Girls Will Think You’re A Coward If You Don’t Make A Move

She was the roommate of my good female friend. She had that blonde, girl-next-door kind of look. She’d also grown up in a town close to me. I’d hung out with her in a group a couple of times, went to a concert with her once (very casually), and then eventually we ended up going to the beach together one night.

I was one of the cool kids who had his own car, a rarity for a freshman in college. That car could have gotten me so much pussy if I’d just known what I was doing. Just being able to drive off-campus is huge value to girls who are always cooped up in the same small dorm room talking to the same people all the time.

Anyways, that night at the beach, I’d still never kissed a girl in my life, and was nearly 19 years old. I distinctly remember, as we walked on the beach with the waves crashing on the shore, her hand brushing mine a half dozen times. Of course now I realize that was a clear indicator of “TAKE MY HAND YOU CHICKEN SHIT!”, but 18-year-old me just thought it was an accident. We sat down on the pier and looked out at the Pacific Ocean. It was closing in on midnight, and we were the only souls on the beach.

She sat right next to me and brushed her thigh against mine for good measure. She looked right in my eyes and held the eye contact. I saw the glimmer in those big blue eyes. And I looked away. The next time I looked back the look on her face had changed drastically. I know now. The desire vanished, just like that. She saw me for what I was—a coward. The glimmer was gone.

I never saw her after that

In hindsight, I’m shocked that she even returned my texts at that point (this was 2009, so before the social media attention whoring took the nation by storm). My attempts to get her out to see me again were futile, but this story has a bit of a happy ending.

I did see her three years later, when I picked her up in my new car, after I’d gone through my game transformation and was living the life. I botched the kiss on the beach and seemed destined to die a virgin, but I did figure things out.

I got a girlfriend, she ended up being crazy, and was the true catalyst for my blog and work, but I did get the “no kiss” monkey off my back (though it still took years to lose my V card). But after that happened, I got on a roll with the ladies. That was around the time I finished school, got the hotshot job making good money, and bought a sexy new Mustang. After I’d been with my fair share of girls, I somehow ended up in touch with her again.

I sent her a message. I think she liked a few of my photos where I was showing off my new life. I was confident in my newfound texting and game abilities, and it was almost too easy to get her out on a date. I picked her up in the Mustang (“Wowwwwww, you’ve moved up in the world…”), and we went to the local pub and pizza spot near the beach.

I never made a move. Again. But this time, it wasn’t a lack of fear. This time, I was able to actually think outside of the pressures of trying to kiss her, and I realized something: we had absolutely zero chemistry to begin with.

We got along fine, but that spark that makes you and drives you to make a move on a girl was totally missing. I don’t know what it was, but in that moment I understood that there are girls you just click with and some girls you just don’t (even if they’re cute as a button).

I stopped beating myself for that failure in the years before, and was able to let go of it. Yes, I should have made the move regardless of chemistry, but I was able to make peace within myself. I beat myself up because I thought that if I’d made a move on the beach, I might have banged her within a few weeks. As a result, I would have been relieved of all the pressures of girls for most of my college career, and would have had much more fun (and many more girls) as a result.

I realized that sometimes you are better off letting a girl go. In her case, I’m fairly certain she found a long-term relationship, and I believe they’re married now (or at least engaged). Hopefully she eventually has the family she always wanted, and finds happiness in her life. I am at peace with having not tried, and peace with myself for not understanding women when I was younger.

If you want to learn how to run a harem, check out The Harem Handbook. To listen to my podcast about dating overseas, click here.

Read More: When You Have Everything But Are Still Unhappy

89 thoughts on “Girls Will Think You’re A Coward If You Don’t Make A Move”

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a success story where a guy tried to game a girl who knew him in his pre-game days. This applies more to when you were friend zone, but girls are highly resistant to changing their first impression of you.

    1. That is true but not the rule. There are instances when you are just friends, a buddy, and feelings develop and there is “bang”. It’s happened to me I’m sure others as well. As long as she has a favorable view of you she can flip from friend to FBuddy

      1. @White
        Hope you don’t have any objection if you come across names like LatinoPride, NativeIndianPride, RedIndianPride, BrownPride, YellowPride, BlackPride …. !!

      2. Another exception is if a man gets his shit squared away. I was a clueless doughboy when I was young, then whipped myself in shape and joined a band. Everybody – women and men – treated me differently. One of the waitresses where I worked went from completely ignoring me to being my bang buddy until I got bored. That was deeply satisfying; highly recommended.
        But these are exceptions. A weak first impression is generally too much bother because women have so many options they rarely have to honestly re-evaluate their own judgment.

    2. There are no hard fast rules when it comes to women’s behavior . These are human beings . I’ve had women reject me and then see me on a different light when all I dcan r was change my wardrobe months later

      1. During my first year at college I went to a house party and found myself under the covers with a tall, husky Amazon blonde. Most did not find her attractive. There were people everywhere but she wanted to make out. I was a pussy and did not make the move.
        For the next 3 years we would walk past each other, sometimes drunk at parties, sometimes sober in the library. I got the cold shoulder on every subsequent approach. She was still fat, and even though I was more handsome and had the beer belly of a Viking God she clearly thought less of me each time for trying.

    3. I’ve definitely noticed that, and I’m speaking as one whose Game has only been particularly solid in the last three years.
      There will sometimes be a few receptive older acquaintances, but only if 1) they never knew you all that well, or 2) you weren’t interested, which is not uncommon if you had oneitis for someone else at the time.
      IMO, Rule #1 of Game should be: Always. Find. More. Girls.

    4. Here’s another angle… I have taken care of my body and held onto my looks so at 42 years old I still have the ability to play in the 20-25 year old arena, but I can’t count the number of former hot women I went to high school with that always looked at me as the “nice guy”, are now blown out roasties who are either all over my dick on social media or bitter and angry that I am still able to fuck women in the age range of their formerly hot selves.
      Schadenfreude never tasted so good.

  2. Never kissed a girl until college! Dam dude I can’t imagine what high school was like. Lol

    1. It’s pretty common I think. Devoutly religious or socially awkward or both will do it. That was pretty much me in high school. Managed a few brief make out sessions, but that’s it. Never actually had sex until getting married in my middle-aged 20s. Literally believed fornication was a mortal sin that would send me to hell.

    2. My first kiss was at high school grad (17). We were both blackout and I told her she was pretty. Hottest girl in the class (no lie bub!) I waited weeks for her to call me for some reason.
      My second kiss was a full years later (18). We were at a camp fire party on the beach. We were blackout and she said “Hey, let’s go for a walk.”
      My third kiss was with a lonely 35 year old land whale off Craiglist (still 18). She took my V.
      My fourth kiss was with my best friend’s twin sister (19) a week later.
      From 20 to 23 I met 150 girls. They called me “Marty Party.” Good Punctuation got me laid, Mostly.
      At 24 I still had no STDs.
      27. Dare I imagine what cometh next?
      Life is a Selooooo
      I wanna ride it all night long
      If you’re going my way
      I wanna drive it all night long.

  3. By the time I was 18 I had only slept with four girls, but I had kissed almost 50 on top of that. Kissing is the easy part but to be really comfortable in bed with the usual sex positions, cunnilingus and a little of experimentation took a few more years, especially if you only sleep with the girls one or a couple of times and then have a drought that lasts for several months.
    When I was 23 I met a girl who I clicked with and we went into a largely sex-based LTR. By then my notch count was about 10-12 but mostly ONS or a couple of consecutive lays. Then we started have sex – no kidding – 10 times per day and I felt like a sex god. Although that was a narcisstic exaggeration I was really horny and persevering back then and could continue right after ejaculation. The girl was absolutely crazy about me, despite that was taller. Now at 32 I never want to have sex right after the first fuck. One time per day is just fine.
    Anyway, this will boost your confidence a lot. Of course there are other factors that underlie confidence but to be horny and know how to fuck good has one big impact factor.

    1. Able to kiss but not to close the deal. You were skipping rapport, unless you have sex with that girl in that night she probably will have buyers remorse tomorrow. You are only giving player vibes and she will feel like a slut (even if she is) and resist you later.

      1. Not really. I had a lot of mini-“relationships” with girls between 13-17, plus making out with multiple other girls. I was rather popular and horny as hell. At 16-18 I gradually felt more comfortable with having sex but it is a longer process, like I described. We are all different.

  4. There are a lot of positives that can be derived from not making a move. You avoid a potential false rape allegation or accidental pregnancy, things that can drastically change the direction of your life and limit the freedom you currently enjoy.
    If you’re going to “make a move”, especially in the U.S., make sure the girl you’re dealing with is worth the potential bullshit that’ll come after sex has occurred.

    1. Totally agree. Sometimes you have to stand back and observe her. Doing those cold open approaches without doing your own due diligence is really rolling the dice. Best move is sometimes you show your best self and have her come to you. Those are the times when you know you got a keeper or at least someone you want to get to know more than some empty lay. Just sayin’.

    1. True, there’s hell of a lot more things to worry about like your job and reputation, if you aren’t successful, misread cues and go for it. Far beyond being considered a coward by some thot, you can be publicly shamed and lose your position for making unwanted sexual advances.

      1. I could not give a fuck what a girl thinks of me and have no way of knowing anyway. Do they actually think at all? If they do it is surely about themselves. Should you enter into their thoughts at all it will concern what possible benefits you might provide and/or how you can be exploited to maximum advantage. As a naive young’un I actually conversed with girls for considerable periods of my precious time but I can’t remember them saying anything remotely sensible. These days I avoid conversation like the plague itself not out of disrespect but because I cannot fathom their weird logic. They don’t play by any rules that I know of but simply make stuff up as they go along, chopping and changing from truth to untruth, from fact to fiction, from real to bizarre, there and back again countless times, leaving a fellow bamboozled and questioning his own sanity. Fuck that shit I’d rather sharpen my weapons, sleep in my own bed, swear, eat and drink what I like when I like and laugh my fucking head off without having to explain what’s funny

  5. today i walked through a store, i saw one cute girl, we both felt we were a fitting match. i walked by, locked eyes and said hi. 5 minutes later we saw each other again 15 meters she looked for me. i thought maybe i take her number. i walked near her 5 meters. then as always, i lost interest and thought “im not at all interested in connecting with people anymore. im over them” i dont know if it is because im not motivated in life anymore, but i lost any desire for starting a connection. i also thought about, “in this slave system it is not smart creating yourself a weakness (having a girl) while i dont want to participate in this slave system created to exploit the masses, where we would both be forced to work”. thats why im ghosting through life alone.
    End of the story lol. now im thinking about how my heart may be hardened and that could be the reason for why i am what i am.

    1. Right there with you brother. After the ensuing demise of my last relationship, as well as the mental and emotional skewering from a sure-to-be crazy cat lady, I find that I am pretty much done. More focused on making money now and doing the things I want to do. It’s a liberating feeling not being a slave to the system.

      1. do you really think we are done or are we just stalling until we receive an offer we can´t refuse? is that mindset being passive aggressive towards the world? so many questions. but i really think if i dont get a rich girl, or get rich im rather staying alone forever. im definitely not going to work in this slave system.i dont want to prosper in these conditions haha. im a christian so fornication is not an option. im glad my faith is so strong that spitting right in Gods face is not my thing.

        1. Dude, not bashing your religion at all.

          You might go the rest of your life not having sex because you won’t get married?
          Does this mean you have never had sex?

          Again, your religion is yours.
          Do what you want.
          But I think that’s just really sad.
          You’re avoiding even attempting to partake of one of life’s most fundamental( and wonderful) behaviors due to what amount to religious bureaucratic red tape.


      1. Hey Clownface i cant directly reply to you!?
        “Does this mean you have never had sex?” no, i had. back in the days lol. i know it is the pinnacle in the world.
        Yes it is sad in it`s definition lol. i dont know how to put accurately in words. i just dont receive any love because im ghosting through life without any companions and bonds. it also has its positives, like, i recognize how much anger and hatred came out of me which i could deal with accordingly so i could have been relieved of that because i worked it through. in other words it matures you and purifies you. if i go crazy i eat up psalm 73:25 for comfort.

  6. umm…as a MGTOW, do I give a f**k what they think…ever? As long as I get what I want, that answer should be a “no”. I mean who am I living for, them and their little globe of reality, or my own damn life?

    1. It is called reproduction dumbass, men need to fuck and breed with women. Fucking a decent woman, even by todays standards, I am sure is still a lot more enjoyable that fucking a plastic doll. I really have nothing against MGTOW except for the fact that many have turned into a “perfection cult” that always looks down on any sexual interaction with women. Yes Yes, I know the laws are completely fucked and you have to be careful even doing that, but going your own way can also include gaming women and banging bitches. “who am I living for, them…,or my own life” Well, your own life, but what does that have to do with playing game and going after women? Do you think if PUAs didn’t like sex or playing the game that they would even be in that game…they do it for themselves too, bro.

      1. already done that, got two great kids and divorced twice. today sex is a play time amongst other living. there will not be a third time. sex for me now is womens playing the game to get my resources. it is playing in shark filled waters making sure you dont get cut.

        1. Ok, so you got married twice, and that has what to do with playing game and fucking hot bitches? Pretty sure this site, PUAs, me, and everyone on this thread already knows that western marriage is a crock of shit. Oh, and what happens when other men want “great kids”?

    2. That was my first thought as well. Why the hell do I care what some pea brained “princess” thinks, who has likely never had to work hard for anything in her life and has had everything handed to her? That’s like saying that I care about what a toddler thinks about me lol.

  7. I don’t know why you guys complicate things. The easy way to get a woman’s heart: dresses and shoes. It’s that simple! If you have convinced here that you can provide her with a good lifestyle, why in the world would she not love you? You know that quote, “Cinderella did not ask for a prince; she asked for a night off and a dress”.

        1. Lol, why do that when you can spend the rest of your life as the virgin vixen?
          Prince is only fun when his wallet is opened.

        2. The girls that want to have fun and see you as a stepping stone to her advancement. She will fall for the next guy who makes a move faster and is taller than you. You should have a village who tells you her true intentions instead of believing anything she says.

    1. Low budget prostitution?
      Its all that it is all about really, what ever the snatch can get to spread her legs, trade for goods in kind or just a straight money deal. I say make the system honest, make prostitution legal, then the hoes can be paid what they are worth for a change. Market will drive demand and price. I would be fine to finally kill off the notion of marriage / civil contract prostitution. What woman doesn’t go into it lying their assess off to start with. Lets just start with truth in advertising.

    2. So the Muslim teenager virgin still living at mom ‘n’ dad’s is dispensing relationship advice to men. Based on what experience exactly? Your Barbie doll fantasies?

      1. You must think I am so young because I seem to be lacking baggage. :’)
        Thank you.
        You should not take relationship advice from women who have tons of ex-boyfriends. You should take it from the woman who has had only 2 relationships with men who were not broke bums and was engaged yet came out of all of them as a virgin. Because she’s smart.
        Take advice from smart women.

        1. Sorry to disappoint but I don’t take advice from anyone least of all women who have no idea what it means to be a man

  8. Girls will think you are a coward if you don’t make a move, and if you don’t look like a male model they will think you are a creep if you do.

    1. or tall. They find very offensive when short guys talk to them, A short guy talking with an average girls, the girl behave like royalty talking to a peasant.

      1. There’s something to this. I was beta verging on gamma as a young guy and I had zero game. Nevertheless I’m tall with good genetics and I’ve always stayed in shape, so women would still fall into my lap/onto my cock once in a while.

    2. Either I give myself too little credit or the ‘male model’ excuse is BS. Confidence is king, with a little swagger thrown in.
      For any guys who believe the above, try telling a bitch she’s looking good today or some shit and already start walking away as she’s reacting like you’ve got a NY minute to spare. If she chases you (and they do) tell her you’ve got somewhere you need to be, maybe next time. She looks disappointed you tell her ‘alright, I’m Mick give me your number’.

      1. Simple really, but nowadays you have to get her eyes out of her phone and her beats of her head first, so she can then give you that puzzled “what the fuck do you want fuckboy”?

      2. Try telling a 5’0 indian man with half his teeth missing to try your cool advanced ‘game’ techniques and see if it works the same way.

    3. Nah, they think you’re a creep if you try to force the move. And they doubly think you’re a creep if you apologize for making a move.

      1. The above was actually a confidence building exercise. I employed it with my younger cousin who couldn’t talk to girls (five hours of PC gaming a day will do that to a teenager) and was a Kim Jong un lookalike, he couldn’t even manage an opener until I told him to give a bitch a compliment and nothing else. He would have to keep walking down the street and not pursue or say anything else unless they replied to him. After the sixth out of ten in 3-4 minutes reacted positively with a thank you, he turned around and said “I’m going to work right now, but uh, why don’t you give me your number.” mimicking my examples, complete with hand gestures. At first she was taken aback, but reacted positively with an ‘Ok!’ As he introduced himself and said goodbye I told him ‘our lion cub’s becoming a lion!’
        I occasionally employ it of I’m not feeling great, or I just want to have a little fun- and I have gotten pussy from such a simple technique, though it isn’t reliable, and it can’t be the only thing you do, kinda underhanded too, guess I am a creep, haha.

        1. ZZXX, you’ve internalized the idea that you’re a loser who can’t get women and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’ve known short, funny-looking guys who did great with women, better than me with my fortunate genetics. You have to work with the hand you were dealt. If you’re short, put on some muscle, get rid of your gut, and learn to dress well. If you’re ugly, cultivate a bad boy image or just learn to be confident and indifferent to outcome. It can be done, but it takes effort. I think that’s the part where you fail, because it’s easier to say it’s impossible and give up and go back to video games and porn.

      2. You sound like you’re just learning game. You have to go through a lot of humiliating failures before you get good at approaching women. Keep lifting weights and working on your style and outcome indifference and you’ll get there eventually.

        1. You sound delusional to me, like all men who think ‘game’ will get any man laid, which is a lie told by PUAs who want to sell you something.

        2. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying a girl will start to scream and tell the cops to arrest you, most will even be nice to you if you approach them, but if you don’t look good or are too short, they will be laughing inside and think you are a creep.

  9. When I was a junior in high school I dated this smoking hot blonde who was 16 years old – she was a statuesque beauty with legs up to her neck and a body that would have tempted a monk. All the dudes in my quaint little Midwestern high school desperately wanted to fuck her senseless (as did probably half the chicks, not to mention most of the teachers; yeah, she was that good-looking).
    Being only 17 at the time, and having zero sexual experience, to say that I was in over my head was the understatement of the century. This girl was known to be a no-holds-barred nympho and legend had it that she had fucked most of the upper-classmen jocks at our school. And that was a tough act to follow for a guy like me. But experience is the best teacher and a guy’s gotta start somewhere…
    We fooled around many times over the course of the next few months, but, lacking confidence due to having zero experience, I was extremely shy and inept when it came to actually closing the deal, to the point where I started having stage fright. Of course, this was the kiss of death for any young dude, especially after the girl in question started talking about my lousy performance behind my back to every girl who would listen…
    Now, this could have turned out to be a life-shattering, sexually humiliating experience that might have scarred me for life – but I refused to look at it that way.
    I vowed to up my game and get past it and I kept plugging and plugging and by the time I was 22 I’d been trained expertly in the bedroom by a single mom in California with whom I lived for a period of about a year and a half. I literally went from being an inept, insecure, painfully shy individual in the bedroom, to being a swaggeringly confident, expert cocksman, complete with the limitless sexual stamina that it took to tame any vagina in my vicinity.
    So as fate would have it, after spending about three years in California, I moved back to the same Midwestern town where I’d experienced the humiliation with the smoking hot blonde. She was now married; I found this out by walking into a restaurant one day with a buddy of mine, where we proceeded to sit at the bar and tip back a few gin and tonics while watching a football game. The hot blonde was working there as a waitress. She proceeded to ignore me the entire time that I was in there, but I found out she was married after her bad-boy, motorcycle-riding husband zoomed up the driveway to pick her up after her shift was over. I asked a waitress behind the bar what the blonde’s story was, and she told me she had gotten married only a month earlier.
    A few weeks later, the hot blonde’s equally hot best friend, who was three years younger than she was, and who had a crush on me since the time she had been about 13 years old, came rolling into town one afternoon in her Mustang convertible. I was playing right field in a softball game when I saw her pull up in her car, sex-walk across the parking lot, and take a seat in the stands. After the final out of the game, I jogged over to her and we started making small-talk and I saw the “Please Fuck Me” look in her eyes and I went for the kill and asked her out. She eagerly accepted. I told her I’d pick her up that night about 7:00 p.m., but I needed to know where she was staying while she was in town. As luck would have it, she was staying with the hot blonde and her husband. I picked her about 7:15 p.m. that night and took her out to three or four different bars and clubs in the area. And everywhere we went, guys were drooling – not only the male friends of mine who made up my entourage, but every single guy within 100 yards who had a pulse. About 1:00 a.m. I told her it was time to bolt and we jumped into my car and I drove her back to the smoking hot blonde’s house…
    She was wearing a light blue sun dress with no bra. We sat down on the couch in the living room and started talking after she got us a beer from the refrigerator in the kitchen. After a few minutes I excused myself to go the bathroom. Once I’d finished my business and returned to the living room, I was stunned to see her lying on the couch, completely naked. She had taken off her sun dress and had put it underneath her tanned, indescribably fabulous body and she was ready to go, legs spread wide. Not needing a handwritten invitation, I started hammering her right where she lay.
    After an hour or so, we went upstairs to the guest bedroom, which was right next to the smoking hot blonde’s bedroom. I proceeded to pound her best friend for about four to five hours straight in a relentless, single-minded fashion. It got so intense, that she started begging me, “Please stop. Please? Please get the fuck off me!”, over and over. But I wouldn’t stop. I kept hammering the shit out of her and she kept screaming and moaning and we were rattling trinkets on the shelves and banging against the walls and the whole nine yards. I was determined to put on a performance that would go down as being “One for the Ages” in my quaint little Midwestern town’s sexual history books.
    The next morning I awoke with a shit-eating grin on my face and crept downstairs to make my getaway – pump it and dump it, baby!
    Sitting at the kitchen table were my ex-girlfriend (the smoking hot blonde), and her husband (the bad-boy biker dude). I sat down at the table with them, not wanting to be totally unsociable and I drank a glass of orange juice. We sat there quietly and talked pleasantly for a while. I thanked them for their hospitality more than once, wanting to rub it in as deeply as possible. My ex-girlfriend had a look on her face that was a cross between denial and anger. Her husband had a look on his face that was flat-out disapproving. (Revenge is sweet, ain’t it now?)
    About 15 minutes later, here comes my ex-girlfriend’s best friend, literally staggering down the stairs to the kitchen area, at a very slow pace. She looked like she was in pain. Finally, she said to my ex-girlfriend, in a very sincere, stressed-out voice, after she traversed the stairs and pulled out a chair to sit down with us at the kitchen table, “Oh my god. I can’t…fucking…WALK.”
    As you might imagine, that’s one of the most cherished sexual memories of my entire life, and for more than one reason. Life is good. Slurp it up.

    1. Great story Bob. Also reminds me how different girls are at 22 than 32!
      Somwhat exactly are ” please fuck me” eyes? Ive gotten over confident about this one before I think.

      1. Aw, you know. “The look.” You see their eyes and they’re full of anticipation and they are hoping you will hit on them and encouraging you to do so…I don’t see it that much anymore unless I pull out a wad of 100s. But you younger guys know what I mean – you see that look in their eyes and you know it’s going to be easy. Results may vary.

    2. Great story, but the whole “Life is good. slurp it up” line at the end is bullshit. Living just to pump and dump and get satisfaction at revenge (which yes, it I am sure it feels good) is not something I would consider to be a good life or way of living. I want to live in a world where you can have a good wife and great children, be able to be proud of something other than fucking whores and making whore jealous…you know, a world where I can work towards something that would make my kids proud and improve their lives, take my son hunting and fishing, and hopefully have grandchildren someday when I am OLD AS FUCK. Hey, this world is fucked up and doing what you did (if it is a true story, ill take your word for it) was better than doing nothing, and I would do the same. But when guys try to lie to themselves and say, Oh, this is the great life, you know, it is really not that bad, slurp it up…it really gets on my nerves. People shouldn’t try to pass this type of lifestyle, or this culture, off as anything other than deranged and fucked up. What you did in this story, and what other men like the PUAs do, should be viewed as just a way for men to deal with a fucked up world….it should not be viewed as a great life, to be slurped up like an enjoyable little Slurpee or something.

    3. And next week she will report you for rape.
      She said ‘please stop’, you didn’t, and your ex-gf will be a witness at the trial.

    4. And the REAL version of Bob’s story is… he stole his fat Aunt’s panties when she was passed out drunk… and spent long, restless nights alternately masturbating and crying over them!

  10. You have 2.7 seconds to approach after she bats her eyes and/or twirls her hair…
    If not, there is no redeeming the opportunity.
    either you are disinterested, or gutless.
    if you try again it was gutless…
    I miss so many – too slow. And often gutless…

    1. 2.7 is too long, 0.01 is what you’re looking for.
      Don’t be unaware and let a girl catch your eye and have some ‘Should I-Shouldn’t I?’ inner conflict.
      Before you leave the house in the morning you should tell yourself “I am not going to be a zombie, I am going to create opportunities for myself, I am going to seize the opportunities that come my way today” then you have no excuse, then you tell the bitch whatever it was that you like about her, then you win.

      1. good advise.
        I’m in the friendliest city in the world mick dundee…
        gunna go stop a few in their tracks…right now

        1. Check out my above reply to vfm# for a technique if you’re feeling like a bitch and need to get some momentum going.

  11. I think most don’t make a move because, they are all afraid of how she will react. People have become succumb to crippling fear strictly because they haven’t learned to lose properly. Losing is a part of life, we are not Ricky Bobby, your not first or last. Snowflakes on both sides of the isle keep blaming each side instead of fixing the problem. For love weddings should only be for poor. Well to do families should require you marry a well to do mate to further increase and expand the family’s wealth.

  12. A big problem, and one I can personally vouch for, is that men are raised to look at women as equals, or to look at them as if they are like other men. I was the same way in high school and college, I was a decently attractive and fairly popular dude who did not know what the fuck he was doing with women. After learning about a woman’s nature and looking back, holy crap, there were so many trying to hook up with me…lol, I remember kicking hot women out of my dorm room who had sneaked their way in at night because I thought they were just being stupid. LOL, we had co-ed Dorms with public showers and I even stopped drop dead gorgeous women from trying to get into my shower with me, fuck I was dumb. Women would hit on me all the time, they would do (like in this story) that whole gently rub on on you and stuff….Back then I just didn’t know what the fuck I was doing or what it meant, I actually thought they were kind of annoying. Then on the other end when I liked a girl I tried making friends with her, acting all polite and stuff, which never worked. Then you add to that the fact that women are just raging sluts with no patience so if you don’t aggressively take their cues and treat them like the children they are than you will probably never get laid. Then you have your baby boomer parents who feed you all sorts of optimistic bullshit like “oh, don’t worry a good girl will come along”…”oh, there are plenty of good girls, your just not looking hard enough”…”have patience”…”women are equal and are going through the same problems you are”…”just be a good boy and they will come”….pfff…what a load of bullshit. Then they go on to teach their daughters to be strong, independent career women. I swear, when it comes to raising children Baby Boomers are the most oblivious, naive, and stupid people on this earth.

    1. Your boomer parents were just being gentle, as you are clearly gay.
      (Not letting a woman share your shower FFS)

      1. @John Dodds…the whole gay thing is just you projecting, I am sure you desperately try to fuck women left and right, while also calling others gay, in order to hid your own homosexual nature…and yes, my parents were being gentle and stupid. My mother is a raging feminist, and filled my head with all sorts of “women empowering” bullshit.

    2. I had similar slow start — plenty of the High School chicks throwing themselves at me…and did nothing much.
      Then 19-22 was terrible. Reasonable volume –but drunk late night 6s-7s…
      So I traveled — and had exceptional late 20s and more than made up for slow start thru-out my 30s…
      I tell myself I wasn’t ready in my teens.
      And still going in my 50s

  13. I just don’t understand why would a girl who isn’t interested in you, should think you are a coward for not making a move…

  14. This is seriously the most pathetic experience I’ve read about in a long time — along with some of the follow up stories by commentators.
    Ford god’s sake men, if she looks at you more than twice you have no excuse not to talk to her. Even just once with prolonged eye contact is enough. Don’t even get me started about OP’s pathetic cowardliness. I was more Alpha at 16 lmao. At least he learned from it.
    It’s not hard, just don’t overthink it. You don’t need any sort of planned dialogue in your head. It’s just like jumping into a freezing pool, JUST DO IT, and then you’ll be swimming. I usually just say Hi I think you’re gorgeous.
    Good luck out there boyos. Take the plunge.

    1. i have zero fear and zero anxiety and zero betaness in me. if i see a girl who looks good to me, i look at her check her out, then i keep on going, thinking: “im so satisfied by myself. i have no regrets if i dont take her number….”
      then im home, and thinking: it couldve been nice now though. and i think about her. then the same story repeats itself over and over again, and every moment i refuse to take action because im so satisfied with me alone and i dont want to get involved with other peoples life.
      i dont know.

  15. The approach fear in our DNA due to ancient tribal dynamics is becoming useful again as current society will severely punish failed bust-a-moves, now termed “unwanted sexual advances”, which is equivalent to “harassment”, even if a one time event.
    Even successful hook-ups can be retroactively punished if the chick feels she was dumped for YHT. You see this with aging sluts like Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan.
    Or if a slut wants to reform and become a born-again virgin, signalling (fake) chastity to high SMV males. Any past hook-ups were “non-consensual”.
    Bust-a-move should be exercised with caution within the Western world’s jurisdiction.

  16. Gotta be first with the kino, boss. When she begins making her first outward signs of attraction, you must touch. She is not going to give you too many chances to fuck that up.

  17. The Rose McGowan who turned up at the MTV awards literally butt-naked flashing the flesh for all the world to see having accused Old Harv of molesting her and screwing him for 100,000 smackerooneys, that Rose McGowan? Old Harv: “Dindu nuffin!”

  18. After reading the article about England
    going after the accused with their prior history;
    in no way would i even want to look at them.
    Oh you can effin keep em. I’m opting out.
    Here; have the one i would have bagged.
    It’s only a matter of when; not if,
    it comes here. Just because
    it wasn’t illegal at the time,
    doesn’t mean jack squat.

  19. Regarding the title of this article — who cares what girls think of you? Or what anybody thinks of you?
    Anyone who is afraid that a girl will think they’re a coward is a coward already.

  20. It’s weird because women will judge us for being cowards, when all of them are cowards. A woman’s opinion means nothing.

  21. You know this sounds all to familiar, although a few variables different the premise is the same. Now at 24 years old, I can’t help but to think of the ghosts of my past where the same thing occurred over and over. Sometimes i have nightmares of the girls who were basically throwing themselves at me, only for me to either intentionally reject them by being a coward, or be being oblivious and not noticing.

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