We are in the midst of a gigantic crisis of identity. Every part of our particular identity has been reviled, torn apart, stolen from us. Instead we have a pseudo-humanism where we are invited to dissolve and a soy culture which makes any healthy man queasy. The past has been taken away and the official view of the future holds nothing good. Those in charge ignore us, dismiss our lives and needs, and ultimately do whatever they can to destroy us on every plane.
In such adverse conditions it is rather difficult to commit to anyone or anything. When you cannot identify with anyone or anything, when the land and people who were your extended home and family turned foreign, you become an atom. There is no national community or whatever. The luckiest still have a good family and long-time friends. The others are prey for organized groups and cunning exploiters.
To a millennial it is very easy to feel hopelessly alone. Your family is leftist and blue-pilled or the leftists dominate it and impose the same dictatorship at family events than the mainstream media. Boomers live in a bubble and keep steering the ship to its doom as long as they maintain their own comfort. Girls are narcissistic and range from cold to hostile. Female hypergamy goes unchecked. Companies are greedy and want you to work and consume at a near-slave wage. Parasites abound, everywhere. Thugs roam with impunity. The official culture tells you you’re shit, if it feigns to speak about you at all. The official West is made of a clustering of evil crybullies who gloat about destroying the actual Western civilization, that is, us.
There are many ways to answer this puzzling, yet pressing set of circumstances. The manosphere has long advocated getting one’s life back from the blue pill set of illusions and growing the balls to succeed. Whether it is picking up girls, learning a trade, lifting, managing one’s expenses or understanding what’s really going on, the quest is always about reclaiming one’s life. Milk the system or the pit if you can, but never remain dependent. Bulking on a budget is part of the path towards reclaiming ourselves.
However, the red pill per se is not enough. Getting your life back makes you a sigma male, an individualist. Striving on this path brings personal successes, but deep down, you’re still alone. Likewise, knowing the truth about the cultural fight and the elite does not solve much: to the contrary, comparing your smallness with the elite’s might gives a rather depressing perspective.
And I went to the angel and said, “Give me the small scroll.” “Take it and eat it,” he said. “It will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” So I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it; and it was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned bitter. (Revelation, 10:9-10)
No identification mean no altruism, no solidarity—just savviness. Among the red-pilled, some manage to put themselves on the right path. They usually make friends and gain social experience along the way. Some, however, go from failure to failure, or they have been so traumatized by the Big Others’ nefarious choices—whether it consists in being systematically passed out by girls and recruiters, attacked by non-whites, or feeling one’s general disenfranchisement—they can’t even get up and start. Post-traumatic growth can be hard to get, especially when the climate is like it has been tailored to disgust you again every day.
This cannot lead to fulfillment. Truth doesn’t solve your problems. As Roosh mentioned recently, at this step, it is all too easy to slide from the red to the black pill. Then, at best, you join the system’s forces cynically like one of these male feminists who practice actual harassment while pointing a finger at other males, and at worst, you become the next Elliot Rodgers.
The Black Pill is the least dialectical of the three. It leads from actual inferiority back to actual inferiority. It is nihilism, but nihilism made flesh calls forth absolute egoism, a sense of the self detached from wider contexts and responsibilities—it is this that makes it evil and murderous… The Black Piller chooses neither the palliatives of illusion nor the challenge of positive action. He stares into the abyss—passively because his actions will never be capable of changing it—and, as Nietzsche so pertinently observed, the abyss stares back. (Colin Liddell, “The Black Pill”)
The change comes and can only come when you stop being a sigma. To a sigma everything and everyone is basically foreign, with at best a conquered identity restricted to the individual. Getting real friends, finding one’s civilizational, spiritual, racial, historical roots, or starting a tribe all allow the disenfranchised sigma to expand healthily whom he is as to identify outwards again. Then, and only then, does the world matter again. You’re not an atom who manages to rack up some notches or money or laughs before drowning in the unavoidable Kali Yuga tide, but part of a wider being who ought to survive and thrive.
Building a home, or a tribe, matters. It is even more so when your spouse is pregnant—and you know she didn’t have sex with anyone else. Now I would not advocate with impregnating unreliable grrls. They may put all the burden of responsibility on you, cheat on you, or divorce-rape you so that you’d be forced to pay alimony while the bones of your bones has to cross the hell of step families at an early age. To a responsible man, finding a decent, trustworthy partner is absolutely crucial before any thinking of fathering takes place. Many men, especially those living in the West, might find easier to start a tribe with fellow aspiring patriarchs than a nuclear family.
If, however, you’re lucky enough to find a suiting girl, and are ready to leave the PUA life behind, having children is the way to go. These small beings carry your genes. When they grow up, they are to become like you, because they embody the same glorious bloodline you did just before. Boomers may not be glorious parents, it doesn’t matter, as long as they played their vessel role on the behalf of something but wider.
When you’re alone, the future is something conceptual and dreamy. When you’re in a tribe, it relates to how you and others are doing in local situations. When you have children, it becomes a real issue: you know the world must be yours again, not only out of justice, but so that there’s a future at all. Children need a proper environment to grow and roam into. They also contribute to strengthen their parents’ bonds, thus helping the family to project itself far into the future.
Fighting for ourselves is fair. We have legitimate interests. Our feelings are right, based on truth and justice, not on an occult war for degeneracy. But when it comes to children, it is definitely fairer than anyone could spin. Building a fair, truthful, leftism-free world becomes a life issue. Our children ought to grow healthily, safe from degeneracy and certainly not being stolen, brainwashed or even raped. Defeating leftist degeneracy, making the world we live in traditional again becomes as important as finding food after a workout. How could we fear for something as trivial as the normies’ judgments when our children’s identity and dignity is at stake?
Children are also a perfect reason to openly confront the boomers, these egoist parasites who keep most of the wealth to themselves and devour it while compromising continuously with groups that kill us. These old cucks who failed to respect their own parents are now asking us, not only to “respect” them, but also to submit completely to their cucked views as if we had no right to proper experience, consciousness, or free will.
Beforehand, confronting them was about truth, justice, and the future of our civilization. Now, it is about continuing life, about beating death—no less. Boomers do not hold the future of life and civilization between their hands. We do. Because we’re having the children now. And these chirping, wide-eyed babies are much worthier of care and “respect” than the boomers’ lies and will to keep living above their means.
If we are to be kings, at least in our homes, we are not to be depopulated at will. We have an absolute right to a future—a bright, dignified future, for those whose creations were appropriated by everyone else on Earth.
Just like the red pill or the first notch, having a child is a new beginning.
Read Next: Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing
I don’t know man….. a certain segment of the population seems to love having lots of kids and putting the financial burden on the people who should be reproducing the most (whites) but aren’t.
As leader and President of the Non-feminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan, women like that will be forced to undergo sterilization. This is not because she is Black, but because feminists shouldn’t breed thug spawn; a major difference!
Yours truly,
His Masculinity Pepe the Frog
Non-feminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan
Yet, thug spawn get all the pussy, thus the cycle perpetuates. Oh, what a world!
“Yet, thug spawn get all the pussy, thus the cycle perpetuates. Oh, what a world”
All of it?
Or just all the ones that smell bad?
they are seen as kids, they are seen as welfare paychecks…a govt guaranteed pay for nothing but spreading their legs..
Has anyone asked this woman to presss charges against the men who raped her? You mean she engaged in consensual sex with the guys who impregnated her? Didn’t she go to school to learn about sex ed? How about the bleeding hearts demand that she undergo sterilization?
having a son gives you a legacy should have been the title
Agree. Having daughters won’t make neither your name , nor your genes survive (if I remember it correctly only the Y-chromosone passed down from father to son remains unchanged through generations). You’re just helping other men out there reproduce.
If this were true I’d fuck black women but alas the mother also leaves her genetic mark.
” I’d fuck black women”
That’s disgusting, mane.
It’s not disgusting if “Grapefruit” is black. Then it would be normal and right.
your chromosomes pass equally with both dude. Women do pass slightly more genes as they always pass bigger X chromosomes and mitocondrial dna and have a bigger epigenetic influence but yeah you pass the same number of chromosomes to a boy or girl, but a bigger x to a girl with more genes in it.
men without children are not successful
sex with condom/withdrawl is fake sex
transexuals are fake females
Sex with a condom or withdrawal isn’t even sex. It’s mutual masturbation. For sex to have occurred DNA information has to be exchanged. I get kicks out of people who say they’ve had sex with 10,000 babes. No, you’ve masturbated with 10,000 babes and produced no viable issue.
I’d rather go to the Philippines and get some lower quality real sex with ugly girls. Who knows what my legacy is. If they find my real name i wont fuck with them at that point, if they request a condom i at least work out if its possible next time without or leave.
Thailand and eastern europe its all fake sex that most of the dudes are having and I don’t see the point. There is also too much HIV risk in Thailand to do that even if you could do it.
10 years in Thailand and the Philippines, never used a condom. Risk of HIV for heterosexual men is just government propaganda. Your own CDC states risk of catching from an infected female at 4 in 10,000. You have 25x that chance of dying in a traffic accident (400 in 10,000)!
correction (100 in 10,000).
I’d rather go the “mutual masturbation” route than chance bringing a child into this forsaken world. I’m gong to enjoy what I can while I’m here.
That’s like the ‘Inception’ of self-cucking, man. You’re afraid of your own genetic value? You’re so afraid of the future that you refuse to do the one thing that might improve it?
I guess I’m lucky. I don’t have a giant ego, but I prefer to see my genes move into the future. They’ll do better than most other genes in the pool will. My son stands on my shoulders, as I did on my father’s. I already had an advantage there, my son has a greater one. A son stands on the shoulders of either a giant or a worm. I know which one I am.
Isaac Newton though.
He was a real masculine scientist not like soy boys of today.
He probably fucked many chicks on the downlow. it wasnt recorded in them days.
Daughters will grow up to be whores.
Sons will grow up to resent their fathers for bringing them into a wasteland.
That’s the sad reality unless we can reform the strong family unit/communities. Much respect to the fathers and wives that work hard to raise their children correctly through this wretched modern quagmire.
The Non-Feminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan will sterilize all man-hater women and members of the LGBT community as a precautionary measure, though I would like for all man-hater women and faggots to keep the fuck out of Kekistan (cough Milo cough).
This is the ROK Formula:
7 Articles – How Women Will Absolutely Destroy Your Life
6 Articles – Why Left Wing Psychosis Will Rule the World Forever
5 Articles – How to Spend Your Time Courting 3rd World Whores
4 Articles – Why the Economic Future is Bleak
3 Articles – Why Mud is Better than You
2 Articles – Masculinity is Doing Squats and Eating Rice By Yourself
1 Article – It is Nevertheless Your “Duty” to Replace Your Servitude Position With Children Who Will Curse You: Expect NO Access to Resources, NO Marital-Family Happiness or Respect, and for NO Thanks Whatsoever..
All the above is your “legacy”?
Stupid Article 🙁
white race must live on, even if it takes reproducing with some soul-sucking sheeva
maybe its better that the worst women are getting bred by garbage as it keeps hte group stronger without these slags
weak fathers create daughters who are whores. A daughter that is chaste is the sign of a good father and a slut a sign of a weak man raising them or not bothering to even try.
Society creates daughters that are whores. The father has little input after the divorce rape and restraining orders.
I didn’t. My father gave me everything I needed to strike out on my own. I am doing the same for my children.
A child who blames their parent for their own failures is a degenrate of the greatest sort. If a man can’t make his way in this very easygoing time, he’s a loser.
What’s with this boomer hate? It was the so-called “Greatest Generation” that destroyed Europe and allowed Communism to flourish and it was the previous “Lost Generation” that dealt the first death blow to the White Race in WW1.
And you want to blame Boomers for not wanting to go over to Vietnam and get their heads blown off by a Gook sniper in a coconut tree?
We also blame boomers for the immigration act, sexual revolution, drug/hippie culture, and most importantly second wave feminism.
They enjoyed the last bit of the fat of the lamb of a nationalist society, and they further ruined it for the rest of us. Fuck them.
The oldest Boomers were 19 in 1965 (when the voting age was 21) and the youngest Boomers were 1 in 1965 when the Immigration Reform Act was passed. It was also known as the Hart–Celler Act after Philip Hart (born 1912) and Emanuel Celler (born 1888). The Boomers were the first victims of integrated schools (Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954) and forced busing.
Kekistan will rise above the ashes my friend! We will have to wait until the UN officially recognizes Kekistan as a sovereign nation!
At least the Boomers could innovate. They pretty much invented all musical genres: hard rock, psychedelic rock, acid rock, heavy metal, speed metal, etc. Hell, they even invented Disco, New Wave, and Rap / Hip Hop (Grandmaster Flash born 1958, the Beastie Boys, the Sugarhill Gang). What the fuck have the Millennials created in the way of music / culture? Applied some fucking old VCR filters and distortion and call it Vaporwave? hahaha what a joke
All that music was degenerate. If you enjoy it, thats fine, but its incompatible with traditional values.
So what does that leave us with? Harpsichord and piano? Blowing on jugs while stomping our feet?
Ill take a Bach or Tchaikovsky composition over John Lennon’s nwo anthem “Imagine” any day.
I got your blowing on jugs right here:
Lennon didn’t think much of “Imagine”. When asked about it, he said it was just his attempt to out-schmaltz Paul’s “Yesterday”. It was only after Lennon’s death that the public has turned that song into some secular hymn or whatever. It’s as absurd as obsessing over “Help!” or “I Am the Walrus”.
Lurch played a mean harpsichord.
Illegal acts like homosexuality, lesbianism, feminism ( a branch of lesbianism), [email protected] s3x with a transs3xual, shemales, male-shes, Obscene p0rnography and t0plessness will be considered Capital offenses punishable by deportation &/or d3ath penalty under the Laws of God in the Nonfeminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan.
Anyone who identifies as the above illegal acts, who, for any purpose, regardless if it’s “freedom of speech” or sexual d3viance, forces a child under 12 to change their gender, is summoned for the electric chair under the Laws of God in the Nonfeminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan.
What people do in their bedrooms is none of your goddamn business.
They should keep it in their bedrooms, not make their private vice public policy.
Agreed JJ. It goes both ways.
If they kept it in their bedroom, there would be no need for it to be publicly supressed. Look what not doing those things has done to our broken-hearted world.
Under the laws of the Non feminist and Anigay Republic of Kekistan, anyone who identifies as a homosexual, transgender, transsexual, feminist or any other sexually immoral identity who grooms a child under 12 for a sexual purpose or for sexual corruption such as transgenderism, is liable for an offence, and punishable by the electric chair.
Any homosexual or lesbian who engages in statutory anal intercourse with a child under 12 is liable for the electric chair.
This is how, I, President of the Non-Feminist & Antigay Republic of Kekistan will protect families in our nation.
Any homosexual, lesbian, tranny or member of the feminist or LGBT community who travels to Kekistan to encourage change of family protection legislation under the pretext of women’s rights is liable for an offence. This offence is punishable by public stoning by angry 4Chan trolls who have sought refuge from the West’s draconian Consent laws which makes even a glance at a Western woman a sexual offence.
I assure you as President, that I will not enforce legislation to criminalize any activity which is natural and promotes families under the Laws of God. Any 4chan Troll who was forced to Register as a Sex Offender in the USA for talking to a feminist is welcome to our nation. Exceptions are that if it’s a closet homosexual. No homosexuals allowed in Kekistan.
That’s just too harsh. There needs to be a way for cured deviants to seek reformation. I would suggest posthumous forgiveness within 24 hours after they turn themselves in.
Sexual deviants and closet pedophiles like Ms. Mercer, infamously known as Carlyle Jansen the Dildo Teacher from Jacksonville, Florida is not welcome to Kekistan. She will be deported 1000 feet above air from our Army’s private helicopter. Our army will incur costs to sanitize the helicopter upon landing on Kekistan soil.
“To paraphrase Winston Churchill, we shall go on to the end. We shall fight in the universities, we shall fight on the campuses and the podiums, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the lecture halls, we shall defend our right to speak our mind, whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight on the student boards, we shall fight on the hiring committees, we shall fight in the classrooms and in the offices, we shall fight for the minds of our fellow students, we shall never surrender.”
This will go down in history.
Chruchill was a war criminal
So was George Washington. The man who wears the boot that lies on his opponent’s neck doesn’t care about his opponent’s beliefs.
Having children doesn’t necessarily give you reason to fight. It can, but it can also give you reason to fear as you now have something to lose. Also, game blogs and their followers are all about rendering what few marriageable women are left useless to the future through pump and dump (admit it guys, it is true, we mustn’t fool ourselves) and children would end all of that. Secondarily, game guys are all about being digital nomads and “sitting poolside” and living in those pictures Jon Anthony posts; all of that is conducive to “fighting” for the future? I think not. Chaps, we mustn’t lie to ourselves.
basically humans are too smart to actually be reproductively motivated unless you con them with some silly religious identity which also includes many attractive tribal and sexual advantages.
You cannot make men want to pay for 8 children living like a slave unless there is some religious motivation hence atheist civilizations have little future and islam will take them at some point.
all forms of socialism end up with the least able to survive in the societies havng all the children and thus these societies will collapse. White men knew that long ago and should run these civilizations without women being allowed to to government level cucks. All of europe will fall to idiocy even were it able to survive islam – which is so unlikely that it’ll survive
If the religious identity is what works, then how can it be silly? Logical nerdery that never works is silly.
You’re suggesting that we are now above the biological imperative. We are not. We are making room for those who are more in tune with their animal nature.
We can argue about the presence of divinity and Godhood in the world, but we can’t deny our own biological nature. Lack of want breeds indolence.
Seems kinda selfish and immoral to bring another sentient being into existence and suffering in this horrible world just so I can give myself a reason to fight.
imagine you handing your son over to the slavemasters and they take care of him (raping him and making him a degenerate gay liberal left idiot) while you work for them 50+hours a week to see him when you come home dead tired from work. you have 1 hour with your own flesh and blood before you pass out!
the slavemasters have your son for 8+ hours and you can involve yourself into his life at the worst hours of the day….
no thanks, unless i can be independent from this crazy circus
the bigger problem is all the smart folk are taking this route whilst the retards are popping out 7 kids and the thing will collapse. what are the birth rates in these shithole countries?
problem is all the smart people think this way and those who cannot think make all the kids hence the world will soon be even worse as it’ll be packed with fucktards
worse than working 50hours for slavemasters without having relationship with your girl and your child? what can be worse than having your loved ones taken from you, while keeping you working hard for nothing.
“problem is all the smart people think this way and those who cannot think make all the kids hence the world will soon be even worse as it’ll be packed with fucktards”
You cut right to the heart of the problem with the above statement, Wristcel. For example, I work as a mail room clerk and dock worker. One of my co-workers is some kind of “mystery meat” mulatto from the Caribbean. He is this short, chubby, brown little man with thinning hair, and I swear he is borderline retarded. But you know what? He has 8 or 9 children (I forget the exact count) with half a dozen women, plus grandchildren, and he is not yet quite 50 years old. He is proud of his reproductive achievement and says that any man without children is not truly a man. Now, there is no way that he could afford to raise those children on his low salary and especially in this expensive area, so who ultimately paid for them? Yes, who indeed?
I have only had tears of joy one time in my entire existence, one time have a felt the and seen the face of god. It was seeing and help deliver my son into this world.
I envy you!
As Vice President of Kek-merica I pledge to You, the great unwashed Citizens who post comments on weak websites as a form of Social Interaction, that I will RID this Great Nation of ALL its ills! I will restore a vibrant economy! I will reduce taxation! I will keep this nation safe from harm and free from crime! Every Citizen will live in an educated community of traditional values and culture.. free from foreign invasion and manipulation! We will not merely have jobs, but such achievement in our endeavors that our yet unborn great-grandchildren will live in resounding prosperity! We will hav-… wait…. What?…. Speak Up! -Do I have what? — A foreign bank trust? Well.. yes.. I need to keep tax-free funds for my global Investm..– What, are you asking?- Do I have a foreign girlfriend?- Well…. -I may have known a woman from a shitthole country, it’s true! But in time we MIGHT marry and… -Hold on!,.. I resent the implication she is an underage mud! Not at all! She is 1/5 Latina so she qualifies as White for her Citizenship, yet she is 1/3 Mud so I do not have to pay any of her bills! -Nor does she!! In a few years when she is legal she will qualify for her free health-care-provided “hormonal adjustment” and implanted genitalia such that we can be seen in public! — Take notice that I am a supporter of ALL people who support ME… and not just those who can write large checks to serve their pre-scripted psycho-corporate communism. I believe in FREEDOM!… With some technologically monitored boundaries of course.. I mean, you cannot just have people typing UNCENSORED, random, wise-acre shit on your average cheeze website… can you? I mean it is the DEMOCRATIC nature of our society to give up things in sacrifice to those who know better than us!!! ….Like with our undocumented leaders who were not born here and suddenly appear from nowhere with untold BILLIONS of dollars of support, along with global military compliance for their un-divulged plans for re-making the planet! Understand… that is what FREEDOM truly means! We must BELIEVE in the greatness of the wisdom of our corporate owners… for they will TRANSFORM our very lives! We must SURRENDER our very SOULS to the cause! We must forget our selfish dreams for happiness and instead give every thing we do not yet have to the ungrateful masses of Hole D’Shit-stan! For they, the mighty UN-grateful, and their illegitimately NOT-provided for children,.. they.. THEY… THEY!…. are the FUTURE!!!!!!!!
Thank you Andre for this rallying cry. As a first time father at 40 (now 43), you were able to perfectly articulate my sentiments. My child is my inspiration and catalyst to be a stronger man and better husband everyday. Peace and prosperity in the New Year
This is a powerful article. It cuts to the core of everything traditionalists and the Alt Right stand for.
The bottom line is whites and Europeans have the right to survive on our own terms: Self determination is the only method of creating our destiny and creating our own cultures. Anyone or any group that gets in the way is fair game for attack. Self defense is Justice.
“The existence of my people is not negotiable!”
– Stephen A. McNallen
“Female hypergamy goes unchecked.”
Why the fuck should you want to check it? If you can, improve your self to that value, if you can’t, just fuck off.
No one owes anything to you. No one should lower their standards just for you to get laid.
Why shouldn’t you want to check it? It is a destructive force. Improving oneself is not wrong, but constantly shifting in order to measure up to this garbage is not really healthy either. Being a chameleon is not healthy.
The “no one owes you anything” attitude is the reason nobody fights to begin with.
Yes, you are correct, no one should lower their standards. If girls who are 6s and 7s think they deserve males who are 9s and 10s, then that is that.
Likewise I will never lower my standards. I am a 52 y/o 3 (at best) but my wallet is a 9.3. I will never settle for a female over 30 or less than a high end 7. Luckily, my wallet lets me afford to bang escorts even younger and hotter than what I would “settle” for. No old bags for me. Ever.
I gotta say. I hate kids.
Can’t freaking stand them.
They never shut up and always want something.
I may be a miserable, lonely, hard drinking, whore chasing SOB. But at least I don’t have kids. Thank God for that.
Not saying it’s bad for other guys. If you want them and love them, that’s great. More power to you. And if you have sons, train them well.
Not all children are idiots! few are actually very respectable humans! there are many annoying idiot kids, and there are few special ones.
I agree. I’ve been thinking along the same lines.
“Children are also a perfect reason to openly confront the boomers, these egoist parasites who keep most of the wealth to themselves and devour it while compromising continuously with groups that kill us. These old cucks who failed to respect their own parents are now asking us, not only to “respect” them, but also to submit completely to their cucked views as if we had no right to proper experience, consciousness, or free will.”
The behaviors mentioned in the paragraph sound like a manifestation of selfishness, which at least some Falun Dafa practitioners/cultivators describe as a characteristic of the old, degenerate and therefore dying universe.
In Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
du Pole’s a good writer, very insightful as to the world today, but as a few comments intimate, the article doesn’t belong here. There needs to be another forum/site where those who are fathers can cluster, because we are, in essence, dealing with competing ideologies – banging as many diseased whores as you can while your powerless people are mocked and disenfranchised, or attempting to continue the struggle into the next generation. I’m not defaming the former, nor lauding the latter, I’m simply pointing out that they are, indeed, different groups, even though many who are in the second cluster came from the first.
Best book on the subject:
Yes, having children does give one a reason to fight. I will fight tooth and nail so that my two beautiful, strong boys can see right through insecure, close-minded, self-absorbed douche nozzles like the “men” on this site from the start, and I will teach them to fight too, against the putrid hatred you spread.