While David G Brown’s recent article is pretty eye opening, it’s a little pessimistic. We need to temper all the bad that happens in this world (like beautiful women becoming ugly) with some good. Here are 17 examples of women who decided to take to make themselves more beautiful.
Let this be some inspiration to show you that there is some beauty in this world.
From fat to fit. She’s in her late thirties. Diet and exercise instantly restore as much of youthful beauty as can be restored for women.
She went from skinny-fat to fit, getting far more beautiful in the process.
Women can lose a lot of weight without having to also get ripped six pack abs.
She got beautiful thanks to running and yoga. Whatever works is worth pursuit (as a general rule).
She even lost the glasses.
Jordan Sparks shows what happens when you have the money to invest in personal trainers and choose to do so.
7. Nicole Richie
It’s not just about weight loss. Nicole Richie ditched those disgusting dreads and wal-mart shopper attire for something classy. Sometimes that’s all it takes.
8. Jennifer Hudson
Although her face looked good before, it looks great after weight loss.
It’s amazing how much of a difference a chin can make.
That waist-to-hip ratio incredible. You never would have guessed it was hiding under the fat she had before.
She knows she went from a 2 to an 8 and now she’s ready to break some beta hearts.
Weight loss is great but one can be too skinny also. Before she looks unhealthy, near death. After she looks full of life, ready to be a great gym partner.
Sometimes all it is short hair to make a beautiful woman ugly or an ugly woman beautiful. Ladies, don’t fall for what the media tells you. All other things being equal, men prefer women with long hair.
She doesn’t need to pose in a bikini for us to appreciate how much more beautiful she is after losing the weight.
That waist-to-hip ratio really shines after all the fat is burned.
She used to be sloppy. Now she can turn on sexy or classy at her whim. She went from a 3 to every man’s dream, a freak in the sheets and a lady in the streets.
She just doesn’t look happy on the left. She’s drinking a beer. Probably depressed. Even her smile is ugly. But on the right she is vibrant, full of life. She’s keeping a workout journal or making a list of all the ways she is going to be a good wife to some lucky man.
Just like men, women can raise their SMV with some simple but hard-earned efforts. By getting their bodies fit, growing their hair long, and dressing classy, women can be as physically beautiful as they want to be. It’s a choice to be ugly, a choice no one has to make.
The world can be a sad place. The most majestic animals are going extinct. Terrorists blow up ancient works of art. Beautiful women turn ugly. But we shouldn’t focus on those things more than we need to.
We have to remind ourselves that there is good in this world. These were some examples of that.
Read More: 30 Beautiful Women Who Became Ugly
Number 5 is the only one I would show interest in. The others still aren’t attractive IMHO. I bet they’ve airbrushed out a LOT of stretch marks and saggy skin.
Number 5 before is definitely a different person. Just look at the size of her hip bones shrinking to a almost male bone structure.
You can’t fool John, the guy has seen it all
I guess they did fool him. Fake tits.
A few got better, but at the cost of a tummy tuck, flaccid breasts needing implants, and steroids (bodybuilders whom always get implants after they burn all the fat out of them).
Ain’t fooling me. I personally don’t like breast implants. They’re as fake as a fake leg. But for a romp to boost their self esteem, sure.
If you wouldn’t bang number 10, you’re a crazyman.
I’d hit it, but she wouldn’t be chased after. Ripped abs have no place on a woman….and the tits are OBVIOUSLY FAKE.
100% try-hard couger in my book. Pump and dump only.
Ha! I concur. #5 FTW.
It is amazing what weight loss can do for a woman’s looks.
Weightloss, and muscle building can do a ton for a man’s looks as well.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Japan, and consider Japanese women on average more attractive than American women. Most of it is simply the fact that they aren’t fat slobs.
They are thin, feminine, and stylish. Far too many American women are obese, arrogant, not feminine, and slovenly.
Even women with below average faces are generally fairly attractive if they are slim.
Addictive processed food is another tool elites use to control people. The high metabolizer/water retainer women become crack addicts to junk food as easily as everyone else. Take away a fatty’s box of twinkies and she flips out and jonses like a crack addict and tries to call the cops. The chemicals in junk food are that strong so you see what a powerful grip the elites have in controlling people with food among their many other sinister forms of control. A fatty woman who is an undisciplined self propelled gastropod consumer needs to temper her eating and detox from the chemicals just like a naturally slender person who has a laxitive modal pass through jettison digestive system. Most average people are mere shit producers (digestively speaking). They produce mounds of oderific sh¡t that still contains a majority of unburned fats, enzymes and the many minerals that create the stench of a fresh steaming Mumbai beach pagoda.
Yeah I’m MCGOO and I can read and diagnose a woman’s insides just by the smell of her sh¡t. They couldn’t pay me enough to do that as a job so I sit safely in my minimalist treehouse and preach it to the good people of the world. Aside, the point holds that food is the problem with the fatties. It is a patriarch’s duty among other duties to police what goes into women’s mouths.
Japanese women have REALLY unappealing vulvas.
WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPEN TO THIS SITE?? You guys have lost the fucking plot by allowing this article to go up. No one with any respect for himself would fuck these hags, even after their “stunning” transformations. Get it together you lame White Guys! I move for this to be removed.
Negroes have an average IQ of 85 in the US. They average 70 in Africa, due to not mixing with evolved northern dna. Basically human bodies with the heads of talking apes. That’s just the plain biological fact. There’s absolutely no way around it. This is not a discussion, just a reminder for any time a negro talks.
Whatever dude.
Doubt you have the game to pull any of them.
In reality, Looks & intelligence are a small part of the package.
Faith/Money/Crazy – Bitchy scale of 1-10/ Education/ Family history/ Personal history/Relatively athletic are the deciding factors for me.
Diet will catch up with you.
I would only show interest in the blonde from # 3.
Stretch marks?
Get fucked, incel.
Most of pictures are not of the same person.
WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPEN TO THIS SITE?? You guys have lost the fucking plot by allowing this article to go up. No one with any respect for himself would fuck these hags, even after their “stunning” transformations. Get it together you lame White Guys! I move for this to be removed.
Woman that take pride in their looks and being healthy is a negative now?
Youve jumped the shark. The point is not to judge a book by its cover and that makeup and a makeover go a LONG way.
I prefer a woman who looks good with no makeup. All that makeup gunk leaves a terrible ring on my bathtub. I once almost slipped and lost it there was so much greasy goop on the bottom of my tub after these two girls bathed in it. I was inebriated when I met them – this was 25 some years ago – but I remember how when the next day I noticed how raunchy they looked without makeup.
‘Stunningly beautiful’?
That word is tossed around too much these days, mostly by betas pandering to girls who are 6s at best.
17 girls learnt some self respect, but only 4 and 5 became beauties. Would probably bang the rest of met at the bar.
Would anyone here seriously date a girl who had been grossly overweight in the past?
No woman, nor man who is grossly overweight can lose weight without a serious damage on their metabolism, hormonal balance, etc. Especially true for women who lose weight too much and too quickly, they would either totally lose their ovulation and libido or they would balloon back pretty soon.
For that reason exactly, what’s to stop their weight from bungeeing jumping back and forth once they’ve gotten a modicum of attention?
When I was around 15 my Dad’s best friend (and my unofficial uncle) would throw barbecues every few months. He was fat, his wife was fat, their son and daughter was fat and even the dog was fat. They were a nice fat family. His daughter had a crush on me for some time, but I liked her friend. I asked the friend for her number and later she wrote it down for me. As I was walking home with a friend I decided to phone her from a payphone- she had given me the fat daughter’s number! I threw the paper on the floor in disgust and walked home.
I later heard she found the paper the next day while walking the dog and it upset her so much she skipped school for day or two, I felt a little bad so I didn’t go back to the monthly barbecues.
About a year later I saw her Dad and he had lost loads of weight, he said after he had a heart scare, his daughter was getting bullied at school, and the dog was too fat to defend itself, they decided to lose weight. He invited me to go to a party at a pub he had hired out and gave me his number, I spied a beautiful blonde as his phone screensaver.
Went to the party and would you beleive it, that beautiful blonde was his daughter! She was lapping up the attention from the village fuckboys now she looked bangable.
Spotted me and dismissed her orbiters, sauntered over as if to say ‘ look at me now, fucker!’
“Hey. Where’s your Pa?” I asked with the same indifference i’d always treated her with. Her face dropped and pointed him out to me. Later when she was in a more submissive mood I asked her why she had decided to lose weight, and she had been bullied and told me the same things her dad had told me plus that she found her number on the floor.
“Well, I’m glad you went through the shit so you all could come out better.” She started to object but then saw I was right and smiled. She wanted to find someplace quiet but all I could see was her old pudgy body, so declined in favour of her old friend.
Whereas my friend’s cousin who worked as a bartender in a gay district got the bright idea from her sausage smoking friends to lose weight and get famous on instagram. So she did, but when she started getting less attention she got depressed, she was addicted to the Comments Of The Beta Male.
She inevitably lost her motivation, unable to love herself and ballooned right back up.
The difference between shaming and acceptance right there.
I would, if her attitude didn’t suck from ego overload, and she didn’t revert back to the goo pile.
If I found out my girl had ever been a disgusting fatty, I’d drop her in a heartbeat. There’s something innately wrong with any female who ever becomes a repugnant beefalo. And courting and cherishing a former sweathog would be total emasculation.
It’s a positive that they improved themselves, all women should, but those extreme cases can sell their damaged goods to betas. They all look over 27, so their LTR value is near zero anyways. And with their man hips, most of them look like men with wigs and fake tits.
If she was obese in the past, it means she had yet to learn not to eat spam and twinkies. Slimming it is as close to red pill turn around that a high metabolizer/water retainer woman can do. The fact is that these ex fatties have the ‘conservation’ gene from the paleo era that allows them and their offspring to go for a week without eating a full meal while other tribesmen foraged and hunted.
Look up the Pacific island nation of Nauru. It is now the most obese (90%) with 50% diabetes and foot amputation 30%. They eat SPAM with miracle whip on Wonder bread and soda now whereas before they were the leanest fishing culture on Earth. Since WWII occupation, they’ve been limited to imported packaged crap to eat.
An obese woman is extremely low maintenance and can survive on a handful of raisins per day because with their ‘conservation’ gene, their body conserves and saves EVERY bit of fat they consume. The solution is simple – just starve the woman and she’ll lean out perfectly. Leaned out these types become like workaholics, and I’ve even known some leaned out ones. In fact, one old boss I had was a crazy energetic workaholic, and the strange thing is he never ate anything. During lunch, he’d drink a gatorade and eat two crackers, then start energetically working and shouting at the crew. With a leaned out ‘conservator’ gene girl, you could do the same and feed her a goldfish cracker and she’d effeciently burn it like a two stroke weedeater “wheeeeerrrr” and suck and fu(k you all night.
The lobs and bags of skin are a downside on one that’s went morbid with the eating though. Get one that’s never ballooned out. Man would have never survived the Ice Age without the high metabolizer/water retainers. These are very special girls that need starved. Their life depends on it. Food is kryptonite to them. It wipes them out. Spanking and dietary discipline is what they need. That’s not so hard.
I see lots of airbrushing, lighting tricks, and faces that are nothing to write home about.
There is no beauty without a pretty face. Body alone doesn’t cut it.
Beauty will save the world.
Very good. Dostoyevsky quote, I think?
Aside from about half of them looking too much like men, the rest with their improvements…are very much improved. BRAVO…the ones (1, 2 and 10) who now look like men…..well WTF? Ok, so you are now TOO lean body builders.. try acting and looking like feminine women and maybe you will wow some people who are not closet homos. Ripped and shredded females should be respected for their dedication to their desires, but the physical results are really off putting because they surpassed the normal for the extreme.
If they take up competitive Crossfit, or athletic contests, who cares?
Some of you are worse THAN women in your judgments.
Grow a pair
“gym” partner, lol
That made me laugh too. What can a platonic female friendship offer someone that a male friendship can’t? Fuckin’ nothing!
1 2 and 10…quasi men….ughh
3 pretty decent borderline male though
all the rest except for 15….very nice results, very pleasing to the eye (in clothes), out of them…who knows. But still respect to the ladies for their dedication.
ok…15, great results especially for a post wall girl. extra kudos for successfully fighting the age and wall collision.
Let these women be the inspiration for men to take steps to improve themselves as well. Take small steps. Do one little thing different each day (like iron your shirt) and make it a habit. Then you will get used to doing it and it won’t be such a burden. Then do another additional improvement each day on top of that and make it a habit and so on. After a couple of years, people will notice and compliment you, and you would think it was nothing much you did. Then you do another thing to improve yourself. It is a relentless pursuit of perfection.
What greater glory is there than to pursue perfection in all meaningful things of one’s life?
Whoever said ‘perfection is the enemy of the good’ was probably a scruffy cunt.
I wouldn’t rate any of them stunningly beautiful and they all look above 30 years old. Still, at least they made improvements so congrats to them especially if they stay that way.
ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz……., Good for them, I guess. Hip, hip hoorah for mediocrity.
And I’m sure you’re the next Adonis.
“Mediocrity”, go fuck yourself.
One other thing to take note on these women is that they did not ink themselves or made their face into pin cushions. Also no clown color hairs either.
It’s been my personal experience and observation that when rotund women drop major weight, it goes to their heads, and they quickly start monkey branching or trading up. Example. I work with a man who’s a truck driver. Hardworking Christian man. Been married 13 years, and has two sons, ages 9 and 11. Loves his sons more than life itself. His wife sat at home and gorged on junk food, tipped the scale at nearly 300 lbs., and downed a fifth of Stolis daily by noon. She joined a gym, started eating healthy, started dressing better and doing the fakeup, and did the 12 stepper program. One day he discovered that she met a Muslim in Paris, France online. He sent her plane fare, and booked a hotel room for her. She also had a passport. Now she wants to walk away from her family, get alimony, and shack up with Mustafa.
Its hard to not feel bad for the guy, but in the end, he is better off that she up and left and made it simple for him to get full custody of his kids..IF HE ACTS QUICKLY to show a family court abandonment..and then file for divorce/ HE and his kids are btter off without her cheesy a$$!!!
Its sucks because of human nature, but is THE GOLDEN opportunity to make the best use of it to replay the treachery, and HE WILL BE RID OF HER…provided he doesn’t go all blue pill stupid.
He need to act SMART and not “fair”….cut the shitpile off and stick her hard through the courts. Both for his kids and himself and his finances..He needs to go full mercenary and scorch earth here trail so she cannot come back.
My sentiments exactly. I’m a never married 60 year old man, but I’ve seen far too many guys like this get screwed by the divorce courts and morally bankrupt psychotic women. He needs to look out for his sons, get a good attorney, and protect what assets he has.
So many upvotrs and you idiots don’t pause to examine this “story” which Im sure totally happened. It doesnt occur to you betas why the story makes it seem like “shacking up with some dune coon” is itself the point of the story and is supposed to be a good thing that any normal woman would do, given the chance?
ROK is crawling with clueless betas who are also spineless cucks.
Amazing what you can do with Photoshop….
I’m liking 9,15 and 16
#10 is a completely different woman.
Seriously would not bang any of these broads. Tighten up ROK.
Now show us a 29 year old female
who stunningly became 19 again
Different men have different preferences for what they want in women. Beauty is subjective.
Its not THAT subjective. If you think these muscular postwall womwn ate hit, you are either gay or omega, not even beta.
#11 is a 6. You gave way too much credit. She’s still a bit fat.
Hats off to #3, but she went too far to the other extreme. I mean she’s all bony now, and just look at the loose belly skin, urgh.
Missing Die Cis Scum girl’s before and after. She still has short hair (maybe growing it out) but better than the shaved head, black lipstick and shitty attitude.
Hah. Xe took one look at xer tits in the mirror, and realized xe could get more likes (and money) by presenting as an attractive female. So much for convictions, lol.
Amazing transformations, I will always cheer on anyone who wants to improve their lives through exercise and nutrition.
Search for Gina Carla before and after
I had a relative who became alarmed when she tipped the scales at 300 pounds and subsequently got on a Doctor supervised diet. After 2 years, she dropped down to 149 pounds. It is all good of course and she looks healthy, happy, etc. But somehow, I just can’t quite put my finger on it. She just isn’t half the person that she used to be.
Most of them look way too manly, and I’m not into trannies, so nah. No, thanks.
The majority are still high-risk Americanized women getting even more attention now on their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. How else were their pictures found. Don’t want to have to deal with “the after”.
Don’t trust it. It they were fat be, they can always go back. Got burnt in that too may times.
I know most guys on ROK hate Asian girls but at least they are naturally thin…very few ever balloon up like these land whales
No. 14 is Indian actress Bhoomi Pednekar. The ‘before’ picture is one taken when she had to gain weight for a movie role. Do some research at the very least. Or maybe the author already knew this and still used the images just to prove a point.
#5 #10-#14 are different people. If you’re going to write an article at least make a half assed effort to be accurate. I swear this site is turning to shit.
bunch of mostly fat ugly dudes who have not been laid in months , commenting how they would not hit these women
I don’t dig fat chicks but some of those faces were definitely prettier before the weight loss.
While this isn’t exactly about the subject, there is a time when a man should be happy he left a fat woman who became beautiful:
All right, you finally get fed up with her because of a number of reasons. After you are gone, she changes for the better, maybe not just physically (everything was her own doing before and after).
The mainstream media and its followers will usually mock the man, “boy aren’t YOU sorry you left her?” Idiots.
It’s like this: if the man wasn’t worth the effort for her to shape up but doing so to spite him was, just what exactly did he lose? Answer: nothing worthwhile.
So…. these whores are just hypergamous cunts and now have more reason to act so (but not deservingly).
Got it.
That’s a bit misleading… she may have left feminism, and it’s a little less obvious now that she’s a freak, but I guarantee she’s not normal. If she were, “Die cis scum” wouldn’t have been a thing in the first place.