How To Overthrow The New Master Race: Western Women

The Western man has achieved great wealth, intellectual attainment, technological advancement, medical breakthrough, and the highest status in the world at breakneck speed in the modern era.  But as all good things must come to an end, the Western man is drifting quickly towards the edges of the whirlpool due largely to his own actions.

Historians will debate the reasons for this inevitable fall.  I put it to you that chief among them was the willful abdication of the Western man’s preeminent status in favor of the Western woman.

Little did these men understand that female nature, at its core, employs the strategy of obtaining “MORE” to the point where men have now become dispossessed of the pinnacle of social power.  The Western woman sits atop this pinnacle and is now the most privileged, exalted, coddled, empowered, shielded, and defended demographic group in the world while the Western man is her minion.  Some evidence of the problem is as follows.

Western Men Are Increasingly Trying to “Pass” as Female

Image result for prancing elites

The explosive popularity of Western men living their lives as “trans women” is indicative of their desire to live under the privileges, protections, and prestige of those in this master race.  There is no wonder why Western women are the biggest advocates of “trans women” because imitation remains the sincerest form of flattery.

We need only look toward the pre-civil rights era when racially mixed blacks would often engage in “passing” as whites to avoid the unenviable position as second class citizens.  The trans community is exercising the same strategy, albeit far less convincingly.

Homosexual and Effeminate Men Are Rewarded as Honorary Females

Image result for gay men with women

Lets’s face it.  The most fashionable and celebrated men in the Western world are gay or seemingly gay men because their very existence validates Western women’s status as the master race which is to be emulated and respected at all costs.

Western women defend gay and seemingly gay men to the death because an attack on anything gay is an attack on Western women by proxy.  This is way Western women attend “Pride” events with glee and promote the LGBT lifestyle as hip and progressive.  Each new gay man represents a new loyal follower of women as the master race.

Western Female Supremacy In Public Policy

Western women exert the power of their governments to enhance their exalted status and to symbolically subjugate men in a variety of ways.  One of the most egregious examples is the difference in treatment between male and female genital mutilation.

The United States government actively funds and supports male circumcision programs under the guise of reducing the spread of HIV in developing countries.   The efficacy and clinical underpinnings of this practice are suspect at best but this program is vociferously defended by feminists to thumb their noses at men all while anti-female genital mutilation programs are similarly funded and supported.  This baffling discrepancy is how women in governments actively flaunt their power to reinforce their supremacy over men.

Intentional Restriction of Male Prerogatives

Image result for sexist treatment of men

One of the most powerful ways the Western women has defeated men is by backing men into a behavioral corner by restricting male options.  For example, if a man in the workplace restricts his interactions with women to purely professional matters, he stands to be liable to charges of disparate treatment discrimination at worst.  But if this same man willingly interacts socially with women at work, he stands to be accused of sexual harassment when any woman finds it advantageous to do so.

In the area of public transport, if a man refrains from giving up his seat to a woman, a woman can have him arrested for manspreading in some jurisdictions lest he forget himself in her presence.  But if the same man gives up his seat to a woman, he can be cited for being creepy if the woman so deems him.

If a man shows common courtesy and holds a door for a woman, he can be chastised as condescending for treating the woman as somehow less capable of getting the door for herself.  But if this same man refuses to hold that door open for that woman, he can be deemed a rude miscreant for not showing deferential treatment to his better.

Western men therefore now live in a world of being potentially damned if you choose to do and likewise damned if you don’t.  This is the hallmark of female supremacy in a system where women are empowered with arbitrary power to control men in every sphere of life.

How To Re-Impose Male Supremacy

Image result for men hit back

So how can men regain supremacy when the decks are so stacked against them.  The below are tips men can incorporate into their day to day lives to topple women from their tenuous place of power.

Never help a woman for anything unless she is a family member or a sexual partner

Treat all other women as if they are on their own when they are in a pickle.  Pass by the woman with a flat tire.  Never intervene on behalf of a woman in your personal life.  Treat them as if they are on their own.

Never employ women beyond clerical, customer service or support roles

Although this practice can be legally challenged, clever employers know that spending a little on legal defense early can prevent years of huge costs later.

End all platonic friendships with Western women

Women, unless they are sleeping with you, are to be treated as the enemy which wants to exploit you for whatever money, attention, and services you can provide.  See women purely as providers of sex and children only.  If you want to have platonic friendships with women, do so outside of Western society where women still respect men as leaders.

Vote in each and every federal, state, and local election but never again vote for a female under any circumstances

It has been said that “Elections are less about voting for someone and more about voting against someone else.”

File official grievances, complaints, and lawsuits against women whenever you can as a pure act of war

Women rule the roost in Western institutions, so these actions go a long way towards changing discriminatory attitudes towards men in favor of women.

Travel to and develop comfort in non-Western countries

And increasingly invest and spend your wealth there as an act of defiance.  Starving the West of male consumption revenue will hasten the economic demise of female supremacy and leave it vulnerable to overthrow from within or from without.

When the Islamist or migrant uprising goes into full tilt in the West, refuse to fight it and just let it be.

Hostile outside forces are the means to re-masculinizing the West.  Use these enemies of your enemy to do your dirty work for you because when it is all said and done, Western men will rise to the top in any male-dominated society.

Female supremacy will inevitably fall, but “red pilled” men must collectively do all we can to ensure it happens sooner rather than later.

Read Next: Why Western Men Prefer Foreign Women Over Their Own

226 thoughts on “How To Overthrow The New Master Race: Western Women”

  1. >Hostile outside forces are the means to re-masculinizing the West. Use these enemies of your enemy to do your dirty work for you because when it is all said and done, Western men will rise to the top in any male-dominated society.
    Nah, we’ll be gone and rare zoo animals in a few generations.
    Half breeds will be the new we wuz kangz…

    1. In a Chinese zoo, in a society that will feature a few elements reminiscent of the Japanese-occupied US West Coast as depicted in The Man in the High Castle: specifically I can foresee future Chinese elites collecting White cultural artifacts and keeping a few Whites around for company and personal amusement.
      In order so to speak to cosplay and reenact a long-lost and interesting civilization.

      1. Ajeoshi
        Interesting theory, though it almost implies the Chinese are the cause of this or somehow the great untouchable threat. To which I disagree.
        Id dare say the Ju will be the new whiteman 2.0.
        ((They))) will try adopt the skin of their fallen enemy and masquerade parts of our culture and civilization they always envied as their own. Only it will not last because as a parasitic or vampiric people they cannot maintain such a Danse Macabre mockery.
        Instead they will rule harshly and with an iron fist over the mixed multicultural herds being the only people allowed an identity, their Talmudic supremacist conquer of the goyim complete. But at the cost of their souls.

        1. @ BloodThirstyDick
          Communist, Marxism, Illuminati, Nazism, radical Feminism, anti-Christian Paganism, Progressive political theory, Common Law judicial societies (where judicial decisions have power of law, not the Legislatures)… all came out of one place.
          That same place also made many “political contributions” to Europe:
          The Thirty Year’s War, two devastating World Wars, and let’s not forget the place that produced hordes of savage invaders that hastened the collapse of the cultured Western Roman Empire.
          This place also created and now runs the entire European Union!
          All such catastrophes came out of…… Germany!!!
          The Germans have done a tremendous amount of damage to Western Civilization. No other group decimated Europe more then the Germans. The Germans have exported the worst cultural, philosophical, and political forces of our time.
          The Romans and Greeks gave birth to Western culture and the Germans have ruined it over and over again.
          Put blame where blame is due.

        2. I forgot! Not to mention that Angela Merkel (German BitchChancellor) is the one that opened the “refugee” (RAPEfgee/migrant) floodgates into Western Europe.
          She is also the one using the European Union to try to fight the USA when it comes to our trade imbalances and allowing the RAPEfugees she has imported to have EU passports so they can go ruin every country they so wish to enter. 😡
          The Germans have done more harm to this world then good, not even a question about. Marxism, Communism, radical feminism, and Progressivism, along with the population decimation they caused via 2 Worlds Wars, the collapse of Western Roman Empire, and the Thirty Years Wars is more then enough to cement that as a fact.
          I am not blaming them for everything, but if you look at the political theory, wars, and problems they have caused/created vs their positive influence into the world, the Germans have done a shitty job, to say it as nicely as possible! :-/

        3. YOu imbecile. They are already white and control your “culture”, western culture is what the tv tells u it is. Low sperm count, obese, illiterate like you, drug and alcohol addled, feminised, degenerate western culture. They gave it to you knowing full well what it was, so no, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{they}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} do not want it too. The only thing weasker than pretending to be a woman is blaming jews.

      2. Ajeoshi
        Interesting theory, though it almost implies the Chinese are the cause of this or somehow the great untouchable threat. To which I disagree.
        Id dare say the J will be the new whiteman 2.0.
        ((They))) will try adopt the skin of their fallen enemy and masquerade parts of our culture and civilization they always envied as their own. Only it will not last because as a parasitic or vampiric people they cannot maintain such a Danse Macabre mockery.
        Instead they will rule harshly and with an iron fist over the mixed multicultural herds being the only people allowed an identity, their Talmudic supremacist conquer of the goyim complete. But at the cost of their souls.

        1. There has been a tendency since the 1980s to blame Asians for our problems. First, there was the “Japan Inc” scare and now “The Yellow Peril” in a new form. But as James Fallows wrote back then, the cause of America’s problems is America; the solution is being “more like ourselves’. This would be doubling down on the American European culture, focusing on nationalism, entrepreneurship, and creativity. Similarly, we should again make a priority Science as we did in the ‘Sputnik’ era. In terms of cultural unity, the correct approach is not ‘multicult’, but rather everyone aliigning to “The Way of the WASP” (Brookheiser). Ehtnnoi from Sicilian to Irish have learned to do this.
          And yes, Jew bashing is fun for alot of people, like watching roller derby, but keep yourself under control. Like cigarettes, a few is strength, a pack a day is weakness.

      3. Aje aka the man
        Interesting theory, though it almost implies the Chinese are the cause of this or somehow the great untouchable threat. To which I disagree.
        Id dare say the J will be the new white-man 2.0.
        ((They))) will try adopt the skin of their fallen enemy and masquerade parts of our culture and civilization they always envied as their own. Only it will not last because as a parasitic or vampiric people they cannot maintain such a Danse Macabre mockery.
        Instead they will rule harshly and with an iron fist over the mixed [email protected] herds being the only people allowed an identity, their [email protected] [email protected] conquer of the g0yim complete. But at the cost of their souls.

    2. Writer forgot,
      Avoid marriage and any other relationship where you are required to fund a woman’s lifestyle (beyond pay for plan and pump and dump).

      1. I just read about John Schneider’s (Bo Duke) absolute nightmare funding his old Hollywood ex-slag with alimony and ending up in jail last week when he ran out of money. If you want to live a happy life, do the opposite of him. ROK needs to do an article on him as a case study like Bourdain.

        1. Yeah, advice from an old-timer that escaped divorce hell through careful planning and patient endurance — NEVER GET LEGALLY MARRIED!

      2. Did you guys see that John Cena made his WWE girlfriend sign a 75-Page Contract before she would be allowed to even move in with him??? 🙂
        Not to even marry – just for her to move in!
        That is a non-common law marriage State!!!! 😮 The guy had lawyers do a 75-page agreement! lol 🙂
        Leftist People magazine is “outraged” at this, of course! 🙄 How could John Cena NOT allow a woman to fuck him over after she moves in! How could he?!?! Oh, the humanity!!! Ohhhh…. 😆
        Now……. if John Cena’s lawyers were smart, they will have a Clause listed in the 75-page contract that they will have cameras inside the house, cars, bathroom, around home, when they go on vacation, etc, including in the bedroom and that all sex acts will be recorded. (CA is a legal shithole State where it is 2-party consent is needed for all recordings, so woman needs to be on written notice that she will be recorded at all times, including in bedroom).
        This way, Ms. PossibleFalseAccusation will be fully aware that no false rape, no false domestic violence/abuse accusations will fly – everything will be on camera.
        How can she say “Cena hit me! Ouch! Abuse! Rape!” when he can pull the date/time stamped recording and show the cops? 🙂 Beautifully done, Mr. Cena.
        Gentleman, I am NOT some “paranoid law student/experienced paralegal” here saying “do not let a woman move in withojut a contract”! Here is a rich, smart guy doing the same thing. 😉
        Take note, gents. Letting a woman move in these days is a really bad move, but if you really must have a woman in your home for “sex on the tap” and female companionship, then have a LAWYER draft and have her sign a contract in front of a Notary, stating she’s just a “house guest” before she moves in.
        For God’s sake: please do NOT try to “save money” and use some online DYI a contract – hire a lawyer! The litigation costs of “saving money” because you used a “DIY contract” will be so massive, it is stupid savings. Get a lawyer for this, please. Does not have to be 75-pages, I am sure 2-3 pages should be plenty. And make sure she signs in front of a Notary Public, using BLUE liquid pen, so original document can be easily identified as original document.
        This is where America is going, folks. Many men have woken up and they are not gonna allow themselves to be scammed by our predatory women anymore. 🙂 And if they are gonna get fucked over by a woman, hrll they are at least gonna try to fight her off in court, and having a signed, properly executed contract is the way go!
        Or better yet: save your money, save your home, and save yourself much suffering and do NOT allow a woman to move in. Period. ‘Nuff said for today.
        Ps. Do NOT get married in America, unless you want to sponsor a vetted “unicorn woman” to come to the USA., both of you are incredibly religious, living in a religious community (i.e. PA Amish or UT Mormon), or the woman you want to marry is insanely rich and/or makes x5-8 times per month as much as you do, allowing you to avoid divorce rape and alimony. I know I have said this over and over again, like a broken record. I cannot say this enough. Do NOT marry.

    3. While his points aren’t fleshed out he makes a good point. It needs more than 2 sentences to explain.
      Allowing the Muslims and other savages to do their worst doesn’t mean Western men retreat into extinction. Perhaps he means western men don’t defend those women who have betrayed them and and counter attack when the time is right. Western ‘Refugees Welcome’ women have abandoned any right to protection or benifit from their men.
      If/When civil war comes most women will be on the left’s side . Let them learn the hard way that actions have consequences.

      1. Of course, if/when the civil war comes, the US military will be pressed into service too. Maybe they’d even activate the draft, which women are still exempt from (muh equality my ass!).
        The ultimate form of cuckery.

  2. Imagine how simple and easy life would be if we just took away women’s rights?

    1. And if the left could just admit that Haiti is a shithole and MS-13 are animals!

      1. A whole middle school in Maryland has been taken completely over by MS-13 gang “kids”.
        You know these 25 year old “asylum seeking kids” saying they are 16. 🙄
        You know the “kids” CNN and MSNBC are screaming they are “cages”… you know these “kids” living in taxpayer-funded $36,000 per year/per alien clubhouses with PS4’s, big screen TVs, fancy food cafeterias, classes, and premium beds?!? 🙄
        “Kids” as young as 12 murder and rape people all over the world. In Brazil, we have the “de menor” (under 18) crime wave and these “kids” cannot be arrested and prosecuted, no matter how heinous the crime. In Africa, child-soldiers commit atrocities on a regular basis.
        ONLY in America, land of the naive and weak middle-class, do we call tattoo-covered invaders and gangmember “kids” who simply state their age. 😡
        Hillary’s best friend and Obummer’s fav author, the bolshevik Saul Alinsky said it best in Rules for Radicals: “the white middle class is inherently good. They are easy to manipulate because they are good people. Exploit that”.
        Show some kid crying on TV and everyone in America panics. 🙄 Same thing we saw in Western Europe with some dead “migrant” kid on the beach. The media played it up and border were opened. Rapes, murders, robberies ensued shortly after. The victims are the same fools that panicked and had their “heart-strings” pulled by the leftist media. *sigh*
        The ONLY reason we do not have the military at the Border turning back these “kids” and their criminal fake-Asylum seeking parents around is because the people who are affected by this are normal American, and not the elites.
        If MS-13 members lived near or went to school where the kids of Congresspeople, judges, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, ACLU lawyers, and media types, (and near where their families lived/worked/went to school), the Border would be closed overnight. The Congress would fully fund and ALLOW Trump to close the Border for good and begin deportations.
        The moment an MS-13 member rapes or kills some rich DC elite or one of their relatives, the gig will be up. So long as they rape/kill/rob the middle class and below, it is all good. Bring ’em in, folks!
        The same people demanding open borders is the same anti-gun crowd. Michael Moore, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Soros, Michael Bloomberg all want to ban guns. But they go around with an entourage of heavily armed security in armored cars and live in neighborhoods more secure then Fort Knox. -_-
        The people demanding open borders and gun-bans all lived in gated communities, have heavily-armed security, and send their kids to well-protected private schools. Disgusting. I really hate American’s elites.

    2. @British guy…OMG that would be awesome. Just imagine how politics would change overnight if lobbyists, Polititans, and the government in general didn’t have to pander to women voters. Granted, there would still be a bunch of cucked men out there who would always vote to destroy a mans life…but it would be uch easier to destroy them as well.

      1. Here is a YouTube bid by Turd Flinging Monkey that is about this very topic. Funny as shit!!
        HOW MEN CAN FIGHT BACK LEGALLY. PAY ATTENTION. Watch or listen to the video and learn.

    3. Here BBG, check out this vid about how bad it has gotten for men in England. You will appreciate this.

    The most important thing men can do in their day to day lives. There is no reason for platonic friendships with women, they offer zero benefits for friendship. If you need an example of why just ask any woman for dating advice, they will give you the most load of crap reply, like ” oh just be yourself and be nice”. We all know that is terrible advice but they won’t admit it because women never want to make themselves look bad and admit their true nature of how they are.

    1. not just advice, anything, suddenly if you need her see is busy so sorry, but if she needs your help but you are busy so sorry, somehow you are hypocrite according to what a woman actually said to me. For women, friendship means do stuff for me while I will do nothing in return, while she is fcking the chad who is not required to do anything. The life of women will be a living hell if suddenly the betas and orbiters stop helping them. while if a man stop the interactions with women, nothing happen, he is just alone but functional, women are so spoiled they can´t even do simple stuff anymore like changing tires, or simple putting coolant, or not even checking the oil, CHECKING not changing, CHECKING. (true history)

      1. yeah but it wont happen, fatties get lots of likes in facebook, yesterday I felt deeply manipulated i must say, or maybe is more complicated than that IDK, i need to confess it. You see I have a class with one girl I used to date we ended up badly so I dont give her attention, but from times to times she sends me messages, sometimes she tells me she wants to kill herself ,I took it as attention seeking,( she asks attention from everyone) til another girl told me to give her more attention cause this could be serious. The other day after class she told me that she tried it (funny how even at killing themselves men are better, I mean it cant be that difficult, it seems like attention seeking) so i decided to give her even more attention, she was preescribed some stupid brain rotting anti psychotic medication. In the evening, at 8:00 I was at a friends house playing videogames and chatting, when she called “I need my meds, my grandpa just died (that same morning she told me he had been tubed some days before) I told her that I was bussy and that she did not need those meds. But something awoke within me, pitty I guess, she seems pretty lonely, and also my computer kept crashing, so I told her I was going to give it to her. I went and she just came, ask for what she wanted, complained about another object she forgot at school that I took home (like you are taking them because you want to see me) and leave. I dont know guys, is it bad to have empathy? Cause the more I think about it empathy is becoming a defect rather than a virtue, I mean point 1 striked me “Never help a woman” they have no idea of reciprocity (most of them) what would women really do if nice guys stopped being nice, they would be clueless. I dont know something that happened had to talk about it.

        1. @ johnnyperez
          You are dealing with what a lot of men on this site dealt with as young men. There’s a natural instinct to help/protect women because we have been told all our lives that it will give us a sense of pride, the truth is that is bullshit. With the woman in your case you just have to go ghost mode on them and cut off all contact, she is a vampire that will suck time, money, and emotional resources from you without a care for what it does to you. These are the hard lessons that lead men to finding the red pill. Also think about this, someone that unstable could off the deep end and tell the police you sexually assaultted her in some way just because you didn’t run her errand and do it as fast as she wanted it.

        2. @ JohnnyPerez
          You said something very true. Empathy, kindness, love, friendliness, charity, forgiveness, compassion, hard-working attitude… they have been interpreted by our women as weakness and stupidity.
          As a Christian myself, these qualities are important to me. But I am forced to suppress such qualities and literally interact with women using an arrogant, aloof, cocky, and dismissive (Amused Mastery-style) tone.
          Our women respond to ruthlessness and negativity, not positive qualities. Because we, American men, created such a wealthy, safe, modern society with so many comforts (and even a “safety net/welfare state), our women have turned on us. They mooch off this massive welfare state, un-earned benefits like Affirmative Action/free college/easier testing, etc and enjoy the comforts and protections MEN provide them with.
          It is only in stupid Western countries that women have become so entitled and are so lavished with comforts, safety, and wealth that they want to date a loser, an asshole, criminal, or well-known Player. It gives them DRAMA, the #1 need of a Western woman. Outside the 1st world countries, women want a man to treat them well and care for them.
          I was talking to this guy who is Ukrainian and he said he sees this same thing here in USA, it stuns him how American women want to date assholes. He told me that in Ukraine, the women REALLY WANT a nice man, who treats them well. The lives of average Ukrainian girls are already hard/harsh, they live in borderline poverty, so why want a man to be violent or mistreat her? Why would any woman want a guy who will cheat on them or treat them like crap?
          The fact that we even have to say this and acknowledge such fact is insane on its own face. WANTING to be gamed, pumped ‘n dumped, and mistreated by “bad boys” is a mental problem Western women possess. Logically, it is insane.
          Women in Western world are damaged because of Feminism and because of their own stupidity. You often see these women spend their best years (18-30) hooking up with thugs, losers, gigolos, criminals, and all sorts of “bad boys”. Then suddenly they have their post-wall epiphany and want a “nice guy”. Why? Because not only their beauty is fading fast, but also because they EVENTUALLY get tired of being treated like trash.
          Greg Gutfeld wrote a book that was very interesting about this subject matter called “Not Cool” and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
          In the Western world, especially in the AngloSphere, the Left has flipped EVERYTHING upside down. Evil = cool. Being nice = not cool. A RAPEfugee is the victim because (somehow) our country made his country corrupt, violent, and poor. A pedo is providing kids with sexual experience. Welfare recipients are the victims of an unfair society. A criminal is the victim because of racism. A lying/cheating woman is the victim of her husband not loving her properly. Mumuia, the cop killer is a hero. And so forth.
          “Not Cool” book outlined how the left made positive qualities “not cool”. Totally worth reading because you will even begin to spot some of these trends and avoid getting caught up in these trends.
          Finally, I want to admit that it is really sad for someone like me to have to use such “phony” Game strategies to get with American women today. I wish I could truly “be myself”, the Christian man who likes to have LTR-type relationships with women, who treat them well, surprise them with flowers, who can help her when her sink needs a fix, and enjoys spending time with her.
          But that man is not one who will get hot girls. Not in the West, at least. I understand this because I am a Realist. It is not a happy situation, but I refuse to allow myself to be manipulated by a woman or used as a “simp”. Never allow that, gents.

      2. @Duncan
        This is all true. She will not be there to help you move that new couch you bought, finish that weekend project at home, or even bring you some food if you get sick. It’s all a one way street and that is the way they see it if they even show up that is all the effort they have to give. It’s no wonder they can’t even get along with each other.

        1. This might be because women are instinctively, in a way, dependent on men. And not the other way around. The man provided and she had the babies. If a family was in a house and it caught on fire, if the woman escaped, grabbing her babies, but leaving the husband to fend for himself, no one would blame her. She’d only catch flak if she abandoned her babies. If the husband ran out without honestly attempting to rescue his wife and children, most would consider him a coward and less of a man.
          The problem comes when women expect these things but aren’t “having the babies” so to speak. She expects gifts, money and favors from one man while she sleeps with another.

      3. Ever loaned a girl some money and she gets pissed when you expect her to pay it back?

        1. My ex-wife, when we were going through a divorce (that we agreed to keep amicable) wanted to get a home loan to buy a house, but since the divorce was not final she ran into some issues with the lender. So she came to me and asked for some money for the down payment, apparently as a loan. I sort of agreed, just to just keep her happy (and not mess up the divorce process) and told her that I need to draw up a document to record the “loan”. She got mighty pissed! WTF do these women think? It boggles the mind.

        2. Men in Western world have been lied to from birth. We are told that women are holy, perfect, fair, kind Angelic being that should be loved, trusted, and worshiped. That is why so many men get suckered into white-knighting, marriage, and other “beta” traits.
          The more you do for a woman, the less she will respect you and the less she will want you around. If you lend her ANYTHING, she will think of you as a chump and a SIMP. She will bang some other guy while getting you do lend her money, run errands for her, fix her car, etc.
          It is counter-intuitive, of course, and illogical and insane if you really think about it, but that is true. That is what the Red Pill reveals to us. That is what Game teaches us to counteract.
          Kindness, love, charity, understanding, and empathy are misinterpreted as weaknesses and they MUST be suppressed if you are to have any success with Western women. Be ruthless with her and you will succeed.
          The Red Pill is hard to swallow, but it enlightens you with truth. Game prevents you from being used as a man and manipulated by women. It allows you to turn the tables on women who try to manipulate you and use you.

          Bottom line: Roosh said it best: YOU made me this way. You rejected a kind, friendly, giving, caring man. Now I use Game strategies to get what I want from her and move on the moment she start to act out too much. The most I will do today is Mini-Relationships, because even an LTR in today’s America is giving too much. Do not give her too much even in a mini-relationship. Use Dread the moment she starts to act our to move on when she won’t comply (and don’t even waste your energy using Dread).
          Ps. Do yourself a favor and memorize the 16 Commandments of Poon. Life-changing knowledge in a single page:

    2. who has time to waste to befriend women and get no sex ?
      seriously, if a guy is over 20 and still accomodate with or seek female friendship, he’s not a man.

      1. I always take my Game-aware wing girl out with me when I hit the club. Awesome social proof. Far better than a red-pilled “wingman”.

        1. If you don’t fuck her nor get at least threesome, you’re just a guy who need a woman to get approval of other women. Nothing to brag about.

    3. I had like 3 or 4 female ‘friends’ in my life and regret every single one of them.

      1. One thing Donovan learned from his two marriages and dealing with tons of American women is that you have to be ruthless with them. I can CONFIRM that as well.

        3 Reasons Broken Western Women Secretly Want You To Cheat On Them

        3 Ways To Keep Your Woman From Cheating

        These two ^^^^ are some of his best writings explaining on how to deal with our illogical women, broken Western women.
        That said….
        Currently, I also do not have or want any female friends. It is bad enough I have female co-workers as it is. Most I can do with “platonic femmes” is at church, social events, or the woman of a male friend of mine. That is it.
        Billy Crystal said it best: there can be no friendship when one friend (the man) wants to bang the other (the girl). He is right. I do not have a single female friend anymore, on purpose. I used to and it was non-stop calls and texts bitching about her boss, bitching about her “BFF”, about her BF, etc. 🙄 A nightmare for me. Never again.
        When I want a wing-woman (very effective if you are having a hard time with night game or a certain woman), I have a girl that I pay her. No, I do not hook-up with her, and I do not bang her. No, I do not even try.
        I just pay her $100 cash for her “help” for a an hour or two. No joke there. She is a FT waitress at Outback, I asked her to be my wing-woman one day when she was waiting my table. We sat down the next day and talked over drinks at Outback. She learned a bit about me and I about her (in case we are asked questions). We know enough about each other so she can “Talk me up” or pretend to be my female friend when needed.
        When I need her help, I pay her $100, she does her wing-woman work for me for an hour or two and leaves. When a girl I am having a mini-relationship with asks why I do not have any female friends, I say I have this girl (Skyler is her name, BTW) and I intro her to my mini-girlfriend. When she wing-womans for me, I introduce her to women I am trying to game as “my best friend’s girlfriend”. She talks me up or helps fills some gaps in my story and that is it.
        I have done this with her so many times (with excellent results), we are not friend outside of this arrangement, but we get along nicely when we go out or I need her help to smooth it out with some girl I am trying to game. I had this idea as I once was having a hard time with a 8.5 girl from a law office that I went to for a Mediation and this girl was a tough nut to crack. I like to win, so I had this idea: get a wingwoman to talk me up and it worked so well, I have done this a few times before.
        I have the absolutely best arrangement with this wingwoman girl, and she gets extra spending money and free drinks when we go out or even free food on my dime, if I need her to be my “female friend” that I can intro to women over lunch.
        No headaches for me and it only costs me spare change, given my income and she is happy with extra cash and occasional drinks or food on my dime. 🙂 Win-win.

  4. How about elect shitlord politicians the DGAF and repeal the 20th amendment?
    No more voting. Back to the kitchen.
    On circumcision – it’s a barbaric control mechanism by Jews who sold it to us and profit from it. It used to be a way to distinguish a Jew from a Christian for 1940 years butbthat all changed.
    I agree with most points but would include Jews in that as well.

  5. How about elect shitlord politicians the DGAF and repeal the 20th amendment?
    No more voting. Back to the kitchen.
    On circumcision – it’s a barbaric control mechanism by Jews who sold it to us and profit from it. It used to be a way to distinguish a Jew from a Christian for 1940 years but that all changed. Your first day of life and you’re kidnapped by Dr Goldberg and your penis tip which houses 50% receptors is cut.
    I agree with most points but would include Jews in that as well.

  6. Women and Jews share many similarities which is why both groups are being used as fronts by the real enemy. They serve as distraction and to exhaust your mental and physical power.
    Fighting women will get you nowhere. Instead know your real enemy behind feminism and the sexual revolution. They fear awareness most.

  7. There is no more pure ethnicities anymore we’re all fucking mud people if you look at it and that’s the thing that’s being revealed by 23 and me and is that everybody’s genetics are thoroughly polluted., once you get past that specious argument of racial purity which is proven by the DNA then you understand that we really do have something in common we’re all much and if men give a rat’s ass about how they’re going to be treated in society from here on out they need to do something about the Western World and take back the rightful place as the leaders but that’s not going to happen through cuckery and men going freaking gay and trans and all that other happy bullshit. It’s certainly not going to happen by alleged men running away and fucking low-class whores in foreign countries because they can’t stand the country that they’re in., all that is is pure cowardice and surrender.

    1. I wish somebody would tell me what the fuck makes a man an Alpha when he runs away from adversity instead of dealing with it and goes and hides and practices his “alpha_ness” where there is no adversity when in fact they’re running away to some safe space to practice their alphaness is the very essence of cowardice and if that’s what Alpha is that I want no fucking part of it. You hear that theme over and over again concerning illegal immigration that these people should stay in their own fucking countries and fix their own fucking problems Well guess what the same people that sit there and Screech that bullshit are the ones that are running away to other fucking countries and telling everyone about how alpha they are more and more it’s appearing at the only true Alphas that actually act like Alphas are the Islamic Invaders I’m no lover of Islam but you cannot deny the facts but they actually Walk The Walk while my fellow whites run around being hypocritical whiny bitches and virtue signalling to all of their” alpha” Bros. The essence of cuckery.

      1. The reason muzzies get away with alpha behaviour on their women is that they have a culture and community within mainstream western society that accepts and encourages it, and protects those that practice it, by hiding it from the mainstream community and law enforcement. Only really extreme cases reach the attention of the mainstream.
        Its similar to what used to happen pre 1990’s, before political correctness and feminism became mainstream. A man’s family was his own business and unless he was a complete psycho, and killed or hospitalised his wife , a little reasonable physical force was deemed as acceptable, to keep a unreasonable wife in line.
        I can’t see things changing for the better, unless conservatives can take back positions as judges and magistrates.

        1. The reason they get away with it is because they don’t care who likes it, they just DO IT. Like anyone is stopping them…ANYWHERE.
          Western decline will not stop until you completely take away womens rights. until you do that, mens miseries will continue to get worse. Running away does absolutely ZERO.

      2. The problem is that doing something about the situation is often a serious crime and the state security apparatus will apprehend and imprison any who dare stand up.

        1. If you can’t reform the system peaceable, the feminists will continue to let Invaders in, and then reform will be imposed BY them. So standing back and letting their own desires ring them down is your only other option. That is not the same thing as retreat, that is allowing the change to come about through change agents of their own making. You goal is to help aim them at the right target those who welcomed them in. Art of War, use your enemy’s weakness against them by using their forces to accomplish you own goals you just have to merely redirect their efforts towards your desired target.

        2. Very astute observation Petruccio. That is why I advocate just letting the system implode organically. Being prepared for the cleanup and rebuild, while enjoying healthier living abroad is my strategy.

      3. Good point. However, “running away” en mass might actually fix the problems here when women find out the competition is suddenly much steeper.
        Why waste your life waiting for something that is never going to happen ?

        1. Problem is I really don’t care about Danish women at all, they throw as much hate as they can possibly collect in my general direction (and any other man here, except Soy Boys, their pets..) even if I did decide to “stay and fight like a man” it would be without passion and I would quickly give up again. Let it all crash and burn..I’ll be back to rebuild though.

        2. DNJ,
          Fighting a battle you can never win is foolish.
          Better cowardly than stupid.

        3. @John…we can’t win because people run away, and/or are to afraid to do anything other than preach libertarian BS.

        4. Wes,
          I’m thinking you haven’t spent any time in prison after a bogus complaint from a woman. If you do ‘stay and fight’, expect some prison time.

      4. For it to work it would take men on a nation wide scale to collectively do something. One man on his own won’t do anything but end up in jail.

        1. Men could do something if they could get past their irrational gynocentric brainwashing and stop acting under it. That is how you fight back, think outside of the box and resist that programming is where they start. But sadly most won’t as it collides too much with it, so they go along to get along, already defeated good little beta slaves to their vagina owning masters.

      5. I’m going to join my local volunteer fire service. I hear there’s a couple of sluts joined, and I want my turn playing ‘hide the firemans pole’ with them.

      6. It’s the difference between strategy and tactics. In a firefight you have to face your enemy and overcome them Tactically. But what’s going on in our culture is a war between many cultural tribes, Women, Muslims, and men just to name 3 of them.
        Letting 2 of your opponents go at each other tooth and nail weakens both of the tribes while men maintain their strength.
        Both Japan and China had warring states periods and it wasn’t always the largest polity that won but the smartest. Read “the Art of War” and “The Book of 5 Rings” to learn strategy.

    2. You are misinformed. 23andme has shown that almost all Whites have only European ancestors.

      1. Check your data. We are all med men because of pollution of careless breeding. None are pure to any ethnic background. None are. Racial purity and ethnic background were always ASSUMED based on oral history and basic outward appearance prior to the development of recent technology to map DNA ancestry. Purity of ethnic genetics is a myth.

        1. there is no purity in nature do you really want a 100% white in a DNA test, hahahahahahahahahah, you don´t do science, right? there is something called measurement errors that´s why they always put “less than 1% other races”. Regardless being 95% Anglo Saxon you are pretty much white, that´s why the left stop using the term half bread and now use mixed race, now they are changing it again from “we are only one race” to we are all mixed, to some degree is true but nah adding a drop of milk in 5 gallons of waters does not make the resulting liquid half mix. or to be considered mixed at all. Stop playing the left game of semantics and use your eyes.

        2. @ Duncan there are no purebred unless they are inbred. End of story. Everyone is going to be 40 to 50 percent something and the rest is mutt like trash that makes up the rest of their DNA. MUD PEOPLE. That is the truth of our condition, we are diversity embodied through no choice of our own because of reckless garbage dump level breeding by our ancestors. Get over it. The whole notion of racial purity is 100% mentally ill myth.

    3. “men running away and fucking low-class whores in foreign countries because they can’t stand the country that they’re in., all that is is pure cowardice and surrender.”
      the squad is coming for you with shitload of downvotes for saying that truth !

      1. Well yeah and down votes should be seen for some comments as badges of honor too. There are comments that deserve them for being utter trash and then there is the comments that are utter foul tasting truths. Discernment counts for something.

        1. I’m not her to make friends or count up votes. Frankly I give less than a fuck about opinions too. But what I have noticed is that the voting system if interpreted right tells you what is echo chamber, what is generally known and accepted as truth and what is dead on commenting value by the amount of flack a well worded comment gets. A truly aware person would understand everything I just said and how to read what I mentioned, according to society as it stands today. Ignorant fucks will just troll the boards, reasoned commenter, well they often speak well all by themselves and are given.

    4. If anyone accuses you of being a misogynist, transphobia, etc. in public, just say that you identify as a masculine presenting Transgendered lesbian.

    5. Thx for that, Moishe Silverstein…..we’re all mixed mantra.
      Thats why Africa is so developed and every hood with 50% black majority a crime ridden craphole of underachievement.

      1. GFY, RW, must be your part of that 100% inbred trash then. I’d be willing to bet that you’re at least 30% central African soup in your DNA. I’d watch your YouTube video revealing your DNA results and laugh my ass off.

        1. Enough with your crap Neil Jenson. Even if everything you said is true it doesn’t mean there isn’t race. The fact that can say your this race and that race etc. Is saying there are different right there no? Alleles I think in genetics is the term for race and population is another word used for race…. People have different skeletons and you can group them… but yes hybrids do complicate the different skeletons walking around today…

    6. And you trust the Jew-owned and promoted 23andme? Certainly the message of their commercials is we are all mixed muds (of course they keep showcasing American blacks, who are all mulatto to a degree), just as all other commercials are telling us we should be mixed if we already aren’t.
      Don’t believe the hype. Most White people, especially in North America, maybe be mixed from more than one White ethnicity, but White in general still do not have any nagger blood. It’s yet another yehudi psyop trying to convince us we do.

      1. No I don’t trust them but right at the moment there’s no other wholesale place to get your DNA figured out as it’s new and putting science so aside from who I wouldn’t trust either there is no place that actually doesn’t analysis and gives you back any kind of read out but the readouts are essentially the same across the board. All the evidence points at the majority of your DNA is going to support your outward appearance and general culture that’s been handed down to orally but outside of that the rest of what makes up your DNA is going to be symptomatic of garbage dump breeding by our ancestors trying to crawl out of the cesspool of humanity. The point that everybody’s overlooking is that probably somewhere between 40 to 60% of your DNA makeup will be from a particular ethnic group and then the remainder percentage of your DNA is going to make be made up of garbage soup.

    7. @ Deplorable Neal Jensen
      FYI: 23AndMe and some other DNA testing has been tainted by people wanting to “piss of the racists” by adding at least 1% African (or more) to DNA tests results of non-black people.
      This has been well-discussed and it is well-known now. Many of these compnaies are providing BS results to annoying and confuse people. Although company has tried to deny it, you KNOW that company is run by Leftist SJW types. Just look at their TV ads:

      They had to go around find THE UGLIEST woman possible and claim she has every single race in the planet represented in a single human being. 🙄 Not even in Brazil we have that much mixed ancestry. Come on people, this is BS science by SJW!
      BTW, not all human beings came out of Africa and not all whites came out of the Tbilisi area. 🙄 This is globalist crap trying to say we are all one race, so why have borders, why have differences, etc.
      This is typical non-scientific Evolutionist-Theorist crap we hear all the time.
      This is the same non-scientific crap we hear about Gender, that there are 56 genders…. all science deniers pushing SJW crap on people.

      1. None are pure bloods. End of story. Garbage dump rutting like wild dogs by our ancestors. None are pure blood. That is not SJW propaganda. That’s a fact. It will be backed up by science just like the common ancestry theme concerning Adam and Eve. We have no control over what we descend from across the ages. You don’t absolutely know who your four generations back and before did and with whom and what their DNA make up was. I don’t push the liberal bullshit agenda at all as it’s all crap. But your feel mean Jack shit to reality no matter what your frame of it is. Not sorry that hurts your feel, but we are all to a degree mud people because of wanton breeding generations ago.

        1. And fucking Google again fucked up my post with autocorrect YET AGAIN..
          Feel = feelz. Tell me the liberal scum are not actively interfering with SPEECH AND CENSORSHIP

  8. NEVER AGAIN VOTE FOR A FEMALE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES —- does Lindsey Graham count as a female?

    1. @ Taint
      Not realistic. Would you rather vote for Margaret Thatcher or B. Hussein Obummer? Ann Coulter or Hillary Clinton? Sarah Palin or Karl Marx? Queen Victoria or Stalin? Laura Ingraham or George Soros?
      See my point?
      Sometimes the choices are not perfect and you have to choose lesser of two evils, especially in politics. Refusing to do so can be drastically bad. But to give up and become a slave of the globalist left so a man would be in power makes no sense at all.
      To say “always” or “never” is too extreme. We have about 167 million women in USA today. To say AWALT (All Women Are Like That) is simply illogical and too broad because it is mathematically and statistically impossible to say every single woman of 167 million is exactly the same, thinks exactly the same, and behaves exactly the same is absurd. Using “Most” and “almost never” are more sensible and logical. 😉
      I would definitely vote for a woman as long as she is a true Conservative (not a Lindsay Graham Mitt Money or John McCain fake “Conservatives”, I am talking a real Conservative, like Sarah Palin, for instance).
      Life cannot be so drastic about things, especially politics.

      1. I’d never vote for wamen either. Lesser of two evils argument is moral relativism (spit)… Just vote the devil because no good choice is just that, NO GOOD CHOICE.

  9. If by Western women you mean White females they actually are no master race in any fuckin’ place on the planet. In the country I live, and in North East Asia in general, they get openly mocked and ridiculed either as ESL losers or Russian prostitutes*, the power they wield and the prestige they inspire is somewhere between 0 and -∞. If they fall victim of a crime, nobody literally gives a shit other than making sure they’re gonna go back to their stinkin’ country as fast as it’s humanly possible.
    Back home in the Western world they definitely lord over Western men, but that’s about it: brown and black men (and their women) though is an entirely different story. Minorities are free to beat them, spit on them, rape them, abuse them and even kill them with minimal consequences.
    I mean look at Rotheram, look at Cologne, look at the thousands of interracial rapes occuring every year in the US: yeah really the Master Race.
    Truth is Whites, both men and women, just scramble for a few table scraps in their homelands, with currently females holding the upper hand against their men. Neither though is occupying any throne. So who’s on top ? It may be the JUs, it may be Muslims, Blacks, whateverver floats your boat, I don’t really know (and at this point of my life tbh I don’t really care either) but one thing I know for sure: it’s neither White men nor White women.
    * In Korea there is a significant community of white prostitutes from the former USSR, often you see local males rudely approaching any blonde foreign chick they can find around by simply asking “Russkie Russkie ?” and then generally laughing like idiots.

      1. A few years ago it was still somewhat worth it, it’s hell now: I’ve seen quite a few young promising guys completely broken by douchy hagwon managers , countless crazy mothers and their arrogant little turds and of course too many beer and soju bombs.
        I suspect the ESL scene is tthe same circus maximus in Japan as well, from what I gather China and Vietnam are the place to be right now.

    1. The main difference between all those places you mentioned & the West is that they blatantly disrespect those white women. Western women only appreciate disrespect & aggression. The disrespect should not, however, come from a state of desperation & jealousy, as in the case of incels. It should be as Aje stated, a ridiculing disrespect, as if she was a teenager trying to school you on the facts of life. I blatantly do this, to varying degrees, w/most of the women I come across, unless they’ve proven I don’t have to.

    2. Nobody is in power anywhere but the elite globalists. You could also say that Marxism in of itself, kind of like a mysterious and powerful mental disease, could almost be considered to be “in power” all by itself. The average western woman has never been poorer, more depressed, and ore fucked over than they are today. Feminism really only benefits a handful of women. If every man in the west woke up tomorrow and went “fuck this” and then went after these idiots in power than the west would be saved in a matter of days. Hell, men could shut the entire system down tomorrow if they just collectively didn’t show up to work…all the rich, the government, EVERYONE in power would do a backflip and give in to any demand that men gave. Unfortunately, men are not tribalized like that and cannot form the organization required to get that done. (thanks libertarians and post-Reagan idiots)

      1. Well we know already that’s not going to happen because they’re all too busy playing I’m more Alpha than you are games and peacocking for women that I already hate them.

        1. Fucking Google autocorrect inserting words and changing the text to mean shit I didn’t actually say….
          Peacocking for wamen who already hate them.

    3. Western women does NOT simply mean white women. Western is a cultural designation and it encapassas all women in the West who are so endowed with “master race” privileges and immunities by the government and society. Yes, most western women are white, but many are not.
      Focus on FEMALES being treated as a master race, not their color or ancestry.

      1. Civic nationalism is BS, and to deny that racial diverity is a big problem with the west is stuip as fuck. Western culture was created by whites, the only group that is making any significant attemp to preserve it is whites. Blacks vote 90% marxist, asians and hispanics are not that far behind. Yes, you can blame white women for a lot of the feminist BS today, most non white women are just copyingto be white women. There is a reason marxists are desperately flooding white nations with non-whites.

    4. Excellent post Ajeoshi!
      “Minorities” in USA and stupid SJW countries in Western Europe (especially Sweden, UK, and Germany) oppress their native populations to an extreme. They allow “minorities” to commit crimes with little consequence to unthinkable levels.
      But I doubt that is the case in Russia, Poland, etc. In Russia, a bunch of RAPEfugees harassed girls ta a club and got beat up and driven away by Russian men:
      The nonsense people in white-majority areas tolerate is insane. But it is a problem of the AngloSphere and the Western “white guilt” mentality.
      But the term “minority” will have to change at some point. Commiefornia is majority Hispanic now, caused by almost entirely immigration-based population shifts and the fleeing middle class. Whites are a minority in Commiefornia.
      When do they get privileges and “protected status”? Probably never. Only stupid white SJW people believe in special status for people. In rest of the sane world, no one gives privileges to certain groups, of course! They are not idiots to seed their own destruction.
      Bottom line: the moment men in a country decide that foreigners are not welcome and form groups to drive them away, it is game over for the foreigners. Look at Poland, groups of Polish men beat up RAPEfugees for no reason at all, intimidate them into leaving.
      Someone here said that in Ukraine, there are foreigners getting with local girls. That will only continue until Ukrainian MEN team, up and start attacking random foreigners. Word gets out, foreigners leave. We saw this happen in Russia already with Nigerian students and RAPEfugees from Middle East.
      It is ugly, but it is a fact.

  10. Yes great ideas, let your culture crumble. All white women are trash who love nignogs. Let the muds fix your problems by destroying everything. White women deserve the Rape they voted for. (Hand rubbing intensifies to new speeds never thought possible)

  11. A good article.
    I agree male circumcision has been politicised, especially since the rise of feminism and SJW bullshit, mainly on the grounds that it is painful, cruel and unnecessary.
    The majority of the 20thC circumcision was a standard medical procedure for baby boys in first world countries, to help prevent infections of both sexual, and non sexual nature, and for cleanliness and hygiene.
    The comparison of male circumcision with female circumcision/genital mutilation is fallacious. The foreskin is not a primary nerve centre, of the penis. If you cut of your glans penis, ie the knob of your cock, that would be the equivalent of female circumcision/clitoridectomy.
    In my country Australia you would be hard pressed getting you son circumcised unless you were from a religious non christian background and got an exemption.

    1. I am growing fond of my downvoting stalker. Several guys have them here. They are not genuine ROK readers and will automatically down vote your comment whether it is logical and rational or not. That’s when you know you are becoming effective on these SJW stalker turds. Keep at it faggots, you are just wasting your time(and amusing me to boot).

    2. Interestingly Circumcision became pushed in medical practices when many J’s emigrated to America and western nations. Back when those nations were more white, tribalistic and untrusting of the J.
      Easier to hide and not be identified if the nations males to be usurped have also gotten the snip.

    3. William,
      It’s only America that does circumcision. I didn’t know anyone in England that had it done. Germans didn’t have it done either.

      1. According to wikipedia(not sure how reliable that is?) Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK and Ireland all had much higher rates of circumcision in the past than they do now. Apparently Muslims have the highest rate.
        It probably not as much of a big deal these days since people are more likely to shower daily. Infection is more of a potential issue in the 3rd world, or in a war zone where you may not be able to wash regularly.
        Some of those movies about WW2 Germany use the circumcised vs non circumcised method to identify the Joo hiding amongst them, so that strongly suggests it wasn’t very common at the time. I think it may have been the movie Europa Europa from memory.

        1. Here here, a dumber by name Rubin !!
          “standard medical procedure for baby boys in first world countries, to help prevent infections of both sexual, and non sexual nature, and for cleanliness and hygiene.”
          So my dear dumber, do you mean that ALL other MEN (except in the first world “shit hole” countries) on this Planet are Infectious, Unclean and Unhygienic !!!???
          Dumb ass dumber !!

        2. Ravi, As a response to you question, yes I think many men from the 3rd world are dirty, and unhygienic. That doesn’t necessarily come from the circumcision debate, it comes from lower living standards, over population, lack of sewage treatment, extreme poverty, lack of education. Once again the streetshitting Indian trope comes into play.
          Pray tell, where do these fine gentlemen in certain parts of India wash their hands after shitting in the street? My guess is they don’t, unless they are on the banks of the holy Gangees. Even then its hardly an option as that river is almost as bad as an open sewer.
          It also comes from certain cultural practices, eg muslims who eat only with their right hand, because their left hand was for wiping the shit off their arses, and they didn’t or couldn’t wash with soap and water.
          FFS use a knife and fork.
          Facts have been around for a long time regarding the proliferation of Aids in Africa due to poor habits of cleanliness, not using condoms.
          They also worked out people that men with a circumsized wee wee had a much lower rate of catching of HIV. I didn’t make this shit up to hurt your feelings, if you can’t deal with facts, you can’t address a problem efficiently.
          Ravi it sounds like you are an educated young man, from at least the middle class in your country. If you don’t fit into the dirty 3rd world profile, then you have no need to feel as though you have been personally sleighted by hearing the facts about the plight of many people in your country and that of other even poorer people, in other countries.
          I did quite like your attempt to insult me and I hope to see an improvement of your offensive skills in the near future.

      2. Circumcision was commonly practiced in England during the 1950s. That is a fact. I don’t have any accurate Stats but many English babies were circumcised during the first two decades following World War Two.
        Perhaps someone gave the order that this should be done because we had helped the Js destroy their arch-enemy … the Germans?
        By allowing ourselves to be so utterly duped, we had turned ourselves into de facto Js. NHS circumcision was the final proof of that.

        1. I was born in England during the 50s, in school not one of my class mates was circumcised, same in high school, same in University. Lots of cocks in the locker rooms, all intact. None of my lovers ever mentioned seeing a circumcised cock either, I’m sure it would have been mentioned.
          One of the biggest problems with circumcision, all the Americans who had it done, want it to be normal, want it to have not made a difference to their sex lives.
          Well let me tell you, those of you with half a cock are the freaks of the western world, enjoy your mutilated status, enjoy only having half the sensation the rest of us white guys have.

        2. @john dodds | You did NOT offend me when you wrote: “Well let me tell you, those of you with half a cock are the freaks of the western world, enjoy your mutilated status, enjoy only having half the sensation the rest of us white guys have.”
          You see, I am circumcised. And I never knew it.
          In a very awkward way I suspected something was different — I can remember getting strange looks in the locker room when I was in school and in sports clubs when older — but never thought of asking questions. I did not find out until my mid-50s when my Mother told me.
          Naturally, I asked her why. And she said, the Doctor had told her my foreskin was too long! So she obeyed the Doctor. The circumcision was performed when I was still an infant. And I can’t remember a thing.
          There was no (known) reason for my family to agree to circumcision. It may even have been done without my Father’s knowledge.
          I have extrapolated that if I was treated thus, then hundreds of thousands of other Brits during the 1950s (and into the 1960s) were likely ‘scammed’ in the same way.
          All I can say John is that I have heard of many other Brits who’ve been similarly circumcised. But mostly these admissions are only given during on-line discussions.
          Some years back I also learned, on a very different (nationalist) forum, that this was “semi-official” policy in Britain back during that decade. And like I said, I genuinely did not know I was circumcised until the best of my sex exploits were over.
          No girl ever complained. And no girl ever exclaimed … “you’re circumcised!” Despite the fact I’ve had several Muslim girlfriends … and only because they really can be the sexiest of them all.

    4. the problem is choice, elective male circumcision for whatever reason, good, for babies is barbarism.

      1. That seems to be a popular viewpoint now in the 1st world. If you keep yourself clean, and wear a condom when banging a suspicious skank, you will be fine.
        There is an argument that it is painful, and distressing to the baby. That seems highly likely, but who remembers anything before they were 3 or 4 years old?
        There is a more modern and painless method than surgical excision with a knife. It involves the use of a small frame that stretches the foreskin away from the knob. An eslastic band constricts the blood flow to the foreskin and after a peroid of time(?) it drops off. No pain medication necessary.

        1. I’m sorry but the Gews freaking indoctrination of Christians to get circumsized denied me my right to choose for myself if circumcision was meant for me. I was butchered because of religious indoctrination the ” new covenant with God bullshit”. Genital mutilation on victims too young to defend themselves is still genital mutilation.

    5. “The comparison of male circumcision with female circumcision/genital mutilation is fallacious. The foreskin is not a primary nerve centre, of the penis.”
      No foreskin = 50% loss of nerve endings.
      Maybe you’re getting down voted because you’re ignorant.
      No excuse, easy to find the facts on the internet.

      1. Well I can’t speak much about having a foreskin, because it was stolen from me before I could choose whether I wanted one or not.
        I do remember other boys at school complaining about having disgusting, whiffy smelling cheese dick, from smegma under their foreskins. I pity the girls that tried to suck their dicks. Thankfully I have never had to deal with this kind of problem, due to circumcision. Any uncircumcised man that cleans themselves daily isn’t going to have to worry about it either.
        As for loss of function or feeling I have never heard of anyone complaining that a circumcision wrecked their sex life, unless of course it was a botched job that cut into the glans itself. I haven’t heard that it takes longer or more stimulation to achieve orgasm either. That would indeed be genital mutilation.
        I’ve never heard anyone complain that they were circumcised and point out any tangible negatives. There are some individuals, and I put them into the freak show category as you will only find them on documentaries about weirdos. People(one person anyway) that try to stretch the skin around their knob to create a faux foreskin, because their parents committed a heinous crime on them , their life is ruined for some intangible emotional feeling. It is reminiscent of how trannies justify that they need to get their dick cut off to make their life the way they want it.
        I suppose the only way to tell if circumcision has a negative effect is to survey those men that had the operation as adults.

        1. The general debate and science about desensitization of the penis due to circumcision, is not conclusive one way or the other. Those that aren’t circumsized say it does, those that are say what the fuck are you going on about, I’ve never had a problem.
          If there is a dramatic difference it sounds dangerous. I get a boner walking down a hill if I am wearing boxers or other loose fitting underwear beneath my pants. I’d be jizzing myself unintentionally 5 times a day if I went on a long bushwalk, if it was any more sensitive with a foreskin.
          I have heard accounts of women that have had their clitoris excised, say that sex is a pleasureless activity for them. Never heard a man say that sex was pleasureless due to a lack of foreskin.

    6. Oy gevalt.
      Another JU here selling circumcision, (Barbaric control mechanism-baby taken 1st day of his life and penis tip housing 50% receptors is cut away)
      Color me shocked.

  12. Extremism is never the answer to anything. And this would be in that category. While I agree with your article, Galt, your supposed “solutions” to this issue are absolutely bizarre.

    1. What is happening today is it not bizarre to you ? A bizarre solution to a bizarre problem. That’s how everyone works left people will not buy from your business if you openly oppose filth they peddle as normal.

      1. Keith: Truth is the razor’s edge between two opposing heresies. Extremism in anything is one of the textbook hallmarks of identifying false doctrine. Regardless, when dueling an opponent in anything, you strike where they’re unprepared to be struck. In this case, (to put it bluntly) right in the rationality. Crazy doesn’t beat crazy, it only justifies it in the eyes of the left, therefore fueling it even further.

    2. Extreme problems require extreme solutions.
      A response proportional to the threat.

  13. Great article. Hate to be a Darrel Downer, but none of this is going to slow the inevitable demise to the West. I’d say, roughly 80-90 percent of American males are blue pill. Essentially, were on the fringes of the fringe. Great ideas though!
    short of repelling women’s right to vote, I see no end.
    That is the only way to save America. And it isn’t going to happen.

    1. Did you read it to the end? He doesn’t want to help the West. He wants it to be radically islamized.

      1. Nothing else is going to trigger a evolutionary self defense response among men…so be it, if that is what it takes. Western men fail utterly to understand the danger they are in. Besides, they will never compromise their “relative” safety and security” at this point, as they are more than content in the society that blatantly hates them, they just scurry off into their man caves and say it will all go away when SOMEONE ELSE takes care of it for them. What is coming for them, they fully deserve for accepting the Hell they let feminists and cultural Marxists create for them. They figure it if it takes blending in to be overlooked, then mentally ill faggotry they will be or they will run away to shores where the societies actually MAKE SOME EFFORT to keep women in their place and not surrender totally. Notice what countries the feminist IGNORE for their abuses of women, and you will see the societies that keep the vagina in check.

        1. Why do you feel the need to “put women in their place?” Are you that insecure as a man that a FEMALE’s behavior actually threatens you? You do know that feminity is dependent upon the presence of masculinity, not the other way around (according to the ACTUAL roots of those words for which they are based, similar to man and wo-man)? Perhaps this community should focus more on material that builds and strengthens men (which naturally strengthens a woman’s femininity), rather than all this black-pill bull that reinforces this Sharia shit you’re apparently into?

        2. @akee…you feminists are the ones all enamored with Sharia adherents.. You can have them too, you deserve them and what they give you. As you throw open our borders and your legs to them but you mock white folks who tell you deserve em and it’s what you are demanding to have. You Bipolar fuckers will get what you want. Quit your whining. I’m not on a Sharia kick at all. But you will get exactly what you deserve and “we” meaning men in general, would’ve very wise to let you have it and do nothing to stop it from its wrath ON YOU. You scum want it so bad from them.

        3. “Notice what countries the feminist IGNORE for their abuses of women, and you will see the societies that keep the vagina in check.”
          @DNJ, Hope I could up vote you Billion times!

        4. Here is a YouTube bid by Turd Flinging Monkey that is about this very topic. Funny as shit!!
          HOW MEN CAN FIGHT BACK LEGALLY. PAY ATTENTION. Watch or listen to the video and learn.

        5. @DNJ,
          I guess guys here (including myself!) should thank you, not the other way around !!. I closely observe your comments (comments = observance, feelings, emotions, experience, sorrow, joy, pain, love, hate, good & bad and facts).
          I (by default) agree with 98% of your comments. The two striking features I notice & like in what you write is; being “impartial” and the (bitter) “truth”.
          Do not worry or care about down voting (and up voting !!). pussies in the disguise, trolls, faggots etc., will always try to “discourage”.
          Let them be the “losers” forever !!

        6. Deplorable: Oh cry me a river, you damn drama queen. Get your homespun ass off the library computer and give a kid a turn already. You’d think you’d have the time to engage my bullshit at the rate that you comment, but I’m sure you have more pressing matters to attend to in another forum. No matter, I’ll leave you to it. After all, the future of America needs you!

        1. Deplorable: You are a shame to this community of men. It’s near-sighted, irrational, and bitter people like you that give the alt-right a bad name. Just because someone calls you on your macaroni and glitter coated-ass bullshit doesn’t mean they’re “a liberal”. You are too damn old for that, sir.

        2. @akee. You nasty trollop I’ve already given you more attention than you deserve. If it weren’t for your own tingles value you wouldn’t dare post at me, you foul feminist cunt and your pathetic attempt at shaming language. I’m done with sorry menopaused snatch. Fuck off.

      2. I think you missed the larger point JB. The point is that whatever intervening factor comes in or about to collapse the West should be viewed as the means to affecting the reset, that is, the demise of gynocentrism.
        Islam as a religion is irrelevant to me. However, the Neo-Ottomans are the most plausible and proximate threat to defeat the West, especially in Europe.

  14. “If a man shows common courtesy and holds a door for a woman, he can be chastised as condescending for treating the woman as somehow less capable of getting the door for herself. ”
    Happened to me once, in London. She looked at me like i was Hitler, but her problem was that i looked at her with the “are we going to have a problem look”. She looked down and carried on. I honestly do not have time to tolerate and endure some behaviors some women have nowadays. My suggestion? Just be a man.

  15. Former federal agent tells me to just let Muslims take over America and not fight it? Yeah… No.
    Fuck off and die, fed.

    1. Agreed. All was going well until that part.
      Not ready to throw in the towel. Have produced 4 children to date. All JU wise, All Christian, All red pilled, home schooled many years of their lives. We are still 60% populace and provided there is a wall and deportation of sorts, we are fine. But it will take a fight in all probability. Whites are well armed, trained and much more aware than ever. Millions now.
      In perspective, Whites make up just 10% of the prison population but the AB or Aryaan Brotherhood is by far the most feared gang of them all by guards prisoners- for their intelligence, cunning, and ruthlessness-propensity for violence. Birth rates need to improve for sure, entitlement gravy train for Nggrs needs to stop and we will endure another 250 years for sure as will Europe who is still better off than the USA.

      1. YT needs to “gang up” on the outside and learn to work as a unit — everybody else does. If we developed a group mentality and looked out for each other, then the rest of the world could go piss up a rope.
        There’s a time for individualism and a time for teamwork.

        1. Amen brother, but how does the white man and what allies he has… How do they get organized?

        2. I think that there are a couple of European models that have promise when it comes to creating a mannerbund.
          The first is the football hooligan model: Groups of men who band together and physically fight against out-groups. Now, the target of their energy is silly — other soccer teams — but if they could point themselves in the right direction, they could Make Europe Great Again very quickly. It’s possible that the Tommy Robinson situation may galvanize just this sort of much-needed reaction.
          The other is Generation Identitaire. They have a purpose in life. Around a committed cadre like that, a lot of others can gather.

          (If I lived in Lyon, I’d train there.)

    1. More yo come but no action on site when you are not even allowed to have the fundamentals ie family, or a job of your choice without being taken away from you by an incompetent female. Really what will it take for the ‘more to come’ you speak about for it to actually come!?

      1. “…without being taken away from you by an INCOMPETENT female.”
        @Keith, you literally nailed them! I myself has seen and encountered so many incompetent pussies that I really wonder how on the earth this Country is still surviving as a “super power” !!
        If not because of the so many “unsung” HEROES …

  16. I’d also like to add why aren’t men petitioning local, state and national offices for massive legal changes to divorce, child support and alimony laws? Women tend to support each other and carry that to its furthest reaches and change laws. 1.) Manginas tend to go its male interests in the hope of sympathy fucks and 2.) PUAs and MGTOWs tend to overlook the fact that if men were to start voting ONLY for candidates who change the trifecta of evil (Divorce, Alimony and Child Support) laws we’d vote for them. I’d like to add avoid the company and end all “friendships” with manginas. I’d even go a step further and say DON’T employ women whatsoever.

    1. Sure, we should. But remember Feminism has always had the backing of powerful (((lobbyists)) and (((influential))) people and actively destroys those that would dissent. We do not nor ever will have the unicorn political force that we could support and that is by design. It would require a revolution of sorts.

  17. Letting uncivilized people conquer you doesn’t sound like a good idea. I wonder if the South African whites and Western Europeans would agree.

    1. Our men will be allowed to be men if Islam destroys our Sodom and Gomorrah West…. Feminists will be lined up against the wall and shot
      Mans position at the head, is restored under Islam… obviously it’s a goofie religion, but you would just have to pay public lip service….

      1. i rather die than paying lip service to islam or roman catholicism or the likes. thats just disgraceful. im not betraying my pure believe.

        1. Islam
          negatives, beard and getting up early for prayers.
          positives, you can stone your adulterous wife to death.
          Negatives, priests will abuse your children
          positives, no need to wear condoms, so plenty of kids and some won’t get abused

  18. “The explosive popularity of Western men living their lives as “trans women” is indicative of their desire to live under the privileges…”
    What a bullshit! No man will cut of his dick for some privileges. This article is full.of bullshit and thats is the bigeest one.

    1. You are right of course. The exploding population of Soybois faking being men proves that.

    2. Agreed
      Trans is a Mental Disease. Period.
      Fags looking for even more attention. Until 1973-same year Abortion was legalized (JUs worked their magic-see CONFESSIONS OF AN X ABORTIONIST by Dr Nathanson), Homosexuality and Trans was considered a Mental Illness.

  19. Improve yourself, bang hot, younger women, ignore disgusting, old fatties, raise red pill children, teach red pill truths to everyone you can. Share red pill articles on social media. Participate in local politics.
    Running away to the PI or Thailand won’t fix the West. You need to participate and win.
    If the god-emperor Trump can win the oval office, there is hope for the West.
    All the “it’s the Jews” cooks need to stop blaming others for your faults; your situation in life is 99% your fault. Own it, make it better. Stop being defeatist pussies.

    1. Trying to “shame” men into behaving a certain way is the exact same strategy the wahmens and Christcucks use. It sounds very similar to calls to “man-up”, only in your case, it’s “Man-up and fight”, rather than, “Man-up and marry that slut…” Different message and goal, but same strategy. You pose as the only real man in the room; the one with the brass balls. A lot of men understand what the situation is, and some chose to “run and live another day.” Whitey can reproduce with a high-IQ Asian chick and preserve his genetic line, or he could man-up, fight Mohammed and end up in a variety of losing situations: divorce-rape, no kids, overwhelmed by low-IQ hoards. Planning alternate ways to deal with a situation some men deem unwinnable is not “giving up”, it’s accepting reality. Survival is really the only winning strategy.

      1. “You pose as the only real man in the room”
        No, his speech was a real red pill one. And he got blamed for this, that’s all.
        Seem that incels and loosers have taken this site, perhaps that’s why most of old time red pill commenters have left long ago.

        1. the old commenters where even more annoying than this generation. they posted weird gossip and spammed like crazy. i blocked like 3 of those annoying idiots, and guess what 90% off all comments suddenly showed a “you blocked this users comment” message no matter how far i scrolled down to try to get away from those useless idiots. the nihilist faggot from new york, the old annoying wannabe from ohio and some other shmucks. the only valuable poster was the jeep guy.

    2. “Improve yourself, bang hot, younger women, ignore disgusting, old fatties, raise red pill children, teach red pill truths to everyone you can. Share red pill articles on social media. Participate in local politics.
      Running away to the PI or Thailand won’t fix the West.”
      and you get shitload downvotes despite this sound positive message.
      Something has really changed in ROK.

      1. @faraway,
        Nothing much changed in ROK! In fact, getting more down votes for something that is Positive and Sensible is a sign of Increasing Popularity for the ROK platform.
        This also means we are getting more “attention” from the attention whores !!

      2. Letting the West be destroyed isn’t necessarily bad for white men…. I mean the bad might not outweigh the good in the long term and so is justified.
        Letting the West as it is today to be destroyed could be a very good thing for white men on a lot of levels. The Western world, in the era of universal human rights (sic), White men are not liked. They don’t even let us be proud here in Canada… you have to show shame for the actions of your ancestors or you get shamed and in trouble.
        Screw the West man. Let it burn I say… we’ll rebuild later ykwim – and educate our people far differently next time… bring back the Spartan society where sons are raised to be heartless butcher’s unlike the way they raise our sons today -into liberal gayboys ..

    3. @Wayne,
      Take my word, Mr. Donald TRUMP will be the 46th President of United States.

  20. I generally disregard females, don’t have female friends and reduce my interactions with them to only officiary relations. I never tip waitresses and once I even didn’t let some old hags to get in the bus before me and rushed right before them and heard them screamin how my parents haven’t taught me manners, I just ignored them. Many claim these are the reasons I am single.

    1. you are probably also gay since you treat women in such an abnormal and insecure way. of course your image of a man needs you to love women but the way you handle this 50% of the global population suggests that you need someone to feel more ‘close’ to
      what was your mom like? to stupid to talk to, little education, no specific skills?
      that would also explain your funny attitude. i hope you will get over her someday, good luck.

    A Feminist named Tamara Cincik was recently accosted on a UK train by a man she identified as “Asian,” although I think we all know what THAT means. Two “middle class White men” moved away from the scene rather than blindly intervene on her behalf. As chilly as it sounds, I’m hoping that type of scenario becomes much more prevalent. They need us like fish need bicycles? Let them prove it.

    1. Turd flinging monkey just posted a video on YouTube about that specific article.
      This is a case of men can win by giving women exactly what they want and what they claim they already have by being ” strong independent and empowered wamen”. Give them exactly what they want and laugh like a mother fucker when they fail by doing absolutely nothing the bail them out of their situation

      1. Although I know intellectually that Chris and DNJ are correct, I also know that in that situation — a white woman being accosted by a street-shitting raghead — my instinct will be to defend my own kind. Vigorously.
        Reason just flies out the window in the face of that kind of intolerable insult.

        1. If she actually wanted male protection she would have a man at her arm in a relationship and not go out without him. Beta White knighting is why men are nutless simps these days and women disrespect men and walk all over them. Beta White knighting is why feminism is out of control and gynocentric society exists and pussy pass is given freely. Sane society will not return until the bullshit vagina whoreshipping stops when thirsty men stop thinking with their dicks. The modern society brainwashing that men MUST do that is why we are in the shitter and abused self sacrificing morons for wamen because we let insane programming make us act where there is NO economic or personal return for doing so. That door matting of the self is what feminism has turned Chivalry into.

        2. The correct response is to never allow street’s hitting rag heads into your country to start with. Feminism imports these Invaders so they can be used to manipulate their own country men with the gynocentric brainwashing.

        3. Your reasoning is sound.
          I think of my likely response not so much as “white knighting”, but more as “Conaning”: “Get your hands off my property”.

        4. “Your property” has swallowed semen since age 13. and not yours. how can you claim them as your property or have such feelings towards them?

    2. That’s right buddy. I don’t care 1 iota what happens to white women from migrant refugees. Clearly they want the trouble they bring. You should see these white sluts at the train stations welcoming these foreign men…. As a white man it hurts the heart initially – big time, but after some time -you accept the facts – it hardens the heart towards women… and you move on…

      1. You realize we had the wrong ideas about women in 1969, but we can’t go back to 1969 and laugh at them as if they’re kidding right… but anyway… today for Whitey we have to start thinking of the next White Utopia (NWU)… create a new destiny bc America hates conservative white men and so bouncing out of here increases in appeal… we’re a global resource – we don’t want citizenship just let us contribute to the society and it’s affluence will skyrocket immediately… were gold everywhere … white women are probably not valued internationally outside the sub Sahara – who wants masculine, vulgar, used up spoiled little brats for a wife – to raise your daughter? She’ll pass down her polluted experiences in some way- that’s the first gen. From there the garbageness accumulates. Almost all the white women are now garbage unqualified to raise daughters for us anymore most of them…

        1. its crazy how the nastiest whores can give birth to angels. exceptions confirm the rules.

  22. Women actually want masculine men, which is why Islam appeals to many.
    Men want government to support families, which is why many convert to Islam.

      1. Yeah talibans are not exactly gifted when it comes to genetics and stature but what makes them masculine is their ability to behead anything that moves without remorse 😀

  23. I think the best way to make women realize about their “service to men biology” is to scold them extremely harshly when they do something wrong by mistake. Then they will fear from commiting even the smallest mistake for the fear of being humiliated publicly.

    1. Your comment is money !!! Was walking out of the pub with 11 year younger lady with my hand on her shoulders and she decides to hold the door for 5 guys all I said was don’t fuckn hold the door for these losers and walked to my truck without looking back….. she’s been a very good girl ever since!

    2. i bet that works in your life really well. thats why you are here – like all the other ‘alpha’ males with great jobs, a status wife and a royal (hehe) reputation.
      i really used to think that successfull people had better things to do than spreading bitterness in internet forums. guess i was wrong 😀
      btw its the other way around, men ‘serve’ women with their semen and women then decide what to do with it, if its worthy of growing.
      this is your only purpose actually, from a biological point of view. a woman still has to do the feeding so its really you serving them.

  24. Even the Muslim community within the West is being polluted by feminism. The fact is, Muslim divorce rate where I’m from in Canada is near 50%. I’m a Muslim and I accept the fact that im politically homeless even though I lean right because of the social policies. Fuck even im the MiddleEast we’re politically homless being ruled by dictators. However, I dont want my kids being indoctrinated with homosexuality, feminism and other perverted bs. You guys literally don’t have to worry about the threat of Muslims taking over in the West. Our women are just as fucked as yours, the nuclear family is dissipating everywhere. All you need to do to fuck up a family/society anywhere in the world is just give a female a smartphone and the rest takes care of itself. History repeats itself, your real enemy is the one who gets there ass handed to them and expelled from countries every couple hundred years, the greedy, covert…. Well you know..

    1. FU, Camel Jockey.
      WTF are you even doing on this board?
      Divorce rates in Canada among Muslims are no higher than any other muslim craphole, either
      Here’s a startling fact: Divorce rates in United Arab Emirates (UAE) countries have reached 46 percent, according to a Saudi Arabian study.
      In the U.S., the land where Islamic leaders criticize the so-called morally loose and oh-too-independent women, the divorce rate is roughly the same.
      Seems like a veil has finally been lifted to expose a problem that happens when a husband can just utter “I divorce thee” to his wife and then, poof, the marriage is annulled without going through a judicial process.
      Now, according to Islamic scholars meeting in Abu Dhabi as part of the tradition of welcoming Muslim scholars during the holy month, divorce has become an epidemic in the Gulf and a crisis that need to be addressed to prevent family break-ups.
      One solution being discussed is getting rid of the ability to have an oral divorce.
      Some Arab countries, such as Morocco and Tunisia, have already moved away from oral divorce and now require divorcing couples to appear before a judge, mainly to safeguard the rights of the wife. (Always a good thing).
      Regardless of how divorce proceedings are reformed, most scholars agree that preventing family break-ups is a crucial issue.
      Sheikha Naima bin Yaish, a Moroccan scholar specializing in family Islamic jurisprudence, urged greater investment in programs that help keep families together and educate couples how to have a fulfilling marriage both sexually and emotionally. She blames the West — natch — for our cultural influences, but it sounds like it is a reality that needs to be addressed and cannot be ignored.
      “Family now has a different role than it did in previous generations. It’s not possible for newlyweds today to enter into a marriage with the same mentality as their parents,” she said.

      1. why are you arguing for the ests gynocentric divorce model that victimizes men by making it easy for women to divorce their husbands and take them to the cleaners and steal their children away? White knight much?

      2. “Sheikha Naima bin Yaish, a Moroccan scholar specializing in family Islamic jurisprudence, urged greater investment in programs that help keep families together and educate couples how to have a fulfilling marriage both sexually and emotionally. She blames the West”
        Who gives a fuck what a female ‘scholar’ says.


    1. Help them. Guide them. Give them the benefit of your hard-won experience.
      You stand on the shoulders of pioneers, warriors, and innovators. Let the Future People stand on yours.

  25. Their power does not lie
    in the media or banks
    or the politicians,
    but in POLICE.
    Without police,
    The tree of life
    would’ve been
    watered with
    the blood of
    tyrants long
    long ago.

  26. Great suggestions. Our attitude toward women outside our immediate sphere of personal influence one of “malign neglect.” We neither push a western woman in a well, neither do we pull one from a well. First and foremost, we simply withdraw our support and watch them fail. They will continue their efforts to extract our resources through their main agent – the Democratic Party – and these efforts we must resist by all means necessary. But in the broader picture, I doubt that much will be needed so long as we withdraw our support and cease assisting them. No more white knights. Let them fail.

    1. Calixto:
      Did you ever see that old “Star Trek” episode with those pain creatures, one of which attacked Mr. Spock?
      Remember how Dr. McCoy told Captain Kirk that he could not extract the pain-causing tissue from Spock’s body because it was far too involved?
      Decades of pandering to feminism has created a similar situation. The support you speak of is GOVERNMENT sponsored, so if regular guys withdraw support, the government will simply make up the difference.
      The support feminists receive from the government must be cut off, and, as with the Spock example, it is so intertwined it will take decades to undo it. Remember women will not vote those benefits away, and with the “white knights” and “betas” votes, well, you do the math.
      But we CAN hit on a personal level. Let feminists know why YOU won’t do anything for them, and that’s a start.
      Just hope the government doesn’t pass a “Samaritan Law” making it a criminal offense to not help a woman.

  27. The advice given in the article and comments is sound, but will accomplish nothing on the big scale. It reads a lot like Game and might work to show your alphatude, might work locally on a smaller scale, and might get you laid, but won’t change society one bit. That’s because the main issue is the overwhelming surplus of reproductive aged males/females or you could say fertile men/women. The 16-60yr old male population far outweighs the 16-35 female one. So when you say, “If we all just acted this way…”, you’re talking about a cartel which requires100% agreement. Of course any one member can wreck a cartel by acting in their own interest, not the cartel’s. White knight cops and judges will shame and jail you. Beta provider geeks keep the electricity, water, sewer, coalmines running, and the taxman well fed, so the whole system continues to make life easy for the wahmen and hypergamy will continue to get crazier. This population imbalance is not normal, but will return to normal the way it has since the dawn of man: through wars and genocide. This cull won’t affect the wahmens because they will fall to the rear at the first sign of trouble, denying they ever claimed to be on the same fighting level as men. But not to worry, millions of white knights will come to the rescue and fight the hordes, dying for Mi’ Ladies Honor….(lol). The wahmens will spread their legs for whoever ends up the winner. Their genes will always carry on, with whitey or Mohammed or Lorenzo, doesn’t matter to nature.

  28. “B. Chad Galt”.
    I knew the real Chad. The real Chad was a friend of mine. The author of this article is not the real Chad.

  29. Somebody censored my comment, can’t take the truth i guess. What I wrote before was that the author of this pathetic excuse for an article,”B. Chad Galt” he calls himself, is NOT the real Chad we all know and alternately fear and envy and bow down to in respectful awe. Maybe a chad in the sense of “piece of waste material removed from card or tape by punching”, as my dictionary app defines that word, but certainly not Chad in the sense of Chad Thundercock.

    1. Probably just that this is a poorly-programmed forum. It doesn’t even have an Edit feature.

  30. Hate to break it to you @British guy, but demographics being what they are women would have to vote to have their voting rights taken away. Don’t hold your breath.
    Not to be a traitor to my gender, but I’d give it all up in a heartbeat if it was feasible.

    1. @ BEK
      It’s not “women” but single women and women of colour. My perspective is that Republicans are the lesser douche bags. Trump may have shaken things up a bit, but the exit polls still follow the same pattern: married white women favour the Republican candidate while single and non-white chicks largely go Democrat.
      In 2012 there was only a 4 point spread between Obama and Romney. I can’t find the links but when I looked into it, it was single women, women of colour and generally non-whites that made the difference (not to mention the 95%+ of blacks who voted Obama. . .just because).
      In 2016 here1, 52% of white women voted Trump. Married women actually were against Trump by 2 points, but that is in contrast to the 31 point spread(!) among single women.

  31. Get rid of Women’s Studies departments and I think we’d be surprised at just how many problems get solved.

    1. It’s not that problems would be solved but a whole lot of non-problems would go away.
      Something really fucked up was that it took me until my 5th or 6th year of post secondary education to stumble on the term “problematization”. It’s always the left wing, and particularly feminists and identity politics type that have to look for problems that people on the street just don’t see.
      [Wikipedia]( says “It is a method of defamiliarization of common sense.” In other (ie my) words, finding problems in things that have otherwise worked out well for eons.

    1. Oh my goodness, I saw the episode of “Gilligan’s Island” where Mary-Ann was in that micro-miniskirt, dodging a vampire bat!
      I’m going to jail!
      Does The Professor know anything about legal defense?

  32. You guys talk too much… We have far more evidence than we could ever possibly need…. IT’S TIME TO GET ORGANIZED BOYS!!!!… We got it hashed out now…. LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!….
    How do we get organized though?

  33. “There is no wonder why Western women are the biggest advocates of “trans women” because imitation remains the sincerest form of flattery.”
    Um, not entirely. In fact, there’s a great deal of hostility to “trans women” among “cis women” who think the former are just free riding to get the bennies of being female. That in itself is interesting because it is an admission that being female is in fact a privileged status in today’s society.

  34. Sometimes these rok writers get a little too butthurt over women. Modern women, for the most part, do not require a declaration of war from us. They require our guidance. They are lost and begging for strong men to take the lead again. Show some same backbone instead of being a petty bitch that files lawsuits and plays office politics. And when the filthy hordes arrive remember the 14 words and say, “Not on my watch.”

    1. Rick:
      Are you aware of what things are like today?
      Clearly not.
      This 51-year-old can say with certainty that “guidance” will not work.
      The problem is that, wherever feminism came from, whether or not it was a “(((particular group)))” or not, the fact is this folks, the real problem is this in a nutshell:
      Today’s women can do whatever they want without any consequences.
      And there it is. The only way to deal with feminists is to make their choices have negative consequences.
      Does a politician pander to feminists? Do not vote for that person and let them know why. Apply this to organizations and businesses (e.g. Starbucks, Marvel Comics, etc.), too.
      Let women know why you want nothing to do with them if they are feminists. This includes the “flat tire” example.
      If there are never any consequences, why would women change? Jackie Coakley of Rolling Stone Rape Hoax infamy did what she did because she knew there would be no consequences even if she was proven to be a liar- now tell me, were there ever?
      Exactly. And so it continues.

      1. what do you mean by “women can do whatever they want without any consequences”?
        you mean ruining the environment?
        go to war?
        institutionalize child labour?
        being responsible for the biggest share of crime and violence on the planet?
        ah no, thats men. so…what did women do? lose respect for the average male slave to the wage guy because now they know how little grandeur a normal job takes?

  35. We took women seriously when no other man did – and still doesn’t?!… it hasnt even been 50 years and the white man has lost his civilization, and thats the fault of white women…. thats what we get for calling women our equals… you know today in 2018, white women are still complaining heavy that therefore this and that… sucking out our plasma like vampires…
    It’s disgusting to me, the forces that have allied themselves against us… its so disgusting what we have to face now, and our men that have died and will be dying , and those suffering daily in the West today, bc of all this shit equal rights made possible…
    No more talking with liberals about stuff. They use the same words but they define them differently so we can’t really interact like in a debate anymore with these racist, hateful liberals of our kind. No no no no more talk w liberal
    And among us no more talk of this goofie mess of a society we have to suffer that openly brags about our decline – this is how disgusting they are. We have too much evidence just on video alone I’d argue…
    It’s time to get organized as a group and it’s time for battle probably. We can’t tolerate this society anymore. We can’t be a part of it. Either they go away or we bounce… there’s no more they get meal ticket from us… ok.. Battle or exodus no more talk. If the white man and his few allies don’t organize… speaking for myself, I gotta get out of this civ. As soon as I can afford it… if we’re not organized by then… well then I’m gone and this joke multiculturalism society can fade from my memory…
    See yah don’t wanna be near yah
    See yah wouldn’t wanna be yah

  36. One of the greatest benefits of feminism is highlighting toxic masculinity. David in the bible had toxic masculinity in killing another man to sleep with his wife. The need to act macho and be violent is stupid and degrading. It’s degrading to the male gender that they fill the prisons and commit most violent crime. Most men don’t wanna be helped either so il get insults for writing this. Until you your son or wife are shot or robbed by toxic males, u will continue to support partriarchy. Feminism like partriarchy has it’s downsides. While “fighting feminism” as this article suggests don’t forget feminism has been good to men. It’s better to have soy boys than murderers that WILL MURDER YOU.

    1. dont you see that this page is dedicated to toxic masculinity?
      freud would have totally loved this page, its all about leaving mommy, going out into the cold world and feeling somewhat not as strong and independant as one wants to or should feel
      the power of the little man is the power he has in his family, when this is gone he will be nothing but one of seven million minions, imprisoned by capitalism and his own crumbling image of manhood

  37. No I don’t trust them but right at the moment there’s no other wholesale place to get your DNA figured out as it’s new and putting science so aside from who I wouldn’t trust either there is no place that actually doesn’t analysis and gives you back any kind of read out but the readouts are essentially the same across the board. All the evidence points at the majority of your DNA is going to support your outward appearance and general culture that’s been handed down to orally but outside of that the rest of what makes up your DNA is going to be symptomatic of garbage dump breeding by our ancestors trying to crawl out of the cesspool of humanity. The point that everybody’s overlooking is that probably somewhere between 40 to 60% of your DNA makeup will be from a particular ethnic group and then the remainder percentage of your DNA is going to make be made up of garbage soup. That makes you mud men and mutts no matter if you like it or not.

  38. Sorry to be the cross voice…but many of these responses sound like you/we have accepted the second class status! Teaching each other to be – bitchy – subservient – and deprecating to get our way. Truth be told those behaviors… like manipulation, are female traits and not masculine at all!
    You should hire a qualified female candidate! You should also seek out & mentor a male to be the better candidate the next time there is an opening!
    KUMBYAY Fellas… or some shxx like that!
    MEN NEED TO BOND TOGETHER! We are stronger as a group!
    MAN POWER! MAN POWER! (not girl power)
    Don’t treat a softer man poorly… build him up! Take him hunting, fishing or help him with his golf swing…but bond! Give the gay fella in your office your support as a man (not your joint), he will likely accept your lack of sexual interest, but in-spite might give you his loyalty as a brother.
    Treat men like less than their birth right and they will become sissified! Men need other Men to help them accept that they are worthy of being Men.
    I love the concept of taking OUR Collective power back…but not if we have to be sissy bitches to get there!

  39. As much as we want to keep our own countries and cultures it might be to late for that. Starting a new white nation might be an option. Either by creating a separatist region in your won country or by mowing to a country that still has majority white male culture. A group of men with clear intention could easily exert great influence in such a country by taking positions in the politics, media or other authorities. The important thins is that white men continue to procreate with white women and that these women are raised to have more traditional values such as raising children and carafe for her man and their home. It will be a numbers game and and we need more children if not we are slowly going extinct as a race and culture. Each white man needs to get busy having at least 3 white children.

  40. There are certain common courtesies that one can and maybe should give to people who are pregnant, carrying a small child, or maybe just carrying a load of groceries.
    Some but few women have merits that go beyond their vagina. These are women who can be real friends, as long as you are not interested in their vaginas.
    I have been living in China for 5 years. I don’t “enjoy the decline”, I just fucking enjoy my life of low taxes and skinny women.

  41. @British Guy do you really think most conservative, married women would voluntarily give up the right to vote? Some would, I’m sure. But unless it’s outlawed (which would require the support of women of all racial, marital, and socioeconomic status) it’s a numbers game. If conservative women stop voting. Liberals win hands down.
    I wonder how many women really would like to turn back the clock several decades or maybe even a century. Would be an interesting study.

  42. how do females pose a threat to men when men still have 90 or so percent of capital and institutional power worldwide?
    you guys are sensitive. maybe being sensitive should be the cornerstone of your movement, and not being dominant in any way if you see all the power taken from you?
    is your penis shrinking each time a woman gets a good job? if so it isnt worth the troubles anyway.
    once again, just imagine your mom as a poster girl for womanhood. if you see nothing but cooking skills and a vagina, your mom must have been either stupid or a bimbo

  43. I think the shitheads commenting on here needs to realize this is an American issue not a racial one. American red pill males of all race need to unite and end the fuckery before it’s too late.

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