There’s no denying that black men have a preference for thick women. Even in Europe with black men straight from Africa, they still go for the girl with strong asses. It’s not that these men are getting rejected by skinny girls and then resigning themselves to thick girls—they go straight for them.
Most black men simply have no interest in petite body types. In Ukraine, a land of super petite women with flat asses, the African man will somehow find the huge ass needle in the haystack. It’s like they have a sixth sense for it (studies must be done to test their sensitive ass antennae).
Some white men on the internet like to mock black men for this. They say they are chubby chasing, dumpster diving, and so on. More severely, the say that black men are elevating the overall attitude of women because of their aggressive game and high approach frequency. But they fail to realize that black men are only raising the attitudes of the big women they approach. Remember: they don’t approach thin women any more than white men do. Unless your target is a bigger girl, black men have no effect on how you will be received by a normal-weighted white girl with an average ass. In fact, hipster white women don’t get approach by black men at all.
Black men are doing white men everywhere a favor by satisfying thick women. Every thick white girl who just got the veiny black snake is that much less likely to cockblock out of sexual frustration. They may not even make it out to the club because of vaginal fatigue. It’s true that these thick women have higher self-esteem thanks to the preference of black men, but if you don’t like thick women, this doesn’t affect you. You shouldn’t be bothered by it.
The last time I was in DC, I fornicated with a thin girl who I suspected was approached often. She told me she wasn’t, in spite of DC’s large black population. The reason? She was petite. The black man’s behavior actually helped me because she could see how she was approached much less than her meatier friends. When I came around to put in an attempt, she received me well and allowed raw dog sex to occur.
If you like thicker women, then yes, black men are not helping you. In fact, they are messing your game up. You have to intensely compete with them for asses that jiggle and gyrate. But if you’re a white man, it’s doubtful you have this preference, and therefore can blame several other factors for sexual airballs before black guys. Personally, I thank them for distracting a type of girl I don’t want. I will not shame men for going after the type of women they desire… especially when that type isn’t the same as mine.
Read Next: Red Pill Wisdom From Patrice O’Neal
le singe a faim?
I think most men in general like women with a bit more meat, this is a vague observation based on stereotypes.
I agree – having a bit of body fat on a woman and solid bone structure is a sign of fertility. I prefer a touch of mesomorph in a woman so that she better appreciates, withstands, and reciprocates the vigorous boning to which I’m inclined..
It’s so nice in sounding you share the same passing boyfriend? LOL
If you’re living in the West, you don’t really have much choice.
Get out of the West, and this whole apparent “preference” for meaty women dries up and disappears when thin women become the norm and the chunksters become aberrations instead of averages.
i could not agree with this more
Boning them vs commitment are 2 vastly different things.
I’m all for it. In saner times, fat and ugly chicks would either become nuns or become a farmer’s wife. Now, fat and ugly chicks become coal burners or become tattooed, loud-mouthed, foul-smelling, bisexual lesbians. I’m all for ugly and fat white chicks being taken out of the gene pool. The world will be a much better place without these twats taking up space and breathing my air.
Nothing better than seeing a miserable, stressed out, white single mother with numerous mulatto kids strolling down the street without her black suitor anywhere to be seen. Her SWPL, baby-boomer liberal parents most likely help support them as well, which is another plus.
Sounds like my sister-in-law.
holy shit this is funny!
In the end fat bitches need love to, I salute the black and Irish men for unintentionally taking a bullet for us and leaving us with the dimes.
irish men?
Many Irish men are known for being chubby chasers
I will cosign that Irish men drink more than most and drinking leads to fucking women you would not touch sober(i,e fatties). However outside of that I am not seeing Irish guys out in public with fat women like I do black men.
Fat chicks need love too. But they gotta pay.
Indeed, but they give good head all that eating pays off in the end
It’s like fucking uphill.
None of this bothers me at all.
If a white woman wants a black man, or a white man wants a black woman, then they deserve what they get: a life full of destructive drama.
yeah ok
How does a white woman know its time to go on a diet?
The black guys start asking hitting on her
I am black and I went to a public highschool in Atlanta so safe to say I know a lot of black men. I like nice asses and flat stomachs which is rare on black women over 25. Most black men choose in this order -face, skin tone, ass. I am in my late thirties and a professional so I no longer black women and must admit the only thing I miss is nice asses being common amoung the women I date. Most white men i talk with only get pissed when the ” good” white women date black men . Most white dudes need not worry , most good white girls only sleep with very educated black men who act essentially ” white ” themselves . Most black men are not very educated , act urban , and repel the women that you desire. This is not going to change any time soon so lighten up.
Personally, I have game. I hooked a Dominican brother up with my wife’s South Asian friend; they are now married with a kid. So, I had brothers and all races asking when I was going out.
Again, I have game, and can approach women in herds with confidence even if alone.
While in the service, I had friends call me a Coast Guard Ice Breaker. Like the ships that follow, no sooner had I piqued the interest of a herd, the others were sure to follow. I had my pick, and introduced the rest to further isolate my pick from her herd. Like a pack of raptors.
Did not bother me, but I preferred dudes who could hang. Having a incompetent in game did not help. Like when I pulled two hot girls, and introduced one to both of them. He started dancing with one of my (now wife’s) friends. He also let the black guy I brought take his skinny Chinese girl. I had just introduced him to two of the finest Japanese girls I had ever seen trying to help him out. And I hate Japanese girls usually, but these two were smoking hot. If I did not have my hot gf, now wife, I would have three wayed that! Did I mention I don’t do Japanese?
In Europe, I had a friend like a brother who was a former super model; Beyonce remembered him. Obviously, he got his pick first, until they saw his wife; and they grudgingly left him alone. Did not matter how interesting I was, but I never let it bother me. I would usually go off and find my own anyways. I was always an effective wingman.
While living in Hawaii, I discovered a smorgasbord of poosey. From all over the world. Every day was like picking girls at baskin robins, or the cold stone. I decided the flavor I want like Arabian, Persian, Indian, Asian, European, or just plain ol’Americana. No matter, pounded it; I even had women traveling from other states and countries. Moved to Greece, or I would have stayed there. No matter the player, or where he hailed from, my game stood firm.
There are ways around any detail, and I have laid the pipe on numerous black women; and understand why most black men leave. You have to know that if a woman wants a man, let her have him. Your best bet is having options, and letting her “SEE” your options! That way, you actually cheer your friends on even if the girl was the one you wanted.
Case in point. Had a sexy 8.5 Greek girl in Greece try shaking me down, plus a solid seven Greek. They kept giving me the run around.
What did I do? Had them both show up to a party I was at after having gotten the interest of eight women. They walked by, totally floored, and all I did was casually introduce them all. Their beta male orbiters stood slack jawed, and weepingly consoled the Greek girls who would eventually abuse them that night, no poosey, while they were thinking of me.
Game is power for a man, like a onslaught of Hurricane tidal waves against the shore of feminist narrative. Pound it like it deserves, and sweep their ass out to sea. Anything less is beta.
My left nut got more game than you…
You’re an American male, are you? American men are always the most distasteful to me.. for some reason the swaggering act of the French and Spaniard men are much more charming than an American man’s.
stupid talk by white people.its sound soo stupid when white are more concern about the black. stupid white think they are better educated than black. white are still ignorant about black people. what is wrong if a black guy date fat white girls. is thin white girl better than fat white girls. God created this 2 in his own image. its is only white people behave /think like animals will relate the issue of black dating white fat girls because of money. nonenses talk. idoit white will say this. who told u blacks are poor.if u are educated come to africa and see if people live on 20 floor buliding with 1 single room. if white are educated they will not call them self white. stupid learn color theory. white are pink and blacks are brown. disgraceful white people living in a fools kingdom
You’ve got to be trolling. Your name is Africa, you’re talking about how stupid white people are, you claim that they aren’t more educated than blacks, and yet your grammar is horrible. You don’t even conjugate half of the verbs you use. Pretty sure you’re a white guy attempting to make black people look stupid.
so because your older professional and educated you dont date black women? some of you black men are even worse than old white racists!
Black people make up %12 of US population. Half are women so that leaves %6 US population for me to date. Adjust for fat, age, single mothers, lack of education or class, felons, tattoos, and attitude we are down to %1-%1.5 of US population of black women for me to date. I do not like those odds so I date all races, let the market place decide my fate because I am a damn good catch.
As a black guy i have observed certain things.
1.) The popularity of hip hop culture permeating western culture has increased the appreciation of “thick” women. Kim Kardashian would of never been seen anywhere on tv if it wasn’t for hip hop culture making her body style acceptable by mainstream. The same could be said for J Lo, Nicki Minaj and others
2.) This new found appreciation has allowed other cultures of men (White and Asian) to begin to DESIRE thicker women. Before thick white women would try hard to HIDE there curves and big butts/thighs, but now i see them flaunting it as much as possible in “yoga” pants or pocketless jeans that accentuate her curves. The reason is because Yes she does get hounded by black men, but now she can find herself a white guy who ALSO loves curves too
3.) this has led to the trolling of black men by thick women of all cultures. You will see these girls taking pictures of their butts, thick thighs and curvy profile on social media, you will see these women out in the streets with tights on, no shirt to cover, and heels (the ultimate apparel to demonstrate curves) YET they will blantantly say “I dont like/date black guys” while clearly invoking the now accepted attire created by black men.
4.) This leads to thick white/asian women only dating two types of men: a regular man from their own culture or a super-successful black guy (120k/yr or more)….thats right, in order for you to compete with a regular white/asian guy you will now have to make on average double than him…in the late 80s early 90s Kim Kardashian, CoCo, Joanna Shari could get a super successful black guy but because they only men that would approach them that had at least their height/looks requirements were black they were much more realistic and you would be able to date them.
So at this stage…black men have systematically invited western culture into a tier that we beloved so much…to now have that tier work against us and push up to the bottom of the desired totem pole in our tier.
Historically, white men have not been attracted to thin women. Before the 70s, white female beauty was voluptuous. For examples of what men used to consider attractive, look at photos of female movie stars from the early to mid 20th Century.
I suspect that the influence of gay men in fashion, movies, and other popular culture has given much exposure to women who look more like adolescent males (i.e. no tits, no ass) rather than women who look unambiguously female. For examples, see models from the 90s who look like dudes with chest bumps.
The pendulum is swinging (heh) back to natural female proportions (see Beyonce) and away from the skinny look (see Miley). Sir Mix-a-Lot FTW.
That’s a really interesting hypothesis. Makes sense to me because “stars” in the 80’s-90’s were extremely skinny and had masculine faces.
Yes they have been attracted to “thin” women. The only way you could deny this if by thin, you mean high fashion model thin.
I think why so many white men like the very thin look is because of a backlash against fatties. A a huge portion of the girls you see have body types like double-wide refrigerators. If thats what is mostly available I can see why men would gravitate towards petite girls. That probably explains why Asian girls are in so much demand.
Asian women being in demand is a relatively new thing. White culture has long appreciated blond curled hair, roman nosed, pale skin, tiny waisted and big hip beauties. This is the POLAR opposite of an Asian women. Recently, (70’s) the ideal for white women has been straight hair, long elongated bodies with apple or banana shapes Asian women commonly have, and androgynous features.. like asian women commonly have.
Truth be told if we still had beauty ideals like in the 1930’s there would be no “Yellow Fever”.
There’s a difference between thick and fat. The “thick” white women that black men go after are still desired by white men. The “fat” ones are not, but they also aren’t desired by most black men, just the lower tier brothers that have no standards.
“just the lower tier brothers that have no standards.”
And no other real options.
mostly no standards
Thats true….but remember even the “thick” white women were NOT desired by there respective men in the late 80s/early 90s. It was just black and hispanic men who were chasing (and getting) thick white women.
this is a new phenomenon with white men liking “thick” women
Black guys going sloppy white girls is exactly the same as a beta male going for a sloppy girl, they know their chances of success are much lower with more attractive girls so they go for the bottomfeeders with minimal options. Path of least resistance and all that
Few Options + High Sex Drive (Testosterone Level) = Low Standards.
You also need a longer tool to reach the hard to reach wet spot… don’t forget the flashlight.
actually, this whole thing is a myth. The parts needed is near and at the front for a woman however, sex is pretty much in the brain so if a woman thinks a big black one is something better she will still pretty much get off with a small brother because her mind will have already told her that he has the BBC. The same is true for a guy thinking that the sex he just had with a beautiful woman was great when if he were really to think about it it wasn’t really different but because she looks like Halle Berry his mind part of sex told him that it must have been good. Whoopi Goldberg could probably perform all kinds of tricks in bed and you would think that the sex was awful because your brain told you based on her looks
Interesting………I’d like to add that Asian men go for the other extreme – very very skinny women. I like to say that Asian men (particuarly East Asian) like to sleep with sticks. They go for the sticks every time, even if she is not particularly pretty.
Which leaves the white man with ………the happy middle.
There’s a definite bias among Chinese men towards tall women- most of the successful, charismatic Chinese guys I know have wives who are taller than they are. And, preferably, less educated.
I like petite women with advanced degrees, so I’m not going to complain about that…
You should see my old man running game on the big fat black ladies who change his diapers at the old folks home. You punks would learn a thing or two about how to charm the dames.
It doesn’t matter that blacks prefer fatties. The jokes about that truth are just cover for the greater truth that most men of all races are offended at the idea of their women lying with blacks.
(Blacks don’t like their women with white men, either. In fact, they routinely assault and murder white men who date black women, as in this horror story: )
People take pride in their own race, and instinctively don’t like their own genetic lineage getting diluted. This isn’t the manosphere, this is simple biology.
Also: I live in suburban Detroit, and grew up with many, many Arabs (both Chaldean and Muslim). Try telling an Arab father or brother that their daughter or sister should date blacks. They will kill you, and disown (or worse) any Arab woman who saw a black man. I admire and appreciate how the Arabs in Dearborn are so successful at keeping the blacks from nextdoor Detroit out of their city, as the weaker white cities are victimized by black crime and blight. And the Arabs are very open and frank about their racism. Very few people want blacks in their cities, let alone in their bedrooms.
“the greater truth that most men of all races are offended at the idea of their women lying with blacks.”
Yes, a lot of men are intimidated by the idea of black men sleeping with their women.
“Blacks don’t like their women with white men, either.”
Black men give relatively few fucks about who black women are fucking. The groups that complain most loudly about interracial dating are Black Women and White Men.
“People take pride in their own race, and instinctively don’t like their
own genetic lineage getting diluted. This isn’t the manosphere, this is
simple biology.”
Not really. As I noted above, many groups complain much more loudly about interracial mating than do others. East Asian women are far more open to the idea (usually with white men) than are black women, while black men are generally less opposed to IR dating/mating than are white men (at least here in the US). White men also have no problem with IR mating when they get to do it themselves (witness the high rate of white male couplings with mestizo/asian women and the current high rate of white admixture within the Black populations of the Americas, 90% of which stems from Paternal European sources). The same can be said of Arab men (witness their history in Africa).
There’s really not a lot of evidence for a hard biological theory to stand on here. Attitudes to IR dating/mating are heavily subjective.
Your post was full of declarative statements and your own personal opinions. There’s not too much I can disagree with, since it’s your (supposed) observations from your personal life experience, but it doesn’t match mine.
But I will say this: make no mistake that East Asians are VERY protective of their genetic line and don’t like it when their women date outside of their race. (As a general rule.) Because they tend to be a more reserved people by nature, they won’t murder the offending couple and spray racial epithets on their wall like blacks do, but it is heavily discouraged in their own unique ways. (This is also reflected in the immigration policies of Japan, Korea, and China, which is very strict, and allows none of the “political refugees” from third world hellholes that pollute all Western countries.)
(MODS: I tried to delete the above post and instead wrote a more tempered version of it.)
Your post was mostly personal opinions. There’s not too much I can disagree with, since it’s your (supposed) observations from your personal life experience, but it doesn’t match mine.
But I will say this: make no mistake that East Asians are VERY protective of their genetic line and don’t like it when their women date outside of their race. (As a general rule.) Because they tend to be a more reserved people by nature, it is not always obvious to us from a distance, but it is heavily discouraged, nevertheless. (This is also reflected in the immigration policies of Japan, Korea, and China, which is very strict, and allows none of the “political refugees” from third world hellholes that pollute all Western countries.)
“Your post was mostly personal opinions.”
No more so than yours. It is a fact that opposition to interracial relationships varies by group/culture. That reality alone precludes your attempts to assign some sort of hard heritable trend to it. It is also a fact that white men are far less vocally opposed to interracial mating involving themselves than they are to interracial mating involving black men. This is quite clearly observable in historical and genetic records as well as in views of everyday life (i.e. the sheer number of white men impregnating mestizas and asians).
That disparity has nothing to do with “inborn repulsions” to interracial mating and everything to do with a general fear/dislike of black men and the sexual competition they provide.
And yes, there are other groups that dislike interracial mating. Asian women, however, are generally VERY open to it if white men are involved.
All races are most opposed to their women dating blacks. The likely cause of this is because of the lower IQs of blacks and the greater biological chasm between blacks and non-blacks (all non-black races intermixed with Neanderthals for over a millennium, providing many common genes.)
And I welcome competition from other races. But this is a fixed game: blacks are able to be prideful, get untold handouts via affirmative action roles at universities, Fortune 500 companies, etc., get tons and tons of welfare (it’s reverse slavery, at this point: whites are working to feed blacks). Conversely, whites are institutionally banned from taking pride in their race, heritage, or history. If they express any racial consciousness (other than genocidal self-hatred) they are branded Nazis/Racist/Homophobe, etc., and they swiftly lose their careers and all social standing.
Thus, black men get to walk around with their heads held high. Whites are ordered to walk with theirs held low….in the very countries which their people created. So this is not “competition”. This is the WWE.
Everybody’s free to do their own thing. And I am free to be repulsed by it, and to giggle at the white fatties who give birth to low-IQ malattos. I am also free to encourage intraracial mating, to propagate my own race and celebrate my race’s creativity, industriousness, and beauty.
“All races are most opposed to their women dating blacks.”
Would love to see some substantiation of this broad, subjective personal opinion.
“The likely cause of this is because of the lower IQs of blacks”
Implying that all races have higher IQs than blacks…
“and the greater biological chasm between blacks and non-blacks (all
non-black races intermixed with Neanderthals for over a millennium,
providing many common genes.)”
This is just makeshift HBDism. A far more plausible explanation for greater genetic distances between Africans and non-Africans is migration or, more specifically, patterns of migration. The shorter genetic distances between non-africans relative to Africans is due more primarily to a founder effect associated with out-of-Africa migration, not to neanderthal admixture. This also partially explains why genetic distances between Africans and non-africans increase with distance from Africa (read: the more distant the population is from Africa, the less related it is to Africans).
In either case, this discussion is moot, especially in relation to Afro-descendants in the Americas (the group you are most likely to encounter personally). Your typical Afro-descendant in the Americas is anywhere from 20-33% Western European by blood. Outside of the middle east and possibly North Africa, there are no closer relatives to western Europeans than these Afro-descendants. If you are a white American of western European heritage, African-Americans are probably, on average, closer genetic relations to you than almost any other population, thanks in large part to admixture.
Despite this reality, opposition among many such European Americans to sexual relationships with African-Americans is greater than it is to sexual relationships with East Asians, who are not as closely or as recently related to Western Europeans.
That disparity is down to subjective cultural preferences and prejudices, not biology.
“Everybody’s free to do their own thing. And I am free to be repulsed by
it, and to giggle at the white fatties who give birth to low-IQ
And I am free to point out when you are mistaken.
(“And I am free to jumble my scientific theories to try and make you look mistaken.” -Fixed)
You’re still just barking declarative statements to attempt proof by assertion.
(A) Your claim that most American blacks are a quarter white is prima facie false.
BUT….If it were true, it would argue against your pro-miscegenation case because it would prove that blacks have dominant genes in offspring, as black IQ and other social pathologies have shown acute persistence since at least the late 19th century. (BTW, you write as though you’d enjoy the idea of your race being genocided. It’s not actually happening, but you seem to be arguing a bit too vociferously that it is.) So this would be an argument for segregation, as white genetics are, by your claim, being eradicated at an accelerated rate through unique miscegenation.
(B) Your claim that modern humans didn’t mate with neanderthals conflicts with genetic, archaeological, and common sense evidence. Your “proof” that this never happened – genetic overlap increasing with proximity to Africa – is something you obviously don’t understand: Arabs are geographically closer to Africa than to Germany, and yet they share more alleles with Germans than they do with sub-Saharan Africans (who comprise the African American stock). This is because both Arabs and Germans are different branches of the more curious and spirited early humans who first migrated out of Africa and, consequently, mated with neanderthals.
Arguing against Neanderthal admixture is arguing against the heliocentric model of the solar system: it wastes time and insults intelligence. You’re either ignorant (in which case it is not my duty to educate you) or else you’re arguing in bad faith (in which case it’s pointless talking with you).
(C) Your derision of IQ tests again reveal that you’re ignorant or lying. IQ tests have been controlled for every socioeconomic variable, and the correlation is never broken. Blacks have lower IQs than whites by a full standard deviation.
(D) If black Americans are now white – as you hilariously claim – then black America simply wouldn’t exist. Then Detroit of 2013 would be like Detroit of 1953, blacks wouldn’t still be getting the same genetic diseases they’re prone to (sickle cell anemia, lactose intolerance, etc.) and whites wouldn’t be getting the genetic diseases they’re prone to.
So you’re either ignorant or disingenuous. Either way, you’re claims are silly and I don’t want to hear any of your goofy scientific posturing.
“Would love to see some substantiation of this broad, subjective personal opinion.”
Put it this way: ever wonder why seemingly every culture on the planet — from Korean to Chinese to Cuban to Jewish to Arab to Italian-American and beyond — has a word for “nigger”?
“(“And I am free to jumble my scientific theories to try and make you look mistaken.” -Fixed)”
“(A) Your claim that most American blacks are a quarter white is prima facie false.”
No, it is not. The admixture of the African-American population is very well documented.,2
“* According to, the average African
American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2
percent Native American.
* According to, the
average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent
European and only 0.6 percent Native American.
* According to Family Tree, the average African
American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European
and 1.7 percent Native American.
* According to National Geographic’s Genographic
Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African,
19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.
According to AfricanDNA, in which I am a partner with Family Tree DNA,
the average African American is 79 percent sub-Saharan African, 19
percent European and 2 percent Native American.”
As you can see, estimate of European admixture within the African-American population range from about 1/5th to over 1/4. That is the average. Your typical African-American has significant (at least a 1/5th-1/4) European ancestry.
“(B) Your claim that modern humans didn’t mate with neanderthals
conflicts with genetic, archaeological, and common sense evidence.”
This claim does not exist. Here is what I actually said:
“The shorter genetic distances between non-africans relative to Africans
is due more primarily to a founder effect associated with out-of-Africa
migration, not to neanderthal admixture.”
That is not meant to deny the existence of neanderthal admixture (which is obvious), but to deny the notion that it is a principle reason for the enhanced genetic distance between non-africans and Africans. That genetic distance is primarily the result of founders affects, not of neanderthal admixture (the existence of which I never denied).
” You’re either ignorant (in which case it is not my duty to educate
you) or else you’re arguing in bad faith (in which case it’s pointless
talking with you).”
The answer is none of the above. You’ve merely misread me.
“(C) Your derision of IQ tests again reveal that you’re ignorant or
lying. IQ tests have been controlled for every socioeconomic variable,
and the correlation is never broken. Blacks have lower IQs than whites
by a full standard deviation.”
I see that you have elected to bring another strawman to the discussion. Here is what I actually said:
“Implying that all races have higher IQs than blacks…”
That was not a challenge to the validity of IQ tests. It was also not a challenge to the notion that whites have been measured to possess higher IQs than blacks in the United States by the measure of about a standard deviation.
It was a challenge to the notion that all races possess lower IQs than blacks (particularly westernized blacks) do, a notion which was implied by your statement here regarding the supposed reasoning for alleged universal repulsion to interracial mating with blacks to which I was responding:
“”The likely cause of this is because of the lower IQs of blacks”
There are other populations out there with measured IQs at the African American level, below the african american level, or within a relatively insignificant range of the African American level (3 points or less). These are populations (example: East Indians, Filipinos, Mexicans, Guatemalans, etc) that do not seem to attract the same repulsion when it comes to potential interracial mating that the idea of mating with African Americans (who, again, have IQs at or above the level of each of those groups) does.
This reality obscures your notion that the real reason many would want to avoid blacks (particularly westernized ones who have demonstrably higher IQs than many other more welcome groups) is because of IQ.
“(D) If black Americans are now white – as you hilariously claim”
That would be a hilarious claim if I made it.
Alas, all I actually said was that Black Americans (along with other black diasporans) possess significant European admixture and are genetically closer to western Europeans than just about any other group outside of the Middle East/North Africa.
“So you’re either ignorant or disingenuous.”
None of the above, I’m afraid.
I’m not sure what point you were trying to make.
Thankfully, you agreed with all the core points that I made, and so it looks like we can move along: That blacks have lower IQs, that they are more genetically isolated than any other race, and that all races discourage interracial dating (although whites – and only whites – have been aggressively bullied into accepting it for decades now).
So, with all of this in mind, whites have the same right that all of those races possess: to preserve our race. Most whites don’t want our IQs lowered any further and our entire civilization becoming more like that of the blacks. This has been happening – at an accelerated rate – for fifty years and the effects have been devastating.
All one needs to do to see the future of American whites is look at South Africa, and the subhuman genocide that has occurred there. The same violence against whites is also occurring here in the U.S., and there’s no cause to expect it to slow down.
“I’m not sure what point you were trying to make.”
You’ve got to be kidding me.
“Thankfully, you agreed with all the core points that I made, and so it looks like we can move along”
No I have not, and no we cannot.
The arguments that I’m making are not particularly advanced or complicated, yet they have went completely over your head. Your inability to grasp these points (and your total misreading of my arguments as evidenced in your last response) leads me to conclude that this discussion is a waste of time. We cannot see eye to eye and never will.
With that, I’ll leave this be. You are free to maintain your leanings toward white nationalism, and I will agree to disagree about them. Good day.
Yeah, you’re just too smart for me. What seemed to everybody else to be a rambling and self-contradictory mash-up of declarations and web-links was actually an incisive and refined thesis.
It’s a funny thing that I’ll take two minutes to share a thought on the internet, and before I know it I’ve wasted an hour trying to coalesce the ramblings of schizos into coherence.
My point, for clarification: People don’t like miscegenation. This is Jews, Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and Mexicans don’t want blacks in their countries. White countries, conversely, have been bullied to accept it in the past 50 years both culturally and legally.
For all the Black Priders here at RoK (and there seem to be a lot), I acknowledge your claims that you have bigger dicks, and the fear of being relatively inadequate is also a factor. But the sexual element is small, relative to the greater desire to preserve our people and not be contaminated with the genes of people who are stupider, more violent, less creative, and less cooperative.
“Yes, a lot of men are intimidated by the idea of black men sleeping with their women.”
Much like men refusing to get hitched with middle aged careerist women are just intimidated.
No, middle aged careerist women simply aren’t particularly attractive. They do not offend those men, they simply aren’t appealing.
Certain men are “offended” by the mere idea of black men sleeping with non-black women because of insecurities relating to the sexual competition black men provide.
This is why it has, for example, been common in history for white men to sanction and regularly engage in sexual relations with non-white (usually black) women while prohibiting (on the pain of death) the reverse from taking place. That’s pure sexual competition, nothing more and nothing less.
It has nothing to do with intimidation.
It has something to so with selfishness.
The point you are trying to make is impossible to make based on your premises.
Men in general have no problem dating interracially while hating it when their women do so. Whowuddathunkit?
“Men in general have no problem dating interracially while hating it when their women do so.”
Certain men are far more opposed to their women dating out than others are, as I’ve noted in this particular comment section.
The two most vocal voices in opposition to interracial dating in the USA are (in this order) Black women and white men. Black men give far fewer fucks about who is fucking black women than vice versa, and far fewer fucks than white men give about who white women are fucking.
Main reason for that: white men are far less likely to go for black chicks than BM going for WW. (because black guys like white girls more than white guy going for black girls and because there are more white women available than black)
Then there is the issue of black people, well, “contaminating” the white genepool.
I know you guys don’t believe this, but black people tend to have character traits that white people find negative.
Oh well.
If you don’t believe in the latter, that argument won’t fly. 🙂
SNESGamer: “People […] instinctively don’t like their own genetic lineage getting diluted.”
That’s not necessarily backed by the data:
Image taken from Gallup historical polls on interracial marriage:
Here’s the image for the polls:
Fat white girls are not generally a black man’s first choice. Black men like thick women with flat stomachs and large hips/ass. Black men end up with fat white girls for two main reasons:
1. They genuinely can’t do better (broke, gameless, and generally lacking in anything going for them). You’ll notice that black men of means who can afford not to genuinely don’t bother dating whales with sloppy bodies. Highly educated black men with good salaries and employment (a very rare combination) are generally dating the normal-weight “good girls” of all races that white guys like too. These men (who usually come up in more heavily white environments) get with women of normal weight as often as the next guy.
Black men with status in the urban community (top athletes, musicians/entertainers, and whoever else is top of the totem pole) are dating Maliah Michel or Yoncee, not Precious or whatever other obese black woman you can think of.
The sloppy girls are for the men who can’t do better. Unfortunately, black men are in the worst socio-economic situation of any demographic (least employed, least educated, lowest earnings, etc), so a larger number of them (probably 80-90%) fit into this category. This is why they run for low-hanging fruit more often than others.
2. The second reason you may see a black guy with a bigger woman is because they were with a “thick” girl whose stomach was flat in her youth but who blew up after she had the first kid or two and passed age 25. Some of these girls with the thick urban booty model body are fine and flat-bellied in their youth but prone to blowing up after pregnancy. That’s the trade off.
Based on the sample of black men (mostly fairly “successful”, as measured by income) I’ve known well enough to have an idea of what women they go for…; let’s just say that while they may well have preferred flat stomachs to go with the large asses, they’ll compromise on the stomach part waaaaay before they consider doing so on the ass…….
I would never compromise on stomach. The three things I like are long hair, long legs, and flat stomach. I dont care about ass or boobs. Well I like tight asses, but not big…
Can you explain why black professional athletes, entertainers, etc all date and marry inshape women? Your logic is flawed.
I think you need a better sample, and more sound methodology for your numbers.
“Fat white girls are not generally a black man’s first choice. Black men like thick women with flat stomachs and large hips/ass.”
And that pretty much describes every Brazilian men, including the white. I am a white Brazilian and honestly, I couldnt be bothered by a Reese Whitherspoon type. We like pear asses and big boobs are welcome but not required. Thighs are better when round and thick (preferably muscular so the knee is still discernible), and less than skinny arms are forgivable. Ellen Roche is the quintessencial Brazilian Bombshell, a unanimity in here:
I cant tell the same about Argentinian men, who seem to like very very plain women too, like the americans. Hence I usually say “All brazilians are black (when it comes to their pick on women), including the whites”.
But you are right, its not about wanting fatties. Its not about fat, its about meat. We like voluptuous in the good old sense of the word.
Hahaaaaa. Fat white girls is NOT an option!
HAHAH!! You would hate me! I have a very flat stomach, long slender legs, and although I do have a bit of a booty, its tight, and only a B cup. Its socialization. Preppy, clean cut, a bit upper class, quiet but masculine, preferably blue eyed British or American guys( which is what i like) or All-Ammerican baseball loving, friendly and very normal professional types white or asian( also a preferred type of mine) all really seem to like thin. I really don’t see what is wrong with anyone liking anyone…but I am curious as to why it is like it is. I mean what is it that a blond soccer player sees in a leggy pale brunette, or what a black restaurant owner sees in a thick legged big bottomed hispanic girl that makes them think “this is perfect”?
Black women can be too stressful to deal with. Many white women are less self asserted; these creates a cohesive environment. Men who lack in being self asserted are often dominated by these black women and they enjoy it, she becomes like a mother to him.
I am a black American male who would never even consider dating an overweight woman of any race. I work my rear off to stay fit and it is telling when a woman allows herself to walk around with a belly that hangs out. I have had a couple of black males tell me that big women are easier to get, for whatever they are looking for, who knows what that is, sometimes financial support sometimes is mentioned. I get irritated when overweight white women automatically assume I am interested in them. I mean, come on! I agree demographics has a lot to do with it. I have an engineering degree which provides for a stable income, and travel the world, which gives me a lot of exposure.
Fat women are everwhere now. They are dumb as rocks and disgusting.
I agree with most of what you say; however, I take issue with a couple of points:
1. “…a very rare combination…” Black men who are educated and earn a comfortable middle class to high income are not ‘rare’. Contrary to popular belief, there have never been more black males in prison than in college and their numbers in college are representative of their percentage of the population.
2. Yes, the ills of society disproportionately affect men, and in particular black and Hispanic men, but in no way is that figure “80-90%” of the black male population.
3. Interracial dating/marriage is higher than its ever been before, but most people, African Americans included, tend to marry within their own ethnicity. 88% of all black males who marry, marry black women. 85% of all black males who earn a college degree and marry, marry black women. 83% of all black males who earn an income of $100,000 or more annually and marry, marry black women, and 72% of all black males who are true professional athletes and whom choose to get married marry black women; 23% marry white women and the rest marry women who are neither black nor white. Now, I recite marriage statistics and not dating stats as I only assume that despite feminism’s attempts to convince us otherwise, a woman’s ‘worth’ is still measured by her long term viability.
4. I say all this to make a point: Black men aren’t roaming the hills looking for fat white women. They truly seem to display a preference, and for the most part that preference seems to be what you described… women with wide hips, thick thighs, flat tummies and yes, phat asses. The above marriage stats then tell us what Roissy and others have already stated is the obvious — Like most other men (with the exception of Jewish men), black men prefer to ‘date their own’ when it comes to choosing prospects for marriage, but when they are simply choosing a woman for tonight (rather than one who’s right), a significant number of them will drastically lower their standards in the interest of catching a nut. Note: men of all races do this. Black men seem to catch more flak (particularly from our women and sometimes white men) for it.
I agree with most of what you say as well, with a few major caveats.
1. Black men who are educated are “rare”, especially relative to other demographics. Black men have the lowest rate of high school and college graduation seen among any demographic. Only 41% of us graduate from High School, and just 22% of us finish college within 6 years of starting it.
In Chicago, just 30% of black males graduate high school and only 3% of those make it through college by age 25.
Black Males are outnumbered by black females in degree attainment by a ratio of 2-1 (or higher, depending on the kind of degree you’re talking about). This means that black men who are educated are actually rare relative to their female counterparts and rare relative to their equivalents in other demographics (all of whom have much higher rates of degree attainment).
2. The bit about “more black males in prison than in college” is a myth, and you’re right to point that out.
What must also be noted, however, is the fact that the ratio of prisoners to college students in the black male population is far worse than that of any demographic, due entirely to the massive incarceration rate that they deal with (and that’s without taking dropouts into account-remember, nearly 80% of black males who start college do not finish within 6 years). One in three black men between the ages of 20-29 is under correctional supervision or control. Black men have a 32% lifetime chance of going to prison-hispanics are at just 17%, whites at 5.9% (black females = 5.6%).
3. Black men are the last hired, first fired, and least compensated of just about any demographic in the USA. This is largely due to the factors above.
There may be more black men earning at the very highest levels than black women, but there are FAR more black men languishing at the lowest socio-economic levels with the lowest earning power than there are women.
Again, this picture looks much nicer when you look at Toldson’s data and conclude “oh, there are more black men earning $75k than women, things aren’t so bad”.
Things get ugly when you realize that black women making 75k+ aren’t the only ones competing for black men, and that every black man in that socio-economic category has multiple equivalents on the very bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy (a level at which there are proportionately far fewer females due to the aforementioned low rate of black male education, high rate of incarceration, etc).
ALL of the women (including those with higher incomes) are competing for a certain kind of black man (educated, reasonably high income, on top of other factors like looks, height, etc) who is, statistically, relatively rare. The men who are of that “certain kind”, meanwhile, are open to a woman of just about any income/education level and race (as you noted, increased education/income leads to increased openness to interracial mating among black males, meaning that black women are competing with other women for these men too).
I may have exaggerated some of my claims, but the bottomline is clear: educated black men with good incomes are not terribly common in this society and number far fewer than they ought to. Relative to other demographics (including black women), they are quite scarce.
Note: Source for many of my stats is here:
I have a more detailed PDF as well with more stats. Hit my ROK email if you want a copy of it.
Bullshit. Black men are NOT outnumbered by college educated black women hardly at all. Maybe high school, but not college. Only 2 % difference. And i have several places where you can see the stats in a nice, easy to read chart.
Also, Hispanic men are two thirds less likely to graduate college then black men, so you are wrong there too. 15 percent for black men, 8 percent for Hispanic. Wrong again. Seriously look at the government provided data.
Here we have a link to the numbers.
What it shows is that in 2009 black men and black women are only two percent apart. For a four year degree. With 15 percent of black males and 17 percent of black females graduating with one of those. Compare that to 34 percent of white males, and 27percent of white females getting a four year degree.
Your percentages in regards to Black men are way off. You must be pretty pathetic to try to make yourself feel better by putting down others.
I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. If you’ve got the evidence to show that my percentages are “way off”, feel free to show it.
How can anyone disprove stats pulled out of the arse ?
Easy. Provide the evidence that his numbers are wrong, by leaving a link to the “correct” statistics. If you don’t know what the real numbers are, then you can’t know if his numbers are wrong. If you can;t even figure that out, you can’t be very bright. I am going to disprove him right now…. OK..look at my post above.
I will disprove it somewhat. They are only two percent apart in 2009, anyhow. Here is one link.
You can see that males and females of all races are pretty close, with the biggest spread being white, not black, between the races! 15 percent of black males get four year degrees, and 17 percent of black females get four year degrees. Opposed to 27 percent of white females get four year degrees, and 34 percent of white males. So, there are more white males that have degrees by 8 percent, then white women. Only Two percent difference between black men and women.
However, I AGREE that as only 15 percent of black men have a degree..that is pretty rare. I disagree that black women with degrees can’t find a black man with a degree. Its pretty close. More white men marry white women with a lesser education then black women marry black men with a lesser education.
Poor men are worthless, fat girls are worthless, so they go together.
Personally, I find it rather tiring dealing with this stereotype. It’s not so much black men , or hispanic men for that matter, loving fatter women as some people try to put it out there, but having little options due to our current economic standing. Men with less money or with the reputation of having less money will have a harder time attracting fitter women for reasons we all know. If they have a sudden explosion of wealth (looking at you sports stars and musicians) some of them will still stick with the heavier women because that’s the background they come from, but most men with something going for themselves don’t put up with substandard women.
The average low status “black man” out clubbing in the US, has many more options to hook up than the average white or asian beta dude. As has been pointed out in articles here before, lots of what passes for game, is just acting black.
In general, men like ass, tits, thighs and curves, but dislike excessive blubber. Problem is, the above traits are not independent. A bit of blubber, while possibly a universal negative in and of itself, may boost the former traits enough to compensate. And different races of men seem to have observably different tolerance for the various possible tradeoffs. Almost anyone that has been around enough to witness which women a typical black guy goes for, vis-a-vis a similar “status” asian guy, will agree that the black guy is willing to put up with more blubber to reach his acceptable standards in other areas; particularly wrt ass.
It’s not an American thing, nor a “poor black immigrant to Europe” thing. I’ve known (a slim, almost nerdy looking) filthy rich son of a high up minister of a major African country. He could have any girl he wanted. HIs girlfriends were all larger than he was. I bet if you were to do a survey of the size of the wives of ambassadors’, and other Embassy higher ups’ in DC; all high status apex males; the ladies from African countries would be of a very different build than those from Asian countries. And before you go there; there are plenty of small, petite women in Africa to choose from if that was what the local men went for.
Personally, while Blacks and Hispanics generally, in the US, generally have lower “social status” than other groups, what is tiring, is to have every single one of their observed behaviors attributed to nothing more than this one single metric.
“The average low status “black man” out clubbing in the US, has many more
options to hook up than the average white or asian beta dude”
No, they do not. As Roosh has written before, people tend to vastly overestimate the ability of the average black male to attract non-black women while vastly underestimating the number of non-black women unwilling to mess with anything other than a well above average (intellectually, socially, physically) black male.
The average low status black male out clubbing in the US messes primarily with other black women (and perhaps the occasional latina, depending on where in the USA he is) primarily. opportunities with non-black women are far and few between for him as he’ll rarely meet with them. The average white beta has a far better chance with the average non-black girl than your typical low status black man, with whom said average non-black girl will very often prefer not to be seen.
“And different races of men seem to have observably different tolerance
for the various possible tradeoffs. Almost anyone that has been around
enough to witness which women a typical black guy goes for, vis-a-vis a
similar “status” asian guy, will agree that the black guy is willing to
put up with more blubber to reach his acceptable standards in other
areas; particularly wrt ass.”
This is generally true, though it is heavily exaggerated. While black men prefer thicker women, their preferences do not explain their tendency to end up with very large (outright fat) women more often than other groups of men. Black men like more meat on the bones, but their ideal does not prescribe as much meat as they often tolerate.
That disparity is down to socio-economic realities: your average black male simply can’t afford that ideal and is forced to settle for women with much higher body fat percentages, even though he may not personally prefer them any more than other men do.
Part of the disparity can also be explained by psychological (self-esteem) issues among black men. many genuinely do not think they can do better.
“Personally, while Blacks and Hispanics generally, in the US, generally
have lower “social status” than other groups, what is tiring, is to have
every single one of their observed behaviors attributed to nothing more
than this one single metric.”
Like it or not, that metric is generally going to play a larger role in explaining social dynamics in those communities because of how impactful it is. There is no getting around that reality.
I always enjoy reading your comments. Your perspective is very valuable in terms of balancing out the manosphere.
It is also easier to live off a fat woman if you are broke. Most brothers are not in the middle class.
I’m a black/spanish male and I find it relatively easy to sleep with any ethnicity except black women. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I don’t look like the typical african american male, because my look is more exotic.
In high school I had a 2 year relationship with a completely chinese girl.
In college I had a 3 year relationship with a completely white woman, as well as a spanish woman.
The funny thing about this article for me is that it’s completely the opposite for me. Black women give me dirty looks and are usually not interested in me the minute I open my mouth (same goes for me, I don’t find black women attractive at all). My preference is largely based on the fact that my mom is spanish and has the complexion of most white women do.
I don’t talk like a typical black person either, as I was raised in a predominantly white neighborhood. I’ve never dated a black women or have had sex with one either. I have slept with over 40+ other women, most being white.
Most of the white women (which are not fat, thick booty, whales as mentioned in this article) love being with me. Most actually introduce me to their families and their families love me. The only family that I had problems with was the asian girl I dated, because there’s a real issue when it comes to that with her father.
Other than that, most white women I’m with usually talk about how amazing their babies would look with me, because of my skin complexion and their features. lol I think most want to try to have a light skin baby with green or blue eyes.
Anyway, thought I give my 2 cents on the matter.
You may be right about options for average black men. There is a good chance most non blacks suffer from some version of apex fallacy when it comes to blacks; they don’t see a representative population of black men, but rather black men that club where whites / asians club.
Almost all men end up with women that is not their true ideal. It’s not like white guys don’t like ass. Heck even most asian guys probably do, as long as it fits in a total package weighing no more than 80 pounds 🙂 Rather, what type of women most guys in a population end up with, has to do with what they are willing to tolerate, or how they are willing to trade one off desirable feature for another. And black guys just seem to be extremely unwilling to sacrifice ass. Almost to the point where no conceivable compensating quality can make up for a woman lacking in that area. While most asian guys would turn down the curviest hip hop model on the planet, if she happened to be a bit too tall and thick.
And while I respect your opinion, You’re going to have a hard time convincing me that a black guy is no different than a white guy with a tan and no money. And ditto for a Hispanic guy.
non-overlapping spheres of influence. That phrase is the one reason why you shouldn’t be upset at black guys for taking curvy white women.
Seriously, unless you are getting your toes stepped on because you like them thick as well, your complaining makes you look like a douchebag.
Social Kenny has been doing us a favor this whole time.
His latest post links to a video of some guy “gaming” tubbies at McDonald’s:
White men and black women HATE black men who date white women. Black men don’t care if white men date black women.
This goes back to the days of slavery when white men had sexual access to both white women and black women; whereas black men were forbidden to sleep with white women. Extreme violence would be committed against black men who slept with white women after slavery. They were lynched and murdered and beaten.
The idea that black men like fat white women is absurd. Broke black men like fat women; and low self-esteem black men like fat white women.
This is all about power: white men want all the pussy in the world. They want the right or privilege to dip their dicks into all women; meanwhile, they get all red in the face when a black men dates white. Black women always play the race card when a black man dates a white woman, and they play the victim and claim that black men don’t love their own women yet they say absolutley nothing when black women date white men. If they cared for the continuity of the black community why stay silent when black women go out with white men and yet make a ton of noise when black men go out with white women.
You’ll even see the hate against black men who date white women within the manosphere. Go to the comments section of a heartiste post where race is the subject. Black men get blasted and black women do not. It’s all about power.
Racism, hatred, envy, or what have you will not stop intrepid black men from dating intrepid white women.
As a guy who had a black girlfriend in L.A., I can assure you that it does indeed bother black men that you’re “taking” one of their women.
On average, most black men don’t care. I live in NYC and there are many black females with white (typically older) males. And black males don’t stare, give ugly looks or make comments under their breaths.
I was in a club one night and a black female-white male couple in their early twenties were their on the dance floor having a good time. It didn’t bother me or anyone else from what I observed.
I approached a beautiful white woman in her early twenties and started dancing with her…and guess what: the black female-white male couple started staring at us with funny looks on their faces. Their dancing slowly came to a halt. It was an amusing sight to behold.
The bottom line is this: the US has a history of violence against black males in general and against black males who take a fancy to dating white women. Like I’ve said before, it’s about power.
I’ve come across alpha white males who don’t give a shit if black men date white women, but those men are rare. And I’ve come across alpha black men who don’t give a shit about racism and will go for the sexy in-shape white female.
Nothing will stop the intrepid black males as nothing will stop intrepid white females from getting what they want.
“Like I’ve said before, it’s about power.”
You sound like a feminist.
Being biased against other men taking their women is normal, especially if they have a tendency to have a lower IQ and be more aggressive.
Eh, I’m guessing it all just depends. I went out with a smoking hot black chick once upon a time. We went to the movies one night and there happened to be a group of black guys in front of the theater that were laughing and cutting up, loud as fuck. We walked by and suddenly you could have heard a damn pin drop. I got some looks, man.
White men had made every effort since time immemorial to keep black men from white women. Learn your history, ho.
You get your history from movies and TV. In the real world, blacks have always committed far more interracial violence.
And if America was so bad for you blacks, then you would all be moving to Africa, and there wouldn’t be so many Africans immigrating here and trying to stay once they do get here.
And it’s not only whites that don’t want their genes being eradicated and their children’s IQs being lowered: It’s ALL races. Israel regularly sterilizes the Ethiopian Jews (who are actually a bit smarter than sub-Saharan Africans) because they don’t their genetic stock being diluted.
There is everything right and nothing wrong with a people trying to preserver their race and heritage. Stop hating white men.
“And it’s not only whites that don’t want their genes being eradicated and their children’s IQs being lowered”
You cannot eradicate genes via interracial mating and there is also no guarantee of lowered IQ via interracial mating. These are not valid reasons to oppose interracial unions.
If you simply do not like the idea of Black-White pairings, then express the fact that it offends your personal preferences and leave it at that. There is no need to invent legitimate substantiation where there is none.
“It’s ALL races.”
All races are not concerned with the two reasonings you brought up above regarding “gene eradication” and “lower IQ”.
” Israel regularly sterilizes the Ethiopian Jews (who are actually a bit
smarter than sub-Saharan Africans) because they don’t their genetic
stock being diluted.”
1. Israelis are, by and large, Caucasian, and many of them are in fact white Europeans. They’re not example to use if you’re trying to present the notion that “all races” (besides white european people) have an issue with blacks.
2. Ethiopian Jews are sub-saharan Africans.
How do you go about preserving your race? By murdering colored folks you feel threatened by? Or by sterilizing these people? Who granted you the right to sterilize these people and determine who they date or marry? Am not hating on white men. But I do hate on men who believe they’ve got the right to go about sterilizing people under the threat of violence and murder. Why do you support white men who date black women? What color do you think their offspring(s) will be?
Black men were forbidden to go any where near white women since slavery. Laws were passed in this country to keep black men from white women. Those are facts. You’re free to do your research and learn your country’s hateful and murderous past.
How do you go about preserving your race? By murdering colored folks you feel threatened by? Or by sterilizing these people? Who granted you the right to sterilize these people and determine who they date or marry? Am not hating on white men. But I do hate on men who believe they’ve got the right to go about sterilizing people under the threat of violence and murder. Why do you support white men who date black women? What color do you think their offspring(s) will be?
Black men were forbidden to go any where near white women since slavery. Laws were passed in this country to keep black men from white women. Those are facts. You’re free to do your research and learn your country’s hateful and murderous past.
You obviously aren’t afraid of white people. If you were, you’d have left the U.S. And we wouldn’t be infected with more and more blacks coming over from Africa.
You blacks are very violent, and have always murdered us whites at a much greater rate than the opposite. So your pretentions of victimhood are hilarious.
So you fear white men leaving, because you know that we give you a good life, relative to the jungle you’d be otherwise living in. So a “Thank you” would be more appropriate than insults.
But it won’t last. You blacks are now too many, and your violence is becoming ever-greater. You are sinking the ship rapidly.
In direct answer to your question, “How do I go about preserving the race?” The answer is simple: A country of our own. The same as the Jews, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabs all have.
They don’t let blacks in those countries, and they prosper because of it.
What makes you think you own women?
Banging different color girls are fine as long as you at least father some white children.
As a red pill man, certainly you understand that there is a difference between men and women in this regard. Men can have unlimited children, women only so many. Men can therefore be less discriminating with whom they impregnate.
Are you aware that lots of black in say the Carribean consider Rihanna white? They have their own ‘one drop rule’, but when whites want the same, then it is horrible?
Banging different color girls are fine as long as you at least father some white children.
As a red pill man, certainly you understand that there is a difference between men and women in this regard. Men can have unlimited children, women only so many. Men can therefore be less discriminating with whom they impregnate.
Are you aware that lots of black in say the Carribean consider Rihanna white? They have their own ‘one drop rule’, but when whites want the same, then it is horrible?
Jews are not caucassian aka white. They’re mostly from Kaukasus and the same race as turks and other people from that area mixed with some semittic heritage.
They are not white and not even caucassian.
Allof the populations you mentioned are racially Caucasoid.
FACT: some white males have genetic fear of annihilation. The white man has invented some of the deadliest weaponry in humankind to slaughter fellow whites throughout Europe for millennia. But when he “discovered” black, brown, and yellow women he realized these other races don’t weapons to so-call “wipe” him out hence the global racial hierarchy.
Whoa. In what universe do Caribbean/Bajan people consider Rihanna to be white? I have never heard of this, ever.
Absolute and utter nonsense. White men raped Native American and African women all across the globe. This is basic world history. You never learned about the age of discovery? It is quite ironic that bigots would be ignorant of their own history.
Many African Americans have a great white grandfather in their family tree. We have a group of people we refer to as “Latinos” — people who speak Spanish because of colonization — who are [in varying degrees] a mixture of African, European and Native.
White men were the ones that started race mixing. It was/is okay for them to do it. But when men of color so much as look at a white woman, they want to create laws to forbid them from forming a relationship with them.
Agreed, lived in Chicago a few years back and dated black women, black men and women would give us nasty looks. White people would gawk but didn’t care. Definitely dating black women opened my eyes – I could pull much hotter black girls (esp. who were culturally white) with little game, whereas the black guys dating white women were almost always dating low quality. Occasionally I would see a attractive girl with a black guy, but the guy was almost always culturally white.
The kikes have taught you well.
Of course you will see “racist” people in the manosphere. People who reject feminism/the feminine imperative are usually autonomous enough in their thought to reject cultural marxism in it’s entirety.
It’s all the Jewzzz’ fault!!!!
Awww, babbys first appeal to ridicule.
When it comes to the topic of wacism being such a sacred cow to white Americans, of course its the Jews fault you dipshit. Who is disproportionately represented in Academia and media?
Ever heard of Tim Wise? Debbie Schultz-Wassermann? Hugo Schwyzer?
sounds like a typical paranoid american dude to me so why are u using american in the sentence to insult? lol
Tommy Hass is Turkish… the irony of it all. I never understood how an Arab can hold such views when more than half the western world despises them.
ROK: meeting place for “where da white wimmins at!!” niggaz to complain about white girls being “feminist” for not wanting to fuck black guys, and to repeat PC old saws about “institutional raciss” and “legacy of slavery” getting in the way of their access to free grapedrank and shawty.
ROK: meeting place for “where da white wimmins at!!” niggaz to complain about white girls being “feminist” for not wanting to fuck black guys, and to repeat PC old saws about “institutional raciss” and “legacy of slavery” getting in the way of their access to free grapedrank and shawty.
Good Lord.
White men don’t like interracial relationships because of slavery. Alert Oprah.
I never said that was the reason.
I never said that was the reason.
Many black men have an issue with white men dating black women. I live in the northern midwest of the US of A and have dated black women. You will get hassled by black guys for doing so.
When I was living in the south (Alabama) I was told by both white and black guys that white men are not to “cross the color line.” Once I was with a black (male ) coworker and we went past a beautiful black woman and made our approaches (both unsuccessful). His comment was, “I didn’t know you liked black women.” My response was, ” I appreciate beautiful women and beautiful women come in all sizes shapes and colors.” I saw no BW with WM couples in the 10 years I lived there.
Many years before, in Maryland, a white male friend of mine had a black girlfriend on the down low. He wanted to bring it out in the open and was told by her that if the people in her neighborhood (black guys) found out she was dating a white guy, then her life would be in danger.
So, based on al these life experiences, I disagree that black guys have no problem with white guys dating black women.
appreciate beautiful women and beautiful women come in all sizes shapes and colors.”
What I’m about to write is going to offend the bluepill commentariat contingent and the bluepill contributors of ROK alike. Remember, it’s not the words themselves that make you weep … but the truth enlivening them.
Sorry I’m not sorry.
As a White Man, I have a revulsion at the sight of black/white couplings … for the record, we’ll define that revulsion as: Human Nature.
A great majority of these white warpigs Africans fancy would not be so abhorrent, in mind or body, if it weren’t for the degenerate non-culture of our time that is responsible for so horribly disfiguring them and our environment. In a healthy culture, like, say, 90 percent white 1950s America, the probability of these girls being svelte beauties, psychologically and physiologically, would be [almost] guaranteed.
Why is this important?
These white landwhales carry in them redeemable DNA that can be bequeathed to future generations that, in a healthier cultural milieu, would find a beautiful expression quite unlike the contemporary shambling ungulates from whence they came….When a mulatto is birthed, that potentiality is lost forever.
Now, when a miscegenation event results in offspring, particularity Caucasoid/Negroid offspring, the result is an act of dysgenics for white people writ large. Whites gain nothing, loosing a millenia of our ancestry due to the lies and agitprop, deceminated from culturally sensitive apparati, directly into the minds of the deracinated whites who squander his/her genetic legacy.
For the black race, it’s an act of eugenics as blacks profit aesthetically, intellectually and socially from interbreeding with whites. See the most accomplished blacks for the evidence, and note their lighter skin tones, the hallmark of white genetic algorithms. The products of these miscegenation events WILL identify as black and WILL be accepted as black and WILL work for all that benefits blackness, at any degree or level of responsibility afforded to them.
Whites, conversely, again, gain nothing, absolutely nothing, realizing only a genetic loss in their gene pool that can never be recovered.
Down vote me, now.
I post about race in long enough breaks to forget that it brings out posters like this.
It could well be a hoax hate post, just the same as most hate crimes are hoaxes (such as Walmart guy story here, or the Oberlin college Nazi thing).
I’d say that most of these are likely hoaxes. Internet false flags, so to speak.
Roosh has lost all respect I had for him with this reply. Blacks are enemies of civilization.
WTF is this racist rhetoric masquerading around as genetic intellectualism. Idk even know where to start. Me being born black means i’m automatically subjecting society to a myriad of problems? The fact that anyone even liked your post is troubling. I don’t even know what black culture, and I’m black. I live in southern California and just about everyone does their own thing, there really isn’t a black or white thing. You’re mad because there are mix couples? Low status black men? For every retarded black guy out there there’s just as many white men if not more. This is pointless.
“For every retarded black guy out there there’s just as many white men if not more”
That is factually inaccurate.
But you are right that saying “Blacks are the enemy of civilization” is BS. He misspelled Jews. 😀
Don’t take it to heart nigguh.
You being born black and subject to problems is because blacks are the only race not capable of maintaining civilization. Everyone else has managed to despite overwhelming odds.
Haiti, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Detroit, Liberia I could go on. Everywhere that blacks are left to themselves, they descend into barbary and violence.
Is this not the truth if you’re honest with yourself?
Of course there are smart blacks, but the majority of black people african and african-american, even when adjusted for socio-economic factors are simply significantly less intelligent with an average IQ of only 85 for american blacks.
Maybe the average black is simply not smart enough to live in a civilized manner?
Try asking these questions to yourself truthfully as unpleasent as it must be.
“Waaah, commenter stated something that contradicts my blue pill feel good opinions :'(”
You hypocrite.
I doubt that very much.
“As a White Man, I have a revulsion at the sight of black/white couplings
… for the record, we’ll define that revulsion as: Human Nature.”
Translation: I have a strong personal distaste for black people and I will attempt to frame this as a biological construct rather than a result of my own beliefs and experiences.
“These white landwhales carry in them redeemable DNA that can be
bequeathed to future generations that, in a healthier cultural milieu,
would find a beautiful expression quite unlike the contemporary
shambling ungulates from whence they came….”
We spend a lot of time on this site discussing the poor attitudes/entitlement of many western women and how they came about.
Why is it that so many western white women have these kind of attitudes that you and others here complain about? Because you worship them, that’s why. Even when they are sloppy, fat, entitled and otherwise in possession of few redeeming qualities, you find a way to elevate them due to their “redeemable” DNA. They are white, so they’re always right.
They know this and understand that they will be given the benefit of the doubt regardless of what they do, so they act out.
The reality, of course, is that many of these white women (just like many women of other races/ethnicities) are not very nice, lack many redeemable qualities and are incapable of expressing them in any environment. Continued ignorance of this will only ensure that you will always complain about their entitlement.
“When a mulatto is birthed,
that potentiality is lost forever.”
Explain to me how this is possible when at least half of that child’s genetic code (or, in the case of mixed children whose parents are African-Americans who 20-25% European by blood to begin with, the majority of that child’s genetic code) is European and your supposed potentiality is based on the possession of said “redeemable” European DNA.
“Whites gain nothing, loosing a millenia of our ancestry due to the lies
and agitprop, deceminated from culturally sensitive apparati, directly
into the minds of the deracinated whites who squander his/her genetic
Did you skip high school biology?
Genes do not disappear because of race mixing. Ancestry does not go away because one parent comes from a particular racial group you dislike.
“See the most accomplished blacks for the evidence, and note their lighter skin tones, the hallmark of white genetic algorithms.”
Wait, I thought you said earlier that race mixing wipes out white ancestry and genetic lineage and that the birth of a mixed child ends the expression of the “potentiality” of “redeemable” European DNA forever.
If that is indeed the case, then how is this statement above (where you claim that said white DNA is responsible for greater rates of accomplishment) possible?
Either white DNA Potentiality/Lineage is extinct upon the birth of a mixed child or it continues in that child. Right now you’re making both arguments, which is asinine. Pick one.
Bahahahaha!! Job well done in decimating this racist’s contradictory argument. Some whites will always hate blacks and place all the blame of the world’s problems on black people as though whites are perfect angels.
Your IQ can’t possibly be higher than 85.
Dude, seriously get off my back. Make an argument and stop acting like your name.
You’re the one who is ignorant about biology. “Genes” aren’t valuable in isolation, on their own. What defines a population are clusters of genes that evolved together over thousands of years into a particular set of physical, intellectual, and likely moral qualities. When you race mix, that particular genetic profile is lost forever.
You’re also being disingenuous in your posts Afflone, because interracial sex today is being used by the same media that promotes feminism as a form of racial warfare against white men, who are the targets of the regime. Like other less honest internet jigs you want to have your cake and eat it too, “We wipin you crackas out off da map wif muh dik,” and then turn around and call white men insecure who don’t like the whole government-media complex devoted to their dispossession and extinction.
Odds are 9 to 1 that Afflone and a number of other mystery meat posters off ROK maintain blogs, tumblr, or porn sites devoted to interracial (black male-white female) sex. It comes out in their comments.
“You’re the one who is ignorant about biology.”
Doesn’t sound that way.
“”Genes” aren’t valuable in isolation, on their own.”
Which is good because, in the case of interracial reproduction, genes are not being passed down “in isolation, on their own”.
“You’re also being disingenuous in your posts Afflone, because
interracial sex today is being used by the same media that promotes
feminism as a form of racial warfare against white men, who are the
targets of the regime.”
“Odds are 9 to 1 that Afflone and a number of other mystery meat posters
off ROK maintain blogs, tumblr, or porn sites devoted to interracial
(black male-white female) sex. It comes out in their comments.”
Mixed race blacks are more gifted than purer blacks but less gifted than purer whites. They lose the ability to be like whites on average (barring outliers).
Seems consistent to me.
More gifted how? Where is your objective measure of “giftedness” and its supposedly falling at a median between blacks and whites in the case of the mixed-race?
Mixed race black people have an IQ higher than black people but lower than whites.
They were raised as full black. Their results didn’t resemble those of full blacks but those of mixed blacks, wich is proof that IQ is about heredity much more than it is about environment.
“Mixed race black people have an IQ higher than black people but lower than whites.”
Somewhat debatable according to the literature, as noted here:
“A more egregious example is provided by his treatment of the Eyferth
(1961) study of two groups of illegitimate children fathered by (mostly)
American black and white servicemen and brought up by their (carefully
matched) German mothers. Eyferth reported an average IQ of 96.5 for the
mixed race children and of 97.2 for the whites. Lynn reduces the former
number to 94 to compensate for use of an old test, and compares it, not
with the score of the white sample, but with an average IQ of 100 for
German children. He is thus able to conclude that the IQ of these mixed
race children is half way between that of Americans and Africans. He
derives the same conclusion from the Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman (1992)
transracial adoption study since, at the 10-year follow-up, the mixed
race children had an average IQ of 94, mid-way between the 102 of the
white children and the 89 of the black children. He omits to mention one
of the more salient features of this follow-up, namely, that there had
been substantial attrition in the white sample—with a loss of those
children with lower IQ scores, resulting in an overestimate of the white
group’s IQ by some 6 points.”
Two of the more well-known studies involving raciallly mixed children in comparison with their white counterparts have shown that the actual IQ gap between the mixed children and the white children is anywhere from 1-2 points, a nearly insignificant statistical difference. Those in the HBD-sphere have taken it as a given that mixed children fall “right in the middle”, but the actual data doesn’t necessarily support that. Considering how heavily those in the HBD/WN sphere lean on Richard Lynn, this mistake is not surprising.
TL;DR: Mixed kids are much closer to white means than you’d think.
“wich is proof that IQ is about heredity much more than it is about environment.”
Estimates on the heritability of IQ range from 50-80%. There’s no firm consensus on this, though the most common number I see stands at around 2/3 (66% or so).
The problem for racialists/HBD types who are so heavily invested in the use of IQ as a means with which to prove the unsuitability of blacks to “modern” civilization is that this estimate would put black genetic potential quite a bit higher than what is expressed. If the black American IQ is about 87 (as it has been most recently measured by the likes of Flynn, Weschler and Dickens) and the white IQ about 102 with an assumed 66% of that difference due to immutable biological/genetic roots, then actual black IQ potential (all environmental/socio-economic gaps eliminated) would be about 92. That’s getting into Greek and White South African territory.
TL;DR: There are IQ differences that are down to biology and are immutable, but they are exaggerated on this part of the internet. Blacks are more capable than HBD/WN would prefer to admit.
I will not vote you down but I shall instead inform you. Biologically the best benefits come from racial mixing and advantatagious genetic characteristics being sought after subsequently reproduced. News flash , your genetic code is far from ” pure” in any sense as we all come from a common ancestor . Furthermore we are all products of war, conquest, disaster, travel and trade. Africans plundered significant parts of Europe , Rome plundered Africa right back, England colonized America and everybody hade sex and reproduced the entire time. Any purity or gains from ” white algorithms ” is new shit to me because your genetic code is is but one of many factors leading to intelligence ( excluding actual genetic defects , point mutations, and defective enzymes) . Proper nutrients in the diet, involved parents, and access to educational resources are just as important. I do not know how you judge intelligence , but give what I wrote above a google. How you feel about interacial dating is opinion and may be based on psychological or sociological conditioning , but do not bring your limited knowledge of genetics to the table as fact it makes you look emotional and unintelligent .
The average African American is 10-20% white because of white men during slavery.
I really do not think BM give any fucks about who are dating their women. I hang around with the black cliques on my base, and the BW are generally either single, or dating non-blacks. A significant number of BM have completely thrown in the towel in regard to dating BW. It’s a pretty heavily discussed topic in the barbershop and it’s all over youtube.
I do think it speaks volumes about BW. The mediocre BW has to compete with the fattie WW. I’ve seen statistics saying things like 70% of BW are single, which I would believe in a heartbeat.
I’ve had my share of fattie WW, and I -will- say that they are the most voracious dick suckers you will ever find. If you want your knob to get slobbed properly and on a regular bases, that is where you should look. Delve into some homegrown porn, and you will find an exorbitant number of fatties with olympic quality dome skills.
As the saying goes, it’s like riding a moped. It’s all fun and games until your friends find out.
But, you will be hard pressed to find a BM that isn’t a fan of a large ass. However, it seems like too many of us don’t care what that ass is attached to. What we LIKE is big ass small waist and a decent attitude. However, what you will see us with is not so much the case.
“I’ve had my share of fattie WW, and I -will- say that they are the most voracious dick suckers you will ever find. If you want your knob to get slobbed properly and on a regular bases, that is where you should look. Delve into some homegrown porn, and you will find an exorbitant number of fatties with olympic quality dome skills.”
Fucking disgusting, lolz.
Worrying about other races picking up your women is beta. Period.
In the narrow sense of gaming chicks for kicks in post civilized dystopias, I suspect you’re right. Being all concerned about other guys getting close to “your” women, can easily come across as stemming from insecurity.
In the larger scheme of things; preventing outsider access to your women, is about survival. I bet you Genghis would be quite concerned about a bunch of black dudes roaming through Mongolia banging chicks otherwise destined to give birth to more Mongol warriors. And “beta. Period” is hardly the first description that comes to mind, when discussing Genghis.
“In the larger scheme of things; preventing outsider access to your women, is about survival.”
Black women often put forward similar claims, arguing that excessive black male coupling with white women endangers the survival of the African American population and its culture.
Like its white male equivalent (which talks about “survival” despite there being no imminent threat of anything), this is a thin veil for insecurity in the midst of sexual competition.
Yes. It is insecurity: jealousy and envy.
White people are a tiny minority in the world’s population.
You moron.
This is why RoK is partially lame. They claim to have swallowed the red pill, yet are as blue as the ocean when it comes to race.
There is nothing more natural than people getting pissed about the media pushing racemixing.
Afflone: “where da white wimminz at!!”
Getting pissed about the media pushing racemixing is not the same thing as fretting about the obese or otherwise trashy dregs of white womanhood dropping out of the gene pool. White men need to get rid of their porn, stop jacking off, and go meet some women in real life.
“White people are a tiny minority in the world’s population.”
No more so than blacks.
There are approximately 1.2-1.3 Billion people of African descent on Earth at the moment. White Europeans, meanwhile, number around 500 million outside of Europe and just under 700 million within it.
In short, Africans and Afro-descendants are only slightly more numerous at the moment than White Europeans. This is without, of course, noting two important realities:
1. While the global African/Afro-descendant population is slightly higher than the white European one, white European ancestry is significantly more common within that population than African ancestry is among white Europeans. Your typical African-American is around 25% European.
2. I have made my calculations with regard to the global white population without taking any measure of non-European caucasoids. If we were to include Caucasians in North Africa and West/Central Asia, they would (in combination with white Europeans mentioned above) outnumber Africans/Afro-descendants.
“This is why RoK is partially lame. They claim to have swallowed the red
pill, yet are as blue as the ocean when it comes to race.”
I suspect that my understanding of racial realities is a bit closer to the truth than your own. This is certainly the case with regard to the topic of global racial demographics/percentages, as I’ve shown above.
Attempts to justify white nationalism/racism by citing their status as a “tiny minority” of the globes populace are misguided because a) they’re really not a tiny minority and b) they are far more widespread than other racial groups.
So, in addition to “beta.Period”, poor old Genghis was insecure as well? I learn new something every day……..
Now, back to planet earth; those men still around, are evolutionary products of men with genes predisposing them to protect their women. Just try coming up with any kind of evolutionary simulation where such is not the case.
Being cavalier about who else may be boinking your women, is definitely a display of the “too cool to care” attitude that underlies contemporary “tight game”; but, again in the big scheme of things, guys running around the West with tight game, are no match for violent, sexually protective Muzzies in the “who gets to inherit the world” sweepstakes.
And neither were those with “tight game” in ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, compared to their era’s sexually protective competitors. And it’s the latter we all descend from, as the former got sacked.
This is so darned universal that exactly the same behaviors are seen in almost every higher mammal. The cute gorilla with tight game, just ain’t getting much; aside from a thorough beating by his sexually protective buddies. Of course, in a zoo, the zoo keepers may prefer the cute, attention seeking one, and reward him with mating opportunities. Just as government is doing to natural cannon fodder amongst our breed of increasingly-undifferentiable-from-apes drones.
I have no clue about Genghis, but modern white men (particularly of the HBD/white nationalist variety you see here in the manosphere) make a much bigger deal out of interracial relationships than they need to. They also tend to make a much bigger deal out of interracial relationships SPECIFICALLY involving black men than they do other kinds of interracial pairings. They are selectively cavalier about interracial mating-it is ok when it involves themselves or when it involves a non-black male with a white woman, but they are far more vigilant when it comes to black men. The black male-white female pairing gets more flack in this society than just about any other, and it has been that way for centuries.
That disparity (deeming the white female dating the black male a danger to “white survival” while failing to do the same for the white girl who dates the Asian or the Mestizo or the while male who impregnates Asians and Mestizas) is down to subjective cultural preference and outright distaste for blacks, not to some sort of biological precedent.
That explanation is nothing more than a thin veil designed to disguise the fact that these vocal opponents of interracial mating have a particularly strong distaste for black men that does not carry over to others. I have little patience for it (or for your continued promotion of it) as it completely and totally misses the point.
Notice the popular saying in our culture: “once yo go black you never go back.” This can be translated into two different ways:
1. White women will be sexed so well by their black male lovers that said white women will lose interest in future potential white male lovers.
2. Once white women cross the line and sleep with black men, they’ll no longer be accepted by their white men.
Yes, there is a very strong distaste for black men to touch white women in this country. HATRED for black men runs deep here.
Much noise is made when black men date white and none when white men date black or when other men of other races date white women as you noted Athlone.
I don’t suspect that this attitude against black men in this country will go away anytime soon.
this is more or less because of raping and criminal crimes dont to other eithnic groups by white but even that doesnt matter becuase life started in afica so everyone was black at one time before migration
Um, Sodom and Gemorrah isn’t real in evolutionary terms. And just because Ghengis wasn’t militarily insecure doesn’t mean he wasn’t sexually insecure – one could just as easily conjecture that aggression develops as a result of sexual insecurity (whether genetically or socially). “Evolutionary Psychology” is not a respected field in science or even social science. I study biological anthropology at an Ivy, and the truth is we all descended from foragers who occassionally hunted, and who lived in relatively egalitarian social groups until the advent of complex farming. This sort of mix of bible mythology and bad science is a dead giveaway for revealing the uneducated.
You told the EXACT truth.
The main white men getting insecure and fussy over these kinds of relationships are usually the ones of Anglo/Celtic descent or from Anglo countries (Australia, America, UK, ect). And those white males tend to be the most beta and pussified of them all, so it’s no wonder why they’re the most insecure (while secretly indulging in cuckold porn.. disgusting).
It’s all insecurity. White males think black males have bigger cocks and will easily elope with their women because of this.
If you as a white male are worried about a black male stealing your women. You’re Beta. End of story.
Get off of Ghengis Khan’s dick. What has he built? What has he contributed to society? A neaderthal brute who thought that humans were his property is the man you look up to?
Not a single sub-Saharan African army, even the Zulus would have survived any of the Central Asian Hordes…let alone the Mongols under Genghis Khan
JIDF pls go
lol that’s right, alpha men wank off while men of other races are fucking their women! It shows real security to do that. After all, an alpha is swimming in pussy, so why not offer some white women also for the black man in the cause of racial solidarity and to redress past wrongs, there’s no loss involved, right?
Strawman. Any idiot knows that cuckold fetishism is flat-out omega.
Sultans had harems. If another man went inside the harem he was executed. Thanks for teaching me that this is because the Sultan, who literally had a harem, was “beta.”
Again, strawman. Getting your panties in a bunch over women, especially fat women, that you have absolutely no connection to whatsoever is not the same as having a girlfriend cheat on you. And yes, executing a man who got into a harem instead of the woman who invited him in is beta.
Yes. Agreed. It is beta. That is a prime example of what scarcity mentality can result in.
“beta” ? What do u mean brutha.
Exactly. To be honest this article seems like beta pandering.
The only thing that bugs me is when fat girls: and I mean girls that have no business dating imo but dieting, get extremely confident that they can pull me. Why? Because other guys hit them up all the time. A lot of guys simply don’t like overweight women like that. But when guys are hitting on them and dare I say, have sex with them it only makes them feel even more validated and they too fall for this loose stereotype.
I wish they would just wife up these fat ho’s and get them off the street.
father forgive them for trying.
Notice how the inverse to this: fat guys know where they stand. Also, notice how fat girls chase the same in shape guys that hot in shape girls want? It makes you question who is really the more shallow one between the sexes.
I have personally seen fat guys with hot chicks. I’m at a point where it doesn’t really bother me.
Its not that you don’t see them with good looking women. It’s that they know where they stand. Here’s why:
I’m willing to bet those women are with those men for reasons other than their weight. Something that is more in tune to what they want as far as security.
Women should not chase men in the first place. Women should let men chase them.
If all big girls went this route, they would be in deep shit.
Those days are over.
Besides, despite how I feel about it, I can respect a woman that has the kind of courage to pursue a man when men are always expected to in the mating game. Put yourself out there once in a while.Take risks. Give us a break. Show us you care and actually like men for more than what they can do for you. You know what you want, well go fucking get it!
This is not directed entirely at you either.
Try and give men a reason WHY we should like you for more than what we like women for…for once. And not the other way around to protect whatever low self esteem, lack of confidence and insecurity you are trying to guard.
Afraid you will be heartbroken? Well guess what happens to men who put in ALL the work in the relationship? Because it’s not equal. Not even met close to halfway. Hence the outcome:
Women still get gamed and dumped when they are pursued. At least you can say you got a guy using your own charm. Otherwise it has the appearance of a man soliciting a prostitute. There is just no direct exchange of actual monetary funds for a service. Its almost like some facade.
Also, they are not special snowflakes… big or small.
dude your fucking posts are always rock solid. I’ve been twirling this same notion around in my brain for awhile now. They effort put in to the relationship is NEVER fucking equal. You as a man are probably better served by banging chicks and not committing and focusing on your own life. The female hegemony tries to insist that YOU doing what you want is wrong – but what they want is good for everyone. Fuck that. Find a way or make one.
When you guys say overweight we talkin 10-15 pounds or are we talking 45-50 pounds?
Overweight and obese is not the same.
One of my favorite books is Bell of Africa. It is about one of the greatest elephant hunters ever. Part of the book covers what the native African life was like when he was hunting just prior to WWII. Apparently the blacks thought that their wives were useful for preparing food, providing children, brewing their beer, and other work. They wanted hearty strong women who would world hard for them. Attractive women apparently survived by “being wanted by all men, and wanting all the men.”
An interesting perspective from 100 years ago.
I’m a Black man and I HATE fatass chicks. I have yellow fever, and I hate fat white and latin women that think I want them. Black men typically only get fat chicks because that’s all we can get due to white supremacy. I’d just rather stay celibate and angry than bed a fatty. I’m not taking out the trash, and I condemn Black brothers that do.
Nothin’ wrong with a little yellow fever. Preach it, brother.
True, but if you’re Black it means you won’t get laid.
In America, you might not. But in China… heck, man. I used to a have a co-worker who was a black man from Chicago back when I taught English in Shanghai, and he had women crawling all over him. Had to have slept with a hundred girls while he was here, or more… eventually he married one as well. You’re on the wrong continent! 🙂
He must have been light-skinned. I have read that schools in Shanghai (all over Asia, even Japan where brothers had a small amount of success in the 2000s) only want to hire whites, no matter how unqualified that they are. Black men, on the other hand, cannot get jobs or women there. It has gotten worse in 2013, maybe things were more open and less competitive when you were there. If you’re telling the truth, glad at least one brother got to have some fun lol.
Nope, he was pretty dark, as were his brothers who also taught there. Schools here aren’t choosy; the whole “whites only” thing is a myth. Yeah, there are bosses who will reject you here for being black- there’s nothing to protect you from that. But most are so desperate to fill the bottomless pit of demand that they’ll hire anyone provided they’re foreign. This was back in 2008-09, but I don’t think things have changed that much (I still live in Shanghai, though I left the English teaching biz years ago).
I see. Thank you for the information. I will feel a little better about myself for a quarter of an hour. Cheers.
Look for the daughters of Chinese Communist Party members. The CCP’s shtick is sticking it to western imperialism, so they should have no problem with black men dating their daughters. And if they do, the daughters shouldn’t. Where do you think Obama came from!
Im ready to move to China now.
“Black men typically only get fat chicks because that’s all we can get due to white supremacy.”
Source, please.
Whites are superior to Blacks in this world, and women want superior men, thus, they go for White or anything but Blacks. Blacks get garbage and leftover piles of shit.
Honest question here:
Is it ever possible for black guys to admit that some women just simply aren’t attracted to black physical features? Or does every piece of white pussy that you guys fail to get have to be blamed on racism or “white supremacy” or the grand conspiracy of the Eurocentric patriarchy to keep a brotha down?
Because you realize this makes you no different from the bitter white guys who sit back and blame black guys for their lack of action…
I know that women aren’t attracted to us in general. It just pisses us off. Can you accept that it pisses us off?
I don’t give a damn about white pussy at all, unless you’re counting Northeast Asians as white…
Men are men. I know that I am not better than the bitter white guys; I am inferior because the bitter white guys can go to Asia and be treated like kings, and as a Black man with yellow fever all I can do is settle for shit I don’t like, or be miserable and jack off forever.
Man speak for yourself, I’m black and could care less if a female isn’t feeling me. On to the next!
Side note: you must be one lame ass ninja, if you’re mad at the world because a few white women aren’t feeling you.
Women like a man with confidence, swagger and above all good frame and game, NO MATTER THE COLOR.
I don’t like white women at all. I like NE Asians. You’ll be saying “on to the next” and the next will never come if you were to go to places like Taiwan, Korea, China, or even Japan in 2013.
Wrong again. Im in Korea right now and have lived in Japan and Singapore. Women are women.
I will admit, Korean women are the coldest Asian women i have encountered. Not very friendly at all. And yes i think being black makes them extra cold. But there is a sizable minority with a mandingo fetish, who are very hot. But they seem to favor their black vitamin D with a healthy dose of “thuggary”.
You must also admit that Singaporean, Taiwanese, Chinese, and Japanese women generally ain’t gonna give a brotha any play either, while any White or non-Black foreigner that falls off of the plane becomes a god. Acknowledge this reality, let it marinate within you. Black men in Asia should have no confidence at all; in fact, Black men with standards that hate fat chicks need to lose confidence because we have no reason to have any. Reach the bottom depths of existence, until you wake up every morning wanting to fight. That is the only way that we can win, if there is any chance at all which I seriously doubt.
Try approaching Korean-American girls. In my experience they’re the most likely to embrace western liberal values (diversity and all that) and date a black man.
Black men are going to have to say no to the 3F’s which we are relegated to: Fatties, Fuglies, and Faggots (the latter of which is being pushed on us by the mainstream media). Most of us are going to end up celibate, but taking out the trash or going brokeback is far worse.
blacks will fuck anything, including white boys in prison. they do not discern.
bs article if you live in minnesota seattle or portland you can get skinny white girls and fine curvy ones.the higher the racism in the area the worst looking white chicks is all you can get.the white women in those areas do not want to go against all the racial bs from the other whites so a lot of white women cake out,but like black men still
1. The type of women that black guys like have big asses and breasts with a flat stomach, e.g. Kim Kardashian. This is not to be confused with “fat”. Black guys do not like super skinny girls. This is not because the girls are skinny but because they do not have the big breasts and asses that black guys like. Black guys will compromise when it comes to fat around the stomach, they will not compromise with the breast and ass.
2. Black guys DO NOT LIKE fat and obese women. You NEVER see a black millionaire, celebrity, or popular musician with a fat or obese wife or girlfriend. And if I am wrong about that, post pictures of these millionaires and celebrities with their obese wives and girlfriends. Even in my own life, when I see black guys with white girls, they girls are not fat.
3. The black guys that do like fat and obese women fall into one of these two categories a) they have no game or b) they are broke. For the latter category, it is almost like a gigalo relationship. Fat white girls are outcasts and never get approached by white men; they typically have low self esteem. Broke black men cannot get attention from high quality women. Hence fat white women use sex and often times money to attract these broke black men. The broke black men get sex, money and can sometimes live with the fat white women. In return, the fat white women can say that she has a boyfriend and feel desired. This is why you see (broke) black men with fat white girls.
4. Black and white guys have different conceptions of what is a fat girl. It seems to me that a lot of white guys like their women to be super skinny and they don’t care if she does not have big breasts or a large ass; as long as she has a pretty face and is not fat, white guys will think that she is a least a “7”. White guys have little tolerance for fat on a woman’s body. It seem that if a girl gains 5 pounds she is a fat pig to the average white guy and they won’t approach her anymore. White women are real sensitive to that which is why you see a lot of them constantly exercising. For a black man with good dating options, he is not going to be impressed by a super skinny girl even if she has a pretty face; he still wants a woman with breasts and ass. He is also more forgiving if a woman gains a few pounds but he will leave her if she gains too much weight.
Being racial now is not wise, in my opinion. The president’s march on Washington speech was all about gays. Just being hetero us enoughbthatvi to set people off these days.
This blue-eyed European-American likes a little meat on the bones…
When I was living in Central Europe for many years, often I found myself thinking that many of the sweet young ladies there would look even better with more curves. Many were so skinny that I just couldn’t get into the 14 year old boy build that so many had. Of course it was still vastly better than the lard-land that our overfed Yank-friends have cultivated.
Don’t mistake my affinity for curves for what so many delude themselves into believing to be their own secret attraction.
Ladies, you aren’t fooling anyone.
Rolls ain’t curves.
Of course you aren’t doomed.
It’s hard, but sweetheart, you can do so much better.
Everyone will be happier if you find your self-discipline.
Oh yeah, so many of the cuties there were suckers for the tall dark handsome fellas with the African blood… and everything else that went with that. We white guys were jealous… and if honest, a little bitter. But there are immense differences between African immigrants and the black folks descended from slaves in the US. It’s a totally different attitude. Less tension… no chip on the shoulder…
For example, the American president is descended from immigrants and not slaves and raised by a white family. Could this unmistakable cultural aspect be what explains why he was so palatable to a majority of European-Americans who also are descended from immigrants and raised by white families? So much in common…
President Barry O likes yuppie SWPL too. Ghetto fab or thug life? Not so much.
Sorry to get off topic. Back to the issue at hand. Anybody find a full body photo of Ann Dunham when she was together with Barry O Senior?
The thing that kind of clouds the whole thick vs fat debate, is that we use way to many euphemisms for it. “Thick” being one of them. “Meat on their bones” being another. “A little extra”. Because it’s not very specific to body type or more importantly, the structure of that body. Girls will flaunt and brag on their boobs and ass, but get real insecure about that gut area to the point where they will never give it the much needed attention it deserves, and never will, because we word play around the problem areas altogether.
No offence to you because as a guy, I know what you are referring to when you say it. But,
An obviously out of shape woman with a box figure hears “thick” and “meat on her bones”, and she automatically thinks she is included in this category. Because these vague statements appeal to her low self esteem. And none of her friends have the integrity to say that bitch is fat…until she tries to steal their man or hit on the man a hotter friend wants.
As a self-proclaimed oreo, I can say the only thing black about me left is my preference for curvaceous women, but I refuse fat or even chubby girls. I worked too hard to get my bod for that (though most will credit my DNA). I feel like the rule of thumb is black guys can forgive flab with enough boobs and butt, white guys can forgive lack of boobs and butt if there’s no flab. Both have close ideas of what a 10 is, though. Plus, coming from hillbilly Putnam County, Florida I can say that all races of men bottom-feed for fat chicks. Bottom-feeders go for fat chicks…and as much as I hate to admit it, black men are more likely to be such. But do you REALLY think we prefer Adele to Blake Lively? If so, that’s not a preference as much as a mental condition!
If black men really do have a preference for thicker white women, maybe it’s time for a game book to give them a hand. How about “Bang Dunkin Donuts?” Or “Bang Waffle House?”
This could also be a chance to do some business partnerships. Maybe each issue could come with a coupon for Tastycakes or Hostess. These guys, I think, could have much more success if they enticed bigger women back to their places with promises of Ho-Ho’s, Fruit Pies, and Twinkies.
defense of our territory is a instinctual thing, and a Good Thing. Although the true enemy is the elite, it is not wrong to see the nonwhite as the enemy as well, seeing as how they are tools of the elite in elite’s war on labor.
Bubble Butt
why is this even an issue? do the math, gentlemen: the more fatties are snatched up by the brothers, the more skinny chicks are left for the rest of us. effing duh.
It’s kind of a chicken and egg situation, but I think that you can argue that the reason many black males go after white fatties is that white males have lowered the fat chicks’ attitudes to the point where they are an easy target.
There is a certain body type among black women that a lot of black guys are into, big hips, ass, and a generally round figure. But unfortunately for the game impaired black male, these chicks usually are church going women with relatively high self esteem. In general, you have have a bit of game to get intercourse with a chick who puts church as a high priority in her life.
Enter the fat white chick. She might not have the same muscularity as the thick black girl, but she does have curves, which this certain type of black man prefers. And as a bonus, her self esteem is lower than satan’s septic tank since she is shunned by most white males, because they desire a physically fit mate. So the black guy simply spams a couple of lines to every fat whitey they see, and one of them will show interest, turned on that someone finally appreciates them for the amazing rotund person they are.
The black guy simply sees an easy lay, the white chick is duped into thinking that she’s being worshiped, and as Roosh says, white guys who want to bang chicks who aren’t 3’s can go after higher quality females without being impeded by the cock blocking fatties.
But these chicks are so easy for black guys because they’re so unattractive to white guys.
The circle of life!
“There’s no denying that black men have a preference for thick women.”
I don’t think this is true. All men have a preference for women that are in shape, pure evolutionary biology. There is a segment of men who have a ‘preference’ for thick (just a nice word for fat) women…POOR men. It just so happens to be that the far majority of black males are poor – and have no prospects – and therefore have fewer options. The more succesful a guy gets the more in shape his women tend to be.
Truth. Look at the successful black athlete, QBs like RG3 and Russell Wilson both married to attractive thin blonde women. Around Seattle I see the black guys mostly pursue the hot young blondes.
Thick means a defined small waist and larger hips with a slightly higher body fat percentage (5-15 pounds overweight). That’s fat? I guess all the European men in the history of ever were poor and uncultured, vulgar beasts. It’s only recently that white men like very slender, undefined waist women. White men liked women like Betty Paige originally.. black men would consider her on the thicker side.
I dont understand them..there’s a “huge” difference between a black girls nice big ass and then a fat white womans ugly ass. One has curves, the other one is just a pale mass of blobbery.
I have to agree. I also am a bit of a jasmine fever sufferer. To the black guy above that has dispared of getting Asian A** in North America, get your but to Asia. Only a small percentage of Asian women are interested in men outside their race. Top that with only a small percentage of US population being Asiam women you have a problem; whether you are white or black. Go to Asia where all the women are Asian and it is easier to find the few that will date white/black. That is what I did. Unfortunately this led me to marry a 25 year old virgin, 5 foot tall, at 100 pounds, beautiful Asian woman. You have been warned of the possible negative outcome.
Poor you 🙂
Roosh forums, ROK, and other sites: blacks, mulattoes, Indians, various “dark skinned white male” gold chain types and assorted brown mystery meat complaining that white women are “feminist” because they won’t bang black/Indian/whatever.
The reason the manosphere and anti-feminist blogs are also eager to talk about race is because feminism is inseparable from the racial program of the American regime/elite culture. Institutional feminism/PC culture doesn’t attack black male sexuality or masculinity, but celebrates it (and also Muslim violence) in a thousand ways on TV, and elsewhere. Feminism is primarily an assault on white men, so this is why the manosphere talks about these things, Rooshie.
White supremacy and anti-Blackism all over the world more than makes up for the “lack of an attack” on Black masculinity by feminists. Also, if you’re really paying attention, you will see that Black masculinity is indeed attacked by feminism.
lol @ “white supremacy” all over the world. As I keep saying most of the guys posting here are “males of color” with a chip on their shoulder and who repeat all the clichees of the PC establishment. What’s the difference between you talking about “anti-blackism” and “white supremacy” and some feminist twat talking about “misogyny” and “patriarchy.” Two sides of the same coin.
Your complaints about attacks on white masculinity are the same too then. I’d love to wake up and have my only problems be not being able to say the “N-word” or being called a misogynist by western women. I wouldn’t care because I’d be in Taipei anyway.
No my problems are not the same at all. I’m not repeating the clichees of the PC establishment like you are. Roosh is about criticizing the establishment, but he only wants to criticize the feminism of the US establishment, not its anti-white policies and promotion of “anti-racism.” It makes no sense, because the same people are pushing both.
And if you believe you’re being kept down by “white supremacy” why the hell are you against feminism? Feminists and their allies are on your side. You’re even repeating their language.
Feminists are not on my side at all, fool. This battle is obviously not binary; potentially, there are infinite sides to it, but there are at least three major sides.
White supremacy stifles me as a Black, and feminism stifles me as a heterosexual man.
Yes just my point. “White supremacy” and “feminism” is keeping da white wimmins from da colored folk. Roosh forums in a nutshell.
Feel sort of bad for him because he must know his “anti-racist” stand is bullshit–you can’t criticize feminism without also criticizing the anti-white, pro-black policies of the establishment, because it’s the same thing–but he has to play this line for his audience of blacks and mystery meat who feel resentful about white “feminists” keeping white pussy away from them.
Boy you could not be more wrong. Remember, when it all boils down to it, men; ALL OF THEM fall under the same punitive systems and laws the feminists lobby for. They don’t celebrate shit.
Black masculinity and black male-white female interracial pairings and sex are pushed 24/7 on TV and by govt. and academia, that’s the issue here. You have the feminist establishment on your side, so enjoy it while it lasts. There are even many feminists who openly admit what I’m saying, so it’s not like I’m coming up with this stuff. When is the last time a feminist criticized Muslim rapes in Europe or black hip hop culture or black-on-white rape in the US?
That link doesn’t prove shit. Of course the black community collapsed when left to its own devices. It’s a lot like black communities all over Africa. That’s not because of feminism.
I don’t like white females, especially the pieces of shit that date Blacks. I’m more into East Asian women. Looking at things globally, especially in the Far East, White guys have it made.
I’ve seen quite a few examples of feminists attacking hip-hop lyrics. At any rate, no use arguing with you; you have your mentality already, and I have mine. I just hope that young Black men learn fast, quick, and in a hurry what the rest of the world truly thinks about us, and that we are our only allies.
Blacks vs. the World.
Wrong again. About America and Africa. We live in a nation of laws. But, whatever. Its people like you that are the primary reason why men can’t fight back against feminism in the first place.
Civil War ended 148 years ago, and we have only saw civil rights actually awarded 48 years ago. You expect a complete turnaround in that kind of time?
Enough with your Horatio Alger mythical horseshit.
You create all these biased excuses with no actual proof of your assertions.
Stop being hard headed.
Black community was doing a lot better under white rule, maybe even under slavery, than when given freedom. South Korea was totally destroyed after WW2, how come they are where they are now? They were colonized by others too.
Anyway it’s not my business why the blacks in the US are doing badly, that’s yours, but it’s not because of “feminism” and it’s not because of “white racism.” Feminists are your allies against the white man, and Roosh wants to ignore this.
lol @ quoting Tim Wise, you guys are making my point for me.
That’s right and good luck to all of you…on your own. Live in your own communities, in your own countries, on your own feet, instead of parasitically mooching off whites while whining that they oppress you.
Black nationalists like Mohammed Ali and Malcolm X were alpha when they wanted self-determination. Go off on your own.
I know this much, if you really think feminism is attacking white males and only white males, all we have to do is read over your posts to know why.
“Black community was doing a lot better under white rule, maybe even under slavery, than when given freedom”
Really? I’d say otherwise. Most of my family and my friends families were living in slums pre 1960. My generation are all college educated and live in large houses in the suburbs. Seems like we’re doing a little better.
Black male sexuality has been demonized and punished in this country for many decades. White men in particular have passed laws, see jim crow, to keep black men from white women. These facts are indisputable.
I have my doubts. I think these thin women, despite proclaiming otherwise, reject these Black men and they get used to only fucking the desperate fatties, so that’s who they approach.
You would be surprised at how many white women actively pursue black men. Hooking up does not always occur in the traditional “man pursue woman” role.
you’re correct in saying that and many white women i’ve know over the years want only black men. i’ve known white women who have never dated a man of their race.
Hold on a minute Roosh, surely allowing black men to fuck fat white chicks you are boosting their egos and ability to get laid at will thus making more females able to get away with being fat? Didn’t you declare holy war on fat women and say to never sleep with them?
Oh yeah, you did.
Why the U-turn?
Well, Roosh is not Black. It’s OK if Black men take out the trash leaving the hot chicks open for non-Blacks. I’m sorry but that a job that I don’t volunteer for.
I care because they make me look bad and I have to endure fat girls talking to me thinking they have chance. Thats why we fucking care Roosh, because it ruins the brothers’ reputation, and makes me deal with more fat than a pig can eat against my will.
Two additional point to be made
1. With regards to the thread title “Why Do You Care If Black Guys Like Fat White Girls?”, white guys care because the truth of the matter is that black guys are not dating fat white girls for the most part. Black guys are largely dating the white girls that white guys find desirable. The statement “when black guys date white girls, they are fat” is a childish type of insult used by white guys to assuage their egos and mentally dismiss the idea of desirable white girls actually liking black guys. But assortative mating is a real thing. When black men have no game, are broke, or are fat themselves they date fat white girls. When black men are desirable they tend to date desirable white women. In fact, if a another race of men were taking all the unattractive women of my race I would be thrilled. I would see it as additional competition if the guys were going after the attractive women of my race. Concerning black men and white women, the latter is happening more frequently than the former.
2. White guys and black girls care about black guys dating white girls while black guys are mostly indifferent to black girls dating other races is because of sexual competition , as previously stated. Black girls mostly want only black guys and even if they wanted to date non-black men, they are not in high demand by men of other races so it would be difficult to do so. They don’t shame other black girls for dating non-black men because it increases their dating options and people don’t like to limit their own sexual options. Black guys do not care for the most part of black girls dating other races because they do not see their dating opportunities as being diminished. Black guys are already dating and marrying women of other races, e.g. 24% of U.S. black men are married to non-black women, so if black women decided not to date black men anymore, black men are not going to suffer. I think for white men in part, their aversion to black men dating white women is due to the legacy of racism. I have heard some white guys say that they wouldn’t date a white girl who has dated a black guy (but they tend not to say this about men of other races). And some white fathers tell their daughters not to date black men, in particular. In the aggregate it does not seem that white guys dating options are limited since there are plenty women of other races who like white guys due to their wealth and high social status and they can go to some parts of the world and get laid for no other reason than that they are a white male. But since a lot of white guys want to eventually settle down with a white girl, black guys dating desirable white girls is a threat.
It has become sort of a social identity for black guys. They will fuck those thick girls to get some “proud black guy” points, and brag to other black dudes, but in most cases thick white girl would not be their choice
You know I used to be one of those brothas that worshiped thick women. I’m talking thick as in Kim Kardashian type body with flat stomach. I now prefer petite women with thin arms. I don’t care about big asses or large breasts. What changed my mind was seeing what happens to these Reubenesque women when they hit 30. For the long haul, give me a thin woman any day. They’ll hold up better over time. Thick girls will be one big sack of cottage cheese after 35 unless they work out militantly.
The reality is though more white men are fucking thick white women. I think its been said before but white guys don’t care if she is fat, now if the white chick is gorgeous man here come the “BBC” jokes
I just wanted to post this here for laughs!
I am just posting this here for laughs!
It talks about NBA player Andre Drummond with iCarly star Jennette McCurdy
There’s a word in Yiddish that is appropriate here:
“Zaftig” – pleasingly plump. Works better for younger women though but please, no anorexics .
It’s cute to see such a bunch of losers claiming to be Alpha pussy out on such a question, behaving like Pavlovian dogs just because it’s a question that is heavily pushed down our throats that being racist makes you a loser, being racist makes you a hater etc that you have been spoon-fed through media and school throughout your whole life.
It’s hilarious that some still claim to be red-pill but still react like this and more importantly just completely forget that we are practically tribes-people that nowadays live in naturally and unnaturally constructed nations. USA is one of those unnaturally constructed nations nowadays, therefore some of the Americans seems to have trouble to really understand the fact that racially-mixtured couples is something unnatural and creates discomfort and anger in the normal guy in a european country.
The individualistic world view is doomed to fail btw. What are you going to do when a gang comes and want to chrush your skull just because you tried to game the wrong girl?
There is nothing else who could tell you who knows what he is talking about, oppose to one who doesn’t know what he’s talking about than a guy who says that normal tribal mentality i.e. protect and take care of your women because they are a valuable resource and more importantly ones sister or daughter and of course you are going to involve yourself in the selection-process so they pick the best one out there and keep on going on the unbroken chain of a thousand-year-old gene-refinement instead of breaking the chain because Seal and Heidi Klum is married.
A long post, which i do not intend to make any longer than encourage people to search for racially-mixtured and depressions, mental problems and physical problems. That could be an interesting read. More importantly, stop behaving like a fucking nihilistic liberal who don’t care that your people vanishes and the world become one nation, one people and one language, a world in forever power of the ones i’m not allowed to mentions because of my country’s laws.
Racism has a base in low self-esteem. Relying on what others in your race have accomplished to prop yourself up and make you feel good is a sure sign that you’re not doing much with your life. Racism, just like feminism, is collectivist group think.
If a gang decides to come over and smash you over the head because you talked to the “wrong” girl (whatever that means), it is up to the state, justice system to exact revenge to keep such nonsense from happening again. This is how society is upheld…through laws that protect the individual. Afterall, that is what this country is founded on: the principle that the individual has inalienable rights (the right to speak to anyone) which must be protected by laws.
And what is this talk about keeping your women from straying to other races? What makes you think you own any woman because the two of you have the same skin color? How is she your property. Does she not have the right to choose? What’s up with this scarcity mentality?
Interracial couples are in the minority. For if it is natural for the men of a given race to have a natural predisposition to keep “their” women from straying, then wouldn’t make sense that the said women would have a natural disposition themselves from straying from their own race? What causes this straying? Hypergamy? If so, the do some white women perceive that black men are better/superior to white men? And black women find white men better/superior to black men?
The collective thinking is a survival-based think, without it you couldn’t survive without it in the older ages.
I won’t discuss these things with you as long as you put up strawman-arguments btw.
A short answer is that for a group to stay together and in this world not become a racially mixtured people with no connections whatsoever to the older people or history itself. You must create a us and them to keep that group together.
Go search on internet for what the consequences of racial-mixing has. Seriously, there are websites and forums dedicated to these racially mixtured offsprings who complain a lot about not having an identity, feeling just like a drop of water in the ocean, while everyone else seems to have a natural connection to their peers and in history.
(Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but) I’m one of those “racially mixtured offsprings”, and that’s never been an issue for me. If anything, other people seem to have more of an issue with what to make of it than I do.
It’s just pigment to me.
No it’s about genes, which of course have a certain connection to your ancestors because they pass their genes through generations. Your pigment and other phenotypical features often indicates what people you belong to, but other charasteristics seems to be connected to what genes you got, like Lactose-tolerance or the weight of your skeleton.
Btw, sure you could be a rule of exception, i just read up on statistics. Which is hard to find because racial mixing is kinda of a new thing to see any consequences and it’s a very hot potato because it goes against the “modern” society-rules that massmedia and other important factions of society has setup.
Some links:–does-feel-alien.html
“Racism stems from low self-esteem” is just liberal faggot talk.
“They may not even make it out to the club because of vaginal fatigue.”
Now we need to flip this around; the black men can *keep* the chubby white women and leave me more skinny, smart, intelligent and no BS black women!
I was wondering why the comments here are so childish and stupid.They’re not even smart enough to know how stupid they are lol Perhaps you should change the name of this to Return of Coons.
Sounds like white people trying to minimize what the brothers have done with their white girls. Black guys along with Hispanics along with Arabs like thick girls, but that doesn’t mean they are only getting the fat chicks.
I see plenty of 9s and 10s with the brothers.
Trying to talk down another group is just sad.
Black men don’t like fat women in particular, broke Black Men like fat white women. If a brother get a little money he ain’t touching anything chubby.
I am a slightly bigger girl and I am currently with a white man but most of the men who are interested in me seem to be from other ethnic backgrounds. If I do attract white men they are generally the more primitive macho type (like my partner). I am not really fussed about race and many men from other countries are actually very attractive because they believe in traditional gender roles and don’t care about feminism or all this equality BS.
What do black men and asian women have in common? They’re pathologically attracted to the most unattractive white people. Just as you always see black men paired with beast white women, so do you see asian chicks hanging on the arms of the baldest, pastiest, most soprano-voiced white men. White people who are average and up should give a big round of applause to black men and asian women for taking the trash off our hands. Thanks guys.
Guys..I actually know a white chick with a black guy..and shes actually skinny too! But! Her face is what most white men call repulsive, her attitude problems and overall entitlement is something only a black guy could put up with anyways. Ergo, ugly/fat white chicks are essentially non white.
If were so attracted to ugly white people then why do white people get angry, its because were dating the sexy white girls that you desire, white men only say that we only date fat white chicks to maintain your egos, u cant accept the best looking full figured white women like black men
This notion is patently untrue. By rewarding obesity in white females you will get *more* obesity not less. Thus obese females who could lose weight to attract white males don’t, thus lowering the overall pool of white females who are attractive to white males.
No wonder we are all going Asian.
Maybe its that as you guys are going Asian, your natural counterparts are going Black? Either way, its driven by lust. Also, obesity is epidemic in the US. Its not acceptance by Black guys causing it.
Gonna do my part and bang a bunch of white chicks
This is just dumb. Not all black guys go straight for the big ass, that is just a stereotype. I have seen many brothers with truly bony white women, no ass at all. I know black dudes who are absolutely repulsed by fat women, they’re athletes who are spoiled by fucking skinny white sluts till they split in half. There are tons of girls (and fags, go figure?) at my local uni who will tell anyone that listens they will not fuck white guys at ALL (because they are crazy, nasty size queens addicted to blacksnake.)
The reality is that black people are just like white people. Some of them look good, some of them look ugly. They have different tastes and who you are attracted to is a pretty subjective thing, even if you take weight out of it. One man’s butter face can look pretty to someone else. There’s more to it all than just alpha/beta fat/skinny black/white. When you bring it down to that level alone you’re no different than those nasty size queens rebelling against their daddies by deep throating Dikembe… simple minded shit.
LOL @ “nasty size queens”…yikes…!
this may be the dumbest POS i’ve ever read this idiot knows nothing about blacks. they will sell their soul to hump a 30 pound toothpick if it;s white. what a POS story. this must be some half-fag suburban jew dimwit that’s never been around blacks before. nice try juden.
Truthfully people should research before they make blanket statements that have no validity. Yes more curvaceous women have become more acceptable in main stream media today but that is due to that cycle with which americans have interpreted beauty. During the era of Marylyn Monroe and many of her celebrity piers being a full figured woman, that is curvy not fat was desired by men of all ethnicities. A woman with large firm breast a tiny waste a large but shapely behind. If you don’t believe me take the time to research it yourself. Then society began to change and more petite women were desired. Now again the cycle is repeating where curvy body types are again becoming “cool” or “in” one might say. Also despite many stereotypes men are men and an attractive woman comes in more then one color or size. Although most men may not like a “chubby” women, many men not all of course, given the chance would sleep with a curvy women no matter her race. Again curvy and chubby are far from the same thing. As a black women who has friends of all colors, races and ethnicities, I have bare witness to this. I am a curvy black girl with a flat stomach I might add, and many men of all races and ages have tried to be with me. I also know many of my female friends who are educated and articulate, from asian, white or indian, who are curvy and white men just love them.
Amen brother, you know it!
Roosh, you need to relax with the stereotypes. There are plenty of poor white men in Middle America dating overweight women. Typically, when you are in the lower social class your dating options will be slim. It does not matter what your race is. There are plenty of successful Black men that are not dating fat women. If you do not believe me then you need to take a trip out to Los Angeles. Our standards are higher here and Black men are dating attractive women of all races.
Writing articles that reinforce stereotypes does no good but feed your own justification for self-hatred!
Few mind blowing facts: The majority of sub Saharan African including myself and about 95%+ of the population with exception of lol Obama father and others self-loathing people do not desire the Caucasian race as the attractive race!
The majority of African-American of any social demography 70%+ date and marry within their race!
Next time write an article about dwyane wade and gabrielle union or any other millions of successful strong black couple thru out the world that live life happily! Warring you may not get the same shocking reaction or attention as obsessed undesirable caucasian women who need to be in treadmill!
To find the real preference of the black guy you have to look at blacks guys who have the most choice with women–those who are rich and famous. They do not go for obese women (although they are more open to dating bigger women IMO) they go for in-shape women who are oftentimes not of their race.
Its a total misconception that the Black guys who have the most choice with Black women are any ones OTHER than the Black guys who get the most women. Dennis Rodman has buckets of money but he’s gross and creepy and I can’t think of one Black woman who would sleep with him. Ditto Tiger Woods. He looks soft and weak. Black women are not “strategic” when it comes to sex. We fall… in love and lust. The Black guys who have the most choice when it comes to women are the guys who get the most women to fall in love or lust with them, for free. Other men are paying for it, up front or after the divorce and that’s what makes them attractive to women who are strategic. Hugh Heffner “has” a whole bunch of women but they are paid prostitutes. Nobody would chose that liverspotted wrinkled flab bag for FREE. He has choice amongst women who sell sex but not average women walking down the street. You have to look past the hype.
Funny how the so called “better” people are the ones that spend all their lives worrying about the private lives of the “inferior” ones. We are all individuals, just because I am black like you and love a fat girl from another race does not give you the right to talk shit about my life. If your life is so great why are you worried about someone else’s? Or maybe all you so called people who date “pretty” people are filled with mystery and not love. Your lives are for show and nothing else.
If this is true how come professional basketball players date and marry slim women? In fact you rarely see a black professional athlete or wealthy black man with a fat woman.
Hmm, I find this both hilarious and educational. I’m a black guy, no millionaire but not broke by any means. And the hard truth that both white men and black women just cant seem to accept is that black men and white women actually like each other lol. Black men have it the hardest in the world, and white women are by far the most nurturing and loving. And here’s where the fat comes in… SEX. You see, skinny white girls just cant take the dick most black men are carrying. But all that flapping white ass cushion makes deep thrusting much easier and oh so fucking sweet. The reason white guys like Asian girls is because they have little tiny tight pussies that makes it feel tight for a tiny white dick…. It’s not popular, but this shit is just the truth.
Hi there white european woman here.
First so many racist posts here. White women DO like black men, at least sexually. To be honest the most beautiful men I have ever seen have been mixed black/white men in France. In my town there are 2-3 black people who are from Africa, studying at the uni here. No black girls. All three are with BIG white girls, not super obese, but definitely quite chubby by our standards, these girls are also with pretty faces and very white and very blond and are students. For sure these are not chosen because of bottom of food chain, because there are many 1. thin non-students, 2. uglier girls 3. girls without boyfriends. I truly suspect these are the African dudes preferences.
On the thing of thin. Yes thin is media imposed ideal. I come from an ex-communistic country, the thin obsession came from the West, from America. Here en vogue have always been normal hourglass shaped women. You can check out any old movie, any old painting, for example Russian painting and you will never see a skinny stick there.Many white men do not like skinny women. It is a generational thing, my dad who is quite high status chose a thick strong woman to be his wife and the mother of his children. If a woman has a flat ass or a thigh gap for him that is the ugliest thing and is sexually uninteresting.
Yep, thick is way more beautiful 🙂
Lmao, dude this article is too much although I do agree with a lot of what you’ve said. Btw I’m a black guy currently dating a skinny, hipster white chick. In fact hipster chicks are without a doubt my preference lol……The bigger question is why is there so much attention being placed on the preferences of black men in general? It’s kind of creepy when you think about it lol.
i see black men with all kinds of white women here in seattle and very few are with the super obese white girls. i see that in the cities with the sky high racism.
All fat chicks should be shamed and shunned by everyone. It’s their only incentive to lose the weight and keep it off. Every time a man (no matter his race or status) screws or flirts with a hog it legitimizes her current state of existence.
That is bull. As a thin white girl, I can tell you that black men love slender white women too. Its just that the love is NOT as mutual. The truth is that some men are not selective. I get hit on by black men all the time. Every woman does. You see a lot of couples where a black man is with a bigger white girl, because those are the ones white men don’t seem to pick. Of course there is something to all that. Is a guy like David Beckham or Daniel Craig likely to choose Kim Kardashian? No. That is all for the rappers and black athletes. But even Kanye West is not going to have his choice of white girlfriends. Lots of white guys would find Kim Kardashian sexy….but not exactly the type of girl they want to keep for the long haul. Remember, being slender takes WORK, and a healthy lifestyle. It implies that a person has a work ethic, and pride in herself as being beautiful, noir simply as someone men want to bounce up and down upon.
Love how all of Roosh’s comments are teeter the line of racism…They sit right on the edge, but you can’t quite call him on its. It’s like, he’ll say something like “yeah, Black men are dumb, but they get tons of dumb women so it works in their advantage” and when you look at it you’re like “that was racist, but I don’t know if he had good-intentions”.
i like white fat girls too. unless they are extremely fat, its good to have a few pounds extra.
watch and playnow:
White Chicks FULLMOVIE
It is pathetic and only in America.
Fat moron white girls are too stupid and lazy to workout and get anything but fatass nursing jobs. While uneducated pothead loser black guys just want to leech off these Ford-driving white-trash inbred blobs because no one else wants them and they have a “big booty” (translate: FATASS SLOB).