Patreon Employee Aaron Ringgenberg Publicly Supports Antifa Domestic Terrorist Organization

An engineer for Patreon, Aaron Ringgenberg, has publicly come out in support of Antifa, the network of communist-anarchist activists now declared a “domestic terrorist organization.” On June 12, the New Jersey Department for Homeland Security and Preparedness made the categorization, citing the leftist group’s violent activities from New York to California.

Ringgenberg’s Twitter biography, complete with his ready-made gender pronouns, gives us all we need to know about his political preferences (read: biases):

I tweet about diversity and inclusion, progressive politics, & funny/cute stuff. He/him.

His view of Antifa was not only tolerant but close to laudatory (before he deleted his tweet):

Aaron Ringgenberg publicly supported an organization now deemed a domestic terror organization.

This should cause serious concerns for anyone who desires proper and peaceful political discourse. What does he mean by “active anti-fascist groups”? And, better yet, what is a “fascist”? After all, leftists such as Sunsara Taylor, schooled by Tucker Carlson earlier in the year, have put Donald Trump and his supporters in the league of fascists alongside Hitler. With this faulty equation comes the faulty idea that Antifa need to mercilessly attack and potentially kill their ideological opponents.

Shockingly, Antifa incidents at places like the University of California, Berkeley have resulted in severe beatings for people whose only “crime” seems to have been standing for free speech, supporting Donald Trump, and/or attending a canceled Milo Yiannopoulos speech.

Whatever “mission statement” an Antifa group puts out, their modus operandi, as Ringgenberg would know, is anonymously assaulting those considered too right-wing. Men like 48-year-old Howard Caplan in Philadelphia this week:

Aaron Ringgenberg’s endorsement of Antifa comes at a strange time for Patreon. The crowdfunding platform has just got into bed with Deray Mckesson, the notorious race-baiter and leader of the putrid Black Lives Matter movement. Not only did Patreon roll out the red carpet for Mckesson recently, it obsequiously thanked him for “spending so much time with us”:

Which “right wing” users will Patreon ban now?

SJW-inspired tech companies have started banning the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos, all while turning a blind eye to violent leftists. If they’re going after gay men who hate feminism, what about those of us who support traditional patriarchy?

We have seen this before with another social media corporation–Twitter. Jack Dorsey’s once innovative company went down the road of supporting and pandering to SJW types. Dorsey himself fawned over Deray Mckesson. Worse still, Anita Sarkeesian, who defines online abuse as merely questioning her positions, was appointed to Twitter’s “Trust and Safety Council,” a very thinly veiled attempt to impose mass censorship on conservative viewpoints. Even a moderately optimistic reading of the current tech climate will lead many to assume, with justification, that Patreon is likely to follow suit.

As Twitter quickly bowed to fringe leftist activists, truly violent people and groups in the mould of ISIS were allowed to maintain accounts with next to no company pushback. The real targets became people with inconvenient, incisive ideologies, including Milo Yiannopoulos, rather than real-life extremists espousing serious violence. Martin Shkreli, who had already upset the gay community due to his decision to raise the price of an AIDS drug, faced the Twitter ban-hammer as well, ostensibly for Photoshopping himself into pictures with a feminist journalist. Will Patreon be next in going full mental?

If Aaron Ringgenberg’s employer does not go down the road of culling conservative users, its mere endorsement of leftist extremist groups is bad enough. Return Of Kings and other outlets have catalogued a number of remarkably sinister incidents of late, all involving coordinated and malicious SJW violence. Non-leftist men defending themselves from Antifa bottle attacks are labeled “woman-bashers” and Trump supporters are the victims of Antifa attacks with hard metal objects.

There are astoundingly dark consequences when these actions are not only glossed over, but also promoted through outside support of Antifa organizations. Aaron Ringgenberg should be ashamed.

Who’s next?

Roosh’s PayPal ban is just a taste of what it is to come from a raft of tech companies. Conservative or simply non-leftist views are firmly in their sights.

In many ways our readers are our best researchers. To your knowledge, which “unsuitable” users (read: thought criminals) are being kicked off social media or crowdfunding websites? Maybe you are one of them. Roosh, for example, now boasts a lifetime ban from PayPal and he will be the tip of the iceberg before too long. Just as importantly, which employees, like Aaron Ringgenberg, and even executives from tech companies are backing those leftists with the intention of creating true violence?

Aaron Ringgenberg is in all likelihood just one of many overzealous tech workers who hold deep and abiding sympathies for violent leftist groups. Their negative role needs to be closely monitored and, whenever necessary, called out for what it is. Social media and crowdfunding platforms are vital tools for conservative and tradition-minded outlets such as Return Of Kings, which is why we cannot take them for granted. If harnessed for leftist purposes, as they are often are, they can be used against us with terrible and violent results.

Read More: Antifa Gets Destroyed By Right Wing Safety Squads In Berkeley

130 thoughts on “Patreon Employee Aaron Ringgenberg Publicly Supports Antifa Domestic Terrorist Organization”

  1. The sickness was pretty damned awful in the Valley during my time there. You basically shut up about your own views or risk not having a job. Of course you have to listen to mindless morons spout the “blessed” political views.
    Occasionally there’s a decent company that won’t go ballistic if you accidentally say something like “Trump isn’t that bad.” but most of time even a slight conservative viewpoint is grounds for blacklisting or pout fests. 😀
    Getting the hell out of that cesspool was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

    1. Pout fests = point and laugh at them
      Blacklisting = ditto

    2. That seems to be rampant in corporate America. I once responded several times to a VP of diversity and his assistant, who where nothing but a waste of pay with their drivel. I don’t think anyone had ever challenged them before? I made some waves, but company was going bankrupt anyway due to a liberal CEO.

  2. “Ringgenberg” huh? Citing the leftist group’s violent activities from “New York to California” huh?

    1. Family Guy has gotten pretty blatant about this hasn’t it? It’s kind of interesting.

        1. May or may not be, I really don’t know, I don’t read the credits. What I find interesting is how blatant they’re getting in pointing out Jewish influence and habits that are *not* complimentary. Normally Jews are off limits for criticism, yet Family Guy gets away with it. Which if this is actually a case of Jewish writers makes me wonder why they’re doing it?

        2. Jewish writers have always made fun of themselves.
          Its hollywoodland tradition.
          Its to ease some flak and to seem relatable.

    1. Right? I felt like destroying that retard the second I saw that pic. Like instinctive.

    2. Not sure who he actually is, why he actually matters, or why I should actually care. He’s some soft, broken beta male sneering about things he has no control over.
      Who gives a flying fuck?

  3. Sauce for the goose…
    Side note: manlets like this get to be the engineers and make the big bucks the rest of us get to work for 15 bucks an hour or less.
    They did this on purpose. Hopefully we see a tech bubble burst and real tech jobs return to the real America, away from the shitlib coasts. Imagine what say a Tennessean or Nebraskan can do with an engineer’s salary instead of “driving a truck for a pipe company”.
    (of course I see much evidence of shitlords pretending to be LGBT to land nice paying jobs on the coast and laughing it up all the way to the bank – the standards are so low they don’t even have to shave or dress with style)

    1. Always on point man. Glad to see you posting more Dok.

    2. The real tech jobs are at places like Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, Los Alamos, Argonne, Brookhaven, and The Puzzle Palace.

    3. I wonder just how much of an “engineer” he really is? PE? BS? or just “BS”?

  4. (((Ringgenberg)))
    Every fucking time.
    The good news is that whoever has the brains to develop a non-leftist, pro-free speech patreon equivalent can potentially make a ton of money. Same goes for paypal, wikipedia, social media, and a ton of other useful services that have since been ruined by leftist ideologues.

    1. Wikipedia…. gawd don’t get me started. Look up any famous living person living who happens to be Jewish and the “early life” section will also try to emphasize whatever relatives “escaped the Nazis” or “were sent to a concentration camp” even though their 2nd great cousins had nothing to do with their upbringing. Victimology 101 and Germanic culture guilt tripping 101.
      Also any subject matter relating to Civil War, Reconstruction, or anything pre-1965 immigration act is all “white supremacy” this and “white supremacy” that. Complete SJW revisionist hijacking to fit the leftist narrative.

      1. Wikipedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, was a Jewish pornographer with ties to Israel. No surprises that it’s trash.

        1. So….what’s stopping Gentiles from doing the same thing? Last check internet domains are like 10 bucks and you can host initially for $100 a year. Most site tools are included free. Seems like low overhead.
          I loathe victim complexes. We’re warriors, we’re the sons of vikings and gael warrior poets and teutonic knights. Fuck if we’re defeated this easily.

        2. Who said anything about defeatism? On the contrary, these sites and services getting fucked by leftist ideologues is a golden opportunity for pro-free speech folks to swoop in and get rich by providing a superior service.

        3. We’re playing on the same team then. Right on. Totally with you.

        4. interesting… any reliable source that Wales was a jew (safe for RadioIslam)?

        5. The problem is that we aren’t slave to technology, we value family and friendship over material shit.
          The leftist have this in spades: they are mentally incapable of having fun on their own.
          We on the other hand still enjoy a lovely hike, and are just too damn busy with anything else.

        6. Literally nothing. Jimmy Wales is an Alabama white guy and Ringgenberg is a Swiss name. I swear these people see happy merchants every nught under their beds, making the Alt-Right look more and more like Andrew anglin and less and less like Jared Taylor

        7. Leftists are incapable of having fun? I swear I thought the hippy movement was supposed to be fun (degenerate but fun) waybackwhen

        8. In that spirit, let’s brainstorm a few converged sites and see what we can do about it:
          – Google. It’s obvious, but there’s already the team at DuckDuckGo working on their substitute (and it’s a fine substitute, at that)
          – PayPal. This one’s a mite trickier, as you need to set up some connections with banking and credit card companies, then get customers using your service. Probably not something any ole Joe is going to get done, but some of our more connected readers could take a swing.
          – Wikipedia. Again I plug Infogalactic on this one.
          – Facebook. Honestly, there are free WordPress plugins that can help you make your own Facebook alternative, but who in their right mind would want to?
          – Twitter. We have and a few others working on it.
          – YouTube. Sure, we have DailyMotion and Vid.Me and the other upstarts trying to depose YouTube, but no idea how well they’re doing on that. It’s hard to do, anyway – hosting video takes a good bit of bandwidth.
          – Amazon. Honestly, when it comes to commerce on that scale I hesitate to think we could easily match Amazon. Plenty of niche sellers ready to aggregate, though, so that’s an interesting option.
          – KickStarter/GoFundMe/Patreon. This seems like one of the easiest options. All you need is public trust and some better policies, with some sort of credit card handler.

        9. I use DuckDuckGo, Startpage and Bing (which I know, Bing is Microsoft, but at least it’s not Google).
          I hadn’t heard of InfoGalactic until this very day, this is a great lead, I’m checking it out now in another tab.
          The rest, yeah. Amazon seems apolitical to me (I don’t know, maybe they aren’t, but if I haven’t heard much about their politics then I assume that they’re not overt about that kind of thing). Youtube would be great to take down, but getting name recognition is the hardest part.

        10. Unfortunately, I’ve been hearing more and more of Amazon going Left, which is tragic. However, there’s always eBay.

        11. Hippies were “fun” for a while then they started assaulting everybody and the Ohio National Guard was forced to put some of them down (and rightfully so).
          On Kent State to this day, there is a plaque there which memorializes this AND does not absolve the leftist hippies of one ounce of blame. I love Ohio.

        12. This site isn’t Alt-Right, by the owner’s own admission. Unless something has changed of course.

        13. Yea me too. That’s why the whole blame game is annoying. At the end of the day people chose being a sjw. So we can choose to be proper men( of God hopefully). The blame game seems really weak to me. In my mind I always think it’s easy to blame but what are you doing about it. I think this was discussed before but the best way to fight this nonsense is to become the strongest you can be mentally, physically, and spiritually. Raise a conservative family. And for the love of God don’t watch the television(especially the news). Also people need to get off the internet more. If you spend most of your time on the internet of course you will see nothing but doom and gloom since that is what’s trendy. But sjw crap isn’t as popular in the real world like on the internet

        14. To be fair, there’s a difference between a webshop or a huge cloud system with hundreds of servers and the kind of legal and financial requirements to get ties with banks etc. You don’t start a new paypal with a free shared hosting service and a $10 .com

        15. People already did. It’s called infogalactic, and it’s already better in just about every way to wikipedia. Same amount of information without all the SJW scum being able to control narrative.

        16. re: Amazon, as long as they play relatively fair their will be no need for anyone to replace them. There is always going to be some corruption in every system. And all systems without exception break down over time. But once a company gets out of line (see CNN ‘takedown’ of a 15 year old boy for making a gif), then they set themselves up for total destruction.

        17. Ebay is just as bad. Very restrictive on gun parts (and I’m not talking about receivers or whole guns). But eBay is still the 900 pound gorilla of auction sites…

        18. Last I heard, they avoided gun parts due to possible liabilities. I’ve bought a few optics off of there though.
          I wouldn’t be surprised if ebay was averse to firearms, but I’ve read that amazon is actually shilling for leftist causes.

        19. You’re right that they haven’t done anything I know of, yet. I just assume that a big company will eventually prove itself converged.

        20. No, but many of RoK’s readers are Alt-Right. Time for them to admit that there are a shit ton of numale white goyim out there that are being liberal without any (((outsiders))) to help them

        21. I prefer Saxon Warrior of Alfred the Great or steely-eyed British Officer at Waterloo.
          We defeated the Vikings, Napoleon’s Old Guard, Shaka’s Zulus, the Turks, the Russians, the legendary German General Staff and Hitler’s feared Luftwaffe. We were beating up the French before it was cool. Even at our worst (The Crimean War and the Charge of the Light Brigade), we still won the war and drew the Battle of Balaclava where the quixiotic Charge occurred.

        22. One idea I have had for a long time is a taxi app for white taxi drivers. Some of the terrorist like characters you get in European countries driving taxis create a need for such a thing.
          There is a new app which I will soon try out to help people like us connect will give it a try soon.

        23. The trick here, is to ALWAYS advertise as “NO HATE” Always. Never stop that drumbeat, so the left is always on the defensive. It’s how we are oppressed, with a permanent agenda. ALWAYS refer to the left as haters. They are.

      2. What you say may be true, but I’m thankful for Wikipedia. It is far from a trusted source, and while I prefer reading about history from historians over Joe Bob with internet access, it’s a great wealth of information available to everyone for free.
        I think many of the problems with Wikipedia are due to shitty people editing it, not that it’s a shitty platform.
        There is of course the danger that encyclopedias stop getting printed and then the truth is whatever the wikipedia mod edits it to be.

      3. Obligatory plug for Our friend Vox Day started the project to fork Wikipedia and build on it without the nonsensical mods they have (here’s hoping it stays relatively sane).

      1. The problem with gab is that the creators locked it away in semi-private beta for nearly a year, and all that huge enthusiasm it had initially when it was unveiled had petered out. A lot of the people that had migrated to gab after getting banned by Twitter have since gone back to Twitter with new accounts instead of being active on gab. Twitter will have to go full retard again and start banning like crazy for gab to get active.

        1. Mammoth is another option, but Gab should’ve just gone balls out. Go big or go home.

      2. Gab was never able to progress beyond being a (banned from twitter) echo chamber. All the activity and population is still with Twitter.

    2. You don’t even have to see the name of whom is spouting that kind of unmitigated horseshit to know it is some fucking Kike. They’re shameless.

    3. Ringgenberg mostly indicates German or Swiss ancestry. who knows, he could be a Jew – but this last name doesn’t indicate it in any way. (((Howard Caplan))) though… how could you miss that?

      1. How about Alfred Rosenberg? Sounds ((())). But he was a high-ranking Nazi who wanted Mr. Litlerally to destroy Christianity along with The Tribe.

        1. It is. On your list of 100 Famous Aaron’s (and some, such as non-Jew Aaron Rodgers are duplicated on the list for some stupid reason) at least 23 ARE Jew$. So, I believe you proved my point. Certainly many people named Aaron are not Jewi$h, but the name is biblical (older brother of Moses) and Hebrew-based. And despite more than 23% of your list being Jewi$h, the list is not representational as many are top athletes and pro sports is one of the few areas that Jew$ are perhaps under-represented in American society. Anecdote: in my life, I’ve known or met 5 Aaron’s and 2 are Jewi$h (40%).
          Thus, we have a person that has a popular Hebrew first name and a last name that ends in -berg. Plus, Jew$ are notorious for changing family names numerous times over generations to “avoid persecution”, so this SJW fag needs to be looked at more closely. IMO, odds of this loser being of Jewi$h ancestry is at least 50%.

        2. yeah thanks for taking the time to prove my point: that the name Aaron is not a solid indication of Jewishness in any way (and btw the name John is also “Hebrew-based”). so we have a person whose first name doesn’t indicate anything, and the last name is a village in Switzerland. if you want to find out if he’s Jewish or not, you’ll have to dig way deeper into his personal info.
          on the other hand, Howard Caplan who was beaten up by antifa sure as hell has a Jewish surname.

    4. I looked up Patreon. They take a whopping 5% “Patreon fee”, plus another “Payment processing fee (typically Paypal’s 2.9%) , and then another 1% withdrawal fee. 9% fee for providing nothing more than paypal automation with a subscription list front end!
      How hard would it be to create a competing service? Not at all. Considering Paypal and other processors are doing all the banking work, all you have to do is code an interface, which could be done in a week easily. I don’t know how popular Patreon is, but I’m seriously considering this. The only barrier I see would be if Paypal refused to share their interface code with you, but I’m sure they just care about making money.

      1. The hardest part would be getting known and proving you mean what you say with your policies. Seeing how many scams there are on sites like KickStarter, there should probably be some kind of vetting and accountability in place before you begin. Then you’d want to get some YouTubers using your service (not too hard if you cut down on the fees – a 4% fee by itself might just do it).
        I reckon you could throw together a combination of KickStarter and Patreon (working name: Start Kicking Pat) pretty quickly seeing how WordPress has ways to integrate PayPal into your site already.

        1. How about ‘Jumpstart’ or ‘Paygo’ or something like that?

        2. But as I understand it, Paypal (or some service called stripe) handles all the dollars and cents. Patreon isn’t processing EFTs or converting currencies. It’s a user interface that automates paypal transactions.
          What’s laughable is that they think the service they are providing is worth almost twice what Paypal’s is (5% fee vs 2.9%).
          I suppose there may be some liability I’m not understanding, but I would make the system very, very limited. As in, the user takes all responsibility for sending payment to someone, it’s not our fault if you later change your mind and found out the hot instagram model you were “supporting” turns out to be a tranny or a Russian hacker. We will postpone all payments 30 days. You have 30 days to cancel any pending transaction that you see. The onus is on you to check your account once every 30 days and delete anything fraudulent or incorrect. We don’t refund money for any reason. We don’t cancel anyone’s account, we basically don’t do anything except provide automation to your existing paypal account. We don’t need more than 1 employee to make sure the site stays up and handle anything the automated system cannot.

      2. You’ll need a team that can execute it. Moving money around for people requires a lot more skill and experience than just making an app that people download. At least if you are trying to be honest.

        1. But paypal moves all the money. Patreon just automates logging onto paypal once a month and giving person x, y amount of dollars.

    5. >every single time
      >literally it’s the only time it has happened
      Where else do you find Swiss degenerates promoting “social justice”? Because last time I checked, Ringgenberg is a Swiss village.
      Or did you mean something else? 🙂

    6. You could check out Infogalactic, which is a replacement for Wikipedia. I think it was created by Vox Day. It should be a more objective source of information than Wikipedia, and it uses the same layout and site design.

      1. Checking out Infogalactic, never heard of it until now, thanks for the heads up.

    7. counter (dot) fund is a new service that’s going to be an alt right version of Patreon once it’s up and running.

    8. >Every fucking time
      >Literally happened only once
      Ringgenberg is a Swiss name, I didn’t know that happened “every fucking time”

  5. HA HA For those of you who don’t know, that “He/Him” this douchebag puts at the end of his Twitter is a signal to those who can’t otherwise tell, of what his sex is. I’m serious.
    Look, I’ve been young. I’ve been part of the “Oh isn’t diversity wonderful” crowd. I’ve fallen for some feel good theories that real life has taught me are utterly impractical. And so I give young people some leeway for believing in some nice pie in the sky theories. But the day I am so insecure in my masculinity that someone can’t even tell I’m a fucking white male without me informing them is the day I leave this great blue planet.
    If you’re not confident that others can tell whether you are a man or a woman when they look at you, what kind of self confidence do you have?! Holy shit dude! Grow some fucking balls!

    1. In all fairness to the degenerate little pencilneck, it isn’t immediately apparent to a casual observer that he is the male of the species.

  6. Microsoft is about to lay off thousands of these self righteous snowflakes. Let them all melt once they have no financial means. Cannot wait until all of these idiotic companies and their arrogant little twerps and their self absorbed philosophies crash and burn

  7. Aaron Ringgenberg looks like the other schmuckberg, both of whom need to eat a curb sandwich.

  8. Fuck that L’il faggot. Dudes a puss. Especially insulting that his name sounds anywhere similar to mine, (without the Jew berg). My name is a proud honky name, Huguenot back to the first there were any

  9. These companies are playing god. At the begging they are meek “don’t be evil”, once they have enough money they start showing their multiple faces.
    We let the state empower them with technology and stolen money, so this the logical consequence.
    We are at war, an unannounced war they started long ago…

  10. What a scrawny little bitch lol
    He also has me blocked on Twitter. I’ve never spoken at him.

  11. What’s a patreon? I know Pantheon, patron, pantomime, patriarch, pantaloon, paragon, and Megatron, but no patreon.

      1. I actually do know, I just wanted to be the first ever person to use Pantheon and Megatron in the same sentence.

  12. Do you guys know about Wesearchr? That’s kind of been like a gofundme for the right. Perhaps they can step in and handle things.

  13. You may call me intolerant, but why is my first impulse to wring his neck?

    1. Because it’s the correct one. I feel the same way.

        1. I would bypass them and have an Executive Order drawn up instead. President Trump can even say ‘You’re fired’ as the neck-wringing commences.

    2. Gotta get in line behind me. This homo needs a serious attitude adjustment.

        1. Wrong. Many German names end in berg, and in this case, the name derives from the Swiss town of Ringgenberg.

  14. Patreon. Isn’t that the tool Instagram prostitutes use to cash in on daily beta validation?

  15. Many youtubers who were demonitized for speaking against the system have gone to patreon as an alternative. But indeed it will be getting more difficult to make $$$ when all online payment systems shut certain people out that they deem a threat to the global narrative.
    The only thing allowed on YT will be benign, superficial content like fashion and stupid shit, puppy dogs and ice cream.

      1. “And leftist degenerate garbage”
        Yes – it has been advised that youtubers stay away from politics, government, and immigration, feminism UNLESS the presentation is pro-status quo. Many youtube presenters that give the impression that they are grass roots and are prosletyzing the current narrative are secretly on the payroll of NGO’s and globalist non profit organizations.

    1. he wouldn’t last a minute with a 7 year old boy suffering from cerebral palsy in a street fight.

  16. Adam Lanza look alike. He doesn’t look like he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Pasty, mewing, stick armed, panty-waisted sissy boy

  17. Israel had a giant parade in the US in New York City a while ago, one thing to note is that ANTIFA was absent. Not a single member of ANTIFA was present at the Israel Day parade. Makes you wonder, and this guy, Ringgenberg? Got that same kind of story.
    Israel currently holds policies far more extreme than anything Trump or his supporters are proposing but you see the ANITFA thugs out in full force at Trump rallies. They have a heavily guarded and even armed wall that shoots skunk spray at Palestinians. They got NGOs lobbying the US and EU governments to start wars with whatever Muslim nation they deem a threat. Yet ANTIFA didn’t bother going to the Israel Day Parade to protest the policies of Israel.
    Even if you are from a Western country, if you aren’t white Israel is not going to welcome you, they deported an African American women and her child recently. I saw a video of Israeli police harassing two reporters from Britain of South Asian origin but were not harassing the white reporters that were with them.

  18. Amazon has taken to banning some users from its affiliate program. Even Dave Rubin had some problems a few weeks ago.

  19. Beta boys love Antifa. It gives them the gina tingles to imagine themselves fighting “the Man”.

    1. Funny thing is they are biggest sheep and dupes of the “man”. Not only are they massive dripping pussies, they’re brain dead troglodytes who scarily enough think they have the aptitude to be called “educated”.

  20. There are right wing programmers building alternative crowd sites as we speak Counter

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