I will give children to be their princes [rulers], and babes shall rule over them. The people will be oppressed, every one by another and every one by his neighbor; the child will be insolent toward the elder, And the base toward the honorable. (Isaiah 3:4–5, NKJV)
We live in a time of great delusions. We are bombarded by delusions at every turn. Delusion is a synonym for deception, a lie, a falsehood, an illusion. The pursuing of delusions is not a new phenomenon. People have pursued delusions in ancient civilizations just as our civilization is now. We are currently in a condition where people cannot see the difference between fiction and reality, between a delusion and what is real.
The Book of Isaiah has many references to delusions. Another phrase for delusions is the vain imaginations of the heart. Something that is vain is morally relative. In Isaiah 3:4 the word translated as babes can also be translated as delusional. Why would the translators of the KJV choose babes? Because babies do not know reality and have not developed higher reasoning capabilities and understanding. Aside from physical needs, babies are all emotion.
Babies are not supposed to remain babies. In our day, children are sent to schools and universities that keep them intellectual and emotional babies, regardless of their actual age; and so they remain emotional children most, if not all, of their entire lives. These people are ruled by emotion and being ruled by emotion sets the stage for delusion.
Passions and emotions are not bad, but we are to control them. They are not to control us. People ruled by emotion and passion are easier to control. Emotional people are less likely to ask questions. Emotional people cannot delay gratification for greater gratification later. Emotion is about the moment, what feels good and safe now. The global elite know this and are settings the stage for complete control through fear and delusion. No one likes to be afraid, but fear is a powerful motivator and unless controlled leads people to believe illusions or delusions over reality. People are willingly replacing reality with delusions.
How can we recognize when delusions exist?
Progressives advocate a world where their passions and emotions rule everyone. This list is not conclusive. There are other factors. The following are the most common. All of the items in this list have a basis in an emotional response.
1. Delusions go hand-in-hand with moral relativism
Part of moral relativism is accepting relative moral truth, and the emergence and acceptance of tyranny. The delusions have a base function but also stretch and change based upon the individual while retaining the sandy foundation upon which they are built.
2. The blocking of justice and subjective enforcement of laws is a common practice in deluded societies
People go free based upon other demographic or financial factors, i.e. race, religion, gender, money, etc. True justice is harder to find in delusional societies because the people are busy perpetuating delusions. Scapegoats are typically found and used as fodder to perpetuate injustice while true justice is denied to those that have been truly wronged.
The denying of justice also includes the twisting of circumstances, information, and anything else to create a narrative that supports the delusion. Heather Mac Donald wrote an excellent article about the delusion of “rape culture” started to take a strong hold upon our society. The article was written in 2008 and we can now see how the delusion has an increased hold upon society.
The #MeToo movement (and other associated movements), women’s marches, mandated gender and demographic quotas, telling men to act more like women are not movements of justice. These movements perpetuate delusions upon society. True justice is when a woman is prosecuted for false accusations. True justice is when a man is prosecuted for true rape, not the women’s regret or failure to speak. True justice is realizing transgenderism and transvestism are disorders and instead of enabling the delusion the people receive the necessary mental help.
3. Women’s rule is a common theme in delusional societies
This delusion encompasses the delusion that women are better at everything. Isaiah 3:12 mentions how women rule in delusional societies. The chapter discusses how they were given over to delusion and women rule over them (meaning the men). The ridiculous idea that women are better leaders than men is one of the biggest delusions perpetuated upon western societies. Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary Clinton are examples of clearly delusional women. These women encourage others to partake in their delusion.
In a deluded society, the women seek to bridle the men. Part of the delusion is that men are a woman’s entertainment and work horse. A dishonorable and deluded woman will turn a man into one of these, both if she can.
4. Children oppress the parents and their elders
This factor is mentioned in the same verse as the women, Isaiah 3:12. Isaiah 3:5, which is included at the beginning of this article mention how children shall boast against their elders. Children are telling their elders they are “out of touch” if they do not support gay marriage, transgenderism, and the docket of other progressive causes. This is a case where the children are telling the elders to support delusions.
5. Nebulous or fluid terms and definitions
The nebulous and fluidity of the definitions creates an environment that make deception easier since most people will not ask for clarification on terms and definitions. Terms are deliberately undefined, vague, or change based upon the circumstances to fit a particular narrative and objective. Most people assume that everyone thinks like they do. The narrative uses this idea to push the deception.
“Toxic masculinity” is an example of a fluid and nebulous idea. “Toxic masculinity” is progressive speak for masculinity in general. Some of the characteristics listed on Wikipedia for toxic masculinity are “dominance, self-reliance, and competition.” Any person that blames “toxic masculinity” (i.e. masculinity) for tragedies is believing a delusion. Tyranny is toxic, whether that toxicity comes from Harvey Weinstein or Hillary Clinton does not matter. Harvey Weinstein and Hillary Clinton are examples of tyrannical people.
The progressive media will typically associate masculinity in general with rape. Rape is not acceptable under any circumstance. This requirement applies to the women as well as the men. Women can rape too. “Rape culture” is another delusion.
What we can do
Ask God for wisdom. We must examine ourselves and seek to escape our own delusions. To escape delusions takes serious and regular personal internal and external reflection and examination. We must want to leave the delusion. Leaving delusions will require that we will have to accept things about ourselves and the world around us that will be uncomfortable. No real maturity and growth comes without self-examination.
Call people out on their delusions. Many will become angry, potentially violent. Many people love the delusions because they feed individual self-delusions. Self-delusions open the door for greater deception and more delusions.
Be honorable and do not be wishy-washing or a pushover and do not take pleasure in the perverse and insidious, i.e. stop walking in crooked paths. Progressives, as part of their delusions, will take pleasure in that which is perverse and insidious; they walk in crooked paths. Perversions such as pedophilia, homosexuality, racism, transgenderism, etc. are celebrated. If you walk in crooked paths you will not have internal peace.
Be firm (consistent) in mind (thought), heart (emotion), and spirit. A flakey person lacks consistency in mind, heart, and spirit. Return of Kings published several articles about flakey women. There have always been troublesome women. Proverbs 21:9, 21:19, 25:24 all mention quarrelsome, complaining, vexing, and angry women.
While it is important to honor your word, put conditions in place to prevent yourself from being used. Think of keeping your word as vow, if the conditions of the vow are not honored by the other party, you keep the vow at your discretion. Additional examples of this can be found in the Bible when God deals with people and nations of people. God always places restrictions upon receiving of blessings. Disloyalty results in curses.
Many groups, private and public, are busy feeding the world with lies and twisted information to create and continue delusions. Do not believe the lie that you are not qualified to speak about an issue because you may not fit certain criteria on the progressive identity chart. Refuse to participate in the delusions. Speak your mind.
Read More: Would You Rather Live In A Society Controlled By Sharia Law Or Social Justice?
‘Dark’ days are ahead.
lol Jesse made that cunt look like a fucking retard..
Just look at how she refused to answer when Jesse asked her “What makes you a slut? Have you slept with a lot of men?”
It’s a lot easier for a woman to say vague meaningless shit like “We must smash the patriarchy! We must take power back from men!”, than to straight up say “I sleep around with lots of different men!”
“are you eventually going to let your children know that you’re a slut?”
forget slut walk, that was triumphant hamster parade
Jesse is awesome. You should see him debate BLM thugs into speechlessness. It was almost a funny as the interview with Ben Shapiro where he got Ben to admit he “loved” Trump. Haha He has a great YouTube channel.
it does not pay to prop it all up anymore.
It does not pay to remain neutral either.
We now have arrived at the point in history
when we must cast off the shackles that bind
us. This time though; it won’t be our separating
from the rest of the Earth, but our cleansing of it.
Unless we fight back.
So much for the slippery slope fallacy. The slippery slope is fuking real!
is not when there is antecedent, those are the sign of a decadent society seen many times in the past.
Let them be……only the strongest will survive !
all these soyboys, beta cucks and the mentally unstable feminists will cease to exists. they are too weak mentally and physically …..they will fall one by one…just sit down and enjoy the show.
that’s simply how nature work. survival is important not a “perfected society” failed attempts by deluded people.
No, good sir, this attitude is partly responsible for our plight. You’ll not be able to insulate yourself and “sit poolside” and unaffected, the way most manospherians think they’ll be. You will be part of “the show” you intend to “enjoy.” The strongest will not survive and it’ll only get worse by sitting poolside.
I bet Dr. Huxtable popped a boner when that topless woman tried to jump him.
What are the SJW and Antifa really going to do? They have no economy to stand on except for a few weird old socialists like Soros.
They are 40 year old people who failed to put the joint down in 1999 and look like they were cryogenically frozen at a Sublime concert when Clinton was president-dreadlocks, piercings, cheap tattoos, middle-aged goths who are old enough have ordered a beer when Kurt Cobain was alive…none of them have any fucking money, savings, much in the way of credit. Either they live in tents or at home although most of them are aging Gen Xers who actually managed to get a degree back when such a thing was still affordable.
Their black and Hispanic auxiliary are a little more formidable but in terms of organized violence these types are cannot exactly build drones and destroy Washington.
Actually the Mexicans sell crack and heroin which the blacks then get hooked on and imprisoned. And there is no love lost between them.
Also while complaining about the media observe that Asians and Jews are unaffected by it. And Hispanics. You have to give a shit what Hollywood is selling to actually be affected by it and Amy Weinberger and Suzy Cho clearly are not lined up with at Section 8 because they were impregnated by a black thug after watching Eminem videos.
All I can say is what I said. If you have a different strategy, go ahead and try it. Actively crushing it and preventing new generations of garbage works faster and is more satisfying than sitting poolside.
I agree with thirdworldman. The thing is most people here want to reverse all of these things and “save” Western civilisation, but most likely it can’t be saved. The degeneracy we see today is nothing new, and no culture in the past once these things took hold was ever able to reverse these things before either collapsing or being invaded by stronger cultures. I can’t see how it would be any different this time. The only thing we can do I think is to surround ourselves with strong men, find our “tribe”, and prepare for the chaos. Trying to fix it is like being on a sinking ship and worrying about what colour to paint the deck, it’s going down anyway. Do what you can to try to survive instead.
And you’re the alpha who will get all the girls right?
That’s because you have a group thinking. I don’t.
what makes you think you are the good side ? what makes them think they are the good one ?
it’s only a game and you’re happily participate in it. I don’t. my loyalty is to myself and my benefit.
the “unity” of society or groups are what making us weak and disappointed. that’s the truth.
You quoted the rule of nature before. Well guess what, the rule of nature is cohesive groups outcompete individualist strategy.
A tenacious ethnocentric (((minority))) can dominate a divided individualist majority.
Chaos is not what’s best for society. No plant or animal species on Earth lives and survives in absolute chaos. We’re in a period of relative chaos, not as bad as all out war, but approaching those levels. There is always order, and often, long-range order that continues. Sentient adjustments in direction of said order are what maintain species. If it wasn’t obvious as hell what the problems were before, it’s completely blatant now. Society is now acting like the government, many take their cues from it. Chaos is what we see, watch it continue to trickle down into granular society. I already see it, just watch people’s driving habits. I now have a forward, and a rear facing dash cam hooked up to toggle switches in my car. A good video is damning evidence in court. Everyone is God inside their bubble of a vehicle, get them outside, and 90% are too weak to run a half mile or do 10 push ups. What kind of brain do you think is attached to such a useless being? What kind of morals do you think a person whose life is so far out of balance they ignore all driving laws like using turn signals, tailing too closely, running people off the road have?
And according to today’s societies ….its all going wrong. and since I’m against the elites too, its better to rely on myself.
I mean look at Trump now….he failed us ! he is doing exactly what the elites wants him to do. he took a stance against Russia viciously cause he gave up to the pressures from the UN and other shit. now you can say at least he is better than Obama ! but so what ? what is the REAL change that he did until now ? except playing the same US foreign policy over & over again….
Trump really had no clue what he was in for. I don’t think he knows much about geopolitics. He was supposed to dazzle everyone with his game.
Just sit down goy, no need to be concerned or troubled by what’s taking place. You’re alpha and alpha’s don’t complain and just keep their heads down. Alpha’s will be ok. Trust (((me)))
goy ? keep head down ? yea …i can see your frustration and disappointment lol
Again, what is your impact on the world ? nothing ? then stfu….lol
What’s YOUR impact on the world?
What’s YOUR impact on the world? Huh?
only if there is a collapse you anarchist. you don´t want to fix things, you want to burn everything and rebuild, psycho.
when did i said burn everything ? if most of them are weak, let it be….
And how is the fixing you’re doing now ? dumbass.
Exactly. 70% of U.S. is Chrustian and most have almost no scientific education. If we can cut through their delusion the country will be a much better place.
Because science is going to solve our (((problems)))?
Well it’s cured polio, smallpox, created sewage system, harnessed electricity, discovered atoms, discovered evolution, built cars, computers, the internet, pasteurization, vaccines.
So yeah, I think science will solve our problems.
Evolution is at best a guess, and a poor one.
In order to believe in it, you must believe that over millions of years random survivable mutations- enough to actually create a new species without killing the creature- occurred, and a particular mutation did so for at least one male and one female- and these two compatible creatures found each other and mated- and continued on. AND- this happened millions, if not billions or even trillions, of times. Oh, and of course the new species all neatly fit into the new ecologies (imagine what would happen to a modern bear encountering a single saber-toothed tiger or a few wolves from that era). This would make Lotto 54 look like a coin toss.
If you look at Darwin’s notes anyone can see that the creatures were the same species, just variations. Even after thousands of years of human interference, wild wolves and coyotes can still breed with domestic dogs because they are still essentially the same creatures; the only way that can change is via genetic engineering- which is NOT random chance. So don’t try telling me that it was a gradual process and at some point a species magically made the leap into becoming a separate one.
Check out a Victorian-era dog breed book. The idea that Dalmatians were used in creating Bull Terriers seems ridiculous- until you see what Dalmatians looked like back then. But they were still Dalmatians.
If we “evolved” from apes then tell me why there are still apes? If tigers came from the saber-toothed tigers why aren’t there still saber-toothed tigers? Humans did NOT hunt them to extinction. Likewise other creatures from that era (e.g. the giant wolves and mammoths), “evolved” Man was around during that era so logically, if apes are still around why not those creatures?
Oh, a PARTICULAR kind of ape evolved from ape to man- but none of the others did? Others just stayed behind? Same with saber-toothed tigers?You don’t believe that any more than I do.
Even if one goes by the “numerous branches” theory the same problem pops up.
Evolution also means that some of a particular species did not evolve as much as others; among humans guess who ends up in the back of the Darwin Bus? Darwin, not Hitler, was the father of the Master Race theory. This MUST be if one believes in evolution and indeed eugenics was VERY POPULAR with the science crowd, until the horrors of World War 2 showed where it must lead. But the idea never died- it just went underground.
And the religion of science gave us very little. Manned heavier-than-air flight was considered impossible until the primitive success of the Wright Bros. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis is not mentioned nearly as much as Galileo for a reason even though the former was far more important to human survival: it was because science ruined him. Time and again science threw chains around humanity’s neck by declaring something impossible: until a daring renegade with FAITH it could be done did so- only to have science grab the credit- imagine if the Church tried to grab the credit for Galileo’s work- same thing.
As Scott Adams of “Dilbert” fame accurately pointed out, everything we have today, good and bad, is the result of a few thousand inventive individuals.
Are you also willing to say science gave us nuclear weapons, biological warfare, spy equipment one cannot escape from, mind control drugs, pollution, and has tortured and sacrificed millions of animals and humans on its altar?
Things like evolution are to science what Genesis is to Christians- in spite of all the proof Darwinian evolution is wrong science just doubles down like SJWs about the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax. At least Christians can point to an all-powerful deity organizing everything as a matter of faith. Just as science had to be forced (finally) to admit Semmelweis was right it’s the same with everything else and until a renegade somewhere comes up with something new we’re going nowhere.
The Romans had a sewage system, but no science.
Not sure pasteurization or vaccines are a good thing.
I usually drink raw milk and I’m not dead yet.
I’m of the opinion that autism and immune problems (Hiv, diabetes, allergies, etc.) are caused by vaccination.
I’m with you, Darwin and evolution is still a theory, and a pretty weak one IMHO. It’s and alternative to God, but the evidence is equal on both sides (as in NONE). Science is the new religion, just look at Global Warming, clearly nonsense, but saying so in public will get you crucified by the ‘believers’.
According to the liberals, only their “science” matters….Its only believable “science” when it is their version of “science”. Anything rooted in facts is not “science” to them. And as such, we see the textbook definition of delusion, straight from Liberal minds and mouths.
Prove God with science. Go.
And I voted for Trump.
How is religion a delusion? Christianity is fundamental to the US, it was literally constructed upon the bible.
Stop with the whole “Fundamental to the U.S.” Zeus was fundamental to Greece.
How is it delusional? Prove your God.
Summary of the New Testament:
God wanted to forgive Himself and mankind for His own failure, but instead of just forgiving Himself, He impregnates His earthly mother with Himself, and waits 33 years to spread His own message. He then sacrifices Himself to Himslef to forgive Himself, and to save mankind from Hinself.
Totally relational.
Historians collectively agree Jesus existed. As for your summary of the New Testament, I suggest you read it this time instead of piecing together a string of inconsistent thoughts. Your incomprehension is quite ignorant.
Where did I go wrong in my summary?
No wonder you think God doesn’t exist. You can’t even get laid. Socially awkward fugly soyface nerds tend to blame their shortcomings on God. Nothing to see here.
I’m really glad you’re looking at yourself from a 3rd-person perspective, but this is the internet where everyone can see your thoughts. Get help.
Yes, we all saw that r/atheist meme.
It was lame the first time and it’s lame now.
How about you show us all your free-thinking skills and put forward your own argument? Not a copy-paste of some Hitchens/ Dawkins/ Stephen Fry/ Ricky Gervais quote that gave you an intellectual boner, but your own unique thoughts.
Time to show us why what you just so happen to believe is correct and all the other 6 billion people you share the planet with are the idiots…
I don’t care if God exists or not.
It just isn’t relevant to me, sure I’d like an excuse to think nothing was ever my fault and it was all someone else’s plan. But I just can’t bring myself to sink to that level of delusion.
If God does exist, fuck him.
Science is just as corrupted by the matrix and politics and the arts.
Science is just as corrupted by the matrix as politics and the arts.
How so?
Funding of science is entirely politically based. You try to start your own research lab without going to the bank first. Let me know how it goes for you Einstein.
@Andy G
That’s not science that’s specific scientists.
Another nerdy soyface fedora faggot who can’t even get laid is going to save the world with muh science?
Like the article says, quit with the delusions and get back to being a sterile potato.
What’s delusions do I have?
Based on empirical evidence from your recent comments, you sir are an imbecile and sjw tool.
@Andy G
What empirical evidence?
And I voted for Trump.
Science studies the material world through the scientific method. It is not capable, nor was it intended to do so, prove or disprove spiritual phenomena. This does not mean that a scientist cannot test unexplainable things yet there is a point that science is unable to solve (verify or falsify since it’s base is to study the material world) although many great advancements have been made with this method.
If 70% of the U.S. is Christian then they are pretty good at hiding it. Most religions have a creator and the most common religion is probably some unorganized form of materialism combined with paganism as it pays more attention to “base” desirers with an added flavor of a creator and “mother nature.” -What’s ironic is that it has the opposite effects of its intentions.-
Also, you have to pass a few science classes to graduate HS or get a GED where kids are introduced to the scientific method which is relatively simple to comprehend.
“Science studies the material world through the scientific method”
Maybe in the recent past, but now it just follows the political party line.
Re: #2
If only women more honest and hear us carefully rather than adding words to our mouth:
The beauty of living in America is we can have guns. Learn how to operate them, stock up on ammo, and if your life is threatened, protect yourself. Simple stuff gentlemen, and before any of you weaker “men” go full lib-tard on me, no I’m not suggesting instigating violence against others. Protect yourself and your loved ones from life threatening harm.
Do you think Megan Fox and Jessica Alba are hot women…?
No, they are not! Its a delusion…….They are trannies.Theyadmitted it.
Is this proof enough..? If you think they are only joking, then you are even more deluded…
Hollywood is a BIG deception and they promote transgenderism in a secret way.
Thats the reason why you see more and more weak men and strong women
on the screen.They use young little feminine looking boys and make “women” out of them, by using female hormones and A LOT of plastic surgery and make up.
They want to fool straight guys.They want straight guys to fall in love with hidden trannies.
I dont attack real feminine woman.I love and adore them.But iam disgusted by watching trannies.
Just out of curiosity sake, what would be the point of trying to deceive men in being attracted to trannies?
Every movie now has clear theme: you go girl, or you go being freak, this is how i be, watch out i’m coming. Openly threating the majority.
To hypnotize you, to confuse you, to make you forget what real feminine women look like, to make you gay, to make you weak, to make you wanna become a tranny too, to make a deluded society…
“Perversions such as pedophilia, homosexuality, racism, transgenderism, etc. are celebrated.”
Nice try.
The incredible faggotry of these blue pill “writers” who are willing to work for a buck an hour is getting very tiresome.
False! Bashing Hollywood and their “stars“ is red pill.
You mention that rape is not good under any condition.
Rape and slavery are gray areas in the Bible. The threat of rape, in order, furthers the horrors of war and thus ends it sooner. The same, slavery accelerates an early empire’s development by furnishing it with a means of production. It’s not easy to admit that the Bible does not forbid either in its place. The God of the Bible takes no side on justice for those given over to the lusts of soldiers taking a city, but the right of war, to kill in combat, for example, is not the same as murder, nor is the forcible rape of a people in war the same as coveting your neighbor’s wife, nor are the notions of owning men and women as bondsman and bondsmaids the same as wartime labor camps.
We modern people should remember why it exists in Scripture. War is horrible. It’s not meant to be fought with joysticks. Rape, slavery, loss of nation, all of these things are the ancient equivilant of weapons of mass destruction.
As for there being no God, these arguments above are not for denying Him.
My $.02.
Get rid of your TV and swap your old testament for a new one.
You can have the last word, Michael, because I say what I mean the first time. What I said isn’t on TV nor does it come from Hollywood, so there’s a inference that doesn’t correlate to the data. Nor does the NT rewrite the rules of war or frees a slave, which means you cannot argue from the NT to the specifics of what I said. So, no, your comment is nothing productive. Do you really mean to say that you don’t like the implications of my comment?
One of the best articles I have read on ROK ever. This is one I will read more than a few times. I’m even using it to break free of my delusions.
This is the kind of posts that will make ROK great again.
I have not nor shall I read any of the following comments. I don’t want my perception tainted.
Good day.
“Ask God for wisdom”. Oh, so do nothing?
Never compromise, never give excuses and never undermine your beliefs because no one like them. If someone puts a gun on my head I’ll still say LGBT is a mental disease. I’ll still have the same beliefs like my father and grandfather who never believed in the delusions
“Part of the delusion is that men are a woman’s entertainment and work horse. ”
That doesn’t sound like a delusion though, in the natural world, if one gender is to survive it will be the female. Men are also the disposable sex so how is this a delusion?
Enjoy your female world and your mud hut full of cats, no phones, internet, food, utils, infrastructure, cars, aircraft, boats because all of that is provided by men.
It’s why I said the natural world moron, it’s the natural truth.
5 * article
It’s good to know the truth. But are you the one who found it? Just because you are sure your faith in the Bible gives your a proper guidance, doesn’t mean it’s true. Why would your personal convictions be more in touch with reality than leftists’ propaganda?
I agree with and get what the author is saying, but the constant referral to bible verses, god, and religion is just as delusional if you ask me. If we truly desire to build a rational, masculine society, then we need to reject ALL fairy tales, dogma, and emotional pandering, and that means rejecting progressive moral reletavism, the moronic arguments of the SJWs, as well as conservative religious dogma. We can stand for traditional values like family, hard work, friendship, and enjoying the fruits of our labor without needing to dress it up in religious justifications.