The 4 Types Of Women

Type I: The Seductress

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This woman is a master at creating illusions and the goal of that illusion is to get you to fall in love with her.  In relationships she pretends to be where she is not, thus it is very difficult for those inexperienced with women to see through her illusions as they are often “looking for her in the wrong place”.

In reality, her heart is broken, she has issues with rejection, and she is deathly afraid of just about everything.  Her illusions are a survival strategy and a defense mechanism.  She survives by getting others to support her and pay her way, and often has a “draining” effect on her lovers. (This feeling of having been “drained” can be noticed with most narcissistic women as well).  Men never see this woman for who she is, in part because of her illusions, but also because her only value is sexual (she cannot be “truly” loved).  She is the archetype for youthful women who must compete with each other for a man’s affection and resources.


I had the pleasure of interacting with a girl from South America most recently, and continue to see her a few times a week.  Despite a relatively large head, she is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.  Our first few conversations were normal, but it wasn’t long before I noticed both her overt and covert methods of flirtation and manipulation.  I’ll leave the details out, but a variety of her behaviours had the goal to instill in me a sense that she was “my ideal,” something which I should strive for.

If she’s successful – and to some degree she is as my defenses aren’t adapted as well to women of other cultures – the ultimate effect would create a sense of “falling towards her” or more accurately, “falling towards each other,” almost like gravity, culminating in “psychological fusion” or “entanglement” that would then allow her to parasitize off of my emotional resources (as well as anything she could manipulate out of me – money, help, protection, etc.).

Because I’m familiar with this feeling, it immediately raised red flags for me and I began to reflect on our various interactions in earnest.  It was then that I uncovered in her an ocean of anxiety and sadness from which she desperately fled (suppressed), which was the reason it was so difficult to pick up on initially.  I do want to point out one thing: women like this tend to have “empty eyes” (though not always) as if they were puppets or dolls; as if they were dead or close to death.  They have no true passion and their emptiness causes them to talk a lot to mask this, but it also calls out to you from deep within them, demanding that you fill their void.

Type II: Nutbar Factory



Over time, a woman’s beauty begins fade.  When she realizes this, she frets that her meal ticket in life is about to expire.  Moreover, the attention, protection and privileges she received from men because of her beauty are no longer forthcoming, and she suffers neglect and abuse at the hands of her husband, other men, and other women who compete with her.  These experiences cause her to go coo-coo for coco-puffs as she tries to make sense of her cruel reality.

Her apparent stupidity and craziness creates in others, especially men, a sense of awe and disbelief.  Her stupidity and craziness boils down to the tendency for her to focus in on details at the expense of context.  She does this in an effort to convince herself and others that she (woman) is good and the world (man) is bad.  She makes it through life by being exploited for the humour she creates in others.  Her exploiters never let on to her that she is being exploited, but they do provide her a portion of the proceeds so that she is taken care of and can continue to generate revenue.

She has one alternative life strategy.  Once in a while, someone takes pity on her (the closest she will get to experiencing love) and they provide for her.  The more loony she is, the more likely it is that she will be abused as her disconnect from reality frustrates others who interact with her, but also signals to others she is disconnected from any social resources and protection, thus arousing both anger and sadism.


I worked on a project with a woman who fell into this category.  One day while we were sitting in the foyer, I watched as she misconstrued the sentence of a guy we were talking to.  Normally I write such things off telling myself things like it’s not my business or don’t get involved, but I was so amazed at her reaction to him which seemed out of nowhere, that I wondered if I missed something important and finally took the time to figure out just where she went wrong.

It was subtle, but it was one of those things where you have to look at the context of the whole sentence to get the meaning instead of just the word/literal meaning.  She was unable to do this and blurted out a response that literally made her seem crazy both to him and to me.  Perhaps what’s most interesting about this girl is that she says she often feels ignored, like people don’t listen to her/take her seriously.  Of course she hasn’t thought to ask herself why that is.

Type III: The Witch


This is a phallic (masculinized) woman who is hyper narcissistic.  She is best exemplified by Kris Jenner (Kim Kardashian’s mother).  This woman, having given up on receiving love but still desperately in need of it, takes it by force.  She hates men and children, and she secures resources by exploiting her lovers and her children, and at times through them, other members of the population who would not have necessarily fallen under her “spell” if approached directly.

Her anger and pain at being unloved forms a new substrate on which she constructs her identity, and her demand for love or resources places a huge strain on her relationships (and society) as she seeks to attain the love and care that was withheld from her in childhood.  Her hate for her children stems from the fact that she deems them more beautiful and more worthy than her of love, and so she competes with them.  Her hatred for man stems from the fact that she, like Medusa, blames him for what she has become.


I personally never interact with women like this – I don’t so much as look in their direction – but an example of this type would be your garden variety feminist.  More specifically, she tends to be clustered between the ages of 35-55, but you can find her through all age ranges.  Of the three women discussed so far, this woman is by far the most destructive (especially if she has any sort of intelligence).

She destroys her children – they often suffer from anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression, or repeat the cycle of narcissism and emotional abuse.  She destroys her husband – she will find either a man that she can dominate and abuse every day – one who will never leave her, or she will find a man she can’t dominate and resent him for it all the while competing with him and tearing him down to the best of her ability until he finally leaves her, thus reopening old narcissistic wounds.   She destroys companies by creating toxic, unproductive environments.  She even destroys societies.

For those of you that would hold up Norway and find fault with this last assertion, I would put to you that if it weren’t for the oil reserves in the Scandinavian countries, their societies would have faced some sort of economic crisis by now, but are likely heading towards instability as the family and entrepreneur are replaced by government and corporations – oligopolies and monopolies.

Type IV: The True Woman

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If a woman is able, she resigns all claims of entitlement to love and resources.  It is only then that she is “born again” into true femininity.  It is at this point that she attains true personhood, personality and individuality, and is finally capable of loving and being loved.  This is the only woman that is an asset to her husband and companies.  Her intelligence is of a very peculiar kind, quite unlike masculine intelligence, but powerful and potent in its own right.  Her skills lie not in securing resources, but in refining and re-purposing them so that they best fit a given task.  In the economy, she will be found at secondary and tertiary levels of production.


In my life I’ve only met one woman that falls into this category (even as she retained in her elements of the other three), but this doesn’t surprise me because Freud often said only a handful of women ever overcome their Oedipus complex.  If you happen to find a woman like this, you’ve found a love that happens maybe once a century (assuming you have done the work necessary to enable you to love her as you should).

I’m finding it difficult to find words that capture what she is like, only the feeling she gives off can do her true justice.  She was very quiet but very intelligent (an MD with a specialty).  She was also very kind, gentle and loyal, and she had an innocence about her that was refreshing.  She put everyone else before herself right up until she died (a year ago).  I was upset with her because of this; I wanted her to be selfish.  I wanted her to experience the rush of energy you get from giving in to your basest instincts, uninhibited by attachments.  It made me sick that she wouldn’t take my advice – I had hoped that this rush would “revive” her, as she was very weak leading up to her death.

I was being naïve.  I couldn’t see it at the time because I wasn’t as aware as I am today of the various differences between men and women, but she already became what she was meant to become.  She never demanded love, or anything for that matter, which along with her innocence, made all of her movements and expressions seem so genuine.  Because she didn’t expect to be loved (or try to manipulate love in any way), she has been the only woman I’ve met truly deserving of all the love I could give.

Her type remains for me the one beacon of hope in the cesspool that is modern woman, and I share her with you so that when you see her, she will be more easily identifiable to you (and perhaps you’ll do better at avoiding the other three types).  I believe that it’s necessary to have an understanding of her, even if you haven’t found her yet, because within us there is a phylogenetic memory of her waiting to be reawakened by her presence.

For most of us, we keep this memory locked away, safe from the harm that would befall it should it be corrupted by our modern women.  But by keeping it locked away, we also keep a part of ourselves locked away with it.  Until this part is restored to its rightful place beside/within us, we as men will always be susceptible to the vicissitudes of women, shackled to our fellow man, and trapped in a cycle of “endless becoming” – just “one damn thing after the next”.

Read More: 6 Most Common Types Of Girls You’ll Encounter Online 

111 thoughts on “The 4 Types Of Women”

  1. great article.
    Insecure people, of both sexes, can be extremely dangerous, especially to secure, confident, well organized men. most women are simply insecure. Big Tree – Small Axe.
    You can categorize the different types, age groups, social groups, backgrounds and so forth, but when you boil it down to the basics, they all operate from an angle of insecurity and fear. To counter that they manipulate, belittle, nag, lie, embellish, and play all manner of emotional head games, that a straight shooting confident man hasn’t ever really had much need to consider.
    Game is the understanding of how to step around and also calm that fear to keep the animal side in check and open the person up so they become more useful both to themselves and to you personally. It is a dangerous game though, because you let someone into your world and rather than looking for positive possibilities and moving forwards with ambition, drive and thinking of the future in a positive way, instead they are constantly in a fearful competition with you, aiming to pull you down to their level.
    Their level is essentially a living hell. An animal existence of frantically jumping from one thing to the next without ever considering the beauty and wonders of life. Many women I have known are dreadful in bed, simple because they cannot relax and embrace their own sexuality and experience, rather frantically rush though the act to get it over and done with so they can move onto the next event in their lives.
    This attitude means that they never enjoy or accomplish much, because they are forever chasing some contrived ideal of what life should be like (you can see this trait in all kinds of women’s magazines), rather than actually living the moment and enjoying what they have.

    1. My ex-wife was like this. She would see the things I was doing and would tell other people ‘oh he will never finish that.’ Not supportive, not really affectionate, almost incapable of a true loving caring relationship. Put up walls where they didn’t belong, shut people out, was extremely BUSY. Always on the move, never sat still. Right now, she is probably running around like a chicken without a head, like you were saying as if a predator was in the sky ready to strike for a kill.

      1. you can see why valium was called mother’s little helper back in the 60s… there’s really no answer to it… i have an article coming online in a bit which explains why women are like this… science is a marvelous thing….

      2. Damn, sorry to hear that. Sounds pretty bad man.
        I thought some of the unwritten rules or marriage was to support the other spouse in front of others, never bad mouth them in public, etc. The wife can joke about the husbands never ending projects, for example, but then always have his back and praise in public. My parents had epic fights and many disrespect in private to each other, but at least to their friends they never bad mouthed each other. Old school European values I guess.

      3. It’s sad to hear you had that experience with your ex wife. I have noticed that woman who act out like this are usually unhappy, but instead of facing facts or being honest with themselves and others, they will take it out on an undeserving partner (male or female).

    2. Ray Wolfson, That’s some deep shit thinking man, I like it. as I do the animal analogy. Interesting..

  2. “Type III” is practically a play-by-play description of my mom (minus the whole “destroying societies” thing). I could practically qualify at least an honourary Bachelour’s degree in Jungian Depth Psychology after all the related studies I’ve done in my efforts to reintegrate and repair myself after I came to realise what sort of damage I have to sort through. For sure, this is one of the most succinctly well-written articles on ROK. You gentlemen are doing a fantastic service to men everywhere. If possible, I would like to write guest articles for you from time to time based upon the knowledge and realisations I’ve gained in my own studies and reflections, if that’s fine with you fellows.

      1. On the basis of the public nature of the internet, as well as the fact that my offers of articles are in relation to human psychology in general, I reserve the right to withhold such information

  3. With regards to the KrisJenner reference, I laughed when I read that, it was so on point just a few hours ago the dailymail published an entire article about how she was trying to upstage her daughter kim at an event

    1. the amazing thing about that is, it’s done not out of need or survival but on pure instinct and ego… whereas an older guy of means would most likely lay back and take pleasure in his daughters success, instead the insecure mother has to go on the offensive… pathetic…

  4. Many good points in this artikel. But please research your fakts better next. Norway is the only Scandinavian country were oil is a big part of the economics. Denmark has some oil and Sweden and Finland no oil. So keep oil out of discussion of Scandinavian societies. Even if i agree with many points about feminism in Scandinavia. Iam from Denmark by the way, dating a girl from Korea.

    1. Regarding oil, what I read was in a peer reviewed journal in an academic database. I’m trying to find the article for you as I type this but it suggested that exports are a huge part of Sweden’s economy.

    2. I love how someone down votes a factual statement. Denmark and Norway are the only “Scandinavian” countries with any significant oil/gas reserve base.

    1. Endangered. There are a few, but it’s like hunting bigfoot. You have to be a master hunter when you run across one.

  5. I had the pleasure of meeting a true woman earlier this year. My God, her femininity, selflessness, intelligence, patience , empathy, loyalty and stoicism was incredible. For the average modern western woman, these traits are all but forgotten and mind you I met her in the UK, a country that has a reputation for toxic woman.
    Meeting the true women is like detoxing from drugs addiction. Painful? yes. Why? Because it gives you hope…it gives you hope that maybe just maybe you’ll be able to find one again that you can settle down with in a LTR or marriage….Maybe you can finally stop your harem rotation that is filled with chickenhead whores, narcissists, batshit crazies etc….maybe you can finally stop pumping and dumping every couple of days/weeks/months…Maybe you can finally come out of the MGTOW lifestyle and start building a solid relationship with a true woman that will have your back no matter what(ride or die).
    Then again it fades, she disappears like a dream and your back to dealing with the same shitty women that have been described in detail on this site.

    1. had a true woman like that from Colombia..
      she was an MD who took care of her dying grandmother and she used to model when she was young. she never wore makeup nor dressed to grab male attention and showed me great respect, made me breakfast etc..
      I shed a tear when I had to leave her knowing I’ll probably never meet a girl like that in the US.

    2. Why did you let her get away? You have to be on top of your game for when a creature comes along.

    3. If you find a woman like that how do you know? If you find a woman like that why do you let her go?

    4. Your comment had me climbing high into the sky, following your lead Sir, before I plummeted back into the hard, cold earth of reality after your last paragraph. Sigh..

    5. This. I met one once, a sweetheart from Peru. Unfortunately, my game was still weak and too scripted and she saw through it. The sad part is she gave me so many chances which I screwed up. So far after her, it’s been a whirlwind of druggie whores, crazy sluts, insecure girls and emotionally jaded and bitter women.
      Back to reality

  6. my ex was exactly like type #1.
    she was a good looking girl with low self-esteem.
    her eyes were always vacant like magazine models she tried to emulate.
    word of caution: girls who obsess with fashion are all trainwrecks.

    1. FASHION….dear god sounded like my ex when I was a blue piller. “Oh, I’m going into fashion” run as fast as you can man.

  7. Freud never said anything about women and the Oedipus complex, because he never assigned it to them; it’s a distinctly male type of developmental stagnation. And if you’re talking about narcissism, that’s a disorder rooted in the Oral stage anyway, not the Oedipal stage.
    Furthermore, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is extremely rare, and much more prevalent in men than in women. So it’s kind of embarrassing that you tried to talk about this with any authority.

      1. And if you’re going to quote the founder of Psychoanalysis (an anti-positivist philosophy, NOT a science), you should at least get it right.

        1. Freud has said many things about women that wouldn’t meet the approval of our politically correct culture. I don’t personally agree with everything Freud says but with regards to the above, and I’m paraphrasing, he said women don’t resolve their (version of the) Oedipus complex until they have a son (I don’t agree with this as I believe in the power of our imagination to create possibilities that aren’t in the physical world). Are far as positivism goes, I won’t argue with you here because I recognise that most modern academics hold to it like a religion. I’ll just say that I personally think this is a mistake, that positivism is good for the physical sciences (even as our greatest discoveries have come through a mixture of positivism and humanism/intuition) but a huge mistake for psychology, for many issues but most saliently the problem of reflexivity.

        2. I ignored your other assertions because your complete inability to extracate actual facts from your pre-formed and reductive social theories undermines the objective authority of your entire argument. Put simply: a point you used as evidence is utter horseshit, so why would I take anything else you say seriously?
          I don’t see any shouting. And I’m not sure why you assume I’m a “chick.” Is it because there’s a “Mrs.” in my handle? There’s also a “Monarch” in it. But I’m not exactly inclined to preside over the imaginary lands constructed by the intellectual giants on this website. Well, the intellectual giants, and their profound mommy issues.

        3. “Monarch” is not a gender specific word.
          Of course you’re a woman, it isn’t just your name it’s the way you talk.

        4. Uhhh okay? Just like the author, then, you can make all the assumptions you want based on your ability to, I guess, “make connections.” Doesn’t mean you’re any less wrong, but I guess “connections” make you feel better.

        1. You’re dumb. The Electra complex is the female version of the Oedipus complex. Therefore, the guy you replied to is correct.

        2. You’re a poop face.
          The Electra complex is Neo-Freudian, and a revisionist attempt at a “female Oedipus complex” that was posited long after Freud’s original writings. So when the author of this post said that Freud believed few women grew out of their “Oedipus complex,” and that this was somehow a indicator of narcissism, he was wrong on many levels.

        3. I was with you until you started throwing insults.
          Stick to the facts and leave the insults to the unintelligent people who hate being proven wrong.

        4. …Really? Is “poop face” still a serious insult? It made me laugh as much as “You’re dumb” did, so I kept it.

        5. Its not about the seriousness, but if you were trying to lighten the mood I guess I can see it…

    1. And Freud was a lying sack of shit and neither the Oedipus or Electra complex even exist. And his stages of development are bullshit too.

      1. Thank you for your nuanced and informed reply. I’m not sure why I have to remind you that I’m not the one who brought up Freud. I simply pointed out that an outlandish idea of the author’s was wrongly attributed to Freud.

      1. Having writers read actual source material before making bizarre, gender essentialist claims and falsely attributing them to dead philosophers is a bit much to expect from this website, I understand.

        1. I don’t think it’s bizarre at all. I’ve study Frued and psychoanalysis for 5 years and I’ve also been analyzed/trained.

        2. Oh? Then why the angry reaction to a simple restatement of “Frued’s” actual ideas?

        1. It’s a character from Venture Brothers. (Though if you’re a regular reader of Return of Kings, and you said that completely without irony, I’m impressed.)

    2. OK, Freud said what he said, but when we say “narcissism” we mean somebody very vain and egotistical, not necessarily a disorder immediately! Everyone displays some levels of narcissism, which you psychologists consider “healthy levels”. Vain? egotistical? self important? sounds like many of today’s flawed women..

      1. So a paragraph of bullshit, then.
        Why do you assume I’m a psychologist? I’m fairly certain you don’t need a professional qualification to be able to read.

        1. All the FB pics of chicks; all the instagram pics; the craving of women to talk only about their issues in media; all the me me me things points to other direction. I dont see men do all these frivolous things to get attention. Just observe who applies excessive makup; gets more boob surgeries ; all these for what and why? If someone thinks they are entitled to others attention all the time (forget who said what) for me they are inherently narcissist.

        2. You know what, legolas, you’re right: the definition of narcissism is boob jobs. Case closed.

        3. Nice strawman, DMTM – typical SJW/liberal bullshit attacks – strawman, ad hominem, redirection, locking on to one detail and holding on like a pitbull while ignoring the overall message in an effort to “discredit” the information,etc. etc. Same old playbook, over and over again.
          Frankly, you’re not here to discuss anything – you’re here to troll, and it’s pretty obvious and pathetic. Unfortunately, you’ve been fairly successful at hijacking the comments. Anyway, I really pity anyone in your life as I think it’s apparent your “razor sharp” intellect is likely never turned inward.

        4. What a weak and idiotic response. When anyone points out facts and doesn’t agree with retards like you, the foolish rationalisation is always that its a “typical SJW/liberal bullshit attack”. Why don’t you come up with your own original insults? Bunch of copy-cats.
          DrMrs The Monarch gave actual factual information, which turned out to be correct and frankly an embarrassment to the author and all of you supporters. When people like you can’t refute these facts, you tuck your tail in between your legs, cry a little and then frantically give irrelevant information that has nothing to do with the argument. Places like this, is where logic truly comes to die.
          And yes, this is a personal attack.

    3. Yes he did. the female oedipuscomplex arises in the moment a young girl realizes that she already has been castrated since she hasn’t got a penis in contrary to her brother. she therefore develops a syndrome called “penisneid” (envy for a penis?!) which she either overcomes by becoming a “true woman” and giving birth to a son through whom she lives the life that has been denied to her. The other possible option is that she tries to reverse the castration by engaging in typically male activities such as science and arts. Freud assumed his own daughter who was an intellectual took this (“wrong”) way. He also worked more with men than women and was a female rights activist.

      1. “typically male activities such as science and the arts.” AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh Jesus Christ.

        1. Or Ted Bundy, the male Sally Ride! Or Dick Cheney, the male Georgia O’Keefe! Or Aziz Ansari, the male Grace Hopper! C’mon!!!!

  8. “If you happen to find a woman like this, you’ve found a love that happens maybe once a century (assuming you have done the work necessary to enable you to love her as you should).”
    What is the work necessary to enable a man to love?

      1. No- what prepares a man to be capable of loving a good woman? I’m pretty sure you can’t do kegels.

        1. Men can do something similar to kegels. It strengthens their muscles and can allow them to last longer before ejaculating.

        2. “What is the work necessary to enable a man to love?”
          The four F’s:
          Feed me
          Fuck me
          shut the Fuck up
          don’t be a Feminist

        3. Sarah – I know what you are asking and I don’t know why no one here can give you a serious reply.
          My answer to your Q: The man must be in his own skin, be “loving himself” as it were, be superior in where he is and where he came from (what he has achieved). Basically, to be without any complexes. And you can’t be distracted by other things and forces. Then it will be inevitable.

        4. It’s not easy to answer over type. If you’re really interested, I suggest reading Kazimierz Dabrowski. It’s very hard to find his originals now because they’re not printed anymore so if you get your hands on a few copies don’t sell them. Best to start your search in university libraries though – they can ship books around from school to school.

    1. He gives an example. Basically, have the wisdom necessary to realize that that’s a very good girl, worthy of love.
      I disagree with him that such girls are rare though. This behaviour is very common among non-western teenage girls who are in the 6-8 range, although it gets extremely rare, almost non-existent, once women hit their twenties.
      It’s a lose-lose situation because when men are in their teenage years they usually don’t have enough wisdom to tell good women from bad women. That’s why I’ve always advocated that red-pill wisdom be taught in schools.

  9. When you talk about feminism… do you not mean misandry?
    I mean, by definition, feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” –
    because even if you see feminism as men-hating crazies, they’re not feminists by definition. They are practicing misandry. Not feminism.
    but then again, none of you seem to want equality either. If you did, you would stop demonising women that don’t resign “all claims of entitlement to love and resources.” and who aren’t ‘up to your standards’ in appearance.
    I read the articles here and suddenly worry about how there are people out there who will judge me for being female and for wanting to live my life on my own terms, not striving for “True Woman” status.

    1. “not striving for “True Woman” status.”
      what do you strive to be if not a true woman ? a false woman ?
      i think that’s what we’re all taking about on this site… how false women are.

  10. I’d bet half the men here have/had a “great white buffalo” moment and they weren’t on top of their game. Talk about a life lesson.

  11. haha the psychologist cant understand how her edumacation could be wrong in the face of real world experience. She probably thinks shes a vindictive angel or something bringing wisdom to the masses.

  12. I found Type 4. Or rather, women very similar to Type 4.
    In the Bible (proverbs 31:10-31 – the wife of noble character).
    In Street Fighter (Chun-Li). Mortal Kombat (Kitana). And Zelda (from Legend of Zelda, natch).
    The last two women which come to mind are my own creations. They exist only in a series of drawings and incomplete stories I’ve written. Stories that will most likely never see the light of day or even see completion for that matter.
    My point is, like this article implies, the Type 4 woman is a rare breed. And most likely, all of y’all who live in the West have only encountered her in your fantasies and in fiction.
    The situation may be better in other parts of the world but here in the West, it really is like that.
    Speaking of which, you can forget about finding Type 4 in church. As much as it pains me to admit it (what with me being a church goer and all), today’s churches are almost as misandric as Type 3 women; they just hate males (and any and all male sexuality) in their own special sort of way ^_^

    1. Finding a good woman in church is the old stereotype but you’re just as likely to find one in a bar. My way of doing things: I know what she looks like and I know the markers of the other three. I’m not rigid because I recognize people’s potential for growth – so I’d be patient with a girl I think has potential, even so, if I see too many “red flags” I just go the other way.

  13. I personally think you are idolizing your lost love on #4. Because of the time you didnt get to spend together (because it was taken away from you too soon), you romanticize that it was perfect. And in doing so, you apply the same filter to the past, avoiding saying anything constructive and possibly bad about a living person. I applaud your chivalry, but recognize your mistake

  14. Wow. I guess I lucked out. I found that one rare special girl who is both beautiful and selfless and quiet. And I told her to be my girlfriend. I didn’t ask. I commanded her.

    1. You need to be around more strippers, porn stars or other hot women w/ destructive daddy issues.

  15. If you have a resilient personality and/or are Charlie Sheen, The Witch type (see most strippers, porn stars) can be fun: freak-nasty sex and lots of it– she’ll see you as a challenge to hurt. Eventually, she’ll get frustrated and leave (or do something stupid and you’ll kick her out) but she’s always stimulating!

  16. Type 3… Gina Rinehart. Australians will recognise this immediately. To the rest of the world, cliffs:
    – Richest woman in the world
    – Inherited a mining fortune from her father
    – Tore her family apart in recent years in bitter, lengthy, damaging and personal legal battles over company’s direction, father’s intentions, their inheritance, etc
    – The ugliest woman on the planet, bar none
    – Controlling, manipulative, with the most vile personality imaginable
    I actually wrote an article about this blight on humanity.

  17. Looks like I’m a 4…Selfless is my middle name…I give and give and give my love and help…even to very cruel people. I don’t even expect to be loved or cared for…I’m happy to make others happy that’s all.

  18. Shanty Binx though AVfM is a hate website, compared to this AVFM looks like the advocate….

  19. I’m impressed with the rigor of your research and am wondering which of these categories best describes me. Briefly: I am 32 years old, a feminist, happily married, and work full-time in the quaternary sector as a college professor. It would be hard for me to “resign all entitlement to … resources” when applying for grants is part of my job. I have also never experienced the party lifestyle that your site ascribes to most women. Plus I weigh 130 pounds, so I’m neither anorexic nor overweight and definitely not seductress material. Please help me decide whether my type is a witch or a nutbar so we can both spread the word to make sure you never end up marrying a woman like me.

    1. Giggling. Give your husband and 2 other men you know this article and have them tell them who they think you are. There are some hints though. First you make very clear you don’t want to give up any entitlements by the comment about grants. I wonder, why do you think you are entitled to other people’s money via grants (whether charity or tax dollars)? You could go out and actually “earn” money instead of wheedling it away from others.
      You also identify yourself rather opaquely as working full time as a professor in the “quaternary sector” a rather obscure way to describe what you do (you work in some kind of knowledge or educational based area but the term is so broad it actually tells us next to nothing about what you actually do). My sister is a teaching prof and does research into how to best teach writing and how humans learn to write and use writing. Do you see the difference in how I describe her arcane profession (she actually focuses on a very narrow subset of all this but there is no point in mentioning that) versus your reflexive use of a term that is not actually descriptive but also seems to serve the purpose of distinguishing your intellectual status? I often deal with academics and PhDs and what I was surprised to find out is how often they are actually very insecure. Academia is so much more competitive and petty than any commercial setting I’ve ever worked in, and I think you reflexively transmit that just by trying to gussy up what it is you do.
      So what we already know is that you are entitled, egotistical, insecure and clearly defensive by the tone of your comment. My guess is that you are narcissitic and probably fall into the witch category. You are also still young so the pitch may not be so fierce yet. By 40 though, you are a nightmare. But like I said, give it to your hubby.

  20. I do believe there are true women…but I don’t think the rest of all the women can only fit into three other categories.

  21. Wow. I can’t believe I came across this online b/c I was Googling “how to deal with copy cat women” (long story) and your article came up. I think you nailed it on the head… I was, [cough] am still working on the 1st 3 three traits you mentioned.. it’s seriously f#ckingcuckoo-works how us women can be, yeah… But anyway, I -have- by the grace of God, but also a lot of Recovery, self-help and therapy sessions 6 yrs later became a MUCH more humble, kinder and less selfish woman than I was. And I’ve garnered an amazing, frankly, the man of my personal dreams, I think b/c of all this internal work.
    I never concluded it was an Oedipus syndrome… interesting, but yes, I would agree it is the bad Father issue, as I had a very narcissist, verbally-emotionally abusive Father growing up. And my man is not a King yet, as he has his own traits (I feel similar to the above 3), but he’s also in recovery and is on his way. Wonderful article and insight, it definitely helps me grapple that I’m, and hopefully… many? some? women are on the right path. And pray for those who remain… stuck.

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