Men Have Foolishly Ignored The Warning In The Book Of Genesis

“If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.” – Camille Paglia

The Book of Genesis has a warning to men and to civilizations. People typically only focus on certain phrases in the Genesis account and thus, miss the warning. God’s pronouncement of judgement upon Adam and Eve actually tells us some of the problems that will beset men and women and thus, civilization. The Genesis story contains a warning for men and women, individually and nationally. The Book of Genesis established an order, God’s order.

Most people are at least vaguely familiar with the account in the Garden of Eden. However, the details about the expulsion provide more information about one of the continuing events between men and women that would occur after Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the garden.

Genesis chapter one gives the entire creation account. Mankind is created in chapter one and told to multiply and replenish the earth. The following chapters in Genesis provide additional critical information about mankind and the outcome of certain events. Adam was created first and no suitable mate existed for Adam to fulfill the commandment of multiplying his own kind. God created Eve, not out of the Earth as in the case of Adam, but out of Adam himself. Eve was a reflection of Adam.

adam eve serpent

The Serpent’s Lie of Equality

After Adam and Eve partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at the prompting of the beguiling serpent, God came to the Garden of Eden and decreed judgement. The King James Translation is a good translation but many English speakers have a limited knowledge of the definitions of the English language and are typically too lazy to consider additional meanings. The word “desire” in the KJV text is a word that has additional meanings. The following translation from the NLT provides additional clarification.

“Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16, NLT

And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” Genesis 3:17-19, NLT

The phrase “and you will desire to control your husband” is translated as “and thy desire shall be to thy husband” in the KJV. While the word desire certainly means that a woman will long for her husband, the word “desire” also means to desire something to control it and to have power over it. The second meaning is clarified by the clause, “and he shall rule over thee”. This clause tells us something about the nature of women that people, neglect, forget, overlook, or disbelieve. The desire of women to control men.

The Bible does not provide the conversation that took place between Adam and Eve concerning the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We know a conversation took place with the intention of convincing Adam to partake of the fruit. God’s statement to Adam makes clear there was a conversation. “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat.” Adam knew the commandment but still partook of the fruit.

Part of the lie the serpent told Eve is that she would be equal to God. Another part of the lie is that she would be happier having more power. The idea that men and women are equal is the same lies told differently. Men and women have different God-given roles. Adam was placed into the Garden to cultivate it and keep it. Eve was created after Adam was placed into the Garden. The populists would have us believe that Adam had no dominion over Eve and that they were “equals”. Eve was provided to Adam so the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth could be fulfilled and to assist him.

Adam named the animals and he named Eve. Naming is an act of dominion. Adam was given dominion over the earth, the animals, and Eve. Part of Adam’s error was he allowed Eve to convince him to break the natural order. Adam allowed Eve dominion over him when he allowed Eve to convince him of the lie of the serpent. Their expulsion from the Garden of Eden meant they had to work harder.

Adam and Eve as a Microcosm of Civilization

The account of Adam and Eve is also a fundamental description of the man and woman’s interaction within the family and the interaction of men and women within civilization. In general terms, we should place ourselves in the position of Adam, the women in our lives in the position of Eve.

The family, man, and woman, is a microcosm of civilization. Consider the following:

  • Garden of Eden = Civilization
  • Adam = the majority of the men of that civilization
  • Eve = the majority of the women of that civilization
  • The Serpent = Advocates of progressivism, gender studies, that men and women are equal, etc.

Taking into consideration that Adam represents the majority of men in a civilization and Eve the majority of women in a civilization, the civilization fell after the men heeded the promptings of the women and subverted the natural order. The women, flattered by the enticing serpent, taught their sons and daughters that men and women were equals, encouraged the acceptance of homosexuality on par with heterosexuality, encouraged abortion, destruction of the family, and that transsexuality and cross-dressing are acceptable, and in some instances desirable.

Since women obtained the right to vote, the family, and by extension our civilization, has moved more in the direction of disorder and lawlessness, essentially toward destruction. Giving women the right to vote has been a disaster. Giving women the right to vote pushed matriarchy to the forefront and diminished patriarchy. Most women inevitably vote their proclivities and emotions. A woman should voice her concerns to her husband or other adult male family members.

Left to themselves women are not inclined to build. This dynamic can be seen in the television program of Dutch version of Survivor (titled Expeditie Robinson). ROK has an article from 2014 discussing what occurred with men and women in survival situations. Suffice to say, men started working together to survive and the women squabbled. Towards the end of the program, three men went to the woman’s location and three women went to the men’s location. The men that went to the woman’s location became the women’s workhorses while they continued to be lazy and worked very little. The women that went to the men’s location worked little as well.

Men work with a substantial portion of the fruits of that labor going to their women and children. Ever since women have received the right to vote, they have used that voting power to persuade businesses and politicians that they should still receive the fruits of all men’s labors. Since the rise of feminism and the subsequent confiscation of the fruits of men’s labors, men are now producing less.

The Upside-Down Order

Voting comes with responsibility, which many women have not been able to handle since feminism has prevented and encouraged a childish and responsibility avoidance mentality. There was a reason earlier civilizations did not give women the right to vote. Voting, and thus government were seen as the realm of men because men are the primary builders of civilization and because of the responsibility that comes with voting rights. Women were to receive support from their husbands, fathers, or other male family members.

Feminists would have everyone believe that women have always been oppressed and are still being oppressed while this is not the case, wherever women obtained political power civilization fell. Feminism does not discuss or teach the sharing of power but how women need more power and do not have enough power. This desire for political power is the desire to control men. This is why everything is “sexist” in feminist eyes. There are plenty of articles on the Internet about how feminism is not about equality but about power.

A blogger wrote an article about the rise of feminism in Ancient Rome and Rome’s subsequent demise. The blogger also mentions Ancient Babylon and some of the Babylonian laws. The Bible, in the Book of Isaiah, states:

“Childish leaders [adult children] oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.” Isaiah 3:12, NLT.

Roosh recently proved an excerpt on ROK from his book, Game. The excerpt is titled, Never Follow A Girl’s Lead. Adam let Eve lead and look what happened. A woman that tells you to be less of a man and less masculine desires power over you. She is trying to control you. Men want to be respected, women want to be loved, but neither is possible with the lies of equality in the picture. Women will be happier when they stop seeking control over men.

We all know when women obtained the vote feminists began moving in the direction of replacing men with another authority, government. Feminists also began pushing for more women in government and other positions of authority. Men, being ostracized and deceived, began letting more and more women lead. This makes men weak.

The more a woman seeks to control the men around her, the more unhappy she becomes. Feminism deceives a woman into believing that having power will make her happy and if she is not happy it is because she does not have enough power. These are lies. This is why the more power a woman attains the more unhappy she becomes, even if she will not admit her own unhappiness. Hillary Clinton is one example of a woman that desires control. An honest person can see that Hillary is clearly unhappy and she believes the solution to her unhappiness is more power, which is not the case.

There are women that realize there are important differences between men and women, and these women are responsible caring wives and mothers. These mature women realize that feminism harms everyone and creates unhappiness and lawlessness.

We are witnessing the demise of our civilization at the hands of weak men and women that desire to control men. Women will be happier when they stop trying to control the men and return to God’s established order. God did not make Eve equal to Adam. Eve was not Adam’s slave; she was a helper to him. She was to assist him in his assigned tasks.

Woman, instead of seeking to snatch control from the man, must do what she was created to do and assist the man. Men must lead, which requires responsibility and masculine strength. A man truly shows he cares for the women and children in his life by leading instead of abdicating his role designated to him by God.

Read More: Who Was The First Man To Be Red Pilled? 

63 thoughts on “Men Have Foolishly Ignored The Warning In The Book Of Genesis”

  1. Definitely well put. I’ve thought of the importance of this Biblical passage as well, how it perfectly well reflects how history plays out. This is ancient knowledge, yet knowledge is sadly lost if it’s not preserved. Women promote active ignorance and rebellion to God.

  2. Very timely and very true article. Where are all those alleged ALPHAS to reassert their proper place…Oh right, they don’t actually exist. There are simps/manginas and MGTOWs.
    Yep, we are FKed and the descent hastens. Any survivors of the collapse will rue the day that Real Men like those of history oft renowned, step up. They will reshape the world and only those who bend a knee to them will be spared because strong leaders do not tolerate nor allow those they rule to subvert them. The simple answer is to put them to the sword and the problem is solved, and it matters not if they are male or female. I condone it because it works and human kind will be better for it. You can see by the chaos of the current humankind affairs that we do indeed suffer for the weakness and stupidity of Adam long ago and what it has bought us. The suffering will end when we return to that rightful path. I don’t even have to say it for men to know its true. Deep down they just refuse to admit it.

    1. It looks like nuclear war or the proverbial fire and brimstone from the Far East is the only way to end this feminist and homo infestation. Think about it. If men are going to jail for debating with feminists on Twitter like that Toronto man, how do you think anyone can combat the militarised police state?

      1. It is not the end of our civilisation, it is just the end of democracy and the rise of corporates supremacy.

  3. If you let Eve lead, she will lead you out of the garden every time.
    Forewarned is forearmed. Eve knows this too, but she still can’t resist trying.
    Say NO.

  4. “Since women obtained the right to vote, the family, and by extension our civilization, has moved more in the direction of disorder and lawlessness, essentially toward destruction. Giving women the right to vote has been a disaster. ”
    Agree with that. Agree 100%.
    Welfare. Food stamps. Head start. Public housing. Social Security. Medicare/Medicaid. “Hate crime” laws. Title 9. The “Fair Housing” act. “Anti Discrimination Laws” that are really anti private property laws.
    Everything that is dragging the US into the bowels of hell.
    None would have existed without women being able to vote.

      1. Most women were OK with that act, but weren’t clamoring for it. That act was the brainchild of Teddy Kennedy and a host of the “chosen ones.” And (((they))) continue to push that program today for any and every white Christian country.

    1. Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешных!
      Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, sinners!

  5. Adam was never “deceived” by what Eve told him. Adam heard the line of game being throwed down on Eve and he, with out violating free will, told Eve not to eat. It does not say that in the Bible (Adam telling her not to eat) but you have to realize the natural order of things was not how we percieve the natural order of thing after the fall.
    Believe it or not, Adam and Eve were equal pre fall, just like it says in the new testament that Jesus being equal to the Father, did not consider it something to cling to [philippians 2:6]. Also consider that Jesus did the will of the Father than his own will. Jesus did not want to die or suffer what he knew he had to go through but “not my will but thy will”. In other words, Adam and Eve were peers, after the fall, eve was a subordinate.
    I think there nuances are important. Adam would rather die with eve than live with God. He was not deceived, he chose to listen to his woman. This “nature” applies or affects all men. Women are tempted with power. Adam named the serpent, he knew the serpents nature.

    1. Jesús was a man, a false equivalent to a woman, therefore rendering your argument invalid.
      Even absolutely deceived Adam, because her eyes were opened before his, and she was able to persuade him more effectively.
      Why else would the serpent choose her?
      Arguments like this is how women hot the right to vote in the 1st place.
      Just LOL @ comparing Christ to a woman

    2. Bullshit artist. That is not what the book of Genesis in any translation says at all. There will be a special place in hell for people like you who spread a lie that can be easily refuted by anyone who can read above a third grade level. Sickening what you prevaricating social justice sicko will say to justify your perversions.

    1. Your story is a big Lie! This is what actually happened:
      A fat MAN spent the entire afternoon trying to escape from you: a fatty ass land whale with hair dyed in blue !!

  6. Outstanding article. The how to bang articles are only good for the comment section and exposing the author as a degenerate fool. ROK shouldn’t embarrass itself with that kind of trash.

  7. We live in a Matriarchy today where men have no rights when a court case is between a man and woman. Marriage today in a western country turn men into slaves cause he have to compete with the State. If she is greedy like most Western women, she would just divorce rape him and find another man so she gets 2 sources of male income or get the State to give her money (hard earning tax payers) as well. Remember the true nature of a woman is for resources hence why women desire men with money.
    Patriarchy = families
    Matriarchy = destruction of families = extinction of the human race.
    In 100+ years we will learn from the destruction of society (low birth rates) and won’t do such a stupid thing again in giving women more power over men. Feminism will be worst than being a Nazi today due to clear evidence of genocide of a race and killing (abortions = no. 1 reason for death of a human being). Abortions will be classed as murder like it was in history again!
    Human beings have been around for for 100000 of years under a Patriarchy where Matriarchy = the extinct of human beings by brainwashing women to be slaves to a job instead of being free at home. Don’t forget the shaming of wives that want to be house wives. Who really wants to be slaved to a fucking job??? For men, they have no other option! Today cause most men are turning away from having families, it doesn’t give us men a real reason to slave away at a job anymore.
    I believe it create true purpose in life to have a family but the laws against men take away that purpose. Out of love for our woman and our children, nearly all men did the same boring slave laboring job for 40+ years in the past.
    We just have to put up with it where I doubt it will change back in our life time! We are only just starting to see the damage by the Left and Feminism. I doubt we will really wake up to be honest but the majority of people that are breeding will be the conqueres and in commamd by 2100. Real Patriarchy families like Muslims like we see in Europe we be in charge (London is a good example). In my country Australia it will be run by Indians (300% increase in birth rate) and Asians (200% in birth rates). I rarely see a dominate amount of white people in my home town Melbourne anymore. It feels like I’m in SEA still.
    I think the USA will be the dominate country of whites but only by civil war hence I hope it’s coming soon! It will help spark other countries to do the same as we see other countries pull out of the EU where Western Europe is going to be a Muslim run country into the next 50 years due to lack of balls (just look at the election results on how much of the population is brainwashed to commit genocide for their country).
    Lucky, these still hope in an Eastern country for a tradition way of life far away from cities if you truly desire like myself.

    1. @Paul,
      You said that the USA will be the dominant white country. Personally, I think that we are too far gone. If any country is to dominate it will be Russia. Those tough White Russians will keep their Muslim population in check. And Eastern Europe, led by Poland and Hungary, must get out of the EU/NATO and align themselves with the Bear.

  8. ‘This clause tells us something about the nature of women that people, neglect, forget, overlook, or disbelieve. The desire of women to control men.’
    ‘Roman men control the world but Roman women control their men’
    From memory, ancient Rome.
    ‘“A man who teaches a woman to write should know that he is providing poison to an asp.”
    Ancient Athens.
    I cannot accept that human males ever forget for long that women want to control them. It’s obvious. We all know this.
    The writer misunderstands the current situation.
    Godless men WANT to be ruled over by women. Men have not been defeated, they have turned on each other and are at war with themselves.
    ‘Adam named the animals and he named Eve.’
    Who named Lilith, his first wife who killed and ate his children?
    According to ‘tradition’, anyway.
    ‘… the civilization fell after the men heeded the promptings of the women and subverted the natural order. The women, flattered by the enticing serpent, taught their sons and daughters that men and women were equals, encouraged the …’
    What you are describing is the history of the human species, there IS no other ‘order’.
    There IS no other history.
    This is how it happened and there is nothing else to compare it with.
    Rebellion against God, and failure; are the human condition.
    There is not perfect condition to aspire to, that’s not how it works on Earth.
    I always prefered the theory that Satan used the promise of immortality and god-like status to deceive men into sin and self destruction.
    Race purity leading to mutations in the genetic code bringing forth superhuman abilities.
    That or a turning away from guilt allowing for a Promethian acceleration in tech ability leading to immortality and superhuman abilities.
    That or the dissolution of ‘sin’ and ‘evil’ itself resulting in a perfect Commune like human existance free of history and doubt.
    That’s off the top of my head.
    The Serpent’s wasting his time with the godless women of the dying West. They have no brains, no money, look awful and can’t even get it together to bear children.
    Stoopid Serpent.

  9. Back when the Bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, the re-re-re-re-rewritten again…all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.. to people who didnt know how to write… so…

    1. William- Yet this ‘rewritten’ book’s lessons, that female power ruins nations, remains true. While progressives continue to rewrite history, while turning education into an increasingly dumb downed indoctrination.

      1. The bible is the greatest story ever SOLD, and christianity is the worst disaster to ever befall mankind.
        However, the points made in this article are quite correct.
        Even something as poorly written as the bible is not always wrong.

        1. You are confusing, modern cuckstianity with real Christianity. Modern (post-enlightenment) ideas slowly corrupted Christianity into cuckstianity and in the later part of the 20th century, technological change put a fork into it.

        2. Religion is for dopes who hate government but need direction from other people who write and edit well…and are long dead

        3. You have no clue about christianity.
          here a teaching of christianity. Matthew 5:30: And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

      2. @Matt Tango, I don’t disagree with you. All I’m saying is the bible was “written” to control the desperate and the weak. Any article that quotes the “bible” is pure bullshit. @Merle, fuck you. Any douche that takes his name from a tv show is retarded.

        1. Under Christian rule, Jews were kept in caged ghettos for the safety of mankind for 1700+ years. And Islam was repelled from Europe. And there was order and great progress in society. That was pretty cool.

  10. According to the version I’ve read, God was proud of His creation and showed Adam to all the angels. Adam was very intelligent and quickly learned the names of all the plants and animals in God’s garden. God then asked all the angels to bow to Adam. Satan refused — he was mad with jealousy. That’s when Satan starting plotting Adam’s fall. He didn’t do it directly, but indirectly via Eve, so that he could dodge the blame. Satan didn’t leave Jesus alone either — Jesus was probably the first and last one to be able to resist him.

    1. This article reminds me of an incident at a church I attended many decades ago.
      A friend of mine was standing on the church steps listening to a woman berate her husband and extol the virtues of women.
      She finally asked him where men would be if there were no women, and my friend replied, ” in the garden of Eden.”
      Silence reigned upon the church steps that day .

      1. I share a similar experience so it is something that obviously a number of men have thought about over the years.

      1. He knows how everyone will respond. But the watchers within the universe do not know so He has to do what he does so that there is no room for doubt.

      2. God cursed the Serpent, Eve and Adam, in that order. Adam had dominion over creation, the king of the earth, if you will. Yet he abdicated his responsibility and allowed Eve to beguile him.
        God says exactly why Adam got his curse – “Because you listened to your wife…”
        Something to think about for every man everywhere. Are you listening to your wife, or are you charting your course and fulfilling God’s purposes?

  11. EVERY state which gave the vote to womyn in the 19th and 20th centuries experienced surges in spending and taxation.
    “This paper examines the growth of government during this century as a result of giving women the right to vote. … Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue …”
    “Indeed, we have found that after women have to raise children on their own, they are more likely to classify themselves as liberal, vote for Democrats, and support policies such as progressive income taxation”

  12. Well, pretty nice thougt, thats for sure. Now I like Bible a lot, especially old testament. Now for all of you, read a story of Adam, Eve and serpent with a sexual intercourse in mind. And also bear in mind that in bible, sentence equals sin. Birth paints for eating fruit? hmmm, interesting. What really happened in Eden? For after that we got two bloodlines, that of Adam, and that of Cain. Well then who was Cains father? By the way, Gadreel is the name of serpent, as Enoch tell us. And for Adam, oh the Adam, sentence for a soil? If Eve got birthpain for acepting seed in her, is there a chance that adam got his sentence for wasting his seed on the ground by a sexual intercourse? A first gay intercourse? Well I could write about this all day long, but have fun with chewing this up…

  13. So {{who}}} is our serpent deceiving us today.
    Who is/was so heavily involved from the beginning In engineering, promoting, funding such things like feminism.
    Hmmm could it be the self acclaimed ‘chosen’ {{{people}}}
    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    1. @Sasquatch,
      The Chosen Ones led us down the primrose path thousands of years ago when they LIED and told us that god, thru 99 year-old delusional Abraham, commanded genital mutilation (circumcision) of 8 day old male infants. How could anyone with any sense of Humanity believe in such a wrathful deity? But the Chosens only began spreading it to the gentiles (mainly those in the US) in the last 150 years or so, with many sex phobic Christians, like J Harvey Kellogg, (the Corn Flakes guy), taking their side, thinking a damaged penis would stamp out masturbation and provide other unproven health benefits. You want an end to Feminism – it starts with Intact Genitals and the Full Nerve-Laden Pleasure-Inducing Penis Man was born with! As 12th Century Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides said: It is hard for a woman to separate from a man who is un-circumcised. And that’s why old Moses liked it, so that men would think more of god and less of the flesh.

  14. 8 years of rolling over and surrender to Obamas minions and then the past two years of pansy antics to the domestic terrorism of the Left, the Congressional Repugincans again demonstrate they are nutless spineless useless cucks. thoroughly and to the core SICK AND TIRED of these FAUX SELLOUT “CONSERVATIVES”. America is not being gutted by the Liberals and Leftists, but by these weak corrupted pieces of sh* that call themselves Republicans. They have been hiding behind ranks of patriots that made real sacrifices for their country in the FALSE BELIEF that their interests were being served by In Name Only republican f*tards who were always burying the treasonous knife in their backs. Sickening and Disgusting that you playacted to the Americans who trusted you in 2016, and this is how you repay them for their support in the voting booth. You fully deserve the wrath of these scum now. Kowtowing freaking cowardly cucks. Its not bad enough Lady Liberty has been gang raped by the Left, but you sorry a*holes PIMPED HER OUT TO THEM. 40 days Republicans…40 days until the reckoning comes for your cowardice. We will hand the nation over to the corrupt leftist scum at the polls, and it will all rest on your bloody hands for your betrayal. better warm up your Twitter appeals to be included in the fraudulent Pound MeeToo movement.

  15. Very good article. Best article I’ve read in a long time. It clearly spells out our woes. We as men gave up our power which was gifted to us by God. We let women voted and it fucked us hard. I see so many soy not weak betas everywhere, no wonder women are unruly.
    Being white I see a lot of weak ass white men. No wonder we are being genocided out. We are just bowing down to the Satanic jews and their coal burning mudsharkking race society traitorous women.

  16. Iceman, you are leaning close to what the story was saying. Now, I personaly do not think Cain is the child of the serpent nor are Cain and Able Adam and Eve’s only children. Adam and Eve did not have children till after eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Imortality vs knowledge that included carnal knowledge. Guess what Eve belived she was being denied and Adam choose and wanted. Adam was not tricked he did not need the speach saying God was withholding from him or the idea eating the fruit would make them like gods. Their eyes were opened and knew they were naked. The sepent was not like the modern day snake. We know men like good looks and follow lust and that women always want something better and hate the idea they are withheld anything. The serpent no doubt knew this.

  17. You forgot a key fact from the account of the fall of man. Only Eve was deceived by the Nacash, Adam willingly sacrificed himself to save his bride, a type and shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, one of the translations of Eve in Strong’s concordance is “adulteress”. This account explains the current male/female dichotomy succinctly.

    1. Interesting concept. But if Adam “sacrificed” himself for Eve as Christ sacrificed Himself for us then God would have rewarded him, not cursed him.
      No, Adam “listened to [his] wife” instead of God, 1 Tim. 2:14 NLT – “And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan. The woman was deceived, and sin was the result.”
      If Adam “sacrificed” himself it was to white knight for her, and God was having none of it.

  18. Well if God did supposedly create the first woman, why did he make their nature so evil to begin with?

    1. God did not make her evil. He made her childlike, as she was to be a mother, and she must relate to the children. However, this childlike-ness also makes her credulous.

  19. It is not the end of our civilisation, it is just the end of democracy and the rise of corporates supremacy.

  20. One point the author missed in writing his article. Eve only got into trouble for eating the fruit. Adam got into trouble for two things. 1. Listening to his wife and 2. Eating the fruit. Make of that what you will.

  21. “And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16, NLT”
    The ESV translates it: Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you..” Genesis 3:16, ESV
    A slight variance, but something to ponder. If you take both as correct with variation of meaning a woman is going to always be trying to go contrary to you wishes, inwardly or outwardly – and not just be contrary, but to actually use this contrariness to control you.
    A redpill is the original Douay Rheims of 1582 which states “and thou shalt be under thy husbands power, and he shall have dominion over thee.”
    So in spite of her “desire”, which is against you always, you MUST exercise dominion so that she is under your power. Dominion implies as lordship, and in this regard St. Peter notes: “Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord”, showing the husband’s lordship/dominion over his wife. She is NOT co-equal with him, but plainly inferior in standing before God and man.

  22. The NLT Bible is a horrid translation. Genesis 3:16 – “And you will desire to control your husband” is false.
    It correctly means this:
    Your desire will be for your husband. For marital relations. And, yet, you will not have the audacity to demand it outright from him, but, rather, “he will dominate you.” [I.e.] all [the initiative] will come from him and not from you.

  23. Look up these 2 videos, the 1st is a video response to BPS’ video “Women Destroy Civ.”:
    – Gay Men Destroy Civilization (Channel: Renegade Vids Mirror)
    – Vikings Geopolitics (Channel: Vikings)

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