 “official” colors sales are usually down. They are gentle cluckers, spitting only when threatened and share a communal dung pile (hygienic!).
Vicunas are wild and also a protected species after generations of Incan royalty hunting them and modern poaching. They can run 30 mph and climb so high I find myself getting altitude sickness. As the official animal of Peru they can be seen on the nuevo sol (money!).
The odd thing is, they look almost identical to me, so it gets hard to tell them apart. I don’t want to be called a cameloidist though and try daily to improve my ability to recognize the specific traits of each in kind.
Llama meat may make good jerky, but I find myself wondering whether this is all some corporate conspiracy to get me to help regulate their population? Certainly my expensive and warm winter coat made of the highest quality wool makes eating the jerky worth it, but am I worthy?
In the grand scheme of thinks, perhaps I am only a Kronk inadvertently doing Izma’s bidding and the entire Peruvian Cameloid Complex is some master plan I can’t yet conceive of. But then “knowing is half the battle.” And I can never know enough about these glorious spumous creatures. Maybe I should go into earthenware spittoons?
So dude, which ones DIDN’T you ace?
well the last one obviously. The two about cameras. I don’t have a camera only the one on my phone. I don’t despise rednecks and I don’t really know what the other two are…I mean, I despise them as much as I despise other people, but not because they are rednecks…I don’t mind getting my hands dirty (so long as there is soap around), I am not an atheist, I have construction boots, but only for when I need to go on construction sites for work, I def wasn’t Charlie, I blame whites for racism
“Portmanteau” is the one guaranteed indicator of a living, breathing, 100% genuine …
I went twenty years through school, including a liberal arts degree, withouth hearing that word outside an obscure academic context. The rest of the world say “acronym
They are not the same. For instance, Natalie Portmanteau would be the name of Natalie Portman if she were a superhero who used the powers of Portmanteau to fight crime. An Acronym is abbreviated by initials. Like the North American Treaty Organization is NATO. If NATO was under attack and Saved by Natalie Portmanteau then you would have both…BoBo is a bit of a hybrid and my general sense about the rest of the world is that if they can’t keep up with my vocabulary than they can suck my cock.
Please no….I’m just a simple man with a limited vocabulary. Don’t make me….
lolknee, I’d like to point out that in the middle of all your breast-beating about your vocabulary…
1) you misspelled “then”
2) you wrongly capitalized “acronym”
3) you used “they” when you should’ve used “it”, because “rest” is singular
Watch the boasting.
I watch nothing and stand by my hastily typed, typo riddled arrogance.
Well thank God that NATO isn’t a TLA.
With you. I think you’d be hard pressed to score below 10 if you live in a Western urban setting and earn within a white collar gig of whatever guise. So what though? Most of us play the game and adapt as required. The list is arbitrary and meaningless. How one thinks and what motivates one’s actions are more relevant.
I like coffee and I buy my morning coffee from a hipster local chain rather than Starbucks. In so doing I’ve now surrounded myself with more urban hipsters. However, what motivates me is the fact that I think Starbucks is a faggy corporate manifestation of SJW culture. Probably not the same motivation as the other patrons. Sure, the guy who makes my coffee is still a fag but I’m OK with my money going towards paying his wage rather than into some big corporate machine that funds a bunch of shit I hate.
Bike commuting? I’m skeptical that AGW is even a thing and it certainly doesn’t cross my mind when I hop on my bike. It just gets me to work faster than driving, allows me to avoid the unwashed masses riding public transit and gives me some extra exercise in the process.
exactly right. I have a fixed gear 6KU bike which I use for both fun and to commute. It looks cool, rides smooth and costs less than 300 bucks. Also, I live at water level…there is no hill which justifies needing gears as long as I stay in the city. So what? I should have got a more expensive commuter bike with a gear set on it so I am not a hipster or a bobo on a fixie? Fuck that.
And say what you want about the hipsters, and I have plenty of negative things to say, but I like that those annoying fucks opened up like 12 cheese shops in walking distance from me, that I can get super high quality organic coffee, that my local grocery store sells 200 types of local artisanal pickle. They have done wonders for food. Granted, it comes at a cost but the quality specialty shops and grocery stores and restaurants are pretty nice.
Starbucks is faggy, but they have comfortable chairs, free wife, an outlet near each seat and, for me at least, is conveniently located near my house and about 6 places that sexy women congregate.
The rampant hatred of things like art or quality kitchen appliances or a pleasant color scheme in your home are just baffling to me.
I’m similarly baffled. I’m totally on board with neo-masculinity and the superiority of patriarchal culture but I don’t like these narrow boxes of superficial tastes and preferences to define it. For sure there are some core principles and basic commonalities that must be embraced as part of the movement (e.g. real men do not suck dick). Beyond those basics though, I’d suggest that it’s a pretty large tent that can capture a variety of sensibilities.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate embracing one’s manhood is all its various facets. I’m in the construction business but I have a flair for interior design. So what? Lots of other straight guys get it too but won’t embrace it so I’m forced to deal with women and fags. It’s artistic – that’s a man’s domain as much as a woman’s. More so. Show me a woman in history that has approached the talent of the great masters of art. I live and earn in an urban metropolis and when the weather is good I commute to work on my bicycle but, when I drive, it’s a Ford F150 (which – even with the short box – is a real bitch to park downtown). I tend my own backyard vegetable garden in the summers but I’ve also taken up hunting, butchery and charcuterie as a hobby.
It’s all part of the joy of being a man in this big world of experiences.
I knew this would trigger you !
As someone who has moved from the city to the country I have to say this article is pretty good. I have changed a lot. I now prefer living in the country, although the liberal cities are still the best. They’re cleaner, better amenities, less obese, less ugly, better food, better urban planning, on and on. Except for the blue armpit haired loonies, they’re cooler, even though I’d rather live in the country and hang around country folk.
I guess I’m just not understanding the difference between a bobo and a hipster.
Not sure what the difference is. I think the article is written by a ripster. Someone who rips on a culture they don’t understand and can’t afford as being inauthentic and less than masculine to make themselves feel better. Just made that up. Right on!
Different strokes, for different folks. Everyday People.
I work both blue-collar and white-collar jobs, and I just find everybody annoying.
This is pretty much the most accurate statement possible.
Breaking news: the majority of people suck. In other news, water is wet.
REAL Breaking News :
LIFE sucks, that’s why we ‘re gonna fuck the shit out of it, and turn it into OUR bitch …
“life is still a bitch and then you die, but for now close yo eyes and feel this dick” – jay z
Fuck outta here kid, you need to put water on something to make it wet! How do you put water on water? HMmmmm?
Check mate.
How do you put water on water? Pour water on ice. Or, place snow on ice, or pour water on snow.
People don’t really suck. Life is the enemy.
See how easier that makes it to build networks with people, instead of alienating them ?
The only ones who wouldn’t agree with these, are little boys with small dicks, who never get any interest from women.
I think you’re on to something here. But i’m not liking the second part of the assertion: “Life is the enemy.”
How about “People dont suck. The situations those people find themselves in suck”? A bit longer … feel free to tweak.
To paraphrase someone more eloquent than me whose name I forget:
Imagine the average man. Now remember that half the population is even dumber than him.
And fire is HOT!
careful, you are in danger of going “prematurely curmudgeon.”
Better known as “pre-curm”.
Oh No! its reality!
Off to my safe space.
“Are you an angry man?”
Somebody drank his milkshake. They drank it all up.
I will never, ever, feel bad about making more money using my mind alone, than I ever could using my body.
The curse of the high IQ, perhaps?
Dunno if Clarey’s book is legit or not but it’s a comforting idea
Part of that blue collar is red, though.
i agree, mr clark kent……..i have manufactured my life to have as little contact with people as possible, on my terms…..when i’m feeling sociable, i do it on my terms…..how, where, when, etc
Well I fully expected the “atheist = unmanly” opinion to show its face, par for the RoK course. But having (or wanting) a good kitchen is suspect? At least a bulthaup is more functional than a Jacuzzi.
Thank you. I am not normally a stereotypical smarter-than-thou atheist, but the Christian chauvinism and jihadism in the alt-right often drives me over the edge. It is one failure of the authoritarian personality that, for instance, if missing church got him an ass-whooping in his youth, then he concludes Christianity to be utterly true and non-Christians to be the enemy and a bunch of amoral scumbags. In fact, a leader can sometimes countermand the authorities and dogmas of past and present rather than meatheadedly and Uncle-Tommishly enforcing them.
Theism is the original blue pill; the original political correctness which, in violently bullying entire societies to believe the utterly absurd and unprovable, set the pattern for the Cultural Marxist terror which now menaces the historically white nations. Wait, isn’t Christianity one of Cultural Marxism’s main targets? Maybe, but only to the degree that Roman and Germanic paganism would be targeted had they prevailed among white people. None of these is the faith of the people who contrived and implemented Communism, and there is nothing those people despise like being excluded.
Communist Russia purported itself to be an atheist state, hence modern leftists tending toward atheism and repulsing gun-owning registered Republicans and alt-righters by association, but with the 2011 declassification of Vladimir Lenin’s background and other historical evidence, we now know better.
As the Cold War fades into history and Christendom; most of which, remember, has fully bent over for the Marxist-Zionist zeitgeist; continues its present decline, irreligion will become less and less edgy, rebellious, and leftist.
Take like you want but you seem to confuse idealism with religiosity. Remember masculine societies are hyper religious for a reason
Because of your civil, unauthoritarian tone, I take it just fine. I assume you hearken back to the Spartans, pagan Romans, and pagan Germanic peoples. Remember that though you respect those cultures’ masculine spirit, you most likely know their religions to be false and their rites to have been vain and worthless, except in societal bonding and the false psychological comfort of pretending to believe in continued consciousness and reward after death.
As for Christendom, which subdivision of it is the one true faith? In today’s Western civilization, all that I see are myriad mainline Protestant denominations, many of which feature women clergy, accept homosexuality and serial divorce, and are thoroughly beta in character; evangelical Protestant churches, which appear more conservative but are utterly subservient and genuflective toward Israel and the Jews, in addition to practicing tradcon “real man” shaming while they tend to totally excuse and forgive women’s misbehaviors; and the Roman Catholic Church, whose history is the longest and proudest, but whose current pontiff is an utter leftist stooge who kisses Muslim invaders’ feet (oh yes, and the Orthodox heads Bartholomew and Ieronymos went with Francis last month to pitch woo to the so-called refugees occupying Greece).
Your religion is just as likely to be accurate as all those debased Christian sects and the thousands of past and present faiths. Religion simply bends with its contemporary social climate; it can promote masculine virtues, or it can promote the complete and utter servile deference to women and femininity that we see today.
As for the so-called atheist Bolshevik regime in Russia, I hope that my past comment was clear in pointing out that the majority of the Bolshevik leaders in fact did practice, in public or secret, an unchristian religion whose temples were spared from razing and repurposement. Those secular and atheist members of that tribe still had and have faith in the tribe’s absolute supremacy and eventual domination and enslavement of all other nations.
A monarch, such as many alt-righters wish for, who prescribes a church for his (or, very possibly, her) subjects, as in woman-co-ruled Catholic Spain or woman-ruled Protestant England, crosses the line from being a leader into being a bully and a tyrant. Civic nationalism; with gentile white men on top, but excluding a state church; is a proven possibility which once defeated the religiously intolerant monarchies of the United Kingdom and France. This being so, religion is unnecessary beside being false.
In short, I will not pretend to believe a socially accepted lie in some desperate plea to alt-right tradcons, misprescribing religion to cure our very worldly and physical social illnesses, to give me a few man points.
So basically fuck the bible and blame institutions for your problems? Where’s the Government influence in any of this?
And the Romans outside of military whdress actually feminine
There is little more I can say to clarify or sum up. I must say that what you call my problems are actually my race’s and civilization’s problems; they are the problems which Return of Kings and other alt-right outlets are here to address and help us diagnose solutions to.
I trace your surname to Nigeria, so it may be that most alt-right issues are not relevant to you. However, most of my white cousins, even the militant Christian ones, will probably agree with me about what a noxious influence mainstream Western Christianity is in our civilization; among many things, for its servile deference to women, nonwhite trespassers, and Jews.
I think that a lot of the militant and chauvinistic Christ pimping in the alt-right is born of misguided reactionary nostalgia. In truth, religion does not hold the monopoly on morality, patriarchy, or man cards, and those who claim that it does are self-righteous bullies and would-be tyrants.
My parents where Nigerian immigrants but I was born in the USA.
BTW CS Lewis already addressed that argument give me morality any where and you can trace it’s roots.
However lIke I said before the Government is the source of the problems not “religion”
I do not hate atheists.
Not the masculine, nationalistic type.
A hang around a lot of secular racists and patriarchy-believers. They do not call themselves atheists, but are such effectively. They believe in tradition and whatnot. They also understand the importance of nationalism, group pride and the usefulness of fate in certain situations.
The hate is mostly targeted towards fedora atheists, like The Amazing Atheist. With their equalist, relativistic, race and gender denial, anti-white and anti-western propaganda.
There was a great book about liberalism written by an english author were he explained that liberal atheist types are wrong about human nature. Humans are not born as blank slates. The idea that humans are born perfect but society corrupts them, which is a popular idea since the Enlightment has been proven wrong. And most liberal atheists still subscribe to that propaganda. They believe there are no differences between races, that every human is redeemable and that the reason there are bad people is purely “culture”. They also believe in universal democrcacy, free sex and gay parades. They are anti-gun and oftentimes they believe that Bruce Jenner is a “she”.
That is the crowd getting flack. If you do not belong to it, you are fine.
I think we are well due for post-post modernism.
Atheist = Fedora wearing, My Little Pony loser
Person who doesn’t believe in any religion because he has more important shit to worry about = ______?
I think it’s called apatheism. No inclination one way or another due to a lack of interest.
Yeah that’s pretty much me. Open to the idea, but still undecided. And because there will be no definitive proof (other than the second coming of Robot Jesus) I don’t really care.
6.5 out of 31. 21%
Wait, where is the “and you’re covered in black hair” and “you live in a free sex matriarchal society” and “you enjoy fruits”?
Wait, you said “bobo”. Misread. Thought it said “bonobo”.
My bad.
You still read it better than me though, I was expecting:
“Are an insufferable jumped-up Jesus.”
“Are a nerd out to end poverty.”
“Your job is to be used. You’re here to be used. But at what price? You aren’t a cheap date.”
“Are Ireland’s largest, white, non-potato export http://crookedtimber.org/2007/10/16/why-not-just-build-a-giant-replica-of-bonos-penis/.”
“Have been named a foreskin enemy by CAN-FAP (that’s http://www.can-fap.net/).”
“Have an annoying gene and even annoy yourself.”
(PS: lolknee aces this list too).
24 Signs You Might Be A Hobo:
7. Everything you own can be wrapped inside a bandanna and hung from a stick over your shoulder.
It’s a prime “tell”, heh.
22. Your “train game” is tight.
Heh, train game…
6. You agree with the phrase “A man’s refrigerator box is his castle.”
Make sure to get your artisan bindle:
24 signs your Bono
#1-24. Your a complete tool.
24 signs your Bilbo
– Rings and shit.
Oh shit, I am a human, but those three things all apply to me
I had to go back and reread it carefully as well. I made the same mistake, but I can blame that on my dyslexia. And if you don’t like that you can duck my sick.
Love this comment. You, sir, are in your good days.
32. You take Kratom.
Too far, sir! Too far!
Nah, you take Kratom and your bobo sins are forgiven.
And ye though I walk through the valley of bobo, I shall fear no hipsters for kratom is with me.
Thine electrolytes, they comfort me.
“……been living all our lives living in the BOBO paradise!”
I’m 4/31 not bad.
I’m rounding mine up to 4 but only because lolknee is throwing a hissy fit.
Yeah, bobos do that. Heh
by the way, I have never heard of the term bobo.
I would consider myself a yuppie but I am not young enough for the Y in yuppie. Maybe I am an old urban professional. And Oldppie?
Oppie, like on The Andy Griffith Show.
Met a guy this weekend with this t shirt on.. pretty awesome.
Heh, that’s funny.
Oooh you’re so setting yourself up for Concerned Citizen to express his views on the size of your John Thomas.
He already has, hah. Trollers gonna troll.
I have an attorney named John Thomas.
It’s a mainstream word in France, and it seems to be crossing the pond as we speak.
OT and not a clinton supporter at all but the whole reservation thing she said isnt tjat a bit of a stretch to get offended about? But the fact that she called sen byrd her mentor when he was a memeber of the kkk is hilarious and the fact that she gets a large majority of the aa vote is strange
She’s handing out “woman cards” now. Real ones.
Tells you everything you need to know about the witch.
“Vote for me, because vagina”
What a campaign slogan.
She is going to win.
It’s going to be something to see.
Given as elections at the Fed level are basically openly rigged now, that wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
yes. I don’t think she would win a popular vote. I think a very interesting analysis would be of men who told their wives they are voting Hilary but actually vote for the other guy or don’t vote at all. I would imagine that that would account for at least 30% of all married voters who, when polled, say Hilary.
That always gets me. There was a huge fuss at one of the elections where black panther members were guarding the voting centers and scaring off anyone who wouldn’t vote for Obama (I believe). Just tell them you are a lib and then vote however you want.
yeah, anyone whose big plan can be foiled by the words “yeah, me too” really hasn’t thought things through.
I dunno what’s sadder…them or the people they actually catch
My gut says she won’t. A dem may win, but it wont be her
The sad fact is a large majority of women will do exactly that, pisses me off, I remember in 08 liberal women said they’d vote for palin as prez even tho they were dem, that’s when i knew they had gone off the deep end, voting for someone u downright think is a buffoon but hey she’s a women so she gets my vote is idiotic
That’s what we’ve come to in America. We’re now electing Novelty Presidents. It’s trendy and hip.
During some interview Obama said that trump would never win the presidency because “the presidency is not a reality show”
The truth is — that is exactly what the presidency is. It is just like any other reality show only people are hard pressed to see it…it is basically WWF wrestling in the 80’s.
Yep they all need an “identity” in 2020 im thinking it will be a latino, not sure when a gay prez would be socially accepted maybe 2032?
Full of fake boobs and sweaty men in costumes?
Sounds right.
You could prove this on so many levels. But just look at the way people talk about it. They discuss it on a lighthearted level the way the discuss the last episode of American Idol sitting around the lunchroom. I was at a party this weekend and suddenly the talk turned to politics and I felt the fun slipping out of the room as this guy droned on and on about Bernie this and Trump that. It was like he was obsessed with some tv program and wouldn’t shut up about the stupid characters, and those of us who don’t watch the show couldn’t care less.
“You know the Bernie character is actually similar in a lot of ways to the Trump character…. Yeah, people aren’t really sure about the Trump character’s backgrounds and where his true loyalty lies… You know the Bernie character says a lot of appealing things, but I really don’t think he knows what he’s talking about…”
At that point I got up and left, got a phone number, got the girl to drive me home and made out in her car.
Since the US was the last to have a woman president, black president, etc. while we are probably the most obscene and progressive *culture* we will have to make up for all that by electing the first gay or perhaps even tranny president…. Actually, gay is cool today, but I don’t think tranny will ever go mainstream. If it can, then North Korea please just nuke us all.
He’s gonna do this to China.
It’s just as bad as black people voting for Obama…and now seeing how he hasn’t really done much for them (as a black man for the black community). Yes, the welfare continues but it’s always been there. So many voted for him thinking he was going to do so much for them and in the end they got screwed…he’s taking care of his big donors, now.
Will that change how they vote in this election? Probably not.
That’s all Obama has done since he’s been in office…appearing on late night TV shows or talk shows, going on tour around the world. He is a reality show all on his own.
Thank god his ass is out soon.
I agree if we get a tranny prez id hope for russia or n korea to just take me out of my misery
The presidency has been a reality show ever since Kennedy/Nixon debate. Even the power was more of a shard than a full shit, but now there isn’t even the faint whiff of a fart.
It is the longest running and most successful reality television show in history and that is the entire sum of American politics.
the only thing any American president is going to do to china is get on their knees and take a mouthful of eggdrop soup.
Yep the weird thing is blacks dont really like obama anymore but white sjw still love him and think he did a great job
That’s funny coming from Obama. He craves the limelight like a moth to the flame.
Reagan understood that and won against his own party by circumventing them.
(trigger warning, Lena Dunham) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht3zGZfCbzI
No speak English??? He’s lying, he was fluent in Shreck 1 and 2.
Don’t get me started. We (Virginia) are letting some ex-cons vote, now, because she needs all of the support that she can get at this point.
Never mind that she might be in jail with some of them (hopefully) soon enough. Our god damn Governor can’t run for office again (thank god) so he’s on his way out.
We’ll have to fix that shit once he leaves office.
He has *really* fucked a lot of shit up in Virginia, that’s for certain.
The only good thing…he’s only in for one term. We’ll fix it once he’s out (between the new governor and senate).
Byrd was not just a member, but a leader of rank in the KKK.
1,5/31. But I like Talking Heads.
4/31. I made it my business to work in a city, but live in the countryside, where globalist norms are less pronounced.
32. You look like this guy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3080828/Kim-Kardashian-fan-filler-addict-Jordan-James-Parke-reveals-massive-lips-leaking-E-series-Botched.html
My reaction was exactly the same hehe.
Don’t know why you’re against individuality!
I’m all for individuality. More people for me to laugh at
I was joking bro!
So was I. Heh. Poe’s law in action it seems.
I can’t find the unsee button!
I can’t find the kill self button either!
The most admirable prole-to-bobo in the world, Noel Gallagher.
Everybody should aspire to be Noel Gallagher.
I like the artsy world, however I dislike 95% of the smug douches in these areas. This time last year I was walking around Shoreditch in London and went into a shop looked at the label and left. £400 for a second hand jumper proves how gullible Bobos are.
Also, if you have any old Adidas, Fila, Polo stuff don’t bin it, sell it for 6 times the price you originally paid.
Most of the people of the artsy world will look at a canvas that is completely blue and be like that is the most artistic thin I’ve ever seen. I remember an art professor said he once gave out a test and one of the questions was analyze a jackson pollock painting, and all th students said how amazing it was, it was just a picture if his dirty art smock zoomed in
God does not exist idiot.
Putting this one among the others just goes to show how little your dicks are.
Men with big fat dicks don’t believe in God. They ARE Gods …
Compensating for something¿
I am enjoying my big fat dick, because I do not unfortunately possess the powers of superman.
Otherwise I would be enjoying both …
Well some little boy who does not believe in free speech, blocks me from posting on “Rooshv” so I ‘ll just post it here, and FU.
With regard to the article posted on 02.05.2016 :
“how the governement is robbing you of the opportunity to be bored to death by stayin with one person for your entire life, and living the indecency of sharing a house 24/7 with others” (I fixed the title for you)
“It is simple. We kill the Batman.”
The meaning of life has NEVER been to just keep on having children, generation after generation.
The meaning of life has NEVER been to live this life of “an enslaved animal”.
Batman in the case of us humans, has been this ridiculous cycle of
birth, breeding and death. This is evolution, this is “God’s will”.
this has NEVER been “Man’s will”. Man has tried to escape this prison
set for him by “God” and the “Universe” since man became sentient.
ONLY deseased individuals want to remain slaves to this cycle. Such individuals are NOT our leaders.
Christians ? Decadent, unable to survive
Nazis ? Decadent, unable to change
Muslims ? Decadent, unable to play the game of life
Conservatives ? Decadent, unable to dream
The list goes on …
to Roosh : If you want a devoted wife, travel to Armenia or Iran and
get one. Leave Europeans alove to fulfill their destiny of becoming
Übermenschen. All that needs to be done is save America from
Christianity, and we ‘re set …
nothing wrong with being an atheist.
religion since the dawn of its creation has been used to control and enslave the ignorant, and enrich and serve its creators and appointed leaders.
Every belief system has been used like that, forever and ever. Religion hate is just the new trendy thing taught to kids from birth now. Because Marxism. And y’all don’t even realize it.
was raised christian, i just don’t want to serve an entity created by a man in the desert. not to mention so many contradictions in the bible and lessons taught that little to no Christians follow, which means they going to hell heh.
just IMO, seems less of taught to hate religion and more chance to make your own choices about it too me.
I have free will and make choices too. And having a moral code in place in your life beats the shit out of drifting rudderless in a hostile universe. Most people need that kind of guidance. The few that don’t, well fine. But most do. We’re suffering the cultural destruction that comes from that rudderlessness now. No thanks.
a man can create his own moral code mate, not needing to adopt that of an ancient order.
And the vast majority do not.
I’m not impressed with the trendyness of your position. So, well, there you go. Heard it all before, and it’s nothing but what others have already said.
Consider Voltaire’s famous quote “If God didn’t exist, we would be forced to create Him.” Regardless of your belief of what happens after death (no one knows), there is a reason that religion sprung up in every society on the planet. And that these religions share the same basic principles and rules.
The majority of the rules are around relating to others (don’t steal, lie, or otherwise disrupt the world), and control of sexuality (take a husband, be faithful to him, do not cheat). Regardless of the name you give your God or what other rules you throw in (don’t eat meat on Fridays, don’t cut your sideburns, pray 5 times a day), the core principles are unassailable. This is why religion is important.
You are a joke.
God probably does not exist. Agnosticism is the only reasonable choice. Keeps the door open, makes you fitter to survive.
Moral codes are for losers. Making agreements and keeping them are for winners.
The Universe is hostile. We are drifting in it.
There is no cultural destruction taking place. Men are just to stupid to think out a solution that will create the greatest amount of happiness …
Hye Jeffy ! Do you think that ALL women should be kept virginal until marriage ? Go on, tell us how you want to keep our cocks hungry and tied to that one bitch we marry … Make ROK great again
Smells like “new atheism” crap to me. If you were a christian and turned atheist, you made a choice. I am christian because i want to, not because mummy and daddy, history or the state wants me to.
This right here shows the complete and hypocritical take on the religious mindset like we are all zombies with no free will.
Atheism leads irrefutably to nihilism and materialism and the breakdown of any society. Just study the Soviet Union or any other atheist state.
Trying too hard.
Do you have a big dick ?
If not, what’s the point of you living, having a moral code and having a wife ?
She will be longing for big fat dicks like mine anyway …
Playing devils advocate, let’s say a man can create his own moral code. Can a woman?
what religion do you follow may i ask?
it ain’t trendy position either. i have always been an athiest and i was not taught to hate religion. i just see it for what it is.
you ever get a pure christian girl in the bedroom? they are just as slutty as the next.
religion was created for men who wanted to control to do just that and to make money.
you are a fool if you cannot see that.
i agree the morals of some religions are good things. but good people will always have morals codes and the bad people will always ignore them.
religion will make no difference to change that.
Trying too hard, part deux.
Just a rehash of the original.
How small is your dick bro ?
I got an 8 incher, more than 6 inches circumference.
All belief systems, including politics, and atheism, have been used to control people. I’m not impressed with the argument you’re making. It’s nonsensical, unless you reject the entire human condition of being a social animal.
the original was actually pretty funny. Some people don’t know how to go out on a high note.
I like to stick my big fat cock in women’s mouths and keep it there for a good 10 minutes, it doesn’t get out of the mouth at all, and I make her pledge allegiance to its big fat entity.
How can she create a moral code after that?
No answer = you have a small dick
As you leave this conversation and look at it once again, all the fiery glory of your comments will go away, and you will be left with a meaningless mediocre dick …
Have no fear son, the world I preach will save you from it.
I am not here to impress … Only to imprint …
Yeah, the quality of trolling these days is really suffering. They make one decent troll then don’t have the creativity to create another. You’d think that if anything was taught to us by Star Wars, it’s that you shouldn’t take it past the first handful of originals. But noooooo…
“Moral codes are for losers. Making agreements and keeping them are for winners.
The Universe is hostile. We are drifting in it.”
Does that mean i can wipe out your entire family with a gun and justify it in court stating that “the Universe is hostile”???
It’s the damn kids these days. They can’t even make a decent prank phone call. It’s so easy for them, too. You don’t even have to be that original. The internet is full of baba booey and crankyankers and Roy D Mercer material ripe for the copying, but they are just too lazy and boring.
as soon as you make a quality troll on this site you get insta banned. this guy gonna be blocked in 10 mins anyway why not just go crazy
You have not answered the question …
How big is your dick ?
Fair point.
Probably? ROFL. Come on dude where’s your conviction.
hey man, I have to keep it accurate …
Yes if you :
1.are able to take the emotional burden
2.are able to do it
The fact that you find the above statements “extreme” is the reason you are living the life you are living.
Ha yes…the wonders of moral relativism.
If you had a big dick and big testicles and came like a fountain, then all of the above would give you the energy needed to take control of your life.
How big is your dick ?
you are hitting on 26
…..is this Gay&Proud with a name change? You seem awfully fixated on GoJ’s genitals.
I have no idea what you ‘re talking about.
Don’t use your own personal code. Speak to the people in a way they wil understand.
Yeah, it is. Same obsession, same type of hit and run word syntax, all that. Boring.
Any one of those responses, will not make your small dick grow even half an inch …
BTW … The use of the word “boring” is indicative of how much my comments have hurt you. Don’t worry son, when the God delusion collapses, and people stop evolution, we will make everyone happy by giving them a nice big fat dick …
It is a simple exhibition of the things that truly matter. Something like :
“Explain the collapse of WTC 7”
Makes people shut up … Jefferson has been hrut by my comments. I love you bro. I just want you to think of your true enemies.
So….to you….GoJ’s dick matters….good to know.
How would you define what is moral or not?
It is much worse than that …
It matters TO HIM
It matters to women …
And the same applies to you
Definitely hitting on a 26
sorry lonee … you definetely have a small dick.
People who do, respond like you do.
And everyone reading this knows this …
Small dick man detected …
I miss that feminist we had a month ago. I did NOT ban her.
Luke, you do not know the power of my arguments. I can destroy the emperor. He has foreseen it. That is why he keeps on banning me. Join me. I will complete your training, and together we will rule the galaxy.
My “fun comments” hurt noone.
When I start presenting my solid arguments, that’s gonna hurt.
I’m still of the mind that our best one ever was White Witch. She intrigued me, hypnotized me, made me hers in the way only she could do. By witchcraft and spells.
But what was, will never be again I’m afraid.
That is because she/he needed to be loved.
I only want you to kneel before Zod.
Tell me … do you bleed ? You will …
I will never join you!
Star Wars. Saw it at the drive in sitting on the top of my parents chevy nova. Good flick for the era. Meh to the rest of it.
If only you knew the power of my arguments. They never told you what an ideal life would be like, have they ? They have only spoken of old and tattered systems made out of fear implemented with fear. We will do it with glory.
You failed the saving throw. Tear up your character sheet.
AD&D reference
I liked the first three, after a fashion, but I was never really gonzo crazy about the series like others were at the time. I preferred Star Trek much more, at least until they made it The U.N. in Space with Jean Luc “I’m a pussy” Picard.
I hate rolling a 01/01 on my 2d20’s.
It is a shame you can’t get the link out in such a way that a proper rick roll can be performed.
As for the vicuna….well done response…glad someone gets it.
Never dug ST. Kirk was goofy.
Hey Jefferson, I find amusing the fact that you consider it to be your duty to give an answer to almost everyone. You must think you ‘re smart, hence your handle.
“religion hate”,”trendy”,”thing”,”kids”,”marxism” … You sound like a reverse SJW …
religion should be hated. caused more wars, pain, corruption and hate in the world than anything els ever created.
Yeah yeah, your pussy hurts. Whoopdee fucking do.
False. Socialism has killed more than all religious wars combined.
Especially atheistic communism.
What kills humans is their INNER desire to die.
Why do humans want to die?
Well mostly because they re ugly ..
Think about it … Have you seen how beautiful people take care of themselves ?
We need DNA manipulation, so that we make everyone happy. Anyone against making everybody young, healthy and beautiful IS THE REAL ENEMY.
And YES that miserable part of yourself that wants to die, and in the meantime hates others, THAT IS ALSO the enemy …
Typical “new” atheism crap…because we all know that without religion, peace will be eternal and man will stop being evil…By magic, human nature will suddenly change…For someone that believes religion is superstition, this is simply the greatest superstition yet. What a joke.
[citation needed]
Meanwhile in reality, state atheism murdered 100 million people in just the 20th century.
Hey it happened in the USSR, Red China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, eastern Europe…
Oh wait.
You lack both the convicton and the means dear boy. You are a nobody, a nothing, and your “annointed” leader WANTS TO PUT YOUR DICK IN A chastity belt, just because he got jaded …
Ha yes, the great socialist utopia right?
Lusitano, lassate mi candaro or whatever the fuck that is in Italian, why did you change your aggressive comment ?FFS you can’t even write something that has no consequence ?
No !
We will finally realize that GOD and LIFE are the enemies, and instead of fighting each other, we will fight them instead …
Remember though, in the USA the left simply says those countries did it wrong. They’ll of course do it correctly here.
And it is also funny that the most advanced and rich nations in human history are also christian in their majority. But facts are something that Marxists do not like.
Lusitano are you really a Christian man ?
That is a joke ! Have you given your sister to immigrants ? Have you been doing community service each day ? Is your bank account zero because you give give give ? Christian my ass
Instead of insulting GOJ why don’t u listen to what he says he’s very knowledgeable about alot of different subjects as are other posters here, in fact that’s why i come here so regularly alot of the commentators are very smart
Wasting your time buddy. Pretty sure we’ve pegged this dude as a troll who’s been here under a different handle in the past.
But I do … I do !
I am simply trying to illuminate another side of the problem.
absolutely not !
I have always been only the Concerned Citizen.
FFS man, my trolling is no different from the one done by our man the Donald … Begin with something that sounds like trolling, make sure to add in a few interesting thoughts so that when people read all the comments, they will reconsider … THEN follow with actual arguments that make sense.
YOUR man…not mine. I’m not very impressed with any of the candidates.
Ahh gotcha ill file him under troll
Trump has a small dick, but it’s ok.
All we need is that fucking wall …
Being a moral relativist as you are, you should not worry with what i do or do not.
ps: why the dick obsession??? Are you gay or something???
You sound like a women.
So whats it called if you don’t believe in any religion, but at the same time it doesn’t bother you if other people do? I honestly don’t give a fuk what people believe but its not for me.
Aaaaah, at last, the term “bobo”.
Here in France, it’s used to show contempt with a greater ferociousness than “beaufs” (which, according to some, means “brother in law”).
What I found out is that “beauf” means someone who’s not the sharpest tool in the shed but also isn’t keen on bragging about his intelligence. Whereas a bobo thinks he’s some kind of gift to mankind.
I used to work in a large TV company, in the production department, next to the journalists. They were the living embodiement of bobos : unfunny, arrogant and ignorant. Mind you, I’m no angel but I can guarrantee you bobos don’t lurk around ROK.
I lol as I slap my knee while reading your comment.
Hell, I thought beauf was beef, but it’s boeuf. This beauf eats the boeuf.
Our beaufs are your rednecks, essentially.
0.5 of 31. Only partially guilty of #15. My kitchen is very well appointed, though I’d hesitate to describe it as “state of the art”. And everything in it is a functional tool with purpose, not for showing off.
I think I need a “man’s kitchen” article.
Cast Iron Skillet
Mortar and pestle. Knife. Stick.
That about sums it up.
Eh, Mortar and pestle isn’t necessary. That’s getting dangerously close to them thar high class types.
Then call it bowl and stick.
I get you, though. Williams and Sonoma sells them for a hundred and forty dollars. That makes me furious.
Well, yes, but sometimes you just want to park the girl on a barstool at your island in the kitchen and put on a show, feed her, then lead her to the couch in front of the fire and go from there.
Proceed directly from kitchen to bedroom, do not stop at couch.
Yuk…gimme a bowl and a rock and I’ll do the job just as well.
Yeah I know…just a little Monday morning snark. Heh.
You don’t even need a bowl. Native Americans just used the rock beneath their feet.
It’s called bedrock mortar. F— Williams and Sonoma.
…Or near fire, in case your cooking made her “gassy”. That’s a good way to lose your Persian rug and eyebrows.
Or just do her on the couch, I suppose.
……because they were savage…..
Advanced societies use bowls, at a minimum.
Varenne, Careme, and Escoffier, we’re all men.
Even provincial food requires greater skill and equipment than warming beans and bacon in a skillet.
3/31, no biggie. I happen to be a fan of biking, coffee and good kitchens. Guess I’m only 9.67% Bobo.
13 – god I need to get out of DC and at least move to the south.
Ann Coulter was stated there are no men in DC. That’s why she went to NYC.
Isn’t that like saying that there are no fish in a bucket, so you go fishing instead in a swimming pool?
I still don’t know, who keeps dumping Cod and Tuna into the Goddamn Pool?!?
The eagerness of people to have a life.
They will no know boundaries in order to achieve that. So they KEEP THROWING THEMSELVES in on their own.
To stop the war, you need to stop struggling.
Sorry. I’ll wash the clam better next time.
Stop posting. There’s a plan.
Say something interesting. You can.I guess…
Let’s talk about dick size. Now there’s something interesting.
It’s not cool to stink up the pool.
8 inches long
6+ circumference
your turn …
I’ll toss skeletor a bone.
It surprises me not you’ve had her. Ha!
I think lolknee only likes women.
I got thrown out of bed by a red headed irish lass for admitting reading Ann’s books. She was a ranting fem who lovede being dominated of course.
They all do brother. They all do.
Haven’t seen a hot red headed Irish girl in a while. Might need to get one for my collection. Heh.
They’re no women either in DC. But nyc is a strange place to go For Ann to look for alphas. The city is alpha but its male residents usually aren’t. Denver except for boulder would have been a much better choice.
She is a yankee so she wasn’t going to wander to far.
Interesting. Would have made sense at least for her to try the Philadelphia main line or Boston. They aren’t Toronto, but they’re still pretty bad.
Was in Phili a decade ago and its a hole. Reminded me of Detroit.
It’s a nasty, awful place. You couldn’t pay me to live there for even a week.
The part that I’m talking about are the very rich, very wasp, very old money suburbs.
Kick the bobos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1pIKIYIwwk
Thank f^% – only 4/31.
I guess I get a 5 of 31. I care about eating healthily (6), I am making a nice kitchen (15), I decorate my own place with a lot of old beer signs (17), I live below my means (24), and I do own boots and SUVs (28). I could probably discount all five of those on technicalities.
There’s something around here in the midwest that I would call the upper working class. They do well with national based wages, but live in a low cost of living city. Their tastes are modest, they’re religious, and their aspirations are to have a nice house, a couple good cars, some toys, and to send their kids to good colleges. There’s something to be said about having money but not-expensive tastes.
That’s middle class, my friend.
Anyone who responds to this post, by stating his quota of boboness … probably does not get laid much, or they do it must be a ridiculous fuck. I would argue that they either possess a small dick, or even if they possess a big one, they have no idea how to provoke servitude …
That sound you hear is another customer at the takeout window. Make sure you offer the super size special.
You’re in rare form today.
Unfortunately, I have to go to work soon.
Jefferson, I can feel your pain brother.
I understand it must suck for you, being so disappointed with the size of your dick. You haven’t even mentioned it once … When you look at it the next time you take a piss, have no worries brother. Biology will fix that for you. You believe in DNA research don’t you brother ? The only thing that can change the size of your disappointment ? Or are you some Jesus nut, who hates research ?
Que sera sera.
We’ll always have Paris.
Come on ghost, counter him.
Don’t worry about. Noone’s reading this …
When I hit the big websites, I ‘m gonna let you know. That will be glorious.
I am holding my breath.
I will inflict such cognitice dissonance on the idiots that they ‘re gonna melt …
It is cognitive, not cognitice.
That is an impossibility.
And will only cause him more pain.
Enough pain though. Now we talk of hope.
Yes, you will rule the planet. After inflicting horrendous cognitive dissonance to everybody, you will start a DNA manipulation program for bigger dicks.
Then every man shall wave his dick for you as a gesture.
aaah but then the biggest question of all will appear : What is the optimal size of a vagina ?
None. The desired is a vagina whose size can be at will manipulated at any time by her owner. That is what I am talking about when speaking about DNA manipulation beyond your imagination. In that sense, the desired male penis would be one that can go through many sizes, ranging from small (to avoid interfering with activities or just for the lolz ) to very big.
Lets make LIFE our bitch …
That’s my message …
Does life submit to big dicks?
I sense your IQ to be slightly above 100.
You bore me. Ciao
I sense your grammar skills are not sufficient.
C’est la vie mon ami.
Quoting Southpark, what a player.
He used his momma’s makeup mirror and doesn’t realize it’s 20x magnification.
Objects in the mirror are smaller than they appear.
Dang hoss, you’re throwing out some good ones today.
I always do.
That’s “chow” your mom is calling. Lunch is ready.
Now you know EXACTLY where the feminists are 100% correct.
Can you imagine allowing idiots without the redeeming quality of sexiness fucking you ?
Everybody is right honey.
If you ‘re a woman and you ‘re posting in this site, you ‘re a joke.
If you ‘re a man, you have a small dick, and you are probably overall ugly.
if you ‘re a man, you ‘re the exact type of idiot no woman would want inside her.
However, you ‘re right as well. You are an idiot and you want to fuck top pussy.
But can you do pull-ups?
You just need to be more optimistic! Try it for….oh say….30 days and let me know if it helps.
Your obsession with dick… fag? Right?
If you had a big one, you would know … hehehe
The same reason you will never be able to understand a black man’s swag. It’s based on the dick …
Dick obsessed = no dick.
Good to know. Black men i know don’t wave it front of your face. But they are men. Not a fag or a woman.
Good call.
Really. probably an angry fauxmale or basement dweller.
Good .. I ‘ve won the contest.
Next time you get only arguments.
You only get minimum wage.
If you have a small dick, you are not a man.
But it’s ok, we ‘ ll change that.
DNA manipulation will help you too. Just vote yes to it.
And you do? Lol… Anyone displaying that level of butt hurt is out of the race before it began.
Bobos get all the hottest college girls.
There is a mirror for your dick. Nobody else cares.
small dick detected … It is ok son.
Simply have an open mind when it comes to allowing DNA to be researched and manipulated.
It is already allowed simpleton. Bobos score, you don’t.
Bobos score and I do as well.
I am talking about manipulation beyond your imagination.
You do?
Shame your DNA didn’t drip down your mother’s leg or end up flushed down the toilet in a rubber.
are you sure it didn’t? From where I stand it would seem like an accurate description.
If you want to manipulate yourself go right ahead. We call it masturbation
small dick detected …
the next time you take a look at your pathetic dick, make sure you imprint that image.
Now don’t worry, it will all be alright.
You just need to remember that DNA manipulaton will be the key to everything.
‘studies show’ it’s a ‘well known fact’ when a man is circumcised a minimum of two inches is removed from the overall length of his dick throughout the lifetime growth trajectory. Uncircumcised are longer than circumcised ~ that’s why the jews are so hateful.
There is a special place for Nazis in our new world. Tell us boy, tell us how we should live our lives … Before you do that, step into that oven …
I have a vagina but don’t tell anyone.
It is wrong to be a Nazi son.
They do not want to make people happy.
They are unhappy individuals. They can only produce unhappiness.
Wanting to protect your people is ok though.
hmmmm ~ hateful… very hateful…
This was what I aspired to when I graduated from University. I ended up in this set but not of it. It was my marriage to a feminist and subsequent divorce that led to my discovery of the Red Pill and neomasculinity. I quickly became sickened by Bobo culture and I’ve gradually detached myself from it.
1/31 I like Organic Vodka!
I’m pretty sure vodka has to be created, processed and distilled. I rarely see bushes of it growing out in the fields.
You again little dick boy ?
She likes you. Be gentle. Heh.
John … I am of the opinion that your dick is mediocre, not ridiculous. Keep up the good job of keeping her vagina slightly open for me.
I enjoy your attempt at trolling. Pathetic but amusing.
You only call it pathetic because it is the only trolling that actually hurts. The only trolling that actually matters.
It’s ok having a mediocre dick. Just understand that we need to manipulat DNA to change that. Religion will keep us from researching DNA modification. So … let the scientist do their thing.
LOL. Sure. Whatever.
They let people on the Internet in your country?
Anyone who responds to this post, by stating his quota of boboness …
probably does not get laid much, or they do it must be a ridiculous
fuck. I would argue that they either possess a small dick, or even if
they possess a big one, they have no idea how to provoke servitude …
Does anyone know how many individuals read this website ?
That’s probably the most useful information anyone can get here.
If it’s around 50.000 it’s a joke … sorry guys …
So what are you doing here?
Still looking for that answer …
You ‘re gonna love it when I hit SJW and feminist sites.
I think you aren’t exactly a person capable of hitting anything or anybody.
Seeking help. But not prepared to face that reality.
Apparently not a very funny joke.
Given the Worldwide panicked, violent point-and-shriek when we ‘comedians’ had/attempted meet-ups: Not. Funny.
At. All.
caring a lot about your food is bobo…had to stop reading at that point.
Same here. I had to keep staring at my bobo though. It apparently has no trans fat and a shit load of antioxidants.
lmaoo the only way to not be bobo with your food is to just eat everything and don’t worry about what could happen in the long run
It is too bizarre for words what has happened to the food industry since the FDA started to advise people on what was healthy, from feeding cows cows, to adding chemicals that may directly cause cancer, sterility, or both. Scrutiny is definitely the name of the game when deciding what to eat and from where. Many countries started to ban many of the chemicals we still have in American food. And I guarantee those with wealth who are passing down their wealth are being real prudent about what they ingest. Everyone should do the same.
Or you can cough up your lung and die from prostate cancer, or your first heart attack at 46, like a man.
I think the point was meant to be about the kind of people who consume biological decaf lattes etc. I would wager the stuff I buy from the farmers at the market is better than the shit marked ‘biological’ in the supermarket.
Maybe. But depending on where you are farmer’s markets can be seasonal. Some stores have healthier options as well without labeling them either farmer’s market or organic.
I’d wager what you get from a farmer’s market is pretty high grade material but the fact that food is essentially ‘poisoned’ to last longer allowing regular farmer’s a chance to make a killing by charging extra for what they would normally sell.
The stuff they sell tends to be seasonal, but with greenhouses etc it only goes limited in late winter. They also tend to be completely different and natural looking with blemishes and so on. Unlike the plastic shiny perfect stuff in supermarkets mostly.
I’m talking fish, meat and vegetables, non perishable stuff is not sold as much at the market we have here. It’s twice a week for a few hours, and at the tail end you can buy stuff at cut prices precisely because of the lack of preservative agents used.
These farmers only sell directly at the market or to restaurants, and they are local.
there have been some crazy stories I’ve heard man, and alot of other countries have banned some of the stuff in our foods here, you’re right.
lol @ the man food related death. guess that’s what happened to good ol john wayne after all those years of eating steak with a side of smaller steak.
sometimes a little anti-intellectualism starts to peak it’s head out on this site. guess the red pill gets too red pill eh?
John Wayne died as a result of fallout from nearby nuclear testing.
Everybody (at least in the main cast) who starred in the Conqueror died of cancer. Duke, Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead, others I can’t think of. It was filmed on an atomic testing range IIRC.
looked it up and you may be on to something. If I’m wrong I can admit it. thanks for putting me on to something I never knew.
Tell us how many people read this website.
It is essential to evaluating its influence.
Doesn’t EVERYONE who reads this website want to know how many like him are out there ?
If it will make you appear better, state your individual views alongside those of other “culture war” websites.
It seems RoK has risen 3064 places within rankings.
I am interested in the number of Unique Visitors …
Then you shall click my link and pay Alexa for that service.
This information should be available to all of us. It should be compared to that of other “culture war” websites. Unique Visitors should be a number that follows every conversation. If that number is high, the relevance of the conversations taking place here rises. So does that of the articles.
one, and it’s not you.
You shall change that with your cognitive dissonance abilities.
I’d say he’s maybe not unique but definitely “Special”.
Are unique visitors special snowflakes? Because that’s cute.
I´m well off but i hate monorities.
White People Will Wank?
Will People Wash Weeping?
Was Peter Weally Wong?
Wee Penis Will Wank.
Wet Penguins Will Waddle
Eureka, that’s it!
What’s bobo about moleskin notebooks ?! This is my only boboism I guess.
Dang, that pushed me up to 7… Missed it when I read this before…
Cause you have to be a pretentious dick to think anything you’re writing or sketching is so important it requires a $30 notebook.
Curse my pursuing a liberal arts degree! The one thing keeping me from being 100% off this list! (I’m only getting it because it is free and I’ve kept my head down and swam up stream against the blue haired regressive left that permeates the society of my school)
The only real difference between Hipsters and BoBo’s is that the BoBo has a 401k
And a bicycle with gears.
Plenty hipsters have 401k. Bobo probably has a trust fund.
#4 #7 #13 apply to me; does that make me a bobo?
Everyone is a little bit bobo.
I follow a few aspects as well.
But fashion =/= content.
We live a similar lifestyle but do not share beliefs.
I am middle class heading towards upper middle class.
I dress like a bobo, and am culturally a bobo to a degree.
But I am also racist, sexist and bigoted. I believe in tradition and whatnot.
Plus, being the anti-thesis of a bobo, a Nascar watching, Coors Light drinking prole is not much better.
We are similar in superficial aspects, but our belief system is radically different.
Needless to say, we must stop class warfare, and start healthy class cooperation.
The bobo and beufs should cooperate to create a homogenous white western Europe. Also fight the excesses of democracy and capitalism.
Bobos have always existed in one form or another, We must correct the bobos and direct them to a more pro-european path rather than destroy them.
Cooption and cooperation, not destruction and class warfare.
Bobos or beufs we are on the same side of the baricade in the upcoming european race war, although bobos seem preoccupied with virtue signaling right now. Don’t worry it will change overnight when SHTF.
Not to mention most alt-righters are probably closer to bobos than beufs, but we feel a noblesse oblige, which is the difference between us and most bobos.
We are esentially nazi hipsters, at least to a degree
This whole article is clickbait bullshit. Also it’s good to know suburbanites finally realized how to make click bait.
“This whole article is clickbait bullshit”
I’m very inclined to agree with you. According to the author of the article everyobe is a Bobo (man what a stupid expression, right up there with “brony”).
I care about my food and like a nice kitchen. So I guess I score low.
But true wealth is your health, and you are what you eat.
Aside from that I really would like to punch a hipster. We don’t have many where I live and the ones that are around know better than to do hipster shit in public view often.
hehh… it’s funny because “Bobo” means “silly” and/or “stupid” in Portuguese (my native language). Definetly a fitting meaning for the type of person described in the article.
A lot of my old friends from high school became Bobos, except they all live in upper class neighbourhoods while hanging out in shitty downtown bars and record shops to feel more “indie”, they also of course denied being hipsters.
Only things that apply to me on this list are caring about food, which is dumb because id rather eat farm fresh and organically grown food instead of gmo Monsanto crap. Caring about fashion, i think its important for every man to look presentable in order to have confidence, but im not saying you should act like some metrosexual queer who sports the macklemore hair with skin tight jeans.
Organic food can be GMO in America. Check for a gmo-free logo before you buy or inquire to companies.
im talking about local independent farms that arent forced to spray chemicals all over their crops.
At first I thought it was asking if I was a bonobo! Then I thought it was asking if I was married to Cher or was an Irish rock star. Ah, but now I see. It’s stereotype season. Ok, I’ll play along.
1. Sort of
2. Nope. Academia. That’s ok, right?
3. Not in a million years.
4. Does Dunkin Donuts count?
5. Yup. Got me there
6. Hell no, that’s a gimmick
7. Nope
8. Nope
9. Nope. I think music hit the wall after 1989.
10. Only to respond to posts by Drudgeistas or other knuckleheads
11. Nope. Birds and wildlife
12. Nope. Got it on special or used
13. iPhone. Either that or android. So what?
14. Rednecks can be downright degenerate. Just pale, rural dindus in some cases.
15. It’s very nice, but no Viking range or such nonsense
16-22 No.
23. The preppy handbook is a guide but not a bible. I get my polo at TJ Maxx
24. If only
25-30 No
31. When I hear the term “red pilled”, my douchebag meter goes off. Unless they’re talking about a Matrix flick. Then it’s ok
The fact that the two guys who coined the red-blue-pill phrase chose to have their balls cut off and dress like girls is going to become an issue.
Totally different context. The analogy was borrowed from the film and is still apt.
Yeah, you’re right. Critics of ROK stop dead in their tracks when rebutted with logic.
I really don’t see it becoming an issue. If whoever adopted and applied it to the manosphere suddenly became a tranny, then maybe it would be met with suspicion. Red pill blue pill is a dated philosophy anyway and we are about to experience the next phase of evolution.
Word up!
Wow, I actually don’t fit any of these. I certainly used to, though
A fair number of those (IT Job, Apple Product) apply to me. That said, a lot of them don’t. Heck, some of them are GOOD things if you don’t buy into contempt of others as if having those tastes or access to resources makes you better.
I was wondering about Charlie Hebdo. Like most people in the Anglosphere, I’d never heard of the publication until that terrible event last year. I even considered subscribing as an act of solidarity. But the more I read about it, the more I realized it is a regressive ultra-left rag that goes out of its way to piss everyone off. As much as I stand with Charlie’s right to free speech, I can’t stand what it preaches.
CH hates religion in general. Christians give it a pass. Muzzies didn’t.
Does not dare criticize anything Jewish though. The artist that have were promptly fired.
5 of 31.
16% Bobo
#22 reminded me that its been nearly two weeks since I last fired up my shopsmith! I must fix that problem this weekend, or I might go through carpenter’s withdrawal!
Thanks Andre!
I rather like the cow shapped knife Holder with the knives in the head and neck.
Only 1 out of 31. So if I don’t ride my bicycle I go to jail for refusing to sign the contract that people call a ticket for driving my broken down rusted out shitbox. Funny thing, my car is faster than police cars. That really gets them all worked up. Don’t run unless you like getting messed up with impunity. Yeah, I’m a dumbass. No need to rub it in. I paid my debt.