The Josh Duggar Incident Reveals The Tactics And Hypocrisy of SJWs

Last week, In Touch Weekly broke the news that Josh Duggar, eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar from TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, had molested five under-aged girls in 2002 and 2003. Josh, who was 14 at the time, was accused of fondling his victims, touching their breasts and genitals while they slept.

A police report was released shortly after the In Touch article, and indicated that four of the five girls may have been his siblings, while the last victim was a family friend who had spent the night at the Duggar home.

The story unleashed a firestorm of criticism against the way the Duggars’ handled the situation. Jim Bob allegedly waited a year before contacting authorities and instead sought help from church elders who also did not contact the police. Josh was sent to the Basic Life Principles Training Center, a faith-based healing center and then had to live with a close family friend for period of time. Josh was never charged with a crime as the statute of limitations had run out before the police learned of the events.

People from the left not only called for Josh Duggar to be punished, but for the entire family to suffer by calling for the cancellation of the Duggars’ TV show the because of the incident.

In response to the criticism, Josh Duggar resigned from his position as executive director at the Family Research Council in Washington DC. A day later TLC pulled 19 Kids and Counting off of their lineup. While the show has not officially been cancelled, its future seems to be in limbo.

The release of this story and the SJWs’ consequent reaction to the story gives us a great opportunity to see how SJWs work.

For SJWs, it’s personal


The first interesting thing about the release of the Josh Duggar story is that the molestation occurred a long time ago. In Touch had to issue a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the police report. Obviously, someone deliberately tipped off In Touch about the existence of the report.

But why would someone want to expose the Duggars’ dirty laundry?

The Duggar family is a well-known opponent of the LGBT agenda. In 2014, they sparked outrage when they asked married couples to post pictures of themselves kissing on the Duggar Facebook page and then deleted pictures of gay couples kissing. Jim Bob and Michelle are also active in supporting conservative politicians who may oppose same sex marriage.

Josh Duggar was an even worse offender against LGBT sensibilities. Up until he was forced to resign due to the molestation report being released, he worked for the Family Research Council (FRC). The FRC is a conservative Christian lobbying organization that was founded by James Dobson.

One of the main activities of the FRC is lobbying, very ineffectively, against LGBT issues including same sex marriage.

By publicly setting themselves against the LGBT agenda, the Duggars made themselves a lightning rod for SJWs.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it

By digging up dirt on Josh Duggar, the SJWs are executing a strategy from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

RULE 12:Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

You can see this rule in action with almost every time you try to engage an SJW in an argument. While men traditionally would argue about ideas using logic, the SJW doesn’t bother with this. Rather, they almost always argue ad hominem by pointing out some personal failing of the person (as there is with Josh Duggar). If no personal failing is apparent, they resort to trying to categorize the person as a racist, homophobe, misogynist, or as a science denier.

SJWs are hypocrites


Ms. Dunham

Contrast the criticism of the Duggars with the way that SJWs react to molestation claim that concerns one of their own—the star of the HBO series Girls, Lena Dunham.

Kevin Williamson, writing in an article for National Review, summarized the questionable incidents that Dunham related in her memoir, Not That Kind of Girl.

Dunham writes of casually masturbating while in bed next to her younger sister, of bribing her with “three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds . . . anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying.” At one point, when her sister is a toddler, Lena Dunham pries open her vagina — “my curiosity got the best of me,” she offers, as though that were an explanation. “This was within the spectrum of things I did.”

As Williams relates, “there is no non-horrific interpretation of this episode.”

Double Standard


Yes, I admit to stealing this from Anthony’s Taylor Swift article, but it was too good to pass up.

Unlike Josh Duggar who immediately apologized and resigned from his job, Lena Dunham took to Twitter to condemn the “rage spiral” against her. She wrote, “The right-wing news story that I molested my little sister isn’t just LOL – it’s really fucking upsetting and disgusting. And by the way, if you were a little kid and never looked at another little kid’s vagina, well, congrats to you.”

Apart from the dust up around the incidents she recounted in her book, she has suffered no ill effects. She is still the star of Girls and her popularity is just as high as it ever was.

Conservatives also condemn Josh Duggar’s action

While a handful of conservatives, such as presidential candidate Mike Huckabee came to the defense of Josh Duggar, most conservatives were quick to condemn him. But they also pointed out the hypocrisy of people condemning Duggar but refusing to condemn Dunham.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for SJWs to start calling for Girls to be cancelled due to Dunham’s past actions.



Orestes being pursued by the Furies

For the record, while I believe in forgiveness and redemption, I think it was appropriate that Josh Duggar resigned from his position at the FRC. His actions as a juvenile render him an ineffective spokesman for an organization whose mission is to further policies that favor the traditional family.

But I think it is vindictive to go after the livelihood of his parents and his siblings. If anything, they were the victims of his actions. It is clear that the SJW outrage over Josh Duggar was not caused by a sudden concern for the emotional and physical well-being of the Duggar girls so much as glee over the misfortune of an enemy of the LGBT agenda. Otherwise, why are they trying to get the Duggars’ TV show canceled?

The fury with which the SJWs pursue revenge on their enemies is even more disturbing as it is obvious that the LGBT agenda is on a roll and is destined to prevail. The SJWs are not gracious winners. When their victory is complete, they will crush any dissent.

To be fair, the indignation that people on the right over Dunham’s touching of her sister is also probably driven, in part, by Dunham’s position as a leader in the social justice wars. Our mutual hatred for each other is just another sad indicator that our current culture is unraveling.

Unfortunately, I don’t foresee an end to this polarized atmosphere. In the meantime, we need to be aware of the tactics that SJWs will continue to use to hurt people that they disagree with while turning a blind eye to their similarly tainted allies.

Read More: Another Whiny Feminist Reveals The Hypocrisy Of Feminism And Social Justice Warriors

280 thoughts on “The Josh Duggar Incident Reveals The Tactics And Hypocrisy of SJWs”

    1. I believe that I would knock Carrie Prejean’s head through the headboard!
      Thanks for posting a pic that cleanses (partially – Obama can fuck off) my mind of the trauma of having to view Dunham’s doughy face in this article.

      1. Its like Eye Bleach after seeing that disgusting troll of a woman called Lena Dunham.
        She’s legit a 1.5/10 I wouldn’t fuck her for $10k

        1. she is fascinating though. Even women you dont want to sleep with have at least one positive feature(great smile, hair).
          You go down the checklist, and she is batting zero. A rarity.

        2. She is the most repulsive nationally known woman I can think of. It’s her rotten brown teeth that cinch it. Damn her breath must stink. Even someone like Roseanne Barr looks better to me – at least she has clean straight teeth

        3. she could easily bleach her teeth. apparently its too much trouble. She would have nice skin, but she marred it with that giant tat on her shoulder…fascinating lol

        4. And then file a rape charge saying she raped you. Your argument would be who would fuck her.

        5. I think 1.5 is being generous. If they remade Ghostbusters, she could be the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man without having to wear a costume.

        6. I just need to get it up somehow…
          Hopefully they’ll front me some cash for Viagra and Tylenol 3s.

        7. add some crack cocaine and a bottle of vodka and lena would probably seem like a catch

        8. The only thing you’d want to put in that cake hole is cake. Traumatic image

        9. Been to Toronto she’s average looking if your going by Toronto women standards, that place fucking sucks. She’s have pretty decent looking dudes going for her too.

        10. Wow, I think this picture just gave me eye cancer. I also believe that I won’t be eating cake anytime soon, thanks Clark….,

        11. Kent, now the janitor knows who left that cake all over the walls in the toilet stall…

        12. Depends on your taste. You sound like you like humongous black boot tays.

        13. “The DNA sample has proven she had cake icing in her vagina, Your Honour.”

        14. So, turn her out on the streetcorners selling cake, then take the money.

        15. If you are on a diet and have a weakness for cake. Here is the cure. Just look at or remember this image…

    2. They are powerful enough to control television. Witness the domination of gay themes in all of the top television shows. One show I find particularly strange is Modern Families. It suggests that in today’s world, families headed by two gay men are common. This is far from true. In fact, it would make more sense to show as a “modern family” a single mother with multiple baby fathers since this seems to be where we are going.

      1. My wife started watching a show called “Call The Midwife” and it is about women giving birth. Somehow, they managed to work a gay father in to the show.

        1. You still gonna let your wife watch that shit when they eventually have a cuckold episode?

      2. There was a reality show featuring a woman with multiple kids by multiple fathers. It was pulled, of course, due to “outrage” at the subject matter.

        1. It was pulled because it exposed the truth – that some women may be actual whores and sluts. Feelings were hurt.

      3. its not just gay lobbies. Transgressive sexuality is important to the new world order in which humanity is to be remade. Society is being re-created. They see themselves as Gods and are acting accordingly.

      4. Witness the domination of gay themes in all of the top television shows.
        The worst thing about this is not the content of TV, as that can easily be turned off, but rather that so many people believe everything on TV or in the movies as being true.
        In the USA for example, many people vastly overestimate the percentage of people who are homosexual. These people, most likely viewers of shows like these, believe that 25% of the population is homosexual when in reality the figure is around 4%.

        1. It is true. For some reason, at least one of the main characters always has to be gay even though, in every day life, most of us will not interact with a gay person.
          Its really starting to irritate me, because they are really stepping this up.

        2. The only thing that can really done to stop this is to not only tune out, but to stop paying for it too.
          Anyone who hasn’t already should drop cable TV. Even if that programming is not watched, subscriber revenues feed that beast. Starve it.

        3. That’s because many of that 4% work in HW and related industries such as TV, fashion, etc…so they gain a public voice out of proportion to their numbers.

      5. Isn’t that the truth. Producers of these shows would never show the reality (single women with multiple kids from different dads) because it would piss off their customer base – women. Plus it may actually show the reality of many women “whoring it up” and being irresponsible.
        The whole ‘ man up’ phrase would lose its meaning coming from these hypocrites.

        1. Of course the men aren’t whores and hold no responsibility for the birth of the children because women spontaneously reproduce. Perhaps like Mary and the virgin birth

        2. That one played out a long time ago (but keep hanging on to it).
          We’ve all been programmed to death with how the terrible father is…he just left after the birth of the child. What hasn’t been brought to light (or programming) is the reverse….women who do nothing but screw and have kids (with multiple fathers). That would be something both new and true.

        3. Try as you might, you cannot change the fact that women have wombs, men do not. When a man is irresponsible, he does not wind up with a second human growing inside their body. It is not a trivial distinction.

        4. What an idiot reply. Children are left fatherless because fathers (men) don’t take responsibility. Period. Multiple dads, one dad doesn’t matter. Step up to the plate like a man. Don’t leave a woman to do a man’s job. If every man took responsibility, then children would be better off. All you are saying is men are so immature, so unable to control themselves, so irresponsible that all childcare is left to women because they bear the child. Ah wouldn’t the world be a better place if all women slammed their legs shut to every man on the planet. No ring, no sex for ANY man. Wouldn’t that be great! I think so. Frankly, female animals only mate with the best. If only human females did. That would leave you out wouldn’t it? Step up to the plate and be an effing man. BTW the female egg doesn’t need sp erm to divide. Humans can survive without males. Since women carry only the X chromosome, it would eventually become an all female world. And it wouldn’t matter because according to you, you’re completely useless. No wonder women CHOOSE not to bother with marriage. No men, no useless men, no rape, less murder, violence, and wars. A much much better world. And you agree men are useless. Do humankind a favor and wear a condom if some woman doesn’t have enough sense to not have sex with you.

        5. Yes calling women sluts (usually means she will have sex with anyone else but you) are terms of endearment that women love and show how much you love and respect women as many of you have referred to woman here – real winners all of you.
          Here’s a tip. Women are more inclined to date men that respect them and women in general.
          Who knows maybe one will have sex with you one day.
          Try it, a woman may actually deign to date you.

        6. Heh…
          “Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of
          society being at all relevant to women, there remains to
          civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow
          the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete
          automation and destroy the male sex.”
          So said Valerie…

        7. The only one calling women sluts is you. I simply pointed out that men and women have different physiology, and that women would be wise to take that into consideration.

      6. True have you noticed that most if not all TV shows that have a gay main stream actor or some sort of gay theme the show is a comedy where the gay characters are fun and happy all the time the viewer never sees them as highly promiscuous with multiple sex partners, never fighting any sexually transmitted diseases, never as most gay men are temperamental and short to anger. Take True Detective the characters had their issues BUT they were straight hetrosexual men.

        1. I have not noticed this actually. Got, The Wire, Oz, The Following. This might be because I don’t watch a lot of comedies.

    3. Selective Outrage is litteraly the left’s motto. If they feel they can’t play victim, they simply won’t care.

    4. Yeah, because the right never exercises selective inattention.
      Sigh. Someday you’ll figure out that everyone does this.

  1. The Left have selective morals, they’ll defend a woman who’s one them for being a pedophile but go for blood if it’s a conservative.

  2. Josh Duggar sounds like he’s probably a sick fuck. So is Lena Dunham. But to me, “pedophilia” is probably not the correct word here. Josh Duggar was a minor himself, and only a couple of years older than his sisters. He was old enough to know better, which is what makes this problematic, but if Josh Duggar had been fondling his 13 year old girlfriend’s tits, we’d be running to defend him as a young boy learning about his sexuality. There’s a vast difference between Dunham prying her sister’s vagina open to insert foreign objects, and a pubescent Duggar touching his sisters’ breasts in their sleep. Part of that difference is that Duggar was only a couple of years older than his victims, whereas Dunham was six years older than her sister. Another part is that Duggar was put in treatment, and has kept a low profile about this. By contrast, Dunham writes about what she did like she deserves an award and we should all be “OMG!! That’s totes amazeballs! Congrats!” Bottom line – I agree that Duggar should have resigned from his position, because it is incompatible with his past, but he shouldn’t be prevented from ever earning a living anywhere over this. And by gleefully punishing the rest of the family, you can see what the left really thinks about “victim blaming.”

      1. Yeah, now if he sexually touched boys or wanted to dress like or be a girl, Obama would give him a medal for bravery (or marry him if he was named Mike).

    1. I think along the lines of your assessment as well. Josh Duggar’s actions don’t make him a pedophile. That family appears to be extreme traditional with no dating, homeschooling etc. There are a lot of hormone engaged 14 year old boys- with little to no access to outside females, whose impulses might lead them to try to touch young boobies wherever they can. Look at what happens to sailors on looooong voyages, or guys in prison. Not all of those guys are gay but when desperation sets in- shit happens to the weaker willed.
      This does not mean that his actions were justified- just mitigated to a degree by the circumstances of how he was raised and punishment is in order. There can be a debate as to how much. But in calling out the hypocrisy in SJW’s, we should be careful of our own. Just Google children playing doctor and see all the articles and questions by parents struggling with the issue. Think about the phrase “kissing cousins” which has been around even in the golden age of America traditionalism, and realize that there is a reason it exists.
      These parents didn’t let their boy go out and try to get a girlfriend so he could touch her boobies in the right kind of way, next thing you know the desperate horny teen molests his sisters instead. Plenty of blame to go around there.

    2. I don’t know what pisses me off more. The disgusting behavior of Josh Duggar (and I will say, for the record, he belongs in an oven) or sick, sick sense of vindication and joy SJWs get from it. It’s like they want little kids to be molested if it can help their narrative. Compare Rotherham and Lena Dunham… Rightists, on the other hand, are angry and pissed off that it happened at all.

      1. SJWs do appear quite pleased with the situation (effectively making it a political issue on their part). One must remember that their political ideology is essentially their religion. An extremist one that can correctly be identified as a cult.

      2. You’d throw a 14 year old boy in the oven for this? Don’t be a reactionary idiot, DM. I’m not defending what he did, but I also don’t feel the need to banish him forever from polite, dignified humanity for the rest of his life for something he did (and was treated for and repented of) as hormone-fueled 14-year-old.
        Anyone who thinks the even-handed play is to be just as disgusted by Josh Duggar as they are by an unrepentant, in-your-face moral degenerate like Lena Dunham is playing right into the “see, you guys are just as bad” nihilist narrative of the left. Unlike Dunham, Josh looks like he’s turned himself around and has become a productive member of society.

    3. I don’t know anything about the Duggar’s but they sound like a decent family beyond this sorry business. The father handled things badly by the sounds of it, but that’s partly because he took it to the church authorities not the secular authorities (i.e. he challenged the state monopoly on authority over family life). The Dunhams on the other hand are a vertable uber liberal freak family. Both the mother and the father in that family are arguably complicit in Lena Dunham’s abuse of her sister – her mother appears to have done nothing about Lena mucking around with her much younger sisters’ genitals when she was young. There are pictures of Lena kissing her mother on the lips and while ordinarily I wouldn’t put much store by that and I’m not suggesting its actually incestuous it does be-speak a major lack of boundaries between parents and children, something which almost certainly reflects the fact that both parents seem to make a living from deranged art. Mother makes wierd doll diorama’s or something and the father has an obsession with outsize female genitals. Dunham’s father’s vagina obsession together with her mother’s doll obsession, has got to have something to do with the fact that Lena Dunham seems to have learned to regard and play with her much younger sister as though she were a sexualised doll. The fact that this has just been buried, or glossed over and that Dunham’s is free to call Woody Allen a paedo (not entirely unjustified) while not being called out for hypocrisy is screwed up

      1. God what a fucking boring world it would be if it were full of families like the duggars. The thoughts enough to make me want to barf.

        1. but it isn’t full of families like the duggars, its increasingly full of families like the Dunhams, who don’t like ‘alternative families’ like the duggars

        2. Yeah, then all we’d have is little boys sneaking a tittie feel instead of nice bikers choking you in the restroom whilst sodomising your anus, sister.

        3. Some 15-17 year old girl is considered a little girl in most jurisdictions, misandryst douche.

        4. In your saintly Mother’s goody-hole, along with all your other “Uncles”, kid.

      2. Allen’s a creepy abnormal jew obsessed with shit and piss and fucking his mother like the other jew Freud but I don’t think he’s committed any crime.

        1. I’ve not noticed anything scatalogical about Allen’s work. The issue is whether he’s guilty of abusing Dylan Farrow or whether he was set up by Mia Farrow because he got off with her other adopted daughter Soon-yi

      3. Jim Bob handled this as most parents would. Fact is many here claiming that 14-15 year old Josh should have been taken to authorities would not have done the same with their own son. That of course does not mean that they would condone it but I do believe most parents take situations like this into their own hands. The Duggar parents did punish him, made him personally apologize to all victims, even took him to a local officer to confess (probably more so to teach him lesson and scare him than have him arrested) sounds reasonable to me. Knowing the Duggars I actually think sending their son to juvie would have not been any more beneficial to him than their approach and possibly worse for him. He was a homsechooled sheltered boy juvie would have “corrupted” him and exposed him to a lot of harmful things it also would have been no more effective at curbing his sexually immoral behavior then JB simply sending him away for a few months to some Christian camp and to a mentor who had him do physical labor. The reason the SJWs are mad is because they worship the state and undermine/hate the authority of the family especially of the father which was employed fully in this situation. Of course fathers prove to be superior disciplinary advocates over juvenile halls, children with dads do better than those without. So SJWs are not only wrong but plain haters of facts.

        1. Don’t recall all the details but their actions seem appropriate and designed to remedy the situation without destroying the family. Tricky situation though and time will tell whether they got it right

    4. Joe Biden’s son got kicked out the NAVY for failing cocaine test, yeah, most people don’t even know that.

  3. Wait…how is he a pedophile for something he did when he was 14? I will say his doing that could be attributed to the Duggar’s strictness in raising him and seeing as he was first born.

    1. And for doing it to someone who perhaps met the age of consent in many parts of the world? I think it meets the definition of incestual sexual assault rather than pedophilia.

    2. ” . . . how is he a pedophile for something he did when he was 14?”
      Or, for that matter, when they had breasts, which is what he was attracted to.
      Because they say so, that’s why.

      1. I don’t know all the facts but if some of them were his sisters that is unacceptable.

      2. Femtard and mangina prosecutors. There was a guy who was charged with child porn. He had a pic he took of his own dick when he was 14. Now, isn’t this insanity?

  4. When Jesus said, “Ye without sin cast the first stone”, the SJWs gleefully picked up as many as they could and threw them.
    Duggar has acted in a manner that demonstrates remorse and regret. Dunham has not. The lesson here is that SJW morality involves no forgiveness, just intentional forgetfulness for your friends and ruthlessness towards your enemies.
    What wicked bunch of morlocks they are.

    1. Its because they are hateful, period. Honestly, for all the types and kinds of people out there the worse (as in full spectrum) are liberals, namely, radical liberals. What else do you expect from the bottom percentiles of humanity.

      1. I agree, they are hateful. And the most laughable part of it is that they try to portray themselves to be the compassionate ones. When in reality, they use these “weak” groups (LBGT, single mothers, poor urban minorities, etc.) as pawns for their agenda to destroy our culture and society. And rather than build these groups up, they prefer to ruthlessly attack the opposition. Completely dishonest, two-faced lunatics.

        1. While all of you here bash gay people (why are you so obsessed with what consenting adults do) and women, 51 percent of the population and of which have birth to all of you.

    2. In an SJW world, a 14 year old who does some dumb shit should just kill himself because he’ll never work again.
      In a Christian world, a 14 year old should pay restitution and repent and prove himself useful to civilization.

        1. If a person continues in his actions and does not take measure to avoid doing so again has not repented.

        2. Exactly. It should be adequately dealt with. And made sure the such incidents do not happen again.

        3. So you’re ok with forcing a 14 year old into suicide if he makes a mistake?

        4. So you admit that the child who molested other children should never work or have friends again in his or her life, ever? In other words, they should just kill themselves?

        5. Religion, where you don’t need to take responsibility because god forgives you. What a load of….

        6. Yeah but five times (that we know about). One time was when the child was on his lap while he read to her. Ewwww. Would never trust him with my little girl.

        7. No, he didn’t own up to it. Not until the SOL had passed, and he couldn’t be prosecuted. There’s no evidence he ever stopped, or that he doesn’t do it to his own children. The pathology of a child molester isn’t that complex.
          And yes, he should kill himself, and so should Lena Dunham. No mercy for those who abuse children.

        8. Yes.
          Actually, I think they should be anally raped and tortured. Dunham and Duggar. All child molesters.

        9. So children which they were then they did this should be tortured and killed for their crimes.

        10. That depend s oon the context of the offense, the nature of the offense, and the likelihood of recidivism. You know, like all sentencing in the US.
          Children over the age of 14 who commit sex offense should be treated and rehabilitated in the juvenile system.
          If they reoffend, then yes, they should be killed.
          It doesn’t matter how you try to manipulate the example, the end result is sex offenders who assault children have a multi
          generational, 100% negative impact on society.

        11. If children can be put to death isn’t that making them as responsible as adults?

        12. Sure, and juveniles can be tried as adults in every state, and all over the world.

        13. If they can be tried as adults then they can be treated as adults in a societywide basis then.

        14. They aren’t always tried or treated as adults. It has always been a case by case basis.

        15. Do you think an argument can be made that given sufficient competence that they can be treated as adults proper overall?

    3. I think she was 7 when she committed that heinous act. She’s also never pretended to be disgustingly “perfect” like the duggars have .it’s the complete hypocrisy on the part of the duggars that’s so nauseating.

        1. What for? This is a fucking internet blog. Impressing you with my linguistic skills isn’t something I give a shit about.

      1. Right, right. As much as I dislike the holier than thou crap of the Duggers, Lena Dunham, is 100 times worse. She parades her moral bs all over the media. Not to mention she molested her sister and falsely accused someone of rape.

        1. Oh, the duggars don’t parade their moral bs all over the media?? Children playing doctor are a far cry from a teenager molesting young girls. I don’t know anything about the rape accusation.

        2. So kissing your sister, who is 6 years younger than you, and shoving Legos in her vagina is “playing doctor”? Wow, you just can win with your type. Selective outrage and hypocrisy of the left was the whole point of this article and you are providing more proof of it’s accuracy.

        3. Duggar is excused because they’re are other pedos in the world? That makes it okay? This is your criteria?

        4. Where did I excuse his behavior or say it was okay? Please tell me where. If you can read (which seems questionable), you will see the person I was responding to made an excuse for Lena Dunham’s twisted behavior. I have done no such thing for Duggar. He deserves what happens to him. What I was saying (again if you can actually read) is that Lena Dunham has done similar things, if not worse (and I’m not even counting the “rape” incident), and the MSM has given her a pass, her show was not cancelled, she didn’t lose her job and become the poster child for hypocrisy.

        5. Dunham masturbated in bed with her sister ten years you ger then her until she was 17 years old. She admitted this in her novel, she sexually manipulated and abused her sister for years and even described her baby sister as an “extension of herself” ie not an individual with her own rights. Had Josh done the same I am certain he would be in prison.

      2. What are they hypocritical about, exactly? Do you even know what the word means? Here’s a hint: It does NOT mean “a failure to live up perfectly to your high moral standards.” If this is what hypocrisy meant, then we’d all be hypocrites, since not a single one of us is perfect.
        “Hypocrisy” is yet another term twisted by the cultural Marxist SJWs. Just like “hate,” “discrimination,” and “tolerance,” its meaning has been distorted for the express purpose of furthering the leftist agenda.
        The Duggars never pretended to be perfect, you liar. What they tried to do was honorably represent Christ in their lives. That they failed to do this perfectly is not evidence of hypocrisy but of the fallenness of man and the constant need of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

        1. I think you’re the one who’s not familiar with the definition. Google it asshole.

        2. “I think you’re the one who’s not familiar with the definition.”
          Prove it. Put your money where your big mouth is. Explain, exactly, what makes the Duggars hypocrites. Provide prove for your assertion that the Duggars claim to be perfect. Or are you so stupid you think that a reality show is supposed to be an accurate representation of real life?

    4. What a bunch of id iots you are. Who gives a happy if he expresses remorse and regret (you have no way of knowing if he actually feels it or not). I couldn’t care less if a molester who touched my child felt bad about it.
      Religion, where you never, ever have to take responsibility because the devil made you do it.
      Your idol was a false one. The Duggars pointed fingers at gay people as a threat against children, all the while haboring their own little pervert who was a threat against their own daughters and their friends. (BTW most child molesters are heterosexual. Children do not have secondary sex characteristics which is what is attractive to the molester who is attracted to children). Duggar should have done like most horny teens, maturbated in the shower and gotten his little grubby hands on a “dirty” magazine and let his little sisters alone. So should have Lena Denham.
      Nothing happened to you, except cognitive dissonance. (Ccognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who…. is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.) i.e. the Duggars aren’t saints.
      Get over it. It’s called reality. Unlike “reality” TV which is scripted and edited and presents whatever the players want to present to viewers – its called *acting*.
      Stop watching reality TV. Stop defending him. He’s not a family member. He doesn’t even know (or care) that you even exist. Let this be a lesson that you cannot trust anyone and must guard your children against being victimized by others. Most of us are in danger from, not strangers, but our own friends and family. Ask any cop.
      And last, don’t believe what you see on TV or worship public figures. They are always bound to dissapoint you. They got rich playacting.

      1. Wow. Most of that was nonsense.
        You secularists are so funny. On the one hand you complain about religion being too judgmental but on the other hand you complain about it exonerating people.
        So which is it? Is it too lenient or too harsh?

        1. Yeah, most of that science stuff is totally nonsense.
          Because an invisible man in the sky impregnating a girl who gives birth to the son of the invisible man in the sky, who then dies, comes back to life, and becomes the invisible man in the sky so he can order rape, incest, and murder at his leisure is TOTES legit.

        2. Actually, he only wants me to make sandwiches for alpha males. Better luck with the bottom feeding women who settle for betas!

        3. I love it when unbelievers dictate to believers what they should be doing. It’s like a woman telling a man how masturbate.

        4. No, they don’t.
          You’re just not capable of debating the point cogently, and I’m intelligent enough to recognize that.
          And so I troll you.

        5. How on earth does religion exonerate anyone of anything? Does god talk to them and tell them no matter the deed everything is okay?
          Religion, the instition where you never ever have to take responsibility for what you do, no matter how heinous.
          Give me a break.

        6. How pray tell do athiests take more if any responsibilty for what they do? I can’t even believe such asinine arguments coming from secularists. So let me get this correct according to atheists there is no hell, no God, no judgement, no accountability, no heaven just man and “society” to keep people in check yet religion is what “exuses” bad behavior?? Really? The only one the atheist is accountable to his peers so long as he can convince society at large of his depraved actions he can have at it as history has shown.
          And of course the same religion, ie Christianity, letting everyone “get away” with anything is also “evil” because it judges sins like adultery, fornication, excessive drinking, homosexual acts etc… Yes it all makes sense Christianity “excuses” sin at the same time is “bad” for judging homosexuality as a sin. And then you top it off with even more brilliant logic by stating that “heterosexuals” are more likely be pedophiles because children have secod ary sex characteristics and appear gender neutral. Um what?? A heterosexual is a person attracted to a person of the opposite sex the natural order of human mating is heterosexual. Makes sense since that is how we propgate our species, thus a sexual attraction to children is far more related to homosexual desires seeing as both make no sense from a reproductive fitness standpoint unlike heterosexuality. And PS you are dead wrong, homosexuals are far more likely to enage in pedophile behaviors precisely because of the fact that sex to them has nothing to with natural order or reproduction on a subconscious level they just have some perverted desire that is hedonistic and self centered just like pedophiles.

        7. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Which is natural, since you prefer make-believe to real science. I am moral and ethical without have to live in fear from something that doesn’t exist. My upbringing and conscience and what I was taught as a child keeps me on the straight and narrow, not fear of retribution by some made up man in the sky.
          Many studies (look it up) have indicated that the majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals. Once again, you know nothing because you base your entire belief system on fantasy.
          Adults who cannot function without believing that they still have a parent (some form of a god) looking out for them as though some imagery figure cares what you do.
          Take a course or two in anthropology and sociology to understand how societies work and how they teach and mold their members to obey the norms of that society and why they don’t need your version of a magical creature to do so.
          My or anyone else’s lack of belief of a supernatural being shouldn’t threaten you. And it is sad that as an adult, you feel you would not control yourself or your behavior or be a good person without fearing that you will die in the fires of hell or will be smote where you stand by some giant hand from the sky.

        8. Both ,and it’s just plain stupid. Salve for immature people unable to face the reality that we’re all gonna die and there’s nothing after death.

  5. ‘Unlike Josh Duggar who immediately apologized and resigned from his job, Lena Dunham took to Twitter to condemn the “rage spiral” against her.”
    This is some freaky Cultural Revolution-style political struggle going on right here. Call people out for their mistakes, never admit your own mistakes, and even turn them into normal acts. Marxism and Cultural Marxism are one and the same.

    1. He was working at 14? Oh you mean when it all came out in the press.otherwise we’d never know. It’s okay to molest girls if you are forced to admit it and say you are sorry. Got it.

      1. I never said molestation is okay, I was just pointing out the similarity between the dynamic described in this article and the ones that occurred millions of times in the biggest Communist political movement in history.

  6. And if you bring up Lena Dunham to a typical leftist, you’ll get a reply, even citations to leftist media outlets that say the same, that “those claims were debunked.”
    Even though she wrote them in her own book.

  7. fuck SJW’s… but also, fuck these perverts (duggar and dunham). disgusting monsters.

  8. Very well written article – anyone with any sense would recognize it as such. Unfortunately, our society presently for the most part doesn’t have much sense.

  9. i have no siblings, but i don’t see the big deal in either of those things. people are curious, young people even more so. don’t people have anything else to do than worry about what kind of body parts somebody touched when they were young? ridiculous.
    these laws are meant to protect people. nobody got hurt here.
    oh, wow, maybe duggar’s sister felt uncomfortable. great, one more “victim” to take care of. go cry rape, people, satisfy your need for drama.

    1. But you found it worth your time to tell us that its a waste of time to worry about..oh, incest and pedophilia.

        1. Are you fucking kidding me? Incest – inbreeding leads to genetic defects and its disgusting. pedophilia – its fucking rape and abuse and people suffer as a result of this.
          Do you support incest and pedophilia? Are those things no big deal to you?

        2. as i said, i don’t have siblings. maybe i would find it disgusting, if i did. being as i am, i find the thought exciting.
          pedophilia is just a word for being attracted to girls who are underage. why is it healthy for a 16 year old to feel attracted to a 14 year old, but not for a 20 year old? it’s arbitrary. some 14 year olds look like 18 year olds – some 18 year olds look like 14 year olds. while i don’t feel attracted to some small thing without breasts that obviously is a child and doesn’t yet understand sexuality, i find young girls who have just developed all their sexual characteristics alluring to a certain degree.
          apart from that, the curiosity of a 14 year old is not quite the same as aggressive sexual lust of an adult.
          rape and abuse. you throw those words around a bit too easily. more often than not, people choose to suffer. i don’t see how it would be traumatizing for a girl to be touched by her brother. she may be disgusted, yes, but disgusting somebody is hardly worthy of being called a crime.
          i don’t support them. but i see a big difference between some old fuck kidnapping toddlers and fucking them into trauma and a young man touching his sisters oh-so-holy vag.

        3. From your argument, Dunham should be condemned and her show canceled and never find another job. Ever! She should also register as a sex offender and never have access to be near children.

        4. You asked for my argument against incest and pedophilia and I gave it to you. You’re describing some situations of incest and pederasty (to be exact) and indeed, the age of consent is arbitrary how can it not be? Its not so much the 18s and the 14s, but, you have to draw the line somewhere because if you don’t then its 50s for 8s or even 3 or lower. And if that’s your rational (above) then you tacitly support 50 for 5s or whatever and its not so much that you’d disagree is that those fucked up 50 year olds will use the same argument as you. And, newsflash, they are. We have very disturbing moves being made by pedophiles in the background. As such, there is zero tolerance for this behavior, period, and anything that leads towards it needs to be stopped dead. And, what’s the big fucking deal, the age of consent has been around for a long time…people have been doing fine with it.

        5. that sounds reasonable.
          there need to be rules to keep society working and it more often than not means to discipline your urges. yes, that boy must be kept from doing it. but to call him a sick fuck for something that is somewhat natural in his age – that is like calling a baby mentally ill for not cleaning itself up after shitting.
          do we expect a man not to jump on every female at his workplace? yes. do we call him sick for imagining it? no.

        6. That’s not exactly true. Most risks associated with inbreeding require multiple generations of inbreeding. Interestingly enough, a certain amount of inbreeding can actually be healthy for the gene pool. However, this assumes that such incest relations aren’t using contraceptives. Yet, consanguineous marriages have been quite common throughout human culture and history.
          Regarding pedophilia, it has also been quite common throughout human culture and history. Women were legally eligible as brides by age 12 in Rome. The Catholic Church allowed girls over 12 and boys over 14 to marry without parental consent. Pederasty has also been quite common throughout the world and is still openly practiced in some parts of the world.
          To reject or support these ideas would simply be a value judgment, which is entirely subjective. There is no objective morality to this.

        7. ”And, what’s the big fucking deal, the age of consent has been around for a long time…people have been doing fine with it.”
          Agreed. Historically the solid line was established at puberty. True it is below the age of 18 but it was always after puberty.
          Sexualizing prematurely what nature has not sexualized is highly damaging to the person involved that is prepubescent.

        8. ”Regarding pedophilia, it has also been quite common throughout human culture and history. Women were legally eligible as brides by age 12 in Rome. The Catholic Church allowed girls over 12 and boys over 14 to marry without parental consent.”
          ”Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger”

          What you call paedophilia is not paedophilia. If this is what you heard its because of misinformation from the media and culture at large.

        9. To cite the wikipedia entry you have cited,
          “In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.[4][5] This use conflates the sexual attraction (pedophilia) with the act of abuse (child molestation), and does not distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.”
          To avoid a communications debate of academic proportions, which I think is unnecessary, you are correct that the medical (psychiatric) definition of pedophilia has a distinct precision excluding pubescent children. However, the definition assigned to the word in popular usage is inclusive of all legal minors. Therefore, you are simply arguing semantics by using a separate definition. Thus, if your intent is to be dismissive of my argument, I find it quite petty.
          However, suppose we explicitly use your definition of prepubescent children. There are historical records showing children being eligible for marriage without parental consent in Europe as long as they are 7 years of age or older. There are also documented cases of children being married at the age of 3. Regardless, my point still stands.

        10. Outside of the rather hysterical and warped media I have never known of even 1 case of some child being molested by an adult.What kids do with each other is not important and means nothing. I have never personally known of even 1 rape either. The incidence is likely somewhere around 1 in 50,000.

        11. No matter how bad you believe something to be, it can’t harm you if you don’t know about it or were sleeping.

        12. And I think the popular definition is wrong. The proper clinical definition should inform the popular definition.

        13. They are using the definition of a child as someone under 18 when in fact the cut off time is puberty. years ago you weren’t considered a legal adult until 21, although you could do most things that even 18 year olds can’t do today eg drink. You could get married at a young age but needed a parent’s permission if under 21 (18 for the female) Of course, getting married, or signing contracts, or having medical procedures or even joining the army required a parent’s permission if under 21 (changed to 18 in 1970) were are lot more important than fucking or buying booze.

        14. Nonsense and not in Europe. That’s something that occurs among non whites.

        15. Unfortunately for you that is not how languages tend to work. Definitions are amended due to popular usage in society. Technical definitions are created by special interest groups for a specific purpose.
          Thus, it is possible to have a word with a common definition, a legal definition, and a different technical definition for each special interest group that uses the word. Feel free, as an individual, to use your own definitions, but don’t expect to be able to communicate effectively with anyone else.
          The DSM definition of pedophilia requires the subject to be at least 16 and the potential victim to be under the age of 13. However, the ICD-10 includes early pubescent children as well. So, which ‘proper’ clinical definition would you prefer?

        16. True. The age of adulthood for males is 13-15 historically. Likewise for females its 1st menstration after secondary sexual characteristics have started to form.

        17. Before objective the age of puberty which is 11 years or younger is proper.
          ”Unfortunately for you that is not how languages tend to work. Definitions are amended due to popular usage in society. ”
          That’s why I am continuing to use the language the way I define it so that the few I do convince start using the proper definition rather than the idiotic common misconception. Likewise languages in this case describe concrete realities. Proper definitions are important.
          Just like how the definition of rape is constantly expanded in popular usage rendering it meaningless.

        18. I use the objective fact of puberty as the line by which I define the proper clinical definition
          ”Definitions are amended due to popular usage in society. ”
          And this is why proper definitions are important in order to describe concrete realities. Popular misconceptions should be corrected so that bullshit like expanded definitions of rape could be stopped. Otherwise one might as well paint a substantial portion of one’s ancestors as paedophiles which is ridiculous.
          ” Feel free, as an individual, to use your own definitions, but don’t expect to be able to communicate effectively with anyone else.”
          Suits me fine.

        19. Cool story bro. Puberty is not an objective fact, because Kallmann syndrome. There is no such thing as a proper definition. Even the DSM changes its definitions when they release a new version.
          Not sure if narcissistic or solipsistic, both? Some pretty serious arrogance to think that you have the right to define words for everyone else. Your elitism is showing every time you spell pedophile with an ‘a’ with the intent of looking intelligent.
          I’ve already provided you with a clinical definition used by the International Community that includes pubescent children as potential victims of pedophilia. This is quite congruous with the common usage of the word.

        20. ”Puberty is not an objective fact, because Kallmann syndrome.”
          Exceptions prove the rule and disease proves the state of health that would otherwise exist.
          ”I’ve already provided you with a clinical definition used by the
          International Community that includes pubescent children as potential
          victims of pedophilia.”
          And that is the problem. So what if the popular consensus is lies the truth remains the same. Again like the expanded definition of rape, false.
          ”Some pretty serious arrogance to think that you have the right to define
          words for everyone else. Your elitism is showing every time you spell
          pedophile with an ‘a’ with the intent of looking intelligent.”
          Words should be solidly defined to describe properly objective reality. If that is elitist that’s fine considering that this website is about excellence rather than mediocrity. I care only about truth.
          You can lob all the ad hominems you want. But that doesn’t change the facts.

        21. In the phrase “Exceptions prove the rule,” the word prove means test. It does not mean that exceptions determine the truth of the rule as you seem to think. What this means is that your claim of puberty is nullified by the exception I provided. Simply put, your claim is not true, not the other way around. Nice try, though.
          A definition cannot be true or false. A word is an abstract sound with an abstract pairing of symbols that we have artificially decided the meaning of. Feminists say rape includes x, y, and z, but you says rape includes only x. Now, you both are in a position of arguing semantics. In order to have effective communication both parties need to agree on definitions.
          There is no objective reality that can be known. We live in a world of subjective observers. An objective reality is a myth, it is assumed, not known. Therefore, it is impossible to define words to ‘properly’ describe an objective reality, because it cannot be known. Instead, words can be defined subjectively and in order to reduce miscommunication, individuals can choose to accept common definitions and lexicons that hopefully describe experiences that have been similar for all. An ‘objective truth’ cannot be known.
          If this website is about excellence, then why does it seem that just about any article in the neighborhood of relevancy gets accepted regardless of quality?

        22. ”A definition cannot be true or false. A word is an abstract sound with an abstract pairing of symbols that we have artificially decided the meaning of. ”
          And how does one learn the meaning of words? It is through associations of such symbols with objects perceived though the senses?
          For example whatever word is used to describe an object like a tree it is still that object regardless of description.
          ”Feminists say rape includes x, y, and z, but you says rape includes only x. Now, you both are in a position of arguing semantics. In order to have effective communication both parties need to agree on definitions.”
          I am agreed that effective communications need an agreed on definitions. However imprecise and improper sematics through the use of the word like the improper use of rape is a form of obfuscation a form of deception and manipulation of perception(If communication is restricted through words) that must be opposed.
          Like making equivalent the act of violent sexual assault with regret sex.
          Hence causing the same condemnation hatred and punishment to fall upon an innocent man. Which in certain cases is accused of rape because of regret sex.
          ”There is no objective reality that can be known. We live in a world of subjective observers. An objective reality is a myth, it is assumed, not known. Therefore, it is impossible to define words to ‘properly’ describe an objective reality, because it cannot be known.”
          I call bullshit on that one. If objective reality cannot be known. Then science is meaningless and technology cannot exist because such inventions are based on discovery of the truth of objective reality.
          And I am sure that there are others that make a better argument that I. But in all intents and purposes you are wrong.
          ”If this website is about excellence, then why does it seem that just about any article in the neighborhood of relevancy gets accepted regardless of quality?”
          I am probably wrong in that regard.

        23. Words do not have inherent meaning. Humans have made words and given meaning to them, arbitrarily. When you learn a language, you are memorizing a pre-existing arbitrary lexicon created by people other than yourself to facilitate communication.
          The organism we call tree exists regardless of what we call it, as it does not depend on our language and our definition for its existence. To define a word is to attempt to approximate a concept for communication and then associate it with an arbitrary sound and string of characters.
          The issue with the feminist definition of rape has less to do with semantics. It’s not a problem if feminists commonly define rape as including x, y, z. As we have already discussed, people can define words as arbitrarily as they want. No, the problem with the extended definition of rape is a question of legality and justice.
          Whether you encompass all of these forms of irresponsible sex under the term ‘rape’ is not the problem here. (Although, I don’t disagree that it is potentially and intentionally dishonest) The problem is whether you distinguish between drunken non-consensual sex and hateful, violent, attack rape in a court of law in terms of punishment. (Does rape ‘a’ deserve equal punishment to rape ‘b’?) Call it whatever you want, that isn’t the problem. The court of law is where the nuanced differences matter most in passing down a fair judgment.
          However, when it comes to expanding the definition of rape to include all forms of non-consensual sex, it does trivialize the word, as it becomes more difficult to commonly distinguish between violent rape and drunken or unwanted sex. If you want to define things this way, fine, but I don’t see how it is conducive to justice. It might be a great way to pad the stats for the claim of rape culture, which is where I think the agenda for the expansion of the definition of rape stems from, though.
          Regret sex, on the other hand, seems to simply be a lie. To me, this just fall under false accusation. The difficulty here is when legal definitions should be created with the intent to doll out a proper amount of justice, common definitions need not be so precise.
          However, feminists/media certainly use controversial phrasing to gain attention or to sell magazines. I agree that this is a dishonest form of obfuscation, but it is also a great way to sell the news, unfortunately. The debate here is not how individuals choose to define words, but how a society should for purposes of justice.
          Now, to the more interesting question. Yes, science is bullshit, you are correct. Science tells us nothing about how reality is, because science can only tell us what reality appears not to be. The scientific method works like this, I ask a question, try to think up as many possible answers for the question, and then I try to disprove the possible answers I have thought up. The problem here is that there are a potentially infinite number of answers for any given scientific inquiry.
          So, the scientific method can tell me what answer is most ‘probable’ out of the answers I have thought of. This process is very useful for creating new technologies and tools, but it doesn’t guarantee us any certain knowledge about reality, because it doesn’t deal with absolute certainty. Science operates in the realm of probability, which states that there is always the possibility that every claim is wrong, even if it seems probable. It’s easier to grasp this if you’ve been exposed to differential equations (mathematical modeling).
          Science lets us attempt to approximate ‘reality’ but the problem we have is that none of us actually know how reality actually works, so we can never know how accurate our approximation to reality ever is. We can continue to refine our approximations and make it more accurate by the continued disproof of possible explanations, but we can never ‘truly’ know how things are. There is always some amount of uncertainty and there is no scientific truth, only tentative knowledge.
          The physicist Richard Feynman liked to talk about how we didn’t actually know whether atoms actually existed, but rather we have a substantial amount of evidence to support a reasonable belief in the existence of atoms. The scientific method allows us to determine what is most reasonable to believe out of the options provided to us, but we never know anything with absolute certainty.

    2. So you know we typically let 14-15 year old’s babysit children…you’d be fine if your babysitter just was curious? Sick

      1. good question. i don’t have kids. i do find it hard to look at the topic without looking through the lens of rape and abuse. take that angle away and it’s just a part of the body. a baby probably doesn’t even know what it means.
        i wouldn’t call it sick, no. but if it is, most of today’s medical knowledge must have come from some sick practice.

        1. You do know that even as childrens or babies. If something bad happens to them they will know that something that is happening to them is wrong. But cannot quite put their fingers on it.
          And they may end up screwed many years into the future.

    3. Victims of childhood molestation can get really screwed up psychologically for life from the experience. Even more so if it’s a part of your family. Even more so in a family like their’s where chasteness is enforced.

        1. honey, if i wanted to have discussions with children, i’d come visit you at the kindergarten. now off with you, go play with jeannie and johny.

        2. Ah, ehh, yeah, the best you had was to tell me to go fuck myself. I COULD get THAT retort in a schoolyard. That was the best you had.
          Here’s a tip because you appear to be quite dateless. Don’t share your views about little girls being touched with any women you’d like to date. And stop binge drinking.

  10. The real issue is the man is a Christian and the media loves trashing Christians. They actaully broke the law releasing a sealed juvenile document. The media doesn’t care about pedophiles at all, who really believes that. Becuase why on the Michael Jackson memorial will they play his music if they cared. What about roman Polanski when he fled justice and when got extradited the French government came to his defense and he raped a girl underage also. I think he won an award for a movie also. This is simply a smear campaign becuase the left can get away with literally anything, and its ok. Ted Kennedy crashed his car and left a girl to die in it and served no jail time. They can’t charge him so why release the document, it will only hurt him and his sisters for everyone on the planet to hear of this. I pity any one who actaully believes they released his document becuase they want justice no they hate his family, his sisters too.

        1. They originated as barbarians and shamanists in the East and later added the jew cult onto their primitive local cults.I could not give you the actual borders of Khazaria but the people living in this area are of a certain type and whether jews from the middle east mixed in with them, or if they are just the same people with some living north and some south (where they invented the Yahweh religion and brought it back with them after hundreds of years in the south and it became dominant) they are an identifiable people with certain characteristics.The average European Caucasian finds their thinking and ideas alien and abnormal and IMO this fringe group should be completely marginalised and prevented from warping the minds of the more gullible and profiting from it.

        2. Wouldn’t that be nice? Trouble is these fuckers seized power and are responsible for many of the social ills of the twentieth and twenty first centuries.

      1. Wow thanks for that link. The U.K. is how the U.S. will look in a few years. We give up our heritage to be friends and Buddys with people who hate out guts

    1. The regressive Libtards hate Christianity because although the religion is found worldwide it is closely associated with Europe=white men. They hate especially Catholics because it’s the only group that has the numbers and money to stop them and their sick regressive policies. And they hate white men because they are also the only group who can stop and destroy jew libtards.Make no mistake about it, the jews are behind all of this libtard femtard nonsense.Sure, a lot of stupid white people have been brainwashed and go along with this libtard nonsense but on their own and without the constant jew media reinforcement they would be a minor fringe group of no consequence.Most people are naive and gullible in the US and will just follow the herd. The jew media has managed to convince this silly majority of proles that black is white and white is black and that everything they believed was normal is now abnormal and everything abnormal is now normal. Less than 5 years ago if you mentioned gay ‘marriage’ even in a place like NYC people would think you were a bit nutty but look how fast the media changed this.People in cities are even more brainwashed because cities do not really reflect the demographics of a country.Some of these dummies think gays make up 20% of the pop. rather than the more accurate 1%; or that Caucasinas are a minority when in fact they are 80%. Their views of things manipulated by the jew media completely distorts the true statistics and since most people want to be part of the herd think they’re in the majority and are like everyone else when in fact they are the small minority but you see that if people think this way this minority will become the majority eventually just because they believe they are and keep adding people.

      1. “Jew media”? “LIbtards”? Boy, there are some ignorant sexist,racist folks here sounding off because they realized that the world dosen’t revolve around white men anymore, and no one feels like bowing down and kissing their asses simply because they’re white men. That’s what you sorry ball-scratching,chest-beating, jerking off MRA assholes really hate. (yawn.) Pitiful and fucking pathetic, I tells ya!

        1. You sure you are at the right place? After all, this website ain’t about cooking…

        2. Says the “empowered woman” (i.e. fat, ugly, single mother of 5, all with different fathers, who hit the wall when she was 21). I am sure you are a white woman who has lived the life of luxury off the creations and labor of white men.
          “I began to realize this in the Seventies when I thought women could do it on their own. But then something would go wrong with my car and I’d have to go to the men. Men would stop, men would lift up the hood, more men would come with a truck and take the car to a place where there were other men who would call other men who would arrive with parts. I saw how feminism was completely removed from this reality.” Camille Paglia, feminist.
          You are just pissed that men aren’t taking your bullshit anymore, so your hyper-entitled ass, along with the rest of the entitled sisterhood, has to demean anyone not toeing the party line.

        3. When you see femtard/libtards like Kirk just flag them until the comment is deleted. There isn’t even 1 Libtard blog that will allow an opinion that doesn’t conform to the Libtard mantra and they will erase any non conforming comment or ban the commenter.
          So we should not give these creepy female Femtards and crazy cat spinsters and manginas a forum here.

        4. But the world does revolve around the Caucasian.You don’t see any of them being envious of coloureds or of wanting to imitate or live like them. The same with females, they want to imitate and be like the top white men, while the men have no interest in imitating females.Now, go play with your rusty dildo you fugly looking lessie Femtard.

        5. The thing you don’t seem to realize, Michelle, is that white women and feminized white men are increasingly hateful of white men, more so than they are of people who would actually chop their head off if they were in the same room as them.
          ISIS deserves pity, while rich white men deserve hate. Do you see the problem here?
          Somehow, the people with whom these women and (feminized) men were raised and acculturated with are the “real enemy”. I’m no Republican myself, but I’ll take a Republican over a sympathizer of Muslim extremism any day.

      2. The Catholics are not christians and they won’t stand up to the liberals either. I’m talking of true bible believing christians this fellow dugger I don’t know what he believes if he is a real christian or not like notice how Tim tebow gets persecuted and Sarah palin but Tim is fake and so is Sarah. They are just showing the real christians look out now your next in your little churches and passing out gospel tracks.

        1. Get lost moron along with the rest of you Jesus freaks who believe that some carpenter’s illegitimate kid turned into a god and then raptured himself up to heaven after the jews killed him. Christianity is a lot of bullshit made up by the jew Saul (Paul) to be used to undermine the Empire.
          My point wasn’t even about religion but you lower class home schooled morons didn’t understand it. it was about the fact that the Catholic church is the largest and wealthiest religion and that it would be the only thing that stands in the way of the Jewtards who want to corrupt Euro civilisation and beliefs so that they can divide and conquer and profit from the chaos.

        2. Even if you do not have faith, you should show some more respect for the most hated individual in Jewish history…Jesus Christ. I recommend reading the works of Catholics Michael Hoffman II or E Michael Jones and you’ll find out why.

          Today’s Catholic Church under anti-pope Francis is a joke. It has been completely subverted on the Jewish issue. For all the gory details click below.

        3. Wow,you totally missed me, in your effort to call me a low class moron. What’s wrong with homeschooling it’s more effective than sending your child to a huge school where the teachers male and female are pedophiles. Why does the budget for school increase each year but results are unfavorable last time I checked every engineering department in the country at institutes of higher learning was full of foreigners. And money is not all one needs to be successful in a culture war or any war for that matter. The mighty us military has been embarrassed time and time again by dudes in sandals with ak47s ( veitnam, somolia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon) . How did the Germans defeat the Romans in antiquity was it by having a huge budget ? No they crept in and lived right next door to the Romans and they changed of there own volition. Saying the Catholic Church is the only thing standing in the way of as you put it “jewtards” means we already lost then. When has the Catholic Church stopped anything even the molestation of children, they even helped the nazis doesn’t sound like they have any concrete morals. Morals a law of conduct is what’s needed to stop to halt the lawlessness that the left. And it must be concrete and simple, if your trusting your senator you’ve already lost,in money you’ve lost also. that is why I unappolageticly stand behind the bible same yesterday same today same tommorow. The Catholics will cave with all that money they have and allow gay marriage, how do I know this look up any catholic doctrine, it has no basis in scripture. In other words they made it up. The secular world is going to cave but the bible won’t. I already see the end its sad you can’t watch the attacks on christians will increase. They just seek occasion to attack us all that other stuff is just diversions.

      3. You sound really intelligent.
        It’s all a vast conspiracy. Priests have never raped children and covered it up. Religious people have never raped children and covered it up.
        Televanglists are not just in it for the money.
        I’m afraid and therefore everyone has an agenda against me. They hate because I am.
        Primitive man who couldn’t explain nature, created god and gods and, therefore, religion must be true, because well. darn it, a lot of people believe in it. A lot of people believe spirits live in trees. That must be true, too
        Women won’t have sex with me, so I hate them. I hate them, so they won’t have sex with me. They must be lesbians because they won’t have sex with me. It has nothing to do with the fact that I say things like “Jew media” and “libtards” and “feminazis”, and call women sluts.
        It never occurs to me to change. I want the world to be my version of it. And if it is not my personal tiny world version of it, then its the Jews’ fault.
        Man, you are never gonna get out of your ma’s basement with that attitude. LOL

    2. They didn’t break the law – it wasn’t a juvenile record. He was an adult at the time the report was written, and you clearly don’t understand how juvenile records are sealed.
      You can’t smear a child molester. They already took care of it.

      1. It’s a juvenile record because he was under age when he committed the crime as were all the victims.

  11. While I think SJW’s are hypocritical assholes, his parents helped cover the shit up. I refuse to whitewash this shit. One of the things my parents did was make sure that, when I was caught doing something wrong, Hell was raining down without mercy. So the SJW’s are hypocrites (guard Lena – attack the Duggars) – that doesn’t mean the family (since Jim is the patriarch and helped whitewash this shit) shouldn’t have Hell rain down.
    My cousin was molested by his 14yo babysitter when he was 4, and much the same happened. Her parents were “influential” in the community. Therein she got special treatment for diddling a little kid. My parents thought it was bullshit, because if there’s no fear of consequences then you learn nothing. Sure enough, eventually it came out that she was a serial abuser. Two decades later! She was allowed to keep abusing because she learned how to hide it better after the (probable) initial crime was covered up.
    Don’t whitewash this, because that’s what SJW’s do all the time. We can’t let ourselves do that, because we’re just as bad as they are if we do it too. Don’t whine about delayed consequences, because if he was forced to register as a sex offender he never would’ve gotten the FRC job. I doubt the show will be canceled, but even if it is then tough shit. Papa Duggar shouldn’t have tried to protect him and expect zero consequences.

    1. Even if Jim Bob Duggar reported Josh to the police immediately, Josh would not have been branded as a sex offender because he was a juvenile. He still would have been able to get the job at the FRC because his juvenile criminal record would be sealed.
      I wonder how most parents would react if their 14 year old son touched one of his younger sisters. I think most parents would probably not report their child to the police in that case. At least Jim Bob took steps to try to reform his son. From what I’ve read, the treatment was successful, but who knows.

      1. If I were a father cought up in such position, the kid would’ve been reformed, through a severe ass whooping! No way would I let my kid go unpunished for degeneracy.

        1. The Duggars believe in spanking their children so I can imagine that Josh did get punished. Of course, the Duggars are now being attacked for spanking too.

        2. That’s retarded, kids this days would benefit greatly from a little discipline enforced through fear of getting their asses whopped. They would develop stronger character too.

        3. Is it really some big case of the 14yo kid being a degenerate or just a curious pubescent boy?
          Fear and ass whooping should be used on deluded femtards.It will work if they know that no one will protect them from it.females become very reasonable and obedient when they know they have no other choice and that there’s no one to come to their defence.

        4. Is it a big case? Hardly, I full heartedly agree that it’s a matter that should’ve been kept in the family. Is it degenerate behavior or mere curiosity, is up to debate. What is clear however, is that that at the age of 14 he was old enough to know better. Boundaries between siblings have to be set, if needed be , through ass whooping.
          And I whole heartedly agree with you on the issue of femtards. Children of both sexes should be held to the same standard as far as punishment goes. The fear of the cane should be instilled in both sexes, otherwise we end up in the shit were are now, where women have rights while men have responsibility.

        5. Oh I can instil fear without even touching someone :o) I still don’t like the courts being involved in what I consider kid’s stuff.

        6. Well I agree, like I’ve already stated, stuff like this should be resolved within the family.

      2. Who knows? Well, he’s married and has 3 kids. I’m afraid that you millenial types have been so conditioned that you really don’t know what is normal anymore and also blow trivial things out of proportion.

    2. I would have done the same thing if it were my 14yo son. I would not allow him to get even a juvenile record or any involvement with cops or courts as the result of the current puritanical and anti male climate. All of this trivial stuff that kids do to with each other is taken too seriously today and would be laughable in Boomer times and I can see that you boys have really become brainwashed by the media. I have no idea what Duggar did but if he just felt up or finger fucked one of his sister’s friends then it’s nothing.And if the girl was asleep then it’s really nothing because there is no way it could harm her or perhaps she was awake and liked it. It would be like some homo playing with my dick while I was asleep and I never was aware of it. How could that harm me?
      And btw, paedophilia is rare and involves an adult with a child well under puberty.Even an immature 20yo with a 12yo gf would not be paedophilia.Medically a child is an individual between 3 and puberty but in today’s world they use child to mean a minor under 18 so ‘child porn’ can mean a naked pic of a 17yo and someone with a few pics could be labelled a paedophile.Absurd! Not only is it not a child but nudity is not porn. Sexually repressed femtard prosecutors have even tried to prosecute for ordinary clothed pics of female children (under 18 lol) because the girl had a sexy look on her face lol Then you have the femtards who think a young looking 18+ girl is child porn because the girl just looks too young and the pic or video may not even be sexual in nature(it would be legal anyway)
      Now, with all of the lunatics and femtards around today do we really want to go after or treat 14yo horny boys like they committed some crime or for that matter female babysitters who engage in kiddie play.

  12. This isn’t all that complicated.
    A lot of folks are disturbed by what Duggar did. That means he is radioactive now to the Family Whatever Council, because it hurts their operations, and his family’s show is at the mercy of advertisers and TLC, as they decide if they want to be associated with it.
    Fewer people are disturbed by Dunham, so advertisers, broadcasters, and booksellers don’t have to distance themselves.

  13. …it is vindictive to go after the livelihood of his parents and his siblings.

    It was the point of the entire dustup. Indeed, there could hardly have been another.

  14. Why does anyone pay attention to these reality TV clowns in the first place?

  15. But you have to read between the lines. This isn’t about the molestation. This is using the backdrop of not conforming to the big gay future that’s being pimped out to the world. And God pity you if you say no.
    I say “Fuck that shit.” I pay my taxes to live in a free society and I’ll be damned if I’m going to I’m going to let some twenty something female college grads with cake jobs and a bunch of orbiters have the fuckin AUDACITY to dictate what the rest of the world should do because of some perfect world bullshit they learned in a sociology class.
    The real world is not nice. The real world is not fair. But the real world is real. Mother Nature is real and her leanings are in line with the big three religions. Modern society is forcing its wrath.

    1. So Duggar didn’t stick his fingers in a little girl. The progressives made this happen. Or maybe Obama. It’s the gays fault. The communists fault. It’s everyone else’s fault. The Duggars aren’t responsible for what happens in their own home. Got it. The “logic” on here is absolutely astounding – in a bad way.

  16. Paula Poundstone, lesbian personality and “comedian” had adopted and fostered something like ten kids, mostly girls. Then she was caught using them for sex. And some of them weren’t older than twelve at the time. She was charged with statuatory rape, but nothing came of the charges and the kids weren’t even taken away from her.
    I don’t know about the whole “gay mafia” thing. But over the years I HAVE noticed that lesbians get away with a lot in our country. It seems that female gym coaches are constantly recruiting young girls, it’s open and people know about it, but nobody says anything. That’s just one example. There was a high-profile murder case in our state years ago, and a group of older lesbians were found to be using high-school girls for “parties” but the investigation stopped there. There’s a whole list of stuff I’ve caught about them and they get away with literally murder.

    1. “Then she was caught using them for sex”
      Media silence on this one…shocker….

      1. Because its old news. It happened in 2006 and there was a plea deal.
        There’s also a reason she hasn’t really done much of anything since.

        1. True, but the fact remains that outside of a few minor blurbs, this wasn’t a story when it did happen. The coverage of this incident mirrored that of Lena Dunham’s admissions of the same.

        2. The difference with Poundstone too is that she’s also not really that famous. Its not “newsworthy” because no one cared that much about a D list celebrity.

        3. Perhaps. But the left would still be all over the Duggars even if they were D-List.

        4. The Poundstone issue was kept quiet because it marked a stain on two communities….gays and women.
          It happens to a white man, a Christian, and it’s time for a public hanging.
          Remember…corporations and politicians pander to votes and money.

  17. When I first learned of the Duggar’s TV show about 6 months ago (I don’t have cable), I was amazed it was even conceived, not to mention televised.

    1. If I wanted to I could go after someone and investigate their entire life and I’d find something.I wouldn’t be at all surprised that they set these people up and perhaps the show’s promoter may have even done it.
      This show is like Breaking Amish (bullshit) or the Amish Mafia (complete fabrication and bullshit). Jews and jew Hollywood are behind all of these things and their intent is to break down and attack things or people that are normal. They want to make you believe that even these normal people are somehow sinister and all have skeletons in their closets.They’ve been pulling these con games ever since Abraham played the badger game with his wife and got over on the King of Egypt.

      1. So one again there was a conspiracy to make Duggar molest little girls. How does that happen?

  18. One of the things we’re overlooking is that it probably didnt start with him. A lot of the times an abuser is just doing what was done to them. Someone probably molested him. People with huge families are fucking creepy.Same thing with polygamists and mormons. I think you’ll find an epidemic of molestation in those camps if they werent so secretive.

    1. So everyone who historically had big families are sexual perverts including your own ancestors?

    2. I think you can find it anywhere if one kid has been abused, really. It’s not only found in large groups.

  19. They hate any family that raised 18 (maybe fewer) healthy white kids.

    1. It doesn’t fit the empowered white woman ( or any woman) mold so it’s wrong – according to SJWs. It’s a threat to their position (power and control) so they must stop it…at all costs.
      Except they look like hypocrites when one of their own is caught at it.

  20. This is simple to figure out. Sociopathic narcissists use and co opt victims and make their lives worse to gain more power. They will even parade around the mentally ill (coakley) to try and gain power at the expense of others.
    We’ve allowed society to degrade to the point that everyone lives by tearing down others.

  21. This is what happens though. If you put yourself in the spotlight, people who oppose you will dig up any dirt on you, to silence you. Especially if you are the Duggar family…who is against anyone who isn’t them. They should have expected this.

    1. Let’s forget the dirt was there to find. No-one manufactured it. He did it. He said he did it. But everyone else is to blame. Do you hearyourself?

  22. Damnatio Memoriae
    In addition if one has paid their tithe to the Church of Progressive Bullshit you can do and say anything you want. The Duggar family skipped their tithe therefore they must never have their names spoken in public ever again.

  23. The show was a farce from the beginning. Prostitutin your children for reality TV entertainment while they are being molested but portrayed as chaste

    1. Yeah and Tv is banned in their homes. But they pim ped their own family. Be in the spotlight. Then it’s open season. Want privacy, get off “reality” TV. There’s nothing real about it. They need I diots to watch who can’t recognise the hypocrisy. Oh the cognitive dissonance! The Duggars are dysfunctional like everyone else. Who knew. Thinking people suspected. Now everyone on here’s trying to justify his actions. It’s a left-wing conspiracy. The devil made him to it. Forget molested little girls.

  24. Harpo producers reported this to the authorities. Nobody confessed. They were caught

  25. He molested 5 underage girls, a few of which would have been pre-pubescent. His parents failed to report this class-2 felony to the police. His church elders failed to report this class-2 felony to police upon leaning about it from his father. Yeah, what upstanding people.
    And yet your takeaway from all this is “Damn those pesky SJWs and their intolerance for child molesters!”
    Please do the world a favor, and never breed.

    1. Uhh its their hypocrisy. They gleefully went after people who do the wrong but never take a look in the mirror.

    2. Nope…..both Lena and Duggar are guilty of the same thing. SJWS just need to use the same set of rules for both instead of giving Lena the pussy pass.

    3. Nice strawman you built there. He was 14 years old. How long is someone supposed to suffer for something they did in the 7th or 8th grade? Your strawman is that we think child molesters shouldn’t be punished. No one here said that, and I’d be surprised if you even read the article. The point was that men and women are held to different standards, and the female analogue is Lena Dunham.
      That is just one example. There are slews of examples of female school teachers having sex with their students, and then getting a slap on the wrist. Why do women get a free pass? We’re not saying to permit teachers to have sex with their students, but that men and women should be held to the same standards. Are you for “equality” or not? There’s a mountain of statistical evidence that shows women receive far lighter sentences for the same crimes as men.
      However, keep relying on strawmen and ad hominems like a good SJW.

    4. Yeah the “arguments” on here weren’t pass a third grade test on critical thinking skills.

  26. Setting aside the problems of the Duggar family, which could happen to anyone, at least the traditional folkway represented by the Duggars shows boys more consideration for their needs than the secular alternatives. As an ideal the boys should get no premarital sexual experience, but their parents find inexperienced girls for them to marry in their early 20’s, so they receive at least that much out of life as compensation for their early self-discipline and postponed gratification .
    This seems preferable to the mainstream folkway where parents leave their boys’ sexual development to the haphazard. In practice this has led to women’s exclusion of more and more young men from having access to sexual relationships because women find them “boring” or otherwise sexually yucky compared to the bad boys, jerks and narcissistic sociopaths women seem to prefer for their early sexual experiences. This trend has advanced so far in Japan that reportedly a quarter of Japanese men in their early 30’s have remained virgins.
    If anything, the secularization of sexual relationships has made rejections more psychologically damaging to men. In the Before-Times, when everyone held similar religious beliefs and took them seriously, like the Duggars, a Duggar-ish girl could reject a sexually unappealing man’s advances by invoking god’s prohibition of fornication. This had the effect of deflecting attention from the real reason, and it spared the man’s feelings. He could maintain the illusion that god still loves him even if all the women he has approached have turned him away.
    By contrast, today women can give more or less the real reason: You don’t make me wet, so go away and leave me alone. The rejectable guy without much belief in god who receives scores of such rejections must feel really bad about himself after awhile. No wonder every so often one of these guys succumbs to existential despair and goes on a killing rampage.

    1. Men have always been psychologically damaged by rejection.
      In the animal kingdom females reject inferior males. They don’t get to mate. Human males take out their insecurities by raping, abusing, beating, and subjugating women. Instead of being, you know, real men that a woman would actually want.
      Man up already.

  27. ROK – Please stop using this made up “Ms” shit, its communism’s attempt to reframe words and personal identity. Either women are an unmarried Miss or a married Misses and its been this way for centuries.

      1. Agreed. The word “gender” applies to discussions about grammar and language only.
        For all discussions involving biology, the only appropriate word is “sex”.

  28. “In Touch had to issue a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the police report. Obviously, someone deliberately tipped off In Touch about the existence of the report.”
    And? He was fucking his sisters it doesn’t matter who or why the media was “Tipped Off”.

    1. “fucking his sisters” …
      Did you even read the article? Do you realize that you just made yourself sound stupid?
      Hysterical exaggerations and use of emotional reasons to justify any sort of cruelty or illegal action.

      1. Okay finger fucking his sister. He digitally penetrated at least one of them.

  29. My mother and sister live in Springdale, Arkansas. They don’t know the Duggars, they don’t belong to a church and they don’t profess religious beliefs. But they tell me that they see members of the Duggar family in public frequently, and Mom, especially, feels respect and admiration for them. My sister cashiers at a Walmart, and she says that sometimes the older Duggar girls will bring their younger brothers with them when they go shopping. The boys stare goggle-eyed at the relatively scantily clad women they see at Walmart who don’t dress like the girls and women they see in their home and at their church.
    And keep in mind that my mother and sister have a basically secular orientation. Our family stopped going to church (a Southern Baptist one in Tulsa) in 1974. And after our father died last year, my sister arranged to have his remains cremated and placed in a veterans’ cemetery without a memorial service. Yet these women see a lot of value in the way the Duggars live. They have fans outside of the demographics you would expect.
    So this suggests a reason for why the Duggars’ existence and success drive progressives nuts: They show the failure of the progressive project to reshape the human mind like clay and create something similar to the Bolsheviks’ fantasy in the last century of the New Soviet Man. Progressives hold huge institutional advantages in education, academia, government, the law and the media. Yet here and there pockets of effective resistance keep appearing to demonstrate the workability of traditional social models. And progressives simply can’t let these resisters go unpunished, hence the efforts to discredit the Duggars, Phil Robertson, Hobby Lobby founder David Green and similar people who clearly have their lives better organized and managed than the majority of Americans.

        1. i consider both those who hope to burn the duggars at the stake and the ones circulating the wagons to be at fault.

        2. Yes, they made him do it.
          Usually its the devil.
          Your comment makes no sense. Pretty sure he stuck his fingers in little girls on his own.

        3. ”Yes, they made him do it.”
          Are you seriously interested in having an honest conversation of not?

  30. “Obviously, someone deliberately tipped off In Touch about the existence of the report.”
    Naaah – not necessary. Every single conservative blowhard who gets preachy about something is pretty reliably guilty of that very same thing. Show me a jowly FOX news talking head quivering with outrage at bestiality, and I’ll show you a secret pig-fucker.
    The second that this “Duggar” clown – ar anyone else – starts banging on about family values, you can be certain that they are a pervert and it’s even money they have a conviction. It’s just a matter of making simple enquiries.

    1. What’s that? It looks like Femtard, Libtard and Jewtard all rolled into one there where the fags and trannies are portrayed as the normal ones lol

  31. It is not about Social Justice. Josh Duggar and his family impugn anyone who is not an Christian, anyone who is Gay, anyone who is transgender, anyone who is basically not “perfect” like them. That is why I hate them. Now I just have a much better reason.
    A good question for him would be when he is going to molest his own children because he is a pedophile. Lena Dunham was 7 when she abused her sister. Josh was 14. Lena was a child. Josh was an adolescent. There is a huge difference.

    1. And yet….another pussy pass (or SJW pass) is handed out. Here is the kicker. You know someone like Lena is mental because she wrote about it in a book.
      Chalk it up to kids being kids….but in a book? She needs social punishment just as much as Duggar…not a pass.

  32. I agree that if Josh Duggar is going to be dragged out to the square and socially executed, there should be no difference in the way society deals with Dunham. Granted, Dunham was younger when she started to molest her sister, but she carried on well into adolescence, when she should have known better. Both molesters have families from opposing ends of depraved spectrums. Duggar raised in some twisted cult-like perversion of Christianity, and Dunham from a wealthy, libertine-minded atheist family. There’s something to be said for moderation, being in the middle, aware of worldly things. Not sheltered from them, nor exposed to them on a daily basis (in the case of Dunham).

    1. “Duggar raised in some twisted cult-like perversion of Christianity”
      Oh, shut up. What’s cult-like about it? And how is it a perversion of Christianity? Do you realize that by the standards of most Christians throughout the last 2000 years, the Duggars would be on the more liberal end of things.
      Sounds like you don’t know the first thing about Christianity.

    2. But Duggar was just some curious pubescent ‘tween. Dunham was an unnatural lesbian molester engaged in queer perverted sex play. That has to effect and warp a child’s mind (her sister) than what straight Duggar did. And if the sister’s friend was asleep then she didn’t even know about it so no harm was done.

    3. Having been raised in family that ran in the same circles as the Duggars, I can attest to the fact that growing up that way is no picnic. I can’t stand liberal progressives, but extremists at the other end of the spectrum bother me almost as much.

      1. Judging by your profile picture, I think the difficulty was a result of your own weakness.

  33. I don’t think the “gay agenda” is even relevant to this discussion. Maybe only inasmuch as they (gays) are increasingly controlling the media, and attaining more positions of influence. And that influence tends to favor the liberal and so-called “feminist” agenda.
    FYI, true “feminism” really means “humanism,” in that everyone should have equal rights, equal access to choices in life, and get equal pay for the same job. A pity the name has led to a whole bunch of people misinterpreting the name & forgetting what it originally meant. Many “feminazis” of today are more akin to misandrists, and this makes the whole movement backfire by not only discrediting feminists, but also men, by assuming they are all rapists/misogynists.
    Back to Duggar and Dunham. The correct feminist response of old would be “hang them both, those sickos.”

    1. The problem with “feminism” is it has outlived its usefulness. Men aren’t holding women back from unequal pay…Women hold women back. They get paid less because they accept less or do more for less. Plus, other women throw women under the bus….not men.
      The gay community is just picking up where feminists left off. They have so valid points but for the most part it’s complaining, playing the victim and crying foul. Women have molded and changed “feminism”…not men.

    2. But it was Dunham who was engaged in lesbian molestation of her little sister just like in the Cunt Monologues. These Libtards and femtards only want to condemn straight sex people.

  34. So touching some girls’ boobies when you’re a horny pre-teen is the same as sticking your finger into a young cousin’s (or sister’? I don’t remember) vagina while she is lieing there, awake and helpless? Interesting to know that SJWs view physical forced penetration as a much lighter offense than simple touching of body’s extremities
    Also telling that Father Duggar actually filed a police report on his own son compared to the sweeping under the rug of Lena Dunham’s deeds by her family

    1. That’s why SJW are such hypocrites. It’s considered ok when one of their own does the very same thing…or worse. They hold everyone else to a higher standard….it’s a disease.

      1. Actually that is not quite right. Their outrage over conservative misbehaviour and lack of same for their own is really an admission that SJW’s et al have far lower standards of morality than Duggars et al.

    2. Duggar molested his sisters while they were sleeping. The youngest was five. Not condoning Dunham, just sayin.

      1. Oh those were his sisters? Welp, takes changes the story into creepy territory for sure

  35. If Lena Dunham and (insert Hollywood shitlib, SJW here) were both drowning, and you could only save one …. what kind of sandwich would you make?

  36. I despise SJW’s but its not just those wacko lefties that are upset. The show had many fans all over the political spectrum. Many people are outraged because of the outright hypocrisy, the Duggar family acts as a pinnacle of morality and sexual purity so something like this is shocking whereas sexual deviancy is to be expected from the libtard freakshow that is Lena Dunham’s family. Both are despicable but Dunham doesn’t go around portraying herself as a chaste virgin nor is that the premise of her show, she is not profiting from an image that is the exact opposite of what she truly is therefore people aren’t going after her…this is not complicated. I quite like ROK but this is one article that is BS and has a moot point.

  37. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a parallel universe run by feminist hypocrites.
    Maybe they should focus on one of their manly icon’s sexual victimizing instead of pointing their fingers at Josh Duggar.

  38. Ah another example of the “LGBT agenda” .. where are all these gays getting the gay agenda handbook every month?

    1. The gays made him do it, just to make them look bad. Gay people have amazing powers

  39. Mr Duggar didn’t go to THE COPS?? SO GODDAMN WHAT? You NEVER run to the state with internal family issues. Screw the state. That’s what daddy’s BELT is for. OUT the front door with the government and the state. OOOUT means OOUTT. No hymens were broken were they?
    Belt goes ”WHAM” . . . ”AAAOW(sob)”. ”Better be GLAD no goddam hymens were busted or else this would be a damn TWO buh FOUR!!”
    Belt goes ”ker WHACKA” . . . ”ay yay yay yay, I swear I’ll be good, I swear we were just playin’, just don’t call the state. Fuck the pigs”.
    ”god bless you son”
    All hail the patriarchy!!

  40. The other important point that is missing is Duggan was 14 years old, every year millions of people of both sexes in this age group are very sexually curious hormones starting to pump through the body they wouldn’t even think or know if its right or wrong.

  41. Duggar and Dunham sitting on a tree….both names begin with a D, for degenerates.
    That is all.

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