French Divorcée Has Sex With Arab, Gets Killed

Many females manage to wreck men’s lives without having their own life ever affected. However, it also happens that sometimes the pussy pass doesn’t work anymore. This is especially true when your average spoiled white woman has to deal, not with a browbeaten white male, but with some “empowered” and fashionable violent bastard.

In Limoges, Southwest of France, one of these “attractive” bad boys stabbed his notch before burying her.

At the beginning of June, the body of a woman was found buried in the garden of her housing. She had been stabbed a dozen times. Her partner, held in police custody, was indicted for murder.

The Prosecutors Office of Limoges announced that said partner… had avowed having killed her, which led to his indictment and incarceration.

The suspect, who had been taken into police custody at Alfortville (Val-de-Marne) before getting transferred to Limoges the day after, “provided several versions of what had happened, some extremely dubious; he even explained he had no responsibility in what has happened and that several people had killed the victim in front of him”, explained Limoges public prosecutor Gilbert Emery during a press conference.

Asked about the inconsistency of his version and about material evidence the investigators had found, the suspect finally avowed having killed his girlfriend with a “kitchen knife”… She was 35 years old and mother of two teenagers.

A 29 years old Algerian national, apparently an irregular migrant, the suspect explained he had been dating her—who had divorced the father of her children—since they had met in a bar some weeks before the murder.

“He said she had a dissolute life. She was dating several men at the same time, and this made him furious”, the prosecutor added, while emphasizing that the man was indicted for a premeditated murder.

Karma’s a bitch. And as the saying goes, no one gives a better beating to a bitch than another bitch. (Based patriarchs used to take care of this kind of problem before they even appeared, but doing the same today could get you jailed or divorce-raped.)

If we lived in a healthy civilization, with native, patriarchal families and no mass immigration, this woman would still be married. She would be alive and likely happier than the alcoholic harlot she had become. Wanting to be “free”, she literally destroyed herself.

If someone deserves compassion here, I would point out to the poor teenagers who had to grow with a dissolute whore instead of a proper model. At least she won’t make her sons ashamed anymore. Sometimes growing up an orphan is better than getting overburdened by a disgraceful parent.

I also wonder whether the Algerian killer isn’t, deep down, a classic romantic male who started falling in love with his new significant other but had his heart broken after he saw she just wanted to have fun. The only difference between this alien and a usual white beta male being, besides the obvious illegality, that he reacted as an Arab does—namely, with violence—-in circumstances when the white beta politely goes to a dark corner and cries while listening to sad music.

In any case, the ex-sperm drinker, now newly elected food for worms can rest happy. The awful cisgendered white male patriarchy did not interfere with her empowered destiny.

Read Next: How Mass Immigration Is Driven By Female Consumerism And Low Fertility

169 thoughts on “French Divorcée Has Sex With Arab, Gets Killed”

  1. Overlooking one crucial thing. All Moslem types are betas. Being a violent little bitch because people don’t agree with you is not Alpha behavior. In this case, bitch boy and bitch deserves each other. She’s dead and he will rot in prison.

    1. True.
      When people are more protected than children or women they are by definition little bitches.

      1. With her dead, her teenaged kids can put closure to her and her empowered whoring ways. In many ways it is better when a whore mother passes on than if she continues to live as a whore mother. It’s just plain better for the kids who would only be further toxified if she continued to live. She would only live on as a living cancer, like an open sore of whoring toxicity that would in time affect and consume her two teen kids as well. Happens all the time – a daughter (apple) never falls far from the tree.
        Her being dead is no loss or no gain. It’s nothing all around. See, a dead whore mother cancels herself out – like POOF. Like a Houdini trick. She’s as little missed as she is around to be scorned upon. Shame on her for going down that skank whore road still. Shame shame shame on her.
        With a decent and honorable (non whoring) loved one that passes on, there is real grieving and loss before closure. When a whore mother expires at any point in time, the ‘closure’ is more like the correct shutting of a loose manhole cover in the road that is wafting sewer smell to the good people on the street above.

        1. hope the kids goes to the father (but knowing how ginocentric the goverments are no one knows) even if the father is a blue pill beta cuck they will have a better future with him

    2. > violence is beta
      And being a pacifistic little bitch is alpha af
      Nice one Western man.

      1. Moslems have a massive inferiority complex.
        When they are pissed, and they are pissed more or less about anything, they lash out violently. A bit like a crazy woman trying to stab her BF/ ex.
        Not exactly alpha. And while females have the pussy pass, moslem do have the racist/ islamophobia or whatever, pass.
        They can do no wrong. I’m sure this one will not spend much time in jail (5 tops), if he is jailed at all. He will likely will be prosecuted as clinically insane.

        1. If violence isn’t alpha then why do women consistently reward violent men with their bodies and affection?
          why do white women line up to welcome refugees as if Elvis were resurrected?
          I was at a party a while back.
          An ex-con was there.
          Had the hottest bitch at the party.
          I hope you don’t think this is exceptional.

        2. It’s a bit more nuanced. Being confrontational is without a doubt an alpha trait. Being non-confrontational and passive-aggressive is a feminine trait and therefore by definition not alpha. Whether violence is alpha completely depends on the context. If it’s for reasons of – protecting – honor and dignity yes, if for petty nonsense then definitely no (drug, gang and street crime fall under this category).

        3. Controlled aggressiveness when the situation requires it is alpha, uncontrolled bursts of violence are beta. And yet, in a world like the modern West where men are taught that any kind of aggressive behavior is “evil” and “toxic”, it’s easy to mistake uncontrolled violence as “alpha” when compared to a weak, passive soyboy.

        4. Hakenkreuz wrote:
          “If violence isn’t alpha then why do women consistently reward violent men with their bodies and affection?”
          What is it about you men on this list who uses the female vagina as your guidance in life?
          Never mind Virgil, Nietzsche or Codreanu. Or Patton, Rommel and the average brave Finnish winter war soldier for that matter. Who cares about this far-away trivialities when the almighty c*nt has spoken?

      2. Swastika
        You’re not that smart….aren’t you ?
        someone who cant control his emotions and ended up killing or hitting people near him is beta psychopath…..
        who said being little bitch is alpha ??? lol

        1. Tell that to the thots who flooded ted bundy with love letters.
          U mad bro?

        2. So a bunch of psycho women who love to get abused is your example of the violent man being Alpha ? think again…

        3. Also why Alpha is always has to be an indication of how many women you can fuck ? are PUA’s Alphas …? in what regard….? only women category…?

      3. Violence itself is simply a tool.
        Alpha men use violence when needed.
        Beta simps with something to prove, use it far more often than necessary.
        Using or not using violence has no bearing on status as alpha or beta… the choice of WHEN to use violence, is a clear indicator.
        It’s like screaming at a kid. Mom screams at them all day, hundreds of times and the kids ignore her because there isn’t anything to back it up. Dad says something ONCE, they snap to.

    3. Stinky Pete
      100% TRUE. I worked in the middle east for 3 years and their people are emotional as fuck…..they transform their emotions to irrational anger and violent behavior is a split sec over silly incidents. I was like WTF is wrong with these inbred bitches…

      1. I believe emotional & irriational people are everywhere.
        But what Middle Eastern country you have been to?

        1. @Sarah
          Not like the arabs….too much sensitive to any criticism. I worked in Jordan.
          “conspiracy theory”…..right ?

    4. I would like to suggest to Philippines President Duterte, that he turn some of the inhabited islands into reservations for white people such as South African whites.

    5. Exactly. Migrants are desperate to get White western women. These migrant men will consider it a success to bed a divorced old hag with kids from a previous marriage.

      1. “Migrants are desperate to get White western slutty, whorish, hypergamous, bitchy & arrogant pussies” !!
        That’s disgusting!

        1. compared to goats the the typical fireplug that is mud world women, I guess it is an upgrade.

    6. Setting aside the alpha/beta stuff.
      At the end of the day it has to be said. Violence irrational or not does often get sh1t done and eventually dominates. Especially in guilt laden apathetic societies like Europe’s (((cultural Marxist))) weakened state. The j that flood Europe with Africans and what not know this. They will smile to our face and tell us how good it is for us knowing full well it will destroy us.
      The migrant tools may enjoy the partying, pillaging and conquered white bounty for now. But once the Ju completely take over. They will be experiencing a Palestine like apartheid oppression.

    7. I disagree, killing people who don’t agree with you is entirely alpha.
      Ask the Romans or the Vikings.
      This man has shown us all the way, when your woman won’t behave, stab her to death and bury the body. If we all did this, it would be the end of divorce rape and false accusations.

      1. @JD
        You are right, sir. I am 1/2 Italian and the Romans did not play around. They used violence when needed and it worked. That is why the Romans had the largest CIVILIZED, functioning empire in world history (yes, the Mongol empire was larger by sheer size, but the whole thing was a huge, misery-hellholes; the Romans had an empire with running water, functioning banking systems, swear systems, public entertainment theaters, hot-water baths, plumbing, national roads, established and secure sea-trade routes, libraries, professional military, police and fire services (Prefectures), and much more.). The Romans were a real empire that last over 2,000 years, and a lasting legacy of culture, art, architecture, and awe-inspiring thought we still see and enjoy today.
        But the only way Western Europe will be able to expel current crop of the foreign invaders will be by force. Ask Charles Martel, Barbarossa, the Knights of Saint John of Malta, the kings during the Spanish Reconquista period, and the Austrian-Hungarian empire. Force is only language barbarians understand.
        But do we have enough strong enough Western Europeans today to fight off the invaders? We will soon find out. If they do not resist soon, Western Europe is finished for sure.

      2. Agreed, Alpha is simply he who leads the pack in life or in love and honor is rarely part of the equation. The confusion I see here on ROK is between the Sexual ( naturals) and Societal ( status ) Alphas, while in some rare cases your both one type usually more dominant.
        Compare a successful head surgeon a leader in his field earning a few million a year vs a young thug despite always being a lowlife always seems to bang a hot women. I guess a pro athlete who dated out women since high school is an even mix of both.

        1. @ Mike42Night
          Well, yes, you are correct that Alpha status is sexual and societal in nature. The Male Archetypes also have variations, and they should not be universally used.
          You should also remember the Sigma male, who is between Alpha and Beta.

          I sometimes consider myself a Sigma Male, because I rather run Game solo, I hate rules, I hate following what is “trendy”, I like to be original and spontaneous, but because I am outgoing as hell, I am not a full Sigma. So even in this situation, a person cannot be put into an “absolute category”. Most humans are complex individuals, not cookie-cutter beings.
          But where you go wrong is a surgeon making one million a year and saving lives bangs less women then a pro athlete or a drug-dealer being able to bang more women. Here is why:
          1) A surgeon often HAS to be a Beta male, a worker-bee of society. This is the guy who put in 13+ years of his life in education/academia to become a doctor, thinking when he finally makes it as an MD, he will have tons of hot women lining up to bang him. He is thinking 1950s America, where a good job = great wife and family. Today, that Beta male surgeon will get some hot girl who with either quickly get impregnated by the rich surgeon and either extort him for money by offering to abort for a large cash sum OR she can have the kid and then take his kid away and sue him for massive child support and alimony for 2 decades! Or she will do a “drive-by marriage” where she marries the surgeon and divorces him quickly after to cash out on alimony and 1/2 his assets.
          2) That is because we live in a dysfunctional society where middle class (and above) women who have everything handed to them in a silver platter think that dating a crack dealer that beats her up is “hot”. We also have an Africanized culture in the West today, and the Media promotes thug living, rap culture, and so forth.
          This culture also glorify sports over anything else, except celeb culture, so some women get turned on by sports players…. mainly, these women are turned on by the player’s MONEY, and as we saw with that idiot Michael Strahan, he has been divorce-raped THRICE! You would think he would learn a lesson, but nah! lol 😆

          Here is Strahan ^^^^ during one of his divorce-rapes! lol What a dunce.
          Women are creatures of the herd and they do whatever Kim Kardashin or some Tweeter account they happen follow (Hillary, for instance) tells them to do. They are a zombie army, of sorts.
          So there are many TYPES of Alpha males. It is not an absolute, universal term.

    8. The way to avoid being a violent psycho when your HOT GIRLFRIEND gets a huge nut blasted on their face from another man is to #1 HAVE NO RELATIONS WITH WOMEN…PERIOD!!

    9. Question: are we supposed to care or feel bad for either one of these clowns? *shrug*
      ’cause I may sound mean here, but I do not give two sh!ts about her or people like her. I really do not. I may sound un-Christian or mean, but I am being honest here.
      Maybe it is 6 years working in legal field got me completely and totally desensitized to this kind of thing. I have seen it all, heard it all. I dealt with criminal aliens (illegal immigrants) for so many years and the sh!t they do, these people are the bottom of the barrel. I EXPECT them to commit crimes like this. This is NORMAL, not the exception.
      Forget all you hear on the fake news media about these people being “incredibly courageous” or “hardworking folks” or “the best these foreigner countries have to offer”. 🙄 That is 100% false. The overwhelming numbers of people coming to this country in the last 20-30 years are the bottom of the barrel. They are the lowest scum other countries want to get rid of, so they dump on the idiot Americans, who will put them on a welfare package rivaled only by Sweden, France, or Germany..
      The immigrants flooding our southern Border today by Tijuana or Nogales may be slightly better then ones flooding into Western Europe today, but only because the ones invading America today are mostly indigenous, illiterate, ignorant, and poorest from Central America. Most are simply petty criminals and unskilled, poor losers who continually vote foir Socialist candidate sin their own countries, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and crime they have to endure themselves. Basically, they are morons; “useful idiots” who further Marxism in their own homelands that hurt themselves. Then they want to come here and import their shitty mentalities (and voting patterns) and demand American work and pay high taxes to fund these people.
      Now, compared to the African and Middle Eastern Muslim scum flooding into Western Europe by the millions for the last 3 years, our flood here in the USA may seem “nicer”. But make no mistake: these are the future welfare recipients of America, the modern barbarians that weakened the Western Roman Empire into total collapse.
      That is only reason why some foolish Americans may think the Central Americans flooding our borders right now are not “so bad”. As “Rules ofr Radicals” author Saul Alinksy said best “the white middle class is weak because they are inherently good. They are kiond and charitable and that is the weakness you shoudl exploit”.
      But truth is, these “migrans” (now being called by our fake news media “asylum seekers”) are the barbarians that will collapse out country.
      So….. do I personally feel bad for the French idiot killed by an illegal alien in her own country? NOPE. 🙂
      I would feel bad for her if she was a Conservative voter, who opposed mass immigration, and was murdered by a savage while returning home from grocery shopping. I would be outraged if that was the case!!
      But this stupid divorcee woman? She got what she was asking for. She is no different then the American trailer trash junkie that was raped-killed by that Senegalese RAPEfugee drug dealer in Italy a couple years back. *shrug*
      Boo-hoo for her. Too bad, too sad, as they say. 🙄

    10. “Yeah man, violence is beta..a real alpha takes steroids and lifts more weights, gets lifts in his shoes so he’s close to 6ft tall, and gets tattoos, to appear alpha enough to keep his white waifu goddess happy”

    11. Hey man, moslem type here. I get what you’re saying and I agree but I’d like to help you express yourself a little better and also help others not misunderstand things.
      There isn’t a muslim “type” just as there isn’t a christian “type”. There’s a billion+ muslims and they come in all flavors. If you’re talking about Algerians in France, they range from regular 9-to-5 homebodies to street thugs in the banlieues who light cars on fire and cause ruckus. Some of them are religious, some of them aren’t. Just as christians. Just as hindus. Just as whoever. They aren’t all betas, they aren’t all alphas, they’re all kinds of things. They don’t all identify by their religion. Same applies to all the migrants flooding in.
      If you’re prejudiced or racist or whatever, I have no problem with that, but I do think that holding and expressing such views calls for a higher standard of understanding – especially in these times of BS.

  2. Breaking news… A tranny wins Miss Universe Spain!!!WTF. Just when you think the Spain couldn’t get more cucked. How fucking depressing.

    1. Spain, like Sweden is lost cause. I am moving out of Europe to Asia. I am sick of Eurotrash leftist whores.

        1. Not all pale skinners/depigmented are same! There are timid & trashy pale skinners who live as expats, have no respect for others, but shamelessly lick the same other “asses” !!
          Why don’t these “few” trashy pale skin ass holes stick to their first world, emasculated & pussified shithole countires !?

      1. @EuroNot
        You reek of risk aversion, failure and defeat…you got chased out of Europe by some trannies, feminists and muslims? Then they won. You’ll be a second-class stranger in Asia. STAY home and FIGHT.

        1. He will be treated like elvis in Asia.
          You’re just jealous because you still have the white waifu goddess fantasy

    2. @ William Rubin
      I lived in southern Spain (Sevilla) a year and half. Spanish women are RUDE as disrespectful as hell. Many of the ones in southern Spain are also uglier in the face, not as bad as the northern Brazilian women in the face, but bad enough. And they lack the Brazilian body hotness and sensuality, so what you get is yet another iteration of a typical Western European Ms. Attitude McFemiNazi without the hotness and even bitchier personality.
      I have been puzzled for years why any guy would want to go to Spain to meet girls. If you think Ibiza island = Spain, you are out of your mind. Ibiza is a party location for foreigners, and only reason why you get hotter whores there then in continental Spain, is because it is a party place for rich people. You will be getting rich foreign girls, not Espanolas there.
      Besides select areas of northern Spain, Basque region, and Barcelona, Spain is a country full of ugly, entitled women. Not as bad as Portugal, home of ugliest women in Europe, bar none.
      I will leave you with this: Spanish guys spend an inordinate amount of time in brothels. I have met and dealt with a lot of Spanish men and all of them to date (no exaggeration), 100% of these guys I have met over the years, have told me they prefer hookers then their own women as a matter of course. And they always go for Eastern European ones (Romanians, Czechs, etc).
      They are also very closed off, they have these “clicks” and hang out and party together and rarely allow people into their small clicks.
      There is a reason for that. Just sayin’

      1. Bordellos are the way of the future in the Anglosphere, if you want to have half decent sex

      2. “Not as bad as Portugal, home of ugliest women in Europe, bar none.”
        Jesus Christ, where the hell have you been in Portugal??? We have some of the finnest women around.

        1. @ Lusitano
          Your username mean “from Portugal”. 😉 So of course you will think that.
          I lived in southern Spain, we used to go to Portugal to eat “Bacalhau com azeitonas verdes” and to go to the beach. It was a cheap place to vacation.
          But the Portuguese women were busted ugly. They were NOT “hot” (sensual nature, sexualized – think woman with 1000 cock stare who is a 9/10 in looks and body). The Portuguesas also had boring bodies, ugly faces, and VERY bitchy personalities. I was also shocked that despite the lack of hotness the Brazilians have, many Portuguese girls were NOT “beautiful” (sweet faces, nice personalities, coupled with a pretty, not-overly-sexual appearance – think Sandra Bullock in 1990s, “While you were Sleeping” movie).
          The Portuguese women lacked beauty and they lacked hotness. I am NOT saying Portuguese girls were as bad as Bolivia, but for European standards, I was horrified at so many ugly women in Portugal. 🙁
          If I had to choose one country in all of Western Europe to avoid due to ugly women, I would avoid Portugal at all costs. England is a close 2nd due to the FemiNazified women with purple hair and tattoos, but still a few hotties and beauties in UK… but in Portugal, it is a wasteland of ugly women. 😡
          Ps. When I lived in Brazil, Brazilians always joked that when plane from Portugal lands in Brazil, the men would run out of the airplanes like thirsty desert men arriving at an oasis! lol It is almost they have never sene a woman abov 5 before in their lives! 😆 lol

    1. Big20s has a point. A frightening point, but a valid one nonetheless. Most divorcees do deserve the worse, but not all.
      AutomaticSlim, culturally-speaking, I do not think Western Europe will change at all, except for a catastrophic event, mass political upheaval, or world-shaking event. Is one on the cusp of happening right now or in foreseeable future? Probably not. Spain, Sweden, and Germany have been literally overrun by criminal savages…. you would think the nation would go on strike, marches everywhere demanding they shut down borders and deport the invaders. But did they do that? In Germany, they at least tried under “Alternative for Deutchland” party and the police and Merkel cracked down on them hard, water cannons and all. And they gave up. It is like the Western people gave up for the most part. Pockets of resistance seem to try to gasp for air in Italy and Austria, but are they just gonna talk or are these gonna be arrests and deportations en masse? We will see.
      Western Europe is probably doomed for good anyway. Just look where big-money investors are putting their money in: they are going to Easterner Europe and Central Europe, southeast Asia, China and some investment is still flowing into Canada and the USA. No one is investing in Western Europe, no one is investing in Middle East, or Central Asia, and very very few are investing in Africa or South America. Political instability is number one reason. Who is gonna invest in a country where they can be beheaded in a YouTube video (Middle East) or have your property confiscated anytime (Venezuela) or have your employees gang-raped on the streets like in Western Europe?
      There are reasons for where investment goes to. They are thinking about the future. The smart investors see the writing on the wall and are responding accordingly. They know which peoples are finished and which will make it in the 21st Century and are responding accordingly. Western Europe, as we see it today, is finished. It will be more like a Northern Pakistan or a Moorish Emirate of Europe of some kind in just 20 years. Investing there is for idiots only.
      Swastic, I agree dude, the guy needs an apology. LOL 😆 Some Western women are so bad, they are enough to make men go gay or lose their minds. This guy is “comparatively negligent” in her murder, not totally at fault. I bet she gave him “her best” and he replied in kind. lol 😆
      I sometimes meet women here in Florida on occasion, that they are not worth the paper they are printed on. And they KNOW it too, but are too lazy to change. It is just amazing to see it how bad some of these “women” are.

      1. Ok, maybe not ALL ex wives, but definitely all ex wives who initiate divorce

        1. @ Big20s
          Which is most of them, then! I think last stats I saw was about 85% of ex-wives initiated their divorce. And caused marriage to fail in first place!

  3. “If we lived in a healthy civilization, with native, patriarchal families and no mass immigration, this woman would still be married. She would be alive and likely happier than the alcoholic harlot she had become. Wanting to be “free”, she literally destroyed herself.”
    But the west won’t return to this anytime soon.
    Certainly not in my lifetime.

  4. “I also wonder whether the Algerian killer isn’t, deep down, a classic romantic male who started falling in love with his new significant other but had his heart broken after he saw she just wanted to have fun. ”
    It’s a certainty.

    1. Yup, all that bullshit he threw at the police whilst trying to deny his crime. classic romantic indeed.

      1. Really, he deserves an apology for having to deal with such a slut. Then kicked out of Europe.
        Classic misunderstanding.
        Sluts ain’t worth shit.
        Not even an Albanian’s life.

      2. Murder of stupid entitled white European women is quickly becoming so common in Western Europe, it will be a matter of time until no one will even report it on the news. 🙂
        Think abut Brazil, murder and people going missing is so common, the media glosses over it. Cops do not even bother filing out report anymore, they know some thug goes missing, he is dead in drug war. Once crime becomes too common, people stop caring., It becomes mundane, normal, daily life.
        And again, does ANYONE care if some white trash goes mudsharking or serves as a cumtoilet for RAPEfugees and then gets raped/killed/missing?
        I sure don’t. These women are not worth the paper they are printed on and they know it. They are just cumtoilets for the lowest in our societies and sure-votes for the Left.
        Good riddance. Moving along………

      3. Murder of stupid entitled white European women is quickly becoming so common in Western Europe, it will be a matter of time until no one will even report it on the news. :-/
        Think abut Brazil, murder and people going missing is so common, the media glosses over it. Cops do not even bother filing out report anymore, they know some thug goes missing, he is dead in drug war. Once crime becomes too common, people stop caring. It becomes mundane, normal, daily life.
        And again, does ANYONE care if some white trash goes mudsharking or serves as a cumtoilet for RAPEfugees and then gets [email protected]/killed/missing?
        I sure don’t. These women are not worth the paper they are printed on and they know it. They are just cumtoilets for the lowest in our societies and sure-votes for the Left.
        Good riddance. Moving along………

  5. Sad to say it but for whormen is more exciting to deal with men who will beat them or kill them or be generally abusive with them than with men who will be nice and gentle to them. We might be envy of the blacks and arabs because of their success with whormen due to their aggresive nature or u might deny it and delude urself that u can still be “masculine” even though following the western ways of pussifism but no matter ur opinion on the matter, in the end whormen are attracted to primitive blacks and arabs, that’s it.

    1. True af.
      Though don’t expect much sympathy on a site full of cubicle “alpha” “male” divorcee burnouts who worked their fingers to the bone placating dumb entitled sluts.
      My personal motto is you can’t be alpha if you wear a suit. You got too much to lose.

      1. What’s wrong with wearing a dress shirt and tie to work every day? If I were a construction worker or something I’d be making perhaps 1/3 of my current income. No thanks.

        1. Maybe he implies that being of some relatively higher social status means that u have to conform with social norms, which as we concluded many times in this site are against u. I see some truth to his words, after all some guitar playing tattooed junkie has far more social freedom than a “respectable” man who is forced into certain social rails.

        2. Trollstein
          I bang upscale escorts regularly and I don’t care who knows. I’m pretty damn free BECAUSE of my finacial situation.

        3. Good for u, money always makes u free but usually in order to make money u have to comply with the social game… if u found a way to make money without being hooked to the matrix then just great!

        4. @Trollstein
          I’m an independent IT consultant. I work for Wall St. Companies. Yes, of course I have to conform to some degree, but as I an
          independent at least I do not have to deal with the corporate touchy feely crap.

        5. Trollstein,
          Your right, I complied with normal until age 45.
          Then it was fuck you all, and I became ‘abnormal’.
          Abnormal is way more fun.

    2. Exactly.
      Men who are violent and take what they want are the men who are at the start of every civilization. See Roman empire.
      Us men who have had the cushion of a successful civilization, many hundreds of years after the initial brutality, now sit back and say “oh, violence doesn’t make a real man”.
      Ignorant thinking

  6. Oh no, she had a consequence for her actions. Who would’ve thought that those things….actually exist!? She probably felt justified in everything she did until the very end. Truly sad indeed.

    1. I guess the French male furniture she was surrounded by never taught the slut that important lesson.
      Worse than the Ikea furniture.

  7. It didn’t take long before this shit of a website started justifying murder, now did it?
    Bunch of human garbage.

    1. Who is justifying it?
      The article is merely pointing out that there are consequences to bad decisions. If females want to live like honorless sluts, they will often fall victim to males with bad intentions. It is common sense.

    2. Patriarchy bitch.
      Ur just jealous a brown man’s doing it.
      If you don’t like mirrors break your face, not the mirror.

    3. Justify murder? Bullshit.
      We only don’t give a damn about the fate of a western woman.

    4. Are u one of those female feminists who stalks ROK and then writes articles about how insane the manosphere is?

    5. It’s certainly not justifying murder, but the tone leaves something to be desired, particularly the last paragraph.

  8. Too many women commenting on here these days. This woman got what she wanted. Self destructuon. Feminism claims another life.

    1. @Sean,
      Well said. ROK or ROKers never preached violence, bad behaviour or anything unlawful; against any gender, race or religion.
      Everybody has to face consequences for their actions/choices and pussies are no exception!

    1. Her Berber husband is only 165 cm.
      I guess savage manlet >>> tall nordcuck
      > b-b-but muh height!!! *autistic screeching*

      1. The guy is one of the wealthiest comedians in Europe and the wealthiest in France. Every million is worth half an inch, approximately . In her mind he’s 6′ 8”.

      2. I’ve always known that height means BS. Seen plenty of white girls go for the 5’10 Arab or Latino over a 6’2 socially awkward or Aspie Anglo-Saxon on multiple occasions.
        Face it! The babyboomers and silent generation injected estrogen chemicals into white males and now you’re going to have a world that made up of mulattos.

  9. Sometimes growing up an orphan is better than getting overburdened by a disgraceful parent.
    Orphan ? Actually, I was thinking the two teenage children would/should now be free to go live with their father, ( that the worthless whore divorced in the first place ). And truthfully, with this outcome, the two teenagers will be FAR better off.

    1. Children should ALWAYS live with their fathers after the break-up. No exceptions, unless father himself doesn’t want that.
      Which then shows that this said man hasn’t deserved the title “father” in the first place. But those men are less that one in a million, so it’s not an issue at all.
      But fathers are clearly more stable and capable of making decisions that serves children’s interest best than narcissist divorcee moms who can not be trusted in anything.
      If I were the judge, I’d be very careful to even grant visiting rights to a female after she have abandoned her man and family.

  10. When retards meet. Rule number 1: never catch feelings for a – known – ho. Rule number 2: never date single moms. What’s so hard about this. Probably put that French pussy on him and lost his mind.

    1. I would like to say that females should date, marry, and stay married to honest, decent, intelligent, hardworking males.
      But as I stated above, the West is too far gone.

        1. Snarky, snotty little comment from what I imagine is a typical feminist/cat lady.
          Did you even stop to think that if she had stayed with her husband and was home where she belonged doing the cooking and cleaning, she would still be alive?

        2. As obvious as it is, you again went wrong! you ungrateful creature!
          That infact “includes” majority of ROK & MANosphere supporters. Do not think you “cleverly” negated @Auto’s sincere opinion. You simply proved that you are “foolish” !!

        3. Don’t worry Amy, nobody here wants to have sex with you.
          Consider it an entirely safe place.
          White women have been safe from my attentions ever since I discovered Asia.

  11. (…) she had a dissolute life. She was dating several men at the same time

    Way back, even Hitler railed against the French, against their women’s mudsharking in particular.
    “A fiancee, he once had, like a dream. With a busload of Arabs, she cheated on him. Never was he himself again, oh no”. – A line from a 1982 Polish song.

  12. Jeez, is that a pic of tbe Algerian guy? And he’s only 29??? He’s got a face like a catchers mitt. Things must be tough in Algeria…

    1. That’s a French actor of Berber origin. I think he played in Amelie (no, I didn’t watch that movie, because I’m not a faggot).
      Back on topic: muslim men are notoriously jealous and territorial, which I actually respect and condone despite my being against Islam. The guy probably wanted that rotten French pussy for himself and couldn’t deal with the fact that she was riding the CC in front of his eyes.
      Lessons learned:
      -never date a divorcee/single mother
      -never date a woman past her prime
      -avoid women who’ve ever dated sandn1ggers.

      1. I didn’t either…The only French movies I watched were ones with Sophie Marceau up till she was age 40…After that, she morphed into a far left liberal, anorexic, nasty looking Femen creature…
        From Braveheart (1995)-The World Is Not Enough (1999), she had all the beautiful, classy French characteristics…Brown hair, green eyes, medium complection, nice B cup size, succulent natural curves, long silky legs and a shapely medium ass!
        Today, and probably since 2009, almost completely unrecognizable!

      2. In regards to your last part, finding a woman that’s not dated any n1ggers, is about as hard as finding Jimmy Hoffa buried underneath your swimming pool.

  13. She’ll not be missed. I doubt even her children truly appreciated her.

  14. The elites will never say there are enough taxes, wars, debt, and tyranny.
    The ruling class will continue their insanity until the US Ponzi economy collapses, the 99% are sent to the concentration camps, a civil war breaks out, and WWIII starts so they can divide the wealth of the world among themselves. This is the end game. The only question is when.
    You would need to be living under a rock not to see this.

  15. “A 29 years old Algerian national[.]”
    Algerian? Don’t they mean “Asian”? (Nudge, wink.)

    1. Anything up to Botswana is considered “Southern European”.
      And at 29, he’s considered a youth.
      Don’t be a bigot

  16. French women in general are thirsty for ethnic cock from what I have seen. It isn’t so bad in the south of France where most of these women look ethnic anyways and are generally Arab broads that hate their own men. As soon as you get to Northern France, any guy with dark hair, darker skin and brown eyes can get girls above his league. Never got what’s the fascination myself.

    1. When ur a thot and every single placating coward you’ve ever met happens to be a white cuck, then anything remotely non-white becomes an instant chance worth taking.
      Women are turned on by subservience.
      Imagine being in prison for 10 years, then on ur first night out ur at a party full of fat chics.

    2. On the face of it it sounds crazy but women hating you isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Indifference is. Women’s hate and love are largely interconnected. It means you’re on her mind and can emotionally pull her strings.
      Patrice O’neal had a great thing to say about it.

    3. Germans lay with beasts too. Animals at the zoo are in cages for a reason.

  17. “In any case, the ex-sperm drinker, now newly elected food for worms can rest happy”
    Not the finest moment in red pill journalism. It’s ok to say “I told you so” beyond that there’s no need to spit on anyone’s grave

    1. Whores don’t even deserve graves.
      So what did he spit on?

  18. Anyone else got an instant smile on their face, when they read the title? It cant just be me.

  19. Whenever uncultured, third-world males and the third wave of feminism collide head to head, it’s gonna get ugly. Third world invaders are adept at seeing what they can get away with, then lashing out any barriers to their goals. They flip deftly from victim to aggressor as it suits them, and project what could be described as a “fake alpha” persona. Anywhere this happens, you’re bound to get a Merkel Moment as two forms of cognitive dissonance attract, then clash (form 1 = old-world-mentality males thinking they can react like a jealous animals in first-world society; form 2 = women thinking they can behave as men inherently do).

    As André suggests, this isn’t so much a news story as it is a symbol and side-effect of the current age we live in. Underneath, an all-time high % of western women are now completely miserable in their state of newfound “liberation.” They’re more insecure, confused and mentally ill than ever. And less “provided for” by worthy men than ever. They’re fooled into believing they’re empowered by being lost in the wilderness; typical female cog-dis hamstering. They’ve done nothing but reinforce the delightful “fuck-and-chuck” sentiment they’ve cultivated in any man who possesses a modicum of self-respect and situational awareness.

    Standards must be upheld. Best to outwardly, unambiguously treat these kinds of women like dirt, right up to the legal limit of what you can get away with. If they cannot course-correct, then relegate them to the lower rungs of society and gene pool. And as we’ve seen here, some guys have that primitive third-world thread and low restraint thresholds, which overrides the fore-brained concept that we live in a world of laws.

    1. They are brazenly defying your “world of laws” and getting away with it, while making sluts of white women and fools of white cucks.
      These men are anything but fake alphas.
      Women admire audacity and boldness, not equality, laws, and civility. Your standards are weak af and not worth upholding.
      The real fake alphas are the guys in armani suits who think a six figure pay check makes a bitch wet. Then after two decades of being submissive cucks wonder why their bitch wants a divorce. Truly pathetic.
      Your an old man, I’m glad the (((Western world))) is being wrecked. We can finally replace it, hopefully with something white. But brown or white, it will be more masculine either way.

        1. @Maple Syrup
          It’s your birthright to dissent, but WTF are you actually after? Clarify if you will…

          Are you pining for a red-pill revolution, or its antipode? Hard to tell from your multi-tiered reply. We now live in an age of systematically distorted information, and I think it’s gotten the best of you. You’ve caved in to the malignant forces in this society with that attitude. Your attitude gives inspiration to all the rejects and failed ideas that are trying to bring the system down through sheer numbers. What you’re likely going to get is a liberal dictatorship once you entirely give up on the Constitution, laws, American values, etc. You sound like Antifa…you’ve basically said we need to slaughter “uncool” corporations (“fake alphas in Armani suits”) so it all collapses. Systemic divestiture as a moment of truth, eh? Is that it? You really think we should allow illegals, unhinged Arabs, neo-luddites, malcontents, punks, ecofeminists, hyperventilating lefties, incorrigible rabble-rousers and shit-disturbers to breed more, swarm and choke the system from the top, then magically “run” everything off the tabula rasa? You’re calling it the end of an empire, but some of us are not ready to stare into that abyss just yet.

          The standards I’m endorsing built this country and we’d be nowhere without them. You can’t just throw it ALL in the trash…you’re no better than the pathetic, masked, low-IQ losers of Antifa. You’re no rebel, bud — you are the apathetic, angry flip side of acceptance (of the status quo) and assimilation (by those you despise). You would cede your power for some enthusiastic “escape” from the current world we live in?

          Antifa and the far-left basically says “Topple existing power structures, then forge a new way of thinking in the 21st century. If it all burns down, then we shall rule over the ruins.” In contrast, I’m calling for vigilance and enforcement of no-BS, “red pill” and traditionally masculine values, future-minded yet accompanied by a return to those ideals and the way they originally helped shape the West. Lastly (and least importantly), I’m only a couple years older than Roosh, so not that old yet.
          @Clark Kent
          Been reading your ROK posts for 2+ years, and you’ve dropped some world-class insights along the way. Now it sounds like you’re about to throw in the towel. We both reside in liberal bastions and I’m seeing you cave in all of the sudden. Don’t do it, man…fight through the absurdity of it all. Don’t go rooting for the destruction of everything good we’ve built in the west. Sucks to hear a mostly-rational guy like you joining those who insist the current world humankind has built is an error, one that must be turned to ashes and rebuilt.

        2. @Clark,
          I agree with you & appreciate your straightforwardness. Best Wishes for July 4rth, the Independent Day, in advance.

        3. @Clark,
          I remember that you are Canadian, but anyway, lets take the July 4rth event as our own!

    2. @OceanSon
      “Don’t go rooting for the destruction of everything good we’ve built in the west. Sucks to hear a mostly-rational guy like you joining those who insist the current world humankind has built is an error, one that must be turned to ashes and rebuilt.”
      I’m not rooting for the destruction dude. Trust me, I’m just as disappointed in current affairs as you are. I stayed up until 5am to see Trump get elected and I’m not even American.
      I think I understand your concern, you being an American especially. You feel that if things collapse, a left-wing dictatorship and the destruction of the US project is a real possibility. I think this makes perfect sense and I totally understand why conservatives guard their ideals so strongly.
      The reason I agree with Maple Syrup is that I think the problems that face the West as a whole might in fact be terminal. You simply can’t mix multiracialism/multiculturalism and liberal democratic forms of government, because it will inevitably lead to identity and victim politics. Eventually one group will manage to horde important resources and dominate the other groups and it will lead to conflict. I think the modern West as a whole actually has made a fatal error on a basic philosophical level.
      Do I think the savage elements of Islamic culture are superior to Western culture? Not really, but it’s important to keep in mind that the majority of American and Western history was far less liberal than what we have now (e.g., women voting, blacks voting, social customs and culture, etc.). These Muslims and other more savage groups don’t give a shit about our civilized Western sensibilities, and at bottom most women don’t either.
      The unfortunate fact is these Muslims have seen the cracks in our armour and are going to exploit our weaknesses until we stand up and make them stop. Our being “civilized” is not going to count for much when women can vote, Jews run our entire media, and Muslims and other more violent groups are treated as protected classes. The current political Left, which is a monstrosity compared to the political left of 20 years ago, is not going to stop – and their policies of importing and buying voters and spreading them around the country will inevitably lead to another Leftist Federal government. Can America and the world survive another Obama? You tell me.
      This process is being carried out effectively now across the entire West, and I wont lament at all if Italy decides to drop democracy altogether and form a fascist government. I’d beg to join them. This would be the greater path for them compared to being gradually overrun by the 2 billion excess African population that intends to sponge off of Europe.
      I don’t see how these problems are going to be solved in the long-term via conventional politics at this point. Many millennials see an almost hopeless financial and social future ahead of them, and some young Western men will make the hard choice between barbarity and civilization.
      Maybe I’m being too pessimistic though? Maybe Western governments and democratic populations will respond fast enough to prevent this tidal wave of human refuse? It’s possible I suppose. The elections of Trump and Salvini are meaningful and indicate that many Westerners (and even some minorities) see that there are serious problems that need to be solved. I’ll be happy to see these problems solved through conventional politics, but even now most politicians only speak in code and no discussion of the real issues is really on the table. I’m just not sure anymore, and I’m trying to open myself up to the possibility of real significant changes in the coming decades.

      1. Clark Kent,
        I almost totally agree with you (but don’t see Trump as any different from Obama). I suspect everything will get gradually worse in the western world until some ‘tipping point’ is reached, when there will be mass death. Will that point be reached in 5 years or 25 years? who can tell, not me.

        1. More than that man. I feel it will be 50-100 years.
          Things will get worse, but majority of lethargic loses will just put up with it
          It will likely take almost entirely first generation immigrant men to have the impetus to fight

      2. @Clark
        Yeah man, solid response on all points; same wavelength after all. The social experiment to accept intense “sponging” by an endless stream of opportunists and hard-luck stories ultimately cannot hold, and is now unraveling. I’m generally in support of what Italy/Japan/Hungary/Austria/Poland and AfD in Germany are doing as well. Strict, vetted, productive immigration only. Bolt the door and start air-dropping tonnage of birth control pills on Sudan, Syria, and everywhere else where bloated failing populations cannot be sustained by their own resources…and have these backwards nations deal with it from afar, from their homelands with some strategic aid and intervention from the West if they need it. End the sheer hijacking of our collective concern/compassion that their riding into Europe and America/Canada on.

  20. OK this article really went lower than anything I’ve seen on this site before.
    Basically the article is chastising a woman the author knows nothing about except for the angry comments the killer made about her and, from what I can tell, the author takes the killers’ words about her behaviour as gospel even though the police found the killer to be lying before.
    I’m pretty sure this article would constitute a crime (defamation or something, not sure what it’s called in America) if the victim were alive. Since she is not, I’m not sure if it does or not but it’s certainly quite distasteful.
    Back in the day Manosphere articles were one step ahead of the feminists and the feminists had to twist them into saying things that were not there. But apprently now it’s OK to refer to random female murder victims as “sperm drinkers” and “elected worm food”.
    The lost reputation is going to take time to build up again because there’s no question as to the unhelpful and hate filled content of articles like that.

    1. His word?
      Nah, the sluts actions speak louder than anyone’s words.
      burn the coal pay the toll.
      No on gives a fuck what a depressed burnout thinks.
      The world does not run on self-righteous indignation.

      1. @Maple Syrup
        ^^^”No on gives a fuck what a depressed burnout thinks.
        The world does not run on self-righteous indignation.”^^^

        Though not widely advertised, the very creator of this web site has famously suffered bouts of said “depression” and “burnout.” He could likely be stronger and wiser for it, form what I’ve gathered in my various ROK readings. That’s the human roller coaster…every single male who’s worth his salt hits the skids at times. Burden of red pill, etc., is legit. Dudes at the far right end of the Bell Curve = yet more-than-average depression (it’s in the “knowing,” from which there is no holiday). I’m referring to the “in touch” version of depression as opposed to some bipolar, dramatic, ghae + weak versions. Among the best and brightest, it takes genuine balls to admit it in this day an age of narcissistic fakery. And as you can see, I still didn’t up-thumb DepressedGuy1985’s post, having found it tone-deaf and generally ‘off’ fleek.

    2. “from what I can tell, the author takes the killers’ words about her behaviour as gospel”
      Single mom, divorced from her white husband, riding the Muslim cock carousel.
      No need to take the killers words at all, we know what these women are about.
      What we don’t know is why your urge to ‘virtue signal’?
      She wouldn’t have banged you at any point in her life.

      1. What makes you better than her John? Are not you the poster who goes on about banging hookers almost for free in a developing nation? I’m not saying you’re wrong for it and I don’t care to open that can of worms but it seems like your case against the dead french woman is the fact that she was divorced and had an affair with a muslim. So what?
        When it comes down to it we have extremely limited knowledge of the intricacies of people’s private lives and it’s best to reserve at least some judgement. When you give people the benefit of doubt, you might get some respect back.

        1. White single moms are/have destroying the western world.
          She and her compatriots have driven my out of my home country.

        2. Let me try to explain better,
          Women are much, much weaker than men, the natural place for a woman is as the protected property of her man (first her father, and then her husband). If she chooses to leave the protection of her owner, then she becomes at risk from any random man that wants to harm her. In modern society many women have come to deny the natural order, and should be given no refuge or protection by the men they have rejected in order to live their unnatural lives.
          While I won’t harm a woman who has chosen to live an unnatural life, I won’t protect her either. She has made her choice, and I am prepared to let her live with all the consequences of her choice.
          DepressedGuy, you are part of the problem, you still want to protect random women who have chosen to reject you. This is why you are a depressed incel, while I am the proud owner of two women who accept my protection (my wife and daughter) and largesse. My women bow to me when they enter and leave my presence, they know I am all that stands between them and a life of hardship and poverty. No welfare where I live.

        3. DepressedGuy1985
          At least guys like John are not inviting 3rd worlders to their home countries. Western women are inviting 3rd world savages in their countries just so they can have some action. These selfish thots are willing to ruin their nations just for some sex adventures.

  21. I know of a tall agressive arab with a fat Mexican girlfriend. It’s not all great for them

  22. Soooo…you justify murder if it’s done to a woman, but we wimminz are the evil ones if we don’t want anything to do with you? Ok, honey.
    Go fuck yourself.

    1. Sonia,
      As a powerful independent woman you don’t want our help or protection.
      You got it, now enjoy your single life with a house full of cats.

    2. Nobody is justifying murder. Your comment is a perfect example of how too many women just don’t learn, as is this article. And you’re the one who people here want nothing to do with. Notice it was you who came to this site and comment section. You clearly want something to do with us or you wouldn’t be here.

    3. If anyone still have any hope left of saving white women then you seriously need to see comments of thots like Sonia. Even after all of this white woman like Sonia is still blaming us as if it was us who had planned to murder her. Notice how she & other thots here are not blaming sand-niggas but us white males for merely mention/discussing this incident. It seems to me that she & other thots are more angry at us than the actual subhuman sand-nigga murder.

      1. “Us white males”
        No, you’re not. Ive seen your postings.
        Did you post as Sonia too, to stage this little roleplay?
        “but we wimminz” meh

      2. Since last week, I ceased tipping waitresses at any restaurants I go to, doing business with women bankers, retail workers, or anyone that’s a woman. Unless I’m getting a nice bj out of the transaction, you can cancel me out of everything.

    4. Sonia.
      Women need to think with what’s between their ears and not with what’s between their legs. She’s divorced, she has two kids, no big deal to me. I don’t know the woman, but it constantly puzzles me that women will hook up with men from a different culture and not take into account what could happen when you poke the lion with a stick. Women hook up with bad boys, unsuitable men and end up beaten and even killed. Why do we lack critical thinking? I’ll bet this women would not have walked down a dark alley, yet, banging a man so out of her cultural tribe just didn’t occur to her as possibly being problematic.

  23. She is now in hell after being murdered, not knowing God, lived a life of sin , was it worth it ? Eternal darkness eternal fire pain and agony for eternity? It’s over for her soul.
    Never too late for everyone else to turn to Jesus.

    1. Shut up Christfag.
      Only God is eternal.
      Anything else is jewish blaspheme.
      Hell lasts only as long as your sin.
      When purged ur soul starts over.

  24. I dont feel a pity for her, when she sees multiple guys at once, one of them is going to bite

  25. Interesting debate on wether violence is alpha or not. My friend killed his girlfriend in a murder-suicide when he was 20. She was also a single mother. Alpha as fuxxx Right manopahere Bros. Woogidy, Woogidy, Woogidy 🤟🏻🤟🏻
    In all seriousness, I’ve had a weird relationship with violence my whole life. I’m no pascifist, but I understand the devestation and life ruining consequences that come when one commits themselves to a violent act. It ruins and destroys lives well beyond the person who the violence is being inflicted upon. For this reason I haven’t been on a fight in over a decade as I’m pretty good at talking people down and deesculating situations if need me. Growing up I was in too many to count.
    Being capable of violence may get pussies wet, but I suggest these women be on the receiving end of it and we will see how “hot and bothered” they get by it.
    This is a weird comment. Been a long day. Weird article as well. So you’re saying if the women came from traditional patrichal family she may have not been murdered by her significant other?? Little bit of a stretch. Married men kill there wives all the time and sometimes it has very little to do with infidelity, cucking or trying to live a hedonistic double life.

  26. We live in a society where women frequently reward antisocial and impulsive men. Women need to be encouraged from a young age to only reward productive, reliable and stable men who save violence only for situations where they need to protect the things that matter to them. Just take a look at Asia, and the way Asian men behave. Women do not reward bad boys over there and as a result Asian men exhibit all the best masculine qualities.

  27. Interesting debate on wether violence is alpha or not. My friend killed his girlfriend in a murder-suicide when he was 20. She was also a single mother. Alpha as fuxxx Bros. Woogidy, Woogidy, Woogidy 🤟🏻🤟🏻
    In all seriousness, I’ve had a weird relationship with violence my whole life. I’m no pascifist, but I understand the devestation and life ruining consequences that come when one commits themselves to a violent act. For this reason I haven’t been on a fight in over a decade as I’m pretty good at talking people down and deesculating situations if need me. Growing up I was in too many to count.
    Being capable of violence may get pussies wet, but I suggest these women be on the receiving end of it and we will see how “hot and bothered” they get by it.
    This is a weird comment. Been a long day. Weird article as well. So you’re saying if the women

  28. There’s been plenty of white women murdered by the invading hordes in Europe, like this one a good percentage of them deserved it.

  29. Well fuck this all! Look at this from other angle. You got one castrated male, one whore, and one idiot with a large ego. First of all, why the fuck did he bang married woman? For love? Yeah right, it is a pure ego booster, and when he finds out that there are more males banging her, well then all tiny dick rage. It is not love, it is not romantic, and if you think about it, it is kind a like mathematics, you know 2 + 2 is always 4. You can say it is 5, or 3, but reality will hit you hard in the groins soon enough. All in all fuck you self-righteous world, I´m sick of you.
    And to kill a whore because she is a whore, well WTF? No, really why? Seen this scenarios many times, killings, beatings and so on. You bang a lose women a few times, you know her traits, and you are shocked? Well nice ego check that is for sure. Just imagine thinking behind this: Oh yeah she is a cheater, but I am great and perfect, and that will not happen to me. Way to go there captain special, way to go.

  30. “She was 35 years old and mother of two teenagers.”
    Here is the explanation.She was the bottom of the barrel,basically.A left over of the white sexual market place.

  31. It’s a sad day on earth when a,man stalks or even pursues a single mom

  32. The only good thing about mass immigration is that there will be more and more of dead whores lying around.

  33. He reacted as an Arab does – to a foreign woman, especially. Stupid white cows have no understanding of how most of the rest of the world still views women – as chattel.

  34. Who wants to bet she was one of those “refugees welcome” cunts?
    One gets what one deserves.

  35. No one should be surprised by this story Saracens are little more than animals

  36. When women misbehave, who will correct them?
    It has been decided that women can do no wrong.

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