Recently we had another one of those cringe-worthy clickbait responses to some troll or random Internet nobody as Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, Texas replied to an angry email from some dude who was upset about those women-only Wonder Woman screenings (which by the way, may have been illegal).
Regardless, a women-only, trigger-warned, safe space screening should be met with eye-rolling and mockery by any healthy man (and woman for that matter). Instead this guy got triggered himself, saying in part,
Achievements by the second rate gender pale in comparison to virtually everything great in human history was accomplished by men, not women. If Austin does not host a men only counter event, I will never visit Austin and will welcome its deterioration.
Then came Mayor Adley’s “absolutely epic response.”
I am writing to alert you that your email account has been hacked by an unfortunate and unusually hostile individual. Please remedy your account’s security right away, lest this person’s uninformed and sexist rantings give you a bad name. After all, we men have to look out for each other!
The next part merits a bit of a closer inspection though.
Can you imagine if someone thought that you didn’t know women could serve in our combat units now without exclusion?
Can you imagine if someone didn’t know that women make up only 14.6 percent of the military, 2.3 percent of combat deaths and there’s an odd tendency for pregnancies to skyrocket right before deployment into a hostile region?
What if someone thought you didn’t know that women invented medical syringes, life rafts, fire escapes, central and solar heating, a war-time communications system for radio-controlling torpedoes that laid the technological foundations for everything from Wi-Fi to GPS, and beer?
Okay, I know there are a bunch of often contradictory stories about who invented what, but let’s go with the mainstream view here and run down the list.
- Medical Syringe – Adler is referring to Letitia Mumford Geer, who patented a “one-hand operated syringe that is the basis for most modern medical syringes.” Or at least that’s what her 30 word Wikipedia page says. In fact, there are 10 different figures listed on the Wikipedia page regarding the invention of the syringe. Nine of the ten entries—including Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood, who developed a medical hypodermic syringe in 1853—are men.
- Life Raft – Congrats to Maria Beasley for patenting “two improved life raft designs.” [Bold mine]
- Central and Solar Heating – Maria Telkes “worked on solar energy technology” and “is known for creating the first thermoelectric power generator in 1947… designing the first solar heating system for the Dover Sun House… and the first thermoelectric refrigerator.” That’s some good work Maria, albeit a bit specific. Anyways, I should note that Augustin Mouchot and his glorious mustache invented the earliest known solar-powered engine.
- A War-Time Communications System for Radio-Controlling Torpedoes – If you need to be this specific, you know you’re really reaching. Anyways, this refers to Hedy Lamarr, but the story is a bit more complex than Adley leaves you to believe,
During World War II, Lamarr learned that radio-controlled torpedoes, which could be important in the naval war, could easily be jammed, thereby causing the torpedo to go off course. With the knowledge she had gained about torpedoes from her first husband, she came up with the idea of somehow creating a frequency-hopping signal that could not be tracked or jammed. She contacted her friend, composer and pianist George Antheil, to help her develop a device for doing that, and he succeeded by synchronizing a miniaturized player-piano mechanism with radio signals. They drafted designs for the frequency-hopping system which they patented. [Bold mine again]
This “laid the technological foundations” for GPS and WiFi? I guess it did, along with many, many, many other things. And of course, Roger Easton (GPS) and Vic Hayes (WiFi) should get the most of the credit (although there were plenty of other men involved for each).
- Beer – Oh for fuck’s sake… Apparently the author Jane Peyton made the case that beer was invented by women. But beer dates back into prehistory, possibly as far back as 9500 BC. So honestly, we have as good an idea about who invented beer as we do about who invented fire. (Other than we can probably assume it was men in both cases.)
Back to our intrepid mayor…
And I hesitate to imagine how embarrassed you’d be if someone thought you were upset that a private business was realizing a business opportunity by reserving one screening this weekend for women to see a superhero movie.
And imagine how embarrassed you would be if people read this and wondered why you were spending all this time responding to some random email in a way that might get you picked up by Upworthy rather than actually doing your job as mayor of a large city.
The Male Contribution To Civilization
We hear much about how “there would be no war if women were in charge” and “toxic masculinity” and about some great female accomplishment that we undervalue and so on. We hear endlessly about how we owe this or that to women. One of many such examples would be Stephen Colbert bloviating that, “Did you know that the first computer, ENIAC, was programmed by six female mathematicians? If it weren’t for those pioneering women, we might not have computers at all.”
Is anyone stupid enough to actually believe that we wouldn’t have computers if it weren’t for women’s contribution? It’s incredible how people delude themselves into believing this or the overhyped contribution of Catherine Johnson to NASA or that Ada Lovelace inspired the modern computer or many other such myths.
Indeed, it reminds me of this old meme:
And the male response:
Normally, common decency and politeness would demand we let the wildly disproportionate male contribution go unmentioned. But with all the anti-male hysteria and pandering to the rare female contribution to the highest echelons of society, the record needs to be set straight.
Indeed, the male contribution to science is overwhelming. On the website, it makes the claim that science has saved the lives of over 5.34 billion people. And while such numbers are difficult to measure, they are certainly defensible. Those it credits with saving over a billion are two teams:
- Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch (synthetic fertilizer): 2,720,000,000 lives saved
- Karl Landsteiner and Richard Lewisohn (blood transfusions): 1,094,000,000 lives saved
Those four men alone have possibly saved more lives than the total that have died in every war in recorded history. The site has the top 105 scientists listed. So I calculated the male and female numbers. For teams, I gave credit to each scientist for the proportional number of lives their invention is estimated to have saved. Here’s the final tally:
- Men: 98 Scientists, 5,534,198,714 lives saved
- Women: 7 Scientists, 50,578,286 lives saved
- Ratio: Scientists – 14 to 1, Lives Saved – 109 to 1
If you think of the truly world-changing inventions, basically all of them were by men:
- Printing Press (Johannes Gutenberg)
- Steam Engine (Thomas Newcomen and James Watt)
- Light Bulb (Thomas Edison)
- Airplane (The Wright Brothers)
- Computer (Allen Turing and others)
- Internet (Tim Berners-Lee and others)
Charles Murray actually took up the task of categorizing the great achievers between 800 BC and 1950 in his book Human Accomplishment. He used a historiometric study, which analyzes the space devoted to each individual in neutral history texts. In all, he comes up with 4002 significant figures in the fields of sciences, medicine, technology, philosophy, music, art and literature. Of those, only 88, or 2.2 percent are women.
Were women just left out? Unlikely. Murray reviews books on women in science and finds no entries that should have been included in his own analysis but were missed by the mainstream sources.
The highest scoring woman was Murasaki Shikibu, who came in third in Japanese literature. Marie Curie is the second highest ranking woman, who comes in 14th in physics (which is actually behind her rarely-mentioned husband Pierre, who placed 10th).
As far as Nobel prizes go, Murray again,
In the first and second halves of the century respectively, women won four and seven prizes in the sciences, and five and four prizes in literature. In percentage terms, their proportion decreased marginally.
That’s 4% of the prizes (not including the peace prize, which men have won disproportionately as well) from 1900 to 1950 and 3 percent from 1951 to 2000. That should put to rest the idea that the only reason men have achieved more is because of discrimination. Is anyone arguing there was more discrimination against women in the second half of the 20th century than the first?
Not a single woman had won the Nobel Prize in Economics until 2009 and none had won the Fields medal in Mathematics until 2014.
Murray’s review leaves out significant figures in economics, architecture and engineering, business, politics and the military, but we can expect that the results would be similar. Indeed, whether good or bad, progress is almost always pushed by men. Of all the religions that have come about, for all their virtues and faults, virtually all have been started by men. From Abraham to Jesus, Mohammed and Joseph Smith, to Zarathustra and Siddhartha Gautama. The only noteworthy exception is Mary Baker Eddy, who started the Christian Science denomination of Christianity. I guess Wicca was started by women too, particularly Doreen Valiente.
The great secular thinkers, from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Kant, Locke, Hume and Descartes to Confucius, Lao Tzu, Adi Sankara and Ibn Khaldun were, of course, almost all men.
The greatest statesmen (many of whom were, of course, not so great), from Cyrus the Great to Julius Caesar to Charlemagne to Tokugawa Leyasu to George Washington to Winston Churchill were, quite obviously, men.
Virtually every major business from Standard Oil and U.S. Steel to Microsoft and Google were founded by men. Only 14 of the 100 richest people in the United States are women. Most of those were from inheritance (particularly through Sam Walton or James Cox’s fortune) or marriage. Some became big players in company’s their father started, such as Abigail Johnson. But only one started the business from the ground up, Marian Ilitch, who started Little Caesar’s Pizza with her husband Michael. And when you look back in history, it is even more one-sided.
Wealth creation is predominantly the field of men. Indeed, as of January, 2017, women made up only 28 of the CEO’s for companies in the S&P 500. In other words, 5.6 percent, a fact that feminists endlessly complain about.
Much the same could be said for charities. The largest charity in the United States is the United Way, which was founded by four men and one woman. Of the remaining top ten biggest charities, seven were started by men, one by three women (Boys and Girls Club for America) and the Salvation Army was started by William and Catherine Booth.
Rolling Stone’s list of 100 greatest musicians of all time includes 10 women and two bands with both men and women. The rest are all men. Is that just because The Rolling Stone—the magazine that published the most blatant rape hoax since Tawana Brawley—is misogynistic? I’ll let you decide. I didn’t feel the need to count for their list of the 100 greatest guitarists. Their list of top 50 comics is, despite pretty blatant political correctness (Wanda Sykes makes the list), still mostly male.
A brief perusal through the National Inventors Hall of Fame list of inductees shows the vast majority of their inductees have been men too. All 100 of the directors of the AFI’s Top 100 movies selected in 2007 movies were men. Three quarters of the Pulitzer Prizes for nonfiction between 1995 and 2014 went to men and even in 2011, 64 percent of the prizes for journalism. The architect of the Burj Khalifia—the tallest building in the world—was Adrian Smith. The number two spot goes to the Chinese man Jun Xia. David Childs was the architect for the Freedom Tower, which is the tallest building in the United States.
The vast majority of such architects were men. As were the engineers who have designed and overseen many of the world’s most magnificent wonders, from things like Parthenon in the ancient world to things like the Chunnel today.
And of course, it was almost exclusively men who built those buildings along with most everything else. This stretches back to prehistory when men did the hunting, shelter-building and defending. Today, we shouldn’t overlook the average man, who dominate in professions such as construction, maintenance and engineering that hold up the infrastructure of society as well as other critical professions such as doctor, entrepreneur and firefighter. On the other hand, women mostly work in the helping and caring professions that often mimic motherhood (and sometimes partially replace it, such as in the case of daycare workers).
Returning to the pioneers, we find that the beginning of jazz is often attributed to Buddy Bolden. We don’t know who invented the Blues, but all of its early founders, from Robert Johnson to W.C. Handy were men. Rock is credited to Chuck Berry. Rap to DJ Koll Herc.
James Naismith invented basketball, Abner Doubleday invented baseball, Walter Camp invented football, James Creighton invented hockey and a bunch of ancient Athenians, almost certainly male, started the original Olympics.
The highest a woman has ever ranked in the FIDE World Rankings of chess grandmasters is eighth. And despite Serena Williams complaining that John McEnroe’s claims she’d be ranked around “700” in men’s tennis, Williams and her sister got obliterated by Karsten Braasch, who ranked 203rd in men’s tennis at the time. And for all that talk about how the U.S. women’s soccer team is underpaid, well, it did lose to a 15-year old boys team 5-2. Indeed, across the board, female individual athletic records are about that of a 14 or 15 year boys.
You could go on and on into all sorts of things.
Women are by no means useless. They are critical for raising children, taking care of the home, inspiring and helping their husbands and generally cause less violence and mayhem then men do. But the endless feminist propaganda has obscured the truth and rendered the male sex as being somewhere between useless and evil in many people’s minds. Such blatant fallacies, along with the virtue signaling of mayor Adley and the like, needs to be put to rest.
The male contribution to civilization is almost incalculable and certainly indispensable.
Read More: How To Restore Civilization By Following St. Benedict’s Example
Improving on a design / patent does not mean invention, Invention is being the first one to do so…
Lots of Dindu’s and Females grasping at fake straws for making small changes to already established Inventions.
Dontcha know that “simple logic” is rayciss and sexiss? You apparently are insensitive, lol.
Yes that I am, a total Anti-PC monster…
The future is fucked. No place for evil white men. I’d give humanity less than 100 years without white men.
That’s my take on it. I wish we could pack up all productive men and move to an island for a couple of years. Just let the various human parasites run things for a while. I predict there would be a major population reduction in the dependent class rather quickly. Of course there would be one helluva mess to clean up when we returned…
Funny how they all want to move to white civilisations built by white men…… then when white people want to be left alone and live in these civilisations they’re “RACIST!!!!”
As I always say, why do these people want to come to the West? Because their own countries are shit. Why are their countries shit? Because they’re full of those people.
And guess what happens to an advanced culture after you let enough third world shit-holers move in…
Exactly….. next time someone I know gives me the fugees good speech I’ll ask them if they’ve ever been to Africa and if they want Africa in Europe…. oh and mention the IQ bell curve…… ha ha…..
I’m with you. These folks that think open borders are a good idea need to spend a couple of weeks in Haiti or East St. Louis…
Who is John Galt?
Who I aspire to be…
Yup being a man is great and tumultuous at the same time. We don’t ask for anything but the admiration of our loved ones.
Men are simple like that.
It becomes a chore almost debunking the idiocy espoused by the sad-sacks about women’s accomplishments in science and so forth. Let’s be blunt-they have contributed next to nothing and are deluding themselves. Their delusion is on a par with Afrocentrism and other such mind-viruses. If women had the run of the place we’d still be living in caves and flinging feces at each other.
As mentioned in this article, women are not useless but they are evolutionarily built to rear children; no matter how much they doth protest and whatever ‘advances’ are more to ‘equalise’ society, science and nature are elegant and perfect.
To be fair, when I look around our completely fucked up degenerate culture these days, I see the contributions of women everywhere.
Where most of the regulars (aka now banned out of thin air) are hanging out. Just an FYI. Email in my profile
Excellent. Thank you good sir!
Good to know.
I would never ban GOJ! He’s like a grandfather figure to me.
You are now officially on The List, bub. Heh.
Of course not. I was joking about the continued bans here at RoK.
bem thinks he was for that, dong some shameless free plugging anyway
I have not much clue about that but the current course doesn’t seem like solution.
Was bem banned??
i think he said from ROK, but not
Thanks for the tip, Ghost.
I guess you CAN teach an old whore new tricks.
Who all got banned?
Yo mama
Good. I didn’t think she knew how to work a computer in the first place.
Actually I thin that Ainigmaris has the list on hand, I wasn’t around for the initial wave last week/weekend due to real life taking precedence. I just know a mess got banned.
Yeah, I was more than likely working when whatever it was went down.
For some reason I’m unbanned now. Isn’t that funny. Well I’m sick of making millions of accounts so I’m taking the G man’s suggesting and shipping post.
I prefer this blog – over the kingscastle but hey, can’t beat em join em (PS. Libertas, don’t forget to pay me in shekels for the shout out)
Libertas is great. Very knowledgeable and with a good balance.
Don’t he and Quintus communicate, but no doubt only ancient latin
That might be so. Quintus is also a very clever guy.
indeed, he is learned fellow
Yeah I visited his blog the other day. I liked the feel of it. And the topics resonated with me. Where else can you find articles about video games, purple-haired dykes, WCW/WWF, and Jews all in one place?
I wouldn’t mind writing a few articles as it looks like it’s just him writing for now.
The over-linking to Quintus on his blog made me think they speak in several tongues with each other, including body language. Heh. ie Tone it down bro!
Yeah. Seems multi-faceted and pretty ambitious. The only problem I have with other websites, and then I don’t mean individual blogs/personal websites because it is terrific and practical and have one for almost whatever reason, is that the content becomes too fragmentized and the network too “decentralized”. I rather see one or two major blogs with more quality and quantity that those interested can have more focus on.
haven’t visited Quintus’ blog for a while, and now I’m not sure I should. You make it sound like grinder for classical scholars
very interesting and informative!
Good that some of the guys have a place to chat. Like them all. You’re like the god of masculine conversation so obiquitously you can be everywhere.
thanks ladies!
It didn’t dawn on me until recently……
All the worst things are made profitable because of women.
Nope ! females make profit from worst things !!
Contributing to the downfall.
In regard to Wicca, it was not founded by a woman. It was founded by a man named Gerald B.Gardner. As I recall, he was a student of Aleister Crowley and quite the hedonist. He figured out how to get young women to drop their inhibitions along with their clothes and run around naked in the woods with him. A truly novel approach to game and pickup. So credit for Wicca must be given to Crowley and Gardner. The only thing women brought was the poon, lol!
Wiccan women are pretty easy to get into bed, so there’s that…
So I have heard. But I have never banged one. I don’t care to spiritually bond with a witch. You would be bound to get some of that on you, so to speak. I already have enough I have had to repent of. I don’t need to add that to the list. 😉
you wouldnt believe how much coin she wasted on Prada broomsticks..closet full of em
I don’t doubt it. And the next thing you know she’ll want a new cauldron because the old one is out of style. Then there are all the candles. Aside from the initial cost you’ll be lucky if she doesn’t burn your house down. Of course there is the excitement of never knowing when you will be the next human sacrifice…
Or to be introduced to the various interesting and fascinating biological lifeforms hanging out in the petri dish known as her vagina.
Ewwwww! That thought alone has kept me a virtuous man for many years. I mean the old standards like syphilis and gonorrhea are bad enough. But how about herpes? Or warts? The last thing I want to do is get up in the morning to pee and pull out something that looks like a head of cauliflower…
I wish I could have figured out how to get young women to drop their inhibitions along with their clothing and run around nekkid in the woods.
I heard the founder of AA was renowned hedonist who took advantage of “recovering” women in his group. Though alcohol has been known as “liquid panty remover” for quite awhile.
“Blow into this……”
Like the blonde telling the cop, as he was unzipping his fly, “Oh gawd, not another breathalyzer test…”
That could be correct, although I have no evidence to back it up. I do know that addictive personality types will jump to another addiction when their current du-jour is being removed, so basically the women in a group will go straight to sex addiction. Or so I was told by a dude who went to a few AA meetings and scored big time.
That was the excuse lindsay lohan told. She becomes sex addict instead of drug addict. Now she is a Muslim.
She’s a train wreck no matter what she does or claims. But I’d have smashed her with righteous fury before she went to crazy town.
I don’t doubt it for a minute. I have known various men over the years who were involved in church for access to the poon. One old friend of mine (and quite a player) once told me “there are more horny frustrated women in church than anywhere else.” He was banging one of our married secretaries at work who was up there singing in the choir every Sunday at the church I attended. I had more than my share of women there and at my in-laws’ church flirt with me. So much for churchian piety, huh?
Well churches are well known hunting grounds for re-born again sluts who are looking for their provider after they hit the wall.
Yeah it’s amazing that as their SMV goes on the wane and they have to climb off the carousel, how religious some of them become.
Sadly the are not a re born again hot tiffany 19yo old body, I know some of those reborn again women and they look like 10 years older that her actual age, they were hotties when they were 16, but now at 26 she look like a 38 women after several abortion, 3 kids with 2 different dads, and years of partying, beer and drugs.
My ex was a hottie when I dated her when she was 18 now she is 24 and his belly looks horrible after 2 kids, instant boner killer, ohh and yes she is marry and a re born again christian and was bored so she call me but I did not have sex with her because I do not find her attractive anymore, I block her and delete her number.
They are predators posing as house pets looking for an easy meal.
Hmm. Predatory house pets… Perhaps this is why they relate so well to “pussy cats”.
It’s all self-inflicted and a damn shame.
No kidding there. I was raised going to church, and the preacher’s daughter was the biggest slut there. She slept with most of the dudes of our age group (including me).
A preacher’s daughter at our high school was pure as the driven snow. If guys asked her out she’d bring them to her church. I guy I knew who was already successful with women of all ages got nowhere with her.
Then she went to college and dated the football team. Almost the entire football team simultaneously.
I think I’ve seen her in the movie…….
I went to school with a preacher’s daughter. Her mom and dad watched her like a hawk all through HS. As soon as she got to college and was on her own it was rumored that she turned into the town bike. I don’t doubt it for a minute. Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter.
Any given college campus in the autumn with 18 year old women away from home for the first time.
A cute daughter of my parents friends was knocked up by spring semester. The predictable marriage and divorce followed.
And he was a con, the method used in AA does not work, they have like 90% failure rate, 90% of people in AA continue to be alcoholics, He took advantage of “recovering” women, and also he was a drunk himself who was begging for whisky in his last moment before he die.
I read that too. The only (former) alocholics I knew who recovered were the ones who wanted to stop– no 12 step programm or court order ever accomplished it.
pffft the 12 step program and surrender yourself to a higher power are sect mind control tactics, also the excuse of this is an illness is nothing more than BS, that would imply no agency, it´s not my fault I´m ill.
Most “addictions” are little more than acting badly while eschewing responsibility for one’s own behavior. I’ll accept that some really potent chems can be addicting regardless of willpower, but I’ve never seen a smoker or drinker who, if he really put his mind to it, wasn’t able to quit and never look back.
I agree. I can forgive a guy who was in a bad accident or wounded in combat and picked up a morphine/ pain killer addiction, but over consumption of tobacco, weed, food, booze, etc.. is simply a (bad) choice.
Right! An acquaintance of mine told me he started seeing a pattern when he was younger. He would go out, get drunk, get in fights and get arrested. He decided to stop drinking. Problem solved. As he pointed out, it was a behavior not a disease.
But I am sure someone is collecting money for telling people it’s a disease and it’s not their fault. I have seen plenty of pastors raking in the dough by telling their congregations what they wanted to hear.
You will NEVER go wrong marketing the concept that people are not responsible for the bad things that happen to them. It’s a cash industry.
Sure some is now rich because of it, You can get very rich is made a career telling people what they want to hear, specially telling women what they want to hear, that´s the core in all self help books aimed to women, she do not want to hear she is wrong, she wants to read that what she is already and will do anyway is right. Profiting the hamsterization and women´s ego is a good business.
Agreed, alcoholism and drug addiction are *not* “diseases”, they are lapses in willpower/self-control.
Mom smoked for 50 years then quit cold turkey the 30th anniversary of her mom’s death from lung cancer. Once you find your reason you can quit any habit.
I’m not sure why femists insist on competing with men because they can’t. It’s just that simple, men and women are different,always have been,always will be no matter how many times we are told it’s not true.
It’s illogical to think otherwise but then logic isn’t natural to women and feminized men.
It’s not that women are stupid or inferior they just have different strengths and weaknesses that for some silly reason they have abandoned so they can compete, and….they can’t.
However many insecurities men possess they pale into insignificance when a women’s insecurity comes into play. When they were subservient to their husbands and had to look after families they didn’t have time to think about competing with men…… they loose every time…….
The natural differences between men and women have allowed us to develop a culture around it.
That is why the fact that man and woman are not inferior to each other but not equal was common sense a few years ago. Today, even with years of cultural Marxism, they have not been able to convince the whole West of the opposite.
Women bear and for the first year or two feed the next generation, preferably with minimal stress in the safe space which is also known as a home with a loving husband and nuclear family, and she can play HR or Boss to the offspring.
Even on the maintenance end, when is the show “Dirty Jobs” going to feature a woman. I think there was one once on Deadliest Catch, zero on AxMEN, and even those wierd staged ones like Mountain MEN, Moonshiners, etc. they are all men.
Even when you have a man and woman together in the wild, watch who does all the civilization building. But after building the hut and gathering food, the woman will complain that he isn’t sharing the housework.
Regarding the Apollo production, ‘Sorry Hollywood, men did this.’
Shouldn’t that read, ‘Sorry, Hollywood men did this’?
Either way, fact or stage show, it was men who pulled it off, lol!
No, the Russians tracked it. The whole idea that the moon landings were stages is just hooey, not coincidentally this is something that would diminish the achievements of men.
Do you want to discuss this?
Are you interested in direct historical scientific accounts of the ‘Russian tracking’?
‘… this is something that would diminish the achievements of men.’
You are correct and it’s why I avoided this topic for so many years.
Thanks, but I already looked into it. None of the ideas about why it was faked hold any water, not shadows, not dust, nothing. Further, we have direct, independent proof because of reflectors placed on the surface that we use for laser ranging to this day, and we have the hi-res photos by chinese, indian, and japanese spacecraft more recently that show equipment, tracks, etc on the surface where they are supposed to be, let alone rocks brought back that have since been analysed using techniques not even thought of in 1970, to test hypotheses not thought of then either. I won’t be wasting any more time on it, this is indeed something that men achieved.
Personally, I find there are certain aspects of the evidence that I find intriguing, despite the utterly preposterous nature of the claims.
Thanks for the detailed & courteous reply.
Thank you for the same. I agree with you, there were things that were said on the conspiracy side that I found interesting. Certainly interesting enough to look into. The fact that things like ‘no stars in the sky’ are fully explainable doesn’t mean that the explanation is fact. However, the fact that we indesputably know that those reflectors are where they were supposed to be, and the fact that more modern lunar orbiters (particularly the Chinese Chang’e 2 high resolution photos of the landing sites) show the evidence is enough for me.
Hi, again.
From memory, I understand that reflectors were placed there sometime in the very late 50s early 60s by a probe.
That’s my recollection of that particular aspect, could be wrong.
You’ll probably know some take all the Chinese images to paces in very entertaining and interesting ‘Youtube’ presentations.
Part of the enigma (for me) is how we come to understand the world beyond any possible direct experience, when all we have to rely on are…..
1) Information from official sources
2) Our own logical intellect and discernment
I was convinced by Percy’s (President Of The Royal Photographic Society at the time) explanations that so many images must be false.
That’s what spiked my interest at first.
It’s interesting.
Thousands of people worked on each of the Apollo missions. They were observed by countries hostile to the US and in a race to get to the moon first themselves. That all these people could be convinced to be part of a huge conspiracy and keep quiet over decades for the greater glory of the US (even by its enemies) is just not credible. All the supposed issues with the pictures are actually not issues, but simply misunderstandings of what conditions would be like on the moon or what the equipment was (eg the flag). The rocks that were brought back, which have been examined by groups from many countries over the years, show damage from micro-meteorites under the electron microscope, and there are none of those on Earth. This conspiracy would be a far greater feat than actually sending a few men to the moon, given that the big step – putting men into orbit – was already achieved. On the other hand, that some people want to deconstruct the achievements of the West, strip away everything that Western men can be proud of whether their objections are true or false – that we have evidence of all the time, see the attacks on statues of historical figures right now. I have no problems believing that some people would make up anything to discredit the moon landings.
‘Thousands of people worked on each of the Apollo missions.’
Indeed. but far less that the Manhattan Project (consuming 22% of all American electricity generation at one point).
‘The rocks that were brought back, which have been examined by groups from many countries over the years, show damage from micro-meteorites under the electron microscope, and there are none of those on Earth. ‘
”Moon rock’ given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.’
….and further…..
‘Attention, countries of the world: Do you know where your moon rocks are?
The discovery of a fake moon rock in the Netherlands’ national museum should be a wake-up call for more than 130 countries that received gifts of lunar rubble from both the Apollo 11 flight in 1969 and Apollo 17 three years later.’
It seems NASA can’t actuall put there hands on them
Jus’ sayin’ 😉
‘some people want to deconstruct the achievements of the West, strip away everything that Western men can be proud of whether their objections are true or false ‘
Well said.
I entirely agree.
This is a form of ‘cultural vandalism’ to besmirch everything and anything of value…..I though exactly that myself.
For years.
But for me some evidence is just too hard to dismiss.
Happy to engage again tomorrow if you perhaps find the above counters interesting.
That showed nothing. These rocks were very high value, it is no surprise that some of them (at least one) got substituted by criminals. What the report does not say is that they have all turned out to be fake. As I say, we have seen micro-meteorite damage in them. The fact that the Dutch one got substituted by a fake one is neither here nor there, they could see it was a fake because it was different from the genuine ones, that is how they know it is fake. If the US did not put men on the moon all those years ago the race would remain open, and there is no reason whatever that the Russians, Chinese and Indians would not go for it. But none of them do, since it is a useless expense to replicate what has already been done. This ‘conspiracy’ would be just too huge for reason. But people will try to tear down that accomplishment. After all, it wasn’t achieved by ‘minorities’ or women, so it can’t be valid, right?
What we’re seeing is the scumbagging of society. When societies are still in the hard stage, the scumbag element is kept to a minimum because the bullshit tolerance of men is low when a missed payment can mean your children don’t eat. If a man sees his son is not eating and going to bed hungry, he is far more likely to introduce a backstabbing two faced scumbag to a two-by-four when said scumbag engages in his default scumbaggery.
Such as the scumbag mayor of Austin, Texas.
But, when those same Men manage to create a situation of plenty (this involves repeatedly beating the shit out of local scumbag maggots), this lessens the urge to apply a beat down to a scumbag and put up with his all of the scumbag whining after the fact. Remember, when you apply force to a scumbag or a scumbag nation, all the other legitimate enemies in the area will use your action as an excuse to fuck with you. If you’re hungry, it’s worth it. But if you have something, then it’s not.
As a result of this restraint, our scumbag population is increasing in all sectors of society. Much like when you remove wolves from an environment, the scumbags of the wild, deer, start to propagate, eat up all the vegetation, shit in everyone’s yard etc. So that when those wolves were reintroduced to Colorado, this put the scumbag deer on notice. They stopped ambling about in the fields eating every fucking thing in sight, they stopped drinking all the damn water, etc. As a result, vegeation returned, the birds came back to nest in the new growing trees, and even the rivers grew because the vegetation that grew allowed the soil to retain the water.
Fortunately, everything is cyclical. The scumbags are overgrowing the garden and wrecking it, when the garden starts to collapse, the Men will stand up and take notice, properly apply thoughtful beat downs to all the local scumbags and then take order again.
Observe the process in the wild: Scumbag feminist hyenas fuck with Lion. At 2:11 Intwye Dimayla – He Who Greets With Fire – wakes up and says “I was having a great nap and some scumbag feminist woke me up. So now someone is going to fucking pay.”
Funny you should refer to ‘feminist hyaenas’. In hyaenas the female clitoris is larger than the male’s penis, and the females run the show. A kind of feminist utopia. Now we will see if Disqus use that as a reason to block this post…
nothing funny about it, I specifically picked that example because the analogy is perfect.
lots of good research in this article
I know a woman in the cryonics community who has had an indifferent career as a “scientist.” When she finally bore a child in her 30’s, a cute blonde girl, she discovered her real calling in life.
I mean, who could have imagined that women evolved to bear and rear children instead of doing science?
That’s what I always thought. Can women be scientists, businesswomen, doctors, teachers, etc?
Is it the best thing they can do in their lives?
If I had a daughter I would prefer that she be more focused on forming a family than trying to waste her reproductive life. Women who do not have children and focus exclusively on their careers tend to go crazy over time (perhaps with the exception of Grace Murray Hopper, who is the only one I know).
turkey basters for ladies to impregnate ladies with modified lady batter. Invented by a man: well a gay Santa Claus on xmas day 1963
Yeah, according to our ideology of equality and diversity, anyone can become anything.
So why can’t a woman become Literally Hitler? Absolutely no one worries about that, because even the most delusional SJW’s and antifa losers assume female inferiority relative to men.
Studies have shown that female rulers declare war significantly more often than male rulers. If historically females were half the rulers we would probably have had at least three hitlerettes or gengis khandis by now.
Every morning I always notice the work trucks on the road are always driven by men… out building and keeping the world running…
Also, in the story below about shortages of truck drivers, 95% are men, and in order to attract women, companies are having to make the job easier go figure.
But I keep reading that self-driving trucks will throw these men out of work in a handful of years.
Though given what we’ve seen happening in Silicon Valley lately, I doubt these futurist nerds can pull this off if they have to hire people for diversity theater instead of actual competence in solving problems.
Haha! “You know how to drive a 70,000# truck right? Because we need you so that we can meet our diversity quota!”
Actually the MOS of truck driver has open to females for a long time in the militaty, but many fail because they were required to change a tire on the truck unassisted.
Not making that up.
Diversity quotas are a much stronger stresser pushing companies towards automation than the minimum wage or trade tariffs. At least with minimum wage hikes you can keep your good employees. With quotas you gotta hire based on genitals and darkness of skin instead of ability.
Don’t you dare belittle female accomplishment when they indeed invented the Myspace angle.
Myspace was allright. It had built-in dating, profile customization, music etc.
Then Zuckerburg and the fucking loser nerds created facebook, where you can’t search for people by proximity, there is no dating feature so you can hit on random hotties and meet up, no profile customization, just vapid boring bullshit, selfies, girls who recycle the same pictures a year later for a whole new round of “likes”, and a hardline leftist propaganda newsfeed.
I was thinking last night how much better the world was before Facebook. It brought everyone who shouldn’t be online, online… and fucked it all up.
Facebook ruined dating.
What girl is going to be satisfied with attention from one man, even if he’s the best she could ever get, when instead she can have instant perpetual validation from legions of drooling orbiters? A lot of guys are cucked into tolerating their girlfriends being attention whores, but I dont see how a relationship could ever work when your gf has scores of other cocks publicly displaying their eagerness to be her next fuck.
Leave up to women to take a perfectly good camera and use it to take pictures from weird angles to distort the truth.
Civilization is 100% masculine. There’s no rational debate. A handful of women throughout all of recorded history have contributed to technological innovation in small ways, but to pretend otherwise is the height of delusion.
Women are designed to make babies. Men are designed to make everything else.
“.. but to pretend otherwise is the height of delusion.”
Tell me if you have ever heard this in the course of your life: “girls can do anything boys can do; women are just as smart as men (even smater); women are more empathetic; women work harder; etc….”
The west is delusional, but you knew that.
Islam is the religion of peace
Diversity is our strength
Everyone was born equal
Such things need only be affirmed inversely proportional to their truth.
Stop what you’re doing. Look around you right now. Your computer. Your apartment or house. The television. Indoor plumbing. Electricity.
Everything you see *right now* was invented by men. Built by men. Installed in your house by men.
Women make babies and rear them. Men create. It’s nature.
Damn straight, sir.
Bitches don’t like being reminded of this fact…. ha ha….. they always come out with some horse shit that muh patriarchy…….
“That’s right sugartits, it’s muh patriarchy that gave you every luxury in your life, every fine meal that is bought for you, every bottle of wine you drink when you’re alone with your cats and has stopped you from having to live in a cave or from having to pound linen clothing with rocks by the stream”
Amen brother!!
” .. pound linen clothing with rocks by the stream”
I’ve tried this and it’s actually quite a bit of fun. If you do it properly, it’s easier on clothing than the average washing machine. I did require a an extra mani that week though.
What’s your address? I will send you my laundry to do on the rocks, since you enjoy it so much. 😉
I don’t pound laundry without a commitment, Rob 🙂
I don’t commit in a legal system that NEVER holds women to their agreements, aka “no fault” for women but men still pay. That’s unconscionable and masochistic.
It’s risky, yes. If divorce laws were rewritten you would marry? Nothing else dissuades you? I wonder if most men wouldn’t be happier single with or without a favorable legal system. Now that social expectations are gone I don’t know why many of you bother.
Have RoK men been so thoroughly brought to their knees you would need to remind each other of this?
Is what he said false or are you just triggered?
No, Jess, I agree with him.
Men feel underappreciated, yes? That’s maybe dangerous because remember what happened when women felt underappreciated.
they thought… “to hell with being women, lets be men, got jobs billed as careers/slaves, maxing out credit cards left right and center, thought having children was evil & against a woman’s natural biology thus ushering in the downfall of western civilization?
Yes, that.
And destroy, it does you good to remind them once in a while.
Women contribute by having babies fucked into them and then doing their best to raise the babies until around 3 years of age, when the father effectively takes responsibility for the children’s upbringing and moral foundation. No normal guy could give a shit less about women’s pathetic “contributions” to culture or human advancement outside of the aforementioned.
Women can’t even do that anymore.
Yet TV series and movies set in “the future” show competent female starship captains, female starship engineers, ass-kicking space babes in catsuits and so forth. So do similar novels.
Well, we call that genre “science fiction” for a reason.
Interestingly, they tend to be written by men with last names like Cohen, Schuman, Steinberg, etc.
Behind every great woman there are 50 great men.
Behind every great man is a woman…
…that he had to succeed in spite of.
Ha ha…… heard this one recently…. for every beautiful woman there’s a guy tired of fucking her…….
Bill Burr said something about this, and I’ve seen it myself. Guy with a dream/goal working his ass off to achieve it. The whole time the woman in his life giving him flack, bitching he’s not spending his time/resources on her, telling him he’s an idiot and it will never work, he’ll never get there.
Then he achieves it and suddenly it’s all because of her support. Especially if they’re married and she wants a divorce.
Experienced it first hand…… took bitch out to dinner…. told me, exact words, “you haven’t cooked for me or taken me out in 3 months”, this after we were on holidays and I paid for everything….. should have retorted “you haven’t sucked my cock in 4…..”
I heard something similar. “No matter how good she looks, there’s some guy somewhere tired of putting up with her sh!t.”
Think of just how much time and wealth our civilization has wasted in the last 50 years pursuing this mirage of female equality to men! If we had maintained a patriarchal and economically rational society instead, we could have invested that time and wealth into becoming something like an advanced civilization right out of science fiction.
I mean, we could have started to colonize Mars by now in a big way, where the men go out to perform scientific research, mine Martian resources, construct Martian cities and so forth, while the women stay at home in the Mars settlements to keep house and rear the colonists’ children.
That’s why the term the regressive left is so on point. If Sweden would have let in 200 000 immigrants instead of 2 000 000 in the last 30 years they could have built the best infrastructure in the world, even better than in Northeast Asia and Switzerland.
In just over half a century we went from hot air balloons to SR71 Blackbird (1966), Concorde (1969), the Boeing 747 (1970), Apollo 11 moon landing (1969). But the ’60s saw the hippy generation and the late 60s/70s saw the rise of feminism. We seem hardly beyond the 1960s technically in many ways (computers excluded), and can no longer even send someone to the moon, let alone Mars; I wonder what we could have done without women’s ‘contribution’ of feminism.
Not to mention affirmative action and welfare draining a giant chunk of GDP to provide gibsmedats so welfare queens can crap out litters of feral children that drain ever more from the rest of us for cops, prisons, and destruction of property.
It’s a man’s world, baby. Almost all of the good and almost all of the bad are because of men. Even a career female politician can’t beat a maniacal male narcissist with no political experience to run our country, despite the claim that she won the popular vote. Women should quit fighting this natural process and assume their natural role as the “neck” that supports the “head” of the family, organization, society, etc. We’ll take the risks, make the decisions, and be the leaders, and the women can guide, support, assist, and do what they do best. Harmony shall then ensue and we can stop this nonsense of women trying to compete in arenas in which they have no chance of success.
I had an epiphany last night while watching the 2004 “King Arthur” movie with Clive Owen.
Arthur and Lancelot are talking about the wonders of Rome, how all the greatest minds in the world have come together to make mankind free.. and Lancelot says, “…and the Women” heh heh heh
Perhaps a major driver for the rise of civilization has been to provide an environment for beautiful women to thrive in. When women can live pampered lives of plenty, they end up being far more attractive than if they live just on the edge of survival. Unfortunately it has gone too far and women are running amok because we’ve given them too much leeway with the disintegration of social pressure to act like ladies rather than succumb to their lowest animalistic nature.
Look what happened to Rome when degeneracy was allowed to fester. Society collapsed and was destroyed by barbarians. History repeats itself.
An look what happens pampered western women…. blue hair, facial jewellery, tattoos, obesity….. ah progress….. you give us so much…..
Ive noticed a disturbing trend lately, bitches are starting to get FACE tattoos. As if ruining their tits wasnt bad enough. They just cannot resist the urge to self-destruct for attention-whoring purposes. This may be one of the worst times in history to find a quality mate.
Yup…. if it ain’t materialism up the wazoo…..and boy have I been there…. it’s the attention whoring…..I blame a lot of those gossip magazines and websites….. they are turning women to shit……
I was a 90s teen, and I distinctly remember girls whining about supermodels and how it was an impossible image to live up to/compete with. This was back when the average girl was at least bangable, if not a smokin’ hot tasty vixen.
So collectively they all decided to revolt against the epitome of femininity and beauty and started a race to the bottom to get fat and trash their bodies and be unrepentant whores.
I was mowing the other day and a pack of highschool cross country girls walked by on my sidewalk. I’m a damn good lookin’ guy, and I waved and said hello ladies, not one of them responded. They just looked at me like, “ummm, ur weeeeurrrd” or some BS. Give me a fuckin break. Anyway this was the fucking cross country team for gods sake, shouldnt these girls all be in lean/mean pretty good shape? They look nothing like what girls sports teams looked like when I was in highschool, most of them were average body type and alot of them were 1-2 years away from being too fat to fuck.
Girls become attention whores the instant they hit puberty, and by the time theyre -not even- 25, they are already so washed up, or just plain fat, that I want nothing to do with them.
It would be very nice if I could find a mature (as in “adult” not “old and worn out”) girl in her mid to late 20s that would make a quality girlfriend, rather than having to bang 18-22 year olds who have great bodies and are great pieces of ass, but who are usually intolerably immature/annoying/boring to the point where fucking them ends up being not worth having to endure their childish behavior, because they are the only girls available that are fuckable.
Sometimes I’ll see a fit lady in her 40s who I look at and think god damnit, I was born too late to snag a woman like that when she was young. I’d gladly give up computers to go back in time when women still took care of themselves.
I’d love to know the cross country teams lap times!!! Ha ha….I’m over 40 and can manage 6 k in 30 mins……
I go twice the distance as I did in highschool, but break it up into about ten 3/4 of a mile hard mini-runs with some power walking in between, I like to be full-on sweating and breathing hard for about 1.5 hours straight.
The other day went to check out the new fitness club in town so I can keep in tiptop shape in the winter. Good god the fatass sweat-hogs on the treadmills; I am extremely thankful these hambeasts arent clogging up the trails where I go running through the woods!
You will find the thin / buff people around the weights. The cardio machines are usually inhabited by barely ambulatory marine mammals.
I don’t get the point of these comments. At least they realize they’re fat and are doing something about it. Hate on the fat cunts who refuse to even lift a finger because of “muh body positivity”
I dont think their intention is to get in shape. Their intention is to show everybody else that they just cant help being a fatass, I mean look at them theyre trying and still fat, and then they go and appropriate the word curvy for their body type.
Sorry I wasn’t clearer. I sometimes assume others in the neo-masculinity community understand how counter productive “chronic cardio” is to weight loss, muscle gain and overall health. We are designed to sprint (short bursts of high speed, like escaping from a predator), move a lot slowly (covering a lot of ground in a day) and to lift heavy things periodically (move that rock, tote the bundle of firewood, etc.). We are not designed to run / exercise at “aerobic” levels for long periods of time. Look up some of the health detriments of “chronic cardio” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It will enlarge your heart, damage your joints and actually cause muscle loss. Of course this BS has been fed to us by the medical community so a lot of folks believe it because the doctor said so. That medical advice hasn’t stopped a lot of guys that have been running every day for thirty years or more, and are in great shape, from just dropping dead in their fifties.
In fact sprinting for short distances and getting your heart rate up is very good for you. Walking a lot during the day keeping your heart at a moderate rate is also good. And lifting weights periodically (without over-training) is also great. Lifting weights builds lean muscle mass which burns calories while you’re just sitting around. And for guys (and gals) my age (late fifties) and younger it counteracts sarcopenia (age related muscle loss) which leads to frailty. Strong muscles stabilize your joints, a strong core protects your back and of course you look better too.
The land locked marine mammals I have seen at the gym get on an elliptical machine, treadmill or bike for 30 to 45 minutes, sweat their ass off and head straight to the juice bar for a fruit smoothie. They think that because they “went to the gym” they can stop off at Wendy’s on the way home for a triple cheeseburger, large fries, a Coke and a frosty. The fact is they probably burned about 250 K calories and then consumed 1800 more and just don’t understand why they can’t lose weight. As the saying goes (and it’s very true) “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” It’s 80% diet and only 20% exercise. All of the information about this is out there for free. All they’d have to do is look. But they don’t, so I’m not terribly sympathetic.
What’s more, all they have to do is look across the gym and see what the folks that are hitting the weights look like. It’s not a coincidence that most of them are lean as well as buff. I get your point about them knowing they have a problem and trying to do something. But no matter how hard you try, an F is still a failing grade. You don’t get an A for effort when you’ve been doing the same thing over and over and still are 80 to 100 pounds overweight. It really comes down to self discipline with the food and learning what actually works in the gym. I won’t shame someone who asks me how I have done it. Quite the contrary, I have been advising a dear friend that has already lost 42 pounds this year by simply being disciplined and following a primal diet. He’s my age and fast on his way to being in great shape again. That is what I want for everyone.
It’s Pikajew!
I never wanted to be a hardcore runner, I just do it enough to stay lean and increase my lung capacity and sweat my ass off as I enjoy running through the woods.
I still do some sprints now and again even at my age. I have seen too many older guys just quit and that’s a bad deal. But as far a going out and running long distance? No thanks. I do try to make sure I get in at least 10,000 steps walking each day though. But what helped me lose the fat was getting back into weight training in earnest. But I can’t overemphasize the importance of diet.
Hate on the fat cunts that do something about it and then think they’re hot shit.
cant stand that scrawny maggot who played Guinevere (and her grrrrl powa i cant fight the Saxon army), but i liked that particular story line of King Arthur
In all fairness, beer was probably invented by women. It makes sense. Assyrian men were probably too busy conquering and building civilization to bother making brewskies.
I’m almost certain it was invented by men. I mean, who are the vast majority of moonshiners and other distillers? Then there are the prisoners who invented pruno.
It’s always funny how when you do a little research about these women inventors you always find some guy lurking in the background of said invention/discovery…. Oh but he’s just there for moral support.
Red pilled men BUILD society. Matriarchs and blue pilled boys inherit it.
Current COLLAPSE will end when a tougher new generation takes hold.
Men work and women eat.
‘shop’ works too.
Women’s duty !–mandi-you-must.jpg
If all women went on strike for a day or a month there would widespread minor inconveniences.
If all men went on strike for a day or two there would be catastrophic shutdown and it would take MEN much longer than a day or two to get it all back on track. All the while the women would be obstructing the men with their nagging expectations.
This is a reality ?
A store has just opened in New York City that offered free husbands.
When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions
at the entrance:
“You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors to choose from.
You may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up
to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the
So, a woman goes to the store to find a husband. On the 1st floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 – These men Have Jobs
The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely Good Looking.
“Wow,” she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the 4th floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.
“Oh, mercy me!” she exclaims. “I can hardly stand it!” Still, she goes to the 5th floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the Sign reads:
Floor 6 – You are visitor 71,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that you are impossible to
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender bias charges, the store’s owner opened a Wife Store just across the street.
The 1st first floor has wives that love sex.
The 2nd floor has wives that love sex and don’t nag !
The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited….
that ones a classic
Then, there’s as well a quote, from an elderly lady celebrating with her husband the Diamond anniversary of their marriage ..
When asked what has made her marriage successful ??
Answer.. Keep you man stomach full & his balls empty !
Women’s duty to men ?–mandi-you-must.jpg
You also forgot to include: the worlds most accomplished classical artists, fashion designers, chefs, athletes, and warriors/soldiers.
Wanda Sykes is funny? Since when??
A while ago I poste an excerpt from fantastic Camille Paglia’s ‘Sexual Personae’ (1991), but it was considered spam. I uploaded it here:
Enjoy it. Very important message.
Men build civilizations women build societies. Women are the communal glue that is meant to hold families and communities together while men build the political, economic and military structures meant to keep those communities safe and prosperous. Grant women authority within the male realm and the structures built by the cold hard reason of men will now be guided by the self serving emotionalism of women, and no structure that has been built upon reason can survive that.
It has been pointed out elsewhere, either on this site (most likely) or on another, that when women make any progress or contribution, it’s because they were following in the footsteps of a man or following a path laid out by a man.
The neopagan religion called Wicca is no exception. It was founded by a man, Sir Gerald Gardner.
Fritz haber = Jewish
Richard Lewisohn = Jewish
Karl Landesteiner = Jewish parents who converted
2 or 3 out of the 4 most life saving people in the world. Just saying for all you anti semites out there, enjoy
Relationships between men and women are all about matching supply with demand and demand with supply. That is why being a functional man and choosing a functional woman are critical to your happiness.