Liberals like to prance around like they’re large and in charge of modern American society. Since long before the long, hot summer of 2016 when they burned down cities, to the early days of the Trump presidency in which they’ve been doing their best to create a modern witch trial with the Much Ado About Russia narrative, shitlibs have been figuratively poking a tiger in the eye with a stick and getting away with it. They’ve had incredible luck so far. But could that luck be about to run out?
Radical libs instigating the populace who live outside major cities never take the time to look in the mirror and realize they aren’t ready for a duel, as they are not the tigers they consider themselves to be. They’re nothing more than paper tigers playing with gasoline and fire. Let’s analyze modern liberalism as we size up our hammer and sickle wielding enemies.

Ironically, Tim Allen had his popular ABC series canceled after discussing liberal tolerance in Hollywood. CMT could soon revive it
Modern shitlibs are a case study in psychological projection. Liberals project onto conservatives everything they hate but have become, only in reverse. They’re intolerant Christophobes. They’re anti-male. They’re anti-white. They’re anti-family. In other words, they’re little more than a hate group for traditional American and European men and tradition.
They’re the inverse of everything they see wrong with the world, but every bit as intolerant as the boogeymen they scorn. Liberals are no longer live and let live, they’re live and try to kill anyone that doesn’t want to live like us.
What’s particularly hilarious about the mental illness known as liberalism is watching their hypocrisy in action. For example, I passed through a New York restaurant over the weekend. I watched a white girl with technicolor hair bend over backwards to kiss the behind of a female Muslim wearing a head scarf as if she was a sacred cow. What? Doesn’t this “oppressed” woman represent everything the pink-haired freak is supposed to hate? Aren’t white girls like her supposed to be against patriarchy? Oh, that’s right: it’s only bad if the evil white boogeyman does it. Brown people can still be patriarchal.
Beyond liberals failing to realize the duplicity of their own narratives, Tim Allen spoke out about what it’s like living in “tolerant” Hollyweird and later, appropriately enough, had his popular comedy series unexpectedly cancelled by ABC. He told court jester Jimmy Kimmel:
You’ve gotta be real careful around here. You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany. I don’t know what happened. If you’re not part of the group, you know, “What we believe is right…”
Allen followed with:
I go, well I go I might have a problem with that.
Allen was shit-canned soon after for not adhering to the doxy of uber-liberal, politically correct ABC.
Liberals use political correctness to put conservatives into a straitjacket, one the right is increasingly refusing to be on as Tim Allen illustrates. These neo-fascists believe their worldview is the only correct worldview, and are becoming increasingly hostile to those who refuse to go along with their Utopian, Socialist fantasies.
They are the fascists they accuse the right of being, as elucidated by Jonah Goldberg in his book Liberal Fascism. Since they have no God to worship, they worship the state. Goldberg gives us insight into leftist myopia:
Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure.
Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy. Contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism.
Intolerant liberals want to use the power of the state to crush every ideal they don’t agree with. They also want to turn the state into the legislative and executive branches of government into a figurative mommy and daddy.
Weakness and degeneracy

A shitlib protester receiving a wedgie on the Berkeley campus is only the beginning of what’s to come if libs continue riling conservatives
Make no mistake, modern liberalism is a creed based almost entirely on weakness. It derives from an r-selected human environment, one created by K-selected conservatives. The biological r/K selection process morphing into the modern political process is detailed in the book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics.
The r-strategy is designed to exploit an environment where resources are freely available, everywhere.
A clusterfuck ensues once resources become available to unfit members of society who can obtain them from the producers by using the force of the state.
In r-selection, [the fittest members of society] will be out-reproduced by pacifists, who simply focus upon eating, and reproducing… This environment will favor a tendency towards conflict avoidance, and tend to cull the aggressive and competitive. It will also evolve tendencies towards mating as early as possible, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, while investing as little effort as possible rearing offspring. Here, there are unlimited resources just waiting to be utilized, and even the most unfit can acquire them.
Now we know why there are fat slobs, cock-carouseling women, single moms, and sorry asses everywhere in modern America. They’re r-selected humans taking advantage of a free ride as they swipe out with their EBT card and take it home to their Section 8 housing.
Of course, when resources are freely available, the weakest members of society begin to overpopulate and crowd out the stronger members of society. We can witness this with the current maker vs. taker paradigm in the American economy, in which makers are worked up to 70 hours a week in increasingly shittier jobs with lower pay and vanishing benefits (often sacrificing forming their own families) to support the welfare class and women with five kids by five different dads.
One might ask: How does America still have negative population growth if r-selection leads to people breeding like rabbits? The answer is sickeningly simple. Abortion. Today, and every day, roughly the same number of deaths that occurred in the World Trade Center on 9/11 will happen in abortion clinics.
Over 43 million children have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973, which is the equivalent to the population of Spain, South Korea, or Colombia disappearing from the face of the earth in just two generations. Abortion deaths also eclipse the 1.1 million war deaths of all American soldiers since the nation was founded in 1776. So, while liberals are indeed breeding like rabbits, they’re killing their offspring just as quickly thanks to the deft and bloody hand of social engineers who saw this juggernaut coming.
Cleaning house

When the time to clean house arrives, liberals will know it
They’ve had a nice run. But there are signals the liberal reign of terror will be coming to an end. Conservatives are increasingly taking a “don’t give a fuck” stance when it comes to liberal labeling, name-calling, and other games they play to try and keep the right in line. The election of Donald Trump to office (as much of a disappointment he is turning out to be to many) was the first sign that liberal narratives and media manlets have lost their influence.
Another, amusing sign the tables are beginning to turn happened on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, where the scarf-wearing Antifa group was humiliated by a group of Trump supporters. Heatstreet wrote:
In Berkeley a pro-Trump “free speech” protest was also held by members of various factions like Proud Boys and the alt-right. The two rallies quickly converged and turned into a bloody street brawl between anti fascist leftists and Trump supporters, which resulted in 23 arrests.
The Trump supporters are declaring victory after they managed to push the Antifas back and bust some heads in.
When the time comes, the leftists who think they have run of the place are in for some more unpleasant surprises. It takes a long time to rile the true, K-selected tigers on the right. But when the claws finally reach out at them, the paper tigers will quickly realize it wasn’t such a good idea to provoke the men who are the backbone of society.
Read More: Liberals Are Not The Enemy…But Liberalism Is
For some reason I am reminded here of a quote from the movie, “3:10 to Yuma” (2007). When asked if he really was certain that his posse was coming to set him free and lay waste to the townsfolk (who were basically a bunch of sheep), outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) says, “They’re coming, Dan. Sure as god’s vengeance, they’re coming…”
I thought of Tombstone, where Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russel) says, “You tell ’em I’m coming, and hell’s coming with me!”
Ha. Another great quote from a good film. Have you ever noticed the scene in “Tombstone”, where the actor Buck Taylor says, “Hell, I have lots of friends,” and his Masonic square and compass is clearly visible, dangling from a chain around his neck, hidden in plain sight…priceless:
Great scene. Ordinarily I don’t like American westerns but this was a rare good one.
I doubt it. You ever interact with millennials? They are libtard through and through.
There’s something happening, here. What it is ain’t exactly clear.
I am a millennial, and I’ve seen more than my share of liberals in my age bracket. But they’re starting to grow up, and every year I’m seeing more right-leaning millennials. Perhaps it’s what Churchill said, “If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you’re not Conservative by 30 you have no brain.”
My cousin is also and he’s a Conservative. I think the youth are avoiding traditional media and seeking their information elsewhere in which case they are exposed to things they would otherwise have not been aware of courtesy of the dying legacy media.
This cousin of mine is 21 and is anti gay marriage, antifeminist, anti-Islam; very happy to see some of the youth today have a brain.
If you’re a liberal at any age, you neither have a heart or a brain.
I got that reference!
You know what’s awesome? I’d never paid attention to the lyrics, but I did this time. It turns out that reference was orders of magnitude better than I planned.
Those 30 something Millennials are starting to push out 5 lb premie Aspergers babies
palm sized premies!
MIT claims HALF the boys born in 2025 will have some form of autism…can MIT be worng?
We’ll need to bring in more Africans and Arabs and Central Americans for sure!
that white pussy ain’t gonna fuck itself! And if half of all boys are Autistic, well … better bring in some men up to the job wot wot
Yesterday I read a profile of Richard Spencer in The Atlantic. The most alarming thing in the piece:
“The political scientists Yascha Mounk and Roberto Stefan Foa have noted that belief in the essential importance of living in a democracy has dropped off dramatically among the young, and support for “Army rule” has increased to one in six Americans. A generation ago it was one in 16.”
Gay marriage is a tiny marginal issue; who gives a crap. But one in six show “support for Army rule” over democracy? That’s insane.
The Atlantic is a rag not even worthy of wiping one’s ass with. That said, is it any wonder that ‘democracy’ is becoming an increasingly dirty word in the US? When you have the globalist dickfaces who have been running things for close to 3 decades it is inevitable people will recoil at the thought of it.
If you don’t believe The Atlantic is a vehicle for good analysis of our society, then what do you read? I’m open to recommendations.
I, personally, favor a monarchy. At least when a single ruler becomes a tyrant (which is tyrrany, not monarchy) the people know that the corruption is not their fault and can extinguish the source.
I tend to avoid ‘analyses’ of society and instead draw my own conclusions. The ‘experts’ in these fields always are pushing some agenda that I find repulsive.
Indeed-there was a great read by Brandolini about the virtue of monarchy over democracy where the King of Hungary, Corvinus, schools a Venetian proponent of democracy. Hysterical stuff.
Der Sturmer
Conclusions are based upon 1) premises (facts) and 2) assumptions.
I already know your assumptions. So where do you get your facts from?
lol. You’re admitting that you don’t read. I’m not going to call you ignorant, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
What are you? Three years old using that moronic initialism? Grow up.
You’re making an idiotic assumption. I don’t read shit. And there is an overwhelming proliferation of that of which you are an ardent supporter of. I trust what I see rather than muckraking shills pumping out whatever brainfart they have to appease their globalist overlords; your brethren in other words.
It was a simple question: Where do you get the information that has led you to such a radical political position? I’m legitimately curious to know.
No. You were being a fucking smartass-as is your customary mode.
WHAT DO YOU READ. If The Atlantic doesn’t measure up, then what does? Answer the question!
Fuck off. You’re not worth it.
You are talking with a centrist who is honest-to-God trying to understand how a person gets radicalized. I’m not judging you. I legitimately want to know what has led you to your current radical opinions.
You don’t know when to stop do you? Radicalized?! Get the fuck out of here.
Seriously. You’re a joke. Centrist, my ass. You’re a pinko.
Correction: I am a centrist. By every political compass test I’ve ever seen (and I’ve taken dozens), I am a centrist. I sit smack dab between statism and minarchism, individualism and collectivism, right and left, modernism and traditionalism.
You, sir, are of the left.
How old are you? I’m 41, and I haven’t heard a person use the word “pinko” who wasn’t at least 70 yrs old.
Please see the Horseshoe Theory comment I posted above.
You seem insistent that you alone have all the tools necessary to understand the world. No need for data, information, or analysis. You ALONE are the arbiter of all that is right and wrong.
That’s a radical stance.
So humor me. How does a person arrive at your stage of extremism? This is your opportunity to provide some self-reflection, publicly but anonymously.
“I’ve taken dozens of tests, they’re the best tests…”
LOL that you pretend to know me so well. Look through my disqus account, it’s public for a reason, and see if you still believe that.
I’ve read your comments for the past year or so, since it became apparent through the Trump campaign that your thoughts are received directly from the leftist media.
What more must I know about a man to judge him? Out of the overflow of a man’s heart, his mouth speaks.
Don’t you dare patronise me. You got that.
I couldn’t give a flying crap about your asinine theory. The data is there in front of you-to rely on others to interpret such is tacit admission you lack the faculties to make your own decisions and instead need those with an agenda to decide for you. I ALONE am indeed the arbiter of what is right and wrong for me.
Away with you.
Good article. Thanks for the link; I recommend it to all. Good discussion piece, from a bunch of angles. Heated disagreements, guaranteed.
All their usual talking points being parroted here.
And the aphorism you used was poetic-I like it and will be sure to remember it.
Matthew 12:34
Ah. Biblical. Sounds like the King James version.
Just looked it up for the reference, and KJV uses “abundance” instead of “overflow.”
I do this too often with verses. I’d prefer to have just one translation memorized to drop, but I’ve had to learn from so many translations it gets jumbled.
I see. My understanding is that the KJV is the most acclaimed as far as translations go because of the writing in it being mellifluous and sonorous.
And it’s the closest translation to the original texts
As I understand it. In and of itself it’s a good read for purely literary reasons and represented for many writers in the past, a solid inspiration in terms of their own styles. Lord Dunsany is one really good writer who comes to mind and much of his work emulated that.
That’s an odd position for a Christian.
According to the political simulator, I’m a:
State: Imperial Technocratic Two-Party Republic
Society: Religious Nativism
System: Social State
you should take a .com’s opinion on anything.
I’m as surprised as you, every time. Apparently there’s a lot more “right” beyond me than I ever thought.
Most people don’t know that “thee” and “thou” are plurals of “you” that were already out of use when the KJV was compiled. They reintroduced it to maintain the original text as clearly as possible (so “you” means singular and “thee” means plural, to mimic the original text).
They also endeavored to preserve the structure of the originals and use consistent translation of each word. If you read the KJV alongside a parallel text translation, you can clearly see how closely the two relate.
It was out, yes, but just barely. The KJV was written at a time when “thou” would have been seen as language grandma and gradpa and the village elders used, it had kinda just fallen out of common use.
Too bad too, because it’s a great pronoun and makes a critical distinction between familiarity of friends and families (thou) compared to formal recognition of outsiders (You). Most other Indo European languages kept their “Thou” (Du, Tu, Thu, etc) for good reason. English just democratized and now everybody is “familiar” despite using the unfamiliar pronoun. It’s weird.
At very least, we’ve instinctively realized we need a plural second-person pronoun. In the south, we use “y’all”, and in the north I hear it’s “youse.”
Old school ROK members unleashed a slay fest on the liberals in that article’s comment section. I only regret not getting popcorn prior to reading.
This guy is the new Kersey.
I think, technically, Kersey is the new Jammy.
both are retarded
We’re all retarded, in our own way.
yeah but these two are retarded , in a very retarded way
When shitbags who would love to see you dead can step into a booth and cast a vote to destroy everything you live for, why would you support that? I support a constitutional republic of some sort, but mob rule has to go and there needs to be a qualification for voters.
I’m not quite Charles Bronson level but I appreciate the sentiment. If I am making the correct inference that is.
Hear hear. Land ownership and/or paying taxes. If you don’t own you don’t vote.
Forget it. The Atlantic and another clapped out NGO site is all she has.
I was under the impression you were at least 50….
The magic of pseudonymity
Look like Bill Maher is doing his bit to help make the libs/leftist akin to a modern day “shakers”:
New Rule: I Didn’t Reproduce Day | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
I know he intends this for “everybody”; but can’t say the idea he won’t leave his seed on this earth bothers me much.
“If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you’re not Conservative by 30 you have no brain.”
damn it looks like I have no heart. I knew there was smth wrong with me.
Some of us, I suspect, mature faster.
I just happened to discover ROK at 18 , roughly 2 years ago. I wish I had discovered it at 15. I would be swimming in a poosy paradise in High school , if that were the case.
Glad to know you’re a millennial. I thought I was the only guy in his twenties amongst this bunch of digital grandpas.
Just one observation-‘Liberal’ is a misnomer for those miscreants. A more appropriate term is ‘Regressives’ or ‘Fascists’ as ‘liberal’ denotes the complete antithesis of what these bastards are.
Our whole political lexicon is outmoded and inaccurate, anymore. I usually just roll with “totalitarian” for the extremes. Unfortunately, that covers more and more these days.
Agreed on the political lexicon being totally screwed. There really isn’t even a word for my political beliefs.
I just made a comment below about this.
Liberal used to mean for most of our history basically “libertarian” (little L, not the political party). The socialists/fascists/progressives took the word and hijacked it.
‘Classic liberal’ as is the term used. They’ve proven the adage that if you control language you control the narrative. Accordingly, we need to use other epithets to describe their behaviour and thought patterns and eschew theirs.
That’s kind of the reason I’m on a semi-serious quest to reintroduce words that have somehow magically disappeared in the last twenty years. Not slang, that always changes, but rather common words that made fine distinctions and helped bolster understanding. Homeless, for example, is a bullshit word. It makes a “no values” judgement about a large range of activities, which is wrong. You can be a drifter, a hobo, a bum, a vagrant and a whole host of other more descriptive and *judgement loaded* words. Which is what we need to get back to as a society, that is, publicly judging bad and good behaviors without fear.
And it’s a worthy one. The neutered ‘politically correct’/Cultural Marxist lexicon must be annihilated.
I sort of miss “useless eater.” I think Hitler used it, and so gave it a bad rap, but how else can one describe so many modern Americans?
Holy shit! This guy actually posted a upbeat article for once!
Yeah I don’t like it either
Of course you don’t
Damn bro you need to go outside and smell some roses
I know
On another note, I’m all for birth control/abortion-the Leftist retards will keep killing their own and in the process totally fail to replenish their stocks. In time they will become old and weak and decadent and thus ripe for the picking-they will be massacred and it will be good.
I believe that’s a major part of the overall plan…
According to my set of blueprints, yes. I was poring over them and can see the components falling into place.
The elite hate liberals, Jews, and people of color…since they hold the reins, it’s pretty much a certainty where this whole thing is headed…
Are they white supremacists?!?!
That’s how some would look at it…
LOL! Those stormfags got it all backwards then.
Pretty much…things are never as they seem, and there are tons of useful idiots out there..
The Metal Gear series of games have plenty of conspiracy too. I never paid attention to them as they are Playstation exclusive. Thanks to CBCB for bringing this to my attention:
freaky, no? Who was Kojima golfing with right? I loved that game, yet all this whizzed over my head
careful they aint in metric
So golden ratio? Theban units? Athenian units?
They hate everyone who isn’t them. Everyone below them, white, black, Jew, etc is a mudperson. I’ve said a thousand times on this site what the end goal is.
I think they replenish their stock through ideology rather than reproduction. Check out Canada, no child ever buys into feminist or LGBT bullshit. That crap is hammered into their impressionable brains.
they spread memes rather than genes
Excellent put. My sentiments exactly.
Like a virus. But they don’t keep their gene pool going. The idea is passed on but their numbers thin.
To be honest, ideas are far worse because they cannot be destroyed. The more you suppress the more attention you draw towards it. You can liken this to a zombie infection.
You can neuter them by exposing them to a dose of chemotherapy-facts. And asskickings help where necessary.
Bad ideas wither when exposed, though. Among the values of free speech is that a bad idea can be exposed and ignored or criticized. By silencing an idea, you remove it from criticism and allow it to fester.
They are viruses. They do not reproduce through blood, but through the corruption of others.
When they reproduce through blood, they tend to birth right-leaning children. The daughter of the author of “The Color Purple” is a staunch Conservative because her feminist mother was a total bitch to her growing up.
Interesting. It would seem that innately one leans conservatively when they reproduce through blood as they feel a biological urge to do so. Leftism/Liberalism is indeed a mind virus, a cancer of the mind and spirt.
It’s not conducive to reproduction. They are too selfish to care for their young, too rootless to pass down meaningful values and traditions, too evil to teach goodness.
If they continue in their madness after conception, the children suffer. If they withstand their childhoods, they will grab onto any goodness and light they can find and cling to it as hard as they can.
It brings to mind a story I’ve heard from many who lived in the USSR. They grew up in the destruction of Communism only to find it espoused here. They rebelled against what they knew was evil and clung to its opposite as best they could.
Reminds me of many of the defectors who having grown up in the glory of Communism can only shake their heads at the insanity of those who champion it-there are many Hungarian expats here who fled post 1956 and they have horror stories I became aware of.
Fuck Communism.
I thought Alice Walker was more than a feminist, she was a lesbian? I remember that movie, even as a kid, I thought “damn, are there any good black men around?”
I read that she was an all-around slut. Her daughter spoke of a small army of “uncles” (as it were).
Yeah abortion has a silver lining. The issue is that millions of illegals are not taking advantage of this service and leaving us to pay for their 8+ kids
Sadly. Pity you just can’t form a posse and round them up and dump their ass over the border.
Maybe. It also may only be just beginning. As you say, they are weak people and are increasingly losing the argument, but that’s where the danger lies. Given that modern leftists are in full blown Puritan mode, where they must “purify” everything they see as being wrong with society (which is again, everything), violence is a short leap away. And given that they’re being rejected, they’re only going to take it as more evidence not that they’re wrong, but that society really is evil and needs to be started anew, with the old order being destroyed. This is why leftists have gotten so violent since Trump’s election. This isn’t new, however. It’s old stuff and never ends well, as I recently detailed on the history of this left wing psychosis in response to the Scalise shooting:
Everything depends on the opponents of the new Puritans keeping frame and cracking down hard.
Ideological purges much as their Bolshevik forebears partook of.
I know this site has a radical political axe to grind, but the word “liberal” doesn’t mean what you think it means.
It would help everybody here to know the Horseshoe Theory.
It’s simple: Radicals on both the left and the right are much more similar than they are different. And classical liberalism is in the middle.
Headline writers: The LEFTIST reign of terror would be a better way to put it. After all, LIBERAL democratic states are the most successful states in the history of the world; they’ve brought more material success, better health, and longer lives than any other form of government.
But right now conservatism, fascism, and general rightward drift, is sexy. Centrist liberal democracy isn’t sexy, because it was your mom and dad’s philosophy.
But maybe one day … you get cancer, and maybe someone close to you, a normal centrist liberal like me, points out that the research that went into the chemotherapy that is saving your life was funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute, which is a wing of our liberal democratic government…
…and then, maybe, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. Maybe.
all the -isms are a means to an end, and none of us will like the ending…
you really think Bueller was all in Chandler’s head?
Cameron’s head.
Dunno. Its a chilling theory.
Cameron! messing up my pop culture!
that “danke shein” scene kinda says so.
except that fascism is not on the ‘right’.
Putting ideologies on a spectrum is questionable. The horseshoe doesn’t help either. Why? Because political ideologies can differ in more than one dimension. A better metaphor is a landscape.
We’ve started to learn from the failures of our predecessors.
We create our own media, because what we see and what’s reported don’t ever align.
We create memes, because no one is ever persuaded by sound reason.
We are adopting a “no enemies to the right” policy, because the enemies to our left are way more dangerous to us than anyone to our right (so far).
Amusingly, we’ve discovered through this that we are better at the game the Left has been playing than they ever were.
Largely because we’ve finally discovered that we aren’t the same as them and that the two us sure as Hell are not equal…
We believed their lies, because we ourselves value truth.
All religions are the same… to an atheist.
All people are equal… to a dictator.
Diversity is good… to the invader.
Think of every popular slogan of modern liberalism through the lens of hating Christianity and the Western Culture that it created and it makes perfect sense.
We are now beginning to understand that viewpoint, and it disgusts us.
Excellent summary of where we are today.
When a leftist mocks you – and they will – when you warn them about where this is going, and they ridicule you; just remind them of what they’ll do when the top blows off – NOTHING. Keep pointing out their powerlessness to demoralize them.
I read somewhere that the left has an inch long fuse and goes off like a firecracker, the right has a mile long fuse and will go off like a nuke.
If we get driven to act we have to finish the job – total high colonic of our institutions for a start.
Sage advice.
Reminds me of the hilarious meme of when black Americans ‘chimp out’ they ransack stores and trash property but when white people ‘chimp out’ they drop nuclear bombs.
“The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon” by Kipling describes this masterfully.
Thank you! I had heard passages of this but never read the whole thing. And today I did 🙂
Haha! I just posted this before seeing your comment. Nothing new under the sun.
The man was full of wisdom. Just for kicks, here’s “IF”, one of his most well-known and powerful pieces:
I’ve always loved Kipling. “Tommy” has been one of my personal favorites, especially around Veterans Day or Memorial Day.
Yeh – how’d that work out against the Normans?
Pretty well in the long run actually. Made England a super power in time, made them the first country to come to the concept of “Nation” and awakened a fierce spirit of pride and loyalty, such that eventually they were routinely handing the French their asses on the battlefield.
Just saying the Saxons got owned when then Normans took over the show. Granted, they were successfully synthesized into what became a great nation and culture.
I take a more overall scope look at Hastings. The English had literally been repelling the Danelaw hordes and were weakened beyond their means by the time that William invaded with his army. I know, woulda shoulda coulda, but I suspect that in a fight where the Saxons didn’t enter the battlefield literally exhausted and over-tasked by years of fighting off the Vikings they would have fared much, much better and today we’d be speaking a language much closer to Dutch than our current form of English. In effect what William did was little more than what a bulling beating up a kid on a playground after he sees the kid fall off the jungle gym and hurt himself badly. It’s not really a hard won victory I guess is my point. Had the Saxons had even two years of no constant warfare, William would likely have had his ass handed to him. And even in their depleted state, they gave the Normans a good run until some of the prime Saxon leadership were slain.
Interesting alternate-history stuff there.
And their general resilience is evident in that the Saxons didn’t disappear under the Normans. Much of the culture (names, “houses”, bits of language)melded with the Normans into what we call English.
Bits of language? Dude, we speak a Germanic tongue still today, they influenced out language, but they didn’t exterminate Saxons in any way shape or form, nor displace them. The only replacements were eliminating the Saxon cynig type of governance and replacing Saxon nobility with Norman nobility, and even then they made some deals with Saxons to establish a level of harmony.
Did you I SAY did you read what I wrote!
I’m saying the same thing! to quote:
” evident in that the Saxons didn’t disappear under the Normans”
and yeah, I got the language part a little backwards. More like bits of Norman got into the existing Germanic language.
England is an interesting culmination of cultures, rather than one wiping out the previous. The Romano-Christians pulled out as the Saxons et al poured in, yet Christianity and bits of latin language remained and grew. Sure the Saxons ‘fought off’ the Vikings, but I suspect the assimilation of a lot of them is the foundation of the superior English sea-faring heritage f’rinstance. And like you said, even thought the Normans technically supplanted the Saxons, much of the Saxon foundations remain.
If the Saxons hadn’t mistaken a Norman strategic withdrawal as a rout, and instead of chasing them down the hill they had held their position, and the shield wall, the Normans would have lost even though the Saxons had only arrived in time due to a forced march from an earlier battle. Sun Tsu would have told the Normans never attack an enemy up hill.
Sun Tsu would have told the Saxons, war is all about deception.
They fell for it.
pretty good for a thousand years..
I had that cartoon on my cubicle wall for years. Eventually I moved and threw away the yellowed and curled comic.
Do not underestimate the power of the left. The left is the State, and the State doesn’t “go off like a firecracker.” It goes off like a judge’s gavel, sentencing you to prison. It goes off like a firing squad.
I agree with this assessment of the left. We can thank God for the founding fathers and their wisdom in creating the 2nd.
It has served as an excellent “impulse control” tool.
this quote from poolhall junkies sums it up perfectly when the right “goes off”
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Poolhall Junkies (2002)
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Mike: You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? You see the one about lions? You got this lion. He’s the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He’s laying under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He’s so big, it’s so hot. He doesn’t want to move. Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder. Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. Runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.”
The Overton Window has shifted too far: even conservatives are opposed to racism and think MLK is a hero. Isn’t John Boehner’s daughter married to a drug trafficking Rasta man?
Until White people say it’s not a crime or a sin to show in-group preference, nothing will change!
John Boehner is a skrub.
For an insight as to what people are actually thinking, look up the comments section on Youtube’s newest dumpster fire, “#MoreThanARefugee”
Boehner is a drunk, which actually makes him pretty fun on a personal level.
“Leftist / liberal / democrat” has gone from meaning an ally of blue collar poor Whites and against big business to hating blue collar poor Whites and being an advocate of monopolistic giant companies like Google (Alphabet), Apple, and Facebook.
It was never an ally of the working fools. they were merely a means to an end.
I assure you academia is securely under control of the Radical Left and every networking opportunity, career advancement, award ceremony, or grant is reserved for women or minorities. Nothing ever for white men.
Blacks, Asians, and women have their social and professional organizations: white men have nothing.
Also, all the new faculty hires are women: no men are being hired anymore. They are stacking the institutions for the next 40 years. They can ride out Trump’s presidency.
It doesn’t help that men are realizing how little value an advanced degree carries. I am a skilled engineer with a minor gift for teaching, but it seems I can’t even empty trashcans at a university without a master’s degree or higher.
Yes, there is rampant degree inflation and progressive credentialism. But I don’t think any males are being hired as faculty (at least not in STEM). They want to make each department at least 50% female. Also, the head of every engineering department is always a female nowadays.
I attended a university that kept things relatively meritocratic in Engineering, at least. The overall faculty is majority Indian and Black, but in Engineering it’s mostly skilled engineers with advanced degrees and demonstrated skill (majority white, with a few absolutely amazing Chinese and Viet teachers).
Don’t go into academia, brother. It’s a bubble.
and getting exponentially worse.
heard female politician speaker as I mentioned in another post:
“We are going to right the wrongs from generations (of white male rule)”
“i walked in pride parade”
“Muslim mayor of London”
etc etc etc…
cheering – nodding from women around me(who are all wealthy)
anyone and everyone except white men.
the hate is getting thicker, and more in the face.
When it does blow up the blowback will be spectacular. One can only stomach insults for so long.
I bet I know who she is…yeesh
i could say so much more — doxing…
and that is another point.
we cannot discuss it as its a hate crime
Manhattan is one of the biggest bubbles on earth…clueless with money equals problems
It’s ya boi, Wally P, droppin’ some dank realism again!
I agree with you on that assessment, however I have noted that many people, especially millennials, are now totally disillusioned with the education system. A lot of us had Boomer parents who promised us the world if we just went to college. We all know how that worked out. I escaped that fate because I had a plan and worked for it, but I was an anomaly. Many my age will not forget that bitter lesson and have already stated they will never send children to college. I foresee a revival in trades and entrepreneurship in the future and a serious blow to the top-heavy PC academia class for certain. Degree inflation is real, and demand is dropping.
I would be willing to send my children to college, if they could gather enough scholarship to support it. I suspect that twenty or so years from now (when they’d be old enough to go, assuming I start having kids soon), the bubble will have popped and college might be viable for certain professions again.
Failing that, of course, they can go to trade school.
Likewise, I’d also have my kids consider the military option. It’s working out for me, you just have to know what you’re getting into.
I’m not concerned about the deluge of female and minority Gender Studies and Communications graduates over the next decade or so. These girls in school don’t major in degrees that produce for the economy. They will reduce their professions earning power or end up serving your coffee regardless.
In the end, it will be men rejected by higher education and “institutions” that will take up traditional trade skills and charge the feminist grad and her pajama boy husband several grand to fix their burst pipes in the middle of the night. This man will show up at their house with a paid-off truck and house and will most likely give them the estimate while his paid employees do the task.
Men will also still comprise the majority of jobs that require the maintenance of society; farmers, ranchers, police, firefighters, engineers, commercial fishermen, fabricators..etc etc.
The future of females and minorities will be in these media institutions and academia, but they will be preaching to the already converted. Once they step out to the real world, they will still be at the mercy of those who actually make civilization work.
This is the power men still hold over these “progressives” we just need to be reminded to wield this power effectively.
He’ll probably fix a few more burst pipes the next day, while pajama boy is at work.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Annnnnd we’re back to Masonry (Kipling).
I like that old cartoon about Kipling –
Elly Mae….oh….sweet Elly Mae….
I’d let her “clamp it”…
I bet she kipples like a pro.
Just like most women – vintage or not.
Truth is truth- regardless of its source.
Pretzel logic…it’s a libtard thing…
Nope. Pure mathematics:
Also known as the reflexive property.
(Taking notes…) So if a person reads, a person is just like Hitler…got it.
But isn’t that now done away with in the libtard’s “Common Core”?
Tautology: A thing is the same as itself.
Leftist logic: A thing can be the same as itself, but not always and never when I don’t like what that reveals.
I’m late Gen X, so I was able to avoid all of that. My kids, on the other hand, have brought home math assignments that are nigh incomprehensible. Since my minor was in mathematics -and I’ve heard WAY too many educators say that they hate math- I generally assume that the problem is them.
And what if they use toilet paper? Hitler used toilet paper. I use toilet paper… Wait! I’m literally Hitler!
common core math is designed to distance you from your kids at an even earlier age
Hitler took a shit, I took a shit…oh shit!
I think so! Honestly, that crap is unnecessarily difficult to grok- which makes it so parents can’t help their kids with homework.
He breathed oxygen too… But I need it…
Well Hitler breathed oxygen so some of that oxygen he breathed got mixed up with the oxygen we breathe so…now that I got my mind right, I think I’ll vote Democratic from now on as I finally think like a liberal.
There you go. Be sure to commit as much electoral fraud as you can and blame the Russians on the way out.
You don’t need oxygen. You need feminism.
Hmm. Perhaps. Although I fear it will kill my soul.
Even before common core, I was tutoring a kid in math who just didn’t ever get it. Luckily, I’m fluent in bullshit and was able to teach the kid basic arithmetic.
So he can do math but continues to fail math classes. It’s a travesty.
It will kill your soul, but not before withering your balls like 2 marbles in a tube sock.
Or two kernels of corn in a stormwater drain.
I heard he was a mason…kindle fire fan…he used it to both read and reich
haha, that was good.
Hitler actually threw Masons in the furnaces with the Jews.
Masons use the forget-me-not flower in remembrance of those killed in the Holocaust.
Masons have to believe in God, Hitler hated God fearers, he was throwing in Jesuits and the Catholics were next.
Common Core Maths is designed to slow down the smart kids.
Its an exponential expansion on the concept of ‘showing your work.’
After Common Core, enrollment in higher level math classes dropped.
It slowed down some of the smart kids who could do it all in their head.
that’s true, but I was referring to the conspiracy theory that that was only a half truth. Probably nothing to it. There is I think some suggestion that the nazis did have their secret societies though – Thule etc. although I haven’t really looked into it much
vril society too..
literally, mein heer..
mein kraps?
Yeah I’ve a little about them. All rather strange
I didn’t understand that joke when I was a kid, but it strikes me as actually pretty humorous now that I “get it” as an adult, lol.
Same here…heh.
He just wants to show her his Longfellow… pah-rump-bump
(You’re a better man than I am, Ghosta Jeff) 😉
I had no idea. Masonry’s sounds very vibrant and diverse
We’d Bola Nath, Accountant,
An’ Saul the Aden Jew,
An’ Din Mohammed, draughtsman
Of the Survey Office too;
There was Babu Chuckerbutty,
An’ Amir Singh the Sikh,
An’ Castro from the fittin’-sheds,
The Roman Catholick!
Great poem, one of my favorites.
A number of factors are playing out that is going to accelerate all this.
The legacy media (fake news lol) is losing its moral authority very quickly, and it’s ability to shape an event. This was always their entitlement, losing this will make them more hysterical.
The university system is price gouging it’s customers and the sensible promotion of careers in the trades will serve as an excellent counterbalance. It will happen.
People are waking up to the DNC’s plan to strip the land of the nation’s heritage population. This is occurring just as the more radical elements are going to push it all the way or they will split.
SJW is becoming a swear word.
“Cuck” has been memed and repub politicians are going to slowly get onboard the $hitlord project.
A great time to be alive and witness all this! And we have a troll master in Trump. Amazing how lucky we got with him.
Hit the range and stock up on the essentials. 🙂
“And we have a troll master in Trump. Amazing how lucky we got with him.”
fuck off, cunt
*getting curb stomped forever by orange hitler and all you have for your side is an emoticon
Now, now “jammyjaybird, don’t bring logic, intelligence, common sense and especially FACTS to a website like this. The idiots who eat this shit up…..a. do not have the mental capacity to understand it……and b. have no clue they are that friggin stupid and no clue they are brainwashded ignorant poster children for the right wing propaganda machine.
Hit the weights too. Need to be strong to crush Leftist skulls with your mighty man fists of man fury.
so eloquent!
Yes , but learning to fight effectively is much more important than just strength. Meathead pure bodybuilders can NOT fight , it is quite easy to land good strikes on them !!
No question. I should have said as much-learn to defend yourself and handle firearms and learn survival skills. It is imperative.
Firearms are not an option here in the UK & most European countries , all forms of weapon are illegal. However , I’m former British Army , so can handle most firearms & other weapons effectively. A lot of ex Armed Forces are finally learning the REAL enemy has been & still is , their own ” governments “
The English forced the Magna Carta to be signed-they need to rise again and regain their rights.
Too right !!
if you have a NYTimes account, go check out an op-ed concerning replacing native americans with foreigners bc, among other things, “they work harder”
I’ve seen this. What they fail to account for are 2 things: 1. the immigrants coming here legally are already in the top percentile of their own societies and 2. The statistics would match up if you removed the dindu underclass.
And they usually send the money home or go back there once they’ve stolen enough from the American worker.
It’s pretty bizarre that liberals protect Islam too.
Being liberal is ironic on all fronts.
They have the commonality in despising freedom and agency and are nihilistic as each other. It makes perfect sense they go hand in hand.
I get the comparison on a purely rational and bureaucratic level, but these degenerates don’t deserve to be called fascists.
Liberals – you just have to get inside their heads in order to understand them…
“Pop Tarts!” made that whole thing upper tier for me. Heh.
I was trying to figure out where to put it…had it in the middle…then thought, “Put it at the end.” It’s hard to think like a liberal, I admit I struggled with it.
That this is far closer to the truth than not… is… scary.
Closer to Ixtachihuatl anyway.
I like to get faced and try to say some of those words correctly. The wife called the cops on me when she started drowning in my spittle.
Check your replies for Popocatepetl.
Nothing in messages, as per b. Did lava flow?
Will check later today
If you add “radiation” and “hot showers” to that, she looks a little like Silkwood.
I saw a fat short-haired lesbian catlady somewhere on social media mocking married white women for not having achieved anything on their own. According to her , these women were losers for submitting to their older WHITE husbands and voting Trump. Stupid bitch thinks she and her fat girlfriends are achieving stuff and doing important shit.
Well, someone has to feed all those damned cats, ’cause it sure won’t be me.
On the other hand, getting fistfucked by her girlfriend whilst she’s gripping a ham and mayo sandwich is something of an achievement.
That picture smells like cat piss.
I can literally (Hitler) smell it through my screen.
Here’s a cat lady who sucked a huge dick!
Accurate …just not the sex part , feminists / libtards tend to be anti hetero sex , they are either sex repulsed asexual , or lezzas
I don’t know, I think it’s going to get worse, way worse, before it ever gets better. Maybe I’m just pessimistic, though I think I’m more realistic.
Yes, some have had just enough to push back. But consider this: the leftists, or “statists”, have control of the news media, entertainment, and academia. This is why they have control of a whole generation, more than ever before. How are we going to beat that?
Aside from a nearer civil war (very possible), I think the real solution is for a future generation to grow tired of being poor and oppressed by a system put in place by the current and upcoming generations. In other words, this leftist nightmare has to come to full maturity for folks to really grasp its evil. Then, like a drunk finally hitting rock bottom, the need for change will be realized.
I believe this is just the nature of the human beast, and there’s no changing or avoiding it.
Turn off the television and stop going to movies. Torrent them if you must for some reason watch some bilge, but don’t give them a red penny. I have just solved, oh, two of those problems for you right off the bat. And it’s not impractical either, box office receipts are overall trending downward and have been for a few years now, and many people no longer bother with television, especially and increasingly men.
Academia, choose a private Traditional values based institution (Liberty University, for example) or consider whether you really, really need a degree in the first place.
It works for you and I, GOJ, and my family. But the vast majority just “ain’t us.” And that’s why I see rock bottom as the only way back up out of the pit – to drag the throngs of low info folk and what not up, too.
I dunno man, I think that a lot of younger kids have dropped almost entirely out of the television thing these days. At least from what I’m hearing. The older folks though, it’s just a habit and they’re likely to not break it, no question.
There is truth in that. So the tech corporations start filling those gaps – Apple, Google. I don’t think it’s far off, either. Maybe this new generation’s kids. It won’t take much. I am hopeful it’s possible to get things on kilter, maybe even before I die. I just think dark times are not far off from now.
With the economy and cultural flux we are currently enduring, any man that has time for distractions like movies, TV and video games is not doing himself, his community or his nation any favors.
We can’t afford these distractions any longer. Men should be seeking leisure time in martial arts, hiking, fishing, shooting, small engine repair….something that can relax and become a useful skill.
That still doesn’t address the real problem in this empire. That evil Zionists run this joint lock, stock and f’in barrel. Which means we’re still gonna get tons of 3rd world types imported into here. Which means, demographically, America is still screwed in the long run.
I believe just within the last few years the tide began to turn, and it happened because the left went too far. The rights of mentally ill trannies outweigh everyone else’s? Exposing our kids to them even? A day without white people? Maybe it’s just the optimist in me, but I believe BLM did us a favor by exposing their hypocrisy to those even sympathetic to their cause.
Campus interviews show students may not be as liberal as we are led to believe, and President Trump’s calling out of the media show the leftists that we are indeed fighting back. I’m not saying Trump is the savior leading the charge, but he is leading us in the right direction, if that makes any sense.
I can’t speak for other colleges, but there is a very, very large contingency of right wing kids at OSU. After that guy got all stabby a few months back there were student petitions and demonstrations demanding campus carry, which turned into the law of the land shortly thereafter (although OSU itself is still forbidding it, stupid faculty).
“After that guy got all stabby” (heh!)…
Trump will be known as the prophet, but not the savior.
Individual shitlords with the same red-pill ideology will be the change we need.
More of a mascot, or a herald, really.
At a global scale it’s going to get way, way worse. I believe that in less than forty years Western Europe will have gone to islam hell and most likely will start an armed conflict with other countries in Eastern Europe. Count on France, Germany, Greece and the UK to begin hostilities over there (and with Canada to begin hostilities here) since those countries will be full caliphates by then.
I imagine Russia will have to slap them back into place.
I figure by then here in the US we will have become a hispanic country.
It should be interesting, and not something to look forward to.
Putin is also a hardcore Zionist as well. Russia needs better leadership at this point. For America, well, this country needs a full blown political, religious, and cultural enema.
In Brazil, we had a great society in the past. 1st world nation for the time.
We are still falling and never hit rock bottom.
Brazil is falling since the 1800’s and haven’t reached rock bottom yet.
The trick is: The more a society falls, the more stupid it gets. the stupid a society is, the lower standards are used to measure success, civility, etc. Its a self-serving cycle.
True that. Now that’s just depressing, now, ain’t it?
Speaking as a millennial, nobody my age has network TV anymore unless they’re a sports fan and then that’s all they watch. I don’t know anyone my age who still goes to the theater either, as we all agree that most movies now are trash. When my friends and I want to watch something, we find a free stream online. The only people I know who watch or trust the news are also people who I suspect of having an IQ somewhere around room temperature.
It’s not as hopeless as it seems. This site exists so that we can know that.
I find that the people who watch and/or trust the news tend to be those who think it makes them look smart. They’re like printers – they do not create content, only regurgitate it, and by regurgitating what they think is “smart” they hope to fool you.
But now they are glued to their social media, youtube and various online ‘news’ feeds and ‘information’
Only the dumb ones, and sites like Buzzfeed are becoming so bad they can’t even stick with that….
What is rock bottom for modern society? Certainly the odd truck through a crowd of people doesn’t seem to cut it not sure what will
The irony of the left:
Their Communists hate blue collar workers
Their Socialists are rich
Their feminists support islam
Their BLM hate equality
The “Ironic on all fronts” party.
They were “Ironic” before it was cool. [/sarcasm]
And that is why we say their ideology isn’t such, but a mental disorder.
Liberals are a cesspool of hypocrisy that is unimaginable. Their ideas have such a high level of contradiction in all the basic levels, it takes nothing sort of a major effort to create that many retards to accept such stupid concepts. The brainswashing universities and the devil’s media created such retards, in enough numbers to be worrisome. But anyone outside of this circus of horrors can see these people are nothing short of mentally disabled and the opposition grows.
An affront to human nature.
Commies (and the useful liberal idiots who help the Commies) don’t care about contradictions. What they really want is power. They want to control every aspect of your life with their fake “equality.” To them, the State Is Everything. You Are Nothing.
The average run-of-the-mill indoctrinated liberal has been brainwashed into an orthodoxy that he/she is unable or unwilling to reject. It usually takes years and a maturity associated with real world experience to understand the contradiction between “understanding and tolerance” and aligning with the powers that be – the true state sponsored fascists in government, education, HR departments and the like.
I can’t help but think that, though the article tells reals truths about the ridiculous contradictions of modern average liberals (the antifa, BLM, occupy movement et al) that the fight must be waged at the top tier political levels. The ones in power know their own hypocrisy; they use it to play their minions off on each other. The real fight for red pill men will not be quick and easy. It will take generations. The globalists who own the true power in the world will not go quietly.
The best part is they’ve not only jumped the shark, they cleared it by 100ft. Arguing with them a few years ago took talent because they could make valid if not wrong points, enough so that you needed to be sharp.
Now, you don’t even have to say a word. They eat their own and when you do decide to speak your argument only needs to be at a grade 9 level to win.
I bow to your incredible mastery of logical fallacy. Tremendous.
Read this for more proof of their mental disabilities
Excellent handle for this article.
Can someone explain to me why did this whole liberal degeneracy start? Why do liberal whites become anti-white? Is feminism to blame?
If you start looking at the root and pioneers of these poisonous ideologies you discover an overwhelming involvement and support from the (((tribe of chosen ones))).
The same (((tribe))) that has held gentiles more specifically European whites with deep resentment for millennia.
Correct !! They are playing the ancient ” divide & rule ” game , importing alien & incompatible cultures & stoking up hate , via their total control of the lamestream ” media ” between genders , races , ages …ad nauseum !!
Yes. Feminism is to blame.
Repeal the 19th!
Its a means to an end. Women and effeminate beta males look up to the government as the new breadwinner, and they will perpetuate this as long as they keep getting their handouts, even if it means opening the borders to criminals.
It’s all pretty much speculation, but the widespread belief in this sector of the internet is that there exists a collection of obscenely rich bureaucrats that take advantage of mentally ill morons (liberals) and send them off to push these ideals for a reason.
The reason is more money and more power. Hordes of muslim migrants means more tax payers, more consumers, cheaper labour. “Empowered” women in the workplace means the same thing. Keeping everybody at each other’s throats all the time means they can freely influence lawmakers with no repercussion as the general public is more concerned with transgender bathrooms than the fact that internet censorship laws are being passed as we speak.
The leftist elites know there are 2 genders, they know some muslim migrants will rape and commit terror. They don’t care. And the media’s reaction every time there is an attack is proof that they know and they don’t care. It’s dollars and cents to them and more economic units means more coin.
More tax dollars? Most of the orcs are on the dole.
I nearly fell off of my chair laughing when I saw your name and pic. Well played. On to your comment. You’re certainly not wrong, but I think they have that end covered. If they bring enough in, the ones that will work will generate enough coin to pay for the ones that don’t. They always have their asses covered.
In any case, regardless of how much money they generate, they lower the quality of life for everyone including their own people in our borders. The political elite seem to think they have the authority to dictate who suffers from their policies and believe they can gamble our livelihoods on their social experimentation projects. It’s positively nauseating.
” Hordes of muslim migrants means more tax payers ” Definitely NOT !! They are consumers of taxes ,as they live off welfare benefits & breed like bacteria !! Otherwise a good comment ,they are here as a ” divide & rule ” tool , imported to cause internal strife !!
That’s the basic theory of mass immigration though. When you have a system like ours whose currency is constantly becoming inflated and devalued, you need a larger and larger populace to keep it in check.
The argument was we need to import workers to support an aging population, but as you say, especially in Europe, the hordes of migrants will actually deplete social services money.
I think there’s a lot of money being made in the migrant business. For example, convert your hotel to migrant housing and you get 100% occupancy. The downside is your hotel gets trashed, yet I’ve heard of this going on.
They definitely cause internal strife, I always thought that to be the cherry on top though. I think they have themselves covered on the welfare end. If they bring in enough hundreds of thousands a year, the ones that do work will offset the ones that don’t and all of them together will create more demand for virtually everything the existing market has to offer. Great for business owners and leftist politicians, horrible for quality of life of the host culture. Of course they don’t care about that though.
“Can someone explain to me why did this whole liberal degeneracy start? Why do liberal whites become anti-white? Is feminism to blame?”
Frankfurt School. Several good videos on YouTube. Only recently have I learned of them myself. Look them up. You will be saddened to know the truth.
It first started with Christianity with it’s worship of “God’s Chosen.” Now we’re all suffering the effects of that long term program.
Postmodernism/Marxism. After communism proved itself time and time again to be an utter failure on the economic level, its disciples retreated into the university system and brought their now-shunned doctrine with them. So how did they start spreading it again? What would be their new hook? Well they turned its focus from economic to social.
This is why we now have hordes of people under the age of 40 that hate marriage, children, hard work, freedom, privacy, and responsibility and instead love the antithesis to all these things: feminism, welfare, affirmative action, government interference, etc.
How has Russia been able to keep this under control then, while the US is destroyed?
Breaking news…liberal actor Johnny Depp asks the largely liberal crowd, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”
He needs a hard spanking!
Desperate for attention. Just remember kids, no matter how hot shit you are, it can all get taken away from you.
I really think this is just a harmless thing that shouldn’t really mean anything. Depp has always been a weirdo. Who the hell cares what he has to say about anything? How often does he even know what planet he is on? And it really was a pretty lame joke.
Just another drama-fag. We’ll see cable documentaries on him on how he managed to lose all his money in 20 years.
That will be a short documentary. “Depp married and divorced 15 different random whores, and now owes a total of “$875,432 per month in child support and alimony. On the set of his latest movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 52, Depp explains that he just can’t stop making these awful movies because he has to make those payments every month.”
No worries, gents…you can take it to the bank that this is what liberals ultimately have waiting for them, although they are clueless about it – “The Liberal Solution”:
Nuff said!
Eh…You could find young American boys from the 1930’s all over the place that looked like that, easily. And they were far less collectivist, more into rugged individualism (the good kind, not atomism) and had tons of energy and optimism.
I know you’re right, but I will still choose not to believe you anyway!
if only Europe can wake up to see that those male refugees ain’t no refugees but economy leeches that would be great
That white pussy ain’t gonna fuck itself!
And most European men are not apparently up to the task these days.
It would terrify me as well if Neil Patrick Harris put his hands on me.
he’s going round the back next
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”- C.S. Lewis
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm – but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”- T.S. Eliot
” Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.” – Daniel Webster
“but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
I was interned into a mental hospital some times (against my will and without proper justification).
Once you are there, they make up a mental disorder for you. Trying to prove your sanity and capacity to be reasonable is useless…
I’ve being tortured a lot “for my own good”, chemical torture, but other means of mistreatment as well (but they are insignificant compared to chemical torture, which they call medicine).
And yes, calling it torture is a proper term, since I would rather (literally) have metallic thorns passing in the palm of my hand for six months, without taking any pain killer, than being under the effect of some drugs for 1 month.
Sadly, I’ve spent more than 6 months under such drugs. Some people lose their minds after it, never to return. Normal and reasonable people.
Sounds like you had a tough time. Compulsory treatment of mental health issues can cause a lot of damage, and likely exacerbates any genuine underlying symptoms people may have. The kind of anger and mistrust that sometimes follows may also worsen or even create paranoid symptoms. Having said that I think the undesirability of any kind of compulsory treatment is increasingly recognised by mental health practitioners, even if they end up going down that line because they feel they have to. The problem is that a lot of mental health treatment is about ‘compliance’ with diagnosis / treatment and where there is a failure of ‘compliance’ this is too often psycho-pathologised, above and beyond any presenting symptoms. I’d like to think psychiatry is getting better in that sense, but I’d understand if you didn’t share that opinion
In my experience, I don’t ever noticed anyone that works there that actually care. Including Psychiatrists. Crying about it for the doctor doesn’t help.
Besides, I’ve being diagnosed with many different mental disorders, with little to no relation to each other, for each place I’ve being in. talk about consistency…
moreover, I have a challenge for you:
Find a normal healthy person around the age of 20 (preferably male) and force him into a mental health hospital.
I bet everything I have, and give myself to you in slavery to the rest of my life if that guy isn’t diagnosed with some serious mental health issues.
having worked in mental health social care I would say there are some very good workers within mental health / psychiatry as a whole and some rather less so, but obviously that’s from a limited perspective. Systems of diagnosis are not always very reliable. Ultimately they’re just a framework for trying to understand something and reflect the limitations of the way mental illness / health problems are conceptualised. There has often been too much focus on the biological aspect of such problems and too little consideration of the human element, quite aside of any underlying problems. It’s high time the user movement started getting listened to properly. On the other hand we might well wonder what would happen if we could just identify as we please (c.f. gender identity). The way forward is likely to be a matter of better negotiation, which is no more than what happens in wider society when people enjoy full rights of citizenship
your experience aside I would be inclined to think that masculinity as a psychology and a set of behaviours is very much being psycho-pathologised. That doesn’t mean that everyone who comes into contact with the mental health system is necessarily a victim of that, but as cultural and political values have changed over the last few decades its become noticeable that ‘boisterous’ or ‘oppositional’ behaviour is likely to be pathologised and in some cases medicated – ADHD / school conduct disorders are a school-age example of this. Re. you’re example, it’s difficult to say whether it would happen these days, but there was a case back in the 70s when some completely healthy researchers got themselves admitted into hospital, received a diagnosis and then found it very difficult to get out. I’m not sure that would happen today, but who knows. As I said I think any kind of non-compliance makes ones a lot more likely to fall foul of the system, because there is always both a treatment aspect and a social control aspect – i.e. mental good health is always going to be seen as relative to the prevailing consensus values.
I just don’t believe in the whole biological aspect of it, period.
Sure, if you inject some chemicals into someone’s brain or the guy use too much drugs, it will be a biological aspect. But that is far from the actual workings of Psychiatry.
What psychiatry does is claim some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain that must be fixed by medicine. That however, has never being verified by science.
I believe in spiritual/mental disorder, yes. I don’t condemn the idea of separating or imprisoning someone because they seem dangerous (even if they didn’t commit crime). But that is not what psychiatry is about.
moreover: Psychiatry is about imprisoning and torturing anyone that is being a pain in the ass for someone else, regardless of how reasonable he was being.
Psychiatry is about imprisoning and torturing people who failed to follow a certain “standard” (or even an agenda) and therefore must be “treated”.
For example: If you collect your own rightful money from an offender, and proceed to rip that money in front of him to send the message that it was never about getting richer, it was about punishing him, you may get a long stay in the mental ward, despite how reasonable that act was.
well brain chemistry does sometimes malfunction / misbehave and that isn’t always to do with taking recreational drugs. The problem with much of psychiatry since the 50s is that it subscribed to a ‘reductive’ biological model. If symptoms were observed a diagnosis was made on the assumption that this indicated an underlying biological disorder, and that was all there was to it. All the treatment that followed would follow from such a diagnosis. Psychiatric illness was assumed to be organic in the same way as say as any other medical disorder. To seek to address the short-comings of such a view doesn’t require refuting the fact or possibility that sometimes the brain does ‘misfire’ . It may on the other hand involve re-thinking the assumptions that have traditionally grounded psychiatric treatment. That’s particularly the case if that ‘biological’ assumption may have led to an over-reliance on psychiatric, particular neuroleptic / anti-psychotic medications that were designed to counteract particularly types of brain chemistry. There is also a possibility that such drugs treatments may in some cases be iatrogenic, i.e. they may to some extent help to create or at least perpetuated the symptoms they are designed to treat (although I wouldn’t want to overstate that either). For example the older types of psychiatric meds e.g. chlorpromazine etc often had a sedative effect effect – quite aside of any other side-effects effectively zombifying people, particularly the young, may not be the best way of helping them to recover using their own often quite substantial resources. Again things are supposed to have improved now, and the drugs are supposedly kinder
heck, That is a way too weak medicine to be worried about. (I took it against my will, don’t consider it torture, its just sedative, and the zombifying effect from it doesn’t really makes anyone suffer, just dumber)
I was talking along the line of Haloperidol, which again, I would rather have nails in hand for 6 months than 1 injection of it.
edit: I confused chlorpromazine with other medicine, checked it out right now. but yeah, I took chlorpromazine, it has an uncomfortable effect, but not so serious as to be called torture.
Haloperidol is one of the older drugs, which can occasionally have some unpleasant side-effects. Having said that I’ve not known anyone who suffered a bad reaction from it. These days they are usually quick to take people off and provide an alternative to anyone experiencing bad effects. It’s usually about what works (and hopefully not the cost).
homosexuality stopped being a mental illness and being normal now is..
Tom? Is that you?
I’m not sure it sounds like Tom. Possible though
I love that cs Lewis quote
The depressing pith of it all:
“Liberals failing to realize the duplicity of their own narratives.”
Leaving us to interact in public with their anti-intellectual mantras on a daily basis.
I know it’s an old objection, but should we be calling these pinkos liberals. Even the idea of liberal fascism evokes the image of the extreme right rather than the extreme left (given the false association of fascism with the right). I would prefer labelling them liberal-trotskyists than liberal fascists
No! We should call them what they call themselves out to be, to serve as a lesson for future generations, that evil people always had good names.
I think the issue for me is that as a group the far left have stolen an identity that isn’t rightly there’s. Liberal never used to mean communist, radical, revolutionary. The latter groups have deliberately re-described themselves as liberal in order to make themselves appear more acceptable to the majority
Well, there is a key lesson to be learn with this:
Is that ideology and good intentions alone doesn’t make it into anything. You need a powerful and wise king in charge, otherwise, you end up being infiltrated and sabotaged.
That is what happens with any nation or movement that is not governed by a powerful and authoritarian figure.
well I’d say that was getting ahead of things somewhat. We don’t need to worry unduly about ultimate solutions in the first instance, just making sure that far left revolutionaries and the useful idiots that follow them don’t get to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes
I feel like people aren’t aware of all the machiavellism done by good kings (or presidents, for that matter).
A lot of things started to change after Trump got elected, but, by no way it seems related to any president’s action. It seems just like natural phenomena, and luck. That is why people think they don’t need kings, because they are too blind to the hidden works of good kings and they just think its themselves.
well this isn’t Shakespeare. Good kings are a dramatic device who turn up to administer justice where it is lacking – e.g. Measure for Measure. In real life we can extend a measure of trust to some like Trump perhaps but only so far. Even our kings are accountable and Putin aside there is no such thing as a benevolent despot. I still hold out some hope for Trump, but he still has a lot of swamp clearing to do
well, I don’t know Trump. I don’t know how much I can really trust him, neither is he literally my president (I am Brazilian), but I do consider him a hope anymore than any other political figure (aside from Putin).
That being said: I have learned to give credit to leaders for “luck” and “natural social phenomena”.
yeah, we should give him some time – see if he can make an impact
Today’s ” liberals ” are Stalinist’s in all but name !!
I think most of them are cool with the name as well
Another case from the files of, “Libtards Who Pay the Ultimate Price for Living in a Dream World” –
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A hyper-aggressive black bear moved back and forth between two women in a ferocious attack earlier this week that left one dead and the other injured in a remote area of Alaska, their employer said Thursday. Erin Johnson of Anchorage died and Ellen Trainor of Fairbanks sustained minor injuries in the attack Monday near a mine located about 275 miles northeast of Anchorage. Johnson, 27, and Trainor, 38, were collecting geological samples as employees of environmental services firm ABR Inc., which contracts with the mine. They were working about five miles from the Pogo Mine when the mauling occurred. The bear was killed later that day. ABR president Steve Murphy said the women were trained in bear safety, and both had extensive outdoor experience.
A couple of feminists pay the price for believing in “muh feelingz” and “ecology” and thinking they can save the fucking world, and tame all of god’s creatures, if they just show love to them and/or take a preparedness course. Women need supervision. They are dangerous to themselves and everybody around them. They live in a dream world and this just proves it…
Who is Porcer?
( I am new around here.)
An innocent man who is being treated like a #GarbageHuman by The Man because he dares to believe that the world is flat.
Or something like that.
Porcer is B.O.B.?
Free Haitian Aids!
He got the Internet Aids did he?
I couldn’t agree with you more ,their time is coming to an end
I’m not as optimistic that this will happen any time soon but history shows that the pendulum always swings back. I suspect jobs will be the resource that goes and when current lifestyles become unsustainable things will collapse. My advice to all you men reading is be very skilled in whatever your doing as that will separate you from the pack. Soon or later this kind of stupidity will need to come to an end.
The advances in A.I. are going to fundamentally alter our society in ways we have not yet begun to even consider. Assuming we survive the creation of super-intelligent forms of A.I., there will be a period of very rapid change where our society and culture will be forced to reform as a result of all the upheaval. Not sure if it will be better or worse, but it will be very different from just about anything we as a species have ever experienced before.
what have you done with Ainigmaris Thales?
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
I can never get my sheep to shut up
Try counting them.
So you’ve stopped taking your meds….
Oh, I’ve been off my meds for a good long time now.
Try eating them.
Time for my routine reminder from the world of software engineering that true and/or super-intelligent AI is nowhere near us.
Until we understand intelligence, we will never create it. Even if we can, odds are good we’ll never have hardware to match the power and speed of the human mind.
Now poorly-programmed defense systems are a very real possibility that you should fear.
Your statement is only correct if you define “true and/or super intelligent AI” as meaning true and/or super intelligent artificial human intelligence.
Leading to the philosophical question “Can humans create a machine smarter than themselves?”
Certainly we can load one up with way more information than an human could hold, but information isn’t intelligence. It’s not even really knowledge. It seems to be a long, long road we’ve just started down.
Dumb robots and simple algo-based apps are a bigger issue already. We don’t need no stinkin’ AI to create huge technology-based disruptions.
We have already created machines smarter than ourselves.
Such as?
My iPhone is smarter than about half the population.
I got head off your iphone.
Sucks for you, my iPhone has AIDs.
Hearing AIDS?
The modern machines we use have tremendous power, there is no question. But I would assert that “intelligence” is the ability to create patterns from data, manipulate those patterns, and replace them as new data comes into place.
Our best systems to replicate this ability require enormous sets of data to create vague patterns, do not adapt quickly, and cannot extrapolate from the same range of data that the average baby can. Furthermore, the initial pattern-construction algorithm requires enormous calculations to create.
We are good at producing testing machines (prolog is the best system we have for testing mathematic theorems and the like), but we have yet to create a system capable of dynamically creating new patterns in a way that could prove a challenge or threat to humanity.
No, it’s not. It’s not smart at all, it’s merely a tool.
Then we’re just arguing over what the term “smart” means. But any person that can remember as much (store as much memory) and do calculations as fast as an iPhone, you’d think that person was smart.
I concede that your definition of “intelligence” is a good one, its comprehensive and describes much of what we think of as unique and amazing facets of human intelligence. I also concede that your statements are true under that definition of intelligence.
But I would suggest that there are other ways of viewing, measuring, defining intelligence, and there are significant advances in the development of those artificial “intelligence” designs and constructs in the past few years.
I also posit that artificial intelligence can exist even though it does not mirror or encompass all of what we consider human intelligence.
This is true, indeed. We need to define the necessary properties of intelligence in order to determine whether what we develop meets those criteria.
I’ve written scripts that can do in milliseconds what would take me days by hand. That, I think, is not intelligence, because all it is doing is repeating a task I assigned it over and over, exactly as it was told. However, under some definitions it could perhaps be viewable as intelligence.
This is part of what I mean by understanding intelligence. We need not only to unravel all the facets of human intelligence (which, I think, is vital to many current pursuits and endeavours), but also come to a workable definition of the parameters of intelligence.
You say we need to “unravel all the facets of human intelligence”. I agree that’s a laudable and worthy goal, especially for understanding ourselves and improving our own human intelligence. But it may be a near impossible task to truly and fully complete. Also, while even attempting to do so will certainly advance our efforts at developing advanced artificial human intelligence…. it is not necessarily required for developing advanced artificial computer or electronic intelligence.
I guess what I am saying is that the “artificial intelligence” that is currently being developed (and will continue to be developed and advanced) may not be “artificial human intelligence” but a different and unique type of intelligence that doesn’t exactly fit into what we consider “intelligence.”
“Time for my routine reminder from the world of software engineering”
I should have figured that when you suggested I try “Pale Moon”.
How long have you been in the field. I will be 30 years on July 20. It has and still is giving me a very good living. But I am sick of it. I really am. How about you?
Not nearly so long. I graduated a couple of years ago and have been working software since.
You might try the startup market. Very different world from general corporate development.
Good for you. It’s a decent career path and I am sure you will do great.
Yeah, I did work for a small firm 12 years ago. Wasn’t for me.
I am on autopilot these days.
Just want to make the $$$ for as long as I can.
Nice that you like what you do. Stick with that for as long as you can.
Take care.
Ha, skynet…we’re fukt
Turf flinging monkey on YT some time ago argued that all the anti while male retoric we’ve been seeing is solely an attempt to extort money from these men be the use of shame and guilt. If black women had money we’d have been seeing wall-to-wall anti black female retoric. Liberals want some of the richest group’s money and they want it now!
I don’t always like TFM, but it’s hard to argue he’s anything but intelligent.
Shaming and guilt-tripping are classic female tactics. The shaming won’t stop until every $£€ is retired from the pockets of white men.
I can’t wait until all of the snowflakes and sjw’s are made into the impotent creatures that they are without anyone or anything else to do their bidding.
Their reign of terror was enabled by them not having to answer for the inconsistencies in their ideology, which is increasingly not the case anymore, and instead they used to be able to just imply that everyone else that doesn’t agree with them is insane or from the dark ages or whatever. That kind of subversion is also what allowed them to culturally elevate r selected mouth breathers to a higher status than k selected normal people with sense, and keeping most people in a state of confusion has benefited them for a good while. When they are forced to face these contradictions they can not sit up in their ivory towers anymore which is what allows them to dismiss their opponents. If they have to debate the merits of their thinking they will lose every time so they have to avoid that.
As they lose the argument, the “reign of terror” may literally only be beginning. They’re just going to take it as confirmation bias that their opponents really are evil for rejecting them. Classic Pol Pot style stuff, which is why leftists are increasingly getting violent. Failure to understand their pathology will leave you ill-equipped for defeating them.
Well said.
Good article.
“In Berkeley a pro-Trump “free speech” protest was also held by members of various factions like Proud Boys and the alt-right. The two rallies quickly converged and turned into a bloody street brawl between anti fascist leftists and Trump supporters, which resulted in 23 arrests.
The Trump supporters are declaring victory after they managed to push the Antifas back and bust some heads in.”
I really wish stuff like this would start happening here in Montreal. Canadian males are disgustingly cucked and castrated.
Canada has no South. It shifts the center of gravity quite a bit.
Yeah. Thank GOD I had the internet to teach me how to be a man.
Move to the US bro, we need people like you and we still have hockey and beer
I’m definitely working on that, I’ll have an opportunity to change jobs in August so I’ll try hard to get one in the US.
I feel kinda bad for leaving Canada to all the p* ssies, but at this point I’m saying f* ck it and I’m gonna look out for no.1.
If I can make it before the party is over, I’ll be happy to help crack some antifa and blm skulls.
This is so true when you now see the sheer amount of people openly using their own names and posting politically incorrect responses to the days events. Totally unthinkable a few years ago. I think that day of reckoning already arrived for SJWs. I personally don’t give a shit who I tell off anymore. I’m tired of society.
When it comes to a point when a white dude feels uncomforatable even asking where I am from or what’s my heritage because he thinks I’ll get offended, we should really kill this PC bullshit. Please feel free to make funny cow jokes with me
The left’s overuse of the race card has pushed away significant numbers of rank and file liberal white voters. These people are getting sick and tired of being blamed for things they had nothing to do with.
Personally, I hope the left doubles or even triples down on this rhetoric. Without white voters, they will never win at the ballot box.
They are willing to write off that voting bloc, they are counting on demo shifts to ultimately win the day. And, it probably will
That is a long term concern but currently there Left’s most effective means of “reproduction” is by way of indoctrinating young skills full of mush in the public k12 school system.
For those of us with children, the importance of keeping them out of the same cannot be overstated.
Gotta love cutthroat capitalism. Cheap labor at ANY cost to the nation.
Katie Hopkins said in a video after the Manchester bombing that she was contacted by those who are leftists who wanted to express their agreement in what she said about rampant third world immigration, islam and terrorism but were simply too afraid to break rank with their supposed liberal friends. Instead they bite their tongue and carry on with the facade.
But someone can only manage a facade for so long. As the terror attacks continue to come (and they will) we can expect these individuals to grow in numbers and to have the strength to finally disown the terrorist enablers.
The most liberal couple I know are taking a trip to France. I can’t wait to see what they think about the situation there.
Perhaps they’ll experience some first hand ‘cultural enrichment’.
I hope this is true. I am still lying low though. I am a secret conservative when it comes to my facebook posts. Never post outright anti-SJW’ stuff on line. Indirectly post, say, a Jordan Peterson lecture or a comment on gardening and self-reliance. Upvote other conservatives, but working for the public school system and “in the hood”, I have to remain below the radar.
I hear you, I was in a similar boat. I just deleted Facebook. It was fun in like 03 or whatever back in college when it was bikini sluts and party pics, now it’s just leftist virtue signaling crap. Best decision I ever made deleting that crap
“…female Muslim wearing a head scarf as if she was a sacred cow. What? Doesn’t this “oppressed” woman represent everything the pink-haired freak is supposed to hate?”
Nice to see you used quotes around the word “oppressed.” Too many people on the right, and even on “red pill” sites like ROK, that will talk about how Muslims are the “real” misogynists and oppressors of women (and be totally serious).
As if there wasn’t enough to criticize/dislike about Islam without claiming Muslims are “misogynists” or whatever.
It’s strange when the ‘manosphere’ cares more about women’s rights than the feminists.
However I think it’s a good point to press. The obvious contradictions and hypocrisy could help convert people who are in the middle.
Here’s the full video, this gif is edited. What’s hilarious is the woman on the left tries to go under while the one on the right goes over the veil.
If this is staged, it’s brilliant.
Well, is the goal to “convert people” or to speak the truth?
Yes, the left shows obvious contradiction and hypocrisy with this topic, as they do with just about everything. We should totally be pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.
However, there is a big difference between pointing out Islam’s views on women to highlight the left’s hypocrisy and pointing out Islam’s views on women because you truly believe Muslims are “misogynists” and that Muslim culture needs some form of feminism.
I think there are a lot of legitimate things to criticize/dislike about Islam. Their so-called “oppression” of women isn’t one of them.
I don’t think we really have the right to criticize them for controlling their women (even if they do take it a bit too far) when our own women are running around acting like sluts.
I’d say the goal is both, wake others up by speaking the truth.
I’m okay with whatever Muslims do in Muslim majority countries, as long as they don’t impinge on us. I think each country is entitled to it’s own culture.
(Actually the weaponizing of Islamic fundamentalism by the West made a few of these countries more repressive. The war in Syria right now is trying to topple a fairly secular regime.)
Once they move to the West their views on women become a great concern to me. I’m talking about things like the Cologne New Years attacks, the general rapeyness of the migrants especially in Europe, and honor killings.
I think female genital mutilation is barbaric but then again so is circumcision.
I agree with pretty much everything you’re saying.
The issue is that when you (and others on the right) talk about the Muslims’ “views on women,” you’re pretty much parroting leftist/feminist talking points. When I hear conservatives like Sean Hannity talk about the issue, it almost seems like they are trying to say that Muslim countries need some form of feminism. Hannity in particular always says shit like “Women have no freedom in Muslim countries! They’re not even allowed to drive! It’s so terrible!”
And no, I’m not “defending” Islam. We are at war with Islam (not all Muslims, but Islam in general). I have no sympathy for them, and I think we should keep them the fuck out of America/Europe.
That being said, I hate feminism more than I hate Islam, so to me it seems retarded to bring up feminist talking points as a way of attacking Islam.
If a Muslim heard an American conservative complaining about how Islam “represses women,” he’d probably laugh out loud and say something like “these stupid Americans are preaching to us about ‘women’s rights’ when feminism has turned all their women into dirty sluts.”
And he’d be right.
Also, I don’t give a fuck about honor killings and female genital mutilation. If the Muslims want to kill and mutilate their own daughters, I really don’t give a fuck as long as they’re only doing it to other Muslims (obviously, if it’s done on American soil, they should be prosecuted accordingly, but then again, they shouldn’t be on American soil to begin with).
Yay, thank god, but we still have a long fight ahead of us, we need to dismantle 30 years of PC bullshit, that means all these new labels like “Flight Attendant” needs to be replaced with the likes of Airhostess/host or if your American Airstewardess/steward…etc All these new labels need to be systematically dismantled across ALL industries and on a global scale, once I see people using words like “Airstewardess” THEN I will believe we have won the battle.
And if woman want to be equal to men then we will send them to the front lines to fight ISIS THEN I will see them as men’s equal, once I see a woman take up the sward and fight our enemy’s THEN they are treated as our equals, until then its all just bullshit talk. Also once there is MANDATORY conscription for woman into the army…THEN they get treated as equals.
I agree that people are starting to waking up, and the alt-right is certainly making some inroads and the average American is starting to see the left’s true colors….but we have a long way to go.
First, the left is still deeply embedded in the culture and institutions. As was the plan of cultural-Marxism, Fabian, and critical theory, the left has been successful in dominating cultural institutions which then allow them the control to spread their filth. Media, Hollywood, Academia, Public Schools, Government Bureaucracy, Business and Tech…the left dominates that. Getting them out of those areas will still be tough, even if their message is losing power. But never underestimate their ability to brainwash a whole new army of useful-idiots.
Second, demographic change is a major issue. The left is counting on this to be their final coup-de-grace for the right. They have been planning this since 1964. They are counting on hordes of third wave migrants to support them, and they have calculated that they can sacrifice the average, white American male vote…so long as every other bloc falls into place.
We may be making some gains, but the war is just starting.
The generation coming up right now is the most conservative in history so it is good news to at least slow the lefts destruction of our society. Make no mistake- we are at war with the left. TV, workplaces .. its everywhere. Don’t give an inch- turn off the radio, tv, newspapers and all the rest of the leftist vaginisty they want to instill on us. do your own thing and fuk them all.
Helicopter rides for shitlibs, White Sharia for thots. MAGA
When the time comes, the leftists who think they have run of the place are in for some more unpleasant surprises. It takes a long time to rile the true, K-selected tigers on the right. But when the claws finally reach out at them, the paper tigers will quickly realize it wasn’t such a good idea to provoke the men who are the backbone of society.
Just be strong in your beliefs, stand by each other, and give them wedgies.
The liberal death march is a reaction to being beaten..banding together with other losers to beat the trumplike superman. But too much safespacing discouragement leads to another superman like trump and the cycle continues.
And as much as they hate white males once everything goes down shit creek they’ll be calling on them to fix it. Their idealism doesn’t take into consideration the long term ramifications.
No mention of George Soros and other uber Zionists who are pushing this??? Or McCain as well??? It’s not just the leftists people.
All those sniveling billionaires are going to regret it eventually, you can add people like Richard Branson to that list, they are all on the same boat pushing the same twisted ideology
Soros is a key member of the Rothschild Cartel & another member of the ” Chosen Ones “
I understand the moral stance on abortion, but the world is overpopulated as fuck. Maybe we’d be worse off if it didn’t exist. Just food for thought
Only people with low quality DNA should have forced aborting, from now on only the best looking, strongest and smartest men will be able to breed freely with as many woman as they so wish. And that’s how it should always be without exception.
In the past long ago, that was how it was. Although abortion didn’t exist, those with lower quality DNA simply didn’t have sex and thus didn’t reproduce.
Why are these Cultural Marxist brainwashed communist twats described as ” liberals ” , when they are anything but truly liberal. They are Stalinists in all but name …if they truly had their way , they would have used an NKVD equivalent to totally & ruthlessly crush dissent !!
Good article as usual.
Just said previously ?? You buddy’s mom is a cheap whore making home porn movies for $87 an hour ??