If you’ve ever wondered why the policy positions and tactics of liberalism seem like watered-down Communism, it’s no coincidence. There’s been considerable influence, some from traditional Communism (Marxism-Leninism), but mostly from cultural Marxism. Increasingly over time, this “Communism Lite” version became their guiding ideology. The left wasn’t always like this. They used to have real substance: the trust busters opposing the robber barons, the early labor leaders, Jack London—what the hell happened?
For that matter, today’s mainstream conservative establishment also leaves much to be desired. They have too many careerist politicos sucking up to major contributors and ignoring what’s happening to their grassroots. They’ve allowed themselves to be fettered by political correctness and co-opted by neocon entryists. The fact is, lobbyists and influential players in the background hold the purse strings for both sets of politicians, though all that’s another topic.
How “Communism Lite” differs from the real thing
Traditional Communism emphasizes socialist economics, along with the importance of hard work, productivity, and striving tirelessly for the good of the nation. Their historical analysis is all in terms of class struggle. This is a big blind spot; class struggle matters, but other important forces and historical events occur. To them, the proletariat is always good; the bourgeoisie and aristocracy are always bad.
Cultural Marxism diverged from traditional Communism. Note well, this is the “for export” brand. “Essential categories” are emphasized, such as race, gender, and sexual orientation. Like traditional Marxist historical analysis focusing only on class struggle, cultural Marxism sees everything in the lens of privilege and oppression. Class consciousness is still there, but in last place. For instance, all women are downtrodden and patriarchy gives all men privilege, including Jane the CEO and John the coal miner. A wealthy gay fashion designer is oppressed, and a straight grocery bagger is unfairly advantaged. Its stated goal is equality and respect for everyone, but they’re full of double standards.
Traditional Communism has class-based preferences, favoring the workers and farmers and despising everyone wealthier. Likewise, cultural Marxism has its agreed-upon favored and disfavored groups. Some religions are routinely ridiculed; others are off-limits to any criticism. Minority groups are encouraged to have pride, stand together, and organize for their interests, but majority members doing so are vilified. Likely you can think of a few more examples. History is rewritten and current events are spun to suit these agendas, sold by the education and media machines to inflame grievances in some groups and promote guilt trips by others.
If you think any of this is really about inclusiveness, fairness, problem solving, or healing divisions, then I’ve got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. The real goal from the beginning was to discredit the traditional establishment, drive wedges in society, and promote agendas. It’s all about power.
A brief history of cultural Marxism
In the beginning, Max Horkheimer and his colleagues of the Frankfurt School—a Communist think tank—formulated cultural Marxism. In the 1930s, they moved to the USA and began subverting the educational system. The media, with many key figures having similar views, started promoting the same things.
The goal was to disrupt the foundations of society: the family, religion, morality, patriotism, and ethnic solidarity (but only of the majority). That sounds just like the leftist ideological buffet since the 1960s, doesn’t it? According to the Frankfurt School’s plan, the only loyalty remaining would be class consciousness, and the public would be ready to embrace a global Communist government. They didn’t think that one through too clearly; the New World Order they inaugurated empowered the billionaires, not the proletariat!
As the cultural Marxism memeplex spread out into the Western world through the educational system and media establishment, the originators no longer exclusively controlled the message. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving cultural Marxism effectively leaderless. The Queen Bee died, but the memebots kept marching on, sometimes wandering in very odd directions.
Twenty five years later, it’s basically turned into a religion. No single individual or Politburo-type group dictates the Party Line; they basically act on consensus and sometimes have major factional disagreements (consider these as opportunities). This has a two-part structure roughly similar to the Inner Party and Outer Party of Orwell’s 1984.
Cultural Marxism’s hierarchy, The System and The Hive
Presently, this is best described as a loose coalition bound by ideology and mutual interests; no group is solely accountable. Although cultural Marxism is decentralized without a clear leader, The System forms the center of gravity. (Some call this the Cathedral, though others find the terminology problematic.) These are the high-level politicians, media executives, big-name demagogues, major figures in academia, heads of foundations, shadowy power brokers behind the scenes, etc. Those with the greatest hubris seem to envision the world’s future as themselves and their posterity living like kings among billions of human cattle: easily controlled and dependent, bereft of cultural or genetic distinctiveness.
Basically, The System includes those who have money, power, and publicity. The limousine liberals rank lowest: celebrities, virtue-signaling corporate figures, and similar useful idiots. They present a glamorous public face and have deep pockets, but wield limited control over the public. Many business interests encourage globalism to profiteer from free trade (low tariffs) and mass immigration (cheap labor).
The Hive is a much larger group, worker bees used by The System to implement their ideology. As the name implies, they’re basically a herd that doesn’t think for itself very much. They’re expendable; any who step out of line can be thrown under the bus.
The Hive’s upper echelons include community agitators, civil rights attorneys, major feminists, editors, screenwriters, intermediate government figures, etc. Further down are propagandizing professors, petty bureaucrats, social media censors, half-baked intellectuals, foundation staffers, professional activists, journalists out to change the world, and the like. The lowest dregs are Social Justice Warriors: fanatics disconnected from reality whose only power is through online mobbing.
Are they sincere?
By Hedrick Smith’s estimation, only 10% of the USSR’s Party members really believed in Communism; the rest were opportunists in it for status and perks. How do the apparatchiks of cultural Marxism compare?
I’ll charitably assume that some in The System really do believe their message. The rest are talking the talk for purely cynical reasons of power, money, and prestige. Salaries for such positions are high, sometimes astronomical. Does The System really want to help the little guy, or feel solidarity for the downtrodden? Draw your own conclusions.
Members of The Hive have various motivations. Some only care about their own cause—feminism, GLBT interests, other identity groups, single-issue politics, etc.—but collaborate for the sake of coalition. Power-hungry types dream of becoming big shots promoted into The System. Some misfits are just lashing out at society. Surely there are unenthusiastic worker bees complying for their paychecks. All the rest, though, are sincere idealists, caring individuals who believe they’re fighting for progress and equality.
The naïve True Believers don’t realize they’re being used, or understand the nature of those at the forefront: corrupt politicians, plutocrats, demagogues, and the like. The pawns know nothing about the forces behind this, or they know next to nothing; they are in black darkness and confusion. Showing them the men behind the curtain might be enlightening.
On that note, many people in the general public have a feeling that something is going terribly wrong, yet can’t quite connect the dots. Let us help them see who’s pulling the strings.
Is liberalism better than communism?
Communism is rightly unpopular these days. Its economic system just doesn’t work. Worse, it featured repression and political violence on a massive scale. Liberalism is less extreme, though it certainly isn’t squeaky clean. It’s a totalitarian ideology, and not a particularly wise one, implemented as soft despotism. Social engineering imposed on the public since the 1960s has caused massive damage. Cultural Marxism is responsible for most of what’s wrong with today’s society: radical feminism, political correctness, moral relativism, need I say more?
Traditional Communism, even if stagnant and inefficient at best, at least had the constructive goal to develop their countries. In some ways, they were more sensible than liberals. They emphasized unity, not divisiveness. They didn’t dumb down their education. They fostered pride in their countries (threadbare though they were), realizing early on that flabby internationalism wasn’t inspiring. They promoted high culture: classical music, ballet, and art that looks like art. They emphasized productivity. All told, it was a terrible system, but I’ll have to give credit where it’s due.
Remember, cultural Marxism was the “for export” brand. Despite whatever lofty ideals liberalism espouses, their tactics include stirring up social discord and distracting with trivial issues. Students are taught to feel guilty about their country’s history. Government policies are hell-bent on promoting dependency. (If they achieve total victory, how will they deal with all this dead weight from the intergenerational poverty they encouraged?) Cultural Marxism is a great society wrecker—it works as designed—but it’s a remarkably dysfunctional ideology to govern one.
Final thoughts
The System is painting itself into a corner. They’ve been living it up while Western civilization crumbles, but the party can’t go on forever. What the hell are they thinking, anyway? They should at least have the sense not to wreck the productive and industrious countries that allowed them to prosper enormously. Do they want to rule a transcontinental rubble heap?
They had better wise up and start governing responsibly. I’ve painted a grim picture of the liberal establishment, but things are overdue for a change. Their New World Order is unstable. Three outcomes are possible if they don’t reform, stop their social engineering, and cease their hubris. If the adults get in charge, the corrupt elite will never be allowed near the levers of power again. If the status quo continues indefinitely, civilization agonizingly grinds to a halt and they’ll perish with it. If the class war the Communists dreamed of finally emerges, they’ll be in for a big surprise if they believe their wealth, power, and virtue-signaling will protect them.
Read More: How A Small Cabal Is Using Socialism & Cultural Marxism To Consolidate World Power
i see 2 bangable chicks on the first photo…anyone offers more?
redhead is a 6 but could easily be a 7.5 if she was dressed nicely and not acting like a cunt. The chubster with the classes up looks bangable but she is right on the precipice where she decides if she is going to get herself into shape or be a fat pig and judging by the company she keeps —- well…let’s just say there will be another home for stray cats.
She doesn’t realize her Vagina Power is about to evaporate forever.
right. She is one smart idea, a gym membership and a store card to bloomingdales away from having a decent SMV for 3 years which would be totally long enough for her to snag a decent guy….but she will burn it all up
Yeesh. I don’t see anything there above a 2.
well. I mean its hilarious when the slutwalk decides to go through the islamic ‘no-go’ zone.
It’s an Islamic “no-go” zone not a no cum zone…those girls will look like toaster strudels when Mohammed and the Gang get done with them and they will love every second of it or be shamed for not loving it.
muslims arent casanovas, they will rape them in the name of allah, then they will beat and kill them.
That is exactly what I meant…and exactly what they want.
agreed. It’s kind of a circle.. feminism and marxism corrode western patriarchy if allowed to, islamic domination utterly destroys feminism and cultural marxism when it is in control, and western style patriarchal societies eradicate muslim hordes.
Communism is not a static ideology it has always been about the ends justifying the means whereas the ends are to concentrate the wealth and power of the nation for the ruling communist elite. With that said communism has always sought to destroy the family for that exact purpose because the family represents a political and economic unit that will always be outside of state control. As communist methodogy and behavioral science has gotten better the attacks upon the family have become more subtle and sophisticated as we can clearly see with the sexual dysphoric movement and 3rd wave feminism. When we compare the societies of previous communist regimes to our socialist society today they may seem very different as to have a different founding philosophy, however as the communist says: the ends justify the means. And the ends of communism have remained the same.
This is like asking if it’s worse to get your eyes poked out or to lose your sight…
Real communist are for closed borders and not this open border bull shit these pussy communist are spewing these are just faggots that are to lazy to do real work and make a living.
Communism has always been an internationalist movement. Very often when communists would take of over countries they would adopt nationalist platforms in order to maintain independence from the Kremlin and because the natural pride of the revolutionary does not suffer to bow to a higher power. We see this even today with the globalist and similarly as a philosophy communism (which is really just another name for globalism) has always been an internationalist movement.
This is correct. Communism was about class consciousness rather than national or religious consciousness. So a farmer from England and a Farmer from Russia and a farmer from Zimbabwe would all have more in common than, say, a landlord or factory owner in Russia and a Farmer in Russia.
This doesn’t really seem so bad on the face when you look at it like this the problem is that is quite simply doesn’t work.
Another place you are right is that national pride for the commies is always and only about Russia. So when they take over 300 little eastern shitholes they expect the people in dumbfuckistan or wherever to have 0 national pride and nothing but class consciousness, but say one wrong thing about Tolstoy and you will be working in the ice mines on Hoth. Make no mistake, the Russian empire has left a sense of Russian pride that Russians will never lose….they had it in the 70’s when it was the USSR and they have it now….nothing will change. That doesn’t mean they aren’t exporting the multinational bullshit.
This has always been the problem with internationalist movements: to the Russian its Russian communism that needs to dominate the world not Chinese communism. The pride of the players always means that it has to be their style of one world utopia that prevails. And thank God because without these competing factions they would have succeeded by now.
The problem is (see my Scrooge McDuck post above) that communism, even when it does make sense, doesn’t take the human condition into its equation. It does not allow for the human tendencies which exist, in their own local flavor, in every person of every country at every time in recorded history.
Communism could work out splendidly for feral animals in the wild…not for humans who have natural human tendencies.
I completely concurr. Comunism is far to idyllic in its utopian vision for society to ever be a working system. But really this is just a confidence game to sell Communism to the masses. The goal of communism has always been, from the begining, to have total control over a countries wealth and power for the communist elite.
I will say you are right with a very small, maybe 5% group, of them being pure academics who never had any serious thought about this shit being used in real life and are content to be ivory tower egg heads. Those I can handle.
Communism is one of those funny things. It is like if everyone in the world hit their head simultaneously, I mean every single fucking person, and were all dripped down to an IQ around 30 at the exact same fucking time Communism would be a splendid idea. But you can’t just philosophy away mans desire to be autonomous, mans desire to be successful, to stand out from the crowd, to create, to be different, to be competitive. It just doesn’t get philosophied away.
I meant the leaders of communism: the Fidel Castro’s, Mao’s, Pots, and Lenin’s those guys never actually believed in the workers paradise it was all about using the useful idiots to get the absolute power they wanted.
You’re other point is very salient, it takes a lot of non-thinking to believe communism would work in practice I think that’s why its always had a religious element to it.
yes and yes.
socialism in one country was an accommodation. The goal of communist revolution was always International (in Trotstky’s case ‘permanent’) revolution. As far as I’m aware one country socialism arose thanks to Stalinism, and the gradual realisation that revolution didn’t necessarily spread in the way that the theory had predicted
That’s to keep people in, not keep others out.
Communism is in perpetual limbo…in realty there’s really no ends because what they’re striving for can’t be attained and sustained.
Real life is a nuance that gets in the way for people who believe in that type of ideology.
perpetual limbo is terrible. I am more about that perpetual dance of joy
Dude, if you can find the ep where balky was a ninja, me n the other ninjas on this site would be eternally greatful. These two dorks could never pull hot GFs like they had btw
Whatup, my ninja!
I will try my friend
Oh and Balki was alpha af. He would be smashing poon today
thats gold cousin larry- gold
This comment, btw, perfect strangers joke aside, is exactly correct. What Trotsky called for was a permanent revolution. When I learned that Trotsky was not just a guy who are taco bell on the regular but was actually a communist it made a lot of sense.
Don’t confuse cultural Marxism (Critical Theory) with actual Marxism. All these degenerates would have been either executed, “re-educated” at the Gulag, or simply tortured and disappeared.
Cultural Marxism blends well with capitalist consumerism and an “It’s all about me…” mentality. Government/Business/Media Inc. are here to make you feel good about yourself and realize your hopes and dreams without any effort or personal responsibility on your part. Just keep working and purchasing, we’ll take care of the rest. How’s it working out y’all?
BTW soros so looks like palpatine. That is just fucking hilarious.
Once more the
Sithglobalists will rule the galaxy and we shall have…peaceOnly instead of force lightening mace windu and promoting annakin, Mace becomes Dark Lord of The Sith and has little mullato babies with Princess Leia
Not as far-fetched as you might think. Windu’s style brought him way closer to the dark-side than any other Jedi of his time. It also made him one tough hombre.
He also got those snakes off that plane.
Mace Windu.
DARK lord.
Well played, sir.
Dark lord of the Siff
They should update the “jumped the shark” with “got the snakes off the plane” cuz that is about the time I could no longer tolerate Sam
The only lord of Siff is Thor.
There is an “ass guard” joke to be made but I just am too tired
A common misconception.
It is the jedi who are the problem. They are the cancer of the galaxy.
The sith DO indeed provide law and order and a good quality of life.
If we take our modern day and age the colorful jedi dumbasses would match perfectly with hippy/feminist/greens/leftist.
The sith would be a conservative, more or less benevolent leader like the current president of the philipines. I like the guy.
Agreed on Jedi being problem. Galactic Empire is awesome!
Star Wars: a bunch of ignorant farmers funded and manipulated by rich diplomats destroy peace keeping efforts and slaughter soldiers
Empire: peace keeping efforts accelerate as religious leader takes solid stance against terrorists from Star Wars
Jedi: terrorists join with local vibrants to raid military base, assassinate political leader, and destroy further peace keeping efforts
You should be banished to the Dagoba system for that post.
agree 100%
It’s harder to summarize the prequels (partly because they’re shit and largely unrelated to themes of the originals), but I’ll give it a go:
Phantom: government-backed totalitarian trade regime forces legally-elected government to flee, decadent space hippy regime powerless to help until nine-year-old ignorant mechanic shows up
Clones: government plays both sides of intense military conflict to escalate military spending and promote strife among the average people
Sith: mechanic from Phantom realizes how decadent space hippies are and attempts to lead internal reformation, under influence of same government backer behind conflicts of Phantom and Clones. War ended, space hippies destroyed. Peace breaks out.
Dude, the prequels don’t exist.
I thought that had been established.
I know – I just felt like summarizing some terrible fanfiction I dimly recalled.
Brilliant. I’m gonna steal that and use it one of these days if you don’t mind.
I always love the “flip the script”, the villain-is-the-goodguy reversal theories. Hahaha
The Sith are a much more realistic depiction of people. I find the Jedi rather pointless.
Cartoons are very smart. There was an episode of Duck Tales the cartoon in the early 90’s which was directly based on a 1954 comic book Uncle Scrooge #6. (In case you aren’t familiar, Uncle Scrooge is an obscenely wealthy capitalist who looks after his three trouble making nephews Huey Duey and Louie).
In this comic book (and cartoon) Scrooge has a very hard day at the office. When he is leaving someone comes up to him and wants some of his money (this happens all the time…no reason is ever really given). Scrooge eventually suffers a nervous breakdown from the stress of being a bajillionaire and everyone always trying to get a piece of his shit. So he decides he needs to go live in a place where money has no power and decides to seek out the rumored city of Tralla La which has no monetary system.
He and his nephews find it in the Himalayas and jump in via parachute. At first it is great. He is totally relaxed. The only thing is that he has brought his medicine with him that comes in bottles with pop tops which he discards. The people of Tralla La find these caps and treat them as rare treasures and a monetary system is born of Scrooges leavings. The people become so intensely greedy about the bottle caps that it is just as bad as before and scrooge starts to go nuts again.
Scrooge, however, has an idea to resolve this problem. He has 1 billion bottle caps air lifted and dropped into the city so that everyone can have plenty of bottle caps. This becomes a problem though as the natives are pissed because the surplus bottle caps have caused a drop in value from priceless to almost nothing at which point they become riotously angry causing Scrooge and his nephews to have to flee Tralla La.
Even fucking ducks understand human nature well enough to know that communism doesn’t work and in the end will only lead to total collapse…is it possible that left wing ideologues are dumber than ducks? Quack.
I am not surprised that this was a Disney cartoon. Before they were outed for the inner pedophile racket that went on behind closed doors, they had some striking stories to tell, that could be addressed through cartoons. Adoption, single parenthood, cults, and the creation of Manchurian candidates, were prevalent themes in those cartoons for kids. Part of me thinks the reason behind why cartoons were dumbed down even further is because kids were being made aware that they could and should question authority through these cartoons.
To be fair to the ducks, they were anthropomorphic ducks who lived in an analogous human based society. Aside from the swimming through gold coins, it was all relative.
trigger warning, you will never be the same
Aside from the necrophilia aspect, most animals are guilty of ‘rape’, save for a few who signal with a mating dance. I guess humans do both. The gold was a known fact, and it was long known, most animals are cannibals in one sense, if you cook an animal of a species and feed it to an animal of said species, depending on the flavoring, they will eat it. Chickens and some cows have gotten this treatment although with cows this reintroduces parasites and cell breaking disorders into their gene pool.
but corkscrew dicks and lulz.
Pigs have that too.
creep af
Yeah dude that Tralla la story was epic…even me as a 6 year old could understand basic economic dynamics
it really isn’t fucking hard…make it into ducks and you can make 6 years olds understand it. But like Groucho Marx says “hmmmm it says so simple even a 6 year old can understand it….quick go find me a 6 year old”
Hey, I remember seeing that as a young kid too!
And yes, left wing nuts are dumber than ducks. 🙂
we should toss them into the river and see if they float….that works with liberals and witches. ….works double with Hillary.
Ah, but what else floats?
I’ll just hang out on the banks with a shotgun popping tops.
Ill take my one week ban, it was worth it
I was so tempted to go there.
LOL! see you next week! Or maybe not if the UN decides to shut down this site!
President Hillary will force all websites to issue pussy passes. Pretty soon we can act like a pussy here and shitpost to our heart’s content, and nothing can be done about it. Muhahahahah.
In the event you don’t get banned, I’ll just ignore you for a week. Fair?
Isnt what you do anyway?
Nah, bra. Only a few people I ignore here and they’re trolls. You’re not on that list.
What the hell is that abomination ?!
Please note the similarities to Clinton’s plan to make college free for everyone (since you are not political, this is not necessarily directed to you). As shown in a cartoon for children, what is something worth when you have a lot of it given to you for no effort? Nothing. That’s what.
exactly correct. Clinton’s (or really anyone’s) plan to make college from for everyone is the quickest way to finally make education totally fucking meaningless while ripping off the entire populatin for a ton of money and ensuring that everyone is a fucking uneducated moron.
Hell… In some ways that sounds preferable. The only way to determine who’s qualified would be on how talented/hard working they are.
Although nepotism would work its way in there pretty fast I’m sure.
It’s all about proving you’re good enough to be given a shot though. The aim shouldn’t be to debase education per se, that’s like debasing the currency. The purpose should be a way to give people a shot at proving or developing skills.
College isn’t evil by itself, it used to cost a hell of a lot less and they used to only let you in if you had some test scores and transcripts to back up that you needed to be there.
Fair enough. But as a millennial I’ve spent years in school and quite frankly I think we’re getting ripped off.
Fellow millennial and yes we have been ripped off and then blamed for not having the gumption to be born 20 years earlier when college was cheap and jobs were plentiful.
The perpetuation of the myth that everyone needs college certainly isn’t helping anyone.
Yeah, I agree, mostly because they have already watered down education so much. I’ve been on college campus this year the first times, and it’s a completely different student base than when I was there last decade. There are a whole bunch of people who normally would not have been admitted, that are assuredly there on scholarship or full government loan program, and that aren’t paying any attention to the curriculum, watching videos or porn on their smartphones during class, etc. It’s a joke. Why not go ahead and finish it off.
Yep. That.
My diploma got me my current job because they asked for “a diploma”, apart from that its useless
You mean a new dawn of baristas with PhDs is upon us? Tyte!
Would you like your pumpkin spiced latte to exhibit the pumpkinness as an expression of its being-in-and-for-itself or as a cloying mediate negativity merely reflecting the mimetic essence of the pumpkiness-in-the-world?
“Neither. I’d like a cup of black coffee, and for you to kneel down and keep your glasses on while I spray cum on your face.”
I’d like mine with a double-shot of pretentiousness, if you don’t mind.
The thing I have to admit, however, is that as fucking annoying as these hipsters are they did bring the farm to table movement and started making strides in pretentious food and drink which actually does taste better. Those hipster coffee spots like Joe actually have fantastic coffee.
You know, like almost 100 years ago, in France, that kind of ideas was mostly advanced by the far-monarchist right, while the left was all about big industries as the engine of progress.
Are you saying that my beloved Yuppie culture is reminiscent of French far right monarchists at the turn of the 20th century? I like it. But we had Huey Lewis and Whitney Houston so I say point NYC Yuppies.
So the usual then.
See, that’s where I’m conflicted. Hipsters have brought about some good food and some good music (screw you guys, Passion Pit is great). Hipsters girls can also be really cute and dress femmy.
I think it’s because they ape tradition and the “old days” but leave the actual heart out of it. Think about it facial hair, butcher shops, breweries, Brooklyn, “vintage” aesthetic, etc. These people are in love with the past but can’t bring themselves to not be lefty nutjobs, unless they’re named Gavin McInnes.
I usually only get one, thank you. In fact, let me see what college you graduated from. If it meets my approval, we might consider continuing this conversation. If not, I’ll just call you a racist, and leave it there.
It’s true. I don’t mind them thanks to NYCs strict segregation. They simply would not be caught dead going to the places I go and I wouldn’t be caught dead going where they go. I have no right to be annoyed by hipsters if I am in Williamsburg. That is their place. Just like they have no right to be annoyed that I have no social conscience, am filled with greed and lust and am a total nihilist at, say, the peninsula rooftop bar where martinis cost 30 bucks a pop. The segregation in NYC means I don’t run into the people who I don’t like which means they are less annoying
That said, the food culture which the hipsters brought (which is fucking excellent) has penetrated every aspect…so I get all the good and none of the bad. If I was in seattle or Portland or sacramento or, my sisters home of Austin, TX I would probably go bat shit fucking crazy.
In my youth, I would have been in favor of progress and technology and industry at all costs. As I’ve aged, and become more conservative, I see the wisdom of taking a slow acceptance of technology. Maybe let someone else try out smart phones for the first 20 years before we allow them into our society. There’s more to life than making the most money and being the most efficient widget producer in the world.
Cooper Union WAS free, but the dumb elite that ran it built a $150million building they could not afford and the faculty did not want. NOW its $40k a year. Duh.
Free college works in Europe because its REALLY HARD to get into…here people would want FREE EASY TO GET INTO college…which would be essentially worthless.
Learn a trade. Trades cannot be outsourced like our manufacturing jobs were by NAFTA.
I think it is awesome we can go to the discount supermarket Aldis and buy organic hamburger. Thanks hipsters!
Free is ok…..it is the Free FOR EVERYONE that causes a problem. Cooper Union was, until that colossal fuck up, the archetype of how a university should be run. It was the best of the best and absolutely free to those who met the incredibly high standards the school set. Where liberals fuck up is they say “oh look it is free school lets make that so everyone can get it” which devalues the education because it has to be brought down to the lowest common denominator.
Free University is really the best way. Free university for EVERYONE is the worst
What is their ‘food culture’ exactly?
how do you feel about snapchat’s new recording glasses? Yep, thats what I thought.
Hipsters have stressed organic, high end products from produce to meat and fish to coffee as well as care in the preparation of the products to a degree not seen outside of gourmet restaurants until recent times.
Blissfully ignorant.
Nah, hipsters despite all their chatter about cofffe, have no idea how to roast or brew it
I dont mind technological progress, but progress in social engineering has been a disaster
Some do and some don’t. I am very particular about brewing. I grind a rough grind fresh for every cup. I use 2/3 cup beans for my French press. And make it that way.
I don’t like the hipsters but I can’t fault them on coffee and food stuffs
Ehh…hipsters or no, libtards and regressive are everywhere. I hosted at meatpacking district venues and found the fools at every corner.
Oh course, in the meat packing district. Next time host it at the Mark Bar in the Mark Hotel, Bemelman’s in the Carlyle or Bar Pleides at the Surrey. Trust me, no hipsters.
Meatpacking is literally (hitler) one of the most trendy spots in the city. Of course you run into all the dregs there. My local is Bemelman’s. the crowd I see at night is much different than a meatpacking crowd
You give hipsters way too much credit. Now maybe because of their spending habits this sort of thing has grown but it’s been around for a long time.
Fedgov has been slowly losing the war for minds on industrialized food. However the FDA’s very creation was to crush the higher quality producers and leave only large corporate industrial food standing. The methods of industrial food production being exposed by things like “The Jungle” threatened profits so the FDA stepped in to make industrial practices the norm and mandatory. Through the 80s they were largely winning. They started losing ground in the 1990s.
Obama’s administration has been particularly nasty in breaking up farm share clubs, raw milk sales, and so on. State governments as well. Michigan banned all pig varieties other than the industrially raised type for instance.
The reason is simple, the stuff made with care does taste better. People will pay a premium for it. Industrial producers do not like this.
I can get organic coffee at every market, there are 4 well stocked cheese mongers near me, I have easy access to waygu beef and blufin tuna and I can’t even count the number of excellent specialty bakeries I can walk to. I have access to rare scotches like they were water. Despite the FDA and others trying to destroy food they have failed. I dislike hipsters, but credit where credit is due, I can get heritage chickens at pretty much any grocery store near me
They’re interconnected. Technological progress enables social engineering. Why do you think things like liberalism, communism, and feminism didn’t exist before the industrial revolution?
There is a price to pay for everything. Nothing is truly free. No generation truly has it better than the previous one. For every technological invention that makes our lives easier, the price we pay is that the same technological invention makes us weaker, or makes it easier for government and/or the elites to control us.
Some examples:
TV: Great technological invention that allows the quick transmission of news, information, and art. However, it also allows the elites to control the spin they put on the news, and makes us way easier to control and socially engineer.
Automobiles: Great technological invention that allows us to travel a lot faster and a lot further at an affordable price. Allows us to travel anywhere in the country within a matter of hours or days. However, sitting behind a wheel every day means we get a lot less exercise and become more out of shape (have you ever noticed people are fatter in parts of America where everyone drives everywhere?). More importantly, automobiles allow armies and police to become way more powerful and control civilians far more efficiently.
Cameras: Allows us to take photos and film ourselves in order to preserve our most valuable memories for generations. Also allows us to catch criminals easier through surveillance cameras. However, cameras make it a hundred times easier to invade someone’s privacy, They enable things like revenge porn. More importantly, cameras are yet another tool for government to control us. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Big brother is watching you.
Computers: Allows us to communicate over long distances and to store and/or transmit large amounts of information. This is good for national security as large amounts of intelligence can be stored easily and accessed at a later time. The internet is a great place to share information on sites like ROK. However, computers contribute greatly to societal decline, as you can see with women who are addicted to their smartphones. Also, just like any other technology, computers are used by government to better control its citizens. You might like the fact that you can run a background check on a potential tenant or employee to make sure he isn’t a murderer, but you’re not going to like it when you are denied work, denied the right to buy a gun, or denied entry into the military, or whatever, due to a minor non-violent criminal violation from over a decade ago. Also, government uses computers to spy on and store information about people who have done nothing wrong, as revealed in the NSA spying scandal a couple of years ago.
Firearms: They allow you to protect yourself against attackers. But if they didn’t exist, then your enemies would not have them either, and you wouldn’t need them. Also, governments are always going to have bigger, badder guns than you, so once again, this is a technology that works to increase government power over you.
Modern Medicine: Positives are obvious. Cures disease and helps us live longer. Negatives are that modern medicine is dysgenic. People who nature would have killed off before they reproduced are now reproducing, and it is making us into a weaker species. The amount of vaccines that the entire population is required to get will continue to increase. We have likely not yet seen the full extent of the consequences of this, since modern medicine is still relatively new. (I am not a fan of eugenics or anything like that. I think meddling in nature and playing god will have negative consequences no matter which way you do it).
Hard Drugs: Most people wouldn’t consider them a “technology,” but modern recreational drugs like cocaine and heroin are relatively recent inventions. In this case, the good and the bad are far more obvious than with other technologies (the good being how you feel when you take the drug, and the bad being addiction, destitution, and all the other negatives that drugs can cause in your life). The reason I include this example in my comment is that the fact that the negatives or hard drug use outweigh the positives is obvious to most people. There are very few people who would claim that the good feelings you get while you’re high on drugs outweigh the negative consequences. However, people don’t seem to get that this logic is applicable to every technology that exists. It might not be as obvious as it is with drugs, but every technological invention has negative consequences that at least cancel out, if not outweigh, the positives. Every technology is a trade-off. No technology can be a universal good.
That’s what I suspected. Some of their food combinations are odd though, but I’m a conservative eater.
Taste will be subjective of course but quality is quality and getting away from commercial castrated chemically murdered food to organic farm to table stuff is good whether it is a grilled steak and potato or a wild concoction
“But we had Huey Lewis and Whitney Houston so I say point NYC Yuppies.”
I would say that’s -2 points actually.
You crazy
NPR Faggot Communist Blue Pill radio’s Marketplace had a piece about Cooper being free…of COURSE they omitted the $150million fuckup of building that starchitect monstrosity…but a professor there said “now that tuition is being charged there is a sense of entitlement amongst the student body”…thus destroying Peter Cooper’s legacy…when I went there students were terrified of their professors and did everything they could to PRODUCE WORK. It is truly A SHAME.
Free technical public high schools I think are truly a hidden gem and should be funded better…but when I was a snotty “college prep” student we looked down on it…I was a total fag back then….I read The Great Gatsby so fucking what, could I operate a mill? The one time I got a chance I fucked up the brand new Kurt vice….I should have been given detention but the shop teacher was a nice guy…
That is just it. Everyone should read gatsby. That’s why god invented iPads and vacation. What you say here is all very true and sad barometer of state of education
I always thought hipster “love” of the past was underlaid by irony, like they ape it but somehow sarcastically and with a sense of superiority. I always found it hateful that they grow beards and wear plaid and shit like they are lumberjacks when there are actually people out making a living like that. Lived close to NYC for a decade and now no one could pay me to go near that overpriced and decrepit memorial to the gilded age, made worse by these spoiled imposters. Better food available out in the hinterlands at 1/8 the price at the source if you know how to get it anyway.
Fair enough, but I can’t help but wonder why ape not just the past, but the “bad old days”? They’re LARPing as working class whites from the 50s. Psychologically there’s something going on they won’t admit to themselves.
The organic cage free eggs are damn cheap there too. I doubt the hipsters were responsible though.
I hate it that you can’t buy really fresh milk in Munich. You can, if you travel a little outside the city tho. Wonder for how long… they say it’s “unhealthy”. Riiight. THAT’s the reason.
Fuck free. Make it private. Let everyone manage themselves on their own term and each will decide the offers to make to people. Freedom of association.
I went to a college like that. The ideas are smart but it winds up bejng legacy students with wealthy families and a couple of meat heads for the sports team
Just a note, all liberals/hipsters/democrats suffer from a dissociative disorder of some kind. They harp on about the inequities of wealthy societies of the west, yet will only eat the, (no proof of), beneficial “organic” food. It has been scientifficallyproven that the change to organic production of food, (after all, all people deserve the best), could not feed the present population of the world.
‘Quality is quality’
Circular reasoning?
Her plan to make college free is simply so she can secure a ton of millenial votes. She’s not paying for it after all. The “Man-Up” whiteboys are always chomping at the bit for a lifetime of servitude. They’ll pay for her votes. Her megalomania is secured.
I doubt she’ll win. I may be wrong. But the word is that Millenials hate her. She’s not as “cool” as Obama.
She’s still favored by Vegas bookies who are the only truly un-biased source. The ‘free-college’ ‘debt forgiveness’ play is all set up on a tee for her. If she doesn’t use it then there is a strategic reason for why she’s not using it.
A friend told me the “free” threshold starts at less than $80k per household. Once again, a one size fits all solution. A family making $78k in Indiana gets a helping hand, a family in NYC making $90k doesnt- I would think that NYC family needs asst just as much, if not more than the one in Indiana
All true, and I would also point out that the devaluation of the degrees by making them free also hurts these people the worst, because they are the ones who need a valuable degree the most since they don’t have other resources and connections to fall back on.
That has always been a con regarding “free” education– especially in Europe. Other people are paying for it as the state extracts the funds from the people. Just like “free” health insurance. Yes, you have insurance, but get used to waiting and pray you don’t need a specialist.
college means two things:
1) Women will more likely go to college and NOT get children at an age when they could and should
2) A degree becomes worthless so the few who go to elite colleges have a bigger advantage versus the now worthless “regular” campuses.
This is no rocket science as it has been like this in many parts of europe for a few DESCADES. It is well researched and can be googled easily.
Of course the muslim (or hispanic) immigrants or lower class blacks do not go to college anyways and will still be producing tons of colored children, the above applies to whites only. They will suffer the most from it. Of course. What else to expect from “the cunt”
in my country, 12 semesters are paid by the state with some conditions (so you can get your Bachelor and Master degrees). There are a number of worthless degrees here, like communication, sociology, some liberal arts..
Most STEM field degrees are definitely NOT worthless even though they were free.
The worthier degrees are hard to get. Just because you are able to get it for free doesn’t mean you are able to graduate or even to get in the program.
True vernon but still even the STEM fields lost in value.
When i went to business shool long time ago i did learn the kind of jobs you can do with high/Bac/Masters/Phd.
Several years later (thats 20 years ago) i then worked with the heads of HR of many companies. During this time i did notice that what i had learned was no longer true.
Former high jobs now did require a Bac.
Former Bac now was stuffed with masters and so on.
SAME PAY! They simply increased the education level for the same job with the same payment. Maybe because the quality did decrease? Maybe because the quantity did increase, who knows?
This has been 20 years ago. Today when i check online i come to notice that the requirements have again gone up.
Jobs that used to be typical first-job-after-graduation do now require experience on the job. Same job, same pay.
The list goes on.
In effect some 30 years ago (or more) it used to be enough to have a masters to find a decent job, with decent pay and you would have been set for a smooth ride for life.
Now tell me, young guys – is this still the case today?
No and hell no it’s no longer the case. The economy is so tight companies are tight as a drum about hiring anyone. They don’t want to give anyone a “chance” because the risks are too high and every opening has hundreds of applicants. You had better be able to prove that you can plug and play.
Besides, if you can’t hire “qualified” candidates that means you’re just forced to hire H1Bs at half off right? Can’t be helped!
European countries with free university only give university to a reasonable number of people. It’s free for the 10% of the population who get accepted, not everybody.
Any american kid who can hack engineering should seriously consider a field this society values and not be an engineer. By society valuing something I mean how much one gets paid.
For instance, if a person goes into banking and finance and makes the company he works for a few million dollars what will he get? If a person is an engineer and creates a product that makes his employer a few million dollars what will he get?
One gets a nice bonus the other is told that it is his job.
Ever have companies and recruiters call you and then act like you called them? They can’t turn it off even though they went through the effort to find me and I already have a job. It’s really distasteful. Ok I get it if I went asking, but they are coming to me, asking me if I’ll leave my current position to fill a need they have. It’s very distasteful IMO.
“Besides, if you can’t hire “qualified” candidates that means you’re just forced to hire H1Bs at half off right? ”
That’s often their intent. (note this seminar occurred in 2007)
It’s the same pay because all the money that should have gone to actual workers now has to pay for the donut-eating army (HR).
Take away HR and imagine the money freed up as well as the improvement in company performance. Ironic that.
I’d keep an eye on the current situation in South Africa, some weird form of Marxism, the current kleptocrats in charge promised “free Education” to the masses, regardless of their academic capability. Now they want their precious petals to pay a 8% or so increase, riots are in the offing soon.
The potential for an African spring is quite ripe down south on the dark continent…
People for thousands of years, from kings to peasants, used gold and sliver as money. Then, to escape the need to buy people’s indentured servitude in a monetary system with actual money in limited supply, central bankers along with their hive of political leaders left that monetary system for one based on the paper receipts of the gold and silver of which there was no limit to printing. The people craved the paper receipts, aka Federal Reserve Notes and bank notes instead of the gold and silver such that the idea of gold and silver became the things of which jewelry are made of, not money.
Alas, that system of physical paper was also too burdensome with the growing population, and Uncle Scrooge Jew Rothschild duck used the new technologies of computers and computing networks to replace the physical paper with virtual vapor — numbers stored and transmitted via computers which was under constant central control and accounting of the House of Scrooge, which allowed for real-time manipulation of worldwide markets and pricing of every stock, bond, commodity and currency at will. It also gave Scrooge Jew power over all peoples through control of the monetary supply and policy of their “elected” leaders.
The people might as well be trading bottle caps rather than digital dollars. The former has actual value more than the later.
The word “Communist” has a very different meaning in the West and Russia. In Russia it is almost synonym with “nationalist”. Just like “Caucasian” means an Arabic looking person
Which reminds me I still need to finish that “Alien Duck Queen Dentist Song” music video.
Asking which is worse between cultural Marxism and real communism is a bit like asking whether you would rather have AIDS or Cancer. Both suck and I would prefer neither.
But real communism completely neglects human nature by expecting that people will be motivated to think of others before themselves (they can be forced to do so at the point of a gun, but human nature is inherently selfish and you can only push those results so far). It expects that you will exert maximum effort for minimal benefit to you personally, and instead that your efforts will primarily benefit others.
On the other hand, this is exactly what cultural Marxism gets right – it appeals to and expands on the selfish natures of the snowflakes who subscribe to it. You do not have to exert effort to subscribe to cultural Marxism, and results accrue primarily to you. That is why it is much more dangerous than the real thing.
Real communism did target males to oppress other males, women and children.
Cultural marxism targets women to indoctrinate the children and other women and to oppress the males with the the help of weak man-children they produced by indoctrination starting as early as possible. Thats why we have day-care for toddlers.
[Evil Soviet laugh] You thought you had us beat! We’ll keep coming back . . . forever! Like herpes. But you have to admit, the Communist lasses are better looking back in the USSR.
@Nikolai Vladivostok:disqus
A grown man posting cartoons, yet has the balls to bash my profile picture. Smh.
I am sorry. I am not a homosexual. However, I do not judge you for your lifestyle. Please place you amorous attentions elsewhere.
Only closet homosexuals are mentioning faggotism as much as you.
I know you are but what am I
I know you are but what am I
There are certain folks that seem to take an undue interest in you and GoJ. Rather peculiar.
Meh…some of them are just flies coming to the light. Some of them are just trying to feel like big men to compensate for their own failures. In the end, here, as in their real lives, they are absolutely meaningless, impotent little worms who need not be paid attention to.
You described yourself fabulously right now. Sad bitter old cunt dwelling is his NYC appartment with no future and no one to talk to but this website.
I know you are but what am I
You know, not everyone has an academic background in philosophy. This might go right over the heads of some people.
I have no doubt it will go over some heads.
It’s the kind of person who strikes out at any of the perceived “strong” of any movement or industry. They are weak and feel empowered because they insult those they feel are more powerful or of greater status than they are. Truly a sad, pathetic insecure lot of failures, all of them.
Having thousands upon thousands of comments on ROK does not make you powerful or strong. It makes you look like you have too much time on your hands, which I bet 50€ you do.
Anybody else having a problem with the comments section on ROK not opening on an iPhone?
Your iPhone can’t handle the sheer wisdom displayed here. It’s ancient knowledge level.
Sometimes it reloads the entire page when trying to load the comments on my iPhone.
The wisdom is that potent.
Ditto. Not only that, but I am unable to see if there are upvotes or downvotes on comments.
Me too, it’s like the comments section isn’t there.
Biggest problem I’m having with viewing ROK on my phone is that I keep getting redirected to some spam site trying to sell me random shit. Happens about 70-80% of the times I try to get on ROK from my phone.
It does that on mine also but, it’s like the comment section isn’t there nothing shows up.
I occasionally have a problem with disqus loading on my computer, as well. I think there might be a problem with the plugin, more likely on disqus’ side than RoK’s.
Maybe it will straighten out on its own, I’ve just been wondering because it works on other sites.
actually communism has always been lame. Once the supreme leaders decided “hey we got alot of power and we can do whatever we want” it all started to go downhill…very very quickly ..for everyone who was not the supreme leader and his cabinet of course. Need a modern day example of how distributing the rich’s money and making private business Government owned doesnt work? Take a look at how Venezuela is doing.
It probably won’t be long until that guy whose name I don’t recall shows up to tell you how wonderful Chavez was.
Some people never learn.
Hey don’t knock Cesar Chavez. His Joker to Adam West Batman was legend.
You did not.
I thought that dude played baseball?
Any solution? And in what time frame?
“Traditional Communism, even if stagnant and inefficient at best, at
least had the constructive goal to develop their countries. In some
ways, they were more sensible than liberals. They emphasized unity, not
divisiveness. They didn’t dumb down their education. They fostered pride
in their countries (threadbare though they were), realizing early on
that flabby internationalism wasn’t inspiring. They promoted high
culture: classical music, ballet, and art that looks like art”
No such thing as “Traditional Communism”. This is just the result of a politic started by a traditionally-raised Georgian man named Stalin, who understood that Religion and Patriotism are vital elements of a nation, and used it to counter the Operation Barbarossa.
“There is no such thing as traditional communism” – very good point.
“They didn’t dumb down their education.”
This is true. People with a basic (not university) education in the soviet union were far more literate, far more learned at math, logic, poetry, history and philosophy than the majority of American college graduates….the VAST majority.
True true true. I’ve heard exactly the same thing from old Russians. They even had mandatory Chess classes at school.
Americans saw less success and chalked it up to poor education. The problem was an overeducated public with no opportunities. An interesting parallel to Ellenville, NY. Jewish immigrants with very little money beat their kids into the Ivy League and then on to law school and medical school. But ellenville was a tourist place and other than IBM there was no work for well educated doctors lawyers etc so those people all moved out and started their lives elsewhere. Eventually the old folks died off and now ellenville is a shit hole ghetto.
If those well educated kids weren’t afforded the ability to leave ellenville would have looked a lot like soviet Russia
My interactions with Russians and I found the same. They received a superb public education that would blow most US college students out of the water.
When I was dating my wife (Moscow Univ graduate), she rattled off statistics about each state in the US which were dead on. I asked for a source once and she simply stood up and pulled a college book off the shelf and quoted what she just said.
Not just Russians, either. I’m continuously boggled at how the US dominates economically when we are comparatively so much dumber than the rest of the first world. Not to mention we have the permanent welfare class to support that most other nations do not.
“I’m continuously boggled at how the US dominates economically”
The past free market economoy and little interference from govt. regulation is part of it, but I also believe our education standards have dropped like a rock over the last 50 years. Read some the HS exam questions from the 1950’s compared to today. The permanent welfare class explosed during LBJ’s Great Society and has become progressively entrenched as a vote buying scheme. Eg. Look at the origins of WIC and how the costs have exploded with the rise of the subsidization of those “single power-moms.”
The US is living off the fumes of past generations of better men and we are losing our edge, however the rest of the world isn’t in much better shape.
Indeed. The Soviet Union would have turned out not just oppressive and brutal but really gay if Lenin’s vision continued. Without Stalin’s leadership in government and culture it is likely we would see it begin to unravel in the 1930s and be wiped out by some version of a militarist Germany.
The Left was always like this… What happened? High speed Internet and Web 2.0.
Ah, the good old days,when I was in school the communists were “the enemy” and the founding fathers were great men.
Now the founding fathers were just old mean white men whose only goals in life were subjugating blacks and women along with killing the noble natives and Karl Marx was a wonderful man who only wanted equality for everyone.
Pure communism is almost impossible to achieve. It can only be done by very small groups of people — maybe 150 — for a very short time. Think of hippie communes, or any of the utopian communities of the mid-1800s. Eventually, those little communities always fall apart, or morph into something more traditional.
It’s just my own personal observations on the matter, but the reason I don’t think communism cannot work in a large society is because there is no interconnectedness between people. Why am I going to bust my ass in a communist society for some stranger on the other side of the country? I don’t know him. I’ll never know him. I feel no need to work for the common good to help him.
In small communities, like you mentioned, it’s much more personal. I’d be more likely to chop wood all day if I knew it was helping Eric, Josh, Jane, and Mary and I knew they were busting their asses to do jobs that would benefit me.
Dmitri Orlov (good blog, not sure if he bothers to write anymore) said the only reason socialism “worked” in Russia was bc they were a homogenous society. All hell would break looses here if they went down that road…
Jane is a cunt. Don’t chop wood for her.
There was a cool article here recently about the Rainbow Gathering (it’s not gay). It was basically a communist system that worked short term even for thousands (tens of thousands) of people.
I’m not much for any ideology, I’m more for common sense and rationalism. There are some aspects of communism, capitalism, probably even Satanism, in our society if you look around hard enough. I think anyone insisting that something MUST be done a certain way because this ideology demands it, is insane.
“No, we will not treat your husbands cancer until he pays us the $600,000 that capitalism demands.”
“No you cannot work anymore today because it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the communist workers”
“No you can’t smoke that plant, only this one.”
You’ll find that most attacks on certain policies are based only on labeling them as something that society perceives as “bad” rather than any objective reasoning. Just call it “terism” or “sexist” or in past days “communist” and therefore it must be evil. If Eisenhower didn’t have the brains to order interstates built, it would never have happened, because that’s a Nazi idea.
There’s no difference one is HIV, the other is cancer…they both kill their host and so does anything socialist.
Radio Yerevan was asked: “Can Communism also be in the USA?”
Radio Yerevan answered: “Yes. But who would give us our wheat then?”
Atleast in communism men and women were well…. Much better than this retarded shit believe me if there was no daddy government and welfare most of these bitches would be sex slaves, prostitutes or dead
If these ugly, repulsive, hedonistic SJW liberal freaks (like the ones in the picture of this article) lived their life like that in Communist China or North Korea, these creatures would be lined up, shot and executed and purged to their 3rd generation.
The only reason these freaks exist in the west is because the west pampers them too much with soft method. Sometimes you just need to go hard and teach lesson in brutal way.
Western cultural marxism is totally different from Eastern style Communism. I’m not promoting either one though.
If you want to take on that much reading, you guys really need to tackle Jonathan Israel’s books on the Radical Enlightenment. A specific group of white men in mid 18th Century France, led by the Baron d’Holbach and his friend Denis Diderot, invented a devastating “culture of critique” two centuries before some Ashkenazi Jews rebranded it as “Cultural Marxism.”
At least under real communism Id get a snazzy uniform.
Nazi Uniform > Communist Uniform
That splash of red really makes the getup pop, duddnt it?
Yes, you do get the pop from the red. But the high black boots of the German Top officers are great. And they tie the laces in little nazis
Hugo Boss FTW.
yup. Rocking a Boss suit today actually. Looking sharp as a Nazi.
Im not good at remembering names; getting away with calling everyone “comrade” is an upside too
Boss is fused.
Hey, every culture has something to add. Look at the japs and their bowing. Imagine never having to touch someone’s filthy hands again.
For simplicity’s sake, your jacket is practically glued together.
looks nice and my tailor cut it in well but yes, boss suits are not high end clothing the way Brioni or Cuccinelli are. Still, when you wear suits every day and you aren’t rich as fuck you have to make some sacrifices. I will take a boss suit to my tailor and it will look just fine.
Few things worse than a man with an expensive suit who doesn’t get it tailored properly.
agreed. I have a few very nice suits (well tailored) and a few that weren’t as expensive like Boss suits or John Varvatos. If I had the money it would be all cuccinelli all the time baby, but who can afford that. I wear a suit and tie M-F, a sports jacket and slacks on Friday and then either sports jacket and slacks or suit and tie on Saturday depending on what I am doing. Usually wear jeans and a blazer on sunday. So I need to buy a lot of this shit. When it is possible I buy the high end stuff which, oddly, pays for itself in that it lasts much longer. I always buy high end shoes and shirts. Mix up what you can and a wardrobe will grow. But the most important aspect is always a good tailor.
But what do you take to your cobbler?
I am going to the cobbler this weekend. I will take pictures.
” I buy the high end stuff which, oddly, pays for itself in that it lasts much longer. ”
I was reading someone’s take on wealth management the other day. He used boots as a metaphor.
A financially-intelligent person will buy a $100 pair of boots. They’ll last him for 10 years before he replaces them.
A financial Luddite will buy a $40 dollar pair of boots, which he’ll be forced to replace every two years.
Exactly correct. I prorate the cost of all purchases to estimated amount of use. I have a 600 dollar pair of Gucci wing tips. They have lasted me 5 years. Over the 5 years I have worn them about 700 times. I wear them when I wear black or gray suits. So they have cost me .86 cents a time that I wore them.
I get them resoled and cleaned up by a cobbler for about 50 bucks once a year. So add 250 to my effective cost and my per use goes to $1.22. I have no reason to assume I won’t get another 3 years out of these shoes and be able to bring my prorated cost down to about .50 cents per use.
New York is a walking city. If I were to buy a 100 pair of shoes that last me 6 months my effective cost would be nearly 2 dollars and I am telling you I will blow out a pair of 100 dress shoes in 6 months. So maybe I lay out a larger nut on the front end but I make it back on the other side.
More than that, I work in a business and in a city where small details like good shoes are taken into account. So on top of the savings when the cost is prorated I getting added value for being stylish.
This is harder for women because styles change. A pair of brown wingtips will look good for a whole generation. Get one pair of black and one pair of brown dress shoes, one pair of black and one pair of brown loafers and one pair of stylish boots and use a good cobbler and your show shopping is pretty much done for the next decade.
True, true they are the best at bowling.
“How to choose the best cobbler in NYC” article please.
My cobbler is the best in the city hands down
Cobblers And Gobblers: Where to find shoe repair and blowjobs in NYC
As is your provider of high end socks.
I can’t believe I typed that sentence. Heh.
That is true. It’s the thing I point out to people interested in buying my leather goods. You can buy Chinese rubber glue held “leather” for $10.00 and it will last you two months, or you can buy my hand stitched holster that will last you, likely, your lifetime, for a bit more.
Oh you have no idea the sock guy. You would love it tbh. I really believe that.
Well at least you can ignore a lot of Cultural Marxism.
—No Hollywood at all in any form.
—Very careful surfing habits, winding down to none (I’m currently on my way)
—Older or at least carefully chosen books
—No print media
—Low public profile.
—Don’t talk to Leftists in any meaningful way.
—Find like-minded people and spend time with them.
—Pursue hobbies outside of the culture
All very, very, very true. I endorse your message. I’d say however that while this is all utterly 100% true, the vast majority of human beings desire to belong and conform. Lacking any real spirituality/religion in the world any longer, they grasp at whatever they think is popular because it will give them group recognition and status. And then they act on it. In short, you individually can ignore cultural Marxism, but the Mob isn’t going to let cultural Marxism ignore you.
Yeah, it’s kind of a pipe dream in a way to think that you can live untouched by it. Certainly the mob is screwed and that’s too bad because that will affect your kids, relatives, friends and their children. That hurts. But redpillers can, as individuals, can go a long way in avoiding the shit circus. At least in amount of time spent on it. It can be cut down considerably, never fully avoided. I think you’re on the same page.
For me, the easiest and most satisfying part is just flying a big, fat bird at Hollywood. NFL is next. I will never give up college football entirely. So a handful of weekends a year given over to ‘entertainment’, the rest of the year is for real life. I consider high-end fiction as ‘real-life’ as opposed to ‘entertainment’ though some might argue that.
“Its stated goal is equality and respect for everyone, ”
The true goal of cultural marxism: “You are all equal, equaly worthless”
-> All of you? Yes, sort of. It just happens that some of us are more equal than others.
Or in easier words: The goal of cultural marxism is to create a gender mainstreamed horde of worthless trash humans who are slaves/consumers/useless eaters on one hand.
A sophisticated, educated and well indoctrinated bunch of house servants, mostly in the big cities.
All to serve the tiny 0.01% or less elite who is at the top, whos grand-grand-grand parents have been at the top and who will be at the top in 1000 years.
The difference between the 1950 and today is that there will be less freedom for the lower 99.99% of people while at the same time they are stupid enough to think of themselves as “liberated” and “free to do as we want”.
My 2c on the matter: Who is stupid enough to fall for this shit, does not deserve any better.
This goes to show the problem when libertarians build up economic progressivism as the great evil. Ron Paul has spent his life attacking government regulations, taxation, fiat money, central banking, and especially the Federal Reserve system, and for some reason his fans have this overblown estimation of his accomplishments. Yet none of the areas he attacked has changed, fundamentally. And no one in authority has retaliated against Paul by prosecuting him, making him lose jobs or pressuring him to humiliate himself publicly by apologizing for and renouncing his beliefs. On the whole, Paul has had an easy life, despite his self-promotion as an enemy of the state. Our elites have ignored him because he attacked the state at the points where our rulers just don’t feel vulnerable.
I could say the same about Ayn Rand, another figure way-overrated by her Kool-Aid drinkers and other libertarians. Our elites certainly haven’t lost any sleep over the challenges to their authority presented in her great philosophical works, The Romantic Manifesto and An Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.
By contrast, look at what happens to public figures who challenge the cultural progressivism our elites have pushed on us as their official utopian ideology. Just say anything negative about racial equality, immigration, feminism or gay degeneracy, and our elites and their proxies will come down on you. We’ve seen this happen lately to Palmer Luckey and Steve Clevenger. If these men had posted things on the internet critical of the Federal Reserve instead, nothing would have happened to them.
The difference shows what our elites really care about, what they view as their main weapons for controlling society and where they feel the most vulnerable when people defy them in these areas. Politics derives from culture, and we’ve lost the culture war to people who clearly have bad things in store for the world’s white population. Apparently we need to create a counter-culture, a kind of “Cultural Neoreaction,” as the foundation for starting to fight back effectively.
Many people protesting the “globalist” “career politicians” “elite” make
one grave mistake. They thing it is bad because they are not socialist
enough while for true happyness and freedom we need to abandom all ideas
of “equal pay” “equal rights” “human rights for everyone” “same
standard of living for everyone” “gay/lesbians marriage” “immigrants
have the same rights” “blacks have the same rights” and so on and so on.
No, they dont.
Rights have to be earned. He who pays 100 000K a year in
taxes need to have way more say than he who lives off social security.
He who gives a job to 100 need to have way more say than a local
politician who represents 100 housewifes. We live in sick times when the truth has been perverted into its opposite.
And yet another smear of libertarianism. As if anything we have now even vaguely relates to that socio-political philosophy.
Did a libertarian run over your dog when you were a kid or something, chief?
Maybe that’s so due to the fact that 99% of people regardless of race doesn’t understand such topics regarding wealth generation and manipulation of the markets and how those things have enabled the culture wars , feminism, the divorce industry, pro-immigration etcetera that they have to put up with everyday. It seems that even you don’t grasp it. If that’s the case you are right the elites can sleep easy at night.
As a libertarian, I thought your criticisms of Paul and Rand to be quite fair. I was expecting a strawman ad hominem combo, but ya went the other way and used logic. Well played.
You motherfuckers are discussing this shit like it’s self propelled…like the pressure for this shit comes from the abyss or aliens.
Think about…
Who [ Which country ] HATES USA and all it’s freedoms ?
Who the fuck HATES EU ?
Think about it, fellas, please think about it.
Let’s surpass the threshold of pussy…go beyond it…
It’s a bit larger picture than the JOOOOS.
Any takers ?
You mean it’s NOT the books!? I thought they controlled everything.
I think that any society that let its economic system become its center ideology is bound to go degenerate. Like a man centered on his own stomach is bound to become a fat looser.
That’s why there never was any “traditional communism” or “traditional capitalism”.
true, but wouldn’t most commies argue that that is what they’re working against – capitalism as something which distorts human existence by exploiting human labour?
The “spiritual” element to communism is the idea of creating “one world” – an end to individualism, and traditional types of conflict.
Yes and that’s where early commies were mistaken. You don’t build a spirituality around a way of producing and distributing goods. You don’t build a spirituality around your stomach.
I agree, but it’s a materialist philosophy. C.f. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You start with the basic (material) needs and then work your way up to the higher needs, quasi spiritual, things relating self-actualisation. People tend to see Communism has superseding capitalism but of course it is also supposed to supersede religion, and that arguably requires a spiritual element.
Yes, well that’s materialist philosophy, which I’m criticizing as a whole. People tend to forget that through mankind’s history most humans worked the other way around : first spiritual, then the material. Just look at our ancesters.
The reversal of that paradigma is very recent.
good point, but of course the reversal in question reflects the revolutionary nature of communism, and the fact that it seeks – if you scratch the surface – to turn nature (and human society) on its head. It’s mechanism is transgression and inversion
And it also reflects the French revolution, which was both conducted by the proto-communists and early capitalists.
well that’s an interesting and perhaps controversial perspective (depending on what kind of continuity you’re suggesting). The difference I suppose is that the second time round the (slightly) bourgeois element (the mensheviks) lost out permanently to the extreme radicals (the bolsheviks – Stalin notwithstanding)
There is only the material in Marx dressed with a bit of moralism that is always denied.
I get that from Dugin and his reading of Carl Schmitt. He made the observation that most tellurocratic societies were warrior-centered societies and rigorously traditionals, while most thallasocratic societies tended to become quickly trade-centered, and just like the female college student who travels a lot and does immorals things because no one is there to judge her and then brings the degeneracy home, the thalasocratic societies quickly lost their soul.
you are a duginist?
What do you think of the following: liberal western propaganda?
“For Dugin, logos is replaced by chaos, and the very symbol of
chaos magic is the symbol of Eurasia: ‘Logos has expired and we all will
be buried under its ruins unless we make an appeal to chaos and its
metaphysical principles, and use them as a basis for something new.’
Dugin dressed his discussion of logos in the language of Heidegger, but
his terminology cannot be read outside of a 2,000-year-old Western,
biblical tradition which associates the Logos with the Christ, and
Dugin’s invocation of chaos against logos leads to certain inevitable
conclusions regarding his doctrines.”
In short, Dugin’s Eurasianism is a satanic cult.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/380614/dugins-evil-theology-robert-zubrin
Lol, that sounds like some heavy Neo-con”axis of evil” type of rant.
I’m reading his book in Russian, which contains really interesting hindsights, and allows me to view things from the Eastern perspective.
Will let you know if I turn satanist.
well it certainly looks like interesting stuff. Hardcore kind of guy
What is true is that he doesn’t like the western modern culture very much. But at that point, who does ?
Lol ! What is this site ?!
quite. I wouldn’t judge him based only on hostile articles from the countries he’s criticising. Still if it’s accurate it sounds like a fairly heady brew he’s concocting there
The Cuck Chronicle?
Monsieur, are you familiar with Alain Soral? He’s one of the few voices today I’m really interested in.
Yes, he’s a very charismatic speaker, his site is an exceptionally good alternative source of information. His books are good as a an introduction to very interesting autors. But that’s all there is to him.
He plays that character of a manly traditional Frenchman, which is mostly fake (knowing that he was a heavy party goer, a drug addict and spent most of his life navigating in the fashion-show-buiz sphere ) and some people follow him like if he was a messia.
He’s a bit like your Alex Jones, meaning by that, that he found a way of making a living by teasing the establishment.
It does seem, however, that you are saying that the unchecked laisse faire capitalism and greed of the 1980’s in America was a bad thing. That can’t be right.
I’m a commie spy. Why do you think I speak Russian ?
Unchecked laissez faire capitalism and greed of the late 1980’s? What universe was I living in? Where I was residing, the 1980’s had a hell of a lot less regulation and government meddling in the economy than the period between the 1930’s through the 1970’s, however, it was still heavily regulated, heavily taxed and featured a “progressive income tax system” along with a socialist “safety net”. Neither the Founding Fathers nor Adam Smith would even pretend to call the economic system of the American 1980’s “laissez faire capitalist” although they might refer to it as the far less complimentary Mercantilist system.
sarcasm GoJ sarcasm……you k now me, I am a huge fan of the 80’s in America.
Mercantilism? No way. Mercantilism is centered on colonialism and trade manipulation, the 80’s had a trade deficit, something mercantilists would see as needing to be urgently fixed.
It’s the closest thing.
The closest thing would be Keynesian, mixed economics, or Stockholm school, etc. Mercantilism is very very fundamentally different.
Hey Monsieur, I know this is off topic but I have been working out some philosophical theories about black people and wanted to run them by you both for philosophical introspection but also to see if this is your experience in other countries. I put it here rather than email because I feel it could be a benefit to as well benefit from the ROK community….
So I have been trying to work out just what is going on with black people. The slow shuffling despite athletic ability which is mind bogglingly annoying in large cities, the loud talking, the constantly pretending that they all know each other, the listening to music without the use of headphones on the trains, Tyler Perry and a bunch of other qualities which are so counter-intuitive and annoying and omnipresent in black people that there must be something going on.
My best hypothesis until now was that there was a superposition of realities like Schroedinger’s cat where being observed by white people somehow changed reality on a quantum level causing these behaviors. (Shroedinger’s Nigger?)
However, on a recent morning I saw a black guy (who didn’t see me) walking really fast for no reason. When he saw me and we went through the turnstyle, he immediately went into black guy shuffle. This brings in the question of intentionality.
The commitment to reparations through petty annoyance is mind blowing if that is what is going on. Imagine the level of awareness and concentration required to shift in and out of these behaviors constantly for an entire race of people.
I thought maybe other ‘oppressed’ groups were doing this. Gay accent might be some form of attacking straight people through annoyance, but Gay accent actually gets worse around other gays rather than better. We have to assume that the gay accent is like a mating call which approximates the sound of their voice if their mouth was filled with dicks. I am guessing that in time gay people will just evolve bright plumage and the gay accent will no longer be necessary.
The thought that everything women do is just to irritate men also doesn’t work because they irritate one another as well.
So it is just the blacks getting back at whitey.
However, it is POSSIBLE, though I don’t have a solution yet, that there is a decidedly Kantian argument from the deduction of taste in the third critique. However, I am missing a piece of the puzzle to justify it.
See, Kant says in the first critique that transcendental freedom is a condition on which human consciousness is possible (not consciousness per se but the very condition on which its possibility exists). So in the second critique he grounds ethics and moral judgments to the transcendental freedom. This way he can make a claim for subjective universality. He can get a universal moral or ethical system for humans without appeal to a god or government or what not by saying the moral system is one in which universalized forms of any particular action can violate the conditions of the possibility of consciousness and therefore be immoral for human beings based on logic (which is also universal). With that Kant is able to maintain subjectivity in a moral system (because it’s origin point is the individual human) while, simultaneously claiming it objectively holds true for all thinking subjects (because the origin point is the condition for the possibility of consciousness which is shared by all thinking subjects).
The same with the deduction of beauty in the third critique. As long as judgments of taste, occasioned by a particular item in experiential sense perception (art, nature, etc.), are grounded in something a priori common to all thinking subjects (transcendental freedom and specifically bypassing the mechanisms for judgment and occasioning an increased self-awareness of that condition for the possibility of consciousness, i.e., transcendental freedom ) then the judgment of taste can be said to, while being occasioned by the empirical particular and appealing to something about the individual and thus subjective, still be grounded in a quality which is common to all thinking subjects as a condition for the possibility of human thought at its most fundamental level meaning it will remain objective and universal and ought to be held as beautiful for all thinking subjects.
If the petty annoyance of whitey isn’t a black conspiracy (which there is every reason to believe because of the massive scale and energy it would require) then there needs to be an a priori quality which is a condition for being black. IF the annoying behavior could be linked to this a priori blackness AND if it can be shown that any interaction with whitey can occasion its consequences (slow shuffle walking, etc.) then we can move away from the idea of global black conspiracy and on to disinterested subjective universal a priori principle which would take the intentionality back out of the equation and make it more feasible.
What this a priori principle is that, even when universalized, applies only to black people is what I am stuck on and can’t pinpoint.
Any ideas?
Man don’t do that to my brain.
giving me formal training and sending me out into the world was a bad, bad idea
I have had some similar thoughts about the unnatural upward inflexion some Anglo-saxon females do at the end of non-interrogative sentences.
If you can’t write it out with proper academic writing voice, using correct terminology and grounding it into canonical works in ways that must be acknowledged and not just dismissed ad hominem then it doesn’t count.
I could do it, with an analyse centered around biblical references, ancient philosophy and scholastics. I could very well demonstrate that the upward inflexion is the root of most mankind’s metaphysical wonderings, and that it is that same voice that got Herod to deliver John the Baptist’s head on a plate to that slutty Salome.
In fact I will do it. I kind of talked myself into doing it by writing this comment. This is an excellent idea.
I have no doubt that it could be done nor any doubt that you could do it….I am only saying that until then…….no dice
Challenge accepted.
I’m sorry to say, but it only works when Lolknee does it.
Do you mean when they do that rising voice thing at the end of sentences? They speak like everything is a question? I hate that? It’s like, ya know? It’s all totally annoying? It is just as irritating as verbal fry?
Yep. And them bitches are importing it in French.
Oh man….that’s horrible.
THIS is the kind of racism I’m on board with.
A friend calls that condition, ” blackadaisical”
You know slowly walking down the middle of the street when there are two percectly good sidewalks available.
Right, but it takes it to a special level to argue for it being a disinterested subjective universal a priori principle which blacks are ontologically disposed to or, perhaps, it being a superposition of realities meant to extract reparations through petty annoyance of whitey
Ill add its not just about creating annoyances, it is also a symptom of their massive insecurities as well as a pathetic power play.
Annoy whitey and get a modicum of control. They feel big afterwards.
I think more likely that it is less for control and more to retroactively extract reparations through petty annoyance but I am still holding out for there being an ontological cause.
Presuming it’s a residential street, who cares? It’s not like their will be any significant amount of traffic or even any traffic traveling faster than 30 km/h.
Youre missing the point.
If they see you coming and move quickly enough, no problem. But thats not the case. They see you then move slower
Are you always this obtuse?
When he saw me and we went through the turnstyle, he immediately went into black guy shuffle.
Okay, I think I understand the issue a little better now.
I had to click to YouTube just to vote thumbs down.
Used to shuffle back in the day.
Shuffling is a white people’s dance.
It’s literally the first time I see a black person shuffle.
It’s like seeing a black guy listening to metal or country or voting Republican.
A very rare sight indeed.
I probably shouldn’t post this, but what the hell…
Something about your mannerisms, appearance, etc is signalling or there were other people in the area that were. It’s something I’ve experienced but generally in the other direction. Something has rubbed off on me through my experiences so I’m generally not a target of silly power plays and acts.
Of course I’ve been seeing the duality of black behavior since I was ~15 years old. Before then all black people I knew acted normal, but when I was 15 or so the neighborhood started changing and some low class blacks arrived. Kids I knew all through grade school developed duality behavior. Around the low class blacks they had to act one way while around me, the rest of our friends, and each other they still acted normal.
Imagine for a moment that white american behavior and language was controlled and defined by trailer park living rednecks or worse. That’s what black people have to deal with in the USA. The low class are always the low class but when the low class gain the cultural power I think it results in this strange behavior among those that aren’t.
Now if I push this a bit, if the observers are low class blacks or whites they don’t feel comfortable around the socially expected act comes out. When alone, around similar people, and/or white people they feel comfortable around there is no need for the act.
Interesting….I will spend some time considering this
What’s happening now with the American elections might be the greatest travesty ever recorded in politics. In all past examples of totalitarianism, whether it’s dictatorship or communist experiments, you could at least identify the ones at the top trying to pull the strings and exploit the masses. You could at least “understand” from a rational perspective, why a strong man or an elite politburo would want to consolidate power.
What we are seeing now defies even wildest fantasy novels. You have a candidate, whose career is submerged in scandals, and whose physical well being is indubitably compromised under the rigorous stress and labor of the presidential campaign, and yet there are mysterious forces pushing her forward, even possibly at the expense of her own life, to bring her to the presidency, and no one in the mainstream media, in the name of honest journalism, seems to be even curious to unravel this greatest conspiracy of modern times.
Who is the black doctor-like figure carrying a medical injection pen at all times, ordering security around and manhandling Hillary in all of her rallies ? Why are professionals with impeccable careers suddenly losing their jobs, getting their shows cancelled, etc. when they raise even the slightest criticism against Hillary ? Why are the entire mainstream media, the vast majority of business leaders and even Hollywood celebrities all blind to her obvious shortcomings and scandals, and instead shamelessly spout fictitious propaganda in her favor, clearly disrupting the democratic process and misleading the public ? Who or what is this mysterious higher command center, that seems to be disseminating orders to all the influential people and institutions in the U.S. to ensure a Democrat victory in these upcoming elections ?..
The term “conspiracy theory” was invented by intelligence agencies to subvert public opinion, and I guarantee you, there hasn’t been a more obvious and true conspiracy against the popular interests of the people than what is going on in the current U.S. presidential elections…
Faux Philosophical Circle Jerk🤔
possibly, but you should explain what is ‘faux’ about it
Not worth explaining to a simpleton like you group of idiots tbh lmao
“a simpleton like you group of idiots”
progressive education in action
Lol you really don’t want me to get started on education lmao seriously don’t go there with me. I could bury you in my degrees alone. Run along now my pleasantly moronic friend. Before the novelty of this exchange wears off kid
you could bury me with your worthless degrees
and halitosis like opinions
Around your mom.
bakhtin’s bukkake circle?
double cumshot discourse.
lot of talking about cumming on faces before actually doing any actual cumming, at which point no-one knows who came first. Very dissappointing porn
I only managed to get through a minute of that before coming. My heteroglossia all over the both of them.
I see someone hasn’t updated their insults since the second grade lmfao lol your so pathetic my gawddddd bahahaha
Ban Hammeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr!
Say what now? Dick in your mouth hammer reer bahaha has lmfao lol
Never go full retard mate
Never talk with food I mean dick in your mouth 😏 Lmao
There is major different between Cultural Marxism and Real Communism that hasn’t been discuss in the article. In Communism, the State never infer in the lives of the countrymen behind close doors directly. You had peace from the state’s programming and monitoring in your home, baring standard ratting out on a person. In Cultural Marxism, nothing is off limits. Everything you must fall into the narrative, including your own thoughts. Communism had the elites that wanted power over the people. Cultural Marxism wants complete control of people’s thoughts and actions.
There are differences, but what about the role of party ideology and informers (see the example)
In both cases ideology was key. Having said that Stalin wasn’t necessarily a good example of communism at work, as is focus became limited
Ya know, I read somewhere(maybe even on this site) that he was a russian spy…I would pay money to see that movie
That was a King of the Hill episode you are thinking of.
You right, my comment was rushed bit and I didn’t think it through.
there are similarities and differences. Stalinism was it’s own thing, and we probably won’t see anything much like that again (north korea aside). I think the ‘cultural marxist’ angle, whatever its validity, is about identifying the real continuities, and I see the de facto focus on ideology as an important part of that`
you’re joking, right? countless people were prosecuted, sent to camps and executed exactly because they did something wrong “behind closed doors”: said the wrong thing, listened to the wrong music or read the wrong book. all duly reported by their friends and neighbors.
sorry but you are terribly wrong. Countless persons were imprisoned and murdered because they “committed crimes” behind close doors and were rattled on by close friends or relatives. The real difference was the technologies at their disposal. Facebook and the rest of the “social media” are Cheka’ wet dream.
I will not stand for you besmerching the legacy of beavis and butthead.
Hedonism and Marxism ruins the process of individual and community collaboration.
Miserable extremists love company, even if misguided.
If the status quo continues indefinitely, civilization agonizingly grinds to a halt and they’ll perish with it.
The upper echelon parasites like Soros probably think they can survive and thrive even with civilizational collapse. But the middle and lower echelon parasites would be toast. In nature, parasites instinctively “know” that if they overwhelm the host, the host dies, and if the host dies, the parasites die, too. Human parasites, which are legion, are overwhelming their hosts.
Actually, the left was always like this. It’s always been about something for nothing and screwing the achievers in order to buy votes from the larger body of non-achievers.
The very word liberal is defined as open to new behaviors and willing to discard traditional values.
The fence-sitters will chime in with the blah blah blah about left vs. right being kabuki theater, and to some extent that’s true. But leaving aside left and right and the inherent bullshittery of the current uniparty charade, liberal and conservative are in fact different. One is the logical, common sense approach to life itself (the root of the word means “to save”). The other is anything goes bullshit that has been crippling civilizations throughout human history.
The moderate ‘left’ campaigned for an educated, employed and socially active populace.
Basically they wanted to take the sharp edges off a free market dog fight.
Now they campaign for people to be ignorant lazy beggars more interested in blaming the fictional patriarchy than improving thier lives and the lives of thier group.
But don’t think right wing parties will be better
Modern day politics isn’t divided along lines that came from the French revolution, the division is between globalists and nationalists. Between people who want to subvert your family and micromanage your life vs those who want you to live as you see fit.
Leninists are the worst. Under real communism, I’d be in a prison camp or murdered by the state.
The only thing cultural Marxists have is shame. I agree with them when they call me a racists and sexist, shame doesn’t work on me, they have nothing. Besides, they are basket cases with barely any control over their own lives and sanity.
If you are going to say a particular branch of Marxism is the “real Marxism/communism” then that certainly wouldn’t be Leninism or Stalinism.
I said nothing of the sort.
The article did.
Or you could be conquering foreign lands. The one upside of the Soviet Union.
Just a thought.
I grew up watching “Duck Tales” followed by “Chip’n’Dale Rescue Rangers” every weekend. That was a highlight of my post-Soviet childhood
I despise Communism…but at least, they had Red Army parades, not degenerate gay parades as the little marxist flowers of today…
That felt oppressive. North Korean army parades are much more upbeat.
True that. I knew it was going to be better when they set off the balloons.
hehehe the most brutal regime in present times with a little funk? I like it!
Red Alert 2!!!
Such a good game.
The Red Army!!
I would rather be on a tank tearing a hole through Germany even if it is for communism, than be stuck in this modern leftist shithole.
One has to admire their martial valor and i am pretty sure, the overwhelming number of men who serve in the Red Army, were not marxists but simply men that loved their nation. I can respect that.
Yes, majority were Russian patriots. They were a bunch of hardened killers with a supremely, one-pointed determination to wipe Germany off the face of the earth. It is astonishing how these Russian soldiers after being thrown into battle after battle with essentially no strategy at all, did not in the slightest degree loose heart. They stayed a blood thirsty pack up until the very last woman raped in east Berlin.
I believe communism and all its suffering forged this mighty army of killers and heroes!
I only imagine with enthusiastic joy the possibility of the nazis continuing their coarse for Moscow, not waiting out the winter. what if this terrifying group of killers joined the nazi cause? Hitler commanding the red army.
Such potential.
Edit: I’m not entirely sure the Russians would have joined the Nazi cause if the Germans had marched a mere Thirty more miles and captured Moscow, the Soviets being unprepared as they were. Another question left to history.
After brewing on my last comment. The true glory of the red army was their unwillingness to ever surrender to hitler and their desire to destroy Germans. So yes just a fantasy.
Russia is just to big to be taken by force. Even if Hitler had taken Moscow, i doubt he would have taken the entire USSR. Look at Napoleon…he subdue Moscow and still felt short.
In communism you have the dignity of knowing you are in chains. The cultural marxists convince you that your chains are setting you free.
As obama has so perfectly demonstrated time and again, they’re not even talking to their political opposition. They’re preaching to their choir and talking about us instead. So I believe your comment is correct but it applies only to their peeps, the takers. They know we reject them completely so they don’t waste time addressing half of this country directly (except through the courts and bureaucracy).
The work of the cultural marxists seem to mirror the commie party goals for the U.S., as described in the JAN 63 Congressional report.
The question in my mind is did they (the commies) foresee the rise of globalism in the 80-90s or not. If not where do they fit in now? Because that’s where the fight is. Not Left vs Right, but globalist vs nationalists.
Globalist are by definition communists. No real nationalist can be leftist.
The chick with the pink hair has nice perky boobs. And I love the dog collar…
I do not know which is worse. But cultural marxism will lead to corporate communism
“But cultural marxism will lead to corporate communism”
We are already there. When the bankruptcy laws were changed to benefit GM and the UAW over bond holders and the illegal bailout they got at taxpayer expense (taxpayers lost $10 billion when US govt. sold the last of GM shares), that should have been the first clue.
“Everyone want to live of the state but they forget that the state lives off everone.”
Frederic Bastiat.
Sums up the sheer stupidty of communism IMO..
“They didn’t think that one through too clearly; the New World Order they inaugurated empowered the billionaires, not the proletariat!”
Yes, the elites saw in CM the perfect tool by which to
a) co opt and safely run into the ground any grass roots communist type movement (e.g. occupy wall street)
b) wage war on middle class whites (the only feasible threat to their hegemony)
“Those with the greatest hubris seem to envision the world’s future as themselves and their posterity living like kings among billions of human cattle”
And what better cattle than the people with the lowest IQs? (i.e. most of the googles)
You see, as the difference between the IQ of the ruler and the ruled widens the less it is a master/slave relationship and the more it comes to resemble a human/animal relationship.
You people talk big on the internet, but few if any of you are doing jack shit except for bitching and moaning,
Well, take your pick: Real communism destroys your economy, Cultural Marxism destroys your culture. The good thing about communism at least is that it is a thing of the past, whereas the bloodshed over multiculturalization is still going to come.
The Red Army!
If THAT doesn’t make communism worth it, God bless us.
Awareness grows by the day on how we’re manipulated. The masses of sheep are growing smaller. To learn the true nature of women is one of the biggest wake ups happening and opens the eyes to all facets of the games being played by elites upon the masses.
The author is wrong that cultural leftists are motivated by thinking they’re helping people. They’re not. I have confronted them and they quickly try to change the subject. Here’s the psychology of a cultural leftist: They join because it’s “cool”. Most of their professors are leftists. Their celebrity idols are leftists. And not only is it “cool”, but also pitched as “rebellious”. As Ann Coulter put it: Leftists clap erasers to impress the teacher because they’re rebels who don’t care what the teacher thinks. It’s insanity but a predictible one: They want to be cool and think highly of themselves. It’s why so many people pick up smoking or following Phish concerts.
They spend a great deal of energy learning the talking points to sound smart and also mocking their opponents while calling them hateful bigots (note the irony). This further weds them to leftism since they spend a majority of their adult lives shunning non-believers and putting themselves on a pedestal. To attempt to reconsider their beliefs is like asking someone whose lived on a Morman commune their whole lives to just pick up and leave. It happens, but rarely. This would require them to come to grips that not only were they not the good guys, and were the bad guys, but even worse, they were dupes. It’s the ultimate humiliation for them.
Men (and women) grow more conservative as they grow older as some realize that following the crazy religion carries too heavy a toll. They have to weigh what they personally want out of life and their own safety and well being ahead of the ego trip they signed on for as a youth. They get married, have kids, deal with The Real World and in an epiphany, they usually quietly drop being a leftist and become closet right wingers or “moderates”. It’s a rite of maturation but also a kind of IQ test. How long does it take to grow up? For me, I’m proud to say, it took about a year when I was 20.
If the adults get in charge, the corrupt elite will never be allowed near the levers of power again.
Oh yeah they will. No party goes on forever and even the nationalist “train,” if it gets out of the station, will jump the tracks eventually and the opposition will be there promising to make things better, just like It happened in 1912, 1932, 1964, 1976, 1992, 2008. The memory of the American people is not long and learned lessons don’t pass well from generation to generation.
Lol, this long article about cultural Marxism without mentioning the jews. Are you still afraid of empty labels ?
Interesting. I don’t think it’s that complicated or directly related to Marxism. Communism is a state and economical ideology. Cultural Marxism is liberalism on crack. I don’t think there is any conspiracy to destroy so-called ‘western’ society. It’s just natural progression and evolution of culture. Any wealthy society tend to become liberal and eventually decline and poor societies prone to being conservative to hold on to what little they have.
Ergo a socialist state can be liberal or conservative depending on wealth, acquisition and distribution of it.
It’s hard to classify current neoliberal system on that scale because it is chaos. It is based on flux and disorder. Something like cultural Marxism, racism or partisan politics are useful to keep population infighting and disorganized. There are much money to be made when idiots fight among themselves. That is the goal of neoliberal, imperial state and something like racism or feminism are just a useful tools to fragment the population. That is why the state supports so-called ‘equality’ and other ‘issues’ Money baby. Nothing personal, just business)
Just to point something out… Cultural Marxism isn’t really Marxist. It’s definitely Jewish, but not Marxist – remember that Marx thoroughly rejected his Jewishness in coming up with the “Jewish Question” (this was NOT a Hitlerian concept). Cultural Marxism is Critical Theory, which is only very loosely based on Marx, but more so based on pilpul (meaning “pepper”) which is a Jewish deconstructive debating method used to argue Biblical and Talmudic matters, designed to frustrate one’s debating opponent.
Marx, along with Engels, argued that race and class were de facto the same thing. Classic Marxism never touched on cultural matters, except for one blip from Engels about the nature of the family structure. They never made any commentary on “patriarchy”, sexuality – in fact, they REALLY liked Western cultural values. Their sole focus was on the material – economic questions.
So when a Che T-shirt wearing faggot comes to you and tries to argue he is a Marxist, he is full of shit and likely never actually read Marx and Engels.
VERY well said – thank you.
Drop the group in the photo in the nearest “communist” country, maybe Caracas Venezuela? See how long they last. I would not give them more than an hour. One of the great misconceptions of the old real communist countries is in fact everyone without exception had to work. If you did not want to work your life would be made very unpleasant.
In reality the group photoed has little to do with state forced communism.
There is something to notice in the photo, 3 guys. I am thinking of a sort of similar attempt of a few Ukrainian women, who would be model quality in comparison, running around Kyiv half naked saying I’m not a piece of meat. Really this comes off as as something a little funny then ignored. No guy will find desire to have anything to do with them.
The Achilles heal is the few men that help. Without those guys they would be much less effective.
just going too leave this here:
This is exactly the sort of ideology exposed in The Red Pill by M.E. Brines available on Smashwords.