10 Reasons You Should Not Date A Girl From Canada

It has been four months now since I have returned to Western Canada from Europe to sort myself out. Unfortunately, I am still stuck here for a little while longer. Although I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel, a man must always feast before his flight.

Last week I spent several hours on Tinder in order to set up a last minute date for Friday night. I am not currently socializing very much because I do not want to put down new roots before my inevitable departure. Needless to say, I was extremely horny or otherwise I would not have wasted my time chasing Canadian girls, especially online. I messaged 100 girls the night before my target date night, asking if they would like to go out for a drink (“Whiskey or wine? 😉“).

Of these 100 girls, 20 of them returned a message. Most stopped talking to me quite quickly, but I ended up confirming four dates at various bars for the next evening. As expected, three of the four girls never showed up or even texted to apologize.

A woman wearing a red hat in a white kayak paddling on crystal blue water in Nordegg

The date went well and she was fairly attractive. According to my new Joanne, I made her cum several times, and as she lay there smug and smiling, content and smelling of spunk, wondering if she had found her new long-term boyfriend, I could only recoil in disgust and think of all the reasons that Canadian girls are not worth dating, let alone having a one night stand.

Here are ten reasons why you should never date a Canadian girl.

1. She’s mentally ill

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Women from Canada suffer from chronic mental illness; they have abnormally high rates of mood and anxiety disorders. According to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada’s leading mental illness hospital, 50% of all Canadians experience mental illness by the time they turn 40, with 70% of its onset occurring before the age of 24. This means that most Canadian girls worth dating suffer from serious mental illness.

If you want to avoid a death sentence, don’t date a girl from Canada. You have just slightly better odds playing Russian Roulette. From personal experience, my last three long-term relationships—prior to moving abroad in search of real, feminine women—were with girls who regularly cut themselves and complained about how their lives were going nowhere.

Unmarried women with no children are the most unhappy demographic in North America, but women from Western Canada in particular hate themselves more than most. Save yourself the trouble.

2. She’s “spiritual” but not religious

Latex Sexy Nun – Bent Over Babes | Fetish Sex Blog

Although most women from Canada claim some degree of religious affiliation, the percentage of girls who identify with any one of the world’s major traditional religions, such as Catholicism, Islam, and other Christian denominations, is in steady decline. Furthermore, religious attendance is low, with less than one in five (19% of) women between the ages of 18 and 29 attending a religious service more than once per month, which is down by almost 50% compared to just 30 years ago.

As if to add insult to injury, there has been a recent comedic increase in “spirituality”. Despite consistent declines in standard religiosity, “Spiritcthuality” found favor with 42% of Canadian women when polled in 2008. Despite the coincidental unavailability of more recent data, is it clear that if current trends continue there will be no more religious women, and certainly no more potential virginal brides in Canada by the year 2040.

Just as religion has adapted to other cultural changes, it has adapted to the cultural context of the post-secular.

As ever, [religion] is not going away, but simply metamorphosing—this time into a brilliantly colored, veiled nun in whiteface, glam makeup, and towering platform boots, carrying a purse full of safer-sex supplies. What could be more fabulous—or more religious?

The bottom line is this. The only place you’ll find religious girls in Canada, let alone in North America, will be within what Melissa M. Wilcox, Associate Professor of Religion and Gender Studies, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, and one-time contributor to the famous MuffPost extolls as the imminent explosion of “post-secular queer spiritual spaces”—a bona fide safe space for “spiritual sluts.”

I have a better idea. How about a one-way trip to the Church of Euthanasia?

3. She’s addicted to her phone

14 times Amber Rose slayed it on Twitter and in public | Metro News

SLAY girl, slaayyy

There is no shortage of harlots and digital soft prostitution on social media these days. Canada is certainly no exception. From Daddy’s Girls gone wild to #Wanderlusting Portapotties, Instagram is without a doubt the 8th Zoological Wonder of the World. Between taking selfies at the gym and uploading photos of her every meal, dating Canadian girls means constantly swatting a phone out of their hands and that quickly becomes annoying.

4. She’s likely been to Dubai

If she is moderately attractive, has fake tits, and at least a few thousand authentic followers on social media, chances are she’s either been to Dubai or she’s planning on going in the very near future. That means she has or will be used as another man’s toilet.

5. She’s a sex worker

Drake's Involvement in Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" Video Is in Violation of Canada's Strip Club ...

A friend of mine recently found out that the girl he had been “seeing” for the past several months was secretly a stripper. He was indignant, and rightfully so. Yet she insisted that he “be a man” and that he accept her life choices without so much as a nod of disapproval. Between pole dancing and sugaring for older men, her social psychology degree was surely not going to pay for itself!

6. She’s some kind of man-hating feminist

Big Red | Know Your Meme

Canadian creation

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen a picture of Big Red on Return of Kings, but I just couldn’t leave her out seeing as this is an article about Canadian girls. Regardless, the average Canadian girl is not far from the mark.

Dating a feminist means you must resign to the fact that her hair will often change color, that her dead-end career as a human resources manager at some useless affirmative action wing of your local municipality will take precedence over your sex life, and that when you inevitably attend those vapid couples soirees where all anyone ever talks about is how they’re experimenting with polyamory and the latest variable rate mortgage they found online, you better be okay when sharing her with Tyrone later that evening, you closed minded bigot.

7. She could be a he

Oh, Canada! The True North LGBT.

Hot, right? I mean, I suppose it is if you’re interested in penis. The Forum Research poll, a survey commissioned by the National Post, found that 5% of Canadians identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Although there are no hard data for the number of people who currently identify specifically as transgender in Canada, it is possible that this information will become available when Statistics Canada publishes its next census, which is scheduled to come out in 2021.

I can only imagine that this number will continue to grow each year, especially since almost 3 million Canadian men and women meet the official criteria for having at least one mental illness. What percentage of them are slated to become women, and vice versa?

8. She has a sexually transmitted infection and she’s proud of it

What Feminist ‘Success’ Looks Like: A Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic : The Other McCain

“Everyone has HPV these days,” she said as she leaned in for me to kiss her, her crusty lips encroaching like the ancient seas that swallowed up so much of the land of my forebears.

I playfully rejected her advance and quickly changed subjects. I then waited for her to go to the restroom and slipped quietly away into the night. I thought it fitting she pay for our $100 bottle of Cabernet Franc given that for my salary bracket I already contribute $187.50 to Medicare each month. Assuming correctly as I did that she was in the lower bracket, the difference between her bill and what I pay in healthcare coverage for her monthly Valtrex prescription means that even though she paid for the wine I only came out even on the date.

9. She’s flakey and disrespectful

I’m a staunch proponent of over-committing to potential dates, and not just on Tinder. Unless you earn well into six figures, are the local celebrity chef of your city’s artisan cupcake bakery and to top it off, a six-packed Superchad from the Planet Masculon, you better set up four or five dates for the same night if you want to go on even one of them.

Recent personal experience has confirmed that you can expect up to 80% of Canadian girls to flake on impending dates, sometimes just an hour before, despite the fact that you’ve already established a specific time and venue.

10. She’s a whore but still demands commitment

The company of a fun hooker from Prague has always been far more pleasant than taking an equally hot Canadian girl out on a date. Unfortunately, the legal status and risks of prostitution in Canada impose an additional cost on men, who must exert considerable effort sorting between veritable whores and worthwhile relationship material.

6 Things You May Not Know About The Canadian Flag

Well there you have it. Canadian girls are mentally ill sociopaths who expect to be treated like princesses despite a tendency to spread their legs for the first guy who buys them an expensive bottle of bubbly. Don’t get me wrong. Canadian Girls, especially from the west coast, can be quite attractive. They’re some of the slimmest in Canada, and while they put out early and often, they’re batshit crazy, making them totally worthless as mothers and homemakers for the long haul. If you live in Canada, do yourself a favor and shack up with a girl who is not a total cultural blank.

Want to max your testosterone and improve your cardiovascular health? Check out Selo Oils, my extra virgin olive oil business. For stories from my ancestral village, check out my blog.

Read Next: How To Get Laid In Toronto

168 thoughts on “10 Reasons You Should Not Date A Girl From Canada”

  1. Dont you all get it !!!?
    your western societies as a whole is mentally ill !
    you are all have some kind of diseases….you ignorantly call it freedom.
    I’m just very happy seeing your western civilization being destroyed from the inside.

    1. Fair enough. But, if you enjoy this site and commenting on here, why don’t you be productive and offer your Western brothers stuck in turmoil suggestions on how to obtain a visa and/or citizenship to your home country? Might be appreciated.

      1. Why are you guys wasting time on the troll?
        Just ignore him and let him fap to the idea the West will fall during his lifetime (it won’t).
        He’s an empty shell.

        1. Maybe not my life time…..
          but eventually it will !
          your culture is filled with mentally ill people and nature will take its course again.
          survival of the fittest bitches !!!

      2. He can’t return because you and your (((biggest ally))) destroyed his country by interfering in its internal affairs

      3. I’m a Pakistani American. If you want Pakistani citizenship, lemme know and I’ll guide you. Everything can be ‘purchased’ there with money.

      1. If Caucasians go, the whole world goes with them. Sure, the world will still go on, but it will become a bigger shithole than it already is. You think muds can replace what whites have created? Tiny pockets of advanced civilization will be located in Japan, South Korea and a few scattered places like Singapore, but they won’t admit lesser people in and they sure as hell won’t share their secrets or send money to shanty towns in Africa and S. America.

        1. Don’t worry. nobody gonna miss you ! lol
          new civilizations will rise again since this time no more intervention from your shithole governments in the name of “freedom”.
          people can actually benefits from their resources without give it to the ELITES.
          the world will be a better place without you.

        2. 3rd world women go after White foreign cock aggressively, 3rd word men go after White cock even more aggressively though. Despite looking like a female, the 3rd world man easily overpowers Asian or latina girls to please his beloved White master.

      2. Actually, troll-girl, it’s been established through our infrastructure alone that it is Westerners who build societies. Africans live in mud, Arabs live in Sand, Eskimo’s live in snow. And when we go, everything goes. Look at pretty much any white colony that has been handed back to the inferior native cultures, e.g. South Africa, and you see that it all goes to shit. The reason white people aren’t allowed to be racist is because we all know – and by “all” I mean you too – that it would be kind like kicking a kid with down-syndrome, since we’re the best race currently still kicking. Most cultures lack something: Chinese are short and all look and act the same. Africans are dumb, Indians create slums everywhere they go and wipe the arse with their left hands and wipe it on the walls. But white people… we kinda have it all. We’re not dumb (on average, come on Americans, you’re letting us down), we’re sporting, we’re inventive, we’ve got a kick ass history (literally), we’ve got the best cities, we’ve got the hot women, we got the internet speaking english. I can go on and on, but you get my point, we can’t be racist because we’re so fucking good at everything, which is a good position to be in, IMO.

        1. thats not true, whites are really dumbed down, media manipulated untrustworthy snakes and consumer slaves like everybody else. wimps.
          i am white, i know, just check out youtube videos of “social experiments” you can see how they are all matrix slaves, everybody speaks the same learned cultural marxist slogans lead by the retarded USA followed by the retarded EU. EU-slaves have no identity except a few excluded tribes. germans are all braindead rap music listening, video game buying, “yeezy”-wearing faggots and wannabe americans. swedes are cowards, the list goes on. the majority are midnless slaves wherever you go. On ROK as well, 95% are complete retarded but you dont make money out of smart people, you make it from idiots. thats just the way it is.

        2. @ Wolf, are you talking about Americans? If so, I agree, and stated that Americans need to up their game. But there are more white countries than just America, there’s Australia, New Zealand, UK, Europe and Russia.

        3. If you control by race, white Americans are pretty much identical to their European counterparts in terms of IQ. The only reason America has a lower overall IQ is because we have more POC. As Germany and the rest of Europe gets more POC, you likewise notice their average IQ scores falling as well as the once “good schools” turning uh…less good.
          Americans aren’t the ones who empowered a government who jails them for facebook posts or who won’t let them own a gun to defend themselves (like you see in the U.K.). Europeans need drop their arrogance towards us. Today, they have nothing to be all that arrogant about the way I see it.

    2. 3rd World, You are probably a resident in a 1st world country, maybe even a white leftist. If not, your shithole country is bound to have its own problems. How about a thanks for the billions of dollars 1st world countries have given you in foreign aid, to drag you shithouse lives out of a stone age existence. Stop appropriating my science, culture, and the internet. Have some respect for people who have tried in good faith to help you, you ungrateful turd.

      1. For you, His Country is “shithole” and for Him, your Country is “shithole” !!
        As simple as that !!
        Foreign aid !!?? Looting them and giving them back “peanuts” !!

        1. Ravi, then why do you third world beggers come to these “useless Western countries” and then cry if you are sent back?
          Stay in your barbarian societies and thrive there. We will come as sex tourists or pick some gal there as wife or girlfriend where as you rot in the gutters where you were born.
          BTW, I don’t see Westerners begging for citizenship in your shit hole countries.

        2. Shithole or not, give me a first world country over a third world country to live in. Either acknowledge some gratitude or send back the money, food and weapons, that first world countries have given the third world, then I might have some respect.
          Why do so many third worlders want to come to first world countries if its so bad?

        3. RAVI
          “Loot them”
          Your white Aryan ancestors from Central Russia or Ukraine looted Dravidian black-asses for like 3,000 years.
          Anyhow, you’re hung up on shit that happened 70 years ago.

      2. William Rubin
        Me fucking your white whore is my THANK YOU !
        since you destroyed our countries, we will destroy yours from the inside !!!
        your days are over kids….Hahahaha

        1. Keep at it 3rd Worlder, as bad as it is at the moment culturally in the 1st you still have a really long way to go. You can fuck a white whore if you like but I’m sure you will have to pay for it, and the money will eventually find its way into consolidated revenue, so thanks for your contribution.
          I still reckon you are a white lesbian, in a first world country.

        2. Builders vs destroyers. My semen improves and upgrades bloodlines, your semen just downgrades and destroys. 3rd world parasites trying to destroy their racial host by breeding their shit stock into it, pathetic (((tools))).

    3. Kinda i live here on tbe west coast in the hippie city …out east they say were fruits n nuts cuz gays hippies n sjwism.
      But only true in the city once u go in land its the complete opposite.
      You get tough handsy men n the women know their place an are sympathatic to mens hard work there.
      Vancouver n abbotsford is a big differene
      Also been with a dozen hookers an some have boyfriends…one of which was a ukrainian girl hiding it from her fijian bf.
      City vs rural is way different white black latin indian asian no diff

    4. I mean, yeah. Look at Latin America, mis amigo. The Carillos here live on top of those piche indios and zambos like kings. Granted we are outnumbered a thousand to one, but we have all the money and live life like swinging dick Alphas.

    5. Western society sucks!!! I left it years ago and are so much happier like Roosh! I hear every year that is just gets 100x worst! You are your environment where it’s hard to stay sane when most of the population is seriously mentally ill specially the women!!

    6. Without the west the world will survive.
      But the question is how deep will it fall?
      For over 2000 years the roman empire was the beacon of civilistion.
      When it fell to the barbarians (refugee type low IQ primitives), civilisation vanished with it.
      It took over 1000 years to claim back at least a part of once was normal standard.
      So to all you 3rd worlders from primitive backwards countries in africa or elsewhere – be honest with yourself.
      Without the white man you wouldnt have a computer, you wouldnt have a cell phone, you wouldnt even have a car.
      You invented nothing of it and up to this day you wouldnt be able to maintain this standard of living if it was not for the white man to keep the engines going.
      If the west should fall, the rest of the world will follow – maybe excluding china.
      But china built a wall last time they were great; it seems they want nothing to do with the barbarians around them. So I wouldnt count on their help if I were you.
      Face the truth guys – if the white man goes away, so does your nice and easy life.
      Your country will most likely end like syria is today within a decade – difference beeing there will be nowhere to run to.
      This will also solve any overpopulation problem the world might have nicely.
      We are not the boogie men – without us, most of your tribesmen wouldnt even be alive!
      Modern aggriculture with fertilizer and machines who make 30m mega cities in epypt or elsewhere even possible – guess what? Its also an invention of the white man. Pray to your god your wishes never come true or else you will wape up from your dream and find out you are living in a nightmare.

      1. Asia and Russia are growing while America is collapsing. Buy gold. Buy silver and buy my latest book at Infowars dot com!

    7. Besides the obvious hatred against my civilisation, I agree with you. Westerners are too free. Everything from transgenderism to allowing ISIS terrorists to live freely in Canada (which is happenning right now) is caused by the pathological liberalism of our leaders. We fail to take into account human nature. For example, I would totally be for gay marriage and gay acceptance if it just meant that men who are attracted to other men want to get married and live on a farm together until they pass away. There certainly gay men like that. However, most gays use acceptance to justify complete degeneracy of the kind we see in gay pride parades and pushing for insane things like allowing gays to donate blood even though their HIV rates are off the charts compared to normal people.
      Same thing with immigration: if having an immigration policy meant that the young Indian engineer who is one of the top men of his field is allowed to immigrate into my country to make it better, I would support that. Sadly, it has devolved to a white-savior complex and our leaders make it their responsibility to bring in all the poor, violent and unskilled brown people into western countries based on the failed assumption that it’s the culture that make the people and not the other way around. If we keep importing third world immigrants and not naturalising them (assuming such a thing is possible) then western countries are going to become third world countries. This is exactly what is happening in Sweden.

    1. Will it be one of his fiercest critics from when he went to speak there (and possibly Montreal too)?

    2. Toronto thots will probably dox him and encourage antifa to harass his family and grandmother. Good luck Roosh!

    1. BENNY
      Northern Ontario still preferred to import Americans from neighboring Midwest rust belt states and Newfies as internal migrants for skilled labor, so I moved there. I found out the following-
      Squaws are crazy. Half-squaws are crazy.
      The economy is poor in mid-sized cities and a great many women have to choose between Timmy Ho’s and a strip club. I did not date a stripper, but I screwed one.
      In the South, the women (Even in 2001-2002) were SJW’s. A fag hit on me at this Guelph party of a chick I was banging and I called him a faggot after he was persistent. She cut me off. But first she gave me a speech about “intolerance”.
      In Northern Canada everybody’s cousin is a biker. I had a beef with a guy who did not pay me for some work. Sure enough, his biker cousin showed up with another biker and told me to fuck off. I did of course. But the biker gangs are notoriously brutal. They are no less ruthless than Crips or Bloods.
      Rent is high and most apartments are somebody’s basement.
      Anyhow, I left after two years.

      1. I don’t understand why rent is even higher in mid-size Canadian cities than in many warmer and economically sound places like Atlanta or Phoenix etc. in the US.
        Considering the shittier weather, higher taxes on seemingly everything (huge alcohol tax and a 14c on the dollar sales tax blew me away in Montreal), and pervasive SJW landscape, the only thing about Canada which comes across as objectively superior to the US is their much higher IQ and lower crime prone minority groups.
        Just getting away from African-American / Chicano crime and their ‘tude problems can do wonders to property values. As obviously seen in Vancouver (least black and latino large city in North America).

        1. To be fair it has to do with history. Most Africans in Canada are a result of past generations immigrants from Africa and Caribbean. It was by choice and they have culture. Whereas in USA it was slaves wgonlost their culture therefore can do anything basically an animal inva Human body.

        2. Ace that 1 point difference could be explained by 10% of the population having 10 points less. That 10% of the population could easily cause all the trouble. Doesn’t change the average much, but it does change the country a lot.
          When Mark Twain said “there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics” he could have gone further and said “and then there are BS stats misapplied and quoted by idiots like Ace”.

        3. ACE
          Talk about a ‘cherry picking’ fallacy. I said “much higher IQ and lower crime prone minority groups”. Key words there? MINORITY GROUPS.

        4. Reality February 13, 2018
          Talk about a ‘cherry picking’ fallacy. I said “much higher IQ and lower crime prone minority groups”. Key words there? MINORITY GROUPS.”
          I didn’t cherry pick anything. You clearly stated that Canada has a much higher IQ than the US. This is objectively false. The IQ’s are basically the same. Both are around a 100 IQ points.
          “the only thing about Canada which comes across as objectively superior to the US is their much higher IQ and lower crime prone minority groups.”

        5. Bob February 13, 2018
          A difference of 1 IQ point is statistically insignificant. A standard deviation indeed is of major significance. China has 7 IQ points on average over the US (98 – 105). Hongkong has 10 points over the US. What does that tell you?

        6. Ace
          ” China has 7 IQ points on average over the US (98 – 105). Hongkong has 10 points over the US. What does that tell you?”
          It tells me there are less black people in China and HongKong.

        7. REALITY
          Canadian Natives and Latinos are more or less the same. Indians are no great shakes. Or Native. Or First Nation.

        8. Then why is Toronto with its 14% african/carribean population have higher property values than most American cities and Canadian ones?

        9. JUAN
          They turned Toronto into a bit of a dingier place. Not a ghetto like Detroit but Jane and Finch is not that hot.

        10. Higher average IQs in Canada? Compare only the white populations and I’ll bet the US is at least the same, if not better.

  2. Doesn’t the Bible say something about not foregoing a tree because of one bad fruit?
    And how can you judge an entire population based on one girl?
    You guys are so biased and ignorant, no wonder you believe in God.

    1. @Just some guy
      As a guy who lives in Canada, we have a lot of variability here. Lots of good women but they seem to be hiding. Campuses are one of the worst places to find women.

    2. Just One Guy, you sound like a “bad fruit” yourself. Try not to give too many betas your Hep C infection while they turn to you as a sexual marketplace release valve. Their bottoms are really not made to take that kind of abuse from your ilk.

    3. In Toronto a feminist is hiding behind every tree at Queen’s Park and the University of Toronto to attack men! They are also spying on men at York University because sexual frustration at York University created a boom in erotic bawdy houses a walk away from York University.

    4. actually the white women in western canada are terrible. Just terrible. Arrogant, and not interested in family.
      The east asian women in vancouver are great. Highly recommend them, albeit I am not personally attracted to asians.

      1. Lol nope they may look nicer an act lil better but so many guys are gunnin for them its pumped up their egoz….go inland trust me

  3. The part about him footing the medical bill for her drunken ONSs with Chad and Tyrone could not be more true. Western women and their diseased twats are a significant strain on our health system and your hard earned dollar. Bottom line gentlemen we end up paying for her consequences when many men don’t get any share of the (pussy) pie.

    1. How do you think Obama got elected twice. Obamacare, or “Dirty Pussy Care”. Really the filthy Millennial cunt got that joke elected.

  4. 11. A lot of them carry significant student loan and credit card debt.
    12. Canada’s men are profoundly pozzed and let these THOTs get away with anything.

    1. Once a female reaches 18 in Toronto, the first thing she does is spread open her legs to photograph for an e$c0rt agency or on Bacqp4g3 to earn what you will work for in a year, in only 30 days or less!

  5. Western women have jobs and as such, pay for their own healthcare, thank you very much. It is yet unclear whether the writer has a job, or he pays anything ever.
    “She’s a whore and still wants commitment”. Funny whining from someone who’s a player (a cheap one) and still questions her entire life choices. As if his one night stand owed him anything.
    This article is the answer to why feminists hate men so much. The most eloquent answer. Why would a girl reply on Tinder to a piece of human garbage who expects you to pay for the date? Better off alone.

    1. “Why would a girl reply on Tinder to a piece of human garbage who expects you to pay for the date?”
      followed by..
      “Western women have jobs and as such, pay for their own healthcare, thank you very much.”
      lol what a fuckin retard

    2. >feminist
      >complains about the guy being cheap
      I think your definition of feminism is equality as long as it doesn’t cost the woman anything

    3. A study in New Zealand showed that ON AVERAGE over a working lifetime, women pay NET -$100,000 tax, but men pay NET +$500,000.
      This is the average. So women as a class pay no tax at all and get benefits. Men pay ALL the tax.
      I agree with you on the rest though. I don’t understand these guys that want lots of one night stands and then lament that all the women are sluts.

      1. Women want all the economic empowerment they can get. That includes getting all the top paying white-collar jobs they can get their grubby little hands on, and then STILL wanting their beta bucks husband to cover the lion’s share, if not all, of the mortgage payment via his salary alone.

    4. How did they get the jobs, you ungrateful diseased twat !?
      From your Ass-wiping paper to Tampon to the Smartphone; 99.99% of the “comforts” you enjoy are Invented, Innovated and Pioneered by MEN.
      What a shameless “pile of shit” you are !!

      1. The US dollar is collapsing and hyperinflation will engulf the world. Buy gold. Buy silver and buy a copy of Alex Jones latest book Why we should support Israel.

    5. “Job” doesn’t mean anything. It means you go to someplace regularly do some “work” of marginal value and get something called “money” dropped into an account.

    6. Women like yourself are unable to realize their own hypocrisy. Stop showing your lack of intelligence and self-confidence.

  6. The exact same can be said about Northern Europe. Probably the lack of sunlight and the cold, wet and grey weather has a lot to do with it: it makes the people depressed, distant and cynical. Go to a warmer climate environment and the folks instantly become more friendly, open and positive.

  7. Don’t forget if you shack up with one in Canada, you’re one 911 call away from handcuffs.
    Also, if you fuck her & dare not call or she regrets it.

    1. Toronto Police will harass your grandmother even if she’s on her death bed, if that means that you will plead guilty over a feminist complaint.

      1. We have the First Amendment, Second Amendment and Fifth Amendment. Use it wisely!

  8. Another legit article from papa selo. Well done. Canada is fuckin awful, the people there are terrible like the Australians
    Cheers from your Adriatic neighbor, Italy.

    1. Your olive oil is fake. I’d rather juice Peter Schiff’s prostate that buy olive oil from Italy.

  9. Can’t speak for the west coast, but Toronto women have to be worse. This city is the SJW capital of Canada, it’s overrun with 3rd world refugees, fatties and other self entitled princesses who couldn’t get laid in a morgue.

    1. Toronto womyn are at war with men. Vladimir Putin would send his entire arsenal of nukes at an antifa rally if he ever step foot in Toronto and was victimized by a man-hating feminist.

      1. Thats obvious, you retard !! You hate them because:
        -They (majority of them) remain intact with their culture & tradition
        -They usually mind their own business and are hard working
        -They don’t pedestal their pussies and are not pussy maniacs!
        -You have to face stiff competition in most of the decent paying Jobs
        Well the list goes on… you retard!

        1. RAVI
          Brampton and East Vancouver are shit holes because of Punjabi and Gujaratis. I am a Gora but lived in India all over for years and every degenerate who could not get past the US Immigration then did the Dubai to Canada leap.
          Of the Gujaratis, they got the worst. Frauds, cons, liars, thieves. Sikhs are bigger and more aggressive with the Russian/Greek blood of Aryan rapists so they comprise the street gangs. Not maybe as bad as blacks in the US but East Vancouver ain’t as nice as it used to be when it was whites.
          It is a good thing that the US just was not willing to import North Indians as 3rd underclass in America. That is the difference between Washington and East Vancouver.

        2. RAVI
          Sikh warrior culture translates into gang activity in the Canadian ghettos and the fact that a majority of them were extremists in the Punjab does not help.
          Gujaratis usually hit Canada from Dubai and are frauds, cons, lying merchant scammers.
          The US imports the South Indian geeks and some Old-Money/landowning Brahmin and these people blend into the suburbs.
          But Brampton and East Vancouver are a different story.

        3. -What exactly is their “culture & tradition”? In your own words, not as a contrast to the West.
          -Sluts thinking taking a mile of dick is hard work, that means shit. If they minded their own business they would be hometown successes.
          -I don’t blame them, it is a butter-face, bag and tag proposition with them. Though I had one buddy in grad school who had no problem using Indiras as cum dumpsters. It was almost comical.
          -Decent paying jobs are rare hence stiff competition. Besides who cares if Sanjay gets a cherry gig writing shitty software for some second rate company from his cousin.
          -I think you mean ‘dotard.’

  10. Hell yeah! Great piece. Every Canadian i have met is a degenerate leftist. Super passive aggressive.

      1. I look forward to it. Of the 50 or so Canadian women i have met, each to a tee had been insanely leftist.

        1. Maybe “Right-Leaning” Canadian chicks just don’t do Tinder and all that shallow bullshit. Maybe the Red Pilled Canadian Women are busy working and/or working out – not trying to hook a Baby Daddy or STD infested Cowboy Ride through some shallow app. Saying Canadian Women are all insane degenerate SJWs – is akin to claiming all American Men are Completely Cucked Knuckle-Dragging Mooks. Not all Canuck Chicks were indoctrinated in Women’s Studies classes. 😉

      2. Burton, I spent some family vacation time in the western provinces as a teenager in the early-mid 70s. I visited with people, especially in the smaller towns in Alberta, Manitoba, and Sascatchewan, and they seemed almost identical to rural midwestern folks in America. Even back then, they expressed frustration with the leftist direction Canada was going in. If memory serves me correct, with Canada’s governmental system, the western provinces have threatened to succeed from the country on more than one occasion? You and Clark Kent can share more insight on this.

        1. @Antonio Zoli
          You are quite correct. I can distinctly remember from the last election we had wherein our liberal gov. was voted in looking at the map of Canada and the ridings each party had won on the television. Eastern Canada was all red (liberal) and starting in Manitoba, flooding across Saskatchewan and into Alberta was entirely blue (conservative). Alberta has talked about leaving Canada and becoming an independent body but everyone with their head screwed on right realizes that the GDP and gross domestic product Alberta brings to market is partially what keeps this country afloat. Either way, I’m fairly certain this liberal gov. is on the way out. Even people that voted Trudeau in are realizing what a mistake it has been.

      3. Burton, I remember oil, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing were the emeralds of Alberta, and even back then, kept Canada afloat. I assume it’s still the same today?(Haven’t been to Canada in 43 years). I talked to a businessman from Regina, Saskatchewan back in the early 80s that I met at church one Sunday. He was in the United States on business. Owned some fast food franchises. At that time, he was frustrated with all the goofy labor laws in Canada. Told me he caught employees robbing the till, but couldn’t terminate them. ?? If so, sounds more like what America is becoming, especially in liberal California, Chicago, and the northeast. As to the article, in my later years, I’ve encountered women from Canada, and they were all straight up psychotic. One was from Edmonton, the rest were from Hamilton and Toronto. Back in the 90s, I use to frequent higher end jazz clubs here in Kansas City (better clientele, less crime and violence too). The house band at one jazz club had a talented young tenor saxophone player from Edmonton. Good conservative guy. Told me horror stories of Canadian women. He got his exposure to American hambeast heifers here in Kansas City too. Last I heard, he returned to Canada.

        1. @Antonio Zoli
          Indeed those are still pillars that support Alberta as a whole. With the recent provincial socialist government voted in (NDP) and Trudeau’s various bullshit taxes (i.e. carbon tax) it’s been tough on Albertans to say the least. As for the women, it’s hard to paint them all with the same brush. I guess you could compare them to typical western world thots. I’ve been across Canada and I thought that the women of Quebec might be of a different breed but I was quite wrong and they were very inept to any advances coming from someone who couldn’t speak Canadian-French. It’s interesting to note that in provinces like Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba you can actually find small-town females who have conservative values at heart. They end up moving to big cities to attend university where they become semi-corrupt. I’d say that any women from a larger metropolitan city in Eastern Canada is to be avoided like the plague. I’m interested in heading to Europe to see what the seen is like there. I’ve only been when I was younger.

      4. Burton, some of the men in my church (EOC), have gone to smaller cities, and rural villages in EE. Done well. Stayed away from the bigger cities rife with club girls and trollops (Moscow, Kiev, Sophia, Bucharest, etc.). The women are decent looking, slender, feminine, dress modestly, faith based, submissive (per scriptural instructions), and family oriented. Most of the women are younger than the men, and life is centered around the church and its dogma, food, language, and culture, so they have been blessed to hold a lot of the satanic feminist encroachments at bay. Few of the women work outside the home, are frugal, cook, clean, and mother their babies in a godly manner. Many of the women have cottage industries like taking in sewing, cake decorating, interpretation work, etc. to help add to the families incomes. I’m an old man now, never married, so my time has come and gone. Despite what some of the malcontents here harp on, as a younger man, you may want to consider this approach as an option.

        1. @Antonio Zoli
          What were the villages called? And could a guy do decent in those small villages without speaking a lick of any other language besides english?

      5. Burton, I’d have to find out the smaller villages names, but some of the men had good success in Odessa and St. Petersburg. People in the church had family in EE, so they acted as interpreters, helped with intros, and the men stayed with them in their homes. They had a leg up on that one. Also, some of the men had good success in Georgia and Belarus. Christianity remained strong in Georgia, even during the iron curtain days. Stay away from Elana’s Models (EE Tinder scam type site), or the sex tours (obviously). I’ve heard of some legit tours, but pricey. You might want to investigate some of the Eastern Orthodox or Byzantine Rite Catholic Churches in Alberta too for avenues for wives in EE.

  11. Is there any difference between women from Quebec (“French-Canada”)and women from the rest of the country (English-speaking part)?
    Genuine opinions from Canadians are welcome.

    1. Quebecers are more fun-loving and erotic than Anglo Canada.
      Meeting women and making friends is much easier in Montreal for example.
      On weekends seeing people outside hanging out and listening to local music is not unusual.
      My impressions are from a few years ago though.

        1. That is sad to hear.
          The shitty people of this planet are going to devour everything until there is nothing left.

  12. No offence but almost any Canadian woman is better than an Eastern European woman.
    I am not a Canadian and speaking from experience.

        1. That’s like popping in to a swanky disco to use the bathroom and only chatting with some guy at the urinals while missing all the action in the club.

      1. If you can not handle Canadian women or Western women in general, then I tell you that our Eastern European sluts will eat you alive, I warn you.

        1. This they are cold mAn…all westerners fall for is the looks. Hell turd worlders in. Tropics are worse.
          My dads work all the guys cucked n divorced rape by Filipino wives….tbh if u as white guy can get screwed hard by a filipino ur fu fucked

  13. Anglo bitches are totally toxic.
    Either neo-puritans (i.e SJWs) or Dickensian low-life/serf underclass (sluts, druggies,single mothers)
    Very few in-between those two extremes.

  14. “the legal status and risks of prostitution in Canada impose an additional cost on men”
    Umm, no.
    Prostitution is widely practiced in Canada. Massage Parlours, Incalls and other establishments are everywhere. They face almost no LE scrutiny.
    Prostitution is NOT illegal in Canada. Soliciting might be, but the act is not. Go to a known MP and you are fine.
    This article has 60% of its content that is not about Canada at all.

    1. Nearly every escort agency and massage parlor is owned either by a millionaire Chinese money laundromat or someone with a last name like (((Schwartz))). Toronto Police are also conducting raids at many of these establishments by planting a 17-year-old with fake ID and Body Rub licenses to work there and then raiding the place to shut it down.

      1. White Canadians are Midwestern nice and vulnerable to rapacious races to a degree that an Irish-Catholic in NYC or Armenian in LA is not.
        White Canadians have no street smarts and are not very cunning either-they are pure naive egalitarians.
        They cannot comprehend how cynical and treacherous the Chinese or Lebanese are.
        Having said that, Jews are not particularly influential in Canada.

  15. This was a hilarious article.
    I think Canada has some smaller towns that really remind me of the old world, non feminized areas.
    Problem is, the small town girls are all land whales. So pick your poison. Fuck young sluts and dump them before they become feminist alpha female man haters. Or go wife-up a land whale from a small town who will treat you a little bit better. (Until she hears about instagram.)

  16. The weather conditions here in Canada might explain, at least in part, why our depression rate is higher on average compared with many other countries. Winter are cold, long, and to give you an idea, in the heart of the Winter, the Sun goes up around 7 in the morning and down before 4 in the afternoon.
    No mention in the article about French Canadian Women. We are a Francophone Minority of about 5 million people in Québec, so there are cultural differences.

    1. P.A.
      Cultural difference. French-Canadians seem to be not exactly French but a fusion of French and Canadian Aboriginal.
      Also they have Breton roots (According to them). So they are a PARTICULAR subgroup of France.

      1. Subgroup?
        My ancestors from Northern France came here in the 1640…
        Would you say that that the settlers from the original 13 colonies who came to America in that same period are an English Subgroup?

        1. PA
          I cannot say for sure but I would guess that most Quebec people come from the Northwest from Normandy to Brittany.
          But most of you are part Micmac or Iraquois as well.

    2. Quebecois women are causing jealously and tensions among the Anglocunts in Toronto because Quebec women do a better job in escort work than the typical Anglocunt. I’m not a fan of trafficked Asian women.

    1. The globalists push SSRIs to create more feminists. Buy my latest book Why we should support Israel and Western homosexual conservative values at Infowars dot com!

    1. MATT
      They are EASY to contract and I got them-had to have them burned off with dry ice by the dermatologist.
      I used a condom and still got them. You can get HPV from using a towel in a locker.

  17. “world’s major traditional religions, such as Catholicism, Islam, and other Christian…”
    Are you kidding @selo !? Or are you trying to pacify your false pride !!??
    Talking about world’s major “traditional” religions and you doesn’t mention Hinduism !!??

    1. Dude, play/follow or just watch some football or cricket and get off your competitive religion obsession. What is with you dot Hindus and your obsession with your ancient mumbo-jumbo religion. Only Paki Muzzies are worse. Get over it dude

      1. Hinduism is extinct in India. It’s only around so that men will have to pay over $25,000 to the Pandit for a marriage ceremony while the Pandit later fucks the bride once he collects her phone #.

    2. RAVI
      Hindutva you are going to get little recognition for that here.
      Few know that it is the oldest religion on earth, either.

    3. Hinduism is extinct. How can you say that INDIA HINDUSTAN is a HINDU country when your average grey butthole fembot in India eats beef meat hamburgers at Mc Donalds in Calcutta?
      If Hindu leaders like Shiva saw what was happening to India, he would send molten lava onto armies of fembots. Where is your Hindu God?

  18. West coast girls are hot. I banged a 27yr old 7.5 last night for the price of a 15 of beer. Craigslist is a good time. Thing is she just moved out of her last BF’s place and talked about the crazy orgies she had been a part of etc. Definitely had some crazy moments I picked up on. These girls are not marriageable, at best they are good for FWB’S to release some tension. Easy lays on the island for sure, tons of women here looking for anything resembling masculinity. LTR? Bwahaha!

    1. DAILY REMINDER: When a guy says he “banged a [X.X] for [next to nothing],” always flip the rating. For example, if he says, “7.5,” change that to “5.7.” If he mentions “Craigslist,” (or similar), subtract at least one point.
      So, last night, TheVoiceofReason spent $15 for 4.7 (or worse) pussy. Does that seem realistic? Yes it does.

      1. If the comments allowed I would post a pic. And you would eat your words, it’s ok hater, I know what really happened.

  19. Sigh, OK, point by point:
    -“It has been four months now since I have returned to Western Canada from Europe to sort myself out.”
    So you haven’t quite figured yourself out yet.
    -“Of these 100 girls, 20 of them returned a message. Most stopped talking to me quite quickly, but I ended up confirming four dates at various bars for the next evening. As expected, three of the four girls never showed up or even texted to apologize.”
    And then you ended up fucking the one that did show up. And you’re upset with that?
    -Points 1 through 10…
    Shit, Dude, you could be describing a percentage of women (and TSs) in any large city!
    Respectfully, maybe you ought to concentrate instead on you Extra Virgin Olive Oil Business instead of getting your cane varnished. That, and realize that the girls you’re going to meet in the Big City aren’t the same ones who live in you “Ancestral Village,” and never will be.
    Not trying to beat you up, but….
    Just a thought,

  20. Fuck Canada I would never want to go there. And especially that cuck Trudeau he is a bitch. Canada need men like the writer of this article and I hope he gets his money and gets the fuck out of Canada.

    1. Interesting. all things considered, I’d thought you mexicans would love Canada right now; nice to see some of you don’t.
      I fully agree with your statement.

    2. Feminists in Canada have found ways to deprive men from jobs, or to impoverish men thru false accusations so that men will have it very difficult to save cash to leave Canada, much less their city.

    3. Been Skiing in Whistler BC and Strip clubs in Windsor.
      I cant wait to go back. Amazing beauty, lovely people and women, good exchange rate and hardly any N*ggers. Whats not to love?

  21. I sense a change might finally be happening. At least in Toronto. It is still like a hammer hitting a mountain though. Recently with the metoo movement, some notable Toronto men have been attacked — and a backlash seems to be in the air. Especially when Steve Paiken, a well liked and respectable talk show host was accused of sexual assault by a unliked freaky girl politician. We also see the likes of Jordan Peterson arising. Still a long way to go though….

  22. Much of these problems created by the moral hazard of government. They are always there to bail women out of bad choices leading to worthless college degrees, single motherhood and STDs.

  23. This article is the truth. Canadian women are all mental.
    A consequence of the country going full libtard socialist, but that’s another issue entirely.

  24. I’m from east of Europe and I live in Toronto. If you own a decent body(work out),dress up well, dare to approach, have some game(be funny in a teasing way)and know how to dance is very easy to get laid in Toronto just like anywhere else.

    1. I don’t believe you. If that was true, Roosh would have been the Playboy of Canada. The majority of women in Toronto are foot soldiers of feminist warfare.

  25. Walking into an escort agency and paying $350 for an hour, or walking into a Body Rub parlour and paying $150 for half hour (sometimes oral and full 100 included if she likes you) at Perla Spa doesn’t count as getting laid in Toronto by Toronto fembots!

  26. Dating is so terrible in Canada, that men from Toronto travel to Montreal to get robbed at stripclubs because the thirst for poozie is so dire.

  27. I dated a Persian girl from Vancouver for 2 and a half years. While she was way more traditional than her sisters (prayed every day, didn’t drink, etc.), she was very demanding, moody, and straight up bitchy most of the time. She ended up dumping me while we were on vacation together in a foreign country. Safe to say I’m not turning to the Great White North for dating options ever again.

    1. Taking girls on vacation is always a mistake. Most countries have plenty of available local women and you don’t need to pay their air fares.

  28. Northern Ontario Sex
    To me, Native prostitutes looked really Asian and acted no different than hookers in Asia. This is a curious anthropological observation-Native prostitutes are similar to Asian prostitutes due to the land bridge from Asia.
    In so far as sex goes, the blowjobs in Canada are pretty good.
    The best was indeed from French-Canadian woman woman in her thirties.
    Second best was a half Indian Metis.
    Generally Canadian women will allow you to blow in their mouths in my experience. However, their vaginas tend to be big with less friction so this type of sex requires more time and effort.

  29. Only fucking losers pay for sex in Toronto. If you’re not willing to put the work in(get some muscles, get lean, learn how to dance, get a nice suit, learn game) than you don’t deserve no fucking sex. Go jerk of.

    1. Here’s what all that stuff does:
      10% of guys: absolutely nothing. They’re still fucked. (complete waste of time. use hookers).
      85% of guys: 5’s (or worse) (but they’ll tell you they’re banging “7.5’s” on the reg.). (complete waste of time. use hookers).
      4% of guys: somewhat above-avg girls, but not anything interesting (mainly soft 6’s, with a occasional medium 6). (complete waste of time. use hookers).
      0.5% of guys: hard 6’s/soft 7’s (with an occasional medium 7). (almost a complete waste of time. use hookers).
      0.4% of guys: medium 7’s (with an occasional hard 7). (effort pays off at this level).
      0.1% of guys: already rich/connected/famous. expect mostly hard 7’s/soft 8’s. To keep that quality coming, these guys should do just enough to stay fit/presentable. Much more focus should go to building wealth/connections/fame (to attract medium 8’s & above).
      99.5% of guys = fucked. use hookers, while hustling for wealth/connections/fame.

  30. THE Hottest women Ive ever seen were from Quebec. Good heavens.
    If you can manage them, they are lovely. Quebec is overwhelmingly Catholic.
    Know that You Must be strong, in control, and find them young from a decent family, with proper upbringing.

    1. BB
      Generally French-Canadian girls are better-looking-often black and blue eyed or nice looking blondes with fine features.

  31. Canada is led by a faggot. A faggot who bends over for ISIS rapists/murderers and throws them millions while ignoring vets (that is enough justification to have his ass rounded up and Hung right there), and then simultaneously lectures white men on bigotry and rape culture. The guy is just flaming with faggotry. After that “peoplekind” comment, I saw even some really far-left Canadian chicks on twitter saying it was a fucking stupid comment of his and how unoffensive the word mankind is. No wonder canadian women are erratic and left-leaning. they have no patriarch or strong nation leader, but a fucking faggot. A Paul Ryan on estrogen, Justin Trudeau.

  32. I banged over 200 Canadian women. Not one was marriage material.
    I married a Salvadorena. Cooks, cleans, gives me friggin’ pedicures.
    And she is a total porn star in bed and only slept with two guys before I met her.
    I left Canada after Justine and Wynn raped me hard.
    Life in Nicaragua ( a shithole country full of morons ) is pretty damn fine when you have a bit of cash flow.
    6 dogs, 20 cows, a 5000square foot house for 70k and a baby on the way.
    If you want a real woman, check out El Salvador, they are very grateful if you can get them the fuck out of there!

  33. Canadian, and in fact, most Western Women are not worth it. Travel to Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia or Latin America to see the difference.

  34. Oh Canada, Oh Canada!!
    What the fcuk has become of you?
    You were so great during my childhood, teen & university years. Is it just me or is the gov’t deliberately bringing in immigrants who DON’T assimilate to traditional Canadian values?
    Anywho, Toronto, Montreal & Ottawa were great for me up until 2005 when I decided to get the hell out of Dodge. lol
    It’s too bad though. Canada is a beautiful country & you feel more of a connection to Europe (shared values) instead of the war-mongers South of the border. But ZOG feminism has permanently damaged most of her women.

  35. I rather date a sex worker than a feminist who believes in the so called Nordic model (client commit a crime but not the sex worker) because everyone should be having sex not just handsome/beautiful people & every man pays for it in one way or another.

  36. Strange you contribute to Medicare but this is an article about Canadian women, where Medicare doesn’t exist.

  37. Lol what? Canadian girls are great. Whoever wrote this article clearly sucks at getting laid. All of these personality flaws can be vetted in about 15 minutes of conversation, and yeah surprise women like guys who make money. How can you fix that? Get a higher paying job you fucking brokeboi!
    Hilarious some people think they are entitled to a beautiful subservient woman without being able to provide, have an interesting personality or really have any redeeming traits smh

  38. I grew up in Quebec, left for the US for 20 years and am now back in La Belle Province.
    I love the women here. Fun, good looking, great dressers and love sex.
    Maybe it’s the french thing, but they’re awesome.

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