Bigger muscles, fat-loss, and a heightened sex drive are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of testosterone. But did you know that your testosterone also determines your mental health? Or that it determines your risk tolerance and how you show up against competition? That’s right.
In this article, I’ll discuss 4 little-known benefits of having optimal testosterone levels. See which ones affect you and which ones don’t.
Sign #1 – Sharp memory
In this study, men with higher levels of testosterone scored significantly better on tests of visual and spatial memory. These results were mirrored in another study where researchers randomized 37 subjects to receive either a weekly dose of testosterone or placebo for 4-weeks. After 4-weeks, the men receiving testosterone treatments scored significantly better on tests of verbal fluency.
How does testosterone impact brain health?
Well, preclinical observations assert that testosterone protects brain cells against damage and decay. This is why brain fog, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating are some common symptoms of having sub-optimal testosterone. This is also why men with lower levels of T have an increased incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
To ensure that your brain maintains optimal health and function into old age, it’s important that you start taking the steps right now to achieve and maintain optimal testosterone levels for years to come.
Sign #2 – Positive outlook
Have those Monday blues turned into an everyday thing? If so, chances are that sub-optimal testosterone levels are a contributing cause. In this meta-analysis spanning over 16 scientific studies and more than 900 subjects, researchers came to the conclusion that testosterone exerts a significant positive impact on mood.
On the flip-side, low levels of testosterone have been found to be a major contributor to depression. And when depressed men are given testosterone treatments, they report significant improvements in mood.
All-in-all, your testosterone has a significant impact on your mood. If you feel like you’ve lost your zest for life, it’s important that you get your testosterone level measured to figure out your room for improvement moving forward.
Sign #3 – Increased risk tolerance
In this study, researchers brought in 154 subjects (78 men, 76 women) and had them engage in a gambling task. Blood samples were collected before the experiment. Across the board, both the men and women with higher levels of testosterone engaged in a greater amount of risk.
In this study on MBA students, the ones with the highest levels of testosterone chose the riskiest careers. And finally, in this study on financial traders it was revealed that a traders early morning level of testosterone accurately predicted his profits for the day. High risk equals high reward, and the traders willing to engage in the highest amount of risk also set themselves up for the greatest amount of profit.
Now, of course taking risks comes with a potential downside – that’s what makes it a risk – but without risk there is no growth. Taking risks is what’s allowed mankind to conquer the world, build nations, and even land on the moon. No great feat was ever accomplished without some element of risk being involved. What risk are you procrastinating on that has the possibility of taking your life to the next level?
Sign #4 – Competitive drive
In this study, men were brought in to compete in a rigged 1-on-1 competition. Blood samples were collected before and after each loss. Results revealed that the men who experienced a spike in testosterone after the loss were more likely to choose to compete again compared to the men who experienced a drop in testosterone.
In a study on university tennis players, it was revealed that the players with the highest pre-match testosterone levels reported the most significant positive effects on mood. Also, the post-match T-levels rose higher for the match winners compared to the match losers. Furthermore, the rise in T induced the winners to be even more focused and motivated for the next round of competition.
In biology, this is referred to as the winner-effect and it was first demonstrated in mice. Right off the bat, a smaller and weaker mouse is unable to overcome a larger and more dominant opponent. But, when a smaller mouse is allowed to win against a drugged mouse of similar size, his chances of overcoming the larger and more dominant mouse in the next round of competition increase – despite no improvement in fighting ability. The reason? Winning the first round of competition causes the mouse to experience a spike in testosterone, which increases his focus and drive for the next round.
The winner-effect occurs in humans as well. Overcoming obstacles and setting personal records induces a testosterone increase which, in turn, makes us more focused and motivated in the next round of competition.
Testosterone is the fuel to your competitive drive and the winner effect is a feedback loop that feeds into this drive to make you more aggressive and dominant in each subsequent encounter.
The winner-effect could, however, easily go the other way. Each winning encounter could spike your testosterone levels to the point where your estimation of your abilities become exaggerated and impair your decision making. This is why media commentators have mentioned the winner-effect as a possible cause of the 2008 financial crisis.
Yes, testosterone determines your ability to gain muscle, lose fat, and express your sexuality but its true impact extends far beyond just these three areas. Your mental health, your outlook on life, your tolerance for risk, and your ability to show up against competition are all factors impacted by the amount of testosterone running through your veins. Maintain optimal testosterone levels and you’ll maintain your health, well-being, and virility well into old age.
Interested in natural testosterone optimization? Sign-up for the FREE 7-Day Testosterone Optimization Email Course that has helped 2,037+ men naturally ignite their energy, power, and passion using powerful lifestyle hacks that actually work.
Read More: 5 Myths About Testosterone That Seriously Need To Die
Mo, you should try selling your method to your muslim relatives. They have poor memory, are scrawny, always pissed, and lack ambition.
“But Jack, MENA guys rape eurosluts by the thousands, and they stab peoples for no reason, for sure they have high T compared to those eurocucks who doesn’t dare to protect their women”, some will asks.
Sure, being irrational, stupid and suggestible are definitly alpha qualities, right ?
Still, best athletes in strength competitions are white, whites are highly sought after by foreign women as the epithom of manhood, only white chicks disdain them.
Not to mention the vast majority of western europeans are brainwashed for the crib to not be racist and to not retaliate. And those who indeed resist islamization and multiculturalism are hunted down by the governements.
“…only white chicks disdain them”
Less than 5% of relationships here in the US are “interracial”.
However, I will admit of those 95%, the white females mostly do not assume the proper role of deferential partner.
Yeah, i was exaggerating. Red pilled lemmings often spur things like race-mixing is the true danger, but there are very few of it. White males are still the most successful. Only degenerate slags want a mate who will beat them for nothing and will not provide for them, except as a pimp or drug dealer maybe.
Also, most rapefugees tend to kill their victims, and muslim males prefer to marry their cousins anytime because Muhammad (may brimstone and fie rain upon him) did it.
The risk of muslim invasions is the killing of fertile european women, though. And thanks to feminism and law-makers hellbent on genociding their own, millions of white kids are aborted every years, millions non-whites imported
Jacklumber. You white cucks always crying and fantasizing with muslims. Just accept that women hate you, even your milk-skinned obese women. You crackers cant even control your women and you come here and talk about the crackers feats. Crackers are product of jiu inbred.
Johnny Bravo, do you know why moroccan goats climb on trees ?
To avoid being raped by the locals.
No, it’s not a joke. North african goats evolved this strategy to not be enriched by muslims.
With whom was your first time ? Your 40 yo uncle, your infant niece, or a farm animal ?
Or you’re a wakandan perhaps ? Do you know how MENA peoples call your kind ? Abd, meaning slave. And some peoples say only evil whiteys are rayciss…
I genuinely feel sorry for any man who has to results to dating/marrying White women these days.
White women are incapable of being good wives and mothers.
@ Pete
I’m afraid for the most part you are correct sir.
Still some good ones, somewhere, I suppose.
But few and far between.
White men under 35 stand a fair chance of getting raped and fought over by women if they travel anywhere within 20 degrees of the equator outside of western jevv subservient countries. So, my advice fellow white man…travel.
Obviously, the supreme test for manliness should be on ‘financial traders’ because they are the epitome of manly men in the west. Probably the super-secret reason the muzzies knocked out the two towers was to destroy our most manly men, and therefore make the Muslim invasion of the USA so much easier.
They certainly DGAF.
I’ll agree with that.
They used to goose secretaries and trading assistants right out in the open back in the 90s.
And in the 2000s too…
Dodds,you are as naive as it csn get if you think “muzzies” were behind the 9/1111And it wasnt to destroy the already destroyed and cucked crackers and their women.You know nothing about politics, economy or geopolitics. The masterminds behind 9/11 are the rockefeller, the rothchild,the du-pont.
You are right partially. Muzzies did do the dirty deeds, but it was an Israeli intelligence op that actually executed it, that was long ago dreamed up by Rothchilds Rockefellers and Duponts greater plan for world domination…. We as a species are f*ked big time if we continue to fail to deal with these real devils and their puppets.
Most conspiracy theories aren’t worth the powder to blow them to hell. As for the Israelis, they have the best and most ruthless spy agency in the history of espionage. Better even than the KGB. That would of course be the Mossad. If they had been behind the 9/11 attacks they certainly would have been eager to cover their tracks. However, they are not stupid or reckless. My opinion is that they did nothing to set the wheels in motion but also nothing to stop it. The Mossad excels at intelligence gathering but they have made blunders in operations. Got to keep AIPAC and the Israel Lobby strong and solvent.
Do really believe that a skyscraper was made to collapse in to almost it’s construction footprint because an airplane flew in to it? Instead of say shearing off and toppling over at the point of impact? Twice? In spite of the airplanes impacting at different levels, different velocities, different angles of impact, different fuel loads…yet the exact same perfect collapse?
Yep, the Muslims masterminded the ‘war on terror’, some Alex Jones like misdirection conspiracy theory and hate your women white man!
I smell some trolling afoot on the comments board.
Welcome to the Internet, where no red-pill niche is allowed free discussion without infiltration.
I hope you were being sarcastic, Mr Dodds, because if you believe Muslims carried out 9/11, then too much cheap Thai booze and knocking out bar fine girls has seriously affected your critical thinking skills.
Why did you drag Islam and Muslims into this?
The article did not mention neither of the two.
My comment was aimed to JackLumber.
Well, i believe Mo method could help to improve the mood of muslims worldwide. Like critical thinking, outlawing first cousin marriages and polygamy, allowing women to wear feminine yet traditional outfits, so young MENA men could interact with women and get laid, which would likely decrease their drive to emigrate, rape, or commit suicide bombings.
In essence, leaving islam for good.
For sure, his article on the benefits of increased T levels is almost as interesting as this one.
But we can talk of other things that T, don’t you think ?
First, it sounds kinda gay. Imagine if someone wrote only about his dick, how to maintain it, make it looks bigger and shinnier, keeping it healthy and delicious with coconut oil.
Secondly, it might be interesting to challenge some assumptions on races and ethnies. Like, muslim men have more testosterone than europeans.
Argument for, they rape alot and are pansexual. Against, erectile dysfunctions are more widespread in muslim countries, and since they are ashamed of pretty much everything related to natural functions and sex, they will hardly mention it.
You filthy effeminate cracker…we are invading your continent and we are raping your whores and there is nothing you can do about it you white trash cuck.
You pigskinned white trash have no honour and you are no better than your slutty females. We will terminate both of you.
I’m sure a cracker like you was raped by his red neck inbred uncle you cumskinned trash and you have the gut to come post anonymouslely in a website. If you’re a real man, give me your address and let’s meet so I could show how a white effeminate trash like you is put back to his true place. We used to sell you ancestors in souks of Tunis and Algiers.
And btwm just take a look at all bestiality website. They are all white women having sex with dogs and shut the fuck up next time.
Muslims shall never be considered manly, they are delusional and nasty. Also look at those horrible guts, not a very nice physique.
You sound pretty grounded in your claims, some of which are good and some are ignorant. Your last point on resisting multiculturalism = punishment from government is worth giving respect to. However, you’re only halfway there if you still think Islamization is a thing. I can elaborate on this in the paragraphs below, skip it if you’re not interested. It’s not your fault you’ve been played hard to have a negative presumption of this religion by globalist propaganda and haven’t yet realized it. This is the same globalism that seeks to establish complete cultural homogeneity, or a society where ethnic/national identities do not exist. Research more about Soros if you’re interested.
Back to Islam. Think about how the actions of a few hundred (mainly terrorists & rapists) have been highlighted on your screen for you to conclude definitively on a religion of 1.8 billion adherents. The truth is that Globalism sees Islam as a major threat, mainly because Muslims have long refused to conform to leftist ideologies of feminism and open borders in a very “fuck you” type manner. They are the most redpilled majority in existence right now.
The solution to their disobedience so far has been dissolution. It started with heavy bombing, toppling their executive branches, and racking civil unrest in hopes of capitulation and surrender. Our masses were fed largely negative and fear-laden Muslim propaganda in order to get away with this. Literal towers have been dropped for this. Billions have been poured into arming groups like ISIS and generating crystal-clear 720p videos of graphic killings as more propaganda fuel. They were making more terrorists out of civilians every week when Obama was incumbent. How were the terrorists made? Well, imagine for a second how your neighborhood would react if someone bombed it with a drone, or if a foreign entity came to topple your governor/president. Literal evils were used to keep the propaganda rolling for globalist agendas, often under the guise of economic exploits. In all cases, the revenge and backlash responses were conveniently relayed to you by media. This is why you and others WILL be made to hate Islam and you WILL be made to think they are capable of directly hurting (you). Again, a whole religion is not the enemy, most are not in a position to ever touch you. But it is more important now than ever to keep our borders shut. The resulting influx of refugees spreading worldwide was created by the civil instability of these war-torn countries. This is exactly what they wanted. Now, due to a lack of livable options, these populations have entered the Western sphere and can be aptly shunned for their masculinity in order to force to conformity. Thus, cultural dissolution is near complete.
Arguably, even countries we don’t attack directly will lose their redpill elements as QAnon predicted. The US’s closest (and craziest) Islamic ally Saudi Arabia has a new Salman regime who has already bitten the leftist money hook—right now they’re pushing for women’s rights, but more reform is otw. Saud will probably look like Canada by the time Gen X kicks the bucket. OPEC countries will follow suit.
tl;dr If you can’t see past your presumptions yet, you are unfortunately blind and have more to learn. Our news & information sources have long been compromised. The forces behind globalism are the enemy. Use critical thought and rely on personal experiences rather than media sources. Reflect on how many Muslims you personally know in real life. Are they derka derka and rape everything or are they relatively normal people?
Islam is filth. All muslim countries are derelict degenerate shitholes. Islamized western countries are turning the same way. Pakis are the biggest consumers of gay porn. Half of afghanis males are homosexual. They prefer young boys crossdressing to women. Iranians are degenerate as fuck, too. They are happy to flog women for not wearing a hijab or partying, but transexuals are accepted, the surgery is even paid by the govt.
And there is not only some hundreds of rapists and terrorists from muslim countries, but ten to hundred of thousands. Most crimes in western europe are committed by muslim rats. All terrorists are muslims, obviously.
North africans and afghanis mostly, but also iranians.
And in muslim countries, they of course commit all the crimes, from rape to murder and bestiality.
All the muslims i met were degenerates and parasites, simple as that.
Islam is also globalism, like communism.
There is not future for muslims, and no future for mankind if your plan to islamize the world shall succeed. Back to the stone age in 4 generations.
You peoples cannot create, only destroy. You’re worse than liberals and commies.
Dunno about muzzies being scrawny though : they all look welfare red-meat stuffed bloated trolls here in Europe.
And not lacking ambition either – picking up the local white women like welfare Chengiz Khans on a mass-conquest spree. Can’t visit a cafe without seeing a muzzy with a couple of picture-book pretty white women. Don’t even want to talk about the bars and the night-clubs.
Always enjoy your articles Mo
Men are naturally barbaric, but with a hint of divinity. Must be the neanderthal DNA that mudskins do not have
another one is that if your ring finger is larger than your index finger that means that while you were in your mother’s belly you were more exposed to higher levels of testosterone
Yep, and if you have fair skin, occipital bun , and your thumbs are short and large, you have more neanderthal DNA, then higher testosterone, strength and creative abilities.
Red heads have a higher pain threshold.
I guess they need it for every time they look in the mirror. (joke)
Sign #5 – Donkey cock
Sign #6 – can’t keep the donkey down
Sign #7 – apple sized balls, hard as steel
Sign #8 – Horniness turns u green & willing to smash p***y
Sign #8 – beat people up, take their women afterwards
Sign #10 – participate in wars, win some battles
I’ve found that as I’ve raised my T levels there isn’t a zest for life so much as I’m just more even keel about things. I handle negative events better and deal with stress much better. But when things make me angry I do get angrier than before. Yet even then I’m more in control of myself than I have ever been due to the combination of age, life experiences, and high T.
“I handle negative events better and deal with stress much better.”
I’m sure making bucks by writting a blog is stressful and negative as fuck.
How do you manage to not let this hard life of yours lowers your T-levels while huffpo writters are all soyboys ? Give us your secret.
Is it writting a blog ? Travelling the world to score young hot lass ?
How can the average low-T young chump lives your life of harship and stress ?
I was born hight t, that’s why I’m too chill. Most people think I’m high all the time.
I was born under a bad sign.
If it wasn’t for bad luck…
I was born with a micro-penis. Now i take roids, so my testes are proportionately sized to my weewee, it’s much better.
But roids make me hyper-emotional and grew bitch tits.
Then you really have bad luck…
The temporary lack of those qualities still does not mean someone’s T-levels are low.
Just saying.
Is there a way to tell the difference between High-T and simply being a sex addict?
Men with high T-levels are not necessarily “sex addicts”.
Ah, but then sex addiction would imply High-T…
So, not all men with High-T are sex addicts,
but all male sex addicts have High-T.
Got it.
Mo Salah,
You have posted a few good articles on the subject of the importance of testosterone levels.
I mostly agree with you. However, you (and many others) ignore the psychological causes that can (and probably do) contribute to the symptoms identical to that of low T-level.
Let me give you an example: certainly there are chemicals and food products that can possibly can cause a reduction in your t-level.
However, in many parts of Africa and Asia people are exposed to those chemicals and food products, yet most men do not seem to have problems finding feminine wives and produce large families with those feminine women.
If you are a man living (almost) anywhere in Europe or the US you face societal pressures that men elsewhere do not have to face . These pressures can cause those symptoms : depression, lack of energy, lack of motivation, low libido etc.
Nevertheless, I would agree that a healthy lifestyle is crucial for any man. You have to do your part.
A healthy diet: healthy, lean meats, eggs, lots of fresh vegetables. Getting enough sleep.
Reducing stress whenever possible.
Cutting out or reducing the consumption of alcohol.
No smoking or street drugs.
And avoid White women.
The rest will follow
@Peter How does one account for dudes with lower Testosterone, yet still have strong libidos and the ability to bang young hot chick? It’s been known to happen – a friend of mine is a urologist who told me of cases like this.
Just skip this article and get a blood test. Enough with these lame filler articles lol.
If 50% of the US is Fascist and 50% is Communist then who will speak up for freedom?
To figure out what fascism actually is, Cultured-Thug’s Youtube channel is a good source for that.
How does one account for dudes with lower Testosterone, yet still have strong libidos and the ability to bang young hot chick? It’s been known to happen – a friend of mine is a urologist who told me of cases like this.
want to point out that all the boasting and bragging alpha males do doesn’t mean they are as great as they think they are. I’m what they would call a “beta” male, yet I invented something that gives me almost unlimited energy. I did, with my brain, what alpha males can’t do with all their stuff. I point this out because the myths about alpha males seems to be believed here.