Self-Hating White Mom Surprised To Find Out Her Daughter Hates Being White

Globe & Mail author Tama Ward has recently shared an article revealing how her five-year-old Canadian daughter Abigail feels guilt and shame for being white.

At breakfast, in the glass-towered city of Vancouver, five-year-old Abigail looks glumly at her half-eaten bowl of cereal.

“What is it, honey?” I brush the bangs back from her face.

She lets out a big sigh. “I wish I wasn’t white.”

I start. Nothing in the parenting manuals has prepared me for that.

“All we’ve ever done is hurt people,” she continues. “I wish my skin was dark and that I had a culture.”

How could a young child have such an acute awareness of her race? It’s not hard when she has a social justice mother who has brainwashed her into loving anything and anyone non-white.

We live in a part of the city where immigrant families abound. Our neighbours are homesick, first-generation Mexicans, which means that salsas and pinatas and Aztec legends feature prominently at shared social gatherings. Our family regularly eats in Little India where we gush over the flavours of curry and dhal, and every February, we attend the Chinese New Year parade in the slanting rain. Plus, my husband and I are children of missionaries and harbour an acute guilt for the cultural imperialism of our forebears. To compensate, we’ve raised our children with a deep appreciation of non-Western cultures.

So when Abigail laments the colour of her white skin, part of me is programmed to protest. Is it not my moral obligation to tell her that her feelings of poor self-worth are nothing compared with the psychological ruin of real racism? Girl, everything about Canadian culture weighs in your advantage and you have no right to snivel!

Instead, I feel a sadness settle over me. We thought we were raising the enlightened child of the 21st century. We thought we were doing our part in setting the history record straight. Yet, in doing so, it seems we have robbed our oldest child of something primal to psychological health, something elemental to her well-being as a human being: cultural roots.

I don’t know what to say.

The mother Tama Ward

Do you really believe her “sadness”? If she truly was sad, she would attempt to right the wrong and teach her daughter to be proud of who she is, but she does nothing of the sort. Instead, she continues to program her with revisionist history.

I consider the you-are-Canadian spiel: “part of a new society made up of the vibrancy of many cultures, etc.” Yet, “Canadian” is precisely the problem. What is Canadian? Her best friend is Canadian and Mexican. Her cousin, Canadian and Bengali. Even our Indigenous neighbours have a First Nation before they have Canada. To play the Canadian card will further neuter her culturally when what she’s looking for are deep roots that ground her to a people and place.

The truth is that her article is a way to compete with other liberal moms: “See how much my daughter hates whitey? Your daughter is more likely to be a racist than mine!” This is nothing short of emotional abuse for the child, and I’m sure Canadian psychologists are salivating at the prospect of dealing with the intense identity issues that Abigail and her peers will certainly have when they get older, as Leonard D Neubache from the forum points out:

It’s actually pretty sad imagining what it’s like for this kid.

Mum hates white people.
I’m white.
Mum hates me.

“I wish I wasn’t white”, is the kid saying, “I wish I was someone you could actually love.”

Another way that self-hating mothers are harming their children is by taking them directly to transsexuals for disturbing reading events called Drag Queen Story Hour. One event featured a tranny dressed up as Baphomet, a popular symbol among Satanic worshippers.

Liberal moms in the back, enjoying the show while drinking Starbucks

This child will not grow up healthy

Parents who bring their children to this freak should get a visit from social services

If you’re a tranny child molester who happens to be reading this article right now, Drag Queen Story Hour is a great program for you to be in direct contact with potential victims. I have no doubt that we will soon see cases where parents turn a blind eye to their children’s molestation to “destigmatize” pedophilia, which is actively being normalized. We also can’t forget to mention mothers subjecting their children, usually sons, to hormone therapy to change their sex, sharply increasing their risk of suicide.

With single motherhood on the rise, we may see no limit to what liberal mothers subject their children to in order to announce to the world that they are the most virtuous social justice warrior on the block. It’s too bad that they have ruin the lives of defenseless human lives in the process.

Read Next: Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie’s Daughter Is A Sad Casualty Of Disastrous Liberal Parenting

60 thoughts on “Self-Hating White Mom Surprised To Find Out Her Daughter Hates Being White”

  1. Great article.
    I think disqus is setting you up for a fall roosh, trying to overwhelm you with excessive comment moderation. In the end, you’ll have the most extreme radicals commenting, which will warrant some sort of govt interference.
    Also, why are only white kids at tranny story hour?

    1. “Your cousin is Canadian-Bengali”. That sums it up. Brown folks want to wife up “White” women and are in love with white skin. I guarantee you that this daughter will go and wife up some loser Indian guy who fantasizes about White chicks.

    2. Baby gets a feel from the familiar vibrations from whence they came. The TITTIE NIPPLE is a warm cozy reminder. Dad would never do that. As a side note: Cigarette manufacturers a century ago realized that the cigar when made small into a cigarette had the same dimentions and circumferance as a protruding TITTIE NIPPLE. Cigarettes are therefore strongly addictive due to the association of sucking on a blunt object which brings pleasure. A 13 yo will dare take a drag on a cigarette and something unexplanable happens. He has latent fond memories returning of sucking on the object which brings pleasure. He can’t quite put his finger on it but he is swept back in time and . . BAM he’s addicted to sucking . . on cigarettes now.

    3. The reason there are no kids of ‘color’ in the tranny storytelling group is because the black kids all see trannys as a white thing. The black kids have their own cultural storytime at Kwanzaa
      It seems the tranny storytime is the only white only allowed gathering these days. Also satanic goths who shove 20 penny nails in their noses and spikes through their cheeks are largely white. Goths have a heavy jewish presence. The tranny readers may be as well.
      Whites are herded like cows into these non culturally enriching venues. Try sponsoring a peaceful all white Aryan fest or picnic and watch the snakes come out and reveal themselves. Neighbors who you thought were nice suddenly come out as two faced. Their favored response is swatting or calling upon their associates in government to orchestrate a clusterfuck of sjw pressure and attacks. Long before the term SJW was invented, government bureaus were very busy engaging all areas of white culture with the aim of neutering it.

  2. White people lost their culture when abandoned ways of their ancestors and started to worship jahve. Jüden-kretin is anti-aryan by nature and alien to indoeuropean people.

    1. All the great universities, most of the great literature, the preservation of Greco Roman civilization, the heights of music, the development of modern science, the greatest monuments, the most just and subtle of law codes, and the foundations of the greatest empires in world rest on the pillar of Christianity.
      But you can go worship a tree in the forest in service of a god even you don’t really believe is there if you want.

      1. You do realize that Christianity is a Semitic religion? It’s non-white and non-European.
        Just because it forms the foundation of European culture doesn’t mean it originated in Europe or was created by Europeans. They copied it, because they found it more useful than their own belief system.

      2. I’m Roman Catholic, but am identifying more and more with the “Roman” part of the equation lately. There is much to learn from Christ no doubt, a great Jewish man who stood up to the Pharisees and realized there is more to life than money, but I don’t want to sacrifice my people and children’s future in the name of Christianity.
        If Christianity does not find a way to support the people that follow the faith in a tangible sense, Europeans will gradually shift to a belief system that promotes their continued existence and prosperity as a community. As it stands right now Islam produces stronger and more spiritually virile warriors than Christianity does, as conquest is not considered a sin in their religion. Up until recently, Christianity retained some of its pagan rituals and ethnically-bound cultural practices, which played a role in sustaining the people who supported the faith. But without that pagan element, lost because the rituals and cultures have been sterilized and commercialized, all that is left of Christianity is the part that negates one’s identity and self-interest.
        Only Christians currently follow a religion that expects its people to sacrifice themselves, while every other group is either quickly gaining on them, or are simply too stupid to realize that they are not practicing Christianity truthfully.

      3. @Marcus, ideas aren’t “white” or “non-white”, neither are truths.
        If the God revealed in the Bible is the real God, then that’s it, nothing else matters.
        There is pride in ones family and origin, an extension of filial piety, a universally recognized virtue, and then there’s myopic insularity.
        The Chinese got slapped around by the Japanese despite being much larger and ostensibly stronger because when the Japanese were confronted with superior ideas and technology, they accepted it. The Chinese derided it as white devil magic. So the Japanese had real organization and real firearms while the Chinese didn’t.
        Refusing something based on ethnic origins is the same mindset behind Africans believing witch doctor juju will protect them from bullets or that raping a virgin will cure AIDS. But hey, at least they’re being faithful to their ethnic origins right?

  3. This is horrifying! Drag queen story time! Wtf. My mom read to me as a kid and it was like a personal bonding time. Drag queens are the type of gay that I can’t stand. One thing to have a sexual preference but its another to praide around like a freak and rub it in everyone’s face. Sickening to me a child is like a sponge and that deranged spill of a drag queen is what they soak up.

    1. A young mind absorbes everything like a sponge. It’s called resaturating when you take something at base state and infuse a controlled medium into it. Like when you chemically treat wood, you have to first cure and dry the wood, removing all the moisture. Then the wood is like a sponge and it soaks up all the creosote or oil. A fresh piece of wood repels oil. Oil runs off in beads, but once a dried piece is placed in a tub of oil, it drinks it into the grain permanently. That’s how they make railroad ties and telephone poles.
      Diet works the same too with a child. If you feed only twinkies and soda to a toddler, that toddler becomes saturated like a piece of treated wood with dead food. That kid will die within a short period when fed strictly crap. Also the kid’s system loses the ability to absorb essential nutrients. Once blockage occurs, receptors turn off and immunities reverse. The propaganda shit shovelling into the minds of our youth must stop.

      1. They make railroad ties by boiling them in creosote. The water boils out and, as it cools, the creosote is drawn deep into the wood. There is no need to cure the wood first. Only the rough shaping need happen previous to the saturation.
        Same with kids. Immerse them in your own culture, apply heat and pressure while immersed in it, making certain that they have, in fact, absorbed it.. The treatment will last many decades despite the continuous onslaught of outside forces and will carry amazing loads while doing so.

      2. Antifa and SJWs are proof that zombification has been achieved with complete propaganda saturation.

    2. how do you know that wasn’t you’re dad dressed up as your mum…….while your mum was smoking a cigar in the living room listening to cricket on the wireless? At that age could you be absolutely sure?

      1. My father is a war vet. In fact he was stationed over in England during the 1996 Manchester bombing. He helped save hundreds of your British asses!

      2. you’re kind of sensitive about the whole tranny thing. (not sure why I can’t reply directly)

      3. Baby gets a feel from the familiar vibrations from whence they came. The TITTIE NIPPLE is a warm cozy reminder. Dad would never do that. As a side note: Cigarette manufacturers a century ago realized that the cigar when made small into a cigarette had the same dimentions and circumferance as a protruding TITTIE NIPPLE. Cigarettes are therefore strongly addictive due to the association of sucking on a blunt object which brings pleasure. A 13 yo will dare take a drag on a cigarette and something unexplanable happens. He has latent fond memories returning of sucking on the object which brings pleasure. He can’t quite put his finger on it but he is swept back in time and . . BAM he’s addicted to sucking . . on cigarettes now.

  4. “means that salsas and pinatas and Aztec legends”
    I can only assume that they believe that they are the ones who will be the celebrants and not the sacrifice.

  5. I’d sooner have an MS13 gangbanger over to dinner with my family than losers like that mother or the degenerate Satanic tranny.

  6. This is child abuse. Pointlessly shaming innocent people who have done nothing wrong. It’s time for men to stand up to this nonsense. Do not be jealous of those who are stronger than you. Look to them for inspiration, improve yourselves and come together. Stop taking the easy way out and surrender to the miserable whiners and complainers.

    1. “It’s time for men to stand up to this nonsense.
      And it will have to begin in the home. Unfortunately, the “man” in this house is just as loopy as the woman.

  7. It all depends on how much you value things like culture, religion, nationalism, ethnicity etc. I personally don’t give a fuck about it. I live how I want and don’t follow a specific belief system that people created thousands of years ago.
    And why should I feel proud because some random white guy did great things in the past? And why should I feel guilty because some lowlife white guys murdered indigenous people to steal their land and wealth? Something is seriously wrong when you derive your self-worth from the accomplishments or failures of other people.

    1. I agree with this. Of the 100 billion or so people that have already walked on earth, only a few thousands maybe have invented or discovered things.
      Most people are literally just talking monkeys with little interesting to say. Even people with moderate intelligence can mostly use existing technology but not push boundaries forward. I’ll give my own example as a mediocre programmer. I can use some computer languages, even C/C++, program something somewhat useful etc but I will never be a game changer, invent new languages, frameworks, chips, circuits etc. I would never even have thought up something like the computer if it had not existed before. And despite having some knowledge about the Windows and Linux kernel, device driver development etc I would be unable to find flaws that allow zero day hacking.

      1. You guys are missing the point. Liberals are making the connection between whites living today and whites of the past. They shame people they are jealous of by connecting them to a “brutal” anscestor. It’s a lie anyway, liberals are jealous of a history that they don’t feel like they are a part of. OR they do it to show submission to the complainers and virtue signal hoping for a reward. I’m right about this. Don’t disagree with me out of spite. Spiteful arguing just to argue.

    2. For some of us, we feel the same about our race, as we do about our family. Natural affection. So imagine the pride you feel when your brother, or sister accomplishes something grand. You cheer and are happy and say “that’s my brother!”
      That’s exactly how I feel about my race. And I’m not the only one

      1. We’re I to meet white people somewhat regularly who thought the same, I would most likely agree. Honestly, I see the people walking along the street as marks these days.

  8. It’s a copout to say you don’t care what other people are doing. The parasites will rise to power and have a negative impact on those they are jealous of. To say you don’t care makes you a cuck and you will allow people to do whatever they want as they continue to push the limits. Don’t care? Okay, I’ll keep that in mind, I’ll make sure you are left behind.

  9. Someone tell the little girl that she needn’t worry about being
    “white.” When she’s 13 she can take up with a black boy.
    If that relationship fails then she can go on to other black males.
    The inumerible sperm deposits and the inevitable bi-racial child
    (We see such things on the made for Cable T.V. programs.) will
    solve that problem.
    And if (Heaven forbid) she moves onto a Beta cuck post age 30,
    any child he has with her won’t be white either.

    Maybe her 5-year-old is a genius, but I’ve never heard of someone so young speaking so articulately about such issues.
    Furthermore, what Mexicans talk about “Aztec legends”?? She had me laughing out loud at that one! Hysterical!
    Now I KNOW she’s making this up.
    I’m a native, lifelong Texan, and I’ve heard one — UNO — Mexican ever mention an Aztec legend in my whole life. And I’ve been to more “shared social gatherings” than there were Mexican soldiers at the Alamo.
    Another godless, amoral liberal using her innocent child as a means for showing how “woke” she is to her sniveling peers.
    But I agree with her on one thing: she doesn’t know what to say.
    The only thing she can come up with in regards to British culture is high tea??
    What about the Magna Carta, countless advancements in technology and Medicine, and the fact that wherever the English language goes, prosperity and societal advancement always follow.
    It is true that the British Empire is guilty of colonialism and imperialism, but can anyone name one major civilization throughout history that is not? Don’t get me started on the Aztecs.
    This woman is a disgrace.

    1. She’s using her daughter as a mouthpiece, just like that 8 year old? Toronto drag queen’s mother.
      I suppose for money, somehow.

  11. I really miss the old ROK writers who wrote about actual GUY stuff (i.e. making money, workouts/diets, etc….) and not this tranny/societal decline obsession that is slowly overtaking this website.

    1. are you plugging globalist – don’t talk politics just focus on self- improvement – AKC? Last thing I heard they were really keen to stress we shouldn’t do anything about anything except to focus on our own responsibility for improving our lives. Cos like what’s the point in politics and stuff we can’t change ?

      1. If being a globalist is about making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, not answering to anyone but myself, getting 10% body fat and doing things on my own terms, then hell yes I am a globalist.

        1. maybe, but you’ll probably find that one thing that ALL globalists share is a very keen interest in politics, even if the interest in question is pragmatic and self-interested. Our interest in politics is also pragmatic and self-interested. Even if obsessing about it may be ill-advised focusing on everything but politics is sticking your head in the sand.

    2. You have to delve into a little politics like it’s an essential vitamin. You do know what happens when you lack a critical substance like oxygen or a particular vitamin or mineral. I’ve seen people with their eyes bugging out or their skin falling off and it was due to vitamin defficiency.
      IF YOU IGNORE politics completely and starve your mind completely of politics, you know what happens right? You become dumber than an animal. Goy is an animal but not necissarily a dumb one. To be a dumb animal is therefore below a goy.
      I HAVE KNOWN personally people who intentionally turn off to all politics. There’s something crazy about the look in their face when you try to ram politics into the convo. They look like they’re gonna try some crazy shit to make you shut up if you don’t stop talking politics. It’s like any politics gives them a splitting headache.
      I have a relative like this. I think what it is, is that he doesn’t understand politics. Politics recuires a basic level of social acumen but he’s somewhat socially underdeveloped, yet he makes bank working a trade. A dumb zombie worker, a perfect worker/consumer if you will. JUST DON’T force him into a corner probing for a political opinion or he’ll show his really stupid colors. Politics recuires hands on knowledge of psychology and some marginally functional people lack that. Many are women by the way which explains the idiot stuffed monkey bullshit that passes for politics in the sjw/shitlib/culture suicide circles.

  12. So, basically, an impersonator of the BEast of teh Apocalypse can teach children, oand nobody cares ? What could be wrong about it ?

  13. It wasn’t til I got half way down the page that I realised this wasn’t satire. These… These people… Perhaps there would be a West African family in Benin who’d appreciate a couple of white slaves.
    Don’t be put off by the new commenting system. RoK is having some teething problems right now but it’ll be back, with its community stronger than ever.
    Roosh, have you considered paying some egghead at to design an in-house comment system?

  14. “One event featured a tranny dressed up as Baphomet, a popular symbol among Satanic worshippers.”
    Horned something, but that’s not the usual representation of the baphomet, more likely the witch queen out of a film whose name i’ve forgotten. The baphomet is indeed a symbol that may have significance with respect to transgenderism, at least insofar as the occult principle of hermaphrodism / androgyny (which one sees purveyed everywhere today) is very deeply symbolised in its depiction.
    That doesn’t make them satanists, or even occultists, but there is an occult frame of reference for everything gender bending which is very real, and very meaningful to a lot of the people pulling the strings. To reiterate though I’m not sure that tranny reading hour is a part of that. Unless of course Lady Bird books are now publishing Anton La Vey

    1. Michael – always good to read your comment on these matters. This is Spaghettimonster from the previous incarnation of the comment section. As like many times before both our research of the occult – definitely see the correlation to this. There is always an exoteric and esoteric meaning to it all. The spiritual element that the Bible always told people to be wary of.

  15. It is what it IS: An anti white JEW propaganda!!!
    –> The strong WHITE European nations!!! ( +Whites in USA+Canada!! )
    It is ALWAYS some kike who pulls the string on psy ops like this! ( tranny hour )
    The target is: The WHITE !!!

    1. Ms Giles, the prophetess foretold your coming when she wrote “In the end, you’ll have the most extreme radicals commenting, which will warrant some sort of govt interference.”
      It’s getting old tactic wise

  16. The self hatred is real. And it is everywhere. For example, go and look for teaching exercises, let’s say dialogue samples. You’ll see that not one internet site offering them will have white men speaking English. All pictures are either of blacks, hispanics or Asians and white women.
    In other words, fuck white men, you didn’t created the English language, it was clearly devised by blacks, latinos and asians.
    Academia is lost.

  17. I have to steer clear of such people…it’s really hard for me restrain the urge to act with violence. I’m sure that I would attack one of those freaks playing dress-up reading to those innocent little children…I’d want to beat everyone involved to a pulp. This is shameful.

  18. This story is several years old… although I would be interested in whether or not the daughter has turned into a chopped-blue-hair femcvnt.

  19. Anywhere you find people not covered in shit you will find white culture’s influence. Civilization is your culture. The fools that say otherwise are like how fish don’t know they’re surrounded by water. They are so ensconced in that culture that they can’t recognize it. The only way they would notice it is if it was ripped away and all that “vibrancy” comes flooding in.

    1. /thread, right here.
      “Culture” is civilization. Without whitey, it doesn’t exist. Sure, we have gone about (tragically and foolishly) killing each other in two World Wars — and for that put ourselves behind the 8-ball — but make no mistake: without us there is no here for them to bitch about.

  20. Typical female paradox. Women say they want a nice guy but always go after men that treat them horribly. Then when shit hits the fan, they can’t understand why and play victim.
    Now this psychological torture with their own kids.

  21. Ease up, gentlemen, this little girl has a point. Apart from Homer, Hesiod, Sappho, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Hippocrates, Thucydides, Herodotus, Euclid, Plutarch, Josephus, Ptolemy, Cato, Terence, Catullus, Cicero, Caesar, Sallust, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Ovid, Seneca, Petronius, Pliny the uncle, Pliny the nephew, Martial, Suetonius, Tacitus, Marcus Aurelius, Paul of Tarsus, Augustine, Tertullian, Boethius, Bede, Eusebius, Galen, Archimedes, Machaut, Dufay, van Eyck, van der Weyden, Ockeghem, Aquinas, Giotto, Chaucer, Hildegard, Donatello, Bosch, Durer, Gutenberg, Luther, Zwingli, Hus, Calvin, Erasmus, Montaigne, Rabelais, Tallis, Palestrina, Dowland, Monteverdi, Dante, Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Bacon, Spinoza, Cervantes, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Titian, Gentileschi, Veronese, Josquin, Shakespeare, Spenser, Newton, Marlowe, Milton, Donne, Dryden, Descartes, Pascal, Rembrandt, El Greco, Velázquez, Vermeer, Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens, Corneille, Molière, Racine, Harvey, Lavoisier, Defoe, Montesquieu, Purcell, Bach, Pachelbel, Hogarth, Telemann, Handel, Haydn, Locke, Hume, Berkeley, Burke, Smith, Kant, Boucher, Watteau, Fragonard, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Gibbon, David, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Hegel, Mill, Comte, Goethe, Schiller, Byron, Blake, Tennyson, Austen, Keats, Coleridge, Shelley, Shelley, Browning, Browning, Brontë, Brontë, Brontë, Hugo, Eliot, Wordsworth, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekov, Turgenev, Darwin, Turner, Renoir, Monet, Manet, Degas, Emerson, Melville, Thoreau, Dickenson, Hawthorne, Poe, Flaubert, Stendahl, Balzac, Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Wagner, Liszt, Mussorgsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Zola, Kierkegaard, van Gogh, Whistler, Seurat, Cézanne, Gauguin, Rousseau, Bruckner, Mahler, Verdi, Puccini, Ibsen, Twain, Stevenson, Hardy, Crane, Hopkins, Yeats, Whitman (who hardly counts since he was gay), Tchaikovsky (who hardly counts since he was gay), Wilde (who hardly counts since he was gay), Cather (who hardly counts since she was gay), Gide (who hardly counts since he was gay), Proust (who hardly counts since he was gay), Copland (who hardly counts since he was gay), Auden (who hardly counts since he was gay), Britten (who hardly counts since he was gay), Williams (who hardly counts since he was gay), Woolf, Tolkien, Conrad, Huxley, Orwell, O’Neill, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Duchamp, Kandinsky, de Chirico, O’Keefe, Nabokov, Marquez, Llosa, Borges, Paz, Neruda, Faulkner, James, Conrad, Wharton, London, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Lewis, Buck, Bellow, Joyce, Eliot, Pound, Plath, Hughes, Frost, Lawrence, Christie, Sayers, James, Stravinsky, Nijinsky, Balanchine, Debussy, Ravel, Bartók, Hindemith, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Sibelius, Vaughan Williams, Miro, Modigliani, Mondrian, Kahlo, Klimt, Dali, Rodin, Brancusi, Hopper, Rothko, Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Whitehead, Russell, Sartre, Camus, de Beauvoir, Weil, O’Connor, Brecht, Kafka, Kerouac, Vonnegut, Updike, Pynchon, Ballard, Bradbury, Heinlein, le Guin, McCarthy, Pollock, Rauschenberg, Diebenkorn, and de Kooning, white people have no culture at all.

  22. I’m guessing this is a made-up story from attention whore mother. She’s quoted mentioning Mexicans, Indians and Chinese. If her little snowflake is feeling white guilt, attention whore mother should talk about Aztec human sacrifices that included women and children, Indian’s growing rape epidemic that involves clothes hangers and China.
    Oh dear me. China. Where to start with China?
    The latest I’ve heard was Chinese men coming into Vietnam, promising vacations to a large number of women, maybe into the hundreds, at which point they stuffed the women into trucks to be deported into China where they would have been beaten and forced into prostitution. The Vietnamese government caught wind of it and stopped the trucks at the border and sent the Chinese to a lovely vacation destination in a Viet prison.

  23. SJW Virtue Signalling: Churchianity version
    Virtue Signalling is no virtue. Its theft: of people’s lives, their past and future.
    Whites flee, they follow with the state’s help, and then they complain we’ve oppressed them.
    Their societies are undesirable because they live there.
    If enough of them come, our societies will be indistinguishable from theirs. Even if they were given an advantage, the outcome will be the same.

  24. It’s not just Amerikwa the Kwanstain with the multi-kult everything is wayciss sickness.

  25. When in fact: minorities (mainly black and latino) are very transphobic, but force them be more tolerant is considered colonialism.
    Anti-white theories take form when whites are forced to accept LGBT but minorites could still being intolerant bigots, when is supposed that LGBT rights are so good.

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